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Soy lecithin harm and benefit. What is soy lecithin, what are its benefits and how much harm is there?

Soy lecithin It is found in many products and is also available in the form of powders, capsules and gels. This substance can improve health and protect against illnesses and diseases. But in certain cases it can bring not only benefit, but harm. It is worth understanding the advantages and disadvantages of soy lecithin, contraindications and daily allowances, and also consider the nuances of use.

Composition and beneficial properties

Soy lecithin, also known as E322, is a supplement that is produced by low-temperature processing of soybean oil or made from genetically modified raw materials. The product is used in the creation of some mayonnaise, sauces, bakery and confectionery products, and in the medical field, soy lecithin is used in the production of certain drugs.

In addition to soy lecithin E322, there is also polyglycerin E476, used in the manufacture certain types chocolate.

The benefits of soy lecithin come from supplements (powder, gel, capsules). You will not experience the beneficial effects of the substance on your health if you only eat food containing E322 (bread and confectionery products).

Photo gallery: products containing soy lecithin

Table: chemical composition of soy lecithin

Benefits of soy lecithin

The product can undoubtedly be useful because:

  • improves memory and increases concentration;
  • promotes the absorption of drugs in the body;
  • removes radionuclides and salts of heavy metals;
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • acts as an antioxidant;
  • helps reduce joint pain;
  • reduces addiction to tobacco products;
  • useful for women with disorders menstrual cycle, during menopause and when hormonal disorders occur;
  • increases sperm motility in men, helps with prostatitis;
  • helps children cope with fatigue, promotes good absorption in the children's body there are important groups of vitamins: A, D, E, K.

In addition, soy lecithin is beneficial for the heart, liver, lungs, blood vessels and nervous system.

Contraindications and possible harm to the body

Soy emulsifier can harm the body of some people:

  • products containing soy lecithin should not be consumed by those who have an individual intolerance or allergy to the additive;
  • soy lecithin should not be taken by people suffering from cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis;
  • Excessive use of this substance will negatively affect endocrine system, and will also lead to cardiovascular diseases(although in acceptable doses, soy lecithin has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels);
  • E476 is harmful to the liver, kidneys and can cause excess weight.

There is an opinion that lecithin created from soybean oil is healthier than additives from GMOs. Some experts believe that the product accelerates the aging process.

Before purchasing soy lecithin, you should consult your doctor for any contraindications.

How to use: acceptable limits for healthy people

The daily norm for a healthy person is 5–7 grams. It is recommended to take the supplement in powder form three times a day, one teaspoon with meals. It is allowed to add medicine to food or drink, the main thing is that the dishes with drinks are not hot.

Products containing soy lecithin are not suitable for everyone. Confectionery Contraindicated for diabetics as they increase blood sugar levels. Those on a diet will have to give up bread, as it leads to the development of obesity. Dressings containing lecithin should not be added to food when increased acidity stomach, excess weight and gastrointestinal problems.

It is better to ask a nutritionist or doctor for a list of foods with which a specific supplement should be mixed. This should also be indicated in the instructions for the drug.

Nuances of use

During pregnancy

Soy lecithin can have a positive effect on the brain of the unborn child and reduce pain in the back and joints of a pregnant woman. However, there is an opposite opinion, according to which soy supplements negatively affect the fetal brain and provoke premature birth. Acceptable standards also fluctuate. Some doctors believe that it is worth taking 5–7 grams of lecithin per day, others - 8–10 grams, and still others are completely against the use of this supplement.

This largely depends on the presence of contraindications and health status. expectant mother. Therefore, before starting to use soy lecithin, you should personally consult with your doctor.

There are several opinions about the effect of soy lecithin on the fetus, but this largely depends on the health of the expectant mother

When breastfeeding

Breastfeeding women should be careful when choosing a supplement, as it can cause an allergic reaction in the child. In addition, it is important not to oversaturate the body with soy lecithin. Normal rate 5–7 grams for healthy people May not be suitable for nursing mothers. It is necessary to check with your doctor whether the supplement is contraindicated for you, what is the dosage rate and in what form it should be taken, powder or capsule.

Is it possible to give the product to children, at what age and for how long?

With the permission of the pediatrician, after reaching child of four months, add the product in powder form to his milk formula (half a coffee spoon of the substance is acceptable). With the onset of 7 months of age, the amount of lecithin should be increased to one spoon. At one year of age, it makes sense to switch to lecithin gel. An acceptable amount would be half a teaspoon. Remember to monitor your child, and if an allergic reaction occurs, stop giving soy lecithin and consult a doctor.

A three-year-old child can be given 1 teaspoon of gel 2-3 times a day. From the age of 5 years, a child can take one teaspoon of powder supplement 2-3 times a day. From 7 years of age, it is permissible to administer soy lecithin in capsule form. The norm is one capsule, it should be given 2-3 times a day. At each age of the baby, before increasing the dosage or introducing a new type of supplement, you should additionally consult with your pediatrician.

Do not forget to consult your pediatrician; only a qualified doctor can give specific recommendations for taking soy lecithin

For diseases (pancreatitis, diabetes, cholecystitis, gastritis)

People suffering from pancreatitis or cholecystitis should avoid soy lecithin. For gastritis and diabetes, medicinal supplements are allowed, but specific permissible norm No. It is individual and is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s health status, as well as the presence or absence of contraindications to taking the product.

On a diet and use for weight loss

When losing weight, it is recommended to take soy lecithin in the form of capsules or powder. The daily norm is 5–7 grams. But before purchasing a supplement, you should consult a nutritionist. You need to find out from him whether you can use these drugs, further clarify the dosage and find out whether you need to reduce or completely abandon products that already contain soy lecithin.

Before consuming lecithin while losing weight, you should consult a nutritionist.

How to take soy lecithin

Soy lecithin must be purchased either in powder, gel or capsule form. What from three types supplements will help in your specific case, only a doctor can tell. After all, one drug is suitable for prevention, while another can improve your health. Acceptable daily norm indicated in the instructions. Find out from your doctor what foods containing soy lecithin you can eat, in addition to the drug itself. This clarification is necessary to avoid poisoning.

Video: about the effect of lecithin on children

Soy lecithin is suitable for promoting health and protecting against disease. Preparations containing this substance are useful at any age. But before purchasing them, find out from your doctor whether you are one of those for whom supplements are contraindicated, and in what form you should buy lecithin.

Lecithin means yolk in Greek. It was from the yolk that this component was first made. Lecithin is often used in Food Industry as an emulsifier and food additives. It is found in products such as all kinds of chocolates, bread, cookies, margarine, and many others.

In addition, it is rich in vitamins and phospholipids, which are actively involved in fat metabolism. Lecithin is found in any living organism, the tissues of humans, animals, birds, fish, and even plants. Lecithin brings the most benefit to the liver - 50% of the component is found there. spinal cord– 32%, and in the nervous system only 18%. In addition, the heart contains a lot of lecithin.

Products may contain either natural lecithin or be artificially enriched with it. Typically, such products are not very healthy because they consist of dyes, preservatives and flavor enhancers.

In the article we will examine such interesting issues as the harm and benefits of soy lecithin, what it is made from, where to buy, products with the component, allergy symptoms, calorie content, contraindications during pregnancy, weight loss, diet, and many others.

Soy lecithin is fat-like substance, which is both produced in the human body itself and is contained in following products: sunflower oil and egg yolks, legumes. Such products contain natural component.

It is often used in medicine, in various drugs Dietary supplements, as well as in cosmetology. His main function serves to influence metabolic and physiological processes body.

It mainly contains phospholipids. They play the role of the basis of the cell membranes of any living organism. In addition, they make up the walls of ribosomes and mitochondria.

What are they made of?

Get soy lecithin from low temperatures from natural and refined soybean oil. In addition to phospholipids, lecithin consists of all kinds of beneficial esters, oils and vitamins. But it is worth distinguishing natural lecithin from artificial, which is common in the food industry as an emulsifier and is rich in impurities and harmful substances. So, if a natural component is capable of breaking down fats, an artificial one only adds calories!

Benefits of soy lecithin

How is the product useful? It is always necessary to maintain a certain level of lecithin in the body. It is important that it be average, since a deficiency or excess can greatly affect the further health of the body.

Let's consider beneficial features:

  1. First of all, natural lecithin affects the transmission of nerve impulses, since it contains substances necessary for the body such as inositol and the presence of phosphatidylcholine. In addition, the content of these components allows you to protect blood vessels and gallbladder from high cholesterol.
  2. Next interesting property will be its ability to break down fats. Let us remind you that the substance will only be beneficial in its natural and purified form. Therefore, it removes from the body only excess fat that interferes with maintaining normal level, while cosmetic preparations and medications remove all fat from the body, even the necessary ones.
  3. It works against kidney stones. Component in in kind acts like choleretic agent, preventing the formation of gallbladder stones. In addition, thanks to lecithin, vitamins and minerals are absorbed faster by the body. Also, it is often used in the manufacture cosmetics, because it contains elements that do not allow the skin to age.
  4. It is especially useful for older people and athletes who lack it in their bodies.
  5. In addition, lecithin protects the lungs from cancer. The amino acids contained in the substance will stimulate immune system, protecting the body from viruses. In addition, the body will be enriched with multivitamins and minerals, and intestinal functions will be restored.

Why is it harmful?

We looked at the beneficial properties of the soybean oil component. Now many may have a question: why is it harmful, since it contains so many useful substances? Let's start with the fact that lecithin is harmful only in artificial form and products containing it, in its natural form, its harm is minimized.

Often lecithin in large quantities added to chocolates, mayonnaise, and sweets. These products must be handled with extreme caution to avoid the risk of all kinds of diseases.

In addition, there is lecithin intolerance and allergies. These ailments can be either genetically predisposed or acquired if, for example, you purchased a low-quality or expired product.

Contraindications for women during pregnancy.

Symptoms of an allergy to soy lecithin

An allergic reaction may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Insomnia.
  2. Discomfort in the intestinal area.
  3. Memory disorder.

In addition, due to intolerance, there may be intoxication of the body, organ disorders gastrointestinal tract, as well as irritation of the mucous membranes.

Lecithin for children

A child will benefit from soy lecithin because it contains many useful vitamins and minerals.


As we have already written, women have contraindications during pregnancy. During pregnancy, you should limit the consumption of products with artificially added components. Also, people with increased level cholesterol.

Where can I buy?

Many people who are planning to stick to a diet are interested in where to buy the drug? It can be purchased in online pharmacies, and it is also sold on special counters in stores.

Calorie content

The calorie content of soy lecithin is quite high - as much as 913 calories per 100 grams. But useful material, contained in the component, explain this.

Granulated lecithin, like medical drug can be included in the diet to burn fat, or if there is a deficiency of the component in the body, its calorie content in the capsule is low. In this case, you need to take capsules once a day, during meals, with water.

Some people believe that the caloric content of a substance does not allow you to stick to a diet, but this is not so. As we have already said, lecithin breaks down and burns fats, and when the right approach and inclusion in the diet, the result will not keep you waiting!

Is it possible to gain weight?

Many people believe that lecithin makes them fat. In fact, natural products with its content are not so caloric, therefore, if you use them in normal quantity, it is almost impossible to recover.

Diet and weight loss

Diet and weight loss with lecithin is possible. Despite its calorie content, the component contains many properties and elements that can fight excess fat. But it is important to remember that it only affects excess fat, that is, if you are not overweight, the drug will not help.

Products containing soy lecithin are rich in complete protein and other active biological elements.

During compliance, the presence of these substances, and especially protein, will help not to lose muscle mass, but biologically active substances will significantly reduce blood cholesterol levels.

It is necessary to include in your diet products containing natural lecithin, namely: lean meat, freshly squeezed juices from vegetables and fruits, lean fish, dried fruits and cereals.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet all kinds of rich foods, fried, smoked, and fast food.

Remember that a diet that includes taking soy lecithin capsules will significantly increase your chances of losing weight. But taking the drug is prohibited during pregnancy.

A soy milk diet will also give good results and weight loss. Its caloric content is quite low - only 54 calories per 100 ml. Again, it is important to exclude baked goods and baked goods, fried fish and meats from the diet.

Sample menu

Breakfast: black bread toast, a glass of soy milk

Afternoon snack: a glass of soy milk;

Dinner: mashed potatoes with soy milk;

Afternoon snack: prunes, 5 pcs;

Dinner: freshly squeezed Apple juice, a piece of cheese.

Contraindications: You should not follow this diet during pregnancy.

This diet will allow you to get rid of 5 kilograms if you stick to it for a week.

Soy lecithin belongs to the group biological additives food grade, it is a processed product vegetable oil. There are products that already contain lecithin, and those artificially enriched with it. The supplement is surrounded by myths and rumors; it is worth understanding the dangers and benefits of soy lecithin.


The required level of lecithin is important at any age; without it, many organs and systems will malfunction. Beneficial features:

  1. Prevention of atherosclerosis. The absence of lecithin is the basis for the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Clogged vascular tubes do not allow blood to actively circulate. Lecithin prevents fat and cholesterol from combining, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
  2. The presence of phospholipids in the composition allows liver cells to recover. Excess fat is removed from the organ, and the ability to cleanse harmful toxins returns.
  3. Reducing the risk of gallstone disease. Herbal product prevents the accumulation of hard fatty deposits and accelerates the breakdown of stones.
  4. Reducing the possibility of a heart attack. Phospholipids help produce in the body essential amino acid L-carnitine. It gives the heart muscle energy and strength. The muscle is protected from premature wear.
  5. Safety nerve cells. Lecithin produces myelin, it forms a kind of protection for the nerve sheaths. With gradual aging, the body needs to consume more lecithin for optimal functioning of the nervous system. If you experience frequent stress, anxiety, or tension, additional consumption of soy products is recommended.
  6. Lung protection. Under the influence of plant elements, surfactants are synthesized. Under their influence, a protective film of the alveoli is formed. The lungs receive protection from toxins, and the risk of cancer is reduced.
  7. Prevention diabetes mellitus, alleviating the symptoms of an existing disease. Lecithin optimizes insulin production in the pancreas.
  8. Extension reproductive age men and women, protection from oncological diseases genitals.
  9. Acceleration of metabolism. The soybean plant element oxidizes fats, actively destroying them. It is recommended to use it for obesity.

Lecithin is needed children's body for full development. Infants receive useful element from mother's milk, older children from foods such as egg yolk, pumpkin, oily fish and others. Without this element, memory suffers, academic performance decreases, and information is absorbed slowly.

Another property is that it helps in quitting smoking. Nicotine and lecithin irritate the same receptors. Additional intake of the element will allow you to deceive the body and defeat harmful addiction.


Natural soy lecithin has minimal harm. It should be used with caution only if there is a tendency to allergic reactions. But if a low-quality product is used, then there is a high risk of getting a bunch of diseases.

Manufacturers often add soy products to candy, mayonnaise, and chocolate without any measure. The modified additive acts in the opposite direction - it does no good, it does harm. Consuming large amounts of artificial lecithin Bad quality promotes nervousness, reduces intelligence, suppresses hormone production thyroid gland, leads to obesity.

The additive is approved in the production of many food products; it is found under the code E322.


Natural lecithin is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. The artificial additive should be taken in minimal quantities or completely eliminated in the following cases:

  • the first months of pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and phases of their exacerbation.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, you can consume products containing lecithin. It is present in all plant and animal tissues. Most of it is found in legumes, nuts, sunflower seeds, egg yolk. You can also get healthy lecithin with special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Usually they are always recommended by a gynecologist.

Pregnant women are not recommended to consume products with the industrial additive E322. The additive is obtained from soybean oil; its cheapness is often associated with the use of transgenic varieties. Artificial lecithin is added to the following products:

  • ice cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • candies;
  • margarine.

Women carrying a baby should avoid products containing genetically modified soybeans. Large amounts in the diet can disrupt fetal development. It is advisable to avoid products with E322 in the first trimester.

What about during feeding? Lecithin in large quantities present in breast milk, the baby does not need to consume it additionally. It is beneficial for the mother to receive the element from natural sources. In the first months, you should avoid products with industrial additives - canned food, mayonnaise, chocolate.


Vitamin composition:

  • B1, B2, B6, B9, B12;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • choline

The product contains polyunsaturated fatty acid, and linoleic acid, phosphates, phosphodiethylcholine, inositol.


If a useful element is present in natural products, then traditional storage rules must be followed. Vitamin complexes are stored according to the instructions.

How to choose

To provide the body with lecithin, you should choose vitamin complexes with this supplement or natural products containing this element. How to choose the right vitamin preparation?

  1. You need to choose a supplement made from soybeans rather than sunflower. IN soybeans contains phospholipids of higher quality.
  2. It is important to ensure that unmodified soybeans were not used in production.
  3. Lecithin is available in the form of grains or as an oily liquid. It is advisable to choose an additive in the form of oil, since the manufacturing process uses better technologies to obtain phospholipids.

To minimize the harm from industrially produced soy additives, it is worth buying products without the presence of E322. You should limit your diet to sausages, dumplings, sweets, and cutlets with the addition of E322.

What goes with it?

The supplement can be combined with any traditional food in the diet.

Thus, soy lecithin is beneficial for the body, but only in reasonable doses and in natural form. Increased consumption of industrial additives can cause diseases of the thyroid gland and liver.