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The amazing functions of the kidneys in the human body. The role and functions of the kidneys in the human body

April 2, 2017 Doctor

The human kidneys are a paired organ that purifies the blood, maintains water-alkaline balance, and takes part in metabolism and hematopoiesis. The functions of the kidneys are diverse and closely interconnected, so disruption of their functioning leads to malfunctions in many systems of our body at once.

What do kidneys do in the human body?

From normal operation A lot depends on the organ, since nature entrusts them with several functions at once. All of them can be provided thanks to the structure of this organ and its abilities.

Kidney functions are:

  • excretory;
  • metabolic;
  • regulatory (homeostatic);
  • secretory.

Excretory capabilities of the kidneys

The main function of this organ is to remove excess fluid and metabolic products. It is called excretory or excretory. The kidneys pass through a huge volume of blood per day (up to 1500 liters), filtering from it first about 180 liters of primary urine, and eventually from 0.5 to 2 liters of secondary urine.

This function is based on two stages: filtration and reabsorption. At the exit from the bladder, urine must have a certain composition and density. This is necessary to remove all unnecessary and harmful products vital activity, but at the same time, filter out and leave everything useful and necessary.

To perform the excretory function, the kidneys use abilities such as filtration and concentration. Thanks to filtration, the blood is divided into fractions, and thanks to concentration, the relative density of urine and the optimal content of excreted substances are ensured.

How urine is formed

The blood entering the organ is filtered by passing through the renal corpuscle, that is, the initial part of the nephron, which is the main functional unit of the kidney. Nephrons originate in the cortex of the organ, so filtration is one of the functions of the cortex. Next, the filtered fluid enters the nephron capsule. This is primary urine, which is water in which various substances are dissolved. Primary urine contains amino acids, vitamins, salts, and glucose. The next stage is reabsorption, that is, reverse absorption. Primary urine is directed to renal tubules where they are absorbed into the blood nutrients. Substances that need to be removed from the body remain in the urine. Its concentration is regulated by the nephron loop.

The final urine contains a high concentration of substances unnecessary for the body, and normally there are absolutely no vitamins, amino acids and glucose.

The excretory function of the kidneys is also called nitrogen excretion, since the removal final products, formed as a result of nitrogen exchange, is the most important part of human life. Substances such as purines, indican, and especially creatinine and urea are toxic to our body, so it is necessary to ensure their isolation and elimination from the body.

Regulation of homeostasis

Thanks to the homeostatic function of the kidneys, we have a stable state of the body, maintain balance and ensure the formation of substances necessary for the body.

What does the homeostatic function provide?

  • Maintains fluid and salt balance.
  • Regulates pH.
  • Participates in the production of glucose.
  • Provides ammoniogenesis.

Water-salt balance depends on the ionic composition of liquids both inside and outside cells. The work of the kidneys is aimed at maintaining a constant quantity and composition of these fluids. The main “participants” in this process are ions of chlorine, sodium and water. About two-thirds of these ions are reabsorbed in the proximal tubules of the renal glomeruli.

The value of the ratio of acids and alkalis in the blood, that is, the pH value, is regulated at the first stage by special blood systems. However, this regulation occurs over a very large range. The kidneys, as it were, refine it; they remove either acidic or alkaline elements to ensure their normal ratio.

Acidosis, that is, displacement acid-base balance in the direction of increasing acidity (decreasing the pH value), poses a danger to our body. The homeostatic function of the kidneys provides a special system for combating this undesirable phenomenon. In cases of imbalance and increased acidity in the body, the kidneys increase the production and entry into the blood of ions, which alkalize the blood, restoring the balance of acids and alkalis. Such balance is important for the normal functioning of all organs and systems, maintaining the body in a vigorous working state.

Participation renal tissue in the production of glucose ensures a normal concentration of sugar while shifting the balance towards acidity. Kidney enzyme it is more active in an acidic environment, which cannot be said about the liver enzyme involved in glucogenesis. This function is especially important during acidosis due to fasting or lack of carbohydrates. Increased acidity due to ketone bodies stimulates glycogenesis in the kidney tissue. As a result, acid-reacting substances are converted into glucose, and the pH changes upward alkaline reaction. With alkalosis (the predominance of an alkaline reaction), glycogenesis in the kidneys is inhibited, and the reverse reaction is activated, which reduces the concentration of glucose and increases acidity. In this way, a balance is achieved both in the acid-base composition of the blood and in the concentration of glucose.

Ammoniogenesis provides an additional tool. This is necessary because adjusting the ionic composition is not enough to maintain equilibrium and optimal pH. Ammonia is formed from amino acids in the epithelium of the renal tubules, after which it interacts with hydrogen ions in the lumen of the tubules, as a result of which ammonium ions are excreted. Thus, ammoniogenesis makes it possible to remove excess acids.

Metabolism regulation

The body processes substances ingested with food and liquid not only by the digestive organs, but also by the kidneys. The metabolic function of this organ ensures metabolism: the absorption and breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Secretory function

The kidneys are an organ that is actively involved in the work endocrine system our body. They take part in the production of biologically active substances– hormones, which is why the secretory function is also called endocrine.

What hormones are formed with the participation of the kidneys:

  • erythropoietin;
  • calcitriol;
  • renin

Each of these hormones is responsible certain part functioning of the kidneys and other organs. The amount of hormones produced is a signal to increase or decrease activity various systems body.

Erythropoietin is a hormone involved in hematopoiesis. Its quantity regulates the production of red blood cells. When erythropoietin increases, red blood cell production is stimulated. This process is very important during blood loss and high physical exertion. An increase in the number of red blood cells helps compensate for blood loss and oxygen deficiency associated with stress in the body.

Calcitriol – vitamin D3. It is formed from vitamin D. This process begins in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, continues in the liver and ends in the kidneys. The main task of calcitriol is to ensure the absorption of calcium in the intestines and its entry into the blood. That is why impaired renal function threatens disruptions in calcium metabolism and weakening of bone tissue.

Renin is a hormone that regulates blood pressure. It is produced at low blood pressure and acts as follows. An increase in renin stimulates the formation of an enzyme such as angiotensin II. It constricts blood vessels and signals the production of aldosterone, which retains fluid and salts. As a result of narrowing the lumen of blood vessels, increasing the concentration of salts and the amount of fluid, blood pressure increases. If the pressure is normal, then there is no need for renin synthesis, and it is not produced.

Renal dysfunction

Since the kidneys are an organ responsible for several functions at once, deterioration in their functioning can lead to serious consequences. If the organ cannot cope with the removal of metabolic products, their concentration in the blood increases and they gradually accumulate. At the same time, the amount of fluid in the body often increases, which leads to increased blood pressure and swelling. As other functions deteriorate, symptoms develop that correspond to the disturbances that have arisen. For example, a failure in secretory function can lead to anemia, deterioration of bones, and their fragility.

Most common signs renal dysfunction:

Stories from our readers

“I was able to cure my KIDNEYS with the help of simple remedy, which I learned about from an article by a UROLOGIST with 24 years of experience, Pushkar D.Yu...”

  • problems with urination;
  • lower back pain;
  • swelling;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • general weakness.

The main cause of problems in the functioning of the kidneys is the death of nephrons, the main functional unit of this organ. The death of these structures is associated with damage to the kidney tissue due to inflammation, negative action nephrotoxic substances, trauma. However, the human body has the potential to restore impaired functions.

How to restore kidney function? To do this, you must undergo diagnostics and find out the condition, functionality organ, the causes of its damage. Next steps depend on the nature of the problem, but there are general recommendations, which are relevant for any impairment of kidney function:

  • elimination or treatment of the cause of deterioration in organ function;
  • diet;
  • compliance with the drinking regime;
  • symptomatic treatment;
  • normalization of blood pressure and body weight;
  • warning of hypothermia.

In each specific case, measures are prescribed to normalize the condition and function of the kidneys in accordance with individual characteristics patient. Kidney damage is often unilateral; this helps the body cope and maintain their functional abilities.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness and fatigue, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

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Kidneys are important organs, problems with the functioning of which negatively affect the condition of the body. For diseases, urine excretory system health worsens, toxins and harmful salts accumulate, causeless weakness appears, and immunity decreases.

What are the functions of kidneys in the body? How to protect important organs from negative impact? How much liquid do you need to drink per day to actively cleanse yourself of waste products? What signs indicate the development of renal pathologies? The answers are in the article.

Kidney structure

Basic information:

  • paired organs, bean-shaped;
  • in case of kidney failure, forced blood purification is required using a hemodialysis machine, otherwise all toxins will remain in the body, and after a while the patient will die;
  • organs are in lumbar region, the left one is slightly higher: the liver is located above the right one;
  • dimensions - 10-12 cm, the right organ is slightly smaller;
  • With outside there is a protective shell, inside there is a system for accumulating and removing liquid;
  • the thickness of the parenchyma, limited by the shell and the connecting base, is 15-25 mm;
  • the main structural unit is the nephron, the number in healthy body- 1-1.3 million. Urine is formed inside the nephron. Depending on functionality and structure, three types of nephrons are distinguished;
  • renal tissue has a homogeneous structure, foreign inclusions (sand, stones, tumors) are normally absent;
  • The renal artery delivers blood to the kidney; inside the organ, the vessel branches into arterioles that fill each glomerulus with blood. Constant pressure maintains the optimal ratio of arterioles: the afferent arteriole is twice as narrow as the afferent arteriole;
  • blood pressure fluctuations range from 100 to 150 mm Hg. Art. does not affect blood flow in renal tissue. At severe stress, pathological processes, loss of blood, a decrease in blood flow is observed;
  • large renal calyces form renal pelvis, connected by ureters to the bladder.

Urine formation

The process consists of three stages. Violation of the filtration function, damage to the glomeruli and tubules interferes with the process, provokes fluid stagnation, and leads to the accumulation of toxins.

Main stages:

  • filtration through three layers of glomerular filter;
  • accumulation of primary urine in collecting barrels and tubules;
  • tubular secretion - transporting unnecessary substances from the blood into the urine.

The volume and quality of urine excreted throughout the day is regulated by hormones:

  • adrenaline - reduces urine formation;
  • Aldosterone is secreted by the adrenal cortex. Excess of the hormone causes heart failure, edema, excess - dehydration, decreased blood volume;
  • estradiol regulates phosphorus calcium metabolism;
  • Vasopressin is responsible for the absorption of water by the kidneys. The hormone is produced by the hypothalamus. When this section is damaged, the volume of urine increases sharply - up to five liters;
  • parathyroid hormone is responsible for removing various salts from the body.

Note! Kidney function is regulated not only by substances produced by the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, but also sympathetic fibers and the vagus nerve.

Functions of paired organs

The main function of the kidneys is that the organs pump all the blood through tiny filters, purify the liquid from microbes, toxins, waste, poisons, and other harmful components. The filtration capacity of the kidneys is amazing - up to two hundred liters of urine per day! Thanks to the kidneys, the body constantly receives “clean” blood. Waste products and decay products are excreted in urine through the urethra ( urethra) naturally.

What functions do the kidneys perform?

  • excretory kidney function. Removing urea, breakdown products, poisons, creatinine, ammonia, amino acids, glucose, salts from the body. Violation of excretory function leads to intoxication and deterioration of well-being;
  • protective. Important organs filter and neutralize dangerous substances that enter the body: nicotine, alcohol, drug components;
  • metabolic. Participate in carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism;
  • homeostatic. Regulate ionic composition intercellular substance and blood, maintain a constant volume of fluid in the body;
  • endocrine kidney function. Nephrons are involved in the synthesis of important hormones and substances: prostaglandins (regulate blood pressure), calcitrol (regulates calcium metabolism), erythropoietin (stimulates hematopoiesis), renin (maintains optimal blood circulation).

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the kidneys. Most people do not think about how important the work of the bean-shaped organs is until diseases of an inflammatory and non-inflammatory nature develop. Damage to the kidney tissue, problems with the production and excretion of urine negatively affect various departments body.

Symptoms of the development of renal pathologies

The early stages are often virtually asymptomatic. People often do not pay attention to mild discomfort in the lumbar region and believe that their back hurts from overexertion. Only with strong pain syndrome, accidental detection of diseases urinary tract If urine tests are bad, patients visit a urologist.

Unfortunately, based on the results of urine and blood tests, and x-rays, the doctor often reveals chronic form pathology. At advanced cases, nephrosis requires long-term and often costly treatment.

Go to the address and read information about how to prepare for retrograde urography and how the procedure works.

It is important to know the main signs of kidney problems:

  • in the morning, swelling is noticeable under the eyes and on the legs, which after a couple of hours disappears as imperceptibly as it appeared;
  • often rises blood pressure. Violation of indicators is a sign not only of hypertension, but also of nephritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes;
  • problems urinating: passing more or less urine than usual, although drinking regime approximately the same;
  • discomfort in lumbar region. If, then discomfort is heard from one side or the other, sometimes on both sides of the spine, but not in the central part (along the vertical axis);
  • the shade or transparency of urine changes;
  • “shots” are periodically heard in the lumbar region, more often on one side. This sign indicates an active inflammatory process or movement of stones through the ureters;
  • causeless weakness, lethargy, drowsiness combined with slight discomfort in the lumbar area and high blood pressure should make you think about visiting a urologist. At renal pathologies Toxins accumulate in the body, hence the deterioration of the general condition.

Important! If one or more symptoms appear, it is important to immediately visit a nephrologist or urologist, take a urine and blood test, and do an ultrasound of the kidneys. Often, negative symptoms are practically absent, but the acidity of the urine is higher or lower than normal, red blood cells and protein appear in the urine, the level of leukocytes increases, and other indicators worsen.

What is harmful to the kidneys

Pathologies important organs develop under the influence of negative factors:

  • hypothermia, wet feet;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • heat: kidneys work with increased load, actively process increased volume fluid consumed;
  • drafts, cold wind;
  • shortage motor activity, causing stagnation of blood and urine;
  • crowded bladder: optimal quantity urination - 5-6 times per day. When urine stagnates, harmful microorganisms actively multiply;
  • sudden weight loss often provokes prolapse of the kidney due to a decrease in the volume of the protective fat layer surrounding the bean-shaped organ;
  • frequent use of antibiotics and other potent drugs;
  • eating too sweet or salty foods, smoked, spicy, fried foods negatively affects the condition of nephrons, tubules, filtering glomeruli;
  • carbonated drinks with artificial colors, flavors, and sweeteners do not benefit the kidneys;
  • mineral water with gas, high salt content creates a load on the kidneys. It is important to release the gas, slightly warm the healing liquid, and only after these manipulations consume the liquid. Healing mineral waters can only be drunk in courses, taking into account the nature of the disease and the composition of the salts;
  • serious physical activity, overwork, heavy lifting, overload during sports competitions;
  • inflammatory processes in various parts of the body. Pathogenic microorganisms they enter the kidney tubules with the blood, possibly infecting important organs.

How to reduce the risk of disease

  • prevention of hypothermia;
  • drinking clean, “soft” water;
  • refusal of frequent consumption of sour juices, citrus fruits, tomatoes;
  • It is useful to drink weak green tea, rosehip decoction, infusion of corn silk, bearberry, and parsley more often;
  • The buds of melons and watermelons are washed well. Important point- melons and melons must contain a minimum amount of nitrates;
  • Table mineral water is good for the body, but in reasonable quantities. Frequency of use daily norm the urologist advises for a specific patient;
  • Do not drink strong alcohol, beer, wine. Carbonated low-alcohol drinks with dozens of chemical compounds are especially harmful;
  • You should not eat stale foods, overload your body with “heavy” foods, or overuse spices and hot spices;
  • it is important to limit the consumption of salt, which provokes the accumulation of fluid in the body, swelling, and increased stress on the urinary tract;
  • correct drinking regime - up to two liters of water per day. This should become the norm for every day, otherwise, over time, toxins will accumulate if the kidneys are not flushed as expected;
  • Do not get carried away with offal, veal, mackerel, cod, beef, sorrel, spinach. Strong coffee, chocolate, beer, legumes are items containing purines and oxalates. Frequent use these types of food provoke active deposition of salts, leading to urolithiasis and gout - joint diseases.

Proper kidney function is vital for the body. In patients suffering from severe form renal failure, the quality of life decreases significantly, and the immune system weakens. Knowledge about the structure and functioning of important organs helps to understand why you need to protect your kidneys and how to prevent pathologies of infectious and non-infectious nature.

Video - an anatomy lesson that explains the functions of the urinary system, the structure of the kidneys and the formation of urine:

The human body is amazing. All internal organs perform their specific functions and interact with each other. One of the most unique creations in the human body is the kidney. This organ works without interruption and removes all harmful substances from the blood. The functions of the kidney are indispensable and important for the entire body.

Where are the kidneys located?

Their location is back wall peritoneum, they are located on both sides of the spine and approximately at the height of the 12th thoracic and two lumbar vertebrae. Usually left kidney located slightly higher than the right, the reason for this is the pressure of one of the parts of the liver. People suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system know very precisely about the location of their kidneys. For many, these two organs may be higher or lower than the indicated place, this is due to various diseases.

How the kidneys work

In order to understand why a person needs this organ, it is necessary to know the structure and functions of the kidneys. In humans, as well as in many mammals, they are bean-shaped and rounded at the top and bottom. The membrane of the kidney is made of connective and adipose tissue. They have two layers: cortical and medulla. Cortical colored dark color and is located outside, it contains nephron capsules. The medulla is located internally and has renal tubules. The weight of an adult kidney can be 120-200 g.

If you examine this organ under a microscope, you can better understand all the functions of the kidneys. One of the most important parts kidneys - nephron. This is a whole system, which is made up of tubules and a body, the length of one such unit is about 55 cm, and if you add up the length of all of them in the kidney, you get about 100 km. One such organ contains approximately 100,000 nephrons; they directly interact with the circulatory system.

What are the functions of this organ

Now let's look at the main functions of the kidneys in the human body. These include secretion and filtration. In one day, such an organ is capable of purifying all human blood about 50 times. Also, all other functions of the kidneys play an important role in the body:

  1. Hormone production. The parenchyma is involved in this process; it produces erythropoietin, which takes a major part in the formation of bone marrow blood cells.
  2. Converting vitamin D to its active form, such as calcitriol. It promotes the absorption of calcium in the intestine.
  3. Maintaining normal levels acid-base balance blood plasma. For many bacteria that can cause disease, acidic environment- the most favorable for development. The kidneys, maintaining a pH of 7.4, remove excess acids, thereby providing good conditions for the functioning of all systems in the body and thereby reducing the risk of developing diseases.
  4. Ensuring normal blood pressure. This occurs by removing excess water from the blood. After all, if there is too much of it, the blood volume begins to expand and the pressure begins to increase. The renal parenchyma produces certain enzymes that maintain electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure.
  5. Urine formation. This is a very difficult process: the kidney leaves the required amount of water, and removes the excess, along with toxins and various compounds, from the blood. The human body could not exist without this procedure, and death would occur from harmful substances.
  6. Saving the correct water-salt balance in the blood. During filtration, the kidneys remove excess water and salts from the blood, ensuring proper levels. This is an important factor in the functioning of the whole organism. It is known that in one minute the kidney passes 1300 ml of blood through itself, only 1299 ml comes out, and 1 ml remains in the pelvis in the urine.

Kidney function

We examined in detail all the functions of the kidneys. Now let's look at how it happens excretory process. It takes place in two stages. First the blood is filtered and then the urine is excreted.

The kidney parenchyma contains nephrons, which purify the blood. It is in this place that excess water, toxins, salts and chemicals, Not necessary for the body. All this is then sent through the tubes to the kidney area for urination. Then it is sent to the pelvis, from where, after accumulation, it goes through the ureter into the bladder. The liquid can remain in it for about 8 hours.

Based on the information presented, everyone can decide for themselves how important it is for normal life healthy kidneys. And that if any signs of the disease appear, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor.

80% of people suffer from kidney pathologies to one degree or another; kidney disease may not manifest itself for decades, without pain or discomfort.

What are the kidneys responsible for in the body?

The kidneys coordinate circulation in the body: sweat, tears, saliva, urine, secretions from mucous membranes, synovial fluid, cerebrospinal fluid and seminal (sperm) fluid. The health of the genitourinary and reproductive systems, condition of bones, ears.

Kidneys are destroyed by fear , if you frighten a person too much, then his kidney will immediately drop or (or two at once) a reflex urination may occur. kidneys, make themselves felt, manifesting themselves in the form of phobias and nightmares.

The kidneys accumulate human energy received during conception. A child conceived in a family where there is no love is born with low energy reserves.

Throughout life, energy is consumed, most of the energy is spent on the sexual sphere; with each ejaculation, a man loses energy. A woman loses some energy every month.

Symptoms of kidney failure

Swollen face, legs, arms

Disease vascular system, hypotension, hypertension, vegetative-vascular dystonia. Adrenal diseases, hyperthyroidism, mastopathy.

Diseases of the genitourinary tract, prostatitis, frigidity, impotence, gynecological diseases (chronic inflammation appendages).


Cervical osteochondrosis, lumbar osteochondrosis sciatica – inflammation of the sciatic nerve

Osteoporosis, destruction of bone tissue

Ear diseases

High or low blood pressure

Most often, a person has only a few of the listed ailments, but they also manifest themselves secondary symptoms due to prolapse of the kidneys (if the left kidney prolapses, there is arrhythmia; if the right kidney prolapses, the gallbladder becomes inflamed).

It is worth remembering that the individual symptoms listed above have their own sequence. At the beginning of the course of the disease, some symptoms appear, and others are superimposed on them. For example, renal failure followed by problems with blood pressure, then a stroke.

Kidney diagnostics at home

Dark, burgundy circles under the eyes, eyes watery when leaving the house on the street

Ringing and noise in the ears, a sign of diseased kidneys

Urine is normally light in color, without a pungent odor, it does not become colored due to eating carrots, beets and other vegetables with high level beta carotene. Urine should always be light and odorless.

Urination should be copious, as much as you drink should come out. Pathology: frequent urination in small quantities.

Straighten up, straighten your shoulders, then bend down and try to reach your hands to the floor. If you feel a painful pull in the muscles at the back of your legs, you most likely have a degenerative kidney disorder.

Kidney treatment

  • Reduce the consumption of mental energy. Balance your emotions. The devourers of human energy are megalopolises.
  • Men, learn to control your sexual energy
  • A sedentary lifestyle negatively affects kidney health. Due to the significant load on sciatic nerve, kidneys and bladder suffer.
  • Try to walk and breathe more fresh air and do yoga or simple gymnastics, if the illness has completely overcome you, you need to change your job.
  • The qigong system is effective in raising kidney energy.
  • Do not freeze, because the kidneys love warmth, visit the bathhouse, take hot foot baths.
  • Reduce your intake of protein and salty foods
  • Follow your daily routine, go to bed early.
  • You should completely avoid chilled water, food and ice cream too. Cold things overload the kidneys.
  • Drink Ivan-tea, bearberry infusion, but be careful with bearberry, St. John's wort and horsetail, inflammation of the kidney tissue is possible.

Useful Information

Nature has endowed the human body with great capabilities. Everything in it is extremely functional. Each organ performs its own important function. At the same time, all organs and systems interact with each other. One of the vital organs is the kidneys - the body's natural filter. They work continuously to cleanse the blood of all kinds of toxins that poison the body.

Their parenchyma contains nephrons, which purify the blood. Therefore, it is in this place that toxins accumulate, extra salt, harmful chemicals with liquid residues. All this is sent to the renal pelvis, then to the bladder, after which it is excreted from the body along with urine. In general, the functions of the kidneys in the human body are diverse and extremely important.

The ancient Greeks spoke about the importance of maintaining the health of this organ and its uninterrupted operation. They argued that a person is healthy only when his kidneys are healthy. Adepts Eastern medicine note their importance, since it is the kidneys, according to Eastern doctors, that are responsible for fertilization, the normal course of pregnancy, and the entire reproductive function person, as well as for his vitality and sexual energy.

Let's find out what are the main functions of the kidneys? Let's talk about how to keep them healthy for many years.

Basic kidney functions

The main tasks of this organ are secretion and filtration. Imagine, in just one day the kidneys completely cleanse all the blood about 50 times. But the kidneys also have other, equally important functions. Let's list them briefly:

Hormone production. The parenchyma, which we have already mentioned, produces erythropoietin. This substance is actively involved in the formation of bone marrow blood cells.

The organ converts dietary vitamin D into calcitriol, its active form. This substance is necessary for effective absorption and absorption of calcium by the intestines.

The main functions also include ensuring the required level of acid-base balance in the blood plasma. You must understand that an acidic environment is extremely favorable for life. pathogenic bacteria. The kidneys, neutralizing acid, maintain a pH of 7.4. This reduces the risk of multiple dangerous diseases.

In addition, they support normal level blood pressure as it is removed from the body excess liquid. When too much fluid accumulates, it expands the volume of blood, thereby increasing blood pressure. Enzymes produced by the renal parenchyma regulate it by maintaining the balance of electrolytes.

Urine formation. It's multi-capacity complex process. The kidney distributes the fluid, leaving necessary for the body quantity. The rest is excreted from the blood along with harmful substances, toxins. Without the formation and excretion of urine, a person would die from intoxication.

Another very important function is to maintain the necessary water-salt balance. During filtration, it is removed from the blood excess water, salt. Complied with important balance, necessary for the normal functioning of the entire organism.

To keep your kidneys healthy!

Few of us think about the state of our own kidneys while they are healthy. We begin to worry about them when various problems arise in their work and diseases appear. But you just have to take care of them, avoid diseases and inflammations, in order to maintain health until old age. So:

What is harmful to our kidneys?

The kidneys really “do not like” drafts, cold, dank winds, cold feet and clothes that are not suitable for the weather. It is these factors that often become the causes of inflammation and pain in the lumbar region. Heat is also harmful to them when increased sweating There is a violation of the water-salt balance.

A long-term overfilled bladder has a bad effect on the kidneys. With normal consumption
water, urination should occur up to 6 times a day. Otherwise, the resulting stagnation of urine contributes to the development inflammatory processes.

Increased, excessive physical activity and physical fatigue are harmful to the kidneys. All this leads to a weakening of their normal functioning and the development of inflammation.

To keep your kidneys healthy, stop following unwise diets. They often lead to disruption metabolic processes, and also provoke prolapse of the kidney. Also, you should not get carried away with too salty or very sweet food. Eating stale foods and self-medicating with antibiotics lead to intoxication of the body, overloading the kidneys.

Instead of strong tea, sweet soda, beer and others, harmful drinks, make it a rule to drink simple regular, but clean water, weakly brewed green tea or dried fruit compote.

Infusions are very useful for maintaining kidney function and the entire excretory system medicinal herbs: bearberry leaves, parsley, horsetail, rose hips, corn silk. Eat fresh berries, fruits. Watermelons and melons are especially useful. Don't get carried away mineral water. May your kidneys always remain healthy!