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Right-sided oophoritis: diagnosis and treatment of various forms of the disease. What are oophoritis and salpingoophoritis?


Oophoritis is a specific inflammatory process that appears in the female area reproductive system. In particular, he appears in fallopian tubes oh and the ovaries. The pathogenic process can occur in chronic or acute form. Chronic oophoritis usually appears after an acute form of pathology, if it is not completely treated.

What kind of disease is this?

Oophoritis - what is it? The chronic form of the pathology is inflammation of the ovaries. It is often accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian tubes – salpingitis. As a result, the pathology is often called salpingoophoritis. If acute pathology occurs with very pronounced symptoms, the chronic disease is practically not accompanied by any symptoms. In most cases, it is a consequence of acute oophoritis, and appears if the pathology is not treated. During periods of exacerbation, more pronounced signs diseases.

There are several types of pathological process:

  • Chronic bilateral oophoritis. In this case, simultaneous inflammation of the ovaries occurs on both sides. In this case, the localization of pain can be in the area inflammatory process, and in the lower abdomen and lower back.
  • Left-sided oophoritis. The inflammation spreads to the ovary on the left side. Painful sensations also localized only in the left side of the abdomen.
  • Right-sided oophoritis. The pathological process affects only the right ovary. Pain is observed with right side, less often radiates to the center of the abdomen.

It must be borne in mind that many people often confuse right-sided oophoritis with appendicitis due to the similarity of symptoms. However, with appendicitis, the abdomen becomes very tense, and its palpation brings severe pain to the patient. But with oophoritis this does not happen.

Causes of the pathological process

The main reason for the occurrence chronic oophoritis is the ineffectiveness of treatment for the acute form of the disease. As a result, one pathology flows into another. However, the chronicization of any disease does not occur quickly - it takes about a month. In most cases, this time is enough to treat the pathology. But in the case of oophoritis, many women often neglect the manifestation of its symptoms. Therefore, they do not see a doctor on time.

The following factors can accelerate the process of chronicization of acute oophoritis:

  • Hypothermia of the body. This leads to decreased immunity.
  • Abuse of alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. Due to excessive ingestion of toxins into the body, the functions of the immune system are disrupted.
  • Injuries to the uterus during childbirth, abortion, diagnostic procedures.

Inflammation of the ovaries can also be associated with sexually transmitted diseases - chlamydia, gonorrhea and others. They appear in people who are disorderly sex life.

Symptoms of pathology

Signs of chronic bilateral oophoritis the same as for unilateral pathology. This:

Rapid “exhaustion” is often observed physical strength, nausea, decreased appetite, mood swings. Such symptoms are combined with the signs listed above or appear independently.

This disease occurs more often in girls and women young(18 – 37 years old). If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, oophoritis can lead to infertility.


Salpingoophoritis is diagnosed during a routine examination by a gynecologist. The smears reveal signs of an inflammatory process (an increase in the cells responsible for protecting the immune system - leukocytes). A general blood test shows an increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a shift of the formula to the left. Next, the doctor prescribes additional examination– bacteriological and bacterioscopic examination of smears from the vagina, urethra, cervical canal. In addition, an ultrasound is performed - echo signs are also taken into account in the choice of therapeutic tactics.

Correct and comprehensive treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist after a thorough examination. It is recommended to immediately consult a gynecologist if pathological symptoms occur.

Treatment in hospital

In case of exacerbation of chronic oophoritis, treatment must be carried out in inpatient conditions. The doctor monitors the progression of the disease and, if necessary, adjusts the treatment regimen. At chronic course pathologies without exacerbation, hospital stay is not mandatory. You can treat it at home by regularly visiting your doctor.

During salpingo-oophoritis outpatient setting the following are used: highly targeted antibiotics based on the results of smears (depending on which microorganism caused the inflammatory process), anti-inflammatory suppositories, drugs to boost immunity (vitamins and microelements). When the exacerbation subsides, it is possible to use physiotherapeutic procedures.

Drug treatment

How to treat chronic oophoritis? For this purpose, the use of various medications as prescribed by the attending physician:

  • Antibiotics. Prescribed only after testing for the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs. Treatment of oophoritis can proceed with the use of penicillins, tetracyclines and other groups of antibiotics.
  • Painkillers. Aimed at eliminating one of the main symptoms of oophoritis - pain syndrome. Analgesics or stronger groups of drugs can be used.
  • Multivitamins. Vitamin complexes help strengthen the general and local immunity, thereby increasing the chances of a faster recovery. You can also use dietary supplements - biologically active additives for food.
  • Candles. They have local anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and analgesic effects. Genferon suppositories are considered very effective.

The prescription of any drug can only be performed by the attending physician, depending on the individual characteristics women, as well as on the type of pathological process.

Spa treatment

The pathology can also be treated in a sanatorium setting. Carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures has a positive effect on the functioning of all organs and systems. Can be applied mud baths, acupressures, laser therapy and other procedures. To relieve the inflammatory process in the ovarian area, heating the lumbar area with thermal radiation is very effective.

What to do in case of exacerbation of chronic oophoritis?

If an exacerbation of chronic oophoritis begins, you must urgently consult your doctor. May be required ambulatory treatment. You should not self-medicate, as this can cause serious complications.

Possible complications

If chronic oophoritis is not treated in time, inflammation can spread to neighboring organsabdominal cavity and to the rectum. Often the disease leads to the formation of adhesions, which cause blockage of the fallopian tubes. As a result, the woman becomes infertile. True, such infertility is temporary and can be successfully treated.

Degeneration of cells into malignant cells occurs rarely. However, due to constant inflammation, it may appear serous cyst ovary. Because of it, the process of maturation of the egg in the follicle slows down, which is why ovulation does not occur, so pregnancy is impossible.

Inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis) is an inflammatory process that forms in paired female sex glands. It can be unilateral or bilateral. The causative agent of inflammation is pathogenic bacteria. The cause may also be opportunistic microorganisms. At risk are young girls who are sexually active but do not use protection. The causes of this unpleasant illness can be caused by tuberculosis, hypothermia, or surgery on the pelvic organs. Oophoritis often affects women who have given birth or those who have had an abortion.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation of the ovaries always makes itself felt. The symptoms cannot be ignored, but they can easily be confused with manifestations of other diseases.

How does the acute stage of oophoritis manifest:

  • The first thing a woman feels severe pain acute in nature, which are localized in the lower abdomen and are also felt in the lower back;
  • Problems with urination;
  • Discomfort during sex;
  • Weakness and general poor health;
  • Discharge observed of a generous nature from the vagina;
  • Temperature increase;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • The suprapubic part and vagina suffer from dull and aching pain, which becomes stronger before menstruation or as a result of weakened immunity (cold, hypothermia);
  • The monthly cycle gets lost;
  • The ovaries stop functioning normally;
  • There may be a constant discharge of small amounts of white discharge;
  • Libido decreases;
  • Problems with conception.

How more inflammation, those more intense pain. At an appointment with a gynecologist, enlarged ovaries and pain will be noted. Acute condition often confused with other diseases. So problems with the right ovary are similar to attacks of appendicitis, and with diseases of the left one, hepatic colic begins to torment. Forms of pain syndrome can manifest themselves in different ways - a woman feels pulsating, stabbing, bursting and aching pain. Seizures are not affected by period menstrual cycle, nor the time of day. Acute manifestation inflammation will last 5-15 days. The disease then progresses to chronic form.

An acute condition may become chronic disease which will bother for a long time. Complications, scarring and adhesions can be prevented if the necessary complex therapy is carried out in a timely manner.

Acute oophoritis requires hospitalization so that treatment is carried out under the supervision of doctors. In addition, such therapy differs more high efficiency. Some women suffer from a subacute form of inflammation, but this is rare. It can be a consequence of tuberculosis or mycotic infection. When selecting treatment, you need to completely eliminate the problem. If the disease is not treated, it will develop into chronic inflammation of the ovaries, which will manifest itself as periodic exacerbations. They have more pronounced symptoms, although they pass faster.

Complications always have a negative impact on a woman’s health. The menstrual cycle and ovarian function may be disrupted. Girls may experience more serious illnesses: miscarriages, adhesions, tubal obstruction. Ectopic pregnancy often occurs due to oophoritis. Neighboring organs can also become inflamed.

Causes of oophoritis

The location of the ovaries prevents the infection from getting there first. First, the fallopian tubes are affected. Inflammation may occur due to appendicitis.

The main causes of the disease:

  • Pathological processes in the fallopian tubes. In most cases, this is what causes oophoritis.
  • Hormonal imbalances in the reproductive system. It produces insufficient hormones.
  • Mechanical injuries of the reproductive system.
  • Autoimmune diseases. Occur when the immune system works too actively.
  • Sexually transmitted infections, in particular chlamydia.
  • Unprotected sex. At the same time, partners often change.
  • Pathogenic processes in other body systems.

Indirect signs of ovarian inflammation:

  • Stress;
  • Poor sleep;
  • Bad habits;
  • Unbalanced diet;
  • Overwork.

Due to inflammation, suppuration of the ovaries can occur. Then you need to quickly do the operation. Otherwise, the organ may rupture, leading to peritonitis. Treatment is possible only after an accurate diagnosis. It is necessary to determine the stage of the disease, which will help to accurately select the medicine.


The symptoms of oophoritis are quite similar to other diseases: attacks of appendicitis, peritonitis, ectopic pregnancy and other stomach diseases. This is why diagnosing ovarian inflammation in women is not easy.

Necessary tests for diagnosing oophoritis:

1 Study of previous diseases. It is necessary to look at what the patient has previously encountered: abortion, difficult childbirth, ectopic pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages, venereal diseases. It is also necessary to study the symptoms of the current problem: types of pain and their place of manifestation, the presence of discharge, the general picture of well-being.

2 Laboratory research. Blood is taken for a sample. With oophoritis, the level of leukocytes increases. You also need to examine your urine and take a swab from the vagina and urethra.

3 Gynecological examination. The inflamed organ increases in size and becomes very painful. In addition, the mobility of the uterine appendages suffers.

4 ultrasound. All pelvic organs are examined, not just the reproductive system.

5 PCR, ELISA, RIF. Bacteriological analyzes are also carried out. This will help find the cause of the disease and identify hidden infectious processes. If there is a suspicion of gonorrhea or tuberculosis, additional tests will be required.

6 Hysterosalpingoscopy. Shows pathologies that arose during chronic inflammation. These are different formations, adhesions and scars.

7 Laparoscopy. Lets get greatest number information about the disease. You can examine the organs of the reproductive system and make a diagnosis. The analysis is prescribed for long-term infertility. A study is also prescribed for pain in the lower abdomen that has no explanation. It will be necessary to carry out the procedure for oophoritis, which cannot be comprehensively cured. If laparoscopy diagnoses acute inflammation, then the study will reveal obstruction of the fallopian tubes, multiple adhesions. Laparoscopy helps to see any formations in the organs of the reproductive system. The more often the disease manifests itself and the longer it lasts, the higher the form of neglect will be.

Treatment methods

Treatment has several successive stages, which differ in methods and goals. The main thing is to resume the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is necessary to methodically organize treatment so that the ovaries do not lose their functionality. This is especially important for women who are planning a pregnancy. When the ovary is functioning normally, infertility can be treated. When adhesions form, purulent formations, scars will require surgical intervention.

Local preparations

  • Pain relief;
  • Disinfection;
  • Elimination of inflammation;
  • Antimicrobial action;
  • Regeneration;
  • Regulation of the immune system.

Many rectal and vaginal suppositories available without a prescription. Usually the duration of treatment does not exceed 5-7 days. For complex treatment you need to combine suppositories for inflammation of the ovaries with other means and methods of treatment.

Systemic application:

  • Drugs that can relieve pain and eliminate inflammation. These include Voltaren and Movalis. They relieve symptoms for 8-12 hours. The products are prohibited for use by those who have problems with blood clotting and certain diseases of the vascular system.
  • Vaginal antiseptic suppositories. You can buy Flowmizin, Hexicon or Chlorhexidine. They provide help right to the source of the problem.
  • Drugs that provide antimicrobial effect. These include Polygynax, Terzhinan, Betadine, Macmiror Complex.

When choosing how to treat ovarian inflammation, you need to settle on one drug. It is prohibited to mix many drugs at the same time.


Measures to help prevent the disease:

  • Periodic examination by a gynecologist (it is optimal to visit the doctor twice a year);
  • Rejection of bad habits;
  • Use of protection during sexual intercourse, especially with private changes of partners;
  • Balanced diet;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • Avoid hypothermia and colds;
  • Do not take antibiotics without a reason;
  • Take care of your own hygiene;
  • It is necessary to treat chronic diseases in a timely manner;
  • Sexual infections require proper and quick treatment.

Inflammation of the ovaries can lead to significant disorders of the reproductive system. Need to select complex preparations. But drugs alone will not be enough. You will need to reconsider your views on lifestyle and eat right.

IN folk medicine There are many recipes for treating oophoritis. They can be used in addition to primary therapy or as preventive measures. The duration of treatment is long, but it is necessary to get rid of the disease. In the presence of sexually transmitted infections need to undergo treatment. It is not recommended to have sexual intercourse during therapy. Be healthy!

The disease is diagnosed when the left ovary is affected. Left-sided oophoritis, causes, signs, treatment of which is the topic of this article, is diagnosed when various microorganisms (chlamydia, staphylococci, etc.) penetrate into it. How to treat left-sided oophoritis? Does it really lead to infertility? In this article we will try to understand all the issues related to the left-handed form.

Left-sided oophoritis: causes of the disease

Why does left-sided oophoritis occur? The main reasons are as follows:

indiscriminate choice of sexual partners;

any gynecological interventions (abortion, childbirth, unprofessional examination, installation of a spiral, etc.) - reason left-sided oophoritis;

the presence of other diseases of the genital area and neglect of their treatment;

weakened immunity is also a cause of left-sided oophoritis, hypothermia;

stress, etc.

Left-sided oophoritis: signs of the disease

Typical signs left-sided oophoritis can be considered:

pain in the lower abdomen (usually on the left side);

heat, which does not go away even after taking antipyretics;

specific leucorrhoea and vaginal discharge, bleeding between menstruation as a sign of left-sided oophoritis;

increased fatigue for no particular reason, irritability;

pallor skin, decreased or lack of appetite;

loss of interest in sexual intercourse, lack of orgasm, if it was previously observed - also possible sign left-sided oophoritis.

Of course, based on these signs alone, it will be impossible to speak with 100% probability about the disease with left-sided oophoritis. Only a doctor can make a final diagnosis based on the results of the examination. At the same time, such “signals” from the body cannot be ignored - it is worth visiting a gynecologist. The fact is that main danger Left-sided oophoritis is the rapid development and occurrence of infertility. In addition, the infection can spread from the affected left tube to the healthy right tube, and the disease will be much more difficult. If oophoritis is treated on time, complications can be avoided, and the patient can count on a successful conception of the baby.

Left-sided oophoritis: treatment of the disease

How is left-sided oophoritis treated?

The doctor prescribes antibiotics for the patient to treat left-sided oophoritis, taking into account the type of infection that provoked the onset of the disease. Many women are afraid to take antibiotics, but they should not refuse them, because infectious infections can only be eliminated in this way.

Physiotherapeutic and balneological procedures are also indicated in the treatment of left-sided oophoritis, vitamin complexes, candles. Patients are often advised to go to a resort.

In the acute form of left-sided oophoritis, it is important bed rest, no stress, healthy sleep, proper nutrition.

Left-sided oophoritis can be treated folk remedies, but you should consult your doctor before using them.

Remember that your health is in your hands!

This is a disease inflammatory in nature, which affects both ovaries at once. Bilateral oophoritis, causes, types, signs of which we will consider in this article; this diagnosis is usually made based on the results of ultrasound, gynecological and laboratory tests. Why does this bilateral oophoritis occur, and how should it be treated?

Bilateral oophoritis: causes of the disease

Infectious lesion Fallopian tubes like possible reason bilateral oophoritis.

If left untreated, infection from the pipes upward path passes into the ovaries.

Weakened immunity

As a result of an unbalanced diet or unhealthy lifestyle, a woman can develop bilateral oophoritis, since protective functions the body is weakened so much that it cannot resist bacteria and microorganisms. The likelihood of developing oophoritis increases with stress, fatigue, physical inactivity and chronic constipation.

Unprotected sexual intercourse is one of the causes of bilateral oophoritis

This category includes intimate relationships without the use of protection. unwanted pregnancy, sexual intercourse during menstruation, frequent shifts sexual partners.

Gynecological interventions

One of the causes of bilateral oophoritis is childbirth and abortion. Even an unqualified person can provoke the development of the disease gynecological examination.

Bilateral oophoritis: types of disease

There are two main types of bilateral oophoritis:

Acute bilateral oophoritis - characterized by temperature fluctuations, sharp pains in the lower back, groin and lower abdomen, the presence of vaginal discharge, painful urination. Uterine bleeding often appears, and menstrual irregularities are observed.

Chronic bilateral oophoritis - has similar, but less pronounced symptoms. The pain in the abdomen, groin and lower back is dull, there may be no discharge. True, chronic oophoritis is much more dangerous than the acute form, since it can provoke ovarian dysfunction and lead to infertility.

Bilateral oophoritis: signs of the disease

increased body temperature;

pain in the groin, abdomen, lower back;

vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding between menstruation;

increased irritability and fatigue;

painful and frequent urination also one of the signs of bilateral oophoritis;


lack of orgasm, decreased libido.

Bilateral oophoritis: treatment of the disease

Treatment of bilateral oophoritis in the acute form is carried out in a hospital, and its chronic counterpart can be treated at home, under the supervision of a doctor. To combat the disease, antibiotics, physiotherapy, vitamin complexes, and balneotherapy are prescribed. If there is no positive dynamics, an operation is performed to remove the pus and inject an antibiotic into the ovaries.

Take care of yourself, and don’t let bilateral oophoritis become a problem for you!