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Vegetarian menu or what do vegetarians eat. Cheat sheet for vegetarians: what you can eat and what not to different currents: lacto-, ovo- and vegans

Supporters of which refuse to eat the flesh of animals (meat, fish, poultry). As for the consumption of dairy products and eggs, there is no clear opinion among vegetarians on this matter: adherents of veganism do not eat animal products at all, and lacto-ovo-vegetarianism allows you to eat eggs and dairy products. Allowed in this system, milk and eggs fill the human need for vitamins (B2, E, folic acid, etc.), organic acids and trace elements (iodine, iron, phosphorus).

Balanced Diet

The first and basic rule of vegetarianism is balance. For active life, the human body needs fats, carbohydrates and proteins, as well as trace elements and. If you exclude at least one of these elements from the diet, serious harm will be done to health.

It should be understood that it is a whole system, which must contain all the substances necessary for the human body.

Vegetarian meals usually contain enough carbohydrates, C and E, fiber, iron and magnesium. However, they are not enough fatty acids omega-3, retinol (precursor of vitamin A) and vitamin B12. Thus, when choosing a diet, it is necessary to monitor the content of missing trace elements in products. You can go two ways: either carefully calculate the content of important nutrients in the diet, or start taking supplements.

Protein, which the human body needs, contains nuts, beans and dairy products.

Omega-3 fatty acids, obtained by non-vegetarians from fish, are found in nuts, linseed oil and beans.

calcium rich in dairy products, as well as dark green leafy vegetables, dried fruits, tofu and nuts.

By using wheat germ and parsley, you can fill the body vitamin D.

Vitamin B12 Animal products are rich, and plant foods are not absorbed by the human body. Some vegetarians get this vitamin from eggs and milk, but vegans should take this vitamin as a supplement or eat food fortified with vitamin B12.

According to statistics, the maximum number of vegetarians lives in India - approximately 80%. The second place is occupied by the UK - about 10%, followed by Germany - 8%.

It happens that people intend to become vegetarians and begin to eat exclusively buns with. At the same time, they believe that immediately after eliminating meat from their diet, they will become healthier. Others are put off by nutritional deficiencies and begin to eat legumes and nuts in immense amounts, drinking constantly. dairy products and milk. As a result, due to such an unbalanced diet, problems with the digestive system begin, and a person is disappointed in vegetarianism.

There is an opinion that a person who refuses meat products, iron deficiency develops, in other words, anemia. However, foods also contain iron. plant origin, which include buckwheat, lentils, sea ​​kale, corn, many fruits (eg pomegranates and apples). For normal absorption of iron, you need to eat foods with vitamin C: lemon, rosehip, parsley.

Scientific research

In medicine, there is no clear opinion regarding vegetarianism. Some scientists believe that vegetarianism is quite acceptable for countries with a hot climate, while others do not advise pregnant women and children to exclude animal products from the diet.

Today, scientists often conduct studies that compare the health of vegetarians and non-vegetarians. It is known that the exclusion of meat products or their use cannot protect against a particular disease.

To lead, vegetarians must not only exclude meat from the diet, but maintain a balance in the nutrition system, including vitamins and trace elements that the human body needs.

Almost all meat-eaters believe that those who have given up meat chew exclusively grass (yes, greens must be on the menu of any person). What else do vegetarians actually eat? Is their diet as poor as most people think?

When people ask me about vegetarian diets, I immediately remember a funny story of a friend of mine who gave up meat many years ago. Her husband still continues to eat it. Day after day, when they go to the store together for shopping, he immediately sends his wife to the fruit and vegetable department with the words: "Your silo is there!".

So, almost all traditionally eating people who were interested in my menu began to groan, sigh and feel sorry for me. How can I, poor thing, still live in this world, sitting on only carrots and grass?

By the way, it was on greens, fruits and vegetables, that is, I felt the best, but that's a slightly different story. Today's article is devoted to vegetarian nutrition in the broader sense of the word - a menu that still includes thermally processed food.

What else is included in a vegetarian diet? Let me start with what is definitely not included.

Fish and eggs also contain animal protein.

Most people who are far from a plant-based diet believe that a vegetarian is a person who has stopped eating animal meat. In fact, this concept somewhat deeper.

It is not enough to stop eating lamb, rabbit, pork, beef, kangaroo meat, crocodile meat, well, and all the other animals. It is also necessary to spare chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, all kinds of game, that is, to stop considering the flesh of birds as food.

Very often vegetarian diets early stages also includes fish and seafood. As the experience of my friends, and my personal experience, shows, for some reason it is more difficult to refuse them than meat. People usually either do not like seafood at all, or adore them.

So, gradually, a person who seeks to improve his diet also disowns these animal products.

One who, in addition to abstaining from meat, does not eat fish, shellfish, and eggs is a vegetarian.

All the rest have nothing to do with this power supply system. Of course, one can object and say that there are even special names for such people. So, a person who eats fish but refuses meat is a pescatarian, and a person who eats scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs and puts eggs in pastries is an ovo-vegetarian. But all of them are not vegetarians in the full sense of the word.

No, I'm not mean at all and I'm not a fan! 🙂 You know that the term "vegetarianism" comes from the Latin "vegetalis" What does "vegetable" mean? And, tell me, please, what does the herring, squid or eggs have to do with it?

Cow's milk- for cows!

Frankly, people who call themselves "lacto-vegetarians" cannot be called fully herbivorous, because they include animal products in their diet.

However, it is this diet for vegetarians that is most common in the world. Why? Well, firstly, we were taught from childhood that if we drink milk and eat products from it, we will definitely be healthy. And many people still blindly believe in this children's fairy tale.

Secondly, the predilection of lacto-vegetarians for cheeses is very strong, butter, yogurt and kefir.

In the event that the protein casein, which is present in dairy products, is not broken down in the body into amino acids, it turns into caseomorphin.

Cute name? The action of this intermediate product of protein breakdown is akin to opiates, since chemical structure they are similar.

We also produce opiates for ourselves - well-known endorphins that help to cope with pain or give pleasure. When such substances are supplied from the outside, for example, with dairy products, natural opiates are produced in smaller quantities, and then the body begins to demand more of them, that is, to want even more yogurt or even more cottage cheese. More! Even more!! 😆

Hence the addiction to dairy products, similar to narcotic Do you remember the famous mouse Roquefort from the Disney cartoon about Chip and Dale? The one who, smelling the smell of cheese, lost his will and flew towards his favorite delicacy, forgetting about everything ...

Jokes aside, but we - people who love "milk", look about the same, you see! I confess, and to this day I can not cope with my cheese-ryazhenka addiction. After long periods, I am still briefly tempted to dairy products. And this despite the fact that I know a lot of facts about their harm to health - both modern and even Ayurvedic.

In a word, milk is good, but let the human cubs feed on the mother's, and at least two years old, let's leave the cow's to the calves! And what then products for vegetarians? What is left for them, carrots and cabbage? Let's expand our boundaries and get acquainted with vegetarian food.

"Poor" vegetarians don't even know what to eat 😆

The food of vegetarians, or to be precise, vegans - various plants in any form. And this is not so little! When I switched to a plant-based diet, at first, of course, I limited myself to only the foods I knew, and then I began to boldly expand it - to try Exotic fruits, to master the preparation of non-traditional cereals for my country, to combine seemingly incompatible ingredients. Now my menu is much more diverse than what it was at the time of eating meat, which means that the body receives almost the entire range of nutrients.

Vegetarian food is, first of all, in any form. Of course, it is better to eat them raw for the greatest benefit, but if you are not yet ready for a pure raw food diet, experiment with heat treatment vegetables.

Personally, as a child, I could not stand raw vegetables and I know that most children are of the same opinion (the truth speaks through the mouth of a baby - it is better to eat alive!). Over the years, when I began to master the intricacies of using spices, I fell in love with stewed cabbage, vegetable stews, broccoli from a double boiler and even managed to add the hated boiled carrots to the vegetarian Olivier salad.

Why am I? And besides, if you still doubt the variety of vegetarian flavors, try playing vegetable chef. I'm sure you'll get into it!

What vegetables can be used for cooking? This list includes products traditional for Russian-speaking people, as well as those that may seem exotic:

  • all types of cabbage (white, red, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, Beijing, Savoy);
  • carrot;
  • potatoes, sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • onions (green, white onion and red, leek);
  • garlic (both young and in cloves);
  • beet;
  • radish (black, white Daikon, green, and there is also green outside and pink inside, very tender), radish;
  • horseradish (both leaves and roots);
  • celery (stems, roots, greens);
  • turnip, swede;
  • cassava;
  • artichoke, parsnip;
  • rhubarb;
  • tomato;
  • bell pepper, chili pepper;
  • eggplant, zucchini, patisson, pumpkin;
  • cucumber;
  • okra.

These are the vegetables that, one way or another, I have come across in my life. But I'm sure the list is actually even longer.

There are people who only eat, and they are called fruit eaters or fruitarians. It's me that this species vegetable food is ideal for a person, satisfies his need for nutrients, gives energy, and therefore must be in any diet, not to mention vegetarian.

And kids just love fruits. You can diversify your vegetarian menu both familiar fruits and exotic ones:

  • apricot;
  • avocado;
  • cherry plum, plum;
  • orange, grapefruit, kumquat, clementine, lemon, medlar, tangerine, pomelo, sweetie;
  • banana;
  • bergamot, hibiscus;
  • pomegranate;
  • pear, apple and quince;
  • guava, guarana, durian, passion fruit, papaya, tamarind and mango;
  • figs, dates, persimmons;
  • kiwi.

As you can imagine, this is far from full list fruits. I have listed only those products that I myself met in supermarkets. Almost all vegetarians and all raw foodists tend to hot countries - that's where there is where to roam!

Let's not forget about, which are also great food for vegetarians and which children love very much.

As a child, the yard guys and I carried trees and bushes around our five-story building - mulberry trees grew in front of my entrance. It is still there, and now I take my children there to graze. Behind the house, again, under our windows, there were thickets of gooseberry bushes - green and brown. And all my life I've been trying to figure out what I like more - strawberries or cherries? 🙂

I'm sure you love berries too.

  • watermelon, melon (such pretty berries, large and satisfying);
  • barberry, lingonberry, elderberry, viburnum, cranberry, dogwood, mountain ash (including chokeberry);
  • grape;
  • goji (yes, the ones advertised!);
  • blueberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries;
  • cherry, cherry, strawberry, raspberry, gooseberry;
  • red and black currants;
  • lemongrass;
  • cloudberry, sea buckthorn, wild rose, bird cherry;
  • olives (and these are also berries!);
  • turn;
  • feijoa, physalis;
  • mulberry.

Berries are rich in vitamins, which is why they are so often used to treat viral and colds.

- An excellent source of plant-based, easily digestible protein. By at least it is absorbed much better than animal protein. For raw foodists and fruitarians, however, they are a little heavy, but for a vegetarian snack - just right. Nuts include:

  • Brazilian, walnut and cedar;
  • chestnuts;
  • cashew nuts;
  • coconut;
  • almond;
  • macadamia;
  • pecan;
  • pistachios and hazelnuts.

Surely you already know, if not the first time you visit Solnechnaya Mint, that you need to buy nuts in a closed shell, pre-soak their kernels in water and eat no more than 100 grams per day. Then the body will get all the benefits from them without side effects.

Included in a vegetarian diet, they may well replace dairy products as a source of calcium. In some of them, it is more than cottage cheese and cheese, and this mineral is absorbed much easier and more correctly.

Diversify your daily menu with the following seeds:

  • sesame;
  • poppy, flax and chia;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • buckwheat (yes, these are actually seeds);
  • hemp.

These are the most useful and affordable seeds for purchase, which, like nuts, must first be soaked, and even better, germinated.

And they also give us - people who have refused animal food - vegetable protein. They also should not be abused, it is advisable to pre-soak and cook with spices that help them absorb.

  • peanuts and beans;
  • corn;
  • peas and lentils;
  • chickpeas, mung bean and soy.

I have already written about what the traditional food pyramid considers the basis of the diet. Vegetarians have vegetables, fruits and greens, but grain products at first help the body, accustomed to the severity of animal food, cope with hunger and Uncle Zhora.

If you subsequently give up cereals, it will only benefit your body. Fruit eaters do not use them at all and are distinguished by good health.

Cereals are:

  • wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelled (contain gluten);
  • rice, millet;
  • amaranth and quinoa.

It should be in the diet of a person who wants to be healthy, all year round, and not in the form of two sprigs of dill or parsley to decorate a dish. It should be eaten daily in large bunches in salads and green smoothies. It is very useful to use a wide range of green plants:

  • parsley, dill, green onion, wild garlic;
  • cilantro, basil (green and purple), celery greens;
  • all kinds of salads, spinach, beet tops;
  • mint, lemon balm;
  • marjoram, purslane, rhubarb, rosemary, arugula, thyme, sage, tarragon (tarragon).

Can you imagine what salads can be made from all the above vegetables and types of greens? And you say: "Carrot!". 😉

And do not forget to fill your salads with unrefined vegetable oils:

  • olive, sunflower;
  • camelina;
  • corn, soy, peanut, rapeseed;
  • mustard, sea buckthorn;
  • cedar, walnut oil, coconut, almond;
  • linseed, sesame, hemp, grape seed oil, black cumin;
  • pumpkin;
  • wheat germ oil, amaranth;
  • cotton;
  • avocado oil.

If you decide to go vegan, the foods listed in this article will help you not feel left out without animal foods. Do you have something to add to my list?

Sorry to take up a lot of space, but it seems to me that this should be known. ALL WHO ARE INTERESTED IN HEALTHY FOOD PLEASE READ. Maybe this will help someone, I'll just tell you what I learned.

As in advertising that not all yogurts are equally healthy, so are vegetables and fruits, too. It began with the fact that I heard that a doctor forbade one pensioner to eat tomatoes. And somewhere I heard that potatoes are harmful, but they didn’t say anything in detail. I wondered why tomatoes are so harmful that they were excluded from the diet along with foods that we already know are harmful? Usually, on the contrary, it is advised to switch to vegetables, but here it was forbidden to eat at all. And what's wrong with potatoes? I searched for information, and this is what I found out. Tomatoes and potatoes belong to the same family, the nightshade family. Of the vegetables familiar to us, it includes: tomatoes, potatoes, eggplants, sweet bell peppers, bitter chili (all types of pepper, except black, it does not belong to this family), as well as tobacco.

Solanaceae were imposed on us no earlier than the last 3-4 centuries ago, we have never eaten them.

All nightshades contain solanine. What it is harmful to health, what it can lead to, you can find it yourself, there is a whole list. Including leads to lack of will, depression. Although you may be told that solanine is found only in the green part of the potato and in sprouted potatoes. But there is simply more of it, and so it is found in all solanaceous. Islamic terrorists use solanine as a weapon of mass destruction.

Some people tell how they got rid of some serious diseases by completely eliminating nightshade from their diet.

On English language solanaceous translates literally as "night shadows". Because the ancient Romans used nightshades to prepare poison for their enemies. It was believed that when a person drank a poisoned drink, the shadow of a long, eternal night fell on him, and he died. This family includes many poisonous plants, such well-known ones, for example, as belladonna and henbane.

Previously, even animals were forbidden to eat nightshade. They got sick and died. Nightshades as herbal drugs. Tomatoes were called "cancer apples".

Nightshade scientists who have dealt with many people over decades say that complete failure from nightshade can partially or completely help to eliminate many serious diseases. They also reduce the level of awareness and slagging the body.

Separately, about potatoes. Potato has a weak, unbalanced, uncertain energy, the body becomes lethargic, lazy, the speed of thought slows down, awareness disappears. The immune system is blocked, the thought process is sharply reduced and forms in the body a large number of mucus that is not excreted clogs all organs and leads to diseases. A person who eats potatoes is easier to manage, he can no longer think creatively, becomes dumb, stops working actively, and can only do his usual things.

We were forcibly planted potatoes. People categorically refused to plant it, and the existing plantings were destroyed. Even the punishments did not help Peter the Great (although they say he was replaced, but this is another topic) to force people to grow potatoes, at that time there were potato riots - the largest popular riots of that century. The Senate considered the introduction of the potato 23 times. Already only Catherine the Second was able to force him to grow with the help of tricks, deceit, violence, directives, information processing, and encouragement. After all, it was not in vain that people resisted so much, they knew something that we no longer know. And now they tell us that they were supposedly dense, they didn’t know how to cook it, they poisoned themselves and because of this they didn’t like it.

The baked potato raises the sugar content to the maximum possible, even much more than refined sugar. And because of the low calorie content, a person soon experiences hunger again, again and again. Gaining weight. That is why it is very profitable for fast food manufacturers to sell us french fries.

The main vegetable has always been turnip, it was used everywhere and in different types like potatoes now. And because of the introduction of potatoes, many secrets of its cultivation, preparation, knowledge about it have been lost. It can also be boiled, fried, baked, stuffed, made with it porridges, soups, etc., but also eaten in fresh, dry. And it is suitable for both savory and sweet dishes (they used to eat dried turnips instead of sweets).

The idea that potatoes are the second bread, and turnips are a secondary vegetable of the peasants, was strongly imposed on us, they made it as if an unfashionable phenomenon. Turnips have been so supplanted that once our most important vegetable today, some have never even eaten. But they gave her great importance, not in vain in proverbs it is compared with the head.

The turnip has solar energy, it was called the terrestrial sun. Our ancestors ate turnips and did not know beriberi. This is a primordially Russian product, it must be consumed by all of us.

And by the way, turnip - good source calcium, for those who do not eat dairy products, which actually leach out calcium. It also contains a rare substance with good anti-cancer properties, as in some other types of its cabbage counterparts. And vitamin C in it is 2 times more than in citrus fruits and cabbage. It can even break down kidney stones. And for the heart it is much healthier than dried apricots and raisins. To avoid problems with knee joints in old age, you need to eat turnips and dance squatting - it has a very good effect on the joints. And that's not all of her. beneficial features. But people who are accustomed to an unhealthy diet, with a small amount of fiber, need to introduce it into their food gradually.

Potatoes give a feeling of satiety due to harmful starch, and turnips due to a large amount of fiber.

The turnip has its own inherent energy, which is building material for the human aura, strengthens it, promotes the growth of the body's defenses. They say that the Vedrusian warriors always ate turnips, including this helped them not to use shields and metal armor - they had an impenetrable aura, they could make their biofield denser with the power of thought, because of which enemy wars quickly got tired.

Raw turnip has always tasted sweet, juicy, only slightly bitter (cooked - sweet), but now it seems to have been crossed with radish, and sometimes it becomes indistinguishable from it. Choose sweet varieties, a variety known since ancient times - Petrovsky turnip, it also has the most carotene, the original turnip is yellow, similar to the sun. It also needs to be well watered during cultivation so that it is not bitter. To remove bitterness, pour boiling water over it before cooking - it slightly loses its beneficial properties during heat treatment.

It seems that people striving for a healthy diet still cannot do without their own plot, where you can grow everything you need, and where the grown will carry a positive charge, and not selfish, no one will take care of our health, except us .

Recently, global trends have shifted towards healthy lifestyle life and proper nutrition. People thought about the ecology of the world in which we live, about the purity of the products we eat, about the relationship between man and environment generally. On this wave, two such trends arose as vegetarianism and veganism. All more people choose a similar lifestyle. What is it - a tribute to fashion, a lifelong diet or a conscious position?

Vegetarians and vegans. Who are they?

In the mistaken belief of most people, these are simply people who have eliminated meat and animal products from their diet. Actually this is not true. The difference between vegans and vegetarians lies mainly in their principled position. For example, vegans do not recognize any exploitation of animals in general, while vegetarians oppose the killing of animals for the benefit of humans. This is reflected not only in nutrition.

A vegan will never go to a circus, a zoo, will not wear woolen clothes, ride horses at the hippodrome, as this is nothing but the exploitation of animals for the sake of human entertainment. Vegetarians, on the other hand, are calm about such moments. But you will not find a fur coat or boots made of leather in their wardrobes, as well as other household items for which animals had to be killed. However, vegans agree with them on this.


Now let's talk about nutrition. The main difference between vegans and vegetarians is that the former do not consume any food of animal origin at all. That is, they do not eat meat, seafood and fish. So List of products: milk, eggs, dairy products and honey, that is, the food for which animals were not killed.

There are those who consume only eggs or milk from animal food. They are called respectively - ovo-vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians.

What was first?

In fact, initially there was only vegetarianism. The first representatives were very strict with themselves and their menu, which did not include any animal products at all. But this did not suit everyone. After all, not every person can live without using animal protein at all. For example, if you are engaged in heavy physical labor or professional views sports, then without the protein found in meat, milk, eggs, it will be difficult for you to keep yourself in good shape. Such restrictions can affect both well-being and physical form. There are still small children, infants who need a varied high-calorie diet. If a mother, a convinced vegan, cannot breastfeed her child for some reason, then what about the nutrition of the baby, etc.? In America, there was even a trial. The vegan parents were charged with manslaughter. They fed the baby only soy milk and apple juice, as a result of which the baby died of exhaustion.

Therefore, since vegetarianism is based on a ban on killing animals, only meat, poultry, fish, and seafood are excluded from the menu. That is what they killed for. Milk and dairy products, cheeses, eggs, honey are allowed. Vegetarians who disagreed with this split off and became known as vegans. They do not recognize anything of animal origin, and it does not matter if it is food or household items. Therefore, the difference between vegans and vegetarians is not so great. But still it exists.

Vegan nutrition

Consider how vegans eat. Their menu for every day is not so monotonous as it might seem at first glance. First, don't confuse veganism with a raw food diet.

Yes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, herbs, and roots form the basis of the vegan diet, but there are plenty of them. delicious dishes. Various soups, salads, casseroles and even pastries are present in the vegan diet. It’s just that animal protein is replaced by beans, soybeans, nuts, and only vegetable fat is used in cooking. It is quite possible to cook, for example, which is not inferior in taste to a similar meat dish. There are many delicious cereals - chickpeas, quinoa, lentils. And ice cream, fruit pie or berry sorbet from the vegan menu will pleasantly surprise you!

Analogues of food of animal origin

In addition, marketers of large food concerns, in order to increase profits and expand the range, constantly conduct research on what vegans eat. The list of food products that replace animal analogues for vegans and vegetarians is regularly updated.

The real find was soy protein. It produces a lot of food and semi-finished products. There is milk and even cheese - tofu. A favorite vegan dish is hummus - mashed chickpeas whipped with olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, paprika and sesame paste.

Famous Vegans

Among celebrities, especially foreign ones, there are also vegans. Who is this? The most scandalous, perhaps, is Pamela Anderson, who starred in a social advertising video and urged people to stop using meat and dairy products. Also filming for PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) is Batman star Alicia Silverstone. Moreover, to create a stir, the girl starred absolutely naked! Vegans include Paul McCartney, Clint Eastwood, Bryan Adams, Natalie Portman, Leni Kravitz and many other public figures. Designer Stella McCartney even founded the veganfashion movement. On behalf of her brand, she makes clothes from natural fabrics, but never uses materials of animal origin. Many famous people choose this brand, calling such a trend in fashion "ethical clothing".

As you can see, the difference between vegans and vegetarians lies primarily in the very position in life, and not in the nutrition system. And if before the first were considered hermits, fanatics, now this movement is very popular and even fashionable. World Vegan Day has been celebrated on November 1st since 1994. And the current itself appeared in 1944. celebrated a month earlier - October 1.

The main thing that should be remembered by anyone who has decided to radically change their life and, according to their views, the nutrition system, is that you cannot drastically change your diet. Meat, fish and other products prohibited by veganism must be removed from the menu gradually, replacing them with equivalent vegetable counterparts. Be sure to monitor the balance of proteins and fats, daily calorie content food should not drop sharply.

Before switching to new system power swipe complete cleansing organism. Take a course to strengthen the immune system with vitamins. To become a vegan, you need to be ready for it both mentally and physically. Therefore, visit a doctor and find out if you have any contraindications to such a lifestyle.

"Where do you get protein?" - interested in people who, perhaps, eat a bucket of smoked chicken wings, washing them down with a bottle of beer, and do not ask themselves where they get fiber or vitamin C.

Vegetarian protein

The little-known truth about protein is that most of us eat much more protein than the body needs. And how much is needed?

When it comes to proteins for a vegetarian, main question in order for the proteins to be complete. Complete proteins are those in which the proportions essential amino acids similar to the proportions of amino acids in human protein. These are animal and soy protein. Close to soybean protein legumes. Therefore, the problem of proteins for vegetarians is the right question. organized diet. It is necessary to ensure that plant foods are presented in food, providing all the essential amino acids.

Of particular importance is the amino acid lysine. Grain proteins are known to be low in protein, while soy, tofu, tempeh, legumes, pistachios, and quinoa are more than adequate.

Protein sources for vegans: soy, legumes, nuts

See also

Legumes are a very broad food group:

  • black beans
  • White beans
  • Pinto beans
  • Peas
  • Green pea
  • Lentils
  • Peanut

Whole grains, brown rice also contain a small amount of protein, but quinoa is the leader among them (1 cup of cooked quinoa \u003d 8 g of protein).

Contains a large amount of protein gluten product seitan and specially prepared vegan protein powders.

In general, lacto-ovo-vegetarians and vegans get adequate or even higher amounts of protein.

Your daily diet may include 2-3 servings of high-lysine protein foods, such as ½ cup boiled beans, 1 cup soy milk, 1/4 cup peanuts, or quinoa (boiled, 1 cup), tofu (100- 150 g), pistachios (1/4 cup).

Vitamin D for Vegetarians

Recent studies show that vitamin D affects health more significantly than previously thought. It is known that the level of D depends on how much it comes from food, as well as on whether a person receives enough sunlight, since the vitamin is synthesized under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

There are two forms of this vitamin - D2 and D3, D2 (ergocalciferol) is suitable for vegetarians. Vegetarian dietitians recommend that if you don't get enough sunlight (and on the day you don't) and don't eat enough fortified foods, D should be taken as a supplement: 15 to 25 mcg per day (600-1000 ME).

0-12 months 400

1-70 years 600-1000

over 70 years old800-2000


Some cereals are enriched, see labels. In terms of sunlight, “enough” is when you spend 10-15 minutes in the sun with bare arms and legs, if you have bright skin, and a little more if you're dark. Obviously, we are not talking about cloud autumn days and especially the winter sun.

Note. A 2003 study by American doctors showed that femoral neck fractures in older women depend on D to an even greater extent than on calcium.

  • How to switch to a vegetarian diet - tips from experienced vegetarians

Vegetarian Calcium

Children need a lot of calcium while they are growing, but adults also need calcium because their bones need to be healthy and strong too! If you smoke, then the need for calcium increases, since in this case it is poorly absorbed. In addition to being essential for bone maintenance, calcium is essential for normal functioning blood vessels and muscles.

Recommendations for adults - 700 mg (minimum 525), for children and adolescents - 1000-1300 mg. If you are lacto and allow yourself dairy products, no problems should arise. Vegans need to take some extra effort. For example, to plant foods, rich in calcium, add vitamin fortified soy milk (1 cup contains 200-300 mg of calcium) or orange juice (250 mg). To get the required amount of vitamin from food, you need 3 servings of foods rich in calcium.

Here are some calcium-rich plant foods you can try: spinach, kale, kale, soy milk, sesame seeds, tahini, broccoli, almonds, carrots, rice.

Important :

  • If you are drinking soy milk or calcium-enriched orange juice, shake the bottle well before drinking, as calcium tends to settle to the bottom.
  • The calcium found in chard and spinach is less well absorbed than other leafy vegetables.
  • Calcium supplements, if taken at the same time as iron-rich foods, interfere with iron absorption.

Vegetarian Iron

British nutrition researchers have found that iron levels in UK vegetarians and vegans are on average no less than those in the general population. It turns out that you can get enough iron on a vegetarian diet. And this despite the fact that the bioavailability of iron contained in plant foods is less than in animal foods. (“Plant” iron is called non-heme, as opposed to heme, which has good bioavailability).

You don't have to worry about iron if you're eating healthy food and you have a varied vegetarian or vegan diet. But for this it is necessary, as with proteins, to adhere to balanced diet and follow some food rules:

  • Do not drink coffee and tea during meals, before and after it, maintain an interval, because in combination with these drinks, iron is poorly absorbed, which is facilitated by the tannins contained in tea and coffee. Drink Herb tea, which has no such effect.
  • Vitamin C, on the other hand, increases its absorption, so if you are taking iron supplements or eating “iron” foods, drink them down. orange juice. Include strawberries, green leafy vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts), bell peppers(yellow, red and green) and cauliflower.
  • What foods contain iron? It is enough in tofu, lentils, spinach, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, dried apricots, raisins, peas, soybeans, chickpeas, hummus, oatmeal, other legumes and grains. Some of these legumes contain lysine, an amino acid that aids in the absorption of iron.
  • Try to cook food in cast iron pans, as it increases the amount of iron, especially if you cook acidic and watery foods ( tomato paste, For example).

Interestingly, with a deficiency in iron intake, adaptation to this organism occurs, the absorption of the mineral improves, and the level of ferritin in the blood serum of vegetarians is usually within the normal range. Meanwhile, some people have problems with the period of adaptation of the body to the full perception of non-heme iron. What to do in this case? Give the body time and help it with supplements.

Vitamin B12 for Vegans

B12 - very important vitamin for a person who participates in the process of hematopoiesis and on which activity depends nervous system. Vitamin B12 is responsible for health correct height cells and the reproduction of their genetic information and is involved in the secretion of important hormones.

There are a few things vegans should definitely know about B12:

  • There is none vegetable product(unless it is specially fortified) having sufficient content of this vitamin.
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians get enough of it from eggs and dairy products if consumed regularly.
  • Vegans can get some B12 from fortified foods: soy and rice drinks, Red Star Vegetarian Support Formula nutritional yeast, breakfast cereals.

Note. Yeast should be stored in the refrigerator, away from light..

  • Our body is able to store B12 for a number of years, so if you have recently become a vegan, you have enough reserves of this vitamin.
  • However, you cannot check the level regularly and know it for sure, because the hematological symptoms of B12 deficiency are masked. folic acid(and vegetarian diets are rich in it). The insidiousness of this deficiency is that it is detected only when disorders of the nervous system have already begun.
  • The best way to determine the content of vitamin B12 in the body is to measure the level of homocysteine, methylmalonic acid and holotranscobalamin II in the blood serum.
  • With vitamin B12, it's best to play it safe and take it as a supplement.

Some doctors recommend that vegans, along with the same yeast, take B12 at least once a week in the form of a supplement in the amount of 1 mg, or 1000 mcg. Others insist that a chewable multivitamin containing 25 micrograms of vitamin B12 (as cyanocobalamin) should be preferred and taken daily to provide the body with sufficient B12. Upper border B12 use has not been established.

This is especially important if you smoke, or are pregnant, or your child is a vegetarian.

Foods fortified with vitamin B12 should be stored in the refrigerator, away from light.

14+ years 25-100

Pregnant 25-100

Nursing 30-100


Iodine in a Vegetarian Diet

Some vegan nutritionists believe that iodine supplements should be included in the diet. This is explained by the fact that plant foods in themselves are poor in iodine, in sea ​​vegetables their content varies (kelp, for example, may contain excessive amounts of iodine, which leads to dangerous overdoses), and you can use iodized salt only in small quantities, in view of the fact that the abuse of salt is fraught with the development of several serious illnesses. In addition, soy, flaxseeds, potatoes, and cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and White cabbage) contain substances antagonistic to the absorption of iodine by the body, which, however, does not lead to the development of hypofunction thyroid gland(according to the study).

Omega-3 fatty acids

Vegetarian diets are rich in omega-6 fatty acids but deficient in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Meanwhile, the latter are very important for the health of the cardiovascular system, brain and other body systems. Omega-3 acids (eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) are found in oily fish, eggs and marine microalgae, which means that they are absent or insufficient in a vegetarian and vegan diet.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also of plant origin - this is alpha-linoleic acid: it is found in marine microalgae, flaxseed, walnuts, soy and canola oil. But the bioconversion of the plant form of omega-3 (ALA) to EPA in human body does not exceed 10%. Therefore, take omega-3 fatty acids in the form of fish oil(OMEGA-3 capsules) optionally desirable.

Recommended dosage of omega-3 fatty acids: 2 to 4 grams per day

ABOUT vegetable oils . When cooking, do not use oils containing a large amount of omega-6 fatty acids (corn, soy, safflower, sunflower, vegetable, sesame). Instead, use oils with a small amount of omega-6 fatty acids, such as olive, avocado, peanut, and canola. Cook with rapeseed oil only on low heat for a short time.

  • 3 walnut halves
  • 1 tsp ground flax seeds
  • 1/4 tsp linseed oil
  • 1 tsp rapeseed oil