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"Staphylococcal antifagin": instructions, analogues and reviews of the vaccine

The human body is constantly occupied by microorganisms, some of them are beneficial and ensure the correct processes of our life, while others behave aggressively, seriously undermining our well-being.

Characteristics of staphylococcus

Staphylococcus aureus is especially widespread among “harmful” bacteria. This gram-positive microorganism has colonized 1/3 of the world's population and lives quietly in human body without showing yourself. Staphylococcus activity occurs when the immune barrier is weakened; it is enough to become hypothermic or contract a cold.

The difficulty in treating staphylococcal infections is that the bacterium produces many new strains that are resistant to known antibiotics. It quickly spreads throughout the body, undermining the health of children and adults. The presence of microorganisms is detected using bacteriological culture.

Manifestation of infection

Staphylococcus is characterized by species diversity, affecting individual areas of the body. Most often it is localized on the mucous membranes in genitourinary tract, causing cystitis (S. Saprophytic), affects the epidermal surface layers (skin diseases) or colonizes the membranes of internal organs (sepsis). Staphylococcal infections caused by S. aureus affect any organs, occur in acute or chronic forms, and manifest as purulent diseases of the integument, sore throat.

The pathogen is difficult to destroy, it is well adapted to antibiotics, produces toxins, and complicates the treatment of concomitant diseases.

Ways to get rid of staphylococcus

Staphylococcal pathogen is cured antibiotic drugs, carrying out repeated courses of therapy if necessary, which is caused by the high adaptability of the bacterium to changing conditions. But treatment does not completely eliminate the infection; the patient becomes a carrier of Staphylococcus aureus, and he periodically needs to maintain the protective barrier with immune drugs.

With frequent skin diseases(boils, pyoderma, etc.) vaccination is indicated to promote the development of immunity to staphylococcal bacteria.

Vaccination of the adult population

Staphylococcal pathogen affects people in poor health during infection viral diseases or during periods of exacerbation of chronic pathologies. Adults are vaccinated against staphylococcus in the following cases:

  • carbunculosis, furunculosis;
  • development of abscesses, staphyloderma;
  • inflammation of the eyelids;
  • skin inflammatory processes;
  • lesions of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • hidradenitis, purulent processes in the sweat glands;
  • frequent inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Patients are faced with the fact that the staphylococcal microbe is difficult to cure. It has stable viability, remains active during sudden temperature changes, and is not afraid of chemical compounds.

Get rid of it in adulthood either by administering a vaccine, or by treating the affected surface with chloramine or a phenol solution. It is good to expose the virus to direct sunlight.

The need for child vaccination

IN maternity hospitals, outbreaks of staphylococcal infections are recorded in children's hospitals, this is due to the fact that children do not have immunity to the disease, so the virus is easily transmitted. They do not help in the fight against pathogens, including ultraviolet lamps, they only provide additional circulation of the virus. A doctor prescribes a vaccine for a child against staphylococcus if the following symptoms occur:

  • abdominal pain;
  • foamy stools combined with a green tint;
  • frequent bacterial pneumonia, nasopharyngeal diseases.

How to protect yourself from staphylococcus

Situations in which the body does not fight infection require medical intervention. The doctor will most likely prescribe the required therapy, accompanied by. Let's consider a drug used for vaccination.

Antifagin staphylococcal

The vaccine contains heat-stable antigens extracted from staphylococcal cells. The vaccine also consists of:

  • peptidoglycan complex;
  • phenol – preservative;
  • teichoic acids.

The drug is available in 1 ml ampoules. Normally, the solution has a specific odor, shades vary from colorless to light yellow. Vaccination against staphylococcus is done in the subscapular region, or in the shoulder area subcutaneously.

Administration scheme staphylococcal drug carried out in stages:

  1. Stage. The vaccine is given in a dose of 0.2 ml. Observe the patient's reaction. With absence negative manifestations a course of injections with Staphylococcal Antifagin is prescribed.
  2. Stage. The vaccine is injected every day for 9 days, increasing the dose by 0.1 ml each time.

This scheme is suitable for children over 6 months old and adults. The only difference is the dosage of the “test” injection – 0.1 ml for a child.

The vaccine is alternately injected into the right/left shoulder, each time retreating a few centimeters from the previous injection site.

The doctor may prescribe a second course of immunization in situations in which there is low effectiveness of the first course of therapy against staphylococcus.

Antifagin is contraindicated for children over 7 years of age, adults in following situations, at:

  • infectious diseases not associated with Staphylococcus aureus + during the recovery period after them;
  • pathologies of the kidneys, liver;
  • chronic exacerbations.

In children, preschoolers additional reasons Prohibiting the administration of the vaccine are: asthma, eczema, atopic dermatitis, allergies, rickets and malnutrition of 2.3 degrees, diseases of the central nervous system and endocrine system.

Vaccination with a staphylococcal agent is strictly prohibited for children under six months, pregnant and lactating women.

Side effects of vaccination

Treatment with the drug is carried out by a doctor who takes into account the patient’s condition and knows the reasons that prompted the procedure. If all aspects are observed, side effects are usually not recorded. But, in case of violations made at the preparation stage, the following conditions are possible:

  • hyperemia, pain in the injection area;
  • temperature rise to 38 degrees.

When adding to the indicated conditions an increase in the size of the infiltrate, the doctor temporarily suspends the course of vaccines, followed by its continuation after 1 - 3 days.

Is it possible to avoid infection?

Preventive measures in the fight against staphylococcal pathogens come down to several recommendations:

  • compliance with hygiene rules;
  • varied and balanced diet;
  • full sleep, active image life;
  • giving up harmful habits.

The identified aspects help strengthen the immune system, preventing staphylococcus from developing active work in organism. Wounds and cuts should be treated in a timely manner to avoid infection from penetrating through the integument, and to avoid overheating.

Staphylococcus aureus is a common gram-positive bacterium that asymptomatically colonizes the skin and nasopharynx of about 30% of people. Nasopharyngeal colonization poses a risk of contracting Staphylococcus aureus infections, which can cause a number of clinical symptoms, usually associated with skin and soft tissue infections.

The emergence of Staphylococcus aureus strains that are hyperresistant to antimicrobials has become a serious public health problem. In underdeveloped countries, the incidence of infections Staphylococcus aureus is highest in newborns and children under one year of age, with a mortality rate of up to 50%.

Therefore, scientists are urgently trying to develop a vaccine against multidrug-resistant staphylococcus. Recently on late stages clinical trials Two vaccine candidates were evaluated but did not demonstrate efficacy.

The status of vaccine research and vaccine development against Staphylococcus aureus is not so optimistic. Currently clinical assessment One vaccine candidate and two monoclonal antibodies are being tested.

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Questions and answers on: vaccination against staphylococcus

2015-12-14 11:24:52

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon. On October 25, 2015, I had surgery due to a ruptured ovarian cyst. The month lasts low-grade fever 37.3. The gynecologist prescribed doxibene and metrogyl. The pace hasn't dropped. Tuberculosis, hepatitis, thyroid gland were checked - tests were normal. Staphylococcus hemolytic 10'7 was cultured in the urine. (Could it cause a temperature of 37.3?) During this month, red blood cells dropped from 3.5 to 3.2; hemoglobin 100; leukocytes increased 10.8. roe 10. Furam was prescribed. Lacidofil.maltofer for anemia. How correct is this? At home, a 1.6 year old child after vaccination and bronchitis (after I returned from the hospital) also had an evening temperature of 37-37.3. Pediatricians turn a blind eye to this. could I infect the child?

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Good afternoon, Natalya, you still haven’t written what the child’s diagnosis is, the presence of bacteria is not a diagnosis, if you have been diagnosed with pyelonephritis, the result should be assessed based on the results of urine tests, and an ultrasound scan of the kidneys is also required.

2014-01-15 12:35:43

Elena asks:

Hello! I am 30 years old. I have staphylococcal infection, which is very frequent redness and sore throat. An attempt to treat staphylococcus was unsuccessful - throat diseases progressed to chronic form with an unhealthy body temperature of 37 and 2. We are planning a child and, like any parents, we want him to be born healthy. Is it possible for me, in my case, (due to chronic diseases throat) get vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, especially since I should have gotten it at the age of 26?

2012-07-01 14:53:03

Irina asks:

Hello, I'm 36 years old. I have been suffering from the EBV virus for 8 years. After the flu shot, the temperature began to “jump” 35.5-37.5 during the day, constant sore throats (streptococci, staphylococci were cultured), severe weakness. PCR blood serum - gender+ (in 2006). After which they told me that it was normal and did not treat it.
She was treated in the infectious diseases department in 2008, when a high level of EBV was detected in her saliva using ELISA. I monitored my saliva for several years (it was negative), but a blood test was not prescribed.
In 2009 during the month the temperature was +38.0-+39.0, in general analysis blood lymphocytes were increased - 71, plasma cells - 1, other indicators were normal. Diagnosis: prolonged course of ARVI.
In April 2012 after suffering bronchopneumonia, EBV was detected in the blood serum by PCR - pos.+++. Treated in inf. department. At the end of June 2012 in the control EBV PCR analysis, scrapings from the mucous membrane and blood serum were negative. I feel bad: body temperature +35.1-+35.5, often low blood pressure, dizziness, pain in the chest, weight loss of 7 kg in 2 months, in a general blood test, lymphocytes are 41 (with the norm being 19-37), pain submandibular lymph nodes and salivary glands. Please answer as a physician, where to start the examination, can I trust the PCR response to EBV, what is happening to me?

Answers Markov Artyom Igorevich:

Hello Irina! You have two foci of chronic bacterial infection: Staphylococcus aureus in the nasopharynx and bacteria intestinal group V genitourinary system(primarily in the kidneys). In connection with these bacteria, a syndrome of chronic bacterial intoxication with temperature fluctuations develops, constant fatigue etc. (you can read more about this on our clinic’s website). Regarding the EBV virus. Today it is not correct to determine the presence of a virus by “pluses”. A true quantitative PCR method must be used. A priori I can say that temperature “candles” are up to 38 C for clinical manifestations are not typical for this virus. To verify the diagnosis, it is necessary to take a culture of warm urine (three times), a culture of the nose and throat. To resolve the issue with EBV, I recommend donating blood and saliva again to isolate the DNA of the virus using the PCR method. Only after receiving all these tests will it be possible to create a treatment plan.

2011-07-09 23:49:57

Vladimir asks:

Hello. Tell me if I'm on the right track in solving the problem. And it is as follows. Periodically, once a month, boils appear on the body, ranging in size from small to such that they had to be opened by a surgeon. Good doctor It’s difficult to find, and you don’t want to go to a bad student (a bad student from a medical university). According to Ph.D. in the field of virology of the Odessa Anti-Plague Institute, boils (permanent) occur in the presence of staphylococcus. Staphylococcus is a consequence of weakened cellular immunity. Therefore, it is necessary to be pierced with staphylococcal toxoid (this is a kind of vaccination), and then, once a year, pierced with cycloferon. Of course, it would be useful to do a detailed cellular immunogram. Dear consultants, I repeat once again, tell me if I’m on the right path. Thank you.

Answers Markov Igor Semenovich:

Hello, Vladimir. The path is correct, but the solution to the problem is not only in the use of toxoid (although this is really the driving force in the treatment of Staphylococcus aureus). Cycloferon is not needed at all. Details are on my website.
Dr. I. Markov

2011-03-04 21:15:12

Andrey asks:

Hello. Our baby was 2 months old and had Staphylococcus aureus cultured in her throat. height, moderate growth in the nose, not found in the stool (donated due to loose stool 5-6 times a day and abdominal pain). They prescribed treatment with sataphylococcal bacteriophage irrigation, 2.5 ml in each nostril and 5 ml in the mouth 2 times a day for 10 days, a control culture was performed on the nose - not detected, pharynx - meager growth. The course of treatment was repeated. Three days after the second course of treatment, we will take cultures. Now the child is 3.5 months old, can we have vaccinations (DPT), our pediatrician said that vaccinations can provoke the growth of staphylococcus and we need to get rid of it completely? child on breastfeeding. Staphylococcus aureus was found in my father and grandmother. It was not detected in the mother’s milk or in the throat or nose. Dad was successfully treated. Pharynx, nose - not detected, but in grandmother after treatment
pharynx and nose - moderate height. Is it necessary to treat the grandmother (the infectious disease specialist said that this is the norm and does not need treatment) and the baby further, will the child constantly become infected from the grandmother? Thank you very much for your answer!

Answers Usova Svetlana Vyacheslavovna:

Andrey! There is no need to treat relatives. Vaccinations can be done if the child is healthy and there are no deviations in his development. If there are no clinical manifestations, then there is no need to treat the tests.

2010-11-22 21:50:58

Galina asks:

Good afternoon
The husband took a swab from the throat and nose for testing and found Staphylococcus aureus - abundant growth on the tampon (not specifically indicated). Daughter is 6 months old. We took a nasal swab with her for analysis and found Staf. angry 10 to the 3rd power. The milk and her feces have not yet been donated. Treatment was prescribed oil solution chlorophyllipt.
My daughter had a bad experience with the 1st DTP vaccination, temperature 39.3, diarrhea, vomiting for 3 days. After that, she didn’t sleep well at night for 2 months, she often screamed, belching air prevented her from sleeping, at night she began asking to eat every 2 hours, and constipation began. The 2nd DTP vaccination has not yet been done.
Can staphylococcus provoke such a reaction to vaccination, and, if so, what should be done before the second vaccination?
Thanks for the answer.

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Good afternoon Galina, there is no connection with staphylococcus, it is due to the child’s individual sensitivity to the vaccine, there is no reason for concern. Continue vaccination, but be sure to inform your doctor about symptoms from the previous vaccination.

2010-07-29 09:30:56

Natalia asks:

Good afternoon Help me, please, find a way out of the situation. The fact is that I am 14 weeks pregnant, and a nasal culture showed Staphylococcus aureus. After reading a lot of information about this infection, I came to the conclusion that it is almost impossible to cure it. U different doctors different opinions regarding treatment approaches. And there is no guarantee of recovery after a month of treatment with the same staphylococcal bacteriophage and IRS-19, as well as chlorophyllipt. So is it worth taking them and risking the child’s health? As far as I understand, while he is in the womb, my staphylococcus does not threaten him. It can become infected only when it is born. But he can easily catch this infection in the maternity hospital. Some doctors suggest immunization with staphylococcal toxoid in this case. But I am confused by the fact that the instructions for this drug say that it is contraindicated for pregnant women! And my gynecologist generally said that this vaccination is absolutely useless, because... The child still does not receive any immunity, and in the maternity hospital he can still become infected. It turns out there is more harm than good. What if we don’t do anything about this staphylococcus? After all, he doesn’t bother me at all, he lives for himself and coexists peacefully with me. All other tests are normal, immunity is good. What can you recommend?

2010-05-29 10:25:11

Julia asks:

Good afternoon children 5 years and 7 months old this moment We treat dysbacteriosis with staphylococcal bacteriophage. And on the seventh day of treatment, the children fell ill; The older one had chronic tonsillitis, the temperature was 37, the younger one had a runny nose, coughing, red throat, no fever yet, eyes inflamed periodically, purulent discharge, had dacryocystitis at 3 months. Milk analysis done chest - staphylococcus epiderm. Maybe I need to take some more tests for bacterial culture, please advise. Our doctors have to pull everything out with ticks. Probably the whole family should have been tested for bacteria at once, will our treatment be effective? We wanted to give our baby a second DTP + polio vaccine, should we postpone it? Thank you!

Answers Agababov Ernest Danielovich:

Hello Yulia, there is no reason to think about the ineffectiveness of the therapy, continue treatment. Vaccination should be delayed for a month from the date of last episode runny nose in a child (dysbacteriosis is not a contraindication to vaccination).

Vaccination against staphylococcus can protect against Staphylococcus aureus, because it is one of the most unpleasant microorganisms, which causes a lot of trouble for a person. It is quite difficult to cure it, compared to other bacteria. Today, scientists are researching many drugs that will forever help not only get rid of the disease in question, but also prevent its onset.

Staphylococcal therapeutic vaccine

Vaccination is administered to form a stable immune system against dangerous microorganisms. It is injected under the skin into the area under the shoulder blade or shoulder. To achieve the desired effect, the vaccine is administered once. If necessary and according to the doctor's instructions, re-injection is allowed 14 days after the first injection.

The complex includes bacterial antigens that are resistant to thermal temperature changes. The staphylococcus vaccine contains many active ingredients that are extracted from microorganism cells using a special program. The vaccine contains:

  • carbohydrate phosphate-containing heteropolymers;
  • heteropolymer of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid;
  • hydroxybenzene (additional component).

The drug and its analogues are a yellowish suspension with specific smell, packaged in special ampoules. IN cardboard box You can purchase one or five ampoules at once for vaccination.

Ceftriaxone for staphylococcus

Ceftriaxone is available exclusively as an injection for intramuscular or intravenous administration. It is advisable that it be used exclusively in hospital settings.

The product is effective against any pathogenic microbes, which can be gram-positive or negative. However, most often it is prescribed to destroy various coccal infections. The drug will not be effective enough against gram-positive cocci, coli, hemophilus and some other gram-negative microorganisms. The drug is also recommended for use in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, even for secondary treatment.

The drug discussed in the article has excellent penetrating characteristics. Its active components pass the placenta barrier and even enter the breast milk. The active substances of the drug remain in the body for quite a long time (a day, a day and a half). Therefore, doctors allow only one injection per 24 hours.

When paying attention to effectiveness, the form of administration of the drug does not matter. With intravenous or intramuscular injection all active substances work against infection. However, when acute form during the course of the disease, and especially with a large dose, exclusively intravenous administration is prescribed.

In young children and the elderly, the active substances of the drug remain in the body for up to 7 days. It is excreted by the liver in equal proportions. The peculiarity of the components is that if the liver malfunctions, all active substances are excreted through the kidneys.

Staphylococcal gammaglobulin

Gamma globulin is a fairly popular drug for the prevention of many viral and coccal infections.

Due to the fact that the Union carried out planned and compulsory vaccination women expecting a child, classic gammaglobulin, contains blood plasma protein compounds in large quantities percentage. The average concentration of antibodies in gammaglobulin can reach 12AE.

Gammaglobulin, which is extracted from serum, during research saved animals that were specifically infected with a harmful infection from death. In addition to the high content of active substances of the drug in the blood, gamma globulin entered the amniotic fluid. Therefore, pregnant women are not recommended to receive a double dose of the vaccine or revaccination.

Consequently, today, due to the frequent vaccination of pregnant women against Staphylococcus aureus, classical gammaglobulin mainly contains anti-staphylococcal protein compounds in blood plasma. A vaccine may be recommended as the main component complex therapy patients with dangerous illnesses. It is especially worth administering when the body’s protective functions are reduced.

Doctors use gamma globulin to treat patients varying degrees staphylococcus. It is also used for toxic digestive disorders, pneumonia, inflammation of the colon and small intestine. According to laboratory studies, the treatment method described in the article has positive impact on the development of the disease and contributes to the maximum effective recovery healthy microflora.

However, it is necessary to note that in some patients, when the desired clinical result is achieved and visible improvements occur, after using gammaglobulin (after 14-21 days), a relapse of the disease is observed, and often the disease is localized with new progress. This signals that the vaccine should be combined with drugs that increase the activity of the immune system.

Vaccination against staphylococcal infection

It is the most effective means against the disease in question. It contains active protein components that are extracted from human blood plasma. The fraction is pre-purified.

The main substance in the drug is staphylococcal immunoglobulin, which perfectly attacks a certain class of microorganisms. After administration of the active substance, its maximum concentration is reached within a day. If you pay attention to the withdrawal period active ingredients from the body, it is quite long and is approximately 4 – 5 weeks.

Vaccine administration regimen

For children preschool age, the dose of the drug should be 0.1 grams. If the body reacts positively to the introduction of active substances, the dosage is gradually doubled. If the baby was premature, vaccines are given only after he reaches the required age.

Note! The dose of the drug and the schedule of vaccine administration must be agreed with the attending physician.

Children, after reaching the age of seven, are vaccinated according to the following method: day one - the vaccine is administered in a dosage of 0.2 ml. After a few days, the dose is increased by 0.1 ml. As a result, one milliliter of the drug must be injected into the patient’s body.

If the human body reacts negatively to medicinal product, further administration is prohibited until the negative symptoms disappear. The course of administration continues with the same dosage at which vaccination was interrupted.

Negative reactions

  • At the injection site, the skin may become red due to active blood flow, and may also appear discomfort. IN in rare cases The temperature rises slightly and the injection site becomes inflamed.
  • The vaccine against the disease in question, when administered again, can cause pain in some infectious foci.
  • If other negative reactions occur, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination.

When is it prohibited to use the drug?

A vaccine against a harmful microorganism is prohibited:

  • with severe bone formation disorder of the second/third degree;
  • children under six months of age;
  • for eating and digestive disorders of the second/third degree;
  • for diseases of the endocrine system;
  • at the first allergic manifestations;
  • with attacks of suffocation of various origins;
  • with chronic pneumonia;
  • for diseases of the central nervous system;
  • for chronic illnesses;
  • for illnesses during exacerbation;
  • while expecting a baby or feeding him breast milk;
  • for liver and kidney diseases.

It is prohibited to administer the staphylococcus vaccine if the integrity of the container is damaged, if there is some sediment in the suspension or if the drug cannot be used due to the expiration date.

special instructions

Before starting treatment and administering the vaccine, it is imperative to consult with your doctor. This could be a pediatrician or therapist. If the disease occurs with relapse or active infectious spread on the skin, then it is rational to prescribe a second course of treatment, which may be identical to the previous one.