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You don’t know about dentures yet: the secrets of a beautiful smile

Modern dentistry works wonders. However, maintaining teeth in old age is not so easy. In any case, the need for prosthetics arises. On this moment there is a wide selection of products. But despite this, many do not know which dentures are best to install. Reviews from dentists show that any specific type of product has its own advantages and, of course, disadvantages. All this must be taken into account in the process of choosing material.

Types of dentures

To answer the question of which dentures are best, several factors must be taken into account. It is very important. First of all, the structures should not partially, but completely restore the functions of already lost teeth. In addition, the choice of prosthetic method depends on financial capabilities and should also be based on the goals being pursued. First you need to understand what types of dentures exist. Your dentist will help you determine which ones are best. Here are the main types of dentures:

  1. Metal. As a rule, they are made of steel or gold.
  2. Metal-ceramic.
  3. Combined. In this case front side The prosthesis can be made of plastic, and the reverse one can be made of metal.
  4. Ceramic.

It is worth noting that dentures are made not only from different materials, but also come in different shapes. They can be made in the form:

  1. Single crown.
  2. Bridge prosthesis.
  3. Artificial structures.

Determining which dentures are considered the best is not so easy. Each variety has its own advantages and characteristics. The main difference lies not only in the cost of finished structures, but also in aesthetic qualities.

Do not forget that dentures come in several main types: removable and fixed. They also have significant differences. First of all, fixed structures are fixed on the teeth by the dentist only for a certain period of time.

Which removable denture is better to install?

First of all, it is necessary to determine what kind of orthopedic system is needed. Removable structures are classified into several main groups. Among them:

  • conditionally removable;
  • partially removable;
  • full removable.

The range of such products is quite large, and when choosing a design you should listen to the opinion of experts. The above types of prostheses have their own characteristics. The choice of a specific orthopedic design depends on how much is left in oral cavity intact and healthy teeth. In this case, the product must fully perform its functions and not cause any discomfort.

Complete removable dentures

If it is possible to hook the orthopedic structure, the dentist can install only a clasp system. It is distinguished not only by its aesthetic appearance, but also good quality. But what dentures are best to put in if there are no teeth at all? In such a situation, complete removable structures are suitable. This is the only alternative when both or one jaw is edentulous. Such structures are usually made from nylon or acrylic. It is worth noting that the technology for manufacturing dentures has undergone some changes. As a result, the products have become more durable and neat. Improved models are now more practical and free of such disadvantages as unreliable fixation in the mouth, as well as unsatisfactory appearance.

Dentures made according to modern technology, are characterized by high wear resistance. With proper care and compliance with all hygiene rules, such orthopedic structures can last for quite a long time. At the same time, the appearance, as well as the color and density of the products will remain virtually unchanged. It is worth noting that complete removable structures have recently begun to be manufactured taking into account all the client’s wishes and, of course, individual characteristics oral cavity.

Secure fixation is important

So, we figured out which dentures are best to install if you have lost all your teeth. However, many patients doubt the reliability of fixation of complete removable structures. In order for dentures to hold securely, they should be placed on implants that are previously implanted in the jaws. Of course, there is a more expensive option. In this case, dentures are installed, which are equipped with special suction cups. However, such structures are not recommended for installation on the lower jaw, which differs from the upper jaw in greater mobility. It is worth noting that removable dentures look no worse natural teeth. Adaptation to such products is quick and painless.

Acrylic or nylon?

Which dentures are considered the best today: acrylic or nylon? It is quite difficult to answer this question unambiguously. To understand this and understand which dentures are best to install, you should consider all the advantages and disadvantages of the products.

  1. Flexibility and, of course, lightness. These indicators affect the strength of structures. For example, dentures made of nylon, due to the material, are very flexible, soft and lightweight. However, such structures are very difficult to break. In terms of flexibility and strength, acrylic dentures are inferior to nylon ones. But such structures can retain their shape for a long time. In addition, acrylic dentures are lightweight.
  2. Hygiene. This indicator is of particular importance to many. Nylon orthopedic structures do not emit odor, are non-toxic, and do not absorb moisture. Acrylic dentures have an exceptionally porous structure. It is because of this that accumulates on their surface a large number of bacteria that can cause the development of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  3. Appearance. What dentures are best to install so that they don’t stand out too much? In terms of color and shape, nylon structures are best suited. In addition, they are able to maintain an aesthetic appearance for a long time. The disadvantage of these prostheses is that the teeth are visible at the joints. As for acrylic removable structures, they can be selected not only by shape, but also by color.
  4. Hypoallergenic. In this regard, nylon structures have good biocompatibility, which cannot be said about acrylic prostheses. They can cause local and general allergic reactions.
  5. Price. Nylon removable dentures are more expensive than acrylic ones. The problem is that they are manufactured abroad. If we compare the cost of implantation and installation removable dentures, then the cost of the latter method of prosthetics can be called affordable.

Removable partial systems

Which dentures are best to put on chewing teeth with their partial loss? In this case, partial removable structures should be used. Such dentures are made on plastic or metal frames. They help fill the gaps that occur after tooth loss. Most often they are installed:

  • in situations where adjacent teeth cannot be used as a support for installing a bridge;
  • with a significant defect in the row. For example, if several teeth are missing in a row;
  • as a temporary measure while a more reliable and high-quality design is manufactured.

There are several main types of removable dentures:

  • immediate dentures;
  • segment, or sector, removable structures;
  • products on telescopic crowns;
  • clasp systems;
  • lamellar plastic dentures.

Plate plastic structures: features

Which dentures are best to install as a temporary measure? Some experts recommend using plastic plate structures. Their cost is relatively low. However, during the process of chewing food, such systems do not ensure proper distribution of the load on the gums. On the positive side Such structures are easy to mount. If necessary, you can independently remove and then replace the denture. This allows you to carry out its hygienic treatment without the help of others.

As a rule, plastic lamellar dentures are used exclusively to restore missing teeth. In fact, these are the simplest orthopedic structures that are low in cost. With their base, such systems rest on the surface of the gums and are held by the nearest supporting teeth thanks to metal hooks - clasps.

Also in dentistry, immediate dentures are used as temporary structures.

Clasp systems - therapeutic dentures

What is the best design to install if there are only a few teeth missing in a row? Of course, clasp systems. They are considered comfortable and reliable even with prolonged use. main feature designs - uniform distribution of mechanical loads on the gums and remaining teeth when chewing food.

Features of clasp systems

The basis for clasp systems is a frame, which is a metal arc with all fastening, fixing and functional elements. This part of the structure is manufactured only individually and using high casting. The frame is made from high-strength alloys, such as titanium, gold-platinum and cobalt chromium.

Such dentures are installed for periodontal disease and as a therapeutic device.

Other types of removable dentures

There are situations when only one side of the teeth falls out. In such situations, removable sectors are usually installed. These are one-sided structures that are attached with special hooks or attachments.

If one of the teeth is missing in a row, what dentures are best to install? Photos of patients after the installation of conditionally removable structures confirm that such systems are able to restore aesthetics. As a rule, such orthopedic systems are made of plastic or ceramics. They look natural and are not conspicuous. Orthopedic structures of this type are fixed thanks to special locks to the supporting teeth. The fastenings are built into the crowns. The main disadvantage of conditionally removable dentures is that it is impossible to get them yourself. Only a dentist can do this.

Fixed orthopedic structures

In addition to removable dentures, there are systems that are attached exclusively to a specific place. They completely restore chewing function and perfectly replace missing row fragments. However, such structures have one drawback - they cannot be removed independently. Only a dentist can do this using special instruments. Such dentures are non-removable. There are several main types:

  • dental crowns;
  • bridges;
  • tabs;
  • veneers;
  • implants.

Which dentures are better: removable or fixed?

To make the right choice, several factors should be taken into account:

  1. Number of lost teeth. For example, if one or two are missing, then you can resort to implantation, install a conditionally removable prosthesis or a crown.
  2. Fixed structures restore chewing function much better. To get an attractive smile, you should use conditionally removable dentures or install veneers.
  3. Removable structures must be periodically removed and cleaned and processed, as they fit tightly to the surfaces of the gums, thereby creating places that are difficult for the brush to reach.
  4. Price. Many methods of prosthetics require considerable expenses. If financial position does not allow it, then you will have to choose from inexpensive methods. The most budget option is metal or removable systems made of plastic.

In a glass from a grandfather or grandmother, many people had a sacred horror in their childhood.

Modern removable teeth are one of the most available ways decide dental problems unnoticed by others.

What types of removable dentures are there? How to get used to removable dentures? What are the features of wearing them?

According to statistics, every second Russian over 35 years old has at least one denture in his mouth.

If a large number of teeth are missing, a person is faced with a choice between expensive fixed prosthetics or removable systems. As a rule, the second option is more often chosen by people of the older generation.

The importance of a full-fledged dentition can only be underestimated by people who do not have any problems with their teeth.

Their absence changes appearance, affects the clarity of speech and even affects the quality of digestion, and therefore life!

After the loss of one or more teeth, the question of prosthetics arises. In the two large groups of fixed and removable dentures, there are different varieties.

When choosing a prosthetic method, we proceed from two main criteria:

  • goals of prosthetics;
  • financial capabilities of the patient.

Removable structures are:

  • completely removable;
  • partially removable;
  • conditionally removable.

Surely every dentist had to answer the question of which removable dentures to choose. In this matter, the “better-worse” categories do not apply, and the point is not how much a removable denture of one type or another costs.

Before suggesting which ones are best suited in a particular situation, the doctor evaluates the number and condition of the remaining teeth and determines the characteristics of the gums.

It is important to find out what aesthetic level suits the patient and what his financial capabilities are.

It is worth realizing that one or another dental office or the clinic does not deal with all types of prosthetics.

Therefore, you may not be offered all possible options, but will have to choose among the available services of a particular clinic.

Complete dentures are the only denture option for completely edentulous people.

If part of the dentition has been preserved, then it is possible to install partial removable dentures, for example, clasp dentures, which are one of the best in this category today.

An example of conditionally removable dentures are the same crowns that are tightly placed on the tooth, and only a doctor can remove them.

Most patients perceive such prosthetics as permanent. In this article we'll talk mainly about the first two types of removable prosthetics.

Conclusion: removable prosthetics is most often chosen because of its economic accessibility, but in some cases it is the only possible option solving the problem of missing teeth in a particular patient. One example is the impossibility of implantation due to contraindications.

Complete removable systems

This type of prosthetics is not good or bad, better or worse - it is the only method for solving the problem of edentia - organic disorder, in which even the rudiments of teeth are absent in the jaw.

The main problem with such prosthetics is that artificial teeth nothing to fix on. However, in last years removable full dentures have become much more advanced, their aesthetic appeal and methods of fixation have improved.

If such a denture is successfully made, then it does not cause discomfort and adaptation occurs quite quickly, within about a month.

Made from acrylic or nylon. The material has excellent wear resistance and durability.

If you care for removable dentures correctly, they will retain their original properties for many years.

Manufacturing taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s oral cavity makes their use quite comfortable.

If you need a prosthesis upper jaw, then you can use a suction cup design, which cannot be used on a more mobile lower jaw.

This option is more expensive, so if the patient needs a removable denture, the cost of which would be as low as possible, then this option will have to be abandoned.

When talking about which removable dentures are the best in a given situation, the most important criterion is the material - acrylic or nylon.

Lightweight and flexible soft prostheses are made from nylon. They are considered stronger and more durable than acrylic ones, but they also have certain limitations.

In terms of hygiene, acrylic structures are also inferior to nylon ones. Due to the porous surface, bacteria accumulate on them, which can lead to inflammatory diseases oral cavity. However, careful care of dentures solves this problem.

General and local allergic reactions are possible to acrylic; nylon is a more hypoallergenic material.

Both nylon and acrylic artificial teeth can convincingly imitate natural teeth, but nylon ones are slightly see-through at the junction. This is their disadvantage, which acrylic products lack.

When evaluating removable dentures by price, it is worth recognizing the advantage of acrylic structures that are produced in Russia.

Before choosing soft nylon dentures, you should consider that they are manufactured abroad, which increases the cost. However, in general, the cost of any removable systems is an order of magnitude lower than implantation.

Partially removable prosthetics

They are attached to a metal or plastic frame to fill the gaps of lost teeth in the dentition.

Indications for partial removable prosthetics:

  • lack of molars - teeth that perform the main part of the task of chewing food;
  • a temporary measure for the period when other types of permanent structures are being produced;
  • with the loss of a significant part of the teeth in the dentition, especially several in a row;
  • when the teeth adjacent to the interdental space of lost teeth are not suitable as a support for installation fixed prosthesis(bridge).

Such systems are very diverse, differ in price, capabilities, and goals achieved.

Here are the types of dentures in this group:

  • plastic plate;
  • clasp;
  • on telescopic crowns;
  • removable sectors or segments;
  • immediate systems.

Plastic removable dentures without a palate are among the cheapest due to their simplicity of design.

Patients put them on and take them off themselves. For fastening to the nearest remaining teeth, special hooks are used - clasps. The most significant drawback of these structures is the uneven load on the gums.

Clasp systems are considered one of the most expensive, but at the same time reliable and easy to use.

The disadvantage of the previous variety is their main advantage - clasp structures distribute the load on the gums as evenly as possible, preventing dystrophic and deformation processes in the jaw.

Clasp systems are used not only in prosthetics, but also in the treatment of periodontal disease and tooth mobility.

They can be worn around the clock (no need to take them off at night for storage), which patients will appreciate, because it is psychologically difficult in a situation where there is nothing left but to store dentures in a glass, frightening them with the sight of random witnesses.

However, it is difficult to get used to such a design faster than to non-removable ones; at first it will inevitably rub the gums at the attachment point and cause discomfort.

Designs on telescopic crowns are nothing more than a type of clasp system. The name comes from the appearance of special crowns that fold into each other like a telescope.

Their production is required when it is necessary to replace a large number of missing teeth and there are problems with fixation.

The doctor offers removable sectors to patients who do not have chewing teeth on one side of the jaw.

Fastened with clasps, such structures restore the possibility of bilateral chewing of food.

Immediate systems are temporary and are used during long-term treatment, including the process of fixed prosthetics.

Features of everyday use of artificial teeth

So, if you are missing three or more teeth in a row and your doctor recommends a removable system, then many questions arise regarding daily use.

Complete absence of teeth (edentia), which occurs mainly in older people, is a common problem. Regardless of the reasons, edentia is a complete and unconditional indication for urgent prosthetics. Which prostheses are better for complete absence teeth? This article will help you understand the variety of dental services aimed at restoring your teeth.

Several factors contribute to the occurrence of adentia: natural wear and tear of enamel and dentin, periodontal disease, late visit to the dentist, ignoring basic hygiene requirements, injuries, chronic diseases.

The lack of even 2-3 teeth is very noticeable and unpleasant, but when we're talking about about their complete absence, we can say without exaggeration that such a condition is a serious pathology, entailing many negative consequences:

Adentia can be a consequence of injuries, as well as various diseases.

  • Ailments gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract), as a result of poor chewing of food and poor nutrition.
  • Negative changes in appearance - a patient with a complete absence of teeth acquires a characteristic elongated oval face, a protruding chin, sunken cheeks and lips, pronounced nasolabial folds.
  • Significant violations in colloquial speech: teeth are the most important and integral part of the articulatory apparatus, and their lack, and even more so their absence, leads to the appearance of diction defects that are very noticeable to the ear.
  • Dystrophy bone tissue alveolar processes (gums), which, in the absence of roots, become thinner and decrease in size, which in the most advanced cases makes high-quality implantation (prosthetics) difficult or impossible.

The cumulative result of all the above problems is significant psychological discomfort, impaired communication skills, limitation of oneself in vital needs: communication, work, good nutrition. The only way to return to a quality life is to get dentures.

Contraindications for prosthetics

Cases in which dental prosthetics are prohibited are rare, but nevertheless, a qualified dentist must ensure that his patient does not suffer from one of the following ailments:

It is obvious that many contraindications are temporary, while others lose their relevance with making the right choice restoration method.

Removable dentures in the absence of teeth: difficulties and features

Another negative aspect of edentulism is very little choice. possible ways restoration of teeth. Existing methods are either expensive or have many disadvantages. In great demand uses a nylon prosthesis in complete absence of teeth. But, when choosing the optimal method of prosthetics, you should remember that a complete removable restoration of the entire dentition has a lot of features:

main feature complete dentures— there are no fastenings on them.

Does this mean that this method Is it better not to resort to restoration? Certainly not. Although the best method restoration with completely missing teeth is, the use of a covering prosthesis also has a reason. It will help out those who do not have the financial ability to get implants, as well as patients whose bone tissue is loose, which is a contraindication to implantation.

Types of complete dentures

Orthopedic products used to restore completely missing teeth have approximately the same design. These are arched dentures that on the lower jaw are supported only by the gum, and on the upper jaw they also rest on the palate. The teeth in dentures are almost always plastic, and the base can be made of different materials. It is on this basis that they are classified.

Expert opinion. Dentist Yanovsky L.D.: “ are named after the polymer from which their base is made. Nylon is a translucent, durable, flexible and elastic material with good wear-resistant properties. Its advantages include good aesthetics and hypoallergenicity, which distinguish this type of dental structures from others. Considering that two out of ten people on the planet suffer from allergies to acrylic or different types metals; for many, a nylon prosthesis in the absence of teeth is a panacea in terms of convenience and quality.”

Made of acrylic - a more modern and advanced type of plastic. It is distinguished by its resistance to wear and aggressive influences. acid-base environment, which makes acrylic quite a popular material in dental practice. At the same time, he has a number of shortcomings, which place it an order of magnitude lower than nylon:

Both nylon and acrylic prostheses do not have any fastenings - this causes difficulties in fixing them. The situation can be slightly improved by using a special glue that lasts for 3-4 hours, but this only brings temporary comfort. The only way to get rid of discomfort is to install polymer prostheses on implants.

Prosthetics on implants with complete absence of teeth: advantages and types of procedure

The main advantage of implantation is reliable fixation, thanks to which the patient does not have to worry about the prosthesis falling off at the most inopportune moment. Chewing food is also significantly easier: there is no need to limit yourself to eating hard and viscous foods, and this has a positive effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal motility.

One of the first questions that interests people who decide to undergo implantation is the required number of implants. In each specific clinical case this is decided individually, and the decisive factor is the condition of the patient’s bone tissue. On average, at least two implants must be installed on each jaw to support the entire structure.

If the patient is determined to undergo surgery, but the condition of the alveolar processes does not allow it, he can undergo a sinus lift - a technique for increasing bone tissue using special materials. Modern dentistry has several methods for implanting implants, but in the case of complete absence of teeth, it is rational to use only two of them - beam and push-button.

Implantation with buttons– a fairly reliable and relatively inexpensive method of restoration. During the operation, two implants are implanted into the gums, which end in a ball that looks like a clothing button. On the side of the prosthesis there are holes, which are the second part of the fastening. This device allows the patient to remove the denture daily for thorough cleaning.

Implantation on beams provides for the implantation of 2 to 4 implants connected to each other by metal beams, increasing the supporting area for more thorough fixation of the prosthesis. Just like push-button implantation, it requires periodic removal, but at the same time it offers good functionality.

We will tell you in detail how to quickly get used to removable dentures with the least unpleasant consequences. After all, the end of the period of completion of work on their installation can only come when the patient fully adapts to the new sensations.

Initially, a person gradually got used to using the dentition with lost units. He had to talk and eat with partial or full. After installing an artificial structure, you have to relearn how to talk, chew, sleep, etc. This transition is not easy for everyone.

How long does it take to get used to dentures?

Adaptation takes varying amounts of time. It all depends on the sensitivity of the patient, whether he adheres to the doctor’s recommendations and the design features. For example, fixed permanent prostheses, such as implants and crowns, make it possible to get used to them after a short time- up to a week, or even a few days.

If we talk about acrylic or nylon, then the process of addiction will be much more difficult and longer. To go through this stage easier, you need to follow the rules and recommendations that the doctor will tell you about during installation.

In the case where the patient lived completely without teeth for some time and the fixation of the prosthesis is based only on the gums, adaptation can take up to six months. And one more nuance - lower jaw adapts to a foreign object longer than the upper one.

Useful exercises and gymnastics

How long the adaptation will take depends on whether the person performs the exercises and whether he cares for the prosthesis correctly.

  1. Reading aloud, measured and expressive.
  2. Constant wearing of the structure, without removal.
  3. Sufficient chewing load. An apple is best. Cut it into small pieces and chew gradually.
  4. Regular cleaning of dentures. It needs to be cleaned with a brush twice a day. And after each meal you should rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  5. If you experience vomiting due to the presence of a prosthesis, you need to breathe deeply, drink plenty of fluids and suck on mints.

Most of the exercises are related to the restoration of articulation and chewing, so we will talk about them in more detail in the appropriate sections.

What is denture intolerance?

Some people never get used to the design. When doing exercises, maintaining hygiene, constantly wearing prosthesis, the condition does not improve. It further rubs and interferes, preventing one from pronouncing sounds normally, enjoying food, etc. The constant struggle with a foreign body exhausts a person.

Doctors think this psychological problem, and only a psychologist can eliminate it during a consultation. Some dentists try to customize the prosthesis to suit the patient's needs, but this rarely works if there is intolerance.

Psychological side of the issue

It is necessary to correctly and gradually prepare a person for the adaptation process. It is important to explain that it is impossible to get used to the new design and all the difficulties associated with wearing it too quickly. The patient must prepare for a long process of adaptation. If he is in a hurry and expects the effect to happen soon, he will inevitably be disappointed.

With the right attitude, the patient will be able to perform the necessary exercises, do gymnastics and endure all the troubles of the first period of adaptation. Only with such an attitude is it possible to overcome temporary difficulties and make the process of addiction real and accessible.

Emotional readiness is the key to successful adaptation. If it is difficult to cope with this on your own, then you can contact a psychologist who, in parallel with the dentist, will help you go through the entire difficult path and cope with the problem.

Reducing pain symptoms

The first thing a patient encounters when wearing removable dentures is pain while chewing. Due to the unusual and increased load, the structure puts pressure on the gums, which are already unaccustomed to this. In the first days, doctors even allow the use of painkillers, as the sensations may be too unbearable.

After a few days, the pain should decrease, although it will not disappear completely. For a long time the contact of the mucous membrane and foreign body will deliver discomfort. To alleviate the condition, you should avoid too hard foods such as nuts, crackers, and sweets. The food should be fairly soft. And only as you get used to it, you can add more solid foods a little at a time.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the mucous membrane to avoid serious damage. After all, their presence will lead to rapid infection, which will have a bad effect on the health of the oral cavity as a whole. If the discomfort does not go away, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

Pain during adaptation may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Too sensitive mucous membrane.
  • An incorrectly made prosthesis that does not fit the patient in size.

Decrease painful sensations You can also use massage:
  1. You should wash your hands and treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Stroke the gums in a circular motion, gradually moving from healthy areas to inflamed ones.
  3. When stroking stops causing discomfort, you can apply stronger pressure.
  4. We cover the gum on both sides with a large and index finger and perform vertical movements from bottom to top.

This massage can be performed every time discomfort begins and should be done for about four to five minutes. There are no restrictions on the number of procedures. You can apply it at least every hour when the calming effect ends.

Restoring comfortable chewing

When a prosthesis appears in the mouth, a person has to learn to chew and grind food again. This process requires adherence to rules that can simplify habituation. Be prepared for meals to take longer than usual, at least at first.

The products you should choose are soft, but in no case too hard, and non-stretchy. The viscous consistency will move the prosthesis and prevent you from using it normally. Take a little food, it is better if it is finely chopped.

It should be remembered that artificial teeth are not natural teeth and a high load on them can damage the material. Even cermets will crack if you eat nuts or other hard foods. Doctors also advise distributing the load evenly on both sides of the jaw.

The ideal solution would be finely chopped apples. They are quite hard, but are not capable of damaging the structure or causing chafing. Thanks to constant load, the chewing process becomes more familiar.

Getting rid of increased and decreased salivation

Each person reacts differently to a foreign structure in the mouth. For some, it starts because the body thinks that there is food in the mouth that needs to be digested. For others, on the contrary, dryness occurs, which causes severe discomfort.

Over time, both the first and second unpleasant symptom will pass. The body needs two weeks for such an adaptation. To help yourself, you can use increased amount liquids in case of dryness. And if you're worried profuse salivation, then it’s enough to make a solution - add half a teaspoon of salt to a glass of water. This rinse will last for 40-60 minutes. You can repeat it anytime.

How to restore taste sensations?

Another problem associated with the presence of a prosthesis and the feeding process is the absence or distortion taste sensations. About a third of patients experience similar troubles. In particular, the loss of taste worries those who have used cheaper, but still voluminous designs. They occupy most of the mouth and cover the mucous membrane where the taste buds are located.

To solve this problem you need:

  • Don't skip meals, eat as usual.
  • Try to feel the taste by holding the food in your mouth a little longer.
  • Although it is difficult, try to enjoy the foods you eat.

By giving yourself and your body the right amount of time, you can get used to eating with the help of an artificial prosthesis and even begin to experience all the sensations of taste again.

Normalization of diction

The absence of teeth does not allow a person to speak normally; he misses many sounds and feels obvious discomfort in communication. After installing the prosthesis, this problem should resolve itself. But in practice this does not happen. What to do?

Having established the desired structure, the patient should first learn to speak again, as it were. It takes time for your diction to become normal and for you to feel comfortable talking. Follow these guidelines:

  • Read aloud as much and as long as possible. At the same time, try to pronounce each sound clearly, distinctly, and expressively. This could be poetry, classical literature, or even a newspaper article. The main thing is training.
  • Tongue Twisters. It is not necessary to try to pronounce them very quickly. In this case, it is important to repeat identical and complex sounds one after another many times. It will be difficult at first, but the more you practice, the better it will become.
  • Complex definitions. Write down the longest words you know on a piece of paper and try to read them out loud, pronouncing each one clearly and slowly. For example, by constantly repeating “plane crash”, “defense capability”, “parallelepiped” and other words of this kind, you will learn to master your language.
  • Another list - with occurring hissing ones. Words such as “protective”, “crazy” and others in which “w”, “w”, “sh”, “s” are often used contribute to excellent articulation training.

Spend at least half an hour on such exercises and within a couple of weeks you will speak as if you had no difficulties at all. And remember, the more you practice, the faster the adaptation period passes.

What to do if getting used to dentures takes a long time?

If the rules are not followed, there is no exercise and the structure is removed too often, adaptation will become much more difficult. This process is considered protracted if it occurs longer than 2-3 weeks.

Long-term addiction can only be normal if a person lives for a long time completely without teeth or without most of them, as well as with atrophy of soft tissues. In addition, such patients are fitted with a prosthesis fixed to the gums, and this makes it difficult to get used to.

If the structure is attached with hooks to your own teeth, such as clasp dentures, then getting used to it will take no longer than a week. Quadrotti's soft nylon prostheses have also proven themselves well in terms of adaptation.

The duration of this period depends on the following factors:

  1. Features of the structure of the jaw. Sometimes it happens that the patient has a non-standard shape and then displacement of the prosthesis occurs much more often. And this interferes with addiction and its normal operation.
  2. Increased sensitivity of soft tissues. With constant use, inflammation of the gums, rubbing and irritation of the mucous membrane will occur, which will also affect psychological and physiological discomfort. Doctors recommend using additional gels or installing special pads.

If the pain does not go away within a few days, the prosthesis rubs too much, or you cannot psychologically get used to the artificial structure, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. He will adjust the prosthesis to suit your characteristics or help you cope with this on a psychological level.

And only in rare cases is complete addiction impossible, when a person is determined to be intolerant of any materials or the structure as a whole. Then you should choose another method of restoring the dentition.

Video: how to live fully with removable dentures?

A denture is a custom-made artificial teeth that are supported by an artificial jaw (lower) or a plate-like replica of the palate and gums (upper). The doctor must decide what type of prosthesis is needed in a given situation or another.

Wearing it guarantees concealment of dental problems and beautiful smile for many years, but on condition proper storage and care.

How to properly store dentures depending on the material, do they need to be removed at night, how to clean them during the day and throughout their entire lifespan? Knowing the answers to these questions will help extend the life of the product and maintain its aesthetic appearance.

About modern materials in removable prosthetics

Modern prosthetic technologies make it possible to produce several types using various materials:

Dentures are made from different materials, which require different approaches to their care and storage.

What are the dangers of indifference?

For many people who have lost teeth, dentures are the only salvation, but they are also a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria.

Artificial teeth will delight their owners if they are provided with proper care and storage. Remains of food in the cavity between the structure and the gums and teeth threaten very unpleasant consequences:

  • , turning into ;
  • natural teeth due to the formation on them;
  • development, the appearance of small ones is also possible;
  • change in taste sensations;
  • tarnishing of the structure, discoloration due to smoking and drinking tea and coffee, loss of shine of the metal base.

As a result of careless care, dentures will lose their aesthetic appearance and can pose a serious threat to overall health.

They have the most favorable surface for the growth of bacteria and are the safest in this regard. Polyurethane occupies an intermediate position, in all respects, between acrylic and nylon.

Care and storage - it's worth knowing!

The duration of use of dentures, as well as the safety of their use, depends on high-quality care and proper storage if they are removed at night.

It is important to remember that the product can be damaged by placing it in hot water or allowing it to dry out.

The general rules of care are not complicated. It is recommended to clean dentures made of any material after every meal; just remove it and rinse it with chilled water. boiled water(It is not recommended to use tap water, as it contains chlorine and various other negative impurities in artificial teeth).

Experienced people advise performing the operation over a thick towel: a false jaw that slips out of your hands can become deformed from the impact.

They are plastic and must be cleaned at least once a day with a soft toothbrush (it is advisable to purchase a special one) and delicate toothpaste. It is not recommended to apply force, as you can change the shape of the frame by bending it, or damage the plastic surface.

After cleaning, the dentures should be kept in a special antiseptic solution, which can be purchased at the pharmacy ready-made or in tablet form and prepared yourself. At this stage, bacteria and particles of cream, gel or that help fix the artificial teeth are destroyed.

Acrylic dentures can and should be removed overnight and stored in this solution for disinfection, but nylon dentures need to be left in the solution for half an hour to an hour.

As a result of prolonged wear and poor cleaning, plaque may form on artificial teeth. You can get rid of it only in a professional workshop. For preventive purposes, dentures should be professionally cleaned every six months.

Products are placed in special containers for storage. If necessary to store long time, then the container should be filled with a washing solution (can be purchased at a pharmacy) or chilled boiled water.

It is better to clean clasp dentures with a special toothbrush, the shape of which will allow you to clean the most inaccessible places under the arch.

It is better not to mechanically clean an arc from several sections, as the metal may darken. Such products should be removed and cleaned after each meal.

But you don’t have to take them off at night, but due to their complex design and long service life, it’s useful to purchase a special container with ultrasonic cleaning in which to store them. If you use this method of overnight cleaning, you do not need to carry out disinfection in a special solution.

So to shoot or not to shoot - is it a question or not a question?

Removable products are usually located on the gingival surface of the jaw, which sometimes creates areas that are left without the natural self-cleaning of saliva. Therefore, these structures require thorough cleaning, at least once a day (to do this, the dentures must be removed at night and placed in a special solution), but the best option is to clean after every meal.

Is it worth taking off the denture at night if you clean it after evening reception food already carried out? This decision is made by its owner.

Doctors recommend leaving them in your mouth overnight during the period of adaptation to artificial teeth. But this may not be safe for life: it is likely that during sleep there will be a desire to get rid of a foreign body in the mouth, which means the prosthesis may block Airways and cause suffocation.

Until recently, substitutes natural teeth were made of rubber, removing them during sleep was mandatory, as was storing them in water: this prevented the material from drying out and the appearance of cracks on the dentures. Modern materials are non-toxic and safe for the health of most users of such products.

Allergic reaction varying degrees can cause acrylic: from minor inflammation of the gums to the appearance of serious wounds on the oral mucosa. Being constantly in the mouth in contact with saliva, acrylic releases organic compounds (monomers) that are harmful to health.

An unpleasant taste, discomfort and changes in taste sensations can be caused by the metal alloy that is used as the basis of the prosthesis.

The designs use neutral nickel alloys, but during wear the metal will oxidize and this may cause allergies in the form of burning and swelling of the palate, gums and tongue. But affordable price makes this alloy one of the most popular in orders. Chrome alloys are more hygienic, but they are also more expensive.

Even with them it's possible local allergy, as well as for other alloy elements: beryllium, molybdenum and others.

Due to the presence of metal in the structure, it is not recommended to store it in ordinary tap water: the metal will darken, its oxidation will accelerate and its service life will be shortened.

We have collected interesting, in our opinion, practical advice on cleaning and storing dentures, from visitors to our site.

The dentist advised me to purchase a special brush for cleaning dentures. But a neighbor suggested that you can buy regular toothpaste for small children - they are the softest. Toothpaste I’m also buying a nursery – for the little ones. Now there are no problems with cleaning.


I saw how my grandmother preserves her jaw. Now it's time to take care of your dentures yourself. I decided to do like my grandmother: at night after brushing, I wrap my artificial teeth in a clean, damp, new scarf.


I use false teeth not every day. I am grateful to the dentist for his advice: I purchased a special container and solution for dentures. It turned out that I made a very practical purchase: it looks aesthetically pleasing and is convenient to take with you on a trip.