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Hellebore herb medicinal properties and contraindications. Caucasian hellebore: beneficial properties

Caucasian hellebore (lat. Helleborus caucasicus) or Winterberry belongs to the Buttercup family (lat. Ranunculaceae).

This is perennial herbaceous plant up to 50 cm in height with a short, creeping, branched rhizome brown. The leaves are large, basal on long petioles, palmately dissected, stem leaves are sessile, and, as a rule, do not die in winter.

The flowers are also large, with 5-6 petals, painted in pale green, greenish-yellow and even carmine-red tones.

The petals are modified into nectaries, shaped like a postal horn, in the amount of 5-12. The number of stamens and pistils is indefinite. In the south, hellebores bloom from December to March, in the middle zone - in April-May for 18-25 days.

The fruit has numerous leaflets, the seeds are oblong. The plant is extremely poisonous! There are about 20 species of the hellebore genus, each of which has a number of varieties. Sometimes there are even interspecific hybrids; garden varieties have now been bred.

Very often they are planted in the shade of trees, because sunlight“kills” them. Thanks to their representative appearance, they look great and delight with their soft colors. Gardeners especially appreciate their frost resistance, winter and early spring flowering, and evergreen foliage.

Hellebore is common in Central and Southern Europe, in Asia Minor; a huge number of its species grow in the Balkans. It is extremely rare to find it in northern latitudes. Several species are found in the southwest of Ukraine - in the middle part of the Dniester basin, the Carpathians and Transcaucasia.

Preparation and storage of hellebore

The great value of Caucasian hellebore is its rhizome. This part of the plant is harvested in mid-autumn. The rhizomes are dug up, after which the part that was above the ground is cut off. It is necessary to wash the “blanks” only in cold water.

The rhizome is dried only in the open air and always in the shade. The maximum temperature at which all useful and medicinal properties these plants are 45°C. As soon as the rhizome dries, it acquires a dark brown color. The section color is pale pink. Has an unpleasant odor.

The preparations can be stored for 2 years. If longer, the Caucasian hellebore loses its valuable properties. It contains allergenic pollen, so it is advisable to wear a respiratory mask when preparing it.

Biochemical composition

Rhizomes and roots contain cardiac glycosides: desglycogel, corelborin K and corelborin P, steroid saponins, fatty oil etc. The bioside hellebrine, alkaloids, ranunculin, and protoanemonin were isolated from the roots of hellebore. Hellebore glycosides, classified as sterol saponins, are highly soluble in water.

Hellebore - application, medicinal properties

There are a lot of legends about the Caucasian hellebore; it is believed that it can heal almost any disease. Caucasian hellebore root has been used since ancient times. Mention of this plant is found even in the works of Avicenna; it was used not only in oriental medicine, but also in Eastern European and Tibetan.

However, recently many articles have appeared about its dangers associated with toxicity. Indeed, hellebore - poisonous plant, cardiac glycosides in its composition, with large doses may cause a toxic effect.

In addition, hellebore roots have calming and diuretic properties. Preparations based on this plant are indicated for kidney disease, chronic heart failure, for the treatment of hemorrhoids, pleurisy and tuberculosis. Hellebore is used externally to treat tumors. Moreover, it helps cure paralysis and is effective for joint pain.

Due to its diuretic and laxative effects, hellebore is indicated for cleansing the intestines. Moreover, it effectively removes sand and small stones from urinary tract.

Various preparations containing hellebore are prescribed for powerful cleansing the body from poisonous toxins, excess waste and all kinds of radioactive elements. The recommended course of treatment can be up to 12 months.

The excellent effect on the joints allows this plant to be prescribed for osteochondrosis of the spine. Pain syndromes stop in the second or third month of use. With further use, inflammation is relieved and restored water-salt balance, as a result of which salts are removed from the joints.

Caucasian hellebore is used for headaches after injuries and concussions. Treats dementia, melancholy, chronic migraine. Bright pronounced action on the nervous system - used to treat neuroses, insomnia, and in case of epilepsy, reduces the number of seizures (in this case, used with lavender).

Hellebore normalizes all metabolic functions, completely cleanses the body of waste and toxins and is an excellent means for losing weight, without necessarily following a grueling diet. Body weight is normalized: fat people lose weight, and thin people gain normal weight.

On initial stage treatment, hellebore has a laxative effect on the body. This is a normal process of cleaning the gastrointestinal tract. When laxative effect stop, this means that the intestinal cleansing process has ended.

Then the blood purification will begin. It may get worse chronic diseases. During the period of exacerbation, the dosage of hellebore should be slightly reduced and, in parallel with taking hellebore, according to the aggravated disease, take herbal teas.

If the fact that hellebore herb is mentioned in all reference books as a poisonous plant does not stop you, try including it in your daily diet. IN folk medicine There are several ways to take hellebore.

Cold infusion: A measured dose of hellebore is placed in a glass in the evening, pour 50 ml boiled water room temperature. In the morning, this infusion is stirred and drunk with sediment 1 hour before meals. Take 1 time per day.

Reception in dry form: In the morning, a measured dose of hellebore is placed in the mouth and washed down with water at room temperature 1-2 hours before meals. Take 1 time per day.

Hellebore with honey: A measured dose of hellebore is mixed with 1/3 teaspoon of honey and eaten before bed.

You can use any of the reception methods. If a laxative effect is expected from taking hellebore, then it is better to take hellebore with honey.

Hellebore is sold in the form of dried rhizomes and roots crushed into powder. Start taking hellebore with an initial dose of 50 mg (at the tip of a knife), every 10 days the dosage is increased by 50 mg and gradually increased to 150-300 mg. At a dosage of 150-300 mg continue to be taken for 6 months.

Weakened people with chronic diseases, as well as those whose body reacts violently to taking hellebore, should begin treatment with an even smaller dose (10-12 mg) and not increase the dosage to 150-300 mg, but stop at minimal doses (25-50 mg ).

The hellebore manufacturer must include instructions for use, as well as a measuring spoon. It is necessary to follow the instructions and, before starting treatment, consult a doctor.

To improve liver and heart function, take 50 mg of dry powder (¼ mustard spoon) 2 hours before meals, once a day. The course of treatment is determined depending on the course of the disease and can range from one to 10 months.

To cleanse the urinary tract and normalize stool, it is recommended to eat 50 mg of Caucasian hellebore powder in combination with honey before bed. In addition to its main purpose, this treatment perfectly cleanses the blood and relieves various skin diseases.

You can also cook healing decoction from rhizomes. To do this, take 0.5 teaspoon of crushed roots and fill them with 500 ml of water. Boil the mixture for at least an hour, and then it should be taken 3 times a day, 1 teaspoon.

Caucasian hellebore for weight loss

If the goal of taking hellebore is to lose weight, then 6 months of taking it is enough. When losing weight with Helleborus caucasicus, you should limit acute and fatty foods and add as many fresh fruits and vegetables to the menu as possible. They will help normalize metabolism, without which it is impossible to lose excess weight.

If the purpose of the intake is complete cleansing of the body, treatment of chronic diseases, then take a break for 1 month and after that take hellebore again, starting with the minimum dose (50 mg) and gradually increasing the dose to 150-300 mg. So after month break, hellebore is still taken for 6 months.

Carefully! There are contraindications!

Treatment with hellebore is contraindicated for myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, atrioventricular block, aortic defects, paroxysmal tachycardia, endocarditis, severe liver damage, during pregnancy and lactation, and children under 14 years of age.

Since hellebore is a very poisonous plant, the dosage should be strictly observed. Maximum recommended daily dose for an adult - 300 mg.

Before starting treatment, consult a doctor, and carry out treatment under the supervision of a doctor!

Many plants have great potential for healing various diseases and health promotion. One of these bright representatives of the plant world is the hellebore herb. The possibilities of its use concern almost all systems of the human body; the plant allows not only to cure existing diseases, but also to prevent the development of many diseases.

This product has gained wide popularity due to its availability and minimal quantity. side effects. In addition, the use of hellebore has been tested by more than one generation of people, so it justifies its credibility in practice.

Hellebore is an evergreen plant that has toxic properties, but if the dosages and rules for its use are followed, it is completely safe and even beneficial for the human body. To prepare medicines from hellebore, only one part of the plant is used - the roots. All other components of this herb have no healing power.

In folk medicine, two types of hellebore are most often used - Caucasian and blushing, although there are many more varieties of this plant found in nature. You can meet hellebore in deciduous forests, in wide clearings under the sun, in valleys and mountains at low altitudes. The plant blooms in early spring or late winter, while there is still snow and slight frosts - this is what its name is connected with.

Since hellebore is a poisonous medicinal plant, it is important to follow safety rules when collecting and preparing it. Fresh raw materials emit active fumes that can cause headaches, nausea and dizziness. To avoid poisoning, you need to use respirators with a carbon filter when working with fresh plants. Dried and prepared hellebore root ceases to have such properties.

How does hellebore work?

The peculiarity of this plant is that everything is biological active ingredients its roots act in combination. IN percentage Of these substances, hellebore contains the most glycosides. These are compounds that, in small doses, can have a strong effect on the cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory system human body. In addition to glycosides, the roots of this plant contain many vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and proteins, fatty and essential oils, which also provide the medicinal properties of hellebore.

Among the effects that medicinal plant effects on the body, the following can be distinguished:

  • normalizes the tone of the heart muscle and pulse rate;
  • helps restore water-salt balance;
  • has an anticonvulsant and antiepileptic effect in case of disorders of the central nervous system nervous system;
  • normalizes hormone ratios thyroid gland and other endocrine glands;
  • promotes gentle cleansing of the body from toxins and waste;
  • slows growth benign tumors different localization;
  • reduces the frequency of attacks bronchial asthma and exacerbations of chronic bronchitis;
  • has a beneficial effect on a person’s sleep and psycho-emotional state;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • fights symptoms diabetes mellitus;
  • has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects in inflammatory diseases joints;
  • has an immunomodulatory effect, increasing the body's nonspecific defenses.

The range of uses of hellebore is wide due to its unique properties. Its use can be local and internal, and it is often prescribed in long courses (from 6 to 12 months) to consolidate and maintain the positive effect.

Methods and doses of use

The initial dose for internal administration of crushed hellebore root powder is considered to be 0.05 g (the amount at the tip of a knife). If necessary and indicated, this dosage can be gradually increased to 0.15-0.3 g. Every 10 days, add no more than 0.05 g of powder so that the body gradually gets used to the new doses and does not become poisoned. Depending on the disease and condition of the body, the dosage and regimen for taking hellebore is selected individually after consultation with a specialist, since it is a very potent remedy.

Hellebore root

You can take hellebore powder by dissolving the required amount in 50 ml of water. You should drink this solution in the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. Also dry product can be mixed with 1 tsp. honey and taken orally according to the same scheme.

For local application You can make hellebore oil. To do this, add 2 tsp to 250 ml of base (grape seed oil is best). dry powder of the roots of this plant and mix. Use for rubbing painful areas of the body with inflammatory diseases of the joints and pain in the back and muscles. The course of treatment should not exceed 7–10 days.

To improve hair growth and combat baldness, you can rinse scalp heads with an aqueous infusion of hellebore, which consists of 1 tsp. dry plant root and 1 liter of water. This should be done after washing your hair with shampoo; there is no need to rinse your hair additionally after hellebore infusion. It is important to ensure that the product does not get into the eyes or mucous membranes.

Hellebore for weight loss

This medicinal plant helps to successfully combat overweight, because it has a mild and gradual cleansing effect on the intestines. In addition, hellebore normalizes metabolism, promotes normal outflow of bile and restores liver function.

The effect of weight loss also occurs due to excretion from the body excess liquid, which helps fight swelling. Bringing work back to normal excretory system body, hellebore helps get rid of accumulated harmful salts, heavy metals and toxic metabolic products.

The presence of glycosides in the chemical composition of hellebore can affect appetite - it can be significantly reduced. Also, when taking hellebore, a laxative effect may occur and the body will begin to lose weight. This occurs due to improved blood circulation in gastrointestinal tract and normalization of the functioning of his muscles.

But this does not mean that you should significantly reduce your diet and try to maintain the results achieved in this way. Should be adhered to balanced diet with the required amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as liquid. All these substances must enter the body in sufficient quantities so that dehydration and vitamin deficiency do not develop.

You shouldn’t expect an instant weight loss effect from using hellebore, but gradually, in combination with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, it can perfectly help in the fight against excess weight, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

To lose weight, take hellebore orally on an empty stomach, best mixed with honey. The main thing when taking hellebore is not to exceed the recommended dosage, since this will not help achieve faster results, but can cause poisoning and serious consequences for health.


Despite its wide spectrum of action, sometimes taking hellebore is contraindicated and can cause serious problems in the body. Typically, this remedy is not recommended for the following categories of people:

  • patients with existing malignant diseases;
  • pregnant women and women during lactation;
  • children under 14 years of age (use of the product in children over 14 years of age is possible only in consultation with the attending physician);
  • patients with serious illnesses cardiovascular system (ischemic disease, endocarditis, acute heart failure, etc.);
  • patients with severe renal and liver dysfunction;
  • patients with mental disorders;
  • patients with large stones;
  • people with individual intolerance to hellebore.

This medicinal plant should be used with caution in patients with a weakened body and a significant decline in immunity, as well as people with the presence of several chronic or systemic diseases. In this case, it may be advisable to reduce the initial dosage of hellebore to 0.01 g with a gradual increase to 0.05 g per day and no more.

With complex and correctly selected treatment with hellebore, you can gradually improve normal work the whole body, restore weight and even rejuvenate. But it is necessary to monitor your well-being while taking the drug, since although it is prescribed in minimal doses, it is toxic substance. If you have any strange or alarming symptoms, you should contact your doctor to make sure that there is no harm to the body and that treatment is proceeding normally.

Caucasian hellebore- perennial wild plant, known since ancient times for its medicinal properties. Typically blooms in mountainous areas from February to March, has beautiful flowers, distinguished not only by their decorative function, but also by a number of medicinal properties.

Opinions about it are quite contradictory, the advisability of its use, as in traditional treatment, and traditional medicine causes controversy and debate

Caucasian hellebore - application

Hellebore has an interesting organic and mineral composition.

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How to take?

Of course, you should not self-medicate, and be sure to consult a doctor, before including the plant in medicinal products:

  • For the treatment of oncology As a rule, a concentrated aqueous infusion is used. To make it, you need to take water and hellebore in equal proportions;
  • To prevent heart disease, as well as improving liver function, you can take the plant powder once a day, several hours before meals;
  • A mixture of honey and hellebore is an excellent medicinal drug for normalizing urination and work of the digestive and intestinal tract;
  • A weak introductory infusion of the plant can be used to rinse the mouth. It will be effective prevention inflammatory processes V oral cavity, and also cure bleeding gums;
  • Steamed hellebore rhizomes are used to treat sinusitis.. Thanks to its active anti-inflammatory properties, you can get rid of the disease within a week;
  • Hellebore solution is used to wash wounds, ulcers, burns;
  • Weakly concentrated infusion of the plant is used to treat otitis media;
  • In body cleansing systems A recipe is often used, according to which you need to pour a teaspoon of the plant into a liter of water, boil for a long time (at least one hour), and take one teaspoon three times a day.


It is very important to remember that Caucasian hellebore is a poisonous plant and its overdose can lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is important to observe doses and proportions when preparing various medical supplies and the use of herbal medicines we participate in.

In addition, there is a circle of people for whom its use is extremely unsuitable:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Chronic diseases biliary tract, cholelithiasis;
  • Not suitable for children and elderly people;
  • Having an allergy to a medicinal plant or its constituent components;
  • Not recommended for people who have had surgical interventions on the heart, heart attack, as well as coronary disease;
  • It is prohibited to use hellebore when hypersensitivity to glycosides.

How does Caucasian hellebore work for weight loss?

A pleasant bonus in losing weight is that there is a thorough cleansing of the intestines and the body as a whole. The process is quite gentle, so getting rid of toxins and deposits harmful substances does not give a feeling of discomfort. Ego is unique chemical composition allows you to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body.

The diuretic effect allows short terms relieve swelling and remove unnecessary fluid from tissues and organs. Courses of treatment for excess weight using this herbal medicine are quite prolonged in time and are designed for a stable and long-lasting effect.

This is a great option for minions healthy image life who want to lose weight and improve their body health without extreme methods and means. Simply by including hellebore in your diet and consuming it regularly, you can lose an average of three or four kilograms in one month.

Certainly moderate power loads and proper nutrition will enhance and maximize the effect.

To achieve faster results It is highly not recommended to take additional diuretics or laxatives. This can greatly harm the metabolism, immunity, and the entire body as a whole.

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Harm of Caucasian hellebore

As mentioned earlier, hellebore is a poisonous plant, therefore, when taking it, clarity and correct dosage are important.

Increasing the concentration and dose of the herbal medicine can cause unpleasant consequences:

  • Heart rhythm failure;
  • Violation of blood pressure indicators;
  • Heart failure;
  • Dizziness, ringing in the ears
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction;
  • Heavy departure;
  • An allergic reaction accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and tongue;
  • Thirst;
  • Lung collapse;
  • In particular severe casestoxic shock and death.

Moderation is needed in everything. If you follow the recipes and proportions, Caucasian hellebore will have an extremely healing effect on the body and will help make your life longer and healthier.

Doctors' opinions on Caucasian hellebore

Love and take care of yourself, so that the use of the drug has only positive effect Be sure to consult a doctor, weigh all the positive and negative points, and strictly adhere to the treatment plan and drug intake. Despite wide range healing functions and unique composition plants, many doctors are very critical of its use.

Along with ginseng, hellebore is distinguished by the extraordinary reaction of the human body to it. Basically, this is more pronounced in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Aesculapians do not have a common opinion on the appropriateness of its use.

Many of them believe that consumption of hellebore can cause the so-called "syndrome" lazy bowel» - in which the gastrointestinal tract disrupts its functioning, absorption deteriorates useful substances, vitamins, microelements. Besides, modern science, has not yet fully studied this “green doctor” and the degree of positive impact on the body.

Today there is a lot of debate about the advisability of treatment with hellebore. Majority traditional healers They consider it simply a miracle cure that can help solve many health problems. Representatives official medicine are not so enthusiastic about this plant and recommend using it with great caution or completely abandoning its use, believing that it can cause serious harm body.

What are the benefits of Caucasian hellebore?

The hellebore plant has a versatile effect on the body, it:

These properties of hellebore allow it to be used to treat joint diseases, genitourinary system, diabetes and kidneys. Products based on it help cleanse and improve liver function, relieve neuroses, and also help remove small stones from the kidneys.

The herb hellebore has been used in folk medicine for centuries, but recently it has gained particular popularity. This happened due to rumors about her ability to lose weight. Indeed, with reasonable consumption of ground hellebore roots, it is quite possible to lose weight. However, one should not think that this remedy It will simply eliminate fat, its effect is completely different. Hellebore has a powerful cleansing effect, removing heavy salts, waste and toxins from the body. Thanks to this, digestion is normalized and metabolic processes, the functioning of the whole body improves, as a result of which weight loss occurs. However, if, using hellebore for weight loss, you overeat, consume junk food and move little, a positive effect is unlikely to occur.

How hellebore can harm

The ambiguous attitude of scientists towards the use of hellebore is not surprising, because along with many useful substances, it also contains harmful components. Some of the most dangerous are the so-called cardiac glycosides, which in small doses have a positive effect on the body, and in large doses can greatly harm it. The use of these substances in high doses leads to severe arrhythmias, deterioration of heart function, and in some cases to fatal outcome. Also, if hellebore is abused, poisoning may occur, accompanied by headaches, diarrhea, nausea, skin rashes, nervous excitability and even hallucinations and blurred vision. Correct dosage products based on it must be selected individually; in any case, at first for adults it should not exceed 50 mg. per day.

Caucasian hellebore- a perennial wild plant, known since ancient times for its medicinal properties. As a rule, it blooms in mountainous areas from February to March and has beautiful flowers that are distinguished not only by their decorative function, but also by a number of medicinal properties.

Opinions about it are quite controversial; the advisability of its use, both in traditional treatment and folk medicine, causes controversy and debate.

Caucasian hellebore - application

Hellebore has an interesting organic and mineral composition.

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How to take?

Of course, you should not self-medicate, and be sure to consult a doctor, before including the plant in medicinal products:

  • For the treatment of oncology As a rule, a concentrated aqueous infusion is used. To make it, you need to take water and hellebore in equal proportions;
  • To prevent heart disease, as well as improving liver function, you can take the plant powder once a day, several hours before meals;
  • A mixture of honey and hellebore is an excellent medicinal drug for normalizing urination and work of the digestive and intestinal tract;
  • A weak introductory infusion of the plant can be used to rinse the mouth. This will be an effective prevention of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, and will also cure bleeding gums;
  • Steamed hellebore rhizomes are used to treat sinusitis.. Thanks to its active anti-inflammatory properties, you can get rid of the disease within a week;
  • Hellebore solution is used to wash wounds, ulcers, burns;
  • Weakly concentrated infusion of the plant is used to treat otitis media;
  • In body cleansing systems A recipe is often used, according to which you need to pour a teaspoon of the plant into a liter of water, boil for a long time (at least one hour), and take one teaspoon three times a day.


It is very important to remember that Caucasian hellebore is a poisonous plant and its overdose can lead to poisoning. Therefore, it is important to observe doses and proportions when preparing various medicines and using herbal medicines.

In addition, there is a circle of people for whom its use is extremely unsuitable:

  • Pregnant and nursing mothers;
  • Chronic diseases of the biliary tract, cholelithiasis;
  • Not suitable for children and elderly people;
  • Having an allergy to a medicinal plant or its constituent components;
  • Not recommended for people who have undergone heart surgery, heart attack, or coronary artery disease;
  • It is prohibited to use hellebore if you are hypersensitive to glycosides.

How does Caucasian hellebore work for weight loss?

A pleasant bonus in losing weight is that there is a thorough cleansing of the intestines and the body as a whole. The process is quite gentle, so getting rid of toxins and deposits of harmful substances does not give a feeling of discomfort. This unique chemical composition allows you to restore the balance of electrolytes in the body.

The diuretic effect allows you to quickly relieve swelling and remove unnecessary fluid from tissues and organs. Courses of treatment for excess weight using this herbal medicine are quite prolonged in time and are designed for a stable and long-lasting effect.

This is a great option for followers of a healthy lifestyle who want to lose weight and improve their body health without extreme methods and means. Simply by including hellebore in your diet and consuming it regularly, you can lose an average of three or four kilograms in one month.

Of course, moderate strength training and proper nutrition will enhance and maximize the effect.

To achieve faster results It is highly not recommended to take additional diuretics or laxatives. This can greatly harm the metabolism, immunity, and the entire body as a whole.

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Harm of Caucasian hellebore

As mentioned earlier, hellebore is a poisonous plant, therefore, when taking it, clarity and correct dosage are important.

Increasing the concentration and dose of the herbal medicine can cause unpleasant consequences:

  • Heart rhythm failure;
  • Violation of blood pressure indicators;
  • Heart failure;
  • Dizziness, ringing in the ears
  • Impaired coordination of movements;
  • Nausea, vomiting, bowel dysfunction;
  • Heavy departure;
  • An allergic reaction accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes and tongue;
  • Thirst;
  • Lung collapse;
  • In especially severe cases - toxic shock and death.

Moderation is needed in everything. If you follow the recipes and proportions, Caucasian hellebore will have an extremely healing effect on the body and will help make your life longer and healthier.

Doctors' opinions on Caucasian hellebore

Love and take care of yourself, in order for the use of the drug to have only a positive effect, be sure to consult a doctor, weigh all the positive and negative aspects, and strictly adhere to the treatment plan and taking the drug. Despite the wide range of healing functions and the unique composition of the plant, many doctors are very critical of its use.

Along with ginseng, hellebore is distinguished by the extraordinary reaction of the human body to it. Basically, this is more pronounced in the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Aesculapians do not have a common opinion on the appropriateness of its use.

Many of them believe that Consumption of hellebore can cause the so-called “lazy bowel syndrome”- in which the gastrointestinal tract disrupts its functioning, the absorption of nutrients, vitamins, and microelements deteriorates. In addition, modern science has not yet fully studied this “green doctor” and the degree of positive impact on the body.