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How is magnesium administered? Magnesia for pressure - indications for intramuscular, intravenous or infusion administration

", it is quite common and often used.

At the same time, many people do not think at all about what this substance is. ABOUT beneficial properties magnesium is known not only to doctors, but also to athletes and specialists Food Industry, in which the E518 additive is widely used.

It turns out that this substance was first discovered at the end of the 16th century, isolating it from the composition of bitter mineral waters, the source of which was in the city of Epsom. It was called Epsom salt. White crystals that quickly dissolve in water are magnesium sulfate (another name is magnesium salt of sulfuric acid).

An important feature of Epsom salt: the substance is poorly absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. By stated reason Magnesia tablets are not available in pure form, and in combination with other biologically active components. Such additives are simply necessary; they enable the substance to bring undoubted benefits to a person.

There are a number of diseases for which magnesium sulfate in tablets or in another form is positioned as an indispensable medicine.

Magnesium sulfate is used in neurology; indications for use of the drug are:

  • convulsive syndrome;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • encephalopathy;
  • epilepsy.

Cardiologists prescribe magnesia to their patients if they have:

  • , potassium;
  • tachycardia;
  • ventricular arrhythmia.

Therapists believe that magnesium sulfate is an indispensable drug if there is:

  • urinary retention;
  • sweating;
  • salt poisoning heavy metals;
  • bronchial asthma.

Magnesia is also used for wounds and infiltrates.

Gastroenterologists prescribe it for constipation, cholecystitis, dyskinesia biliary tract, gynecologists - in case of threat premature birth, preeclampsia, eclampsia.

However, magnesia in tablets and other forms cannot be called a harmless drug; there are a number of diseases for which it cannot be used. These include:

  1. various acute conditions (prenatal period, respiratory depression, dehydration, intestinal obstruction, rectal bleeding);
  2. chronic diseases ( , renal failure, atrioventricular block).

Separately, readers should be informed about the use of magnesia to normalize blood pressure.

Applicable this medicine for many years, during which time it has received well-deserved recognition from doctors and patients. The drug promotes rapid expansion of blood vessels, due to which the pressure becomes lower.

– a leading problem in world cardiology. There is precise information that high pressure is an obsessive companion of more than 5 dozen various diseases. This condition in some cases can cause a hypertensive crisis, for which the use of magnesia is also indicated.

Some details about the action of the drug, why its use brings such quick effect at high blood pressure, in other words, magnesium promotes:

  1. reducing vasospasm;
  2. normalization of heart rate;
  3. reducing peripheral vascular tension;
  4. decreased platelet aggregation;
  5. diuretic effect.

Magnesium sulfate brings maximum benefit in the treatment of bidirectional ventricular tachycardia"pirouette" type.

Magnesia is a drug whose properties are highly valued and used to treat many diseases, but in some cases it is contraindicated.

Dosage forms

People far from medicine rarely think about the fact why pharmacology produces the same substance in different types– powders, suspensions, etc. This is explained simply - the patient’s condition does not always allow him to take the most common forms - tablets.

Magnesia powder for preparing a solution

For postoperative patients who have not yet recovered from anesthesia and are in intensive care wards, it is simpler and easier to give an injection. Magnesia is also produced in different forms. Powders, ampoules and the most common tablets for the common man are widely used in medicine.

What do pharmacies offer? The most common form is powders intended for the preparation of an oral suspension. With the help of this remedy, an antidote, poisoning is successfully removed from the body. toxic substances– mercury, lead, arsenic, barium and others.

In pharmacies you can also find ampoules with magnesium solution intended for intravenous and intramuscular injections. This form is indispensable in the treatment of complex diseases, the drug dilates blood vessels, reduces blood pressure, and successfully fights against arrhythmia and seizures.

Magnesium sulfate is used for encephalopathy, polymorphic tachycardia, epilepsy, high blood pressure, and a lack of this substance in the body.

Tablets are most often used in two cases - as a choleretic and laxative. Let's take a closer look at what they are.

Different dosage forms magnesia are quite justified because they have multifaceted applications.

Composition of the drug

So, magnesium tablets. Pharmacology offers several types of them. Why is this particular form worth paying close attention to? Their availability does not at all imply uncontrolled use; this is a potent medicine.

Magnesia tablets

For example, Milk of Magnesia, where the active ingredient is magnesium hydroxide, contains 300 mg in one tablet. The drug is popularly known as an effective laxative. The digestive organs almost do not absorb the tablets; for this reason, they absorb undigested food debris and create high osmotic pressure.

As a result of such actions, the contents of the intestine become liquid, its motility increases, feces go outside. At the same time, bile is secreted, it goes into duodenum.Milk of Magnesia is an indispensable tool for constipation, heartburn, dyspepsia, flatulence.

With its help, it is effectively eliminated increased acidity stomach, which is a companion to many diseases (gastritis, gastralgia, duodenitis, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers).

This medicine should be taken at once, 2 or 4 tablets exactly until the laxative effect occurs. To make the drug work faster, the tablets are chewed.

The drug manufactured in Finland is considered to be quite common. Its name is Magnesia-plus, it is a dietary supplement, you can find it in online stores. The active ingredient here is presented as a magnesium chelate, to which vitamins B1, B3, B6, and inulin are added. This dietary supplement has an undeniable advantage. The fact is that magnesium chelate is well absorbed by the stomach. Many users are interested in the question – what are Magnesia tablets for?

Let's not forget that in this case we are not dealing with a full-fledged drug, but with a dietary supplement; nevertheless, it replenishes the lack of magnesium in the body. The latter is very important element, an integral component nerve cells, myocardial cells, skeletal muscles, brain neurons.


The product contains inulin, which leads to normal condition intestinal microflora. As for vitamins, they act as follows: B1 – thiamine, normalizes the state of the cardiovascular system, B3 – nicotinic acid, necessary for the expansion of small blood vessels, B6 – pyridoxine, has a calming effect.

Magnesia-plus does not have age restrictions, it is necessary for the prevention of heart disease, depression, nervous disorders, diabetes mellitus, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. The course is designed for one month, one tablet is taken per day.

Among the female audience, there is a widespread belief that this dietary supplement can be used for weight loss. It is not right.

There is no doubt that Magnesia is a laxative, but it is potent drug. The entire effect in terms of weight loss will be that the patient will simply lose one or two kilograms due to cleansing the intestines.

Wherein fat cells will not disappear anywhere. Correct Application Magnesium for weight loss - a one-time dose to cleanse the intestines before going on a diet. Unjustified use of dietary supplements results in ordinary dysbacteriosis.

Magnesia is a potent remedy necessary for the prevention of many diseases; it should not be used for weight loss.

Video on the topic

How else you can use magnesium in the video:

Magnesia during pregnancy is widely used throughout the world for the treatment, first of all, of preeclampsia, eclampsia, premature birth and associated symptoms. Preeclampsia, also known as late toxicosis, preeclampsia or arterial hypertension pregnant women, is characterized by a dangerous increase in blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine and edema. IN severe cases the condition also leads to blurred vision, kidney failure, hemorrhages in the liver and intestines, placental abruption, and delayed fetal development. Preeclampsia can develop into eclampsia, when loss of consciousness occurs and seizures begin, and can also lead to pathological change blood composition, which is deadly for women and children.

Long-term empirical and clinical data support the effectiveness of magnesium sulfate, however, questions remain about its safety and mechanism of action.

In domestic obstetrics, Magnesia is used at the slightest suspicion, with increased blood pressure and, not to mention the appearance of protein in the urine, doctors suggest that pregnant women go to the hospital for preservation and undergo a course of treatment with the drug.

But Western studies say that preeclampsia affects only 2-8% of all pregnancies, and accordingly, many women are prescribed the drug unjustifiably. So why is magnesium injected into pregnant women and why is it recommended to almost every second expectant mother?

Magnesia is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate or magnesium sulfuric acid salt with the formula MgSO4*7H2O. The substance has another name - Epsom salt, as it was obtained at the end of the 17th century from water mineral spring in Epsom and was widely used in medicine, agriculture and industry. It has been used to treat seizures since 1906. Today this natural mineral can be found in any pharmacy in the form white powder or solution.

What is Magnesia used for during pregnancy?

Magnesia during pregnancy is prescribed as a multifactorial remedy that has wide range actions:

  • the vasodilating effect is aimed at the peripheral vasculature and cerebral circulation;
  • protection of the blood-brain barrier;
  • diuretic effect and protection against edema;
  • anticonvulsant.

In the USA and Europe, droppers with Magnesia during pregnancy are prescribed for prevention and treatment and are most often prescribed in the 3rd trimester.

In Russia, the indications for the use of Magnesia are much wider:

  • for edema during pregnancy as a diuretic;
  • with symptoms of gestosis: high blood pressure, protein in the urine, swelling and cramps in severe cases;
  • as a tocolytic – to relax the smooth muscles of the uterus and relieve tone;
  • as a sedative;
  • with a lack of magnesium;
  • as a prophylaxis in cases of predisposition to blood clots;
  • as part of complex therapy placental abruption and fetal growth restriction syndrome.

What else is Magnesia used for during pregnancy? Magnesia also has laxative, antiarrhythmic, and choleretic properties. It has a protective effect on nerve tissue the child, protecting against cerebral palsy, and has a positive effect on metabolism, preventing low body weight in newborns.

In Russia, Magnesia is prescribed even for early stages pregnancy as a tocolytic agent, but in the 1st and 2nd trimesters the use of the drug for this purpose is useless, since it acts on smooth muscles only during its contraction, that is, during contractions. Magnesium sulfate penetrates the placenta, so the use of magnesium during pregnancy in the first trimester is not only inappropriate, but also incomparable with the risks for fetal development.

Electrophoresis with magnesium is also often prescribed during pregnancy. On the one hand, this allows the substance to be delivered directly to the uterus, but on the other hand, late toxicosis and convulsions are contraindications to the procedure. Thus, electrophoresis can be used exclusively as a means of prevention at a high risk of gestosis, but not for its direct treatment.

Release forms

Magnesium sulfate is produced in various pharmaceutical companies, but there are only two dosage forms:

  • powder for preparing a suspension that is taken orally;
  • solution 25% for intramuscular and intravenous administration in the form of ampoules of 5 or 10 ml.

Features of treatment and dosage

There are 3 ways to administer Magnesia into the body during pregnancy - intravenously, intramuscularly and orally:

  1. A 25% solution is taken orally as a laxative and choleretic agent.
  2. Magnesia injections are rarely used during pregnancy, as they are quite painful, and the drug requires slow administration - the first 3 ml over three minutes. Pregnant women are mostly injected intramuscularly with magnesium by emergency doctors for dangerously high blood pressure, for which they mix the drug with an anesthetic.
  3. The intravenous solution is administered slowly, 5-20 ml up to 2 times a day, since too rapid entry of magnesium into the body can provoke severe hypotension And . The exact dosage and duration of treatment with Magnesia during pregnancy is prescribed individually depending on the patient’s condition, but most often it is a weekly course.

The boundary between therapeutic and toxic dose Magnesium sulfate is very fine. The more drug administered, the greater the likelihood of serious side effects, therefore, when using magnesia, it is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition: cardiac and pulmonary activity, electrolyte balance using urine and blood tests.

Magnesium sulfate is taken only as prescribed by a doctor and its interaction with other drugs is taken into account. Magnesia is a calcium antagonist, so calcium gluconate or calcium chloride eliminates the effect of the drug that is used in case of overdose, and calcium and magnesium preparations are injected into different veins.

Diuretics can cause hypo- or hypermagnesemia. Caution is required when simultaneous administration CNS depressants. Use Magnesia with special care for kidney diseases and limit the dose to 20 mg for 48 hours.

Side effects

Magnesium sulfate is classified as drug category D. There is evidence of risk to the fetus, but potential benefit the use of the drug in pregnant women in certain situations may outweigh these risks.

Possible complications for the child:

  1. Newborns may show signs of magnesium toxicity (difficulty breathing or neuromuscular depression) if the mother was given intravenous drips shortly before birth during pregnancy.
  2. Some studies show that Magnesium use is associated with decreased blood flow through brain tissue in premature babies. However, magnesium sulfate does not lead to a significant decrease in scores in newborns, even with a significant excess of magnesium in their blood.
  3. Long-term intravenous administration, for example, with tocolysis, can lead to persistent hypocalcemia and congenital in the fetus.
  4. A combination of prenatally acquired magnesium sulfate and the antibiotic gentamicin (administered after birth, penetrates into breast milk) can lead to respiratory depression in newborns.

In fact, Magnesia is more toxic to the mother's body than to the baby in the womb.

According to instructions, side effects Magnesium supplements during pregnancy may include:

  • decreased heart rate, sweating, depression of cardiac activity, nerve and muscle conduction;
  • headache;
  • anxiety;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and vomiting advanced education urine (with too rapid intravenous/ intramuscular injection or ingestion);
  • flatulence, stomach cramps, thirst (if taken orally);
  • the most dangerous complications are respiratory failure and pulmonary edema.

Magnesia - effective option treatment and prevention of eclampsia and accompanying edema, increased blood pressure. It is also used as a sedative, tocolytic, and when taken orally, as a laxative. Its mechanism of action covers both vascular and neurological systems, removing dangerous symptoms gestosis and reducing anxiety. The drug crosses the placenta and affects the fetus, but when prescribed for real indications, its benefit outweighs the possible risk.

Magnesium sulfate, better known as magnesia, is often used during pregnancy. This is enough effective drug to prevent miscarriages caused by uterine hypertonicity. It is also able to reduce elevated blood pressure, swelling and reduce thrombosis. But this is far from the entire list of the drug’s capabilities.

Detailed instructions for using the drug

Composition and pharmacological action. The drug consists of one active substance– magnesium salt of sulfuric acid.

Based on the method of application of the drug, it has different effects on the body:

  • when taking magnesium sulfate powder orally– it has a choleretic and laxative effect;
  • with intravenous or intramuscular administration of magnesium solution (in ampoules)– antispasmodic, vasodilator, anticonvulsant, diuretic and sedative effect. In addition, the drug is able to reduce high blood pressure, increase uteroplacental blood flow, and relax overly excited muscle tissue uterus.

Intravenous administration of magnesium can achieve an immediate effect. The duration of action of the drug when administered intravenously is 30 minutes.

It must be taken into account that quick introduction magnesia solution - unacceptable!

At intramuscular injection the drug must be administered slowly.

When administering the drug into a vein using a dropper, magnesium sulfate is first diluted with a solution of sodium chloride or glucose, and only after that the prepared mixture is administered at a rate of 1 ml per minute.

The solution for intravenous or intramuscular administration must be warm, i.e. You must first warm each ampoule in your palms.

When a magnesium solution is administered intramuscularly, the drug begins to act an hour after the injection, and the duration of its action reaches approximately 3–4 hours.

Directions for use and dosage. For intramuscular and intravenous administration, a 20–25% solution of magnesium sulfate is used. Maximum dose– no more than 40 g per day (dry powder).

When taken orally, the maximum dosage is 30 g per day. To achieve a laxative effect, it is permissible to use a magnesium solution:

1) orally (dilute 10-30 g of powder in half a glass of water to form a suspension, and drink it on an empty stomach or before bedtime);

2) in the form of enemas (dissolving 10 g of dry powder in 500 ml of warm boiled water).

Excess maximum dosages unacceptable! This can lead to a malfunction of the mother’s brain, as well as cause depression of the respiratory center in the fetus.

Indications and contraindications. Having a wide range of effects, magnesia is prescribed orally for:

  • constipation;
  • cholecystitis, as well as hypotonic biliary dyskinesia.

IV or IM administration of the drug is prescribed for:

  • ventricular arrhythmia, arterial hypertension;
  • gestosis, accompanied by convulsions;
  • threat of premature birth;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • magnesium deficiency;
  • therapy premature detachment placenta;
  • eclampsia, pre-eclampsia;
  • epilepsy, encephalopathy;
  • swelling and urinary retention.

Like any other medicine, magnesia has a number of contraindications:

  • hypotension, bradycardia, other serious cardiac dysfunction;
  • rectal bleeding and intestinal obstruction;
  • severe renal failure;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • prenatal period (you cannot inject the drug 2 or less hours before birth);
  • hypermagnesemia.

Side effects and overdose. Basically, side effects are observed only if there is large quantity magnesium in the blood.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may appear:

  • vomiting, nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • flatulence;
  • confusion;
  • dizziness and increased fatigue;
  • thirst and dehydration;
  • in severe cases, difficulty breathing, cardiac arrest.

In case of overdose of magnesium sulfate, calcium preparations are prescribed as an antidote.

Why is magnesium prescribed during pregnancy?

In most cases, expectant mothers are prescribed magnesium sulfate to reduce increased tone uterus. The drug relaxes smooth muscles, thereby helping to reduce the risk spontaneous miscarriage(in the 1st and 2nd trimester) and premature birth (in the 3rd trimester). Also, pregnant women with hypertension are prescribed magnesium as injections for blood pressure.

If there is a threat of miscarriage or the possibility of placental abruption, a magnesium solution is prescribed even in the early stages of pregnancy. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital. A week-long course of IVs is usually enough to normalize the tone of the uterus and prevent spontaneous abortion.

On later magnesia is prescribed for the treatment of gestosis. The drug can prevent the development cerebral palsy, and also reduce the risk of intracranial hemorrhage in the fetus.

What does a pregnant woman need to know about magnesia?

1. Pregnant women should be aware that despite the pain of magnesium solution injections, they benefit the mother herself and her unborn baby.

2. Expectant mothers should not be afraid of flushes of blood to the face and heavy sweating during intravenous drug administration. A slight burning sensation or feeling of heat in a vein is acceptable with this method of administering magnesia, but strong pain– this is already a cause for concern.

3. A pregnant woman should independently check that after administering the magnesium solution, they do not forget to measure her blood pressure in order to avoid its sharp decrease and prevent subsequent fainting.

Mild dizziness and weakness after administration of magnesium should subside within a few minutes. If darkening of the eyes, excessive weakness and nausea occur, you should inform your doctor.

4. Latest Research American scientists say that long-term continuous courses of magnesia during pregnancy are unsafe.

Magnesium is a calcium antagonist, and long-term use magnesium helps to wash out calcium from the bones of the fetus. The course should not last more than 7 days in a row. If necessary, treatment with magnesium is resumed after a break.

5. Also, pregnant women should be informed about the inadmissibility of using magnesia simultaneously with calcium supplements and dietary supplements.

6. Taking magnesium sulfate orally can lead to diarrhea and dehydration, without having any effect on the tone of the uterus and the degree of magnesium deficiency in the blood. Only a dropper of magnesium solution can save a child’s life, so if there is a threat of miscarriage, you should not self-medicate!

Magnesia is a drug based on magnesium sulfate, which has an analgesic, vasodilator, tocolytic and sedative effect. Magnesia (instructions for use) provides for use in different dosage forms: powder, tablets, injection solution, vitamin supplements. Therapeutic effect magnesia is determined by the amount of active substance included in the drug.

Dosage forms of the drug

Magnesium sulfate (release form) is presented in the following versions:

Despite the general availability of the drug in pharmacy chain To prescribe Magnesia, the indications must be determined by a doctor: therapist, gynecologist or endocrinologist.

It is the doctor who determines what the remedy helps with and whether it can be prescribed in a particular case. How to take the drug is described in the instructions, but in most cases the doctor develops an individual dosage regimen, adjusting it throughout the course of therapy.

Indications for prescribing the drug

Magnesia is prescribed in the following situations:

  • cardiovascular diseases, including acute heart failure;
  • prevention of circulatory disorders in the genitourinary organs;
  • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, gastroenterocolitis, duodenitis, intestinal dysbiosis);
  • enzyme deficiency;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • bile duct dyskinesia, prevention of bile stagnation;
  • weak intestinal motility, chronic constipation;
  • menstrual irregularities (painful, prolonged periods);
  • with muscle tone in order to inhibit the contractility of the myometrium;
  • as a vasodilator to increase blood flow in the uterus;
  • gestosis;
  • preeclampsia, eclampsia;
  • urinary disorders;
  • obesity;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • crisis conditions with cerebral edema;
  • psycho-emotional instability;
  • avitaminosis;
  • poisoning with chemical compounds, heavy metals;
  • prevention of osteoporosis, demineralization of teeth;
  • when probing the gallbladder;
  • before diagnostic study intestines or to get rid of toxins;
  • recovery period after past diseases or injuries received.

Magnesia as physiotherapy

Physiotherapeutic procedures using Magnesia are part of complex therapy. They are carried out both in health institutions and at home:


Like any medicine, Magnesia has contraindications for use:

  • suspended magnesium content in the blood;
  • severe renal failure;
  • acute diseases of the digestive system;
  • spicy inflammatory processes in the intestines, rectal bleeding;
  • Start labor activity;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • dehydration, exhaustion of the body;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • suspicion of appendicitis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • individual hypersensitivity of the body to an active substance.

The use of Magnesia may provoke the appearance unpleasant symptoms as:

  1. pain in the epigastric region;
  2. symptoms of dyspepsia (bloating, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea);
  3. sensations of thirst after using the drug;
  4. disturbances in the rhythm of heart contractions;
  5. hyperhidrosis;
  6. hypotension;
  7. migraines, dizziness when changing body position;
  8. pain and burning after administration of the drug;
  9. the appearance of pain and infiltration at the site of drug administration;
  10. possible allergic reactions in the form of rashes on the body.

The listed symptoms occur more often with an overdose of Magnesia. After stopping the drug or reducing the prescribed dose, they go away on their own. Otherwise, calcium supplements are prescribed as an antidote. During the treatment period, you must adhere to a diet. The emphasis is on consumption low-fat foods, boiled or baked vegetables, easily digestible cereals.

The simultaneous use of Magnesia with antibiotics reduces their effectiveness (tetracyclines, cephalosporins, macrolides). Magnesia reduces the effectiveness of anticoagulants, glycosides, salicylates, carbonates, and phosphates. With the parenteral route of administration, you need to take a break of 2-3 hours after taking the listed medications to give an injection or drip of Magnesia.

Magnesia during pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and lactating women should be especially careful when using Magnesia due to its rapid penetration into the systemic bloodstream and across the placental barrier. A doctor prescribes a medicine when the benefits of its use outweigh the likely risks. Magnesia is included in complex treatment in order to prevent spontaneous abortion.

Magnesium injections are given during pregnancy to relieve uterine hypertonicity. The procedures are carried out in a hospital setting under supervision qualified specialist. Precautionary measures are due to possible side effects for the mother (hypotension) and the developing fetus (depression of respiratory function).

An absolute contraindication to the use of the drug is the onset of labor (2 hours before the onset of labor), with the exception of cases of convulsions during eclampsia.

Magnesia during pregnancy is indicated as a diuretic to relieve swelling in the last trimester. The drug is administered slowly intravenously, monitoring the dynamics: heartbeat, pressure, tendon reflexes, general health.

Magnesium passes into breast milk, so natural feeding discontinued until the end of the course of therapy.

A detailed description of magnesium sulfate in the instructions provokes self-medication at home. Irrational use medicine causes side effects and complications of existing chronic diseases. A competent approach to treatment increases the chances of a speedy recovery.