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Is it possible to pump out fat with a syringe? Syringe liposuction is a gentle method of removing adipose tissue. Benefits of losing fat naturally

Liposuction began to be actively used at the end of the last century. It quickly became a kind of indulgence against any crime related to weight gain. Now you can safely skip class gym and there is everything. So what if you added a couple of kilograms and the dress became tight? After all, everything can be corrected with liposuction.

However, you should not treat this operation as a regular teeth cleaning or cosmetic procedure. After all, this surgical intervention, which always represents stress for the body. Yes, and somehow it’s forgotten quick disposal from extra pounds about a long rehabilitation period with possible complications.

Many of those who are preparing for liposuction have no idea what exactly the doctor will do. Although fat removal surgery has become quite popular today, there are still many myths surrounding it.

Liposuction can help you get rid of obesity. If you come across an honest surgeon, he will explain that liposuction allows you to correct local figure imperfections. The operation is used if diet no longer helps or physical exercise. After all, with its help, some reserve fat is removed. These special cells easily tolerate lack of nutrition, and in the presence of glucose they multiply quickly. The operation will be effective in those people whose weight is close to normal or slightly exceeds it. But for patients with general obesity liposuction is not a solution. The hips, especially their inner part, buttocks, lower abdomen and “breeches” area. Liposuction will help correct them, giving problem areas an ideal shape. However, you should not expect that this will solve a common problem obesity. So you need to prepare for such an operation only in the case when weight loss has taken place, and all that remains is to get rid of the most stubborn fat deposits.

Liposuction helps get rid of cellulite. In this case, we should talk about two mutually exclusive statements at once. Some say that liposuction can remove cellulite, while others say the opposite - the operation leads to the appearance of “ orange peel" Practice shows that fat suction has nothing to do with this problem at all. After all, liposuction removes fat that is located in the thickness subcutaneous tissue. And cellulite appears due to fatty lobules that are located directly under the skin. That is why liposuction cannot in any way improve the condition of the skin with cellulite, but it cannot worsen the situation either.

Ultrasonic liposuction is less traumatic than other techniques. There are quite a few types of liposuction, but they all have the same goal - to help the doctor, and not to alleviate the suffering of the patient. After all, to remove subcutaneous fat, the surgeon resorts to certain efforts. Fat is not some kind of unnecessary foreign liquid that can be poured out of a person anywhere. This is the part of the body where each cell holds tightly to its neighbors. So puncturing the skin does not mean that unnecessary tissue will pour out on its own. That is why doctors strive to destroy intercellular tissue before surgery. Usually for this purpose the area is processed special composition, Klein's solution. It helps to liquefy fat within half an hour, which will make it easier to remove. But surgeons believe that this method is still labor-intensive, which is why more and more new types of liposuction are appearing.

Ultrasonic liposuction involves pricking the surgical areas with a solution, after which they are exposed to ultrasonic waves. It should be noted that this method is perhaps more traumatic than others. After all, the first generation devices produced a large heat flux, which led to internal burns. This only delayed postoperative healing. But now doctors have learned to avoid this effect.

There are no liposuction techniques. In addition to the already mentioned ultrasound technique, there are several more basic ones. Thus, syringe liposuction is performed manually. Fat is pumped out not with vacuum pumps, but with syringes. Vibration is carried out using the Lipomatic device, which makes it easier to move the cannula into the tissues. Tumescent liposuction makes it possible to perform surgery under local anesthesia. To do this, a special solution with an anesthetic is injected into the operating areas. Lipoelectromodeling uses a special apparatus that generates a special current of a given frequency. He destroys fat cells.

Liposuction is a safe procedure. Do not assume that no one has ever died from such an operation. Although liposuction seems simple on the surface, there are many nuances to it that can lead to the most disastrous results. After all, there is always a risk of unpleasant complications. Patients die on operating tables, and liposuction is no exception. Naturally, such cases occur during pumping out of adipose tissue much less frequently than even with appendicitis. However, statistics inexorably show that for every five thousand there is one operation. fatalities. The statistics do not seem to be frightening, but in absolute terms everything is not so rosy. Every year in prosperous America alone, 75 people die from attempts to surgically get rid of excess fat. In Russia, such statistics are not even kept.

Liposuction is harmless to health. We must understand once and for all that plastic surgery does not always proceed as the doctor and patient would like. There could be many reasons for this. This includes increased tissue bleeding, poor skin elasticity, scar tissue changes at the site of surgery, and much more. All this can affect the final result of the operation. But in general, complications after liposuction are quite rare. Only 2.5% of patients experience increased painful sensitivity at the surgical site, 1% have changes in skin pigmentation, and another 1% develop chronic pain syndrome. Every 200th suffers some kind of septic phenomenon, for example, blood poisoning. In case of unfavorable circumstances and bad work doctor, you can get necrosis of tissue and skin, and operations on lower limbs are fraught with impaired fluid outflow. If you choose the wrong cannula diameter, this will lead to uneven body contour and “washboard” syndrome will appear. If the operation affects large areas, then this is fraught with anemia, because the blood loss will be large. But all this relates more to medical errors, rather than to the disadvantages of the operation itself. Competent work A surgeon usually avoids these problems, but in any case there will be significant blood loss, which will not go unnoticed for the body. Another point that will also not add health is anesthesia. It is more dangerous for the liver week-long binge, yes and nerve cells are in danger.

Liposuction can be done at any age and regardless of health status. Theoretically, there are no obstacles, but practice often diverges from this. If you start removing dead deposits, excess skin will appear. It should shrink on its own over time. That is, successful rehabilitation involves elasticity skin. But it only gets worse over time, unable to respond to such a large and rapid weight loss. Therefore, performing liposuction on an older woman who has also recently lost weight can lead to sagging skin that cannot recover. In general, such an operation is contraindicated for people with circulatory problems, with diabetes, as well as for those who have recently undergone surgery on parts of the body where they plan to pump out fat.

After surgery, fat will begin to grow at double the rate in other places. Human fat cells can only multiply until puberty. As a result, in an adult, their number remains unchanged until the very end of life. Therefore, nothing can restore the removed cells, but those remaining in the body will begin to accumulate more and more fat. So it turns out that after liposuction you can gain more fat both in the operated areas and in neighboring ones. So those who are predisposed to obesity should not relax. You need to give up food at night, as well as sweets and other unhealthy foods.

You can remove as much fat as you like. In fact, there is a record that is still not worth chasing - 9 liters. The operation is often called liposculpture, so you should think carefully about normal quantity removed fat. On average, it is considered safe and normal to pump out up to 3 liters of fat at a time.

There are areas that are best left untouched. But this is the truth. It is better not to perform liposuction on the forearms and lower legs. It is believed that such an operation will not be effective in areas of the menopausal hump, shoulder area, and upper back. But this is also controversial, as is all talk about this technique. It is best to consult a doctor when choosing the method of pumping out fat, the instruments for this, places and volume. You should trust an experienced and reputable doctor, and not rush to beautiful signs.

Liposuction is the usual pumping out of fat. In fact, you need to think about how the body will react to the removal of a significant amount of its mass. And the appearance of the operation site should remain beautiful. Therefore, liposuction should not be considered ordinary fat pumping; rather, it is liposculpture.

Fat is a very convenient material for modeling. In fact, adipose tissue, like any other tissue, has quite a complex system lympho- and hemomicrocirculation. Its integrity can be violated only if you are completely confident in the need for such intervention.

The puncture sites on the skin and their location can be arbitrary. This is incorrect; the number of punctures for each zone, as well as their location, are predetermined.

The amount of fat removed can be arbitrary. In fact, in this regard, the laws of symmetry must also be taken into account. The amount of fat removed must be predicted in advance and be the same in symmetrical areas. Otherwise, the operation site will become wavy.

Liposculpture can be superficial or deep. During the operation, the tunnels in all layers of subcutaneous tissue are located evenly. Sometimes, however, a more superficial location of the tunnels is allowed, which is associated with an increased effect of skin tightening.

The result of liposuction is clear already in the first days after the operation. Any operation of this kind entails rehabilitation period at 2-3 months. If work was carried out from the front abdominal wall, then we can talk about 4 months. In the first couple of weeks, only post-traumatic swelling is present at the operation site. It resolves only over the next month and a half, which is accompanied by the formation of an infiltrate. This in turn disappears after 3-4 months.

To achieve the final result, it is necessary to go through postoperative procedures. Liposuction does not require any special accompanying procedures - massage, lymphatic drainage, ultrasound. The initial result, like the final one, is entirely based on the quality of the operation. And these procedures are offered by the clinics and salons themselves in order to make money on gullible clients.

It is impossible to predict the results of liposuction. In fact, a favorable outcome can be predicted. The patient only needs to comply with all indications for surgery, and doctors need to assess the necessary and sufficient intervention, as well as master different ways carrying out such a procedure.

After the operation you can go home straight away. According to this myth, after pumping out fat, nothing bothers a person anymore. There will only be some slight swelling that will go away quickly. And in a month the person will return to full life. First of all, it is worth noting that after the operation you will have to stay in the hospital for at least a day. After all, a surgeon needs to observe his patient. At the same time, with high probability the temperature will rise and a feeling of discomfort will appear. Swelling and bruises are an inevitable price to pay for pleasure. They will last about three weeks. It is also worth saying that whole month After liposuction, a person will have to wear compression garments. It will help the skin contract better. And only after three months will it be possible to really evaluate the result.

After liposuction, you can forget about diet, sports and expensive cosmetics. To consolidate and even improve the result obtained, use special diet, massage and exercise are welcome. We must remember that surgery is not a way to lose weight or eliminate cellulite or stretch marks. Of course, removing fat will also lead to weight loss. But if you leave your diet the same, the fat will return. And to understand which technology is suitable, a specialist conducts a preliminary examination. If the fat deposits are small, then all liposuction methods will give results. The skill of the surgeon is important here.

Liposuction is performed exclusively as an independent operation. In fact, this figure correction procedure is often carried out in a complex. Liposuction can be part of the correction age-related changes body, anterior abdominal surgery or injury recovery.

Liposuction saves you from psychological problems. Under conditions of psychological pressure, many are looking for a solution to this problem in liposuction. This is especially critical for patients with overweight. Sometimes surgery really helps the psyche. Patients increase self-esteem, they develop positive emotions regarding your improved appearance, complexes disappear. However, this is only true if the condition was mild or moderate severity. If the patient had deep depression or even developed serious problems in the perception of food (bulimia, anorexia), then surgery will not help. In this case, you need to contact a psychologist or even a psychiatrist directly. So don't assume that liposuction is the way to solve nervous disorders and serious psychological problems.

After liposuction, typical traces remain - postoperative scars and scars. Usually, they try to place punctures in natural folds or in places that are then hidden by underwear. Their diameter usually does not exceed 8 millimeters. After just a couple of months, traces of surgical intervention will be difficult to find even with close attention to these places. There are no scars or scary scars left after liposuction.

Liposuction - surgery aimed at removing excess fat from certain parts bodies. It can be done on any part of the body, including the stomach, abdomen, buttocks, back, thighs, knees, legs and shoulders. In addition, facial liposuction is often performed: cheeks, jaws and neck. An undeniable advantage liposuction - no scars, since access to fat is provided by skin punctures that heal on their own.

Liposuction can be done alone or in combination with others plastic surgery such as breast reduction or abdominoplasty. It can also be performed on several parts of the body at once.

This can be any part of the face or body with significant excess fat: 1) axillary ridges; 2) hands; 3) top part belly; 4) Bottom part belly; 5) pubis; 6) ears on the hips; 7) breeches area; 8) inner surface hips; 9) outer side hips; 10) knees; 11) shin. And also the back, chin and neck (this will give the face a more beautiful shape).

Can be used for breast reduction: for example, in young girls with early development breast liposuction slows down and reduces growth mammary glands. Carrying out the procedure at this age helps to avoid radical surgery in the future.

Indications for liposuction

If you are concerned about excess fat deposits anywhere in your body, and these deposits are not removed by diet and exercise, then liposuction will be the ideal solution to solve this problem.

The best candidates for any liposuction (abdomen, thighs, etc.) are healthy patients over the age of 18 years with a weight exceeding the ideal body weight by 30%, with dense elastic skin and good muscle tone.

Progress of the operation

"Dry" technique. An outdated and not currently used technique. Under anesthesia, a cannula is inserted into the fatty tissue, through which the fat is sucked out using a vacuum. In fact, approximately 45% of the aspirate (fat, fluid, and blood content) is blood. Such blood loss forces surgeons to abandon this technique. It can be used for corrective surgery after unsuccessful liposuction. However, at Uclinic this technique is not used due to its high morbidity and outdated technology.

"Wet" technique. With this technique, the surgeon injects 100 to 300 milliliters of fluid (with or without epinephrine) into each treatment area. With a wet technique, 20 to 25 percent of the aspirate is blood.

"Super-wet" technique. With the super-wet technique, introduce large quantity physiological fluid than with wet technology. The solution is introduced in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:1.5 (the amount of liquid is approximately equal to the volume of fat that will be removed). Less than 1 percent of what is sucked is blood.

Tumenescent technique. With this technique, even more fluid is injected than with super-wet liposuction. The surgeon injects three to six times more saline than the volume of aspirate removed. This method is used when it is necessary to remove a large amount of fat. However, the tumescent method is dangerous due to the potential for fluid overload and anesthetic overdose.


General urine analysis, biochemical analysis blood test, blood electrolyte test, blood test for syphilis, HIV infection and hepatitis, undergoing an ECG.


Usually done general anesthesia, knees, cheeks or chin - under local anesthesia with sedative therapy, and when, for example, liposuction of the thighs is performed, local spinal anesthesia is used.


The procedure takes from 1 hour to 3 hours depending on the area of ​​surgery and the amount of fat removed.


You can go home after 1-2 hours in the company of a friend or family member. If desired, the patient can remain in the hospital under the supervision of professional and attentive staff for 24 hours.

Before surgery

2 weeks before surgery you should stop taking alcohol and blood thinning drugs (aspirin, hormones, etc.). You should stop eating 6-8 hours before liposuction. Avoid excessive sun before surgery and do not follow strict diets as this may affect your ability to recover.

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Cosmetology -~- Plastic surgery -~- Syringe liposuction: scope of application

One of the most quick ways get rid of excess fat deposits - liposuction.
There are several types of procedure. The choice often depends on the budget, but to a greater extent - on how much fat needs to be pumped out. To remove small deposits, for example, in the double chin area, syringe liposuction is used. You can pump out up to half a liter of fat through a syringe.

Lightweight liposuction

Syringe is actually a lightweight, “miniature” version of liposuction. No incisions are made on the skin, vacuum liposuction devices or long cannulas are not used. The main tool is a syringe through which fat is pumped out. This type of liposuction is offered to patients with thin skin and small fat layers when it is necessary to correct uneven body contours. If you use a vacuum liposuction device with thin skin, then unevenness may remain in the places where the cannula was inserted....

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Is it possible to remove belly fat with a syringe?

No. Unfortunately no. Oh, if only everything were so easy! then millions of women (and men too) would not have to suffer because of excess weight. Naturally no You can.
Theoretically, you need to warm up in a bathhouse, take a syringe with which to rinse your ears and try it, and what if it works! No, you can’t no You can, you need to inject subcutaneously a solution of saline solution ludocaine and adrenaline soda buffer, wait 15-20 minutes, and you can take it with a syringe, the most suitable needle from the blood transfusion system or the needle from the largest catheter for blood transfusion. http: //www.medmoon.ru/plastic/recepty_rastvorov_dlja_liposakcii.html.


Are you crazy? Fat in the body is not found in the form of jelly or liquid, but in fat cells held together connective tissue.
So to suck out fat, you need to destroy the fatty tissue with a surgical instrument or ultrasound and then pump out the resulting thick, bloody fat mass with a vacuum suction.

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Liposuction at home and features of its implementation. The main types and methods of liposuction at home.

What it is

Liposuction at home is one or more procedures that are aimed at reducing fat mass in certain areas of the body, including the abdomen.

In fact, such liposuction is not at all what is usually done in beauty salons and is certainly not a surgical operation.

This concept provides for more gentle types of figure correction.

Is this possible?

First of all, it must be said that none of the currently existing classical types of liposuction can be done at home yourself.

For example, to perform traditional liposuction, you will need real surgery, anesthesia, special equipment and doctors.

It’s simply not realistic to do this on your own at home, unless of course you want to risk your health.

The same applies to ultrasound, as well as...

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Physique features are a given from nature, and even the owner slender figures forced to work hard on their problem areas. A strict diet and intense exercise are not always able to cope with fat deposits in the riding breeches and on the sides. And a treacherously protruding tummy is a sore point for most girls.

Laser liposuction of the abdomen: is there an alternative?

Fat deposits are formed in the abdominal area first. This is a so-called “airbag” that protects vital internal organs abdominal cavity from damage. In women, the accumulation of “reserves” on the stomach is also due to childbirth. Abdominal fatty tissue actively participates in hormonal processes and serves as a soft buffer that additionally protects the unborn child from external environment. The body is in no hurry to part with these strategic reserves even when the total percentage of subcutaneous fat...

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Fighting excess weight is quite a difficult task. Some are coming the easy way and rely on the help of doctors who will help them cope with the task. And someone is fighting on our own, since turning to specialists is impossible when your pockets are thin, or even completely empty. It is very difficult to fight fat without the most basic knowledge and skills, because it is theory and practice that make the impossible real. Is liposuction possible at home and what types of it exist? After all, many consider this method one of the most effective in the fight against extra pounds.

Liposuction is a surgical or cosmetic operation, the action of which is aimed at the destruction, decomposition or removal of fatty compounds that are removed from the body independently (after splitting) or mechanically. You can get rid of a little excess weight, significantly correct the lines of your figure, make a person visually much slimmer and...

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Surgery to remove fat from the sides and abdomen is a popular method of losing excess weight, allowing you to become slim in a short time. Diets, various kinds restrictions, sport is a long path to a dream, which not everyone is capable of. Many men and women cannot withstand the strict regime and break down at the beginning of the journey. How effective is it? operating method, what types exist and what to expect after such an intervention?

How to remove belly fat surgically

If you decide to remove the belly and excess fat from the sides using liposuction, you should know that in the first 3-4 weeks you will have to wear special underwear with high degree compression, come to the clinic for dressings and examinations, take medications. For several days you feel weak, there are pains, and the temperature rises. Bruising, swelling, and slight numbness may remain on the skin for 4-6 weeks.

Removal of a small amount of subcutaneous fat is carried out under local...

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“Lifebuoy” or treacherous friend?

Belly fat is the most stubborn. But it’s still not worth talking about him as a long-standing and irreconcilable enemy. Visceral fat, that is, that which surrounds the internal organs, and the supply of which is almost completely localized in the abdominal cavity, is needed by our body!

It provides correct location internal organs and protects them from possible injuries. Its excessive thinning increases the risk dangerous diseases, however, as well as abundant growth.

If a man's waist circumference exceeds 94 centimeters, and a woman's - 85, it is necessary to take action as soon as possible. And you should start with confident steps to the side healthy image life.

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If nothing else helps in the fight against excess adipose tissue, then help will come medicine. The article clearly describes the possibilities of plastic surgery in the correction of obesity: what is abdominal liposuction, types of operations, pros and cons, complications and contraindications. Using this information, every overweight person can make an informed decision - is it worth contacting a plastic surgeon?

Surgical removal belly fat

The essence of the operation

One of the operations often used in plastic surgery involves aspiration removal of fat cells from the subcutaneous tissue of problem areas. Regardless of the method, fat is suctioned only from certain areas of the body where difficult to remove fat accumulates. adipose tissue(hips, stomach, buttocks). Liposuction solves specific aesthetic problem, but does not eliminate obesity.


Conventionally, all liposuction techniques are divided into mechanical, ultrasonic, vibration-mechanical,...

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Lipofilling (fatgrafting) - fat transplantation

The essence of fat injection (lipofilling, the term fat grafting is also used) is the transplantation of fat from areas of its largest accumulation- such as outer surface hips - in places that lack volume. These include the face, arms, chest or buttocks. The advantage of this procedure is that it is completely safe and well tolerated by patients, and the result has a long-lasting effect and looks natural. Every year thousands of people choose lipofilling as effective method improve your appearance.

The content of the article:

Fat transfer: pros and cons

If your face has sunken areas or deep wrinkles;
to obtain a longer lasting effect from the operation than temporary fillers can offer;
to improve your body contours, hide scars, fill in hollows in your body, or rejuvenate your hands and face;
during breast reconstruction to hide contour irregularities or...

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Liposuction is an operation that allows you to remove excess fat tissue from problem areas. Such areas can be the abdomen, buttocks, shoulders, back and even knees. In addition, using this procedure, you can correct the oval of the face by removing excess fat from the cheeks and neck.

Liposuction is performed as a stand-alone operation or in combination with other procedures. It can be carried out on several parts of the body at once.

Who is the operation indicated for?

Liposuction would be an ideal option if the patient’s excess fat cannot be removed alternative ways such as diet and exercise. The operation is performed on patients only over the age of eighteen, if their body weight is 30% higher than normal, the skin is sufficiently elastic, and the muscles are toned.

Liposuction is performed using a special hollow elongated surgical instrument, called a "cannula". The diameter of the tube is small, so the skin and blood vessels minimally injured.

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The problem of excess belly fat worries many not very athletic people on the planet. Is there a magic remedy to get rid of it quickly at home, without food restrictions and exhausting sports?

Today it is much easier and more effective to correct the contours of the body through a special branch of plastic surgery - liposuction.

What is liposuction

Abdominal liposuction, in essence, is the splitting and “pumping out” of the subcutaneous fat layer in small areas of the body. Unpleasant and unaesthetic deposits of fat make you want to get rid of them on your hips, knees, and chin. But the most popular is tummy tuck.

You can get rid of 2 liters of fat in one procedure. The waist immediately narrows by 5-6 centimeters. Overall effect visible after recovery period, that is, after 2-3 months, and the final look is achieved after 6 months.

The procedure continues from...

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How to remove belly fat Traditional options for getting rid of subcutaneous fat
How is it carried out? laser liposuction
Effectiveness of the procedure
Contraindications to laser liposuction

Fat deposits in the abdominal area for both men and women are not only cosmetic defect. Of course, first of all, owners of a large tummy suffer from an unattractive appearance. But patients also complain of a certain difficulty in movement, shortness of breath and fatigue.

Traditional options for getting rid of subcutaneous fat

Trainers of sports clubs claim that you can get rid of “fat depots” located in the abdominal area with the help of special physical activity. This is not entirely true. Belly fat is the last fat to leave our body. Therefore, even with intense systematic training, it is possible to part with it only with insignificant initial volumes.
For a long time the most effective way...

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The world is booming new procedure aesthetic surgery - lipofilling ("lipos" from Latin - "fat", "filling" - "filling"). Such operations are also carried out in Kyrgyzstan. Director of GREEN CLINIK, plastic surgeon Sultan Tukeshov, at the request of “VB”, spoke in more detail about this procedure.

What problems can be solved with such an operation?

Lipofilling is the filling of problem areas with your own fat. For example, wrinkles on the face. Can also fill the chest, lower leg, area calf muscles, buttocks.

Compared to traditional silicone filling or facelift, which is better to choose?

Lipofilling is the most natural method plastic surgery today. It is possible that such operations will replace silicone implants.

After a facelift, the face may look too tight. But here the physiological contour of the face does not change. Remains in natural form. At the same time, the skin is tightened and rejuvenated, wrinkles...

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-~- -~- Syringe liposuction: scope of application One of the fastest ways to get rid of excess fat deposits is liposuction.
There are several types of procedure. The choice often depends on the budget, but to a greater extent - on how much fat needs to be pumped out. To remove small deposits, for example, in the double chin area, syringe liposuction is used. You can pump out up to half a liter of fat through a syringe.

Lightweight liposuction

Syringe is actually a lightweight, “miniature” version of liposuction. No incisions are made on the skin, vacuum liposuction devices or long cannulas are not used. The main tool is a syringe through which fat is pumped out. This type of liposuction is offered to patients with thin skin and small fat layers when it is necessary to correct uneven body contours. If you use a vacuum liposuction device with thin skin, then irregularities may remain in the places where the cannula was inserted. Therefore, for example, the syringe method is used for liposuction of the neck or knees.


Compared to other types of liposuction, syringe liposuction has a number of advantages.

  • Local anesthesia is sufficient.
  • No scars remain.
  • The recovery period is shorter than with classic liposuction.
  • Ability to remove small accumulations of fat cells.
  • This is a neat method that ensures high quality final result. It is great for areas that are in plain sight.
  • Flaw

    You can only get rid of small fat deposits.

    How is it carried out?

    Anesthesia is administered before the procedure. A needle is inserted under the skin where fat cells have accumulated, and by pulling back the syringe plunger, the fat is pumped out. This is a jewelry job that requires plastic surgeon special attention, caution and time. Liposuction takes from 25 to 45 minutes depending on the area being treated.

    Swelling will resolve within a week. If fat has been removed from the abdomen or thighs, then you will need to wear compression tights for some time.