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How do the first periods appear? Hygiene products: gynecological tampons. Hygiene products: menstrual cup

How menstruation goes is a question that is important both for young girls whose cycle has not yet been established, and for women who have encountered any problems at work reproductive system.

Regularity and stability of the cycle indicate, first of all, normal functioning body and a woman’s ability to fertilize and give birth to a baby. However, due to a number of factors, a malfunction occurs in the body and menstruation does not go as it should.

Knowing how many days menstruation should last, and what volume, a woman is able to promptly understand the onset of a malfunction. The individuality of each organism should not be excluded, however, there are certain norms regarding the nature of menstruation.

The duration is believed to be between three and seven days. During this period, a general deterioration in health is considered natural, painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

If the discharge lasts less or more than the specified time, it makes sense to contact a gynecologist.

Long periods or, on the contrary, very short periods may indicate:

Calculation methods

The regularity of menstruation in women should be discussed by knowing the exact number of days in the cycle. You should understand what it is. Some people mistake it for the period between discharges. In reality, a cycle includes the total number of days from the first day of your period to the first day of your next period.

(Date of menstruation - date of previous menstruation) + additional one day = cycle duration

The norm is 28 days. However, a duration of 21 to 35 days is allowed; these are all normal options.

For duration female cycle capable of influencing:

  • fatigue and overwork;
  • stressful situations;
  • diets, weight loss or weight gain;
  • colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • moving to a different climate zone, etc.

To keep track of their own cycle, the doctor often recommends that girls keep a calendar and mark the dates of their periods in it. This method will allow you not only to monitor the condition of the body, but also to accurately indicate information to the gynecologist when visiting him.

How is your period normal?

How menstruation proceeds normally, how discharge should proceed correctly, every lady needs to know.

Doctors point to various options, which are not a deviation:

  1. First day heavy menstruation, are contained blood clots dark color. In subsequent days, the discharge becomes less abundant and disappears by days 5-7.
  2. The beginning of menstruation is dark spotting, which becomes more abundant by the 3rd day. Next intensity menstruation is coming on the decline
  3. Change in discharge throughout 5-7 days. The discharge may be scanty at first and then abundant, and vice versa.

You can rely on these options if you are concerned about how your periods are going normally. But another course of menstruation can be completely natural.

How much should there be?

Menstrual flow is distinguished by volume, it can be:

  • normal;

It’s normal if up to 6-7 pieces of hygiene products are used per day. A larger number of pads used indicates excessive discharge, a smaller number of pads is an indicator of scanty periods.

Reasons for deviations

If a woman realizes that there is something wrong with her cycle, and the discharge is far from normal, she should go to the doctor and get examined.

A large amount of discharge that lasts more than a week may be a symptom of problems such as:

  • problems with blood clotting;
  • hormonal imbalance in the body;
  • the presence of other inflammatory or infectious diseases.

Poor menstruation may indicate the following problems:

  • violation natural balance hormones in the body;
  • improper functioning of the ovaries;
  • etc.

What to do if a failure occurs?

If your periods take a long time, the reason is not always the presence of a disease. There are often situations when menstruation occurs, or does not occur at all, but there is also no pregnancy. The cause of all these conditions must be found by a doctor and prescribed appropriate treatment.

There are types that require medical intervention:

  • Algomenorrhea. Often occurs in young girls. The duration of the cycle and discharge are usually normal, but on the days of menstruation severe pain occurs, which can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting and other disorders in the body.
  • Amenorrhea. This complete absence menstruation. Is normal during pregnancy and after childbirth.
  • Metrorrhagia. Bloody issues, which appear in the middle of the cycle. The reason is often the presence of tumors in the uterus, such as fibroids. May appear after stress.
  • Dysmenorrhea. The onset of menstruation much earlier or too late. The reason is hormones or the influence of any external circumstances - stress, exams, flight.
  • Oligoamenorrhea. Rare and scanty menstruation which can subsequently cause infertility in a woman.

Video about the menstrual cycle

Every woman and girl should know how menstruation goes. This is especially true for teenagers who are just expecting their first menstruation. Any deviation is a reason to consult a doctor. Only attentive attitude towards your women's health will allow you to save excellent health and the opportunity to become a mother in the future.

Menarche, or girls' first period, is an indicator reproductive health and must go at the time prescribed by nature. Age norm Adolescence is considered the start of the first menstruation. The harbingers of menstruation are aching, nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, increased appetite, drowsiness, irritability.

A girl's first period

At what age do the first periods begin?

Menarche or first menstrual bleeding is a central event during puberty. This is a sign that a girl’s reproductive system is ready to reproduce.

The first menstruation is one of the key events for girls in adolescence

Normally, menarche begins between the ages of 12 and 14 years. The formation of the menstrual cycle is influenced by heredity, climatic factors, the girl’s weight, quality of nutrition, and the presence or absence of glandular diseases. internal secretion, other health problems.

IN in rare cases Menstruation begins at the age of 9 years. In this case, they talk about early puberty, but this is not a sign of pathology.

If menstruation is absent at the age of 15 years and older, then the girl is diagnosed with “primary amenorrhea.” In this case, the teenager needs to be thoroughly examined.

The first signs of menstruation in girls

You can assume that the first critical days will soon begin a year before menstrual bleeding.

What to pay attention to:

  1. The figure changes according to the female type. A mother has to buy her child's first bra.
  2. Are increasing reproductive organs, pubic hair appears, in armpits.
  3. The sebaceous glands begin to work actively. Acne appears on the face and body and becomes oily hair, seborrhea may develop.
  4. Beli – vaginal discharge white that do not cause discomfort. As they mature, they become more viscous and abundant.
  5. Pain aching character no signs inflammatory processes in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be observed several months before menarche, or just before the first menstruation.
  6. Changes in behavior in adolescents, tearfulness, frequent change mood, aggression. It's the same PMS as adult woman.

What are girls' first periods like?

Any strict criteria for color, consistency, appearance first menstrual flow does not exist. Everything is individual and depends on heredity, condition hormonal levels and even from the girl’s awareness of this event in her life.

How many days are there?

The normal duration of menstruation is from 3 to 7 days. And menarche is no exception. If your period lasts more than 10 days, then you need a girl.

During the first year, the girl must determine the phases of her menstrual cycle.

Duration menstrual cycle Normally it is 21–35 days. In 30% of cases, girls will have their second period within the time frame established by nature. For the rest, the cycle should form within a year.

What does your first period look like?

This may be thick brown discharge, scanty spotting, full bleeding similar to adult women - you can see in the photo.

First menstrual flow

The standard situation in adolescence - menarche - begins with minor brown discharge. Bleeding occurs on days 2–3, then the amount of blood decreases. On days 5–6, spotting or clear bloody discharge may be present.

What to do when your period starts?

The mother should prepare the girl for this event several months, and ideally several years before the onset of menarche. But even a theoretically prepared child, seeing blood-stained underwear, can be scared.

What should all family members do:

  1. To mom. I must calm the girl down, congratulate her, and give her hygiene products. Remind your daughter to change the pad after 3-4 hours, regardless of how full it is.
  2. To a girl. It is necessary to inform the mother about the upcoming event. Observe hygienic requirements and not perform labor or sports feats.
  3. To dad, other family members. Congratulate the child, buy a cake. Do not give lectures about the need to be modest and not communicate with boys, do not scare them with a possible pregnancy.

Hygiene products

The mother of a teenage girl should prepare the first hygiene products at the first signs of the end of puberty. That is, if the daughter is 11–12 years old, then a package of pads should be in the teenager’s closet.

Gaskets - optimal choice first menstrual hygiene product

Tampons should not be used at this age. The girl has no experience of behavior during menstruation or the skills of inserting a tampon. Due to inexperience, she may forget about this hygiene product in the vagina, which is fraught with the development of an inflammatory process.

When choosing gaskets, consider:

  1. Age. You should not buy hygiene products designed for copious discharge. For the first cycle, pads marked “Normal” or 2 drops are enough. Additionally, purchase a kit for use at night. These pads are longer than regular ones and risk getting dirty. bed sheets minimal.
  2. Quality. The girl should be comfortable. This must be a manufacturer tested by my mother. It is best to use ultra-fine products. They do not restrict movement and are invisible under clothing.

Before menstruation, the mother should check with her daughter about the availability of hygiene products. Despite the outward appearance of maturity or swagger, the teenager will be embarrassed to purchase pads for a long time.

Hygiene rules

There are no specialized recommendations for self-care during this period. The girl should already be able to wash herself and do it 2 times a day - morning and evening. You should not use antibacterial soap or gel unless absolutely necessary. Clean running water is sufficient.

Changing pads on time is a prerequisite for maintaining hygiene during menstruation.

If your daughter is uncomfortable, then water procedures During menstruation, she can spend it at a time convenient for her. Mom should remind her to wash her hands before and after changing the pad. Hygiene products should be changed every 3-4 hours, regardless of how full they are.

Entering adulthood is a joyful and anxious moment for any girl. Late or early menarche is a reason to consult a doctor. It is important that everything corresponds to physiological standards.

Menstruation comes sooner or later in the life of every girl. Menarche, as the first menstruation is called in medical language, plays a big role in the development of a teenager. A girl should be prepared for the onset of menstruation. If previously girls learned about menstruation from friends or older sisters, today there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet. It is not surprising that even before menarche, girls know almost everything about menstruation: how long the first menstruation lasts, and at what age girls begin menstruation. However, even the most advanced sources of information do not provide answers to all questions. Therefore, menstruation is an excellent reason to talk with your mother not only about the physiological process, but also about what a woman should be and what role menstruation plays in her life.

When do they start

Most often, the first menstruation occurs at the age of 13, but this is a relative concept. For many girls, they begin at age 10 or 15, and sometimes later. This depends on many factors, including:

  • heredity;
  • living and food conditions;
  • diseases;
  • developmental features.

Typically, southern peoples, gypsies and many others begin their periods for the first time at age 11 or even earlier. Most often, such girls even look more mature than their peers, and by the age of 15–16 they even look like mature women. This is connected not only with a subconscious psychological attitude, when in gypsy families the beginning of menstruation is considered the beginning adult life and soon after her daughter is married off, but also with developmental disabilities. Therefore, for those who have people of southern blood among their relatives, menstruation may come for the first time at the age of 12 or earlier.

For every girl, the day the first period begins in her life will be important and exciting. The girl must be mentally prepared for this day. Modern teenagers who have access to the Internet can find a lot of information on this topic. However, the mother should definitely prepare the girl for this stage by telling her how to behave during the onset of her first menstruation.

Even with our grandmothers or even mothers puberty was around the age of 18. Now everything has changed. And already between the ages of 11 and 16, girls may experience changes in their body and mind. For some, the first menstruation begins earlier, for others later. Factors that may influence this:

  1. If the mother's first menstruation, in due time, began early age, then it is obvious that the same fate awaits my daughter.
  2. Also, if a girl has very active physical development, her period will come earlier.
  3. If the child is noticeably weaker hormonally and physically, then menstruation will come later.
  4. In the absence of the correct good nutrition and vitamins for a growing organism, puberty will occur a little later.

Medicine knows cases of the onset of the first menstruation in girls between the ages of 8-9 and even by the age of 6. Such earlier puberty could be due to hormonal imbalance or unsized loads.

On the other hand, if menstruation does not begin by the age of 17-18 years, then there is a need to consult a gynecologist. Reasons, can serve as:

  • abnormalities in the functioning of the ovaries
  • frequent stress
  • nervous tension
  • hormonal disbalance
  • undimensional physical exercise
  • bad ecology
  • eating disorder

Signs preceding the first menstruation

Every mother who cares for her daughter will easily notice changes in her body and system, which indicate the approach of her first period. This serves as the first bell, after which it is time to start preparing the child for the upcoming stage of her life.

In a few years Before the start of your first period, your breasts begin to grow and your hips widen slightly. Hair appears in the armpits and pubic area. Also, the onset of menstruation is characterized by acne.

Already in a couple of months before the onset of the first menstruation, white discharge may be observed remaining on the underwear, which was not previously observed. Discharge of this nature has no odor and is white, yellowish or transparent.

This phenomenon is considered absolutely natural and does not indicate any unpleasant ailments. Only if you experience itching or an unpleasant smell of discharge, you should consult a gynecologist.

And just before the start of the first menstruation, in a couple of days, the child may experience premenstrual syndrome characteristic of adult women:

  • changeable mood
  • bouts of apathy or aggression
  • headaches
  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen

Preparing for your first menstruation

The main sign of the onset of the first menstruation is bleeding. Their number depends on individual characteristics child, on average about 60-170 ml of blood fluid. On the first day, a small amount of blood is released, then it becomes a little more abundant and gradually stops.

On average, menstruation can last from three days to a week (3-7 days).

During the first menstruation, the child feels weakness, discomfort in the lower abdomen. The same symptoms may be present during subsequent periods. Many adult women experience these symptoms all the time during their periods, so there is no cause for concern.

Menstruation has a certain smell. This is a completely normal moment. It is the result of the work of the glands of the vulva, which produces secretions.

Although menstruation is natural process, both a maturing organism and an adult woman in the future. But in an inexperienced teenager, the appearance bleeding And nagging pain lower abdomen, may cause fear.

That's why The main task for every mother is to talk with her child. It is important, in a friendly manner, to tell and explain that with age in female body changes are happening. This happens to every girl. And there is no need to be afraid or worry.

Basic moments things to consider when talking between mother and daughter:

  • It is important to describe menstrual cycle . Tell us about its duration. Please note that such days will now come every month. Average duration The menstrual cycle is considered to be a period of 28 days, but in the first few years in girls this period may vary
  • Please note Special attention on compliance with the rules intimate hygiene . It should be explained that microorganisms can multiply in menstrual discharge, which can lead to inflammatory diseases

  • During the appearance of the first menstruation The girl needs to be familiarized with aspects of sex education. After all, during the period of maturation, childbearing age begins. It is necessary to tell that from unprotected sex the girl can get pregnant. And pregnancy and childbirth can adversely affect the health of both mother and child.

Features of the menstrual cycle

In a growing teenager, the duration of the menstrual cycle can fluctuate greatly. That is, counting from the first day of one menstruation, about 21 to 35 days pass before the next one begins. Over the course of several years, the menstrual cycle may regulate and become more constant. However, for some women it fluctuates all the time.

For example, one cycle lasts 24 days, and the other is already 31 days. Such a difference in timing is not considered a deviation and does not at all indicate any pathologies or illnesses. If any warnings appear, you should see a gynecologist.

You also need to take into account that the intervals between menstruation can greatly increase. Sometimes this period can last for a month or even six months. Therefore, if a young girl has a short break or delay, then there is no reason to panic. A young body is forming and growing. But when there is a long pause after the first menstruation, you need to consult a doctor to rule out serious disruptions in the body.

As soon as the girl started having her first critical days, mom should show and explain how to mark them on the calendar.

This very convenient and necessary habit will help you notice exactly how your cycle has changed throughout the year, because in the first years the menstrual cycle in teenagers is quite irregular. This device will also come in handy when visiting a gynecologist. In case of any violations, it will be possible to easily explain to a specialist how the cycle has fluctuated recently.

Hygiene and diet during menstruation

It is very important to adhere to the rules of hygiene during menstruation. Mothers should definitely familiarize their daughters with this issue. When menstruation occurs, all representatives of the fair sex use pads and tampons.

Girls should use pads, they are considered more convenient. It is preferable to choose products that have a cotton coating. Such pads are less allergenic and will not irritate delicate skin.

It is important to note that gaskets should be replaced regularly, no more than 3 hours. If you wear one pad for a longer period of time, bacteria multiply rapidly and can harm the body and also cause serious illnesses.

Important points Things to consider during menstruation:

  • Before replacing the gasket you should wash your hands well so that bacteria and germs cannot enter the clean gasket.
  • Do not use gaskets that have The expiration date has already expired.
  • Better do not use scented pads, they are saturated chemical components, which in turn can cause allergies and irritation.

  • Do not use questionable or too cheap hygiene products, such pads can be made of poor quality material and harm the child’s health.
  • It is better not to store gaskets in rooms where the air is very humid. Excessive air humidity serves as an ideal environment for the development of bacteria.
  • Particular attention should be paid to underwear. Best fit natural fabric panties. It is worth mentioning that now it is very fashionable and beautiful to wear thongs, all girls want to wear such panties. However, this type of linen is unhygienic. The narrow back of the panties allows microorganisms to escape anus get into the vagina, which can subsequently lead to inflammatory diseases.
  • When girls get their period It is not advisable to bathe in the bathtub. It is best to use a daily shower. Washing should be done several times a day.
  • Recommended replacement regular soap on special gels for intimate hygiene, they contain lactic acid, which supports normal environment in microflora.
  • You should try not to overload the child during menstruation, reduce physical activity. It is advisable to skip physical education lessons. It is also necessary to ensure psychological peace.
  • There are also recommendations regarding nutrition, one of them is following a diet. But we're talking about not about losing weight, but about proper diet, excluding spicy dishes. Eating such foods may increase uterine bleeding. You should also not drink alcohol.

The need to visit a gynecologist

When a girl has her first menstruation, you should not immediately run to the doctor, unnecessarily. If there are no signs such as: discharge with unpleasant smell, itching and menstrual irregularities. Girls undergo their first examination by a gynecologist at the age of 15. Such an appointment is considered planned to ensure proper development child and the absence of any illnesses.

Video: What does a girl’s first menstruation mean?

The first menstruation is always very exciting and even scary! The first menstruation indicates that you are growing up and becoming a woman. And this happens to every girl different time. There's no way to know exactly when you'll get your first period, but there are a few signs you can use to predict when your period is coming.


Part 1

Watch for signs of maturation

    Pay attention to breast development. Breasts will continue to grow for several years before they reach their final size, but when you first notice your breasts beginning to enlarge, you can conclude that puberty is beginning. Most girls get their first period about two to two and a half years after their breasts first begin to enlarge.

    Pay attention to the presence of pubic hair. Most girls begin to grow pubic hair (between their legs) shortly after their breasts begin to grow. This is another sign that you should expect your first menstruation within the next couple of years.

    • You may notice that hair in your armpit area begins to grow around this time.
  1. Pay attention to vaginal discharge. Many girls during puberty notice whitish or transparent discharge in small quantities. This is usually a sign that your period will begin within the next few months.

    Notice the growth spurts. Your first period usually begins shortly after your first growth spurts begin (during puberty), when you suddenly begin to grow faster. So if you've recently discovered that you've grown a few centimeters, your first period is just around the corner. Your hips will become a little wider, but don't worry about it. This period is a little uncomfortable.

    Notice the heaviness in your chest. Many girls feel heaviness and slight swelling of the breasts (sometimes even pain) right before menstruation. If you notice this symptom, expect your period to start soon.

    pay attention to sudden changes moods. Many girls experience emotional swings for several days before the onset of menstruation. These changes may be different for everyone, but in general you may feel unusually sad, angry, or irritable. Usually these feelings go away after a few days.

    Pay attention to the appearance of pimples and acne. Acne can appear at any time, so acne and pimples should not be considered obligatory symptom menses. However, if you notice a sudden increase in the number of pimples in just a few days, it may be a sign that within a few next days your period will begin.

  2. Pay attention to cramps. Right before your period starts (as well as right during your period), you may experience cramps and cramps in your abdomen and lower back. These cramps can be mild or severe and may vary in intensity from month to month.

    • If you experience severe cramping and pain that prevents you from exercising business as usual You will likely need to take over-the-counter pain relievers. Exercise and a heating pad can also help reduce discomfort from cramps.
    • Contact your doctor if your cramps become increasingly severe and you are unable to control the pain with over-the-counter pain relievers.