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Vacuum cleaning after early miscarriage. Curettage of the uterus during a frozen pregnancy. How to behave after the termination of such a pregnancy. What determines their intensity and duration?

Abortion is a gross invasion of a woman's body. With the onset of pregnancy, a complete restructuring of the body occurs, which helps the mother bear healthy child. When the embryo is removed, a large wound surface remains in the uterus.

After artificial termination of pregnancy, disturbances occur in the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems. Therefore, a woman is at first at risk of developing an infection. To prevent this, it is necessary to monitor what kind of discharge appears after an abortion.

There are few girls who do not have complications after vacuum aspiration, medical or surgical abortion.

Types of interruption and selection

Brown discharge after an abortion is a natural phenomenon. They are very different from menstrual bleeding: they last more than 4 days and are heavy.

What are the types of discharge after an abortion?

  1. Surgical abortion is a curettage of the entire uterine cavity to remove the fertilized egg that is located in it. After it appears profuse bleeding, which after some time decreases and acquires a dark brown color. At normal recovery The discharge should last about 10 days.
  2. After medical abortion carried out with special hormonal drugs, goes heavy bleeding. It lasts much longer than after medical treatment. Over time, the discharge should become dark. At some point, the woman will also notice clots of tissue and blood with the fertilized egg.
  3. Discharge after mini-abortion or vacuum aspiration performed on early pregnancies, scanty and short-term. This is due to the fact that with this type of abortion, trauma to the uterus is minimal and bleeding after an abortion is not so intense.

Bleeding after an abortion occurs in every woman. Why? Along with the blood, particles of tissue that remain after the procedure and the remains of exfoliated endometrium come out of the uterus. If they remain inside the organ, infection and other complications occur, which lead to repeated surgery.

Surgical abortion

Termination of pregnancy is major surgery, which can lead to severe consequences. Some women, having taken this step, cannot have children in the future. This is due to the fact that complications appeared after the surgical intervention. To reduce the risks, at first it is necessary to carefully monitor the girl’s condition.

Bleeding after an abortion is one of the indicators that the operation was successful and there are no complications. Normally, the blood should be scarlet in color and flow profusely. After a few days it stops and turns dark in color.

Complications after termination of pregnancy most often appear on days 3–5. Therefore, if something bothers you, you don’t have to wait too long to visit a doctor.

Discharge after an abortion that should alert you:

  • WITH unpleasant smell. After an abortion, as in other situations, the discharge should be odorless.
  • If instead of scarlet discharge, for example, yellow discharge comes from the vagina.
  • Heavy bleeding in the first few days after instrumental interruption pregnancy. It indicates serious damage to the uterus during surgery. If the bleeding is not stopped, the woman may die.
  • WITH large clots. This may indicate that not all parts of the embryo were removed from the uterus. If they are left, the process of decomposition will begin, which means there will be big health problems in the future. If clots are detected, an ultrasound is performed.

How long does discharge last after an abortion? Each girl varies individually, but no more than 10 days. The next menstruation may begin 30–35 days after the termination of pregnancy.

Even if you have not noticed any changes and feel well, it is still advisable to do an ultrasound after 2-3 weeks. This will relieve anxiety and also help to identify pathology in time.

Medical abortion

You can get rid of an unwanted fetus not only surgically or using vacuum aspiration, but also taking special drugs. Implementation medication interruption occurs in two stages: first, one type of hormonal drug is taken, and one and a half to two days after it, the next hormonal drug is taken.

A woman's body becomes very weak after a drug abortion. Due to decreased immunity, the girl is at risk of developing an infection. Therefore, to reduce the risk of infection and complications, it is necessary to monitor the discharge.

Blood after drug interruption appears within the first 1–6 hours. Some girls bloody issues after an abortion they begin to go after the first drug.

What should the discharge be like after an abortion:

  • Abundant vaginal bleeding, which begins within the first two days after using the tablets. It takes 5–10 days until the uterus contracts.
  • Bleeding gradually turns into spotting Brown. This happens due to the fact that the intensity of bleeding decreases, and the blood has time to clot during the process of exiting.
  • Brown spotting that lasts 5–10 days.

It is very important to monitor the woman’s condition after pharmaabortion, because there may be complications. Signs of pathological discharge after abortion with medications:

  • Yellow-brown, yellow, with a green tint, abundantly curdled. Yellow shades appear when inflammatory processes, curdled - for thrush, green - for chlamydia.
  • With an unpleasant odor.
  • Accompanied by unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the external genitalia. This may be irritation, itching or burning.

To make a final diagnosis, it is necessary to do a smear microscopy, ultrasound and undergo an examination in a gynecological chair.

Mini abortion

Modern medicine considers vacuum abortion safer than surgical and pharmaceutical abortion. But even after it, a woman may experience complications.

Each organism is individual, and therefore there are no special criteria for the reaction after a vacuum mini-abortion. But if you don’t like something and cause concern, you need to undergo additional examination.

What discharge is considered normal after vacuum interruption:

  • Light bleeding after the procedure, which lasts for 1-3 days.
  • Spotting bloody discharge. They appear 3–5 days after aspiration.

To calculate when your period will come after a vacuum abortion, you need to calculate for the first day menstrual cycle count the day of the operation. True, this method is not always effective, because for many girls, after vacuum aspiration, the cycle shifts by several days.

Signs of complications after vacuum abortion:

  • Blood after abortion is underway soak a large gasket generously for 1 hour. If such bleeding lasts longer than 3 hours, you need to urgently go to the hospital.
  • There are lumps in the discharge. Perhaps the vacuum abortion was poorly performed and fetal particles remained in the uterus. An ultrasound is done to make sure there is nothing inside.
  • Yellow or white discharge with an unpleasant odor, accompanied by fever. Most likely, after aspiration the inflammatory process began.
  • If there is no discharge at all. There are cases when, after a vacuum interruption, a blood clot forms in the cervix and blocks the flow of blood. Additional symptom is nagging pain in the genital area.

After aspiration, other abnormal discharge may occur. Therefore, as soon as something worries you, you need to go to the doctor.

Any type of termination of pregnancy will harm the woman's health, be it vacuum aspiration, surgical or drug effects. Therefore, you should resort to this medical procedure as rarely as possible, and better yet, never.

Manipulation is preceded by preparation. In addition to standard tests, a vaginal smear is required. If there are signs of inflammation, a woman is prescribed suppositories with an antibiotic - this will reduce the likelihood of introducing an infection into the uterine cavity.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. In no long term and in women who have given birth, you can limit yourself to an injection in the cervix to reduce painful sensations during insertion of the aspirator cannula. In a long time to reduce discomfort and psychological trauma, it is better to agree to anesthesia.

The manipulation takes place on a gynecological chair. After examining the vagina, the doctor fixes the cervix and measures the length of the cavity using a uterine probe. Extension cervical canal not required. In the long term, it may be necessary for a large-diameter cannula to pass into the uterine cavity. Then they are limited to 1-2 metal expanders.

An aspirator tube connected to the apparatus is carefully inserted into the uterine cavity. She is held in one position. The doctor doesn't rotate her, ovum absorbed by creating negative pressure in the uterus. Ultrasound guidance is not used during aspiration, but some clinics practice a combination of these manipulations. Be sure to undergo an ultrasound a week after vacuum aspiration to make sure that there are no remnants of the fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. After manipulation, the tissues must be collected.

Vacuum aspiration of frozen pregnancy: reviews

Women who have undergone vacuum aspiration respond differently to the procedure. Those who were treated under local anesthesia compare the pain sensations heavy menstruation. But for some, the pain was more pronounced, so they would prefer anesthesia next time. At general anesthesia the operation is quick and painless; unpleasant sensations occur after waking up and are associated with the effect of narcotic analgesics.

According to reviews, restoration of the menstrual cycle occurs individually for everyone. In most cases, women do not notice any abnormalities; menstruation begins on average 30 days after the procedure. But sometimes a failure occurs, the restoration of the cycle takes several months.

Yulia Shevchenko, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for the site

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Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is medical procedure, which is better known as mini-abortion. However, this method of cleansing the uterine strip is used not only to terminate an unwanted pregnancy. Vacuum aspiration is indicated after miscarriages, in some cases after the birth of a baby, as well as for collecting biological material for the purpose of diagnosing diseases and their further treatment. Today we will talk in detail about what vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is, what indications and contraindications this procedure has, how it is carried out and how this medical intervention affects a woman’s health.

Vacuum aspiration of the contents of the uterine cavity: when is it prescribed?

  1. Abortion

Vacuum aspiration can be performed to terminate an unplanned pregnancy. But in this case, it is important to comply with the main condition - not to miss the deadline. The fact is that vacuum abortion will only be allowed if the delay in menstruation is very small - no more than 5 weeks.

Before performing vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, gynecologists take certain smears from their patients and send them to the ultrasound room. During the study, the size of the fetal egg and its location are determined. If a mini-abortion is performed in a hospital, then women are also recommended to undergo blood and urine tests.

The procedure itself is completely harmless and painless. During vacuum aspiration, the patient feels only minor cramps in the lower abdomen. It all ends quickly - literally in a minute. But before sending a woman home, doctors recommend lying on her stomach for about an hour.

  1. IN medical purposes

Often, the so-called lightweight cleaning of the uterine cavity is carried out not because the woman wants it, but for medical purposes. And for this procedure there is a certain list of indications. The most common is vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity during a frozen pregnancy. It should be noted that it is less traumatic and more painless than regular cleaning. Why do a mini-abortion after fetal death? The fact is that the fertilized egg will certainly begin to decompose. And this will provoke severe inflammation. That is why the egg along with its shells must be removed as soon as possible. In European countries, doctors give patients some time for the frozen fertilized egg to come out of the uterus on its own. But in our country, vacuum aspiration is performed immediately after the patient’s admission to the hospital.

Often, women who have just become mothers require vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity after childbirth. What is it for? The point is that after labor activity the uterus begins to contract and the so-called lochia, or postpartum discharge. If contractions and discharge are normal, then there is no outside interference in this process not required. But if an ultrasound shows that the uterus is contracting and, therefore, not being cleaned intensively enough, doctors prescribe a vacuum - aspiration of the uterine cavity after childbirth.

And finally, if necessary, women are prescribed vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity after a miscarriage. As you know, this procedure it is needed to cleanse the uterine cavity and prevent the development of the inflammatory process.

  1. For diagnostic purposes

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is also a method of collecting biological material for the purpose of diagnosing certain gynecological diseases. For example, it is prescribed for suspected endometriosis or before removal of a tumor in the uterus.

Vacuum cleaning is carried out without anesthesia. But often women take painkillers before starting it and antispasmodics. During aspiration, a thin catheter is inserted into the uterus, much thinner than when removing the fertilized egg, which is used to collect the endometrium. Within half a minute the catheter is removed.


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity has certain contraindications:

  • pregnancy more than 5 weeks;
  • inflammation and infections in the uterus and reproductive system;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • defects in the development of the uterus and formations that deform it;
  • period up to six months after the previous cleaning.
  1. After vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, it is necessary to temporarily avoid sexual intercourse. Doctors recommend postponing marital duties for a month.
  2. After a mini-abortion, you don’t need to go to the hospital for a while. public baths and saunas, swim in the pool. It is also undesirable to bask in hot bath, only shower at a temperature comfortable for the body.
  3. It is very important to ensure that you do not get too cold, do not lift heavy objects, and temporarily limit physical activity.
  4. Doctors may prescribe hormonal drugs, as well as antibiotics.
  5. 14 days after vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity, you must see a doctor again and undergo ultrasonography to make sure everything is going well.

How does the body recover?

Many women who, for one reason or another, were forced to undergo a vacuum - aspiration of the uterus - are concerned about the question - will they be able to get pregnant in the future? We hasten to reassure you. There will be no problems conceiving a child in the absence of other reasons. The main thing is not to rush to get pregnant and give your body the opportunity to recover. This usually takes about six months.

How does vacuum aspiration affect the course of menstruation? A few days after surgery they start to feel bad copious discharge. They have nothing to do with menstruation. These are the consequences vacuum cleaning related to changes in hormonal background. Normal menstruation begins exactly one month after vacuum aspiration. The discharge may be different from usual - it may not be as heavy as before, and it will end faster than you expect. This is due to some limitation of the functions of the ovaries. But the next menstruation should take place according to the usual scenario and is no different from what it was before vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity.


Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity - simple, effective method removal of the fertilized egg in early pregnancy, removal of blood clots after childbirth, and endometrial biopsy.

There are two options for aspiration:

  1. Manual - a special syringe is used that creates negative pressure.
  2. Electric - the device creates a vacuum. Less common in our country.

After vacuum aspiration is completed, the obtained tissues of the uterine cavity must be examined. A woman may at any time be faced with a situation where she should surgical intervention. It is necessary to understand what MVA of the uterine cavity is, the benefits and consequences of the chosen procedure.


Discharges after vacuum aspiration have essential. Vacuum aspiration is an invasive procedure and belongs to the group of minor surgical operations. It is believed that MVA is less traumatic, but the vessels are mechanically injured. The patient must stay in the medical facility for at least 4 hours after the intervention. Bloody discharge is controlled: light, with small clots, dark brown, gradually fading away. The discharge resembles that of menstruation. On average they stop after 10 days.

Pathological blood loss after vacuum aspiration soaking more than 2 large pads for 2 hours is considered. Such allocations are unacceptable.

More massive bleeding is accompanied by loss of consciousness, drop in pressure, tachycardia, dizziness, feeling increased sweating and disorientation.

It is necessary to consult a doctor before leaving the hospital: specify possible complications, be ready to return to the hospital, arrange for help to get to medical institution. When symptoms appear abnormal bleeding, constant pain, increased temperature, presence of discharge in large clots or with foul odor, any deterioration in health should seek medical help.

Discharge that lasts more than 10 days is a cause for concern. You should not try to stop the discharge in the form of bleeding on your own. It is possible that the discharge after minor surgery no at all. You shouldn't be happy. Most likely, the uterine pharynx is spasmed - there is no release of blood clots. The uterine cavity gradually fills, causing unbearable pain. Painkillers will temporarily dull the sensations. Danger - high risk of septic complications. Treatment required: antispasmodic to relieve muscle spasm cervix, antibacterial therapy, re-cleaning uterine cavity.

Indications, contraindications and complications

There are certain indications for vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity. Gynecologists call following reasons, in which it is necessary to perform vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity.

  1. Termination of pregnancy (unwanted, for medical reasons) up to 12 weeks.
  2. Incomplete abortion (spontaneous, after an unsuccessful attempt at medical or criminal abortion).
  3. Bubble drift.
  4. Hematometra.
  5. Remains of placental tissue after childbirth: spontaneous and surgical.
  6. Endometrial biopsy and study of organ biocenosis.
  7. Dysfunctional bleeding from the uterus.

There are certain contraindications to vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity:

  • pregnancy more than 12 weeks;
  • suspicion of ectopic localization of the ovum;
  • inflammatory diseases genitourinary system in the acute and subacute period;
  • acute form of inflammatory diseases of any localization, including infectious;
  • violation of the coagulation system;
  • uterine fibroids or abnormal development of the genital organs;

Possible complications:

  • rupture of the uterus or cervix;
  • hematometer;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • incomplete removal of the fertilized egg;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility.

Control questions

It is important to discuss the method of pain relief during manipulation. The following options are possible: psychological support, analgesics in combination with sedatives, paracervical blockade, intravenous anesthesia. Threshold pain sensitivity is individual, anesthesia must be discussed with your doctor in advance.

It is also necessary to resolve the issue of antibacterial therapy to prevent septic complications, which often occur pathological discharge. The uterus is a wound surface where infection can enter with a high probability of developing serious complications- endometritis, myometritis, salpingoophoritis. More often they use drugs from the group of protected penicillins and cephalosporins. It is advisable to carry out allergy test before starting to take the medicine.

Second no less important question- contraception. Having decided in favor oral contraceptives, the patient takes the first tablet on the day of the procedure. By selecting intrauterine device- it must be placed immediately after the procedure or 14 days after the ultrasound at the next appearance.

If there is discharge after vacuum aspiration the spiral is not installed, but therapeutic measures are carried out.

The risk of perforation is reduced by the fact that curettage of the organ cavity is not recommended in routine practice.

The patient may feel painful uterine contractions several hours or days after the operation. Painkillers are allowed. Severe, unbearable pain that cannot be controlled by medications is a reason to go to the doctor.

Menstruation usually appears after a month to a month and a half. Two allowed irregular cycle. Further violation indicates pathology.

Vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity occurs almost without complications. However, there is vowel rule- two weeks after the procedure, an appointment with the doctor is required. During the examination, the gynecologist will clarify possible complaints, take a smear on the flora, conduct an ultrasound examination, and clarify the method of contraception. An ultrasound will show whether a complete abortion has occurred, whether there are signs of endometritis or blood in the retroperitoneal space. A second visit should not be neglected if there are no symptoms. It is better to make sure that the procedure went without complications than to treat them later.

Manipulation after childbirth

Vacuum aspiration after childbirth is used when parts of the placenta are retained in the cavity. Perhaps this surgery in the absence of a normal course postpartum period: the nature of the discharge has changed due to cervical spasm and the outflow of blood has been disrupted.

The most common cause of vacuum aspiration after childbirth is retained parts of the placenta. In this regard, normal involution is disrupted, the uterus cannot contract properly - bleeding continues. Accumulating clots undergo rotting - a focus of powerful inflammation is formed, the breakdown products of which enter the blood. If assistance is not provided in time, in order to save a life from septic shock the woman will have radical surgery- uterus removal.

It is urgent to remove the remains of blood clots, parts of the placenta and membranes. Vacuum aspiration after childbirth, hydatidiform mole - vital necessary procedure, without which recovery is often impossible.


The presence of complaints of infertility, menstrual irregularities, pain during sexual intercourse, the appearance of discharge not related to the cycle - require clarification of the cause. It is necessary not only to find endometrial pathology, but also to exclude tumor process. The absence of changes during ultrasound allows young women to recommend vacuum aspiration of the endometrium. The technique is more gentle and is often performed under local anesthesia. The doctor first recommends taking painkillers and antispasmodics.

IN medical institutions The procedure is called pipel biopsy. If hyperplasia is suspected, proof of malignancy or its absence is necessary before undergoing myomectomy. Held histological examination, obtained by vacuum aspiration. It is also used to determine the causes of infertility and prepare for IVF. Minimal preparation and accurate results are guaranteed.

Manual vacuum aspiration of the uterine cavity is a common method of assisting women. The advantage of the method over medical abortion is a wider time frame, and over surgical abortion it is less traumatic. The range of indications for use is quite extensive, and there are not many contraindications and complications. For your own reproductive health It is useful to know about the methodology for providing MBA. It is necessary to follow all the recommendations of the obstetrician-gynecologist: take prescribed medications, monitor discharge, control pain, and if the first adverse symptoms occur, return to the hospital.

Vacuum aspiration is used to extract the contents of the uterine cavity. The procedure is carried out for various purposes: from diseases to abortion. What is the essence of the operation, and how does rehabilitation occur after it?

Termination of pregnancy by vacuum abortion

Women have an abortion for two main reasons:

  • unwanted pregnancy;
  • medical indications.

This mini-operation is the most in a safe way abortion of all existing ones. Vacuum abortion It is effectively used during a short period of time, up to the 5th week of pregnancy, while the embryo is small in size. Complications very rarely occur after aspiration. The abortion is carried out quite quickly, and a maximum of an hour after the procedure the girl goes home, if her health allows.

Sometimes, as a result of the operation, the fertilized egg (or part of it) remains in the uterus, then the abortion is considered incomplete. In this case it is necessary.

If not medical indications to terminate a pregnancy, carefully consider whether to undergo an abortion. To avoid unwanted pregnancy, do not neglect contraception.

When to use

Vacuum aspiration is performed for many indications. In gynecology, there are a number of reasons for which the need for the procedure arises:

During a frozen pregnancy

In case of pathological fading of fetal development, urgent cleaning of the uterine cavity from the fetus is necessary. The main method is the vacuum method. The embryo must be removed as quickly as possible to avoid intoxication or sepsis.

Vacuum cleaning is also carried out for periods longer than 5 weeks; up to this point they prefer medicinal method. The operation is performed only after tests and examination by a gynecologist.

Rehabilitation and possible complications


After the operation, the following complications may occur:

  • hematometer;
  • inflammation in the genitals;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • infertility.


One of unpleasant consequences vacuum aspiration - genitals. The reasons for its occurrence are:


  • pain in the uterine area;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • temperature increase;
  • itching and burning in intimate places;
  • discomfort when urinating.


Since vacuum aspiration is a minor operation, complications occur extremely rarely, but vascular injury does occur. On the first day after the procedure, significant periods similar to menstruation are observed. They do not last long, only a few days. Depending on the individual characteristics discharge may last 3-4 days.

Causes for concern after vacuum aspiration:

  • there is no discharge, or, on the contrary, it is intense;
  • a specific smell appears;
  • the discharge has a heterogeneous structure.

If on the second day after surgery the discharge is of the same nature as on the first, and the woman feels unwell, immediately consult a specialist. You should worry if there is an urgent need to replace a large sanitary pad.

Menstruation after surgery

As already mentioned, vacuum aspiration is accompanied by the occurrence of injuries, which in any case will result in discharge.

Menstruation does not immediately become regular after the procedure. They often begin within a month after surgery, but sometimes there is a delay of 2-3 cycles. The speed of restoration of usual functions is individual and depends on the body of the woman who has undergone cleansing.

If menstruation has not started within two months, consult a gynecologist.

Further pregnancy planning

If fetal fading occurs while carrying a child, you should not give up the idea of ​​having a baby. A woman is able to carry a full-fledged child after an unsuccessful pregnancy.

But experts recommend refraining from conceiving in the first six months in order for recovery after cleansing to occur. Organism and nervous system after a miscarriage they are very exhausted. It is recommended to take a course of vitamins and give up alcohol and medications.

Early pregnancy after cleansing

If the operation went without complications, it will not affect future pregnancy. Many girls successfully become pregnant even a month after the procedure and subsequently give birth to a healthy child. But the risk still exists. Doctors advise allowing the body to recover after vacuum aspiration and postponing conception for about 6 months.

The fact is that in case of early pregnancy there is a high probability of miscarriage. There may be disturbances in fetal development that increase the likelihood congenital pathologies. This occurs due to the fact that the placenta is depleted after the procedure and is not always able to provide the fetus with everything necessary.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a mini-abortion?

If the operation was performed correctly and went without complications, then no problems with pregnancy should arise. It is important to give the body time to recover, thereby minimizing the risk of unsuccessful pregnancy.

Vacuum aspiration is a fairly simple and safe procedure. the unpleasant consequences are great provided that the abortion is carried out in a high-quality manner and the patient complies with all the doctor’s instructions during the rehabilitation period.

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