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All about the Jack Russell Terrier dog. The Jack Russell Terrier is a baby with a lot of energy. Characteristics of the breed. Pros and cons of the breed

The Jack Russell Terrier breed is on everyone's lips after the release of the movie "The Mask". Small and funny, naughty and jumpy. He won the hearts of TV viewers and quickly migrated from the screen to the home’s sofas.

Not everyone knows that this breed has several varieties. So that you are not disappointed by the future appearance Jack Russell we advise you to read this article to the end.

One cannot speak unequivocally about the dynamic breed of the small Jack Russell Terrier. They are all so different that without proper experience you can get confused in them. Theoretically, they are divided into:

  • smooth-haired and short-haired;
  • wire-haired and long-haired;
  • Brokens are an intermediate link between smooth-haired and wire-haired representatives of the breed.

All varieties, at their core, are carriers of certain genes and belong to the same breed group of hunting dogs. They have proven themselves well in burrow hunting for rodents and fur-bearing animals.

The weight of a Jack Russell terrier, regardless of coat type, ranges from 6 to 8 kg, and the height at the withers is 23 – 30 cm. Males are much larger than females.

It would seem that we can put an end to this. However, with a detailed study, a lot of interesting, and perhaps unexpected, can be told about the varieties of this breed.


This type of Jack Russell is more familiar to amateurs and professionals. He uses . It has a coat of a pleasant and soft texture that fits tightly to its body.

The smooth-haired terrier sheds seasonally, in spring and autumn, lasting 25-30 days.
Due to apartment living and dry air, their fur may fall off all year round, which causes a lot of trouble for the owners. Dying hairs will need to be removed daily with a rubber brush or a special glove.

For better smooth-haired Jack Russell Terriers, you can use a furminator designed for short-haired breeds (1-2 times a month). This type of terrier is not subject to trimming.

Wire-haired and long-haired

Unlike the smooth-haired type, this variety of Jack Russell Terriers has a naturally dense, coarse coat.

It is quite long compared to other varieties and slightly puffs up in different directions. This is probably the hairiest representative of the breed.

Russells of this type are distinguished by small eyebrows and a funny beard, which cannot be seen in smooth-haired terriers. Long-haired (wire-haired) terriers do not shed as profusely as their smooth counterparts..

The problem is that they require professional trimming (plucking out dying hairs). The procedure is quite painstaking and requires a competent approach. Puppies are accustomed to trimming from the age of 3-4 months, otherwise an unaccustomed dog will experience pain.

Adults have their fur trimmed once every 3 months, and they need to be combed with a furminator at least 2 times a week.

Description and photo of Brocken

This variety of Jack Russell Terrier is visually similar to the Wire-haired Terrier, but its coat length is much shorter. It does not puff up, but is pressed against the dog’s body.

The second difference is the fact that Brocken's hair has a single break, and he has no beard or eyebrows. The prefix Brocken literally means broken.

In terms of grooming, Brockens are identical to the wire-haired type of the Russell family. They require trimming and regular brushing.

Light Broken

The name Light means that this Jack Brocken has a slight crease in the guard coat. It is almost smooth, if you do not take into account a few broken hairs on the body.

Caring for a Light Brocken can be compared to caring for a Smooth-haired Russell. Unless the broken hairs have to be plucked occasionally. Light Brocken also lacks eyebrows and goatee.


The next representative of the Jack Russell is a rarer type called Raf. It has coarse and harsh fur. Some may think he looks like Brocken. However, they have a significant difference.

Raf's guard hairs have numerous kinks and that is why his appearance is more disheveled, one might even say curly, than that of the Brokens. The Raf variety still requires the same regular trimming, without which they become funny shaggy and look like caricatured dwarfs.

After trimming, the Jack Russell Terrier varieties: Brocken, Rough and Longhaired become similar to the Smoothhaired. Trimming cannot be replaced with a clipper haircut; such a procedure changes the structure of the coat and spoils the appearance of the terrier beyond recognition.


According to the classification, in the Jack Russell Terrier breed there is no division into mini and maxi. Dogs whose weight and height are less than the prescribed standard are most often premature, or animals with defects and hereditary ones.

Unfortunately, careless breeders mislead gullible buyers by offering them an “ultrafashionable” mini dog. The Jack Russell Terrier, whose adult weight does not reach 3 kg, has a short life expectancy and health problems.

Do not follow the lead of deceivers who, for the purpose of profit, offer you to buy a non-existent variety of mini Russell terrier for the price of a quality dog.

Parson aka long-legged

In the history of the formation of the breed for a long time there was real confusion. It should be noted right away that there is no division of the Jack Russell Terrier breed into long-legged and short-legged.

So why do Russells have different length legs? The answer to this question lies in the fact that the long-legged terrier is a representative of a different breed called the Parson Russell Terrier.

According to the type of coat, the Parson Terrier can be smooth-haired or wire-haired, it always has a good undercoat. The division of the breed into two varieties, Jack and Parson, occurred in 2001. As a result:

  1. The Jack Russell Terrier has short legs and a strong build, reaching no more than 30 cm at the withers (FCI standard No. 345). The breed was popularized in Australia.
  2. Parson Russell Terrier on high legs has an elegant build, its height at the withers is no more than 36 cm (FCI standard No. 339). The breed was popularized in Great Britain.

The Parson Russell Terrier is faster at running; at one time it took part in horse hunting. It was this quality that made him a favorite of the kingdom of Great Britain, where from time immemorial horses and hunting were signs of aristocracy.

Funny and short-legged Jacks were not held in high esteem in their historical homeland and were practically driven into a corner as an unnecessary breed.

Whatever the appearance of the Russell Terrier, it owes its origin to the founder of the breed, Russell John, a clergyman and an ardent lover of hunting.

And if so, then all Russells are blood brothers and each of them contains the genes of the very dog ​​from which they descended. It follows that they all have typical breed traits and descriptions:

  1. Character – lively, charismatic, inquisitive, agile, cheerful, loving. pronounced.
  2. Diseases transmitted by inheritance - dysplasia hip joint, congenital deafness, aseptic necrosis femoral heads (Legg-Perthes disease) and an eye abnormality called collie eyes (abnormal development of areas of the eyes).
  3. Any Russell Terrier requires regular training, always with physical activity. Possessing increased jumping ability, this breed can perform intricate tricks and does not mind showing off its abilities in agility.
  4. Russells, regardless of coat type and leg length, must be of high quality, balanced and portioned, as they are all prone to obesity.
  5. Tail docking is not mandatory and does not affect the show career of Russell Terriers. As a rule, cupping is carried out early puppyhood to the length of the “grip handle”.
  6. In the cold season (at temperatures of -5C and below), Jack Russells and Parsons are dressed in clothes. Short-haired varieties of this breed are especially prone to colds.
  7. Caring for Russells is standard. Comb the coat and trim it if necessary. Take care of your eyes and ears. Vaccinate and treat for fleas and ticks.
  8. Puppies of this breed up to 3 one month old have virtually no signs of future coat structure - this also applies to Jack Russells and Parsons.
  9. The price of puppies with documents depends on the pedigree of their parents, as well as their exhibition career. It varies from 30 to 80 thousand rubles. Without a pedigree, puppies are sold for 10-20 thousand rubles. Cheaper offers are either culls or crossbred puppies.

There is no point in making a comparison between the Jack and Parson Russell Terriers. They are similar in their bright temperament and tricolor color; they are distinguished only by the structure of their coat and the height at the withers.

Owners of the Russell Terrier breed are unanimous in their opinion that this dog is not suitable for everyone. She needs an active owner who can cope with a complex and restless character. hunting terrier. You can find reviews from those who call this breed too hyperdynamic and even extravagant.

Conclusion on wool types

This is what the Jack Russell Terrier is like – a multi-faceted and colorful character. Now you know that he can be smooth and soft, hard and even shaggy, and you are no longer shocked by his eyebrows and beard. But no matter what he looks like on the outside, the restless heart of a digger, seeker, tomboy and rebel always beats inside him. Love him for who he is.

An intellectually developed and quickly learning natural hunter - this is approximately how the description of this breed begins in many sources. Its bright representative brilliantly played himself in the film “The Mask”, becoming a companion on the set for comedian Jim Carrey. Four-legged British dogs, bred in Foggy Albion and long called fox terriers, are now popular apartment dwellers who adore children and perform well as guards.

The main purpose of Jack Russell Terriers was hunting. Their target was burrowing animals. A group of horsemen with weapons and dogs drove the foxes into unconsciousness. And if, before complete capitulation, the exhausted animal dived into a hole, the hunter took out a miniature dog from his belt bag, and it went into the underground passage for prey. A couple of minutes of heart-rending barking and snorting - and the fox again appeared in front of the people around her. All laurels went to the dog, on which the outcome of the hunting process depended.

Breed characteristics

The breed is quite young. She is only 200 years old. Today, hunting is no longer such a popular and widespread hobby even among prim British people. Therefore, the “jacks” reformatted, adapted to live in a world without attacks from wild animals, but with active games, which help dogs spend their accumulated and seemingly completely inexhaustible energy.

  • Weight. From 6 kg to 8 kg.
  • Height at the withers. From 25 cm to 40 cm. The dog grows up to one year.
  • Color. White with multi-colored inserts. The spots are usually black, brown or sandy.
  • Lifespan. From 13 to 16 years old.
  • Character. These are active and funny dogs, which move like a spinning top. From time to time, representatives of the breed show character, demonstrating their obstinacy to the owner. But in general, these are well-trained dogs that obey humans. Absolutely not suitable busy people, because loneliness is extremely poorly tolerated.
  • Intelligence. The dog is very smart. The knowledge that dog handlers put into his head is enough. Dogs quickly learn to follow commands and are able to be cunning. Their intellectual level is rated five out of five. These terriers adapt well to society.
  • Security and guard potential. This is not a breed that clearly knows the boundaries of the plot of land entrusted to it for protection. But the Jack Russell may well be a residential “scarer” of intruders. The popular nickname of this breed - the bell dog - was obtained precisely thanks to the vocal characteristics of the animal.

Estrus (or heat) first occurs in bitches between six months and one year of age. Frequency: once every eight months. The optimal age for the first mating is considered to be one and a half to two years. By this time, the dog can be considered 100% sexually mature. In order for pregnancy to occur, experts recommend conducting a control test two days after mating. Typically, childbirth in dogs is easy and without problems.


Jack Russell Terriers are skilled burrow workers and excellent companions. Physiological data that meet the standard are listed in the table.

Table - Jack Russell Terrier breed standard

Jack Russell tail docking is carried out solely at the request of the owner. And most often when the dog is preparing to participate in an exhibition. An undocked tail is not a disadvantage. The ears can also be either completely drooping or “button” - rising sharply on cartilage.

Origin history and interesting facts

Initially, hunters did not care what their dogs looked like. The main qualities that fox terriers should have were miniature size and anger towards the enemy. However, in the second half of the 19th century, everything changed: hunters became interested in exhibition events and began to strive to ensure that their dogs were not only hardy, but also beautiful.

  • Pastor's dog. The history of the Jack Russell Terrier breed began with a dog named Trump, which Pastor Jack Russell purchased at the market while still a student at Oxford University. The bitch was white, and on her head there were dark spots. Today this individual is considered an example of the breed and main dog in the history of its development.
  • The desire to breed a beautiful hunter. Pastor Jack Russell has set himself a difficult task. He intended to get a hardy and strong dog, capable of covering enormous distances, getting into even the narrowest hole in which a fox is hiding. There were a lot of experiments. This is how ancestors such as Welsh Corgis, Beagles, Fox and Bull Terriers appeared in the history of the breed. It must be admitted that the pastor, who became one of the founders of the English Kennel Club, achieved his goal.
  • The working title is working dog. After the creator of the breed passed away, the creations of his hands began to be called working dogs. Officially, they were not hunters, but at the same time they worked in tandem with four-legged companions who drove the animal. Even at that time, the British could not imagine hunting without working dogs. Who, if not they, were able to drive the prey out of their hiding place.
  • Gaining recognition. Yours official name The breed received its name in the 30s of the last century. True, initially, at the suggestion of the English Kennel Club, it was listed in the documents as a Parson Russell Terrier. True, there was one significant “but” in this whole story. The dogs that began to appear every now and then at exhibitions were too different from each other. Despite the fact that the breed was united.
  • The Australians dotted the i's. Perhaps the problem would have remained unresolved if one of the Jack Russells had not arrived on the Australian continent in the 60s of the last century. Already in the early 70s, Australians founded official club, carried out intra-breed division into species. Dogs with long legs were separated from dogs with short legs.
  • Final approval. The breed received official status and took its place of honor in the International Canine Federation in 2001. This year is considered the year of internal division of the Parson Russell Terrier breed.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a cornerstone dog that still poses problems and barriers to communication between Australian and English dog owners. The British were the only ones who did not officially recognize this breed. In Foggy Albion, jumping beauties still have the status of mongrels. The officially recognized breed in its only form, according to the British, remains the Parson Russell Terrier.


Dogs of the breed under discussion are divided into types depending on their coat, of which there can be three types. In addition, there is an intrabreed division that the British deny, but the rest of the civilized world recognizes.

3 "wool" types

Jack Russell Terriers vary in coat type. Their natural “coat” has a unique self-cleaning property. Even if the hunter gets pretty dirty in the mud or swamp, after a while the fur will become clean and neat as before. The table lists the types of Jack Russells that differ from each other in their coat.

Table - Types of Jack Russell Terriers

You can protect your home from the abundance of fur that falls out during the molting period with the help of timely trimming. This is the name of the procedure for removing hair that is ready to fall out. It is better to send the animal to a grooming salon for a haircut.

"Jackie" vs. "Parson"

Residents of Foggy Albion deny any intra-breed division and believe that the Parson Russell Terrier breed includes both tall and short dogs. In the meantime international classification clearly separates those with long and short limbs. The former belong to the Parson Russell Terriers, and the latter to the Jack Russell. The table will tell you more about the division.

Table - Comparative features of “British” and “Australian” terriers

Caring for a Jack Russell Terrier is simple and easy. The emphasis should be on walking and wool. Walks should be daily. Preferably twice a day: in the morning and at evening time. The minimum duration is half an hour, but provided that you and your dog spend this time quite actively.

  • Weekly brushing. Once a week, using a special brush, the dog must be combed, removing dead particles. skin and lost hair. Weekly brushing will keep your home clean and minimize the amount of hair on the flooring.
  • Swimming on request. Thanks to the self-cleaning function of animal hair, regular bath procedures the dog doesn't require it. It is necessary to wash it only when it is absolutely necessary. For example, if a dog has generously rolled around in something smelly.
  • Sufficient activity. The dog is characterized by irritability, which occurs in case of insufficient physical activity. Only by running out properly will the dog not pester the person.
  • Diet. When choosing a diet for your pet, you can choose high-quality food. Acceptable categories are “premium” and “super-premium”. When choosing food, you need to take into account the age of the dog and the characteristics of its coat. A single portion is calculated based on the weight of the animal. If the owner prefers to feed his pet natural food, the basis of the menu should be meat products and offal. 75% of food products should be of animal origin, another 25% should be a storehouse of fiber (fruits and vegetables). You can feed meat, raw bones, fermented milk products, peeled tripe, carrots, cabbage, cucumber and other summer fruits, depending on the animal’s preferences.

The size of an adult dog can give an indication of its body weight. For every 1 kg of weight there is 5 cm of height at the withers. Therefore, a dog with a height of 25 cm should weigh 5 kg. A dog with a height of 30 cm should have a mass of 6 kg.


Training should begin with early age. So in a couple of months you will receive well-mannered puppy, which instantly carries out the owner’s commands, understands him perfectly. When starting to raise an active baby, consider three nuances.

  1. Carrot and stick. A method that does not work with dogs of many breeds is accepted with a bang by Jack Russells. Treats and light physical stimulation quickly bear fruit. The dog picks up commands and quickly learns to carry them out. First for the sake of the “carrot”, and later - quite consciously.
  2. Systematicity and rigor. Representatives of this breed - strong-willed dogs. People with a soft character are unlikely to cope with them. Training must be regular and persistent on the part of the person, otherwise nothing will work.
  3. A leash is required. It is strictly forbidden to let the dog off the leash during a walk or during a lesson held outside the home walls or fenced area. The animals' hunting instinct immediately kicks in, they begin to chase everyone who is shorter than them - from cats to rodents and chihuahuas.

Diseases and treatment

To protect your pet from diseases, it must be regularly vaccinated according to the vaccination schedule. However, there are diseases from which it is impossible to protect. The list below contains three of the most common health problems found in this breed.

  1. Luxation of the lens. In simple terms - its displacement. This is one of the most popular genetic diseases, which usually appears between three and eight years of age. The disease is easily treated. Most often, a consultation with an ophthalmologist and an appointment is sufficient. medicines, but sometimes a four-legged patient requires surgery.
  2. Displacement of the kneecap. The disease is transmitted from mother to cubs. Sometimes painful condition It doesn’t remind you of itself at all, it goes away on its own. But if lameness is clearly expressed, you should not put off going to the veterinarian “for later.” Untimely Taken measures can cause your dog to develop arthritis. Most often, the displacement that bothers the animal is treated surgically.
  3. Perthes disease. Affects the head hip bone. The main symptom of the disease is lameness and joint pain which the animal begins to experience at the age of six months. If symptoms appear, urgent medical intervention is required. Treatment should be started immediately.

TOP nicknames

Incredibly, for many owners of dogs of this breed, the real test is not choosing a puppy, but thinking about what to name it. You can use the name that is written in your passport. Perhaps it is quite pretentious. But no one is stopping you from coming up with your own diminutive form. If you want to name your pet something special, watch the baby. His habits will suggest an individual and unique nickname. In addition, the table will help you choose a name - it lists the most popular nicknames for dogs of this breed.

Table - Popular names of Jack Russells

Photo review

Photos of representatives of the Jack Russell Terrier breed are a clear confirmation of the cheerfulness and fun of these dogs. They are playful, funny and very funny. Sometimes it seems that the animal cannot be so mobile and restless. It seems that the Jack Russell is a battery-powered toy. Small fox terriers get along well with children. Experts believe that optimal age for friendship with a Jack Russell - 11-13 years. Thanks to simple care and the unpretentiousness of the pet, it can be an ideal gift for a primary school student or teenager.

Cost and where to buy

The price of a small Jack Russell when purchased secondhand varies from 10 to 25 thousand rubles. In the nursery, a puppy costs significantly more, but the buyer also receives more guarantees in this case. In particular, regarding the baby’s pedigree, in which there will definitely be no “impurities”. Capital prices for puppies fluctuate around 40 thousand rubles. While nurseries located outside the capital offer babies for an average of 28-33 thousand rubles (data as of January 2018). Here is a list of just some of them:

  • "Dog Aristocrat" in Moscow- www.rusdog.org;
  • "Valley of the Hunter" in Moscow- www.dolina-ohotnika.com;
  • "Wellfriend" in St. Petersburg- www.velfrend.ru;
  • Westernbreeze in St. Petersburg- www.jack-russells.ru;
  • "Gold Lines" in Yekaterinburg- www.gold-lines.ru;
  • "Vobiset" in Nizhny Novgorod- www.jackrassel-nn.ru;
  • "ViVa Hunter" in Ryazan- www.viva-hunter.ru;
  • "Fanny Toy" in Novosibirsk- www.jr-terrier.ru;
  • Sunny Honey Pet in Rostov-on-Don- www.sunnyhoneypet.jimdo.com.

It is necessary to choose a puppy, first of all, by its appearance. If the baby looks active, moderately well-fed and well-groomed, then everything is in perfect order with his health. If you are buying a boy, experts recommend giving preference to a baby who already has testicles. By doing this, you will eliminate the risk of acquiring cryptorchid - a sick puppy in which one or both testicles have not descended into the scrotum.

Before purchasing, you should watch your chosen baby a little. Better yet, meet his mom and dad. After all, children, as a rule, grow up to be like them.

Reviews: “Venya is very smart, but so stupid”

My Jack Russell is already three years old. The dog is very energetic, for this reason it was taken to its permanent place of residence - to its parents' dacha. In the city the dog would go crazy. Very smart, loyal, cheerful, cannot stand loneliness, must always be close to the owner. Easy to care for. True, the dog sheds hair, but a stiff brush every 2-3 days saves the day. In the apartment, I repeat, he will die of boredom. At the dacha he is constantly on the street, running around the whole area, he always has a lot of things to do))

pum-purum, http://www.woman.ru/home/animal/thread/4076268/

You have to understand that this is a VERY active breed. It is great for those who run. You need to walk her like a big dog - at least 1.5 hours. The excess energy in her apartment will make the roof go crazy :). Even after an hour-long walk, my Jak was drained of energy; he made a path in the yard - he ran and jumped in circles, catching invisible specks of dust in the air. Jaks are very brave, they think they are the size of a wolfhound. One time the pinscher got on his nerves and he snapped so hard that the pinscher ran away squealing :) And one more thing - this barking breed. The neighbors won't be happy.

Canadian, http://www.woman.ru/home/animal/thread/4076268/

Our Jack Russell is almost two years old. Charming, very kind, but more active than both children combined 😉 We took him for the soul, not for exhibitions or breeding. The dog gets along great with children, he bit the scary one only once, when his teeth were changed, the younger one generally does whatever he wants with him.

On the plus side - it is unpretentious in food, very clean (even walking in the rain is not very suitable). But in our absence he can cause destruction in the apartment, now I’m even thinking about buying a cage. Moreover, he does this solely out of spite; punishments after each defeat do not teach him anything.

In general, I usually say this about him: Venya is very smart, but so stupid.

Sambra, https://forum.materinstvo.ru/index.php?showtopic=1572886

They bite painfully, the teeth are sharp and small. I would say that the bitches are stupid, we have her in-laws. I've seen cables that are an order of magnitude smarter. On the street she barks at all the dogs and cars, and at home she hides under tables and chairs) and is also obsessed with the glare on her ceiling, hunting for them. Plus that sheds seasonally and not so much, and of course the size.

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If you're looking for a ball dog, you've found it! These are miniature Jack Russell Terriers, whose height does not exceed 30 centimeters at the withers. A little adventurer, he is ready to accompany his owner anywhere and everywhere, showing him his boundless love and devotion.

The breed's homeland is Great Britain, where terriers were actively used in fox hunting.

The development of the Jack Russell Terrier breed was carried out by the English priest John Russell. Before 1900, Jack Russell Terriers were essentially old-style fox terriers. It was only when Russell acquired a white female named Tramp, who looked strikingly different from fox terriers, that he began breeding work.

It was a dog with short, coarse white hair and red-brown spots on the head and tail. Russell set himself the task of improving hunting quality their terriers, without paying attention to the exterior. To improve their working qualities, the dogs were crossed with other breeds, but the resulting offspring did not meet the required standards and were not used in further work.

At the beginning of the last century, to improve the breed, Jack Russell Terriers were actively bred with Sealyham Terriers. The last terrier that was used for introductory crossbreeding into the Jack Russell Terrier breed was the white Lakeland Terrier. He brought balance to the new dog's character.

Note! Today, dog experts distinguish between two intra-breed types – the Parson Jack Russell Terrier and the Jack Russell Terrier. The difference between dogs is the height of their paws. If the first dog looks like an ordinary proportional dog, then true Jack Russell Terriers have short legs.

Purpose of the breed

Initially, the breed was bred as a hunter and companion. Today the dog is traditionally used for burrow hunting, but most often the Jack Russell Terrier is a companion pet for a physically active person.

Standard, appearance and photographs of Jack Russell Terrier dogs

Externally, the Jack Russell Terrier is a strong and flexible animal with a body middle length. Visually it is elongated. The dog's height is 25...30 cm. Weight is no more than 6 kg.

Photo. Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier in the photo

Main characteristics:
  • the skull is flat, moderately wide, tapering from the eyes to the jaw, the stop is defined but not clearly defined;
  • the nose is black, the lips are close-fitting, have black pigment, the jaws are deep and powerful with a scissor-like taste;
  • the eyes are dark, almond-shaped, small, the edge of the eyelid is dark, the eyelids close completely;
  • ears hanging or erect, structural, mobile;
  • neck is strong;
  • the body is rectangular, the croup is level, the loin is short, the chest is deep, not wide, the edge of the sternum is defined in front of the shoulder;
  • the tail is raised vertically (during movement), at rest it hangs, docking is allowed;
  • limbs are muscular, strong;
  • paws are round, dense with soft pads;
  • springy gait.

Jack Russell Terrier coat

The standard allows three types of coat:

  • smooth-haired The hairs with dense undercoat are pressed tightly to the body. Soft and fine wool is considered a defect;
  • long-haired The coat is represented by long hairs, not adjacent to the body. Soft to the touch;
  • intermediate (broken). Dogs do not have mustaches or beards. The hairs are broken in several places. The fur lies close to the body and does not stick out.

Dogs of this breed can be either smooth-haired or long-haired.

The standard allows only three colors:

  • red spots on a white background;
  • black spots on a white background;
  • tricolor (black and red spots on a white background).

The red shade can be of varying intensity: from light color to chestnut.

Important point! The testes should be clearly defined and completely descended into the scrotum.

The dog's character fully corresponds to its purpose - the dog is incredibly active. He is distinguished by a strong will and the ability to understand all the gestures of the owner.

The dog will adore its owner. The Jack Russell Terrier loves to climb into its owner's arms to be petted and caressed. But at the same time, the dog is ready to make decisions instantly and there is simply no room left for shyness at this moment.

Russells are incredibly energetic dogs by nature and therefore need long walks. You need to train a puppy from a very young age, because if you waste time, you will end up with an ill-mannered, problem pet.

Dogs of this breed are not likely to be active.

The Jack Russell Terrier requires increased attention, and if there is a lack of attention, its character deteriorates: the dog begins to chew furniture in the apartment, spoil things, and even show aggression towards people and other dogs.

To avoid such problems, dog experts recommend taking long walks and be sure to train the dog. After all, only education based on a demanding approach will help you get an adequate and obedient pet.

Caring for a dog is quite simple. Although the fur, ears, eyes, and teeth require attention.


Dogs shed seasonally. Dogs with short, coarse hair need trimming (plucking). The procedure can be done at home by inviting a specialist, or you can take your dog to the salon. The coat needs to be brushed once a week.

Important! If you don’t have time to care for your dog’s coat, then you need to choose a smooth-haired representative of the breed.

You need to bathe your pet once a month or as needed, using dog shampoo. The coat of Jack Russell Terriers has the ability to self-clean: even after being taken out in the mud, after a while the dog becomes clean again. The dirt falls off on its own.

Dogs of this breed require trimming.

Since dogs walk a lot, it is necessary to carry out anti-flea and anti-tick treatment. You can use anti-flea medications or put a special collar on your pet.

Eye care

Healthy eyes are shiny with a cheerful expression. As a preventive measure, they can be wiped with a clean napkin or cotton pad, after wetting it with a weak tea leaves.

Ear care

The Jack Russell Terrier's ears should be periodically inspected: they should be relatively clean and not emit an unpleasant odor.

Once a week the inner part of the ear ( auricle) will need to be wiped with a damp cloth. Be careful not to damage your eardrum during the cleaning process.

Dental care

The dog's teeth should either be brushed with toothpastes or given special bones to chew on. To avoid tartar, your dog should be given a small piece of fresh tomato every day.

These dogs also need to brush their teeth.

Care for claws and paws

The claws need to be trimmed and sharpened with a file periodically - once or twice a month - to avoid the formation of burrs.

After walking, paws must be washed to remove all dirt. If they are not too dirty, then wiping them with a damp towel is quite enough.

Clothes for Jack Russell Terrier

The dog needs frequent walks, since the ability to run and play freely somewhat dampens the innate hunting instinct. To prevent your dog from catching a cold and to be able to walk in any weather, it is advisable to purchase overalls for him. Do not forget that the coat of Jack Russell Terriers is short and provides little protection for the dog.

The dog should go out dressed for walks in autumn, winter and spring. The “warmth” of the overalls depends on what the weather is like outside.

A Jack Russell Terrier's wardrobe should have at least:

  • winter overalls with padding polyester insulation and fleece lining;
  • autumn (insulated) overalls made of waterproof fabric with a hood.

To protect your paws you need to buy special boots.

Training and education of the breed

The dog is perfectly trainable and is capable of performing the most complex tricks, but raising a ward will require the owner to have “iron” nerves.

The first lessons of good behavior should be accustoming to a place and a nickname. Dogs are very intelligent by nature, but they tend to be independent. For this reason, if you do not want to see a four-legged despot in your house, you will need to show persistence and character. The Jack Russell Terrier should see you as its owner.

The Jack Russell Terrier is easy to train.

It is very important to provide your puppy with a permanent place to sleep and eat. This will make your life much easier in the future.

Jack Russell puppies can be friends with dogs of other breeds, but an adult dog feels like a leader and this can play a cruel joke. The dog must clearly know the “No” command. Otherwise, fights during walks are simply inevitable. But having firmly grasped the rules of behavior - what is allowed and what is not - the Russell will behave adequately, not paying attention to other dogs.

The basics of training depend on how you plan to use the dog:

  • for its intended purpose (as hunting). In this case, a specialist should train the dog;
  • How pet. Here it is enough to teach the dog a standard set of commands.

To make exercise enjoyable for your dog, you need to use a reward system. For each command completed, the dog should receive a treat, for example, pieces of cheese.

The use of force in the process of training an animal is strictly prohibited. This can develop aggression in the puppy or intimidate it.

What to feed your Jack Russell Terrier

A dog’s diet depends on its age – puppyhood and adulthood. A correctly composed menu will allow the Jack Russell Terrier to grow up healthy, energetic and strong.

The diet depends on the age of the dog.

The nuances of feeding puppies

After the puppy moves to new house, it is advisable to maintain the diet and menu that the breeder adhered to. As a rule, this is a special “baby” food containing all the substances necessary for the baby’s growth.

If you decide to transfer your pet to natural food, then it is necessary to comply the following recommendation: ¼ of the daily diet should be vegetables and grains. The rest is meat and dairy products.

Remember! Jack Russell Terrier puppies have an excellent appetite, but under no circumstances should you overfeed the dog. This can negatively affect his paws and developing bone structure.

To prevent overfeeding, you can use the advice of professional breeders - the daily weight of food should be equal to 10% of the puppy’s weight. Until the baby is five months old, he needs to be fed five times a day. The food should be warm and the consistency of thick sour cream - solid foods should be introduced gradually.

The puppies' daily menu should include:

  • meat porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • milk products.

Boiled fish and offal, as well as boiled fish, are allowed twice a week. egg yolk. Up to three months, the dog can be given only the second part.

Puppies of this breed have a good appetite.

After the puppy is six months old, they begin to feed him three times a day, and after nine months - twice a day (morning and evening).

Feeding an adult dog

An adult Jack Russell Terrier should receive protein and grain foods in equal amounts.

The dog's menu should include:

  • fresh meat;
  • boiled sea ​​fish(bones must be removed);
  • boiled eggs;
  • vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, zucchini);
  • milk;
  • low-fat sour cream (used for seasoning vegetables);
  • greens (sorrel, spinach, parsley, dill).
Chicken bones Giving dogs is prohibited.

Completely prohibited:

  • fatty meats;
  • any bread;
  • sweets;
  • products containing preservatives;
  • River fish;
  • raw salmon;
  • onion and garlic;
  • grapes, raisins;
  • broccoli, radish, potatoes, legumes.

Dry food

The breeder will help you choose dry food. You shouldn't change too much or change the diet that your dogs are used to.

Pet stores can offer a variety of foods designed for small dogs. Well proven:

  • a large percentage of meat (approximately 80%). The remaining 20% ​​is fruits and vegetables;
  • Artemis Maximal Dog. The basis is poultry and vegetables. Additive – calcium, vitamins, iron;
  • . Represented by fish, meat, vegetables. In addition, it contains eggs and herbal ingredients.

You need to gradually accustom your pet to dry food. Manufacturer's recommendations regarding portion sizes must be followed. The dog must have Free access to clean water.

Health, what diseases the breed is predisposed to and life expectancy of the Jack Russell Terrier

With proper care, the dog can live up to 15 years, as it is a naturally healthy and energetic dog.

The Jack Russell Terrier can live up to 15 years.

Hereditary diseases of the breed:

  • confusion of the eye lens;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • ataxia, manifested as a lack of coordination of movement.

Important! When buying a puppy, you need to make sure that the parents are completely healthy. The breeder must have the appropriate certificates.

More rarely, but pathologies such as:

  • damage to the femoral head;
  • dislocation of the kneecap;
  • von Willebrand syndrome.

Jack Russell Terrier Relationships in the Family

Breeders do not recommend having a Jack Russell Terrier in families with children under 6 years of age.

The Jack Russell Terrier is an incredible naughty and restless dog, but at the same time he loves his owner very much and is ready to spend all his free time with him. Nature has endowed the dog with intelligence, so he will become true friend to the one who learns to understand it.

Jack Russell Terriers have different relationships with small children. Breeders do not recommend the breed to families with children under six years of age. It must be remembered that the Russell is a small dog with a hunter’s instinct and may not get along without injuries during games.

To make children and Russell feel comfortable, you need to teach the child important rules communication with the dog.

It is forbidden:

  • approach her from behind, i.e. the dog should always see the approaching person;
  • pick up without warning;
  • hitting and screaming;
  • disturb the dog when he is eating or sleeping.

It is necessary to give the dog a rest if he wants it.

If the rules of communication are followed, Jack Russell Terriers will become excellent companions in all children's games.

Puppies need to be introduced to other dogs during walks. This will help him socialize and will save you, as the owner, from many problems in the future. Right well behaved dog Will get along well even with domestic cats.

Pros and cons of the breed

The breed has its pros and cons. The undoubted advantages include:

  • sociability;
  • curiosity;
  • stress resistance;
  • high security and hunting qualities;
  • unpretentiousness.

The main disadvantage of the breed is that the dog likes to spoil things.

The disadvantages of the breed are:

  • cunning;
  • loves to spoil and chew things;
  • not intended for outdoor living.

How to choose a puppy, kennels and prices

To choose good puppy, you need to carefully watch his parents. After all, through genes, a puppy receives not only appearance, but also mental illness. For example, parental aggression will be immediately noticeable.

Important! Titled parents are a complete guarantee of a healthy child in all respects. And if the dog is planning to participate in exhibitions, then it is better to buy a puppy with the RFK pedigree.

What to look for when choosing a puppy? Take your favorite Jack Russell Terrier in your arms and observe its behavior. A healthy dog ​​will immediately show interest in you: he will sniff and may even lick his face. If the dog begins to squeal and struggle, then this is a sign of cowardice. This choice must be abandoned - an obvious marriage.

When choosing a doggie, remember the following:

  • when palpating the tail, no kinks should be felt;
  • the nose is moist and shiny;
  • eyes are clean;
  • the stomach is soft;
  • the wool is clean;
  • pink mucous membranes;
  • The upper jaw should partially overlap the lower jaw.

Photo. Jack Russell Terrier puppies

When buying a puppy, you need to make sure that he has a puppy card, veterinary passport and brand.

You can buy a Jack Russell Terrier puppy from the kennel:

  • Moscow. Chelsea John Kennel; http://jrt.su/
  • Saint Petersburg. Nursery “MERSI MEY”, http://rassel.ucoz.ru/

Puppy price on request. But on average the cost is:

  • PET class: from $200 - $500;
  • BRID class: from $700 - $1000;
  • SHOW class: from $1000 - $1500 and above.

The Jack Russell Terrier is one of the most popular dog breeds that can be found everywhere not only abroad, but also in Russia. These animals attract potential owners, first of all, with their bright appearance and compact size. However, you should understand that a small dog's appearance can be deceiving. Whether this is true or not, the characteristics of the breed, its care and maintenance - read all this in our article.

Jack Russell Terrier: history and description of the breed

Unfortunately, the statistics collected regarding whether this breed lives up to the expectations of its new owners is very disappointing. To understand why people who are eager to purchase this dog regret purchasing it after a while, we will have to look into the history of the breed. Thus, the Jack Russell Terrier is a dog that was originally bred as a first-class hunter of foxes and other similar forest animals.

Along the way, breeders also gave her the following abilities:

  • a passionate rat catcher;
  • a dog that, despite its size, is capable of guarding and guarding.

Surprisingly, today the Jack Russell Terrier, which was invented for fox hunting, can not only not be at enmity with these domesticated pets, but also be friends, because they, in fact, are representatives of the same family

The main talent of the Jack Russell is finding the burrows of wild animals. In addition to the fact that it was necessary to find sometimes very inconspicuous and small holes, these dogs also faced the following tasks:

  • drive the animal to the surface with loud barks or growls;
  • provided that the animal did not succumb to provocation, the dog had to grab onto it and pull it to the surface.

By the way, these dogs used to work in pairs with representatives of another breed. So, back in the 18th century, in Europe, when representatives of the upper classes hunted foxes, and considered this fun to be really relevant, the main process took place with the help of English paratha hounds or so-called - "fox dogs" . Foxes, not because their appearance resembled a fox, but because that was what they hunted.

Foxhound is a fox hunting partner for fox terriers

The foxhound's task was to bring the victim to complete exhaustion, so the animals chased it throughout the forest. The fox had only one chance of salvation: its hole. However, as soon as the animal hid in a hole in the ground, the ancestors of the Jack Russell Terriers entered the arena and had to lure the animal out of the hole or pull it out by force.

So, initially there were no Jack Russell Terriers. Their place was taken by fox terriers, which, by the way, are still widespread today in their original breed form. It was these dogs, significantly smaller in size than their hunting partners, that determined how the hunt would end.

Interesting fact: due to small stature and short legs dogs, she could not move well over rough terrain. Because of this, fox terriers were taken for hunting in bags. When it was necessary to get game out of the hole, they were taken out of these bags and placed directly next to the hole.

Fox Terrier - ancestor of Jack Russell Terriers

It is important that potential owner The Jack Russell remembered that this dog is a working dog, and it should always be busy with something.

Sufficient physical activity these dogs are the key to the integrity of your furniture and other household items

No, you shouldn’t populate your house with rats or badgers, it will be enough:

  • do dog training;
  • regularly conduct sports training for the dog (and at the same time for yourself);
  • if possible, take the animal to competitions;
  • Walk the dog for a sufficient amount of time.

Provided that you refuse your pet even the smallest thing, a walk, he will bring you more sadness than joy, as he will get bored and begin:

  • chew furniture;
  • dig parquet;
  • bark loudly;
  • shit anywhere;
  • stop responding to commands, etc.

In addition, training for this small breed is also highly recommended because this dog is simply meant for it. The created discipline will help not only control the dog’s level of controllability in critical situations, but also increase the efficiency of interaction with it.

It is strictly forbidden to give a dog to children or elderly people. This dog on a walk will pull the owner to explore all the gullies, hills, ravines, etc. Neither child nor old man, will not be able to withstand dog travel, and will let go of the leash. This is where another Jack Russell character trait comes into play - the love of running away. Yes, he won’t run far from you, but catching a pet running around the neighborhood can take more than one hour.

Barking is another stumbling block between dog lovers and this breed. Despite the fact that Jacks bark less than their other close relatives, this is still enough for human ears.

Attitude towards people and other animals

Unfortunately, another controversial and unexpected thing for many new owners of Jack Russells is their attitude towards people and other animals. We want to say right away that everything will be fine within the family if:

  • you will really love the animal;
  • educate him properly;
  • Explain to your child, if you have one, that a dog is not a toy, but a living being.

Love for the owner and his pack, like that of any other dog breed, is the dominant feature of the Jack Russell. They get along well with children if they are careful with them, and playing with kids can become their favorite pastime.

The Jack Russell is a dog that is very tolerant of children, however, it will not play with a child if he grabs it mercilessly

However, family friends or to strangers it will be difficult, because for the dog they are strangers, and he will treat new personalities with the utmost caution.

As for other animals, here, unfortunately, everything is even worse. Very often these dogs show aggression towards their own kind, and even hunt cats and other small animals. The only option, when a cat can be mistaken for a friend, and not a piece of meat - when a Russell puppy grew up with her in the same apartment.

An animal can either be friends with other dogs or not play, or even fight at the first meeting

Unfortunately, with dogs the situation is only slightly better. Even if Jackies are raised at the same time as each other, they will probably fight constantly, cooperating only on the street, in the company of other dogs that are completely strangers to them. Rabbits, mini pigs, rats or other decorative animals, birds are taboo for the owner of a dog of the breed in question. The small animal will be mistaken by the dog for a victim, and it will not rest until it is destroyed. In this case, neither the owner’s admonitions nor punishment will help.

Rules and conditions of detention, feeding

To achieve maximum unity with your dog, you need to follow some important rules regarding:

  • walking the dog;
  • animal care;
  • creating living conditions for her;
  • feeding and other nuances.

Like other dogs, the Jack Russer Terrier needs to be walked on time and fed properly.

Let's look at them in order.


As we mentioned in the previous subsection, dogs of the breed we are interested in are aggressive towards other representatives of the same family, and at the same time love to run away from their owners. That is why, while on a walk, avoid letting animals off the leash, or do this, but only if you know the area and are sure that there are no strange animals nearby.

The energy of Jack Russell Terriers is so irrepressible that in order to spend at least a small part of it and save home furniture, floors and other furnishings, you will need to exhaust them on walks, practicing:

  • running with natural obstacles;
  • repetition of commands and their execution in a chaotic order;
  • throwing frisbees or balls;
  • games with tug of war, etc.

You can also make your pet jump over obstacles. The fact is that they are very jumping, and if they want to escape, then, with their small stature, they can easily jump over a fence of medium height.

Provided that physical activity on the street helps the dog's energy to splash out, you will not have problems with the animal, such as disobedience or damaging things.

Reside this dog, despite the character and high level activity, is capable not only in a private house, but also in an apartment, and a small one at that. The most important condition– sufficient quantity physical activity, everything else does not matter.

Living outside is allowed, but only in countries with mild climates. So far, no region of Russia can offer sufficiently warm conditions, since in order for this dog not to get sick, the air temperature in winter must at least approximately correspond to this indicator in summer.

In addition, you will need to arrange a place for the dog:

  • on the street it can be represented by a non-blown capital booth with soft bedding and heating in case of cold weather;
  • in the house it can be a lounger or the master's sofa, if you don't mind dog comfort.

It is also important to determine where your dog will eat, where they will stand:

  • food bowl;
  • bowl for water.


Hygiene – important element care with your dog. It consists in:

  • keeping the coat and skin clean;
  • implementation of such hygiene procedures, like trimming nails and cleaning ears;
  • if necessary, wipe the eyelids from secretions flowing from the eyes.

So, as we said above, the wool of representatives of this breed can be:

  • hard as a brush;
  • soft and smooth;
  • medium hardness, that is, intermediate.

So, provided that your beloved dog is covered with soft hair or hairs with intermediate hardness, you will need to:

  • clean the wool with a special hard mitten;
  • comb hairs with a brush;
  • pluck the fur in places where it has grown excessively to give it a pedigree shape.

Owners of dogs with coarse hair will also have to carry out so-called trimming. This is a procedure performed with a special knife, which plucks out the dead part of the hair.

This is how the trimming procedure works

It is better to entrust trimming to professional groomers (specialists in dog beauty and hygiene), since inexperienced owners can accidentally damage the animal’s skin with a knife and cause him pain.

Important point. Jack Russell Terriers, like any other dog, shed:

  • provided that the dog lives on the street, shedding occurs twice a year, and does not bother you in any way;
  • The dog living in the apartment sheds constantly.

If you think that your pet's short hair is the solution to the problem, then this is a mistake. The animal's white hairs will settle on the floor, furniture, and your personal belongings, and it will be extremely difficult to remove them from there. The only way to combat this circumstance is to regularly brush your pet.

As for bathing the dog, this must be done, but not regularly, so that the dog can quickly restore the natural lubricant that protects its coat from:

  • moisture;
  • mud;
  • heat loss, etc.

After walking, it is enough to wash only the bases of the animal’s paws. Of course, if other parts of the body are dirty, you will have to wash them too.

Note: It is very important to bathe bitches after they are in heat. In addition, dogs are bathed before going with them:

  • to the exhibition;
  • to the competition.


These dogs can be fed with two types of food:

  • high-quality industrial feed;
  • natural food.

You need to choose food that is not cheap and of acceptable quality:

  • super premium class;
  • holistic class.

Only industrial food of these categories can provide dogs with sufficient protein intake, which, we remind you, should be 70% of their diet.

Concerning natural food, if you make a choice in its favor, then you will need to feed your pet:

  • lean meats, such as beef, chicken, turkey;
  • giblets, if the pet begins to eat them, for example, tripe;
  • fermented milk (not dairy!) products, such as cottage cheese, kefir, white yogurt without additives;
  • vegetables, cooked and raw;
  • neutral fruits.

It is forbidden to feed your Jack Russell sausages and dairy products: this food can cause indigestion.

Of course, it is strictly forbidden to give dogs:

  • fatty foods;
  • semi-finished products;
  • salty and seasoned foods;
  • sweets;
  • fried food, etc.

In this article, we analyze in detail what you should not feed your dog, what foods are strictly prohibited for representatives of any breed, and can harm them.

Diseases of the Jack Russell Terrier breed

Unfortunately, like representatives of other breeds, these dogs suffer from ailments specific to them. Weak points Jack Russell Terriers are:

  • eyes;
  • joints;
  • heart and circulatory system;
  • nervous system.

However, this dog's energy and lack of problems with other body systems often help it remain healthy into old age. But if it happens that the animal is sick, do not wait, and urgently contact veterinarian.

In addition to breed ailments, dogs often suffer from ailments common to this species. To protect your pet as much as possible, it is necessary to vaccinate it on time against diseases such as:

  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • infectious;
  • parvovirus, etc.

In addition, if you see changes in the dog’s condition, you will need to quickly hospitalize it, that is, send it to a veterinarian for an examination, who will then discharge it adequate treatment. Fortunately, this dog is quite easy to transport, because its size and weight are small.

The lifespan of representatives of this breed is approximately 15 years, but depending on how you cared for your pet, it may decrease or increase

Jack Russell Terrier puppy price

The cost of a puppy of the breed you are interested in will vary depending on the following factors:

  • puppy health indicator;
  • its ability to reproduce;
  • presence of pedigree;
  • belonging to the category “breed marriage”;
  • other important nuances.

So, the cheapest puppy will cost you about 20 thousand rubles, and the most expensive one – 70 thousand. All puppies that will be offered to you cheaper are most likely:

  • mestizos, not representatives of a pure breed;
  • have serious health problems;
  • They have nothing to do with the Jack Russell Terrier.

Let's sum it up

The Jack Russell Terrier is a wonderful dog in every way. if you love active image life, it will become you best friend. Remember, if you get a pet, along with it you will be responsible for:

  • his nutrition;
  • health;
  • training;
  • attitude towards people and animals, etc.

Jack Russell - a friend for all time

Try to keep your dog out of trouble and give him a certain amount of freedom. For this she will repay with eternal devotion and gratitude, which will become a companion of your relationship for the rest of your pet’s life.

Video – Jack Russell Terrier: all about the breed

Hunting dogs are sometimes kept as companions, or even just pets. This includes the Jack Russell Terrier. . Caring for a dog is not difficult, and the main advantages of the breed are intelligence, lively temperament, and the ability to cheer up and please others.

Jack Russell Terrier: care

Meanwhile, this is serious and skilled hunter, who is always with prey. Russell works independently, but if necessary, he is ready to help his canine colleague drive a stubborn fox out of a hole. Experts highly appreciated the working qualities of this breed. The terrier has gained particular popularity in Australia, Great Britain and France, where it is considered not only a friend and hunter, but also an excellent farm dog.

Jack Russell Terrier is a successful hunter

Russell is a real expert in burrowing. Few dogs can compete with him. At the same time, hunters are happy to take Jack on badgers, hares and even water rats. Rodents are a special passion of the Jack Russell. So a representative of the breed named Vampire became famous for destroying a ton of rats in a year! It happened in Great Britain in 1977. After this, the dog became a legend and gained worldwide fame as a representative of one of the best hunting breeds dogs.

The Jack Russell Terrier is an intelligent and fearless, yet obedient animal.

Table 1. Assessment of the breed qualities of the Jack Russell Terrier using a 10-point system

CharacteristicNumber of points
Intelligence and acumen5
Ability to train5
Hunting qualities10
Guard/security qualities8/5
Attitude towards children10
Popular with breeders and owners6


The dog differs from other terriers in its poise and compliance. He is easy to train, is attached to his owner and tries to accompany him wherever he goes. The dog is always full of enthusiasm, so he loves to play and compete. He is also independent and cocky, but also has a reputation as an obedient pet.

The dog loves kids and easily finds a common language with them, especially when they spend childhood together. She does not get along well with cats and relatives, so it is important to pay attention to the early socialization of the puppy. As for rats, rabbits and hamsters, you shouldn't risk them. Russell's hunting instinct will sooner or later do its job.

TO strangers The dog is distrustful and sometimes aggressive, so it is dangerous to let him off the leash in crowded places. The dog is very hot-tempered and jealous of both its owner and the territory it considers its own. Therefore, before purchasing a second representative of the breed, you should think carefully: two Russells in one apartment are an explosive mixture. They will bark and fight to shreds before they find out who is in charge here.

The dog is hyperactive. To direct the flow of energy in a peaceful direction, he must be busy. If he gets bored, he will find something to do on his own. Will become:

  • rush and bark;
  • throwing shoes and toys;
  • make a tunnel in the apartment;

Perhaps he will do something else, no less interesting. Russell loves to run and jump, so his walking should be active. If not, when he returns home he will begin to misbehave so that the owner understands how disappointed his dog is.

Russell is a hardy and cheerful dog

The dog is resourceful and fearless. Having discovered an obstacle, he will not turn off the path, but will overcome it, if not by jumping, then by digging. His intelligence should be used in games and training. These dogs grasp everything on the fly, but can become stubborn if the lesson is sluggish and uninteresting. Another reason for this behavior is that the owner did not praise or treat him for his success.

Read more information about the history and characteristics of the breed on our website.

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very independent and enterprising dog, because he is a hunter by nature, so he is used to relying on himself. The dog is self-confident and has an assertive character. This must be taken into account when raising and training her:

  1. From puppyhood, your pet should be taught the idea that the most important and interesting thing in life is to please its owner. This is achieved through approval and encouragement;
  2. Following orders is great, but you want to come up with something yourself and do something for which a person will certainly praise you. It is beneficial to please the owner, because it is a way to earn a treat or praise. This is exactly what a dog should think.
  3. Fun and interesting interactions with the owner should be the rule. If not, the pet will become mischievous and show character.
  4. The dog must be able to concentrate on the task and at the same time enjoy the fact that it is doing it for the owner. This is not difficult to achieve if you work positively.
  5. The Jack Russell is easy to train, so monotonous and simple commands may bore him. You can diversify your activities simple tricks, which the pet will perform with joy.

Training is interesting

And further. You should not fight with the animal’s temperament, and sometimes with its stubbornness. If the dog categorically refuses to do something, you should not force him today, but tomorrow the situation may change. If the dog decides that the owner is putting too much pressure and demanding the impossible, he will avoid communication in every possible way. Alas, you will have to forget about mutual understanding in such a situation.

Worms are intestinal worms that live in the gastrointestinal tract

Among the many drugs, you can choose the one that suits your dog according to its weight and age. It can be:

  • suspensions and sugar cubes;
  • tablets and pastes.

It is better to agree on the name of the medicine with your doctor, and if this is not possible, contact a pharmacist veterinary pharmacy. Before purchasing and using the drug, you should read its instructions.


  1. As a preventative measure, adult dogs are given deworming medication once every three months. It is advisable that the bitch receives tablets at the end of each heat (2 times a year), as well as a week and a half before mating.
  2. Puppies are given medicine:
  • starting at 3 weeks of age, at 3-week intervals until the pet is 3 months old;
  • no later than 2 weeks before the next vaccination.

Anti-flea shampoos for dogs and cats

First, you should bathe the dog, then apply anti-flea drops to the skin of the withers and along the spine line, and later put on a repellent collar.

Important! If infection cannot be avoided, simultaneously with treating the dog, the home should be treated with an insecticide. For this purpose, sprays are used, as well as liquids and powders that are added to water for washing floors. The dog's bedding is washed as usual and then treated with anti-anxiety spray. .

Where can I find out more about the breed?

Those who are interested in the history of the Jack Russell Terrier breed and want to learn more about the character traits of dogs, their maintenance and upbringing are recommended to visit thematic forums on the Internet, as well as websites of kennel clubs and fans of the breed. One of these is the Russian dog breeders club SKOR IKU, its