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Everything about nutrition for cancer patients: meat, coffee, honey and much more. Possibilities of proper nutrition in the fight against cancer

Breakfast - juice of 2 oranges and 1 lemon, wholemeal bread with butter and

cheese or oatmeal with fruit and skim milk, buttermilk and herbal tea

Second breakfast - Apple juice, mixed with beet juice, fruit

Lunch - porridge from brown rice or whole grains, vegetables,

steamed, a piece of butter, salad seasoned with the juice of 1 lemon and cold-cooked salad oil, fruit

Lunch - 1 or 2 egg yolks, beaten, 20 ml skim milk, buttermilk

with a glass of juice from 1 grapefruit, wholemeal crackers

Dinner - whole pea soup, wholemeal bread, raw vegetables,

organic yogurt (containing only lactic acid), fruit, buttermilk

in the evening - buttermilk with the juice of 1 lemon

At night - a glass of warm skim milk

Dr. Moerman's anti-cancer diet includes consuming large quantity fresh vegetables (all legumes are excluded, except for green peas, potatoes, parsley, rhubarb, some types of cabbage, including sauerkraut), it is advisable to eat vegetables raw or steamed; fruits (except figs, dates and sweet grapes); vegetable and fruit natural juices (especially carrot and beet juice, also orange, lemon and apple); cereals (bread, pasta and crackers made from wholemeal flour, unpolished rice, wheat, oat and barley bran, wheat and corn flakes; wheat flour and products made from finely ground wheat flour are excluded - white bread, pasta, pies, biscuits, cakes, muffins ). Dairy products are allowed: homemade and processed low-fat cheese, feta cheese, skim and sour milk, kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat sour cream, yogurt and egg yolks; bee honey, herbal tea, olive oil cold processed and sea salt.

The diet prohibits the consumption of meat and animal fats (except butter), refined sugar, fish, shellfish, fatty varieties cheese, egg whites, whole milk, margarine, mushrooms, hot-cooked vegetable oils (refined), all meat, fish, chicken and mushroom broths, chemical artificial preservatives and colors, table salt, as well as all alcoholic beverages, strong tea and coffee, no smoking allowed.

Along with nutrition, Moerman's diet must be supplemented with eight more food additives- essential vitamins and minerals. When using them, you should strictly follow the recommended doses: vitamin A - 50,000 IU once a

day in the morning; vitamin C - 250 mg 5 times a day (maximum daily dose up to 10 g); vitamin E - 80 IU 5 times a day; B vitamins (B1, B2, and PP - 50-100 mg each, B6 - 20-50 mg each, biotin and B9 - 5 mcg each, B12 - 20 mcg each). In addition to vitamins, you should take citric acid 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon of solution (dissolve 10-15 g of acid in 300 g of boiled water); iodine - 1 tablespoon of iodine solution in water 3 times a day (1-3 drops of 3% alcohol solution iodine per 300 g of water); iron - 1 teaspoon 3 times a day and 500 mg of purified sulfur powder mixed with oil, morning and evening.

According to the recommendations of a Dutch doctor, cancer patients should eat at least 5 times a day in small portions, chew food thoroughly and never overeat. An example recommended menu by Moerman (1987) for cancer patients is given above.

Currently, there are several tens of thousands of Dr. Moerman's followers in the world. In Holland alone, among the more than 10,000 members of the Moerman Vereeniging Association, there are many doctors and patients who were cured of cancer using his method.

The equally well-known anti-cancer diets of J. Gowler and G. Shagalova are not fundamentally very different from the diet of K. Moerman, but in their treatment systems, along with a vegetarian diet, they additionally use methods of cleansing the body - a large number of cleansing caffeine enemas and therapeutic fasting.

In table 7.8-7.10, the most typical anti-cancer diets are given - the supportive diet by Y. Gowler and the therapeutic and preventive diet by V. Dotsenko and L. Sazanova. .

It should be borne in mind that diet treatment does not exclude the use of traditional cancer treatment methods: surgery, chemo- and radiation therapy.

It should be emphasized that the main character in the fight against the insidious disease in the above treatment systems is the patient himself, his will, consistency, desire to achieve not a short-term, but a complete cure for cancer by switching to a natural healthy lifestyle. And the first step on the path to health is healing the patient’s soul, cleansing it of anger, filth, envy and cruelty, and this requires a radical restructuring of the patient’s entire lifestyle and diet.

For dietary cancer prevention, the health food pyramid recommended by WHO for European residents in 1995 can be used (Fig. 7.8). At its base are the products that form the basis of the daily diet: vegetables, fruits, food greens, grains, nuts, legumes, potatoes, cereals, tea, butter, dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, cheese and yogurt, as well as olive oil. Once a week, poultry, fish, two eggs, a variety of sweets and pastries are recommended. Saturated animal fats are sharply limited, especially meat and meat products (smoked sausages, brisket, bacon, etc.) - up to once a month. But natural dry red wine up to 200 g is recommended (one glass every day). Briefly, the formula for an anti-cancer diet looks like this: more vegetables, fruits and grains, less animal fats, meat and sweets, i.e. excess high-calorie foods (Fig. 7.8-7.10).

In 1993, American nutritionists developed a healthy eating pyramid, which contains the principles of rational nutrition (Fig. 7.11). So, the basis of our daily diet should be bread, rice, a variety of cereals, potatoes and pasta - 5-11 varieties (base of the pyramid). In second place in importance are vegetables (in our conditions, cabbage, carrots, beets, turnips, etc.) - 5-7 varieties and fruits (apples, bananas, citrus fruits, grapes, etc.) - 3-5 types , they should also be consumed daily. This is followed by: cheese, yoghurts, milk, cottage cheese - 2-3 types and meat, fish, poultry, beans, eggs, nuts - 2-3 varieties, they are consumed moderately daily. Sugar, salt, salty foods, and sweets should be consumed rarely. And they finish

pyramid of fats, oils, sweets, which should be consumed very limitedly - 2-3 times a week.

How often and how much should you eat vegetables and fruits per day to prevent cancer? This question is most often asked by patients, their relatives, friends and doctors. Nutritionists at the US National Cancer Institute in 1992 proposed a surprisingly simple pro-

gram for dietary cancer prevention "5Day", which strongly recommends eating at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits daily. Of course, this does not exclude eating regular food. When eating vegetables and fruits, it is very important to maintain the correct dosage. For example, if you eat a slice of orange, a quarter of an apple or a piece of cabbage at one time, this is not enough. For each type of vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs and juices there is its own “dose”. One serving contains: a medium-sized apple, orange, pear or banana; two medium tangerines, two or three apricots or plums; 180 ml - a glass of natural sake (but not nectar or juice drink); a cup of approximately the same volume filled with chopped leafy vegetables (cabbage, lettuce, radish, etc.); half a cup (90 ml) filled with vegetables - raw, boiled, stewed or steamed; half the same cup (90 ml) filled with cooked beans, beans, peas or lentils; 1/4 of the same cup (45 ml) filled with soaked dried fruits.

IN last years, especially after the tragic accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986, the removal of radionuclides from food products - milk, meat, mushrooms, vegetables and fruits - has become a serious problem. The presence of radionuclides in the food of modern people, unfortunately, is, as we said, an inevitable cost of scientific and technological progress. Take another look at Fig. 6.6, which shows the main routes of radionuclides entering the human body with food.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to protect all products from radionuclides in contaminated areas. Therefore, you should know some precautions to minimize their intake from food.

Keep in mind that milk, meat and their processed products are the main sources of cesium-137 (60-80%) and strontium-90 (40-60%) entering the human body through food. Milk is the main source of radioactive iodine-131. Cesium is found more in the meat of old animals, and strontium, on the contrary, is found in the bones of young animals. The highest concentration of radionuclides is determined in the kidneys, lungs and liver - parenchymal porous organs, and the lowest - in the lard and fat of animals.

When cooking meat, liver, kidneys and lungs, almost half of the cesium and strontium passes into the broth, and only 3-5% from the bones. In any case, the broth must be poured out. You should not cook first courses in bone and meat broth, as well as jellied meat if the purity of meat products is questionable in terms of radionuclide content.

Fish and other seafood should only be eaten boiled; after boiling for 8-10 minutes, drain the broth. It is not advisable to fry such fish or cook fish soup from it.

In eggs, radionuclides accumulate mainly in the shell and during cooking can partially penetrate into the white. Therefore, it is recommended to cook scrambled eggs or an omelet from eggs.

In view of the fact that when flour is made in mills, a significant part of the radionuclides is removed along with the bran, in this case you should use products made from fine flour - white bread of the highest grade.

As A. Povolyaev, one of the leading Russian experts in the field of agricultural radiology, recommends, before eating vegetables, fruits and berries, they should be thoroughly washed in running water, and if possible, remove the surface layer. In all cooked foods, radionuclides oxidize and become safe. The decoction of beets, potatoes, beans and cabbage after 8-10 minutes of boiling must be drained - up to 50-80% of cesium-137 passes into it.

Since mushrooms accumulate radionuclides to the greatest extent of all plants, you need to be very careful with them. If the amount of radionuclides in fresh mushrooms drops sharply after soaking and boiling, then in dried mushrooms they can be stored for a long time. That's why everyone dried mushrooms should be subjected to radiological monitoring, especially if they were collected near large settlements and cities. All mushrooms can only be consumed boiled, draining the broth twice after boiling for 10-15 minutes.

There are various known nutrients, allowing to reduce the level of radionuclides coming from food, as well as to reduce the adverse effects of penetrating radiation on the entire body. The famous Moscow nutritionist V. A. Konyshev divides radioprotective substances into two groups (Table 7.11).

The first group includes antioxidant vitamins (A, E, C and carotenoids), color plant pigments - anthocyanins, belonging to the group of vitamin P flavonoids, selenium, zinc, manganese, copper, polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 type, etc. Anthocyanins are found in almost all fresh red-yellow and dark green vegetables and fruits. The second group includes calcium, potassium, dietary fiber, etc. (see “Natural anti-carcinogenic substances in food products”). Let us add that freshly prepared juices - carrot, beet, orange, lemon, pumpkin, gooseberry and tomato with pulp, as shown latest research American and Japanese scientists also have radioprotective properties.

Of interest are the nutritional recommendations for residents of Ukraine and Belarus from the famous American specialist in the field of medical radiology, Professor R. Gale, who, as you know, took an active part in the treatment of liquidators of the Chernobyl accident in 1986-1987. These recommendations are still very useful today.


Balanced diet.

Daily stool.

Decoctions of flax seeds, prunes, nettles, and herbs that have a laxative effect.

Drink plenty of fluids, sweat more often.

Natural juices with coloring pigments (tomato, grape, carrot, beet and orange).

Chokeberry, pomegranates, raisins, dried apricots.

Vitamins P, S. E, A, group B, red wine (3 tablespoons daily).

Grated radish (grate in the morning, eat in the evening, and vice versa).

Walnuts (4-5 pieces daily).

Horseradish, garlic, onions - daily.

Buckwheat, oatmeal.

Bread kvass.

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) with glucose - 3 times a day, 1 g.

Activated carbon (1-2 tablets before meals).

Vitamin A (50,000 IU) for no more than 3-4 weeks.

Kvadevit (3 times a day).

Dairy products - cottage cheese, sour cream, cream, butter.

Peel vegetables and fruits in a layer of up to 0.5 cm, remove at least 3 leaves from cabbage, onions and garlic have an increased ability to absorb radionuclides, so process them thoroughly.

It's better to eat poultry instead of meat. When cooking meat, drain the first broth, add water again and cook until done. Avoid meat broth.

Anti-radiation products:

Unrefined vegetable oil.

Calcium-rich foods, calcium tablets.

Bone jellied meat, bones.

Cherries, apricots, plums.

Meat and meat products (beef is the most contaminated).

All vegetables and fruits are capable of accumulating one or another amount of harmful substances. chemical substances- residues of pesticides and mineral fertilizers. Although food hygienists often argue that the content of nitrates and nitrites in plant foods is strictly regulated and under the control of special laboratories, every person needs to know how to get rid of them.

How to reduce nitrate content in plant foods? Here's what experts recommend on this matter.

Washing in running water and peeling potatoes, beets, rutabaga, radishes, turnips reduces the nitrate content in them by an average of 10%, removing the stalk and 3^4 top leaves from cabbage, and the stem from carrots - also by 10-15%. A more significant result is obtained by soaking raw vegetables.

So, when soaking potatoes, carrots, beets, rutabaga, cabbage for an hour, the level of nitrates in them decreases by 25-30%, greens (parsley, celery, spinach, dill, coriander, green onions) - by 20%. With increasing soaking time, the amount of nitrates passing into the water increases, but at the same time, the loss of valuable nutritional components of vegetables also increases. For greens (parsley, celery, dill, etc.), it is advisable to remove the stems and use only the leafy part of the plant.

When cooking vegetables, the amount of nitrates also decreases significantly - they turn into a decoction. In this case, the vegetables should be cut smaller, and the cooking time and volume of water should be increased. You need to add salt and spices at the end of cooking (they slow down the release of nitrates). On average, the nitrate content during cooking is reduced in potatoes by 80%, carrots and cabbage by 60-70%, rutabaga by 50-60%, beets by 40-50%. The decoction should not be consumed. Steaming, stewing and frying practically do not change the concentration of nitrates in the dish.

Other types of cooking vegetables - pickling, pickling, pickling, as well as other types of canning - reduce the concentration of nitrates, but much less than cooking. It should be borne in mind that most of the nitrates go into the brine, marinade, etc.

Drying, juicing and pureing, unfortunately, increase the concentration of nitrates in finished products.

Experts also warn: do not buy greens, vegetables, fruits and berries from those selling on the street - no one checks their products. Do not cook vegetables, fruits and berries in aluminum pans - in contact with metal beneficial features of these products are reduced, and toxicity may increase.

The eternal and great truth that a person’s physical activity is the key to his health and longevity was comprehended by humanity a very long time ago. It was most accurately stated by the famous thinker and scientist of the 17th century Blaise Pascal in the aphorism: “The essence of human nature is in movement. Complete rest means death." Together with a rational and balanced diet, regular physical exercise aimed at moderately increasing energy expenditure is an important component in the treatment of cancer patients and plays a significant role in eliminating the state of metabolic immunosuppression.

Regular physical exercise improve general state patients who often have increased body weight and associated disorders of fat-carbohydrate metabolism; stimulate cellular immunity; neutralize free oxygen radicals; enhance the evacuation function of the intestine; help get rid of slagging from the body, promote cleansing and, thereby, increase the body’s antitumor resistance. Measured walking and daily gymnastics using exercises available to the patient are especially useful.

Observations by American oncologists suggest that brisk walking for one hour a day can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by almost 26%. Even daily half-hour walks at a brisk pace can help reduce the risk of this disease by 17%. Probable Cause The phenomenon of fast walking is that as a result of physical activity, the level of insulin in the body decreases, which, as is known, has the ability to stimulate the growth of cells in the mucous membranes of the intestinal tract.

Studies in Zurich and Stockholm have shown that people who sit most of the day are three times more likely to get colon and rectal cancer than others.

In 1999, in Oslo, Norwegian specialists conducted an interesting experiment, in which more than 26 thousand Norwegian women of various age groups took part. Its goal was to determine the preventive effect of physical exercise on the occurrence of breast cancer. The results of the experiment were impressive. It turned out that those who actively engage in physical activity at least four hours a week are 40% less likely to develop breast cancer. Oncologists believe that it's all about female sex hormones - estrogens. They stimulate the growth of breast tissue and thereby accelerate the proliferation of malignant cells in it. Regular exercise and sports reduce the content of these hormones in a woman’s body. According to another version, physical activity stimulates antitumor immunity. And finally, active physical exercise, including brisk walking, is the enemy of obesity, which often contributes to the occurrence of breast cancer.

So, to summarize the above, for individual dietary cancer prevention, the following recommendations must be followed.

Refrain from excessive high-calorie foods (overeating) and reduce fat consumption to 20-25% of the total calorie intake. This reduction in fat helps reduce the incidence of cancer of the colon, breast, uterine body, subgastric gland and other organs. At normal physical activity For a person, the total calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 2200 kcal. Men are recommended to limit themselves to 75 g, and women - 50 g of fat per day.

In your daily diet, significantly limit the consumption of fried protein foods (meat, poultry, fish), smoked, canned, salted and pickled foods (meat, sausage, ham, bacon, etc.), as well as fish.

Avoid repeated and prolonged use of overheated fats (especially in a frying pan), frying and charring of meat, poultry and fish over an open fire and when smoking. This will significantly reduce the content of heterocyclic carcinogens formed during the thermal processing of food.

Eliminate all products affected by mold (bread, cereals and other products - they form highly toxic aflatoxins).

Significantly limit the consumption of strong alcoholic drinks (drink no more than 20 g of pure alcohol per day - this is 150-200 g of dry red natural wine, or a glass of vodka, or one small bottle of light beer).

It is much healthier to eat stewed and boiled foods rather than fried ones.

Try to always put cooled cooked foods in the refrigerator (carcinogenic nitrosamines accumulate in soup, meat, boiled potatoes and other heat-treated foods left overnight).

You should not store food herbs (dill, parsley, celery and coriander leaves) sprinkled with salt for the winter. During long-term storage of such seasonings, the same nitrosamines are formed in them.

Do not consume excessively hot drinks and food - they cause burns to the mucous membrane oral cavity and esophagus.

Try not to drink boiled water for a long time or repeatedly, as the content of highly toxic dioxins increases in it.

Eat organic food whenever possible natural products, preferably your area.

The diet should be as varied as possible: consume fresh vegetables and fruits at least 4-5 times a day (60% of the diet), grains (bread, cereals, cereals, wholemeal baked goods), nuts, a variety of seafood and food greens - they contain many natural anti-carcinogenic substances.

Use fresh sea fish in your diet more often - the polyunsaturated fatty acids it contains (such as omega-3) prevent the occurrence and development of many malignant tumors.

Use unrefined, cold-pressed vegetable oils for cooking, especially olive, flaxseed, Kuban, etc.

It is advisable to increase consumption dietary fiber up to 30-40 g per day due to cereals - whole grains, wheat bran, apples, etc.

Try to eat lean, bloodless meat. The remaining blood contains toxins and cadaveric poisons.

For drinking and cooking, use only tap or boiled spring water purified using household filters, as well as melted and environmentally bottled water. clean water. Water hygiene is as important to health as food hygiene.

You should limit the use of artificial carbonated canned drinks (lemonade, Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola, Fanta, etc.) - they have a very negative effect on the mucous membranes of the esophagus and stomach.

Never eat food when you are physically or mentally unwell, very tired, in pain or fever - such food will not be useful for future use.

Eat only when you feel hungry - little by little. Strictly observe personal hygiene (cleanliness of body and spirit,

daily bowel movements, regular cleansing of the body, etc.).

Try to have fasting days every week, which is especially important for middle-aged, older and elderly people - one-day fasting with bowel cleansing, fasting more often.

For good nutrition and disease prevention, use biologically more often active additives to food containing vitamins, microelements, antimutagenic, anticarcinogenic and immunomodulatory substances in a balanced form.

Get active - Regular exercise, running and walking play a significant role in eliminating the state of metabolic immunosuppression, preventing intestinal cancer and increasing the body's overall resistance.

Of course, due to some subjective and objective reasons, these recommendations are difficult to follow, but still we must strive for this as much as possible. The irrefutable fact remains that the best cure for cancer is prevention.

If rational nutrition plays an important role in the life of a healthy person, then in the life of a cancer patient the role of nutrition becomes almost decisive.

In the scientific medical literature, the idea of ​​​​the importance of enhanced nutrition for cancer patients has long been established, despite data known for more than 80 years about the restraining effect on tumor growth of various quantitative and qualitative restrictions in the diet (meaning low calorie diet). It is taken into account that as a result of tumor growth, a deficiency of energy and plastic substances is created in the patient’s body, and therefore insufficient supply of nutritional components can accelerate the death of the body, while increased nutrition, despite the possibility of acceleration tumor process, replenishes this deficiency and, ultimately, prolongs the patient’s life. For example, the I International Symposium on the topic “Nutrition, Cancer and Nutritional Support” (France, 1985) made an unequivocal decision on this matter: “If a patient suffering from cancer cannot eat normally, everything should be used modern capabilities to ensure its full supply with sources of energy and synthesis artificially.” Thus, metabolic disorders, which are further aggravated by the use of various therapeutic methods (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy), do not allow restricting nutrition to influence tumor growth. However, it should be noted that profound metabolic disorders are not observed at all stages of tumor growth. We have already said that calorie restriction in the diet prevents the development of tumors, inhibits carcinogenesis due to a decrease in the level of insulin and insulin-like growth factors in the blood, a decrease in the intake of fat, amino acids, carbohydrates and nitrogen from food, a decrease in the level of estradiol in the blood serum, and finally, due to a decrease in body fat depot.

To date, there is numerous scientific data that allows us to assert that the calorie content of a cancer patient’s diet should not generally exceed 1800-2000 kcal/day (V.M. Dilman et al.). Limitation of quantitative and qualitative

nutritional standards are appropriate for any cancer patient, except for severely ill patients neglected forms diseases. This is especially important in order to prevent tumor relapse in patients after removal of a tumor - surgery, as well as in patients who are in clinical remission after completion of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These conclusions are justified by experimental and clinical studies, which clearly showed the overwhelming effect of reducing daily norm nutrition for the latent phase (“dormant cancer cells”) of metastasis (see Fig. 3.6). Interestingly, when already growing metastases were exposed to a restricted diet, especially when the primary tumor was not removed, no antimetastatic effect was observed. It is likely that restricting nutritional norms is advisable up to a certain limit, below which catabolic processes are activated, preventing the antimetastatic effect of limited nutrition.

A significant proportion of cancer patients have disorders of fat-carbohydrate metabolism, leading to depression cellular immunity and the functions of macrophages. More often this is due to the systemic influence of the tumor itself on the entire body (see Fig. 3.8). Other the most important reason suppression of immunological reactivity - the existence of a complex of endocrine and metabolic disorders that naturally develop as the body ages, starting from 30-35 years. Typically these disorders manifest themselves overweight body due to the accumulation of fat, an increase in the blood levels of total cholesterol, fatty acids-triglycerides, lipoproteins, insulin, as well as a decrease in sensitivity (tolerance) to glucose. The inhibitory effect of these metabolic shifts on the state of cellular immunity and the function of macrophages causes a state of metabolic immunosuppression - the main link of the cancrophilia syndrome (see Fig. 3.10, 3:11). It is important to emphasize that the above metabolic disorders exist even before the clinical detection of the tumor, persist after its removal and can thus adversely affect the individual prognosis of the cancer patient.

Elimination of metabolic immunosuppression with low-calorie, balanced diet is not only a way to increase and stimulate immunity, but also an important additional (adjuvant) treatment in oncology.

Below are the main functions and principles of therapeutic and preventive nutrition for cancer, as well as a list of the most useful and harmful foods for a cancer patient. When compiling this list, we took into account not only the latest data from medical science (biochemistry, dietetics, pharmacology, oncology and immunology), but also the rich, centuries-old experience of traditional medicine (Ayurveda, yoga, healing and naturopathy) - healthy nutrition for tumors and other serious diseases.

Of course, over time, this list will be refined and supplemented in the light of the latest biochemical and molecular genetic research, but the main thing for a cancer patient, as well as for patients with cardiovascular and other diseases, is still therapeutic and preventive nutrition, as close as possible to the vegetarian type , because it is precisely such a balanced diet that will... contributes to the restoration and healing of the human body.

Importance proper nutrition with a high risk of developing cancer or during its treatment, it is difficult to overestimate. The benefits and harms of eating certain foods by people with cancer are theoretically justified and proven in practice. Stick to special diet Doctors recommend it not only to patients, but also to those who are at risk, that is, with a high degree of probability of developing cancer due to unfavorable heredity, forced contact with carcinogens and other objective reasons. There is practically no active promotion of “anti-cancer” nutrition negative aspects except for 2 points.

  1. Believing in the “magical” effect of healthy products, some patients and people at risk completely refuse comprehensive treatment and prevention of cancer.
  2. An illiterate approach to “anti-cancer” diets not only brings no benefit, but also worsens the course of the disease, and also causes a number of other serious problems.

Let's look at the real possibilities of proper nutrition, the principles of its organization and the main mistakes that lead to complications or the opposite effect.

First of all, it is necessary to state the following fact: no scheme for the prevention and treatment of a cancer patient will be effective without taking into account the possibilities inherent in nutrition. Every experienced and thoughtful oncologist is convinced of this, striving to obtain the maximum result in the fight against a terrible disease for the life and health of the patient.

However, the fundamental approaches to organizing proper nutrition for cancer patients can vary significantly. In modern schemes of oncology therapy and oncology prevention, three main aspects are distinguished in the nature of the diet of an oncology patient:

  1. Optimizing the diet by removing harmful factors from it.
  2. The use of nutritional components (amino acids, microelements, vitamins, fatty acids) in prevention and treatment schemes for different stages tumor process (preparation for surgery, chemotherapy, restorative treatment, immunorehabilitation).
  3. The use of special antitumor diets aimed at changing the metabolism of tumor cells, shifting the relationship in the tumor-organism system in favor of the latter. (S.I. Yalkut, G.P. Potebnya. Biotherapy of tumors)

And if no questions arise regarding the first and second points, except for the correct definition of the list of “harmful” and “useful” products, then in relation to useful action This cannot be said for antitumor diets.

Competent nutrition optimization includes the following postulates:

Don't tempt fate: Avoid consuming food with preservatives, chemical additives, and dyes. First of all, remove sausages, sweet carbonated waters, and “store-bought” semi-finished products from your diet.

Control your weight by monitoring your caloric intake. There are numerous observations indicating that excess weight is a poor prognostic factor for cancer. Therefore, actively apply all the measures that are recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes - they help reduce the risk of recurrence and metastasis. Simply put, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of animal fats (fatty meats, butter, etc.) and refined carbohydrates (sugar) and increase the consumption of fiber and dietary fiber (fresh cabbage, apples, zucchini, etc.).

Monitor the composition of your food. Optimize the ratio of energy-plastic (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and metabolic components (vitamins and microelements) in your diet.

The harm and benefits of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the fight against malignant tumors is a topic for discussion. Let's determine the pros and cons of each of these groups of organic substances necessary for the body of a healthy person to maintain normal vital processes.

Proteins: food for cancer or help with immunity?

Most sources talk about the preference of a vegetarian diet. However, practitioners also express the opposite opinion, believing that the food of a cancer patient during the stages of treatment and rehabilitation (preparation for surgery, recovery after it, preparation for chemotherapy and recovery after it) should be high in protein. It is quite problematic to obtain high-protein foods only from plant materials in our conditions. Thus, at least at the stages of treatment, it is necessary to use high-quality fermented milk products and cottage cheese as a source of protein. Protein is needed by the immune and hematopoietic systems. Protein deficiency may contribute to the development of irreversible cancer cachexia. In addition, the transition to a vegetarian diet without ideological awareness of the need for this can lead to chronic stress and depression, which, in turn, can contribute to metastasis. Attention! A sharp reduction in protein in the diet of patients with diabetes is categorically unacceptable! The same applies to exhausted patients, people suffering from stomach ulcers, pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The tumor “does not like” fish oil and flaxseed oil

Fats should be consumed, mainly vegetable ones. Sources of phytosterols are unrefined oils, nuts, seeds. Sources of omega-3\omega-6 fatty acids are northern sea fish oil and flaxseed oil. Attention! Don’t force your body: not everyone can drink flaxseed oil, even as a medicine! The use of fish oil is unacceptable if you are allergic to fish!

Porridge instead of sugar

As mentioned above, a cancer patient needs to exclude refined carbohydrates (sugar, wheat flour, rice, starch should be removed from the diet). Refined carbohydrates cause the release of substances into the blood that stimulate the appearance of cancer cells. In addition, glucose is intensively consumed by the growing tumor. Why feed her? Porridge is the main source of carbohydrates. Attention! Frequent use in the diet of cereals in patients with a tendency to constipation causes long-term stool retention with a sharp deterioration in the condition when the tumor is localized in the stomach, intestines, abdominal cavity or pelvis.

Antitumor nutritional components and products containing them

Vitamins and microelements. Unfortunately, modern technologies growing vegetables and fruits is not able to provide vitamins and microelements even in the summer-autumn period. Therefore, year-round consumption of vitamins and dietary supplements is necessary. B vitamins – are involved in immune reactions. Iron is necessary for erythropoiesis. Chronic anemia promotes angiogenesis, which increases the risk of metastasis. Important! Controlling hemoglobin levels is the most important measure to reduce the risk of metastasis.

Microelements – components of antioxidant systems – selenium, zinc. They must be mandatory components during body detoxification measures and during immunotherapy. Attention! You should be careful when using dietary supplements containing inorganic selenium, since therapeutic dose selenium starts at 100 mcg per day, and toxic selenium starts at 200 mcg: the kidneys may be damaged. Organic selenium is significantly less toxic.

Fat-soluble antioxidants – vitamin E, lipoic acid . Vitamin E is found in vegetable and butter oils, herbs, milk, eggs, liver, meat, and cereal germs. Alpha lipoic acid is an endogenous antioxidant (binds free radicals); it is formed in the body during the oxidative decarboxylation of alpha-keto acids. Improves liver function, reduces the damaging effects of endogenous and exogenous toxins on it. Important! The liver is of utmost importance in the development of cancer, and the processes of metastasis, detoxification of tumor decay products, and its metabolism depend on its condition.

“The right foods” are the basis for cancer prevention and the basis for successful treatment

Garlic– antioxidant, adaptogen.

Green tea– antioxidant, antimutagen, detoxifier.

Dietary fiber, bran– reduce intoxication, normalize microflora, stimulate the immune system, and have anti-carcinogenic properties.

Tomatoes, main factor preventive action– lycopene. Has antiproliferative, antimutagenic effects.

Cruciferous family– cabbage, turnip, mustard, horseradish, wasabi, radish, radish is the most valuable in the diet of a cancer patient, the strongest antioxidants, antimutagens.

Berries– fresh and dried berries Blueberries, currants, strawberries, rose hips, rowan berries, viburnum, lingonberries, cranberries are a source of vitamins and natural antioxidants.

spring Green– leaves of young nettle and dandelion have anti-inflammatory, antiproliferative, antioxidant properties.

Dandelion leaves have an antimetastatic effect, cleanse the liver.

Sprouts and sprouts. Sprouts and seedlings of cereal and cruciferous plants have a pronounced antitumor and antimetastatic effect. Stimulates immunity. Contains microelements, enzymes, differentiation factors.

Seaweed– serve as a source of chlorophyll, powerful antioxidant, and many biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals, contain zinc, iodine, remove carcinogens and nucleotides from the body.

Apricot kernel– contains cyanide compounds, which can accumulate in tumor cells and cause their death.

“Live” fermented milk products enriched with pro- and prebiotics, cottage cheese. Serve as a source complete protein, carotenoids, methionine.

Attention! All of the above products prevent the onset of the disease, improve the condition of cancer patients, prevent metastasis and relapse ONLY if used wisely and ONLY in combination with the main cancer therapy. Remember: not even the most “correct” diet can fight back the disease without specific prevention and full treatment.

Antitumor diets: pros and cons

Nutrition according to K. Moerman

The Moerman diet is the seven laws of natural nutrition:

1. Meals should consist of plant foods.

2. Food must consist of living foods.

3. Food must be freshly prepared.

4. Food must be chewed thoroughly.

5. The amount of food must strictly correspond to needs.

6. Food should not cause fermentation.

7. Food should be attractive and enjoyable.

Important additions and restrictions to the Moerman diet:

Should be excluded consumption simple carbohydrates(sugar, honey, confectionery) and products made from premium flour.

Diet saturation is important fiber of various origins and products with high anti-carcinogenic activity (garlic, green tea, cruciferous vegetables), freshly prepared juices (beetroot, carrot, blackcurrant, apple, cabbage, sprouts). To introduce calcium into the body, it is necessary to use “live” dairy products enhanced with bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. (Bifidin, prolacta) Nuts and flaxseed oil are useful for saturating the body with omega-3 acids. Avoid alcohol and coffee. Drink only artesian water, preferably melt water.

Needs to be controlled gastric secretion, effective bile secretion, intestinal function. Sluggish intestines and constipation make the entire nutritional system ineffective.

It should be borne in mind that a strict vegetarian diet can lead to protein deficiency and anemia.

Nutrition according to Gerson

There are only four basic principles:

1. Remove toxins from the body.
2. Eliminate vitamin and mineral imbalance.
3. Restore the digestive system and fill it with fresh, vital, free from harmful impurities and properly prepared food.
4. Develop and maintain a positive attitude towards life in general and towards the chosen diet in particular.

To achieve these goals, Gerson recommended use juices as an ideal source for the lungs to absorb nutrients in the most balanced form. In addition, freshly prepared juices are full of oxidative enzymes, which, according to Gerson, oxygenate the affected cancer tissue and improve the health of the entire body. He advised drinking juices every hour, 12 times a day. As part of the diet, a categorical refusal of animal protein, sugar, white bread, peeled rice, cereals. It is necessary to stimulate bile excretion through coffee microenemas (mandatory), drinking raw liver juice (mandatory). Important point! Using the Gerson diet, according to his own statement, requires an individual approach, consultation with a doctor and regular monitoring of the condition of the liver!

The most controversial points in the Gerson diet:

The most dubious is the mandatory use of coffee microenemas. It is better to replace them with other choleretic agents, for example, dandelion roots, burdock. Moreover, these plants have proven antimetastatic and antitumor effects. As mentioned above, complete failure In some cases, animal protein is harmful. As for cereals, their presence in the diet is vital for patients with liver metastases or hepatitis that develops during chemotherapy.

Nutrition according to Joanna Budwig

Budwig considered it unacceptable to use any refined types of oils, as well as so-called artificial fats (margarine, mayonnaise) obtained as a result of hydrogenation or partial hydrogenation and those fats that are actively used as milk fat substitutes. Among the bad fats, Budwig also included unsaturated fats, which are widely used in the preparation of industrial confectionery products. According to her ideas, hydrocarbons containing natural sugar: apples, figs, pears, grapes. The consumption of refined sugar in all forms is not allowed, pasta, white bread, fatty types meat, fried and canned foods.

According to the Budwig diet, breakfast could include honey (a teaspoon) mixed in a blender with cold-pressed organic flax oil (2 TABLESPOONS!), not big amount yogurt and fresh granular cottage cheese (100-150 GR). 2-3 SPOONS (!) FRESHLY GROUNDED (!) FLAX SEED, a pinch of cayenne pepper. The addition of nuts (except peanuts) and a small amount of fresh seasonal fruit were allowed.

Clarifications and additions to the Budwig diet

Usage linseed oil in the recommended volumes looks very doubtful, as well as recommendations for the consumption of grapes - a source of convenient “food” for the tumor: easily digestible glucose. It makes sense to replace yoghurt with bifido-dairy products with a complete absence of sugars. The use of bifidin with selenium is very useful.

Therapeutic fasting (fasting-dietary therapy, RDT)

RDT, one of the most common methods of influencing cancer cells by changing the nature of nutrition, has an ancient tradition and many supporters and critics. Duration of hunger to obtain therapeutic effect– at least 15 days.

Attention! Prolonged fasting limits the mitotic and proliferative activity of cells, promotes DNA repair, and increases sensitivity cell receptors to regulatory incentives. However, during fasting, the growing tumor and the body are in constant competition for plastic and energy resources. AND THE TUMOR USUALLY WINS! In addition, psychological stress caused by prolonged fasting can lead to the development of depression, persistent hormonal disorders. In addition, it is difficult to predict the outcome of recovery from starvation: it is not clear how the tumor may respond to restoration of nutrition. It is possible that cancer cells will receive unlimited opportunities for growth when nutrients enter the body if the restoration of normal functioning of healthy tissues and, especially, cells of the immune system, is difficult for some reason. At the same time, in Rostov-on-Don there is many years of experience in the use of BENIGN tumor diseases through prolonged fasting.

Due to the high risk of obtaining an effect that is directly opposite to the patient’s expectations, this method is recommended to be used ONLY for the prevention of metastasis and relapses and ONLY in a hospital setting.


  1. Special diet - basic condition and one of the key success factors in cancer treatment and prevention.
  2. No diet should be the only way to fight the disease: the body needs specific help.
  3. The selection of recommendations and restrictions when preparing a diet requires a careful approach and taking into account all the characteristics of each individual person.


Cancer progresses differently for everyone, therefore therapy, and as part of therapy - nutrition - the most important tool in the fight against the disease, must be selected absolutely individually, in close contact with a thinking doctor. Listen to yourself, try to find the formula for success that is suitable only for you.

We all know how important the nature of the food consumed is for human life. It helps maintain healthy correct exchange and prevent the occurrence of many diseases, and the patient - to fight disorders and their complications. In this regard, the role of nutrition in cancer cannot be downplayed, because such patients need large amounts of vitamins, microelements, fiber, and protein.

A healthy person does not always think about what he eats, pampering himself with sweets, smoked products, sausages, fatty and fried foods. Stores offer a wide selection of products with preservatives, dyes, stabilizers, flavor enhancers and other harmful ingredients. Meanwhile, such food not only does not improve health, but also contributes to many diseases, including cancer. If the prevention of malignant tumors through nutrition seems to many to be an ineffective and useless exercise, then diet for cancer is sometimes crucial in the process of treating the disease, contributing to the deterioration or stabilization of the patient’s condition. This may seem strange to some, but food is processed by the body into simpler components, from which new cells are then built.

A proper diet helps maintain normal metabolism, prevents the formation of free radicals that have a damaging effect on tissue, and saturates the body with vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are so necessary for the digestive system. It is not for nothing that one of the basic principles of a healthy lifestyle is recognized as healthy eating, which improves the antitumor properties of the immune system, leads to an increase in physical activity, normalization of weight and hormonal levels.

In general, an anti-cancer diet should include plenty of vegetables and fruits, grains, legumes, and fiber. Focusing on plant components, do not forget about meat, preferring low-fat varieties - veal, turkey, rabbit. Fish rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids and seafood containing sufficient amounts of iodine are also necessary for the body. The first step towards such a diet should be to avoid foods that are known to contain or are carcinogens: fast food, sausages, smoked meat and fish, chips, carbonated drinks, various processed foods, confectionery, etc.

In patients with malignant neoplasms, metabolism is significantly disrupted; the tumor consumes large amounts of glucose, vitamins, and protein, releasing toxic metabolic products into the blood and acidifying the surrounding space. All this is accompanied by intoxication, weight loss, severe weakness. If the disease occurs with bleeding, then signs of anemia and oxygen starvation of tissues appear, which further aggravates the patient’s condition. A special diet for cancer patients is designed to replenish missing calories, kilograms of weight and substances vital for metabolism.

The peculiarity of the diet of a cancer patient is that if it is necessary to give up many foods, it is nevertheless necessary provide the patient with sufficient calories and nutrients, which is quite problematic to do for some tumors (stomach, intestines, oral cavity). In such cases, in addition to a full-fledged diet, they also resort to the introduction of additional mixtures and substances by infusion or using a probe.

If the state of the digestive system of a cancer patient allows, then the diet should include readily available carbohydrates in the form of honey, sweet creams, nuts, dried fruits, cookies or chocolate. The attractiveness of food is also important, since against the background of tumor intoxication or during treatment, many patients complain of a decrease or even lack of appetite. In such cases, various seasonings, aromatic herbs, and sauces come to the rescue. Cloves, mint, cinnamon, pepper, parsley, dill, cumin, ginger, turmeric and many other tasty and healthy natural additives can significantly “transform” the taste of the most ordinary and unattractive dish. In addition, seasonings not only improve the taste, but also stimulate the secretion of digestive juices, thus improving the digestion of food.

Foods with Anti-Cancer Properties

Long-term observations, including the experience of nutritionists, oncologists and patients themselves, indicate that there are foods that prevent the development and progression of tumors. Based on such data, scientists studied chemical composition some of them and found that, indeed, they contain substances with pronounced antioxidant, anticancer and even immunostimulating properties. The right diet can not only serve, but also give cancer patients an additional chance of recovery.

The group of products that prevent malignant tumors includes:

Garlic has long been known for its beneficial properties in the fight against various diseases. It has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, and is also able to enhance the activity of lymphocytes and macrophages due to the phytoncides it contains. Research by scientists from different countries has made it possible to isolate a substance in it (diallyl sulfide), which helps in the fight against malignant neoplasms, in particular, of the stomach, intestines, etc. In studies on mice, it was observed that garlic was more effective against bladder cancer than BCG therapy.

To achieve a positive effect, it is recommended to eat a large clove of garlic every day, but you should be careful: there may be increased activity of the gastrointestinal tract, abdominal pain and even vomiting. Due to some anticoagulant properties, patients with blood clotting disorders should not indulge in garlic when taking blood thinning medications before surgery.

Onion has similar properties against tumors, but slightly less pronounced, it is also useful as an additive to various dishes.

Antitumor properties have been discovered relatively recently tomatoes. It was found that the lycopene they contain has a powerful antioxidant effect. Moreover, once in the body, it is not converted into vitamin A, unlike beta-carotenes, which are present in large quantities in carrots and other “red” vegetables and fruits.

Lycopene not only stimulates the body's antioxidant properties, but also prevents the growth of existing tumors from decreasing. Studies have shown that consuming tomatoes raw, as well as in the form of juice or paste, leads to a reduction in the size of certain types of neoplasia, such as prostate, lung, and breast cancer. In men who took part in studies by American scientists, a significant decrease in the concentration of prostate-specific antigen, which is a marker of prostate tumor activity, was found. IN for preventive purposes tomatoes are effective against a high risk of cervical and intestinal cancer.

Consumption of tomatoes is not accompanied by any adverse reactions, provided good quality vegetables used (absence of nitrates and other pesticides), and to achieve a preventive effect, nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of tomato juice at least once a week.

Broccoli contains several substances that have an antitumor effect - sulforaphane, lutein, indole-3-carbinol. Studies of the anti-cancer properties of this plant were carried out on laboratory animals, and patients with cancer pathology who consumed it regularly were also examined. As a result, scientists have established the effectiveness of broccoli against lung, bladder, prostate and breast cancer. Joint observations by researchers from America and China showed that the risk lung cancer with regular consumption of broccoli over a 10-year period, it is reduced by almost a third, and in men who ate at least 300 g of broccoli per week, the likelihood of a bladder tumor is reduced by almost half.

It is important that especially good results can be obtained by using young heads of this cabbage for food, but they should be steamed or boiled for a short period of time. Many nutritionists advise consuming broccoli and tomatoes at the same time, thereby enhancing the beneficial properties of these vegetables. However, it should be borne in mind that a large amount of fiber contributes to gas formation and even diarrhea, so people who have intestinal problems should not get carried away with excessive amounts of broccoli.

Other plants of the cruciferous family (white cabbage, cauliflower, watercress) also have similar properties, are distinguished by their excellent taste and are harmless even at frequent use in large quantities. So, White cabbage can normalize estrogen levels, thereby preventing the occurrence of breast and prostate cancer. In the presence of precancerous processes in the cervix (dysplasia), the components contained in cabbage stimulate the regression of dangerous changes in the epithelium. Besides useful qualities, white cabbage is available to everyone all year round, so you can use it constantly and as much as your body accepts.

Green tea It is very useful for the prevention and fight against cancer due to the polyphenols it contains, which have a pronounced antioxidant effect. A similar effect, but somewhat weaker, can be obtained by drinking black tea. By blocking the damaging effects of free radicals, tea enhances the body's antitumor activity and prevents the progression of existing tumors by reducing the intensity of the growth of blood vessels in them. Tea drinking traditions are widespread in China, Japan and many Asian countries, so local residents are statistically less likely to get cancer of the pancreas, breast, prostate, etc.

To achieve a positive effect, you need to drink at least three cups of green tea a day, but those who have problems with the heart (arrhythmias) or digestive organs, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers should not drink too much tea.

Berries, fruits, grapes contain not only a large amount of vitamin C, but also other very useful components. Eating strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, citrus fruits, and peaches will benefit not only cancer prevention, but also patients with malignant tumors.

The substance resveratrol was discovered in grapes (especially in the skin and seeds), the anti-cancer activity of which is being studied by scientists from different countries. In experiments on rats, it was found that resveratrol has an antioxidant effect and also prevents the appearance of genetic mutations in cells. By participating in biochemical processes, this substance blocks the development of inflammatory processes, which are often both the cause and consequence of tumors at the same time.

You can come across recommendations that drinking small doses of dry red wine prevents cancer, but do not forget that excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages entails the likelihood of tumors in a variety of locations. Of course, 50 g of wine will not cause harm, but moderation should be observed in everything.

Soybeans, legumes and grains rich in microelements, vitamins, and fibers, which are very important for proper operation digestive system. In addition, they saturate the body with the required amount of calories and do not cause obesity, which is one of the risk factors for malignant tumors. Soy products not only have anti-cancer properties, but also reduce the severity of side effects during radiation or chemotherapy.

Fish It is considered an essential component of any complete diet. Thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, it normalizes fat metabolism and prevents the appearance of free radicals and peroxidation in cells. People who prefer fish to fatty meat are less likely to suffer from obesity and diabetes, and the risk of tumor recurrence when eating fish dishes is much lower.

In addition to those described, other products also have beneficial effects. So, honey may be useful for intestinal and breast cancer due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Brown algae, shiitake mushrooms, nuts, olive oil When consumed in reasonable quantities, they have some antitumor effect.

Video: products against cancer - “Live Healthy!” program

Nutritional considerations for certain types of cancer and treatment

Patients with certain forms of cancer need special nutrition. This is especially true for patients with pathologies of the digestive organs, patients after surgical interventions when prescribing chemotherapy.

Stomach cancer

Meals at fits into table No. 1 (gastric), excluding spicy, fried, fatty foods, and an abundance of seasonings. Preference should be given to soups, cereals, pureed meat, various purees, and fruits. Foods that increase secretion should be removed from the diet. gastric juice(pickled, sour vegetables, alcohol, carbonated drinks). Patients with this form of cancer may suffer from severe nausea, vomiting, and aversion to food, especially meat, so it is better to offer them foods that are safe and that the patient himself agrees to eat.

In cases of surgical treatment, a diet for stomach cancer involves complete abstinence from oral intake of food and water for a period of 2 to 6 days of the postoperative period, depending on the type of operation, and all necessary nutritional components, water, proteins, vitamins, insulin are administered intravenously with using a dropper.

Nutritional habits after removal of the stomach are determined by the attending physician, but most patients are allowed to take liquid food, soups, cereals, fermented milk products. Approximately one week after surgery, patients are transferred to table No. 1.

Bowel cancer

Diet for should be well balanced in terms of essential nutrients and calorie content, but at the same time, all its components should be easily digestible by the affected intestines. Since patients in this group have a high risk of changes in peristalsis with constipation or diarrhea, malabsorption, some rules should be followed:

  1. Fractional meals - food should be taken 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  2. Preferably herbal products, vegetables, fruits, fish and vegetable oil. Components that increase gas formation (grapes, cabbage, confectionery) should be avoided.
  3. It is necessary to exclude alcohol, carbonated drinks, a lot of seasonings, whole and fresh milk.
  4. It is better to steam or boil dishes; eat food slowly, chewing well.

The same principles should be followed by patients with liver cancer, giving up coffee, alcohol, strong broths, fried and fatty foods, smoked foods in favor of vegetable dishes and lean meats and fish. As a sweet it is permissible to eat marshmallows, marshmallows, honey is very useful.

Mammary cancer

Women with breast cancer are offered special recommendations, including certain food groups that help fight breast tumors. In addition to the basic nutritious diet, nutrition for breast cancer involves the use:

  1. Soy, but you need to beware of genetically modified soy products, the carcinogenic effects of which have not been conclusively proven, but have not been refuted by convincing facts.
  2. Vegetables containing carotenoids - pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, etc.
  3. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids - salmon, cod, haddock, halibut, hake.
  4. Legumes, bran, grains.

Diet in the postoperative period

Of particular importance is the nutrition of patients after surgery for malignant tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. Thus, it is recommended to limit fats and easily accessible carbohydrates, salt, but have a high protein content, mainly of plant origin. Cereals and bran are useful, they normalize peristalsis and prevent constipation, but you will have to give up rice and pasta.

Patients in postoperative period you can eat fermented milk products, lean fish, eggs, drink tea and jelly. Over time, this list can be expanded, but alcohol, fried and smoked foods, seasonings, cakes and pastries will never have a place in it.

If there is a colostomy for diversion feces patients must observe good drinking regime, avoid excess cabbage, legumes, eggs, seasonings, apple and grape juices, and nuts in the diet, which can cause excessive gas formation and an unpleasant odor.

In each case, dietary recommendations are individual, so before consuming certain products, it is better to consult with your doctor or nutritionist. Before discharge, patients and their relatives receive appropriate instructions on the composition and preparation of food at home.

The diet for stage 4 cancer may have features depending on the location of the tumor, but all patients need a high-calorie diet, since the tumor consumes a significant amount of energy, glucose, vitamins, and amino acids. Cancer cachexia, or simply exhaustion, is the fate of all patients with advanced forms of cancer. In addition to excellent nutrition, patients may be prescribed additional vitamins and minerals in tablets, iron, magnesium, and selenium supplements. Don't be afraid of carbohydrates either. Many people believe that since a tumor consumes a large amount of glucose, then it is not worth consuming it at all, but it is also necessary to take into account the energy consumption of the patient’s body, so meeting its own needs is a priority nutritional task.

Nutrition during chemotherapy

Eating during chemotherapy poses significant challenges. It's no secret that chemotherapy drugs are quite toxic and cause a lot of side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, a sharp decrease in appetite, and stool disorders. Only a miracle can encourage a patient to eat breakfast or dinner under such conditions. But you still need to eat, a diet will make it easier to endure treatment, and following certain conditions and cooking tricks can help these patients.

During chemotherapy and in between courses It is recommended to consume foods from four groups:

  • Protein.
  • Dairy.
  • Bread and cereals.
  • Vegetables and fruits.

The patient's diet should include components from each group. Thus, protein can be supplied to the body through lean meat, fish, eggs, legumes, and soy, and they should be consumed at least twice a day.

Dairy products are quite varied - kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, milk, cheese and butter. They must be taken at least twice a day.

All kinds of cereals and breads are very healthy and rich in B vitamins, as well as easily accessible carbohydrates, so they are divided into four meals throughout the day.

Vegetables and fruits are considered an indispensable component in the diet of cancer patients. Juices, dried fruit compotes, fresh salads, stewed vegetables are consumed up to 5 times a day.

With loss of appetite important purchases table setting, appearance dishes, spices. If there are no contraindications from the gastrointestinal tract, then the presence of pickled vegetables, sour juices, and sweets in the diet is allowed. Food should be easily accessible, preferably taken in small portions, warm, and you should have it on hand. light snack in the form of cookies, crackers, chocolate.

When undergoing chemotherapy, it makes sense to increase the amount of fluid you drink to two liters per day, but provided that you are not affected and urine is cleared well. Juices that are useful are carrot, apple, beet, raspberry.

If the patient is worried about nausea and vomiting, then it is necessary to limit the consumption of milk, too sweet and fatty foods. It is advisable to do breathing exercises, eat small portions and do not wash down food with large amounts of water so that the stomach does not become overfilled. You should avoid spices, foods with a strong taste and smell, and immediately before the administration of chemotherapy it is better not to eat at all.

Chemotherapy is often accompanied by diarrhea, since the delicate mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to such treatment. In this case, the most gentle diet is recommended, consisting of pureed low-fat dishes and plenty of liquid. Rice, crackers, jelly, mashed potatoes, and bananas help normalize stool. Milk, baked goods, and legumes should be excluded from the diet.

Despite all the usefulness and effectiveness of many products, treating cancer with nutrition in isolation is unacceptable. All of the recommendations listed apply to patients who have consulted an oncologist, have undergone or are preparing for surgery, or are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation courses. Without the help of a specialist, no diet can cure a malignant tumor.

There is ongoing controversy regarding so-called alkalizing products and their role in cancer treatment. It is known that metabolic processes in a tumor contribute to the acidification of it and surrounding tissues, and supporters of a diet with alkalization of the body argue that restoring the acid-base balance eliminates the imbalance and reduces the impact acidic foods metabolism and enhances tissue oxygenation. Whether this is true or not, scientists have yet to study, and the list of alkaline foods includes greens, vegetables, fruits, fermented milk drinks, and alkaline mineral water. In any case, these components are beneficial for cancer regardless of whether they change the pH of the environment, so following such a diet will not cause harm, provided it is complete in essential nutrients.

In conclusion, I would like to note that even the most seemingly correct and effective diet is not a panacea for a malignant tumor, and it will only bring benefits if treated by an oncologist and following all his recommendations, including regarding nutrition. Lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, move more and get positive emotions, then dangerous diseases will be avoided.

Video: super food against cancer in the program “Live Healthy!”

The author selectively answers adequate questions from readers within his competence and only within the OnkoLib.ru resource. Unfortunately, face-to-face consultations and assistance in organizing treatment are not provided at the moment.

No one doubts that poor nutrition can play a decisive role in the emergence of Therefore, there must be special diet, promoting the recovery of patients affected by cancer. World-famous physician Professor Richard Doll claims that one third of cancers are caused by poor diet.

Oncological damage and its therapy are a completely different situation, and a cancer patient needs a special diet. Food products must supply the sick person’s body with the vitamins, macroelements, amino acids and proteins it needs. Diet for oncology helps maintain the functioning of the immune system.

Is it possible to use unconventional diet methods if you have cancer?

Food contraindications for cancer very extensive. Therefore, special nutrition systems offered by alternative medicine practitioners can play a negative role.

Particularly dangerous is a diet for oncology based on fasting, or one in which the consumption of ordinary foods is replaced with herbal drinks or urine therapy.

It is impossible to stop the process of tumor growth by fasting. Malnutrition will lead to a sharp deterioration in health. Nutrition for oncology should be complete and of high quality.

You should also avoid systems based on selective consumption of products. Such advice will not bring anything good.

Diets with limited protein intake are harmful, as this can lead to amino acid deficiency. This approach will not help fight the tumor in any way, but, on the contrary, will accelerate its growth.

The importance of vitamin therapy

The diet after cancer removal involves the use of vitamins. They play a huge role in the treatment of cancer patients. Such patients often experience decreased absorption of elements necessary for life.

Vitamin deficiency cannot be attributed to specific symptom cancer. Even with complete exhaustion of the body, patients with cancer will not experience such manifestations as pellagra or scurvy.

The widely popular idea of ​​treating cancer through vitamin therapy has not received scientific confirmation.

It should be noted that during radiotherapy it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fruits and vegetables. They do provide benefits, but the high doses of vitamins they contain can reduce the effectiveness of anticancer treatment.

Vitamin E should be taken with great caution, as it belongs to the group of antioxidants.

We can say that when treating cancer patients, nutrition should be supplemented only with those vitamins that the body lacks.

Mineral requirements

The issue of mineral intake is also very important in oncology. Fruits, vegetables, meats and fish are rich in these elements, but cancer treatment involves many components and therefore requires monitoring the mineral levels in the body.

For swelling, doctors recommend reducing your intake of sodium contained in table salt, and replace it with potassium. If the food seems bland to the patient, it is recommended to introduce pickled foods into the diet. However, this approach is not applicable to all forms of cancer.

If after chemotherapy the patient experiences vomiting and diarrhea, then sodium intake should be increased.

This once again proves that when choosing a diet, a variety of approaches are used. Each specific case requires a specific diet.

Adequate fluid intake if you have cancer

In the vast majority of cases, patients are not recommended to reduce their usual level of fluid intake. If the patient has swelling or the presence of parallel diseases of the genitourinary system, then fluid intake should even be increased by introducing fermented milk products. During chemotherapy, fluid intake doubles.

Diet for breast cancer

A properly selected diet for breast cancer helps prevent secondary complications such as re-development of a cancerous tumor, diabetes mellitus, obesity and hypertension.

The absence of excess weight largely stops the recurrence of the disease and improves a woman’s quality of life. Since patients undergoing radiation treatment or chemotherapy tend to gain weight, it is recommended to refrain from increasing the amount of food until the end of therapy.

If you are overweight, gradual weight loss is recommended. It has been proven that with a decrease in body weight by 5-20% over 2 years, the risk of developing secondary diseases decreases, insulin, cholesterol, and parameters associated with the development of cancer remain normal.

Requires compliance with the following rules:

  • The calorie content of food corresponds to body weight. The more you weigh, the fewer calories you consume.
  • Preference is given to fruits and vegetables.
  • Products made from whole flour are consumed.
  • Fat consumption is reduced.
  • Soy intake is limited.
  • To maintain bones good condition Inclusion of 2-2.1 g of calcium per day is recommended. You also need to monitor your vitamin D levels and bone density levels.
  • Alcoholic drinks are not consumed.
  • The consumption of semi-finished products is reduced.
  • Products such as sugar, canned and

Omega-3 and Omega-6 consumption

The diet for oncology involves the use of Omega-3 and Omega-6. Among the foods that are rich in these acids, fatty fish (mackerel, salmon, halibut, etc.) should be noted. In addition, Omega-3 is found in walnuts, flaxseeds and cereals.

Omega-6 is also needed for the body to function properly. The substance is found in sunflower and corn oil.

However, it should be noted that Omega-3 intake should be higher and Omega-6 intake should be reduced.

The benefits of Omega-3 exposure have not been scientifically proven. On the other hand, many doctors note that the substance helps reduce triglycerides in the blood and acts as a preventive measure for the development of heart disease. Therefore, it is recommended to consume oily fish at least once a week. This recommendation does not apply to patients using drugs that reduce blood clotting.

Flax seed consumption

The diet (breast cancer requires a certain diet) includes the consumption of flax seeds. Scientists have not established to what extent flax seeds help reduce the development of cancer. According to the American Research Association, their consumption does not pose any danger to women who have not had cancer. The same can be said about women who use Tamoxifen or other hormonal drugs. Moreover, the seeds themselves are preferable to oil based on them. The amount of seeds consumed should not exceed 30 g per day.

Increased consumption can cause diarrhea and interfere with the absorption of beneficial elements and medicines intestines. In addition, they inhibit the effect of medications such as Coumadin or Aspirin.

Diet after gastric resection

After surgical removal a significant part of the stomach requires a certain diet to restore gastrointestinal function. During this period, patients find it difficult to consume food in the usual way. Therefore, they resort to injections containing proteins and amino acids.

Based on blood tests, the body's need for a number of nutrients is determined.

What is the diet after gastrectomy? The recommendations are varied. After gastrectomy, fasting for two days is recommended. On the third day, the patient can drink rosehip juice, weakly brewed tea, unsweetened compote without fruits and berries 5-6 times a day in a volume of 20-30 ml. If there is stagnation in the stomach, drinking drinks is prohibited.

It is acceptable to use a child's dose. It is administered with a probe in a dose of 30-40 mg 2-3 days after surgery.

The diet is based on a gradual load on the stomach and intestines, as well as the inclusion increased amount squirrel.

On the fourth day, the patient is allowed to eat soups, pureed fish or cottage cheese, as well as soft-boiled eggs.

On the fifth day, pureed porridge, steamed omelettes and small quantities of pureed vegetables are included. With each subsequent day, the portion increases by 50 ml. On the seventh day it is 250 ml, and on the tenth - 400 ml.

Thus, in the early period, the patient receives a sufficient amount of protein in an easily digestible form.

Diet 2 weeks after surgery

Diet after gastric resection (oncology) involves the consumption of certain foods two weeks after surgical intervention. This diet is followed for 4 months.

If the patient has complications such as gastritis, peptic ulcer or anastomositis, then he should stick to this diet longer.

The main goal when creating a diet is to stop the inflammatory process and prevent dumping syndrome.

At the same time, you should limit your intake of easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, flour products, fruit drinks, juices, fried foods).

It is also unacceptable to consume fatty and hot soups, milk-based cereals with sugar, and tea. Such products stimulate the pancreas and contribute to the occurrence of dumping syndrome.

All food should be consumed pureed and steamed. The meat is finely chopped or minced using a meat grinder.

Vegetable salads and fresh fruits are excluded from the diet. Saccharin can be used instead of sugar.

During this period, you should not eat pork, lamb or

Approximate diet

  • Wheat crackers or yesterday's bread, cookies with low sugar content. After a month, white bread is allowed, but not earlier.
  • Puree soup based on vegetables or decoctions of cereals without cabbage and millet.
  • Meat or fish (lean chicken or turkey, beef, veal, rabbit with tendons removed). Fish include pike perch, carp, cod, bream, carp, and hake. Meat and fish are consumed in minced form. Dishes are prepared without adding fat by steaming or boiling.
  • Scrambled eggs. Steamed omelette.
  • Dairy products. Milk can be added to tea. Kefir can be eaten 2 months after surgery. The patient is allowed to eat non-acidic pureed freshly prepared cottage cheese.
  • Vegetables and greens. Boil and wipe. It is allowed to use only cauliflower boiled with added butter. Pumpkin and zucchini are also useful. It is acceptable to use pureed carrots, beets or potatoes.
  • Berries and fruits are consumed in limited quantities. They must be fresh and natural.

After gastrectomy, such a diet is followed for 2-5 years, even in the absence of signs of disease.

The diet should be varied and based on the tolerance of certain products. In any case, you should follow the recommendations of your doctor.

Diet for patients with bowel cancer

With intestinal cancer, it is extremely necessary to adhere to a certain diet.

The diet for intestinal cancer includes the following products:

  • sea ​​fish;
  • fresh products of plant origin, including fiber and substances that help normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver;
  • sunflower or olive seed oil;
  • seaweed;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • cereals.

This diet should not only be followed by people who have been diagnosed with bowel cancer. Consuming fried foods and semi-finished products means causing deliberate damage to your body.

The diet for intestinal cancer is aimed at reducing the variety of foods consumed.

Rules for eating

Eating is carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  • Meals in portions. The patient should eat small meals 6 times a day.
  • Food should be soft or liquid, which makes it easier to digest.
  • Food should not be consumed cold or hot. The optimal temperature is considered to be close to the temperature human body so as not to irritate the gastric mucosa.
  • During the day, it is recommended to consume 15% proteins, 30% fats and 55% carbohydrates.
  • Meat, poultry, fish, pork and beef, cooked in a steamer in minced form.
  • The consumption of milk, alcohol, seasonings and spices is excluded.
  • You should drink no more than 1.5 liters of water per day. Any liquid is considered, including soups.

during the recovery period

Food should only be fresh. Meals should include easily digestible foods containing sufficient minerals and vitamins.

The diet should include fresh vegetables and fruits, cereal porridges and wholemeal bread. Boiled fish can be consumed in small quantities.

Diet for colorectal cancer

Already in the preoperative period, the further nutritional regimen should be reconsidered, since it is extremely important for the rapid recovery of the body.

High levels of essential elements are found in the following products:

  • seafood (sea fish and cabbage);
  • beef liver;
  • uncooked rice;
  • green herbs;
  • broccoli;
  • hawthorn;
  • dried apricots and raisins;
  • legumes (beans, soybeans).

It is very important to organize meals in such a way as to ensure rapid absorption of food. It is recommended to avoid foods that cause gas, constipation or stomach upset.

What foods should you not eat if you have colon cancer?

The consumption of the following products is limited:

  • fatty meats;
  • fried, salted and smoked products;
  • baked goods, muffins and sweets;
  • drinks containing gas;
  • strong tea, coffee and chocolate.

Nutrition rules during the period after surgery

What is the diet after rectal surgery? Oncology is a diagnosis that requires dietary restrictions. Food should be thermally processed, pureed, close to body temperature. All this will help reduce the level of fermentation.

At the same time, the diet should be varied and give the patient energy to fight the disease.

The list of permitted products includes:

  • pureed soups;
  • cottage cheese without fat;
  • medium viscosity porridge;
  • jelly from fruits, berries, jelly and puree;
  • pureed fish dishes.

Meals are divided into 4-6 meals. Food is consumed in small portions. Gradually the diet expands. The rehabilitation period after resection of a rectal tumor lasts 2 years.


Any cancer disease requires adherence to a strict diet. It should be noted that the principle of formulating a diet for various oncological lesions of the body is not the same.

What should be the diet for oncology? Advice from an oncologist and nutritionist will be extremely necessary. Experts will help you create the right diet.

Diet for oncology is an important part of patient therapy. Without proper nutrition, restoration of the body is impossible.

A person with cancer needs special care and attention from family and friends. It is very difficult for someone suffering from cancer to lead a normal life. The hardest thing is in the psycho-emotional plane. In particular, they need constant support stage 4 cancer patients.

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How dangerous is stage 4 cancer?

In the early stages of development, oncological diseases can be successfully treated; the main thing is to undergo examinations of organs and body systems as often as possible. considered the last and most difficult.

In most cases, cancer developing in the human body is asymptomatic and patients, as a rule, learn about the cancer they have only when it reaches the final stage. It is not possible to cure this degree of the disease, since cancer cells have spread throughout the body and affected vital organs.

The patient is doomed to death, but this does not mean that he has very little time left to live. At proper care and treatment, the life of such a person can be extended to 5 years. depends on which organ has undergone cancer. Thus, lung cancer gives a chance to prolong life by 5 years only in 10% of cases; when a stomach tumor is diagnosed, the survival rate is 15-20%. The smallest number is 5% in patients with pancreatic cancer or liver cancer.

General health of a patient with terminal cancer

Depending on where the tumor is located and which organs it has affected, the well-being of a patient with stage 4 cancer may be as follows:

  • For brain oncology the patient suffers from regular headaches, sometimes very severe. In most cases, the pain is accompanied by partial or total loss sight, hearing. Often, a person suffering from this type of oncology experiences a lack of coordination of movements.
  • For respiratory tract cancer it is difficult for a person to breathe, hemoptysis is possible, the voice becomes hoarse, and a cough appears.
  • The occurrence of oncological processes in bone tissue is accompanied by severe pain in the joints. A person requires regular use of painkillers.
  • Genitourinary cancer brings the patient pain when urinating, possibly even a complete absence of urine, yellowness of the skin, and a strong smell of acetone in the urine.
  • Skin cancer patients suffer from purulent discharge mixed with blood from wounds, swelling of the affected area of ​​the skin.
  • Oncology of the genital organs manifested by pain in the lower abdomen, purulent, putrefactive discharge from the genital tract.

All patients with stage 4 cancer experience common symptoms:

  • constant weakness and drowsiness;
  • partial or complete lack of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • increased body temperature;
  • fever;
  • enlargement and hardening of lymph nodes;
  • pain at the site of the tumor;
  • anemia;
  • problems with cardiac activity.

Psycho-emotional state and fears

Upon learning that cancer has been detected, a person most often becomes depressed. It is especially difficult for those whose cancer stage is no longer subject to any treatment. The patient withdraws into himself, does not want to communicate with anyone, understands complete powerlessness over the illness, and begins to think every day about his approaching death.

Such a person is easy to understand. He had plans for his future life until illness destroyed all his dreams. The fear of imminent death does not leave patients oncological diseases, that’s why the help and support of loved ones and relatives is very important for such people.

Good psychologists can also help a patient emotionally. A person must be convinced that he should not think about a possible death every day, thereby nervously exhausting an already weakened body. A person suffering from cancer needs to try to convince himself, to believe in victory over cancer, daily telling himself that he will be cured and will continue to live. Oncologists note positive results in the treatment of such patients, and vice versa - those who folded their hands in despair died faster.

Close people should not treat a person with cancer with pity; they should try to distract him from gloomy thoughts. You should also not indulge in memories of the happy moments of your life. It is better to constantly repeat to the patient that he has a lot of things ahead and it is impossible to complete them without his participation.

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A person with terminal cancer is considered seriously ill. However, this group of patients is divided into 2 categories:

  1. A patient who is in satisfactory condition (able to independently conduct life activities and retain his ability to work).
  2. The patient’s serious condition (continuous pain, severe intoxication of the body, requiring constant care for the person).

The second category of people needs daily quality care. It is carried out in a hospital or at home. It is better if a professional nurse takes care of a seriously ill person.

The sick person must be washed daily under running shower, if this is not possible, or regularly wiped with a towel dampened warm water. Every day a person brushes his teeth and combs his hair, and after each meal he rinses his mouth with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Bed linen is changed regularly, and if necessary, the patient’s mattress is dried as often as possible. Every day a person needs to change into clean underwear.

What should the diet be like?

The diet of a cancer patient should be balanced and easily digestible.

What you can eat:

  • vegetables, steamed, stewed or baked - cabbage (all types), beets, carrots, potatoes;
  • greenery;
  • unshelled nuts;
  • legumes in moderation;
  • fish;
  • eggs;
  • a little natural honey;
  • freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and herbs. Juice from sprouted grains is very useful;
  • ripe tomatoes;
  • fresh fruits and berries;
  • olive oil;
  • mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, shiitake).

What you can't eat:

  • meat;
  • dairy products;
  • sugar;
  • spicy, fried and smoked dishes;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol;
  • canned food;
  • spices.

The feasibility and methods of treating such patients

Treatment methods for late-stage cancer patients include: radiation, chemical, immune and radiotherapy.

Radiation and radiotherapy are the most effective methods stage 4 cancer treatment. Principle this method is based on the destruction of cancer cells and reduction in tumor size. Positive effect observed at . The disadvantage of this treatment is that the therapy kills both cancer cells and healthy ones.

Immunotherapy is a method aimed at increasing the body's resistance against cancer cells. The therapy works without side effects and preserves tissue integrity.

Chemotherapy is the most effective method to prolong the life of a patient with stage 4 cancer. With the help of specially selected drugs and treatment procedures, the risk of relapse of the disease is reduced and the growth of the cancer tumor is slowed down.

Survival prognosis

In most cases of stage 4 cancer, the prognosis is considered poor, and patients rarely survive beyond the 5th year mark. Survival depends on where the tumor started and where it metastasized.

The task of relatives and friends is to provide proper care and treatment to a person suffering from cancer. It is important to remember that it is thanks to daily support that stage 4 cancer patients will have a powerful incentive to defeat this terrible disease!