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What anti-inflammatory ointments and gels to buy - how to apply. Eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids: reviews from doctors

Approximately 10% of all eye diseases occur on the eyelids. They protect eyeball, therefore they are the first to be exposed to various influences. One of the most effective medicines in this case, it is considered an eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids. There are many various types such drugs, they have different composition and features of the action. For treatment to be effective, it is necessary to know what caused the inflammation. Therefore, the drug must be prescribed by a doctor, since the wrong choice of ointment can lead to complications and loss of vision.

What are the types of inflammatory diseases of the eyelids?

There are many inflammatory diseases of the eyelids. The most common of them are:

What are the types of eye ointments?

Inflammation of the eyelids is quite difficult to treat. It is important to follow the rules of hygiene and use only those medications prescribed by your doctor. Most often, some kind of eye ointment is used for inflammation of the eyelids. Unlike drops, it is not washed away by tears and long time is located on the affected area, providing its therapeutic effect. There are a lot of eye ointments, but you need to choose one so that it affects the cause of the disease. If you relieve only the symptoms without eliminating the factors that caused the inflammation, it will develop, leading to complications.

If a person needs an eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids, only a doctor can advise which one is best. After all, each drug has its own characteristics of action. There are several groups of ointments depending on the cause of inflammation:

Features of the use of these drugs

Any eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids contains substances that relieve redness, swelling and itching. But the main rule that must be followed during treatment is to use such drugs only as prescribed by a doctor after examination. In addition, the use of eye ointments has several other features:

  • all manipulations must be performed in compliance with sterility requirements;
  • Such drugs should be stored in the refrigerator and should not be used after the expiration date;
  • if the doctor has prescribed several drugs, you cannot use them at the same time, first use drops, and after 5-10 minutes - ointment;
  • You cannot apply the ointment with your hands; there are special glass rods;
  • such drugs are used 2-3 times a day, and the duration of treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the type of drug and the severity of the disease;
  • if the patient wears contact lenses, you must remove them before applying the ointment, and you can only insert them no earlier than after 15 minutes.

For treatment to be effective, you need to know how to properly apply eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids. It is best to use help for this, since during the manipulation you need to pull the lower eyelid down and look up. Then the required amount of ointment is placed under the lower eyelid. It is best to do this using a special glass rod. If the ointment is squeezed directly from the tube, it is very important not to touch the edge of the eyelids, eyelashes or cornea. After distributing the ointment, you need to close your eye, blot the excess drug with a cotton pad and sit with eyes closed 5 minutes.

Eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids due to allergies

Most often, the inflammatory process develops due to exposure to various allergens. Moreover, only the eyes may be affected, or the pathology may be accompanied by a runny nose, sneezing, Quincke's edema, and urticaria. An allergic reaction mainly occurs to plant pollen, animal hair and household dust. But it can happen after eating food, medicines, using cosmetics or household chemicals. Getting toxins and toxic fumes into the eyes can also cause inflammation, swelling and itching.

Hormonal and non-hormonal ointments are used to treat allergic inflammatory eye diseases. Preparations containing corticosteroids are more effective and relieve itching and swelling almost immediately. But they have many contraindications and can cause side effects. Therefore, they can be used only as prescribed by a doctor and for no more than 10 days. A very common eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids is “Hydrocortisone”. The peculiarity of this drug is that it quickly relieves the symptoms of inflammation caused by an allergic reaction. The hormonal substance hydrocortisone stimulates the synthesis of antihistamines and promotes the outflow of fluid from tissues.

From non-hormonal ointments Actovegin is considered the most effective. It eliminates itching, relieves swelling and inflammation, although not quickly, but reliably.

Antibacterial ointments

Bacterial inflammation is in second place among eyelid diseases. Failure to comply with hygiene rules, using dirty water for washing, dirty towels, or touching your eyes with your hands can cause an infection. In this case, inflammation usually develops in one eye, but can affect both eyes, as well as the nasal mucosa. Under the influence of bacterial infection, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, stye or abscess develops. To treat such diseases, you need to use antibacterial ointments.

Antiviral ointments

At different viral diseases the eyes are often affected. This happens when immunity is reduced or personal hygiene is not observed, for example, if you wipe your eyes with the same handkerchief that you used for your nose. At the same time, it is observed severe swelling, lacrimation, itching, sometimes bubbles may appear on the edges of the eyelids. There are several various ointments with antiviral properties. But they should be used only when it is known for sure that the inflammation is of a viral nature.

Anti-inflammatory ointments

Sometimes inflammation of the eyelids is not associated with an allergic reaction or exposure to microorganisms. In this case, it is better to use drugs that do not contain strong antibacterial, antiviral components and hormones.

  • "Kornegel" is complex drug based on panthenol. It relieves inflammation, heals, and moisturizes the mucous membrane. It can be used for fatigue and redness of the eyes, after minor injuries, while getting used to contact lenses.
  • "Blefarogel" - contains natural substances, for example, aloe juice and hyaluronic acid. The drug relieves swelling, irritation and redness, helps with eye fatigue or when wearing contact lenses.
  • "Solcoseryl" is eye gel, helping to relieve irritation and swelling for any reason. It accelerates cell regeneration and improves local immunity.

Eye ointment for inflammation of the eyelids for children

The child is especially susceptible to various inflammatory diseases. Because of low immunity, as well as non-compliance with hygiene rules, children suffer from conjunctivitis, barley and blepharitis quite often. But many drugs are prohibited for use at this age. It is especially important for parents to know what not to use hormonal agents. For example, the eye ointment for eyelid inflammation “Hydrocortisone” can only be used after 18 years of age. In addition, preparations for children should not contain strong antibacterial components. Therefore, you should only use medications prescribed by your doctor. Typically, Acyclovir or Oxolin is used for viral infections; bacterial inflammation- “Erythromycin” or “Tobrex”.

How to choose the right ointment

The mucous membrane of the eye is very sensitive, so it is not recommended to use any medications without a doctor’s prescription. Only after examination and finding out the cause of the disease can you determine which eye ointment will be more effective for inflammation of the eyelids. Reviews from doctors note that the most serious illnesses eyes occur when the patient was self-medicating. For example, I used antibacterial ointment in the case where the inflammation is caused by a virus. The only case in which you can buy an ointment that is not the one prescribed by the doctor is when using synonymous drugs that have the same composition. For example, instead of Acyclovir - Virolex or Zovirax.

To eliminate inflammatory processes in joints, muscles, bone tissue non-steroidal medications are used more often than others. As a rule, these drugs are combined and also have antipyretic and analgesic effects. Great importance This group of drugs includes anti-inflammatory ointments. The mechanism of action of these drugs is based on the ability to inhibit cyclooxygenase. This is the main enzyme involved in the conversion of arachidonic acid into endoperoxides, from which, in turn, other compounds are synthesized. In inflammatory foci, under the influence of various provoking factors, phospholipase begins to be activated. It promotes the release of arachidonic acid.

Popular anti-inflammatory ointments

As active ingredients in preparations for local application substances such as nimesulide, ketoprofen, ibuprofen, diclofenac are used. Among all medications, Fastum-gel is considered the most popular. The active ingredient is ketoprofen. This anti-inflammatory gel also contains components that enhance the effect of the medicine. Also popular are drugs such as Finalgel, Voltaren, Nurofen and others. Among homeopathic and massage remedies, several drugs should be highlighted. For example, the anti-inflammatory cream Traumeel is quite popular. This and other similar medicines contain homeopathic components as active substances. Massage anti-inflammatory ointments and balms have a complex effect. These medications have analgesic and regenerating properties. In addition, these balms improve the effect of massage and other procedures. The most common drugs in this group include such drugs as “Dikul Balm”, anti-inflammatory cream “Sofya” (with bee venom), "Shungite" and others.

Folk recipes

You can prepare anti-inflammatory ointments yourself. So, for example, it is recommended to take St. John's wort (flowers), mint (leaves) a tablespoon each and pour boiling water over it. Leave for about ten minutes, strain. Melt 2 tbsp in a water bath. Vaseline, mix with infusion. Add 1 teaspoon of hellebore tincture to the mixture. Use the resulting solution to rub. It is recommended to carry out procedures at night.

Side effects

Undoubtedly, when using any drug, unwanted reactions may occur. Most often, side effects are expressed in the form of allergic skin reactions. In some cases, dyspepsia may occur: nausea, stomach pain. Some patients may experience dizziness, headaches, and visual disturbances during therapy. However, as practice shows, side effects quite rare, especially for funds latest generation. Despite the relatively good tolerance of certain medications, you should visit a doctor before using them.

Antibiotics- these are potent medical supplies, the action of which is aimed at destroying bacteria, reducing their growth and rate of spread throughout the body, also during inflammatory processes that can occur in the body.

Moreover, antibiotics are prescribed by the attending physician in individually depending on each specific situation, because they have contraindications and can cause side effects.

However, a safer and win-win option for taking antibiotics is to use other products that contain an antibiotic. So the antibiotic also helps to get rid of skin diseases, which, unfortunately, are quite common among people of completely different age categories.

So, there are special ointments that contain antibiotics, and they are adapted to cope with infections and other skin lesions. It is also important to note that Almost any skin ointment is suitable for both children and adults, Moreover, the price of any ointment is very affordable and this does not in any way reflect its reality effective action.

In another article we covered the issue.

Anti-inflammatory ointments with antibiotics for skin

One of the common problems that arise on the skin is inflammatory processes, which, as a rule, appear due to the influence of infectious agents on the skin. The ointment will help reduce the area of ​​inflammation and eliminate it. Thus, anti-inflammatory drugs heal wounds, eliminate inflammation and relieve pain.

Antibiotic ointments for wounds

Helps get rid of wounds and prevent the appearance of scars on the skin at the site of wounds. aids– special ointments with antibiotics. They promote rapid healing of wounds and prevent suppuration. However, in the case when pus does accumulate in the wound, it is necessary to act so that this does not lead to even more disastrous consequences.

However, not every ointment can help with your problem, so it is best to contact a specialist who, after conducting a preliminary examination of the lesion, will tell you exactly what to do in such a situation.

Antibiotic ointments for healing

The main purpose of this type of ointment is to accelerate the regeneration of tissues where the skin is damaged and to cover the wound surface with a crust so that no infection gets into the wound, which can lead to a worsening of the situation, contamination of the wound and its suppuration, which is also not the most pleasant process, from which then it is very difficult to get rid of.

Antibiotic ointments for acne

Special antibiotic ointments that help eliminate pimples, blackheads and other rashes. However, the composition of such ointments includes a large number of drugs to which everyone may have a unique reaction, so such ointments should be prescribed by a doctor in specific situations in order to avoid side effects.

After all, no one wants to get rid of acne, develop inflammation or other skin problems. Therefore, in such situations it is better do not self-medicate.

Antibiotic ointments for boils

Boils, as a rule, are formed where there is hair growth: legs, arms, back of the head, neck, groin area. It appears due to bacteria/infection entering the wound due to skin trauma. They appear especially often in those whose the immune system poorly developed, and who are prone to frequent infectious diseases.

Moreover, to get rid of boils there will be It is enough to use just one ointment. The selection of ointment depends on the location of the skin lesion, as well as on the stage of development of the boil. The use of antibiotic ointment is most optimal when the abscess has already been opened to prevent a new infection from entering.

Dermatitis is a rash in the form of blisters, peeling, discomfort, itching, burning, etc. The reasons may be different, depending on which there are several types of dermatitis, for example, infectious, allergic, atopic, food, etc.

The cream contains exclusively natural ingredients, including bee products and plant extracts. High efficiency, virtually no contraindications and minimal risks side effects. Amazing results of treatment with this drug are evident in the first weeks of use. I recommend.

List of antibiotic ointments for skin

The following ointments have a good effect on the skin:

  1. Tetracycline ointment It can be both ophthalmic and external and helps destroy pustules. It is used to apply to the skin after the blisters have burst. Tetracycline ointment is harmless and helps fight barley. Eye ointment must be applied to the lower eyelid, external ointment should be applied in a thin layer to the site of injury. Moreover, the ointment has incredibly fast healing properties.
  2. Levomekol very famous and effective ointment, which helps to destroy any inflammatory processes in the skin, also helps with second and third degree burns, preventing the appearance of scars on the affected areas of the skin. Due to the nature of the ointment, it must be applied to gauze, which is applied to the wound. This procedure is done at night, once a day. There is no need to overuse the ointment and use it for a very long time to avoid the development of side effects. The ointment effectively promotes ripening and relieves inflammation.

  3. The ointment contains several antibiotics, which create an enhanced effect in the fight against boils and ulcers that have formed on the skin. Doctors also allow the use of ointment for children, for example, in the treatment of navel lesions that appeared as a result of non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The main thing before starting use is to check your sensitivity to the ointment and its effect. When using the ointment, it is important to follow all the tips indicated in the instructions for its use. And baneocin is also best applied at night.
  4. Gentamicin ointment has a wound-healing effect immediately after the ointment is applied to the corresponding affected areas of the skin. If you are prone to allergies and you are allergic to one of the components of the ointment, then it is better not to use such an ointment, but to choose one that does not contain substances to which you are allergic. Gentamicin will also help cope with boils. The main thing is to remember that the effect will not appear after a single use of the ointment, so patience is required to see the desired result.
  5. Lincomycin ointment used to eliminate pustular wounds on the skin. However, before applying the ointment, you must first thoroughly clean the wound of pus and then apply a thin layer to the damaged area. For more effective action, the ointment must be applied several times a day.
  6. Erythromycin ointment. After using erythromycin ointment, there are practically no side effects. It also helps with damage to the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Depending on which area of ​​the skin is affected and how, the duration of treatment and the method of its application will depend. So, if these are burns, then the ointment is applied only a few times a week.
  7. Bactroban. The ointment is intended to eliminate wounds in the nasal cavity and eliminate infections. It does not pose any particular harm or side effects, so you can safely apply it directly to nasal cavity several times a day. The result will be noticeable quite quickly. Also, the ointment is not recommended for use on children under two years of age. In addition, the ointment can be used to eliminate damage caused by receiving various injuries, abrasions. But it cannot be used when eye infections and apply to the eyelids.
  8. Furiderm. The ointment has an anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effect. The texture of the ointment allows it to quickly absorb into the skin and resolve inflammatory processes. The ointment is applied under a special bandage. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor, however, it cannot exceed two weeks.

How to use antibiotic ointment

Features of the use of ointments with antibiotics:

  • As a rule, the ointment is applied to the site of injury(wounds, inflammations) with a thin layer, well lubricating the damaged area. However, there are ointments that, on the contrary, are applied in a thick layer and must be absorbed into the skin on their own. However, a more detailed method of using the ointment can be prescribed by your doctor, as well as the frequency of its use, but it is recommended to apply the ointment at night.
  • Duration of ointment use also determined by the doctor or depending on the speed of healing of the injury (wound).

It is important to note that in order to avoid the occurrence of different acne, boils, acne, you need to adjust your diet, getting rid of fatty, fried, salty foods, sweets, and also get rid of alcohol abuse and smoking.


It is not recommended to use this kind of ointment only when a person has hypersensitivity to antibiotics and even intolerance to them, which can lead to various side effects.

Therefore, it is important to act as prescribed by your doctor. Although to date no negative consequences using ointments with antibiotics for pregnant women, but it is still better for them to refrain from doing so in order to avoid negative consequences.

Moreover, if immediately after using the ointment there are obvious signs If allergic reactions occur, you should immediately stop using it.

Tired of fighting dermatitis?

Peeling of the skin, discomfort and itching, redness, rashes in the form of blisters, cracks, weeping wounds, hyperemia, burning are signs of dermatitis.

Treatment requires integrated approach And a good helper There will be this cream, which has a 100% natural composition.

It has the following properties:

  • Relieves itching after the first use
  • Eliminates rashes and peeling skin in 3-5 days
  • Reduces excessive skin cell activity
  • After 19-21 days, completely eliminates plaques and traces of them
  • Prevents the appearance of new plaques and an increase in their area

Side effects

Of course, ointments have minimal negative influence in humans, however, it is quite possible for allergic reactions to develop if a person is allergic to any component of the ointment, in particular to an antibiotic.

This can lead to inflammation, redness, rashes, fever and other signs of allergies. therefore, in order to avoid this, it is better to consult a doctor who, after analyzing the characteristics of your body, will prescribe the right ointment, which will not lead to trouble.

Exceptional side effects are:

  • Dry skin;
  • Vomit;
  • Nausea;
  • Kidney failure;
  • Hearing impairment;
  • Violation of the vestibular apparatus.

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"For a long time I experienced discomfort from dandruff and hair loss. Standard shampoos helped, but the effect was short-term. But this complex was recommended by a friend who used it herself. An excellent product!

The skin stopped itching, the hair combed well and was not so greasy. The loss stopped fairly quickly. I couldn’t even dream of such an effect! I recommend."


Thus, ointments with antibiotics definitely help treat the skin, get rid of pimples, acne, heal wounds and other damage, and inflammation. After all, ointments provide not only fast healing damage, wounds, but also eliminate various complications and side effects.

Ointment for inflammation and redness of the eyes sometimes becomes a real savior, but before you start treatment, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of drugs for different sources inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the eyes not only complicates daily life due to constant itching or pain, but also spoils appearance, because the “mirrors of the soul” become red, swollen and constantly watery, so treatment must be immediate. For this they use various drops, sprays, but one of the most effective medications is ointment. It contains high concentration active substances that, due to the structure of the drug, penetrate deep into the tissues. But the inflammatory process has different reasons, so it is important to be able to choose the right eye ointment for redness and inflammation.

It was already said above that depending on the cause of redness and inflammation, the choice of ointment should be different, because all active components eliminate different problems. The inflammatory process is caused by:

If the eye becomes inflamed, it is better to immediately consult an ophthalmologist, because the infection, allergic reaction or disease can worsen, and besides, it is quite difficult to determine the causative agent of the infection or find the allergen on your own.

Ointments for allergies

Ointments for eye inflammation on the background allergic reaction There are two types: hormonal and non-hormonal. The first ones are more effective and act faster, but not everyone can use them, especially for children. Non-hormonal ointment is suitable for people of any age, if there are no contraindications, it is safer for health, but acts more slowly.


Hydrocortisone ointment - hormonal drug, relieving inflammation, itching and swelling caused by allergies. The main active ingredient is the hormone hydrocortisone, which ensures rapid drainage of stagnant fluid from the eyelid, and also locally inhibits the synthesis of histamine, a substance in an allergic reaction that causes redness. Also used for eye inflammation due to angioedema or rhinitis, as well as some other diseases.

Using hydrocortisone ointment is simple - apply a small amount of the drug twice a day to inner side lower eyelid. Treatment can last up to 10 days, but no longer, otherwise there is a risk of violations hormonal levels becomes too high in the body. Since this remedy is hormonal in nature, its use is prohibited for children, pregnant or lactating women, and people with kidney and heart diseases.

Actovegin ointment is a representative of the class of non-hormonal ointments for inflammation and redness of the eyes due to an allergic reaction. This drug does not so quickly, but reliably eliminates itching, severe swelling, and inflammation. Used for seasonal allergies or exacerbation of its chronic form.

Actovigen is also applied in small quantities to the inside of the lower eyelid, but 3-4 times a day, depending on the body’s sensitivity to the action of the drug. This ointment can be used by children from 3 years of age; there are not as many contraindications for it as for the first remedy.

Viral infections

With a viral infection, redness and pain appear, the size of the eyelid increases due to local swelling, and the temperature may rise. An ointment that can relieve inflammation of this kind must contain antiviral active substances (not to be confused with antibiotics).


Oxolinic ointment is one of the universal drugs, because it fights wide range viral agents:

  • adenoviruses;
  • retroviruses;
  • influenza viruses;
  • cold viruses;
  • herpes viruses and many others.

This remedy is also often used for infections of other parts of the body, so it is available in different concentrations, some of which cannot be used for the eyes, so consult correct dosage ophthalmologist.

Oksolin is suitable for both children and adults; there are practically no contraindications to its use. Place a small amount of ointment on the inside of the upper and lower eyelids 4-5 times a day. After the first use, eye inflammation noticeably decreases, redness and swelling disappear. Treatment with this drug should not last longer than a week.

Bacterial infections

Perhaps it is bacteria that become frequent uninvited guests, because they are on every surface and in the air, it is easy for them to penetrate the body, they multiply quickly, and treatment causes a lot of trouble for a person. The slightest lack of personal hygiene, rubbing the eyes with dirty hands, dirty water can lead to bacterial eye infections.

Tetracycline ointment

Tetracycline is one of the oldest antibiotics, which is still used today, because it has a very wide spectrum of action, copes with most bacteria, from staphylococci and streptococci to salmonella. Based on this active substance there is different drugs, one of which is tetracycline ointment.

Since this ointment contains an antibiotic, children can only use it from the age of 12, and it is better for pregnant women to abstain from it altogether. Every day you need to apply a little product inside the eyelid 3 times. Treatment can be complex; for this, use tetracycline ointment in combination with antibacterial drops, but eye drops can only be applied an hour after applying the drug.



When a bacterial eye infection occurs with clear and severe symptoms, a person’s temperature rises, there is severe swelling and redness, the eyes become watery, and purulent discharge, then use this strong drug, like Eubetal. His high efficiency is provided with a “killer” composition, which includes: antibiotics
(Tetracycline, Colistin and Chloramphenicol) in combination with a steroidal active substance - the hormone betamethasone.

Eubetal is heavy artillery, which can only be used after a doctor’s prescription, because such a highly active composition can, if the dosage and method of application is incorrect, cause considerable harm not only to the eye, but also to the entire body. Treatment with these drugs is carried out only in adults; it is prohibited to use it by pregnant or nursing mothers, with liver and kidney diseases.

Diseases of the membranes of the eye

With keratitis, blepharitis, corneal erosion, chemical or physical injuries to the eye, it is often necessary to relieve redness and inflammation, but ointments in this case should not contain hormones, antibiotics or antiviral components, because there is no infection or allergic process.

After exposure external stimuli adequate defensive reaction the body becomes inflamed. This is how nature protects us from harmful influence harmful bacteria. A similar process can appear on any part of the body.

Most often, to treat such problems, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory ointments for the skin. Such drugs are used as an addition to the main therapy. It is important to understand that such ointments and creams have a number of contraindications, so it is better to start therapy only after visiting a doctor who will select the appropriate composition based on the individual characteristics and portability of components.

Cream or ointment for skin inflammation: list

Today, the pharmacy offers a large number of pharmacological drugs.

Let's take a closer look at some of the popular ointments and creams that are used against inflammation:

  • Indomethacin. The cream has a good result, relieves inflammation, lowers fever and even provides slight pain relief. The composition contains indomethacin as an active ingredient. Auxiliary components are: dimexide, trolamine, polyethylene oxide and purified water. When used externally, pain in damaged areas is relieved, and the manifestations of swelling and erythema are reduced. The instructions for use indicate the correct dose and method of use of the drug. Contraindications: increased
    susceptibility, disruption of the functioning of certain organs, pregnancy and lactation, age up to 6 years;
  • Syntomycin ointment. Quite popular antibacterial agent. It belongs to the category of budget drugs, however, with high effectiveness. It is used in the treatment of many skin diseases and more. The main active ingredient is chloramphenicol, an antibiotic that makes this remedy so miraculous. The effect is ensured due to the fact that the drug prevents the proliferation of microorganisms in the affected area. The second important component is Castor oil. Thanks to its properties, redness and inflammation go away, and also has an antibacterial effect. Additionally, with the help of ointment you can fight bacteria that are resistant to penicillin and sulfonamides. The ointment has antiseptic property and successfully fights gram-positive bacteria. Contraindications: intolerance, pregnancy and breastfeeding, disturbances in hematopoietic processes, the presence of fungal infections skin, the patient's age is up to 3 years. For older children, treatment is best done only with the permission of a doctor;
  • Algofin. Antimicrobial medicinal product natural origin. The composition contains chlorophyll derivatives, acid salts and carotenoids. The product has a good anti-inflammatory effect and also stimulates cell regeneration. Thanks to its properties, it reduces inflammatory swelling in wounds and helps them cleanse quickly. The cream is applied topically to the affected skin after completion of the cleansing treatment or by applying an application. As practice shows, after application there is a decrease in negative indicators in patients with large burns, tissue trophic disorders and even ulcers after radiation exposure. Contraindications: due to its natural composition, the ointment has no contraindications, therefore it is approved for the treatment of children;
  • Methyluracil. Ointment or cream is quite effective, affordable and at the same time effective drug. The product accelerates the healing process of damage and helps healthy cells restore. The ointment contains only three components: methyluracil, lanolin and medical petroleum jelly. It is prescribed for skin lesions, wounds and fractures. Additionally, the product has anti-inflammatory and anti-catabolic properties, and has anabolic and regenerating effects. Apply the product a couple of times a day. The course of treatment is on average 20 days. Contraindications: individual intolerance, soft tissue leukemia and excessive granulation;
  • Belogent. Synthetic drug, which is applied exclusively externally in the presence of skin diseases. Available in the form of ointment and cream. Apply the ointment daily in a thin layer and rub in a little. After use, it has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Active substances Contains: betamethasone and gentamicin. The auxiliary component is soft and liquid paraffin. Contraindications: viral infections skin, trophic ulcers, open wounds, increased sensitivity to the drug, large areas of damage. Children should apply ointment and cream with caution. Use the product until all unpleasant symptoms disappear completely;
  • Psoriatic. Good healing effect provide the constituent substances, namely: lanolin, white petrolatum, paraffin. Active ingredient– matrix tincture of Mahonia subbolifolia, this unique ingredient that has an effect leading to a reduction in the symptoms of inflammation. The area where the product is applied must first be cleaned and dried. Apply the cream in a thin layer and rub in gently. It is recommended to treat inflamed areas 3 times a day. Contraindications: intolerance to components and age under 1 year;

  • Afloderm. The most effective drug for external use, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, anti-allergenic effect. Active ingredients– aclomethasone, dipropionate. Auxiliary components – white paraffin, propylene glycol, beeswax and hexylene glycol. The substances that make up the ointment quickly penetrate cells and actively interact with receptors. The ointment is used for external use, applying it in a thin layer to the affected areas. It is recommended to do this up to 3 times a day. Contraindications: individual intolerance, skin tuberculosis, open wounds, trophic ulcers and age under 6 months. Children under 6 years of age can be treated with a doctor’s permission, but apply the drug no more than once a day;
  • Diprosalik. A glucocorticosteroid drug that has keratolytic and antibacterial properties. The product removes local skin reactions, such as itching and redness, and constricts blood vessels at the site of application. Cream shows good results in the fight against inflammatory processes, removes bacteria and disinfects. It is recommended to use the product for adults and older children no more than 2 times a day. It is applied in a small amount to the affected areas. The duration of use depends on the stage of the lesion, it is determined only by the doctor. For children under 10 years of age, applications with this drug are used. Contraindications: individual intolerance, skin tumors, pregnancy and lactation, acne, tuberculosis, trophic ulcers and the patient’s age under 2 years.

The listed anti-inflammatory drugs should be prescribed only by doctors after examination, having accurately established the diagnosis. For children and adults, it is better to use different anti-inflammatory drugs, since only a few are suitable for everyone.