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What is fluorography? Fluorography: how often can it be done? Digital fluorography. What does fluorography of the lungs show?

In our lives, each of us has to take photographs repeatedly. chest. At the same time, few people know what is shown on the fluorography result. People begin to think about this the moment they are faced with lung diseases. And if during the next visit to the doctor the patient hears that there is a darkening in the fluorography picture, then he begins to panic.

Someone begins to think that all this is the result of the development of pneumonia or tuberculosis. People who are ready to hear the most dire prognosis do not rule out even cancer.

Naturally, it is best if you hear from the doctor that there are no abnormalities in the image and you are completely healthy.

Then a person is unlikely to care what he looks like in a fluorography picture bronchitis, tuberculosis or cancer.

How is fluorography performed and why is it prescribed?

Fluorography - popular in medical practice a research method that provides information about the condition of the chest, allowing detection of the disease at an early stage of development.

When a person's chest is exposed to X-rays, during which a special illuminated disk is also used, an image of the bronchi and lungs is projected onto film or into an electronic file.

There may be several reasons for referring a patient to undergo fluorography. Usually the patient is informed about this when it passes compulsory medical examination , but in some cases this may also be associated with certain health problems, when the patient for a long time body temperature remains at high levels, severe anxiety for two to three weeks chest cough, there is weakness, increased sweating and general loss of strength.

If we turn to statistics, then every year fluorographic studies allow:

In some cases, a referral for fluorographic examination may be caused by the need to diagnose a condition chest bones. But in most cases this information can be obtained using x-rays. The latter differs from fluorography in that with this type of examination, the human chest is exposed to a smaller dose of radiation, but the data obtained with its help provides a less accurate picture of the condition of the lungs, which does not allow timely detection initial stage diseases.

Indications for FLG

For prevention purposes, it is advisable for adults to undergo a fluorographic examination at least once a year. People in certain professions who have to interact closely with children, as well as hospital employees and people whose work takes place in unfavorable environmental conditions, must undergo this procedure at least once every six months.

Compulsory completion of the FLG every six months is for the following categories of patients:

If sick last time underwent fluorography less than a year ago, but the doctor during the appointment insisted on an extraordinary examination, this means that there is high probability development of one of the above ailments in a person.

Children at a similar age are given Mantoux vaccinations to determine the body's response to the causative agent of tuberculosis, and X-ray radiation makes it possible to identify lung diseases and the consequences of bronchitis at an early stage.

However, not everyone can undergo fluorography. First of all, this ban applies to pregnant women and persons who cannot be in hospital for health reasons. vertical position- bedridden patients.

Pregnant women can undergo a fluorographic examination only as prescribed by the attending physician. This is required when it is urgently necessary to obtain information about the condition of the chest organs and there is no possibility to use alternative gentle research methods.

Norm and deviations on fluorography

According to available statistics, most people tolerate fluorographic examination without any discomfort, and this procedure itself takes a minimum of time. Arriving at medical office, you will be asked to undress to the waist and also remove the chain.

After this, you should go to the screen, stand close to it, and then, as soon as the doctor’s command comes, hold your breath. After about 3-5 minutes you will already be leaving the FLG office. You can receive the result of your research in the form of a snapshot or file on a flash drive.

Many, even without anything to do with medicine, try to look at the picture to see a spot there or make sure that it is absent. However, only a doctor can read the result of fluorography, and you should contact him after completing the test.

Projecting an Image internal organs The chest cavity is created due to the fact that tissues having different densities transmit or repel x-rays differently.

For example, if the lung tissue has a homogeneous structure, then even a non-specialist can see this in the image. If there is a dark spot within one tissue, we can say that the person has inflammation or some other pathology.

How to read a FLG image?

To have at least an approximate idea of ​​when a fluorography image indicates the presence of lung pathology, you should especially carefully read the following information.

If the picture shows a clear picture of the respiratory organs, in which no stains, then the person is completely healthy. Most often, the drawing turns out smooth, and the contours do not have blurred borders.

If there is a discrepancy, then this gives grounds to talk about the presence of pathology. You should not refuse if you hear from your doctor advice to undergo fluorography again. In some cases, even the slightest movement during the examination can be captured by the X-ray machine as something similar to pathology.

A real deviation is quite easy to recognize. In the photo, the roots of the lungs appear denser or visually wider. All this suggests that edematous processes are occurring in this organ or the lymph nodes are enlarged.

Typically, a similar picture is observed in the images of patients who abuse tobacco or work in unfavorable conditions in which they are exposed to fine dust particles.

If the photo shows stringy roots, then this is a clear sign origins chronic bronchitis caused by prolonged smoking.

If a darkening similar to a single spot is visible in the picture, this indicates a cancerous disease.

When the spot spreads to most of the lung or involves other tissues, while the patient has no symptoms of cancer, then most likely, a similar result was obtained due to an artifact falling under the X-ray beam, therefore in such cases the patient is prescribed a repeat study.

The presence in the image of a group of lesions or one small spot allows us to talk about the presence of pathology. For a specialist, this means that he will need to carry out differentiation of tuberculosis.

If the vessels are very clearly visible in the figure, then this is considered to be a deviation, which indicates incipient bronchitis or the presence congenital diseases hearts.

If, after fluorography, the study showed the presence of an increase in the level of the diaphragm dome in the image, then this may require a series of additional research. Visually, it resembles a taller inverted parabola.

If there are no abnormalities in the image, but the patient is bothered all the time severe cough, then most likely this indicates the presence of bronchitis. Additional confirmation This will be the presence of noises and rough breathing during auscultation.

What can be seen on fluorography?

The image obtained after undergoing a fluorographic examination helps the doctor make an accurate diagnosis. Therefore, you can make good or bad predictions only after analysis specialist results of fluorography.

Based on a fluorographic image, it is possible to identify:

If the image shows changes in lung tissue, then based on this it is possible to diagnose the patient focal tuberculosis or cancer. But in any case, confirmation is necessary in the form of laboratory test results.

If the image shows an expansion of the mediastinal shadow, then most likely this is due to the onset of tuberculosis of the lymph nodes. If, in addition to this abnormality, there is effusion, this may mean that the patient begins to develop pneumonia or a relapse of earlier bronchitis occurs.

The presence of fibrosis of lung tissue in the image suggests that the person smokes too much. In this case, experts strongly recommend that such patients urgently give up their bad habit, otherwise they will soon develop cancer.

By fluorographic image very easy to understand whether the person smokes or not. Unfortunately, it is difficult to determine bronchitis from an image. But reveal severe pneumonia, which often occurs with similar consequences, is not particularly difficult.

The presence of a dark spot in the photograph, which is presented as an increase in transparency, allows you to identify emphysema. In some cases, it is mistaken for an extensive lesion due to bronchitis. However, these diseases differ in their symptoms.

Subsequently, emphysema, if not treated, can provoke the development of pulmonary edema, which very often happens to smokers.

You can recognize cancer in an image by a small spot. Changes in tissue structure will indicate metastasis from other organs.

An image showing changes in the edges of the diaphragmatic muscle indicates the presence of a disease not related to breathing. Most often this can be explained by the accumulation of exudate or air in abdominal cavity either an inflammatory process in the liver, which caused an increase in its size, or perforation of the diaphragm.


Fluorography is one of the most common methods for examining patients, which helps determine at an early stage of development various types diseases. For preventive purposes, it is necessary to undergo fluorography at least once a year. However, in some cases the patient may be referred for examination ahead of schedule due to suspected development of a serious illness.

The procedure itself is painless, but, unfortunately, does not always give reliable results. Erroneous deviations in the image are most often detected if the person moves slightly during the X-ray examination. But if not one, but several symptoms of pathology are clearly visible, then this is enough to diagnose accurate diagnosis. Naturally, the last word always remains with the doctor, because most patients do not know what fluorography of the lungs shows.

It is a type of X-ray examination of the lungs. It lies in the fact that X-rays pass through tissues of different densities in different ways - the denser the tissue, the worse it transmits radiation. This tissue density is reflected and recorded on film; the picture looks like alternating darkening and highlighting, which make up the overall picture and allow you to see and examine the lungs.

The procedure is performed using special equipment called a fluorograph. The advantage of the procedure is that the radiation dose during its passage is quite low, which allows it to be used in for preventive purposes. Fluorography is used for early diagnosis of lung diseases, mammary glands and the heart, when the disease has not yet manifested itself. This significantly improves treatment prognoses for patients.

What does a fluorography image show?

If you want to know what fluorography is and why it is needed, you should familiarize yourself with the information that will become known as a result of the diagnosis. As a rule, fluorography is used to examine the chest organs, and is more often used to diagnose tuberculosis or neoplasms. It allows you to detect a lot of deviations, while the doctor has the opportunity to assess the condition of the chest structures, and he can prescribe treatment tactics adequate to the disease. You can familiarize yourself with the pathologies that such diagnostics can identify below.

Changes in lung tissue

If you don’t know what fluorography shows, it’s worth finding out that the image will show abnormalities in the lungs. Foci of tissue damage, their location, size and outline. Changes may be sclerotic in nature when normal tissue organ is replaced by connective, or fibrous, when connective tissue seals and scars form.

The overall picture allows the doctor to make a diagnosis or prescribe additional tests, for example, to determine the nature of the tumor in the lungs.

Inflammatory processes in the lungs

If you don’t know what fluorography is, what it shows and what diseases it will help identify, you should know that any inflammatory processes will be visible on the film. They appear as darker areas and will become darker the stronger inflammatory process. The procedure will detect:

  • inflammation of the lungs, which is called “pneumonia”;
  • tuberculosis;
  • abscesses;
  • etc.

Using fluorographic examination, the disease can be detected at a very early stage.

Presence of neoplasms

The doctor may prescribe a fluorography procedure of the lungs if there is a suspicion of tumor process. Using fluorography, you can examine organs and study their structure, and then draw a conclusion about the presence or absence of tumors.

You can see cysts or cavities, and the examination allows you to accurately determine what the formation is filled with. Often it is filled with gas or liquid.

Diseases of the heart and large blood vessels

The images will show all the organs of the chest. This allows not only to examine the lungs, but also to determine the presence of pathologies of the heart and its vessels. Its size will become known by calculating the cardiothoracic index (the ratio of the size of the organ to the size of the chest at the level of the 4th rib), location, general condition muscles.

Pulmonary tuberculosis

Preparation for fluorography most often needs to be done by those whose doctors suspect tuberculosis. However, it is recommended to undergo diagnostics even without the direct instructions of a doctor if you begin to be bothered by shortness of breath, a cough that does not go away for a long time, as well as constant weakness.

Often, for preventive purposes, doctors resort to prescribing fluorography to all family members of a woman who has learned about pregnancy and is registered with public clinic at your place of residence. This is necessary in order to be sure that there is no threat to life and health. expectant mother, as well as her child.

Can children undergo fluorography?

Any X-ray examination before the age of 14 years is contraindicated. However, it is likely that you will have to find out how often a child can undergo fluorography if the doctor decides that there are reasons to undergo such an examination. This usually occurs in fairly serious and difficult cases, when other studies have not revealed the cause of the pathology or they are impossible for some reason.

Preparation and performance of fluorography

If you have not encountered fluorography of the lungs before, or do not know how often such a procedure can be done, it is worth knowing that it does not require preparation. All you need to do is make an appointment and visit the doctor at the appointed time. The patient enters the office, undresses to the waist and removes all metal accessories and jewelry that may affect the quality of the image. Doctors often ask the patient to hold the chain in his teeth so as not to unfasten or remove it. After this, you need to go into the machine’s booth and follow the doctor’s instructions. You will need to take a special position and hold your breath for a few seconds at the doctor’s signal. If everything is in order and no pathologies are found, an appropriate certificate will be issued. This is often enough to get a job or obtain a driver's license.

How often can fluorography be done?

To find out the answer to the question of how often fluorography can be done, it is worth paying attention to the fact that such a procedure can be carried out for preventive purposes. Especially when it comes to digital fluorography, it allows you to reduce the radiation dose to the body by 5-10 times. However, this study is still associated with X-ray radiation, which is why it is often impossible to undergo such diagnostics. The recommended number of tests per year for prevention purposes is 1. If tuberculosis has been detected, the number of procedures per year is doubled, that is, fluorography needs to be done once every six months. In this case, the radiation dose is not exceeded, which will avoid negative consequences for the body.

Interpretation of fluorography results

It is worth familiarizing yourself not only with how often you can do it, but also with its decoding. This kind of work is quite difficult. The thing is that a number of special notations are used, summarized in tables. The interpretation is carried out by a radiologist; as a rule, the conclusion is given to the patient 10-20 minutes after the procedure. If deviations from the norm are detected, decoding can take up to several days, after which the results of the examination will be transferred to the patient.

Contraindications for the study

If you become familiar with how fluorography occurs, what this type of research is and what it is based on, it will become clear that this procedure not so harmless. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions on its passage.

Age up to 15 years

It will not be possible to find out what fluorography is or how such a procedure is done if the patient is under 15 years of age. This is due to the fact that the effect of X-ray radiation on a child’s body is much stronger than on an adult. In this regard, a doctor can prescribe fluorography only in as a last resort when there is a threat to life.

Severe respiratory failure

Respiratory failure is a serious contraindication to fluorography. The thing is that radiation can have negative impact on the human body and aggravate the already poor condition. It is best to opt for a more gentle diagnostic method, for example MRI. Fluorography is safer than x-rays, but it is still extremely undesirable in such a situation.


If you are thinking about how to undergo a fluorography procedure if you are pregnant, there is only one answer - nothing. Pregnancy is absolute contraindication, since X-rays can affect the body of both the expectant mother and the baby. The child is at much greater risk; the harm can be so significant that it can lead to the loss of the fetus.

We can talk about how to prepare for a fluorography procedure during pregnancy only when there is a threat to life. In this case, the doctor can determine whether there are other research methods, and, if there is no other way out, try to reschedule fluorography to the third trimester. On later X-ray examination is less dangerous because everything is vital important systems the child is already formed.

Tuberculosis is a very dangerous and very common disease. In order to identify it, a procedure is performed - fluorography. This quick method diagnostics, which allows you to determine the presence of structural and other changes in the lungs, as well as other organs of the chest and blood vessels. The procedure does not require special preparation and takes minimal time. The study is recommended for every adult and is carried out at least once a year. For people with existing diseases, the study is performed more often to monitor the dynamics of the development of the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. After reading the information below, you will learn how the procedure works, what its advantages and disadvantages are, as well as a breakdown of the indicators.

Indications for fluorography

Fluorography of the lungs – diagnostic method examination of the chest organs, which is based on x-rays. Typically, a procedure is performed to detect the development of tuberculosis. Fluorography refers to mass research, since it allows you to examine thousands of people per day, provided normal operation apparatus.
Conducting research has its advantages and disadvantages. The latter include: high dose irradiation; Old devices do not always allow you to obtain the highest quality and accurate image, as well as timely identify film defects.

TO positive aspects The procedure includes:

  • Minimum time, labor and material costs.
  • High information content during mass screening of people for tuberculosis.
  • IN modern devices It is possible to send images over the Internet, as well as compare them with previous studies of the patient.

Fluorography is mandatory in the following cases:

  • For an annual preventive examination to detect tuberculosis. Once a year, every person over 18 years of age must undergo the procedure to ensure that they do not have the disease. Fluorography is mandatory for: future students; medical workers, educational institutions and places catering; women preparing for motherhood and everyone who lives with them; visitors to sports clubs and swimming pools; conscripts of the military registration and enlistment office.
  • To identify inflammatory processes in the lungs of a fungal or bacterial nature.
  • In order to determine the presence of tumor formations, not only in the lungs, but also on the heart, large blood vessels.
  • To identify foreign bodies in the chest area.
  • To determine structural, dimensional changes in lung tissue, the formation of cavities, the presence of air accumulation in the lungs.

Fluorography helps determine the presence of changes in the lungs and helps in making a diagnosis. If negative processes are identified during the study, then additional studies are prescribed, for example, X-rays, CT, MRI.
Fluorography is not performed for the following categories of persons:

  • Women during pregnancy (especially up to 25 weeks).
  • Children under 15 years of age (from 16 to 18 only if there are serious indications).
  • For bedridden patients who cannot even short time take a vertical position.
  • People with respiratory failure.
  • Patients with claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces).

How to prepare for fluorography and the procedure for conducting it

Fluorography does not require special preparation; the only requirement is to abstain from smoking for several hours before the procedure.
Basic principles of the study:

Interpretation of fluorography results

The procedure allows us to identify the following changes in the lung tissue and other organs of the chest:

Fluorography is a quick and simple (although not entirely safe) method for detecting tuberculosis and other diseases or pathological changes in the lungs and other organs of the chest. It must be carried out once a year, does not require specific preparation, and informative results are ready within a few days.

When answering the question of what fluorography shows, we can say it simply: this is an examination of the lungs, which allows us to determine the presence of an infiltration focus in the development of inflammation or other pathologies of this organ.

To obtain the most informative result, an X-ray examination of the lungs will be performed in two projections.

For common man There is no difference between X-ray of the lungs and fluorography, in principle, he does not need such knowledge, but many people are trying to develop, and for them we will look at what they are and how these two types of examination differ.

Fluorography is a screening method that allows you to identify pathologies such as inflammation or lung cancer, tuberculosis.

When using the first devices, this examination was unsafe, but it made it possible to accurately determine the infiltrative focus. After studying the fluorogram to establish the cause of the disease, radiography was performed; it was carried out in frontal and lateral projections, and if necessary, then in additional projections.

In this case, the person received a dose of radiation, and he received half of it during fluorography, and the second part during an x-ray. This dose is considered preventative and can be taken once a year.

Science is constantly evolving, and to reduce mass exposure of the population, scientists have developed new method, which is called “digital fluorography”. It also helps to carry out effective early diagnosis diseases such as tuberculosis and pneumonia.

In addition to the fact that digital fluorography allows a person to receive a significantly lower dose of radiation, in this case a completely different approach is used.

During the classical examination, there was a possibility of obtaining inaccurate results, this could be influenced by the incorrect choice of exposure or the screening grid could be incorrectly selected.

Usage digital technology made it possible to get rid of this, the result will be more accurate and of higher quality. Carrying out a fluorogram allows you to determine the following pathologies in the lungs:

  • inflammatory processes on them late stages development;
  • the presence of fibrosis and sclerosis;
  • tumor development;
  • development of pathological cavities such as a cyst, abscess or cavity;
  • the presence of foreign bodies in the lungs;
  • is there in anatomical spaces air and liquid.

If, after this examination, your card was stamped, then you can safely go home, since no pathological processes in the lungs.

If there is any doubt, additional examinations are required.

What is a lung x-ray?

If we talk about what an x-ray of the lungs will show, then, unlike a fluorogram, it makes it possible to more accurately make a diagnosis, since the resulting image is clearer and more informative. This method allows you to see pathologies up to 5 mm in size; they are often found on early stages development of cancer, tuberculosis or pneumonia.

This study is carried out in two projections, which allows you to get a clearer picture and make a correct diagnosis. Having a clear picture allows you to determine the nature of the stain that appears.

All this allows the use of lung x-rays as additional method during a population survey for the diseases listed above.

If there are indications, then the doctor can immediately prescribe an x-ray as a diagnosis and exclude examinations such as fluorography.

Modern medicine uses digital x-ray diagnostics; it is often confused with fluorographic examination.

The following can be performed digital photographs lungs:

  • X-ray using an electron-optical converter;
  • fluorescence radiography;
  • selenium examination.

In all these cases, the image is transferred not to film, but to a special sensor, after which the resulting image is converted and displayed on the screen. This solution allows you to reduce the radiation dose received and obtain a better result.

X-ray and fluorogram for pneumonia

In many cases, it is not possible to determine the development of pneumonia using fluorographic examination. This happens when the foci of the disease are located in clean areas of the lungs and their diameter does not exceed 5 mm.

There are cases when fluorography showed the presence of pathologies, but after an x-ray this is not confirmed. Even if a digital fluorographic examination reveals an infiltrative spot, it is impossible to immediately diagnose pneumonia.

When diagnosing pneumonia, the basic method is radiography, in addition to establishing a diagnosis, this method can also be used to monitor the treatment process of pneumonia.

If the picture reveals single lesion eclipses, this may indicate the following pathologies:

  • benign tumor cartilage tissue, which is called hamartoma;
  • there may be a limited tuberculous cavity of the lungs, it is called tuberculoma;
  • bronchial cysts may develop;
  • these may be metastases of an existing tumor.

The same foci can be detected when performing a fluorogram, but in this case they will indicate the development of focal pneumonia. The doctor will not draw conclusions right away; he will prescribe additional examinations And laboratory tests. Only after a full examination will the doctor be able to make a final diagnosis.

How to detect pneumonia on an x-ray?

This study allows us to determine the development of a disease such as pneumonia. If the resulting image reveals infiltrative shadows, this may indicate the presence of the following radiological syndromes:

  • changes in the roots of the lungs;
  • there may be darkening or lightening in the picture;
  • segmental seals;
  • development of focal or widespread pneumonia.

During this examination, focal pneumonia can be detected, but if the infiltrative spots are less than 5 mm in size, then the radiologist may no longer see them in the image.

On x-ray signs of focal or segmental pneumonia are clearly visible when small foci merge, resulting in the formation of more noticeable infiltrates. X-rays do not make it possible to see finely focal pneumonia in the image if small infiltrates are located deep, if the lung tissue has a lot of airiness.

Infiltrative spots on the image, which indicate the development of inflammation in the lungs, will differ from other symptoms in that the lesions are of average intensity, they have unclear contours, the pulmonary pattern becomes intensified, and the root thickens or expands.

If focal or segmental pneumonia develops, then infiltrative spots will be located in the lower part of the lungs. On the image, a mesh-cellular deformation of the lung pattern will be visible around them. As you can see, fluorography and radiography have different purposes and perform different tasks. The attending physician decides which diagnostic method to use in each specific case.

Despite the fact that fluorography has high degree errors, it must be carried out once a year. This way you can protect yourself from the development of various deadly diseases. Take care of your health, as any disease is much easier and more effective to treat in the early stages of its development than when it is already actively developing.

The use of fluorography for prevention serious illnesses lungs (tuberculosis) and other organs of the chest helps to diagnose pathology in the early, asymptomatic stages and begin treatment in a timely manner. Since the dose X-ray exposure Since the procedure is relatively low, regular mass examinations of categories of citizens at risk do not bring negative consequences for their health.

Why is fluorography done?

X-ray examination, in which the chest is photographed and the image is displayed on a special fluorescent screen, is called fluorography. This diagnostic method was developed after the discovery of X-rays. The image is obtained due to the uneven absorption of rays by tissues and organs as they pass through the body. Other names for this examination are x-ray fluorography, radiophotography, x-ray photography.

There are small-frame (image size 35*35 mm, 24*24 mm) and large-frame (up to 100*100 mm) fluorography techniques. This view diagnostic study used as part of a comprehensive examination of the chest organs (lungs, heart), mammary glands, and skeletal system. Due to the fact that tissues have different densities, compactions, fluid accumulations and other structural pathologies are visible on the pictures. Fluorography differs from radiography in a lower dose of radiation, worst quality resolution of the resulting image.

X-ray of the lungs and other organs allows you to see them in motion and monitor changes in real time. This type of examination is decisive for complex clinical cases with difficult diagnosis. During fluorography, the picture is taken in a static position. The radiation dose received by the patient during one X-ray fluorography procedure is approximately equal to a ten-day dose from natural sources radiation, therefore the method is used for screening (mass) examination of the population to detect tuberculosis.

Purpose of the study

Fluorographic examination is used for diagnosis wide range organ diseases respiratory system. Regular fluorography of the lungs is the main method for detecting tuberculosis in the early stages, when the disease occurs without symptoms. Pathological conditions which can be detected using fluorography:

  • musculoskeletal abnormalities;
  • obstruction in the bronchi;
  • availability foreign objects V respiratory tract;
  • foci of inflammatory processes in pneumonia, pleurisy, bronchitis;
  • pathological cavities of various etiologies (cysts, abscesses);
  • the presence of infiltrates or gases in the cavities;
  • fibrosis (connective tissue compaction);
  • vascular sclerosis;
  • adhesions, layers of pleura (the membrane covering the lungs);
  • neoplasms;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • diaphragm hernia.

The results of examination of the lungs of people who smoke differ from the results of patients who are not exposed to this condition. bad habit. The lungs of long-term smokers have increased wall width and stranded roots (with an altered pattern of lung tissue). Detection of such changes in the organ smoking man is not evidence of development dangerous pathology and does not require additional research.


There are three types x-ray examination using a fluorograph (scanner). The methods differ from each other in the equipment used in their implementation and the quality of the images obtained as a result of the study. Distinguish the following types fluorography:

  1. Film fluorography. This is an outdated method in which rays passing through the body fall on a cassette with a sensitive film. Developing and drying the image takes time, and the quality of the resulting image is lower than that of a digital one, but equipment of this type is cheaper, so most clinics and hospitals are equipped with it.
  2. Digital fluorography. The equipment used for this type of examination has modern built-in matrix system, and the quality of the final images is high. The data obtained can long time stored on the computer.
  3. Digital scanning. With this method, the subject receives lowest dose radiation, but the image quality is significantly worse than in images obtained from other types of research.

Fluorographic examination

This type of diagnosis is used when comprehensive examination conditions of the lungs, heart, mammary glands, less often - to study bone tissue. Fluorography is used to examine people during mandatory medical examinations and annual medical examinations. Such diagnostics help to detect tuberculosis in time, malignant neoplasms breast or lungs and other diseases of the chest organs, identify them in the early stages of development.


Chest fluorography is prescribed if the patient has severe prolonged cough, shortness of breath, chest pain of various types. The examination helps to identify:

  • pneumonia;
  • inflammatory process;
  • tuberculosis;
  • benign and malignant tumors lungs;
  • emphysema (swelling and destruction of the alveoli of the lungs);
  • pleural damage.

An unscheduled fluorography may be prescribed to a conscript at the military registration and enlistment office, relatives and other persons living with a pregnant woman or newborn child if the following diseases are suspected:

  • tuberculosis;
  • heart and vascular diseases;
  • inflammation of the lungs and pleura;
  • neoplasms in the lungs and mediastinal organs.

How often do they do it?

For preventive purposes, the examination is carried out once every two years, but preferably once a year. Some categories of citizens are required to undergo an annual medical examination, including fluorography. These include:

  • patients who received the course radiation therapy or have been treated with corticosteroid drugs;
  • patients suffering chronic diseases respiratory system;
  • sick diabetes mellitus;
  • employees of educational, training, health and treatment and preventive institutions.
  • patients who have had tuberculosis;
  • HIV-infected citizens;
  • convicts serving sentences;
  • maternity hospital workers;
  • employees of tuberculosis dispensaries;
  • military personnel.


Fluorographic examination is contraindicated for women during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) and children under 15 years of age. During lactation, the procedure is safe; minimal radiation doses do not affect the composition in any way. breast milk. Relative contraindications are:

  • severe somatic condition - the patient is unable to remain in an upright position;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • claustrophobia;
  • decompensated respiratory failure.

How is fluorography done?

No special preparation is needed for fluorography. The procedure is carried out in special mobile or separate stationary rooms equipped with the necessary equipment - in district clinics, hospitals, medical institutions, where you must appear at the appointed time. The examination takes two to three minutes, the picture is taken in two, sometimes three projections. To undergo fluorography, the patient must perform next steps:

  1. Undress to the waist, remove all metal objects or jewelry from your chest.
  2. Lean your chest against the fluorograph monitor, place your chin on a special stand.
  3. At the doctor’s command, take a deep breath, hold your breath and freeze for a few seconds.

Fluorography results

The initial interpretation of lung fluorography is done by a radiologist. If pathologies are detected, the patient is sent for additional examinations (for example, a chest x-ray is prescribed) and consultation with a specialized specialist. The presence of focal darkening with a diameter of up to 10 mm indicates problems with vascular system, possible oncological pathologies, tuberculosis, myocardial infarction, requires clarification of the diagnosis. In the photographs you can see and others symptom complexes:

  • With inflammation and tumors, vascular sclerosis - increased pulmonary pattern.
  • For acute or chronic pulmonary pathologies(bronchitis, inflammation) – expansion and compaction of the pulmonary roots, their heaviness. Compacted roots indicate edematous phenomena in large vessels and lymph nodes.
  • After injuries, surgical interventions, severe lung diseases – fibrotic changes fabrics.
  • After suffering from tuberculosis - adhesions, pleuroapical layers (tissue thickening in the upper part of the lungs).
  • After the introduction of tuberculosis bacillus or nonspecific infections - calcifications. In the photo they have the shape of rounded shadows, reminiscent in density bone tissue.
  • With pleurisy and similar pathologies, there is an accumulation of fluid in the sinus.
  • With an enlarged heart as a result of insufficiency or hypertension - a change in the mediastinal shadow. The displacement of the shadow is evidence of an uneven accumulation of pleural fluids.
  • For obesity, organ diseases gastrointestinal tract, hereditary pathologies– changes in the diaphragm, its shape or position.
  • With cysts, emphysema, caverns (cavities in the lung tissues) - accumulation of fluids in pathological cavities. In photographs, these areas appear darkened.
