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Actovegin injections intramuscularly. Instructions, indications for use in adults and children. Actovegin injections

The drug Actovegin is an extract of calf blood, which is free of protein. It is often used for prophylactic purposes or in treatment where ischemic and hypoxic damage occurs in organs and tissues, as well as complications caused by these damages.

Actovegin injections instructions

The instructions for the drug Actovegin provide information about its inherent properties of stimulating metabolism in tissue cells due to an increase in the speed of movement, accumulation, as well as through the utilization and consumption of glucose and oxygen. As a result, it becomes possible to increase the energy potential of the cell, which is vital in conditions where it is insufficient.

Urinary tract disorders. Blurred reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolysis, hair loss, sensitivity to sunlight, red or purple skin, itching. Frequency unknown. General feeling ill health.

Medicines such as Naklofen may be associated with a slight increase in risk heart attack or stroke. Side effect report. Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet. By reporting side effects, you can help us get more information about the safety of this medicine.

In addition, the drug helps improve blood supply, accelerate regeneration processes, as well as healing and tissue restoration, stimulating the body’s absorption of the substances it needs.

The consequence of using Actovegin in treatment is a reduction in symptoms associated with insufficient energy supply to cells, as well as an improvement mental health patient.

Keep this medicine out of the reach of children. The medicine is suitable for use up to last day the specified month. Ask your pharmacist to dispose of unnecessary medications. Package contents and other information. The active substance is diclofenac sodium. 1 ml injection contains 25 mg of diclofenac sodium. 3 ml of solution for injection contains 75 mg of diclofenac sodium.

Other ingredients are benzyl alcohol, propylene glycol, sodium metabisulfite, sodium hydroxide, intestinal water. The box contains 5 ampoules. The following information is for use only medical workers. It is not recommended to use Naklofen solution for injection in a syringe with other medications.

Actovegin intramuscular injections

Typically, intramuscular administration of the drug is prescribed in for preventive purposes radiation damage. To do this, Actovegin injections of 5 milligrams intramuscularly are used daily between radiation therapy sessions.

Also, for indolent ulcers or burns, 5 or 10 milliliters of Actovegin can be prescribed several times daily. Frequency intramuscular injections depends on how serious the damage is.

The solution for injection is clear, yellow, almost free of particles. The solution for infusion is clear, colorless to pale yellow. Positive effects on the transport and use of glucose, stimulated by oxygen consumption, such as antihypoxic effects.

Pharmacokinetic analysis does not allow studying the pharmacokinetic profile active substance Actovegin ®, since it consists only of physiological components that are usually present in the body. The pharmacological effectiveness of the hemoderivative has been reduced to date in patients with pharmacokinetic modifications.

Actovegin injections intravenously

When a patient has a disturbance in the blood supply to the brain and metabolism, the drug is prescribed for intravenous administration of 10 milliliters every day for two weeks, followed by a transition to 5-10 milliliters once every few days for a month.

Patients diagnosed ischemic stroke Treatment is prescribed by intravenous drip infusion. A specially prepared solution is administered every day for a week in a certain dosage according to the recipe for preparing the solution. Then the dose of the administered solution can be reduced by half and intravenous infusions continue for another two weeks.

Solution for infusion, instructions for use

Materials. Prevention and treatment of radiation injuries, skin and mucous membranes using radiation therapy. Transurethin radiation cleaner is used daily in 10 ml with antibiotics. Allergic reactions: skin rash, dermatitis, hyperthermia, anaphylactic shock.

In what cases is it indicated for use?

Care should be taken not to treat hyperchloremia, hypernatremia. Use during pregnancy does not cause adverse effects on the mother or fetus. Due to the possibility of development anaphylactic reactions It is recommended to carry out a test before infusion.

When diabetic polyneuropathy occurs, Actovegin in the form of injections is prescribed intravenously for 21 days, 50 milliliters of the drug.

Daily intravenous administration a solution similar to that prepared for the treatment of ischemic stroke is used when peripheral vascular disorders are detected. Infusions are carried out over 30 days.

In each case, after a course of treatment with injections, the drug Actovegin in tablets is prescribed to consolidate the therapeutic effect.

Actovegin solution for injection

The main active ingredient of the drug is a deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood. This substance can be classified as a group of antihypoxants, those drugs that are capable of preventing or weakening the negative effect of a lack of oxygen in tissues on the condition of the body.

As excipients The required amount of distilled water and sodium chloride is added to the injection solution.

Actovegin injections indications for use

The drug Actovegin in the form of injections is prescribed as the main therapy, as well as in complex treatment for the following diseases and conditions:

  • For peripheral vascular disorders(arterial and venous) with the occurrence of consequences (with arterial angiopathy, with leg ulcers);
  • During transplantation skin;
  • For thermal and chemical burns;
  • For radiation injuries (skin, mucous membranes, nervous tissue);
  • For metabolic and vascular disorders of the brain (cerebral insufficiency syndrome, ischemic strokes, and traumatic brain injuries);
  • When healing wounds, ulcers of various etiologies, trophic disorders, bedsores, secondary processes healing.

Actovegin injections use

The method of using the drug Actovegin in the form of injections is effective for conditions called vascular disorders of the brain:

  • With dyscirculatory encephalopathy with impaired blood supply to the brain;
  • For brain spasms;
  • With aneurysm of cerebral vessels;
  • In a state of cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • For traumatic brain injury of any nature.

Actovegin injections can be prescribed to the patient for both intravenous and intramuscular administration. Since various diseases involve various ways administration of the drug, as well as their frequency and dosage regimen.

The initial dose of the drug should be administered intravenously, 10 to 20 milliliters, depending on the severity of the disease. Subsequent prescriptions for Actovegin injections are reduced to intravenous or intramuscular administration once a day with a dose of 5 milliliters.

The effect of Actovegin is well manifested in such ailments as:

  • Cerebral insufficiency;
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • Arterial angiopathy;
  • Thermal and chemical burns;
  • Skin transplantation;
  • Radiation damage to the skin, as well as nerve tissue and mucous membranes;
  • Ulcers of various etiologies and bedsores;
  • Retinal damage;
  • With hypoxia and ischemia of tissues and organs, as well as their consequences;
  • Diabetic polyneuropathy.

The therapeutic effect of Actovegin injections occurs half an hour after administration of the drug and reaches its maximum point after about three hours.

Actovegin injections during pregnancy

The drug is quite popular in gynecology and can be prescribed to a pregnant woman diagnosed with fetoplacental insufficiency.

In addition, it has been established in practice that the drug Actovegin used during pregnancy may have positive influence on fetal development.

Actovegin in the form of injections during pregnancy is prescribed if fetoplacental insufficiency manifests itself in a significant form. For prevention similar condition limited to taking Actovegin tablets.

The drug is indicated for use in newborns following cases:

· In case of chronic fetal hypoxia, when there are functional and/or organic changes in the brain;

· In acute hypoxia;

· In case of birth trauma of the brain;

To ensure the greatest effectiveness of the drug for infants, treatment with Actovegin is carried out in the form of injections.

Actovegin injections price

The cost of the drug for one package, which contains 5 ampoules, is more than five hundred rubles. As a rule, 10 injections are prescribed. Based on this, we can conclude that the drug Actovegin for injections is quite expensive.

What is Actovegin prescribed for, why is it needed and what does it treat? Often, after consultation with the attending physician and examination, patients find this particular drug on the list of prescribed medications. The answer to the question largely depends on the form of release. This medicine used intravenously, orally in the form of tablets or externally in the form of ointment, gel, cream. More details about what Actovegin helps with, how it can affect the body and its functions, how to use it medication and possible side effects, below.

Description, composition and release forms of the medicinal product

What is this broad famous drug, which is used to treat the most various pathologies? Actovegin's active ingredient is an extract from the blood of calves, which is deprived of protein through special processing. In scientific language, this substance is called deproteinized hemoderivative of calf blood plasma. The main effect of Actovegin is aimed at accelerating tissue regeneration.

This drug affects the body in a very special way, stimulating metabolic processes at the cellular level. As a result, more glucose and oxygen are supplied to the tissues, they are restored and renewed faster.

In addition, Actovegin is able to protect against oxygen starvation and accelerate the healing of postoperative wounds. Because this drug affects the circulatory system, it is used to treat various pathologies from neurology and of cardio-vascular system.

In some cases it is indicated for pregnant women. Why is Actovegin prescribed to women carrying a child? More often this is done for preventive purposes if the doctor notes a threat of developing placental insufficiency. But this drug can also be used as a therapeutic agent for severe circulatory disorders in a pregnant patient.

There are five pharmaceutical forms of this drug:
  • pills;
  • solution in ampoules for injection or infusion;
  • cream, gel and ointment for external use.

The tablets are taken before meals without chewing - just wash them down mineral water without gas. The solution can be administered by injection intramuscularly or intravenously through a drip. If Actovegin is administered by infusion, it is first diluted in glucose or saline. External agents are used in the form of compresses, lotions, or simply to lubricate the affected areas of the skin. It is worth mentioning separately the use of Actovegin gel - it is intended for the treatment of various ophthalmological diseases.

When is the drug needed?

Since Actovegin affects the speed of blood circulation and metabolic processes in cells, it is used to treat diseases of the most different organs. Considering that the active component medicine is a natural substance, it can be prescribed to elderly patients, pregnant women and even newborns. The effect of this drug on the body of the expectant mother and her fetus has not yet been fully studied, but the obvious benefit, as practice shows, outweighs the probable risk.

The drug is prescribed intravenously, orally or externally in the following cases:
  1. Ischemic stroke and its complications, leading to serious disorders of blood microcirculation in the brain.
  2. Pathological changes in metabolic processes in brain tissue.
  3. Injuries of the skull and brain, including birth injuries of a newborn.
  4. Peripheral neuropathy due to diabetes mellitus.
  5. Any peripheral circulatory disorders (varicose veins, angiopathy, endarteritis).
  6. Poorly healing wounds and skin damage of any origin.
  7. Trophic ulcers and bedsores.
  8. Burns of any degree, including radiation.
  9. Inflammatory processes of the cornea of ​​the eye, conjunctivitis.

This is why therapy with such a universal drug as Actovegin is needed.

Depending on the diagnosis made or suspected, the doctor may prescribe it orally or intravenously. If the patient's condition is severe, the drug will be administered intravenously. For long-term therapy, Actovegin tablets are used. For fast healing wounds and scars, treatment of corneal ulcers using gels or ointments for external use.

Prevention and treatment of oxygen starvation of tissues in pathologies of the cardiovascular system, in the fetus with placental insufficiency, the future of the mother, healing of bedsores, trophic ulcers, postoperative wounds and scars - that’s why Actovegin is needed.

Do pregnant women need the drug?

If a woman expecting a child has some problems with her health, blood pressure, hemoglobin level, Actovegin is often one of the first drugs on the prescription list. Why and why? Metabolic disorders in a pregnant woman's body invariably lead to changes in blood composition. The developing fetus does not receive in sufficient quantities all the substances it needs for normal height and formation of vital organs.

If a woman develops placental insufficiency during pregnancy, the child begins to suffer from hypoxia. Oxygen deficiency leads to a variety of and very serious consequences. First of all, brain cells and the nervous system begin to suffer. A child may be born with serious pathologies, which cannot always be cured.

The reasons for prescribing Actovegin, in addition to placental insufficiency, may be:
  • placental abruption or placental previa;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • gestosis in late pregnancy;
  • delay in child development;
  • varicose veins lower limbs;
  • severe toxicosis and swelling;
  • elevated blood glucose levels.

And also this drug is recommended for everyone who has already suffered involuntary miscarriages or frozen pregnancies. If a woman has already experienced difficulties with bearing a fetus, then she may be prescribed Actovegin tablets for preventive purposes.

How to use the drug externally

This medicine in the form of a gel or ointment deserves special attention. Ointments are available with different concentrations of the active substance. For severe skin lesions, severe burns, deep ulcers, Actovegin 20% concentration is used, the ointment is applied in a thick layer to the affected area of ​​the skin and covered with a bandage. As the patient's condition improves, they switch to a product with a lower concentration - 5%. If the wounds are healing, do not apply the ointment too thickly.

And also the ointment can be applied for preventive purposes when certain parts of the body are irradiated.

If used eye gel, then it is applied to the mucous membrane 1-2 times a day.

This remedy will be effective for the following ophthalmic pathologies:
  • conjunctivitis;
  • keratitis;
  • corneal burn, including chemical burn.

Many praise it as a good prophylactic for constantly wearing contact lenses- Actovegin prevents the development of dry eye syndrome and various inflammations.

Actovegin is usually well tolerated by patients and does not cause unwanted effects. But, like any medicine, you should not take it on your own, especially if we're talking about about the treatment of pregnant women, lactating women and children.

What is important to know

Although Actovegin - natural preparation, not everyone can take it. It has its contraindications, and in some cases (usually in overdose or combination with other drugs) causes allergic reactions and other unwanted side effects.

It is prohibited to use Actovegin for the following pathologies:
  • pulmonary edema;
  • oliguria, urinary retention or complete absence;
  • heart failure in the stage of decompensation.

If you are prone to allergies, you should use this drug with great caution. When using Actovegin tablets or solution, the following may occur: side effects such as sweating, redness of the skin, rash and itching, increased body temperature, a feeling of a rush of blood to the face and upper torso. If eye gel was used, lacrimation, redness of the mucous membrane, and swelling of the eyelids may occur.

In such cases, you should immediately stop taking or administering the drug and rinse your eyes clean water and consult a doctor. He will prescribe an antiallergic drug and select an analogue for further treatment.

It is strictly not recommended to take or discontinue the drug on your own, change its dosage or supplement it with other medications.

One of the best drugs Actovegin is considered to restore tissue and improve metabolic processes. This product is a solution containing hemoderivat from deproteinized calf blood. Therefore, the drug is physiological for the body and is well tolerated by patients. Actovegin injections are prescribed for the treatment of many pathologies in adults and children.

General description of the drug

Actovegin is a drug with antihypoxic action. It is produced in the form of tablets, ointment and gel for external use, solution for injection and solution for droppers. The main component of the drug is hemoderivat. It is obtained from the blood of healthy calves that are fed only milk. It is purified from protein, leaving only small molecules that activate metabolism in the human body. And the absence of large protein molecules prevents the occurrence of allergic reactions.

Actovegin in ampoules is used for various diseases, since it acts faster than tablets. This form of drug release is used for intravenous and intramuscular injections. There are ampoules of 2 ml, 5 ml and 10 ml. Each milliliter of solution contains 40 mg of hemoderivate, as well as sodium chloride and water for injection.

You can also purchase a solution for dropper in 250 ml bottles at the pharmacy. It comes in two types: dextrose-based with 10% content active substance, as well as in physiological solution with 10 and 20% hemoderivative content.

These forms of the drug Actovegin are completely ready for use. They do not need to be diluted with anything and cannot be mixed with anything. The ampoules contain clear liquid yellowish in color. If the solution contains foreign impurities, as well as if the seal of the packaging has been broken, the medicine cannot be used. After opening the ampoule, you must use its entire volume at a time; it cannot be stored.

Actovegin solution is a clear yellowish liquid

Action provided

Actovegin is valued for its ability to stimulate metabolic processes, improve tissue nutrition and increase cell resistance to hypoxia. It activates the production of ATP molecules, which are necessary for the occurrence of all processes in human body. Moreover, the drug begins to act within half an hour after administration.

And this action is manifested by the following therapeutic effects:

  • Any skin damage heals faster, and this happens almost without scarring;
  • due to the activation of tissue respiration, the manifestations of circulatory disorders are reduced;
  • the production of collagen fibers is accelerated;
  • tissue hypoxia decreases and their absorption of glucose improves;
  • the processes of regeneration and cell division are accelerated;
  • microcirculation improves due to the formation of new capillaries;
  • energy exchange in the brain improves.


Actovegin injections are often prescribed for treatment various diseases together with other medications or alone. The drug is used in neurology, cardiology, surgery, traumatology, dermatology, and gynecology. It is well tolerated by patients and helps the body recover faster.

Carefully! Self-medication is unacceptable, only a doctor knows why Actovegin injections are prescribed, how to use the drug correctly and in what dosages.

This drug is used in injections more often than tablets. It is prescribed mainly for diseases caused by circulatory and metabolic disorders, as well as skin damage. Actovegin injections are especially effective in complex therapy violations cerebral circulation. These are hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke, encephalopathy, cerebral insufficiency, Alzheimer's disease. Often prescribed similar treatment after traumatic brain injury, with dementia, deterioration of memory and attention due to vascular disorders.

Actovegin is effective for dementia, cerebrovascular accidents, and Alzheimer's disease

Actovegin injections also help with peripheral circulation disorders, the consequences of which are many pathologies. It could be arterial angiopathy, diabetic polyneuropathy, endarteritis, myocardial infarction. The drug is prescribed for numbness, swelling or tingling in the lower extremities.

In addition, Actovegin is widely used in dermatology and surgery. Indications for its use are as follows:

  • bedsores;
  • long-healing wounds;
  • thermal and chemical burns;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • surgical interventions on the organs of vision to prevent complications;
  • radiation skin damage;
  • frostbite.

Recently, Actovegin solution for injection has become in demand in cosmetology. It is used after plastic surgery, facelifts, rhinoplasty. The drug helps prevent complications and accelerates tissue restoration after breast augmentation, liposuction and other similar cosmetic procedures.

Actovegin injections accelerate tissue recovery after chemical, thermal or radiation burns

Contraindications and side effects

The drug Actovegin contains substances natural to the body. It is most often well tolerated when used parenterally. Therefore, it is prescribed not only to adults at any age, even the elderly, but also to children. Absolute contraindication Only individual intolerance to the use of Actovegin can occur. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to conduct a sensitivity test to the drug.

Besides, infusion administration This medication is contraindicated in cases of pulmonary edema, cardiac or renal failure, fluid retention in the body. Droppers with a dextrose-based solution are not used when diabetes mellitus.

The drug is often prescribed during pregnancy because it is not believed to have any negative influence for the fruit. Although the instructions classify pregnancy and lactation as contraindications. But there are some conditions in which Actovegin injections will not only alleviate the woman’s condition, but can save the life of the child. This is a violation of the blood supply to the placenta, hypoxia, a conflict between the Rh factor of the blood of the mother and the fetus, underdevelopment of the placenta, as well as some severe chronic diseases women.

Side effects when correct use Actovegin is very rare. Most often these are allergic reactions that occur due to individual intolerance to the drug. It could be itchy skin, urticaria, rashes, skin hyperemia. In the most severe cases possible development angioedema or anaphylactic shock. To avoid this, the first injection should be in an amount of no more than 2 ml.

Reactions from the digestive and respiratory system appear even less frequently. Dyspepsia, nausea, and heaviness in the abdomen may occur. Sometimes shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, and heaviness in the chest develop. Other side effects are also possible: fluctuations blood pressure, tachycardia, cyanosis, paresthesia, dizziness, weakness, joint pain.

Often can only develop local reactions: pain, swelling, redness, formation of compactions. Their appearance indicates that the injection was carried out incorrectly or that rapid introduction drug.

Actovegin injections are successfully used during pregnancy

Instructions for use

Actovegin for parenteral use more often causes allergic reactions. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to administer a test dose of 2 ml. With absence negative consequences the next injection is given in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Injecting Actovegin intramuscularly is simple; anyone who has undergone medical training. Holding the ampoule vertically, you need to tap its tip so that the medicine flows all down. Then break it off and take the drug with a syringe. You need to inject into the part of the body where there is muscle and less body fat. The best thing is the buttocks, top part shoulder or hip.

Intramuscular injections are less effective, so they are prescribed for pathologies moderate severity. Most often to accelerate wound healing, in the complex treatment of chronic vascular diseases. Moreover, no more than 5 ml per day can be administered.

Actovegin injections should only be administered intravenously by a specialist. Usually one injection per day is prescribed, only the dosage differs. If cerebral circulation is impaired, use 10 ml of the drug per day for 2 weeks, then reduce the dose to 5 ml, and treatment continues for another month. In more severe cases, for example, with ischemic stroke, a dropper with 250-500 ml of the drug is placed. To accelerate the healing of ulcers and serious skin lesions, 1 container of Actovegin for infusion is enough. The instructions for use of the drug recommend continuing treatment for 10-30 days, this depends on the severity of the patient’s condition.

Important: only a doctor should select the dosage, method of administration of the drug and duration of therapy.

In severe cases, infusion of the drug is indicated

Features of using the drug

It is impossible to say how best to use Actovegin: intramuscularly or intravenously. After all, the method of administration depends on individual characteristics body, the severity of the disease. The dosage and method of administration are prescribed by the doctor. But intravenous injections are more effective and begin to act faster, so they are more often used for in serious condition sick. In addition, with this method, any amount of the drug can be administered, for example, for a dropper, a 10 and 20% solution in 250 ml bottles is used. Actovegin is administered intramuscularly in an amount of no more than 5 ml per day.

Injections should only be given by a specialist. They are very painful, so the drug should be administered very slowly, no faster than 2 ml per minute. Before injection, it is necessary to check each ampoule, since if the transparency of the solution is impaired or the presence of impurities, the drug cannot be used. Opened ampoules should also not be stored or used.

Treatment of children

The instructions for the drug do not provide for its use for treating children. But neurologists often prescribe Actovegin even to infants from the second week of life. Moreover, the drug is used by injection, since it is easier to calculate the correct dosage.

Actovegin is prescribed to children with cerebral circulation disorders, with slow mental development. This can happen due to prenatal hypoxia, birth injuries. Treatment is necessary if the child twitches his neck, has tics and convulsions, and leans on his toes when standing up. At an older age, this manifests itself as mental retardation and physical development, speech delay, increased excitability.

The dosage for a child under 6 years of age is calculated individually. Children from 1 to 3 years old need 0.5 ml of the drug per day per 1 kg of weight. From 3 to 6 years 0.2-0.4 ml daily. The drug is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. It is recommended to mix it with Novocaine before the injection so that the injection is less painful for the child. This is done at the rate of 1.5 ml of 0.5% solution per 2 ml of Actovegin.

There are many drugs with a similar effect, for example, Curantil, Mexidol, Cerebrolysin or Solcoseryl. They are cheaper than Actovegin, the minimum course of treatment for which will cost at least 1000 rubles. But still, this remedy is considered the most effective for serious skin lesions and cerebral circulation disorders.

Pharmachologic effect:
Actovegin activates cellular metabolism (metabolism) by increasing the transport and accumulation of glucose and oxygen, enhancing their intracellular utilization. These processes lead to an acceleration of ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid) metabolism and an increase in the energy resources of the cell. Under conditions that limit normal functions energy metabolism (hypoxia / insufficient supply of oxygen to tissue or impaired absorption /, lack of substrate) and with increased energy consumption (healing, regeneration / tissue restoration /), actovegin stimulates the energy processes of functional metabolism (metabolism process in the body) and anabolism (process absorption of substances by the body). The secondary effect is increased blood supply.

Indications for use:
Cerebrovascular insufficiency, ischemic stroke (insufficient supply of brain tissue with oxygen due to acute disorder cerebral circulation); traumatic brain injuries; disorders of peripheral circulation (arterial, venous); angiopathy (impaired vascular tone); trophic disorders (skin nutritional disorders) with varicose veins veins of the lower extremities (changes in the veins, characterized by an uneven increase in their lumen with the formation of a protrusion of the wall due to dysfunction of their valve apparatus); ulcers of various origins; bedsores (tissue death caused by prolonged pressure on them due to lying down); burns; prevention and treatment radiation injuries.

Damage to the cornea (the transparent membrane of the eye) and sclera (the opaque membrane of the eye): burn of the cornea (acids, alkali, lime); corneal ulcers of various origins; keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), including after corneal transplantation; corneal abrasions in patients wearing contact lenses; prevention of lesions when selecting contact lenses in patients with degenerative processes in the cornea (for the use of eye jelly), as well as to accelerate the healing of trophic ulcers (slow-healing skin defects), bedsores (tissue necrosis caused by prolonged pressure on them due to lying), burns, radiation damage to the skin, etc.

Mode of application:
Doses and route of administration depend on the type and severity of the disease. The drug is prescribed orally, parenterally (bypassing digestive tract) and locally.
1-2 tablets are prescribed orally 3 times a day before meals. Do not chew the pills, wash them down with a small amount of water.
For intravenous or intraarterial administration, depending on the severity of the disease, the initial dose is 10-20 ml. Then 5 ml is prescribed intravenously slowly or intramuscularly, 1 time per day every day or several times a week. 250 ml of solution for infusion is injected intravenously at a rate of 2-3 ml per minute once a day every day or several times a week. You can also use 10, 20 or 50 ml of solution for injection, diluted in 200-300 ml of glucose or saline. A total of 10-20 infusions per course of treatment. IN infusion solution It is not recommended to add other drugs.

Parenteral administration of Actovegin should be carried out with caution due to the possibility of developing an anaphylactic (allergic) reaction. Trial administrations are recommended, and conditions for emergency therapy must be provided. No more than 5 ml can be administered intravenously, since the solution has hypertonic properties (osmotic pressure solution higher than the osmotic pressure of the blood). When using the drug intravenously, it is recommended to monitor indicators of water and electrolyte metabolism.

Local application. The gel is prescribed for cleansing and treatment open wounds and ulcers. For burns and radiation injuries, the gel is applied to the skin in a thin layer. When treating ulcers, the gel is applied to the skin in a thicker layer and covered with a compress with Actovegin ointment to prevent sticking to the wound. The dressing is changed once a week; for very weeping ulcers - several times a day.
The cream is used to improve wound healing, as well as weeping wounds. Used after the formation of bedsores and prevention of radiation injuries.

The ointment is applied in a thin layer to the skin. Used for long-term treatment wounds and ulcers in order to accelerate their epithelialization (healing) after therapy with gel or cream. To prevent bedsores, the ointment must be applied to the appropriate areas of the skin. To prevent radiation damage to the skin, the ointment should be applied after irradiation or in between sessions.
Eye gel. Squeeze 1 drop of gel directly from the tube into the affected eye. Apply 2-3 times a day. After opening the package, the eye gel can be used for no more than 4 weeks.

Side effects:
Allergic reactions: urticaria, feeling of a rush of blood, sweating, increased body temperature. Itching, burning in the area of ​​application of the gel, ointment or cream; when using eye gel - lacrimation, scleral injection (redness of the sclera).

Hypersensitivity to the drug. Prescribe the drug with caution during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, the use of Actovegin is undesirable.

Release form:
Dragee forte in a package of 100 pieces. Solution for injection in ampoules of 2.5 and 10 ml (1 ml - 40 mg). Solution for infusion 10% and 20% with saline in 250 ml bottles. Gel 20% in tubes of 20 g. Cream 5% in tubes of 20 g. Ointment 5% in tubes of 20 g. Eye gel 20% in tubes of 5 g.

Storage conditions:
In a dry place at a temperature not exceeding +8 * C.

Protein-free (deproteinized) extract (hemoderivate) from the blood of calves. Contains 40 mg of dry matter in 1 ml.

And Ktovegin is an Austrian drug, wide range use. It is intended to treat diseases related to blood circulation. Actovegin is part of the group effective medicines, for cerebral vessels. The drug is available in numerous forms, which allows it to be used for various purposes. The product consists entirely of natural ingredients, has been used for many years, has managed to prove itself as having few adverse reactions. detailed instructions on the use of Actovegin is attached below.

Main ingredient natural origin, it is obtained from the blood of dairy calves - deproteinized hemoderivate (hemodialysate), or Actovegin concentrate. The main advantage of the drug is the ability to saturate cells with oxygen. This improves the quality of glucose transport; against this background, the amount of nucleotides and amino acids in cells increases. By improving the quality of metabolic processes, general state body.

Release forms are intended for internal administration of the drug and for external use.

For application to the skin, use gel, ointment, cream.

Actovegin is available for IV drips in 250 ml bottles. It comes in two dosages - 25 and 50 ml of the active ingredient, and does not require additional preparation.

Actovegin solution in ampoules is available in 2, 5 and 10 ml. They contain 80, 200 and 400 mg of the working component. In addition to the main element, the composition includes auxiliary components.

Actovegin in the form of tablets comes in a single concentration - 200 mg of deproteinized hemoderivative. The composition also contains other components.

Action of Actovegin

Hemoderivat is easily absorbed. Its optimal level in plasma is achieved within 2-6 hours - it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body. The drug is completely natural, pharmacokinetics are difficult to trace. All components are present in one degree or another in the body of any person.

The effectiveness of the drug does not decrease due to kidney and liver diseases. In older patients, the absorption of the working components of the drug is also not impaired.

Penetrating into the body, hemoderivat has a positive effect on the transport of oxygen, due to this it stabilizes metabolic process. The antihypoxic effect of the drug is felt half an hour after taking the drug.

Actovegin is a broad-spectrum metabolic stimulator. It improves the nutrition of brain cells and saturates other organs and tissues with oxygen. During treatment, the patient's hypoxia increases.

Hemoderivat promotes the production of ATP, which is necessary for the occurrence of important processes in the cells of the body. Against this background, healing accelerates skin lesions of any nature - abrasions, cuts, ulcers, burns. Tissue cell restoration is accelerated.

Actovegin in injections and droppers

Both solutions have similar indications. This is due to their general ability penetrate into tissues.

Actovegin injections are prescribed for circulatory disorders; it is effective for pathologies.

  • Used for treatment diabetic polyneuropathy.
  • Lesions of the skin and mucous membrane.
  • Cognitive disorders, including post-stroke conditions.

Actovegin injections are prescribed for prevention during chemotherapy, treatment malignant tumors, when exposed to radiation - due to its restorative ability, Actovegin helps prevent damage to the skin and mucous membrane.

Actovegin is used intramuscularly against thermal and chemical burns.

  • Oxygen deficiency of tissues of any origin.
  • Actovegin tablets - indications.

Actoverine tablets are used in the following cases. Introduced into the complex of treatment of metabolic and vascular diseases brain – dementia, metabolic disorder.

Actovegin is used for peripheral vascular dysfunction. Fights diabetic polyneuropathy. Actoverine is prescribed for oxygen starvation various tissues of the body.


The main problem for use is hypersensitivity to the components of the product.

It is not contraindicated, but it is prescribed with caution to patients with heart failure of II and III degrees, pulmonary edema, oliguria, anuria, diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia. During pregnancy and lactation, the drug is prescribed in emergency cases.

Actovegin: instructions for use

There is no single regimen for the drug; the dosage and duration for each disease are determined by the doctor. The patient’s personal characteristics play an important role.

The therapeutic effect of tablets is not as pronounced as from intravenous or intramuscular administration of the drug. Therefore, the therapeutic course begins with droppers and injections, and then switch to tablets.

You cannot simultaneously administer more than 5 cubes of Actovegin intramuscularly to avoid allergies. After the procedure, it is recommended to rest for 5–10 minutes.

The drug is administered through a dropper no faster than 2 ml/min. Otherwise, the drug will not have time to distribute throughout the cells, and the likelihood of adverse reactions increases.

The drug in liquid form has a yellowish color with different shades depending on the raw material.

To find out if the patient has an allergy, an injection is given before the course of IV drips. If within two hours adverse reactions have not appeared, the drug is ready for use.

For quick removal acute symptoms on the first day, 10–20 ml of solution is prescribed. This will help mobilize the body’s strength to further fight the disease. In the case of injections, this volume is divided into several times. The next day and until the end of the course, 5-10 ml are administered using a dropper or 5 ml intramuscularly.

Injections and droppers - instructions for use

Ischemic stroke. Actovegin is prescribed as a dropper, introducing 20–50 ml of the active substance in 200–300 ml of saline every day for a week in a row. Then they switch to reducing the dosage to 10–20 ml of hemoderivat, and continue the procedures for another 14 days. The course of droppers is 250–500 ml per day; if symptoms are mild, the procedure is repeated every other day for 2–3 weeks. The tablet form replaces injections and droppers.

  • For metabolic and vascular disorders in the functioning of the brain, treatment is short-term - one month, 5-25 ml of solution per day. 250-500 ml of the prepared solution is administered daily. Relief occurs after 2–4 weeks. Then they switch to tablets.
  • Defeat blood vessels due to disorders nervous regulation. The course begins with a dropper, 20-30 ml are administered active component for 200 ml of saline solution. The drug is administered at this dosage for 4 weeks. Take a ready-made solution of Actovegin - 250 ml once a day for 3-4 weeks. At mild symptoms procedures are repeated every other day.
  • For diabetic polyneuropathy, inject 50 ml intravenously for 3 weeks or place droppers of 250–500 ml daily for 20 days. Then they definitely switch to tablets and continue treatment for 4-5 months.
  • For the healing of wounds, ulcers, burns, 10 ml intravenously or 5 ml intramuscularly are prescribed. The procedure is carried out every day or with a break of a day. In the form of droppers of 25 ml.
  • Prevention and treatment radiation emissions. 5 ml intravenously every day, in between radiation therapy or as a dropper - 250 ml per day and daily, then another two weeks.
  • Radiation cystitis. The drug is administered through the urethra, 10 ml of solution daily; be sure to supplement the course with antibiotics.

Actovegin tablets: instructions for use

The tablet form is replacing radical methods Treatment - injections and drips. They take tablets without shock therapy with solutions. When any injections are contraindicated for the patient, and Actovegin in tablets becomes the only possible option for treatment. Take the drug before meals, 30 minutes before.

The most common regimen for taking tablets is 1–2 tablets, 3 times a day. Most often, the therapeutic course lasts 4–6 weeks. This is an average diagram, and depending on the readings it changes.

For diabetic polyneuropathy, after injections they switch to tablets. Take 2-3 pieces three times a day for 4-5 months. In this volume, the tablets will allow you to consolidate the effect obtained earlier during the course of injections or droppers. If taking the tablets causes an allergic reaction, treatment should be stopped immediately.

Actavegin: complications

Actovegin causes side effects. More often than others, an allergy to Actovegin occurs. It is expressed in the form of swelling, fever, and skin rashes. In such situations, you should switch to symptomatic treatment.

Actovergin: compatibility with other drugs

All forms can be combined without problems with other medications. Can't mix different solutions in a syringe or dropper. Actovegin is used with caution with potassium-containing drugs, potassium-sparing diuretics and ACE inhibitors.


Actovergin is an expensive remedy. For a package of tablets in pharmacies they charge about 1,500 rubles, ampoules cost three times less - about 500 rubles. For this reason, substitutes are prescribed instead of Actovegin.

  • Solcoseryl. The product contains deproteinized hemoderivat. The drug actively supplies tissues with oxygen, having a positive effect on the general condition of the body. It has the same release forms and dosages, the list of prescriptions is the same. The main and only difference between Solcoseryl and its analogue is that it contains preservatives. This extends the shelf life of the drug, but makes it difficult to perceive, gives by-effect to the liver. The cost of Solcoseryl is an order of magnitude higher.
  • Cortexin. Nootropic drug based on a complex of water-soluble polypeptide fractions. It has a similar effect to its analogue, improves brain performance, restores blood circulation in tissues. The cost is not inferior to Actovegin.

These are not the only analogues. You cannot change one drug to another on your own.

Actovigin is a supportive drug that is used to accelerate cell recovery processes. It is used for rehabilitation after burns and radiation therapy, in situations where it is necessary to urgently improve cellular metabolism. Greatest effect gives the use of the drug Actovegin intravenously. Parenterally medicinal properties hemoderivatives of calf blood, freed from protein, are preserved in their original form.

Why is Actovegin prescribed intravenously?

The following forms of the drug are available for sale:

  • tablets for oral use;
  • gel for external use;
  • eye gel for rapid healing of the retina and cornea;
  • solution for intravenous and intramuscular injections;
  • solution for intravenous infusion.

For maintenance therapy and for preventive purposes, Actovegin is used orally, however, in the process of passing through the digestive tract, the drug loses its main advantage - speed. It is for this reason that it is more advisable to use Actovegin as injections, intravenously or intramuscularly. When first administered, a dose of 10-20 ml per application is acceptable. Subsequently, the patient is transferred to droppers with a lower concentration of the active substance.

What is the best way to inject Actovegin intravenously?

At intramuscular injection The hidden resources of the body are activated, the effect of using the drug occurs quite quickly, but is less pronounced than when introduced into the network of blood vessels. Injections can be given both in veins and in arteries, without making any distinction. To ensure that Actovegin, when administered intravenously, does not cause allergic reaction, can be carried out allergy test to the main active ingredient. To do this, apply a few drops of the solution to the scarified finger. It is important to remember that in oral form the drug rarely causes individual sensitivity, so if you have previously used Actovegin tablets, it is still better to do sensitivity tests.

Actovegin is administered intravenously by drip in the following situations:

The solution for intravenous infusion has a reduced concentration of the active substance - 5-10 ml per 250 ml of solution. It is administered once or twice a day for 7-10 days. The solution for the dropper can be prepared independently by introducing 10-20 ml of Actovegin for injection into 200-300 ml of glucose solution or saline solution. However, combining it with other drugs is not recommended.