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What is the difference between an antiseptic and a disinfectant? Antiseptics (antiseptics)

The risk of contracting an infection for a person is very high. The risk of infection is especially high if there is an open wound, during surgical intervention, and also it cannot be excluded by airborne droplets. Therefore, a set of measures is simply necessary that are aimed at destroying infectious agents. In the modern world, disinfectants should be in every first aid kit, and not just doctors. Timely help and disinfection can reduce the spread of infection significantly or eliminate it altogether dangerous infection. Next, we will consider what modern disinfectants are currently used, their types, what requirements are placed on them and in what cases they are prescribed.

and her methods

Timely disinfection can prevent and stop the development of many infections. So what is she? This is a series of activities that are carried out in order to destroy the infectious agent and destroy toxins at objects external environment. Thanks to this, the number of microorganisms is significantly reduced to an acceptable level, but their destruction may not be complete.

Disinfection happens:

There are several methods of disinfection:

  1. Mechanical. Removing decking.
  2. Physical. Treatment with UV lamps, boiling laundry, dishes, and so on.
  3. Chemical. Use of disinfectant solutions.
  4. Combined. A combination of several methods.
  5. Biological. Products of biological origin are used.

Let's focus our attention on chemical method disinfection. Let's look at what modern disinfectants are used.


Chemical and physical means, which are used to destroy pathogens of infectious diseases in humans, animals and plants in the external environment, are disinfectants.

They can be:

Modern disinfectants most often represent a balanced ratio of several active substances, which makes it possible to achieve maximum effect in relation to more resistant microorganisms and active ingredients. They purposefully change their properties.

Disinfectants aim to destroy pathogenic microorganisms, and sterilization also destroys spores.

Modern disinfectants used in medicine are highly bactericidal and safe for humans. Many of them can also be used regularly as a detergent due to their low toxicity.

A few words about the physical ones. These include:

However chemicals for disinfection they are used much more often because it is more accessible than high temperatures. Not every item to be disinfected can withstand such heat.

Types of disinfectants and their purpose

There are several types of disinfectants depending on the main active ingredient.

Features of modern disinfectants

Time does not stand still, and modern disinfectants are becoming more and more improved. What are the features of the new generation of products? Let's highlight some of them:

Modern disinfectants have a number of disadvantages:

  • Not all drugs can destroy spores.
  • Weak effectiveness against some viruses.
  • Organic contaminants may affect the effectiveness of the drug.

Requirements for modern disinfectants

There are a number of requirements for disinfectants that are currently used:

  • They should dissolve well in water.
  • Cause the death of bacteria in a short time.
  • Do not lose its effectiveness in the presence of organic substances.
  • Have low toxicity or be non-toxic to humans and animals.
  • Do not damage the surface to be disinfected.
  • Must not be flammable or explosive.
  • Do not have a strong odor.
  • Should be easy to prepare and use.

Modern medical disinfectants

Currently, medicines are used for disinfection. wide range actions that are effective against bacteria, viruses, spores, pathogenic fungi. These are both detergents and disinfectants. Many of them can be used repeatedly. Here are the names of some of them:

  • "Septol" - can be used as a disinfectant and as a sterilant.
  • "Premium" - environmentally friendly, disinfects, can also be used as detergent.
  • "Baktol" - des. remedy with cleaning effect.
  • "Baktol Forte" is a highly concentrated complex preparation.
  • Kleenex is a skin antiseptic; the solution can be used for emergency disinfection of surfaces.
  • “Des Tab” is very economical and versatile, available in the form of tablets and granules with chlorine.
  • Disinfectant "Nika" » - has an additional cleaning effect and is safe for human health. Can be used in children's institutions and catering establishments.

In a medical institution, you can use only those medical disinfectants that are approved by the Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision.

Disinfecting hands

It is very important when providing medical care that your hands are clean. For this purpose, modern hand disinfectants are used. They can be in the form:

  • Spray.
  • Napkins.
  • Soap.
  • Solution.

They may also have different basis, namely to be:

  • Alcohol based.
  • Based on organic acids.
  • With surfactants.
  • Based on oxygen and over acids.
  • Using halogens and so on.

The peculiarity of such preparations is that they should not contain chlorine-containing compounds. There may be triclosan, lactic acid or chlorhexidine.

Do not use alcohol-containing liquids if your hands are damaged. skin. They dry out the skin, but they don't last long. There are antiseptics that do not contain alcohol. Let’s name a few hand treatment products that have gained trust: “Sterillium”, “Eco Breeze”, “Dettol”, “Diamond Hands”. Disinfectant "Nika" is isoseptic and is also suitable for hand disinfection.

You need to choose a product based on the characteristics of your skin, and also take into account the conditions in which it will be used. For example, sprays can be used both at home and in everyday life. It is necessary to take into account the composition of the product. Gels and liquids are best used at home or at work.

They moisturize the skin well and have a caring effect. This product can be spilled in your purse if the packaging is fragile. Disinfecting wipes are widely used in everyday life, as well as by athletes. You can carry them with you and use them while traveling.

However, it is worth remembering that frequent use antibacterial agents may disrupt the water-fat balance of the skin. Since these funds often destroy not only pathogenic bacteria and viruses, but also beneficial microflora, which is necessary to maintain natural protection.

How to prepare a disinfectant solution

Disinfectant solutions can be either finished form, and in the form of tablets, powders or highly concentrated solutions. This means that you will have to prepare the product yourself. Therefore, before carrying out disinfection, the instructions for using disinfectants should be studied.

When preparing a disinfectant solution, you must adhere to several rules:

Before preparing the solution and disinfecting, you must first thoroughly remove dirt from the surface and then begin preparing it. Disinfectant solution will not be able to destroy microbes that multiply in pieces of dirt.

After disinfection is completed, items must be washed or rinsed with clean, running water until the odor completely disappears.

When preparing a disinfectant solution, you must not:

  • Mix the new solution with the old one.
  • Use dirty water.
  • Add detergent to the disinfectant solution. This does not apply to hydrogen peroxide.
  • Mixing two different products is unacceptable.
  • Do not store tools or cleaning items in the prepared solution.

Disinfectant for all times

Not every person can afford to buy modern disinfectants, which are not cheap. However, it is possible to carry out disinfection without using expensive drugs. Every home has baking soda and laundry soap. And as you know, our grandmothers used soap and soda solution.

To prepare it:

  • Laundry soap (72%) three on a grater.
  • Place 2 liters of water on the fire and add soap, stir until completely dissolved.
  • Then add 5 tablespoons of soda ash.
  • After boiling, reduce the heat and simmer for another 10 minutes.
  • Leave to cool overnight until thickened.

This product can be used every day for cleaning and disinfection.

The soap-soda solution can be made less concentrated. To do this, you need to use more liquid. So, to obtain a 1% solution, you need to take 100 grams of a concentrated solution and dilute it with 10 liters of water. For greater concentration, dilute with 5 liters of water. Here it is easy preparation. The disinfectant solution is prepared immediately before use.

The peculiarity of this solution is that it can be used not only to disinfect objects, but also to cosmetic procedures. It is also allowed to wipe coated food products. But after this you need to rinse the food under running water.

Hazard classes of disinfectants

When working with disinfectants, it is necessary to take into account their hazard class.

  • Class 1 products are extremely toxic. Not used in Use only in extreme situations, in special suits and gas masks. Cannot be used indoors.
  • 2nd class means. Highly dangerous. Used in the absence of people. In this case, personal protective equipment is used. Cannot be used in children's institutions, food facilities, or healthcare organizations. After use, ventilation and cleaning are necessary.
  • 3rd class means. Moderately dangerous. Can be used without protective equipment, but in the absence of people. The conditions for using drugs must be observed. Subsequent ventilation and cleaning is also important.
  • 4th grade. Low risk. Can be used without restrictions.

First aid

Detergents and disinfectants should always be used with extreme caution, as they can cause burns if they come into contact with mucous membranes and skin. Inhalation of disinfectant vapors may cause poisoning. How to provide first aid in this situation?

  1. If a highly concentrated drug comes into contact with unprotected skin of the hands, the area should be rinsed with plenty of water. If formaldehyde gets in, it is recommended to treat the skin with a 5% ammonia solution.
  2. At possible poisoning in pairs, if the respiratory tract is irritated, the victim should be taken to Fresh air. Then rinse your mouth and nasopharynx with water. If you are poisoned by formaldehyde vapors, it is recommended to inhale the vapors with the addition of a few drops of ammonia. It will also help warm milk with soda or Borjomi. Next, monitor any symptoms that appear. You may need to use antitussives, heart medications, or sedatives. IN severe cases immediate hospitalization is required.
  3. If the drug gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them under running water or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution for several minutes. You can also instill Albucid to relieve irritation. For pain, drip Novocaine (1-2% solution).
  4. If the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract, perform gastric lavage with a 2% sodium thiosulfate solution. In case of formaldehyde poisoning, washing is done by adding ammonia or 3% sodium acetate to the water. Further recommended products are milk, raw eggs and protein water.

In order not to resort to first aid, before work you should study the instructions for using disinfectants, and it is also important to follow safety precautions when preparing solutions and their use.

The modern arsenal of disinfectants is so large that your eyes widen when choosing beautiful bottles and jars. But at the same time, you should always focus on the result you need to get. Sometimes using available laundry soap can replace expensive products.

Halogenatedreaping Aromaticswho's next Aliphaticheswho's next Oxidizing agents Dyes
Chloramine B Chlorhexidine bigluconate Sebidine Iodine solution alcohol Iodinol Iodovidone Phenol Feresol Oracept Ichthyol Birch tar Vishnevsky liniment Formaldehyde Ethyl alcohol Inol Septotsid Septotsid-R Hydrogen peroxide Potassium permanganate Hydroperite Methylene Blue Diamond Green Ethacridine Lactate
Salts heavy metals Nitrofurans Detergents Acids plantnew
Silver nitrate Protargol Collargol Furacilin Degmicide Rokkal Hibiscrub Tserigel Miramistin Boric acid Salicylic acid Chlorophyllipt Calendula tincture Eucalyptus tincture Rotokan

These drugs do not have selectivity of action; in appropriate concentrations they have a detrimental effect on most microorganisms. They are used in treatment infected wounds, lesions of mucous membranes, for treating water and food, disinfecting medical instruments, linen, patient secretions, etc.

Ethacridine lactate in the form of solutions, powders, ointments, used in dermatology, ophthalmology, urology, surgery, gynecology for treatment and treatment purulent wounds, washing cavities, mucous membranes of the mouth, pharynx, nose. Included in Konkov's ointment.


Many acids have antimicrobial effect by hydrolysis of protoplasmic proteins of microorganisms. However, most of them cannot be used as antiseptics due to their pronounced irritant effect. Therefore, only a few of them, which have a slight irritating effect on tissue, are used as antiseptics.

Boric acid has antimicrobial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa. 2-4% aqueous solutions are used to irrigate wounds and purulent cavities, rinsing oral cavity, eye washes, in the form of 5-10% ointments and powders for inflammatory skin diseases.

A 1-5% alcoholic boric acid solution is used as an antiseptic in the form of ear drops for otitis media.

Salicylic acid has antimicrobial, distracting, irritating and keratolytic effects. It is used for skin diseases and for the treatment of infected wounds in the form of powders (2-5%), ointments, pastes and alcohol solutions (1-10%). Included in the drug: Lassara paste, Teymurov paste, callus plaster, Persalan and etc.


Antiseptics related to nitrofuran derivatives are characterized by high antimicrobial activity and relatively low toxicity to humans.

Furacilin has a wide spectrum of action. Externally, furatsilin is used in the form of solutions of 1: 5000 for the treatment of purulent wounds, ulcers, burns, bedsores; for washing body cavities during purulent inflammatory processes in them; for rinsing the mouth and throat for stomatitis, sore throat; with conjunctivitis in the form eye drops and many other diseases. It is sometimes prescribed internally for bacterial dysentery. Included in the drug "Furaplast" for the treatment of abrasions, scratches, cuts and other soft skin injuries.


Detergents (from Latin - detergeo - to wash, clean) are surfactants that can change the surface tension of water, thereby helping to cleanse the skin and various objects from fat, foreign particles, microorganisms, i.e. have cleaning properties. In addition, they change the permeability of cell membranes of microorganisms and disrupt the transport of substances through the microbial cell membrane.

Degmicide, Rokkal, Hibiscrub, Zerigel used to treat surgeon's hands, surgical field, for disinfection of surgical instruments, etc.

Miramistin (septomirin) is an antiseptic of the group of cationic detergents. It is used in the form of a 0.01% solution for the treatment of wounds, burns, osteomyelitis, inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs, urethritis, prostatitis, chlamydia, fungal skin lesions.

Heavy metal salts

The mechanism of the antimicrobial action of metal salts in low concentrations is associated with blocking the sulfhydryl groups of microbial enzymes.

Salts of heavy metals also have a local effect on tissue: astringent, irritating, cauterizing. It depends on the ability of metal ions to form albuminates when interacting with proteins. If coagulation of tissue proteins occurs in the most superficial layers of the tissue, the tissue becomes compacted and a film is formed - an astringent effect. With deeper penetration of the substance, cell irritation occurs and nerve endings. If the coagulation of proteins covers a large number of cells and causes their death (necrosis), an irreversible cauterizing effect occurs.

Antimicrobial and local action increases with increasing drug concentration, duration of action and degree of dissociation. The strength of their antimicrobial action is significantly reduced in the presence of pus and blood, because they react with all proteins, regardless of nature.

LS silver. How is an antiseptic used? silver nitrate(lapis). In small concentrations (1-2%) it has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, and in high concentrations(5% or more) - cauterizing. Used for the treatment of skin ulcers, erosions, cracks, in ophthalmology for conjunctivitis, blenorrhea, for rinsing urethra And Bladder, as well as for cauterization of warts and excess granulations.

Protargol and collargol are non-dissociating silver compounds. They do not have a cauterizing effect on tissue. Their solutions are used for washing the urethra and bladder (1-3% solutions), for blenorrhea, blepharitis, conjunctivitis (1-3% solutions), for lubricating the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, for rhinitis (1-5% solution).

In acute poisoning with salts of heavy metals, when the poison gets inside, acute abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea mixed with mucus and blood, headaches, a metallic taste and a burning sensation in the mouth occur. Help with poisoning is to rinse the stomach with water activated carbon When prescribing saline laxatives, a 5% solution of unithiol is injected into the muscle or under the skin to neutralize the poison.

Combined disinfectantsmultifunctional use

These products are produced on the basis of quaternary ammonium compounds, polyhexamethylene guanidine, aldehydes, organic acids, and alcohols. Polidez, Descocid, KDI, KDP, Hexadecone, Slavin have disinfectant, anti-corrosion, and deodorizing properties.

A number of drugs have antiseptic properties of plant origin: Chlorophyllipt - from eucalyptus leaves; calendula tincture, eucalyptus tincture,“Rotokan”, “Mirramil” - combination medicines containing extracts of chamomile, yarrow, calendula and many other medicines.

Drug name, synonyms, storage conditions Release forms Methods of application
Chloraminum B Powder 1-2% solutions for washing wounds, wetting napkins; 0.25-0.5% solutions for treating hands and non-metallic instruments; 1-5% solutions for disinfection of care items and secretions
Chlorhexidini bigluconas (Hibiscrab, Plivasept) Flak. 4%. 5%, 20% solution - 300 ml, 500 ml 0.02-0.05% solutions for washing cavities, eyes, wounds; 0.5-1% solutions for treating hands and instruments, 0.1% solution for disinfection
Sebidinum, Drill Official table 1 table each every 2-4 hours until completely dissolved in the mouth
Sol. Iodi spirituosa (B) Flak. 5% solution - 10 ml Amp. 5% - 1 ml For treating the surgical field and wound edges
Iodinolum(B) Flak. 100 ml For the treatment of wounds, ulcers, burns For washing the tonsils Drops in the ear, nose
Phenolum (Acidum carbolicum) (B) Flak. 3% glycerin solution- 10 ml Ear drops (10 drops 2-3 times a day, warm)
Ichthyolum Ointment 10% and 20% - 15.0; 25.0 Candles 0.2 For affected areas of skin, 1 suppository into the rectum 1-2 times a day
Pix liquida Betulae Ointment and liniment 10% -30.0 On the affected areas of the skin
Sol. Formaldehydi (Formalinum) Flak. 10% solution 100 ml (official solution) Externally 0.5-1% solution; 0.05-0.1% for douching
Sol. Hydrogenii peroxydidiluta Official 3% solution in a bottle Externally for treating skin, wounds, etc.
Sol. Hydrogenii peroxydi concentrata (Perhydrolum) (B) Official solution 27.5-31% solution in a bottle Mix with water 1:10. used for washing, rinsing
Kalii permanganas Powder 0.1% - 0.5% solution for washing wounds, 0.01-0.05% solution for rinsing the mouth and washing cavities; in case of poisoning for gastric lavage; 2-5% solution for lubricating burns and ulcers
Viride nitens Flak. 1% and 2% alcohol solution- 10 ml and 15 ml On affected areas of skin and mucous membranes
Methylenum coeruleum Powder 1-3% alcohol solutions externally; 0.02% water solution for rinsing the bladder
Aethacridini lactas (Rivanolum) (B) Powder 0.05-0.2% aqueous solution for rinsing, douching, powder, ointment, paste - externally
Acidum boricum Flac powder. 3% alcohol solution - 10 ml Externally in powders, ointments Drops in the ear (3-5 drops 2-3 times a day)
Acidum salicylicum Flac powder. 1% alcohol solution - 40 ml Externally for application to the skin
Furacilinum (B) Powder Table 0.1 0.02% solutions for washing and rinsing
Degmicidum, Roccalum Flak. 100 ml; 250 ml; 500 ml For treating hands, care items, tools, etc.
Argenti nitras (A) Powder 2-10% solutions for lubricating the skin and cauterizing 1-2% eye ointments and solutions 0.25% -0.5% solutions for lubricating mucous membranes
Collargolum (B) Protargolum Powder 1-3% solutions for rinsing; 1-5% solutions for lubricating mucous membranes
Miramistinum (Septomirinum) Flak. 0.01% solution - 100 ml On a burn or wound surface 2-3 ml into the urethra 1-2 ml into the external auditory canal
Chlorophylliptum Flak. 1% alcohol solution - 100 ml Flak. 2% oil solution- 20 ml Externally for washing, rinsing

Control questions

1. What is the mechanism of action of halogen-containing antiseptics based on?

2. What is an alcohol solution of iodine used for?

3. What is the mechanism of the antimicrobial action of oxidizing agents?

4. What antiseptics are dyes?

5. In what cases is furatsilin solution used?

6. What antiseptics can be used to treat the surgeon’s hands?

7. Name herbal antiseptics.

Tests for consolidation

1. Iodine tincture has an effect:

a) Antimicrobial;

b) Antifungal;

c) Cauterizing;

d) Enveloping;

d) Anesthetic.

2. Potassium permanganate:

a) Is an oxidizing agent

b) Has an astringent effect;

c) Activated by catalase;

d) Eliminates molecular oxygen;

e) Has a cauterizing effect.

3. Chlorhexidine:

a) Is a dye;

b) Used as a 20% solution;

c) Used as a 0.5% solution;

d) Disinfects the surgical field;

d) Used for conjunctivitis.

4. Aliphatic antiseptics include:

a) Ethyl alcohol;

b) Formaldehyde solution;

c) Zinc sulfate;

d) Birch tar.

5. For microbial conjunctivitis, you can prescribe:

a) Chlorhexidine;

b) Zerigel;

c) Zinc sulfate;

Certain medicines are used to destroy germs on objects, instruments and environment– disinfection, or topically for surface treatment human body and its cavities - antiseptics. In accordance with this, a distinction is made between disinfectants used for disinfection and antiseptics. Of course, this division is quite arbitrary, since many substances known as antiseptics can be used to disinfect objects and tools and vice versa. Certain antiseptics are used to influence microorganisms localized in gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.

The Viennese doctor Ignatius Semmelweis (1818-1865) began to fight for cleanliness in hospitals. To the laughter of his colleagues, he washed his hands in chlorine water before making his rounds. He tried to overcome “hospital death” with a piece of bleach, introducing antiseptic into the clinic. Semmelweis's innovations seemed eccentricities unworthy of a doctor. And he paid for them. He was misunderstood, condemned, ridiculed and kicked out of the Viennese clinic. He spent the last two weeks of his life in a mental hospital. And the cause of death was the same “hospital death”, since during one of his last operations he cut his finger and became infected.

A week before Semmelweis' death, the English doctor Joseph Lister performed the first operation under antiseptic conditions. He used a solution of phenol (carbolic acid) to prevent infection from entering through the surgical wound. Subsequently, the Viennese surgeon Theodor Billroth, an authoritative specialist with whom Pirogov himself consulted, insisted on washing and ventilating the hospital premises and dressed the doctors in white coats.

As you can see, sanitation and antiseptics had difficulty making their way even to doctors’ workplaces.

The mechanism of action of antiseptics and disinfectants is usually associated with the coagulation of cell proteins. Since protein is the basis of life, microbes die, but... so do human cells. Fortunately, it is resistant to chemical exposure outer layer of skin makes it possible local use antiseptics, but they should not irritate tissues, cause allergic reactions, be highly toxic and should be minimally absorbed at the site of application.

Disinfectants, in turn, should not damage the objects being treated or have an unpleasant odor.

Currently, many substances belonging to various chemical classes are used as antiseptics and disinfectants. The main characteristics of these substances are given in Table 3.11.1.

Table 3.11.1. General characteristics of the main groups of antiseptics and disinfectants
Group of substances and main drugs Application Note
Halogens and halogen-containing compounds
iodine(alcohol solution) Has an irritating and distracting effect
Iodinol Treatment of mucous membranes, purulent wounds, infected burns, trophic and varicose ulcers. Decomposes under the influence of alkalis
monalazone disodium (Pantocide) Disinfection of water, treatment of medical staff's hands and wounds Practically does not change the taste of water
sodium hypochlorite Treatment of skin, mucous membranes, wounds Avoid contact with eyes
polyvidone-iodine (Betadine) Treatment of skin and mucous membranes, treatment of hands medical personnel Cannot be combined with other antiseptics and disinfectants
sodium tosylchloramide (Chloramine B) Treatment of wounds and hands of medical staff, non-metallic instruments Has deodorizing properties (eliminates unpleasant odors)
chlorhexidine (Plivasept) Treatment of the surgeon's hands, surgical field, wounds, bladder, sterilization of surgical instruments, prevention venereal diseases Should not be used to treat the conjunctiva or rinse cavities.
Oxidizing agents
benzoyl peroxide Juvenile acne
hydrogen peroxide (Hydrogen peroxide) Helps stop bleeding
potassium permanganate Washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, treating ulcers and burns, douching and rinsing in gynecological and urological practice. Gastric lavage for poisoning with phosphorus, morphine and other alkaloids Do not allow powder to come into contact with skin
carbamide peroxide (Hydroperit) Treatment of mucous membranes and wounds

Acids and alkalis
boric acid Treatment of mucous membranes (including conjunctiva), skin. Pediculosis
sodium tetraborate(Bura) Skin treatment, douching Cannot be used in childhood
salicylic acid Leather processing
Alcohols and aldehydes
ethanol Treatment of skin, disinfection of instruments, treatment of surgeon's hands, surgical field A 70% solution is more suitable for treating skin, as it penetrates deeper into the skin than 95%
formaldehyde Hand washing, skin treatment, disinfection of instruments, douching, sweating
methenamine (Hexamethylenetetramine) Microbial lesions urinary tract(ureter, bladder, urethra) IN acidic environment(during inflammatory processes the environment becomes acidified) decomposes with the release of formaldehyde, which has antiseptic effect
Metal salts
mercury chloride(Corrosive sublimate) Disinfection of linen, clothing, dishes, premises Highly toxic. Do not allow contact with skin, mucous membranes, or oral cavity.
mercury amidochloride Leather processing
silver nitrate(Lapis) Treatment of skin and mucous membranes Incompatible with organic compounds, chlorides, bromides, iodides
zinc sulfate Treatment of mucous membranes, douching
zinc oxide Skin diseases, diaper rash in children
Phenols and related
carbolic acid (Phenol) Disinfection of objects, premises, tools, linen Absorbed from mucous membranes
resorcinol Leather processing
biclotymol Treatment of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose
polycresulene (Vagotil) Treatment of mucous membranes in gynecology, skin, ulcers, burns, wounds, oral mucosa
brilliant green Treatment of minor skin lesions
methylthioninium chloride (Methylene blue) Treatment of skin, washing of cavities, as an antidote for poisoning with cyanide, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide
eosin Treatment of skin, wounds, mucous membranes Avoid contact with eyes
Tars, resins, petroleum products
and the like
birch tar Treatment of wounds, ulcers, bedsores Used in complex ointments
ichthammol (Ichthyol) Leather processing Incompatible in solutions with iodine salts, alkaloids, salts of heavy metals
Vinylin (Shostakovsky Balm) Treatment of trophic ulcers, wounds, burns, boils, carbuncles
citral Mainly in ophthalmology and for the treatment of cracked nipples in nursing mothers Has an anti-inflammatory effect

(cationic soaps)
benzododecinium bromide Treatment of the surgical field and wounds
Miramistin Treatment of skin and mucous membranes, wounds, burns, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. Universal personal care product
aethonium Treatment of skin and mucous membranes, wounds, ulcers Has a local anesthetic effect, stimulates wound healing
Other substances
nitrofural (Furacilin) Treatment of skin and mucous membranes, wounds, washing of cavities
ambazon Treatment of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and larynx
picloxidine Treatment of the mucous membrane of the eyes
sanguiritrin Treatment of skin, mucous membranes, wounds, burns

One of the representatives of a large group of antiseptics - halogens and halogen-containing compounds - is the drug Betadine ® Hungarian company “Egis”.

Betadine is a complex compound of the antiseptic iodine ( active substance) and an inert carrier polyvinylpyrrolidone (synthetic polymer). This complex compound ensures a gradual and uniform release of iodine, resulting in a significant reduction in its irritating effect.

Iodine, as is known, belongs to the group of halogen antiseptics and has a wide spectrum of antimicrobial action. It is active against various types of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, fungi, viruses and protozoa. The bactericidal nature of iodine is due to its strong oxidizing properties; iodine actively interacts with the amino acids of proteins, as a result of which their catalytic and enzymatic activity is lost. The structure of bacterial transmembrane proteins and bacterial enzymes that do not have membrane protection are disrupted.

Antimicrobial activity active substance(iodine) allows the use of Betadine ®, in particular, for the prevention of inflammatory diseases after surgical interventions in gynecology (for example, after termination of pregnancy), invasive manipulations (installation intrauterine devices, diathermocoagulation and others), for the prevention and treatment of bacterial vaginitis. In addition, with for preventive purposes Betadine ® can be used in the premenstrual period in women with frequent relapses bacterial vaginosis, since it is in this phase that the vaginal pH rises, which can help activate the growth of anaerobes. It is possible to use Betadine ® in situations of unprotected sexual intercourse or condom rupture, as well as as an alternative to frequent vaginal douches and douching.

In the last 10 years wide use received antiseptics and disinfectants based on surfactants. Soaps, which belong to the group of anionic surfactants, physically remove dirt, surface secretions and flaking layers of skin along with the bacteria they contain. Cationic surfactants, changing the permeability of the cell membrane, cause cell destruction and death of microorganisms ( bactericidal effect ).

One of the effective representatives of the group of cationic surfactant antiseptics is domestic drug Miramistin ®(produced by ZAO Infamed). Creation problem universal remedy personal hygiene has arisen since the beginning of long-term orbital flights space stations. For the crews of long-lived astronauts, an antiseptic was required, which, on the one hand, would protect the body from any infection, and on the other, would be absolutely harmless to it. The result of many years of work by scientists was the development of miramistin, a drug based on a complex fatty acid derivative.

Miramistin ® has a very wide spectrum of antimicrobial action (any infection!), stimulates the immune system, and accelerates the healing process of wounds. It is highly effective both for the prevention of wound suppuration and for the treatment of purulent-septic processes. In this regard, miramistin is used in surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, traumatology, burn therapy, otorhinolaryngology and other areas of medicine.

Miramistin ® is also indispensable in your home medicine cabinet. Wherever there is a danger of infection by microorganisms, fungi and even viruses (herpes, influenza, adenovirus), Miramistin can be used. This drug can be used to gargle for sore throats, mouth for stomatitis, and treat sun and household burns. It can be instilled into the nose for a runny nose and acute respiratory viral infections. Miramistin will help cope with fungal skin diseases and painlessly disinfect various abrasions, cuts and scratches.

And one more very important advantage of Miramistin: with its help you can prevent sexually transmitted diseases. The use of this drug in accordance with the instructions is an excellent means of individual prevention and allows you to avoid diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, candidiasis, genital herpes and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Many drugs obtained from medicinal plants, in particular Canephron ® N German company “Bionorica”.

Below are preparations from the group of antiseptics and disinfectants, about which you can learn more by visiting the website.

[Tradename(composition or characteristics) pharmachologic effect dosage forms firm]

Angi Sept Doctor Theiss(anethole + dichlorobenzyl alcohol + menthol + peppermint oil) local irritant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic table Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Argosulfan(silver sulfathiazole) antibacterial cream Jelfa S.A.(Poland)

Acerbin antimicrobial, wound healing solution external Montavit(Austria)

Balyan (trademark “MB”) – L-gel lubricant with Australian tea tree oil antiseptic, lubricant gel MB PHARMA

Balyan (trademark “MB”) – Shower gel based on Australian tea tree oil(medicinal and cosmetic product) dermatotropic shower gel MB PHARMA(Russia), prod.: Dr. Muller Pharma (Czech Republic)

Balyan (trademark “MB”) – Intimate cleansing gel with Australian tea tree oil(medicinal and cosmetic product) antiseptic, deodorizing gel MB PHARMA(Russia), prod.: Dr. Muller Pharma (Czech Republic)

Balyan (trade mark “MB”) – Lubricant gel with Australian tea tree oil(medicinal and cosmetic product) antiseptic, lubricant gel MB PHARMA(Russia), prod.: Dr. Muller Pharma (Czech Republic)

Balyan (trademark “MB”) – Foot cream with Australian tea tree oil(medicinal and cosmetic product) dermatotropic, deodorizing foot cream MB PHARMA(Russia), prod.: Dr. Muller Pharma (Czech Republic)

Balyan (trademark “MB”) – Australian tea tree oil(medicinal and cosmetic product) antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, soothing oil MB PHARMA(Russia), prod.: Dr. Muller Pharma (Czech Republic)

Balyan (trademark “MB”) – Nourishing body milk based on Australian tea tree oil(medicinal and cosmetic product) dermatotropic, nourishing, anti-inflammatory body milk MB PHARMA(Russia), prod.: Dr. Muller Pharma (Czech Republic)

Betadine(povidone-iodine) ointment; liquid soap; solution external; supp.vag. Egis(Hungary)

Vagotil(polycresulene) antibacterial, antiprotozoal solution external Pabianickie Zaklady Farmaceutyczne Polfa(Poland)

Vitabact(picloxidine) antiseptic eye drops Laboratoires Novartis Ophthalmics(France)

Hexicon(chlorhexidine) antibacterial, antiseptic supp.vag. Nizhpharm(Russia)

Damisept(means medical purposes) disinfectant, antiseptic wipes with disinfectant solution Profit(Russia)

Dr. Theiss acne cream(bentonite + biosulfur + glycerin + sodium tetraborate + triclosan) antimicrobial, antibacterial (bactericidal) cream Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Dr. Theiss acne lotion(glycerin + cocamidopropyl betaine + sodium chloride + phenoxypropanol) antiseptic, antibacterial (bactericidal) lotion Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Dr. Theiss calendula ointment anti-inflammatory, wound healing, antibacterial ointment Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Dr. Theiss cough syrup with plantain(herbal product) expectorant, antimicrobial syrup Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Dr. Theiss sage extract with vitamin C(ascorbic acid + sage oil + sage extract) antiseptic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, hemostatic table d/rass. Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Dr. Theiss echinacea extract(menthol + echinacea extract) antiseptic, immunostimulating table d/rass. Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Drapolene(benzalkonium chloride + cetrimide) antiseptic, disinfectant cream for children GlaxoSmithKline(Great Britain)

Yoddicerin(glycerin + dimexide + iodine) antiseptic, anti-inflammatory local rr erased. Farmak(Ukraine)

Iodoxide(povidone-iodine) antiseptic supp.vag. Nizhpharm(Russia)

Calendula Doctor Theiss lip balm(medicinal and cosmetic product) local anti-inflammatory, regenerating external balm Dr. Theiss Naturwaren(Germany)

Canephron H(herbal product) diuretic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, stimulating blood circulation dragee; solution for oral administration Bionorica(Germany)

Cathegel with lidocaine(lidocaine + chlorhexidine) antiseptic, local anesthetic external gel Montavit(Austria)

Cosmetic foot cream “Pirouette”(medicinal and cosmetic product) improves microcirculation foot cream Dawn(Russia)

Curiosin(zinc hyaluronate) regenerating, antimicrobial external gel; solution external Gedeon Richter(Hungary)

Ligenten(gentamicin + lidocaine + etonium) antibacterial, antiseptic, local anesthetic gel Bryntsalov-A(Russia)

Metrogil Denta(metronidazole + chlorhexidine) antibacterial, antiprotozoal (trichomonacid), antiseptic gel for gums Unique(India)

Miramistin solution 0.01%(miramistin) antiseptic rr Infamed(Russia)

Naftalan oil liniment 10%(Naftalan oil) anti-inflammatory, antiseptic linim. RETINOIDS(Russia)

neo-angina N(herbal product) antiseptic table M.C.M. KLOSTERFRAU(Germany)

Even a minor injury can cause serious problems with health. Open wounds are especially dangerous. Bacteria and viruses can enter the affected area. Purulent infection often leads to blood poisoning, and this is a serious threat to life. Therefore, even the smallest wound must be properly treated with an antiseptic.

How to properly treat a wound?

Pharmacies have a huge number of antiseptic drugs that have antimicrobial and antiviral effect. But before using any medication, you must carefully study the instructions. The same alcohol, if used incorrectly, can cause a burn. It is better to entrust the treatment of wounds to a specialist. What to do if there is no way to go to the emergency room? There are a few rules to remember.

First of all open wound It is necessary to treat with soap (preferably laundry soap) and running water. Soap solution helps deal with germs. Antiseptic for wound treatment initial stage may not be needed. If the damage is deep enough, you cannot do without medication. And simple treatment with an antiseptic will not be enough. After the bleeding has stopped, apply a gauze bandage.

You should carefully choose an antiseptic for treating wounds in the eye and mouth area. It's very soft skin. Alcohol-based products may cause burns. It is recommended to treat the injured area with a weak aqueous solution.

Hydrogen peroxide

This is the most popular antiseptic for wound treatment. For minor injuries, use a 3% solution. at 6% concentration may cause severe skin burns. This substance is used only for storing and sterilizing medical instruments. Treatment of wounds with peroxide is accompanied by the formation of foam. This removes dirt and dead skin cells. The 3% solution is excellent for both washing superficial wounds and disinfecting mucous membranes.

Hydrogen peroxide is most often used to treat a child's wound. Reviews from parents show that the product does not cause negative emotions in kids. After all, there is no pain or itching during the procedure. In addition, hydrogen peroxide has an affordable price. A 40 ml bottle can be purchased for just 10 rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide should not be used to treat already healing abrasions and other skin damage. Reviews show that wounds heal much longer if this antiseptic is used. The fact is that peroxide has a negative effect on young rumen cells. But for primary processing This remedy is ideal for wounds.

Aqueous solution of the drug "Furacilin"

The antiseptic is not sold in ready-made form in pharmacies. It is available only by prescription. An alcohol solution can be obtained without problems, but it can only be used for treatment purulent diseases ear. Water solution You can prepare Furacilin products at home yourself. To do this, take 10 tablets of the drug and dissolve it in one liter of warm boiled water. The medicine can be used in the form of a spray. If you take much less liquid, you will get an antiseptic paste.

An aqueous solution of the drug "Furacilin" is a mild agent. According to reviews, this antiseptic is ideal for treating mucous membranes. It can also be used to treat wounds on delicate baby skin. The drug "Furacilin" is also used for skin suppuration. The product helps quickly remove the infection and promotes healing. Antiseptic paste can be used for dressing postoperative sutures. 10 tablets of "Furacilin" in pharmacies cost about 35 rubles.


One-component alcohol-containing solution is most often used for treating wounds and postoperative sutures. Provides optimal antimicrobial activity medical alcohol 70% concentration. This substance is quite aggressive. Alcohol-based wound antiseptics are not acceptable when treating mucous membranes. It is worth remembering that this substance is quickly absorbed into the blood. Therefore, such drugs are also not recommended for use in children.

Primary wound treatment can be done 40% ethyl alcohol. In this case, it is necessary to treat not only the injured area itself, but also its outskirts. Next, a sterile bandage is applied to the wound. In the future, you should choose more gentle antiseptics for wounds. Alcohol will only worsen the healing process.

Chlorhexidine bigluconate

This drug, produced in Russia, has a fairly wide spectrum of action. This antiseptic for wound treatment affects not only viruses and bacteria, but also copes with some types of fungal infections. The drug can be used for the initial treatment of injured areas, as well as to accelerate the healing of purulent wounds. A small amount of chlorhexidine will be enough to kill pathogens on the affected area of ​​the skin.

You can find it in pharmacies various drugs, the main component of which is chlorhexidine. Antiseptic gel can be used on mucous membranes. You can also find medicines in the form of tablets and suppositories. According to patient reviews, such drugs are ideal for healing vaginal wounds. The cost of Chrolhexidine suppositories in pharmacies ranges from 150 to 200 rubles.

The drug "Miramistin"

The drug has high activity in the fight against many pathogenic microorganisms. In pharmacies you can find the drug in the form of an aqueous solution or ointment. The doctor will tell you which antiseptic is best suited in a particular case. To treat deep purulent wounds, ointment is most often used. It is applied to the affected area once a day. The wound is pre-treated with hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.

Miramistin does not affect the membranes of human cells. This means that the drug has a mild effect. It does not cause burns or peeling of the skin. In addition, the antiseptic perfectly fights bacteria that have developed immunity to antibiotics. The drug is often used to treat purulent infections in a hospital setting.

Miramistin is non-toxic. It can be used during pregnancy and lactation. The medication can be prescribed to treat deep wounds in children. Many parents note that the drug speeds up the recovery process of injured areas. In addition, children do not complain of pain or burning during treatment. The cost of this antiseptic in pharmacies is about 250 rubles.

Potassium permanganate solution

Potassium permanganate has pronounced antiseptic properties. Even 20 years ago, powdered potassium permanganate could be obtained without special problems. The solution was prepared quite simply. Just a few crystals of powder were enough to prepare a liter of antiseptic. But such a remedy had beneficial properties only for the first few hours.

Today, the mentioned remedy can be found in pharmacies in the form of a ready-made concentrated solution. Antiseptic preparations based on potassium permanganate can only be used in a hospital setting. First of all, because the product is not compatible with all medications. For example, combining potassium permanganate with hydrogen peroxide can cause severe burns. It is not recommended to use this antiseptic for children. The solution has an effect on pathogenic microbes only temporarily. After drying antiseptic properties disappear.


This is a universal antiseptic that has antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory effects. An alcohol solution of iodine is used to treat wounds, as well as purulent rashes. Postoperative sutures can also be treated with this antiseptic.

It is not recommended to apply iodine to an open wound. Only the edges of the damaged area of ​​skin are treated. The solution may cause severe chemical burn. As a result, rough scarring occurs and the healing process is prolonged.

Povidone-iodine product

An iodine-based drug that has a less toxic effect on tissue. It is known that an alcohol solution of iodine is incompatible with other antiseptics. In addition, it can provide negative impact on thyroid gland. The drug "Povidone-iodine" has a milder effect. Children can also use this wound antiseptic. The spray is used both to treat small injured areas and to treat purulent skin diseases. Deep wounds processed only around the edges.

Brilliant green solution

Without this antiseptic it is impossible to imagine a single home first aid kit. Previously, this remedy was used from birth. It was brilliant green that was used to treat the umbilical wound. Today there are other, more modern antiseptic drugs. But the solution of brilliant green has not lost its relevance. First of all, many are pleased with the price. You can buy a bottle of brilliant green in pharmacies for only 8-10 rubles. The product is also offered in a more convenient form - in the form of a marker. Zelenka can be easily applied to the affected area without getting dirty.

Like iodine, brilliant green is mainly used to treat only the edges of wounds. The product can cause intoxication and burns. As soon as fresh scar tissue begins to appear in the wound, the use of the drug is stopped.

Medicine "Fukortsin"

Antiseptic for external use, the main components of which are boric acid and acetone. In pharmacies, the medicine "Fukortsin" is offered in dosages of 10, 25, and 50 ml. The cost of the smallest bottle does not exceed 10 rubles. The medication has many positive reviews. Patients note that the antiseptic promotes rapid scarring of wounds and has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

When applying the Fukortsin medication to the wound, you may feel pain and burning. Unpleasant sensations pass within a few minutes. It is not recommended to apply the antiseptic to large areas of skin. The drug is absorbed into the blood. An overdose may cause dizziness and weakness.

An antiseptic is applied to the affected area of ​​skin several times a day. After the product has dried, compresses, ointments and pastes can be applied to the wound. As soon as scarring of the damaged tissue begins, the use of the drug "Fukortsin" is stopped.

The drug can also be used as part of complex therapy in the treatment of fungal skin diseases. The antifungal effect is provided due to the phenol included in the drug. Inflamed areas are wiped with a cotton swab dipped in the solution. The duration of treatment may depend on the form of the disease, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

Chapter 28.


Antiseptics are broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents. They have relatively high toxicity to humans; are mainly used locally.

Similar preparations used to disinfect environmental objects (rooms, patient care items, medical instruments, etc.) are called disinfectants.

There are 9 groups of antiseptics:

1) halogen-containing compounds,

2) aromatic compounds,

3) compounds of the aliphatic series,

4) dyes,

5) oxidizing agents,

6) nitrofuran derivatives,

7) acids and alkalis,

8) metal salts,

9) detergents.

28.1. Halogen-containing compounds

Chlorine and iodine preparations are used as antiseptics. Chloramine B contains active chlorine. It has antiseptic and deodorizing properties (eliminates unpleasant odors). Solutions of chloramine B are used to treat infected wounds (1-2%), to disinfect the skin of hands (0.25-0.5%) and patient care items (1-3%).

Chlorhexidineacts on bacteria, fungi of the genus Candida , Trichomonas. Does not affect disputes. Used in solutions for treating the surgeon’s hands and the surgical field - 0.5% alcohol solution; for gingivitis, stomatitis, wound infections, in gynecological practice 0.05% aqueous solution; for rinsing the bladder - 0.02% aqueous solution.

Alcohol iodine solution 5% used as an antiseptic when treating abrasions and scratches.

Povidone-iodine(betadine) - a complex of iodine with polyvinylpyrrolidone. It has antibacterial, antifungal and antiprotozoal effects associated with the release of free iodine. It is used to treat the skin of patients before and after operations. In the form of 0.5-1% solutions, they are used to treat wounds, burns, infectious lesions skin. Vaginal suppositories are prescribed for acute and chronic vaginitis(trichomoniasis, candidiasis).

Iodinol -an aqueous solution containing iodine, potassium iodide and polyvinyl alcohol. Used externally for chronic tonsillitis, purulent otitis, trophic ulcers.

28.2. Aromatic compounds (phenol group)

Carbolic acid (phenol) acts mainly on vegetative forms of bacteria and fungi and little on spores.

Used in the form of 1-3% solutions for disinfecting linen and patient care items.

It has a pronounced irritating and cauterizing effect. Absorbed through the skin, it can cause dizziness, respiratory depression, convulsions, and vascular collapse.

Resorcinolacts on vegetative forms of bacteria and fungi. It is used for bacterial and fungal skin lesions in the form of 2-5% solutions and 5-10% ointments.

Birch tar contains phenol and its derivatives. Has an antiseptic and insecticidal effect. In combination with xeroform and castor oil, it is part of balsamic liniment according to A.V. Vishnevsky(Vishnevsky ointment), which is used to treat wounds and ulcers.

28.3. Aliphatic compounds

Ethanol70-95% denatures proteins and has a bactericidal effect. A concentration of 70% is used to treat the surgeon’s hands and the patient’s skin. In this concentration, ethyl alcohol has a deeper antiseptic effect on the skin (penetrates the ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands).

In concentrations of 90-95%, ethyl alcohol is used for disinfection - disinfection of surgical instruments, catheters, etc.

Formaldehydeacts on bacteria, fungi, viruses. Formaldehyde solutions of 0.5-1% are used as a disinfectant and deodorizing agent for treating the skin of the feet, as well as for disinfecting instruments.

Methenamine(urotropine) in the acidic environment of the urinary tract releases formaldehyde. Used orally in tablets for urinary tract infections.

28.4. Dyes

Diamond green used externally in the form of 1-2% aqueous or alcohol solutions to lubricate the skin at pyoderma and eyelid margins with blepharitis.

Methylthioniniumchloride (methylene blue) is less effective than brilliant green. Applied as 1% alcohol solution for pyoderma, as well as at a concentration of 0.02% for washing the urethra and bladder.

Ethacridine(rivanol) is used in solutions of 0.05-0.1% for the treatment of wounds, washing cavities during purulent processes. For treatment skin diseases use 3% ointment.

28.5. Oxidizing agents

Potassium permanganate has a pronounced antimicrobial effect due to the release of atomic oxygen. It also has deodorizing properties. Solutions of the drug 0.01-0.05% are used for washing wounds, rinsing the mouth and throat, for douching, and washing the urethra.

In higher concentrations (2-5%) potassium permanganate has an astringent and cauterizing effect, which can be used in the treatment of ulcers and burns.

Hydrogen peroxide solution (3%) upon contact with tissues under the influence of catalase, it decomposes with the release of molecular oxygen, which, compared to atomic oxygen, has a significantly weaker antiseptic effect.

Due to the intense release of oxygen, the hydrogen peroxide solution foams strongly. The resulting foam removes particles of foreign bodies and dead tissue, blood clots, and pus from the surface of the skin and from wound cavities and thus helps cleanse wounds.

The drug is used to treat contaminated and purulent wounds, to rinse the mouth for stomatitis, sore throats.

28.6. Nitrofuran derivatives

Nitrofuran derivatives are used as an antiseptic nitrofural(furacilin), effective against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria.

An aqueous solution of nitrofuran 0.02% is used to rinse the mouth and throat for stomatitis, sore throats, and for washing purulent wounds.

28.7. Acids and alkalis

Boric acidin the form of a 2% solution it is used in ophthalmic practice, and 3% for dermatitis and pyoderma.

Ammonia solution(ammonia) contains 9.5-10.5% ammonia. Has antiseptic and detergent properties. Used to wash the hands of medical personnel before surgical operations(25 ml per 5 liters of water).

28.8. Metal salts

Salts Hg, Ag, Zn, Bi bind sulfhydryl groups ( SH-rpyn py) enzymes of microorganisms and have a bactericidal effect. At higher concentrations, these compounds exhibit astringent and cauterizing properties.

Mercury dichloride(sublimate) in solutions of 1:1000-1:500 is used to disinfect linen and patient care items.

Mercury dichloride is highly toxic; easily absorbed through the skin. May cause severe poisoning. To treat poisoning with mercury compounds, unithiol and sodium thiosulfate are used (p. 359).

Other Hg salts -mercury oxycyanide, yellow mercury oxide are less toxic and are used as antiseptics for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, and mercury amidochloride - for skin infections.

Silver nitrate(lapis) in concentrations up to 2% has an antimicrobial effect, and in higher concentrations it acts as a cauterizing agent.

In low concentrations (0.5-1%) silver nitrate is used for infectious eye diseases (trachoma, conjunctivitis), and in higher concentrations - for the treatment of skin ulcers, erosions, cracks, as well as for the removal of excess granulations and warts.

Colloidal silver (collargol) in the form of 2% eye drops is used for purulent conjunctivitis; in a concentration of 1% - for washing the bladder in chronic cystitis, for treating purulent wounds.

Silver proteinate (protargol) is used in solutions as an antiseptic and astringent in ophthalmic practice (1-2%) and for inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract (to lubricate mucous membranes -3%).

Zinc sulfateas an antiseptic and astringent, it is used in solutions of 0,10,25% for conjunctivitis, laryngitis, urethritis.

Xeroform- bismuth compound. It has astringent and weak antiseptic properties. Included in balsamic liniment according to A.V. Vishnevsky.

28.9. Detergents

Detergents are substances with high surface activity. In this regard, they can have an antiseptic and detergent effect. There are anionic and cationic detergents. Anionic detergents include regular soaps(sodium or potassium salts fatty acids). Cationic detergents are mainly used as antiseptics, in particular benzalkonium chloride, cetylpyridinium chloride, miramistim.

Benzalkonium chloride has antibacterial, antiprotozoal and spermicidal effects. It is used for treating skin, mucous membranes, wounds, washing the bladder, urethra, and also for the purpose of contraception in women.

Cetylpyridinium chloride as part of the drug "Zerigel" it is used to treat hands before operations.

Miramistimused in the form of a 0.01% solution as an antiseptic in dental practice, for the treatment of infected wounds, burns, and for infectious diseases of the ENT organs and genitourinary system. Do not allow the solution to get into your eyes.


There are antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and antiprotozoal agents. Chemotherapeutic agents also include anthelmintic (anthelminthic) agents.

Exist general rules prescribing chemotherapeutic agents - basic principles of chemotherapy:

1) determination of the causative agent of an infectious disease;

2) determining the sensitivity of a given pathogen to chemotherapeutic agents and selecting the most effective and safe drugs;

3) possible earlier start of treatment (if in a threatening state the patient, without waiting for the pathogen to be identified, is prescribed broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic agents);

4) application is sufficient high doses chemotherapeutic agents (the first dose is usually doubled - loading dose);

5) carrying out a full course of treatment (premature cessation of treatment contributes to the formation of resistant forms of the pathogen);

6) if necessary, the combined use of chemotherapeutic agents to increase their effectiveness and prevent the development of stable forms pathogen.