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Intramuscular hematoma - treatment and symptoms. Stages of soft tissue hematoma

Hematomas, which we simply call “bruises,” have been in our lives since childhood. There isn't a kid who doesn't come home one day with a broken knee and a couple of blue or purple spots on his skin. We are used to the fact that they are not dangerous - why worry if in a couple of days they will go away on their own?

You can think this way if the damage was inflicted small, but strong impact a soft tissue hematoma can become a serious problem.

How does a hematoma appear?

Essentially just a cluster excess blood in the human body as a result of a rupture blood vessels. A rupture can occur from anything - a blow, a bruise, an accidental fall. You don’t have to get a bruise for a hematoma, since they often result from fractures (open and closed), damage to internal organs, and sometimes even cuts, if they are deep enough and, in addition to the cut, also cause damage soft tissues around.

The danger of hematomas lies in their diversity. They can be located close to the surface of the skin (in most cases these are the familiar “bruises”), but there are also more dangerous options. Hematomas big size can fester (due to the volume of stale blood they contain), infect surrounding tissues and interfere with the functioning of internal organs if they are nearby. They can even be found in the walls of internal organs or directly inside the muscles. The most dangerous ones are . It is very difficult to get rid of them, cases fatal outcome happen regularly.

Classification of subcutaneous hematomas

The most common and easiest to treat cases. More precisely, they most often do not need treatment - they go away on their own. Usually these are the consequences of a weak or unintentional household blow and do not pose a danger. An exception may be an extensive and advanced hematoma; treatment in such cases is mandatory.

Stages of subcutaneous hematomas:

  1. Easy. It appears slowly, within a day after the injury, but goes away quickly (1-2 days depending on the sensitivity of the skin) completely on its own. None additional measures does not require prevention or treatment, is usually mildly expressed on the skin, and when pressed there is slight pain or even just discomfort.
  2. Average. For this type of soft tissue hematoma, treatment may well be necessary - such a bruise should be shown to a traumatologist. Appears already 3-5 hours after the injury, there is a pronounced bluish color, swelling in the affected area and partial limitation of the functionality of the limb (if we are talking about a bruise of the limb).
  3. Heavy. Appears within 1-3 hours and requires urgent medical attention. The affected area is large and changes in color and area right before your eyes. Severe pain is typical and complete loss of limb functionality is possible.

It should be remembered that at all stages of hematoma above the lung, qualified medical care is required. This way there is a chance to prevent large-scale internal hemorrhage and damage from stagnant blood to internal organs if the injury occurs close to them. Soft tissue hematomas after a bruise heal quickly and stably under observation and as a result of surgical treatment, but if you leave things to chance, nothing good will come of it - stale blood is very suitable for the reproduction of many groups pathogenic bacteria, which cause tissue rotting, infect healthy systems and organs of the body and can even lead to long-term infectious disease of the whole body.

Intramuscular hematomas

This is also a soft tissue hematoma (ICD classification system for bruises), that is, it also refers to soft tissue injuries. Characterized by complete swelling of the limb instead of a local bruise, as well as location deep inside the muscle, especially when it comes to large muscles. Such injuries are more difficult to detect by touch and are extremely painful and dangerous. If in mild cases with a small injury you can get by with ointments and massage, then in advanced or simply very serious bruises, operations are used to prevent anaerobic infection in the muscle, which in the future can completely atrophy it. If a large hematoma of this level is not treated, you may even lose a limb.

Ensacculated hematoma

A more serious version of the previous case. The difference is that hematomas of this type do not spread thickened blood into the soft tissue cavity, but form a kind of capsule, which over time hardens, festers and causes a serious inflammatory process. On early stages may not require opening, but similar cases rare. Typically, encysted hematomas are so serious that they require the direct intervention of a surgeon rather than a traumatologist. The operation is nothing special - it is a simple opening of the wound, removal of blood clots and pus (if suppuration has already formed), dense areas of the “capsule” and complete cleaning of the cavity for subsequent sutures, which are removed after 7-10 days.

Treatment of hematomas

First, you will need diagnostics - independent, and then professional, from a traumatologist or surgeon. Determine how serious the damage is in your case personally and, if you have any suspicions, seek help at any emergency room where such cases are dealt with every day.

If your hematoma moderate severity, then it’s worth buying special ointments that are rubbed into the skin, providing an antibacterial and soothing effect on the affected area. Also, such ointments can serve as an excellent analgesic if your skin is sensitive and the pain from the hematoma bothers you a lot. If inflammation has already begun, you may be advised to take a course of antibiotics to eliminate the risk of infection with something serious that will take much longer to treat than a couple of weeks.

When hospitalized, you will most likely be referred for surgery. Operations to treat hematomas belong to the group of simplest surgical procedures and the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome is almost zero - everything is carried out under local anesthesia and with maximum cleaning of the affected tissue area, because the main thing in all treatment of hematomas is to prevent recurrence inflammatory process, and therefore infection.

Be careful and do not underestimate the danger of hematomas - they can significantly complicate your injury or simply add a lot of unpleasant sensations to your life.


A hematoma is an accumulation of blood in the body that has formed from soft tissue damage. Unlike bruises, a hematoma is a condition that threatens complications and requires treatment.

Such formations can be small and extensive, and can put pressure on surrounding tissues and organs in the neighborhood.

Hematoma is a collection of blood from injury

The localization of hematomas is not limited, depending on the location of the injury - the brain, organs and mucous membranes, muscles and areas under the skin. Small subcutaneous hemorrhages often resolve on their own even without special treatment, and extensive ones are accompanied by scars, fester, and disrupt the functions of nearby organs. The most dangerous are intracranial hemorrhages, which lead to fatal outcomes.
In particular situations, hematoma is treated surgically, rarely – conservatively.

Types of hematomas

Taking into account various factors, doctors divide the classification of hematomas into the following groups:

  • by location on the body (subfascial, submucosal, subcutaneous and intermuscular);
  • by the location of the vessels (pulsating and non-pulsating);
  • by type of blood (fresh and clotted hematomas, as well as festering and infected);
  • according to symptoms (limited in one zone, diffuse and encysted).

Subcutaneous hematoma

Intracranial hematomas are a separate group; their manifestations, course and complications differ from the subtypes of hematomas.

Intracranial hemorrhages according to location are divided into:

  • intraventricular;
  • intracerebral;
  • subdural;
  • subarachnoid;
  • epidural.

Causes of hemorrhages (hematomas)

Most cases are associated with internal bleeding from injury. This can be an injury from a blow, fall, pinching, pressure or other impact. Only in the subarachnoid subtype the cause is not only trauma, but also damage to the vein and aorta of a non-traumatic nature.

In some cases, small hematomas are formed against the background of diseases of the internal organs. With Mallory-Weiss disease, cracks occur in the gastrointestinal tract due to vomiting from overeating or alcohol intoxication.

Factors contributing to the occurrence of hematomas: poor permeability of the walls of blood vessels, their excessive fragility and poor blood clotting. When immune systems the body is reduced due to old age, physical exhaustion, chronic illnesses, then the risk of hematoma infection increases.

Hematomas in soft tissues

Such hemorrhages are divided into subcutaneous and intramuscular. Treatment options differ in each case. Soft tissue hematomas occur with to varying degrees severity:

  • Easy. The formation of a hematoma occurs within 24 hours of the injury. Pain syndrome weak. Even if bruises are not treated, they will go away on their own after a certain time.
  • Average. Forms from the moment of injury within 3-5 hours. The pain is moderate, the injured area swells. If we're talking about about a limb, its functions are partially impaired. It is important to consult a traumatologist to rule out serious damage.
  • Heavy. Occurs 1-2 hours after the injury. The pain is severe, if we are talking about a damaged limb, its functions are impaired. The bruise site swells. consultation with a traumatologist is necessary, who determines the treatment strategy.

Typically, a subcutaneous hematoma is accompanied by swelling. The skin at the site of the bruise turns red and takes on a purplish-blue hue. After a couple of days, the color of the hematoma becomes yellowish, and after 4-5 days it becomes greenish. If necessary, the doctor can explain why bruises appear and how the breakdown of hemoglobin affects their color.

If the formation is small, then the hematoma begins to resolve, and if the course is unfavorable, a cavity remains in which the blood is localized. This cavity can remain in the body for a long time, causing discomfort, interfering neighboring organs. Even over time, a hematoma can become infected and begin to fester.

Intramuscular hematomas are accompanied by the same picture as subcutaneous hematomas, adjusted for deep location. Localization affects local manifestations - swelling is palpable, the limb increases in volume.

Treatment of hematoma in soft tissues

The doctor diagnoses a hematoma by examination and questioning, if necessary (in in rare cases) orders an MRI. Such a diagnosis is needed if an extensive deep hematoma is suspected. Based on the diagnostic results, treatment is prescribed.

Extensive hematomas must be opened, even hemorrhages are recommended to be operated on if the doctor sees the need. Traumatologists deal with non-infected hematomas, and surgeons deal with infected hematomas.

Small hematomas are treated on an outpatient basis; the doctor can tell you how to get rid of a bruise at home, prescribe conservative therapy. For large hematomas, the patient is hospitalized. Surgery performed under local anesthesia.
During the procedure, the doctor cuts the tissue over the hematoma, extracts blood, and cleans the cavity. If the wound does not fester, it is sutured, drained and bandaged. After 10 days, the sutures can be removed if healing proceeds well. If the wound festers, it is drained, then no stitches are applied. If necessary, a course of antibacterial drugs is prescribed.

Intracranial hemorrhages

Based on location, all hematomas inside the skull are divided into types:

  • epidural - between the skull and the hard shell;
  • subdural - between the dura mater and the arachnoid;
  • intraventricular - in the ventricles of the brain;
  • intracerebral - in brain tissue.

The last two types accompany injuries (TBI). Before treating a hematoma of one type or another, the doctor examines the patient and assesses the severity of the damage.

In addition to the listed types, there are also subarachnoid hematomas that can arise not only from trauma, but also from damage to a blood vessel. Such hematomas are localized between the arachnoid and pia mater in the brain.

The main manifestations of intracranial hemorrhage are fainting, painful attacks in the head, vomiting and psychomotor agitation. Blood pressure may increase, the heart beats less frequently, and differences in blood pressure measurements in the arms are detected. Sometimes noted epileptic seizures and pathological reflexes.

Epidural hematoma: causes, symptoms

Epidural-type hematomas accompany up to 3% of TBI; they are formed due to rupture of the meningeal artery; hemorrhages cause ruptures of veins and smaller vessels. Often, epidural hematomas form against the background of broken cranial bones, including severe indentations and small cracks.

Symptoms of an epidural hematoma increase rapidly, with bright manifestations alternating with calm for up to several hours. Victims complain of headaches, confusion and drowsiness. Cases have been recorded where lack of treatment led to coma. The pupil on the affected side is larger than on the healthy side. As the pathology progresses, there will be attacks of epilepsy, paralysis or paresis.

IN childhood Epidural hematomas manifest themselves in different ways - they are not always accompanied by loss of consciousness. Cerebral edema develops rapidly, which leaves no time for light gap.

Subdural hematoma accompanies up to 7.5% of TBI. In such severe case the doctor will have to decide how to get rid of the hematoma, since it poses a serious threat. Fatal outcome reaches 70%. Doctors distinguish 3 forms of subdural hematomas:

  • acute, in which the light period is extended from a couple of hours to a day;
  • subacute, when the clinical picture appears on days 3-4;
  • chronic, which is characterized by a long light period (from a couple of weeks to several months).

Bleeding causes a blood vessel to rupture at the site of injury. Clinical picture manifests itself differently depending on the age of the victim, the location of the hematoma and the severity of the injury. In children, the head may become enlarged; adult patients report increased headache. As the pathology progresses, nausea and vomiting are detected, convulsions and attacks of epilepsy occur. Paresis, dysfunction of swallowing and breathing are possible. The condition may worsen to the point of coma.

Other types of intracranial hematomas

The remaining 3 types of intracranial hematoma appear in rare cases, but you still need to know about their manifestations:

  • subarachnoid - begins suddenly, characterized by headache, vomiting and psychomotor agitation. After acute manifestations loss of consciousness follows, convulsions may appear;
  • intracerebral – accompanies severe TBI. Characterized by rapid development without a light interval. Convulsions may occur;
  • intraventricular - combined with trauma, in which the condition of the victim does not allow diagnosing a hematoma. The prognosis is unfavorable. This hematoma is accompanied by a disturbance of consciousness and an increase in temperature, a decrease in pulse and respiratory rate.

Diagnosis is based on interviewing the patient or witnesses to the injury, neurological symptoms and examinations carried out. An x-ray is taken cranium, MRI, echoencephalography, CT.

If an intracranial hematoma is suspected, the doctor will decide how to treat it after examination. The patient requires hospitalization in neurosurgery. In some cases there will be conservative treatment, if the hematoma volume is less than 40 ml and other factors do not indicate a violation.

In other situations, emergency craniotomy is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon removes accumulated blood, cleans the cavity, eliminates the source of bleeding, and carries out resuscitation measures if necessary.

Hematoma is a serious condition that requires consultation with a doctor and proper treatment. This is the only way to avoid complications.

Hematoma is a tumor that forms from rupture of blood vessels and accumulation of blood in tissues. A subcutaneous hematoma is characterized by painful swelling and a feeling of tissue distension. Superficial tumor manifests itself as bruising and swelling. An increase in temperature may be felt at the site of impact.

Swelling can impair organ mobility. Thus, hematomas on the head can spread to the neck, chest and shoulders, while the mobility of the tongue and lower jaw decreases.

Bruising is accompanied painful sensations. The extent of which depends on the size and location of occurrence. Particularly severe pain occurs from compression of nerve endings.

Reasons for appearance

The direct cause of bruises, regardless of location, is vascular damage. This is caused by injuries, bruises, compression, blood diseases and infectious diseases, fragility of blood vessels, especially in older people.

People with weak vessels even a minor blow is enough to cause a bruise.

A special type of hematoma appears in newborn babies - cephalohematomas.

They appear in newborns when premature birth, and if the child is born premature. But even during the normal course of pregnancy, cephalohematomas are observed in half a percent of newborns. When a child passes through the birth canal, the bones of the head are compressed, causing blood vessels to burst. Blood in newborns does not clot as quickly as in adults, so if a cephalohematoma appears, it accumulates in it gradually over 2-3 days.

The unreasonable appearance of a bruise is a signal that there are problems with circulatory system, so you should consult a doctor immediately.

Types of hematomas

The classification of hematomas involves several types of them, differing in location, clinical signs, nature of bleeding.

  • Subcutaneous hematoma. It's more like a bruise. Causes of injury and disease, such as tuberculosis, lupus. Subcutaneous hematoma has three degrees of severity.
  • Intramuscular hematoma. Blood accumulates in the muscles, causing severe pain.
  • Arterial. Occurs when arteries rupture and covers a large area. This type of damage is red in appearance. If a vein is damaged, the color is blue-violet. The most common cases are mixed hematomas.
  • Intracranial (divided into four subtypes). Occurs due to head trauma.
  • Intracavity. Hemorrhages caused by bruises or compression of internal organs.
  • If blood from the vessels still enters the formed subcutaneous cavity, the hematoma is called pulsating.
  • During a complicated birth, hemorrhages may occur under the periosteum of the baby’s skull. Such tumors on the head are called cephalohematomas.
  • From the processes occurring with blood in the cavity, an infected hematoma and a festering hematoma are distinguished.
  • A hematoma of the eye is isolated separately. A common cause of its occurrence is head trauma. A hematoma under the eye also appears from rupture of blood vessels. It can be provoked by direct sun rays at long stay under the sun.


Symptoms of a bruise appear quickly, immediately after the injury.

The resulting subcutaneous hematoma appears characteristic symptoms. The damaged area quickly swells and turns red. But the color rarely remains monochromatic. The bruised area acquires dark purple edges and a red center.

Head pain, loss of consciousness, impaired movement are symptoms of intracranial hematoma. IN chest the appearance of a hematoma is accompanied by difficulty breathing and pain. The pain is due more to the bruise than to the hemorrhage.

Symptoms of cephalohematoma manifest themselves in the appearance of a tumor, while the skin on the head does not change color, but pinpoint hemorrhages are observed. The movement of fluid in the tumor can be felt to the touch.

Treatment with traditional methods

Treat subcutaneous hematomas, or well-known bruises should be cold. Immediately after the blow, apply ice or food from the freezer to the injury site and hold for about 20 minutes. This method will help remove swelling and reduce pain. Repeat the procedures several times. Afterwards, pressure bandages are applied. Overheating of injury sites is avoided.

There is no way to remove a bruise quickly. Resorption will take a week or even more. The time also depends on the location of the bruise.

Ointments such as heparin, “Rescuer”, “Lioton”, “Bodyaga”, etc. will help get rid of bruises.

Treatment of hematomas with complications is carried out by opening or puncture.

If the skin over the hematoma is broken, suppuration may occur. The skin turns red and the temperature rises. In this case, the tumor can only be cured by surgery. Skin covering cut and remove contents. If necessary, stitches are applied.

The puncture is performed under local anesthesia. The skin is pierced with a special needle through which the blood is pumped out. To remove the contents, lightly press on the tumor. After the liquid has been pumped out, it is injected into the cavity medicinal product and a compression bandage is applied. To completely get rid of subcutaneous fluid, the puncture is performed more than once. It may not be possible to cure a complex hematoma the first time. Repeated puncture will be carried out with the introduction of antibiotics into the cavity and the application of bandages.

A correctly performed puncture will help get rid of complications in a few days.

After the puncture is performed, further treatment accompanied by the use of anti-inflammatory drugs. Additional use of ointments and physiotherapy will help speed up healing and relieve swelling.

Internal hemorrhages should only be treated medical institution. Most of them can only be removed surgically.

If a newborn has a small tumor on the head and there is little blood in it, it goes away on its own, gradually dissolving within 7-10 days. No additional interventions are needed. The only thing is that the doctor will recommend not rocking the child to sleep and will prescribe vitamins that improve blood clotting.

But with a significant size of the cephalohematoma, the resorption of the blood may take several months. This increases the level of bilirubin in the blood and leads to the appearance of jaundice. Such a hematoma can thicken and ossify. This can lead to deformation of the child's skull.

In order to remove large cephalohematomas (more than 8 cm), a puncture is taken from children. The walls of the cephalohematoma are punctured, after which the fluid is pumped out.

Puncture and incision are the only effective methods in order to get rid of complications.

Treatment with medicinal herbs

IN folk medicine There is more than one recipe to cure bruises. Timely treatment with help medicinal herbs will help prevent complications.

With hematomas under the eyes, swelling also occurs. It will help you get rid of it quickly raw potatoes. The tubers are grated, wrapped in gauze or a handkerchief and applied to the swollen areas.

Crushed leaves of parsley, cabbage, and plantain, screwed as a compress to the sore spot, will help relieve swelling.

If there are children in the family, then bruises and bruises - common occurrence. Therefore, it’s a good idea to stock up on ice for future use. It is better if it contains medicinal herbs, as they will help reduce swelling. You can get rid of tumors by using chopped parsley leaves frozen in water.

After the swelling has subsided, the bruise should be treated using thermal procedures. They contribute more fast healing fabrics To do this, heat salt or sand in a frying pan, pour it into a handkerchief and apply it to the hematoma of the eye. Hard-boiled eggs and jacket potatoes keep warm for a long time. With their help, you can extremely quickly remove a hematoma under the eye.

One of effective means One that can quickly cure a bruise is bodyaga. The ointment helps to get rid of unwanted bruises in the shortest possible time.

Treatment of hematomas is carried out using a honey compress with wormwood and castor oil. This tool will help short time get rid of bruising and swelling.

Not always traditional methods hematoma can be cured. It all depends on the severity of the disease. Mild forms can be treated at home with ointments and herbal compresses.
If serious symptoms, you should contact a traumatologist.

The type of damage depends on its location. Therefore, the following forms of pathology are distinguished:

  • superficial (subcutaneous);
  • submucosal;
  • in muscles (subfascial);
  • subcapsular on the surface of internal organs;
  • intracavitary - in the chest or abdominal cavity;
  • intracranial.

The most dangerous types of hematomas are those that develop in the cranial cavity. This happens because the cranial cavity is hermetically sealed, and bleeding increases the pressure inside it and impairs brain function.

Accumulation of blood in tissues or under the skin can be a consequence of injury (fall, accident, fracture, gunshot wound, as well as awkward movements). In other cases, hemorrhages occur due to bleeding disorders or increased fragility of blood vessels. For example, pathology occurs during pregnancy early stages. However, if bleeding occurs, you should consult a doctor.

Treatment: surgical or conservative: indicated dry heat, as well as ointment, for example, heparin or troxerutin.

Retrochorial hematoma

When part of the placenta is separated during pregnancy, a retrochorial hematoma occurs. Blood gradually accumulates in it. The development of this disease is caused by a violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels.

Causes, causing pathology in pregnant women:

The onset of the disease is asymptomatic and is often detected only on ultrasound. In more severe cases, there are bloody issues from the vagina, abdominal pain. These symptoms require urgent assistance doctor

  • bed rest;
  • lungs sedatives;
  • antispasmodics;
  • vitamins;
  • hemostatic drugs.

Treatment includes a gentle diet to prevent bloating.

Brain hematoma

The intracerebral form occurs in the brain tissue itself. It is caused by damage to the vessel due to high blood pressure, hemorrhage due to a tumor or head injury.

A hematoma on the head can occur under the skin and feel like the consequences of a blow.

The epidural form of the disease occurs as a result of injury, often in the area where the middle meningeal artery is located. In this disorder, blood accumulates in the epidural space, outside the dura mater of the brain. Because it is attached to the bones of the skull, even small hemorrhages can be accompanied by signs of brain damage.

Subdural blood accumulation may occur gradually. Such a strong formation is detected only on CT and has chronic nature. However, in the absence of medical care, the patient's condition can worsen at any time. Brain hematoma is an indication for surgery.

Hematomas of the extremities

Subcutaneous hemorrhages are usually called bruises; they appear with minor bruises and are not associated with damage to large vessels. To treat such a bruise, it is enough to apply cold and apply heparin ointment.

An intermuscular hematoma on the leg can be very painful, as it compresses the muscle and nerve tissue, enclosed between connective tissue fascia. Particularly dangerous places for such damage are the lower leg and forearm.

Pathology on the hand can appear due to a nail injury. Subungual hemorrhage is very painful. To remove it in nail plate make a hole and remove the blood.

Internal hematomas

An internal hematoma is formed as a result of various diseases of the blood, blood vessels or injuries. Regardless of what damage led to the hemorrhage, signs of peritonitis appear - high fever, abdominal pain, intoxication. This condition is life-threatening and requires urgent medical attention. How to remove the pathology: the operation is performed laparoscopically, and in case of diffuse peritonitis, laparotomy is necessary.

Hemorrhages can occur under the capsule of dense organs: liver, spleen, kidneys, in the intestinal wall, in the peritoneum or retroperitoneal space.

Internal education have no subcutaneous manifestations. They can accumulate slowly, causing chronic abdominal pain, or form quickly with the development of peritonitis.

Epidural hematoma

When the head is injured by a fall or blow, an epidural hematoma occurs. It is located between the skull and the hard meninges. The consequences of bleeding can be dangerous, so it is necessary surgery such a state. Most often, the localization of the source of bleeding is in the temporal region.

Hemorrhage puts pressure on brain tissue and can cause swelling. The patient's condition worsens: vision, speech, ability to move, and consciousness are impaired. The epidural form of the pathology is accompanied by headache. If surgery is not performed in time, it can be fatal.

Pathology during pregnancy that occurs on the baby's head is not epidural. It only leads to a temporary change in the shape of the skull and is not life-threatening for the newborn.

Paraorbital hematoma

Such hemorrhage is a consequence of facial trauma. A paraorbital hematoma (bruise around the eye) occurs with skull fractures or concussion. But in most cases, the skin injury is minor and goes away within a week.

Subcutaneous tissue around the eyes is rich in soft fatty tissue; there is practically no muscle in this area. This creates conditions for blood to accumulate. Gradually, the blood cells break down and the color of the bruise changes. Vision does not deteriorate.

You should consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • chronic form diseases;
  • double vision;
  • loss of vision;
  • disturbance of consciousness;
  • discharge from the nose or ears clear liquid;
  • rupture of the membranes of the eye;
  • constant headache.

Encapsulated hematoma

If the muscle is damaged, an encysted hematoma may occur. In this case, after a bruise, the spilled blood coagulates, forming a clot. The formation from the impact subsequently hardens, calcifies or suppurates. When infected, swelling of the limb occurs, and pus can spread throughout the tissue over a long distance. A patient with a suppurating pathology requires surgical intervention. The operation includes opening and cleaning the cavity of the formation.

Causes and symptoms

The most common causes of hematoma are tissue trauma or damage to blood vessels. The more severe the bruise, the more pronounced the hemorrhage. Accumulation of blood in tissues can occur as a consequence of surgery, biopsy, catheterization and other medical procedures.

Some medications cause blood clotting problems and a tendency to bleed:

  • warfarin;
  • clopidogrel;
  • aspirin;
  • chimes;
  • vitamin E;
  • diclofenac and other NSAIDs;
  • dietary supplements with garlic and ginkgo biloba.

Diseases that increase the risk of this condition:

The symptoms of a hematoma depend on its size and location. There is pain, swelling, redness of the skin, and then the formation of a bruise. The stages depend on the rate of blood resorption. Subcutaneous ecchymosis disappears in about a week.

Dangerous complication pathologies - suppuration, accompanied severe pain, swelling, fever. The patient needs surgery- opening of the formation. Then the wound is sutured and a sterile bandage is applied to it.

Particularly severe symptoms occur with intracranial hemorrhages:

  • headache;
  • speech disorder;
  • paralysis;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • urinary incontinence and others.

The course of the disease may be asymptomatic.


Hemorrhage into the brain, under the skin or into a body cavity has a different prognosis. The consequences of a hematoma depend on its location, size, and condition of the damaged vessels. For example, a small intracranial pathology may be asymptomatic. On the other hand, major hemorrhage in the muscles of the limb requires surgery to avoid serious complications.

Bruising of soft tissues on the eye passes without any consequences for the body. Formations on the surface of internal organs can disrupt their functions and cause chronic pain or fester.

Possible consequences brain pathologies – impairment of consciousness and other functions nervous system. Therefore, if you have a head injury, you should immediately seek help. medical care. Treatment consists of removing the accumulation of blood and cleansing the resulting cavity.


With bruises, subcutaneous hemorrhage appears, in common parlance a bruise. Such damage is treated by creating a calm, elevated position. In the first 2–3 days, it is useful to apply ice for 20 minutes 4–6 times a day; in subsequent days, you can apply warm compresses. Painkillers, ointments with heparin and troxevasin are prescribed. The bruising resolves within a few days.

How to treat a hematoma if the pain intensifies, swelling appears, and the temperature rises: you need to contact a surgeon to open the damaged tissue. Suppuration can cause dangerous consequences for the body, up to gangrene and sepsis.

Treatment of a hematoma on the leg or arm can be supplemented with elastic bandaging, but do not tighten the injury site too much.

Treatment surgically necessary for many types of pathology. For example, subdural pathology of the brain, which causes headaches or impaired consciousness, requires urgent neurosurgical intervention. In case of chronic cerebral hematoma, you can limit yourself to observation and regular CT monitoring.

When the nail phalanx is injured, a subungual form of pathology is formed. It must be opened and the accumulated blood removed. This procedure will not only relieve pain, but also prevent nail detachment.

Pathology can occur after surgery if the technique has been violated, or the patient is taking blood thinners. In this case, it is necessary to reconsider drug therapy. Such hemorrhage is observed and, if necessary, opened and drained.

First aid to the victim can be provided by using folk remedy– dressings with aloe juice, wormwood decoction, compresses from cabbage leaves, onion gruel. The use of bodyagi is effective, as well as iodine grid at the site of the injury.


It is impossible to prevent the development of any hemorrhage. However, there are measures to protect against some types of such damage.

Older people often take heart medications to thin their blood. Their falls are common cause hemorrhages on the limbs, torso, internal organs or in the brain. Fall prevention measures in older people can reduce the risk of severe complications.

Children younger age Often, when moving, they hit their heads on pieces of furniture, doors, and so on. It is necessary to think about how to protect the baby from such danger. Teenagers must use protective equipment when playing sports (bicycles, skateboards, etc.) - helmets, knee pads, and others. This will reduce the risk of child injury.

Video about hematoma