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Causes of development and methods of treatment of osteochondral exostosis. What is exostosis

Exostosis (osteochondroma) is a benign osteochondral growth on the surface of the bone. It consists of cartilaginous tissue. This pathological condition bones, which is a complication of various diseases.

We can talk about an independent disease only in the presence of multiple exostoses.

Exostosis can have a variety of shapes: linear, spherical, spinous, mushroom-shaped, etc. Sizes also vary from a few millimeters to 10 centimeters in advanced cases.

Typically, the growth begins to form from the epiphyseal growth plate on long tubular bones. At first he is cartilaginous neoplasm, which ossifies over time. Exostosis during ossification turns into spongy bone. On the outside, it is covered with a thin but very dense bone shell. The surface of the osteochondral growth is covered with thin hyaline cartilage, which gives rise to further growth of exostosis.

These osteochondral growths are persistent formations, however, there are cases when the size of these neoplasms decreased and they completely disappeared on their own.

The most typical appearance of these osteochondral growths is in children aged 8 to 20 years, during the period of skeletal growth. There have been rare cases of such pathological formations in adults.


These osteochondral growths can occur due to various reasons. They may appear:

  • during the regenerative process after injury;
  • for injuries;
  • with bruises;
  • with inflammation of the mucous membranes;
  • with osteomyelitis;
  • during inflammatory processes in fibrositis;
  • with bursitis;
  • when the periosteum is pinched;
  • as a consequence of chronic inflammatory processes in the bones;
  • as a result of aseptic necrosis;
  • in case of organ dysfunction endocrine system;
  • when ligaments are torn at the place of their attachment;
  • as a concomitant complication of benign tumors;
  • after surgery;
  • as a consequence chronic diseases joints;
  • with syphilis;
  • for congenital disorders and skeletal anomalies;
  • in cases of chondromatosis of bones.

Why multiple exostosis occurs has not been precisely established. It is definitely known that the basis for the formation of growths is a violation of the normal process of enchondral ossification. A hereditary predisposition to this occurrence of the disease is clearly visible.

Separately, we can distinguish exostosis, the origin of which is unknown.

After an injury, exostosis can form from a bone fragment or from an ossified hemorrhage.


Clinical manifestations of exostosis can be different. Sometimes they are completely asymptomatic and are discovered by chance during X-rays, or when they grow to a size that is visible to the naked eye.

In some cases, exostoses cause pain and discomfort, and sometimes limit the mobility of the injured limb.

Separately, we should highlight growths that over time turn into a real malignant tumor.

Most often, osteochondral exostoses appear near the ends of long bones, near the joints. Their growth is directed in the opposite direction from the joint. The most susceptible to the formation of growths are the tibia and femur, bones of the forearm, pelvis, collarbone, scapula, ribs, and vertebrae.

Osteochondral formations on the phalanges of the fingers are quite rare. There they form subungual growths that grow up to 1 cm in diameter. Exostosis of this particular type most often causes pain if it leads to peeling and deformation of the nail.

Growths located in other parts of the body usually do not cause pain. If pain appears, this may serve as a signal that malignant degeneration of osteochondroma is occurring.

Multiple exostoses are usually located symmetrically along the long bones, near the ribs and collarbones. They can provoke skeletal deformation due to disorders correct height bones.

Separately, exostoses of the vertebral bodies and knee joints should be highlighted. Vertebral exostosis may begin to grow inward, causing serious damage spinal cord.

Exostosis knee joint begins its growth with femur and grows under the quadriceps femoris muscle, putting pressure on it. This causes deformation and stretching of the muscle, and in some cases can provoke a fracture and the formation of a new pseudarthrosis.

Diagnostics (How does a doctor make such a diagnosis)

Exostosis is diagnosed during examination and palpation. To clarify the diagnosis, radiography is necessary. In some cases, when the disease is asymptomatic, its presence is determined by chance by taking an x-ray of the extremities.

Radiography gives a complete picture of the presence of exostoses, their quantity, size, location, shape, structure, stage of development, etc. The x-ray does not show the outer cartilage layer, so the actual size of the growths is always larger than visible.


In cases where exostosis does not have big size, which does not change over time, has not become larger by age 20 and does not interfere normal life body, then it is periodically monitored. Therapy is not carried out in such cases.

It is important to consider that it is prohibited to use any physiotherapeutic methods on the places where exostoses are located. Since such an influence can provoke the degeneration of a growth into a malignant neoplasm.

If exostoses grow quickly, cause inconvenience and discomfort, cause curvature of the spine or are a cosmetic defect, then they are removed surgically.

The operation is performed by a traumatologist-orthopedist. Its type is selected depending on the size and location of the formation. This also determines the choice of anesthesia - local or general.

During the operation, not only the growth itself is removed, but also the periosteum adjacent to it is scraped off. This must be done in order to prevent the recurrence of exostoses.

Most often, a small incision is enough to perform surgery, which allows you to leave the clinic on the day of the operation. The rehabilitation period is 10-15 days.

An exception is the removal of exostoses from the knee joint. After the operation, the knee is immobilized with a plaster splint for 2 weeks, after which the load on the affected leg is limited for another 1-2 months to prevent possible fracture joint

If there are multiple exostoses, then only those that cause the development of deformities or compress nerves and blood vessels are removed.

At correct implementation After surgery, complete recovery occurs and no relapses are observed.


There are no specific preventive measures. It is necessary to undergo periodic examinations and examinations, especially in childhood, when the risk of exostosis formation is quite high. In addition, it is imperative to carry out preventive examinations after injuries, as they can become trigger mechanism formation of exostosis.

When visiting a doctor, many patients hear a rather incomprehensible and strange diagnosis called exostosis. Therefore, the question arises of what it is.

Exostosis is a growth located on the surface of the bone. Such neoplasms appear from cartilage tissue. However, after some time, they turn into spongy bone. A layer of cartilage remains on top of it, which allows the neoplasms to continue to grow to their full potential.

The main feature of this disease is the absence of symptoms. Exostosis does not manifest itself in any way at the development stage and does not bother the patient, which allows the disease to start before the formation of growths of ten centimeters in size.

As a rule, growths are often found in adolescence, since at this time increased development of the skeleton begins.

The appearance of neoplasms can be for a variety of reasons:

  • inflammatory process occurring in the body;
  • injuries or bruises;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases, in particular syphilis.

Despite all of the above reasons for the occurrence of the disease, one factor cannot be denied, namely: excess calcium in the body can lead to it being deposited on the bones, causing the formation of growths.

Today, scientists are developing confirmation of the theory that exostosis has hereditary roots. However, despite the fact that there are quite a lot of cases of hereditary exostoses, this theory cannot explain why isolated cases of this disease occur.

Exostotic disease occurs on hip bone, in the area of ​​the scapula, collarbone or shoulder joint. IN in rare cases exostosis is diagnosed calcaneus or in the knee joint.


The disease occurs without any symptoms. In most cases, it is discovered purely by chance or during a routine examination of the patient. However, some people may have symptoms that bother them, which may help diagnose the disease.

These signs include unpleasant and painful sensations while moving or during physical activity. Symptoms may become more intense as the growths get larger. In some cases, such neoplasms can even be felt by hand.

The disease is divided into two types:

  • Solitary osteochondral exostosis. It is a single formation, having a variety of sizes and completely immobile. If the enlargement is too strong, the growth may put pressure on nerve endings, causing severe pain.
  • multiple chondrodysplasia. It is characterized by severe deformation of the joints due to the fact that not one growth appears on the bone, but several at once. It is for chondrodysplasia that heredity is characteristic.

IN medical practice diagnosing exostoses is not particularly difficult, which is due to their good palpation during manual examination of the patient. The doctor also pays attention to characteristic symptoms, and patient complaints received during medical history collection. To confirm exostosis, doctors prescribe an x-ray examination. In the resulting image you can see the growths. It is also worth noting that in real life the size of the formations is several millimeters larger than those measured in the image, because x-rays do not visualize cartilage tissue.

In situations where a rapid increase in the size of a bone growth is noticed, it may be necessary to additional examinations, which will exclude or confirm the fact of degeneration of the formation into a malignant tumor. The most common diagnostic method is biopsy (tissue sampling followed by cytological examination in the laboratory).


Unfortunately, today medicinal method There is no cure for this disease. Growths are removed exclusively surgically. Moreover, the operation is prescribed:

  • in the case of the fastest possible increase in growths;
  • if the neoplasms are huge, which is a cosmetic defect;
  • they cause excessive pain.

The operation is performed using general or local anesthesia. It all depends on the type of growth and its size. For example, severe exostosis of the knee joint is operated on using general anesthesia. During surgery, the surgeon removes this growth using a chisel, and then, using special instruments, smoothes out the irregularities on the bone.

The recovery process takes about two weeks, and it is divided into two phases. For some time, the patient is prescribed an extremely gentle regimen, during which he should not move actively. After the swelling in the surgical area has subsided, it’s time for the second phase. rehabilitation period. The patient is prescribed physical therapy and massage treatments.


Mostly bone exostosis does not pose a serious danger. If it does not bother the patient, its removal is not recommended. In adolescence, such operations are not performed at all, since usually before the age of 18, they disappear on their own.

However, if a growth located on the spine is diagnosed, there is a high probability of its growth, which can lead to compression of the spinal cord. If the growths begin to grow rapidly, you should additional diagnostics, since they can be malignant.

Of course, exostosis is a rather serious disease, but you shouldn’t be too afraid of it. If the tumor grows strongly, there is a risk of it degenerating into a malignant tumor, but this happens extremely rarely.


Experts say that even in conditions of high technical and medical process, there are no ways to prevent exostoses. Therefore, doctors cannot describe specific actions. The most a patient can do is to undergo regular scheduled examinations at the clinic, and it is especially important to take children to appointments, which will help prevent bone deformities of the skeleton.

Most often, the pathology occurs between the ages of 8 and 18 years. In children under 6 years of age, exostosis does not occur, although in many cases it is congenital disease. Overgrowth begins during rapid bone growth.

There are such growths different sizes. Most often they are small - the size of a pea. But there are tumors up to 10 cm and higher. The shape of bone exotosis is often semicircular, it can be in the form of a mushroom cap on a stalk or even in a bunch, in the shape of a cauliflower. Sometimes it appears as a linear growth, for example, in the form of a thorn.

According to statistics, osteochondral growths most often affect the bones of the legs. This is approximately 50% of all diagnosed exostoses. Such cases are almost unknown to medicine. occipital bone and other places of the skull.

The process of formation of bone growth is a gradual ossification cartilage tissue. It is quite slow, so the tumor is a bone growth covered with a layer of cartilage with a thin bone shell. It is due to cartilage tissue that tumor growth occurs. The growth itself is spongy bone.

Reasons for the development of exostosis

According to some experts, the reasons for the appearance of this disease Hereditary deviations may be attributable, but this theory has not received scientific confirmation.

The reasons for the development of exostosis are quite varied. It could be:

  • trauma, including bruise;
  • inflammatory process;
  • abnormalities in the development of periosteum or cartilage tissue;
  • dysfunction of the endocrine system;
  • infectious diseases, in particular syphilis.

There is a theory about hereditary predisposition to the formation of exostosis, however, it did not receive precise confirmation, despite the fact that cases of familial exostosis were noted.

In fact, the reasons for the formation of such a growth may be different. As a rule, neoplasms are the result of excessive tissue growth at the site of bone injury - this is often observed with fractures, cracks, surgery, etc.

But there are other risk factors. According to statistics, children and adolescents most often encounter such problems, which is often associated with physiological characteristics, namely the intensity of growth.

In addition, hereditary connections are often traced. In addition, the causes include various chronic inflammatory diseases bones.

Sometimes growths appear against the background of fibrositis and inflammation of the mucous membranes. The cause may be chondromatosis of the bones, as well as avascular necrosis.

Quite often, exostoses develop in people suffering from congenital skeletal anomalies. In addition, growths may indicate a benign bone tumor, being a complication.

It is worth noting that doctors are not always able to find out the causes and origin of the disease.

It is believed that osteochondral exostosis develops due to excess calcium in the body. Under the influence of external or internal provoking factors, it settles on the bones of the leg or arm. This pathology can be hereditary, but sometimes this condition appears due to frequent use eggs, dairy products or vitamin preparations without a doctor's prescription.

Causes of bone growths on the femur, arm or torso can also be:

  • injury, most often a fracture or even a bruise;
  • infection;
  • inflammatory process in surrounding tissues;
  • pathologies of the development of cartilage tissue or periosteum;
  • disruption of the endocrine system.

Increased hardness of the water you drink can also lead to excess calcium in the blood.


The outcome of this disease is always a small protrusion that forms in a certain area of ​​the bone. But what causes excess tissue growth? There are three main mechanisms by which osteochondral outgrowths develop:

  • The first option is more typical for childhood, and is caused by congenital and hereditary factors. If one of the parents had multiple exostoses, then the likelihood of their occurrence in the child is extremely high. This is due to initial defects in the formation bone tissue, which leads to the development of single or multiple benign tumors.
  • The second option is more often observed in adult patients - it is based on a long-term mechanical effect on the bone. Peculiarities professional activity or habits cause constant pressure on the tissue. For protection purposes, the body forms a small growth in such an area.
  • The third option is intermediate - it is more often observed in young people and adolescents. In this case, osteochondral exostosis forms in the area of ​​attachment of muscles or ligaments to the bone. Excessive physical exercise can lead to the development of chronic damage there, in place of which a bone outgrowth forms over time.

Osteochondral exostosis, depending on the location, can develop in two main types, in each of which one of the tissues predominates in the tumor.


Such a tumor usually forms in areas of tissue that are significantly removed from the joints. Exostosis almost completely repeats the structure of the underlying bone on which it was formed. This is due to disturbances in growth processes - in a certain area, cells initially began to divide incorrectly, which ultimately led to the formation of a growth.

To the touch, these dense protrusions seem the same, but there are their varieties. They are based on completely opposite natures. pathological processes:

  1. A tumor consisting of bone cell elements usually forms in the skull or pelvis. This feature is due to the long maturation of these parts of the skeleton, which consist of several individual bones at once. Therefore, exostosis sometimes develops in the area of ​​their sutures due to impaired growth processes.
  2. Frequent and prolonged microtraumas - tears at the attachment points of ligaments, lead to the development chronic inflammation. It leads to growth connective tissue, which is gradually replaced by bone, forming a small, palpable protrusion.
  3. Fractures also do not always go away without a trace - if the bone tissue was not matched accurately, then a rough callus forms in this area. To the touch, such a formation also represents an exostosis - a motionless and very dense nodule.

Pure bone growths require specific and immediate treatment only for persistent symptoms or signs of growth of the formation.


Main symptoms

Exostosis develops very slowly and, in most cases, is asymptomatic. Patients do not feel pain or other discomfort and, naturally, do not go to doctors.

Most often, exostosis is detected accidentally during a routine X-ray examination. If the growth is large, it can be detected by palpation.

Most often, exostosis is found in adolescents, since during active growth skeleton, the growth of the neoplasm is also activated. Growths most often form on the small and large tibia, on the collarbone or shoulder blade.

Diagnostic methods

The disease develops extremely slowly, this process occurs absolutely without any symptoms. Signs in the form of pain, dizziness, headache, numbness of parts of the body, pins and needles sensation are possible when compressed by a tumor blood vessels and nerves.

The disease is detected either visually (when the growth reaches quite large sizes), or accidentally when carrying out X-ray diagnostics other diseases. The final diagnosis of exostosis can only be made using x-rays.

Please note: when determining the size and shape of the tumor, we must not forget that only the bone part of the growth is visible in the image, and the cartilage tissue is not determined. Therefore, the true size of the tumor will differ from that shown in x-ray to the greater side.

Treatment of exostosis is only possible surgical methods. There are simply no medical treatments for this disease. Carrying out surgical removal growths are not recommended for persons under the age of majority, since during the formation of bone tissue the growths may disappear on their own.

Diagnosis of exostoses is impossible without radiographic examination. Since in most cases, it is not possible to detect the formed growth upon palpation.

X-ray imaging allows you to get an idea of ​​the number of exostoses, the shape of the growths, their size, structure and development. It should be taken into account that the cartilaginous cover covering the growth from the outside is not visible on the x-ray.

That is, the true size of exostosis is always larger than what is visible in the picture. This circumstance is especially pronounced in children, since the size of their upper cartilaginous growth often reaches 8-10 mm.

In fact, such a disease is relatively easy to diagnose. The doctor may suspect the presence of a growth even during the examination of the patient, since neoplasms in some places can be easily felt under the skin. Besides, important role History and presenting symptoms play a role in diagnosis.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed X-ray examination. Exostosis is easy to see in the picture. By the way, the actual size of the growth is usually several millimeters larger, since the cartilage tissue is not visible on an x-ray.

In some cases it is required additional research. This is especially true in cases where the growth quickly increases in size, because there is always the possibility of malignant degeneration of the cells. In such cases, patients are prescribed a biopsy, during which tissue samples are taken for further cytological analysis. laboratory research.


Important! There are no methods conservative treatment exostosis. It is only possible to carry out surgery.

In which case is it necessary to perform surgery:

  • if observed fast growth exostoses;
  • if growths compress nerves or blood vessels;
  • if the growth is so large that it appears visually.

They try not to perform operations on children before they reach the age of 18, since they often experience spontaneous resolution of exostoses. However, if the growths cause discomfort or increase in size very quickly, then surgery is necessary.

Surgical treatment exostosis can be carried out under general or local anesthesia. The choice of pain relief method depends on the location of the growth and its size.

If the pathological growth is not accompanied by manifestations, then it still needs to be carefully monitored. Its size needs to be assessed regularly to assess its growth rate. A rapid increase in formations is typical specifically for malignant tumors, which require immediate treatment.

If exostosis does not increase, then it is most likely of benign origin. In this case, only preventive measures:

  • Constant mechanical irritation of the growth should be avoided - during physical activity, work, rest. To do this, you need to choose clothes and shoes well, as well as properly organize your work process.
  • Exposure is not recommended sharp changes temperatures that can provoke pain in the protrusion area.
  • Regular moderate physical activity strengthens muscle tissue, which does not allow the bone spine to further increase in size.

Treatment of exostosis is only possible with surgery. The growths are not amenable to medication.

If this pathology is detected, you must contact an orthopedist or traumatologist. After examination, he will decide whether surgery is necessary.

The growth is removed under anesthesia, sometimes under local anesthesia. Its choice depends on the size of the growth and its location.

Recently, efforts have been made to make the operation less traumatic.

The purpose of the operation is to remove the bone growth. Sometimes it is necessary to smooth out marginal bone defects, especially if the pathology was inside the joint. In some cases, it is also necessary to remove the periosteum. For small growths on the extremities, the patient is observed on an outpatient basis and leaves the hospital on the day of surgery.

Removal of exostosis in dentistry is carried out under local anesthesia. The operation is performed through a small incision in the gum. Most often the growth is removed with a drill, but sometimes with a laser. Rehabilitation after such an operation lasts from a week to a month, depending on the condition of the patient’s oral cavity and his compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

Sometimes exostosis in a child can go away without surgery. Therefore, surgical treatment is carried out only after 18-20 years, when skeletal growth stops.

Previously surgery may be prescribed if the growth causes compression of surrounding tissues, pain, dysfunction internal organs, for example, when growing in the rib area. Surgery also indicated for multiple exostoses that interfere proper development skeleton, if the tumor grows rapidly or if it leads to serious cosmetic defect, for example, with exostosis in the clavicle area.


The only one possible prevention exostosis is periodic examination and examination. Such prevention is especially necessary for children, since in them exostosis can cause skeletal deformation. By the way, the cause of skeletal deformation can also be a disease such as histiocytosis X.

A preventive examination after an injury will not be superfluous, since bruises, bone damage, and nail injuries are one of the causes of the disease.

The prognosis for life with exostosis is favorable. However, the possibility of malignant degeneration of the growth cannot be ruled out. Alarming symptoms is the rapid growth of tumors.

In some cases, exostosis resolves spontaneously; most often, independent resolution of the disease is observed in children.

Today, doctors quite often diagnose bone or cartilaginous exostosis in children.

But what is this disease, what are the factors of its occurrence and what consequences can it entail if left untreated?

What is exostosis

This disease is characterized by bone growths on the surface of the bones. These formations may have various shapes and sizes. For example, the growth may have the shape of a cauliflower or a mushroom. Bone tumor formed from spongy dense tissue.

Sometimes the growths are formed from cartilage tissue. However, it is worth noting that the designation “cartilaginous exostosis” is incorrect, because subsequently the tumor ossifies and turns into spongy tissue.

At the same time, its surface is covered with hyaline cartilage, which is an area of ​​growth.

Reasons for the occurrence of education

In reality, the factors behind the formation of such a tumor may be different. Basically, growths of this kind are the result of excessive tissue growth in the area of ​​bone damage. This phenomenon often develops after surgery, fractures or cracks.

However, there are other causes of exostosis. As statistics show, this problem often affects children and adolescents, which is often attributed to physiological characteristics organism, namely to intensive growth.

In addition, there is hereditary factor and all kinds inflammatory diseases bones chronic. In some cases, formations develop against the background inflammatory processes in mucous bursae and fibrosis.

Also, the reasons may lie in bone chondromatosis and aseptic necrosis. Exostosis mainly forms in people who have congenital anomalies skeleton.

Moreover, the formation may indicate the presence of a benign bone tumor.

But not in every case the doctor can identify the origin and causes of such a disease.


In most cases, exostosis in children does not cause any particular discomfort. The pathology occurs without any symptoms, so it is diagnosed accidentally when scheduled inspection. However, sometimes signs do appear and they are as follows:

  • Painful sensations and discomfort that appear when pressing on the affected area, during movement or physical strain.
  • If the tumor is located near a joint, then range of motion may be limited.
  • Exostosis is often palpable.
  • Intensity pain syndrome increases with the development of education.

Modern diagnostics

In fact, pathologies of this kind are easily diagnosed. The doctor may suspect the presence of a tumor already during the examination of the patient, because specific localization exostosis allows it to be felt in certain places.

Moreover, an important role in the diagnostic process is given to the symptoms that appear and the medical history.

To confirm the diagnosis, the patient must undergo an x-ray examination. Exostosis in children and adolescents is easily visible in the picture. It is noteworthy that the true size of the tumor is generally a couple of millimeters larger, because cartilage is not visible on an x-ray.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes additional tests. In particular, this applies to cases where the tumor is growing rapidly, since there is always a risk that the formation may be malignant degeneration cells.

To confirm or refute such a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes a biopsy, during which tissue samples are taken for subsequent laboratory and cytological analysis.


Modern medicine offers a single method of treatment - removal of the growth through surgery. Without a doubt, surgical intervention not necessary for every person.

As mentioned earlier, often growths of this kind do not threaten general condition health, and the disease proceeds without visible manifestations.

Surgical removal of exostosis in children is indicated in situations where the tumor is large or growing too quickly. In addition, indications for surgery include severe pain and lack of motor activity.

Sometimes surgery is carried out only because exostosis is a significant cosmetic defect.

Today medical methods Treatments make it possible to eliminate tumors in bone tissue very quickly. To remove exostosis, a small incision is made, the length of which is no more than 2 centimeters.

Such a surgical intervention, and most often it is, is minimally invasive; it does not require specific preparation, prolonged hospitalization and long recovery.

Basically, after a few days after the operation, people gradually return to normal image life.

Complications that can be caused by exostosis in children

Sometimes even a small formation on the bones can cause various problems, which can significantly affect the patient’s quality of life. In addition, there are complications that arise from exostosis in children.

First, it should be noted that the large size of the tumor often rests on nearby bones, which leads to their subsequent deformation. TO negative consequences a fracture of the exostosis leg also applies, however, this phenomenon is rare.

But the greatest danger lies in the possibility of having malignant tumor. Sometimes in patients the occurrence of a formation is a harbinger of a malignant tumor. Cancer often develops on the shoulder blades, hip and pelvic bones, and on the vertebrae.

Unfortunately, in children and adolescents it is often possible to observe neoplasms on the bones, which can appear in any part, although more often they begin to develop from growing cartilaginous tissue, on the heads of the tubular bones of the joints. As the bone grows and lengthens, the growth remains in place.

In particular, benign bone tumors can occur in any part of the bone without causing any symptoms. However, when they press on a nerve, pain occurs, in addition, stiffness of movement and bone deformation are possible. Often, neoplasms increase bone fragility.

To identify and examine the growth, the doctor prescribes an x-ray or magnetic resonance imaging. In some cases, it is necessary to remove a small piece of bone for analysis (biopsy) and to determine signs of cancer. If non-cancerous bone tumors lead to noticeable discomfort, they are noticed intensive growth or degeneration into a cancerous form, they are indicated to be removed surgically, in all other cases they can be left untouched.

Bone growth

A bone spur is an additional piece of bone that develops on normal bone. In medicine, this is defined as an osteophyte (exophyte). It is most often observed on the joint, mostly on the joints of the spine, shoulders, legs, hips, arms and knees. The growth itself is painless; pain is initiated by friction against other nearby bones and nerves. In people who are already over sixty, a bone growth appears common occurrence, this is a symptom of a weakened spine.

The most common symptoms of a bone spur are pain in the neck and/or back, and patients feel this pain while sitting or standing. If there is a growth in cervical spine spine then, there is pain in the shoulders pain in the shoulders, in some cases it manifests itself as a headache. With pathology in lumbar region spine pain occurs in the hips. Compression of the nerves, which is possible with growths, results in tingling, lack of sensitivity, progressive weakness and pain in the arms and legs.

It is primarily diagnosed in people who suffer from osteoporosis. This is due to the fact that the body of a patient affected by osteoporosis tries to compensate for the loss that occurred as a result of this disease, for example, a fracture of cartilage in a bone joint. To compensate for this loss, the body begins to build new bone tissue in the areas of damaged bones. In older adults, the body begins to create additional bone to provide stability to the aging joint. A bone spur can be a symptom of plantar fasciitis, spondylosis, or spinal stenosis. Factors influencing the acceleration of bone tissue growth are lifestyle, food, household, industrial and sports injuries.

Treatment of bone growth

The first step when diagnosing a bone spur is to reduce inflammation. To do this, apply an ice pack to the inflamed area up to five times a day; this procedure can reduce swelling. For a more serious problem, apply a heating pad to the inflamed area. Moreover, in treatment bone growths Curcumin, or the yellow pigment of turmeric, is used. Consume up to one gram of curcumin three to four times a day on an empty stomach. The daily course of this treatment is approximately one and a half months. To reduce pain, apply a hot piece of linen or gauze, which is wrapped in flaxseeds to the sore area. Additionally, hot and cold foot baths are provided. Soaked in warm linseed oil gauze is applied to the problem area, then the gauze is covered with a plastic bag, fixed and kept under this compress for two hours.