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Symptoms and treatment of antral superficial gastritis. Antral gastritis: symptoms, features and treatment methods

Poor nutrition, neglect of health, stress, increased exercise stress And pathogenic bacteria increase the risk of antral gastritis. This is the name for a disease that affects the gastric section where food forms into a lump. As it progresses, it disrupts the functioning of the digestive glands, affects the mucous membrane, causing inflammation, erosion, scarring antrum.

Causes of the disease

The disease is caused various reasons, 95% of which are related to bacterial infection. The infection is called Helicobacter pylori, located in the mucous membrane, it is the main causative agent of the disease, characterized by increased activity in a gastric environment with an acidity level of 4-6 pH and higher. Reduced acid levels have a destructive effect on the bacteria. In this case, the disease often takes a dormant form and in favorable conditions, is activated again.

In the process, the bacterium produces enzymes that transform the environment, causing Negative consequences for the body. One of them, urease, converts urea into ammonia, forming increased level alkalis.

Mucinase thins gastric mucus, reducing it protective properties and paving the way for bacteria. They easily pass into the antrum section, finding here a comfortable environment for active reproduction. Its effect is functional disorders and inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane. The disease disables the pyloric part, responsible for the production of bicarbonates, leading to an increase in acidity levels, which in turn affects the mucous membrane and other areas.

If gastritis is not treated in time, complications can occur in the form of ulcers.

The invasion of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori into the stomach and subsequent antral gastritis is caused by several factors, of which the following stand out:

  • Poor nutrition;
  • Weak pylorus (pylorus), causing intestinal materials to leak into the stomach;
  • Allergic reactions;
  • Intake of alcohol, tobacco;
  • Spicy food;
  • effects on the stomach of certain drugs, such as anti-tuberculosis drugs;
  • Nervous shocks, stress;
  • Infectious diseases, including HIV, candidiasis;
  • Large-scale burns of the body affecting the stomach.

Sometimes bacteria are the cause of penetration endocrine pathologies, problems in the cardiovascular region, respiratory organs, kidneys. Antral gastritis is often caused by worms.

In addition to the stomach, the duodenum is susceptible to infection. As the disease develops, it provokes mucosal erosion, cancer, and lymphoma.

Symptoms of the disease

In the initial stage of antral gastritis, the affected part of the stomach does not receive sufficient secretion of juice, causing symptoms similar to those peptic ulcer. Appetite remains normal, but the patient complains of constipation, heartburn, acidic taste, and pain several hours after eating.

Upon direct examination, the tongue looks clean and moist; pressing on the abdomen in the right zone causes painful sensations. The constant manifestations of the disease at various stages are also:

  • Abdominal cramps that accompany a feeling of hunger;
  • Uncomfortable reactions. Feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • Periodic nausea;
  • Problems with stool (diarrhea, constipation);
  • Acid taste and heavy aroma from the mouth.

The lack of timely measures transfers antral gastritis to an advanced stage with subsequent complications of the disease. Possible consequences include gastric bleeding, severe mucosal defects, surface degradation, and stomach cancer.

Typology of the disease

There are several forms of the disease, differing in the type of course and specificity:

Antral section, which is the simplest form of the disease that occurs without the participation of bacteria. Inflammation affects exclusively the upper layers of the mucosa, without penetrating into the deeper areas. The course of the disease is characterized by the absence of tissue lesions and scarring. Exposure causes thinning of the membrane, reducing the production of enzymes and of hydrochloric acid;

Antral section. One of the most complex types of disease caused by the penetration of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. Ulcers, cracks, and erosions form on the gastric tissues. The patient is suffering internal bleeding. Their manifestations are general weakness, dark chair, characteristic elements in vomit. In the advanced stage of antral disease, blood loss can lead to death;

Atrophic gastritis of the antrum section. It is a chronic form of the disease, causing gastric failure. The mucous membrane degrades, dysplasia and intestinal metaplasia develop. The phase precedes cancer.

Very often the companion is bulbitis, which forms inflammatory processes in the duodenal bulb. It is caused by an excess of hydrochloric acid, which, entering the intestines, transfers antral disease to the erosive stage.

Diagnosis of the disease

The patient is examined and the disease is clearly identified different ways, including:

  1. X-ray;
  2. Biopsies;
  3. FEGDS;
  4. Digital tomography;
  5. Fibrogastroscopy;
  6. Ultrasound.

Gastroscopy reveals compaction of the elements of the gastric relief, spasmodic contractions of the pylorus (pylorus), distributed peristalsis, chaotic movement of stomach contents.

The bacterium Helicobacter pylori is easily diagnosed using original rapid tests. Elements of the mucous membrane are immersed in special composition, where they change appearance based on the nature of the lesion. The process is carried out within an hour to a day; the presence of infection is indicated by a crimson color.

The study is a type of urease testing, also represented by a breathing procedure. Urea (sensitive to the effects of bacteria), marked with the substance C13, is introduced into the gastric compartment, after which the air is examined for its concentration. Indicators up to 1% demonstrate the absence of disease, 3.5% - mild stage, 9.5% - severe damage.

FEGD indicates spots in the mucous membrane, edematous manifestations, hemorrhages, and surface erosions. Weakness of the pylorus (pylorus) causes internal stagnation. Stomach acidity is studied using pH measurements and subsequent study of the material.

Endoscopic examination is accompanied by tissue biopsy to identify histology and disease activator. The inflammation is pronounced; there is a significant amount of bacteria on the surface, aggravating the disease. High efficiency demonstrates ELISA diagnostics, which consists of detecting Helicobacter pylori antibodies in the patient’s blood, saliva, and gastric juice. They are formed no later than 1 month from the moment of illness, remaining active for some time after healing.

Antral gastritis has similar symptoms to ulcers and other stomach diseases. To find it, you need to contact the services qualified specialist excluding self-diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease

The fight against the disease and its prevention are carried out by doctors specializing in such medical fields as therapy, gastroenterology, and endoscopy. Based on the form and nature of the disease, treatment of antral gastritis is outpatient or inpatient.

The basis for counteracting the disease is a combination of diet and the use of special medications. The process is complicated by the peculiarity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which can quickly adapt to various antibiotics. Because of this, the doctor combines drugs, prescribing clarithromycin, tetracycline, metronidazole, ampicillin.

The drug system is supplemented with inhibitors that put pressure on Helicobacter pylori in the stomach, after which antibiotics eliminate them. The absence of positive changes within 5 days leads to the prescription of another regimen; the decision is made only by the treating specialist.

Coating medications that counteract secretion - hefal, almagel, denol, sucralfate - help well against erosion of the mucous membrane and high acidity. Pylorus spasms are eliminated by papaverine, drotaverine, peristalsis is normalized with the help of metoclopramide.

An important place in the fight against antral gastritis is also occupied by;

  1. Physiotherapy;
  2. Ultrasound treatment to eliminate painful symptoms;
  3. Galvanization of the gastric region;
  4. Using modulated current.

Having localized the exacerbation of the disease, experts recommend mineral water, treatment with mud and paraffin. Complete healing mucous membrane is impossible without the use of protein-synthesizing drugs, including inosine, sea ​​buckthorn oil, anabolic steroids. Sometimes antral gastritis is activated by taking medications, which leads to a complete revision of the drug regimen.

Folk remedies

Demonstrate high efficiency folk methods treatment of the disease. The simplest of them is nutrition with increased content oatmeal, such as porridge and jelly. Herbal teas of chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort and celandine, supplemented with aloe leaves, help well.

Acidity is reduced by the juice of young potatoes, taken an hour before meals in the amount of one glass. The procedure is carried out for 10 days at a similar interval for 2 months. Old tubers are not recommended to be used due to great content corned beef they can cause negative consequences.

It is useful to drink rosehip decoction for breakfast.

Create an enveloping effect flaxseeds, whose decoction becomes a reliable protection for the walls of the stomach. One tablespoon of ground flax, pour a glass of water, boil for 5 minutes, then leave for one hour. The dosage is one tablespoon of decoction, drunk 15 minutes before meals.

Special food

One of essential elements treatment is the diet prescribed by the treating specialist. It is based liquid food and cereals consumed in small portions at 4-hour intervals. Acute phase The disease is treated by fasting, which restores the affected areas of the stomach. Any deviation from special food leads to a deterioration in the patient’s condition, transferring antral disease to a critical stage.

Products approved for consumption are:

  • White bread crumbs;
  • Boiled meat (chicken, rabbit), fish;
  • Vegetable purees, pea soups;
  • Pasta;
  • Steamed cutlets;
  • Weakly brewed tea, lemon juice diluted with water.

Completely excluded from the diet:

  • Smoked, fried products, spices;
  • Canned food, marinades;
  • Soda, alcohol;
  • Chocolate;
  • Flour cake;
  • Products with fermentation effect (milk, sour cream, black bread, grapes).

The patient should avoid establishments fast food, after graduation acute stage, fried foods are gradually and in small portions returned to the diet. Regardless of the degree of illness, you should be extremely careful when handling dried fruits, fatty meats, and salty foods that can cause complications.

Then the nutritionist creates a special menu. Patients are often recommended table No. 2, which combines a balanced combination of products:

  1. Breakfast. Soft-boiled egg, cheese, oat milk porridge, weak tea;
  2. Dinner. Low-fat broth with pasta, meat cutlets, boiled carrots, jelly;
  3. Afternoon snack. Rosehip tincture;
  4. Dinner. Boiled fish, rice, fruit puree, weak tea.

When going to bed, it is important to take a glass of kefir.

Inflammation of the antrum of the stomach is much easier to prevent than to deal with the consequences of the disease. To do this, it is advisable to avoid excessive physical and mental stress, bad habits(smoking and alcohol), maintain a daily routine, adhere to proper nutrition. Prevention of the disease is a timely visit to a specialist, eliminating a careless attitude towards health and self-medication.

Superficial antral gastritis, or gastritis type B – inflammatory disease, affecting the antrum of the stomach (the area of ​​exit into the duodenum). This is where food is prepared to move from the acidic environment of the stomach to alkaline environment small intestine. Also, the muscles of the antrum are responsible for the advancement of the food bolus. Here, protective mucus is produced for the walls of the stomach, protecting it from the effects of gastric juice and enzymes. Inflammation of this anatomical unit leads to impaired digestion of food and significant clinical symptoms.

Gastritis is a disease that is diagnosed in 40-50% of the world's population. Predisposing factors of pathology include:

  • bacteria Helicobacter pylori - medicine in approximately 80% of cases associates the development of antral gastritis with the activity of microorganisms that are transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person through contact and household contact during the use of shared utensils, household items, and saliva released during coughing and sneezing;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • uncontrolled treatment with drugs from NSAID groups(antipyretics, painkillers - aspirin, paracetamol, ibuprofen, ketanov, etc.);
  • resection (surgery to remove) part of the stomach in the past.

Pathogenesis: what is happening?

There are several factors in the pathogenesis of the development of antral gastritis:

  1. The pathogenic microbes H. Pylori enter the body and begin colonizing in the stomach. The antrum is their favorite location due to physiologically reduced acidity.
  2. Microbes invade the cells of the stomach and become damaged: the cell membrane and internal structure are disrupted.
  3. Active inflammation occurs with dysfunction of the antrum: the production of protective mucus decreases, gastric motility slows down - these factors contribute to even greater proliferation of Helicobacter - this is how it starts vicious circle diseases.
  4. In some cases, reflux of duodenal contents into the stomach occurs and the development of concomitant infection.

Clinical picture: symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of superficial antral gastritis are associated not only with damage to the gastric mucosa, but also with increased acidity. The patient is concerned about:

  • spicy cramping pain in the epigastrium - the upper third of the abdomen and the area solar plexus pain that intensifies several hours after eating (so-called “hunger pains”);
  • attacks of nausea and vomiting;
  • bloating, alternating constipation and loose stools;
  • heartburn, sour belching.

Diagnosis of antral gastritis is based on characteristic clinical symptoms and gastroscopy data (FGDS). The doctor evaluates the condition of the mucous membrane, the severity of inflammation, the presence of scars and ulcers.

Without treatment, superficial gastritis turns into destructive forms, which can become complicated gastrointestinal bleeding, gastric perforation and pyloric stenosis with impaired movement of food from the stomach to the intestine.


Superficial antral gastritis is the initial form of the disease, characterized by a favorable course without deep damage to the gastric glands and the formation of scar tissue. There are focal and widespread variants of the course superficial gastritis. The traditional three-step treatment of gastritis in this variant of the course of the disease acts quickly and effectively.

Highlight acute form diseases - the primary introduction of the pathogen and the development of an inflammatory focus, and chronic, which manifests itself in a long wave-like course with alternating periods of exacerbation and remission.

In addition to the superficial, there are:

  • erosive antral gastritis - a form in which inflammatory process complicated by the formation of ulcers, sometimes extensive and deep, prone to scarring. If left untreated, rough scars cause narrowing of the pylorus and difficulty in passing food into the intestines;

  • antral gastritis in combination with bulbitis - often inflammation of the antrum of the stomach is diagnosed along with inflammatory changes in the wall of the duodenum. This form of the disease is more severe, often leads to the development of ulcers and requires intensive treatment.

Principles of therapy

The main goal of gastritis therapy is eradication (elimination) of the pathogen Helicobacter pylory. Treatment of superficial lesions of the gastric mucosa consists of:

  • following a diet in which you need to give up rich foods meat broths, dough-based dishes, alcohol, fast food and food “garbage” (chips, kirieshki, carbonated drinks). It is also worth limiting your consumption of mushrooms, white cabbage, cucumbers and coffee;
  • taking a course of antibiotics to eradicate the pathogen: as a rule, a combination of two or three antibiotics is prescribed;
  • prescribing antacids and antisecretory agents to reduce the acidity of gastric juice and eliminate symptoms such as heartburn and belching;
  • improving the motor function of the stomach and timely evacuation of the food bolus (prokinetics);
  • restoration of damaged gastric mucosa (bismuth preparations).

An integrated approach to treatment will lead to rapid recovery impaired stomach functions and elimination unpleasant symptoms. Main principle treatment of superficial antral gastritis - timeliness, this will allow you to take control of the situation and prevent the deterioration of the condition and the development of severe complications.

People who periodically suffer from heaviness in the stomach and constipation are often unaware of the chronic gastritis they have.

The antral region of the stomach is located below the exit to the duodenum. It collects food debris for alkalization. Many reasons can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane and chronic antral gastritis. The disease may not have pronounced symptoms and can be diagnosed by external signs difficult. Poor prognosis for progression to severe forms of ulcers and. To avoid severe consequences advanced disease can be treated with regular medical examinations.

The occurrence of chronic gastritis and its symptoms

Inflammation of the mucous membrane and walls inside the stomach due to an increased content of hydrochloric acid and infiltration - damage, reduction in the thickness of the mucous membrane. Approximately every fifth person has a chronic form with periodic exacerbations. Many suffer from the disease for years, ignoring the symptoms and not receiving treatment. The cause of inflammation can be:

  • Bacteria.
  • Hereditary disease.
  • Alcohol consumption.
  • Stress.
  • Spicy food.
  • Taking medications.

The main causative agent of the disease is Helicobacter pylori, other causes may contribute to the development harmful bacteria, provoke their active reproduction. In children, the disease is most often caused by heredity. Helicobacter pylori is transmitted to a child from the mother or through contact with sick relatives. in the initial stage it may occur without symptoms. As the disease progresses and progresses to more severe forms, the following appear:

  • Changes in stool.
  • Heaviness in the stomach.
  • Lack of appetite.
  • Weakness, fatigue.

Over time, chronic gastritis turns into an ulcer. Treatment at the initial stage is possible with folk remedies. Complex forms of gastritis require medication and even surgery.

Features of the antrum of the stomach

The antral region of the stomach is located near its junction with the duodenum, the valve that allows substance to pass into the intestines. It is the lower part of the stomach, a kind of depression in which the remains of processed food accumulate. There they undergo alkalization, neutralization of the caustic acidic environment, before moving into the duodenum and beyond. In case of malfunction glandular cells and the presence of a large number of Helicobacter pylori, this balance is disrupted. The mass is released into the intestines along with caustic acid, irritating the walls and causing pain in the upper pelvic area.

The forms of the disease are distinguished according to several characteristics:

  • Intensity and depth of damage to the mucous membrane.
  • Localization of inflammation.
  • Histology – the number of bacteria.
  • The manner of the disease, the speed of spread.

Based on these indicators, several main types of chronic antral gastritis are determined.

  1. Superficial, in which inflammation spreads only to the surface of the mucous membrane and does not penetrate into the depths. If left untreated, over time it develops into severe forms of the disease.
  2. characterized by the penetration of bacteria deep into the mucosa, inflammation reaches the lower layers. As a result, small ulcers are formed - erosion. After they are tightened, scars remain.
  3. Atrophic gastritis is characterized by atrophied areas of the mucous membrane with the formation of folds. Against this background, polyps and cysts develop.
  4. is initial, mild stage atrophic. The formation of folds and deformation of the mucous membrane occurs without tissue death - atrophy.
  5. On the background low acidity antral subatrophic gastritis occurs, which is also called hypertrophic for its high speed atrophy and a large affected area. It is characterized by gradual atrophy of the mucous membrane and gastric glands. The production of enzymes and hydrochloric acid stops. The affected areas are replaced by connective cells, and a tumor forms.
  6. Catarrhal gastritis occurs from taking a large number of medications. It affects the surface of the mucous membrane and disrupts the acidity of the stomach. The cause of the disease may be food poisoning and regular consumption of spicy foods and alcohol. It can be treated with diets and folk remedies.

Treatment in adults begins with an accurate determination of the type of disease and its stage. Based on this, diet and treatment are prescribed. Gastritis cannot be ignored. Advanced disease can lead to fatal outcome. Mild forms worsen or gradually become atrophic. Ulcers and erosions bleed, polyps and tumors turn into malignant formations.

Types of chronic antral gastritis

Inflammation can be localized or gradually spread throughout inner surface organ. A type of chronic gastritis - it has 3 forms of activity, depending on the depth of penetration of bacteria.

  1. Damage to the surface of the mucous membrane, sluggish bacterial activity - superficial antral gastritis. Cells having dystrophic changes represented in small quantities. Inflammatory infiltration penetrates the ventricular pits.
  2. Chronic moderate antral gastritis has average activity. Infiltration of the wall reaches the surface and middle of the glands. The number of altered atrophied cells has increased to almost half their number.
  3. The last stage is chronic antral atrophic gastritis. The number of dystrophic cells exceeds the proportion of healthy ones. Infiltration of the mucous membrane reaches the walls muscle tissue stomach.

At the first stage there are usually no bright pronounced signs diseases. Treatment includes dietary nutrition and may be limited. At moderate form chronic inflammation, an active course of treatment is being carried out medicines with obligatory adherence to a diet, cessation of smoking and alcohol. Folk remedies can be used as additional ones to improve the condition and speed up treatment.

The last stage develops quickly. There is a high probability of progression to an ulcer or erosive gastritis with subsequent education malignant tumor. Damaged tissue start to bleed. The patient's hemoglobin decreases and anemia begins.

Prevention of antral gastritis

Inflammation in the stomach and almost all types of diseases are caused by Helicobacter pylori. This is the only bacterium that does not die in aggressive acidic environment, but on the contrary, actively reproduces. It affects the glands, causing them to secrete more hydrochloric acid and reducing mucus production for a protective layer. Also, under the influence of Helicobacter pylori, the production of enzymes and alkali, necessary for processing food and neutralizing acid in the antrum, is reduced.

As a result, unprocessed mass accumulates in the lower part of the stomach, injuring the walls. Alkalinization does not occur and the caustic substance passes into the intestines, irritating it. In the presence of ulcers and gastritis, you can reduce acidity and significantly reduce the number of bacteria, and slow down their reproduction using folk remedies:

  • Potato and cabbage juice.
  • Decoctions of chamomile and other herbs.
  • Monastery tea.

Following a diet, frequent meals in small portions prevents the formation of acid in empty stomach. If you have low acidity, you should drink:

  • Sauerkraut brine.
  • Kefir.
  • Water with lemon.
  • with pH more than 7 units.

Self-treatment can be carried out only for mild forms of the disease, knowing exactly the level of acidity and the type of disease. Folk remedies can also be used for the purpose of prevention if family members have a predisposition to gastrointestinal diseases.

Diagnosis and treatment of gastritis

Chronic non-atrophic gastritis is easier to treat at the initial stage, until it progresses to severe form atrophy of the mucous membrane and gland cells. You should consult a doctor and undergo an examination when the first signs of gastritis appear:

  • Periodic heaviness in the stomach.
  • Abnormal stool.

The initial examination is carried out by palpation in the abdomen while lying on the back and side. Then studies are prescribed, which, depending on the results of the examination and tests, may include:

  • Computed tomography.
  • Contrast fluoroscopy.
  • Fibrogastroscopy.

Depending on the degree of damage and the type of antral gastritis, treatment of these diseases is carried out in a hospital or on an outpatient basis, unless urgent care is required. surgery. Except drug therapy And dietary nutrition can be used folk remedies. Their use should be discussed with your doctor. Some herbs and mumiyo enhance or weaken the effect of certain medications and have side effects.

Antral gastritis is a fairly common problem. In approximately 25% of cases, lesions of the gastric mucosa represent this particular disease. Moreover, according to statistics, most often such a disease is diagnosed in young people. So what is a disease? What are its causes and symptoms? Are there effective treatments?

What is the disease?

Antral gastritis in most cases is a disease with chronic course. The disease is accompanied by damage to the mucous membrane in the antrum of the stomach (closer to the duodenum), which, in fact, explains its name.

It is immediately worth noting that it is in this part of the stomach that the hormone gastrin is produced. When the mucous membrane is damaged, the level of acidity of the gastric juice begins to increase, which, of course, leads to a lot of complications.

Main causes of antral gastritis

Until recently, it was believed that antral gastritis was the result of poor nutrition and bad habits. But latest research have proven that in approximately 90% of cases, the inflammatory process in the gastric mucosa occurs against the background of the activity of specific bacteria Helicobacter pylori.

Naturally, we should not discount other reasons, since the activation of vital activity pathogenic microflora often associated with risk factors such as poor nutrition, constant stress, smoking, alcohol abuse. There is also a genetic predisposition. In some cases, gastritis occurs against the background of an autoimmune process.

Antral gastritis and its varieties

Depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the extent of damage to the mucous membrane, in modern medicine It is customary to distinguish several forms of this disease:

  • Superficial antral gastritis - accompanied by damage to the upper layer of the mucosa. It's kind of easy initial stage a disease in which deeper lesions are absent.
  • More serious is erosive antral gastritis, in which the inflammatory process is intense. Extensive inflammation leads to the formation of erosive areas, damage to the gastric glands and tissue scarring.
  • The focal form of the disease is accompanied by the formation of clear foci of inflammation.
  • With hyperplastic gastritis, growth of the gastric mucosa is observed, followed by the formation of polyps and cysts of various sizes.

According to the nature of the course, it is customary to distinguish between acute and chronic form diseases. Moreover, chronic antral gastritis can be accompanied by symptoms of varying intensity.

Main symptoms of the disease

Of course, the signs of this disease directly depend on the degree of damage to the mucous membrane. For example, superficial antral gastritis may occur without any visible symptoms. Acidity usually remains for normal level or slightly increased.

At further progression illness, the acidity of gastric juice increases. In this case, there is a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane lower section stomach, as well as duodenum. And the first symptom in this case is pain. Pain occurs in the epigastric region and is cramping in nature. Many patients note that attacks most often occur 1-2 hours after eating.

Erosive antral gastritis, in which erosive areas form on the mucous membrane, is accompanied by more pronounced symptoms. The pain becomes intense. At the same time, patients complain about frequent belching and the resulting unpleasant sour taste in the mouth. Dyspeptic disorders are also possible. In particular, signs of gastritis include bloating, diarrhea, nausea accompanied by vomiting. It is also worth noting that attacks of pain can be triggered by drinking alcohol, sour and spicy foods.

In some cases, if left untreated, antral gastritis may be accompanied by periodic gastric bleeding.

Modern diagnostic methods

The symptoms of this disease are not specific - the same signs are observed in many diseases of the digestive tract. Therefore, it is impossible to make a diagnosis after passing tests and visual examination. The most accurate and effective diagnostic method today is gastroduodenoscopy. During the procedure, the doctor, using special equipment, examines the mucous membrane, and, if necessary, collects tissue for further laboratory research. It is also necessary to determine the level of acidity of gastric juice, since with antral gastritis it is always elevated.

Antral gastritis: treatment

Therapy for this disease must be comprehensive. First of all, patients are prescribed antibacterial drugs, which inhibit the activity of Helicobacter microorganisms. Antibiotics in this case are selected individually.

The doctor will also prescribe medications that correct the functioning of the gastric glands and reduce the pH of gastric juice. In most cases, the medications Omeprazole and Ranitidine are used for this purpose. Drugs with enveloping properties, for example, Almagel, will also help improve the patient’s well-being. At severe nausea Patients are recommended medications such as Domperidone or Metoclopramide. You can relieve pain with antispasmodics. In addition, the doctor may prescribe the use of enzymatic drugs, in particular, such as Mezim or Festal, which will facilitate the digestion process.

After the activity bacterial infection will be suppressed, restorative therapy can begin. As a rule, such treatment includes taking drugs that accelerate the process of regeneration of the mucous membrane and restore its basic functions. In some cases, vitamin complexes are additionally prescribed.

And, of course, in no case should we forget about proper diet. From the diet you need to exclude fried, spicy and sour foods, spices, smoked foods, pickles, alcohol - in a word, all foods that irritate the mucous membranes. All food should be soft and easily digestible. It is advisable to steam dishes.

In order to have a clear understanding of the forms and types and correctly approach treatment, you need to understand that.

Gastroenterologist Mikhail Vasilievich:

“It is known that for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcers, gastritis, etc.) there are special drugs which are prescribed by doctors. But we'll talk not about them, but about those medicines that you can use yourself and at home..."

Description of the disease

Antral gastritis, called antrum gastritis, is a gastric pathology with characteristic inflammation of the lower - antral (or pyloric) part of the organ adjacent to the 12 duodenum which is caused by infection of the gastric epithelium pathogenic microorganism Helicobacter pylori.

Antral gastritis is divided into acute (or active) and chronic according to the form of its course.
And also by type, including:

Basic symptoms for different forms antral pathology are largely the same. For catarrhal form characteristic:

  • nagging, dull and cramping stomach pain;
  • belching (often sour);
  • with unstable stool (diarrhea and constipation alternate);
  • bloating, increased flatulence;
  • regularly tormenting attacks of nausea, vomiting.

Any sign can manifest itself immediately after eating, or within two hours after eating.

The symptoms of the erosive process, which is much more difficult to treat, are similar to superficial inflammation, but there are special signs:

  • the appearance of blood particles in the contents of vomit;
  • black color of stool due to blood;
  • gastric bleeding (this symptom manifests itself with advanced erosive pathology).

Confirmation of the diagnosis if antrum gastritis is suspected is carried out using:

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  • intragastric pH-metry for instrumental measurement (2 – 3 hours) of the level of acidity in the stomach and duodenum);
  • gastrofibroscopy using “targeted” biopsy;
  • additional radiography.

After identifying the form and severity of symptoms of antral gastritis, adequate treatment tactics are developed.

The first stage involves the most complete destruction of the main “enemy” - the microorganism Helicobacter pylori.

Treatment options for antral gastritis:

MedicinesDosage, mg for adultsNumber of appointments in 24 hours
The initial block includes 2 basic components:
Combination of antibiotics, option 1
Clarithromycin250 2 – 4
Amoxicillin500 3
Option 2
Clarithromycin100 4
Furazolidone100 4
For high acidity and erosion use:
proton pump blockers - medications that reduce the production of stomach acid: Rabeprazole, Omeprazole, Helol, Noflux, Lanzoptol, Zulbex, Epicur20 1 (before bedtime, after taking other medications to avoid delaying their absorption in the stomach)
If the result is unsatisfactory, use a three-component drug block:
Tetracycline500 4
Metronidazole500 3
De-Nol120 or 2404 or 2
Omez, Omeprazole, Rabeprazole20 2
inhibitors of H2 - histamine receptors, well reducing acid secretion: Ranitidine, Roxatidine150 1 – 2
m-choline blocker Gastrocepin (pirenzepine)50 3 (2 – 3 days); then 2

The course is continued for 10–14 days.

Consultation with a doctor is required, dosages depend on many factors, the information is for informational purposes only and is not used for self-treatment.

  • Products with enveloping properties to protect the mucous membranes: Almagel, Alugastrin, Rutacid, Vikalin, Rother, Kaolin, Rennie
  • Medicines that relieve spasms and pain: Duspatalin, Dicetel (additionally suppress acid production), No-Shpa, Papaverine.
  • Gastrofarm before meals, 1 - 2 tablets three times a day for 1 month.

The second stage of therapy involves the use of agents with the properties of regeneration of mucosal cells during erosion: Solcoseryl, Actovegin.

Additionally prescribed:

  • stimulants for the synthesis of protein compounds, including Riboxin;
  • to eliminate nausea, vomiting, prevent the reflux of food into the esophagus: Metoclopramide, Cisapride, Cerucal, Domperidone;
  • enzymes that facilitate the digestion of food: Mezim, Panzinorm, Enzistal, Festal.

Physiotherapy and diet

Physiotherapy in complex treatment antral gastritis:

  • Galvanization of the stomach using electrophoresis of drugs (for spasm of the antral-pyloric region).
  • UHF, ultrasound treatment for pain relief.
  • Diadynamic Bernard currents, sinusoidal modulated currents (cupping).
  • After the end of the exacerbation period, it is recommended healing mud, paraffin therapy, mineral waters.

Diet for antral gastritis is the most important component of therapy.
During the treatment period, exclude from the diet:

  • coffee, alcohol, soda, sour juices, chocolate;
  • coarse, spicy foods, smoked meats and sausages, marinades, pickles;
  • cabbage, radishes, black bread;
  • onions and garlic, horseradish and mustard, mayonnaise and ketchup, pepper, sauces;
  • fatty meat products, mushrooms, lard;
  • ice cream, creams, cream;
  • hot and cold dishes;
  • foods fried in oil.


  • boiled, pureed, steamed dishes from rabbit, chicken, lean fish;
  • boiled, stewed vegetables without oil in the form of puree, cream soup;
  • long-cooked porridge;
  • jelly only from natural fruits, berries, dried fruits (not sour), compotes;
  • milk, cottage cheese (low-fat), jelly, soft-boiled eggs, steamed omelettes;
  • with high acidity - mineral waters without gas (Essentuki No. 4).

Meals are multiple (5 – 7 times a day), in small portions.

Antral gastritis, prevention

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Following a diet is the main thing that is recommended for prevention purposes. Steam dishes that do not irritate the stomach, baked dishes without fat, mucous decoctions of flax, jelly, oat porridge allow the mucous membrane to recover. Sour, fried, fatty foods, which act aggressively on the walls of the stomach, especially if reflux syndrome is confirmed, are not allowed to be consumed.

  • Wobenzym (has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and immune-stimulating effect);
  • probiotic agents to prevent the suppression of beneficial gastric and intestinal microflora: Baktistatin, Bififor, RioFlora, Maxilac.

Tired of pain in your stomach, stomach...?

  • I have a stomachache;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;

Forgot when it was good mood, and even more so how you feel?
Yes, problems digestive system can seriously ruin your life!

But there is a solution: gastroenterologist, head of the gastroenterology department Mikhail Vasilievich Arkhipov