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Do I need to remove dentures at night? Removable dentures (good to know)

Many people are interested in the question: is it necessary to remove dentures at night, or is this not necessary? Everyone remembers that their grandparents kept their teeth on a shelf in a glass of water.

Externally, modern dentures have changed little, but they do not need to be stored in a glass of water.

Removable dentures are still widely used today and will most likely remain relevant for many years to come. They are done both in the absence of all teeth, and in the loss of one or two.

Of course, they can have different designs and are made from different materials.

But all types of removable dentures are united by the fact that they are easier to manufacture and care for, and there are fewer contraindications to wearing them.

Of no small importance is the fact that they are much cheaper than fixed types of prostheses.

Modern removable structures have:

  • high strength;
  • ease of use;
  • appearance imitating a living jaw.

Dentures can be made to restore one lost tooth or for the entire dentition. They differ both in appearance and in the way they are attached to the mouth.

Dentures that are used to replace all the teeth in the jaw are called complete plate dentures. They received this name because of the method of their fastening.

The plate is a copy of the patient's palate and is held in place by suction. Prosthetics for upper jaw They hold up just fine, but problems may arise with the lower jaw.

The point is that on lower jaw There is little space for high-quality fastening. For this reason, the dental prosthesis may slide out at first.

Although getting used to them takes longer than to the upper ones, nevertheless, after a while a person will get used to it, and the problems will disappear.

There are plate dentures for replacing one or more teeth. But in this case, this method of fastening is not the most convenient.

Other types of fastenings are more comfortable. One of these methods is clasp fastening.

In addition, immediate teeth can be used to replace small numbers of teeth.

Immediates, or as people call them “butterflies”, are wonderful and inexpensive means for restoration of dentition.

Often, immediates are also used as a temporary measure to avoid displacement of adjacent teeth before the implant is installed.

They are attached to the teeth located on both sides of the defect using metal or plastic fasteners.

Clasp dentures are more convenient in the sense that the load does not fall on two adjacent teeth, but is distributed equally over the entire jaw.

The fastening focuses on both the surface of the gums and the remaining teeth. The disadvantage of such a prosthesis is its high price, since the structure itself is made of an expensive alloy, and the crowns of the teeth are made of metal ceramics.

Subtleties of manufacturing

How do modern prostheses differ from those worn a few decades ago? Should I take them off while sleeping? At first glance, the differences are not significant.

Yes, modern removable jaws are increasingly looking like real teeth. Making them is the delicate, artistic work of a doctor.

Both the crowns of the teeth and the artificial parts of the gums will be a complete imitation of the real ones. Both color and shape are made practically indistinguishable.

The artificial gum will even have streaks of capillaries! Stranger will never be able to determine whether your teeth are real or artificial.

But the main difference between modern dental structures is not their maximum resemblance to natural teeth. The main difference is the material from which the implants are made.

Modern dentures are made from acrylic compounds specially developed for dental needs.

The plate is first cast and pressed, after which it is polymerized.

This technology allows you to improve and preserve all the qualities of the product longer:

  • structure;
  • shape;
  • strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • appearance.

Teeth crowns for such dentures may differ in shape, size and shade, and are selected individually for each client.

This approach to prosthetics allows us to produce implants that best suit anatomical structure patient and do not in any way affect the taste of the food consumed.

Modern dentures do not necessarily need to be soaked in a glass of water all night. Of course, they need daily cleaning. To do this, it is recommended to remove them.

The point here is not at all the difficulty of caring for prostheses - the implants themselves are cleaned without special problems. However, when constantly present in the oral cavity, they create difficult cleaning zones.

But after oral hygiene has been completed, you can return the denture to its place. There is no need to remain “teethless” for any length of time.

In addition, in order to quickly get used to the new jaw, doctors recommend wearing the denture around the clock.

If you want to take a break from the prosthesis for some time, pharmacies sell special means to protect removable implants from drying out, and during this time they can be stored in a special compact case.

Features of operation

Removable prosthetics have wide application also due to the variety of designs.

While it is most convenient to use suction to attach full-jaw dentures, clasps or attachments are more often used for smaller implants.

Clasps can be made from metals and various alloys, as well as from acrylic masses.

The latter are absolutely invisible in the mouth, but undergo deformation much faster.

Attachments are more reliable, and they look much more aesthetically pleasing, but to make this type of lock, it is necessary to file down the possibly completely healthy teeth that are closest to the area to be restored.

All patients wearing or planning to wear removable dentures are advised not to eat excessively strong or hard foods.

It is also undesirable to chew gum or eat toffees or caramels. To facilitate the process of getting used to the new jaw, at first it is better to eat food in small portions, and carefully crushed ones.

After the patient gets comfortable and learns to chew with new teeth, you can gradually switch to their usual food.

To hone your chewing skills, it is good to use apples or pears, cut into pieces.

Some people will become comfortable with implants in just a few days, while others may take several weeks or even months.

Not only will you have to learn to chew food again, talking at first will also be very unusual. But sooner or later the removable jaws will become almost like family.

If the installed prosthesis causes discomfort, pain or rubs the gums, then you should immediately contact your dentist.

Through minute manipulations, the doctor will adjust the prosthesis to in the right place. If you leave everything as it is, it can result in serious periodontal diseases.

Dental prosthetics in modern dentistry is a highly sought after service. Installing dentures brings back your smile beautiful view and restores chewing function. However, due to high cost not everyone can afford it fixed dentures, choosing alternative way prosthetics – removable structures. The service life of this type of orthodontic products largely depends on compliance with the recommendations for their care. For this reason, those with removable dentures should know how to properly store and clean them.

Why is it necessary to care for different types of dentures?

The common belief that removable dental design made from artificial materials, does not require maintenance, because, unlike natural teeth not susceptible to rotting and bacterial development. It is not only partial dentures that need to be cared for; the hygiene of complete dentures also has special requirements.

How to store and clean orthodontic structures determines their service life and the condition of the oral cavity. Experts note that with complete removable dentures, neglecting the rules of care at home can lead, at a minimum, to the loss of money for false jaws, and, at maximum, to the appearance of ulcerative formations on the mucous membranes and the occurrence of putrid smell from mouth.

Improper care of dentures, which are classified as partial removable products, can cause the loss of teeth that perform a supporting function. Neglect of the hygiene of removable orthodontic structures leads to the development of pathogenic microorganisms. The artificial elements themselves do not suffer, they are only a breeding ground pathogenic bacteria which over time lead to the destruction of healthy teeth.

Initially, bacterial plaque has a plastic and loose structure, making it easy to remove with a toothbrush. However, if dentures are not cleaned regularly, they become compacted, mineralized and, under the influence of various products and nicotine, change color until they turn black. In addition, there is a high probability of the formation of tartar, which injures the surrounding gum tissue. In advanced cases, teeth become loose and need to be removed.

All structures are susceptible to plaque formation, regardless of the materials from which they are made. So you need to carefully care for and store carefully both plastic, clasp, and nylon prostheses.

Caring for removable dentures

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Caring for removable products includes a set of measures. To avoid plaque formation and development pathological processes in the oral cavity, you need to clean them using special means, and also take care of your gums.

In addition, when using this kind of orthodontic structures, they must be worn in a certain way, follow the storage rules and, if necessary, remove them at night. After the denture procedure, the attending physician gives recommendations on how to clean dentures at home, how often they need to be changed, and what methods and means can most effectively clean the products from the formed stone.

How to wear the structure correctly?

Most owners of removable dentures, after the first use, experience severe discomfort and they want to take them off. This is due to the feeling of the presence of a foreign element in the oral cavity. Getting used to orthodontic structures can last from a month to a year. When wearing removable products, you must follow a number of rules:

For better fixation of the product in the oral cavity, the use of special means is indicated. Following these rules will speed up adaptation to the installed structure and reduce discomfort.

Should I rent it at night?

With modern removable dentures, the products do not need to be removed from the mouth and placed in water or any solution before going to bed, as required by outdated technologies used in such a procedure.

At night, dentures do not interfere with their owner at all. In addition, it is believed that longer person wears an orthodontic product, the faster you get used to it.

Storage of the prosthesis

Some patients various reasons They prefer to sleep without removable structures, which raises the question of how to store dentures. Experts recommend cleaning items taken out overnight with toothpaste and a brush, rinsing them in boiled or running water, after which they should be placed in a special dry container.

You can also store the structure during sleep in a container with ready-made aseptic liquid. It is easy to prepare such a solution yourself by dissolving a special solution in warm boiled water.

Any method of storing dentures should be agreed upon with your doctor, since different types products require certain conditions. Thus, plastic cannot be left in a dry, closed container, and clasp dentures, due to the presence of metal in them, do not tolerate chlorinated solutions.

Cleaning and disinfecting the prosthesis at home

Cleaning of orthodontic structures includes mandatory daily hygienic procedures, periodic disinfection and removal of accumulated tartar. Denture hygiene includes two important rules:

It is extremely important to disinfect the orthodontic product several times a week (or better yet, every day). To do this, use a self-prepared or purchased solution of such brands as President, R.O.C.S., Protefix. To prepare such a product 1 effervescent tablet(Lakalut Dent or Corega) is dissolved in warm (never hot) water, after which the prosthesis is placed in the resulting liquid for some time.

This method allows you to effectively remove plaque and stone formed on the surface of the product, as well as almost completely destroy pathogenic microorganisms. In an effective way disinfection and cleaning of removable dentures is the use of an ultrasonic bath.

Some owners of removable orthodontic structures use it to remove contaminants from their surface. folk remedies. For this purpose, vinegar, lemon juice, soda or tooth powder are most often used.

There are cases when the product was placed in whiteness. Experts categorically do not recommend such methods, since there is a high probability of destruction of the top layer of the prosthesis under the influence of aggressive substances.

Using an ultrasonic bath

An ultrasonic bath is a small container into which an orthodontic product is placed. Thanks to the vibrating action of high-frequency ultrasonic waves, the prosthesis is cleaned of plaque and other contaminants. In addition, bacteria are completely destroyed. Ultrasound is not capable of damaging the surface of the structure, so this cleaning method can be used as often as necessary.

The procedure lasts no more than 15 minutes. Such a bath is quite inexpensive; the cheapest option can be purchased for only 1,500 rubles. In addition, this device is used not only for cleaning dentures, but also for disinfecting baby bottles and precious jewelry.

Features of caring for plastic dentures

look after plastic prostheses, fixed with metal hooks, is necessary in the same way as behind other types of structures. However, hygiene procedures in this case have some peculiarities. When cleaning products of this type, it is recommended to use toothpaste with low abrasiveness. The brush should have soft bristles. These structures must be cleaned with extreme caution, being careful not to bend the plastic and metal clasps.

Plastic dentures on hooks are stored only in a damp environment; in a dry container or when wrapped in a napkin, they turn black and become deformed. To store them, it is necessary to use solutions designed to care for this type of structure. Do not allow the metal elements of the prosthesis to come into contact with chlorine-containing liquids, since they darken under the influence of chlorine.

Care of fixed dentures

Caring for fixed structures involves thoroughly cleaning them. When cleaning dentures of this type, you should follow the same rules as when cleaning natural teeth. It is recommended to clean the products twice a day; additional devices must be used to remove food debris from the interdental space. If bacteria get under the bridge, rinsing the mouth with ready-made rinses or infusions is recommended to avoid inflammation. medicinal herbs, use irrigators.

In addition, dentists advise regularly massaging your gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush. If the dentures cause discomfort, you should immediately consult your doctor.

Many patients, despite the wide choice of options for restoring lost teeth, still opt for removable dentures. There may be many reasons for this - from contraindications to other types of prosthetics to financial considerations. And for comfortable and durable wearing of such structures, proper and regular care of dentures is very important, including proper storage dentures at night. Moreover, storage methods largely depend on the material from which the structure is made.

How to properly store removable dentures?

Those people who have not previously encountered the need to install and wear prosthetic structures believe that storing dentures is limited to placing them in a glass with plain water. Previously, they were actually stored this way, because orthopedic structures were made from rubber, and it tended to dry out without constant moisture. But modern dentures do not require storage in water. Moreover, for many patients, dentists do not recommend taking them off at night at all, especially during the adaptation period.

While you are getting used to the prosthesis, it is not recommended to take it out at night unless absolutely necessary - this way the adaptation will be faster and better. In the future, you also shouldn’t remove the structure from your mouth every night, and if such a need arises (or you just want to take a break from foreign object in the mouth), certain conditions must be observed:

  • After removal, the structure must be cleaned and rinsed so that no food particles or plaque remain on it.
  • If the prosthetic device is removed for a short time, you can carefully wrap it in a cotton napkin and place it in a special container. A disinfectant solution can also be used for short-term storage.
  • If long-term storage is planned, the structure is placed in a container with a special liquid for soaking or in ordinary boiled water.

How to store removable dentures at night?

Modern acrylic and nylon structures can be stored dry, but they should be placed in a special container with a hermetically sealed lid. Such a container will provide hygienic conditions, since storing dentures at night without protection from dust, mechanical stress and contact with bacteria indoors is strongly not recommended.

In the same container you can keep the prosthetic structure in a liquid - a disinfectant solution or boiled water. It is important to remember that the prosthesis should not be placed in hot water, as this can lead to its deformation. You should also not use chlorinated water, even boiled water, especially if the prosthetic structure has metal elements - chlorine compounds tend to settle on the metal, and this causes it to noticeably darken.

If you have a problem similar to the one described in this article, be sure to contact a specialist. Don't diagnose yourself!

Why you should register now:

Modern prosthetics make it possible to restore the functionality of the jaws in the most difficult situations. Everyone associates removable structures with the glass of water in which they are stored most of patients. Is it correct? Yes, since even modern products cannot be allowed to dry out, because of this they lose their properties. How to store dentures at night to ensure they last a long time?

Consequences of improper care

High-quality care significantly increases the service life of the prosthesis.

High-quality and systematic care of the removable structure prolongs its service life and protects the patient from unpleasant consequences:

  • food particles, dead epithelial cells, plaque accumulate between the product and the mucous membrane, which gradually provoke the appearance of an unpleasant putrid odor from the oral cavity,
  • an infection actively developing between an uncleaned prosthesis and the mucous membrane gradually provokes the development of inflammatory processes (gingivitis develops), which is accompanied by bleeding, swelling, redness and a feeling of general discomfort,
  • pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly and can contribute to the development of the carious process,
  • a persistent unpleasant taste appears in the mouth,
  • the material loses its original color and aesthetic appeal.

The above unpleasant consequences can be avoided if you properly organize the care of the structure, including at night, when it is outside the oral cavity. Storing dentures – important point, which should be taken seriously.

Where and how to properly store the product at night?

Use a special container to store the product.

Previously, removable dentures were made of rubber, which dried out in the air and cracked. For this reason, the dentures had to be placed in a glass of water overnight. Modern designs are made of high-quality materials that do not deteriorate if left outdoors, but also require special care.

During the period of adaptation to the prosthesis, dentists recommend not removing it while sleeping at night in order to quickly get used to the presence of a foreign body in the mouth. If the patient subsequently wants to sleep without a prosthesis, it must be placed in a container with a disinfectant solution. This can be a special container or any other clean container.

A humid environment helps the structure retain its original shape. If you use a disinfectant solution, overnight it destroys all infection on the structure, dissolves food debris and plaque. In the morning you put on a perfectly clean denture without foreign odors or bacteria.

Container for storing structures

To store removable products, there are special containers that have a mass benefits:

  • a special disinfectant liquid can be poured into the container to clean the structure,
  • it is convenient to carry with you, take it on trips and business trips,
  • The kit includes a special holder with which you can remove the prosthesis from the liquid without getting your hands wet,
  • The container is made of polypropylene, a material used in the manufacture of medical devices.

Care products

Exists big choice denture care products.

For high-quality cleaning of the structure from food debris, plaque, and bacteria, there is a wide selection of special products:

  • a brush for the care of dentures, which must be changed every month with regular use,
  • brush,
  • non-abrasive paste (abrasive particles scratch the material of the product, which leads to its wear and appearance unpleasant odor, penetration of infection into it),
  • dissolvable tablets for cooking disinfectant solution,
  • The irrigator perfectly cleans both natural teeth and hard-to-reach areas of the structure where plaque accumulates,
  • floss.

If it is not possible to purchase a special container and disinfectant solution, you can store the structure in ordinary water. The main condition is to keep it clean and not let the material dry out.

How to properly store dentures

Unfortunately, not all people who wear dentures know how to handle them. Many people, in the old-fashioned way, believe that devices should be placed in a container of water overnight. However, modern structures do not crack or dry out under the influence of oxygen. Today we'll talk about how to store removable dentures at home correctly. Our grandparents actually soaked their dentures in liquid overnight. The properties of innovative products are such that they can be removed at any time and there is no need to immerse such products in water.

How to properly store removable dentures at night

Proper storage depends on what materials the devices are made of. Functionality and aesthetic appeal can be forgotten if you do not provide proper care and storage.

The basic rule of care: you must treat artificial appliances in the same way as you treat your own living teeth. Don't forget about oral hygiene, which is carried out twice a day.

How to clean removable structures:

  • Rinse the denture under boiled water after every meal and snack;
  • Use a toothbrush with toothpaste that effectively removes food debris and plaque. This should be done when you flush the device;

Dentures, just like teeth, must be cleaned, otherwise pathogenic microorganisms will begin to accumulate on their surface.

Rinsing with normal water

Although this is the simplest and available method, but not the most effective. There is no point in dwelling on it. It is important to perform the procedure after eating in order to eliminate excess food in the spaces between the teeth.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out more complex manipulations. Use boiled water. Chlorine contained in water can adversely affect the color of the product.

Using solutions

Once every seven days it is necessary to place the product in special antiseptic liquids for several hours. This way you can get rid of harmful bacteria, food debris and adhesive. The product is sold in pharmacies. These can be special soluble tablets.

The solutions are suitable even for people with very sensitive soft tissues. Even all the efforts of dentists will not help when a person suffers from an allergic reaction.

Treatment of the prosthesis with a special solution

Other products that carry out ultrasonic cleaning will help here.

Cleaning with a brush

The brush should be selected with soft bristles. Cleaning should be done with a micro-abrasive agent using rotational movements, completely touching the surface of the teeth.

Do not press too hard on the device. If the soft component of the prosthesis is damaged, there may be a need for restoration. It is best to use children's pastes. This is what your dentist will advise you to do.

Don't forget to clean your tongue and cheeks from accumulated plaque. If you neglect the procedure, an unpleasant aroma will appear in your mouth. Rinse your teeth very well with water after brushing. Feel free to put your prosthesis back on.

Professional cleaning

Even if all hygienic principles are observed, an artificial prosthesis should be handed over to professionals once every six months. For cleaning purposes, use the same device as for ultrasonic removal stone With it you can effectively clean the most difficult to reach areas. The dentist will place the product in a special disinfectant. It is very useful to polish the surface of the teeth. The manipulation does not take more than an hour.

Do I need to remove dentures at night?

This question is asked very often by patients. The structures must be stored according to all rules at any time of the day. At night, as you already understand, modern removable devices are not removed, since with systematic use a person gets used to them much faster.

If you prefer to sleep without a prosthesis, then you need to remove it, clean it well, and carefully put it in a special box for safekeeping. A simple glass of disinfectant will do.

To constantly maintain your correct form, most fixtures should be kept damp. If the structure is removed for a long period of time, then it is placed in a container with boiling water or in a special liquid that is intended for soaking dental products. Available for sale in pharmacies.

Container for dentures

There is no need to place a prosthesis with metal parts in a chlorinated liquid. This will help them darken.

Keep in mind that the denture can become damaged if it is allowed to dry out.

How to wear removable dentures

A person must learn independently and correctly install a prosthesis in the oral cavity. This is easy to do while in front of a mirror. The first time after installation will be unusual and at night better product do not remove them so that the product adapts during sleep. Do I need to remove dentures at night in the future? This is done at the request of the client, but dentists recommend removing the prosthesis to resume trophic processes in the tissues and restore the qualities of the base material.

If any discomfort occurs, the client should immediately visit dental clinic. If pain occurs, a person can temporarily remove the device, but before visiting the dentist, they must put it back on so that the damaged area is visible. Only a specialist has the right to adjust the prosthesis.

A person can eat any food except very hard and viscous food. It is advisable to start with soft and non-sticky food. It is very useful to eat pieces of apples and pears. They have the necessary rigidity to train the chewing function and cannot cause injury to the mucous membranes.

In order to get used to the prosthesis and not affect your speech, it is very important to talk a lot and quickly at first. Read tongue twisters, newspapers, magazines.

Whitening dentures

This manipulation is required if you have neglected the care of the devices for a long time. This attitude always entails darkening of the product.

Experts do not recommend whitening using special whitening pastes. These products are highly abrasive; the surface of the structure is not suitable for similar procedures. The use of abrasive substances will cause serious harm designs.

Dentures should only be whitened by specialists.

If your denture has darkened, you should take it to a professional. At home, you can purchase special cleansing tablets for this purpose. Buy an ultrasonic cleaner for thorough cleaning and disinfection.

Professional cleansing can be carried out using special ultrasonic containers. In such baths you will not only successfully get rid of plaque, but you will also be able to return its original shade and aesthetic appeal.

Never use traditional methods for bleaching devices. They can destroy even strong tooth enamel. Materials can be seriously damaged in this case.

Patients who have experienced prosthetics ask next question– how to properly store removable dentures in general and especially at night? After all, everyone has seen how older people place such structures in a glass of water near their bed. Is such storage correct and how to care for modern prostheses?

Previously, such structures were made of rubber and to prevent them from drying out, it was necessary to place them in water when removing them. Modern materials have completely different properties, and therefore need to be treated differently.

Features of care

Most important factor, which affects the storage and care of dentures - what material they are made of. For example, nylon or acrylic removable structures do not need to be placed in water or solution. It is enough to do this once a week for antiseptic additional treatment.

If there are metal parts on the prosthesis, then it should not be placed in a container with chlorinated water, because they will quickly darken and have an unsightly appearance.

In order for the prosthesis to last longer, it must not only be stored correctly, but also carefully looked after. Doctors recommend the following manipulations:

  • After eating, it is advisable to remove the inserts and rinse them with boiled water. This regular procedure will help prevent artificial materials from darkening too early, and will prevent the spread of bacteria in the oral cavity.
  • In the morning and evening you need to clean the denture with a special brush and toothpaste. Particularly soft bristles are selected, and the doctor may recommend using a toothpaste for children without abrasive or aggressive chemical components.
  • Periodically, once a week, it is better to place the prosthesis in a special solution for antiseptic treatment. Thanks to this, additional fixing substances are thoroughly washed off.
  • Every six months it is necessary to bring the structure to the doctor. IN dental office it can be thoroughly cleaned using professional means and devices, and adjust if necessary. Prolonged use of a prosthesis without professional care promotes the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

How to store dentures at night?

It is believed that modern devices are quite convenient for round-the-clock use. During the adaptation process, doctors do not recommend leaving the jaw without prostheses so that it quickly gets used to a certain impact.

It is permissible to store the insert elements separately only when the patient is completely accustomed to them and wants to allow the mucous surface to recover overnight.

Remember that from the effects of direct sun rays, boiling water, aggressive chemical compositions and close lamp light, the design may change shape or deteriorate.

Where to store removable dentures?

If you decide to take them off at night, it is better to place them in a special container for storing dentures. It is believed that it is hidden in the container from excess dust and bacteria. But you can simply wrap the prosthesis in a clean, soft cloth.

So that in the morning when using it there is no unpleasant sensation dryness, you can lightly rinse it with water before fixing.

If the design does not metal parts, then you can place the denture in a glass of water overnight. The main thing is that the liquid is clean, without unnecessary impurities and not hot.

In what solution?

The solution is purchased at a pharmacy in finished form or buy soluble tablets. Such products are hypoallergenic and do not cause reactions in sensitive patients. They are specially designed for high-quality care of structures at home.

Video: DIY solution for dentures.

It was difficult at first to get used to the prosthesis. The doctor recommended leaving it on at night. When I finally got used to the dentures, I decided to rest at night from the extra stress. I use a special container for storage; it protects the prosthesis from dust and various bacteria.

I have been using a prosthesis for a long time. And although the doctor said that it is not necessary to place it in water or solution overnight, I find it more pleasant when the structure is wet in the morning. Therefore, I usually keep it in a glass of boiled water and in the morning the feeling when using it is normal, there is no excessive dryness.

Since childhood, I remember how my grandmother kept her jaw in a glass of water near her bed. When I reached that age, it turned out that this is not necessary today. The doctor explained to me that the prosthesis has metal fasteners, and they are afraid of water, so I have to keep it in a special container.

I often leave home and when traveling it turned out to be convenient to store the prosthesis in a special container. It's small, doesn't take up much space, and no one will guess what it's for. This is my little secret. And I buy solutions in the form of tablets, which are easy to use, and they are also invisible to the outside eye.

Additional questions

Is it possible to store dentures without water?

Considering that modern designs are made of acrylic and nylon, water is not needed for storage. This material does not dry out or deform. Therefore, they are left overnight in a special container without liquid or wrapped in soft cloth.

Care features - how to store removable dentures

Features of dentures

All orthopedic dental structures can be divided into two types: removable and non-removable. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. For example, removable prosthetics are the most optimal in terms of cost of services and materials. But non-removable products are reliable and look more aesthetically pleasing.

Denture in a glass of water

Features of storing dentures

In order for the prosthesis to last as long as possible, you need to know some rules for storing it:

  1. After eating, remove the insert structure and rinse with boiled water. This procedure should be performed regularly to prevent early darkening of dental products and prevent bacteria from multiplying in the oral cavity.
  2. In the morning and evening, clean the denture with a special brush and toothpaste. Choose a brush with soft bristles, and use baby toothpaste, as it does not contain aggressive chemical and abrasive components.
  3. Once a week, place the prosthesis in antiseptic solution. It will wash away all germs and also contribute to the acquisition of additional fixing substances.
  4. Once every six months professional cleaning in the dentist's office. There, the doctor uses special tools and devices, and can also make adjustments if necessary.

With prolonged use of the prosthesis without professional care, an accumulation of pathogenic microflora occurs.

How to Store Removable Dentures at Night

Should I take it off at night?

Modern dental structures do not have to be removed at night, since with regular use, addiction occurs much faster. In addition, during sleep, displacement of the articular heads of the jaw bones often occurs. But if necessary, the prosthesis can be removed at night. Just clean it, and then put it in a special storage container with a disinfectant solution.

Denture in a glass with a special cleaning tablet.

Container for storing removable dentures

Modern designs made of acrylic and nylon must be stored dry. For this purpose, a special case is used, which is hermetically sealed with a lid. Thanks to the reservoir, hygienic conditions so that when storing the prosthesis at night, dust does not accumulate, there are no mechanical influences and no contact with bacteria. In such a container, dental structures can be placed in a disinfectant solution or boiled water.

Do not place the prosthesis in hot water, as this will lead to its deformation.

Solutions for storing dentures

You can purchase a special solution in finished form or as a powder, tablets, or liquid concentrate. They are sold at the pharmacy. This storage ensures antibacterial protection and removes any remaining fixing agent from the product. Leave the structure in the solution overnight.

When using a concentrated solution, do not keep the prosthesis in it for more than 15 minutes. This time is enough to remove all bacteria and soften the plaque formed.

How to remove a prosthesis correctly

If it is necessary to remove artificial teeth, then the following conditions must be observed:

  1. Immediately after removing the structure, clean it so that there is no plaque or food particles on it.
  2. If the prosthesis is not removed for a long time, then wrap it in a cotton napkin and place it in a special container. A disinfectant solution is suitable for storage.
  3. If storage is to be long-term, then place the structure in a container with a solution or boiled water.

How to care for removable dentures yourself

Tablets for cleaning dentures

Pharmacies have special tablets which need to be dissolved in water. To prepare the solution, take 100 ml of water and drop the tablet into it. Place the denture for 15 minutes, and then rinse it with water. Carry out similar events every day.

Dentipur denture cleaning tablets

Thanks to this method, you can eliminate bacteria from the surface of the prosthesis and clean it as thoroughly as possible. Included similar drugs contains oxidizing agents. They form small bubbles, which clean the surface. The most popular tablets remain:

Cleaning dentures with a toothbrush and toothpaste

The cleaning process with these items is characterized by a mechanical effect on the prosthesis. Thanks to this, the method is very effective. With its help you can stop plaque. Use better pasta with fluorine compounds. It will not only cleanse, but also protect the oral cavity from pathogenic microflora.

It is also worth choosing a special brush. Its head should be equipped with two types of bristles. On one part of it the hairs should be stiffer. The main task of such a brush is to clean the structure with outside. It is best if it is in the form of a zigzag. Softer bristles cleanse inner part prosthesis. It should be convex in shape.

Cleaning the denture with a special brush

The cleaning process occurs as follows:

  1. Remove the denture from your mouth and treat it with paste using a brush.
  2. Clean thoroughly for 15 minutes.
  3. Lather the paste in a circular motion and begin cleaning. Clean the denture as intensively as possible for a minute. Next, rinse it with clean water.
  4. Carry out such events 2 times a day. It is best to do this after eating.

When cleaning the prosthesis, place it on a clean terry cloth. This way you can protect the fragile structure from falling.

Express foam

This drug is used when it is necessary to quickly and efficiently remove dirt and bacteria from the surface of the prosthesis. But use express foam only in tandem with a soft nylon toothbrush.

Ultrasonic cleaning of dentures

To ensure that denture care is as effective as possible, it is necessary to use an ultrasonic bath. It is great for removing tartar, plaque and odor. In addition, it copes with bacteria 100%. Thanks to this method you can refuse the purchase chemicals, and also do not rub the structure with a toothbrush.

An ultrasonic bath costs approximately 2800 rubles. The device can be used for contactless cleaning and disinfection of objects for various purposes.

Ultrasonic bath for dentures

Caring for fixed dentures at home

Choosing a toothbrush and toothpaste

You should clean your dentures in the same way as you would your natural teeth, using paste and a brush. In this case, the brush should perform sweeping movements. They are carried out from the gum to the edge of the tooth. This way you can delete everything harmful microorganisms, plaque and food debris.

It is important that the area where the gums come into contact with the prosthesis is thoroughly cleaned. It is in this place that plaque most often accumulates.

Single Row Interdental Brush

This device is used to clean large interdental spaces in people with healthy teeth and those who wear orthopedic structures. The range of interdental brushes is quite wide, they all differ not only in the manufacturer, but also in other parameters:

  • material, thickness, length and stiffness of the bristles;
  • length, shape and diameter of the nozzle;
  • the material used to make the handle;
  • the shape of the handle itself.

Special rinses

Application disinfectant antiseptics for rinsing the mouth will eliminate harmful microbes and leftover food. After such treatment, the surface of the dentures is sterile, and pathogenic microflora leaves it for a long time, and then can no longer attach.

The most effective drugs remain:

Features of care depending on the material of dentures

Made from silicone

Silicone dentures require careful care. To clean them, dishwashing detergent or liquid soap is suitable. These preparations do not contain abrasives, but they do an excellent job of killing bacteria.

Before going to bed, remove the dentures and put them in antiseptic solution. Make sure that the structure does not dry out or come into contact with hot water, otherwise it will cause deformation.

This material is very easy to scratch, so when cleaning, use only non-abrasive pastes and soft brushes. Since acrylic absorbs foreign odors and can be stained by food and drinks, then disinfection should be given Special attention. Soak dentures in special liquids, for example, Fittydent.

Fittydent cleansing tablets

Made of metal ceramics

Cleaning of such structures should take place in the morning and evening, as well as after each meal. At night, remove the dentures, wipe them dry and store them until the morning, or you can dip them in a special solution.


Rinse plastic dentures after eating, clean them with toothpaste and keep them in disinfectant solutions. The ideal option is to clean them regularly after each meal. If this is not possible, then thorough cleaning is carried out 2 times a day. To remove plaque in hard-to-reach places, brushes and dental floss are used.

Plaque is removed by washing with water and using a brush with a special paste. The manipulation ends by placing the prosthesis in an antiseptic solution. Wear the plastic structure 2 times a year for professional cleaning at the dentist to remove stones and other deposits.


Cleaning dentures is necessary procedure, allowing to extend the life of the structure and its appearance. In addition, regular care of dentures will prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity and the development inflammatory process. Only choose high-quality and effective means, and for each design they are different.

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How to properly store a prosthesis?

Temporary dentures, also called dentures, replace “natural” teeth after they have been removed or fallen out. Many patients believe that if the structure is artificial, it does not require serious care. On the contrary, dentures, especially temporary ones, require even more careful care and storage. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing oral disease. In this article we will talk about how to store removable dentures and how to care for them in order to avoid problems and extend the life of the product.

Features of prosthesis care

Before we talk about how to properly store removable dentures, it is important to clearly understand how to care for such products. An artificial dental structure, even one made of expensive materials, loses its appearance over time and becomes unusable.

The most common change that occurs with dentures, but does not interfere with their use (with the exception of the psychological component), is darkening or yellowing artificial enamel. Appearance aesthetic defect contribute bad habits(especially smoking) and food consumed (containing dyes).

If we talk about more serious defects, which affect the operation of the structure, these include:

  1. Violation of the integrity of the prosthesis structures - chips, cracks.
  2. Damage or wear of the fastening mechanism - in such cases, the prosthesis does not fit well, dangles or even falls out.

To avoid such problems and delay discoloration, it is important to know how to properly store and care for dentures. First, let's look at the most important rules for the care of artificial structures.

Important! Any dental structures, regardless of what they are made of, require careful handling during the cleaning process. Do not use brushes with hard bristles (only soft ones), and do not use a lot of force during the cleaning process. Try not to drop the product, remove it from your mouth and insert it as carefully as possible.

How to properly store dentures at night?

How to store dentures at night? This question interests many. But first of all, it is important to understand that not every patient with a temporary denture installed is advised by doctors to remove it before going to bed. This is not recommended during the adaptation period, which often lasts up to 2-3 weeks, but in some cases can take a month or more. At this time a person gets used to foreign body in the oral cavity.

Initially, patients feel discomfort associated with new, unusual sensations. Constant use of the structure, even at night, speeds up the process of adaptation; the structures of the oral cavity adapt faster. This is explained by the fact that while a person is sleeping, he is at rest and does not clench his jaw, eliminating unnecessary stress on the gums. The only exception in this case is people suffering from bruxism. Clenching the jaws during sleep is not only accompanied by increased stress, but also gradually damages the structure.

There is also an opinion that contradicts this hypothesis. Some orthodontists are against the patient removing the product before going to bed, even during the adaptation period. This is justified by cases where discomfort in the oral cavity forced the sleeper to make involuntary attempts to get rid of the structure. Hypothetically, in this case there is a risk of suffocation if the product gets into the throat and cuts off the oxygen supply.

The first statement is more logical, therefore, while the adaptation period lasts, it is better to leave the product in the mouth constantly. However, as you get used to the orthodontic appliance in use, it should be removed periodically. Regarding how to store removable dentures at night, follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Before going to bed, it is important to systematically follow all the hygiene recommendations mentioned. Remove the orthodontic appliance in the bath, rinse thoroughly with water, and clean.
  2. At night, the product should be stored in a specially designated container. To do this, it is worth purchasing a special container, but there is none yet; a clean cup or glass from which you will not drink will do (boil the container first).
  3. Storing dentures at night requires a person to use special solutions with a disinfecting effect. Pour the liquid into the selected container to prevent the product from drying out and harmful bacteria getting on it. Make sure that the liquid completely covers the structure.
  4. Do not use the disinfectant solution twice. Over time, it loses its properties and simply becomes dirty.
  5. In the morning, it is recommended to rinse the denture to remove any remaining solution. Also, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic before putting on the structure.

Important! In the question of how to properly store dentures by removing them at night, the first stage is important, including cleaning the structure. To avoid damage and deformation of the structure, do not wash it in hot water. The ideal option is cool water.

How to store dentures?

If for some reason it becomes necessary to remove the denture during the day rather than at night, the recommendations on how to store dentures remain unchanged. But it is also worth understanding that different designs have their own nuances.

Plastic products require especially careful care. They are very popular due to their low price, but due to the porous structure, plastic is very sensitive bacterial flora, quickly changes color. Plastic structures are most susceptible to destruction. For these reasons, it is important to handle them with care, clean them regularly and use disinfectants. The same applies to products made from acrylic and nylon.

Structures made of metal or containing metal components react poorly to chlorine and quickly darken from it. Therefore, it is recommended to clean them in distilled or boiled water, and disinfectants are selected so that they do not contain this chemical element.

The best and most unpretentious material for the manufacture of dental structures is ceramics. It is relatively unpretentious and easier to care for, but when it comes to storing removable dentures, even in this case, follow the recommendations described earlier.

Important! After hygiene procedures and before putting on the prosthesis, check that there are no foreign objects, plaque, etc. on it. Even a small speck can cause discomfort when worn and rub the gums.

How to choose a storage container?

Regarding how to properly store dentures at night, the ideal solution is to purchase a special container. This is a medical product polymer materials has the shape of a small box. The interior decoration of the container follows the shape of the dental structure. Some containers are equipped with a mesh for easy removal of the prosthesis.

The main advantages of these containers:

  • saving disinfectant solution;
  • safety of the product – damage is minimized;
  • duration of operation of the structure - the influence of external factors is excluded;
  • Easy to transport - the box is small and seals tightly.

Storing dentures depends to some extent on the choice of container. Don't pay attention to its appearance, they are all almost identical. When choosing, be guided by the following characteristics:

  1. The quality of the plastic from which the container is made - choose smooth and dense plastic.
  2. The shape of the interior decoration - make sure that it follows the shape of your prosthesis and is proportionate. Too small a container, as well as an excessively large one, contributes to structural damage and disruption of disinfection.
  3. The presence of a mesh is an optional parameter, but it makes operation easier. The mesh allows you to remove the prosthesis in one movement, while all the disinfectant liquid remains in the case and does not spill.

In what solution should it be stored?

When it comes to the question of how to store dentures at home, choosing a disinfectant solution is the simplest solution. All these liquids have hypoallergenic qualities, which eliminates negative reactions of the body. Only their taste and manufacturer can differ; all properties are also identical. Such liquids are sold in pharmacies; all you have to do is choose the right volume and price.

Unfortunately, not all people who wear dentures know how to handle them. Many people, in the old-fashioned way, believe that devices should be placed in a container of water overnight. However, modern structures do not crack or dry out under the influence of oxygen. Today we will talk about how to store removable dentures at home correctly. Our grandparents actually soaked their dentures in liquid overnight. The properties of innovative products are such that they can be removed at any time and there is no need to immerse such products in water.

Proper storage depends on what materials the devices are made of. Functionality and aesthetic appeal can be forgotten if you do not provide proper care and storage.

The basic rule of care: you must treat artificial appliances in the same way as you treat your own living teeth. Don't forget about oral hygiene, which is carried out twice a day.

How to clean removable structures:

Rinsing with normal water

Although this is the simplest and most accessible method, it is not the most effective. There is no point in dwelling on it. It is important to perform the procedure after eating in order to eliminate excess food in the spaces between the teeth.

From time to time it is necessary to carry out more complex manipulations. Use boiled water. Chlorine contained in water can adversely affect the color of the product.

Using solutions

Once every seven days it is necessary to place the product in special antiseptic liquids for several hours. This way you can get rid of harmful bacteria, food debris and adhesive. The product is sold in pharmacies. These can be special soluble tablets.

The solutions are suitable even for people with very sensitive soft tissues. Even all the efforts of dentists will not help when a person suffers from an allergic reaction.

Treatment of the prosthesis with a special solution

Other products that carry out ultrasonic cleaning will help here.

Cleaning with a brush

The brush should be selected with soft bristles. Cleaning should be done with a micro-abrasive agent using rotational movements, completely touching the surface of the teeth.

Do not press too hard on the device. If the soft component of the prosthesis is damaged, there may be a need for restoration. It is best to use children's pastes. This is what your dentist will advise you to do.

Don't forget to clean your tongue and cheeks from accumulated plaque. If you neglect the procedure, an unpleasant aroma will appear in your mouth. Rinse your teeth very well with water after brushing. Feel free to put your prosthesis back on.

Professional cleaning

Even if all hygienic principles are observed, an artificial prosthesis should be handed over to professionals once every six months. For cleaning purposes, the same device is used as for ultrasonic stone removal. With it you can effectively clean the most difficult to reach areas. The dentist will place the product in a special disinfectant. It is very useful to polish the surface of the teeth. The manipulation does not take more than an hour.

Do I need to remove dentures at night?

This question is asked very often by patients. The structures must be stored according to all rules at any time of the day. At night, as you already understand, modern removable devices are not removed, since with systematic use a person gets used to them much faster.

If you prefer to sleep without a prosthesis, then you need to remove it, clean it well, and carefully put it in a special box for safekeeping. A simple glass of disinfectant will do.

To maintain their correct shape at all times, most fixtures must be kept wet. If the structure is removed for a long period of time, then it is placed in a container with boiling water or in a special liquid that is intended for soaking dental products. Available for sale in pharmacies.

Container for dentures

There is no need to place a prosthesis with metal parts in a chlorinated liquid. This will help them darken.

Keep in mind that the denture can become damaged if it is allowed to dry out.

How to wear removable dentures

A person must learn independently and correctly install a prosthesis in the oral cavity. This is easy to do while in front of a mirror. The first time after installation will be unusual and it is better not to remove the product at night so that the product adapts during sleep. Is it necessary to remove dentures at night in the future? This is done at the request of the client, but dentists recommend removing the prosthesis to resume trophic processes in the tissues and restore the qualities of the base material.

If any discomfort occurs, the client should immediately visit the dental clinic. If pain occurs, a person can temporarily remove the device, but before visiting the dentist, they must put it back on so that the damaged area is visible. Only a specialist has the right to adjust the prosthesis.

A person can eat any food except very hard and viscous food. It is advisable to start with soft and non-sticky food. It is very useful to eat pieces of apples and pears. They have the necessary rigidity to train the chewing function and cannot cause injury to the mucous membranes.

In order to get used to the prosthesis and not affect your speech, it is very important to talk a lot and quickly at first. Read tongue twisters, newspapers, magazines.

Whitening dentures

This manipulation is required if you have neglected the care of the devices for a long time. This attitude always entails darkening of the product.

Experts do not recommend whitening using special whitening pastes. These products are highly abrasive; the surface of the structure is not suitable for such procedures. The use of abrasive substances will cause serious damage to the structure.

Dentures should only be whitened by specialists.

If your denture has darkened, you should take it to a professional. At home, you can purchase special cleansing tablets for this purpose. Buy an ultrasonic cleaner for thorough cleaning and disinfection.

Professional cleansing can be carried out using special ultrasonic containers. In such baths you will not only successfully get rid of plaque, but you will also be able to return its original shade and aesthetic appeal.

Never use traditional methods to whiten fixtures. They can destroy even strong tooth enamel. Materials can be seriously damaged in this case.