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Constant colpitis. Chronic vaginitis: causes, symptoms and treatment methods

Many women experience inflammation of the mucous membranes of the genital organs, which causes a lot of trouble.

A fairly common disease is called colpitis. Symptoms and treatment in women have many features. Firstly, colpitis is not an independent disease, but clinical form an inflammatory process that can manifest itself for many reasons.

Colpitis is one of the most common ailments in women of reproductive age. The disease can manifest itself due to physical, mechanical and chemical factors.

Secondly, colpitis, which was caused by various reasons, also has different shapes course, symptoms. This disease can be cured only if the source of its occurrence is known.

The main causes of colpitis

Inflammatory processes that occur in the vagina are most often caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Together they constitute the normal microflora of the mucous membrane. But when conditions change, microorganisms can become a source serious illnesses. Due to their diversity, it can be quite difficult to determine the type of disease, therefore the symptoms of colpitis in each individual case manifest themselves individually.

Reasons why it may fail normal functioning pathogenic microorganisms:

  • reduced immunity;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • frequent stress and depression;
  • emotional and physical stress;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products.

Even a common cold can cause colpitis. Therefore, a woman should monitor her health. To exclude the possibility of developing the disease, you should healthy image life. Colpitis can be triggered by the most harmless organisms. For example, candida fungus, clostridia, gardnerella, and many others.

When the vaginal walls are injured, which occurs during childbirth, the mucous microflora becomes contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, including staphylococcus, coli. In addition, the proliferation of microorganisms occurs due to poor personal hygiene and abortion.

Before you start effective treatment illness, you need to decide what colpitis is and how it manifests itself. The very first signs of colpitis are unbearable itching and burning, discharge from the genitals. Also, during sexual intercourse, a woman can feel painful sensations.

Depending on the type of pathogen, the nature of vaginal discharge may vary. Also different women Those who suffer from colpitis may experience different amounts of discharge. Symptoms of the disease may appear as:

  • discomfort, cutting pains in the vagina;
  • painful sexual intercourse;
  • the formation of ichor from small cracks in the mucous membrane that has been injured;
  • malaise, general weakness;
  • increased discharge, bleeding;
  • redness and swelling of the external genitalia;
  • increased body temperature;
  • rare nausea, gag reflex.

When a woman notices symptoms of colpitis, the best decision is to visit a gynecologist. Because it can lead to serious consequences. There are cases that colpitis in a progressive form is a source of infertility.

Colpitis is accompanied by inflammatory processes that occur on the external genitalia. For example, vulvitis and inflammation of the cervix. At untimely treatment of these diseases, a woman can face many problems, including urethritis - dysfunction urethra.

Most often, colpitis manifests itself in the form of thrush, which causes a lot of trouble. Thrush is accompanied by incessant burning and itching. If you notice pain during sexual intercourse, you should urgently visit a gynecologist who can determine the cause and type of the disease.

Types of colpitis

Today, there are several forms of colpitis. Specific colpitis of the infectious type is formed when a sexually transmitted infection occurs. Symptoms of the disease appear very sharply and acutely.

In this case, the woman experiences purulent, mucous discharge, increased body temperature, and a rash on the body and genitals that itches. Infectious colpitis must be treated urgently. For example, Trichomonas colpitis should be treated with antibacterial medications.

Nonspecific colpitis is accompanied by an inflammatory process that has chronic nature. Colpitis during pregnancy manifests itself as unpleasant discharge who accompany the woman constantly. It must be treated comprehensively, since it is necessary to restore the protective function of the mucous membrane and the body’s overall resistance to the disease.

Atrophic colpitis, the treatment of which has a number of specific features, occurs in women of more mature age. It is associated with age-related changes and hormonal imbalance, as older people stop producing some important hormones and enzymes. In this case, thinning and dryness of the vaginal walls are observed, as well as susceptibility to various infectious diseases.

To minimize the risk of developing the disease, it is necessary to exclude the causes of colpitis. First of all, you should observe the rules of personal hygiene. Gynecologists recommend using special gentle, delicate products for care and cleaning. In addition, it is not recommended to do douching if there is no special instructions specialist, since these procedures can disrupt the natural microflora in the vagina.

A woman who is sexually active should use condoms, as they are not only good contraceptive, but also prevents the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases. It is also important to take an interest in the health of your sexual partner and undergo annual gynecological examination. You can avoid the development of colpitis with the help of proper, nutritious nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

An organism that receives the full required amount of vitamins and nutrients is protected from various diseases immunity. In addition, you need to avoid hypothermia and overheating.

A specialist can prescribe effective treatment for colpitis only after a comprehensive examination. Therefore, turning to a gynecologist is the right decision, since diagnosing the disease at home is quite difficult. Diagnosis of the disease consists of a bacteriological examination, which includes taking smears from cervical canal, vagina and urethra. In this case, each smear is taken separately.

A more accurate diagnostic method is colcoscopy. It allows you to detect mild inflammation. Examination of the vagina is necessary in order to detect areas of tissue damage. The procedure is carried out using a special small diameter tube, which is a microscope. Colcoscopy, which is carried out in combination with tissue staining with a special solution, is more informative and accurate. This method is used in almost every clinic that specializes in gynecology.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of colpitis can be prescribed only after a comprehensive diagnosis. It should eliminate not only the symptoms of the disease, but also its source. It must be treated promptly and promptly, since complications of colpitis can bring many unpleasant problems to a woman.

Drug treatment

Most often, its treatment is combined with restorative therapy, which eliminates associated complications. These include eubiotics that restore natural balance microorganisms of the vaginal mucosa.

Therefore, treatment must be carried out in a comprehensive manner. To fight infection, not only tablet antibiotics should be used, but also local drugs. For example, vaginal ointments, suppositories or gels. These include terzhinan, makmiror. Treatment of colpitis with suppositories allows you to eliminate the disease more quickly, while the woman can feel relief almost instantly.

Moreover, to eliminate colpitis, douching is prescribed, which is performed using antiseptic solutions. For example, chlorhexine, miramistin. But this procedure has a number of limitations. Firstly, douching should only be used as prescribed by a gynecologist. Secondly, the procedures can only be carried out for a limited number of days, as they disrupt the vaginal microflora. The course of douching treatment is approximately 3-4 days.

When the acute period of the disease is eliminated, you need to take complex vitamins, as they have a regenerative, restorative effect. To restore the body, you should consume vitamin A and E.

Treatment at home

Herbal medicine is used to combat the disease. Treatment of colpitis in women will be more effective if you use medicinal herbs in combination with medications, which are prescribed by the attending physician.

Decoctions and infusions of the following medicinal herbs are widely used:

  • nettle;
  • coltsfoot;
  • Salvia officinalis;
  • flowers of black elderberry, chamomile, St. John's wort;
  • pine buds;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

In order to prepare a decoction for douching from coltsfoot, you need to boil 50 grams. herbs in one liter of water. After this, the broth is cooled and filtered. You can use it 1-2 times a day for 3 days. But abuse folk remedies not possible, as they can cause irreparable harm health.

During pregnancy, a woman's body undergoes a restructuring of hormones and a weakening of the immune system. That is why in this period hidden symptoms appear in a pregnant woman pathological processes. Colpitis during pregnancy manifests itself sharply and clearly. It can be caused by either an infection or a violation of the vaginal microflora.

In any case, the disease is unfavorable and dangerous to the health of the unborn child. The risk for the newborn is that he or she may become infected at the time of birth. In this case, treatment of a pregnant woman should be delicate and careful.

The risk for a pregnant woman in this situation is determined by the possibility of infection spreading into the amniotic fluid. If the disease is not treated on time, it may manifest itself as endometritis or infertility in the future. Therefore, a pregnant woman needs to be more attentive to her health and well-being. When identifying the first signs of colpitis, you need to promptly visit your local gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy.

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy can be carried out using:

  • antibiotics;
  • immunomodulators;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • antibacterial medicines.

Most often, this disease appears as a consequence of the development of other diseases. If colpitis develops in women, its symptoms will be in the form of itching and discharge. If a woman is healthy, then the natural environment of the vagina has an acidic base, which does not allow infections to multiply. When the immune system is weak, bacteria may multiply, which subsequently leads to the development of inflammatory processes.

If treatment is not started on time, chronic colpitis develops, the treatment of which is much more difficult. Men are not susceptible to this disease, but it can be transmitted to them during sexual intercourse.

Colpitis is one of the most common diseases of the genitourinary system; it is inflammatory in nature. This disease affects approximately 35% of all women aged 20-45 years. This disease is especially dangerous during pregnancy, as it poses a danger to the fetus.

In most cases, this infectious disease occurs in adults, but children can also have certain forms. Signs of colpitis in women will be in the form heavy discharge, which smell unpleasant, itching appears and there may be swelling. Such discharge may be caused various diseases, including vaginosis, chlamydia, candidiasis and others.

Often this disease does not occur due to the action external infection, but becomes a consequence of inflammation that is already present in the body, for example, it was caused by gonococci, streptococci or E. coli.

What types of colpitis are there?

There are acute and chronic form the specified disease. Its acute form begins to develop suddenly. Its development will be indicated by the appearance of discharge, which can be very copious, itching appears in the vagina, a burning sensation occurs when urinating, and pain occurs in the lower abdomen.

The mucous membrane becomes swollen and takes on a red color, and with any impact on it, bleeding appears. Both internal and external genitalia can be affected by colpitis.

When self-medicating, a chronic form of colpitis very often develops. In this case, the disease is sluggish, periodically there are periods of exacerbation and remission. If you don't carry out timely treatment, then gradually the inflammatory process will spread further, and the inflammation may spread to the ovaries, the fallopian tubes and the uterus.

The most common is Trichomonas colpitis; it develops both in the vagina and in the urethra and cervix. In this case, the discharge from colpitis has a greenish-yellow tint and is foamy.

Often in gynecology only the development of vulvitis (inflammation of the external genital organs) is diagnosed. This type diseases can progress to chronic stage. Trichomonas bacillus is usually awarded to a woman by a man and this happens during sexual intercourse.

Despite this, men usually do not develop this disease and are considered female. For a man, contact with a sick woman can result in itching and redness of the head, and a burning sensation when urinating.

During menopause, senile or atrophic colpitis may develop. Because of age-related changes the amount of hormones decreases, the vaginal mucosa dries out, and ovarian activity fades. All this leads to the fact that the depleted mucous membrane is very quickly and simply injured, and during sexual intercourse bleeding may develop, and small ulcers may appear in the vagina.

Allergic or atopic colpitis becomes a consequence of frequent exposure of the female body to various allergens, which can be local or general. To effectively carry out treatment, the doctor must first determine the allergen that led to the development of this disease.

Mycotic colpitis (or also called fungal and thrush) is caused by yeast fungi. In this case, a cheesy discharge appears; most often, this form of the disease develops during pregnancy and in those who have diabetes. Its development can be caused by stress, irrational and unhealthy nutrition, the development of various venereal diseases, it may be a consequence of vitamin deficiency or hormonal imbalance.

During childbearing years, there is a high risk of developing candidal colpitis; a particular danger is that the infection can be transmitted to a newborn.

The cause of the development of bacterial colpitis are staphylococci, streptococci, chlamydia and other infections. This disease is often found in gynecology and is more susceptible to women whose age is between 20-45 years.

How does the disease develop in pregnant women?

If colpitis develops in a woman during her pregnancy, this can lead to the development serious consequences.

Although the disease itself causes a lot of trouble for a pregnant woman, its more dangerous are possible consequences. As infection develops, it can spread to the amniotic fluid and lead to infection of the fetus.

As the disease becomes chronic, its symptoms become less pronounced and the amount of discharge decreases. In this case, treatment cannot be started. When treating pregnant women, the same medical supplies local application, as for all women, but you cannot do it yourself; only a doctor should prescribe any medications during pregnancy.

Serious consequences may occur due to the fact that the infection spreads in urinary organs, which leads to the development of cystitis, urethritis, failure hormonal levels, which reduces libido. If the disease is neglected, in some cases it can lead to the development of infertility; in addition, menstrual and sexual dysfunction. To prevent the development of such negative consequences, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene and hygiene of the genital organs.

Symptoms that indicate the development of colpitis

The main symptom of the development of this disease will be the appearance of discharge, which may contain impurities of pus, blood, and an unpleasant odor. Along with this, constant itching appears both on the external genitalia and in the vagina. As secondary symptom May be elevated temperature and fatigue appears. Pain increases during urination and during sexual intercourse.

With hypothermia, an exacerbation of the disease may begin to develop, but it is not its root cause. With the development of colpitis, the vaginal mucosa swells and becomes red, and in the acute form it can be covered with purulent plaque.

Defects on the vaginal mucosa will be visible to the naked eye, they appear in the form of spots or may be in the form of elevations, but as treatment progresses they disappear.

As the disease progresses to the chronic stage, discomfort decreases, swelling subsides and discharge becomes less abundant or almost disappears. The pain becomes more noticeable after sexual intercourse or after menstruation. Diagnosis of such a disease is difficult, so its development should not be allowed.

When a man is infected with colpitis, the symptoms will be in the form of severe itching, the head becomes red, and during sexual intercourse and urination a burning sensation may be felt, sometimes there is a curdled discharge or mucus.

The reasons why this disease develops

The causes of this disease may be associated with a violation of the microflora that exists in the vagina; it can be caused by mycoplasma, Haemophilus influenzae, etc. This can be caused by pathologies such as ovarian hypofunction, various vaginal injuries, which can be mechanical, thermal or chemical in nature, general diseases and abnormalities in the development of the reproductive system. Failure to maintain personal hygiene and genital hygiene also often leads to the development of colpitis.

There are risk factors leading to the disease:

  • improper or insufficient sex life;
  • if there is no regular partner and a condom is not used;
  • the presence of diabetes mellitus and other endocrine pathologies;
  • receiving injuries to the genital organs;
  • poor quality underwear;
  • hormonal changes;
  • some medications;
  • decreased immunity;
  • abortions.

Incorrect douching or frequent use may cause irritation and, in some cases, damage to the vaginal mucosa. Misuse contraception and application antiseptic drugs can also cause the development of the disease.

The immune system is weakened by frequent stress, poor nutrition. The presence of serious diseases and climate change can lead to the emergence of opportunities for the development of infection.

The reason may also be failure to comply with basic personal hygiene rules. If a woman is healthy, then the acidic environment in the vagina does not allow infection to develop, and with a decrease in immunity, the risk of developing this disease greatly increases.

If treatment is not started in time, this can lead to the development of a chronic form, which is much more difficult to treat, and this is fraught with the development of serious complications.

Carrying out diagnostics

To establish a diagnosis, the doctor first examines the patient and then prescribes laboratory research. In case of acute colpitis, during the examination the doctor will see redness of the vaginal mucosa, it will be swollen and there will be mucopurulent discharge on it. If you begin to remove the cheesy coating that occurs with thrush, the mucous membrane will begin to bleed.

The most in an accessible way identifying the causative agent of the disease is to carry out microscopic examination. It must be taken into account that healthy woman There are various microorganisms present in the vagina, so cultural diagnostics are performed to determine the state of the environment.

The cultural diagnostic method is carried out by inoculating the material. This makes it possible to determine the type of mushrooms and their reaction to different medications. It makes it possible to determine the accompanying bacteria and how they react to antibiotics.

For a more accurate diagnosis, microscopic and cultural examination must be performed.

A smear may be taken for oncocytology. The development of inflammation of the vaginal mucosa may indicate the appearance of different infections, therefore it is necessary to carry out full examination body.

Tests from the vagina and urethra are performed before they have been treated with any medications.

Prevention of colpitis

In this case, as a preventive measure, it is necessary to observe personal hygiene and hygiene of the genital organs. Along with this, you need to regularly visit the gynecologist, and if any inflammatory process develops, it is necessary to urgently begin its treatment.

Throughout his life, a person has to deal with all sorts of diseases! Among the most common are diseases of the genitourinary system. One of them is colpitis. We will try to analyze the symptoms, causes, treatment in this article.

What is this disease?

Colpitis, or also called vaginosis, is the most common pathology, especially among the fair half of humanity. Not only pathogenic microorganisms that get inside can provoke the development of the disease female body, but also many physical, chemical or mechanical influences.

All these factors affect the vagina and cause the development of an inflammatory process. In this case, you should not hope that colpitis will affect only this part; it will definitely try to capture the cervix, urethra and external labia.

This disease usually causes a lot of trouble for women. It should be noted that almost all sexually transmitted infections end in vaginitis. Symptoms of colpitis may vary depending on the factors that provoked it.


This disease is divided into three large groups depending on the nature of the pathogen.

  1. Specific colpitis.
  2. Non-specific.
  3. Atrophic.

The first group includes the following types diseases:

Nonspecific colpitis, as a rule, is provoked by microorganisms that are part of the normal microflora. But under certain conditions they become pathogenic, and then the following occurs:

  • Bacterial colpitis.
  • Viral.
  • Yeast.

Depending on the specific microorganisms that cause colpitis, signs, symptoms and treatment may vary. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after conducting research and tests.

Depending on the nature of the disease, colpitis comes in two forms:

  • Spicy.
  • Chronic.

Symptoms cause considerable discomfort with a disease such as acute colpitis. Treatment is required immediately so that the disease does not become chronic. Manifests acute phase It’s different for everyone, depending on the provoking factor.

Causes of colpitis

Various pathogens of infectious diseases and venereal diseases often become a source of inflammation in the vagina. In this group, trichomonas and chlamydia are especially dangerous because they most often cause inflammation, which is not so easy to cure. In addition, the process often becomes chronic.

If you don't care about treatment, it can end in failure, even infertility.

Bacteria are always present in the vagina, they are certain period can provoke the onset of the development of nonspecific colpitis. This may include:

  • Staphylococci.
  • Streptococci.
  • Candida.

In a healthy body normal microflora inhibits the development of these microorganisms, but when the balance is upset, they begin to multiply with high speed, and now the symptoms of colpitis are evident.

Cause increased development pathogenic microflora The following factors may also include:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
  • Chronic pathologies in any system.
  • Long-term treatment with drugs.
  • A course of antibiotics.
  • Chemotherapy.
  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Weak immunity.
  • Vaginal injuries.
  • Problems in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Using an intrauterine device as a means of contraception.

There are a lot of reasons for one day to develop symptoms of colpitis. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, signs may differ. Let's look at the most common forms of vaginitis.

Candidal colpitis: symptoms

In everyday life, this type of disease is better known as thrush. Almost every woman has encountered this unpleasant illness at least once during her life. The causative agent is the fungus Candida, which is constantly present in the vaginal microflora, oral cavity, and doesn’t show itself at all.

But under some circumstances, it begins to multiply at a rapid speed, which leads to the development of vaginitis. Fungal colpitis symptoms are as follows:

There are cases when candidal colpitis shows virtually no symptoms, but this does not mean that treatment is not required. There are many reasons that can provoke such colpitis. Among them I would especially like to note:

  • Hormonal imbalances in the body.
  • Long course of antibiotic treatment.
  • Lack of certain vitamins and minerals.
  • Reduced immunity.
  • Abundance of sweets and alcohol in the diet.
  • Frequent stress and depression.

Any laboratory test quickly reveals the cause of the disease, and the doctor prescribes adequate treatment. If you do not visit a gynecologist, the disease will become chronic and will bother its owner with enviable frequency.

Trichomonas - causative agents of colpitis

Trichomonas colpitis is provoked by the simplest microorganisms - Trichomonas. Once they enter the body, they quickly produce an entire army of their own kind. Most often this happens through a sexual partner, someone else's underwear or personal hygiene products. Weakened body after past illness also easily becomes a target for bacteria.

Trichomonas colpitis is distinguished by symptoms and treatment. In women, the first signs of the disease may be:

Surprisingly, even if a woman became infected from a man, he may not have symptoms of the disease at all. But this only means one thing, that the disease has already entered the chronic stage.

Age-related colpitis

The inflammatory process in the vagina is not always caused by microorganisms. Usually, after the age of 40-50, significant hormonal changes occur, so the vaginal microflora becomes quite vulnerable to pathogenic bacteria. Here are the symptoms of prussic colpitis, or age-related colpitis. Most often women complain about:

  • Nagging pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Heaviness below.
  • Itching of the genitals.
  • Discharge mixed with pus.

Due to the nature of the discharge, there is another name - purulent colpitis. The symptoms very clearly confirm the name.

Pregnancy and colpitis

Vaginitis is often a side disease after infections such as trichomoniasis, chlamydia, candidiasis. Pathogenic bacteria easily displace beneficial microflora and cause an inflammatory process. If the symptoms of colpitis are not eliminated in time by treating the disease, then the inflammatory process quickly spreads to the uterus and appendages. This is especially dangerous if a woman is about to become a mother.

The infection, once in the uterus, affects the placenta, which becomes more vulnerable to everyone negative factors, and this is already threatening premature birth, miscarriages or even miscarriage.

There is a danger of pathogenic microorganisms penetrating through the placenta to the developing fetus. This is already fraught with infection of the child, especially if it is a girl, and the development of various pathologies.

Colpitis in pregnant women has the same symptoms, but the thing is that in interesting position can not use strong drugs to fight the disease. This makes it difficult to get rid of pathogenic microorganisms.

If future mommy discovered itching of the genitals, discharge from unpleasant smell or painful sensations in the lower abdomen, then you urgently need to go to the doctor.

These symptoms, of course, do not indicate with 100% certainty that there is colpitis, since other genitourinary diseases can manifest themselves in a similar way. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, and during pregnancy a woman should always be wary of discomfort, discharge and pain.

Vaginitis in children

Colpitis is a disease that does not spare even children. The reasons for its development in childhood most often there are:

  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Parents do not wash their girls properly, and bacteria from the anus end up on the vaginal mucosa.
  • Allergic reaction to hygiene products or detergents.
  • Taking antibacterial drugs.
  • Entry of a foreign body into the vagina.
  • Very rarely, vaginitis can be caused by worms.

The child’s body is just developing, so during this period it depends only on the parents whether their daughter will subsequently be able to safely become pregnant and give birth healthy baby. IN advanced cases colpitis threatens infertility.

Vaginitis manifests itself in children as follows:

  • The genitals turn red.
  • Itching appears.
  • Pain in the area of ​​the external genitalia.
  • Pain during urination.

If at least some symptoms are detected, you should immediately contact a gynecologist. Treatment usually includes not only medications, but also immunomodulators, vitamin complexes and antiseptics.

Making the correct diagnosis

Everyone knows that a correct diagnosis is already half the battle on the road to recovery. In the case of vaginitis, this is especially important, since therapy is prescribed depending on the pathogen identified.

A gynecologist makes an accurate diagnosis not only after a detailed conversation with the patient. Inspection and laboratory tests of vaginal discharge are mandatory. In this case, the doctor immediately notices redness of the external genitalia and swelling.

Using a mirror, you can see mucopurulent discharge in large quantities. If the doctor detects plaque on the mucous membrane white, then most likely this is a symptom of fungal colpitis. A competent specialist can even visually determine the type of disease, but laboratory tests are always prescribed for confirmation.

Tests are taken from the vagina and cervical canal to clarify which pathogen is the culprit of the inflammatory disease.

Treatment of colpitis

The treatment of this disease must be approached comprehensively. A course of therapy usually includes:

Therapy can be carried out in two ways:

  • Local, when vaginal suppositories and tablets are prescribed.
  • Systemic, when antibiotics and other drugs are taken orally.

It is worth noting that antibiotics are prescribed only after the causative agents of the disease have been identified using laboratory tests. Antibacterial therapy cannot be avoided if a diagnosis of “nonspecific colpitis” is made. Symptoms will disappear only if all the doctor’s recommendations are followed and the course of therapy is completed in full.

If we talk about vitamin preparations that have proven themselves to be effective in restoring immunity during vaginitis, we can name the following:

  • "Riboflavin".
  • "Tocopherol acetate."
  • "Ascorbic acid".

They can be prescribed as a concomitant treatment or after therapy as a rehabilitation aid.

Some physical procedures can also alleviate the patient’s condition, but before prescribing them, the doctor must make sure that there are no contraindications for their implementation. Such procedures are prohibited if:

  • There are diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  • There are cardiovascular diseases.
  • Problems with cerebral vessels.
  • The patient suffers from pulmonary tuberculosis.
  • A condition accompanied by high fever.
  • Damage skin in the area of ​​the procedure.

It is necessary to remember only complex treatment will help you quickly get rid of the symptoms of the disease and cope with the pathogenic microorganisms that provoked it.

Traditional medicine in the treatment of colpitis

Traditional medicine can be a great help in the treatment of vaginitis. It, of course, should not completely replace the main therapy, but it may well be combined with it.

During the development of colpitis, often the symptoms that bother a woman are severe itching and burning. You can cope with these signs using the following traditional methods:

  • Use sea buckthorn oil to lubricate the vaginal mucosa.
  • Douching with decoctions of sage, chamomile, and oak bark.
  • Insert tampons soaked in a solution of propolis and honey into the vagina.
  • Take 3 tbsp. l. black elderberry flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water, leave, strain, bring to a volume of 1 liter and use for douching.
  • Prepare an infusion from 30 g of stinging nettle by pouring 1 liter of boiling water over it. Infuse and use for 14 days for douching.
  • You can use tampons with St. John's wort. For this, 6 tbsp. l. pour a liter of plant flowers sunflower oil, leave in a dark place for 2 weeks, and then use as directed.
  • Rose hips can be used not only to prepare a solution for douching, but also taken orally every day on an empty stomach. To do this, take 4 cups of berries and pour 2 liters of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 30 minutes, and then bring to 3 liters and use.

During treatment, you must always remember that the course must be completed and all the doctor’s recommendations must be followed. Only in this case can you get rid of colpitis.

Elimination of atrophic colpitis

What is age-related colpitis? The symptoms and treatment of this disease have their own characteristics. The pathology develops against the background of a decrease in the production of sex hormones during menopause. That is why the main way to get rid of the problem will be hormone replacement therapy.

This treatment is carried out using two methods at once:

  • Locally, that is, in the form of candles.
  • Systemically. In this case, injections and tablets for oral administration are prescribed.

Among the medications that are prescribed are:

  • "Ovestin".
  • "Klimonorm".
  • "Ginodian Depot" and others.

Taking hormones does not exclude other methods of treatment, including traditional medicine. This is the only way to overcome age-related colpitis, the symptoms and treatment of which cause a lot of trouble.

Therapy in pregnant women

Treatment of colpitis while expecting a child is complicated by the fact that most effective medications are prohibited from being used during this period. The doctor first determines the causative agent of the disease, and then selects the most optimal method therapy. If a diagnosis of colpitis is made during pregnancy, the symptoms will disappear only after careful and comprehensive treatment.

Therapy includes:

  • Use of antibacterial agents.
  • Strengthening the body's defenses.
  • Preventing relapses.

Pregnant women are allowed to take the following medications:

  • "Nystatin"
  • "Pimafucin".
  • "Betadine."
  • "Terzhinan."
  • "Hexicon".

It’s probably not worth reminding that the selection medicines should only be handled by the attending physician.

You can hear a lot about the effectiveness of therapy from those who have gone through colpitis. Symptoms and treatment in women do not receive the best reviews, since the manifestations of the disease bring a lot of unpleasant sensations. However, ladies speak positively about herbal medicine, which is especially relevant in an interesting situation.

  • Chamomile.
  • Calendula.
  • Diluted lemon juice won't hurt either.

Infusions and decoctions should be used for douching, but it is necessary to take into account that such a procedure is often not recommended, since the beneficial microflora is also washed away. Pregnant women who have tried these treatment methods on themselves confirm their effectiveness.

Colpitis. Symptoms and treatment in men

The photo clearly demonstrates that this problem affects not only women, but also the stronger half of humanity. The course of the disease has its own specificity in men, since they most often are carriers of those microorganisms that cause colpitis in women. Trichomonas, chlamydia, and ureaplasma are often residents of the male urethra.

That is why the symptoms of the disease are mild or may be absent altogether. In some cases it is observed:

  • Swelling of the genital organs.
  • Burning when urinating.

If vaginitis is detected in a woman, both partners must undergo treatment. To determine the causative agents of the disease with 100% accuracy, bacterial culture is performed. This is the only way to choose the most effective drugs to combat microorganisms.

Prevention of colpitis

Everyone knows that it is easier to prevent any disease than to then spend a huge amount of time, effort and material resources to get rid of it. When it comes to sexual problems, the best prevention is having a regular sexual partner and maintaining personal hygiene. In addition, we recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • Visit your gynecologist regularly, even if nothing is bothering you.
  • If you have sexual intercourse on the side, you need to use barrier contraceptives.
  • enjoy by safe means for intimate hygiene.
  • Buy underwear made from natural fabrics.
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Strengthen immunity.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • If the problem still appears, it is better to visit a doctor. He will tell you about colpitis, symptoms and treatment.

Women may have different reviews about methods and means of therapy, but in most cases, not entirely pleasant manipulations simply cannot be avoided.

Currently, it is quite difficult to completely protect yourself from diseases. Sexually transmitted infections are widespread, and all due to the fact that young people are negligent about their health and strive to begin sexual activity early. Parents, especially girls, should talk about this topic with their children. If the disease does appear, the sooner treatment is started, the greater the chances of a complete recovery. We must not forget that girls are future mothers.

Of all gynecological diseases, diagnosed in women, colpitis (vaginitis) occurs most often. The pathology is detected in more than 60% of patients, mainly of childbearing age, but there are situations when colpitis is detected in girls 4–14 years old and postmenopausal women.

Colpitis or vaginitis is a disease inflammatory in nature, affecting the vaginal mucosa. Most often, the inflammatory process simultaneously affects the cervix, the upper tissues of the urethra or the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and the occurrence of a large amount of discharge, often purulent in nature with a pungent odor.

Reference! The normal vaginal microflora in women of reproductive age is almost 98% represented by lactobacilli.

A vaginal environment with a pH value below 4.5 serves as a certain barrier to infections. Acidic environment prevents the proliferation of microorganisms. Reducing lactobacilli changes normal level microflora, which contributes to the spread of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Causes of the disease

The main factors in the occurrence of colpitis are associated with the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the vagina or an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms. When enough high level immunity they are in an inactive state, and their presence does not cause concern to the woman. If protective functions the body is weakened, then the conditionally pathogenic character changes to pathogenic, causing the appearance of vaginitis. The causative agents of the disease are:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gonococci;
  • staphylococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • candida;
  • streptococcus.

The disease can also be caused by the herpes virus and HPV (human papillomavirus).

Depending on the age of the patient, the causes of vaginitis may be the following:

  1. For girls inflammation occurs due to infection entering the microflora along with the bloodstream during diseases (measles, tonsillitis, flu), the presence foreign bodies in the genitals, allergic manifestations, entry of the pathogen from the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. In women of childbearing age colpitis is more common infectious nature, caused by Trichomonas and transmitted through sexual contact. Also, the occurrence of vaginitis can occur due to violations hormonal levels(pregnancy, endocrine diseases, diabetes). The risk group includes patients with gynecological diseases and with mechanical injuries to the mucous membranes (abortion, use of intrauterine devices, illiterate douching), long-term use antibiotics, allergic manifestations for suppositories, contraceptives, lubricants, sanitary pads.
  3. Women over 55 years old influenced hormonal changes the body can also detect senile colpitis. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the genitals dry out, become thinner, and the resulting microtraumas provoke inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

All manifestations of colpitis are associated with its appearance. Pathology can manifest itself in chronic and acute stages.

Acute phase

Symptoms in the acute course of the disease appear suddenly and quickly. Patients note specific burning sensations, itching in the vagina and genitals. The discharge becomes abundant and acquires a different consistency and character (foaming, cheesy, purulent, thick, creamy, resembling a gel). The smell of the discharge is strong and pungent, similar to fish. They have a yellow or greenish tint.

When urinating, pain is felt in the lower abdomen. Over time, the pain intensifies and becomes nagging. The mucous tissues of the vagina and genitals become red, and swelling becomes noticeable. At this time, the mucous membranes are especially traumatic and any physical impact leads to bleeding. All symptoms of acute vaginitis are determined by the infection that provoked the disease. Heat absent, very rarely it can rise to 37–37.5 degrees.

These unpleasant symptoms inhibit sexual desire. Sexual contact causes pain and bleeding due to microtrauma of the vaginal walls.

Chronic phase

If a woman does not accept all options for the treatment of acute colpitis, then its transition to the chronic stage is almost inevitable. Undoubtedly the symptoms will not be as pronounced, as in acute vaginitis, but this form of the disease is also unacceptable. The presence of infection is present, inflammation is present, although a certain suppression of disease activity is noticeable.

Important! The danger of colpitis in chronic form lies in the fact that the inflammatory process eventually spreads to the uterus and appendages, and this, in turn, leads to infertility.

Types of disease

One of the many causes of disease is microorganisms. Therefore, the following types of colpitis are distinguished:

  • nonspecific– caused by opportunistic pathogens (Candida, E. coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus);
  • specific– occurs due to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms (Trichomonas, gonococci, herpes virus, chlamydia).

The most common of nonspecific colpitis is candidiasis. It occurs due to an increase in the yeast-like fungus Candida, which is activated due to provoking factors. It is characterized by severe itching and cheesy discharge.

However, the development of pathology is not always associated with infection. In some cases, colpitis can be allergic in nature. The resulting inflammatory process directly depends on allergens: condoms, foreign objects.

Atrophic colpitis

Due to changes in hormonal levels, atrophic colpitis is often diagnosed. Due to a decrease in estrogen production, patients experience vaginal dryness. The disease is sluggish and almost asymptomatic. The number of lactobacilli decreases, and opportunistic microbes begin to actively spread, causing inflammation and the appearance of discharge. The mucous tissues in the vagina acquire a pale pink tint and become thin with pinpoint hemorrhages.

Colpitis and pregnancy

Discovered colpitis in pregnant women can cause all sorts of complications, and negatively affect the development and gestation of the fetus. The risk of infection of the child during childbirth especially increases. The inflammatory process on the vaginal mucosa sometimes provokes miscarriage and infection amniotic fluid, and with them the fruit. Vaginitis during pregnancy leads to disturbances in the immune system and changes hormonal levels.

With a chronic course of the disease, the symptoms are less pronounced, and acute stage disease leads to the appearance of copious discharge, accompanied by nagging pain lower abdomen.

Attention! Treatment of colpitis with drugs local use They are mostly safe, however, their use is permissible after prescription and examination by a gynecologist.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of colpitis is based on integrated approach and is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease. When choosing medications, the type of colpitis is taken into account available accompanying illnesses and the woman's age. Self-medication is unacceptable. The use of drugs should be carried out after visiting a gynecologist and following the treatment regimen recommended by him.

During therapy you should refrain from intimacy to prevent infection from rising, strictly adhere to special diet diet with the exception of sweet and spicy foods, maintain personal hygiene, wash more than twice a day.

Local treatment involves the use disinfectant solutions for douching based on:

  • boric acid;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda;
  • a decoction of herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect (oak bark, chamomile).

Suppositories and tablets are also used for local effects.. Their choice depends on the type of colpitis pathogen.

  • "Terzhinan";
  • "Vocadine";
  • "Polygynax".

The period of use is determined by the treating gynecologist.

For trichomonas colpitis the following are applicable:

  • "Trichopolus";
  • "Tinidazole";
  • "Hexicon".

Candidal vaginitis can be easily eliminated by the following means::

  • "Nystatin";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Clotrimazole".

After completing the course of therapy, it should be normalized vaginal microflora through:

  • "Bifikol";
  • "Lactobacterin";
  • "Acylact".

Traditional methods of therapy

They remain popular in the treatment of colpitis and folk recipes. Their use is considered as additional impact To drug treatment. Douching is carried out with herbal infusions:

  • calendula;
  • series;
  • sage.

Douching is carried out in the morning and at night. An infusion of centaury and sweet clover is taken internally up to two times a day. Sea buckthorn oil is no less effective. A gauze swab soaked in it is inserted overnight.

Forecast and prevention of the disease

Preventive measures to prevent colpitis are based on compliance with intimate hygiene standards, orderly sexual intercourse, immediate treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system, and maintaining immunity. Any change in discharge should be a reason for a visit to a gynecologist.

Prevention of the development of pathology in childhood is based on regular hygiene procedures ah and the treatment of chronic diseases.

With timely and well-chosen treatment, vaginitis does not pose a threat to women’s health. It should be remembered that self-medication and lack of preventive measures adversely affects reproductive functions.


In some cases, disturbances in metabolic and endocrine processes, trauma, and infection of the vagina lead to the occurrence of a phenomenon such as colpitis or vaginitis, which is a type of inflammation. If the disease is neglected, the vaginal walls grow together and the infection develops further, involving the uterus and appendages. This can cause erosion of the cervix, and in the future - ectopic pregnancy or infertility.

What is colpitis in women

Under influence various reasons inflammation of the vaginal mucosa occurs, causing colpitis. As a rule, its appearance is caused by diseases of the internal genital organs, as well as all kinds of damage and injuries. Sometimes the situation is aggravated by taking antibiotics, since the disease is mistaken for a common infection.

Many women consider colpitis to be a non-serious disease and try to cure it on their own. However, such cases are rare, mainly due to the nonspecific nature of the disease. In addition, in such a situation, much depends on the state of the immune system, which should not be weakened.

Quite often there are cases when the symptoms of the disease disappear without treatment. Practically nothing bothers the woman. However, this does not mean complete neutralization of the inflammatory process; most likely, colpitis began to manifest itself in a sluggish form. After some time, certain factors again provoke the activation of colpitis. Therefore, you should not hope for an independent cure and at the first signs of pathology you should consult a specialist.

Causes of colpitis

In most cases, the disease occurs due to the fact that the external or inner part The vagina is exposed to various infectious pathogens. Often the disease occurs under the influence of microorganisms contained in the vaginal microflora. Typical representatives of pathogens are streptococci and staphylococci, Haemophilus influenzae and Escherichia coli, fungi and other pathogenic microbes. Sometimes during medical research Several types of pathogens are identified. Healthy body successfully fights them and all negative microflora in favorable conditions dies under the influence of positive microorganisms of the vagina.

In many cases, pathogenic and negative microflora grow and develop under the influence of diseases internal organs. This leads to deterioration general well-being and a decrease in the body's defenses. The effect of infection contributes to the appearance of other women's diseases. As a rule, these are inflammatory processes affecting the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Quite often, colpitis occurs under the influence of mechanical and chemical damage to the vagina. In addition, antibiotics taken in large quantities, actively destroy microflora and provoke disease. The appearance of the disease becomes possible due to non-compliance with personal hygiene procedures for a long time.

The appearance of colpitis is influenced by hormonal imbalances and diseases of the endocrine system. Diabetes significantly increases the risk of developing the disease and causes allergies to contraceptives. Many sexually transmitted diseases contribute to the occurrence and exacerbation of colpitis. One of the causes of the disease may be the use intrauterine device, which is recommended only for women who have given birth.

In old age, the cause of colpitis can be general changes hormonal levels in the body. The functions of the ovaries gradually decline, which leads to a thinning of the epithelial membrane and a decrease in mucus production. The elasticity of the vagina decreases, dryness causes microtrauma and leads to severe inflammation.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves differently, depending on one or another form of colpitis.

In the acute course of the disease, symptoms occur suddenly. There is the appearance of burning and itching in the vaginal area, accompanied by purulent or mucous purulent discharge with admixtures of ichor. There is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Burning and itching become noticeable during urination. The appearance of the vaginal mucosa becomes swollen and acquires a reddish tint.

Gradually, the spread of the inflammatory process affects the cervix and the area of ​​the external genital organs. Even with slight contact with the walls of the uterus, bleeding is observed. There are specific manifestations of the disease, depending on age, condition immune system and the causative agent of infection. For example, Trichomonas colpitis is accompanied by copious purulent discharge of a yellowish-green color with an unpleasant odor. With fungal colpitis, the discharge has a cheesy appearance and is white in color.

Due to untimely and improper treatment the disease becomes chronic. In this case, the inflammatory processes are sluggish, and their periodic exacerbation is observed. Chronic vaginal colpitis is characterized by minimal manifestation symptoms or their complete absence.

Colpitis during pregnancy

The manifestation of colpitis during pregnancy depends on the form in which it occurs. Acute period characterized vividly pronounced signs, creating discomfort. The vaginal mucosa turns red and becomes swollen. Other symptoms characteristic of colpitis also appear.

The danger of this disease during pregnancy is due, first of all, to its possible negative consequences. An ascending infection can cause real harm the fetus during gestation and create a dangerous situation during childbirth. Inflamed vaginal mucosa often leads to miscarriage and infection of the fetus. Under the influence of infection there are various complications pregnancy.

Chronic colpitis in the future can create serious problems with conceiving a child. In case of advanced, untreated vaginitis, endometritis and other lesions occur. Pregnant women are often exposed to pathology due to hormonal imbalances and disorders of the immune system.

Treatment of colpitis during pregnancy occurs only as prescribed by a doctor based on research results. The course of therapy is carried out using conventional medications, physiotherapy, special diets, ointment applications and traditional medicine. The difficulty of treatment lies in the contraindications for pregnant women of many effective medicines. In many cases, approved medications do not give the desired result. Increasing their effectiveness is possible with the implementation of local treatment. For this purpose, herbal decoctions are used for douching, sitz baths, vaginal and rectal suppositories, gels or creams.


Establishment accurate diagnosis only possible at an appointment with a specialist. For this purpose, a gynecological examination is performed, during which a special speculum is used. Such an examination makes it possible to determine most clearly pronounced manifestations colpitis in the form of plaque that forms on the walls of the vagina. If, when scraping off this plaque, the tissues of the mucous membrane are damaged and bleeding occurs, this fact indicates the presence of acute form diseases.

One of the main diagnostic methods to determine the severity of the disease is a smear examination. It is taken from the urethra or vagina and undergoes detailed microscopic analysis. In the presence of colpitis, the number of red blood cells increases, the presence of epithelial particles and foreign microflora is observed.

The calposcopy method involves diagnostics using special device, allowing you to get a clear picture of the condition of the internal organs. If necessary, bacteriological examination of smears and ultrasound of the pelvic organs are prescribed.

Treatment of colpitis in women

Treatment for this disease is sufficient complex process, not allowing any self-medication. Therefore, when characteristic symptoms you need to consult a doctor for qualified help.

The main type of treatment is internal therapy using special drugs, killing the infection. In addition to antibiotics, it is prescribed special diet, excluding spicy, salty, smoked and other foods that irritate the mucous membrane. To reduce swelling, limit the amount of fluid consumed. In addition, the treatment restores the normal microflora of the vagina.

At the same time, colpitis is treated by external influences by douching with herbs, using antimicrobial vaginal suppositories and traditional medicine.