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Diseases of rabbits and methods of combating them. Three types of rhinitis in rabbits: treatment and prevention

Pasteurellosis is a common disease that affects rabbits. This is a highly contagious disease that can negatively affect the eyes, ears and other organs of the animal. Incubation period 5-10 hours. Infection occurs through the respiratory system. In the acute course of the disease, the rabbit dies within 1-3 days. If treatment is started at the very beginning of the disease, then there is a chance that the rabbit will recover.

Pasteurellosis is a general term describing a group of diseases of the upper respiratory tract caused by bacteria Pasteurella multocida. It is most often transmitted from infected females to offspring and between mating females and males. There are acute, subacute and chronic forms of the disease. Pasteurella usually settles in the nose, lungs, and eye membranes, but can also affect other parts of the body.

Most often develop respiratory diseases, including pneumonia, sinus infections and sinusitis. Sick rabbits appear watery discharge from the nose, accompanied by sneezing, later this discharge becomes thicker and whitish or yellowish in color, the body temperature rises. Infected rabbits make loud wheezing or snoring sounds (due to a stuffy nose) and refuse to feed.

The disease can affect the eyes (causing conjunctivitis) or the ears (causing ear infections). Infectious diseases ears can cause torticollis, head wobble, scratching, disorientation, circling in one place, or inability to stand in rabbits. In severe cases, the rabbit may develop pneumonia or bacteremia. Sometimes under the skin or in internal organs the animal develops abscesses.

To fight infection, the rabbit's body mobilizes a huge number of white blood cells. Due to the accumulation of dead white blood cells and tissue cells, pus forms in the area of ​​infection. If the disease is left untreated, it may become incurable. However, when timely treatment With antibiotics, the prognosis is usually favorable. Pasteurellosis is treated with antibiotics(terramycin, enrofloxacin, biomycin) for 14-30 days. Treatment is prescribed veterinarian.

In most cases, signs of the disease may disappear, but pasteurella remains in the rabbit's body. If the infection with pasteurellosis is moderate and the rabbit good immunity, then the animal recovers without treatment. However, if the disease is advanced or the rabbit has a weakened immune system, then the disease is quite severe. In some animals, even with early treatment, are developing chronic diseases that require long-term treatment.

Unfortunately, research has shown that Pasteurella bacteria are often found inside pus that accumulates in hard-to-reach places (such as the nasal passages) and therefore antibiotic treatment does not always give the expected results. therapeutic effect, relapses occur frequently. Pasteurellosis is very contagious and difficult curable disease . Breeders and rabbit owners should take every precaution to prevent rabbits from becoming sick, including routine cage cleaning and quarantining new animals.

Pasteurellosis is a persistent problem in many rabbit farms and is very difficult to eradicate.

When purchasing a rabbit, make sure it has no signs of disease (be sure to check for nasal discharge). When choosing a young rabbit, its mother and siblings must be absolutely healthy.

As a rule, the disease occurs where the living conditions of animals are poor, poor nutrition, poor hygiene, violation temperature regime and lack of ventilation. Proper care, a varied diet, a calm environment is the key to your rabbit’s health. Do not allow your rabbit to come into contact with other people's rabbits. Since pasteurellosis can be transmitted through your hands and clothing, wash your hands and change clothing after handling other animals. Diagnosis is also complicated by the fact that the disease can develop in areas of the body that are inaccessible for culture (tests).

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Difficulty breathing

The main symptom is shortness of breath. The rabbit is breathing open mouth, stretches its head and neck, the tongue turns blue, the stomach and chest rise and fall strongly when breathing, the animal lies down.

Check the patency of the nasal openings. If there thick discharge from the nostrils, first soak them by applying a damp cloth or handkerchief to each nostril in turn (without covering your mouth or making breathing difficult), and then carefully remove with your fingers or tweezers. Do this slowly and carefully, remember that your rabbit has a very sensitive nasal area and by causing pain you can make the stress worse. After this, carefully wrap the rabbit in a towel, trying not to change the position of its head, and place it in a cool, dry, dark place. Call a doctor.

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Igor Nikolaev

Reading time: 4 minutes


A runny nose in rabbits is quite common. Most often it occurs in the off-season, in young, not yet fully strengthened animals. His external signs the same as most pets of other species: white mucous discharge from the nose, watery eyes, and so on. We will try to figure out what to do if a rabbit sneezes, how and with what to treat it, and what is the cause of this disease.

All respiratory tract diseases in these animals can be either independent diseases, and symptoms various kinds infections. Common symptoms, which most often accompany rhinitis (as a runny nose is commonly called in medicine) are: difficulty breathing (caused by narrowing of the respiratory passages), cough and lacrimation. Rhinitis in a rabbit can be caused by various injuries nose, as well as poor sanitary condition of the cage (the presence of dirt and dust in it) and inhalation of too hot air.

Anyone can cause a runny nose inflammatory process, occurring on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavities. He has a cold and accompanying symptom other diseases (most often - infectious nature). Whatever the cause of sneezing in rabbits, treatment should be started as soon as possible.

Colds and rhinitis

The most common cause of snot in a rabbit is a simple cold.

It can be provoked by drafts in the cage, strong winds, as well as sudden temperature changes. Snot appears especially often in the smallest rabbits and in young animals that have not reached puberty. Most often, cages with rabbits are located on the street, which allows them to be strengthened immune system. However, in extreme cold, breeders often remove them indoors, and when it warms up, they take them outside again. Fresh air. If such a transition is very abrupt, the rabbits may catch a cold. In addition, if the cells are not sufficiently insulated and protected from drafts, then in the autumn-winter period a runny nose is a common occurrence.

According to the form of its course, rhinitis is divided into transient, acute and chronic.

For acute course the disease is characteristic frequent sneezing. At the same time, the animals shake their heads and rub their noses with their paws. With such a runny nose inner surface The nasal mucosa swells, either clear or whitish discharge appears on the outside, and dried crusts may appear around the nostrils. If the nose is very clogged, then rabbits switch to mouth breathing. For chronic form A runny nose is characterized by periodic exacerbations, accompanied by declines in the disease for quite a long time.

It is very important to correctly diagnose and determine the form of the disease. Without this, treatment may not only be ineffective, but in some cases even harmful to the health of the animal.

First of all, viral and infectious causes rhinitis, and this requires consultation with a veterinary specialist.

A runny nose can be one of the symptoms of a respiratory or other infection.

In such cases, nasal discharge is usually serous or white in color and may contain types of bacteria such as streptococcus, bronchisepticus and coli. This rhinitis is typical for animals with a weakened immune system, since bacteria can be present in a latent form in the nasal cavities and in the nasopharynx area of ​​healthy rabbits. The development of a disease from latent to overt form is usually facilitated by: poor conditions of detention, poor quality or balanced diet, dirt and dust in the cage.

Such bacteria are most often transmitted from sick animals to healthy ones. by airborne droplets, however, infection is also possible through bedding or equipment used on the farm.

The first signs of such rhinitis appear quite quickly - on the third to fifth day after infection. Rabbits sneeze actively, the mucous membrane of their noses swells, and white nasal discharge occurs, accompanied by lacrimation. It is quite simple to distinguish between common colds and infectious rhinitis from each other. In the second case, in addition to the usual signs of a runny nose, the general depressed state of the animal is clearly expressed, it develops shortness of breath, and breathing becomes difficult. As a rule, against the background of this, the body temperature rises, and extraneous sounds (whistles or wheezing) are heard in the rabbit’s lungs when breathing.

Continue infectious rhinitis maybe for quite a long time.

If treatment is not started in time, it can develop into a severe, difficult-to-treat form. It is possible that such dangerous diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy and purulent pneumonia. In such cases, the death of the animal is possible within one to two months after infection.

Treatment and prevention of the disease

How to properly treat a runny nose in rabbits depends on the cause that caused it. Therefore, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis.

It is difficult to do this yourself, without the appropriate knowledge, so it is better to immediately contact a veterinarian.

The first step is to isolate a sick rabbit from healthy animals.

Transplant him into a clean, disinfected cage and observe him for a while to see if there are any changes in his condition. If the condition does not improve, there is a high risk of infection or rhinitis due to injury to the rabbit’s nose.

If the cause of the runny nose is a common cold, then after placing the rabbit in a warm and dry cage, it is necessary to improve its diet. Crusts that may form in the nose area can be easily removed with a three percent solution of hydrogen peroxide. After the procedure, it is best to lubricate the animal’s nostrils with Vaseline. If the color of nasal discharge is white, then five to six drops of the drug “Ecmonovocillin” will help, which must be diluted in boiled water in proportions of one to two (one part of the medicine - two parts of water). The resulting solution is instilled into the nose using a pipette.

If rhinitis appears against the background of other diseases, treatment should be comprehensive. With this approach, a one percent solution of Furacilin is usually prescribed together with a solution of Penicillin (in the amount of 15-20 thousand units).

If diseases such as pneumonia or bronchitis have developed, either Norsulfazole or Sulfadimezin is added to the animal’s food. I calculate the dose based on the weight of the rabbit - 200 milligrams for every kilogram of body weight. If the illness is accompanied by a significant increase in body temperature, it is necessary to do intramuscular injections Penicillin at a dosage of 20 thousand units per kilogram of live weight. Effective medicines are also “Erythromycin” and “Biomycin”.

If the disease affects several animals, then effective therapy are chlorine-turpentine inhalations.

In most cases, the duration is complex therapy lasts from one week to ten days, but complete recovery usually occurs after 20 days.

Measures to prevent rhinitis in rabbits

Main preventive measures To prevent this rabbit disease are:

  • quality conditions for keeping rabbits;
  • maintaining a comfortable temperature regime in the cells;
  • prevention of sudden temperature changes;
  • compliance with basic rules of hygiene and sanitation;
  • high quality feed without foreign matter or contamination;
  • the presence in the diet of rabbits of special additives that stimulate the animal’s immune system;
  • regular vaccination.

Respiratory diseases can develop independently or accompany infectious and invasive diseases and injuries. They are to some extent an indicator of the body's resistance. The main symptoms of pathologies of this group of organs are cough, shortness of breath (dyspnea - disturbance of the rhythm, depth and frequency of breathing, which can be inspiratory - inhalation is prolonged and difficult, respiratory movements are rare and deep, which is observed when the lumen of the upper respiratory tract is narrowed - and expiratory - prolonged exhalation is performed in 2 steps, which occurs when it is difficult for air to escape from the lungs), a change in the type of breathing, difficulty breathing in a lying position, vomiting.

In order to prevent respiratory diseases, it is necessary to comply with veterinary and sanitary standards for keeping animals and promptly eliminate primary diseases, on the basis of which they develop.

Rhinitis is inflammation of the nasal mucosa. It occurs more often in young or old animals, but can also occur in adults. The immediate cause of the disease is inhalation of hot air, the presence of gases and dust, feeding moldy food, and wounds to the nasal mucosa. Rhinitis can occur with some infectious and invasive diseases.

Over the course of the disease, it can be acute or chronic. Symptoms acute rhinitis characterized by nasal discharge: the rabbit or nutria sneezes, shakes and shakes its head. The nasal mucosa swells, and crusts of dried exudate form along the edges of the nostrils. When there is excessive swelling of the mucous membrane, animals breathe through the mouth.

The chronic form of rhinitis is characterized by a long course with periodic exacerbations.

The diagnosis is made based on clinical signs diseases, excluding infections.

Sick animals are placed in a warm, dry room and given complete, dust-free food. The crusts are moistened with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and removed, the outside of the nose is lubricated with boric vaseline. 5-6 drops of ecmonovomycillin are injected into each nostril 1-2 times a day (1 part of the drug is mixed with 2 parts of saline or boiled water) or 1% solution of furatsilin mixed with a solution of penicillin (15–20 thousand units/ml).

Prevention of the disease consists of preventing diseases complicated by rhinitis, general hygiene measures, and strengthening the resistance of the animal’s body.

Bronchitis - acute or chronic inflammation the mucous membrane of the bronchi with simultaneous involvement of the trachea in the process. There are macro-, microbronchitis and diffuse bronchitis.

The causes of bronchitis are unbalanced, deficient feeding, especially in carotene, exposure to aerogenic irritants (smoke, vapors, ammonia), hypothermia, colds (bathing in cold water, long stay in the rain), as well as infectious and invasive diseases.

Macrobronchitis appears severe cough And normal temperature bodies. Microbronchitis is characterized high hyperthermia(increased body temperature), weak cough. Diffuse bronchitis characterized by constant hyperthermia and weak cough. Acute form Bronchitis lasts 10–14 days, often complicated by pneumonia, and if untreated it becomes chronic, feverless. Animals are depressed, appetite is reduced, breathing is rapid.

The diagnosis is made by a veterinarian based on auscultation of the lungs (listening to wheezing in the lungs).

A sick animal should be kept isolated from exposure to ammonia, hypothermia, and the best feeds, vitamin and mineral supplements. For 5 days, 0.2–0.3 g of dimezin or 0.025–0.05 g of sulfantrol per 1 kg of live weight is given orally daily for 5 days. Penicillin or ecmonomycillin is administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly 2–3 times a day at 15–20 thousand units/kg of live weight. If necessary, the course of treatment is repeated after 3 days.

Prevention of bronchitis comes down to compliance with zoohygienic requirements for the conditions of keeping and feeding animals.

Bronchopneumonia is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi and individual lobules of the lungs, characterized by filling the lumen of the bronchi, bronchioles, and alveoli with exudate. Young animals are predominantly affected.

The causes of bronchopneumonia are unbalanced, deficient feeding, especially carotene, exposure to aerogenic irritants (smoke, vapors, ammonia), hypothermia, colds (swimming in cold water, prolonged exposure to rain), as well as infectious and invasive diseases.

The disease is manifested by depression of the animal, a slight increase in body temperature, lack of appetite, weak cough, difficult rapid and shallow breathing. Nasal discharge is noted, sometimes with unpleasant smell. The diagnosis is made by a veterinarian based on data from auscultation of the lungs (various rales and areas of dullness, regardless of the presence of fever), as well as laboratory research blood and fluoroscopy.

The sick animal is transferred to a dry, warm, well-ventilated room. Bronchopneumonia is treated with antibiotics (penicillin subcutaneously 2–3 times a day at 15–20 thousand units/kg live weight, oxytetracycline at 10–15 thousand units/kg live weight, biomycin at 15–20 thousand units/kg live weight mass) or sulfonamides (sulfadimezin 0.2-03 g per head), expectorants and sputum-resolving drugs are given. To increase the body's resistance, nonspecific therapy (gamma globulin), cardiac drugs, vitamin preparations, and also prescribe dietary feeding. The course of treatment is 8-10 days.

Prevention of the disease comes down to implementing a set of organizational, economic and special veterinary measures aimed at increasing the body’s resistance to the influence of unfavorable external and internal factors.