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DHEA sulfate is elevated in men. Reasons for blood testing. When is it necessary to take a DHEA hormone test?

Sooner or later a person will have to deal with such a concept as DHA-S. What it is, why it is needed and what it shows, as well as various nuances - all this must be known in order to understand the significance of this hormone in the life of every person. DHA-S is what first of all clearly shows the ability of the adrenal glands to produce sex hormones in men.

DHA-S: what is it?

This abbreviation stands for dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. This is masculine, which is present in the blood of not only men, but also women. It is produced by the adrenal glands and ovaries/testicles in a ratio of 95 to 5 percent, respectively.

Answering the question “DHA S - what is it?”, we can say that it is a weak androgen, but after production in men it is converted into a strong androgen. For women, everything is a little different; for them, it turns into estrogen, characteristic of the weaker sex.

The production of this hormone is usually monitored during the puberty stage of boys.

DHA S in women

What to do if DHA S is elevated in women? The reasons can be very different. First, you need to do an analysis to identify the source of the deviation. This may be due to a malfunction of the adrenal glands or ovaries. We should also talk about this hormone in girls during pregnancy.

The fact is that pregnant women often experience a situation where an analysis reveals an excess amount of male hormone in the blood. Due to increased DHA-S during pregnancy, early termination may occur. In other words, a miscarriage.

During pregnancy, the placenta uses this hormone to convert it into estrogens. Elevated DHA-S can only indicate that it is not doing its job or is not doing it effectively enough.

DGA S standards

For each period in a person’s life, the DHA-S norm is different. Moreover, it is also different for women, men and children and is measured in moles per liter. The DHA-S norm for women ranges from 0.09 to 14.5, depending on her age. In men - from 0.2 to 16.1, in children - from 0.06 to 1.1, also depending on age.

Preparing for tests

Before the test, it is not recommended to eat or drink eight to ten hours before the test. Only water without gases and impurities is allowed. Naturally, smoking and alcohol are also prohibited, and women are not recommended to donate blood during menstruation. In addition, be sure to tell your doctor if you are taking any medications and indicate specifically which ones.

The DHA-S level may change due to various pharmaceutical drugs and antibiotics. For example, temporary increased level can be expected with smoking, long-term physical activity, fasting and so on. Temporary decreased levels are observed with alcohol intake, obesity, psychological disorders, depression, when using antibiotics or during pregnancy in women.

Reasons for changes in DHA-S levels

If DHA-S is elevated in women, this does not mean that the problem is in the adrenal glands. Although in most cases a constantly elevated level of DHA-S indicates the presence of problems with this organ, increased levels are also caused by illness and inability of the placenta, and other diseases.

Of course, various adrenal tumors also lead to increased levels of this hormone. Sometimes in the first days after birth the baby may experience high level DHA-S. In most cases, the increased amount of the hormone is due to illness or abnormality, but sometimes it protects women from osteoporosis.

DHA-S can also be reduced in case of deviations or various syndromes. In addition, very often low levels of the hormone are observed in people suffering from alcoholism. The level directly depends on the performance of the adrenal glands. A decrease in the efficiency of the adrenal glands is called


Many people ask the question “DHA S hormone - what is it and what is it for?” But it is much more important to know what happens in situations when its level remains elevated or decreased for a long time.

If the adrenal glands produce too much a large number of of this hormone, this can lead to infertility, premature termination of pregnancy, aging or excessive hair growth. If the body does not produce enough dose, this may lead to a slowdown in the process of puberty. This very often occurs due to the aforementioned Addison's disease.

To avoid consequences if there is a deviation from the norm in the tests, immediately contact an endocrinologist or gynecologist.

DHA S during pregnancy

Levels of the hormone DHEA sulfate can change significantly in women during pregnancy, and this is normal. Just do not forget that significant deviations from the norm can lead to irreversible consequences. This is why specialist supervision during pregnancy is so important.

Usually normal during pregnancy DHEA level decreases, but this may also mean that the placenta is not working, which should not be forgotten. If the hormone increases significantly, it is necessary to take some measures to reduce it, since this only happens when the body malfunctions.

Artificial DHA S

For various problems associated with the adrenal glands, most patients immediately turn to specialists for advice and treatment, if necessary. There is good news for those who have problems with the level of the hormone in the blood. Scientists have long created an artificial copy of it so that people can take it and not suffer from ailments associated with deviations from the norm.

When taking DHEA-S, sexual activity increases. Doctors strongly recommend against using this hormone only for these purposes. Rather, increased sexual activity is a bonus. In addition, DHEA-S improves thinking, memory and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the well-being and condition of the human body in old age. This is due to the fact that DHA S directly affects the aging process of the body.

If a person has difficulty burning fat and, accordingly, an increased amount of fat, pills with an artificial hormone solve this problem. Difficulties burning fat can occur when: poor nutrition, and due to other diseases or poor innate metabolism.

Purpose of the drug

It is also not recommended to take these pills just for burning fat, since in this case you will have to take too much large doses, which is fraught with other consequences. Therefore, this hormone is taken only when it is deficient in the body, and additional beneficial effects on the body are secondary results of use.

The hormone in tablets mainly helps to overcome chronic fatigue, which is inherent in people in adulthood. Taking pills on your own during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. During pregnancy, in most cases, the level of the hormone is already elevated, so taking any medications is possible only under the supervision of a specialist.

Treatment of chronic diseases of the immune system

DHEA-S helps with chronic fatigue, reduced immunity or diseases related to immunity. It is usually prescribed to women in adulthood. Within a couple of weeks, women taking this drug, feel a surge of strength, energy and a general improvement in the condition of the body.

Various studies by scientists around the world have led to the fact that now many chronic diseases can be cured by taking this hormone in tablets. Scientists have come to the conclusion regarding DHA S that it can provide a unique treatment for chronic diseases associated with the immune system, especially if the level of the hormone is low.

DHEA sulfate is also prescribed for autoimmune diseases. They usually appear because the body begins to react incorrectly to certain cells in the body. That is, sometimes the immune system begins to work too actively, and this leads to the fact that it fights not only harmful, but also ordinary cells and organs. In this case, DHEA sulfate may also be prescribed.


To avoid the consequences that may arise from abnormal levels of the hormone DHA S in the blood, you can carry out some preventive measures. For example, if you notice a disruption in your menstrual cycle or no ovulation at all, then you may want to think about taking DHEA sulfate tablets.

However, remember that independent decision Taking any medications may be dangerous, so always consult a professional.

Also various problems with nails and hair loss can be due to hormonal disorders. Of course, the issue may be due to excessive influence of cosmetics (frequent coloring of hair or nails or processing them). But if you take good care of your hair and nails, and also do not overuse cosmetics, you should make an appointment with a doctor.

As mentioned above, DHA S is directly related to the aging process. Of course, no one is protected from this, but if the aging process begins too early, this may indicate problems with hormones. Women under 37 who begin to experience skin problems or other problems common to people in adulthood are advised to consult a doctor. In principle, consultation never harmed anyone.

In general, if you feel any fatigue, depression, immune system problems or other hormone-related problems, do not try to solve them on your own. For any reason, it is better to turn to professionals, since a person can simply harm himself by prescribing the wrong treatment.


This is all you need to know about DHA S. We hope that after reading the article, you will no longer have the question DHA S - what is it? The most important thing is to remember that sometimes the cause of many problems can be hormonal imbalance.

Monitor the level of DHEA sulfate in your body. Remember that deviation from the norm may be temporary or completely normal, but also do not forget about the consequences that can occur if you do not monitor your hormonal levels or ignore problems associated with them.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is an androgen that is not associated with puberty. It is secreted and synthesized by the adrenal glands. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is classified as a ketosteroid.

DHEA-S is synthesized primarily from cholesterol ester sulfate. The bulk of androgen is catabolized and, as a rule, only ten percent is excreted in the urine.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is not associated with specific proteins in the blood plasma, therefore, their concentration does not affect the level of DHEA-S. However, the steroid binds to serum albumin.

In addition to DHEA-S, the circulating blood contains dehydroepiandrosterone. Partially its formation occurs in the adrenal cortex, partly - by the gonads. Due to the fact that the metabolic clearance of DHEA is very rapid, its concentration is lower compared to DHEA-S.

Due to high concentration Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate's high stability and long half-life, as well as the fact that it is primarily sourced from the adrenal glands, makes the steroid an excellent indicator of androgen secretion.

In addition to the adrenal cortex, in men a small part of it (5%) is produced in the gonads. Women do not produce it in the ovaries. The concentration of this hormone reflects the androgen synthetic activity of the adrenal glands. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate has a slight androgenic effect. However, during its metabolism, which occurs in peripheral tissues, dehydrotestosterone and testosterone are produced.

The clearance rate of DHEA-S is low. This indicator is used in diagnosing hyperandrogenic conditions that occur in women. These include baldness, hirsutism, disorder reproductive function. In this case, hyperandrogenism may be of ovarian or adrenal origin. Thus, endocrinological examination begins with determining the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and testosterone. Elevated levels indicate hyperandrogenism of adrenal origin. In addition, the indicator is also used to assess androgen status against the background of delayed sexual development.

During pregnancy, the production of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate occurs in the adrenal cortex of the fetus and mother. For the synthesis of estrogen in the placenta, the hormone is a precursor.

In pregnant women, the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood decreases moderately. By the time of puberty in children, its level increases, then gradually decreases with age.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is increased when:

Congenital hyperplasia adrenal glands;

Tumors of the adrenal cortex (values ​​for cancer are higher than for adenoma);

Tumors with ectopic production;

Verile syndrome.

A reduced concentration of the hormone is observed when:

Secondary and primary insufficiency in the adrenal glands;


Primary hypogonadism (castration, in men;

Secondary hypogonadism (pituitary) in women;

Reception oral contraceptives;



Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, the norm for men from 21 to 39 years old is 1.0-4.2 μg/ml, for women from 19 to 39 years old - about 8-2.9 μg/ml.

If the level is elevated, by determining the concentration of DHEA-S, it is possible to determine whether the condition is associated with ovarian disease or pathology of the adrenal glands. Levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate increase only with adrenal pathologies. These include, in particular, tumors, hyperplasia and other diseases.

If women or men have problems with the hormonal sphere of their health, then in this case they will definitely be faced with a rather incomprehensible name of the steroid hormone, which is called abbreviated DHEA sulfate or full version(it is used rarely and mainly by doctors) - dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate.


DHEA sulfate is a hormone that is formed in both men and women mainly in the adrenal cortex and in women in the ovaries (but only in an amount of 5%). If a woman has hyperandrogenism (excess male hormones over female ones), then in this case it is very important for the endocrinologist to determine where exactly the hormone DHEA sulfate is formed - in the ovaries or adrenal glands.

The hormone is excreted from the body in the urine.

The hormone DHEA sulfate enters metabolic processes, which means its transition to another form of androgen (male hormone) - testosterone. An increase in the hormone DHEA sulfate in the blood leads to:

  • Violation menstrual cycle among women;
  • To infertility;
  • To increased body hair male type;
  • TO ;
  • Causes acne and acne on the face.

If a woman has an increased level of testosterone (which affects the functioning of the whole body), then in this case it is necessary to take a blood test to determine the level of DHEA sulfate. Thus, it is possible to establish why this happened - either the woman has diseases of the adrenal glands or the ovaries.

Hormone norm

The level of steroid hormone directly depends on gender (male, female), as well as on the age of the patient.

For example, the DHEA sulfate norm for a man aged 18-19 years will be from 108 to 141 mcg/ml, and for a woman – from 145 to 395 mcg/ml.

If DHEA sulfate is elevated, this means that the patient (woman):

  • Malignant tumor of the adrenal glands;
  • Adrenal hyperplasia (congenital);
  • Diseases of the ovaries (most often -).

The steroid hormone begins to naturally decline at the age of 30 (in both men and women). The hormone is extremely reduced in diseases such as:

  • Diabetes;
  • Pathologies (tumors) of the adrenal glands;
  • Inflammatory process in the kidneys;
  • A sharp decrease in body weight, most often painful.

How to take a blood test for DHEA sulfate?

To take a blood test for DHEA sulfate, you need to come to any laboratory (easiest, a private one). This can be done without a doctor's referral. Blood is taken from a vein on an empty stomach (it is not recommended to eat for 8-10 hours before this). Also, smoking and drinking are prohibited. Before taking blood for DHEA sulfate, be sure to tell your doctor which tablets you are taking (if hormonal, then list all the names and dosage of the drug).

The highest peak of growth of the hormone DHEA-sulfate in our body is observed during embryonic development, that is, when we are in the womb. Then, in children, the level of male hormones (both boys and girls) rapidly decreases and by the age of 11-12 years (peak puberty) increases again.

With advancing age, DHEA sulfate levels decrease. Doctors suggest that this happens because we lose muscle mass, our immunity is significantly reduced, it decreases percentage bone mass and, naturally, reproductive function is impaired.

Interestingly, some women (and even men, whose DHEA sulfate is already elevated) specifically buy the synthetic version of dehyproepiandrosterone in pharmacies and sports stores, because it supposedly reduces excess weight. In advertising on television, on the Internet and in glossy magazines, we see that all you need to do is take a magic “miracle drug” (which contains large amounts of DHEA sulfate) for just a month and you will immediately lose weight. Is it so?

Excess weight and hormones

Is it possible to lose weight from taking DHEA sulfate?

The basis for the fact that you can lose weight from DHEA sulfate are experiments on animals, or more precisely, on rats. Corresponding experiments have not been carried out on people. Naturally, the body of rats and humans is significantly different, and in particular we're talking about about the hormonal system.

If an overweight woman takes (without a doctor’s prescription) the hormonal drug DHEA sulfate, this will lead to:

  • Increased hormone levels;
  • Fat deposits around the waist;
  • Increased hair loss, up to baldness;
  • Increased aggressiveness, irritability, sleep disturbance;
  • To polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • To disruption of the menstrual cycle, up to infertility;
  • To diseases and work disorders of cardio-vascular system.

We conclude: the hormone DHEA sulfate is strictly prohibited for overweight women. Otherwise, it will lead to even bigger problems than just obesity.

The effects of hormones on bones, sleep and brains

It has been proven that taking the hormone DHEA can prevent the onset and further development of osteoporosis. But a side effect of this treatment is a rapid increase in body weight. So, we do get an increase in bone mass density from the hormone, but following this phenomenon we will need to be treated for obesity. What is more important for the patient is up to him to choose.

DHEA-, according to studies and experiments, improves sleep quality in patients with chronic disorder nervous system, insomnia. Following this, the patients felt better and their immunity strengthened. But, it is strictly not recommended to take the hormone without a doctor’s prescription.

Side effects from uncontrolled use of DHEA sulfate in women can include: early menopause, excess weight, liver disease, breast cancer.

DHEA sulfate is enough dangerous hormone, an increase in which women (especially those planning pregnancy) should beware of. Its increase in the blood can lead not only to menstrual irregularities, but also to infertility. It is not recommended to take under any circumstances hormonal drugs(without consulting a doctor) for the purpose of weight loss.

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands. Its metabolic precursor is considered dehydroepiandrosterone-3-sulfate, which, along with DHEA, can be transformed into androgens and estrogens. Biological role hormone has not been studied enough, It is believed that it allows you to prolong youth.

Chemical characteristics of DHEA

The hormone was discovered in 1934, it official name- 3β-hydroxy-5-androsten-17-one. The substance is a derivative of cholesterol (they have an identical skeleton), in which the side chain residues are replaced by a ketone group. Molecular formula: C19H28O2, molecular weight of the hormone is 288.43.

DHEA is the most abundant steroid hormone in humans during adulthood. According to the results of the study, it maximum concentration in the blood is reached by the age of 20-30, then decreases by 20% over each subsequent 10 years. Scientists believe that diseases associated with aging (obesity, pathologies of the cardiovascular system, oncology) are associated age-related changes DHEA concentrations.

Where and how is it produced

DHEA synthesis mainly occurs in the adrenal cortex, which is endocrine glands small in size, located above the kidneys.

The hormone is produced on the basis of cholesterol under the influence of several enzymes. The hormone can also be produced in the testes, ovaries, and brain.

As a result, in these organs the concentration of DHEA is 6 times higher than in the systemic circulation.

Biological role of the hormone DHEA in the body

DHEA has the following beneficial effects:

  • Helps reduce fat tissue.
  • Increases energy production.
  • Improves mood.
  • Increases libido ( sexual desire).
  • Counteracts substances that relieve tension.
  • Normalizes hormonal background any age.
  • Increases the body's resistance to adverse factors.
  • Helps protect brain neurons from destructive disorders.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Slows down the aging process.
  • Helps reduce cholesterol levels in the bloodstream, as a result, the risk of developing atherosclerosis is reduced.
  • During pregnancy, it acts as a precursor for the synthesis of placental estrogens.

Normal DHEA Values

In women whose age does not exceed 35 years, the hormone concentration should be in the range of 2660 – 11200 nmol/l. In men it is similar age group the DHEA norm is 5700 – 11500 nmol/l.

During pregnancy, there is a gradual decrease in the concentration of the hormone:

  • 1st trimester – 3.12 – 12.48 nmol/l.
  • 2nd trimester - 1.7-7.0 nmol/l.
  • 3rd trimester - 0.86-3.6 nmol/l.

Note that a child is born with a very high level of DHEA, which decreases sharply, reaching its peak again only after puberty is completed.

Consequences of increasing or decreasing DHEA levels

An increased concentration of the hormone in the blood leads to the following disorders:

  • Infertility or miscarriage.
  • The development of hirsutism (the appearance of excess hair on the face and chest) in women.
  • Deterioration of condition skin(acne occurrence).

A decrease in DHEA levels is observed in the following pathologies:

  • Addison's disease, in which the adrenal glands cannot synthesize enough hormone. The disease leads to delayed sexual development.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue.
  • Oncology.
  • Cardiovascular pathologies.

When is it necessary to get tested for the hormone DHEA?

A blood test for DHEA is prescribed in the following situations:

  • Adrenal dysfunction was diagnosed.
  • Ovarian dysfunction.
  • Pregnancy (6-8 weeks). Normal concentration of the hormone in the blood is necessary for proper development fetus and preparing a woman for lactation.
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome.
  • Hirsutism.
  • Puberty disorders in boys and girls.
  • Amenorrhea and infertility.

Main indications for use of the drug

Medicines based on DHEA are used to treat the following diseases:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome in old age. The drug allows you to increase energy and muscle activity for several weeks.
  • Decreased immunity. DHEA is widely used during patient recovery after severe infectious disease, surgical interventions, therapy of chronic pathologies associated with immune system disorders.
  • Oncology. The drug is rarely used as the main therapy for cancer. However, it has been found that patients who have been diagnosed with cancer have DHEA concentrations in their blood that are significantly lower than normal.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Normal or slightly increased content DHEA can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. This is due to the hormone’s ability to dissolve blood clots, eliminating blockage of blood vessels. Also, taking DHEA can significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.
  • Obesity. DHEA promotes the destruction of fat deposits, which is widely used by modern nutritionists, cosmetologists and athletes. However, to lose weight it must be taken in a very large dose. We also note that in elite sports this hormone is a prohibited drug.

Due to the high functionality of DHEA, preparations based on it have a wide range of applications. On this moment There are no exact pharmacological indications for use medicines based on a hormone to increase libido. However, studies have shown that increased levels of DHEA lead to the absence of sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

During therapy for elderly people, a beneficial effect on memory and mental acuity, mood, mental health.

Directions for use and doses

It is recommended to start taking medications based on DHEA at 38-40 years of age. Nutritional supplements are available in the form of capsules and tablets, dose 25 and 50 mg. Regular intake of the hormone will be effective. morning time, dosage – 50 or 100 mg. In more at a young age To increase testosterone levels, it is recommended to take 200 mg of the supplement per day. The course of therapy is 25 days.

Humanity has long dreamed of finding the elixir of immortality, or at least a means of eternal youth and longevity. With some stretch, such a substance exists in the body of every person - this is the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA S, DHEA). It is DHEA that is called the mother of all hormones, since it is the progenitor of all sexual and steroid hormones. It is DHEA that is responsible for sexual desire in the body, for a clear mind, strong memory, muscle strength and physical endurance.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in our body is synthesized from cholesterol, yes, that same cholesterol, which for many years was so undeservedly considered harmful substance and almost poison. Fortunately, modern Scientific research debunked the entire inconsistency of the theory about the dangers of cholesterol that we get from food - meat, nuts, eggs, dairy products.

Not getting enough cholesterol from food products, we deprive ourselves building material for the production of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and, accordingly, a whole bunch of its derivatives - sex and steroid hormones.

A DHEA test must be taken from women during pregnancy, since the influence of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone as a regulator of sex hormones in all processes of pregnancy and lactation can hardly be overestimated. The level of the hormone DHEA during pregnancy is extremely important for the proper development of the fetus and the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation. A DHEA test is taken starting at 6-8 weeks of pregnancy.

Due to such a wide functionality of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, drugs and supplements made on the basis of the substance DHEA Sulfate have an equally wide range of applications. There are no exact ones yet pharmacological indications to the use of hormone-based drugs to increase libido and sexual desire, but analysis shows that those men and women who have elevated DHA, as a rule, do not have deviations in the sexual sphere. This is due to the fact that the hormone is the progenitor of all sex hormones, in particular testosterone, which is responsible for sexual desire.

Analysis for DHEA shows that drugs and supplements based on this hormone have an unusually beneficial effect on mental acuity and memory strength, has positive influence on mood and mental health in general. This is especially evident in the treatment of older people.

The hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate has the property of dissolving body fat, which is actively used by modern nutritionists, cosmetologists and athletes (this steroid is prohibited in elite sports). Experiments on animals have shown that such nutritional supplements really lets you get rid of excess weight due to the burning of fat deposits, but, unfortunately, only in cases where the drug is used in truly “horse” doses. So the newspaper and magazine noise about the fact that a panacea for excess weight has been found somewhat distorts reality.

Analysis for “DHEA S” is prescribed in the following cases:

  • adrenal dysfunction;
  • dysfunction of the ovaries and testicles;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • infertility, amenorrhea and hirsutism;
  • puberty disorder.

Analysis shows that the youth hormone is elevated during puberty and pregnancy, and by about age 60, DHEA levels drop by as much as 90% in men and 60% in women. Maybe this is why women live longer than men?

Contraindications and side effects

It seems, well, what contraindications and side effects the hormone that is called the hormone of youth? It turns out that the ancient medical wisdom that any substance can be both a medicine and a poison, depending on the quantity, works here too. This is exactly the case with our wonderful DHEA. As already mentioned, the hormone is maternal to many steroid and sex hormones, which include testosterone - the key male beauty, strength, aggression and sexual desire.

So it turns out that if artificially, with the help of drugs and supplements, you maintain an excessively high level of DHEA in the body, this inevitably leads to an increase in testosterone levels. A high testosterone threatens men with diseases of the prostate gland and hair growth according to the male type - women. In an even sadder case, excessive use of supplements that cause an increase in testosterone and estrogen can threaten women with breast cancer.

Chronic fatigue syndrome

The most common case of recommending supplements based on the substance dehydroepiandrosterone is chronic fatigue and fatigue in older people. DHEA Sulfate supplements work wonders in the treatment of fatigue - after just two weeks of using the supplement, older adults experience increased strength, increased energy and muscle activity.

Analysis for “DHEA S” shows a stable concentration of lipid and androgenic steroids for 20-30 days after weekly therapy with DHEA. In women during pregnancy, the use of supplements has great importance for the prevention of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is an excellent remedy for restoring the immune system after past diseases, surgical intervention, during the period of autumn-spring outbreaks colds. Moreover, it has been experimentally proven that when DHEA is increased in the body, even chronic pathologies associated with immune system disorders.

It is very important that DHEA is increased in women during pregnancy, since high activity of the immune system during this period is very important for normal gestation and protection of the mother and fetus.

Autoimmune pathologies

This back side immune system, the case when, as a result of genetic or acquired disorders, our defense system rebels against our own body, more precisely, against its individual organs or cells. This often concerns pathologies thyroid gland in women, when the immune system begins to produce antibodies against thyroid tissue.

Dehydroepiandrosterone, when it is increased through therapy with drugs containing DHEA, can effectively combat this pathology on hormonal level. Therapy with DHEA C drugs for 6 weeks gave amazing results in the fight against autoimmune diseases thyroid gland in women during pregnancy, when it is contraindicated surgical intervention or irradiation radioactive iodine. Analysis for “DHEA S” after therapy in women showed stable remission and significant improvement in the condition of patients suffering from autoimmune diseases.

Malignant tumors

Despite active research in the field of using “DHEA S” as a drug for the treatment of cancer and other tumor diseases, as well as the presence of numerous positive results experiments, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is still rarely used to cure such ailments.

One thing is absolutely certain - if people over the age of 50 have a normal level of the DHEA hormone in their blood, then the risk of cancer is reduced by 40 times, and if the DHEA hormone in the body is increased, the risk of tumor pathologies is reduced by more than 70 times! DHA analysis clearly indicates that all patients suffering from tumor diseases, the hormone content is significantly lower than normal.

Cardiovascular diseases

When DHA levels in the body are normal or slightly elevated, it helps prevent heart attack and stroke, as the hormone helps dissolve blood clots and prevent blockages in blood vessels. DHA also helps reduce high cholesterol levels, which have an adverse effect on circulatory system in general, due to the fact that cholesterol is used as the main building material for the production of the hormone DHEA.