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How to treat erosive gastritis of the stomach: medications that effectively cope with the disease. Treatment of erosive gastritis

Gastritis is a common disease digestive tract, which occurs in patients of any age and gender, and can lead to unpleasant health consequences. It can occur in several forms, and one of the most dangerous varieties The pathology is called erosive gastritis. The basis of its treatment is medications, special diet and healthy image lives that can be connected to treatment folk remedies.

Gastritis – common name inflammatory processes that occur in the gastric mucosa and are accompanied by characteristic symptoms. Erosive gastritis occurs in exactly the same way, but its distinctive feature is the formation of small wounds (erosions) on the surface of the mucosa. As a rule, they are multiple in nature and occur against a background of redness and inflammation of the tissues. This form of the disease is prone to a long course, and compared to other types of gastritis, it is more difficult to treat.

Carefully: main danger erosive gastritis is that it is capable of causing stomach bleeding, and in some cases (if bleeding occurs simultaneously in several places), the condition can pose a serious threat to human health and life.

Causes of development of erosive gastritis

The main causes of erosive gastritis are dietary errors, poor lifestyle, exposure to the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, and uncontrolled use of medications. Depending on the factors that caused pathological process, localization and characteristics of the lesion, several forms of the disease are distinguished: acute, chronic, erythrematous and reflux gastritis.

Table 1. Forms of erosive gastritis

Form of the diseaseCausesPeculiarities
SpicyEating harmful chemical substances, including low-quality products, poisons or concentrated acidsDevelops quickly and is characterized by the appearance of shallow foci of inflammation and burns over the entire surface of the gastric mucosa
Chronic (hemorrhagic)Poor nutrition overuse alcoholic drinks, surgical interventions and uncontrolled use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugsThe mechanism is to disrupt the blood circulation processes in the gastric mucosa and change the composition gastric juice(aggressive components begin to be released more actively). The mucous membrane is not able to protect tissues from their effects, which leads to its inflammation with further ulceration and erosions.
Erythrematous (antrum gastritis)Activity of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, bad habits, unbalanced diet and frequent stressful situationsA type of chronic erosive gastritis, most often developing in the part of the stomach called the antrum (at the junction of the cavity with the duodenum)
Reflux gastritisDiseases of the liver, kidneys, disorders of the immune, respiratory system and central nervous system, unhealthy lifestyle, severe food poisoningThe disorder develops due to the fact that the contents duodenum enters the stomach. Because of this, the mucous membrane of the organ swells, after which it becomes covered with erosions.

In addition, erosive gastritis may be accompanied by decreased and increased acidity stomach. The form of pathology with high acidity is accompanied by pronounced, often painful symptoms, while the disease with a low level of acidity is hidden and often causes serious complications.

For reference: most often patients are diagnosed chronic form illness, less often - reflux gastritis, and the acute variety most often develops after severe poisoning.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis

Symptoms of erosive gastritis are typical for any type of this pathology and other diseases of the digestive tract, so it is almost impossible to determine the disease solely based on the patient’s complaints. Signs of the disease include:

  • pain of varying intensity, which is localized in the upper abdomen, and can occur both on an empty stomach and after eating;
  • constant heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of bitterness and dryness in the oral cavity, defecation disorders, belching with a sour taste;
  • heartburn and nausea, which is sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • increased fatigue, weakness and decreased performance even after proper rest;
  • with exacerbations of erosive gastritis, an increase in temperature and a deterioration in general health are possible.

Blood in vomit is one of the symptoms of erosive gastritis

The most dangerous manifestations of the disease are blood in the vomit and dark, tarry stool. These signs indicate the development of internal bleeding and require immediate medical attention.

Important: If symptoms of erosive gastritis appear, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible and undergo a comprehensive examination. The main method for diagnosing the disease is fibrogastroduodenoscopy, which allows you to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa and identify characteristic changes.

Treatment with medications

Therapy for erosive gastritis is aimed at combating the causes of pathology, healing erosions and regenerating the gastric mucosa. At the first stage of treatment, we use medications, which eliminate the symptoms of the disease and improve the patient’s condition, then it is necessary to eat right and lead a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent relapses of the disease.

  1. Antibiotics. Antimicrobial agents indicated in cases where gastritis is caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori - the drug De-nol is most often used for treatment.

  2. Antacids. Almagel, Phosphalugel, Gaviscon, Rennie and other similar products reduce negative impact of hydrochloric acid to the mucous membrane.

  3. Enzyme preparations. Medicines containing enzymes that improve the digestion of food and help normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. The most common drugs include Creon, Mezim, Festal, Pancreatin.

  4. Means for normalizing gastric motility. To treat the hemorrhagic form of gastritis, Motilium and Domperidone are used, which restore normal gastric motility.


  5. Probiotics and prebiotics. Preparations of this group (Yogulact, Yogurt, Hilak Forte, Bifidumbacterin, etc.) restore normal microflora intestines and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Attention: It is strictly not recommended to use drugs for the treatment of erosive gastritis without a doctor’s prescription - in best case scenario they will not have the desired effect, and at worst will lead to a significant deterioration of the condition.

Treatment with folk remedies

For the treatment of erosive gastritis ethnoscience offers dozens effective recipes which include medicinal herbs, beekeeping products and other components. They are safer for the body than pharmaceutical drugs, but most often they require long-term use. Do not forget that folk remedies have contraindications and side effects, and can also cause allergic reactions, therefore they should be used with caution, in combination with conservative treatment.

Green apples are one of the simplest and effective recipes, which has no contraindications other than individual intolerance. The fruits regulate the breakdown of certain acids, contain pectin, which is beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract, as well as substances that help the body absorb iron.

Peel apples (it is better to choose fruits that are not too sour and not too hard), chop well or simply grate. You can use this medicine in any quantity according to the following scheme: in the first month every day, maybe twice a day, the second month - 3-4 times a week, the third - 1-2 times a week. The basic rule of treatment is to not eat apples for 2-3 hours after eating them, so it is best to eat them in the morning, with porridge (for example, oatmeal).

Juice is used to treat and prevent gastrointestinal diseases, cleanse the body and lose weight. white cabbage, which contains vitamins (the vegetable is especially rich in vitamins C and D) and microelements. The product has an enveloping, anti-inflammatory and regenerative effect. It is especially necessary for people with low acidity stomach. Treatment is carried out only with freshly squeezed juice diluted with water, according to the following scheme:

  • 1 week – dilute 200 ml juice warm water in a ratio of 1 to 1, drink half a glass before each meal.
  • Week 2 – 400 ml of the product diluted in 200 ml of water, drink a glass before meals;
  • Week 3 – 600 ml of juice, mixed in the same amount of water, drink before meals and 60 minutes after meals.
  • Week 4 – drink 4 glasses of juice daily, regardless of meals.

Attention: green apples and cabbage juice may cause increased gas formation and bloating, so people prone to these phenomena should use the products with caution.

Potato juice also has beneficial properties, and is often used to treat erosive gastritis. In the morning before meals you need to drink one glass of freshly squeezed potato juice, then it is advisable to rest for half an hour, and 60 minutes after taking the medicine you can eat. The course of treatment is 10 days. Three such courses should be carried out, but with a mandatory interval after each course, which is also 10 days.


Flaxseed is successfully used for any type of gastritis. When split, they form a mucous substance that envelops the gastric mucosa, thanks to which the product effectively fights the inflammatory process and protects the affected areas of the mucosa from rough foods in the form of the disease with high acidity. In addition, flax seeds contain a large number of useful substances, normalize the motility of the digestive tract and improve the processes of food digestion.

Take a tablespoon of seeds, pour 200 ml of warm water into it overnight and leave in a dark place until the morning. After waking up, drink the resulting infusion and eat the seeds. This medicine must be taken before complete cure. Contraindications to the use of the product include cholelithiasis, frequent bloating abdomen and flatulence, pregnancy, children (up to 3 years).

Find out how flaxseed oil works on your intestines. We'll tell you how to take flaxseed oil for constipation.

Sea ​​buckthorn

Sea buckthorn berries contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements, due to which it has an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunomodulatory effect. For the treatment of erosive gastritis it is best to use sea ​​buckthorn oil, which can be prepared at home. Mix equal parts (five tablespoons each) of freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juice and olive oil, leave to infuse for three days. You need to take the product every morning, on an empty stomach, one teaspoon. The duration of the therapeutic course is at least 14 days.

Contraindications include urolithiasis disease(sea buckthorn increases the acidity of urine, so it can worsen the condition of people with this diagnosis). In addition, it is not used for ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, a tendency to diarrhea, and acute pancreatitis.

Advice: sea ​​buckthorn oil has more beneficial effects on gastrointestinal diseases effective impact, how fresh berries, since during processing they release the maximum amount of useful substances, and the oil creates a film on the surface of the gastric mucosa that protects the organ tissues from negative factors.


Birch is widely used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, and both leaves and bark of the tree can be used for the preparation of medicines, as well as Birch juice. They contain useful material, which provide positive impact on the digestive and immune system.

Products prepared from birch leaves and bark have a diuretic effect, so they are not recommended for use. serious disorders kidney function and musculoskeletal diseases.

Oak bark relieves discomfort, irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane for erosive gastritis. Take a handful of crushed raw materials, pour it into a liter cold water, put on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Strain and cool the resulting liquid, drink half a glass 30 minutes before a meal or an hour after a meal until the symptoms of the disease disappear, but no more than 14 days. An overdose of this drug can lead to intoxication of the body, and in case of individual intolerance, cause an allergic reaction.

Another herbal remedy with an intense effect, which is recommended for use with advanced gastritis, difficult to treat conservative treatment. In glass warm milk dissolve a pea-sized ball of mumiyo, mix well and drink 2 glasses a day on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. The therapeutic course lasts 14 days, after which take a break of 5 days and repeat the treatment. As a rule, after 3 courses, carried out according to all the rules with five-day breaks, even the most severe symptoms gastritis. Shilajit is not used for benign or malignant formations in the body, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in childhood.

Bee products

Honey and propolis have a healing and regenerative effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, promote the healing of erosions and increase immunity.

The only contraindication to the use of beekeeping products is individual intolerance and allergic reactions to honey and propolis.

For reference: honey makes it possible to treat both elevated and reduced content acids – a decrease in acidity occurs if honey is diluted in warm water, and to increase acid production it should be dissolved in cold water.

Sprouted wheat is one of the most healthy products with healing, antioxidant and general strengthening properties, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. You can easily germinate grains at home - take a glass of wheat, spread it in a thin layer over the bottom of a flat container and fill it with water so that the liquid covers the grains. You can use a gauze pad, but in any case you need to make sure that the wheat is constantly wet.

When the grains sprout, they should be passed through a meat grinder, take 6 tablespoons of the gruel, mix with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and store in a glass container. Take the product for 5 days, a teaspoon in the morning an hour before meals. You should not eat sprouted wheat after surgery, with gastric ulcers or gluten intolerance.


Chamomile is one of the most well-known anti-inflammatory drugs, which has virtually no contraindications (except for individual intolerance), and can be used in children and pregnant women. Simple and affordable recipe looks like this: brew a tablespoon of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour and drink half a glass 2-3 times a day until the condition eases.

Another recipe involves using milk instead of water. Take 250 ml of milk for five tablespoons of flowers, mix, bring to a boil and leave for an hour. Next, strain the product and take a glass after waking up for a week.

Attention: This product cannot be stored for more than a day - it is best to prepare a fresh portion before each dose.

Another old, time-tested remedy that envelops the gastric mucosa, protects it from the effects of aggressive enzymes and further destruction. Oatmeal (you need to take natural product, porridges like “Hercules” are not suitable) add water or whey in the proportions of 1 part cereal to 5 parts liquid and leave for 12 hours. Next, you need to drain the infusion and simmer it over low heat until you get jelly, and you can cook porridge from the remaining oats after soaking. You need to drink the infusion 1-2 tablespoons 15 minutes before meals three times a day, shaking beforehand, until symptoms disappear (at least 3 days). You can add a little honey to improve the taste. The only contraindication for use this tool– individual intolerance to oats.

Aloe heals the gastric mucosa, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, and is therefore well suited for the treatment of erosive gastritis, which was caused by exposure to Helicobacter pylori. Take 10 fleshy aloe leaves from a plant that is at least 3 years old, rinse well and pass through a meat grinder. To put on water bath, boil for 10 minutes, then add 100 g of honey and cook for another minute so that the components are well mixed. Strain the product, transfer it to a glass container and drink a tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening until the symptoms disappear.


Along with the use of medications and folk remedies, patients diagnosed with “erosive gastritis” must observe special diet. Food should be nutritious, but easily digestible; avoidance of fried, fatty and smoked foods is mandatory. You need to eat at the same time, at least 4 times a day in small portions, avoiding overeating or starvation (the interval between meals should not exceed 3-4 hours). Food should be steamed, boiled or baked without oil, without chewing thoroughly, without being distracted by extraneous things in the process. The following products should predominate on the menu:

  • light soups with meat or vegetable broth;
  • dietary meat in the form steam cutlets or meatballs;
  • porridge (buckwheat, pearl barley, barley, oatmeal);
  • vegetable stews, baked vegetables;
  • fermented milk products in unlimited quantities (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese);
  • stale bread, bran, crackers;
  • boiled fish;
  • baked fruits, jelly, puddings.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • fatty meat and fish, canned food, smoked foods;
  • foods with high acidity that contribute to irritation of the gastric mucosa: citrus fruits, cherries, cranberries, tomatoes, pickles and marinades;
  • grain bread, raw carrots, pears and everything that contains coarse fiber;
  • hot seasonings, especially vinegar, pepper, mustard (it is better to replace them with less aggressive saffron and rosemary);
  • baked goods, fresh bakery products;
  • soda, especially sweet;
  • coffee, strong tea, alcohol, as well as chocolate, cocoa and all products containing them.

Attention: It is also better to avoid drinking juices, even if they are natural and fresh, with the exception of those juices that are used in traditional medicine recipes.

In addition to following a diet, in case of erosive gastritis it is necessary to avoid bad habits, normalize work and rest schedules and spend time in the fresh air as often as possible.

Video - Proper nutrition for gastritis

Let's sum it up

Folk recipes – effective method treatment of erosive gastritis, which can be used in the first stages of the disease after consultation with a doctor as an addition to conservative therapy. Whenever serious symptoms(bleeding, etc.) it is necessary to seek medical advice as soon as possible medical care, since the disease can lead to serious consequences and irreversible disorders of the digestive tract.

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What symptom of erosive gastritis manifests itself in a person first? If you do not have this information, we will answer this question in detail in this article. In addition, we will tell you about what types of this disease exist and how they are diagnosed and treated.

General information about the disease

What are the signs of erosive gastritis? The symptoms of this disease will be presented below. Now I would like to tell you about what the mentioned disease actually is.

Erosive gastritis is a very common disorder characterized by destruction of the gastric mucosa. IN initial stage disease lesions can be small and localized only on the outer shell digestive organ. But as the disease progresses, erosion can spread over a larger area, which will ultimately contribute to the appearance of bright severe symptoms gastritis.

Main types

It is very important to know which symptom of erosive gastritis appears first. After all timely treatment This disease promotes rapid and painless healing of all internal lesions.

IN medical practice Gastritis is usually classified into several types. Their defining feature is the localization of the lesions, as well as the stage of development of the disease. Let us consider the types of diseases mentioned in more detail.

Acute gastritis

Acute gastritis is the most severe form of the disease. Fortunately, it is very rare in patients. With this disease, the entire gastric mucosa is covered with shallow (superficial) lesions. As a rule, such a disease is discovered after intentional or accidental consumption of chemicals, poisons or any concentrated acids. How does erosive gastritis worsen? The symptoms of this deviation appear sharply.

Chronic or hemorrhagic erosive gastritis

What is chronic erosive gastritis? The symptoms of this disease are often experienced by people who lead an unhealthy lifestyle (alcohol abuse, poor diet, long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). This disease is characterized by the presence of large erosions ranging in size from 3 to 7 millimeters, as well as inflammation of the internal lining of the main digestive organ.

Erosive antral gastritis

Why do symptoms develop that manifest themselves in severe pain in the epigastric region? This disease is caused by bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Such microorganisms live in alkaline environment mainly in the lower part of the stomach, under the mucus. Bacteria can cause quite severe inflammation of the gastric mucosa. Wherein damaged tissue takes a very long time to regenerate.

Erosive reflux gastritis

This disease develops due to the reflux of the contents of the duodenum into the stomach. In this case, on the mucous membrane of the main digestive organ, severe swelling and ulcers that quickly increase in size. Main symptom erosive gastritis (reflux) - bloody vomiting. Its appearance is caused by the fact that the destroyed tissues of the stomach begin to gradually exfoliate and come out.

Erosive gastritis: symptoms and treatment

Depending on the type, its symptoms may vary markedly. For acute illness The following signs are characteristic:

  • heartburn;
  • vomiting (may be mixed with blood);
  • feeling of nausea;
  • unstable stool (may be mixed with blood);
  • a feeling of heaviness (and sometimes pain) in the stomach after eating;
  • dull pain in the stomach, which often intensifies after eating.

As a rule, they appear suddenly. In this case, the patient's condition sharply worsens. In this regard, the disease is difficult to miss.

What symptom of erosive gastritis appears first when it comes to chronic stage? In this case, the disease proceeds differently. Very often it develops without any symptoms. And only on last stage illness, a person may experience blood in their stool or vomiting. As for it, the following signs may indicate it:

  • flatulence;
  • heaviness and discomfort in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • loss of appetite.

How is it diagnosed?

Now you know why erosive gastritis develops and what signs (symptoms) it has. Diet for this type of disease is the main method of treatment. We will talk about it in detail below. After all, before starting treatment for a disease, its presence should be identified and its stage of development should be determined. To do this, we recommend that you contact a gastroenterologist or therapist. After interviewing and examining the patient, the doctor is required to prescribe a number of tests and examinations.

As a rule, patients with signs of erosive gastritis are first recommended to undergo an FGDS. During this procedure, a special device- endoscope. It is a tube with a camera at the end. Using this device, a specialist (endoscopist) carefully examines the surface of the mucous membrane, identifying erosive ulcers, which are located on it.

During the procedure described, the doctor may perform a biopsy. To do this, a piece of inflamed tissue is taken and then examined for Helicobacter pylori or other abnormalities (for example, the presence malignant tumor etc.).

In view of discomfort While undergoing FGDS, many people refuse this procedure. This is a big mistake. After all, this is the only way to establish the true cause of the strongest symptoms and assess the degree of damage to the gastric mucosa.

If the doctor cannot give correct diagnosis, then he will not be able to assign and necessary treatment. And this is fraught with very serious consequences.

  1. Blood test (general). The presence of anemia very often indicates bleeding during exacerbation of gastritis.
  2. A stool test that detects occult blood.
  3. Pass the X-ray examination(prescribed very rarely).

The process of drug treatment of erosive gastritis

The first stage of treatment after diagnosis is to eliminate the cause of gastritis. If the disease is caused by Helicobacter pylori bacteria, then therapy cannot be carried out without the use of antibiotic drugs. Most often, the patient is prescribed the following drugs: Tetracycline, Levofloxacin, Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin. These medications are required long-term use. If the course of antibiotics is unjustifiably interrupted, the harmful microorganisms will resume their reproduction.

The second stage of treatment is the normalization of the acidity of gastric juice. The mucous membrane of the main digestive organ, affected by erosion, must be protected from irritants. For this, the patient may be prescribed antacids and acid blockers.

Since the mentioned drugs muffle the effect of stomach juice, additional enzymes are needed for better digestion of food. Such products as Mezim, Creon or Digestal enhance the secretory function well.

The third stage of treatment is the restoration of the mucosa. The medications Iberogast and Trental cope well with this task. These products supply the affected tissues well with oxygen and promote rapid regeneration.

Is it possible to treat on your own?

Now you know how to treat and what signs (symptoms) erosive gastritis has. Treatment with folk remedies is not recommended if you have no idea how to do it. After all, using unconventional methods, you can aggravate the patient’s already difficult condition. That is why, at the first signs of the disease, you should consult an experienced gastroenterologist.

Diet for gastritis

As mentioned above, diet is the key to successful and quick treatment any erosive gastritis. Doctors recommend that the patient completely avoid fried and pickled foods. It is also necessary to exclude various spices, canned foods, smoked foods and pickles. In addition, you should not consume sweets, including baked goods, chocolate, coffee, strong tea, alcohol, carbonated drinks, natural freshly squeezed juices, lemons and other citrus fruits.

The diet of a patient diagnosed with erosive gastritis should consist only of light soups. They must be prepared from vegetables with the addition of a small amount of lean meat (for example, chicken breasts, veal, turkey). Also recommends using rolled oats, pearl barley and buckwheat porridge without butter. Sometimes you can pamper yourself mashed potatoes, vegetable stew and other dietary products.

In addition to all the listed dishes, a person with erosive gastritis is also prescribed fermented milk ingredients such as cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir, etc. However, they should not have high fat content and be too sour. By the way, it is better to exclude milk from your diet, as it causes flatulence.

Boiled fish (low-fat) and steamed eggs in the form of an omelet can be a source of protein during the diet.

Also Special attention should be given to diet. The patient should sit at the dinner table 5 times a day. At the same time, food portions should be small. Products should be chewed thoroughly so that rough and stringy pieces do not injure the walls of the digestive organ.

Erosive gastritis is not diagnosed in patients as often as superficial gastritis, and means the transition of the disease to a more complex stage, which can be characterized by severe pain, nausea and vomiting. With this type of gastritis, small spots appear on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. erosive lesions, different severe inflammation and thinning of the mucous membrane. This condition requires mandatory drug treatment, since each erosion can develop into an ulcer and subsequent cancer. Below are the most effective and easily tolerated drugs for the treatment of erosive gastritis.


This medicine can be taken in two ways. Typically, those suffering from erosive type gastritis are prescribed 150 mg of the drug twice a day. If the main problems occur in the evening and at night, it is recommended to take 300 mg of Ranitidine before going to bed. In this case, it is necessary to take pills big amount clean water or tea. Take the medication for one to two months. With more mild degree For erosive gastritis, it is better to reduce the intake to four weeks. You should not use the product during pregnancy and childhood, as a large number of side effects may occur.


The product is available in two pharmacological forms– tablets and injections for intramuscular administration. The specific type of substance is selected individually. When using Kvamatel orally, the patient takes 20 mg in the morning and evening, regardless of meals; if necessary, the drug can be used in a single dose of 40 mg, but only before bedtime. Regardless of the prescribed treatment regimen, the duration of therapy cannot last more than eight weeks. Typically, four weeks of using Kvamatel are enough for patients. At intramuscular injection doses active substance do not change, and the duration of therapy is usually four weeks.

Attention! A distinctive feature of drugs in this category is their poor tolerability and combination in complex treatment, which is why it’s worth spacing out the techniques as much as possible various means to eliminate pathology. Adjustments to prescribed doses should be made every 14 days.

Hemostatic drugs


Available in the form of tablets and injections. When prescribing tablets to adults, patients should take 250-500 mg of the main substance. This dosage is taken three times a day, in rare cases A fourth dose is allowed. Intravenous and intramuscular infusions are rarely prescribed, mainly after surgical intervention. When using infusions, the dosage of the drug is also 250-500 mg of the active substance, but once a day. Treatment with Dicinone cannot last more than five days, as this can cause increased blood clotting.

The dosage of the medication depends on the severity of the patient's condition. He can be injected with 200 to 600 mg of the main component; the substance is usually injected by drip from the morning until the first meal. Thioctic acid can be used in tablet form, and the dosage can also vary from 200 to 600 mg of the active substance. The duration of therapy can vary from one day to three months for severe erosive gastritis of the hemorrhagic type.

Attention! These remedies can only be used in exceptional cases, if the disease is accompanied by bleeding. Medicines are used only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor and for a short time.

Drugs to reduce the effects of hydrochloric acid and heartburn

Calcium carbonate

A long-known antacid that not only reduces the occurrence of heartburn and the effects of hydrochloric acid, but also improves the functioning of the heart and kidneys. The drug is well tolerated by patients and is taken only 1-2 times a day. In childhood, it is recommended to take one pill, dissolving it in the mouth an hour after eating. Adult patients can take Calcium carbonate twice a day, morning and evening, in a similar manner to children. Do not use the medicine if you have diabetes mellitus and lactose intolerance. The duration of treatment is determined for each patient individually after an in-person examination and the reaction of the person suffering from erosive gastritis to the treatment.


The product is available in the form of tablets and suspensions for internal use. Maalox should not be taken by children under 15 years of age or while pregnant. The recommended dosage of the drug is 15 ml of the substance after each meal. When prescribing tablets for erosive gastritis, you must take two capsules an hour after meals. The duration of therapy is strictly individual. The result of using Maalox occurs already with the first use.

Attention! Despite the good tolerance of drugs in this group, you should carefully read the contraindications and side effects, since in a small percentage of cases patients developed swelling of the larynx, allergic rash and severe diarrhea with vomiting.

Enzymes to improve digestion


The drug is produced in the form of small capsules for oral administration. In this case, patients should take two to four capsules of Pangrol with each meal, regardless of its volume. The number of recommended tablets should be obtained from your doctor, as this is influenced by the condition of the liver, kidneys and the complexity of gastritis. The capsules must not be chewed and must be taken with plenty of water, at least 200 ml. If it is impossible to swallow, the pellets can be added to a glass of water by carefully opening the capsule. After this, the resulting solution must be drunk immediately.


A classic drug for treating stomach problems of different nature, including erosive gastritis. The drug is taken strictly during meals or immediately after it. The classic dosage for an adult patient is 1-3 tablets two to three times a day. Festal can be used to treat young children if there is a reason for this. In this state of affairs, only a pediatrician can prescribe the dosage of the active substance, taking into account the weight and age of the child.

Attention! It is impossible to say how long enzyme treatment will last, since many factors influence this. Typically, the duration of therapy varies from two weeks to several years.

Antibacterial drugs

The use of this medicine is permissible only in combination therapy and in the presence of a pronounced inflammatory process, which is accompanied by active proliferation of bacteria. Treatment with Ecositrin lasts from seven to ten days. Patients are recommended to take 250 mg of the drug twice a day, with a mandatory break of ten hours between doses. Ecositrin can be used to eliminate exacerbation of erosive gastritis only when the patient reaches 12 years of age and weighs 33 kg; use during pregnancy is prohibited.


It is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that eliminates most pathogens of erosive gastritis. You can take the medication only from 12 years of age, with the classic dosage medicine is 500 mg of active substance, divided into two doses. According to this scheme, treatment can continue for one week. If the disease is already complicated and there is a noticeable strong proliferation of Helicobacter bacteria, the patient is recommended to be prescribed 1000 mg of Clarithromycin, divided into two doses. Since in this case, erosive gastritis is already aggravated, therapy lasts about two weeks.

Attention! This group of medications allows you to avoid the development of stomach and duodenal ulcers, which are provoked by the active proliferation of bacteria such as Helicobacter.

Cost of medicines

A drugImagePrice in RussiaPrice in Ukraine
Clarithromycin 200-490 rubles82-200 hryvnia
330 rubles135 hryvnia
Pangrol 300-1200 rubles130-492 hryvnia
Festal 150-700 rubles62-287 hryvnia
Calcium carbonate 100 rubles41 hryvnia
Maalox 300-650 rubles130-269 hryvnia
Dicynone 330-800 rubles135-328 hryvnia
200 rubles82 hryvnia
Ranitidine 33-65 rubles13.5-26.9 hryvnia
Kvamatel 50-800 rubles20-328 hryvnia

Attention! The prices presented in the table are conditional and may change taking into account adjustments to the composition of the drug, its dose and the pharmacological company. Domestic funds, as a rule, are not inferior to foreign ones, but have a more affordable price.

Treatment of gastric erosion is aimed at eliminating clinical symptoms. The cause of the disease is cracks in the mucous membrane due to damage to blood vessels. It is rarely possible to eliminate the etiological factor. The use of reparative agents is limited by the aggressive influence of gastric juice.

Gastric erosion: proper treatment

Gastric erosion should be treated comprehensively. Medications have side effect. The early degree of erosive changes in the mucous membrane can be eliminated with diet, folk remedies, and organization of the daily routine.

Dietary nutrition for erosive gastritis

The diet for erosive gastritis is based on the following principles:

  • Mechanical, thermal, chemical sparing of the gastric mucosa;
  • Refusal of fibrous, coarse, hard foods;
  • You should not eat baked or fried foods;
  • Priority is given to steamed food;
  • Removed from the diet nutrients, increasing gastric secretion;
  • Hot and cold foods are excluded;
  • Meals are portioned - 4-5 times per day.

The diet for gastric erosion involves the following diet:

  1. Steam omelettes;
  2. Meatballs, steamed cutlets;
  3. Boiled porridge (oatmeal, semolina);
  4. Scrambled eggs;
  5. Mashed compote, soufflé, jelly, jelly;
  6. Soup with pureed vegetables;
  7. Butter, vegetable oil;
  8. Herbal decoctions;
  9. Non-acidic juices;
  10. Unleavened pies with filling;
  11. Wheat bread;
  12. Boiled pasta;
  13. Kefir, curdled milk, cream, milk;
  14. Marshmallow, honey, jam, marshmallows;
  15. Sour cream.

What should not be consumed for erosive gastritis:

  1. Kvass;
  2. Confectionery;
  3. Raw vegetables;
  4. Fatty fish and meat;
  5. Mushrooms;
  6. Fish broths;
  7. Bran bread;
  8. Citrus juices;
  9. Strong tea;
  10. Coffee;
  11. Fried eggs;
  12. Spicy seasonings;
  13. Alcohol;
  14. Carbonated drinks;
  15. White cabbage, radishes, rutabaga, legumes, baked goods.
  16. Limit salt (no more than 7 grams daily).

It is optimal to dilute your blood with liquid - you should drink about 1.5 liters per day.

Diet for gastric erosion - the initial stage of treatment

Diet for erosive gastritis - initial treatment. Application pharmaceuticals complicates the course of the nosology. The choice of medications should be treated with extreme caution. Only when the diet is not effective are medications prescribed for the stomach.

With erosive gastritis, overeating is dangerous. Excessive stretching of the gastric wall leads to an increase in the size of erosion. Maintain an optimal sleep and rest schedule so as not to impair blood circulation. Smoking, frequent use alcohol - provoking factors, erosive gastritis, peptic ulcer.

“Student food” has an unfavorable effect on digestion in the stomach. Occasional snacking rough food leads to the release of hydrochloric acid, which increases the size of erosion. Rough food has a similar property.

  • Crackers;
  • Chips;
  • Fast foods;
  • Salted nuts;
  • Savory snacks;
  • Spices.

Today, gastritis is the most common problem of the digestive system. Pathology causes painful sensations and is capable of moving into more serious illnesses. It is important to promptly begin treatment for erosive gastritis by seeking medical help.

The inflammatory process on the surface of the mucosa, which leads to disruption of its performance, is called gastritis. Today, about 90% of the entire population, regardless of age, faces this disease.

The causes of gastritis include reflux, in which food enters the stomach back from the stomach, but with bile. This acid is dangerous for the mucous surface of the stomach, because the mucus that protects the walls from irritants dissolves. Exposed epithelium can get burned.

The chronic course of the disease is characterized by constant attacks, heaviness in the stomach, vomiting interspersed with blood clots(in case of bleeding). Patients with normal or hyperacidity often experience. At night there may be pain in the epigastric region.

Symptoms of erosive gastritis in patients with low acidity are characterized morning sickness, belching, sharp decrease (as a result of weight loss and exhaustion), digestive disorders. If you find similar signs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Diagnosis of a patient with similar complaints will begin with examination and clinical examination(palpation of the abdominal area), during which the doctor can make a preliminary conclusion.

You will need to pass laboratory tests. Biochemical research blood serum will show protein fractions, amount of vitamin B12.

To confirm the diagnosis, gastroscopy (endoscopy) will be prescribed.

The procedure involves examining the stomach cavity with a special device that will help determine real reasons painful attacks - growths, inflammatory processes on the mucous surface.

Has anti-inflammatory properties healing juice which is drunk before meals. You can also add .

They should be taken until the pathogen disappears. In case of an incomplete course or breaks in therapy, a relapse is possible.

After antibacterial drugs it is necessary to regulate the production of gastric juice and its acidity.

To do this, you will need tools such as Nizatidine. Necessary medicine should be selected by a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s medical history.

For normal digestion, you will need the help of drugs containing enzymes - Mezim-Forte, Pancreatin,. If erosive gastritis was caused by taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, they must be discontinued or replaced with less aggressive ones.

Get rid of pain syndrome will help with papaverine. The last stage treatment will restore (regenerate) the gastric mucosa. To do this, you will need drugs that form a protective film on the damaged areas. Such medications include Sucrafalt, Trental, Iberogast.

Erosive gastritis is treated by a gastroenterologist who develops a treatment regimen and selects the necessary medications.


By following simple instructions, you can avoid the development of erosive gastritis. First of all, it needs to be completely revised. Nutrition should be balanced, contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Portions should be small, the number of meals should be 4-5 times a day. Doctors do not advise overeating, especially before bed. When preparing food, you must adhere to hygienic and sanitary standards.

Fast food and semi-finished products must be completely excluded from the menu. Preservatives and fats destroy the gastric mucosa. Negative influence have problems with (caries), infectious diseases( , ). It is necessary to treat these pathologies in a timely manner and prevent an advanced state.

It is important to avoid stress and get proper rest. If it is necessary to take medications that irritate the gastric mucosa, they should be minimized or replaced if possible.