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What is soy lecithin, what are its benefits and how much harm is there? Soy lecithin - benefits, harm and application

Soy lecithin is a group of food additives-emulsifiers, which can be either animal or plant origin, they are found in many vegetables, fruits, meat and milk. If this substance is obtained from natural products, then it is considered useful, since it is directly involved in many body processes and is responsible for the structure of new cells. The benefits of soy lecithin even extend to the functioning of the brain and central nervous system. Often using an extract from these beans, dietary supplements are prepared to maintain health.

In general, soy lecithin is used as a binder to impart the desired taste effects or properties to dishes and is practically not used as an independent product.

Soy lecithin and GMOs

Today, the use of the additive E322 (soy lecithin) is officially permitted in almost all countries of the world. This is due to its beneficial properties in Food Industry and not only. It’s hard today to imagine a dessert or a bar of chocolate without soy lecithin inside. This is because the E322 additive helps hold ingredients together, extends the shelf life of the product, prevents sticking during baking, etc. baby food You can also often find lecithin in the mixture. It has many useful substances, fats and acids that have a beneficial effect on human health (if lecithin is extracted from a natural product). Most often it is added to better combine all components of the instant mixture, prevent the formation of lumps and increase shelf life. But the whole problem is that to reduce the cost of products they can use genetically modified soy lecithin, which can lead to uncontrollable consequences. Frequent use It is the E322 (GMO) additive that can develop a number of diseases, which will entail irreversible processes.

In order to get the promised benefits from consuming soy lecithin, you must consume only those products that do not contain GMOs (including soy). It is also worth remembering the proportions and permissible doses, and limiting the use of this product to young children.

Calories in soy lecithin (100 g)

The high calorie content of soy lecithin is due to its specific composition, because it is not a food product, but rather a useful food additive in the form of fat-like organic substances. E322 intake is measured in mg per serving, so there is no need to worry about the caloric content of this product.

Beneficial properties of soy lecithin

Improves the functioning of the nervous system and brain

Consumption of soy lecithin has a positive effect on brain function in general. Helps increase nerve conduction, thereby improving impulse transmission, significantly enhancing metabolic processes in the cerebral cortex. Provides high quality mental work. For the nervous system, lecithin is useful for improving nerve conduction, that is, the speed of switching from one dominant to another. Natural additive E322 will help reduce nervous excitability, normalize sleep, organize thoughts and increase resistance to depression.

Positively affects the respiratory system

Lecithin contains many fats and acids, which are directly involved in regenerative processes and ensure optimal gas exchange in the lungs. Soy lecithin is one of the components for the structure of surfactant, with the help of which gas exchange occurs directly, transfers oxygen into the blood and removes carbon dioxide. If this process is disrupted, hypoxia can occur (lack of oxygen in the cells of the body, including the brain).

Soy lecithin improves metabolism

This substance has another useful property - it improves metabolism. As you know, our body must continuously work, process food and absorb everything useful material, then distribute them throughout the body. At incorrect exchange substances can disrupt this system and the body suffers a malfunction. Consequences arise in the form of excess weight, vitamin deficiency, disorders of the nervous system, etc. When consuming soy lecithin, it can be traced positive influence on all metabolic processes, the elasticity of the membranes of building cells improves and lenolic acid, which is part of the product, takes a direct part in this work, and new cells not only accumulate useful substances, but also transfer them.

Provides enhanced functioning of the digestive system

Lecithin entering the body from food ensures the regeneration of liver cells and supports the optimal functioning of the organ. In addition, the fats contained in lecithin have a positive effect on the pancreas, activate the process of producing enzymes and bile, and help prevent the development of gallstones. E322 also functions as an antioxidant that can remove toxic free radicals from the body, lowers cholesterol levels, activates regeneration processes in the gastrointestinal tract, helps reduce inflammation.

Strengthens the cardiovascular system

Choline, phosphates and amino acids strengthen the heart muscle, making it more resilient. B vitamins and linoleic acid cleanse the blood of unnecessary cholesterol and prevent the formation cholesterol blockages blood vessels, prevent atherosclerosis and make the blood a little thinner, which in turn makes the heart work easier.

Provides antioxidant properties to the skin

Soy lecithin helps improve regenerative processes in skin, is able to enhance collagen production, reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles and moisture loss from the intercellular space. The fats contained in lecithin will strengthen the membranes of epithelial cells, thereby preventing toxins from entering the deep balls of the epidermis. For women this is very beneficial features which you should definitely use. In addition, the cells of not only the face, but also the whole body are renewed, and accordingly, the growth of hair and nails improves. On male body soy lecithin has the same effect as on women's lecithin and will certainly bring general strengthening benefits, but you should always remember the proportions and naturalness of the product.

Contraindications and harm from soy lecithin

  • According to many people, it is worth limiting the use of soy lecithin for pregnant women, as this can provoke premature birth, although this information has not been confirmed medical research. But, do not neglect this warning;
  • It is harmful for children to consume soy lecithin in pure form(dietary supplements or oil), only the consumption of organic products is permissible;
  • harmful to use in the presence of complex allergic reactions and individual intolerance;
  • It is contraindicated to consume products with genetically modified lecithin, this can lead to serious illnesses;
  • You should beware of excessive consumption of soy lecithin in case of disruption of the endocrine system.

Chemical composition of soy lecithin

  • phospholipids;
  • fatty acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • amino acids.

Phospholipids are important substance, without which the entire body and each of its cells cannot exist. After all, this element gives a person the necessary energy and serves as a building material.

Phospholipids can also be called fats. Lecithins are considered their sources. This article will describe the benefits and possible harm from this element.

Soy lecithin is a dietary supplement. It contains inositol and phosphatidylcholine. Thanks to them, nerve impulses are transmitted. They are also considered a lipotropic substance. This indicates their ability to burn fat. And the presence of inositol and choline protects blood vessels, liver and gall bladder from the appearance of cholesterol. After all, these elements protect organs from the formation of harmful plaques.

Soy lecithin in in kind oxidizes and dissolves only excess fat in the body. And similar medications remove all fat, even that which is necessary for a person.

It prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder, because it acts as a choleretic substance. It also helps the body absorb vitamins and medications taken. Quite often, soy lecithin is used in the manufacture cosmetics. After all, it prevents the evaporation of moisture from the skin, and this allows it not to age.

Lecithin in medicine

This product is very often used in medicine. Preparations based on it are produced in various types: tablets, granules, capsules, solutions, gels. Its use is beneficial for premature babies and the elderly. It is also recommended for use by people with increased mental and physical stress. Doctors prescribe such drugs for patients with gastroduodenitis, gastritis and colitis.

The product can improve insulin production, which is why it is prescribed to diabetics. Preparations with lecithin are recommended to be taken after a stroke, heart and vascular disease, as well as for liver-related diseases.

Soy lecithin helps improve memory. Can act as an antioxidant that will remove toxins from the body. It will also be beneficial when skin diseases, such as psoriasis or various dermatitis.

Its use is prescribed if there is pain in the joints, spine, gynecological problems or disease of the mammary glands. Also, a positive effect affects the sexual sphere, namely, sexual activity increases.

This substance is recommended for use by people who live in areas where there is an increased radioactive background. After all, it removes radionuclides and salts heavy metals. For people who have an allergic reaction to fatty protein, this substance will help balance a nutritious diet.

Use in the food industry

Soy lecithin emulsifier is used quite widely in the food industry.

Confectionery production. In this industry, soy lecithin is the main component in confectionery fat.

Oil and fat production. Thanks to this substance, the ability of products to exfoliate increases, density and plasticity increases. Products with low fat content gain greater oiliness.

Dairy industry. Its benefits in this industry are very great. After all, it has the following properties:

  • accelerates the dissolution of milk powder;
  • the process of wetting in liquid is also accelerated;
  • increases the shelf life of the product.

Helps achieve a smooth mixture in frozen desserts and ice cream.

Natural Sources of Lecithin

IN large quantities this substance is found:

  • in eggs;
  • V fatty foods: any nuts, seeds, chicken and beef liver, fatty varieties fish, vegetable oils, beef and pork;
  • in cabbage: cauliflower, white cabbage, broccoli;
  • in legumes, especially soybeans. The food additive for this drug is made from soybeans.

Any is correct balanced diet will not be able to provide the human body with the required amount of lecithin. After all, the food consumed is not always completely absorbed by the body.

Therefore, malaise may occur, that is, harm from the lack and deficiency of a substance. Quite often, doctors prescribe soy lecithin as a preventative measure, which is taken as a dietary supplement.

Lecithin deficiency in the body

The need to use this substance directly depends on the intensity physical activity And general condition human health. If you increase the level of physical activity, it will increase in the muscles, and this will make them more resilient. Its deficiency manifests itself in a decrease in the sheath of nerve fibers and cells. This can lead to disruption of the harmonious functioning of the nervous system. A failure of blood circulation in the brain will follow, and the person will begin to feel tired and irritable.

Also, the lack of this substance harms the body in the following ways:

  • impairs memory;
  • reduces attention;
  • insomnia appears;
  • mood changes often.

Another harm from a lack of lecithin is manifested in disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: bloating and diarrhea often occur. And subsequently, the functioning of the kidneys and liver is disrupted.

The lack of this element is also harmful to the cardiovascular system. This appears intermittently blood pressure, and existing heart and vascular diseases begin to progress.

About the dangers of soy lecithin

Excess lecithin can have a depressing effect on endocrine system. If available increased sensitivity To this product, you may get an allergic reaction. Very rarely, nausea, dyspepsia and increased salivation may occur.

As a result of medical research, it was found that soy lecithin causes much less harm to the body than other medications.

special instructions

People who suffer from gallstones should take this drug with caution. Since it increases bile secretion, which in turn sets gallstones in motion. For patients with cholecystitis and pancreatitis, the use of the drug should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, so as not to suffer harm from the drug.

If an appointment is required large doses, then the diet should be replenished with food containing vitamin C. It will protect the body from nitrosamines, which are formed during the metabolism of choline. You should also increase your calcium intake. It binds excess phosphorus, which is formed during the metabolism of lecithin.

Although lecithin has many positive effects and its benefits are obvious, you should consult a doctor before starting to use it.

The emulsifier lecithin is a food additive that affects the formation of a homogeneous mass. This substance is an important component for proper chemical balance in the human body. The additive is used in the production of chocolate products, margarine and confectionery products. Most lecithin is found in egg yolks, sunflower seeds and soybeans.

How is the substance obtained?

It is from these products that the natural supplement is extracted. In the food industry, emulsifier E322 is used, which plays the role of an antioxidant and small doses very useful for the body. But its content in food products must be carefully monitored, since an excessive dose of even the most beneficial element can be harmful.

Natural soy lecithin is used to prepare food products more often than other varieties of this food additive. The fact is that it is obtained from processing waste legumes, so production does not require the purchase of raw materials.

This processing method allows you to solve several problems at once. Firstly, there is no need to dispose of waste, since it will act as the main raw material in another technological process. Secondly, this significantly reduces the cost of the production of the substance itself and does not greatly increase the cost of food products to which it is added.

The benefits of soy lecithin have also received medical confirmation. This element takes an active part in the breakdown of complex fats that accumulate in the body. Medicines based on this substance are used to treat atherosclerosis, improve functional state liver, normalization of the nervous system.

Reviews of soy lecithin are positive character. People who have used drugs based on it note that their health has improved, the digestion process has normalized, unjustified nervousness has become rare, and the causeless state of anxiety has gone away.

Harm to the body has not been proven

Soy lecithin is not proven by medical research harmful effects. As for an overdose of the substance, there has not been a single recorded case. The food additive in the total mass of the product makes up hundredths of a percent, which cannot in any way lead to an overdose. Concerning medicines, they also contain many other elements, so it is not possible to establish the direct effect of excess lecithin on the body.

There are many articles circulating on the Internet about the dangers and benefits of the emulsifier E322. However, most of them consist of general phrases and do not provide any clarity to the reader. After reading them, even more questions arise. In general, it is better not to trust rumors and speculation without reliable information and not to risk your health. Questions of interest should be clarified with specialists.

Therefore, it is worth giving a clear answer: natural lecithin has an exclusively positive effect and is important trace element body, which is part of all cells. The danger comes from those food additives that are made from genetically modified foods.

According to the law Russian Federation the use of such substances in the food industry is prohibited. However, many scammers, in pursuit of profit, ignore the prohibitions and add dangerous elements to products. The problem is that it is very difficult to identify attackers, and even more difficult to prove their guilt and bring them to justice.

Harmful substances have Negative influence not immediately after consumption. They accumulate in the body for years, after which they begin their destructive effects. Therefore, the problem of control of producers must be resolved at the highest state level. It is necessary to tighten penalties for the use of elements harmful to human life and health, and to conduct inspections more often.

Applications of soy lecithin

Granulated soy lecithin is used as a so-called biologically active additives. It is useful for both older people and young people. This compound contains glycerin, polymolecular fats, phosphoric acid and vitamins involved in the transmission of nerve impulses from the central nervous system.

Lecithin is involved in many processes occurring inside cells. Its ability to break down complex fats helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevents the formation of cholesterol build-ups on them and improves blood circulation. This is especially important for older people to avoid unnecessary strain on the heart.

Lecithin is also included in muscle tissue, so athletes need to eat right so that training is not in vain. Granulated lecithin can be taken as a preventive measure for absolutely healthy people. He does not have side effects and contraindications, therefore it is dispensed without a prescription from a doctor.

The daily intake of lecithin for an adult is 4000 milligrams. This value is valid for healthy body. During the course of treatment, the rate may be increased at the discretion of the doctor. As for the need for a substance at certain times of the year, there is no difference. The element is equally necessary for the body, both in the summer heat and in the winter cold.


Soy lecithin - a harmful additive or an irreplaceable source of benefits?

Soy lecithin can be seen in many products. As with many food additives, it has established negative attitude. But does the emulsifier cause so much harm and is there any benefit from this substance?

Lecithin is a substance of plant origin. IN industrial production They use an emulsifier (E322), which is produced from soybean oil. It can be seen in bakery, confectionery, pasta, icing, chocolate, mayonnaise, margarine and other products. It is used mainly to increase shelf life.

The first lecithin was obtained from egg yolk in 1845 by French chemist Théodore Nicolas Gobley.

Lecithin is obtained from soybean oil

Soy lecithin is also sold in pharmacies as a separate supplement in the form of capsules, powder and gel for children. When talking about a beneficial effect on the human body, this is precisely the “pharmacy” option that is meant. It is indispensable for health:

  • delivers vitamins to tissues, nutrients, microelements;
  • restores and renews damaged cells;
  • helps the functioning of the brain and nervous system;
  • increases concentration, sharpens memory;
  • helps medicines better absorbed;
  • is a powerful antioxidant;
  • has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels, and also normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • relieves joint pain;
  • prevents the formation gallstones and supports liver health.

The human brain consists of 35% lecithin, and the liver - 50%.

The substance helps the body of women with disorders menstrual cycle and in the complex treatment of uterine fibroids and breast cancer, it alleviates the condition during menopause, and also has a beneficial effect on hormonal disorders.

As for the benefits for men, soy lecithin increases sperm motility, normalizes sexual function and helps with prostatitis.

This substance is also indispensable for children: it is required for the nervous system, stimulates brain activity, reduces fatigue, and also helps to absorb vitamins A, which are responsible for growth and development, D, which prevents the development of rickets, E and K, necessary for correct formation skeletal system and connective tissues.

Table: Chemical composition of soy lecithin

Video: What is the effect of the substance on the development of a child and what products contain it?

Features of application

Normal for an adult

Normal for an adult healthy person- 5–7 g of lecithin per day. Usually, with an average diet, a person does not get this amount from food. Therefore, it is good to use the supplement separately. It is convenient to take it in powder form, 1 teaspoon 3 times a day with meals. In this case, you can stir soy lecithin directly into food or drink (the main thing is that the dish or drink is not hot).

For diseases and painful conditions

  • The use of the supplement is also indicated for diabetes mellitus and gastritis; for these ailments, it is prescribed as part of complex treatment, and the dosage is determined by the doctor individually.
  • In Alzheimer's disease, lecithin helps sharpen memory and better navigate in space. For this purpose, you should take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day.
  • Athletes should use soy lecithin to restore damaged metabolic processes in muscle tissue after strong physical activity. The approximate norm is 7–8 g per day.

Lecithin should be regularly consumed by older people not only to treat Alzheimer's disease, but also to prevent it.

When losing weight

Since products rich in lecithin, as a rule, contain a large amount of fat, when losing weight it is better to avoid them, and take the substance only in capsules or powder (in the amount recommended for an adult). It will help the body adapt to the changes associated with the transition to a new diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The expectant mother needs lecithin in the amount of 8–10 g per day. During pregnancy, it is indispensable for building the fetal brain. The substance will undoubtedly be beneficial in the form of a separate supplement purchased at the pharmacy. It is better to limit the consumption of products containing an emulsifier.

Soy lecithin reduces back and joint pain in pregnant women, and also supports healthy hair, teeth, nails and skin.

Taking lecithin during pregnancy is good for your health expectant mother, and so does the baby

Lecithin for children

Baby needs lecithin for proper development brain from the first days of life. A growing body needs 1–4 g per day. Until the age of 4 months, the child receives this norm from breast milk. In the future, you need to add half a coffee spoon of lecithin (in powder) to the milk mixture 2 times a day. From 6–7 months, the dose can be gradually increased to a whole spoon, and from 1 year, the baby can start using lecithin gel in the amount of half a teaspoon. Taking this supplement will be useful in the future:

Contraindications and possible harm

Soy lecithin is absorbed by the human body by 90%, and no harm has been found when consumed in its pure form. The reason for the talk about the dangers of the additive is that in addition to the emulsifier extracted from natural soybean oil, there is also lecithin from genetically modified soybeans - it is very cheap to produce and grows quickly. This substance is widely used in China, USA, countries South-East Asia and is called commercial soy lecithin. GMO products appeared not so long ago, so the full range of their properties and impact on human body have not yet been studied. Thus, it has been established that products containing a commercial substance cause allergies. In addition, a study conducted in China found that products with cheap soy emulsifier, when consumed regularly, increase the risk of decreased human intelligence and the development of senile dementia.

Soy lecithin belongs to the group biological additives food nature, this is a processed product vegetable oil. There are products that already contain lecithin, and those artificially enriched with it. The supplement is surrounded by myths and rumors; it is worth understanding the dangers and benefits of soy lecithin.


The required level of lecithin is important at any age; without it, many organs and systems will malfunction. Beneficial features:

  1. Prevention of atherosclerosis. The absence of lecithin is the basis for the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood. Clogged vascular tubes do not allow blood to actively circulate. Lecithin prevents fat and cholesterol from combining, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
  2. The presence of phospholipids in the composition allows liver cells to recover. Excess fat is removed from the organ, and the ability to cleanse harmful toxins returns.
  3. Reducing the risk of gallstone disease. Herbal product prevents the accumulation of hard fatty deposits and accelerates the breakdown of stones.
  4. Reducing the possibility of a heart attack. Phospholipids help produce in the body essential amino acid L-carnitine. It gives the heart muscle energy and strength. The muscle is protected from premature wear.
  5. Safety nerve cells. Lecithin produces myelin, it forms a kind of protection for the nerve sheaths. With gradual aging, the body needs to consume more lecithin for optimal functioning of the nervous system. If you experience frequent stress, anxiety, or tension, additional consumption of soy products is recommended.
  6. Lung protection. Under the influence of plant elements, surfactants are synthesized. Under their influence, a protective film of the alveoli is formed. The lungs receive protection from toxins, and the risk of cancer is reduced.
  7. Prevention diabetes mellitus, alleviating the symptoms of an existing disease. Lecithin optimizes insulin production in the pancreas.
  8. Extension reproductive age men and women, protection from oncological diseases genitals.
  9. Acceleration of metabolism. The soybean plant element oxidizes fats, actively destroying them. It is recommended to use it for obesity.

Lecithin is needed children's body for full development. Infants receive useful element from mother's milk, older children from foods such as egg yolk, pumpkin, fatty fish and others. Without this element, memory suffers, academic performance decreases, and information is absorbed slowly.

Another property is that it helps in quitting smoking. Nicotine and lecithin irritate the same receptors. Additional intake of the element will allow you to deceive the body and defeat harmful addiction.


Natural soy lecithin has minimal harm. It should be used with caution only if there is a tendency to allergic reactions. But if a low-quality product is used, then there is a high risk of getting a bunch of diseases.

Manufacturers often add soy products to candy, mayonnaise, and chocolate without any measure. The modified additive acts in the opposite direction - it does no good, it does harm. Consuming large amounts of artificial lecithin Bad quality promotes nervousness, reduces intelligence, suppresses hormone production thyroid gland, leads to obesity.

The additive is approved in the production of many food products; it is found under the code E322.


Natural lecithin is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance. The artificial additive should be taken in minimal quantities or completely eliminated in the following cases:

  • the first months of pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • pancreatitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and phases of their exacerbation.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women

During pregnancy, you can consume products containing lecithin. It is present in all plant and animal tissues. Most of it is found in legumes, nuts, sunflower seeds, egg yolk. You can also get healthy lecithin with special vitamin complexes for pregnant women. Usually they are always recommended by a gynecologist.

Pregnant women are not recommended to consume products with the industrial additive E322. The additive is obtained from soybean oil; its cheapness is often associated with the use of transgenic varieties. Artificial lecithin is added to the following products:

  • ice cream;
  • mayonnaise;
  • candies;
  • margarine.

Women carrying a baby should avoid products containing genetically modified soybeans. Large amounts in the diet can disrupt fetal development. It is advisable to avoid products with E322 in the first trimester.

What about during feeding? Lecithin in large quantities present in breast milk, the baby does not need to consume it additionally. It is beneficial for the mother to receive the element from natural sources. In the first months, you should avoid products with industrial additives - canned food, mayonnaise, chocolate.


Vitamin composition:

  • B1, B2, B6, B9, B12;
  • vitamin E;
  • vitamin PP;
  • choline

The product contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, as well as linoleic acid, phosphates, phosphodiethylcholine, inositol.


If a useful element is present in natural products, then traditional storage rules must be followed. Vitamin complexes are stored according to the instructions.

How to choose

To provide the body with lecithin, you should choose vitamin complexes with this supplement or natural products containing this element. How to choose the right vitamin preparation?

  1. You need to choose a supplement made from soybeans rather than sunflower. IN soybeans contains phospholipids of higher quality.
  2. It is important to ensure that unmodified soybeans were not used in production.
  3. Lecithin is available in the form of grains or as an oily liquid. It is advisable to choose an additive in the form of oil, since the manufacturing process uses better technologies to obtain phospholipids.

To minimize the harm from industrially produced soy additives, it is worth buying products without the presence of E322. You should limit your diet to sausages, dumplings, sweets, and cutlets with the addition of E322.

What goes with it?

The supplement can be combined with any traditional food in the diet.

Thus, soy lecithin is beneficial for the body, but only in reasonable doses and in natural form. Increased consumption of industrial additives can cause diseases of the thyroid gland and liver.