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Strange spot on my leg. Small red dots on the legs - how to treat, causes of appearance

When in human body disturbances and malfunctions in the functioning of some organs and systems occur, it gives various alarm signals in the form of symptoms. Let's look at what diseases spots on the legs that look like bruises may indicate.

The appearance of spots on the legs can be associated with many different diseases.

Spots on the legs may have different colour, shape, size and nature of occurrence. It depends on the reason why they appear. There can be many of them, let’s look at the most common ones:

  • Genetic disorders that may cause internal bleeding, and, as a result, the appearance of spots (Willibrant's disease, hemophilia).
  • Hypovitaminosis occurs when there is a lack of C, K, and R. They are necessary for blood formation and strengthening of blood vessels. In their absence, veins and capillaries lose their elasticity, resulting in blood seeping under the skin, forming hematomas.
  • Medications that affect the fragility of blood vessels, for example, Ibufen, Naproxen.
  • Impact pathogens, which destroy not only immune system, but also blood vessels.
  • Kidney disease can cause spots not only on the legs, but throughout the body.
  • Shortage important substances– calcium, selenium, cobalt can provoke vascular rupture.
  • Frequent shaving and epilation can lead to infections and blemishes on the skin of the legs.
  • The use of untested cosmetics, which instead natural ingredients synthetic analogues are added. They may cause pigmentation or an allergic reaction.

In addition to those described, there may be many more reasons. The doctor will be able to determine for sure when he conducts an examination and takes the material for testing. After establishing accurate diagnosis a course of treatment can be prescribed.

Possible diseases

Blue or red spots on the legs may appear due to illness of cardio-vascular system, for example, atherosclerosis

Talk about possible diseases possible when the nature of the stains is established. If they are blue or red, most likely the problem lies in a disease of the cardiovascular system:

  • - a disease that occurs as a result of blockage of blood vessels cholesterol plaques formed due to excessive amounts of animal and vegetable fat.
  • Thrombophlebitis develops due to the adhesion of platelets on the walls of blood vessels. When there are a lot of them, they form a blood clot, which closes the venous lumen and impairs blood circulation.

In addition, the causes of the appearance of spots can also be diseases of another nature, for example, diabetes or obesity. If the spots are white, pink, yellow, this may indicate the presence of allergies, lichen and other infectious diseases that affect the skin. With injuries, hematomas and spots of different colors may appear.

The appearance of spots with varicose veins

Most often, spots on the legs appear when varicose veins veins

It has long been famous for its effectiveness, simplicity, accessibility and naturalness. It is important to note that it can only be used as an auxiliary method of treatment (that is, an addition to drug therapy).

  • For allergic spots, you must first cleanse the skin from peeling. To do this, you can use any scrub you prepare yourself (it’s better not to use store-bought ones so as not to irritate the already damaged epidermis). The best way to do this is to use ground coffee. After cleansing, the skin should be wiped with a decoction of chamomile, string, calendula and celandine. These plants are considered the best natural antiseptics. They have an antibacterial effect, accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis at the cellular level, relieve itching, irritation and accelerate healing.
  • If the stains appear due to vascular pathologies, then you can use compresses from Vishnevsky ointment and fresh leaf burdock. The main thing is not to apply any bandages on top, since the veins cannot be heated.
  • Natural celandine juice should be diluted with water in equal proportions, moistened with a bandage and applied to the damaged areas. This compress can be slightly fixed with a bandage and kept for 4 hours.

In addition, it is necessary to adjust the diet and add blood thinners to it - berries, figs, cocoa, citrus fruits and others.

Prevention of possible diseases

It is impossible to protect yourself from all diseases, so all that remains is to maintain the body’s functioning at a high level. To avoid failures and the development of pathologies, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Proper nutrition and absence of bad habits
  • Moderate physical exercise, more walking
  • Personal hygiene, cleanliness in the house, regular ventilation

IN winter period you can additionally take minerals and vitamins to support the body’s protective functions top level. Be healthy!

Watch a video about exercises to prevent varicose veins:

Thus, spots on the legs that look like bruises can appear due to various diseases. In order to determine the real reason their appearance, it is worth turning to specialists and not self-medicating.

Almost all types of diseases not only of the skin, but also internal organs contribute to the appearance of certain signs on the body in the form of rashes or spots. Many spots do not bring a person a feeling of discomfort and are only visible visually.

However, there are some types of plaques that manifest themselves as unpleasant itching and burning sensations. For any type of skin defect, it is necessary to seek help from specialists to prescribe the correct treatment.

Types, symptoms and causes of red spots on the legs

Most often, the appearance of this kind of plaque on the legs means the presence of a disease skin. However, there are some types of allergic reactions that can also manifest themselves in this way. Each type of spot has its own symptoms and causes of formation; the type of disease can only be determined through a thorough examination

It should be noted: what exists a large number of various diseases, which can manifest themselves in the form of plaques on the legs. Also, plaques can be of various types with various types symptoms.

Dry spot

Very often, crimson-colored plaques with a dry surface appear on the legs, which also tends to peel. However, most often this type of formation goes away after a certain time.


  • Allergies to body care products
  • Allergy to contact with things that contain synthetics
  • Enduring severe stressful situations.
  • For dehydration of skin cells

When such formations appear, no symptoms may occur. But most often a person feels itching and irritation of the skin.

Rough spots

When red, rough plaques form on the legs, a person may feel discomfort. In cases where plaques do not go away on their own within a short time, it is necessary to seek advice from a hospital, since this type of manifestation may characterize a disease of the internal organs, most often the digestive system.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Allergic reaction
  • Manifestation of mild stage dermatitis
  • Fungal infection of the skin
  • Digestive system disease
  • Vein disease.


  • Unpleasant sensation upon contact with clothing
  • Burning
  • Swelling of the skin where plaques appear.

Good to know! The occurrence of any formations that are not normal and may cause discomfort may be a signal from the body that there is more complex type skin diseases.

Small red spots

Small red formations may be a consequence improper care foot care, as well as the use of low-quality skin care products.

Also, very often this type of deficiency can occur due to the use of junk food, alcohol, long-term treatment with antibiotics. In some people, these types of manifestations appear when there are insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals in the body.

Reasons for appearance:

  • Lack of the required amount of vitamins in the body
  • Excessive amounts of one type of vitamin in the body
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight
  • Food allergies
  • Allergic reactions to insect bites
  • Consequences long-term use medicines.

Among the symptoms should be highlighted severe itching affected area, in some cases it is possible to observe the appearance of swelling of the skin.

Red and white spots

Most often, these types of plaques form on the feet and toes. This indicates damage to the epidermis pathogenic fungi.

When such plaques appear, it is necessary to use antibacterial agent for outdoor use and treat shoes with special disinfectant solutions, because most often the cause of the spread is shoes.


  • Shoes made from non-natural material
  • Visiting public places with high humidity
  • Sweaty feet
  • Improper adherence to personal hygiene rules.
  • Tight shoes

Note! Most often, the most common symptoms are a feeling of itching and slight flaking of the skin. This type plaques may be a harbinger the following types diseases: pityriasis rosea, leucoderma.

Very often the appearance of such formations is adverse reaction body taking medications. Also, the cause of this manifestation may be skin contact with chemicals that can leave such marks.

Let's celebrate! Most often, a person does not observe any severe symptoms and the plaques go away on their own after a certain time. To quickly eliminate this defect, it is recommended to drink vitamin complexes, which will help epidermal cells recover.

Spots on the feet

If red areas appear on the soles of your feet, you should immediately contact medical institution. Most often, this manifests itself in various types of diseases associated with damage to the epidermis by pathogenic fungi and the development of complications.


  • Foot deformity
  • Fungal infections
  • Mycosis
  • Increased sweating, which contributed to the development of microbes on the skin.


  • Rapid increase in the number of lesions
  • The skin where the spots appear has become dry and rough
  • Peeling of the upper layer of the epidermis is observed
  • Burning
  • Painful sensations when pressed.

Good to know! The appearance of changes on the skin of the foot indicates possible viral diseases body and requires increased attention. If such spots occur, treatment should not be delayed, otherwise the process of eliminating skin damage may take a long time.

Spots on fingers

The appearance of plaques on the fingers very often causes discomfort, especially if a person wears shoes for a long time. This means that the epidermis is affected by toe fungus.

Reasons for appearance:


Symptoms of the disease:

  • Appearance of cracks
  • Skin peeling
  • Contact with water may cause pain
  • Violation of the nail plates
  • Discomfort when walking

Note! This type of plaque tends to increase in size and gradually change to healthy skin feet If treatment is not done in a timely manner, the surface layer of the epidermis becomes rough and crusty.

Diabetes spots

The appearance of this kind of plaque most often depends on how high the level of sugar in a person’s blood is. Most often, this indicates the onset of skin diseases associated with the causes of metabolic and digestive failure.

Reasons for education:

  • Elevated blood sugar
  • Metabolic disease
  • Vascular disorders
  • Skin damage


  • Peeling skin
  • Painful sensations
  • Occurrence of wounds
  • Discharge of clear fluid

Let's celebrate! If there is any change in skin color due to diabetes, you should visit your doctor. Since this type of disease very often causes complications that are difficult to treat.

Varicose veins spots

With the development of varicose veins, the appearance of red plaques on the legs is very often observed. One of the reasons for this change is untimely treatment of the disease, which reaches a complex stage.


  • Blood clots in veins
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Presence of skin damage
  • Development of skin infections.


  • Swelling of the skin
  • The appearance of blisters at the site of the lesion
  • Painful sensations
  • Increased skin density

Good to know! The appearance of plaques is most often a harbinger of weakened vessel walls, which tend to become damaged. And very often it can indicate the possible occurrence of complications that lead to death.

The red spot hurts

In cases where the stain that appears causes painful sensations, this means the presence of diseases that are caused by damage to epidermal cells by viral bacteria. This type of disease is difficult to cure on your own.

Viruses are capable of destroying all layers of the skin and promoting the appearance of new formations. When untimely treatment possible appearance of wounds and purulent discharge.


  • Swelling of the skin
  • The appearance of microcracks
  • Formation of blisters that later turn into spots
  • Burning
  • Painful sensations.

Let's celebrate! When such formations appear, it may mean chronic degree dermatitis disease, which can progress and increase in size.

Red spots itchy

The appearance of red plaques on the legs most often means the development of dermatitis; the formations have small seals that itch very much, especially when in contact with liquid. It tends to increase in cold weather.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the disease progresses to chronic stage which cannot be treated. During periods of exacerbation, it is recommended to use hormonal ointments and products with antibacterial effect.

Spots on a child

The appearance of plaques in children means the development of dermatitis various degrees gravity. They most often appear in the form of small inflammatory formations, which after a certain time turn into wounds.

The disease has symptoms that manifest themselves as redness of the skin, cracking, pimples and swelling of the skin.

The most well-known and common sign of the development of many leg diseases is the appearance of a rash on lower limbs.

Small red rashes have a certain nature of origin, so before removing them, you need to understand why the spot appeared on the leg (a red spot is always considered a symptom of the development of pathology, since this sign is not able to “attack” the skin on its own).

Red spots on the feet and base of the lower extremities can cause discomfort and itching; it is better not to get rid of them at home. If the disease causing the symptom is not completely cured, red spots on the calves of the legs and other parts of the lower extremities will begin to pursue the patient constantly.

Let's figure out why red spots appear on the legs. First of all, let's look at what types of red spots a person can detect:

  • rough spots;
  • dry rashes localized on the lower legs;
  • small red lesions on the skin;
  • one large neoplasm, the edging of which is represented by a yellow-white base;
  • red and white rashes of different shapes and shades (based on the course of the underlying disease, it can be bright or pale);
  • large red spots on the legs, localized in the lower parts of the limbs;
  • rashes similar in appearance to a heat burn;
  • spots attacking the fingers of the lower extremities;
  • small red dots on the legs below the knees (often they can be found on the calves);
  • large scarlet spots that bring pain and discomfort to a person.

Based on the type of rash, it is possible to diagnose correct diagnosis, according to which it will be possible to begin treatment of the pathology.

It is prohibited to carry out therapy on your own, since rashes often indicate the presence of serious diseases, such as diabetes, diabetes, and others.

Once they develop, it will not be possible to remove the spots, since they will constantly haunt the patient and, upon completion of the course of treatment, will reappear on the lower extremities.

Red spots that appear on the legs are a dermatological change in the skin that attacks a specific area of ​​the lower extremities. This means that if the rash appears on the foot, it is unlikely to spread to the calf or ankle.

Call this sign able cosmetical tools, as well as a number pathological conditions human, occurring in the body and requiring mandatory treatment.

Reasons for appearance

Red spots on the legs, the causes of which can be very different, need to be treated only after a correct diagnosis has been made. Today, if a red spot appears on the leg, a photo of which will help to correctly recognize the course of a particular disease, this indicates the development of the following pathologies in the body:


If a person suffers from allergies, his legs often itch and red spots appear (a photo of the rash will help the patient determine exactly what is developing allergic reaction).

They appear due to the activation of an allergen in the body, which tries to show a person about the danger.

In addition to the appearance of spots on the legs, they can also be on the face, arms and body of the patient. As a rule, the rashes do not hurt, do not peel or itch. These signs will only appear if they are swollen.

As allergies develop in the body, the spots will increase in size. TO additional symptoms Allergies include difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue and legs, and difficulty swallowing.


If flaky spots appear on your legs, this may be a sign of the development of psoriasis. He appears earlier than others. Additional symptoms of the disease include damage nail plate, sores on the head and body.

The rashes will not bother the person and will not itch or itch. However, treatment of pathology is recommended in short term to avoid it going into chronic form(then it will be quite difficult to get rid of the rashes).

Ringworm pink

This is the main type of mycosis of the skin, which is represented by a fungal infection of the lower extremities. The pathology will begin to manifest itself on both legs at once, which will allow a correct diagnosis to be made. Lichen Pink colour does not pose a danger to others, since the disease is not considered contagious.

Peculiarities! If the pathology is advanced, the red rash will itch - in this case, the patient will need ointment for red spots on the legs, which will relieve discomfort.


It is known that skin diseases occur acutely in humans, so it is not difficult to notice their signs. If a patient develops eczema, in addition to red spots on the legs, he will also notice rough rashes, small blisters, papules (these are nodules that are located under the layer of skin and lack any contents).

If stains are constantly rubbed against clothing, over time ulcers form in their place, which are long and problematic to treat.

Atopic dermatitis

A distinctive feature of red rashes is that they are often swollen, flaky and have an uneven contour.

If the rash increases in the cold, this indicates a progression atopic dermatitis at the patient.

In warm weather, the tumors become smaller and lose their bright red color. If left untreated, they will cause pain and discomfort in a person.

Varicose veins

Vascular spots on the legs, photos of which indicate a violation of the integrity of the blood vessels, are most often accompanied by the appearance of red rashes on the lower extremities.

In addition to such neoplasms, the patient may notice a change in skin color, which indicates difficulties in the movement of blood through the vessels.

Red neoplasms with varicose veins appear on the calves, shins, neglected treatment you can find them higher kneecap. A person will also find enlarged veins, which cause the appearance of red spots of varying diameters. May cause redness.

Gangrene and diabetes mellitus

Some advanced diseases lead to the appearance of red spots, which gradually become darker and increase in size.

These include gangrene and diabetes mellitus, which begin their development with the appearance of spots on the lower extremities.

Such neoplasms have a similar shape, type and size.

Any disease that causes red rashes on the body is a danger to human health. Therefore, in order to avoid health problems, you need to carefully monitor your health, and if spots are detected, be sure to consult a doctor.

What to do if you find spots on the lower extremities

After identifying red rashes on the legs and body, you must definitely visit a dermatologist who will conduct an examination and diagnose correct diagnosis to the patient.

Depending on the disease, the patient is prescribed treatment for the rash. For example, if their formation is caused by diabetes mellitus, the patient just needs to start taking insulin drugs, and then the tumors will quickly disappear.

And during the course of eczema or psoriasis, a person will need to lubricate the neoplasms with ointment, make lotions based on medicinal herbs and also take medications.

If the disease is caused by fungi, antifungal compounds are prescribed. Treatment pityriasis rosea is carried out by taking strengthening agents that have a positive effect on the state of the immune system, because it is considered the culprit in the development of the disease.


Often, the patient is prescribed a strict daily regimen and a hypoallergenic diet, which will quickly get rid of red rashes on the lower extremities.

Every person has encountered rashes on the body at least once in their life. The skin performs protective function body, and if it is affected harmful factors, spots may appear on the legs. Reasons why they appeared on the leg dark spots, many: these could be reactions to various chemicals or products, or serious pathology.

To accurately identify the cause of the rash, remove itching and cosmetic manifestations (flaky skin) quickly and safely, you must consult a doctor. A specialist will conduct an examination and help quickly eliminate the red spot on the leg. Self-medication in such cases can cause serious complications.

There are a huge number of reasons why spots appear on the leg. Red or any other color. They may or may not itch:

  • Hives;
  • Various dermatitis;
  • Herpes;
  • Burns from chemicals;
  • Wearing synthetics;
  • Depilation;
  • Use of low-quality cosmetics;

In fact, the cause of stains can be anything; it is simply impossible to list all the reasons. Eating exotic food or any medications, wearing tight shoes or clothes, low-quality household chemicals and cosmetics - all this can harm the body and skin, and cause the appearance of spots that often itch and flake.

The cause of stains can be serious chronic pathologies, for example: diabetes mellitus, or inflammatory processes in the body, skin infections. In this case, treatment is required immediately, otherwise the disease will begin to progress greatly and serious complications, up to the amputation of a limb.

Red spots often appear in people in summer time, in contact with plants or insect bites. If the plant was poisonous, then upon contact with it a severe allergic reaction occurs; this condition requires an urgent visit to the doctor. Insect bites, especially multiple ones, are also dangerous.


The spots can be different, large, small, round, dark and light, sometimes the formation itches, and sometimes not. In each case, the rash occurs according to various reasons and are accompanied various symptoms. There are several types of spots that can appear on the legs:

dark spot. Dark and brown spots on the legs are most often associated with pigmentation. Pigment spots on the legs can occur when long stay in the sun, as well as various pathologies internal organs. In this case, itching and inflammation of the skin do not occur; a person is usually only concerned about the cosmetic manifestations of the disease. If any dark spots on your feet, you must undergo an examination.

Black spot. Black spots on the skin occur due to pathology of the adrenal glands, due to genetic disorders. Black spots are usually not accompanied by itching.

Hemorrhagic spots. Such rashes look like many small hematomas; they are associated with the destruction of small capillaries and the release of some red blood cells into the surrounding tissues. Interestingly, the rash can appear in the form of spots, stripes, small dots and have different shades. Hemorrhagic rash occurs when serious illnesses, the rash itself is not itchy or painful, but other symptoms may occur, such as vomiting, fever, body aches, headaches, and other types of discomfort associated with the cause of the rash.

Burgundy. Red or even burgundy spots can appear for various reasons; the rashes are often localized in one part of the body, they itch, become inflamed, and can peel off. As a rule, this indicates the presence of an inflammatory process and infection, or an allergic reaction. Red spots on the skin require urgent attention to a specialist.

Purple. These types of spots are usually associated with blood vessels and represent a hematoma. Most often, this is an ordinary bruise that appears after an injury, hurts when you press on it, and goes away within a week. If the hematoma does not go away, but persists constantly, then they talk about a pathology called purpura; in this disease, blood constantly flows out of the vessel.

White. White spots on the body can appear painlessly, or itch and peel, it all depends on the cause of the pathology. Dry patches that itch may be due to ringworm. With a disease called vitiligo, the rashes appear symmetrically and are not accompanied by itching. White spots are always associated with serious pathology and require consultation with a doctor.

Yellow. Such rashes are often hemorrhagic, and can also be caused by fungus, lichen, endocrine and autoimmune disorders. Symptoms vary in each case.

Pink. If pink spots if they itch, then most likely it is lichen. Also, pink rashes may be associated with an allergic reaction, inflammatory process, insect bite.

Orange. Rashes with an orange tint can appear with eczema, psoriasis, and lichen. As a rule, such diseases are accompanied by severe itching and peeling of the skin.


Only a doctor can correctly diagnose a disease, since the symptoms of various diseases often overlap, and without an examination it is almost impossible to make a correct diagnosis. Diagnosis and treatment skin rashes Dermatologists are involved.

At the reception, the doctor examines the patient, examines every spot and directs the patient to take a necessary tests. These are various scrapings, smears, blood and urine tests. You may also need to consult another narrow specialist, for example, an allergist, endocrinologist, therapist, immunologist.


The process of treating red spots depends on the cause of the pathology. If this is an allergic reaction, the patient will be prescribed a diet, antihistamines, ointments. If an infection is present, antibiotics, antifungals, and medications for itching and pain are prescribed.

If the cause of the rash is a pathology of the internal organs, then they will treat it first. Doctors will prescribe medications, prescribe physiotherapy and injections. In some cases, hospitalization may even be necessary and long-term treatment in the hospital.

If the patient is bothered by itching, flaking of the skin, the doctor will prescribe ointments to relieve unpleasant symptoms. The drugs are hormonal and non-hormonal. Hormonal ones cause harm to the body with long-term use, but they are more effective and quickly relieve inflammation and itching.

It is worth noting that not all pathologies are curable, for example, psoriasis, vitiligo, etc. have not yet been completely cured. Such pathologies are chronic and require constant and high-quality skin care. If the patient follows all the doctor’s recommendations, the disease may for a long time don't progress.


Definitely, it is best not to wait until a red spot appears on the skin; it is best to prevent pathology and monitor your health. But it is not always possible to predict the appearance of rashes, because they can also appear due to genetic disorders, or due to the influence of factors that people simply cannot predict. In any case, you can reduce the risk of stains by following these recommendations.

You need to eat right, avoid trying questionable foods, and carefully taste new exotic dishes and fruits. If you really want to try a dish, it is better to eat a small piece and wait a couple of hours. If there is an allergy to a product, then it will most likely manifest itself, otherwise you can eat a little more of the new product, but without fanaticism. This nutritional tactic especially applies to children; all new and exotic foods should be introduced gradually.

To prevent rashes infectious nature, you need to strengthen your immune system and follow the rules of hygiene in in public places. You should not walk barefoot in a bathhouse, swimming pool or on a public beach.

It is also very important to keep active image life, play sports, so that stagnant processes and problems with blood vessels do not arise in the body. It is recommended not to come into contact with chemicals; all manipulations should be carried out with gloves, including cleaning household chemicals, washing dishes. If spots have already appeared, you need to treat your skin with special attention, not use questionable cosmetics and try not to get injured.

About stains (video)

Update: October 2018

Human skin is not just a tissue that covers the entire outside of the body. This is a huge organ that protects us from external influences: microorganisms, pressure, temperatures, chemical substances. In addition, the skin is closely connected with our internal environment, and when any problems appear there, it makes them known by a general or local change in structure, elasticity and color. Thus, red spots on the legs, as well as a rash of a different nature in this location, are a signal that problems are happening to the body. In order to avoid hazardous health consequences, they must be identified and eliminated. Let's look at what the rash looks like for the most common diseases.

Types of stains

By a spot, people mean a local change in the color and (sometimes) structure of the skin in specific localization. Doctors use the word “spot” to describe a small area of ​​discoloration (red, brown, black or whiter than the surrounding skin), which does not rise above the level of the rest of the skin. Elements that protrude above the surrounding skin, are flaky, have a density different from other tissues, and have a cavity inside filled with light water or pus, have absolutely different names. This helps doctors narrow down the “circle of suspected” diseases.

In order not to confuse the reader, in this publication we will refer to all elements of the rash as a “spot”. Let us take as a basis the classification according to which spots are vascular or pigmented.

Vascular spots

These are formations of red, purple, brown, bluish or yellow color. Their color depends on the state of the blood in a given location: in which vessel (blood or lymphatic) it is located, whether it has come out of it into the tissue or continues to be included in the bloodstream.

Vascular spots are divided into:

  • those associated with temporary dilation of the vessel (for example, with allergies, infectious disease, burn – chemical, thermal or ultraviolet);
  • associated with constant expansion of the vessel: “ spider veins", hemangiomas;
  • hemorrhagic spots - resulting from the release of blood from a capillary

Dark spots

These are spots that have developed as a result of increased or decreased levels of melanin (that brown pigment that is found in skin cells and makes our tan possible). If there is a lot of pigment, moles, chloasma, freckles, and lentigo appear. When there is not enough of it, whitish areas appear on the skin: vitiligo, leucoderma.

There is one more type of stain that occurs as a result of the artificial introduction of dye into the skin (tattoo, tattoo), but this is not a worrying problem, and we will not consider it.

Red spots in adults

What does it look like Presence of itching Peeling Additional symptoms What could it be
One, but more often several spots, rise above the surface (located on swollen skin), prone to merging This red spot on my leg itches No

Occurs upon contact with new materials of shoes, clothes (after washing with new detergents), after taking a bath with new additives, walking in the herbs in the summer. If the spots are all over the body, then this may be a reaction to animal fur, plant pollen, medications, or food.

The appearance of such red spots may be accompanied by a runny nose without fever, a dry, obsessive cough, and lacrimation

Allergic dermatitis
Several spots larger than 20 mm merge, forming a fire-like lesion that protrudes above the skin. There is a clear boundary between them and the rest of the skin. The spots are hotter than the surrounding cover. Blisters with light fluid or dark red areas of hemorrhage may appear on top of the redness No, but the spot hurts

When the redness becomes less bright, a brown crust appears on top

On the first day of the appearance of the rash, the temperature of the whole body rises, chills appear, and there may be nausea and vomiting. Erysipelas. It occurs on the legs if it has already developed once on the face
Pink spots with blurry outlines are located all over the body, including the palms and soles. They appear gradually, 10-15 pieces per day (it is not that the rash spreads from top to bottom or from bottom to top). On the 8-10th day from the moment of appearance, the spots become as bright as possible, then gradually turn yellow or brown. When pressed with a glass glass, the rash disappears, then appears again No No Nothing bothers me. The rash appears 2 months after unprotected sex. On the third day after it, a person might not notice a specific chancre on the genitals, which itself disappeared after 3-6 weeks
Redness with slightly blurred borders, there may be a blister on top No, but there is pain that is relieved by cold water No Appears after contact and only at the point of contact with a hot/cold surface or liquid with special skin-damaging properties Burn
Resembles a mole, but is red in color and the skin around it may turn pale when stretched. No No Not accompanied by any subjective symptoms Hemangioma
The spot is represented by red dilated capillaries. There may be several of them, they do not merge and are asymmetrical No No The spot itself does not bother you, but the veins in the legs may be dilated, the legs may swell, sometimes itch, and get tired quickly Telangiectasia
A red spot on the leg itches, often arose at the site of an abrasion or wound that does not heal for a long time Yes May be Thirst, night urination, tendency to pustular diseases, poor wound healing
Red scaly spots are localized on the extensor surfaces of the extremities, on the elbows and knees, in places of friction with clothing Rarely, just as infrequently there may be pain in the area of ​​the eruptive element Pronounced, causing the spots to appear as if they were smeared with paraffin The spots are not always accompanied by subjective symptoms. They occur either in a person in whose family someone suffered from similar manifestations, or in someone who is subject to chronic stress
The spots are initially red, then darken, and hair does not grow in this area. Then - if the problem is not eliminated - an ulcer develops in this place Yes No Surrounding skin or pale, cold to the touch, worse senses temperature and pain (if present) arterial insufficiency), or darker in color, with brownish-purple spots, itches, swells (if venous insufficiency occurs) Trophic disorders
A red, scaly spot on the leg with a clear rim, located mainly on the foot Yes Yes There is a connection with wearing someone else's shoes, visiting a public shower or swimming pool
pink spot No Yes Occurs after an acute respiratory infection. There may be several spots, they spread throughout the body. Disappears after peeling in the center subsides
Several appear various types spots: raised above the skin and at the same level with it, bubbles and blisters May be No Occurs in spring or summer. Often - against the background of contact of the legs with meadow plants(hogweed, angelica), or while taking drugs that increase photosensitivity (Furosemide, Tetracycline, painkillers) or herbs. Develops at this time of year in people with porphyria or xeroderma Photodermatosis
Protrude above the skin, red-pink, with a depression in the center. The elements have a slight purple tint; they merge. They like to sit on their feet and legs Yes No A similar rash can be located on the oral mucosa, lower back, armpits, elbows, and stomach
A red spot appeared on the leg, then blisters appeared on it, then part of them opened, revealing a weeping surface, then small crusts appeared. There are many elements present at once Sometimes No Occurs either after stress, or at the site of a wound, or on the legs, where varicose veins are changed, or as a result of ingesting new food
The spots are round, clear, increasing in size. In the center the skin is paler, along the periphery there is a ridge of pink nodules and bubbles Yes Yellow crusts and gray scales on top of spots The temperature does not rise, there is no nausea, there is no weakness or loss of appetite. A similar rash appears after interacting with animals
Red-brown formations that move from the skin of the legs to the torso No No There are no subjective symptoms Hemosiderosis

Red rash in children

Spots on a child’s legs most often appear due to:

  • Allergies: to new laundry detergent, to diapers or diaper products, new bath products, after an insect bite, in response to cold or sudden alternation of heat and cold. In this case, the spots rise above the skin and almost always itch, which disrupts sleep and nutrition. Compliance helps. hypoallergenic diet, taking sorbents (“Atoxil”, “”, “ Activated carbon") and ("Fenistil", "Suprastin", "Erius").
  • . In this case, the rash is most often located not only on the legs, but also on the arms, mainly on the fingers. It looks like blisters surrounded by a red border, almost always very itchy. In this case, there may be an increase in temperature, similar blistering rashes on the oral mucosa, there may be nausea, vomiting, cough, loose stool(the set of symptoms depends on the type of virus acquired through food, water or airborne droplets).
  • . In this case, red spots are located all over the body, not just on the legs. At the same time, the temperature increased, nasal congestion appeared, and the eyes turned red. The rash does not itch or flake off.
  • . Here, red spots on the legs appear last: first, the rash appears on the face, and then goes down, merging with each other. In addition, the temperature rises, snot begins to flow from the nose, conjunctivitis and swelling of the eyelids are noted.
  • . This is a disease that is caused by the same bacterium that causes tonsillitis. Red spots, when pressed on, they appear better, appear on the 1st-3rd day of the disease, are located on the cheeks, on the sides of the body, and not on the legs, but in the groin.
  • Meningococcal infection. This is a life-threatening condition that can begin with the fact that after 1-2 days of a runny nose (or even without it), spots appear on the legs and buttocks, the temperature rises, and the spots spread to other parts of the body. At first they may be red, without pustules or blisters. Then they darken, acquire a star-shaped shape, and merge. Dark spots on the legs that do not disappear when a clear glass is pressed on the skin may appear immediately, without a stage of red rashes. The sooner " Ambulance", the greater the child's chances of survival.
  • Pityriasis rosea. Its manifestations are described above.
  • . There are several similar spots, they are brown-red, covering different areas bodies do not merge, the skin above them peels off. The shape of the spots is different, they tend to merge, do not itch or hurt. When the rash disappears, whitish areas remain in these areas.

Spots may occur in children due to ringworm, and other mycoses, but these causes are more rare than those described above.

Dark spots

As mentioned above, this is a rash associated with the brown pigment melanin, which is normally found in our skin, but is distributed evenly throughout it. The word “pigmentation” refers to spots due to excess melanin. This:

  • Moles are brown or black spots located anywhere on the body, from which in some cases hair grows;
  • Melasma: large, dark-colored patches that are more common in pregnant women on the linea alba and face, but may accompany some internal illnesses and sit on your feet;
  • Freckles: multiple small brown spots on the legs
    various shades of brown, usually located in places accessible to light on people with fair skin;
  • Lentigo - dark brown and black spots on the legs, appearing either before 10 years of age, or in old people at open areas bodies. If such a rash element itches or peels, this indicates a malignant process;
  • Secondary hyperpigmentation. They occur at the site of epilation and depilation, after removal of various formations with laser or electrocoagulation - if after the procedure, the legs felt ultraviolet rays without sunscreen in the first month. May occur with a deficiency of certain vitamins, such as ascorbic acid, retinol, nicotinic acid.

Pigmented areas also include depigmented, that is, light areas. This:

  • Vitiligo: white spots different shapes and values ​​that arise as a response to frequent stress and chronic diseases abdominal organs (especially the liver). The following effect is observed on them: the white spots seem to be outlined in a color darker than the surrounding skin, which gradually merges with the normal skin.
  • Leukoderma: This is the appearance of light-colored patches of skin resulting from systemic disease. If white spots without clear boundaries appear on the torso and legs, this may indicate syphilis.

Hemorrhagic spots

On pigment spots - due to the fact that they have Brown color– hemorrhages that occur with vascular diseases and with pathologies of the coagulation system are similar:

  1. Thrombocytopenic purpura. Here the rash is not only located on the legs, it occurs spontaneously, after sleep, it is asymmetrical, both dark spots and purple and yellowish-green spots are visible (like the phases of a bruise).
  2. Hemorrhagic vasculitis. Here, brown spots appear immediately on the legs, symmetrically on both. The shape of the rashes is different, they tend to merge. The disease also affects the joints, the stomach may hurt, and the functioning of the kidneys and brain may be impaired. This pathology requires urgent medical correction. Read more about.

What to do if spots appear on your legs

If the spots are not accompanied by an increase in temperature or worsening general condition in an adult, if they do not spread “before the eyes”, you can visit a therapist, and then a dermatologist as planned, on the next weekday. Any rash of any location in children under 14 years of age (and especially if it is dark or star-shaped) is mandatory for emergency examination by a pediatrician at the clinic (in daytime) or hospital - at night and on holidays.

To determine the cause of the spots, the doctor will prescribe tests such as:

  • general blood and urine tests;
  • blood glucose;
  • bacterial culture from the affected skin;
  • blood chemistry;
  • Ultrasound of leg vessels.

Based on examination, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics The doctor will make a diagnosis and prescribe therapy. You should not self-medicate: even if the rash has gone away under your “treatment,” it cannot be said that the disease has not progressed to the next stage, when internal organs are affected.