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Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the extremities: signs, causes and complications. How does the disease progress? Video: Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities

Under alcoholic polyneuropathy lower limbs imply damage to the structures of the peripheral nervous system. A neurological disease occurs against the background of many years of alcohol abuse and, without proper treatment, threatens to develop paralysis of the legs and leads to complete disability of the patient. According to medical statistics, 80% of people suffering from chronic alcoholism face this problem.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Absorption of alcohol occurs in the stomach and upper section small intestine, then ethanol is carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. The main impact falls on brain cells and peripheral nerve fibers located outside the central nervous system. Ethyl alcohol “dissolves” the myelin sheath covering the axons, thereby slowing down the synaptic transmission of impulses. Alcoholic drinks destroy the protective barrier of the cranial and spinal nerves, and the fibers lose their elasticity.

With strong drunkenness a person does not always choose a comfortable sleeping position, as a result of which the neurovascular formations of the legs are compressed (compressive ischemic neuropathy). The clinical picture is aggravated by a lack of vitamin B1, since the liver damaged by alcohol is not able to accumulate thiamine, which is necessary for the restoration of neurons and their processes.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities develops due to:

  • The toxic effect of alcohol on the nervous tissue of the PNS.
  • Deterioration of blood supply to nerve trunks.
  • Not balanced nutrition, metabolic disorders.

Alcoholic neuropathy affects the fairer sex more often. At risk are men and women who consume more than 100 ml of pure ethanol per day (corresponding to 200–300 ml of strong alcoholic beverages), as well as people suffering from anorexia, alcoholic encephalopathy, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Forms and stages

There are toxic, motor and mixed alcoholic polyneuropathy. The first form is associated with the effect of alcohol and its metabolites on the nerve endings of the legs. Motor polyneuropathy threatens with paresis of varying severity, dysfunction sensory systems. Most often, doctors diagnose mixed alcoholic polyneuropathy, which combines the symptoms of the two previous forms. It is manifested by muscle hypotonia, paresthesia of the lower extremities.

In the ataxic form of polyneuropathy, sensitive ataxia occurs and areflexia is observed, i.e., there are no Achilles and knee reflexes. Asymptomatic alcoholic polyneuropathy legs found in chronic alcoholics. The pathology becomes acute after severe hypothermia or a single dose high dose alcohol. As a rule, symptoms disappear within a few days.

Signs and symptoms

Symptoms of polyneuropathy of the legs of alcoholic origin increase gradually. The pathology debuts with painful sensations in the legs and muscle weakness. At first, a person explains the tingling of the lower extremities by saying that he simply rested his leg, so he is in no hurry to see a doctor. With the further development of polyneuropathy, the lower limbs become numb and swollen, the patient’s gait becomes unsteady, and the floor seems “soft.”

In addition, alcoholic polyneuropathy manifests itself:

  • Paresthesia, muscle rigidity.
  • Burning of feet and legs.
  • Poor circulation.
  • Pain in the lower extremities, worse at night.
  • Cramps of the calf and thigh muscles.
  • Formation of trophic ulcers.

Blue or marbled coloration of the skin of the legs is one of the external signs polyneuropathy due to alcohol. The neurological disease is accompanied by excessive sweating of the lower extremities and decreased temperature sensitivity of the legs. Due to damage to the vagus nerve, the patient’s speech becomes slurred, problems with memorization, disorientation in space, and hallucinatory syndrome occur.

Diagnostic methods

A preliminary diagnosis is made by a neurologist or narcologist based on a physical examination and the patient’s complaints. Electroneuromyography (ENMG) is used to determine the presence of an inflammatory-degenerative process in peripheral nerves. Hardware examination makes it possible to detect axonal degeneration and assess the condition of the myelin sheath. For polyneuropathy of the lower extremities of alcoholic origin, the composition is analyzed cerebrospinal fluid. To exclude polyneuropathy of the diabetic or uremic type, a nerve fiber biopsy, CT, and MRI are performed.


Complex treatment includes adjusting the diet, taking pharmaceutical drugs, and physiotherapeutic procedures. For polyneuropathy of the legs of alcoholic origin, electrical stimulation will be beneficial spinal cord and its roots, magnetic therapy, acupuncture, electrophoresis. Therapeutic gymnastics plays an important role in strengthening muscles and preventing the formation of contractures.

To put the patient back on his feet, it is necessary to carry out a large-scale cleansing of the body, restoring full blood supply to the lower extremities and neuromuscular conduction.

In case of severe pain, it is indicated symptomatic treatment agents with analgesic and antispasmodic effects. Doctors warn that treatment for alcoholic polyneuropathy is lengthy and expensive.

Drug therapy

Disposal of alcohol toxins requires a sufficient amount of vitamin B1, which is included in Milgamma and Kombilipen. Antispasmodics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprom, Diclofenac, Voltaren) effectively relieve leg pain. Antibiotics stop the death of nerve fibers and prevent the development of gangrene. Neuroleptics Haloperidol and Aminazine cope with psychomotor agitation.

For alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities the following is prescribed:

  • Antioxidants (Berlition, Thiogamma). Regulate metabolic processes in a sick body, reduce swelling, burning and tingling sensations in the legs.
  • Products that improve blood microcirculation. Vinpocetine, Emoxipine, Curantil strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, normalize brain metabolism.
  • Nootropic drugs. Due to interaction with neurotransmitters, nootropics accelerate the production of ATP and ribonucleic acid.
  • Hepatoprotectors. Karsil, Essentiale restore the structure of hepatocytes. Contraindicated in acute pathologies of the biliary tract and renal failure.

Painful spasms and convulsions during alcoholism are eliminated with the help of anticonvulsants like Carbamazepine, Neurontin. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is often accompanied by neuroses and autonomic disorders. Amitriptyline, Duloxetine, Paxil and other antidepressants relieve pain in the lower extremities, improve sleep, and stabilize the emotional background.

Traditional methods

Before the development of the pharmaceutical industry, decoctions or infusions of alcoholic neuropathy of the lower extremities were used. medicinal herbs(dog nettle, thyme, valerian). Natural kefir with parsley sprigs and sunflower seeds accelerates the removal of alcohol toxins from the body. Cinnamon is a strong natural antioxidant. Spicy powder is mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio. To soften clinical manifestations polyneuropathy of the legs, drink 1 tsp. medications with warm water 3 times a day. Remember, treatment with folk remedies must be agreed with the doctor.

Several effective “grandmother’s” recipes for alcoholic polyneuropathy:

  • Take a serving of wormwood herb and 4 servings of centaury. 1 tbsp. l. pour a glass of dill of raw materials. After an hour, strain the product. The infusion is taken 15 ml three times a day before meals.
  • Add 100 g of wild rosemary to 500 ml of 9% vinegar. Close the container tightly and leave the product for 10 days. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. half the medicine with water, rub your feet 3 times a day.
  • Brew dried ginkgo biloba leaves powder (4 tablespoons) with 1 liter of boiling water. Place the product in a cool, dark place for 3 hours. Accept healing drink instead of tea.

What do doctors predict?

Inaction on the part of the patient often leads to complications such as blood poisoning or necrosis of leg tissue (gangrene), which threatens amputation of the lower extremities. With a progressive course of the disease, the patient is assigned the first or second disability group (depending on the degree of disability). In 47% of cases, alcoholic polyneuropathy is fatal. Prevention of leg polyneuropathy involves complete failure from alcoholic beverages and adherence to the principles of a healthy diet.

A serious illness requiring specialized treatment. Alcoholic neuropathy develops against the background of uncontrolled consumption of alcoholic beverages with a simultaneous lack of quality nutrition.

Severe symptoms

The occurrence of polyneuropathy - alcoholic neuropathy does not occur immediately; the disease develops gradually and has an upward trend - from the tips of the toes and above. Patients suffering from this disease tend not to recognize the problem for a long time, while strangers notice the first signs of the development of the disease. The victim of alcoholism is in the stage of denial for a long time, which contributes to the strengthening and spread of the disease.

Symptoms of alcoholic neuropathy:

  • Impaired sensitivity of the limbs.
  • Blueness of the skin.
  • Puffy face - swelling.
  • Inability to concentrate and maintain attention.
  • Unsteady gait.

Alcoholics suffering from this disease are noticeable in the crowd. The gait is uncertain, shuffling and loose. The look is absent. The eyes are transparent and expressionless. Hand tremors prevent small work from being done. The hands and face are very chapped, as the person does not feel pain and cold enough.

With neuropathy, there is stabbing pain in the limbs

People tend to talk to themselves. Speech is confused - it is difficult to understand what a person is saying. In the early stages of the disease, pain may appear in the liver, kidneys, and muscles. Tingling in the extremities turns into a sensation of itching and burning. Often a person does not recognize or realize the problem, continuing to binge. Close people and relatives, family members should help the victim cope with the problem. The help of a psychologist and drug therapy are very important.

Sleep disturbance - common symptom diseases. It can manifest itself in several ways. A person either experiences insomnia, often wakes up at night and cannot fall asleep for a long time. Or he falls asleep instantly and cannot wake up until he wakes up, or does not respond to the alarm clock. Problems at work associated with morning delays are inevitable.

Symptoms of types of polyneuropathies

The first signs of the disease go unnoticed. A person may wake up at night because a limb is cramped. Vision problems may occur from time to time. It seems that the whole world is immersed in fog. The environment seems unreal. When alcohol abuse occurs, the victim does not notice how alcoholism progresses and neuropathy develops.

The problem is that everyone's tolerance to alcoholic beverages is individual. It depends on heredity, on the characteristics of the body, on nutrition and lifestyle. For some, drinking a liter of beer a day is enough to eventually lead to irreversible consequences. Others are able to drink strong alcoholic beverages every day and more than once for years, or go on long-term binges. And they may not develop the disease.

The insidiousness of alcoholic neuropathy lies in its slow progression. The disease destroys nerve fibers, beginning to feast on nerve cells in the limbs.

Ulcers and hyperpigmentation may form on the surface of the skin. Spots appear. The surface of the palms and feet takes on a blue tint. The skin remains cold all the time. Suppuration, blisters, cracks are frequent companions of this disease.

Causes of polyneuropathy

Men are more often affected by the disease. This is probably due to the peculiarities of the functioning of the body. The root cause of alcoholic neuropathy is poor nutrition. The body does not receive enough vitamins, primarily group B, and as a result, metabolism is disrupted, nails break and hair falls out. Muscles weaken, motor function is impaired.

Causes of polyneuropathy:

  • Lack of vitamins. Especially B vitamins and folic acid.
  • Metabolism problems.
  • Hormonal imbalance disorder.
  • Changes in metabolism.

Alcoholics don't feel hungry. As a result, they eat poorly or don’t eat at all. The body does not receive vitamins, minerals and nutrients. A low amount of carbohydrates leads to a lack of B vitamins. For this reason, cuts, ulcers, gastritis, and pancreatitis develop. Lack of folic acid leads to degeneration of brain cells.

The liver cannot cope with the intoxication of the body and fails. Liver cirrhosis develops. The body is unable to absorb nutrients. The destruction of the membranes of nerve cells begins.

At first, a person experiences mild tingling sensations in the fingers and toes. Symptoms have an ascending order. Next, the calves begin to cramp. A person feels sharp pain, burning in the legs and arms.

Muscle tissue is affected. The heart and diaphragm suffer. Alcohol abuse leads to damage to the peripheral nervous system. Ultimately, nutritional deficiencies affect brain function. The speed of impulse transmission between brain neurons is significantly reduced. A person does not think well: it is difficult for him to formulate a thought, logical judgments are impossible.

If the disease is not treated, the consequences will be irreversible. Alcohol leaches calcium from bones and muscles, which is why spasms and cramps occur. Lack of folic acid has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Brain cells die.

The principle of pathology development

After a person becomes heavily addicted to drinking alcoholic drinks, having gotten used to relaxing in this way, the body does not accept anything else, since by nature an alcoholic is lazy. The production of the happiness hormone is difficult. The patient is no longer able to enjoy a bar of chocolate or a cup of strong coffee. Communication becomes no joy. All a victim of alcohol addiction can think about is another dose of alcohol.

The main pathological changes occur in neurons

Long-term constant use initially leads to the destruction of liver, kidney, bone, and joint cells. Gradually the whole body suffers. Since there are some reserves in the cells, first of all, muscle tissue, then the body draws strength from there. Soon the person is no longer interested in food at all. Pure alcohol is enough for him. This leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

Both the heart and blood vessels of the brain suffer. The patient no longer recovers from a state of constant intoxication. After some time, atrophy becomes noticeable. The person has difficulty moving his legs and moving his arms. His movements are uncoordinated, his thoughts and speech are confused. At this stage, the development of cirrhosis and fatty liver hypothesis is likely. Mental degradation begins.

Polyneuropathy replaces exhaustion of the body. The lack of vitamin B and other microelements affects weak cells of peripheral nerve fibers. They are destroyed. This leads to loss of sensation in the limbs, and pain occurs at night. The vegetative system suffers.

Neurons in the brain gradually die. The connections between them are broken. From the outside it is noticeable that a person is losing his memory. When neuropathy reaches the head, vision decreases sharply. If no action is taken at this stage, blindness will soon occur, which will be irreversible. The person will remain disabled.

The blueness of the integument disappears as soon as alcoholic drinks are eliminated from the diet and food full of vitamins and nutrients is introduced. Red meat and other protein sources are very important to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood and improve the body's resistance.


The treatment process is long and unpleasant. The body recovers over several years. If there are no irreversible processes, then complete recovery occurs 3–5 years from the start of treatment. The first thing you need to do is completely stop drinking alcohol. This is the most difficult step. An alcohol dependent person cannot stop drinking alcohol on his own.

With neuropathy, cirrhosis of the liver occurs

Falling into depression, suffering from suicidal thoughts, complete self-pity and anger, an individual is capable of desperate steps and actions. Relatives need to show care and attention. Alcoholism is a disease that needs to be treated. Alcoholic neuropathy is a consequence of long-term alcoholism. It is possible to resort to the help of traditional medicine, drugs that cause aversion to alcohol. But it's better to contact specialized clinic, whose doctors know how to deal with this disease.

Sanatorium-resort treatment and foreign clinics will serve as a good help for the patient. A complete change of environment and acquaintances will lead to rapid noticeable improvements.

Traditional medicine recipes:

  • Raw egg drink carrot juice, honey and olive oil. Mix all ingredients and drink 1-2 glasses every day.
  • Kefir mixed with fresh herbs and sunflower seeds.
  • Baths with pine extract for hands and feet.

Cocktail with raw eggs good for its high protein content, which restores muscle fibers. Carrot juice is rich in antioxidants and carotenoids, which successfully combat the activity of free radicals, preventing further damage to blood vessels and nerve endings. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the liver and its regeneration processes. Honey acts as a general strengthening ingredient.

Fermented milk products restore intestinal flora. Fresh herbs: dill, parsley, basil enrich the blood with vitamins and microelements. The seeds are full of vegetable fats, which restore damaged body cells. Baths with pine needles strengthen nail plates, fight pain in the limbs, soothe.

When treating polyneuropathy, it is necessary to take vitamin complexes, a knowledgeable doctor will best help you choose which ones. Fresh fruits and vegetables, herbs, salads, Omega-3 fatty acid, folic acid. Drug treatment:

  • Antioxidants.
  • Vitamins.
  • Vasoactive drugs.
  • Hepatoprotectors.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Neurotropic substances.

Taking specialized medications should be under the strict supervision of the attending physician

It is necessary to constantly monitor the situation by conducting appropriate research and testing. Self-medication can lead to fatal outcome. Only a doctor is able to assess the damage that has been caused to the body in order to select treatment and prescribe medications. In addition, constant consultations with a psychologist will definitely be needed.

A psychotherapist is able to give a victim of alcoholism the core and basis for making the right decisions. Doubts and hesitations will be the patient’s constant companions. Taking medications with simultaneous consumption of alcohol is prohibited. The patient will have to completely change his lifestyle if he wants to get better. It’s good to change not only your lifestyle, but also your place of residence by moving to another city. Only in a state of discomfort is a person able to change and move forward.

Polyneuropathy is a serious disease caused by long-term use alcohol and lack of quality nutrition. Pain in the limbs, numbness of the fingers, unsteady gait, memory loss, cyanosis of the skin are the most common symptoms. The disease requires treatment and complete abstinence from drinking alcohol.

According to statistics, about 90% of people who regularly drink alcohol large doses, are susceptible to a serious illness - alcoholic polyneuropathy. Both women and men can get sick.

And very often, as a result of this illness, if measures are not taken in time, patients become disabled, unable to move independently and experiencing severe pain.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is neurological disease, which is characterized by damage to the function of peripheral nerves.

It develops as a result toxic effect alcohol on the nervous system. The risk group usually includes people who drink alcohol immoderately and frequently and do not monitor their health.

Causes of the disease

As for the causes of this disease, they include: relate:

  1. The toxic effect of ethyl alcohol on nerve cells, their destruction.
  2. Failure of the microcirculation process in nerve fibers.
  3. Poor nutrition, dysfunction of the liver and intestines, as a result of which vitamin B1 (thiamine) cannot be absorbed. This trace element plays a key role in metabolic processes and supports the functioning of the heart, nervous and digestive systems.
  4. In a state of alcoholic intoxication, a person usually remains in one position for quite a long time, resulting in compression various organs and nerve damage.

How does the disease occur and progress?

The onset of polyneuropathy is characterized by a slow course. The patient begins to feel discomfort in the limbs, thinking that he was just resting his arm or leg.

Often, patients do not pay much attention to this and do not rush to see a doctor. This means that the disease progresses further, unchecked.

The photo shows the areas affected by alcoholic polyneuropathy

Later, the muscles are affected, and swelling of the limbs may appear.

If the patient is subjected to significant hypothermia or takes a large dose of alcohol, then there is a high probability that alcoholic polyneuropathy will become acute.

They might even mental disorders manifest themselves. In this case, the disease develops quite quickly, within a few days.

Symptoms of the disease

Alcoholic polyneuropathy has such symptoms:

  1. Paresis of the limbs - there is a feeling of tingling and “pins and needles” in the arms and legs, numbness, tension in the muscles of the lower leg.
  2. Cramps and pain in the legs, which intensifies at night, as well as with pressure.
  3. Blood circulation in the leg area is impaired, resulting in often cold feet.
  4. The muscles of the lower extremities, and occasionally the arms, can atrophy, that is, decrease in size.
  5. Muscle weakness occurs, as a result of which the patient’s gait changes - it begins to seem to him that the floor is “soft”.
  6. The skin of the legs may become marbled or turn blue.
  7. Increased sweating in the hands and feet.
  8. Speech disorders occur - due to damage to a certain vagus nerve, it becomes slurred.
  9. Damage to cranial and musculoskeletal nerves may occur. As a result, memory is impaired, disorientation and hallucinations occur.
  10. In especially severe cases, trophic ulcers develop on the legs, the skin becomes dry and peels.

Vladimir 4 years ago

Reply to Sergei. ABSOLUTELY the same garbage, though I’m 3 years older and weigh less, but everything is the same. Well, they don’t give me a disability and, thank God, I walk without a hockey stick, but going down (even with railings) is a nightmare, but going up is easy, I’m not afraid of the car, but now I had to sell it, I walk. I repeat, the same thing, right down to “managerial work, kids and reproaches in the eyes.” And so I, too, am stuck... I don’t know what to do yet... The problem is different - where I live now, there is no one left except my parents: someone left, someone died (the same alcohol or drugs), there was one friend, and even he crashed a year ago on a plane, all that remains is to return to where I have lived for the last 15 years, but how I will appear there in this form is scary to imagine...
Good luck!!!


Natalya 3 years ago

Good afternoon, Sergei! My husband Sergei has the same situation. He ruined his entire health with alcohol, even though he was a naturally strong man, tall, 180 cm, 100 kg. But he likes to drink, and on weekends - he didn’t know how to stop it, strong drinks 3 bottles each. After work, I definitely took it too. Although he worked like a bull, he did not spare himself. Maybe this also played a role. In 1982, he was wounded in Afghanistan, shrapnel to the head and shoulder, underwent trepanation, etc. On August 2, I also wore a vest every year with the men. But after that, he lived and worked more or less normally for many years, earned good money, was a public person, i.e. lived a full life. But after about a month I almost fell ill - my legs began to fail, my memory disappeared. In August 2015, he was admitted to the hospital, treated, and began to move more or less. Also alcoholic hepatitis, alcoholic polyneuropathy. I lost a lot of weight. Anyway, now he is a completely different person, not the same as before. It’s very sad to see how the disease changes people. He sits at home and cannot work. It's terrible, but he still has a craving for alcohol. He asks for a drink from time to time, asks other people to buy it for him. Somehow I had to buy him beer, because... He demanded almost hysterically. Tell me, Sergey, did you undergo any other course of treatment after the hospital and did it help YOU? And how did you get 2 grams? We just need 2 grams. They said that they were unlikely to give it, because... We observed very little. (Now he has 3 grams.) Maybe we need to wait for time? And also, Sergey, tell me if your loved ones, your wife, your children, help you. How are you feeling now? I read a lot about this disease. They say that you can recover in 3-4 months if you follow everything.


Alexey 3 years ago

I have been abusing drinks since I was 18 years old (I have been since 1981); in 2007, I began to get a terrible hangover, which was aggravated by smoking. And I smoked a lot, but only when I drank. I was friends with the basin for 2-3 days, even my wife called an ambulance 3 times. I spent 2 times in the drug treatment center, but in the state drug treatment center it only got worse, there are mostly drug addicts there, but there is always something to drink. Then a stray dog ​​coded me for a year. I was returning from work when she snuck up behind me and bit into my hand. I wanted to live, I was given injections. The next March 8th I slowly untied the wine. At the same time, they celebrated the SCS project I submitted. The next day I jumped off the garage instead of down the stepladder and broke my heel. 6 months in a cast, going to work on crutches, being nervous, numbing the pain in the evening with beer, or even 0.5 vodka. After 3-4 months, first my left arm, or more precisely my hand, gave out. I just couldn't hold the cup. Stupidly hung like a rag. But within 3-4 weeks I recovered. Rubbing, acupuncture, in general I was able to do radio editing again.

In February 2009 he got a job at new job, I also worked part-time in web design at my old job... I bought a car and got my license. Washed. Little by little things started to happen again. And in the summer of 2010, the working conditions became absolutely terrible, my room was right under the roof and the temperature there was 50 degrees. In general, a micro-stroke, but in the background hangover syndrome. My legs gave way and I fell to the floor. Somehow I crawled to the chair. The doctors gave me a puncture, pumped me out, gave me a cane, and told me to quit this job. I went to work for another six months with a cane, then left. But he also threw away his wand. I started walking a lot. The gait was almost restored, the sensitivity of the feet was restored by 50%. The third year of freelancing, on the one hand it’s good, on the other hand you won’t earn much money... My wife chronically doesn’t work, she just doesn’t want to.


Numerous studies indicate that over 75% of the total number of identified cases of neuropathy are caused by the body’s response to long-term (from 5 years) consumption of drinks containing ethyl alcohol. The severity of the disease is directly related to the amount of ethanol regularly consumed by a person.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is a toxic lesion of the peripheral nervous system of non-inflammatory origin, manifested by dysfunction of many nerves, as well as disruption of the activity of the brain and spinal cord.

The disease causes structural changes in neurons - functional units of the nervous system. It is difficult to predict how many nerves such a lesion will affect.

The severity of the disease can be determined by the severity of neurological disorders.

Forms and varieties of the disease

Disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system as a result of the development of alcoholic neuropathy lead to changes in the functionality of human limbs. In this regard, doctors identify several forms of the disease:

  1. sensory form - a stage of neuropathy in which a change in the sensitivity of the tissues and muscles of the limbs occurs. Most often, the disease begins in the legs, but sometimes it also affects the arms. It manifests itself not only as discomfort, but also as painful sensations that periodically increase. In addition, over time, the limbs are affected by vegetative-vascular pathologies;
  2. motor form - characterized by impaired motor function of the lower and upper limbs. As a rule, it is accompanied by a feeling of numbness and burning in the tissues, but the patient is most worried about poor knee flexion, elbow joints, hands and feet; even muscle atrophy is possible;
  3. mixed form - both changes are observed. This worsening of the disease occurs in the later stages in the absence of treatment. The patient develops hypotension and decreased reflexes in the limbs.

Most often, patients are affected by alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities, which is caused by constant stress on the legs, even if the person leads a passive lifestyle. However, in advanced cases, the hands also lose sensitivity and their mobility is impaired.

A doctor can determine the form of the disease based on the patient’s symptoms and complaints. The later you seek help from a specialist, the more difficult and longer the treatment process will be.

Briefly about the process of disease recognition

Diagnosis of polyneuropathy is carried out by a doctor by interviewing and examining the patient, reviewing the analysis results venous blood(laboratory tests can reveal the degree of liver damage by determining the level of transaminases). Vitamin deficiency is clarified by studying blood serum.

The dynamics of the disease is monitored by ENMG. Electroneuromyography allows us to identify the presence of a degenerative process in peripheral nerves and the degree of tissue damage to the latter.

In number the most important signs, on the basis of which the diagnosis is made, includes:

  • progressive muscle weakness;
  • tendon areflexia;
  • symmetry of violations.

Symptoms of the disease

In the observed patients, the disease manifests itself at initial stage sharp tingling in the feet and toes, legs begin to go numb, and sharp tension occurs in the calf muscles.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy at the initial stage can affect itself during a sudden change in body position or excessive physical stress on a weak, alcohol-soaked body.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities occurs as a result of complete or partial exhaustion muscle mass and their fibrous structure, which ultimately leads to complete paralysis and complete inability to move independently. The same picture can be observed with the upper limbs, but this is observed in rare cases.

At the onset of the disease, symptoms of neuropathy can manifest themselves as pain in the calves, sometimes cramps in the fingers and weakness in the lower extremities. A person may feel as if he has been knocked down.

He breaks out in a sweat. The whole body is covered with perspiration.

Blue discoloration is observed on the surface of the skin in the foot area. Speech becomes sluggish and incoherent.

The manifestation of dry skin and excessive peeling of the lower extremities leads to itching and constant scratching, resulting in the formation of small wounds and ulcers on the body. The patient cannot shake the feeling that he is wearing mittens and socks.

Such symptoms can lead to mental disorders and depression. It is possible that a person with such symptoms begins to talk, talk about a non-existent reality, and loses orientation in space.

The main danger of alcoholic polyneuropathy is that patients, while under the influence of alcohol, rarely pay attention to their own sensations until severe pain or serious discomfort appears.

Such symptoms are typical for late, advanced stages of neuropathy, when medical intervention is vital to preserve the patient’s health.

Alcoholic neuropathy is a disease whose symptoms increase gradually. Alcoholic polyneuropathy affects the nervous system, and this is a determining factor clinical course diseases.

At the very beginning of the disease, the patient feels unpleasant tingling, numbness and “pins and needles” in the fingers and toes. Over time, these feelings spread to the hands and feet.

Poor circulation leads to a feeling of coldness in the legs. Muscle atrophy leads to their visually observable reduction.

Cramping cramps appear in the limbs, which intensify at night. The skin of the legs takes on a bluish, “dead” tint.

As the disease progresses, it leads to paralysis of the arms and legs. The person becomes unable to stand, cannot perform daily tasks, and is often confined to the confines of his or her bed.

Added to this is a general weakening of the body, phantom pain, similar to what people experience after amputation, pain in the calf muscles. In especially severe cases, the disease can be aggravated by mental disorders.

The disease also affects other nerves, so patients may experience visual disturbances, arrhythmias, and respiratory problems. Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities primarily affects the legs, so with this form of the disease it becomes more difficult for a person to walk every day.

It is worth noting that, depending on the reasons for which the disease began, specific symptoms may differ, but the general ones - cramps, muscle atrophy and paralysis - remain unchanged.

When treating alcoholic neuropathy, the symptoms are gradually reduced and disappear, but in some cases residual effects similar to those in the first stage of the disease are observed.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy can have a very different clinical picture, largely depending on which nerves are involved in the pathological process. For example, the signs of damage to the ulnar nerve will be different than those with impaired functioning of the nerves of the lower extremities.

In the first case, the innervation of the arms is disrupted, in the second, swelling of the legs, unsteadiness when walking and severe pain appear. By the way, alcoholic polyneuritis has a similar clinical symptoms.

Characteristic signs of alcoholic polyneuropathy:

  • neuropathic pain;
  • swelling of the arms and legs;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • decreased muscle strength;
  • muscle wasting;
  • paresthesia;
  • paralysis and paresis (incomplete paralysis).

The first thing a person feels is weakness in the muscles, usually manifesting itself in the morning after sleep, first the lower limbs go numb, and after a few minutes the arms begin to go numb. In some cases, numbness affects all limbs at once.

The patient's tendon reflex first sharply decreases, after which it completely stops, the Achilles reflex is most susceptible, and muscle tone deteriorates.

Alcoholic neuropathy in its advanced form is manifested by symptoms such as: muscle weakness, paresis of the lower extremities, paralysis of the hands or feet, a person may not feel objects.

Sometimes the patient may complain of worsening visual reflexes. All of the listed signs of the disease are not permanent, they can last for several days, then completely disappear for one or two days, then recur.

At the last stage, urination worsens, the person suffers from nervous disorders, breathing is impaired, tachycardia, bradycardia, arrhythmia appear, and blood pressure drops sharply.

A person can feel pain even in such forms of the disease when there is enough vitamin B and it settles in the foot. The nature of the pain is aching, burning sensations appear.

Along with this, a person’s gait is disturbed due to the fact that the feet become too sensitive, the foot cannot be bent inward, marbling, cyanosis, tingling, numbness in the calves, and cramps are visible on the legs.

Alcoholic neuropathy is not the only disease in which severe numbness of the limbs occurs; there are clones of this disease, namely diabetic polyneuropathy:

  • Diabetic polyneuropathy - characterized by blockage blood vessels in the limbs. A person with this disease, depending on the stage, feels periodic numbness in the hands or feet, the muscles become weak, the long ischial, femoral, ulnar nerves. People with diabetes feel the same pain in their legs as alcoholics; they experience redness of the skin, cyanosis of the feet, the skin becomes dry, ulcers and rotting wounds form. Such patients should not drink alcohol under any circumstances. This disease is scary because, unlike alcoholic polyneuropathy, diabetic polyneuropathy cannot be cured; it progresses slowly.
  • Neuropathy of the lower extremities - the disease is characterized by a constant attack of numbness in the extremities, especially after a long walk, at which time the legs begin to break out, twist, and you want to constantly touch and massage them. This occurs as a result of compression of the peripheral nerves.
  • Neuropathy of the upper extremities is a disease similar to neuropathy of the lower extremities, the only difference being that the first disease can affect several nerves at the same time, which can lead to temporary loss of sensation in the hands.

Early diagnosis

In order to identify the disease early stages the patient must have symptoms such as tendon laxity, muscle weakness; only on the basis of the clinical picture of the first signs can an analysis of the disease be carried out. This usually occurs when the patient is examined by a doctor at the first appointment.

Electroneuromyography allows you to identify the first signs of the disease, determines how severely the disease has developed, and whether the patient has nerve inflammation. For another examination, your doctor may order a nerve fiber biopsy. Such an examination must be done to exclude other types of polyneuropathy.

In patients with toxic alcoholic polyneuropathy, predominantly weakly myelinated fibers are affected. The clinical picture of the disease is dominated by autonomic and sensory disorders. In most patients, the earliest clinical symptoms of the disease are:

  • paresthesia (sensations of “tingling”, “crawling”);
  • numbness in the distal parts of the lower extremities;
  • periodic convulsive twitching of the muscles of the legs and feet.

At the same time or somewhat later, a “burning” feeling is added, neuropathic pain in the extremities, which is excruciating “burning”, “shooting” in nature, intensifies at night.

Syndrome may develop restless legs. Its clinical basis is the imperative desire to move the limbs due to discomfort in them, more pronounced at night.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The main ways to diagnose alcoholic neuropathy are by taking a medical history, analyzing complaints about existing symptoms, and examining the patient. They allow us to draw a conclusion about the presence of the disease.

Additional diagnostic methods can only confirm the initial diagnosis, identify the stage and degree of development of neuropathy, as well as other features that enable the specialist to prescribe competent and effective treatment. These examination methods include:

  • biopsy of a piece of nerve - taken to analyze and understand the general clinical picture of the disease;
  • electroneuromyography is a hardware diagnostic method that shows detailed features disorders and allows you to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Using a survey, the doctor collects facts about the patient’s lifestyle, finds out additional diseases that could lead to polyneuropathy (alcoholism, diabetes) and conducts a neurological examination to identify pathologies.

The exact extent of the lesion is determined using electroneuromyography (ENMG). It reveals the degree of damage to peripheral nerves, its distribution and type - chronic or acute.

ENMG also makes it possible to identify diseases such as muscle dystrophy, carpal tunnel syndrome, amyotrophic sclerosis. ENMG also helps to monitor treatment and monitor the process of disease regression.

In some cases, a biopsy of the nerve tissue may be performed. It is also carried out if more serious diseases are suspected, in particular cancer, which helps eliminate errors in diagnosing the disease.

Together, these methods make it possible to determine the spread and severity of the disease with maximum accuracy and begin treatment in a short time.

Accurate diagnosis will allow the doctor to prescribe effective treatment. When examining, it is important to remember about diseases that are clinically similar to alcoholic polyneuropathy. This is about:

  • diabetic polyneuropathy;
  • Guillain-Barre syndrome;
  • chronic demyelinating inflammatory polyneuropathy;
  • hereditary forms of damage to the peripheral nervous system.

The following methods will allow you to diagnose the condition as accurately as possible and choose the right treatment:

  1. Complete neurological examination to check the strength and sensitivity of the muscles of the legs and arms, identifying tendon reflexes;
  2. Electroneuromyography, which allows you to determine the speed of impulse transmission to the nerve.
  3. Computed tomography, MRI and nerve biopsy, which will confirm the accuracy of the diagnosis and exclude other serious illnesses.

Clinical symptoms alcoholic polyneuropathy are nonspecific, therefore, when making a diagnosis, neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital evaluate the patient’s drug status and nutrition.

Laboratory indicators reflect the degree of damage to the liver tissue due to alcohol intoxication. In patients it is determined increased level liver transaminases (aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase) or gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase.

To clarify the presence of a deficiency of thiamine and other B vitamins, their concentrations in the blood serum are examined. Thiamine deficiency is confirmed by a decrease in transketolase activity of erythrocytes.

Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid reveals no changes.

The main method for diagnosing alcoholic polyneuropathy is electroneuromyography. This innovative research method allows you to determine the level, nature and extent of damage to peripheral nerves.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is characterized by generalized symmetrical sensory-motor, predominantly distal axonopathy with signs of secondary myelinopathy.

When conducting stimulation electroneuromyography, a decrease in the amplitude of action potentials of sensory and motor nerves can be determined. This reflects damage to the axial cylinder of the nerve fiber - axonopathy.

There is a decrease in the speed of propagation of excitation along the sensory and motor fibers of all nerves of the extremities, which is a sign of myelinopathy. These changes can be observed in patients who do not have clinical signs of alcoholic polyneuropathy.

In the diagnosis of various clinical forms of alcoholic polyneuropathy, neurophysiologists at the Yusupov Hospital use needle electromyography. It allows you to quantitatively assess the parameters of action potentials of motor units and identify signs of denervation in the muscle that are caused by axon damage - fibrillation potentials, positive sharp waves.

The electroneuromyography method allows you to assess the condition of thick myelinated fibers of peripheral nerves. To diagnose damage to thin fibers of peripheral nerves in the presence of alcoholic polyneuropathy, doctors functional diagnostics The following methods are used:

  • quantitative sensory testing;
  • laser evoked potentials;
  • evoked potentials to thermal stimulation;
  • study of intraepidermal nerve fibers.

In cases that are difficult to diagnose, neurologists collectively establish a diagnosis and take an individual approach to the choice of treatment method.

Treatment of the disease

Depending on the nature of neuropathy of the lower and upper extremities, the course of the disease and its stages of detection, a prognosis can be made. Everything depends primarily on the patient himself, on his complete refusal to drink alcohol.

Secondly, with chronic alcoholism, recovery will occur much later. But adhering to a certain diet, taking medications prescribed by your doctor, and completely abstaining from alcohol guarantee victory over the disease.

Observations have shown that the manifestation of the disease and its development do not occur abruptly. Polyneuropathy approaches the patient in small steps and is very difficult to identify in the early stages if a person does not see a doctor.

But if such a diagnosis was made by a doctor on early stage development of the disease, then if the patient himself wishes, and if he completely and unconditionally refuses alcohol-containing drinks, the disease can be defeated.

But there are times when, after another binge, a person suddenly feels numbness in the legs or their complete paralysis. Such treatment will take longer, and it will be difficult to defeat the disease without the desire of the patient himself.

During treatment, patients are prescribed a strict diet, which includes completely abstaining from alcoholic beverages, mandatory maintenance of the body with vitamins, and the patient’s diet must include fresh vegetables, cereals and cream soups.

The attending physician prescribes medications that remove toxins from the blood, cleanse it and saturate it with oxygen. During treatment, psychotropic drugs and painkillers may be prescribed to relieve pain and mental syndrome in the patient.

Treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy is a complex and time-consuming task. In addition to taking medications, the patient is prescribed a massage of the lower and upper extremities, especially the feet, where the nerve endings are located.

A visit to a psychologist is an integral part of treatment. The patient should feel cared for by family and friends, their moral and sometimes physical support and assistance.

The doctor can prescribe therapeutic gymnastic exercises that will help strengthen muscles and prevent bedsores from developing, but without the help of relatives, it will be much more difficult to do such gymnastics.

When treating such a serious disease as alcoholic polyneuropathy, you can resort to traditional methods. Basically, these are decoctions and infusions of various medicinal herbs.

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To completely get rid of alcoholic neuropathy and stop the destruction of the body, you need to stop drinking. All efforts will be useless if you continue to abuse alcohol.

Not all patients, especially those who suffer from alcohol addiction, can stop and change something in their lives. Therefore, an integrated approach and daily efforts to restore your own health are important.

An important factor effective treatment is the support of loved ones and relatives.

The entire range of measures for the treatment of alcoholic neuropathy includes three directions of influence on the patient’s body: medications, non-alcoholic drug treatment and folk remedies. Only a doctor can prescribe medications based on the diagnosis. Often, patients with alcoholic neuropathy are prescribed the following medications:

  • drugs that normalize blood microcirculation;
  • vitamin complexes to restore immunity, especially vitamin B and ascorbic acid;
  • antihypoxants and antioxidants that help cleanse the body of toxins;
  • medications to strengthen blood vessels and maintain neural connections, since they cannot be restored;
  • analgesics and non-steroidal drugs that stop inflammatory processes in organism.

In addition to medications, the patient needs to review and adjust his diet. The diet should include a maximum healthy products saturated with vitamins and microelements. At the same time, it is better to exclude dishes that are difficult for the stomach - fried, spicy, smoked - from the menu altogether.

For full active recovery during the treatment period, it is necessary to exercise. Strengthening muscles, developing joints, and returning comfortable mobility is impossible without training. In addition, physiotherapeutic methods prescribed by the doctor will be useful.

The use of traditional medicine methods for the treatment of alcoholic neuropathy is possible only as an adjuvant in parallel with taking medications. Decoctions and tinctures will not give desired effect, if you drink them separately and not regularly.

The use of traditional medicine must be agreed with a doctor. Most tinctures are made with alcohol, and in case of alcoholic neuropathy, its use is strictly prohibited.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is treated by completely stopping the use of alcoholic beverages. As the disease worsens, symptoms increase, but the sooner you see a doctor, the easier and faster the treatment process will be. Therefore, it is important to be attentive to yourself and take care of your health.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy is usually treated at home, according to your doctor's instructions. If the disease threatens the patient’s life, measures must be taken to admit the patient to a hospital. Various drugs are used to treat the disease.

Treatment depends on what is causing the disease. If this reason is alcoholism, then first of all you need to stop drinking alcohol forever, even in limited quantities.

This is the first and most necessary step, without which any treatment will be practically useless. Most often, a person who has been abusing alcohol for many years is unable to give up this harmful habit on his own.

Coding, psychotherapy and family support can help here, which should be carried out in combination to prevent breakdowns.

After giving up alcohol, it is necessary to establish healthy image life. A proper daily routine and proper nutrition, combined with competent treatment, can quickly get the patient back on his feet.

Nutritious food for alcoholic polyneuropathy includes food, rich in proteins and vitamins, however, only a doctor who examines the patient and prescribes treatment can give recommendations on diet.

Diet and abstinence from alcohol are combined with drug treatment. The drugs used to treat alcoholic polyneuropathy are varied. They can be divided into several groups:

  • vitamin complexes rich in B vitamins (Pentovit, Complivit) have a beneficial effect on the nervous system;
  • neurotropic drugs;
  • nootropics can stimulate mental activity, increase resistance to toxic effects on the brain and help cope with disorders mental functions for polyneuropathy (Piracetam, Phenibut, Glycine);
  • antidepressants help to give up alcohol and relieve pain (Amitriptyline);
  • metabolic agents (Amiridine, Dibazol) are prescribed in recovery period and are used in combination with physiotherapy.

The doctor may prescribe hepatoprotective drugs, if liver damage is detected, and antioxidants as general tonics. Traditional medicine can be an auxiliary remedy in the fight against the disease: clove tincture, milk thistle seeds, carrot juice, olive oil.

Among the non-drug treatment methods, physiotherapeutic procedures should be noted. Electrical stimulation of nerve fibers and the spinal cord can be performed. Massage, acupuncture and exercise therapy have proven themselves to be excellent aids.

  • Have you tried many methods, but nothing helps?
  • Another coding turned out to be ineffective?
  • Is alcoholism destroying your family?

Suppression of the development of alcoholic neuropathy occurs by engaging complex schemes therapy, including the use of medical products in combination with physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and a number of other methods.


Symptoms of the disease are eliminated with various groups drugs. The names of the main medications are shown in the table below.

List of funds Purpose of prescribing the medication
Vitamins (C, B1, B6, etc.), folic acid - injections and pills Replenishment of the deficiency that develops in chronic alcoholism; ensuring the normal functioning of the structures of the nervous system.
Antihypoxants (Actovegin) Increasing tissue resistance to oxygen deficiency.
Anticholinesterase drugs Elimination of sensory and movement disorders.
Diclofenac, Nimesulide, Amitriptyline and Carbamazepine Decrease intensity pain syndrome.
Anticonvulsants Elimination of painful cramps.
Antidepressants Improved emotional state.
Neuromidin Acceleration of neuromuscular transmission.
Cytoflavin Improving microcirculation, restoring metabolism.
Vinpocetine, Curantyl Relief venous outflow, strengthening blood vessels.
Hepaprotectors Normalization of liver function.

Autonomic disorders are corrected through the use of symptomatic therapy.

It is prohibited to use medications without a doctor’s prescription: the use of drugs unsupervised by a specialist can lead to the development of complications, deterioration of the patient’s condition, and death.

Non-drug treatment

As additional rehabilitation measures, acupuncture and magnetic therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures (to stimulate the spinal cord and nerve fibers) are prescribed. To restore muscle tone, massage is used.

Another non-drug method - physical therapy - helps prevent the development of contractures and strengthen the body.

The first step in treatment should be a complete cessation of drinking alcohol. Therefore, an alcoholic needs to be coded. This should be done by a narcologist with the consent of the person. In this case, filing or injection of disulfiram-containing agents is best. Drugs that normalize the activity of the nervous system are also prescribed.

A balanced diet is very important. You need to limit the amount of salt and liquid - this will help remove swelling faster. You should also provide the body with all essential vitamins and minerals. B vitamins are especially beneficial for the nervous system.

Alcoholic neuropathy requires prescription the following drugs:

  • vitamins B1, B6, folic acid (Benfotiamine);
  • antioxidants (Berlition, Octolipen, Thiogamma);
  • neurometabolic drugs (Solcoseryl, Gliatilin);
  • agents that improve neuromuscular conduction (Neuromidin);
  • drugs that improve blood supply to the nervous system (Cavinton, Curantil);
  • diuretics (prescribed only when it is necessary to remove swelling of the legs);
  • if necessary, hepatoprotectors, NSAIDs, anticonvulsants and antidepressants are used.

Medicines that help relieve swelling and pain do not promote recovery. They are necessary in order to remove the symptoms that bother a person (this treatment is called symptomatic).

To restore the functions of the nervous system, B vitamins, neurometabolic drugs and agents that improve blood supply to peripheral nerves are needed. They are the basis of etiological treatment.

Once a diagnosis of alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is made, the doctor determines what treatment will help the patient.

The surest way to give up alcohol on time, but very often an addicted person cannot stop in time.

And alcoholic polyneuropathy makes itself felt.

In such cases, there are three ways to solve this problem, which are effective only in combination with each other:

  • drug treatment;
  • changes in diet and lifestyle;
  • as well as folk remedies.

Let's consider all the options in more detail.

Drugs that are prescribed if a patient is diagnosed with alcoholic polyneuropathy:

  1. Since during the course of the disease the patient experiences a deficiency of vitamin B, during treatment it is prescribed to take it in large doses, which helps restore metabolic processes, that is, the metabolic process. The patient is also prescribed ascorbic acid.
  2. Drugs that promote microcirculation are prescribed, as well as antihypoxants and antioxidants that will help remove toxins from the body.
  3. To restore immunity, the patient is prescribed various microelements.
  4. Strengthening of blood vessels and restoration of the main nerve connections, since completely nerve endings cannot be restored.
  5. If blood pressure is abnormal, it is normalized and swelling is relieved.
  6. In case of severe pain, the doctor prescribes non-steroidal drugs designed to fight inflammation, simple analgesics, and, if necessary, antidepressants.

Non-drug methods

It should also be remembered that even after long-term therapy, a return to alcohol has disastrous consequences - all the symptoms of polyneuropathy return, and they become more pronounced, and treatment must be started again.

The patient's diet requires careful review. To restore the digestive system, he must take soups for lunch.


There are a lot of different traditional methods fight against polyneuropathy. But before using any of them, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Here are some popular recipes:

  1. To 100 ml of carrot juice add 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of honey. Mix everything well and take before breakfast and dinner 40 minutes before meals.
  2. 1 tbsp. Brew a spoonful of cloves in a thermos, leave for a couple of hours and take 200 ml three times a day. Repeat for 15 days, take a 10-day break, after which the course can be repeated.
  3. 4 tbsp. Grind tablespoons of milk thistle seeds in a mortar, add 150 ml of warm olive oil and 2 tbsp. spoons of regular dry mint powder. Take 2 tbsp three times a day, half an hour before meals. spoons of mixture. The course of treatment is three weeks.
  4. Mix 300 ml of low-fat kefir, 2 tablespoons of sunflower seeds, half a glass of fresh, coarsely chopped parsley and take on an empty stomach in the morning, about 40 minutes before meals.

The disease can appear only after prolonged drinking. Depending on how severe the symptoms of the disease are and with what complications all this occurs, appropriate treatment is prescribed.

The most effective treatment alcoholic neuropathy at an early stage. Specialists at appointment various drugs First of all, they try to restore the lost function of nerve endings and improve blood circulation in this area. In this case, the doctor needs to be especially careful in prescribing medications to avoid allergies.

The following drugs are prescribed:

Among non-drug methods, physiotherapy is distinguished, in this case electrical stimulation of nerve endings occurs. The doctor also prescribes massage to quickly restore muscle activity. You should engage in health activities physical exercise, take acupuncture courses.

Traditional treatment

Folk remedies good for complex treatment diseases. There are a large number of recipes for this disease; let’s look at the most effective ones. You can prepare a cocktail based on fresh carrot juice (100 g), add one yolk, a few drops of olive oil, two teaspoons of honey.

At the first symptoms of the disease, as soon as your legs begin to hurt and go numb, you should immediately consult a doctor. In parallel with this, it is important to completely give up alcohol, eat well, and maintain a sleep-wake schedule. These are the main points, without which it is simply pointless to hope for a miracle and the effectiveness of therapy.

Considering the multifactorial mechanisms of the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy, combined damage to the liver and gastrointestinal tract, neurologists at the Yusupov Hospital are conducting complex therapy diseases.

Patients are observed by a neurologist, therapist, hepatologist, and gastroenterologist. In most cases, the prognosis for alcoholic polyneuropathy is favorable.

Neurological functions are restored, but patients retain residual effects of peripheral nerve damage. Treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy requires a long period of time because axonal regeneration and restoration of collateral neurons are slow.

A prerequisite for effective treatment of alcoholic polyneuropathy is a complete cessation of drinking alcohol, restoration of a well-balanced diet with sufficient amounts of vitamins and protein, physical rehabilitation patient.

To relieve pain in alcoholic polyneuropathy, neurologists use antidepressants and anticonvulsants, as well as their combinations. Among antidepressants, the most effective drugs are tricyclic antidepressants (amitriptyline) and serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (venlafaxine and duloxetine).

An alternative is therapy with anticonvulsants – pregabalin, gabapentin.

Symptoms and consequences of the disease

The nervous system is one of the most complex structures of the human body. The nervous system regulates the functioning of organs, is responsible for thought processes, sensation, motor activity, and the functioning of other body systems.

Disruption of the nervous system leads to failure of the body's working systems. The saddest outcome of advanced alcoholic polyneuropathy can be cardiac arrest due to damage to the nerves responsible for its functioning.

The disease may also involve other nerves, including cranial nerves, e.g. optic nerve.

Progressive muscle atrophy can become irreversible and can lead to disability. A serious problem is disruption of the respiratory system.

If a person continues to drink alcohol, this can lead to a sharp decline in mental abilities, behavioral disorders, sharp deterioration memory. In particularly tragic cases, this leads to dementia.

If the disease is not treated, or if you delay contacting a doctor, you can expect the following consequences:

  • sudden death from cardiac arrest due to disruption of the nerves that regulate its functioning;
  • the patient's disability as a result of severe muscle weakness;
  • violations respiratory function due to damage to the nerves responsible for regulating the functioning of the respiratory muscles.


It is quite easy to prevent the re-development of alcoholic neuropathy. To do this, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, promptly stop the symptoms of infectious diseases, and be observed by a narcologist (if necessary, by a psychologist).

The disease described is a serious illness that leads to serious changes in the body. Having once been cured, it is necessary to make every effort to completely abstain from alcohol - only this method will avoid a relapse of alcoholic polyneuropathy.

To prevent the development of alcoholic polyneuropathy, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol large quantities, eat right and exercise to strengthen your muscles.

In conclusion, it should be noted that responsibility for the alcoholic variant of polyneuropathy, unlike its other types, lies entirely with the patient, since this disease develops from excessive use of alcohol.

Therefore, the patient is also able to prevent the disease - it is enough to limit the dose of alcohol to a minimum or stop drinking it altogether.

Remember that health is very valuable, and sometimes it is quite difficult to restore it.


In most cases, the prognosis, with timely treatment, is relatively favorable. But even despite this, the patient often becomes unable to work and receives a disability.

There is hope for a complete cure only if the person completely refuses to take alcohol-containing drinks in any quantity and strictly follows the doctor’s recommendations.

The average treatment period for alcoholic polyneuropathy is 3-4 months. However, as a rule, to achieve long-term therapeutic effect it is necessary to adhere to a diet and resort to aids treatment.

If treatment is started late or is inadequate to the patient's condition, the prognosis is less favorable. Most often, it is not possible to achieve full recovery and restoration of working capacity. Without treatment, the disease leads to death in 50% of cases within ten years. The prognosis worsens if the vagus nerve of the heart muscle is affected by the disease.

It is impossible to recover from alcoholic neuropathy in a short time. The period of full recovery lasts from 3-4 months to six months.

The main condition for achieving the maximum possible therapeutic effect is a complete abstinence from drinks containing ethyl alcohol.

Small changes that have occurred in the body are completely eliminated. At chronic course polyneuropathy, restoration of destroyed nerve fibers does not occur; modern techniques Therapy can only achieve stabilization of the process and reduce the severity of symptoms.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy has a positive prognosis, but the disease progresses until treatment is started. If the patient stops drinking alcohol, then good results can be expected.

In this case, complete treatment will take approximately 3–4 months.

The situation becomes more serious when the phrenic nerve and cardiac branches of the vagus nerve are damaged during the course of the disease.

When drinking becomes a dangerous habit, the body sends a clear signal. Chronic poisoning becomes the cause of a disease such as alcoholic polyneuropathy or disruption of the functioning of peripheral nerves, so patients often complain of unpleasant tingling in the limbs or the appearance of goosebumps. The prevalence of this disease is very high, initial stages treatable, otherwise it risks problems with breathing, heart function and limited mobility.

What is alcoholic polyneuropathy

The long-term toxic effects of alcohol do not go unnoticed for an addicted person. All systems of the body are negatively affected. From the side of interconnected nervous structures, the reaction to systematic alcohol consumption is the appearance dangerous disease. Alcoholic polyneuropathy is a disease that is caused by chronic alcohol abuse, which leads to disruption and pathological changes in metabolic processes.

Alcoholic polyneuropathy code according to ICD 10

Decreased sensitivity of nerve endings is the result of prolonged consumption of alcoholic beverages. The toxic effect of alcohol provokes the development of pathological changes in the metabolic processes of nerve fibers. Since the disease is widespread throughout the world, and certain methods are used to treat it, according to international rules it has a certain labeling. The code for alcoholic polyneuropathy according to ICD 10 is G 62.1; behind these symbols is the name of the disease of the same name, which is characterized by dysfunction of the peripheral nerves.

Symptoms of polyneuropathy

Toxic neuropathy or atrophy of the muscles of the limbs makes itself felt gradually with slight numbness and a tingling sensation. The first symptoms of polyneuropathy do not cause much concern for some time, but if the development is not stopped neurological disease and not start a fight, this will inevitably lead to paralysis of the legs and speech disorder. The main signs of toxic polyneuropathy are as follows:

  • muscle tension, slight numbness of the limbs;
  • weakness in the legs;
  • convulsions;
  • excessive sweating;
  • cyanosis of hands and feet;
  • speech disorder;
  • dry skin, the appearance of ulcers;
  • burning sensation;
  • disorientation.

Causes of polyneuropathy

The appearance of such disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system can provoke other diseases. The clinical picture of the disease is similar, but it is caused by different causes of polyneuropathy. Overdose of drugs, diabetes mellitus, cancer, chemical poisoning, epilepsy - this is what can be a source of development of pathological changes. If it is alcoholic neuropathy, then the following factors contribute to the development of the neurological disease:

  • metabolic disorders in nerve fibers;
  • long-term toxic effects of ethyl alcohol;
  • liver dysfunction;
  • lack of B vitamins;
  • prolonged squeezing in a monotonous position while intoxicated;
  • the presence of a gene that affects the process of ethanol breakdown and the formation of enzymes that have a destructive effect on the entire nervous system of the body.

Forms of alcoholic polyneuropathy

Pathological changes may be asymptomatic, and yet these are rare cases among patients with alcoholism. More often observed forms are chronic (more than a year) and acute (month), which serve not only as evidence of the presence of the disease, but also as confirmation of the progressive nature of the process. Based on the clinical picture of the disease, in medicine it is customary to distinguish between the following forms of alcoholic polyneuropathy:

  1. Motor. It is characterized by sensory disturbances ( mild degree), peripheral paresis ( varying degrees), damage to the lower extremities, which accompanies impaired flexion of the fingers, rotation of the foot, and decreased Achilles reflex.
  2. Sensory. Reduced temperature, pain sensitivity of the extremities, numbness, convulsions, feeling of chilliness, marbling of the skin, vegetative changes - all this characteristic features, which indicate sensory impairment.
  3. Atactic. It is indicated by a lack of coordination of movements, numbness of the legs, a staggering gait, painful sensations on palpation of the nerve trunks, lack of tendon reflex.
  4. Mixed. It is a combination of motor and sensory disorders, and this manifests itself through numbness, pain, flaccid paresis, paralysis of the upper and lower limbs. This form may be accompanied by such signs as atrophy of the muscles of the forearm and hand, decreased deep reflexes, and hypotension.

Diagnosis of alcoholic polyneuropathy

The main method of confirming the diagnosis is electroneuromyography (ENMG), which is used in the early stages. Diagnosis of alcoholic polyneuropathy in severe cases involves a biopsy of nerve fibers; in addition, this method used when it is necessary to exclude other types of disease: toxic or diabetic polyneuropathy? An examination using ENMG helps to determine the severity of the damage, how much the neuron, root, nerve, and muscles are affected, but first the neurologist must conduct an objective examination and collect an anamnesis.

Treatment of polyneuropathy

A neurological disease can manifest itself either after long drinking bout, or against the background of gradual toxic effects over a long period of time. Taking these factors into account, treatment of polyneuropathy will proceed in different directions, but any therapy will involve a complete cessation of alcohol consumption and increased attention to nutrition. To improve microcirculation, neuromuscular conduction, and pain, the doctor may prescribe antihypoxants, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, and B vitamins.

Treatment of neuropathy of the lower extremities with drugs

It will be easier to achieve a full recovery if the disease is diagnosed in the early stages. Treatment of neuropathy of the lower extremities with drugs is aimed at restoring the functions of nerve fibers and improving blood circulation in the area of ​​nerve endings. The subtlety of therapy lies in identifying true reasons diseases, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, for example, predisposition to allergic reactions.

To improve the patient’s condition, when toxic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities is correctly diagnosed, the following types therapy:

  • medicinal with the prescription of a course of vasoactive drugs (Emoxipine, Vazonita, Nicotinic acid, Instenon);
  • use of antidepressants (Mexidol, Actovegin, Sertraline, Berlition, Venlafaxine);
  • a course of B vitamins, Benfotiamine, Thiamine to replenish the deficiency;
  • taking painkillers non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nimesulide, Ketoprofen, Meloxicam);
  • anticonvulsants (Gabapentin, Pregabalin);
  • use ointments, creams for local anesthesia(Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Finalgon, Capsicam, Capsaicin).

Non-drug methods

Treatment methods other than medications can also help speed up the healing process. Physiotherapeutic procedures have formed the basis of a non-drug method of treating toxic polyneuropathy; among them, electrical stimulation of nerve fibers, the spinal cord, and magnetic therapy have been successfully used. Research shows the effectiveness of massage in helping to restore muscle activity. The list of comprehensive measures should include physical therapy, mud therapy, acupuncture.

Combining medicinal, non-medicinal, and traditional methods of treatment allows you to achieve excellent results and speed up recovery. The treatment will be helped by a freshly prepared cocktail of kefir (150 grams), parsley, sunflower seeds (2 tablespoons each), which is taken an hour before meals twice a day. A powerful natural antioxidant - cinnamon - goes perfectly with oregano and honey. To prepare a healthy decoction, you need to take all the ingredients in equal proportions, mix and take 1 teaspoon three times a day with a glass of warm water.

Prognosis of polyneuropathy

Launched form illness or untimely initiation of treatment leads to disability, so it is necessary to start therapy and decide on a treatment regimen on time. A favorable prognosis for polyneuropathy with possible complete recovery is observed only in those patients who promptly consulted a doctor and underwent a course of therapy. Behind short term It will not be possible to recover from a neurological disease; to achieve the desired goal, you will have to apply persistence, adhere to proper nutrition, and avoid drinking any alcoholic beverages.

Video: Alcoholic polyneuropathy of the lower extremities