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Artificial insemination: types and methods. Artificial insemination of single women. How much does artificial insemination cost?

The statistics are disappointing - every year the number of infertile couples only increases, and how many of them want children! Thanks to the latest technologies and progressive treatment methods, babies are born, even though it would seem that this is impossible. Artificial insemination is a procedure that allows a woman diagnosed with infertility to become a mother using donor sperm. What is the essence of the technology, to whom it is contraindicated and how great are the chances of having a child - more on this later.

What is artificial insemination

Being one of the ways artificial insemination, insemination helps parents find their long-awaited child. The procedure significantly increases the likelihood of conception, since it is preceded by a careful selection of material for the operation. Among the sperm, the most active ones are selected, and the weak ones are removed. The protein components of the ejaculate are removed because they can be perceived by the female body as foreign.

Intrauterine insemination is not a panacea for infertility, but only one way to get pregnant artificially. According to research positive effect is estimated at a maximum of 30–40 percent. A single session does not guarantee the development of pregnancy, so the operation is performed up to 3 times per monthly cycle. If conception does not occur after several procedures, it is recommended to turn to other methods of artificial insemination. The pregnancy itself intrauterine insemination no different from normal.

Why is artificial insemination possible?

It would seem why women cannot get pregnant, but with the artificial introduction of ejaculate, fertilization occurs. One of the features lies in the female body. The fact is that cervical mucus produces antibodies to male sperm. It turns out that it simply kills sperm, and does not facilitate their penetration into the egg. The procedure helps deliver the treated material directly to the uterus, bypassing the cervical canal. In this way, even with low sperm motility, the chance of getting pregnant increases.


As can be seen from the above, the main indication for artificial intrauterine insemination is the immunological incompatibility of partners. In fact, there are many more individual reasons for resorting to the procedure, so it is worth considering them in more detail. The main problems in women are considered to be inflammatory processes in the cervical canal. The disease prevents sperm from passing into the uterus, preventing a woman from becoming pregnant.

Artificial insemination is used for vaginismus, a problem where sexual intercourse is not possible due to spasms and pain. Injuries and pathologies reproductive organ, preventing you from getting pregnant, abnormalities in the position of the uterus, infertility of an unclear nest, surgical interventions on the cervix - another of the many reasons to contact the clinic for an insemination procedure.

Until recently the reason female infertility They were looking only for the weaker sex, but, as research has shown, male problems are often dominant in this matter. Low motility and a small number of sperm that are difficult to reach end point, and azoospermia are some of the main diseases due to which artificial insemination is prescribed if previous treatment does not produce any results. Disorders with potency and ejaculation can also be an indication for the procedure.

Genetic diseases, as a result of which there is a possible risk of having a sick baby or with psychophysical characteristics of the baby, is another reason why artificial insemination is prescribed. True, then the procedure is carried out with the donor’s sperm, to which the husband (and the future official father) gives written consent. Fertilization with seminal fluid from the clinic’s database is also carried out for single women who want to become pregnant.


Intrauterine insemination is the first method that is used for problems with conception. The main advantage is the absence great harm female body. Artificial insemination can be carried out even if the exact cause of infertility has not been established. The procedure does not require lengthy preparation, and its implementation does not take much time. The most important trump card of use this method is its low cost.


Like any operation, and intrauterine insemination by medical means is such, the procedure requires preparation. Just the desire to do artificial insemination is not enough; you need to come to an appointment with a doctor, who will prescribe an action plan after drawing up a family history and a thorough analysis of the situation during a conversation. Then it is necessary to sign certain papers confirming the consent of the spouses to carry out the conception. If it is necessary to use donor sperm, the number of documents for approval increases significantly.

Tests before insemination

Preliminarily, to find out your preparedness for the procedure artificial insemination, the couple is tested:

  • HIV AIDS);
  • stick infections;
  • hepatitis;
  • passive hemagglutination reaction (RPHA).

After a 3-5 day period of abstinence, the man takes a spermogram, which determines sperm motility. Women will have their patency checked fallopian tubes, using hysterosalpingography, the uterus is examined. Ultrasound detects the presence of ovulation. If there are problems, then hormones stimulate the production of an egg. Microflora is cultured to determine the presence of papillomavirus, ureplasma, group B streptococcus, which can cause the impossibility of bearing a fetus.

Sperm preparation

Immediately before the insemination procedure artificially for rent seminal fluid, after which it is examined and processed. There are 2 ways to prepare cells: centrifuge processing and flotation. The first option is preferable, since this increases the chances of conception. Sperm preparation involves removing acrosin from it, a substance that inhibits sperm motility. To do this, portions are poured into cups and left to liquefy, and after 2-3 hours they are activated special drugs or passed through a centrifuge.

On what day is insemination done?

According to doctors specializing in these issues of gynecology, the best option To carry out artificial insemination is the introduction of sperm into the uterus three times:

  • 1-2 days before ovulation;
  • On the day of ovulation;
  • After 1-2 days, if there are several maturing follicles.

How does the procedure work?

Artificial insemination can be carried out independently or directly with the participation of a specialist in the clinic. To do this, the woman is placed on a gynecological chair, and access to the cervix is ​​opened with the help of a mirror. The doctor inserts a catheter, and biological material is drawn into a syringe connected to it. Then there is a gradual introduction of sperm into the uterine cavity. After insemination, the woman should remain motionless for about 30-40 minutes.

Insemination with donor sperm

When identifying serious illnesses the woman's partner, such as hepatitis, HIV and other potentially dangerous diseases, including genetic ones, then the donor’s sperm is used, which is stored frozen at a temperature of -197°C. Information about a person is not declassified, but the wife can always bring with her a person who has the right to donate seminal fluid for subsequent artificial insemination of the patient.

Husband's sperm

Using biological material spouse, sperm collection occurs on the day of the insemination procedure. To do this, the spouses come to the clinic where biological material is donated. After this, the semen is analyzed and prepared for use. It is important to understand that before donating sperm, a man must abstain from sexual intercourse for at least 3 days in order to improve the quality of sperm.

Artificial insemination at home

Artificial insemination at home is allowed, although according to doctors its effectiveness is considered minimal, however, judging by the reviews, successful attempts have been recorded. At the pharmacy you can buy a special kit for performing manipulations at home. The algorithm differs from that carried out in the clinic in that the sperm is injected into the vagina, and not into the uterus. When performing insemination on your own, you cannot reuse the kit, you must not lubricate the labia with saliva or cream, or inject sperm directly into the cervix.

Efficiency of the method

A positive result with the intrauterine artificial insemination procedure is achieved less frequently than with in vitro fertilization (IVF) and ranges from 3 to 49% (these are the most positive data). In practice, the number of attempts is limited to 3–4, since larger number the sample is considered ineffective. After this it is necessary to carry out additional research or adjustment of treatment. If pregnancy does not occur, you should resort to another method of artificial conception or change the sperm donor.

Risks and possible complications

As such, intrauterine insemination does not cause complications; women are more at risk due to taking medications that cause ovulation, so it is necessary to conduct tests for the possibility of allergies. In addition, the risk of having twins, or less often triplets, increases, due to the fact that several attempts are made to introduce sperm and stimulate the formation of more than one follicle.


Although artificial intrauterine insemination is a simple procedure with virtually no consequences, there are still some restrictions due to which it may be refused. Among them are problems with ovulation itself, which occurs with disturbances, tubal infertility (it is necessary that at least one intrauterine device be functional), inflammation of the appendages and uterus, hormonal imbalances, infectious and viral diseases.


It is impossible to say definitely how much artificial insemination costs, since prices will differ in each clinic in Moscow. It is important to understand that the procedure consists of several stages, including consultation, tests, and treatment. It is necessary to take into account the price of the medications that you will have to take. If donor sperm is used, then its cost should be added to the price. Today, according to the information provided on the Internet, the following figures can be cited:


Artificial insemination is considered a type of artificial insemination, which can be done even at home on your own. This technology has been known for 2 centuries. It is advisable to carry out the artificial insemination procedure when the woman’s health allows her to become pregnant on her own. This means that the fallopian tubes must be in order, because this is where fertilization of the egg occurs.

The method is based on the introduction of sperm from a partner or donor into a woman’s body. Before performing artificial insemination, you need to consult with a specialist in order to best prepare the body for fertilization.

Depending on where the sperm will be injected, artificial insemination can be divided into:

  • vaginal;
  • uterine;
  • cervical;
  • pipe;
  • follicular.

The most common type is vaginal insemination. This is exactly what can be done at home. This procedure is quite simple and does not require any preparation of the sperm. But in case of infertility, it is useless, since it differs little from ordinary sexual intercourse. Carrying out artificial insemination at home is only relevant if the woman does not have problems with functioning reproductive system. For infertility, this method is useless.

Other types of insemination are carried out in specialized clinics, they are aimed at solving problems with conception in both partners. Mostly intrafollicular insemination is used, less often it is tubal insemination.

This is an intrauterine insemination scheme - it is done only in the clinic.

These procedures require special training. This applies in particular to sperm. She is cleared of part of the ejaculate. Unsuitable spermatozoa are screened out in a special centrifuge. Next, the prepared sperm are placed into the uterus by catheter, or by puncture into the follicle or fallopian tubes. Using several methods simultaneously can significantly increase the chances of pregnancy.

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about IUI, which is done only in the clinic:

Carrying out intrauterine insemination at home is contraindicated and dangerous.

This is associated with many risks to a woman's health. The procedure must be carried out under sterile conditions, and infection can easily be introduced at home. It is also dangerous to use unpurified sperm, which can cause anaphylactic shock.

When should insemination not be done?

Carrying out artificial insemination at home should be agreed with the attending physician, since this method has a number of contraindications:

  1. Availability inflammatory process V reproductive organs(uterus, ovaries, appendages).
  2. Obstruction or absence fallopian tubes. In this case, the insemination procedure does not make sense, since the process of fertilization of an egg with a sperm occurs directly in the tubes. With this diagnosis, an IVF procedure is generally recommended.
  3. Availability oncological diseases pelvic organs. Problems with ovulation;
  4. Availability mental pathologies at the patient.
  5. Availability genetic pathologies in a patient who do not allow her to bear a child.

Carrying out the procedure without taking into account contraindications may, in best case scenario not bring a positive result, and at worst, harm the health of the patient or her unborn child. Therefore, before artificial insemination, it is necessary to consult a specialist and undergo a medical examination.

Also, in some cases, when using donor sperm, problems with the law may arise. Since the donor must give his consent to the procedure. When a woman purchases biological material from a sperm bank, she must enter into an agreement with him.

How to do insemination at home?

Intravaginal insemination can be easily performed at home. To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. Choose the “right” day. The procedure is most effective during ovulation. Therefore, a woman needs to either do an ovulation test (you can purchase a special test at a pharmacy) or do an analysis in a clinic. You can also do an ultrasound to understand that the egg has been released from the ovary.
  2. To determine ovulation, it is sometimes recommended to keep a special schedule basal temperature. To do this, during 3-4 menstrual cycles, you should measure the temperature in the rectum in the morning without getting out of bed. Immediately before ovulation it rises to 37-37.5 degrees. But such a schedule is not always accurate; the temperature can be influenced by many factors (sexual intercourse, stress, consumption of alcoholic beverages).
  3. Prepare the sperm. If donor sperm is used, it must be used immediately after defrosting. Since it spoils quickly, it cannot be re-frozen. If fresh sperm is used, it must be used within 2 hours.
  4. Prepare tools. For the procedure you will need a sterile disposable syringe (10 ml) without a needle. All this can be freely purchased at the pharmacy. Sometimes you can even find special kits for artificial insemination with a catheter and a vaginal dilator.

remember, that intrauterine insemination cannot be done at home, the only safe procedure is intravaginal insemination, it does not require dilators or catheters, a simple 10 ml is enough. a syringe without a needle and a container for collecting sperm.

For intravaginal insemination at home, you need the simplest 10 ml. disposable syringe without needle and container for tests.
The procedure itself is carried out in several stages, during which the woman must lie or sit (as in a gynecological chair):

  • first you need to wash your hands well and wash with soap;
  • sperm is drawn into a syringe;
  • the syringe is inserted into the vagina, deep enough. But under no circumstances into the cervix - this is very dangerous!
  • sperm is slowly introduced into the vagina;
  • the used syringe is disposed of;
  • the woman should remain in a lying position for about half an hour so that the sperm does not leak out of the vagina prematurely.

During the procedure, you should not forget about hygiene. And carry it out wearing sterile gloves or thoroughly washing your hands and genitals.

What will be the result?

Artificial insemination at home does not always end long-awaited pregnancy. You can understand whether the procedure was successful after 2 weeks using a regular pregnancy test. But it's best to check the indicators hCG hormone, this can be done in the clinic. If the indicator increases, it means pregnancy has occurred. If conception fails, the patient is advised to consult a fertility specialist and undergo a full medical examination. This will help identify the causes of problems with conception and find the most optimal method their decisions.

Another short but informative video

Artificial insemination with sperm is performed when sexual intercourse is impossible or when sperm are inactive and cannot independently overcome the barrier properties of cervical mucus and reach the uterus. Carrying out artificial insemination is not a new method and is quite effective, since the technique has been perfected on millions of patients,

History of artificial insemination for pregnancy

The artificial insemination procedure is the introduction of sperm from a husband, partner or donor into a woman's genital tract with the aim of achieving pregnancy.

The history of artificial insemination for pregnancy has been known since ancient times. This technique has been used for over 200 years. It is known that the Arabs in the 14th century used this technique when cultivating Arabian horses. First Research Article about the influence low temperatures on human sperm - about sperm freezing - was published in the 18th century. A century later, ideas emerged about the possibility of creating a sperm bank. The first attempts to freeze sperm using dry ice showed that at a temperature of -79 ° C, sperm remain viable for 40 days. The first pregnancy and birth resulting from fertilization through artificial insemination with frozen sperm was obtained by Roger Bourges in 1953. Then, many years of searching for a method of preserving sperm led to the development of a technique for storing sperm in vessels with liquid nitrogen in sealed “straws”. This contributed to the creation of sperm banks. In our country, the introduction of artificial insemination techniques dates back to the 70-80s of the last century.

Carrying out vaginal and intrauterine artificial insemination

There are two methods of artificial insemination: vaginal (introducing sperm into the cervical canal) and intrauterine (injecting sperm directly into the uterus). Each method has its positive and negative sides. For example, vaginal method the simplest, can be performed by a qualified nurse. But vaginal acidic environment hostile to sperm, bacteria interfere with the linear progression of sperm, and vaginal leukocytes will eat most sperm in the first hour after its introduction.

Therefore, despite the technical simplicity, the effectiveness of this technique is no higher than pregnancy during natural sexual intercourse.

The introduction of sperm into the cervical canal brings the sperm closer to the target, but the barrier properties of the cervical (cervical) mucus stop half of the sperm on their way to the uterus, and here the sperm may encounter antisperm antibodies - an immune factor in female infertility. Antibodies in the cervical canal are in the most high concentration and they literally destroy sperm. If there is an immunological factor in the cervical canal, the only option left is intrauterine insemination.

Artificial intrauterine insemination brings sperm much closer to meeting the egg. But! Remember the danger of abortion: when instruments, even disposable ones, are inserted into the uterus, microbes from the vagina and cervical canal are introduced there, but they should not be there.

How to do artificial insemination

Before performing artificial insemination, it is necessary to conduct research into the factors of infertility. The main importance there is attached to sexually transmitted infections, STIs, bacterial vaginosis- disruption of the vaginal microflora. In addition, it is necessary to comprehensively examine the uterus and ovaries for the presence of polyps in the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, tumor diseases ovaries. These diseases must be pre-treated. If the maturation of the egg is impaired, simultaneously with insemination, one of the methods of stimulating the growth of the egg is carried out - inducing ovulation. This helps eliminate negative factors, which can reduce the effectiveness of artificial insemination for infertility, and carry out fertilization with greater efficiency.

Insertion of catheters into the uterus can cause painful contractions, cramping pain. That's exactly how it works intrauterine device. Such contractions can promote the release of sperm from the uterus, which not only ruins this attempt, but also reduces the effectiveness of subsequent attempts. Despite this, intrauterine insemination (IUI) is now the most commonly used method. Currently, the softest catheters are used, without grasping the cervix with surgical forceps, and antispasmodic (relieving spasms) drugs. In addition, an explanatory conversation is first conducted with the patient using hypnosis and meditation techniques to achieve maximum relaxation of all muscles. Then the cervical canal also relaxes to allow a soft catheter to be inserted into the uterus. The procedure is performed in a regular doctor's office, without surgery or anesthesia. The patient’s sensations are the same as during a routine gynecological examination.

Watch how artificial insemination is performed in the video below:

Oddly enough, the seminal fluid with which sperm enter the woman’s vagina during male orgasm and ejaculation (emission of sperm) during copulation is the most unsuitable environment for sperm, where they not only quickly die (two to eight hours after ejaculation) , but are also not able to quickly move linearly to meet the egg. In addition, seminal fluid is even toxic. If you inject half a gram of seminal fluid into any area female body, then this will cause severe malaise women. The introduction of all the sperm into the uterus along with the seminal fluid is precisely the factor that causes strong cramping contractions of the uterus.

Being in the seminal fluid, sperm are completely incapable of fertilizing an egg. The motility and fertilizing ability of sperm can be increased by simply washing it in physiological solution (0.9% solution table salt). But the most perfect one is used - a cultural medium. This is a medium for culturing cells outside the human body, including eggs and sperm.

Artificial insemination (fertilization) using donor sperm

Insemination is carried out with the sperm of the husband or sexual partner with a normal spermogram. If a man has a decrease in the total number of sperm, a decrease in actively motile and normally formed sperm, and if the woman does not have a sexual partner, then donor sperm can be used. Material for fertilization with donor sperm is obtained from men under 35 years of age, physically and mentally healthy, without hereditary diseases first degree relatives (mother and father, brothers, sisters). When selecting donor sperm for artificial insemination, the blood group and Rhesus affiliation, screening for STIs and venereal diseases. At the request of the woman, the height, weight, eye and hair color of the donor are taken into account.

In the presence of an immunological factor of infertility - detection of antisperm antibodies - intrauterine insemination is recommended, combined with ovarian stimulation with follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) preparations.

FSH in follicular phase and the release of LH, causing ovulation and the onset of the second phase of the cycle, in addition to this they perform very important functions. Early stimulation with FSH drugs helps the egg grow and form a protective zona pellucida, and then causes the follicle containing the egg to fill with follicular fluid, rich in female hormones- estrogens. Estrogens prepare the endometrium, inner shell uterus and cervical mucus to sperm invasion. The endometrium thickens to 13-15 mm according to ultrasound.

Cervical mucus becomes more liquid and permeable to sperm chains. Following this, a surge of LH, the luteinizing hormone, causes not only ovulation, but also division of the egg, as a result of which the number of chromosomes is halved - from 46 (full set) to 23, which is absolutely necessary before fertilization, since sperm that can fertilize the egg also have half set of chromosomes. During fertilization, the halves are again folded into a whole, ensuring the manifestation of the hereditary characteristics of the mother and father in the new little person.

Due to the stimulation of egg growth with the help of FSH drugs and the induction of ovulation with LH drugs, not only ovulation occurs, but also much more.

After insemination with donor sperm, women are advised to lie down for three to four hours. After two days, women who have undergone insemination are prescribed hormones for the second phase of the cycle in order to maintain as close to natural possible pregnancy in the very early its development. Instead of painful oil injections of progesterone, tablets of chemically produced natural progesterone, the hormone of the second phase of the cycle, are now used.

Initially, it was believed that by introducing washed sperm of “improved quality” into the uterus, crossing the cervix with the barrier of cervical fluid and antisperm antibodies, a higher pregnancy rate could be achieved over in a simple way, how in vitro fertilization.

This technique gives 20-30% of pregnancy rates. Each infertility patient undergoes a series of intrauterine insemination procedures using donor sperm along with ovarian stimulation.

Many couples undergo from 6 to 12 courses of intrauterine insemination and ovarian stimulation until they are completely mentally and physically exhausted. It would be better for such couples to refrain from so many attempts at artificial insemination with donor sperm and, if three courses of intrauterine insemination and ovarian stimulation did not produce results, turn to IVF.

Before artificial insemination, special preparation is carried out for both the woman and the man (his sperm).

The woman is examined for various diseases, including infections genitourinary system, determine the patency of the fallopian tubes, examine hormonal background. If necessary, she is given medications that stimulate the functions of the ovaries and follicles, and against the background of this stimulation, insemination is carried out.

The man is examined for various sexually transmitted diseases. Treat them if necessary. Then a spermogram is taken from him (or the sperm donor) and sperm activity is checked. It is processed in such a way that the number of viable sperm in it is maximized.

How does artificial insemination work?

After this preparation, the sperm is placed in a special syringe, which is connected to a catheter. This catheter is inserted into the uterine cavity on a certain day. menstrual cycle women and sperm is injected through it. Further the process is underway naturally. The sperm meets the egg, which is fertilized and forms an embryo.

Not all women who have had artificial insemination succeed in getting pregnant the first time. Then this procedure is performed several times.

Artificial insemination with husband's sperm

Artificial insemination with the husband's sperm is carried out in cases where:

  • there are minor deviations in the husband’s spermogram, which do not allow the woman to become pregnant naturally;
  • for some reason, sexual intercourse in a married couple is disrupted, for example, ejaculatory-sexual disorders in the husband or vaginismus in the woman;
  • cervical factor of infertility, in which sperm cannot penetrate into the uterine cavity and further into the fallopian tubes due to excessive spermicidal activity of the woman’s vaginal secretion.

Artificial insemination with donor sperm

In the absence of a husband or with significant pathological changes in his sperm, insemination with donor sperm is indicated.

Indications for artificial insemination:

  • ovulation disorder;
  • sexual dysfunction, such as dyspareunia (painful sexual intercourse);
  • if it is impossible for a man’s sperm to pass through an overly aggressive vaginal environment in a woman;
  • infertility in young people caused by unclear reasons.

Contraindications to artificial insemination:

  • various somatic and mental diseases in which pregnancy is contraindicated;
  • gynecological diseases that will not allow you to carry a pregnancy to term;
  • malignant oncological pathology of any localization;
  • tumors and tumor-like formations of the ovary;
  • spicy inflammatory diseases women;
  • violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes.

Results of artificial insemination

Pregnancy in a woman after artificial insemination occurs less frequently than in healthy people V normal conditions.The average statistics for successful fertilization using this method is 17%. That's why this procedure repeat several times (3-5 or more), and then its effectiveness rises to 50%. For comparison, with in vitro fertilization (IVF) the efficiency is 40%.

A number of factors influence the positive outcome of artificial insemination, such as:

  • woman, under 30 years of age;
  • normal sperm count of a man;
  • drug stimulation of a woman’s follicles before the procedure;
  • experience and qualifications medical personnel performing this procedure.

This procedure is carried out by specialist doctors in specialized clinics, and at home, independently or with the help of a loved one.

Artificial insemination at home

Artificial insemination can be performed at home independently and with the help of an assistant (for example, a husband). To do this, you need to purchase a special kit for this procedure.

First of all, it is necessary to determine the day of ovulation in a woman in order to determine the time of the procedure. On other days the effect will be negative.

There are many ways to determine the day of ovulation. The artificial insemination kit contains special hormonal or ovulatory tests, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy. In addition, you can determine ovulation using a microscope, measuring basal temperature, and other things.

After determining the day of ovulation, you can begin the procedure itself. Sperm received from a husband or donor should be tried to be sold within the first hour, or better immediately after receiving it. At home, its properties can only be preserved for two hours, so do not delay it.

The resulting sperm is collected into a syringe (without a needle!) and inserted into the vagina. After this, the woman lies down on the bed with the leg end raised so that the sperm flows from the vagina towards the uterus.

Artificial insemination in a clinic

Where is artificial insemination done?

Artificial insemination clinics are present both abroad and in Russia. IN foreign countries, such as USA, Israel, Germany, Canada and many other reproductive clinics can provide you with quality services regarding pregnancy problems.

Artificial insemination in Moscow is carried out with no less quality. In the capital there are such clinics as:

  • ART-ECO (Reproductive Health Clinic);
  • Health Clinic;
  • SWITCHILD group of companies;
  • IVF clinic "AltraVIta";
  • and other clinics.

Cost of artificial insemination

The price for artificial insemination is determined by the clinic itself, its authority, qualified personnel, the amount of money spent on this procedure, the cost of tests and examinations. The total cost of this service is approximately 15 to 30 thousand rubles.

Artificial insemination - reviews

Veronica, 25 years old: Today we were discharged from the family home! A son, Maksimka, was born, 48 cm tall and weighing 2900! Born naturally, healthy!
And just 3 years ago I couldn’t believe it. I had obstruction of the fallopian tubes and also had surgery to remove one of them. And now, thanks to artificial insemination, I have a child! I am grateful to the doctors and the entire clinic for this!

Nastya, 27 years old: I want to express my gratitude to the doctors who helped me get pregnant and give birth to my daughter Katya. Before artificial insemination, I could not get pregnant for 2 years; my husband and I visited many different doctors and clinics. And now we have a daughter and we are starting to think about the next child))
Having visited the reproductive clinic, I saw a lot of women who were helped by artificial insemination and now I recommend this procedure to everyone who has such problems.

Video: Artificial insemination

According to statistics, today almost every second couple cannot get pregnant, and therefore have to resort to a procedure such as artificial insemination. Naturally It is impossible to conceive a baby for a number of reasons, and the main one is infertility, which most parents are diagnosed with. It is worth noting that treating infertility is much more expensive than artificial insemination, and therefore it is better to use this 100% method than to undergo treatment for a long time different ways, take pills and have no confidence in the future. There are different methods of how to get pregnant, but each of them should be carried out only under the guidance of a specialist who can provide competent and individual approach, as well as a guarantee of achieving the set goal.

Existing types of fertilization

Types of fertilization, or in other words, the procedure for conceiving a baby, can be different, since it all depends on the physiology of the parents and the presence or absence of certain problems.

Namely, conception can be:

  • Artificial;
  • Natural;
  • External;
  • Internal.

If everything is clear with the second point, then there is still a lot of controversy regarding the first. To be more precise, there are those people who reject insemination and IVF because they consider it an interference with nature, and there are those who have dedicated their lives to researching these ways to help parents become human.

Medical artificial insemination: what is it?

The various ways in which an egg is artificially fertilized is generally called insemination. During this procedure, sperm is introduced into the lumen of the fallopian tubes or directly into the uterine cavity.

Conception, therefore, is done if:

  1. Men have health problems such as impotence, hypospadias, and lack of ejaculation or sluggish sperm.
  2. A woman has pathologies in the development of the cervix.
  3. The girl is diagnosed with vaginismus, which cannot be treated.
  4. There is mucus in the cervical cavity that can disarm sperm.

Before artificial insemination is performed, a process of examining the sperm of the man and the female reproductive system is carried out. This is required to accurately identify the cause of infertility.

Insemination is carried out 2-3 times per cycle, and the procedure can be repeated at least 3 cycles in a row.

If the study yields a result in the form of sperm pathology, for example, their absence or sluggishness in their activity, then in this case they are looking for a donor or, in other words, a person who will fit all the parameters of the parents’ requests, will be able to give his seed and will not have any the right to an unborn child and even the opportunity to meet him. Sperm is injected into the uterine cavity using a special syringe, and this helps to bypass all the obstacles and dangers that kill sperm.

How to do artificial insemination

Insemination of women is not a difficult process for modern specialists however, careful preparation is required. First, the man’s entire body is examined, and this must be done a couple of months before the day of planned conception. After this period, a woman undergoes stimulation of ovulation, which requires special medications.

Typically used:

  • Menopur;
  • Gonal-f;
  • Puregon.

Only one remedy is used, which must be taken strictly at specific times. Administration is carried out intravenously and subcutaneously. The entire process of egg growth is carried out under the supervision of a specialist, due to ultrasound examination and tracking hormone levels.

The drugs contribute to the maturation of the egg, not just one, but several at once.

This is what increases the likelihood that 2 people will finally have children. A puncture of the ovarian follicle is required, and if laparoscopy is required, anesthesia is required local action. The entire diagnostic process is carried out under ultrasound control, which eliminates the possibility of harm to the female reproductive system. The needle for sampling is inserted through the cavity Bladder or through the vagina. Once the eggs are collected, they are placed in a special thermostat, in which they are further cultured.

Next, the male semen is taken, in which the sperm are artificially separated from the seminal fluid, as well as processed and placed in the incubator. After this, they are attached to the egg, and as soon as they are fertilized, they choose the most suitable ones. The remaining cells are frozen. Throughout this period, the woman needs to take progesterone and estrogen. Due to these hormones, a favorable atmosphere is created for the implantation of zygotes and their adaptation to new living conditions. As a rule, 3 zygotes are taken, of which 2 are attached to the uterine cavity, and the rest are simply placed in it. The result of this treatment can be seen within 2 weeks by simply taking a pregnancy test.

Stages of artificial insemination at home

There are many specialists you can contact to carry out a procedure such as extra corporal insemination, for example, Autleva Susanna Ruslanovna and others, however modern women Are you wondering why this can’t be done at home? It is worth noting that now it is indeed quite possible to carry out in vitro fertilization at home, and the procedure will resemble the most ordinary sexual intercourse, only without the participation of a man.

To carry out this procedure, you will also need to undergo a preliminary examination to exclude:

  • Pathologies;
  • Diseases;
  • Other reasons why natural conception does not occur.

Just as in a clinical setting, it is necessary to remove the exact date conception, for example, by taking a hormone test or a special ovulation test. To carry out artificial insemination and do it yourself, it is important to remember that the activity of sperm is only 2 hours. It cannot be frozen at home or simply stored in a separate bag; therefore, it simply will not work to create conditions like in a hospital.

The main methods of artificial insemination

There are different reviews about whether artificial insemination with a successful result is possible, but it is worth noting that specialists have their own success statistics, since they have their own specific indicators.

In studies of cats and dogs, they were able to carry out fertilization successfully up to 100%.

Why is fertilization called corporate? Because when an egg is implanted into the uterus, several zygotes are used at once, which can completely survive everything, which will cause the birth of twins or triplets.

Fertilization methods are different, but:

  1. They must be carried out under the guidance of a specialist.
  2. The process can only be carried out after thorough research.
  3. The result will be achieved only if all doctors' recommendations are followed.

Semen should be used immediately after ejaculation, and a syringe without a needle is used for injection, and in addition, a special vaginal dilator can be used.

It is strictly forbidden to inject sperm directly into the uterine cavity, as it should not penetrate the sterile cavity. The likelihood that home insemination will be successful is very small, and hope for positive result It’s not worth it too much, so as not to be disappointed later.

Current types of artificial insemination

In general, the fertilization process itself is not too complicated. The seed is placed in the woman's genital tract. You need to wait until fertilization occurs. The egg is implanted into the cavity of the uterine wall, and the natural development of the fetus begins. This method of fertilization eliminates the formation of several or, in other words, extra embryos. How quickly a positive result will be achieved directly depends on concomitant diseases namely chronic type that parents have.

In some cases, women have a pathology such as the absence of menstruation at all, and therefore preliminary testing is required to determine the onset of ovulation or its absence.

As a rule, after fertilization it is not recommended to carry out sex life, since this can cause rejection of the implanted sperm, and the uterus will simply be in shock. This will provoke menstruation, and all procedures will not work. During the period of preparation for fertilization and directly during and after it, you need to be as careful as possible and try as best as possible to protect the uterus from exposure to bacteria and the body from viruses. As a rule, fertilization with a successful result makes it possible to undergo pregnancy without complications.

Artificial fertilization can be extrapolar, as well as insemination.

Each method is considered:

  • Effective;
  • In demand;
  • Carefully thought out.

They differ from each other in the way sperm enters the uterine cavity and how it is recruited. Only a specialist available at each center can advise who needs such fertilization reproductive medicine. Options to carry out fertilization for free are completely excluded, since it requires the use of expensive equipment and the work of highly qualified doctors, which costs quite a lot.