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Chr left-sided oophoritis. Chronic oophoritis during pregnancy - complications. Inflammation on the left and right sides of the uterus

Chronic oophoritis is a dangerous inflammatory process that affects the ovaries. The disease can cause serious complications. Treatment of chronic oophoritis must be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, the woman will develop infertility. The disease is difficult to treat, so its development cannot be allowed.

Damage to the ovaries can be unilateral or. In the second case, treatment is long and complex. Pathological process this affects not only the ovaries, but also the fallopian tubes, which reduces a woman’s chances of becoming a mother.

Chronic oophoritis is characterized by the presence of mild pain and menstrual irregularities. The pathology develops slowly, and its course may be asymptomatic. In this case, the patient does not consult a doctor in a timely manner, which worsens her situation even more.

Chronic oophoritis has its own code in ICD 10 - 70. Its causative agents are chlamydia, coli, streptococcus, and even staphylococcus. The cause of inflammation is also tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis, and gonorrhea.

The mechanism of appearance is very simple. First, the pathogen enters the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva. Next, through cervical canal the infection rises into the uterine cavity, and from there it’s not far from the ovaries.

Causes of the disease

The disease develops only if the infection can overcome the protective barrier of the genital organs located below. The following factors can provoke:

  • surgical or spontaneous abortion;
  • constant overwork or being in a state of stress (often these reasons provoke disruption of the female reproductive system);
  • constant change of sexual partners (increases the risk of infection);
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • surgical intervention (poorly performed surgery provokes infection in the ovaries);
  • hysteroscopy, as well as diagnostic or therapeutic curettage of the uterine walls;
  • complicated childbirth, which is accompanied by ruptures of the birth canal;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • tumors localized in the uterus (gradually growing, they also provoke the development of the inflammatory process);
  • chronic inflammatory pathologies internal or external genitalia of a woman.

It is also important to know why oophoritis acquires chronic form. This is facilitated by:

  1. Delay of treatment due to the patient’s untimely referral to a specialist. If you do not start taking antibiotics at the initial stage of development, then over time the disease will progress and it will be more difficult to cope with it. Sometimes pathological changes become irreversible.
  2. Use of insufficient doses of antimicrobial drugs.
  3. Incorrectly prescribed therapy regimen. Here is the treatment chronic oophoritis causes great harm.
  4. Local or focal hypothermia, too severe exercise stress, jar of Hearts.
  5. Reduced immune defense women.

Chronic oophoritis is quite difficult to treat, so it is better not to let the disease progress. In addition, a long-term inflammatory process can provoke serious complications that cannot always be dealt with. Pathology often leads to irreversible consequences - infertility.

Symptoms and signs of pathology

Oophoritis, if it has acquired a chronic form, proceeds in different ways. For example, sometimes it is asymptomatic. Most often, there is a sluggish nature with periodic exacerbations (maximum once a year). In some patients, oophoritis recurs more often.

The following symptoms and signs of chronic oophoritis can be distinguished:

  • pronounced violation menstrual cycle(there is a large gap between menstrual bleeding or there is no bleeding at all);
  • moderate painful sensations in the lower abdomen during sexual intercourse;
  • frequent relapses resulting from exposure external factors(hypothermia, overwork);
  • lack of pregnancy, even if the couple is actively trying to conceive;
  • weak but constant discharge (leucorrhoea);
  • periodic pain stupid and aching character V groin area and vagina, which can become worse due to some disease or before the onset of menstruation.

The whole insidiousness of chronic oophoritis, the treatment of which almost never begins on time, lies in its hidden course. It can develop without acute period, so the patient does not even suspect the presence of an inflammatory process, and does not receive necessary treatment when she needs it.

Oophoritis can cause nervous system problems and instability psychological state women. She becomes irritable, her performance decreases, her sleep becomes poor, and she gets tired faster. The patient also begins to worry about not being able to get pregnant. Her emotional condition destabilizes, after which physical health worsens even more.

If the ovaries are not treated, the patient will experience pathological changes in fallopian tubes ah, who will not allow a woman to become a mother. That is, pregnancy can occur, but it will only develop outside the uterus. In the worst case, the patient is diagnosed with “secondary functional infertility.”

From time to time, a sick woman experiences exacerbations, which are characterized by an increase in the intensity of symptoms. You shouldn’t ignore them and assume that everything will go away on its own. Also, you should not take anti-inflammatory and painkillers on your own.

Chronic oophoritis on an ultrasound image

Diagnostic features

The ineffectiveness of conservative treatment leads to the woman requiring surgical intervention. The doctor decides which procedure will be used depending on the severity of the woman’s condition. Here the ovary being treated or the affected organ can be removed along with the uterus and fallopian tubes.

Chronic oophoritis should be detected correctly and on time. Diagnostics involves the following procedures:

  1. Questioning the patient. The doctor must find out whether the patient has had a history of abortions or surgical interventions.
  2. External examination and palpation by a gynecologist. Here the specialist is able to see discharge from the cervical canal. In the presence of chronic oophoritis, overhanging and thickening of the vaginal vault occurs, which can also be detected by palpation. If the doctor pulls the cervix, it hurts the patient. On examination, the ovaries were enlarged.
  3. Smears of the cervix, as well as the walls of the vagina, which should show the cellular composition of the sample, as well as its microflora. For maximum diagnostic accuracy, a PCR reaction is performed.
  4. Biochemical and general analysis blood. This way you can determine the level of ESR, which in chronic oophoritis is slightly, but increased.
  5. Blood test for antibodies to infections: hepatitis, syphilis, HIV.
  6. General urine analysis.
  7. Ultrasound of the ovaries and uterus with appendages. Here signs of chronic oophoritis are found, such as enlarged ovaries, and in abdominal cavity liquid collects.

Diagnostics of this disease should be differential so as not to confuse it with other lesions of internal organs that require immediate treatment.

Ultrasound examination of ovaries affected by chronic oophoritis

Features of treatment

Therapy for oophoritis should be comprehensive and long-term. The disease must be treated with medications, physiotherapeutic procedures, folk remedies and other methods. Concerning conservative therapy, then the following medications are used to carry it out:

  • antibacterial and antimicrobial: Amoxiclav, Ofloxacin, Ceftriaxone;
  • anti-inflammatory: Indomethacin, Ibuprofen;
  • restoratives and poly vitamin complexes;
  • lungs sedatives, since the patient becomes irritable, her emotional and psychological balance is disturbed;
  • tablets to normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs;
  • multivitamins, as well as immunomodulators (the course is carried out 2 times a year).

Treatment of pathology must be done not only with medications, but also in other ways. Folk remedies can also be useful, but they should be used only after permission from a doctor.

As for other treatment methods, the patient is prescribed:

  1. Internal administration of tampons soaked in Vishnevsky ointment or Dimexide. This therapy allows you to quickly cope with pathogens.
  2. Gynecological massage.
  3. Plasmapheresis (purification of blood plasma).
  4. Physiotherapeutic procedures: ultraviolet irradiation, electrophoresis with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, UHF. These treatment methods are in addition to conservative therapy.
  5. Physiotherapy. It is necessary to do not only breathing exercises, but also exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. This will improve blood circulation in the muscles and tissue nutrition.
  6. Spa treatment. Particularly beneficial is the use of mud baths.

If inflammation occurs during pregnancy, then any antibiotic is not only ineffective for treatment, but can also cause significant harm. Therefore, you should not take any measures arbitrarily.

Chronic oophoritis can also be treated with the help of folk remedies, but before that it is better to consult a doctor. The following recipes will be useful:

  1. You need to mix the grass of sweet clover, centaury, and coltsfoot flowers in equal parts. Next, 1 tbsp. l. The mixture needs to be poured with a glass of boiling water. After infusion, the product should be taken 1/3 cup up to 6 times a day. The course of therapy lasts 1 month.
  2. You need to take 50 g of juniper berries and stems and throw them into a bucket of boiling water. It will take 2 hours to infuse. This product is used for baths.

To prevent oophoritis from appearing at all, you must follow some rules. For example, you should not have sex without barrier protection. You should not change sexual partners frequently. Every year a woman needs to be examined for the presence of sexually transmitted infections in the body. At the first symptoms of pathology, you should consult a doctor.

The problem of pregnancy with chronic oophoritis

Many women have one question: if they develop chronic oophoritis, will it be possible for them to become pregnant. It should be noted that any violation of the functionality of the ovaries does not have a very good effect on the possibility of conception. Including chronic oophoritis.

The fact is that the disease cannot always be detected in a timely manner. This does not make it possible to treat pathology at an early stage of its development, when pathological changes have not yet affected the fallopian tubes. Long-term course of oophoritis leads to the following complications:

  • functional impairment hormonal system which can provoke miscarriage in the early stages;
  • inflammation of the fallopian tubes, in which adhesions appear in them, preventing the normal passage of the egg into the uterine cavity (an ectopic pregnancy may occur);
  • disruption of the full process of producing female germ cells, lack of ovulation, which can lead to infertility;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus.

As you can see, chronic oophoritis should be treated before planning pregnancy. Otherwise, danger may threaten not only the expectant mother, but also her child.

Ovarian oophoritis, i.e. their inflammation occurs in gynecology in pure form not that often. This disease is usually accompanied by an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes and is then called salpingoophoritis. Also, this pathology can be combined with endometritis or adnexitis.

Treatment of oophoritis

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process occurring in the ovaries. Now this is a fairly common disease, so alternative treatment for oophoritis is widely practiced. Its diagnosis and treatment are often difficult, since it is often accompanied by concomitant inflammatory processes developing in neighboring organs. In the absence of proper treatment, this situation can lead to serious disruptions in the functioning of the digestive, endocrine, and nervous systems.

Traditional treatment of oophoritis

Experts believe that traditional treatment for oophoritis should be used only in the chronic stage of the disease. Its main recipes include the following:

To treat oophoritis, mix dried linden and chamomile flowers in a 3:2 ratio. After this, to treat oophoritis, take five to six spoons of the resulting mixture, add 1 liter of water, boil and let the broth brew for half an hour. When it has cooled to body temperature (36.6 degrees), strain it through double cheesecloth. The resulting infusion can be used for baths or for vaginal douching. Sometimes in collection for traditional treatment you can also add the herb cinquefoil;

Prepare a mixture of the following for treatment: medicinal herbs: take sandy immortelle flowers, birch leaves, wild strawberries, yarrow, mint grass, nettle leaves, string, rose hips and rowan berries in the ratio 2:2:2:2:2:3:3:3:1. All ingredients for the traditional treatment of oophoritis should first be cut into medium-sized pieces. Place 2-3 tablespoons of the resulting mixture in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave the mixture for 10 hours, then strain the solution. The infusion should be taken for oophoritis, 0.5 cups three times a day.

Try using the above traditional methods treatment of oophoritis, and you will soon feel relief.

Causes of oophoritis

One of the most common causes of oophoritis is infection of the fallopian tubes, which spread to the ovaries by upward path. The inflammatory process can be caused by both viruses and microorganisms that the body cannot cope with on its own due to reduced immunity. Those who practice are also at risk of developing oophoritis. frequent shifts sexual partners, without using protective equipment, because in this case it is very easy to become infected with any sexually transmitted infection. Factors that provoke oophoritis can also include abortion, childbirth, and surgical intrauterine intervention.

Many factors can lead to the development of ovarian oophoritis:

Infections that are transmitted through sexual contact. The most common are Trichomonas, chlamydia, mycoplasma, gonococcus, ureaplasma;

Infectious processes of an inflammatory nature affecting internal organs: pathogens include representatives of opportunistic microflora - strepto- and staphylococci, E. coli, etc. ;

Abortions, especially if they were performed on later pregnancy;

Difficult labor, assisted birth caesarean section provoke oophoritis of the ovaries;

Hypothermia leads to oophoritis;

Severe stress, constant depressive state;

Hormonal disorders;

Application intrauterine devices.

In the vast majority of cases, ovarian oophoritis is of a secondary nature: the infection spreads from the fallopian tubes, the inflammatory process in which can affect the nearby genital organs.

Symptoms of oophoritis

Inflammation of the ovaries is characterized by the following symptoms:

Throbbing or aching pain in the lower abdomen or in the area of ​​the ovaries;

Frequent urination, often painful and accompanied by a burning sensation - symptoms of oophoritis;

Specific abundant, sometimes mixed with pus, discharge from the genital tract;

Bleeding between menstruation with oophoritis of the ovaries.

Acute course The disease is accompanied by symptoms of intoxication: headaches, loss of appetite, high fever, weakness, joint pain. In the chronic form of ovarian oophoritis, the symptoms are less pronounced; patients usually complain of periodic pain and discomfort in the lower abdomen, irregular menstrual cycle, and pain during sexual intercourse.

To accurately diagnose oophoritis, palpation, ultrasound using a transvaginal sensor are used, laboratory tests of urine and blood are done, and a smear is taken to determine the causative agent of the disease. Treatment of oophoritis of the ovaries mainly consists of taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, anesthetics to relieve pain syndrome. To consolidate the effect, general strengthening drugs and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Acute oophoritis - treatment and causes

Acute oophoritis is a severe inflammation of the ovary, which connects to the uterus via the fallopian tube. The ovaries are responsible for the maturation of the egg and the production of female sex hormones, so damage to them can be very serious consequences for the female body.

Diagnosis of acute oophoritis

Diagnosis of acute oophoritis is a non-trivial task, since severe pain, which is the main sign of the disease in acute form, can relate to almost all diseases of organs located in the abdominal cavity. If oophoritis is suspected, laboratory tests of blood, urine, and vaginal smear are required to identify the causative agent of the infection.

Ultrasound is not very informative when determining acute oophoritis by method, since it can show the dynamics of the development of the process over time, i.e. more applicable in the case of chronic inflammation of the ovaries.

In complicated cases of acute oophoritis, a diagnostic method such as laparoscopy is used. Experienced doctor, having studied the results of all the above studies for acute oophoritis, he can easily select an individual treatment regimen for acute oophoritis for each patient.

Causes of acute oophoritis

Acute oophoritis is very rarely diagnosed without accompanying diseases of the female genital area, since the ovaries are located in such a way that the primary infection cannot enter them. Most often, infection occurs through the fallopian tube, which is the first to be affected. In this case, we can talk about salpingoophoritis. The causative agents of the disease include bacteria and viruses that cause sexually transmitted infections: gonococci, Trichomonas, chlamydia, etc. Sometimes the ovary in acute oophoritis can become inflamed due to the fact that in the abdominal cavity there is a source of nonspecific infection caused by E. coli, streptococci and staphylococci.

Sometimes the cause of acute oophoritis can be a general infection body general, most often of a viral nature.

Factors contributing to the development of ovarian inflammation in acute oophoritis are:

Endocrinological diseases;

Hypothermia with oophoritis;

Promiscuous sexual intercourse, especially if partners do not use products barrier contraception;

Diseases of the urinary system;

Stress, overwork, poor lifestyle as factors that reduce immunity;

Lesions of untreated chronic infections in the body with oophoritis.

Left-sided oophoritis - treatment and symptoms

Oophoritis is an inflammatory process that develops in the female paired sex glands - the ovaries. It can be unilateral or bilateral, with left-sided oophoritis being more common.

Left-sided oophoritis - treatment

Install accurate diagnosis“inflammation of the appendages” can be based on the results of the following examinations:

Gynecological examination for oophoritis;

Laboratory tests, bacteriological examination, ELISA and PCR diagnostics;

Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs;


Laparoscopy, through which you can conduct a visual examination of the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries.

It is very important to identify and begin treatment of left-sided oophoritis on time so that it does not lead to the development of serious complications, so do not delay your visit to the doctor.

Inflammation of the ovaries can have acute and chronic forms, each of which has its own characteristics.

Signs of acute left-sided oophoritis

The following symptoms are characteristic of the acute form of left-sided oophoritis:

Constant severe pain with left-sided oophoritis in the lower abdomen, which radiates to the lower back and sacrum. If they are localized on the left side, this means left-sided oophoritis, on the right - right-sided;

Frequent urination, accompanied by pain and stinging with left-sided oophoritis;

In some cases, profuse serous and purulent discharge from the genital tract;

Fever, increased temperature, general intoxication are signs of left-sided oophoritis;

Bleeding between periods;

Sharp pain during sexual intercourse with left-sided oophoritis.

A gynecological examination reveals enlargement of the ovaries and their sharp pain. Acute oophoritis requires urgent hospitalization in a hospital.

Signs of chronic left-sided oophoritis

Chronic inflammation of the ovaries has the following symptoms:

Aching, dull pain in the vagina, lower groin and abdomen, which intensifies with hypothermia, acute respiratory infections, and the onset of menstruation;

Menstrual irregularities;

Scanty but constant discharge (leucorrhoea) with left-sided oophoritis;

Decreased sexual desire, pain during sexual intercourse;

Absence of pregnancy in the presence of regular sexual activity with oophoritis.

Causes of left-sided oophoritis

Inflammation of the ovaries in left-sided oophoritis often has a specific nature if it is caused by pathogens of tuberculosis, gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, but it can also be nonspecific if it is caused by microorganisms belonging to opportunistic microflora (staphylo- and streptococci, candida, E. coli, etc.).

Right-sided oophoritis - treatment and causes

Oophoritis refers to an inflammatory process occurring in the ovaries. In severe cases, it can be bilateral, but more often it is either left-sided or right-sided oophoritis, which differ in the location of pain. It is often accompanied by inflammation of the fallopian tubes – salpingitis.

Diagnostics right-sided oophoritis

A reliable diagnosis of “oophoritis” can be made based on the following data:

Gynecological history (presence of sexually transmitted infections, previous abortions) inflammatory diseases uterine appendages, intrauterine surgical interventions, complications after childbirth) and signs of the current disease (localization and nature of pain, presence of discharge, general well-being);

Laboratory tests for oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries is accompanied by an increase in the number of leukocytes in urine and blood tests, smears from the urethra and vagina);

Gynecological examination for oophoritis (this reveals enlargement of the ovaries and their soreness, decreased mobility of the uterine appendages);

Ultrasound diagnostics;

Bacteriological examination using PIF, ELISA, PCR diagnostics, which help to detect hidden infections and determine the causative agent of the inflammatory process;

Hysterosalpingography (it is used to determine changes in the fallopian tubes associated with inflammation of the ovaries):

Laparoscopy, which allows you to directly examine the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries, and identify right-sided oophoritis.

The combination of the above methods for diagnosing oophoritis will allow timely identification of the disease, prescribing treatment for right-sided oophoritis and avoiding serious complications.

Right-sided oophoritis - causes

The cause of oophoritis is various infections, often transmitted through sexual contact - gonorrhea, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, etc. Abortion, menstruation or childbirth can also provoke the development of the inflammatory process in right-sided oophoritis. In most cases, ovarian inflammation is the result of secondary infection due to complications of salpingitis.

Right-sided oophoritis - signs

The main signs that may indicate that you are experiencing oophoritis are the following:

Urinary disorders are a sign of right-sided oophoritis;

Severe pain with right-sided oophoritis, appearing in the lower abdomen: they are localized on the right if it is a right-sided oophoritis, and on the left if it is left-sided;

Profuse leucorrhoea purulent in nature- sign of right-sided oophoritis;

Sharp acute pain during sexual intercourse with oophoritis.

Bilateral oophoritis - treatment and symptoms

The diagnosis of “bilateral oophoritis” means inflammation of both ovaries, which, as a rule, is combined with an inflammatory process in the fallopian tubes. The most common cause of symptoms bilateral oophoritis is an ascending route of infection from the vagina and tubes.

Bilateral oophoritis - treatment

For the treatment of acute bilateral oophoritis, a woman must be hospitalized and prescribed bed rest, as well as taking antibiotics, painkillers, and applying ice to the lower abdomen. You should also not neglect vitamins and restorative procedures for bilateral oophoritis. To prevent the adhesive process, absorbable medications, gynecological massage, physiotherapy and mud therapy are prescribed. All procedures for the treatment of bilateral oophoritis in this case are aimed at preventing severe complications, for example, infertility.

Signs of acute bilateral oophoritis

Bilateral oophoritis has both acute and chronic stages of the disease. The onset of the disease or its relapse is usually associated with the arrival of menstruation. Signs of an acute inflammatory process in the ovaries include the following:

Severe pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;

Heat body, accompanied by chills during oophoritis;

Urinary disorders;

Profuse leucorrhoea, sometimes mixed with pus during oophoritis;

Uterine bleeding between menstruation.

Signs of chronic bilateral oophoritis

If oophoritis is not treated in time, it becomes chronic. In this case, the signs of the disease are less pronounced, but it is more likely to lead to ovarian dysfunction and further infertility. Its characteristic symptoms are:

Irregular menstrual cycle with bilateral oophoritis;

Aching weak pain in the lower abdomen;

Pain during sexual intercourse.

Inflammation of the ovaries can lead to changes in the patient’s neuropsychic state: irritability, bad sleep, rapid fatigue, decreased performance, etc. Also, bilateral oophoritis can be accompanied by sexual dysfunction: absence or change in sexual desire, vaginismus, lack of orgasm, which is also associated with disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries.

Causes of bilateral oophoritis

Factors predisposing to the occurrence of bilateral oophoritis are the presence of foci of infection in the body, frequent changes of sexual partners, hypothermia and fatigue. Menstrual bleeding, abortion and childbirth can also contribute to the development of bilateral oophoritis.

Chronic oophoritis - treatment and signs

As practice shows, chronic oophoritis, the treatment of which can take a very long time and is not always highly effective, is a disease that must be eliminated at the acute stage.

Oophoritis is an inflammation of the most important female genital organs – the ovaries. It is most often combined with salpingitis. If this disease is not detected and treated on time, it can lead to infertility and other unpleasant complications. Chronic oophoritis can be a consequence of infection of the female genital organs with sexually transmitted infections, staphylococci and streptococci, tuberculous mycobacteria, etc.

Chronic oophoritis - treatment

The diagnosis of “chronic oophoritis” is made on the basis of a gynecological examination, ultrasound examination, blood and urine tests, in which in this case it is noted increased amount leukocytes, smear tests, including bacterial cultures and PCR diagnostics, which make it possible to determine the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs. Hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy are also used before treating chronic oophoritis for diagnosis.

Chronic oophoritis, the treatment of which usually involves the use of balneotherapy (adding to baths essential oils, sea salt, medicinal algae, mud) and physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, UHF therapy, etc.), often requiring the use of antibiotics. At the same time, antibiotics are prescribed only for exacerbations. The treatment regimen for the disease also includes taking vitamins and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Remember that it is better to prevent the occurrence of chronic oophoritis than to treat it later.

Chronic oophoritis - signs

The following symptoms are characteristic of the acute stage of oophoritis:

Swelling and tenderness of the ovaries upon palpation;

High temperature with oophoritis;

Painful sensations during sexual intercourse;

Strong pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region;

Urinary disorders in chronic oophoritis;

Manifestations of ovarian dysfunction (intermenstrual uterine bleeding etc.)

Chronic oophoritis has the following symptoms:

Aching, periodically appearing pain in the abdomen;

Painful and enlarged ovaries;

Menstrual irregularities with oophoritis;


Sexual dysfunctions (lack of sexual desire or orgasm, discomfort during sexual intercourse);

Fatigue and drowsiness;

Irritability with oophoritis;

Light but constant vaginal discharge.

Chronic oophoritis during pregnancy

Unfortunately, a successful combination of chronic oophoritis and pregnancy is unlikely, because the proper functioning of the ovaries is very important for planning pregnancy, its normal course and successful childbirth. It is the ovaries that determine the production of the necessary sex hormones, the maturation and release of a full-fledged egg from the follicle, which makes fertilization possible.

Chronic oophoritis – is pregnancy possible?

Changes in the functioning of the ovaries, caused by the presence of pathogens of sexually transmitted infections or microorganisms that “dormant” in the female body and manifest themselves only against the background of reduced immunity, can be practically asymptomatic. However, carrying a child with oophoritis is an additional burden on female body, so that's it unpleasant symptoms, associated with oophoritis, will come to the fore.

Planning pregnancy with chronic oophoritis

So that chronic oophoritis, during which pregnancy is still possible, does not prevent you from giving birth healthy baby, it is recommended, even if you consider yourself healthy, to visit a doctor before planning a conception and undergo an examination to identify the latent (hidden) form of this disease. If you don't do this, you may experience the following complications:

Ectopic pregnancy with chronic oophoritis. Since inflammation of the ovaries is usually combined with inflammation of the tubes, adhesions can form in the pelvis, which contribute to the fact that fertilization will occur not in the uterus, but in the tube, which will cause this threatening condition;

Infertility with chronic oophoritis. Ovarian dysfunction leads to the fact that the production of a full-fledged egg, and therefore ovulation, becomes impossible, so pregnancy will not occur.

Chronic oophoritis during pregnancy - complications

If you become pregnant while having chronic oophoritis, this is fraught with serious complications. This means that there is a permanent focus of infection in the mother’s body, which means that infection of the fetus is also very possible. Even if this does not happen during pregnancy, the baby can become infected while passing through the birth canal. In addition, inflammatory processes in the ovaries during chronic oophoritis can lead to hormonal disorders during pregnancy, and this, in turn, leads to miscarriage. Also, antibiotic therapy in case of a sharp exacerbation of chronic oophoritis is practically impossible. Therefore, it is best to try to get rid of oophoritis before pregnancy.

Right-sided oophoritis (inflammation of the ovaries) is one of the common diseases of women's reproductive system. Women of childbearing age most often complain of pain in the ovary, less often - up to 14 years and after 60. Unilateral course of oophoritis, in which the right ovary becomes inflamed (less often the left), is not as dangerous as the inflammatory process, since in the first case your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby are much higher. Next, we will consider what left-sided and right-sided oophoritis are, the main causes of the disease, its symptoms, as well as methods of diagnosis and treatment.

Unilateral oophoritis (inflammation of only the right or left ovary) is always associated with the entry of pathogenic organisms into the abdominal cavity. Infection occurs in various ways. Here are the most common ones:

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse. It is possible to become infected with both sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV) and conditionally venereal diseases (chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, ureplasmosis, etc.), which are less dangerous than sexually transmitted diseases, but are also difficult to treat and, along with their own symptoms, cause right- or left-sided oophoritis.
  2. Infection with surgical interventions, including abortive ones, when there is a high risk of foreign microorganisms entering. To avoid complications after surgery, anti-inflammatory therapy is also used.
  3. Household route of infection. It is quite rare, but still such cases exist in gynecological practice. Domestic infection most often occurs in swimming pools, public baths, saunas or other common areas, when using someone else's towel.
  4. Hypothermia can cause both an exacerbation of chronic oophoritis and an acute form of the disease.
  5. Stress and any nervous tension contribute to a decrease in immunity, and as a result, aggravate the chronic inflammatory process in the pelvis.
  6. A decrease in immunity caused by other reasons (colds, seasonal vitamin deficiency, autoimmune diseases, etc.) can accelerate the proliferation of opportunistic microflora, for example, Candida fungi, which cause thrush and oophoritis.
  7. Infectious and inflammatory diseases of adjacent organs and systems. For example, often right-sided oophoritis occurs with inflammation of the appendix or cystitis, urethritis.

There may be other causes of inflammation in the pelvis. It is impossible to accurately determine which ovary is inflamed, but right-sided inflammation is more common. This is due to the specific location large arteries in this area.

Clinical manifestations

The symptoms of right-sided oophoritis are the same as those of left-sided oophoritis, only the location of the pain differs (on the left or right in the lower abdomen). A distinction between symptoms can be made depending on the form in which the inflammatory process occurs.

Acute form of right-sided/left-sided oophoritis

Characterized by nagging pain strong intensity in the area of ​​the ovaries (left or right), which radiate to the lower back, thigh, leg. Body temperature can rise to high levels (up to 38-39 degrees), there are signs of general intoxication of the body (as with colds). In some cases, there are signs of gastrointestinal distress (nausea, vomiting, bowel movements). If acute oophoritis occurs during menstruation, then its course is accompanied by severe pain and copious discharge.

Chronic form

It occurs at intervals, that is, periods of exacerbations are replaced by remissions. Chronic left-sided oophoritis (like right-sided oophoritis) occurs only after an acute form of the disease that was not diagnosed in a timely manner or was not completely cured. In this case, the symptoms are “smoothed out”; they are not as bright as with acute inflammation, even during periods of exacerbation.

Pain in the chronic course of left-sided or right-sided oophoritis may also be present during remissions. This discomfort is called chronic pelvic pain.

During an exacerbation, women feel aching pain in the abdomen, but the body temperature does not rise. Mild discomfort may be present. differs in that it has a negative impact on nervous system. Women with a history of this disease are characterized by irritability (which is caused by constant discomfort in the ovaries), syndrome chronic fatigue. Sometimes there is a decrease in libido.

Subacute oophoritis left/right

Oophoritis with subacute course It is not so common and combines the characteristics of the two previous forms. It is characterized by pain of moderate intensity. Body temperature does not always rise, and mostly to subfebrile levels (up to 37.5 degrees). It is treated in the same way as acute oophoritis.

Regardless of the form of inflammation, pain during sexual intercourse and discharge from the external genital tract are always present. Their character may vary depending on the pathogen that caused the inflammatory process.


At the first manifestations of right-sided oophoritis or if you suspect this disease, you should consult a doctor. Since pathology may be a secondary manifestation venereal disease, timely diagnosis will help avoid further complications.

Diagnostic measures take place in several stages:

  1. Collect information about symptoms, study medical history. The gynecologist must find out whether the patient is sexually active, how she is protected from unwanted pregnancy, whether she has had childbirth, abortion, or other surgical interventions.
  2. Next, the doctor begins an examination in a gynecological chair. By palpation, the presence and its location can be determined: the right ovary will be enlarged in size, and the patient will feel pain during examination. But in order to avoid making an erroneous diagnosis (inflammation can sometimes be confused with another pathology), a number of laboratory tests should be carried out.
  3. Blood tests to determine the number of leukocytes, lymphocytes, ESR, etc. In the presence of infection and inflammation, these indicators will be increased. Tests for sexually transmitted diseases are also taken.
  4. Vaginal smears to determine the type of pathogen. Particularly important for the subsequent choice of antibiotic.
  5. Ultrasound examination () to exclude organic pathologies.
    After making a diagnosis, the doctor chooses the most appropriate treatment in each case.

How to treat

Treatment of left-sided (right-sided) oophoritis should be comprehensive. It includes the following therapy groups:

Drug treatment

  1. Taking antibiotics. This point is fundamental, since, first of all, the infection must be killed. The choice of drug depends on the type of pathogen identified. Currently, most antibiotics are active against several groups pathogens, but even despite this, the doctor may prescribe two drugs from different groups.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs to accelerate the relief of inflammation and pain symptoms. These could be Indomethacin suppositories, Diclofenac, Movalis injections or tablets, Nimesil powder, etc. Each of these drugs has its own specifics, so it is not recommended to take them without a doctor’s prescription.
  3. Intravaginal with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components to eliminate the source of infection at the local level.
  4. Antifungal drugs (Flucostat, Fluconazole, Nystatin), which can be prescribed not only in the presence of thrush, but also for its prevention, since it often appears after taking antibiotics.
  5. Immunomodulators and immunostimulants are used only during exacerbation of chronic oophoritis, since the acute form can be cured quite successfully without them. The fact is that over a long period of time chronic inflammation the infection develops resistance to many antibiotics, and they are no longer as effective. Therefore, it is necessary to activate your own immunity to fight the infection.
  6. Preparations for restoring the microflora of the vagina and intestines, which is disturbed after taking antibiotics. These can be taken orally (Linex, Bifiform), or in the form vaginal suppositories(Bifidumbacterin, Acylact).
  7. Drugs for the prevention of adhesions are also prescribed for chronic oophoritis. They are usually produced in the form of candles.
  8. Physiotherapy, which can be prescribed for any form of oophoritis. It eliminates inflammation at the cellular level, relieves pain, improves tissue trophism and promotes faster recovery. The most widely used for these purposes are laser, ultrasound, electrophoresis, and UHF.

Folk remedies

In combination with drug treatment You can also use folk remedies. The simplest and most effective of them are the following:

  • decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula, yarrow, boron uterus, St. John's wort, oak bark, etc.). You can use one plant or several, combine them with each other. Accept herbal infusions should be at least two weeks and no more than a month. After treatment, you can take a break and then repeat the course for preventive purposes;
  • douching with the above decoctions, only they should be prepared in a weaker concentration so as not to burn the mucous membranes of the vagina. Douching should be done for no more than a week, so as not to destroy your own beneficial microflora.

Treatment with folk remedies has its own characteristics:

  1. They should be used only after consultation with a doctor, so as not to cause even greater harm to the body.
  2. Many plants are strong allergens, so before using them you should make sure that you are not allergic to them.
  3. Some herbal components are contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as during lactation.
  4. Folk remedies should only be used in combination with drug therapy, but not independently.

Treatment of right-sided (left-sided) oophoritis is a long process. Here it is important not to miss the moment of the onset of the inflammatory process, since timely diagnosis and taking medications will help to avoid complications of the disease in the form of problems with conception, as well as its transition to a chronic form. Should be observed preventive measures in case of oophoritis and contact a gynecologist in a timely manner.

One of the common diagnoses in gynecology is oophoritis. Symptoms and treatment for this pathology in women will depend on the area of ​​the ovaries affected by the disease, as well as its form, which can be acute or chronic. In addition to a wide range of therapeutic measures, there are also preventive measures, the observance of which will help you never encounter such problems, which are fraught with serious complications, including infertility.


In medicine, oophoritis is an inflammation of the appendages (ovaries) that occurs against the background of various infectious diseases.

In most cases, oophoritis is not an independent disease and develops as a consequence of acute or chronic diseases genitourinary system(infection moves to the ovaries from the cervical canal, uterus, fallopian tubes). In this case, the inflammatory process can spread not only to the appendages, but also to other organs of the reproductive system, disrupting their functionality.

Oophoritis is of septic origin and occurs against the background of purulent infectious processes of various etiologies(anaerobic and aerobic).

Penetration of infection into the appendages often occurs through damaged tissue after:

  • childbirth;
  • abortions;
  • surgical operations;
  • acute appendicitis;
  • chronic infectious processes.

Worth knowing! Often the infection affects not only the ovaries, but also the fallopian tubes (salpingitis), and in this case the patient is diagnosed with salpingoophoritis.

The disease is divided into types:

  1. According to the localization of the inflammatory process:
    • unilateral oophoritis (can be right-sided or left-sided depending on the affected ovary);
    • bilateral oophoritis (both appendages are affected).
  2. According to the form of the disease:
    • spicy;
    • subacute;
    • chronic.

Worth knowing! Right-sided oophoritis often occurs as a consequence of acute appendicitis. Bilateral ovarian damage in most cases develops when infection spreads through the blood or lymph flow (for example, with tuberculosis).

Mucous membrane female vagina is a favorable environment for reproduction various kinds pathogenic microorganisms, since the environment in it is warm and humid.

With reduced immunity, microorganisms begin to actively multiply and cause the development of an inflammatory process. From the vagina, the infection rapidly spreads through the fallopian tubes, forming purulent contents in them. The tubes lengthen and thicken, and excess purulent contents flow out of them, dissolving the ovarian tissue.

Important! After infection penetrates the ovary, the inflammatory process in the absence specific treatment can spread throughout all organs and tissues of the abdominal cavity (periadnexitis or pelvioperitonitis).

As a result of the inflammatory process, adhesions are formed in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, impairing functionality reproductive organs, in this case we're talking about about the development of chronic oophoritis fraught dangerous consequences for the female body.


The main reasons for the development of oophoritis include:

  1. Infections.
  2. Injuries of the pelvic organs.
  3. Diseases of organs adjacent to the appendages of infectious origin.
  4. Structural changes in the ovaries that develop as a result of the formation of cysts and other neoplasms.

Worth knowing! Penetration of infection into the organs of the reproductive system is the main cause of the development of oophoritis.

Depending on the type of microorganisms that caused the development of the inflammatory process, oophoritis can be:

  1. Specific:
    • Trichomonas;
    • gonococcus;
    • chlamydia;
    • mycoplasma;
    • tuberculosis bacillus.
  2. Non-specific:
    • staphylococcus;
    • streptococcus;
    • candida;
    • coli.

The following factors can contribute to the spread of pathogenic microorganisms into the tissues and cavity of the ovaries:

  1. Violation of intimate hygiene rules.
  2. Frequent and intense douching.
  3. Use of antibacterial drugs.
  4. Hormonal disorders.
  5. Decreased general immunity.
  6. Unprotected sex
  7. Abortion.
  8. Diagnostic curettage.
  9. Installation of an intrauterine device.
  10. Menstruation.
  11. Childbirth.

In some cases, the infection penetrates into the ovaries from neighboring organs, most often this occurs when:

  • appendicitis;
  • peritonitis;
  • cystitis

Chronic oophoritis develops as a result of undertreatment of the acute form of the disease. Exacerbations chronic illness arise under the influence of the following factors:

  • hypothermia of the body and organs of the genitourinary system;
  • nervous fatigue;
  • intense physical activity;
  • problems in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • chronic infectious diseases;
  • decreased immunity due to poor nutrition and deficiency in the body essential vitamins and microelements.


Manifestations of oophoritis directly depend on:

  1. The nature of ovarian damage.
  2. Localization of the inflammatory process.
  3. Stages of disease development.

Worth knowing! At the initial stage, as well as in the chronic form of the disease, symptoms may be completely absent or mild.

Worth knowing! In some cases, chronic oophoritis develops without an acute stage, for example, against the background of sexually transmitted diseases that are asymptomatic.

In acute oophoritis, characteristic symptoms are:

  • pain in the lower abdomen (depending on the affected area, the pain syndrome may be concentrated on the right or left);
  • vaginal discharge (can be of a different nature. Depending on the infectious pathogen that caused the disease, in most cases it is foamy and has an unpleasant odor);
  • increase in body temperature to 37-39°C;
  • intense pain during sexual intercourse;
  • disorders of the digestive system (dyspeptic symptoms: diarrhea, nausea, vomiting);
  • muscle pain;
  • frequent painful urination;
  • constant uterine bleeding between menstruation;
  • general weakness.

Disturbance of the female cycle is one of the signs of oophoritis, about others possible deviations with a similar symptom can be read in the article “”.

When the disease passes into a chronic form, the symptoms characteristic of the acute stage of the disease are absent or poorly expressed, while the following develop:

  • menstrual disorders;
  • scanty constant discharge (leucorrhoea);
  • hormonal disorders;
  • discomfort during intimate relationships;
  • infertility;
  • pain during ovulation (when the egg is released, the integrity of the ovary is disrupted);
  • increased irritability.

Worth knowing! Subacute oophoritis is diagnosed in women extremely rarely and develops in most cases against the background of tuberculosis and fungal infectious processes.

The localization of oophoritis is determined by the following symptoms:

  1. Bilateral – pain on both sides upon palpation, accumulations of purulent contents are felt as small compactions.
  2. Left-sided - pain is concentrated in the left iliac region and radiates to the lower back.
  3. Right-sided - characterized by intense pain in the right lower abdomen, requiring differential diagnosis with acute inflammation of the appendix.

Important! Symptoms of acute oophoritis in women often lead to the development neurological disorders, sleep disorders, decreased libido, as intimacy becomes impossible due to pain.


The clinical course and symptoms of oophoritis are similar to many other diseases, so a woman must undergo a comprehensive examination to obtain a reliable diagnosis.

Patients with:

  • menstrual irregularities;
  • pain or discomfort during intimacy;
  • complaints about the lack of pregnancy (suspicion of infertility).

The examination includes the following diagnostic methods:

  1. Taking anamnesis (the causes of oophoritis may be complicated childbirth, installed IUD, intrauterine procedures, STDs, hypothermia).
  2. Analysis of the patient's complaints ( characteristic symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, discharge, tenderness of the ovaries on palpation, impaired uterine mobility).
  3. General analysis of blood and urine (the presence of an increased level of leukocytes in the analysis indicates the development of an inflammatory process).
  4. Smears from the urethra and vagina (allow you to determine the presence of pathogenic microorganisms).
  5. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to determine specific antibodies in the blood.
  6. Bacteriological studies (PCR, RIF) are carried out to determine hidden infections and the type of causative agent of the inflammatory process.
  7. Ultrasound diagnostics of the pelvic organs - allows you to visually determine the altered structure of the tissues of the appendages.
  8. Hysterosalpingoscopy is a diagnostic procedure to determine anatomical changes in the fallopian tubes caused by a chronic form of oophoritis.
  9. Diagnostic laparoscopy is the most reliable method for diagnosing oophoritis, allowing a complete examination of the uterus and appendages in order to identify violations of the patency of the fallopian tubes, purulent formations in the tubes and ovaries (pyosalpinx, pyovar), adhesions in the pelvis.
  10. MRI or CT scan – are prescribed to identify tumors in the pelvis and the condition of the affected tissues.

Indications for laparoscopic diagnosis are:

  • long-term infertility;
  • constant pain in the lower abdomen of unknown origin;
  • inflammation of the ovaries that does not respond complex therapy for a long time.

Worth knowing! If there are complications of oophoritis, as well as if the disease is of tuberculous or gonorrheal origin, additional tests may be prescribed.


Therapy for oophoritis is complex and depends on the following factors:

  • stages of the disease;
  • localization of the inflammatory process;
  • the nature of the disease;
  • portability medicines.

In acute form of oophoritis the following is indicated:

  • hospital treatment;
  • bed rest;
  • taking medications prescribed by a doctor.

The chronic form of oophoritis, as well as a disease that occurs with complications, requires long-term therapy with the use of medications and physical procedures.

In some cases, in the presence of severe complications and in advanced inflammatory process surgical treatment is indicated.

Worth knowing! When an STD is detected, not only the woman, but also her sexual partner undergoes a course of drug therapy aimed at eliminating the source of infection. During therapy you should abstain from sexual intercourse.


An individual course of medications is prescribed to patients with diagnosed oophoritis after a detailed examination and identification of the causative agent of the inflammatory process.

The main goals of drug therapy:

  • elimination of the infectious process;
  • relieving the inflammatory process;
  • activation of immune defense;
  • restoration of the functionality of the reproductive system organs.

In the complex therapy of oophoritis, the following groups of drugs are used:

  1. Antibiotics. In most cases, medications are selected wide range actions that can penetrate ovarian tissue. Depending on the causative agent of the disease, one or more drugs may be prescribed.
  2. Anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used to minimize the inflammatory process and reduce pain. Depending on the specific situation, both oral medications (tablets) and rectal medications (suppositories) are used.
  3. Immunomodulatory drugs. In order to increase the body's resistance to infections, special medications are used. Most often based on interferon.
  4. Combined oral contraceptives. In this case, such drugs are used to normalize the secretory function of the ovaries, regulate the menstrual cycle and protect against ectopic pregnancy.
  5. Vitamin complexes. Help restore body function after past illness and promote activation immune system.

Antibacterial drugs are used for:

  • relapses of chronic oophoritis with severe inflammation;
  • in cases where therapy with antibiotics and sulfonamides was not carried out in the acute and subacute stages of oophoritis;
  • during physiotherapy and restorative therapy, if an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease occurs.

Important! Suitable antibacterial drug selected by the doctor based on test results (identified causative agent of the disease and its sensitivity to specific active ingredients). Self-medication is fraught with the development of complications of oophoritis.


After treatment with medications and relief of the acute inflammatory process, therapy for oophoritis is continued with physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy can reduce the risk of adhesions, tubal obstruction and other complications of the disease.

Important! It is permissible to use physiotherapy for the subacute form of oophoritis, but only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Among the effective physiotherapeutic procedures in the treatment of inflammation of the appendages are:

  1. Edectrophoresis with potassium iodide and calcium chloride preparations.
  2. Magnetotherapy.
  3. Mud therapy.
  4. Hirudotherapy.
  5. Gynecological massage.
  6. Diathermy.
  7. Acupuncture (helps with severe pain syndrome).

Worth knowing! The use of physiotherapy in combination with drug therapy allows you to completely eliminate the inflammatory process and avoid dangerous complications requiring surgical intervention.

Folk remedies

In addition to medications and physical procedures, drugs are often used to treat inflammatory processes in the ovaries traditional medicine. The most effective among them are:

  1. Juniper berries
    Pour a glass of boiling water over 15-20 berries and leave for four hours. Take the drink three times a day, a tablespoon.
  2. Potentilla goose
    Pour two tablespoons of dry herb into a couple of glasses of boiling water and leave for an hour. Drink half a glass four times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  3. Berry infusion
    Mix 30 g of red currants and rose hips. pour boiling water and leave for an hour. Take 3-4 times a day, with added sugar.
  4. Walnut
    Shredded leaves walnut(a tablespoon) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 4 hours. Drink the prepared drink during the day. Divided into 4-5 techniques.
  5. Maryin root
    Grind 50 grams of dried plant root and pour 1500 ml of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave the product for 10 days in a dark, dry place. Take 40 drops three times a day before meals.

Important! Folk remedies can be used as part of complex therapy for oophoritis only after consultation with a doctor and a full examination.


In most cases, oophoritis can be cured with conservative therapy if the diagnosis and prescribed treatment were timely.

With the development of purulent complications of ovarian inflammation, surgical intervention is indicated:

  1. For tubo-ovarian abscess, laparoscopic surgery is indicated, during which the reproductive organs are sanitized and pus is removed. The intervention is carried out using a special optical technique - a laparoscope through small skin incisions.
  2. In case of relvioperitonitis (spread of purulent contents and inflammatory process into the abdominal area), a strip operation is indicated during which a thorough sanitation of the pelvic and abdominal cavities is carried out.
  3. In case of advanced inflammatory process, it may be necessary radical surgery to remove the ovary (oophorectomy) or the ovary along with the fallopian tube (azhnexectomy).

Radical operations require long-term recovery period and taking hormone replacement therapy drugs

Chronic oophoritis can cause the following complications and concomitant diseases:

  1. Peritonitis ( purulent inflammation abdominal tissue).
  2. Abscess of any organ of the genitourinary system.
  3. Internal bleeding.
  4. Infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  5. Diseases of the excretory system (pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  6. Diseases of the thyroid gland (occur against the background of long-term disorders hormonal levels caused by impaired ovarian function).
  7. Infertility (occurs when the patency of the fallopian tubes is impaired adhesive process caused by infection).
  8. Menstrual irregularities (delayed menstruation, cycle irregularity,).
  9. Sexual dysfunction (pain during sex, decreased libido).
  10. Increased likelihood of ectopic pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage.

Important! The only way to prevent the development of complications is to regularly visit a gynecologist and follow all his recommendations regarding the prevention and treatment of certain diseases of the reproductive system.


Considering that the treatment of oophoritis is long-term, and the disease can cause dangerous complications requiring surgical intervention, all possible preventive measures should be taken to preserve women's health.

Prevention of oophoritis includes compliance with the following rules:

  1. Regular visits to the gynecologist. For preventive purposes, every woman should undergo gynecological examination at least twice a year. Many diseases of the genital organs are different asymptomatic and if left untreated, lead to the development of infectious inflammatory processes.
  2. Timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Diseases of organs adjacent to the ovaries can lead to the development of oophoritis.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. Correct and balanced diet, sufficient physical activity, compliance with work and rest schedules, good sleep, provide normal work immune system and increase the body's resistance to infections.
  4. Protection against hypothermia.
  5. Resistance to stress, overwork, nervous exhaustion.
  6. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and genital hygiene.
  7. Selectiveness in choosing sexual partners.
  8. Use of barrier contraception (condom) for casual sexual intercourse.
  9. Exclusion of abortions and other gynecological manipulations, except those indicated by the attending physician.

A woman’s ability to have children directly depends on the condition and functionality of the ovaries. Oophoritis, especially if untreated and the disease becomes chronic, can impair reproductive function and becomes the cause of infertility. It is important to visit a gynecologist on time and treat any, even the most harmless, at first glance, diseases.

This is an inflammatory disease that affects both ovaries at once. Bilateral oophoritis, causes, types, signs of which we will consider in this article; such a diagnosis is usually made based on the results of ultrasound, gynecological and laboratory tests. Why does this bilateral oophoritis occur, and how should it be treated?

Bilateral oophoritis: causes of the disease

Infectious lesion Fallopian tubes like possible reason bilateral oophoritis.

If left untreated, the infection from the tubes travels upward to the ovaries.

Weakened immunity

As a result of an unbalanced diet or unhealthy lifestyle, a woman can develop bilateral oophoritis, since protective functions the body is weakened so much that it cannot resist bacteria and microorganisms. The likelihood of developing oophoritis increases with stress, fatigue, physical inactivity and chronic constipation.

Unprotected sexual intercourse is one of the causes of bilateral oophoritis

This category includes intimate relationships without the use of means of protection against unwanted pregnancy, sexual relations during menstruation, and frequent changes of sexual partners.

Gynecological interventions

One of the causes of bilateral oophoritis is childbirth and abortion. Even an unqualified gynecological examination can provoke the development of the disease.

Bilateral oophoritis: types of disease

There are two main types of bilateral oophoritis:

Acute bilateral oophoritis - characterized by temperature fluctuations, sharp pains in the lower back, groin and lower abdomen, the presence of vaginal discharge, painful urination. Uterine bleeding often appears, and menstrual irregularities are observed.

Chronic bilateral oophoritis - has similar, but less pronounced symptoms. The pain in the abdomen, groin and lower back is dull, there may be no discharge. True, chronic oophoritis is much more dangerous than the acute form, since it can provoke ovarian dysfunction and lead to infertility.

Bilateral oophoritis: signs of the disease

increased body temperature;

pain in the groin, abdomen, lower back;

vaginal discharge and uterine bleeding between menstruation;

increased irritability and fatigue;

painful and frequent urination also one of the signs of bilateral oophoritis;


lack of orgasm, decreased libido.

Bilateral oophoritis: treatment of the disease

Treatment of bilateral oophoritis in the acute form is carried out in a hospital, and its chronic counterpart can be treated at home, under the supervision of a doctor. To combat the disease, antibiotics, physiotherapy, vitamin complexes, and balneotherapy are prescribed. If there is no positive dynamics, an operation is performed to remove the pus and inject an antibiotic into the ovaries.

Take care of yourself, and don’t let bilateral oophoritis become a problem for you!