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Kirkazon is weak. Kirkazon - giant leaves and amazing flowers. The use of Kirkazone in folk medicine

Good afternoon to all readers of the wonderful blog “Notes of the Village Aibolit”. My name is Shibarova Irina Sergeevna, I am a herbalist, and recently I have been writing articles for you in the “Medicinal Plants” section.

This topic has been terribly interesting to me literally since childhood, which I spent visiting my grandmother in the village. It was she who instilled in me the love for medicinal herbs and, I believe, influenced the choice of my future profession.

Today I will tell you about a plant that is known only to a narrow circle of specialists and real herbalists, but despite this it deserves the closest attention, since it has excellent properties. medicinal properties and has been used for quite a long time for the treatment of folk medicine.

So, get acquainted - common kirkazon (the second name is clematis). This plant is poisonous. You can meet it wherever there is moisture: along the banks of streams, rivers and rivulets, near lakes, in forests.

Kirkazon is a plant with a characteristic, not very pleasant odor. It grows to about 80 cm and has oval, heart-shaped leaves. He has flowers yellow color, located at the very base of the leaves, the fruits of the plant are pear-shaped hanging boxes.

Photo of Kirkazon

Medicinal properties of Kirkazona clematis

Kirkazon is not a simple plant. Once upon a time, special studies were even carried out, the purpose of which was to find out how this plant affects the cardiovascular system. vascular system person.

As a result of these studies, it was found that preparations from Kirkazone are capable of increasing the strength of heart contractions, restoring the correct rhythm of the heart, stimulating its work and at the same time dilating blood vessels.

It was experimentally found that if you take drugs based on Kirkazone for a long time, this has a positive effect on the entire body.

What's going on? Firstly, breathing quickens slightly, the minute volume of breathing and inhalation deepen, but that’s not all. In addition, the functioning of the kidneys noticeably improves: blood flow and oxygen supply to them increases.

As a result, urine output increases without any diuretics, and kidney enzymes better break down and, accordingly, remove all harmful substances from the human body faster.

The use of Kirkazone in folk medicine

It's time to tell you where this is used medicinal plant. Fans of traditional medicine use drugs based on kirkazone:

  1. for the treatment of various difficult-to-heal wounds
  2. trophic ulcers
  3. various skin rashes
  4. dermatoses
  5. diaper rash
  6. for the treatment of insomnia
  7. neuroses
  8. nervous exhaustion
  9. bedsores

This is such an extensive list. Isn't that impressive? Below are recipes for making drugs based on kirkazone for the treatment of certain diseases. I want to remind you that this plant is poisonous! Therefore, store tinctures, Kirkazon juice, etc. in a place inaccessible to other family members.

Tincture and juice for the treatment of difficult-to-heal and festering wounds

  • Take kirkazona grass (dry - 40 grams, raw - 150 grams), chop it and pour in a liter of vodka.
  • This tincture must be kept for exactly 2 weeks, then strain.
  • Use for medicinal purposes 10 – 15 drops 3 times a day.
  • Since the tincture is somewhat poisonous, it is better to store it in an inaccessible place to completely prevent its use by unauthorized persons.

If you don’t want to prepare a tincture, you can just as easily use the juice of this plant. It is prepared like this:

  • The plants are collected during the flowering period; for this purpose, only the tops of the kirkazon are cut off, approximately 30 cm.
  • They are washed and passed through a regular or electric meat grinder, squeezing out the juice in this simple way.
  • Preserve the juice by adding alcohol until it reaches 10% concentration. Such juice, as a rule, can be stored for a very long time.

Baths for the treatment of eczema, bedsores, trophic ulcers, dermatoses, diaper rash and various skin rashes

To treat all the diseases described above, it is appropriate to use the medicinal properties of Kirkazon, making healing baths based on it. They are done quite simply:

  • The proportion for preparing baths is as follows: for 2 glasses of fresh herbs - 5 - 7 liters of boiling water.
  • Accordingly, if there are 4 cups of herbs, then you need 10 - 14 liters of boiling water, etc. The Kirkazon herb should be steamed for 30 minutes, after which you can steam the sore spots in such a bath for 40 minutes 2 - 3 times a day.
  • The course of bath treatment is 2 weeks.

Treatment with kirkazone of insomnia, neuroses, stuttering, nervous exhaustion

For successful treatment For all these diseases, Kirkazon is used both in the form of tinctures, juice, and as part of other preparations or mixtures. This way the maximum effect is achieved.

IN pure form The following proportion will be sufficient - 1 teaspoon of herb per 0.4 liter cold water and after insisting for 1 night, you can begin treatment.

On the first day you should take 1 teaspoon 3-5 times a day before meals. Then the dose is gradually increased: 1 tablespoon 3 – 5 times a day. Since this plant is poisonous, it is best to play it safe and use it under the supervision of a doctor. IN in rare cases Doctors may increase the dose to 2 tablespoons per day, which is then gradually reduced.

Use of Kirkazone in the treatment of tuberculosis

You will be surprised, but this plant is also used in the treatment of tuberculosis. The healing effect is explained by the fact that the causative agent of tuberculosis is very sensitive to the active substances of this plant.

These are the same active substances and destroy the tuberculosis bacillus, and very effectively. Kirkazon, when actively used, stimulates expectoration, making it easier for a patient with tuberculosis to breathe.

The method of treating tuberculosis with kirkazone is as follows:

  • Pour 2 teaspoons of the herb into 0.4 liters of water overnight and strain in the morning.
  • Then you need to add 1 tablespoon of plantain or black elderberry juice to this infusion.
  • Dosage: 6 – 8 times a day before meals, 50 ml.
  • The course of treatment for tuberculosis ranges from 3 to 5 months. The effect will be better if such treatment is supplemented with a collection of herbs for tuberculosis. Some of the best are: honey with propolis, pine pollen, bee pollen.

Treatment of thrombophlebitis

In addition to all its advantages described above, common Kirkazon also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is perfectly manifested in the treatment of thrombophlebitis with this plant.

For treatment, the leaves of the herb need to be crushed and mixed with boiled water 1/1. It turns out to be a kind of paste that needs to be applied to a napkin and applied to the sore spot for 8 hours. The napkin with Kirkazone pulp is changed regularly until the ulcers are completely healed. Usually the patient notices relief after 15–20 days, in some cases a little earlier.

The crushed leaves of this plant can also be used to treat festering wounds, diaper rash and various skin rashes.

The use of Kirkazone for gynecological diseases

This medicinal plant can be used for delayed menstruation. To do this you need:

  • Take 2 teaspoons of herb and infuse it in 300 ml. water for 6 hours. The water should be at room temperature.
  • Take tincture 2 tablespoons 3 times a day for 2 months.

One such course may not be enough. If this is your case, then treatment is carried out 2 or even 3 times with the appointment of other forms of this plant (this can be juice or tincture) with the addition of other medicinal plants, such as sage, oregano, horehound, etc.

In conclusion, I want to warn you once again. Overdose of drugs based on kirkazone is unacceptable! This may be the reason why unpleasant consequences. Treatment using this plant during pregnancy is also prohibited.

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Due to its medicinal properties, the herb kirkazon is considered a cure for all diseases. Widely used in Chinese traditional medicine- increases immunity, improves metabolism. But you need to take extracts of this plant with caution. It is poisonous, so it is better to take it as recommended by a doctor. The medicinal properties of the plant were known back in Ancient Greece. Descriptions, photos and recipes for use can be found in medicinal reference books. Even in harsh climatic conditions, planting and care will be successful.

Kirkazon: medicinal properties and contraindications

The aerial part and root are considered medicinal raw materials. In folk medicine, tinctures, decoctions, and infusions are prepared from them. In raw crushed form, it is used externally.

IN chemical composition The plant includes the following medicinal properties and components:

Aristolochic acids;
essential oil;
tannins and bitter substances;
phenolic acids;
esters, glycosides, lactones.

To treat fungal infections, compresses and lotions are made from ordinary Kirkazon. It is also used to treat eczema, boils, and abscesses. The plant helps get rid of “female” diseases. Douching with Kirkazone reviews helps with fibroma. The serpentine variety is used as an antidote for snake bites.

Medicinal properties

The plant contains aristocholine, a substance that expands blood vessels, increases the amplitude of heart contractions. Despite its beneficial medicinal properties, scientists have found that it can cause great harm body. Mutagenic and carcinogenic effects can cause the development of Balkan nephropathy. External lotions help with mastitis, infusion - with scabies, smoke from smoldering seeds - with epilepsy.

The herb kirkazon has found application in the treatment of such diseases:

  • gout;
  • dropsy;
  • cystitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • angina;
  • tuberculosis;
  • hypertension;
  • flu;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • angina.


An overdose will lead to destruction of the gastrointestinal mucosa. It is strictly prohibited to use by children, pregnant women, people with gastritis, kidney and liver diseases. Contact with the plant may cause burns. In comparison, they are similar to chemical grades I-II.

Types of Kirkazon

It grows near rivers, along seashores, in ravines. If it grows in gardens and vegetable gardens, it is perceived as a weed. Photos of what Kirkazon looks like can be found on the Internet.

In addition to the usual, common the following types:

  • round;
  • clematis;
  • long;
  • Manchurian;
  • large-leaved;
  • fluffy.

The weed grows in bushy pastures. So, it does not require planting or special care. You can destroy it from the garden using herbicides.

Methods of propagation of Kirkazon:

  • seeds;
  • shoots;
  • cuttings

Cultivation is specific in many ways, and this is what distinguishes the grass from other garden climbers. When landing, it is better to keep your distance. The distance between plants should be up to 1 m. Resistant to pests, but problems with aphids and spider mites may occur. Young cuttings need to be covered for the winter. After 2-3 years, this need disappears.


Medicinal properties of Manchurian kirkazon:

  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • pain reliever;
  • lactation;
  • soothing;
  • cardiotonic.

The Manchurian species has also found its application in gynecology. Has a beneficial effect on women reproductive system. According to women's reviews, it is prescribed for benign tumors in the uterus. Dentists use it for stomatitis. An indispensable assistant and for nursing mothers. Normalizes lactation and the functioning of the mammary glands. Homeopaths use it as a prophylactic against mastitis.

Manchurian Kirkazon - photo

In gardening it is used as an ornamental flowering plant. When planting, you need to choose a shady place protected from the winds. The main rule of caring for vines is to avoid stagnant water. In the Moscow region the stem grows up to 7 m, in its homeland (China, Balkans, Korea, Primorsky Territory) - up to 15 m.


Kirkazon clematis and hops are an excellent option for vertical gardening. Photos of landscape design are available online and in periodicals. Before planting, the roots of the clematis vine are slightly trimmed. Needs regular watering. In summer, it is advisable to spray the leaves. Aristolochia will bloom only 5 years after planting. The use of the plant in folk medicine has a beneficial effect on heart function and kidney function.

Clematis kirkazon - photo


Liana Kirkazon photo helps the body adapt to climate change. For constipation and chronic colitis Herbal preparations help. The fruits of the common ficus contain a lot of carotene. The alkaloid aristoloquine reduces the tone and strength of uterine contractions.

Common Kirkazon - photo


Large-leaved kirkazon is a vine up to 12 m high. In the photo, the leaves are large, light green, up to 30 cm in diameter. In ornamental gardening, they are used to create green tunnels and roofs, and decorate balconies and terraces. Loves moisture. To simplify care and solve the issue of maintaining moisture, it is better to plant grass near bodies of water, in lowlands. It is recommended to install a support before planting. Care is the same as for other species.

Kirkazon clematis or common is a perennial plant, a liana. It belongs to the Kirkazonov family. This vine has creeping roots, a bare straight stem, and round leaves of light green color, as in the photo.

This vine is blooming yellow, this usually happens in early summer. The leaves of this plant have a not very pleasant smell. Kirkazon loves moisture very much, so it prefers to be located near ponds, swamps, or simply on soils with high humidity.

Kirkazon vulgaris originally comes from European countries. The plant is quite valuable in medicine.

Avicenna also suggested using this vine to treat certain types of ulcers. Sometimes this clematis clematis can also be found in Asian countries and North America. Wild relatives of these plants can sometimes also grow in Belarus, the Caucasus, and Russia.

In medicine, plants of a poisonous nature are often used in a certain way, and clematis is no exception.

Chemical components

The roots of this vine contain medicinal substances such as alkaloids, aristolochic acid, bitter and tannic substances, essential oils. The composition also contains carotene and organic acids.

Benefits for humans

All of these substances can be used to heal various diseases. For example:

  • Aristolochic acid is able to increase the number and amplitude of contractions of the heart muscles. This substance can stimulate the human respiratory system, as well as have a diuretic effect and help strengthen the vascular system.
  • Herbal preparations are also produced from Kirkazon; they have an excellent effect on protozoa and different kinds bacteria.
  • Kirkazon vulgaris is widely used in folk treatment. It is used for gout, edema, and diseases respiratory system, with chronic physical and psychological fatigue.
  • Preparations that are based on this plant are used if a person has been bitten by a poisonous snake.
  • If a person is sick with dermatomycosis, pyoderma, furunculosis, mastitis, skin itching, then compresses based on this plant can be prescribed.
  • If a person is sick with scabies, then an alcohol-based tincture is prepared from Kirkazon.
  • For epileptics traditional treatment advises to inhale the smoke from the seeds of burnt kirkazon.

Is it safe?

For the sake of fairness, it must be said that traditional medicine has recognized Aristolochic acid as a poison that negatively affects capillaries. The resulting accumulation of this substance can lead to hemorrhagic nephritis. It is for this reason that in Russia, medicines containing this clematis kirkazon were banned.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Even traditional medicine says that the use of medicine based on this plant is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • It is dangerous, and therefore prohibited, to treat children with this plant. It is difficult for them to calculate the dosage. In addition, a child’s immune strength is much lower than that of an adult.
  • Pregnant women should not use medications based on this plant.
  • Contraindications are chronic and acute diseases digestive system.
  • The plant should not be used if the kidneys or liver are sick: these organs must thoroughly cleanse the body of poison.

It is very dangerous to independently calculate the dosage of this plant; you may not guess correctly. This task must be entrusted to a good specialist.

This is a poisonous plant. Even a slight excess of the dose can lead to destructive processes gastric mucosa and everything gastrointestinal tract. Extreme caution should be exercised not only when taking the medicine orally. Exceeding the dose of poison in compresses can lead to burns. These can be first- and second-degree burns, so treatment with this vine can only be carried out under the supervision of an experienced medical specialist.

For many centuries, people have been using various plants with medicinal purposes. One of the healing plants with unique medicinal properties is kirkazon. But since the pharmaceutical industry is rapidly developing, new drugs are being released every day, people have forgotten that it is possible to get rid of ailments without causing the slightest harm to the body.

Many plants are simply considered harmful weeds, so they are removed immediately. Kirkazon is also considered a weed. Although, in fact, the plant can cure various ailments. It is also called fever grass, sword grass, camphor grass, grass vine, tar grass, evil grass. Let's find out how the herb is useful, and also get acquainted with the ways of using it.

Herbal products are used both internally and externally. The widespread use of perennials is due to its rich composition, as well as a variety of healing properties. The plant is endowed with the following substances:

  • fatty oil;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oil;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • cinnamon alcohol;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids;
  • bitterness;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • saponins;
  • resins;
  • carotene;
  • aristolochic acid.

Thanks to numerous studies, the following properties are known: anti-inflammatory, restorative, immunostimulating, antimicrobial, expectorant, analgesic, wound-healing, tonic, choleretic, diuretic.

The use of products based on herbaceous vines promotes:

  • increasing the strength of heart contractions;
  • dilation of blood vessels;
  • normalization of the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • cleansing the body of toxins;
  • fight against pathogenic microflora;
  • accelerating the wound healing process;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • minimizing inflammatory processes;
  • increase protective properties body.

Kirkazone preparations are effective in the fight against such pathological conditions, diseases: epilepsy, insomnia, neurasthenia, VSD, fatigue, endometriosis, thrombophlebitis, fibroids, polyps, cysts, dermatitis, scabies, itchy skin, psoriasis, gout, hypertension.

Use in alternative medicine: recipes

In the collection of alternative medicine there are many recipes for medicines based on kirkazone. The drugs are effective and will help cure a specific disease. But for this, maximum care should be taken when preparing the compositions - adhere to proportions and doses. The plant is poisonous and if used inappropriately, it can lead to unpredictable consequences.

Before you start taking this or that drug, you should make sure that there are no contraindications, and also consult your doctor.

You should not self-medicate or replace medications with fever herb remedies.

Treatment must be comprehensive. This is the only way you will be able to as soon as possible get rid of the disease.

  1. In the fight against pathologies skin infectious, viral, fungal nature, inflammatory diseases, purulent wounds, it is recommended to use such a decoction. Brew 30 g of dried crushed herb with boiled water - 300 ml. Boil the composition, after boiling, over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Use the filtered decoction for compresses, washes, and lotions.
  2. For pathologies associated with salt deposition, violation metabolic processes– for osteochondrosis, rheumatism, it is useful to take healing baths. Steam 30 g of the plant with boiling water - 500 ml. Place in a warm place for a quarter of an hour. Filter the product and pour it into the bath. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes. You need to take a bath once a day.
  3. To strengthen the immune system, minimize painful sensations, normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for long-term therapy non-healing wounds It is recommended to use a tincture. Pour dry crushed rhizomes with 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:3. Place the tightly closed container in a cool place for three weeks. Filter, take twenty drops three times a day.
  4. People can try using ointment. Mix 200 g melted pork fat with Kirkazon tincture – 20 ml, tincture – 40 ml. Use to treat affected areas.
  5. For ailments, fatigue, and sleep disorders, it is useful to take the infusion. Brew 10 g of dry crushed rhizomes with boiling water - 300 ml. Place in a warm place for nine hours. Filter, take a quarter glass three times a day.

Use in medicine, for decorative purposes

Kirkazon is not a pharmacopoeial plant, therefore it is not used in traditional medicine. But I found Smolnyak wide application V alternative medicine, homeopathy. With medicinal for preventive purposes They use both the above-ground and underground parts. Infusions and tinctures of the herb are effective in the treatment of intestinal atony, scurvy, gout, dropsy, and tuberculosis.

The plant is valued by gardeners. It is used as an ornamental plant for vertical gardening. In order for a liana to take root well and grow, it needs clayey, organic-rich, well-drained soil.

Botanical description

Kirkazon is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the Kirkazon family, reaching a height of 80 or more centimeters.

The herbaceous liana is endowed with a creeping rhizome, an erect, slightly twisting light green stem, large round or ovoid matte green long-petioled leaves with an unpleasant aroma.

The edges of the leaves are jagged and somewhat rough.

The flowers of the plant are yellow, located in the axils of the leaves, several in number. Flowering ends summer period, and fruit ripening is at the beginning of autumn. The fruit of fever grass is a hanging, six-locular pear-shaped capsule with finely wrinkled brownish triangular seeds.

Summer cottages, vegetable gardens, banks of rivers, lakes, water meadows, thickets of bushes, shady damp places, forests - places of growth. Europe, North America, Belarus, Ukraine, Russia, North Caucasus - habitat.

Collection, preparation, storage of medicinal raw materials

Kirkazon plant Kirkazon flower

For the manufacture of means for therapy and disease prevention, both above-ground and underground parts are used. It is recommended to collect rhizomes after the seeds have ripened. After digging, they must be cleared of soil, washed, and then dried outside.

The above-ground part should be collected during the period of intense flowering. The collected raw materials are dried outside in the shade or in a room with good ventilation. The prepared parts are poured into paper bags or carton boxes, and then stored in a dry place.

Since the grass is poisonous, gloves should be worn when harvesting it.


Kirkazon refers to poisonous plants. Even accidental contact of grass with skin can cause severe allergic reaction, burn. It is for this reason that it is necessary to wear gloves when working with the plant.

The use of formulations based on herbaceous vines is contraindicated for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding, as well as small children. The herb should not be used for medicinal purposes by people suffering from individual intolerance, gastritis, acute inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract, renal, liver failure.

Inappropriate use of drugs, exceeding proportions, doses are fraught with menorrhagia, hemorrhagic nephritis, and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. Be vigilant, remember, your health is in your hands.

Family: Kirkazonaceae (Aristolochiaceae).


In its natural environment, Aristolochia grows in the tropical zones of America, Asia and Africa, some species - in temperate climate zones.

Form: herbaceous or woody vine.


Aristolochia (kirkazon) - perennial herbaceous plants with smooth erect or climbing shoots and woody vines. Plant height is from 8 to 14 m. The root system of adult plants is superficial, the rooting depth depends on the quality of the soil: from 3-5 cm in wet to 55 cm in dry. Kirkazon shoots are thin, cord-like. Juveniles are olive-green, pubescent, adults are dark gray, woody. The leaves are pubescent, heart-shaped, entire, growing on long leaves. They are arranged one by one. Reach 30 cm in diameter. The leaves of Aristolochia grow, hanging with their tops down, and are arranged in a “tile” pattern, without gaps, forming a continuous wall of foliage. This is how Kirkazon gets its maximum sunlight. The flowers are large, yellow-brown, dim, hidden behind the leaves. They look like a strongly curved tube with a wide bend. Bisexual, with unpleasant smell to attract pollinating insects. The fruit is an elongated cucumber-like capsule with edges up to 10 cm long. Kirkazon seeds are flat, triangular.

Kirkazon grows very quickly; at the peak of growth (usually in June) it can grow at a speed of 15 cm per day. Every year the shoots lengthen by 2-3 m. The shoots grow around the support in a counterclockwise spiral. Aristolochia blooms at 5-8 years of age, blooms from June to October for 5-20 days.

Kirkazon is a relict grass of the subtropical flora of the Cretaceous period. The genus Aristolochia has about 180 (according to some opinions - up to 350) species. Some species are on the verge of extinction and are listed in the Red Book. In Russia, 5 plant species are common in ornamental gardening.

, or large-leaved kirkazon (A. durior, A. sipho, A. macrophylla). Shrub. Homeland - North America. Height 10-12 m. Young shoots - green, bare; adults are covered with wrinkled gray bark. The leaves are very large, up to 30 cm in diameter, light green above, bluish below. The flowers are yellow-green, the limb is brown with purple specks. Length 3 cm.

Large-leaved Kirkazon grows well in central Russia: it begins to open buds at the end of April, blooms in early June, in the fall the leaves do not lose color and fall off with the onset of severe frosts. In severe frosts, young wood can be damaged.

Aristolochia manchuria , or Kirkazon Manchurian (A. mandshuriensis). Deciduous woody vine. Homeland - Far East. Height 10-20 m. Young shoots are bright green, pubescent, adults are covered with gray bark. The leaves are very large, up to 30 cm in diameter, light green above, bluish below, smell of camphor. The flowers are brown or creamy brown. Length 3 cm. Does not bloom annually, fruiting is weak.

Manchurian kirkazon grows well in the conditions of central Russia: it begins to open buds at the end of April, and blooms at the beginning of May. At the end of September the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall in mid-September. During severe frosts, the ends of the annual growth of the Manchurian kirkazon freeze over. More frost-resistant than large-leaved kirkazon.

, or Kirkazon clematis, or common kirkazon (A. clematitis). Long rhizomatous herbaceous vine. In its natural environment it grows in the Caucasus, Crimea, Western Europe and Asia Minor. Height up to 15 m. Leaves are matte, round-ovate, obtuse. The flowers are yellow with a small closed limb. Length 2.5 cm. Blooms for about 30 days at the end of May - June.

, or Kirkazon graceful (A. elegans). Herbaceous liana. Homeland - tropics South America. Height up to 10 m. Leaves are broad-heart-shaped, glossy above, dark green, grayish-green below. The flowers are off-white above with brick-red veins, milky white below with dark purple spots. Length up to 12 cm, width up to 10 cm. Blooms from mid-summer until the first night frosts.

Aristolochia tomentosa , or fluffy kirkazon (A. tomentosa). Deciduous climbing shrub. Homeland - eastern and southeastern states of North America. Height up to 10 m. Young shoots are densely pubescent, adults are covered with dark gray wrinkled bark. The leaves are large, up to 16 cm in length, rounded-ovate, rounded at the ends. The leaves are light green, dull, slightly pubescent above, and tomentose below. The flowers are greenish-yellow with a yellow wrinkled limb. Length 3.5 cm.

Growing conditions

Kirkazon is a plant that in nature usually grows in trees. Therefore, it should be planted in partial shade: under a wide tree or near the northern wall of a building (in the south of Russia). In central Russia, due to the general lack of sun, it is possible to grow kirkazon near the eastern or south-eastern walls.

Aristolochia prefers moist soil rich in humus. It should be loose for better air penetration to the surface roots of the vine. Does not tolerate dry soil.

The air must also be moist, so kirkazon cannot be grown in dry areas.

Aristolochia macrophylla requires a protected planting site and does not tolerate wind that tears its leaves. Light-loving, but cannot withstand scorching heat sun rays. Requires fertile soil and needs annual replanting. In the south of Russia it is winter-hardy.

Kirkazon clematis prefers partial shade, good soil. Does not tolerate stagnant water, drought-resistant. Common Kirkazon is more winter-hardy than large-leaved Kirkazon.

Elegant Kirkazon can also grow near the southern walls of a building; it does not tolerate shading. Elegant Kirkazon and Felt Kirkazon overwinter in a pot on the window.


Aristolochia is used for. It is great for decorating walls, balconies, pillars, columns, old tree trunks, etc.

Manchurian kirkazon, large-leaved and some other species are used in folk medicine as a medicine.


Kirkazon is a vine that needs very strong support. The plant is often pruned to maintain and adjust its shape, and this can be done from late winter until November.

The soil should always be very nutritious and loose. But loosening should be shallow, since in areas with predominantly moist soil the root system of Aristolochia lies at a depth of 3-5 cm.

Kirkazon is a moisture-loving grass; in summer it needs abundant (10 liters per plant) regular watering, in winter watering is limited. It responds very well to regular feeding with a weak solution of liquid fertilizer.

In dry summers, Kirkazon is sprayed.

For the winter, the pickaxe is laid on the ground, after cutting off the immature shoots, and covered with insulation or just snow.


Aristolochia is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings are carried out in spring or autumn in a heated greenhouse, using mature annual shoots. The plant is planted in a permanent place after six months, in the fall or next spring. Horizontal layering is laid in the spring. Kirkazon seeds require a temperature of 5-8 degrees. This method is more complicated and less reliable than the previous two.

Diseases and pests

Cases of aristolochia disease are extremely rare. Pests are spider mites and aphids.