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Alflutop - official* instructions for use. Latest update of the description by the manufacturer. Reviews about Alflutop

Medicine Alflutop used for diseases spinal column and joints. These diseases, as a rule, are degenerative-dystrophic in nature. The drug improves the metabolism of cartilage tissue; exhibits anti-inflammatory effect; suppresses substances that destroy the structure of cartilage; helps synthesize collagen. The drug belongs to the group of chondroprotectors.


The drug contains the following substances:
  • extract from several species sea ​​fish,
  • chondroitin,
  • keratan sulfate,
  • dermatan sulfate,
  • proteoglycans,
  • microelements,
  • amino acids.

pharmachologic effect

  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Analgesic effect.
  • Chondroprotective effect.
The active components of the drug are included in the metabolism of cartilage tissue, compensating for the lack of nutrients in it. They reduce capillary permeability and stimulate the restoration of the structure of interstitial and cartilage tissue. Proteoglycans in Alflutop determine its trophic effect. The drug has a replacement effect; it increases the hydrophilicity of cartilage. For joint diseases that are accompanied by pain at rest and when walking, the drug has an analgesic effect. Joint pain limits the quality of life - walking becomes difficult, climbing stairs is difficult, etc. Thanks to the drug, all these symptoms decrease or disappear, which returns the patient to a full life.

The drug affects the composition of synovial fluid, reducing the number of leukocytes, seromucoid, globulins, fibrinogen.

The anti-inflammatory effectiveness of the drug is noticeably manifested within a week after the start of therapy. At the end of chondroprotective therapy, the percentage of hyaluronic acid in the synovial fluid doubles.


  • Periarthritis.
  • Fibromyalgia.
  • Periodontopathy.
  • Traumatic dysostosis.
  • Chondral and endochondral ossification disorders.
The drug will also be useful in postoperative period– to restore joint function after surgery.

Joint diseases and their consequences

Since cartilage tissue plays the role of a shock absorber that protects bones from friction and destruction, when the cartilage changes, motor function is immediately disrupted. Intercellular substance Cartilage contains components that give it elasticity - glucosamine, proteoglycans, chondroitin. With degenerative-dystrophic changes in the joint, the cartilage ceases to be elastic and may even crack. Next, bone tissue grows under the influence of injury.

Treatment for hernia

Treatment of hernias is carried out by two methods: conservative and surgical. At conservative treatment, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxants, chondroprotectors, including Alflutop. By relieving pain and swelling, eliminating compression soft fabric in the spine area, the patient’s well-being improves. To the conservative complex therapy also includes:
  • micropharmapuncture,
  • novocaine blockade,
  • acupuncture,
  • vitamin therapy.
But it should be noted that there are such acute conditions with hernias, when even paralysis can occur. In such cases, treatment is exclusively surgical.

Efficacy of the drug

Alflutop shows a rapidly developing effect. Its use eliminates most symptoms of degenerative and dystrophic changes occurring in the joints. The drug has a positive effect on the quality of life in patients, quickly relieves painful sensations. It is safe for health.

Thanks to Alflutop, you can reduce the dosage or even stop prescribing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

It is obvious that this chondroprotective drug deserves close attention and study, as well as more wide application in neurological, rheumatological, traumatological, therapeutic, and orthopedic practice.

Instructions for use (intramuscular and intraarticular injections)

For polyosteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis, the drug is administered intramuscularly into daily dosage 10 mg. The course of treatment is 20 days.

If joints are affected, the drug is administered intra-articularly - 20 mg into each joint, once every three days. After six such injections, the patient is transferred to intramuscular administration.

With a combination of intramuscular and intra-articular injections, the effect of treatment will be greater.

Side effects

When using the drug as adverse reactions speakers:
  • allergic manifestations,
  • irritation at the injection site,
  • arthralgia,
  • short-term myalgia.
IN in rare cases pain increases with intra-articular injection. This happens because blood circulation is activated at the injection site and sensitivity increases.


Taking a chondroprotector is contraindicated during breastfeeding and pregnancy. It is forbidden to continue taking the drug if signs of allergy occur. The drug is not prescribed for children, since the safety of Alflutop for this age category of patients has not been proven by clinical trials.

No interactions with other drugs have been identified. There is no data on drug overdose.

Release form - ampoules

Alflutop is available in the form of 1 ml ampoules.


  • Glucosamine,
  • Chondroitin,
  • Chondrolone,
  • Chondrofen,
  • Rumalon.


Alflutop, 10 ampoules – 29 - 33 dollars.

Buy at the pharmacy

You can purchase the drug in a pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.


Elena, 29 years old.
I have an injured spine and a sore shoulder. So, when I took a course of Alflutop and Rumalon, my shoulder felt better. But my spine did not feel any improvement, although this is strange.

Lida, 25 years old.
Mom was injected first inside the joint, then usually intramuscularly with Alflutop. The pain went away quite quickly - in the middle of the course she no longer complained. The drug not only relieved pain, but also restored damaged cartilage tissue, as the doctor said.

Nadezhda, 45 years old.
With knee arthrosis, I turned to our family doctor, she prescribed Alflutop intramuscularly. At first it didn’t help – then she suggested injecting the drug into the joint. I didn’t really want to, but I agreed. And now I really see that such an introduction has an effect! I advise everyone to give up intramuscular injection, it is not effective in this case!

Andrey, 36 years old.
They recently injected me with Milgamma and Alflutop, so at least I can walk normally! I'm happy. Once every six months I will repeat this course for preventive purposes.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

The doctor prescribed Alflutop to my mother because her knee began to bother her very much. A diagnosis of arthrosis of the knee joint was made. Colitis them in a course of 2 times a year. She says that walking has become much easier and her knee doesn’t bother her so much anymore.

With the help of alflutop I finally got rid of the pain in my elbow joint, before this I took pills, but to no avail, but here I get it directly sore spot they prick, it turns out much more effective in the end.

Previously, it seems to me, there was still a point in injecting Alflutop into the joints, because there was no alternative... But now its effect cannot even be compared with the same Protecta, it has many more components, it is clear that it helps better. I think it’s time for doctors to reconsider their regimens and switch to modern medications.

For a long time I treated my joints with Alflutop, I sincerely believed that it was helping me. But at the last ultrasound, the doctor said that the cartilage had deteriorated more than it was before. It turns out he didn't help at all? Now they have prescribed Protekta to activate the synthesis of cartilage, and have given me a referral for radon baths. In general, I just wasted time and money on alflutop.

By the beginning of the summer season, for several years in March I have been giving Alflutop injections. The doctor recommended 20-30 injections. The summer working period is going well, but there was a time when I walked around the garden with a badge. I also bought an injection syringe and give injections to myself. This syringe is a godsend, since you don’t really go to the hospital for injections! Today the pharmacy recommended Artogistan instead of Alflutop. They say it’s analogue, but I haven’t started installing it yet. Has anyone used it?

Maybe the novel was expensive? After that, it disappeared from pharmacies altogether, despite the prices, I still took it, it seemed to me that it was more effective. In my opinion, since the end of last year it has appeared in pharmacies again and is already cheaper. Recently the course was injected again, the effectiveness is the same.

Aflutop is an expensive drug, so there are many fakes; I buy it in Romania. The packaging is white, with two green cross lines, and the inscription AFLUTOP in blue. The ampoules are dark brown with a white stripe. Health to everyone!

Good evening. I carefully read reviews of the drug Aflutop. But I haven’t yet found a review on its impact on hip joints. I have coxarthrosis on both sides. I am 58 years old, and I can barely walk. No painkillers help. If anyone has such experience, please share.

This was my first time encountering the drug Alflutop. I was very afraid that it would hurt. The doctor injected shoulder joint. But by and large it was not very pleasant. There was almost no pain, it was a little unpleasant for the first five days, and then the pain in the joint and the discomfort went away.

I have used this drug more than once to treat my back. I have old osteochondrosis and no longer hoped to return the former mobility to my back. But it turns out that not everything is so scary and my problem can be solved thanks to Alflutop.

I tried different chondroprotectors, but in the end I settled on Alflutop injections. I take it twice a year. It used to be expensive, then it completely disappeared from sales, now it has reappeared and has dropped significantly in price. I inject it again, there are no side effects, but it helps very well.

Good day days! Alflutop was recently prescribed (for destructive osteochondrosis with herniated intervertebral discs). I am very pleased with the use of the drug. The strong pain went away, but not with the first injections. and from about the 10th. Injected 1 ml every day.
At the same time, they prescribed vitamins in injections (gr. B), B-1, B-6, B-12, they need to be injected only every other day, they are not absorbed together.
I also do gentle yoga for beginners every day (yoga for pain in the spine).
Now the pain is not so strong, only in the morning, but before I took it often non-steroidal drugs, because I felt a lot of thawing in my left leg. I’m very happy that I’m injecting myself with the drug Alflutop.

Many people drink arthra or teraflex. Personally, I didn’t see any effect, only the budget suffered.

Now I have completely switched to treatment with alflutop and physical therapy. procedures. This is the only chondroprotector that completely suits me and helps me live with arthrosis. The disease is not so painful and painful.

Hello again. Of course, we are all different and the disease progresses differently. But a lot depends on the professionalism of the doctor. Not everyone can hit the joint correctly by giving an injection. I'm lucky. And my mother was given Alflutop in a military hospital, nothing good happened. This month I am going to do the second knee and mind you, 9 years after the first time. I advise everyone, before injecting, do not an x-ray, but an ultrasound of the knee joint.

I try to inject Alflutop at least twice a year. Spring and autumn. So I know for sure that there will be no pain in the joints. I have osteoarthritis cervical region And knee joints. I am very pleased with this chondoprotector and have been using it regularly for more than three years. Prescribed by the doctor. The doctor himself injected the knees for the first two courses, directly into the joint. There were absolutely no stomach problems. I advise you to try it.

Latin name: Alflutop
International name: Comb drug
ATX code: M02AX10
Active substance:
Hyaluronic acids, mucopolysaccharides
Manufacturer: Biotechnos, Romania
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: On prescription

Diseases of osteochondral tissue have recently become increasingly widespread, not only among older people, but also among young people. The earlier such disorders are detected, the more favorable the prognosis. But in any case, the treatment is quite long, because the body will need to restore the cartilage tissue of the joints with the help of drugs.


The drug “Alflutop” is a new generation chondroprotector, officially included in the Russian radar. Its action is aimed at optimizing metabolic processes in cartilage, which are destroyed more slowly and restored much faster. Thanks to taking the drug, the functioning of the joints is restored and the reduction of clinical manifestations pathology. What is especially important is that Alflutop helps eliminate pain.


A medicinal product whose active ingredient is an extract of small sea fish such as sprat, whiting, bellyfish and Black Sea anchovy. The drug contains amino acids, peptides, polysaccharides, sodium, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium and calcium ions. It helps reduce inflammation in affected joints, and also restores cartilage tissue and eliminates pain.

The use of the drug “Alflutop” improves metabolism in cartilage tissue and delivers to it useful material, reduces permeability small vessels, activates cartilage regeneration.

How the product should be taken and used depends on the release form:

The average price is from 500 to 1000 rubles.

Gel 1% “Alflutop”

Available in tubes of 30 g. The drug has a matte, uniform consistency, yellow-white color and a specific smell.

Reception scheme

It is applied in a thin layer to the inflamed area and rubbed in gently. The procedure must be repeated 2-3 times a day. The entire course of treatment should last no more than 3 months. When using the gel, do not allow it to come into contact with damaged skin surfaces, open wounds, eyes and other mucous membranes. Many people mistakenly believe that Alflutop for external use is an ointment, but it would be correct to call it a gel because it is water-based and does not contain oils and fats.

Solution for injections “Alflutop”

Available in ampoules of 1 or 2 ml, as well as in syringes of 2 ml. The liquid is transparent, colorless or yellowish-brown.

Reception scheme

Average price for from 2000 to 3500 rubles.

During the procedure, a needle is inserted deep into muscle tissue or into a joint. Sometimes the doctor recommends paravertebral injection - injections are given near the spine on both sides. The latter option is indicated for severe pain caused by compression of the spinal cord roots.

When joints and spine are affected multiple times, it is recommended intramuscular use medicine “Alflutop”, dosage – 1 ml every day. For a standard course of treatment, 20 ampoules are enough. About how and where to inject correctly injection solution medicines, in the arm or buttock, you should consult your doctor.

For arthrosis, the drug is injected directly into the joints, the dosage is 1 or 2 ml twice a week. After three weeks, the course of treatment with alflutop continues intramuscularly. In 3–5 months it is possible re-treatment with this drug.

Average price from 4300 to 4600 rubles.

This variety allows the use various schemes treatment, and the combination of routes of administration increases the effectiveness of use. The choice of the form of the drug “Alflutop” depends on what disease is being treated and in what conditions the patient is located (hospital, home furnishings, availability qualified specialists). The drug can be used together with vitamin complex or dietary supplement, appropriate direction.

Indications for use

“Alflutop” is a medicine for joints, it can be used:

  1. For primary and secondary osteoarthritis of various joints, for example, the knee, hip and small joints of the extremities. Purpose similar drug not by chance - serious illnesses require serious treatment. What can serve as a basis, read the article:.
  2. For spinal spondylosis
  3. For osteochondrosis
  4. For periodontopathy
  5. For traumatic dysostosis
  6. For chondral and endochondral ossification disorders
  7. For fibromyalia.

Alflutop is often prescribed for the treatment of spinal hernia, but in this case the drug plays more of a prophylactic role (along with a dietary supplement). It prevents the center pulposus from falling out of the disc, but, unfortunately, does not eliminate the existing problem.

“Alflutop” is popular in the treatment of gout, since the cause of this disease is a metabolic disorder. The drug is injected into the muscle, normalizes metabolism and reduces pain.

Contraindications and adverse reactions

The drug is contraindicated for use by pregnant and lactating women. You should also refuse treatment if allergy symptoms appear. The drug did not work clinical trials on children, therefore it is not prescribed for this age category.

Alflutop can provoke the following undesirable reactions:

  • Redness and itching of the skin, including at the injection site
  • Joint pain, single or multiple
  • Short-term muscle pain.

At the injection site, blood flow increases and sensitivity increases, so sometimes pain may increase immediately after the injection. If the optimal dosage is chosen, the risk of such reactions is minimal.


Treatment of joint diseases can be replaced with a cheaper drug than Alflutop (for example, Rumalon or Chondroguard cost two to three times less).

Analogs of “Alflutop” (mnn) – drugs with the same international generic name active substance. Their use is justified in cases where it is not possible to purchase the medicine due to its high cost or lack of availability in city pharmacies. But you need to remember: the substitute (analogue) of the drug has a similar method of manufacturing raw materials or mechanism of action, the manufacturer is different.

The following drugs can replace Alflutop:

“ ”

Brintsalov-A, JSC, Russia
Price from 1100 to 1300 rub.

The drug is closest to Alflutop due to the similar production of active substances. They are an extract bone marrow and cartilage of young cattle. “Rumalon” is used in the form of injections. Promotes the formation of the body's own hyaline tissue and inhibits the breakdown of cartilage.


  • Relatively cheap drug in its group
  • Tolerability of the drug is high


  • Treatment with the drug must be repeated several times a year.
  • Contraindications are rheumatoid arthritis, childhood, pregnancy and period breastfeeding.

Sotex, Russia
Price from 800 to 1400 rub.

If Rumalon is obtained from natural ingredients, then Hodnrogard is obtained artificially using chemical synthesis. The drug is administered intramuscularly.


  • Relatively low cost
  • A positive effect is observed after 2-3 weeks


  • Contraindications are somewhat broader: predisposition to bleeding, childhood, pregnancy and lactation.
  • Bruises and hematomas may remain after injections
  • Side effects in the form of allergic manifestations are possible.

“ ”

Rottafarm Ltd., Ireland
Price from 1200 to 1500 rub.

The active ingredient is glucosamine sulfate, which affects the metabolism in cartilage and relieves inflammation. Available in powder form for preparation aqueous solution, as well as in the form of injections for intramuscular administration and tablets.


  • It is possible to simultaneously use “Dona” in various forms- the effect will be higher
  • The drug has good compatibility with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • The likelihood of side effects is very small


  • Use is prohibited during pregnancy, breastfeeding and childhood
  • The need to repeat treatment after some time

There are still discussions among patients about which generics of Alflutop are better: Dona, Chondroguard or Rumalon. It is possible to find out which drug is most effective only by carrying out a course of treatment and comparing the results, since each organism is individual. The best option would be a combination of a chondroprotector with dietary supplements and vitamins.

The drug Alflutop has anti-inflammatory and chondroprotective properties. Effective for diseases of bone, joint and cartilage tissue. The action of the drug is also aimed at eliminating pain and active tissue regeneration during different forms osteoarthritis. Alflutop is able to establish a healthy metabolic process in cartilage tissue.

The drug is dispensed to patients only according to a doctor's prescription. Independent purchase and use of medicine without a prescription is impossible.

The main action of Alflutop is aimed at relieving the inflammatory process and pain relief in the joint. As a chondroprotector, the drug reduces the activity of certain enzymes, including hyaluronidase.

The drug actively reduces the destruction process connective tissue, also significantly reduces capillary permeability. The trophic effect is due to the proteoglycans contained in the drug.

Thanks to its properties, the drug quickly copes with pain in calm state and during joint movement. The pain is significantly reduced when walking on a straight surface, and in some cases it makes walking up stairs easier. Local tissue swelling is significantly reduced.

Alflutop improves the motor ability of diseased joints and also increases the range of motion. The instructions for use of the drug indicate that already on the 8th day of the course of Alflutop therapy the patient feels a significant reduction in inflammation.


The main active ingredient of Alflutop is an extract from sea fish (about 100 mg). Active part the drug contains the following components:

  • hyaluronic acid;
  • chondroitin sulfate;
  • mucopolysaccharides;
  • polypeptides;
  • creatine sulfate;
  • dermatan sulfate;
  • magnesium ions;
  • rosemary essential oil;
  • zinc;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

Additional components include phenol and water for injection.

Release form

Alflutop is produced as a solution for injection and gel for external use. The solution for injection is packaged in ampoules of 1 ml. One cardboard pack contains 10 ampoules. Gel for external use is available in tubes of 30 g.

The drug is not available in tablet form. However, there are a number of analogue drugs that produce medications with similar properties. Most often these are tablets and capsules.

Directions for use and dosage

Photo: Alflutop injections - application

The drug is used for intramuscular injections in the treatment of polyosteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis. The average daily dosage is 1 ml. On average, 1 course of alflutop therapy includes about 20 injections of this drug.

In case of joint damage due to arthrosis or trauma, alflutop is injected directly into the joint. 2 ml is injected into one joint at a time. The procedure is performed once every 3 days. After 6 injections into the joint, the drug continues to be administered intramuscularly. Repeating the course of treatment is required after 4-6 months. More effective drug occurs when intramuscular injections are combined with injections into joints.

The dosage of the drug varies as follows:

  • For osteochondrosis and polyosteoarthrosis - intramuscularly, 1 ml per day. The course is 20 days (1 injection per day).
  • For damage to large joints - 1 or 2 ml per day intra-articularly. The interval between injections is about 4 days. In total, the course includes about 6 injections into each joint. It is advisable to repeat the course 6 months after consulting a doctor.

The ointment, as a topical remedy, is applied to the site of active pain about 2-3 times a day. The full course of treatment lasts no more than 3 months. If the course of treatment is prolonged, negative dynamics of the disease may develop.


Indications for use of Alflutop are as follows:

  • Spondylosis;
  • Gonarthrosis;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Coxarthrosis;
  • Osteoarthritis of small and large joints of the arms and legs;
  • Consequences of injury or postoperative damage to the musculoskeletal system;
  • Dysostosis of traumatic type;
  • Periarthritis;
  • Fibromyalgia;
  • Periodontopathy;
  • Ossification disorders.

If the patient suffers from a sequestered hernia of the spine, the drug is prescribed as one of the components complex treatment. Whenever of this disease, the use of chondroprotectors makes it possible to stop the development of degenerative changes in the discs. As a result, in a patient with a sequestered hernia, the intensity of pain decreases significantly. The source of the inflammatory process is stopped, and the mobility of the diseased vertebrae improves.

In cases where there is no improvement 2-3 weeks after the start of treatment, the doctor decides to perform surgery.

Alflutop is also prescribed for diseases of the tissues of the periodontal zone (periodontal area). In these cases, the drug allows you to restore damaged tissue and can also improve performance local treatment dental diseases.


The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. Alflutop is not used in children's and adolescence. Also, one of the main contraindications is allergic reactions to medicinal components, including seafood.

Side effects

If the drug is administered intramuscularly, patients may experience some local reactions, among which:

  • edema;
  • redness;
  • soreness;
  • skin irritation.

The natural reaction after administration is increased pain in the joints and muscle tissue, the development of allergic reactions is rare.

Some patients may experience anaphylactic shock. Since this complication is dangerous to the health and life of the patient, it is recommended to begin therapy in a hospital setting or in a medical outpatient clinic. Thus, it becomes possible to provide medical care.

Most patients are interested in the possibility of combining Alflutop with strong drinks. Experts indicate that during the period of illness any alcoholic drinks should be excluded.

The instructions for use of Alflutop do not contain data on the prohibition of taking strong drinks while undergoing therapy with this drug. Competent doctors recommend limiting alcohol intake to a minimum and be sure to monitor its quality.


If the patient strictly follows the dosage prescribed by the attending physician, an overdose of Alflutop is excluded. In cases where the dose of medication significantly exceeds the required one, then characteristic suspicious symptoms appear only in those people who are especially prone to allergic reactions and have any allergic diseases. In such situations, all sorts of side effects from drugs appear in an intensified form. Thus, it is necessary to urgently stop using Alflutop and contact medical institution for help.

Alflutop is often well tolerated by patients. It is worth noting its compatibility with other medications.

Storage conditions

The drug must be stored in a dark place, hidden from sun rays. Temperature at which Alflutop should be stored - from +8 to +15 degrees Celsius. Do not store medications in a place accessible to children and animals. If the ointment gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, you should rinse them under running water.

After the expiration date, the use of Alflutop is impossible, as it may cause harm to the patient. If the drug is stored incorrectly, the expiration date may expire significantly ahead of time. A spoiled drug changes its structure. When using it, allergic reactions and side effects may occur.


The average price for Alflutop injections (10 ampoules) is:

  • In Russia - 1580 rub.
  • In Ukraine - 690 UAH
  • In the Republic of Belarus - 50 rub.

The price of the drug may vary depending on the region where the drug is sold, as well as on the country of origin and the specific pharmaceutical company. In Russia, the most affordable prices for the drug are noted in the city of St. Petersburg.

Analogues of the drug Alflutop

Under conditions where for some reason it becomes impossible to obtain Alflutop, doctors prescribe analogues. In terms of their properties, they are not inferior in their effectiveness original drug, but may vary slightly in price.

  • Rumalon- a drug that is closest in its properties to Alflutop. The product contains glycosaminoglycan-peptide complexes extracted from the cartilage tissue of young calves. Rumalon has similar indications as Alflutop. The drug is produced in ampoules.
  • Chondrogard- synthesized from chemical raw materials. It is used by patients in the form of injections. The drug has virtually similar indications for use as Alflutop. However, due to the fact that the product is not made from natural raw materials, it has several more contraindications, which should definitely be taken into account.
  • Mucosatnatural preparation, made from calf tracheal cartilage. Strengthens the synthesis of cartilage tissue in joints that have been affected by the disease. The product affects not only cartilage, but also bones, which allows you to increase the amount of synovial fluid.

In this article, we will look at doctors’ reviews of Alflutop.

The product is unique medicine, belongs to the group of chondroprotectors. Its action is aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in cartilage tissues. The drug is effective in treating pathological processes affecting musculoskeletal system and accompanied by degenerative changes. "Alflutop" not only promotes the process of restoration of cartilage tissue, but also effectively relieves inflammation and pain. It slows down the process of destruction in joint cartilage and stimulates tissue regeneration.

It is distinguished by its unique natural composition, is based on a bioactive concentrate, which is obtained by extraction.

According to doctors, Alflutop is best used intramuscularly.

Description of the drug

"Alflutop" has a chondroprotective, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. The main component of the drug is a bioextract, which is isolated from some types of small marine fish. This substance is actively involved in metabolic processes, which occur in cartilage tissues, replenishes the deficiency useful microelements and substances.

According to reviews from doctors and brief instructions Alflutop is very well tolerated.

The bioconcentrate saturates cartilage tissue with mucopolysaccharides and amino acids. "Alflutop" is able to prevent the process of destruction of healthy cartilage structures, relieve pain and gradually restore tissue. As a result of taking the drug, the sensation of pain at rest and during movement is noticeably reduced, the volume motor activity inflamed joints expand significantly.

The drug helps normalize the production of hyaluronic acid and inhibit the activity of the enzyme hyaluronidase, which destroys intercellular membranes. Alflutop has a positive effect on quality joint fluid, resulting in a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.

According to doctors' reviews, "Alflutop" with cervical osteochondrosis irreplaceable.

The optimal level of hyaluronic acid is very important. This substance belongs to the group of polysaccharides; it is a constituent element of not only connective and nervous tissues, but also biological fluids. Hyaluronic acid - essential element cells of cartilage tissue, it contributes to the formation cell membranes. A lack of hyaluronic acid provokes a decrease in the elasticity of capillaries and destruction of cell membranes. As a result, a degenerative process begins to develop.

The drug also contains proteoglycans, which increase the thickness of bone and cartilage tissue and normalize hydrophilicity. "Alflutop" reduces the permeability of capillary walls, making them more elastic and dense, stimulates metabolism in cartilage tissue, and improves blood circulation. The components of the drug act in a complex manner, activating restoration processes and regeneration of the cartilage structure.

While taking Alflutop, pain at rest decreases by 90%, the range of motor activity when walking expands, puffiness and swelling completely disappear. Joint pain has an extremely negative impact on the quality of life of patients, making it difficult to walk and reminding them not only with every movement, but also at rest.

"Alflutop" allows you to get rid of such symptoms, giving the patient the opportunity to manage full image life. The anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is very pronounced and manifests itself after just a week of taking the medication. The main active component remains in the synovial fluid for a long time, providing a therapeutic effect for up to six months.

Reviews of doctors about Alflutop are available in large quantities.

Release form, composition

The chondroprotector consists of a bioextract obtained by extraction from certain types of marine fish, namely: anchovy, whiting, sprat. The bioextract is saturated with amino acids, proteoglycans, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, peptides, microelements (sodium, copper, potassium, iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium ions).

The drug is produced by the manufacturer in the form of an injection solution. This solution has a brownish-yellow tint. Each milliliter of solution contains 100 microliters of active bioconcentrate. Water and phenol are used as additional components.

The medicine is packaged in carton boxes, each of which can contain 5 or 10 ampoules of 1 or 2 ml.

A little later we will consider the reviews of doctors.

Alflutop instructions

The drug is intended for the treatment of primary and secondary osteoarthritis, osteoarthritis of the joints, spondylosis, osteochondrosis and other lesions of the musculoskeletal system that are degenerative in nature. In addition, Alflutop is effective in the treatment of periodontopathy, fibromyalgia, gonarthrosis, and coxarthrosis. Quite often, experts prescribe this medication during postoperative recovery(after joint surgery).

In accordance with the instructions for use of Alflutop, the drug is contraindicated in patients under 18 years of age. When treating osteochondrosis and polyosteoarthrosis, it is necessary to make one injection daily in a dosage of 1 ml. The drug is injected deep into the muscle. As a rule, the course of therapy lasts 20 days.

In case of serious damage to the cartilage of large joints, it is necessary to inject 1-2 ml of the drug into the diseased joint. The course of therapy in this case involves the introduction of 5-6 injections into each diseased joint. It is necessary to take a break of 3-4 days between injections. In order to achieve a more pronounced effect, the attending physician may recommend treatment combining intramuscular and intra-articular injections. Like A complex approach is able to eliminate inflammation in the shortest possible time.

You can maintain lasting results and support the process of cartilage tissue restoration by repeating the course of treatment after six months. Upon completion of the course of therapy, patients note a partial restoration of the functions of the affected joint, the disappearance of pain syndrome and other symptoms of the disease.

This is confirmed by reviews from doctors. Alflutop intramuscularly is not prescribed in some cases.

Contraindications for use

The drug is contraindicated for use:

  1. When marked hypersensitivity and individual intolerance to components medicine.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  3. In childhood.

It should not be prescribed to patients who have - the drug can provoke severe allergic reactions.

According to doctors, contraindications for Alflutop are not always taken into account, which often leads to the development of negative reactions in the body.

Side effects

In some cases, the drug can provoke the development side effects. Some patients experience pain immediately after an injection into the joint. This is due to the process of activating blood circulation and metabolic processes.

The risk of developing side effects in the form of an allergic reaction increases significantly when taking the drug in patients with individual intolerance to seafood. Allergies manifest as redness skin, burning and itching at the injection site, itchy dermatitis. Serious anaphylactic reactions occur extremely rarely. When symptoms of anaphylactic shock appear, the patient needs emergency medical care.

According to doctors, the side effects of Alflutop may be different.

In some cases, short-term arthralgia and myalgia occur immediately after the administration of the medication.

Serious allergic reaction may occur in case of overdose. Accordingly, Alflutop should be used in strict accordance with the treatment regimen prescribed by the doctor. Exceeding the dose is strictly prohibited.

This is confirmed by the instructions and reviews of doctors for Alflutop.


Basics positive quality drug - no effect on the effects of other medications. Due to this quality, the use of Alflutop is greatly simplified, and it becomes possible to use it when prescribing complex treatment.

The safety and effectiveness of the drug has been confirmed by numerous studies by Russian experts. Patients suffering from chronic pain in the back, a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of the drug is noted. The effect persists for a long time after completion of the course of therapy.

Due to its analgesic effect, Alflutop is often used as a substitute for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which cause many side effects. In addition to pain relief, the drug has a restorative effect, significantly accelerating the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue.

"Alflutop" can be combined with other chondroprotective agents, resulting in increased effectiveness of treatment of osteochondrosis, joint pain and others inflammatory processes. The drug is effective against diseases upper section respiratory system, accompanied painful sensations in the back, reminiscent of the sensations of osteochondrosis.

A course of therapy using Alflutop provides the patient with a fairly long-lasting therapeutic effect, its therapeutic effect can last up to six months.

How to properly inject the drug into a joint?

After the joint capsule has been punctured, it is necessary to ensure that the syringe is positioned correctly. To do this, try to aspirate the synovial fluid. It should be noted that most often this is quite problematic. This is due to the fact that synovial fluid has a high viscosity, and its dense particles can block the tip of the needle. In this case, the correct location of the syringe can be judged by the ease of administration of the drug and relative painlessness.

If difficulties arise with aspiration of synovial fluid, you should not make rotational movements with the syringe needle. Such manipulations can cause injury joint capsule, cartilage, ligaments inside the joint. As a result of such an injury, the development of hemarthrosis cannot be ruled out.

If there are no difficulties with aspiration of synovial fluid, as much of it as possible should be removed. This will reduce the pressure in the joint cavity, reduce pain, and facilitate the administration of the drug.

This is confirmed by the instructions for use and doctors' reviews of Alflutop.

Together with the synovial fluid, the aggressive substances present in it (for example, proteases) are removed from the joint, the concentration of the active substance of the drug in the joint increases, and the process of its leakage through the lymphatic pathways slows down.

The medication should be administered slowly, without excessive force. If the end of the needle does not touch the dense tissues inside the joint, the injection is most often painless. Intense pain when inserting a needle and too much resistance indicates that the needle did not enter the joint cavity. In such a situation, the needle should be slightly pulled towards you, or, conversely, slightly pushed deeper.

Reviews from doctors about Alflutop are presented at the end of the article.

Other forms of release

Alflutop is also available in the form of an ointment. The drug is not available in tablet form. If we compare tablets with solutions for injections, the former are considered less effective form. This is due to the fact that active substances at orally are not able to reach the pathological focus without changes and in the concentration necessary to achieve therapeutic effect, because the biotransformation of components already occurs in the gastrointestinal tract.

The ointment is an external treatment; it is used topically. Apply it to the site of pain projection 2-3 times a day. In this case, the course of therapy takes up to three months.

Analogues of the drug "Alflutop"

According to the main active substance Alflutop does not have structural analogues. However, there is an extensive group of chondroprotectors - drugs that have similar pharmacological effects and promote the regeneration of cartilage and bone tissue.

Analogues of “Alflutop” include such drugs as “Alostin”, “Bondronat”, “Glucosamine”, “Calcitonin”, “Osteokhin”, “ Vitreous body", "Hondraktiv", "Unium", "Bonviva", "Veprena", "Zometa", "Ostalon", "Synovial", "Chondramin", "Chondroxid", "Dona", "Mukosat".

All of the above medications have an identical effect, so patients most often do not see any differences between them, other than price and name. Of course, Alflutop is an expensive drug. Accordingly, many patients strive to choose more cheap analogue. In such situations, it is important to understand that the principle of the effects of medications may have significant differences. Some of them may cause unwanted side effects, and the effectiveness may not be sufficient for a particular patient.

Therefore, the selection of the drug should be entrusted to a specialist. Only he can take everything into account individual characteristics body, clinical picture diseases, presence of other diseases, possible contraindications and choose the most suitable remedy.

Most often they prescribe “Dona” or “Mukosat”. What is better “Dona” or “Alflutop” according to doctors’ reviews?


"Don" is pretty known drug, has proven itself well. Its cost is slightly lower than that of Alflutop. The main active ingredient in the drug is glucosamine sulfate, obtained from the processing of mollusk shells.

The main advantage of "Dona" is its release form. The drug comes in the form of capsules and powder, packaged in sachets. A single dose of Dona capsule or sachet is sufficient. However, compared to Alflutop, the course of treatment is longer and can reach 2-3 months.

"Dona" is also available in the form of a solution intended for injection. The medicine must be administered every other day for two months. The drug is tolerated quite well by patients. This is confirmed by reviews from doctors. Alflutop injections are still used a little more often.

Among the contraindications it should be noted:

  1. Having an allergy to shellfish.
  2. Phenylketonuria in relation to powder.
  3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding period.
  4. The patient's age is up to 12 years.

"Dona" in the form of a solution for injection is contraindicated in patients with serious illnesses CVS, liver and kidneys. IN similar cases It is better to prefer “Don” in the form of capsules or sachet.

The drug "Dona" is produced in Germany.

What else can replace Alflutop when rheumatoid arthritis? There are reviews from doctors on this matter.


"Mukosat" is a modern chondroprotector. The main active ingredient in its composition is chondroitin sulfate. "Mukosat" promotes the process of regeneration of cartilage tissue and slows down its decay. The analgesic effect is moderate and reduces the activity of the inflammation process. It should be noted that Mucosat has an effect on calcium metabolism, preventing the body from losing this microelement.

What is more effective: Mucosat or Alflutop, according to doctors?

The release form of "Mukosat" is a solution for intramuscular injection. It is recommended to administer the drug 1-3 times a week. The duration of the course of therapy is about 2-2.5 months. When Mucosat is administered, hemorrhage may occur at the puncture site. In this regard, the drug is contraindicated in patients with bleeding disorders.

The drug "Mukosat" is produced pharmaceutical company, located in Belarus.

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 11.07.2018

Filterable list


Pharmacological group

Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Injection 1 amp. (1 ml)
active substance:
bioactive concentrate from small sea fish 0.1 ml
composition of the bioactive concentrate: small sea fish - North Sea sprat (Sprattus sprattus sprattus), herring family (Clupeidae); Black Sea whiting (Odontogadus merlangus euxinus), cod family (Gadidae); Black Sea belly (Alosa tanaica nordmanni), herring family (Clupeidae); Black Sea anchovy (Engraulis encrassicholus ponticus)), anchovy family (Engraulidae). Obtained by extraction followed by deproteinization and delipidation
Excipients: phenol - no more than 0.005 g; water for injection - up to 1 ml

Description of the dosage form

Colorless or slightly brownish yellow color, or slightly yellow, transparent liquid.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- chondroprotective.


Alflutop is a chondroprotector, active component which is a bioactive concentrate from small sea fish. The concentrate contains mucopolysaccharides (chondroitin sulfate), amino acids, peptides, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper and zinc ions.

Alflutop prevents the destruction of macromolecular structures of normal tissues, stimulates restoration processes in interstitial tissue and articular cartilage tissue, which explains its analgesic effect.

Anti-inflammatory effect and tissue regeneration are based on inhibition of hyaluronidase activity and normalization of hyaluronic acid biosynthesis.

Both of these effects are synergistic and cause the activation of restoration processes in tissues (in particular, restoration of the structure of cartilage).

Indications for the drug Alflutop

Alflutop is used in adults for the following conditions and diseases:

primary and secondary osteoarthritis various localizations(coxarthrosis, gonarthrosis, arthrosis of small joints);




hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;


breastfeeding period;

children under 18 years of age (due to the lack of clinical data in this category of patients).

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Side effects

Side effects are grouped according to the WHO classification of the frequency of adverse reactions: very often (≥1/10); often (≥1/100 to<1/10); нечасто (≥1/1000 до <1/100); редко (≥1/10000 до <1/1000); очень редко (<1/10000); частота неизвестна (частота не может быть определена на основе имеющихся данных).

Rarely - itchy dermatitis, redness of the skin and a burning sensation at the injection site, short-term myalgia; very rarely - the development of anaphylactic reactions; frequency unknown - with intra-articular injections, a transient increase in pain is possible.


Not identified so far.

Directions for use and doses

V/m(deep), intra-articularly.

For polyosteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis- 1 ml per day, deep IM. The course of treatment is 20 injections (1 injection per day for 20 days).

With predominant damage to large joints- 1-2 ml into each joint with an interval of 3-4 days, intra-articularly. A total of 5-6 injections per course into each joint.

A combination of intra-articular and intramuscular administration methods is possible.

It is advisable to repeat the course of treatment 6 months after consulting a doctor.


In case of overdose, dose-dependent adverse drug reactions increase.

special instructions

In case of individual intolerance to seafood (sea fish), the risk of developing allergic reactions increases.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery. Does not affect.

Release form

Injection. 1 or 2 ml in dark glass ampoules with a white break ring.

A label is attached to each ampoule.

5 amp. in cellular polymer packaging coated with aluminum foil.

2 (amp. 1 ml) or 1 (amp. 2 ml) blister packs are placed in a cardboard pack.


Manufacturer and primary packaging K.O. Zentiva S.A. Blvd. Teodora Pallady No. 50, Bucharest, Romania.

The legal entity in whose name the registration certificate was issued. K.O. Biotechnos S.A., st. Gorunului No. 3-5, Otopeni, 075100 Romania.

Secondary packaging and releasing quality control K.O. Biotechnos S.A., st. Gorunului No. 3-5, Otopeni, 075100 Romania.

An organization that receives consumer complaints. LLC "BIOTECHNOS", 115432, Moscow, Andropov Ave., 18, bldg. 6, room XI, room 7 (office 6-07).

Tel.: 8-800-333-24-71.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

On prescription.

Storage conditions for the drug Alflutop

In a place protected from light, at a temperature of 15-25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

Shelf life of the drug Alflutop

3 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Synonyms of nosological groups

Category ICD-10Synonyms of diseases according to ICD-10
M16 Coxarthrosis [arthrosis of the hip joint]Hip osteoarthritis
M17 Gonarthrosis [arthrosis of the knee joint]Gonarthrosis
Knee osteoarthritis
M19.8 Other specified arthrosisArthrosis of the temporomandibular joint
Arthrosis of small joints of the legs
Arthrosis of small joints of the hands
Arthrosis of the fingers
Exacerbation of degenerative arthrosis
Primary osteoarthritis affecting the knee and/or hip joints
Osteoarthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint
M19.9 Arthrosis, unspecifiedArthrosis
Arthrosis deforming
Arthrosis of large joints
Pain syndrome in osteoarthritis
Pain syndrome in osteoarthritis
Pain syndrome in acute inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Pain syndrome in chronic inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system
Deforming arthrosis
Deforming osteoarthritis
Deforming osteoarthritis of joints
Changes in the hand with osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis in the acute stage
Osteoarthritis of large joints
Acute pain syndrome in osteoarthritis
Post-traumatic osteoarthritis
Rheumatic osteoarthritis
Chronic osteoarthritis
M42 Osteochondrosis of the spinePain due to spinal osteochondrosis
Radicular syndrome in osteochondrosis
Intervertebral osteochondrosis
Osteocondritis of the spine
Osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome
Cervical osteochondrosis
M47 SpondylosisDiseases of the spinal column