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Basal temperature during pregnancy and planning. Basal temperature, measurement and assessment of hormonal levels during pregnancy

What can he talk about? basal temperature 37 degrees? Before talking in more detail about elevated temperature, we recommend that you first read the material, which describes in detail about basal body temperature, what it is, how it can be measured, and its average indicators in different days monthly cycle.

The menstrual cycle has two stages, and ovulation occurs in between. The first stage is characterized by lower temperatures, and after ovulation the temperature rises, as the level of the hormone progesterone increases, and lingers at around 37 degrees and a little more. If conception does not take place, the temperature slowly decreases before the onset of menstruation. The next monthly cycle follows the same pattern.

If conception has taken place, you will not immediately see a decrease in BT on the basal temperature curve. It will decrease progressively and will remain at the same level until childbirth and subsequent menstruation.

What does a basal temperature of 37 degrees or more mean?

A basal temperature of 37 degrees fits into the normal schedule of the monthly cycle. It is important that this increase in temperature occurs in the second half of the cycle and does not exceed 37.5.

If you notice that the first part of the monthly cycle was characterized by a lower temperature, and then two weeks later it rose to 37 or 37.5 - this is the norm. This increase does not indicate any inflammatory disease and absolutely normal.

  1. If the basal temperature is above 37 and lasts the entire menstrual cycle, then this may indicate disorders in the female reproductive function. Most likely, this is due to pathological changes hormonal balance, namely, a lack of estrogen or an increase in the amount of prolactin in the blood. An excess in the direction of the hormone progesterone causes an increase in basal temperature during the entire monthly cycle.

  2. These changes are clearly visible and identified using the basal temperature graph.
  3. Pregnancy is another cause of elevated basal temperature. The high level of BT in the temperature graph remains long time. This increase is due to increased content progesterone, which plays a huge role in preparing the female body for bearing a baby and future childbirth.
Thanks to the constructed BT schedule, pregnancy is detected at early stages. It can be determined even before a delay in menstruation is noticed, if on the graph on certain days of the cycle the temperature does not begin to decrease and remains within 37-37.2 degrees.

So how can you find out if you're pregnant without taking a test?

  • If the temperature exceeds 37, it is observed for longer than three days (meaning, after ovulation until menstruation). So, if usually it was 13 days on the BT chart, and now it’s 17, then most likely it can be said that there is a pregnancy. If the cycle is irregular, the first phase may last different periods time, and phase corpus luteum is usually stable, and changes in the temperature graph need to be determined from it; it will be more informative.

  • The basal temperature chart normally consists of two phases - lower temperatures, ovulation, and then a second phase with sharp increase temperature is the corpus luteum phase. If pregnancy occurs, another jump in the graph may be observed (after the second phase), and the graph takes on a three-phase appearance.

  • If you observe an increase in temperature on the basal temperature chart for more than 18 days, this indicates pregnancy.

The duration of the 2nd phase is also about 2 weeks. On at this stage The woman’s body actively produces the hormone gestagen and prepares for the possible onset of pregnancy. If conception does not occur, menstruation begins and, accordingly, a new cycle begins.

The cyclical nature of the process allows you to perform some diagnostic measures, which make it possible to obtain information about the functioning of a woman’s body, to determine favorable period for conception or, conversely, to prevent the onset of unwanted pregnancy.

Such research methods include, this diagnostic method is used by many women.

This procedure allows you to determine the lowest temperature indicators that the body reaches during the period deep sleep when there is no physical or emotional activity.

Basal temperature should be measured over a long period of time (several cycles in a row). This is the only way to obtain information about the functioning of your body.

Normal values ​​of basal temperature at different periods of the cycle

Each person’s body is individual, so it is impossible to say exactly what the basal temperature values ​​​​should be for all women in a given period menstrual cycle. IN in good condition A woman's temperature readings are most often as follows:

  • before ovulation, basal temperature values, as a rule, do not exceed 36.9 degrees;
  • after the onset of ovulation, the basal temperature is 37.2 degrees;
  • in the 2nd half of the cycle, the basal temperature is 37.1 degrees;
  • during pregnancy, the basal temperature is 37.0 degrees.

Reasons for changes in temperature values

What does a basal temperature of 37 degrees mean? It is absolutely normal if the basal temperature is 37 during menstruation. Sometimes temperature values ​​during this period of time can reach 38 degrees.

However, a basal temperature of 37 degrees before menstruation can also be a symptom of inflammation of the ovarian appendages.

In addition to this symptom, the pathology is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, cramps in the lower abdomen, extending to the rectal area.

If 2 days before your period the basal temperature is 37 degrees, then this may be a symptom of pregnancy. If elevated temperatures are accompanied by bloody discharge, this may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy.

If before the onset of menstruation the basal temperature is at 36.9 degrees, then conception has not occurred.

What does it mean if a basal temperature of 37.1 is observed after ovulation and does not subside? If before menstruation the basal temperature is 37.1 degrees, then conception has probably occurred. Pregnancy could occur even if the test is negative. A delay and a basal temperature of 37.1 degrees are often the first symptoms of pregnancy.

In this regard, if the basal temperature is 37.1 and the test is negative, you should not rush to conclusions; in this case, you need to contact your doctor, who will confirm the presence of pregnancy. Also within normal limits is a basal temperature of 37 in the early stages of pregnancy (not lower than the specified value).

What does a basal temperature of 37.2 degrees mean? These values ​​may also be a sign of pregnancy. If, then this means that conception has occurred. Even if the test is negative, a basal temperature of 37.2 degrees most likely indicates that the next menstruation will occur only after 9 months.

In certain cases, before the onset of menstruation, a basal temperature of 37.3 is observed, what does this mean? These indicators are outside the norm. Basal temperature 37.3 before menstruation, possibly due to overexertion nervous system or an inflammatory process occurring in the body. In such a situation, you should immediately consult a doctor.

A basal temperature of 37.3 degrees often accompanies endometriosis. Also given pathological condition manifested by tachycardia, chills, increased levels of leukocytes in the blood and ESR.

Spasms in the lower abdomen and stool disturbance may occur. Upon examination, the increased size of the uterus and its soreness are determined.

What does a basal temperature of 37.4 degrees mean? This phenomenon may indicate a violation hormonal levels. A basal temperature of 37.4 before menstruation is observed with estrogen deficiency. A basal temperature of 37 in the first phase may also indicate a lack of this hormone in the body.

Even if menstruation does not occur, most likely, at a basal temperature of 37.4, the test will be negative, because at elevated temperatures it is unlikely to become pregnant. In such a situation, you should consult with a gynecologist, who may give a referral to an endocrinologist. At a basal temperature of 37.4, planning a pregnancy will probably have to be postponed. First of all, it is important to find out the reason for the increase in temperature values.

What does a basal temperature of 37.5 mean? An increase in temperature readings to the specified numbers can signal the end of the cycle, that is, a basal temperature of 37.5 is often determined before menstruation.

Painful sensations in the chest area, headache, irritability and a basal temperature of 37.5 are the main signs of premenstrual syndrome.

A basal temperature of 37.6 degrees can also be observed during this period.

Basal temperature during pregnancy

If conception has occurred, the woman’s hormonal background changes, which, in turn, leads to an increase in basal temperature. Under normal conditions, in the first 4 months of pregnancy, temperature values ​​will be in the range of 37.1-37.3 degrees. However, sometimes this figure is slightly higher - some women may experience a basal temperature of 37.5 during pregnancy.

In certain situations, during the period of bearing a child, a basal temperature of 37.6 is noted, what does this mean? Such indicators may be a symptom of inflammation in the pelvic organs.

What does a basal temperature of 37.8 mean during pregnancy? An increase in temperature indicators to the specified values ​​may manifest itself ectopic pregnancy. A basal temperature of 37.8 degrees or higher is a reason for immediate appeal to a medical facility.

A basal temperature of 37 during pregnancy indicates a deficiency of progesterone in the body, which, in turn, can provoke fetal fading and miscarriage.

If the basal temperature is 37 degrees, consultation with the observing gynecologist is required. After outpatient examinations, the doctor will prescribe necessary medications to support pregnancy. With timely detection of a decrease in temperature values ​​and carrying out the necessary medical procedures, negative consequences pathological change hormonal levels can be prevented and pregnancy can be maintained.

You should know that measuring basal temperature is relatively reliable diagnostic method only in the first 14 days of pregnancy.

After specified period V female body significant hormonal changes and the results of measuring temperature indicators will no longer be informative.

Temperature measurements should be taken daily, immediately after waking up, at approximately the same time. The procedure is always carried out using the same thermometer (preferably mercury) and in one of the selected ways: the temperature can be measured rectally, oral cavity or vagina.

There are a number of factors that influence basal temperature values, namely:

If the temperature measurement procedure has always been carried out in accordance with these recommendations, but significant deviations from the norm are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Consultation qualified specialist mandatory in the following cases:

  • there is no ovulation (provided that measurements are taken over several cycles in a row);
  • throughout the entire cycle, temperature values ​​are increased;
  • abnormally low basal temperature values ​​throughout the menstrual cycle;
  • during the entire 2nd phase of the cycle, the basal temperature is determined to be 37, the test is negative;
  • the menstrual cycle lasts less than 20 or more than 34 days;
  • temperature readings exceed 37 degrees for several cycles, there is no pregnancy.

Pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of different “rapid” tests to determine pregnancy and ovulation. However, despite this, monitoring basal temperature remains the most popular method today, recommended by experts and used by women.

The basal temperature chart allows you to determine in a woman’s cycle favorable days for conception, as well as obtain information about the reasons for the lack of pregnancy. In this regard, many gynecologists with such a problem as infertility recommend that women record their basal temperature values ​​for several cycles.

But it is also important to understand that for staging accurate diagnosis The picture of changes in temperature indicators, of course, will not be enough - additional medical research is required.

Having seen two long-awaited stripes on the test, you begin to carefully monitor any changes occurring in the body.

Basal temperature during early pregnancy responds to the slightest fluctuations in hormonal system and allows you to calculate deviations from the norm and promptly seek help from the antenatal clinic.

What is basal temperature

  • Basal or base temperature (hereinafter referred to as BT) is one that is practically not affected by the external environment;
  • You can get its values ​​in the morning, without getting out of bed, after a full night’s sleep;
  • Measurements are taken using a thermometer placed in the mouth, vagina or rectum;
  • BT values ​​are influenced by hormones such as estrogen and progesterone, the level of which varies according to the days of the menstrual cycle.

Know! Obstetricians and gynecologists consider BT an indicator of the health of the female reproductive system. Comparing graphs over several cycles can reveal hormonal imbalances, the ovulation period, as well as inflammatory processes.

Even at the stage of planning a child, BT values ​​will help determine the favorable period for conception without the use of expensive tests and ultrasound diagnostics. The only caveat is strict adherence to all standards during measurements.

Why can you trust basal temperature?

The menstrual period consists of two phases.

  1. During the transition from one phase to another, ovulation is observed. The whole essence of the method is to build a graph based on daily BT readings;
  2. The first half of the cycle is characterized by low numbers, and the second – high, due to the influence of progesterone.

Ovulation on the graph looks like a sharp drop.

The BT value drops rapidly about a day before ovulation, and rises just as sharply the next day. Certificate imminent arrival Menstruation is marked by reduced BT values, but during fertilization in the second phase they will be steadily increased.

You can use the method of measuring basal temperature values ​​if:

  • trying to get pregnant lasts longer than a year;
  • it is necessary to identify disturbances in the functioning of sex hormones;
  • you need to predict a good time for conception;
  • it is necessary to determine the presence of pregnancy before the fact of delayed menstrual bleeding.

How to determine pregnancy by basal temperature?

All menstrual period can be tracked using the basal temperature chart. During pregnancy, the picture differs significantly from what can be seen during a normal cycle.

  1. The very first phase female period– follicular (hypothermic). At this time, a follicle is formed, inside which the egg matures. The first phase is characterized by increased production estrogen due to hard work ovaries;

Favorable BT values ​​are from 36.1 to 36.8 degrees. Values ​​on upper limit range are usually accompanied by a lack of estrogen. In such cases, doctors recommend appropriate hormone therapy.

  1. The moment of ovulation. The follicle ruptures under the influence of LH (luteinizing hormone) and the egg is released, which causes hormonal surge. At this stage, BT values ​​increase sharply to 37.0-37.7 degrees;
  2. The last phase is luteal (hyperthermic). Instead of the burst follicle, the corpus luteum begins to form, which is a source of progesterone.
  • If the egg is fertilized (during implantation, BT decreases) it enters the uterus. The corpus luteum continues to grow, releasing hormones that help maintain pregnancy and prevent uterine contractions;

It is these hormones that cause BT values ​​to remain at the upper limits. The corpus luteum functions until full formation placenta.

  • Favorable BT values ​​are above 37 degrees;
  • If conception does not occur, the corpus luteum is destroyed and hormone levels drop. BT values ​​also decrease and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Temperature – below ovulation

Typically, the basal temperature during early pregnancy is 37.1-37.3 degrees.

It happens a little lower, around 36.9 degrees.

You can identify this by recording your basal body temperature over several cycles.

The only constant sign when possible fact pregnancy is the absence of a reduced basal temperature after the release of the egg from the ovary.

Features of “pregnant” and “non-pregnant” charts

To understand what basal temperature is characteristic of the body during pregnancy, and what - during various pathologies, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics of the graphs.

"Pregnant" schedule:

  1. low BT in follicular phase cycle;
  2. ovulation is clearly identified ( sharp jump BT up);
  3. increased BT in the luteal phase of the cycle;
  4. somewhere on the 21st day, BT values ​​noticeably decrease (egg implantation occurs) and then the temperature rises again;
  5. there is a third phase of the cycle - gestational - with a BT value equal to or higher than the ovulatory one.

Normal "non-pregnant" schedule:

  • in the first phase, BT values ​​are below 37 degrees;
  • immediately after the ovulation phase, BT begins to rise and continues to be at the level of 37 degrees almost until the end of the second phase;
  • a few days before the onset of menstrual bleeding, the BT value drops sharply.

The anovulatory schedule is characterized by chaotic bursts of BT throughout the cycle. Women experience such periods up to three times a year.

How to measure temperature correctly to determine pregnancy

Most accurate readings will occur with rectal insertion of the thermometer. The thermometer can be either electronic or mercury, depending on personal preference. Below are the basic rules on how to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy:

  1. When planning pregnancy, measuring basal temperature should be done daily in the morning at a certain time after sleep, lasting more than six hours. You should not leave bed or sit up suddenly after waking up;

In addition, frequent walking during night rest distorts research data.

  1. During the daytime and evening hours there are quite strong fluctuations in BT due to stress, increased activity or simple fatigue. There is no need to recheck morning measurements during the day and evening, as this is not informative;
  2. The temperature is measured with a mercury thermometer for 6-10 minutes, with an electronic one - from 2 to 3 minutes or until a sound signal;
  3. For clarity, it is best to start taking measurements and plotting the graph from the day your menstruation begins. This will allow you to see the temperature difference during the transition from one phase of the cycle to another and evaluate hormonal levels;
  4. For the convenience of taking measurements, you can use a regular paper sheet, a printed template, or applications that automatically build graphs based on the entered data.

FYI. The following factors influence BT indicators:

  • alcohol;
  • sex a few hours before the measurement procedure;
  • stress;
  • infectious diseases;
  • too warm sleeping place, for example, from a heating pad;
  • hypothermia lower limbs.

If any of the listed factors took place, it is worth making a note about it.

What indicators allow us to conclude that the pregnancy did not take place?

High basal temperature levels that persist for a long time, with possible pregnancy, until confirmation of the fact of delay, unfortunately, is not always a sign of successful conception.

In some cases, such a change may be associated with inflammatory processes in the appendages, and sometimes indicate complications during the gestational period.

Important! It is worth noting that there is no need to start panicking when deviations from the norm are detected, since each organism is unique. In case of any doubt, it is better to consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.

BT for threatened miscarriage

The threat of miscarriage is associated with insufficient production of the hormone progesterone, which supports pregnancy. This happens when there are problems with hormonal levels and an incorrectly functioning corpus luteum, which normally appears instead of a follicle.

Know! With this pathology, the values ​​do not exceed 37 degrees.

Thus, if the basal temperature during pregnancy is 36.8 or one tenth of a degree higher, it is worth paying attention to this and trying to understand the reasons for such changes.

BT during frozen pregnancy

If the development of the embryo stops, the gland formed at the site of the follicle begins to collapse, and the level of progesterone, therefore, decreases. This leads to a decrease in BT values ​​to 36.4 - 36.9 degrees.

There are cases when, when the embryo freezes, the temperature continues to be maintained at a sufficiently high level. high level. True, it happens when a low temperature is not at all an indicator of fading. You should always listen to yourself and your inner state.

BT for ectopic pregnancy

Important! In this case, the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum does not stop, as in normal pregnancy. In this case, it is impossible to draw conclusions based on BT values.

In the second and third trimesters, it does not play a significant role. It is important to remember that accuracy in measurements is necessary, as any deviations will affect the interpretation of the results.

Ask questions about the topic of the article!

Many women planning to conceive use basal charts. BT indicators inform the patient about hormonal fluctuations, the onset of ovulatory period, about pregnancy and other changes. After ovulation and conception, BT levels remain elevated, which is associated with the active production of progesterone. But sometimes there is a low basal temperature during pregnancy. Is it dangerous similar condition and why does it arise, what can cause it and does it threaten pregnancy?

Women's health must be protected from a young age

In fact, basal temperature charts are indicators of the patient’s gynecological health. Based on its meanings, a woman can determine when the most favorable time for conception, on what day does the egg mature, etc. Daily BBT measurement and compilation basal schedules allows you to accurately calculate the ovulatory day. Before menstruation, basal indicators remain at approximately 36.7-36.9 degrees, and by ovulation it rises above 37°C. If fertilization does not happen, then after the ovulatory period the BT drops again, and if it does, the rectal temperature will remain at an elevated 37 degrees after ovulation and until the end of the first half of pregnancy.

An increased basal temperature during pregnancy is considered the very first symptom of conception. Everyone else early manifestations like delays and morning sickness will appear a little later, but for now only a consistently increased BT indicates future motherhood. Although this indicator does not always indicate pregnancy, it is still worth paying attention to it and leaving unhealthy habits, as well as establishing a balanced regimen and diet.

Measurement rules

BT must be measured as soon as you wake up, lying in bed, when the body’s bioactivity is at its minimum.

  • The thermometer is inserted into the anus or vagina, where it is kept for 5-7 minutes.
  • All measurements must be carried out equally; today it is impossible to measure the temperature in anus, and tomorrow - in the vagina.
  • The measurement time should also be the same, only a small error of ± 1 hour is possible.
  • Only one thermometer should be used for each measurement.
  • You only need to measure BT while lying down, without standing up or even turning over on your side. If a girl sits up in bed or tosses and turns, then blood begins to flow strongly to the pelvic organs, which somewhat increases the true BT indicators.
  • Before taking measurements, the girl should get a good night's sleep; she needs at least 6 hours of sleep, only then the results will be correct.
  • You cannot have sex before the measurements; after intimacy, at least 12 hours must pass before the measurements.
  • Also, while monitoring rectal temperature, you must stop taking medicines, which are also capable of distorting the true indicators, BT decreases with some drugs, and jumps with others.
  • If you feel unwell, have a little cold or are too tired, then you need to note this in the chart, because even a slight runny nose can cause unreliable results.
  • Eat breakfast only after measurements, because food also causes changes in BBT.
  • Immediately after measurements, enter the results into the graph, otherwise there is a high probability of confusing or inaccurately recording the data, then the entire graph will become erroneous and its data unreliable.
  • If before conception you did not monitor rectal indicators, and after it you decided to engage in a similar practice, then it is better to abandon this idea, because the data you receive cannot be compared with non-pregnant basal charts, and therefore it is not always possible to understand the presence of deviations.

When taking measurements, it is recommended to use mercury thermometer, and not electronic, because it shows more accurate results. To get more full information, the girl needs to take measurements rectal temperature over several women's cycles.

BT in pregnant women

It is advisable to keep a special monthly calendar

A woman’s monthly cycle consists of two stages – follicular and luteinizing. The first stage lasts until the egg matures, and the second begins after it leaves the follicle and ends with menstruation. IN different stages cycle, the patient undergoes various processes, which manifests itself in thermal changes. It is by the sharp jump in rectal temperature two weeks before the next menstruation that you can understand that ovulation has occurred. At the onset of the ovulatory period, BT is about 37.3±0.2 degrees.

It is believed that only rectally it is possible to obtain accurate measurement results, because it is this thermal indicator that is determined by the functionality of the ovaries. The progesterone they produce, passing through the venous channels, causes fluctuations in BBT. Considering the special blood supply to the female gonads, such thermal fluctuations can only be determined through rectal measurements.

If conception occurs, the progesterone level begins to rise sharply. Such a reaction is provided by nature in order to ensure the embryo’s successful attachment to uterine wall and maintaining pregnancy. A similar temperature pattern will be observed until approximately the fifth month, after which the yellow-bodied gland fades, and the placental structures begin to produce progesterone production. Until about 20 weeks, BT data will be as informative as possible, but after that estrogen will begin to be actively produced, against the background of which temperature indicators will change.

If pregnant BT charts show strong fluctuations, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. There is no need to take measurements for all patients in a row, but if a woman is at risk of miscarriage, then BT charts will help identify the presence of pathology in fetal development and eliminate it at the very initial stages.

Reduced basal rates

If all measuring rules are observed, the graphs can be used to understand whether fertilization has taken place. If in the middle of the cycle the thermodynamic data increase and persist for more than 10 days, then conception can be considered successful.

  • For pregnant girls, the norm is 37-37.4°C.
  • If conception has occurred, but there is a decrease in basal temperature below accepted norm, then this may indicate the development of ectopic fertilization or the threat of termination of pregnancy.
  • No need to worry, wait a day and take measurements again. If BT remained stable at increased rates, and then suddenly fell and remains below normal, then you need to visit a doctor, because this indicates a frozen pregnancy.
  • Sometimes pregnancy with a low basal temperature indicates progesterone deficiency, which quite often ends in miscarriage.
  • If progesterone does not perform its functions due to insufficient production, then a natural drop in BT occurs, and the likelihood of a retrochorial hematoma or the development of an ectopic hematoma against the background of such insufficiency only increases.

But the statistics are such that many women successfully carried to term and successfully gave birth completely healthy babies with low temperature. In such a situation, everything depends on the individual physiology of the girl.

Why can BT decrease during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, a woman's body functions differently

There are not many reasons for the decrease in BT in pregnant women, but to understand them, you need to understand them from the inside. The most common factor in a drop in rectal temperature during pregnancy is considered to be insufficiency of the temporary glandular organ - the corpus luteum. This gland produces progesterone and prevents menstruation. With progesterone deficiency, basal levels increase slowly, which creates a threat of failure of such pregnancy.

Also, BT in pregnant women can be lowered against the background hormonal imbalance. If after the ovulatory period an insufficient increase in thermodynamic parameters is displayed on the basal chart, this may indicate estrogen and progesterone insufficiency. Usually this process occurs with nagging pain in the uterus and lower back, as well as bloody smears. Sometimes errors in rectal temperature readings occur due to violations of measurement rules, during sexual intercourse before measurements, overwork or fatigue.

Even eating certain foods can cause a decrease in BT, for example, excessive spicy food. Deviations can also cause endocrine diseases and other physiological factors. But in any case, you need to treat the demotion basal rates how to alarming symptom, which should force the patient to see a specialist. Need to go necessary examination and hand in the required ones laboratory tests to identify existing deviations and prevent a tragedy in a timely manner.

Sometimes basal deviations may indicate the development of endometritis. Against the background of adnexitis, BT indicators remain at 37 degrees for several days, and then sharply decrease. If there is menstrual delay more than 10 days, and the basal schedule does not go beyond 36.6-37.0 ° C, then this means the onset of conception.

Gestation against the background of reduced basal rates

If a woman has not previously kept basal charts, then she may not be aware that successful pregnancy and delivery may well occur even with reduced rates rectal temperature. There are many such patients in obstetric practice; they gave birth naturally without any problems.

  • But to know for sure that reduced basal thermodynamic data are in no way related to probable risks to the fetus, it is necessary to check progesterone levels and undergo other laboratory tests.
  • Also, if BT is low, it is recommended to check the contents human chorionic gonadotropin and undergo an ultrasound examination.
  • If the diagnostics carried out do not reveal any abnormalities, then be afraid low temperature not worth it.
  • Low thermal indicators may well be harmless in nature and do not threaten gestation in any way. But still, to prevent miscarriage, such mothers need to monitor BT daily so that its level does not drop below 36.5 ° C in the first month of gestation. For more later these numbers no longer have such a high meaning.

Some patients do not even suspect that decreased rectal indicators for their body are considered normal occurrence. But there are quite a lot of such girls. They bear and give birth to children without any difficulties, without suffering in any way from this peculiarity of the body. Only a doctor after a comprehensive diagnosis can accurately assess the nature and cause of the decrease in thermal level.

Some seemingly mundane factors can affect rectal indicators, so girls interesting position It's worth paying attention to them. After conception, a mother should be extremely careful about her own health; now catching colds and the flu is extremely undesirable, so you need to take care of your personal hygiene and wear a mask during the cold season. You should also be responsible about the rules for measuring rectal temperature. Immediately after waking up, you need to take measurements, even if you then fall asleep again. Otherwise, the temperature will begin to rise after the first awakening, so subsequent measurements will no longer be reliable.

It is worth paying attention to the thermometer you use for measurements. As practice shows, thermometers electronic type show results that are 0.2°C less than true values, while mercury thermometers are considered more reliable. If suddenly the temperature turns out to be below normal, do not panic, the reasons may be very simple. Look at the results of subsequent measurements, perhaps you just ate something wrong or were overtired, that’s why BT is jumping. Each patient’s body is individual, so rectal indicators may differ from the norm. Maybe you have a low basal temperature physiological feature and the norm.

If the threat is confirmed by laboratory and other diagnostic tests, as well as characteristic symptoms, then the doctor will prescribe progesterone drugs to preserve the fetus.

We are all accustomed to the fact that 36.6 0 C is the normal temperature of our body. However, this is far from true: during the day it either increases or decreases slightly. What is basal temperature? Basal temperature is the temperature measured after sleep.

What is the difference between normal temperature and basal temperature?

Before going to bed, you should have a thermometer and a clock next to your bed so that in the morning, without getting out of bed, you can measure your basal temperature.

Every minute complex chemical transformations of one substance into another occur in our body: the breakdown of some molecules of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and the formation of others. Many chemical reactions proceed with the release of thermal energy, from which the cells and intercellular substance “heat up”.

All kinds of chemical reactions occur most intensely in the liver, which makes this organ the hottest (38 0 C). The measurable temperature on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity or in the rectum usually ranges from 37.3-37.6, while skin significantly cooler: 36.6 V armpit and about 28 0 C in the heel area.

Basal temperature reflects the degree of heating of our body internal organs without extra heat, obtained from the work of the muscles of the upper and lower extremities and torso. In connection with this circumstance, it is measured after sleep until the person begins to actively move - immediately after waking up, lying in bed with eyes closed. This will be the most low temperature, since many muscles have simply not yet “engaged” in work.

Normal temperature reflects general degree heating our body, both by internal organs and by the energy obtained as a result of movement. It will be higher than the basal one.

How to measure basal temperature

  1. Basal temperature is measured while lying in bed, at the same time, immediately after waking up. If you work in night shift, then you need to sleep at least 3 hours (preferably 6).
  2. To correctly measure your basal temperature, in the evening before going to bed, place a thermometer next to you on your nightstand so that you don’t have to get out of bed to get it in the morning, and a clock to keep track of time.
  3. It is best to measure basal temperature in the vagina, rectum or oral cavity (whichever is more convenient for you). The lowest temperature will be in the oral cavity (only 0.25-0.5 0 C higher than in the axillary fossa), the highest - in the vagina or rectum (compared to the axillary fossa - higher by 1.0-1. 2 0 C).
  4. Temperature measurement time is 5-7 minutes.

A false increase in basal temperature is observed when there is some local inflammatory process: for example, vaginitis. For the period of drawing up the basal temperature chart, they are excluded oral contraceptives, alcohol, etc., as they can distort the results.

What can basal temperature tell you?

  1. An increased basal temperature may indicate a change in the functioning of the nervous system or some glands internal secretion, For example, thyroid gland, or about the fact that any infectious disease(in this case, not only the basal temperature increases, but also the general one: with ARVI, etc.).
  2. By regularly measuring basal temperature in women, it is possible to identify the days of ovulation, as well as conduct a preliminary diagnosis of insufficiency of certain female hormones.

Changes in basal temperature during the menstrual cycle

Before ovulation, the basal temperature decreases by 0.2, and then increases by 0.5 degrees, after which it remains within 37.0.

Ovulation, as it were, divides the menstrual cycle into 2 halves: before and after ovulation (the first and second phases of the menstrual cycle). In the first phase, the basal temperature fluctuates between 36.2-36.9 0 C. On the eve of ovulation, a decrease in temperature by 0.2 degrees is very often observed. Then - a jump in temperature increase by 0.4-0.6 0 C, and then the temperature remains around 37 0 C throughout the entire second phase of the menstrual cycle. 1-2 days before the onset of menstruation, the temperature drops again.

Temperature curve options on the graphInterpretation of results
There is no pronounced two-phase, the entire cycle is characterized by a monotonic curve without a jump of 0.4-0.6 0 C in the middle of the cycleAnovulatory cycle: ovulation has not occurred.
Basal temperature does not decrease at the end of the menstrual cycle, but continues to remain high even after 28 days.Most likely, pregnancy has occurred. In this case, the basal temperature may remain high during the first 4 months. If it decreases, this may indicate a threat of termination of pregnancy.
High temperature in the first phase relative to the second phase (a jump of less than 0.4 degrees)Possible estrogen deficiency
Low temperature in the second phase relative to the first phase (a jump of less than 0.4 degrees)Insufficiency of corpus luteum hormones
Chaotic schedulePerhaps there are some errors in measurement or significant estrogen deficiency.