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Erosive gastritis: treatment with folk remedies and important tips. Erosive gastritis: treatment with folk remedies

Unfortunately, due to poor nutrition and bad habits First of all, our immunity and saprophytic microflora suffer. Helicobacter is considered to be just such, it begins to actively multiply in the stomach, thereby causing inflammation of the gastric mucosa: gastritis occurs and its most unfavorable form with the appearance of erosion is erosive gastritis, the treatment of which should be carried out strictly after consultation with a gastroenterologist.

The disease represents serious danger for our body. If left untreated, an ulcer may develop, possibly stomach bleeding. Symptoms of the disease and treatment erosive gastritis folk remedies, by some means official medicine And therapeutic diet Let's look at it in this article.

Symptoms of the disease

The condition has a great influence on the symptoms (manifestations) of the disease. acid-forming function stomach:

  • Gastritis arising against the background increased acidity. If acidity gastric juice exceeds normal value, the patient complains of pain after eating, severe heartburn. Treatment of the disease must begin when it appears the slightest symptoms, without leading to complications, and in the initial stages, the effectiveness of treating erosive gastritis with folk remedies is great. Although it is worth recalling that with this variant of gastritis antibacterial therapy required if Helicobacter is present.
  • Gastritis arising against the background low acidity. The signs of this disease are less pronounced, in the first place - discomfort in the stomach, belching of air, heaviness in the epigastrium. But pain syndrome persists, increased pain is observed after eating, after 30 minutes - 1-1.5 hours, depending on which area of ​​the gastric mucosa is eroded. The examination in such cases must be thorough; the nature of the occurrence of erosion can be different. The most important thing is to exclude a malignant process in time.

As already mentioned, erosive gastritis is characterized by the formation of erosions on the gastric mucosa, and erosions can be different sizes. Without effective treatment, the disease can progress for a long time, reducing a person’s quality of life. And, of course, the likelihood of complications (bleeding, ulcers) remains high.

The development of an inflammatory process of an erosive nature can occur under the influence junk food, alcohol or certain medications (steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). In addition, erosions in the stomach can occur against the background of kidney disease, liver disease or diabetes. Treatment is then adjusted accordingly.

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The main symptoms of the disease include:

  • pain of a different nature, depending on the intensity of inflammation of the gastric mucosa, from dull, aching to cutting pain with extensive erosive surfaces;
  • pain and heaviness in the upper abdomen;
  • severe heartburn and nausea, developing into vomiting during an exacerbation;
  • anemia (if stomach disease is in advanced stage).

It is worth noting that this general symptoms gastritis. In each individual case, depending on the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body, symptoms may vary.

Treatment of erosive gastritis

Treatment of the disease must be carried out immediately so that complications do not appear. Initially, it is necessary to eliminate the root causes of the development of pathology:

  • The right way of life. Try to change your lifestyle a little. It is advisable to completely eliminate or at least minimize stressful situations. You need to sleep at least eight hours a day.
  • Healthy eating. If you feel discomfort in the stomach, it is better to avoid junk food altogether, not only during an exacerbation. In addition, try to avoid eating fast foods and canned foods. Avoid alcohol, caffeine and juices from sour fruits and berries.
  • Be careful with medicines! If you are taking certain medications and notice problems with your gastrointestinal tract, you should immediately inform your doctor. Most likely, the treatment regimen will be revised. But you should also consult a gastroenterologist. He will appoint diagnostic examinations, and if the diagnosis is confirmed, he will tell you how to treat erosive gastritis and select effective treatment regimens.

Important! In no case should you treat erosive gastritis on your own: if the medications are chosen incorrectly, the situation will only worsen.

Gastroenterologists note that good result gives treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies in complex therapy this illness. Especially if treatment is started in the initial period of the disease, or traditional medicine used in conjunction with the main treatment program. Let's look at the most effective of them:

Propolis tincture

For gastritis accompanied by unbearable pain, propolis tincture can help relieve symptoms. In 100 ml lukewarm boiled water you need to add twenty drops of tincture, mix well. The tincture should be drunk 3 times a day before meals. After the first days of use painful sensations should go away, but the course of treatment must be continued for 3 weeks.

Read also Atrophic gastritis: treatment, pathogenesis, symptoms

Sea buckthorn oil

Our grandmothers also knew how to treat gastritis: of course, sea buckthorn oil. Sea buckthorn has a wound-healing effect and also soothes inflammation. Freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice is diluted with olive oil in a one to one ratio. It is recommended to infuse the resulting mixture for 72 hours, and then put the jar in the refrigerator. Take one spoon (teaspoon) on an empty stomach. The course of therapy is 14 days.

Aloe and honey

Honey and aloe are also used to treat erosive gastritis. Place 5 aloe leaves in the freezer for 1-2 days, and then grind the plant in a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice from the crushed leaves and mix it with honey (1:1). It is recommended to eat a teaspoon of the mixture on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 21 days. Aloe has a wound healing effect, and honey relieves inflammation.

wheat sprouts

Treatment of gastritis with folk remedies is performed using wheat sprouts. First, we will get sprouted wheat: spread the wheat grains on damp gauze, periodically sprinkling them with water. When the first sprouts appear, grind them in a meat grinder and dilute them with olive oil in a ratio of six to one. The medicine is taken for 5 days on an empty stomach, 2 tablespoons.


Folk remedies used in the treatment of gastritis include the use of mumiyo. Take a mummy pea and dissolve it in a glass of warm milk. Then add honey (a tablespoon) to the liquid. Drink milk in the morning and evening hours for 30 days, but after 14 days you need to take a break of 5 days. Milk and mumiyo are effective even in advanced stages of gastritis.

Oat tincture is used to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach. The folk remedy is prepared simply: soak oatmeal for twelve hours, then add salt to the infusion and cook it until jelly forms (over low heat). Oat jelly has enveloping properties, providing positive influence on the gastric mucosa.

Don't forget about the decoction of flax seeds. An excellent enveloping, antacid agent. Undeservedly forgotten, potato juice relieves inflammation and has excellent healing properties. And under no circumstances should you forget about the diet.

Antral gastritis is chronic disease with symptoms of hyperacidity. He calls discomfort and discomfort. The disease can manifest itself at any age, but most often it affects people over 60 years of age. There are many that are indicated by inflammation of the entire gastric mucosa, where the acidity and inflammation process are treated with medications.

But antral gastritis affects only one part of the stomach. If the disease is started, it will spread to other parts and will be difficult to treat. It's important to know the reasons chronic disease, which are improper lifestyle, including nutrition, consumption alcohol surrogates, smoking, stress. More serious - bile reflux (heartburn, sour belching), infection.

If symptoms of the disease have just begun to appear in the form frequent attacks heartburn, sour belching, aching pain, you can try to treat antral gastritis with folk remedies. It can be fresh juices, infusions from medicinal herbs, fruits, alcohol extracts.

It is important to know that during this period you need to reconsider your diet in the direction of dietary, refrain from drinking alcohol in any form and from smoking. Stomach diseases, in particular gastritis, have long been treated with freshly squeezed juices from vegetables.

Juice from potato tubers. In the morning, prepare a glass of potato juice and drink it on an empty stomach. After this you need to lie down for half an hour. An hour after drinking the drink, have breakfast. It is advisable if it is oatmeal and unsweetened tea. Drink potato juice every day (10 days). Take a break for 10 days and continue drinking again until cured.

Juice from cabbage leaves. It is better to choose white cabbage for it. Separate the leaves and chop. Pass through a meat grinder or juicer. The finished drink needs to be warmed up a little and drunk half a glass. Use the product on an empty stomach and eat only after half an hour. You get 2 glasses a day if you have 4 meals a day. If you made the juice for future use, it can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Fresh green apple pulp. Wash and peel the fruits. Then they need to be grated on a coarse grater. Eat the resulting pulp between main meals. Prepare fresh every time.

Aloe - home doctor, it has long been present in every home. They were used to treat sore throats and colds, wounds and purulent formations. The juice of the plant is also drunk for stomach diseases. You need to be treated with aloe for at least 1.5 months. Therefore, be patient and prepare a fresh drink every time. Use leaves from plants that are only 3 years old. Before meals (half an hour before), take a teaspoon of this folk remedy.

Medicinal infusions

Antral gastritis can be treated with herbal decoctions.

1. Roots of calamus marsh. The roots of this plant can be bought at the pharmacy. They need to be crushed to make 1 teaspoon and pour a glass of boiling water. Wrap it up and let it brew for about 40 minutes. Be sure to strain the infusion and drink it warm each time half an hour before meals.

2. Burdock roots. Burdock roots help with various diseases. They are also good for treating gastritis. They are harvested in the summer or bought at the market. Grind the raw materials to make 1 teaspoon and pour boiling water (0.5 l.). Since the burdock roots must steep for 12 hours, brew them in the evening. Close the container tightly and wrap it up. Take the infusion half a glass warm. You should drink it all in a day. Prepare infusions and drink them fresh.

3. Also brew herbs in mixtures, they quickly eliminate inflammation of the gastric mucosa:

  • elderberry flowers, chamomile 20 g each;
  • linden blossom, dill seeds 10 g each;
  • mint, lemon balm 15 g each.

Boil the raw materials in 200 ml. water. Let it brew for two hours. Drink one hour after meals.

Expert opinion

Antral gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa in its lower part, which does not guarantee adequate performance of the remaining parts of this organ. The pathology should be treated by a gastroenterologist or therapist. You can also use traditional medicine recipes, but only with the permission and under the supervision of a doctor.

Taking decoctions of calamus, aloe, calendula, and chamomile will reduce the severity of symptoms and the activity of the inflammatory process in the stomach. Don't take risks by using alcohol tinctures, since they can burn the already unprotected mucous membrane. Don’t forget about diet therapy: meals should be warm and pureed, and they should be taken often, but in small portions.

Plantain therapy

Who doesn't know plantain? The plant is simply unique in its healing properties. It will also help in .

Unique recipe- plantain decoction in grape vodka. Wash plantain leaves and pour half a liter of grape vodka. Bring to a boil and simmer for five minutes. Immediately strain and seal in a bottle. Take a tablespoon half an hour before each meal.

If you have stomach problems such as antral gastritis, can be used in its treatment and herbs.

  • Make jam from calendula flowers, which perfectly relieves pain and heartburn.
  • Get a wonderful Kalanchoe healer in your home. Its leaves in fresh need to chew and swallow. This treatment will be beneficial for gastritis.
  • Brew a light tea from yarrow flowers, which will relieve cramps and pacify heartburn.

If you decide to seek help from alternative medicine, then you need to know that this is not an immediate recovery. When treating antral gastritis with folk remedies, it is necessary to acquire patience and faith in recovery. After all, all the recipes have been tested for decades and have helped many cope with the disease. For therapy to be effective, consult your doctor. He will give advice and recommendations on which methods are best suited in your case.

Suffering from stomach diseases a large number of population. Both adults and children are susceptible to them. Erosive gastritis is classified as a gastrointestinal disease. Its main feature is a deep lesion of the duodenum. If left untreated, gastric ulcers may develop. What folk remedies are used to treat erosive gastritis?

The concept of erosive gastritis

Erosive gastritis is a disease accompanied by the formation of erosions. If left untreated, they turn into ulcers on the mucous membrane of the duodenum.

There are several types of erosive gastritis:

  • acute form of erosive gastritis, which lasts up to 3 months;
  • chronic erosive gastritis lasting up to 6 months;
  • catarrhal inflammation, which is accompanied by swelling and redness of the mucous membrane, can be quickly cured;
  • the erythematous form, which occurs after catarrhal, promotes redness of the mucous membrane and the appearance of mucous cells in the stomach;
  • reflux duodenitis, when the contents of the duodenum return back to the stomach.

What folk remedies can be used for erosive antral gastritis? Initially, it is necessary to consider the factors causing the disease, and its treatment will be discussed below.

Causes of erosive gastritis

The development of gastritis can be triggered by external factors:

  1. Long-term use medicines(antibiotics).
  2. Meals that include: fatty, spicy food and semi-finished products.
  3. Bad habits (alcohol, smoking).
  4. Infected pharynx and oral cavity.
  5. Infection with microorganisms (Helicobacter pylori).

TO internal factors can be attributed:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • constant stressful situations, depressive state and psycho-emotional overload;
  • disruption of the immune system.

How to properly treat erosive gastritis with folk remedies? Treatment of the disease will be discussed further in the text.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

Let's get acquainted with existing symptoms. Treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies is quite effective, but it is important not to hesitate. On early stage the disease manifests itself with vague cumulative signs. Gradually, the symptoms of the disease begin to correspond to gastritis.

Most patients experience:

  1. Nausea, vomiting.
  2. Unpleasant belching and bad breath.
  3. Lack of appetite.
  4. Migraine.
  5. Flatulence.
  6. Changeable bowel movements (constipation or diarrhea).

With erosive gastritis, its main difference from other gastrointestinal diseases is the appearance of nausea and severe pain in the morning. After eating, the patient experiences: sharp painful sensations, feeling of heaviness in the stomach and belching. The disease has a rapid course, so if it is not treated, bleeding may occur.

The degree of manifestation of gastritis largely depends on the location of ulcers and erosions, and the depth of damage to the gastric mucosa. When many wounds occur, blood may be present in the vomit.

Blood loss causes anemia factors in patients:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • increased fatigue.

If the acute form of the disease is not treated, it becomes chronic. Otherwise there is peptic ulcer stomach. Therefore, it is important to know what folk remedies for erosive gastritis exist? But first you need to make a correct diagnosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

Informative research method upper sections Gastrointestinal tract is fibrogastroduodenoscopy. It helps to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa (swelling, vulnerability, bleeding) and take material for examination.

Initially, treatment begins with eliminating the causes that caused this disease. Then the specialist, based on the examination results, prescribes a course of medications.

Folk remedies for the treatment of erosive gastritis of the stomach are extremely effective.

Benefits of flax seeds

The use of flax seeds is useful, because the product has increased efficiency in the treatment of gastritis. Thanks to the polysaccharides they contain, pain and inflammation are reduced. The decoction of the seeds has a thick consistency and helps coat the stomach.

What folk remedies treatment can be used for acute erosive gastritis? You can use flax seeds for gastritis of varying acidity. With him acute form Flax seeds relieve pain. At chronic form diseases, they successfully complement the dietary menu.

Recipe for the decoction:

  • 30 grams of flax seeds must be poured with a liter of boiling water. Leave overnight. In the morning, strain the infusion and take 1/2 glass before meals. When the acute disease passes, the treatment continues for at least a month.
  • Pour boiling water (200 ml) over 10 grams of seeds and boil for 5 minutes. Leave the mixture for 2 hours. Before each meal, take a tablespoon.

To reduce the symptoms of the disease, you can cook jelly from flax seeds. 2 glasses flaxseed flour(grind the seeds) pour 8 glasses of water and leave for 10 hours. Strain, add a little salt and cook until thick consistency. Add a little sugar or honey before use. The dish turns out tasty and healthy.

Juice of vegetables and herbs for illness

Fresh white cabbage cannot be consumed by people with gastrointestinal problems. Its coarse fiber negatively affects the gastric mucosa. And cabbage juice brings great benefit in the treatment of gastritis. It has astringent properties and relieves inflammation. Patients note that immediately after taking it, pain is significantly reduced. Gastritis of varying acidity is treated with cabbage juice. It is better to drink it in a warm glass before meals (3 times).

Treatment with folk remedies for erosive focal gastritis includes treatment with potato juice. It will help relieve inflammation and heal erosions on the gastric mucosa. Potato juice inhibits development pathogenic microflora, which reduces the symptoms of the disease by long time. Relieves pain and calms the nervous system.

It is better to prepare juice from fresh tubers, after washing them. Squeeze out the potatoes and take the resulting liquid immediately, without waiting for the loss of beneficial properties. Drink a glass before meals 3 times a day. Reception is carried out in courses of 10 days. The break is ten days. Then 2 more such courses are carried out. The exacerbation is stopped in the first 10 days of use.

To reduce signs of the disease, use an infusion of parsley root. Brew 3 tablespoons of the crushed mass with boiling water and leave for twelve hours. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures for gastritis

What other folk remedies for erosive gastritis can be used? Thanks to healing qualities and a minimum of contraindications, effective treatment provided by various herbs. With their help, you can cure gastritis and strengthen the body.

Herbs have the following effects:

  • help with catarrhal and superficial gastritis;
  • help reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

Medicinal herbs used in treatment:

  1. Cottonweed. A decoction of the herb will help reduce stomach acidity. 5 grams of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water. Take the infusion before each meal. The decoction relieves spasms, soothes and envelops the stomach.
  2. Yarrow. Herbal infusion helps reduce symptoms erosive form diseases. 5 grams of herb are poured into a thermos and poured with a glass of boiling water. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals.
  3. Burdock root. 20 grams of root pour 1/2 liter hot water, boil for a quarter of an hour. Drink a large spoon before meals.

Using decoctions and infusions of herbs for treatment, you can reduce the symptoms of the disease and achieve stable remission.

The benefits of honey and aloe

What is the treatment for erosive hemorrhagic gastritis use folk remedies? At home, you can prepare a mixture that will relieve negative signs of the disease and speed up recovery.

To prepare, you need to take 200 grams of honey and aloe juice, as well as 1/2 liter of wine (preferably red). Stir the mixture. It should be infused in a dark place for at least 14 days. Take a large spoon 3 times a day, the treatment period is 3 weeks, then take a break.

Diet for illness

We looked at what folk remedies can be used in the treatment of erosive gastritis. In this case, the diet must be followed. When the disease worsens, an individual diet is developed.

TO general rules diets include:

  • It is prohibited to consume products with coarse fiber and fibers (turnips, radishes and streaky meat);
  • you should not consume: alcohol, coffee, carbonated drinks, fried, spicy and salty foods;
  • include boiled and steamed food in the diet;
  • exclude spices;
  • eat food in small portions;
  • can be used dairy products with low fat content;
  • You should steam dishes or bake them in the oven;
  • you can eat pumpkin, potatoes, and fresh fruits in small quantities;
  • The main part of the diet should be: cereal soups, semolina, jelly, low-fat cottage cheese and soft-boiled eggs.

Thanks to healing properties Traditional medicine recipes can reduce the unpleasant manifestations of erosive gastritis and achieve a long period of remission.

The question often arises: how to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach - folk remedies or chemicals? Under no circumstances should you refuse medications; they should be prescribed by a doctor after going to the hospital. However, folk remedies proven over the years can help alleviate the condition and enhance the effect. drug therapy. But before you start treatment traditional methods, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Erosive gastritis - disease and treatment

The disease occurs due to thinning of the walls of the stomach, disruption of the glands that produce gastric juice. Often the causes of the disease are poor nutrition, smoking, alcohol abuse, chronic stress. Erosion can occur in individual areas of the stomach or affect it completely. When the antrum becomes inflamed - lower section organ, arises.

By what signs can the disease be identified? Gastritis is always accompanied by pain, frequent indigestion, rotten belching, frequent vomiting, nausea and diarrhea, constant heartburn. If you do not start taking care of the health of the organ in time, more serious problems may develop over time. serious illnesses, including oncology of the gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of the disease should begin with doctors who will diagnose accurate diagnosis, will prescribe medications.

An important factor in getting rid of the disease is playing correctly organized diet. By giving up alcohol, fatty, spicy, fried, and canned foods, you can significantly reduce the load on a sore stomach. Food that is steamed, boiled, pureed, with a minimum of salt and spices, seasonings, sauces and preservatives has healing powers.

Food should be taken at certain hours, in small portions, and monitored energy value, which should not exceed 3000 kcal per day.

To treat erosive gastritis, following a diet - fundamental principle. Without it, no treatment, including traditional medicine methods, will bring any effect.

Traditional methods of treatment - oils

Treatment with folk remedies is especially effective on initial stage diseases when the damage to the walls of the stomach has not yet covered a large area.

Healers have long used vegetable oils, herbal decoctions, and beekeeping products as folk remedies:

  1. Well proven sea ​​buckthorn oil. Besides the rich vitamin composition, it has enveloping properties that have a beneficial effect on the walls of the stomach. It protects the organ from irritation when food enters. In addition, the oil eliminates small erosions and prevents the formation of new ones. When treating erosive lesions, you need to consume sea buckthorn oil strictly on an empty stomach, 1 hour before each meal for 1 month, take a break of 2 weeks and repeat if necessary. It is mandatory to take the oil in the morning before breakfast. It can be mixed with milk - dissolve 1 tsp. in 1 glass of warmed milk. This product has less effect than pure oil.
  2. If you start treating gastritis with folk remedies, you can also use cold-pressed flaxseed oil. In addition to being enveloping, it has the property of restoring immunity. The oil itself has a bitter taste and specific smell, so you can drink it with water. Take 1 tsp of oil. before breakfast and at night. Treatment can be long - up to several months.
  3. Treatment with oils usually gives good effect. The most effective of them, besides sea buckthorn and flaxseed, are pumpkin, cedar, and olive oil. In addition to direct consumption, they can be used to dress salads. Oils have a laxative effect; in addition, they are very high in calories - this should be taken into account by those who are watching their figure. For cholecystitis and pancreatitis, it is better to abandon this method of treatment.

Treatment with cereals and herbs

Some folk recipes:

  1. Sprouted wheat. This richest source vitamins and microelements, the product will help cure small ulcers on the walls of the stomach. Prepare the medicine at home. Wheat grains are poured with a small amount of water so that it slightly covers them, covered with gauze and placed in the light. The grains should germinate in 1-2 days. They are ground together with the liquid in a blender or through a meat grinder, add a little unrefined vegetable oil. Use the product in the morning on an empty stomach, 1 hour before meals, 2-3 tbsp. l. The course of treatment is unlimited.
  2. A panacea for the treatment of stomach diseases is often called oatmeal jelly. It heals the organ thanks to its mucous structure, enveloping the walls, relieving heartburn and relieving pain. Instead of jelly, you can cook oat broth- add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of boiling water. l. oat grains or 2 tbsp. l. Hercules flakes, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes. Cool, filter and drink 1 glass before and after breakfast, 1 before lunch and 1 before dinner.
  3. How to treat erosive gastritis potato juice? This is the most popular and accessible method at home. The starchy substances contained in potatoes have a beneficial effect on the stomach. In addition, the vegetable contains microelements such as potassium, phosphorus, iron and various vitamins. This remedy is especially good to use for heartburn and pain in the epigastric region. It is then that the manifestation is especially noticeable therapeutic effect. To prepare, the tubers are thoroughly washed and squeezed together with the peel. Take 1 glass in the morning, on an empty stomach, after taking it you need to lie down for 0.5 hours. Treatment can be long - several weeks or even months. Greater benefits can be obtained from potato treatment from July to February. At the beginning of spring, almost everything useful material disappear from the tubers.
  4. The treatment of erosive gastritis with folk remedies often includes various herbs and herbal teas. Therapeutic effect can only be achieved after several weeks of drug use. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to immediately assess what healing effect a particular herb has.
  5. Freshly squeezed aloe juice has proven itself well. It has bactericidal and regenerating properties, therefore it is useful for treating erosion of the mucous membranes. To prepare the product, many healers recommend keeping cut aloe leaves in the refrigerator for several days to activate it biologically. active substances. Drink the squeezed juice 2 tbsp. l. 0.5 hour before each meal. The drug is not washed down, despite bad taste. Treatment is long-term - at least 1.5 months.
  6. A decoction of chamomile in milk is a long-proven remedy. For 1 glass of milk you will need 5 tsp. dried flowers. The mixture is brought to a boil and allowed to stand for 1 hour. Strain and drink the entire volume immediately in the morning on an empty stomach. The duration of treatment is as necessary.

Honey and bee products

Treatment with bee products is a special trend in the treatment of atrophic gastritis. Honey is a healthy vitamin product. His beneficial features can be enhanced with aloe juice. The ingredients are mixed in equal quantities. The mixture is taken 1 tbsp. l. on an empty stomach 3 times a day, treatment duration is at least 3 weeks. The product has high immunomodulatory properties, promotes healing and scarring of even large affected areas in the stomach.

Even if you do not mix honey with other ingredients, you can simply dilute it in warm milk (1 tablespoon of honey per 1 glass of milk) and drink before meals. The mixture envelops the walls of the stomach and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice. This solution creates a feeling of fullness and helps reduce the amount of food eaten.

This factor is important because those suffering atrophic gastritis It is not recommended to overeat.

A useful remedy, including for the stomach, is mumiyo. It is dissolved in cold milk in a proportion of 30 g per 1 glass of milk. The product should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning and evening for a month; after a 10-day break, the course can be repeated if necessary.

Propolis tincture can be bought at any pharmacy; it effectively heals stomach erosion. You need to drink it for at least 1 month, 3 times a day, 20 drops per 100 ml of water before meals.

You should be careful with bee products as they often cause allergies. When using them, be sure to monitor your well-being. In addition, both honey and mumiyo must be fresh and of high quality, otherwise there will be no benefit from the treatment.

Atrophic gastritis is an extremely serious disease and should not be treated without due attention. A consultation with your doctor is required; he will help you correctly determine the symptoms and treatment of the disease. The food system should be reviewed and properly organized. Before you start taking folk remedies, you should definitely consult with specialists.