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A nursing mother's table by month. Diet for nursing mothers: basic nutrition, diet, sample menu

A balanced diet after childbirth is important not only for nursing mothers, but also for babies, so it is necessary to approach the preparation of the diet responsibly. The correct regime will help to avoid many problems in the first months of the baby’s life.

Nutrition for a nursing mother in the first month

An important issue on which the health of the child primarily depends is the nutrition of the nursing mother. IN different periods As the baby grows, the diet is different: the strictest nutritional conditions are observed in the first 4 weeks, then the menu gradually expands.

Basic principles of diet after childbirth

When preparing to feed a baby, it should be taken into account that a woman needs to consume more calories than usual. On average, the body needs about 2,800 kcal per day to get a boost of energy and provide the child with all the necessary nutrients. If you are malnourished, your milk supply will decrease sharply. However, overeating can have a negative impact on both the child and the mother. In the first case, a severe allergy may develop, and in the second, excess weight will appear.

It is worth considering that proper nutrition does not imply the quantity of food eaten, but its quality indicators. Experts recommend keeping a diary in which you need to note the menu, meal times, and the baby’s reaction to foods every day.

The optimal nutritional option for the mother is simple dishes, which should be consumed at least 4 times a day, and snacks should consist of only one product. It is important to maintain a drinking regime. In the first week after birth, you should limit the amount of fluid to 1 liter. At first, you are allowed to drink only kefir, fresh fruit juice and weakly brewed tea. Restrictions are introduced to prevent stagnation of milk in the glands.

In the first weeks it is useful to add to the menu dairy products. Doctors explain this by their ability to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, as well as replenish calcium losses. If you want to eat healthily and at the same time lose some extra pounds, it is important to eat not 1 or 2 times a day, but, on the contrary, more often. Thus, metabolic processes are activated, and the baby will receive everything he needs in sufficient quantities.

Dr. Komarovsky says that nutritious, frequent meals will protect the baby from frequent colds and many other diseases. The main thing is to exclude all foods that can cause intestinal disorders, colic and serious allergies.

As food additives you need to eat bran, which differs not only beneficial properties, but also hypoallergenic. The diet should consist of fresh, high-quality foods without artificial additives, plenty of liquid: still mineral water, weak black tea and fruit drinks.

Allowed and prohibited foods immediately after childbirth

The amount of milk produced can be improved by eating more protein foods, drinking kefir, decoctions of herbs and vegetables, water (about 1.5 liters), tea and, of course, soups.

  • dry cookies and crackers;
  • cottage cheese, cheese and kefir;
  • fresh seasonal fruits(not red and those to which there is no allergy);
  • stewed or boiled lean meat and fish;
  • boiled vegetables (except cabbage and beets);
  • dried wheat bread;
  • pasta.

The total amount of daily fluid consumed should be at least 2.5 liters. However, exceeding this figure can lead to edema in a woman and a significant decrease in the quality of milk.

It is strictly forbidden to eat the following during the first stage of feeding:

  • spices and seasonings;
  • any coffee;
  • bread made from rye flour;
  • all representatives of the legume family;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • everything is smoked and deeply fried;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • butter and flour;
  • rice side dishes and porridges.

It is also worth limiting your intake of seafood, anything marinated. You should be careful when eating fruits that can cause abdominal pain in your baby.

Example of a nursing menu by day - table

The nutrition menu for a nursing mother after childbirth must be correctly compiled. For any violation, you can apply serious harm to kid. Below is a diet option for 5 days.

Day 1:

  • secondary chicken bouillon(about 200 g) with the addition of bran crackers;
  • a small piece of boiled veal;
  • rosehip infusion;
  • buckwheat with added vegetable oil (150 g);
  • cracker;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • weak tea with sugar.

Day 2:

  • porridge without oil (not made from rice);
  • mineral water;
  • steamed vegetables (200 g);
  • rosehip decoction;
  • any lean meat (no more than 150 g);
  • vegetable soup without spices;
  • baked apples.

Day 3:

  • oatmeal cookies + a glass of kefir;
  • a slice of wheat bread with hard cheese;
  • a plate of oatmeal with milk;
  • buckwheat + chicken cutlet(portion 250 g);
  • 1 banana (if allowed);
  • dried fruits compote;
  • cottage cheese with sour cream;
  • apple.

Day 4:

  • natural yogurt;
  • cottage cheese casserole with sour cream (150 g);
  • not red fruits + compote;
  • stewed vegetables with meat (250 g);
  • not a rich bun with kefir;
  • low-fat baked fish (no more than 200 g);
  • porridge with tea.

Day 5:

  • porridge with a piece of butter added;
  • apple compote (or plum);
  • vegetable stew (150 g);
  • boiled fish meat (no more than 180 g);
  • dry cookies and kefir;
  • hard cheese (maximum 30 g).

Don’t forget, you need to consume the daily amount of food in 4-5 doses. In the future, the menu can be gradually expanded, adding products to which the child’s body will not react negatively.

Nutritional features of a nursing mother by month

During breastfeeding, the mother's diet during the period starting from the second month becomes more varied. The child's body requires nutrients, which it must receive from milk without harm to health.

Main rules

The expansion of the list of foods acceptable for consumption after 1 month is due to the fact that the child experiences postpartum intestinal problems, in particular constipation. Doctors allow you to include rice cereal and some baked goods in your diet. You can drink whole milk in moderation, eat raw vegetables, the consumption of which is not prohibited in individual cases.

It is worth considering that when introducing a new product, you need to carefully look to see if the baby has allergies. The reaction can begin a day after eating a new food, so you should be careful.

Over time, you are allowed to eat smoked foods, canned food and sweets, but you should not abuse these products. The drinking regime includes taking a large amount of liquid, which will ensure good lactation. Be sure to introduce new dishes in small portions and one at a time. This is necessary not only to identify possible unpleasant consequences, but also so that the child has time to get used to unusual nutrition.

Advice from Dr. Komarovsky on mother's nutrition postpartum period from two months to one and a half years include several rules. A well-known pediatrician recommends that women pay close attention to their diet until the end of breastfeeding.

Important nutritional principles:

  • It is better to refuse a dish that you have doubts about consuming.
  • You can eat a little of the prohibited product to avoid a breakdown and not harm the baby.
  • Avoid overeating; it is better to eat often, but little by little.
  • Drink complexes of vitamins and minerals.
  • You should not eat before a night's rest.
  • You can return to your usual diet when the child is one year old. However, this does not mean that you need to pounce on everything fatty, eat once a day and not monitor the nutritional value of your diet.

A healthy menu is not only a guarantee wellness the baby, but also the mother herself. Therefore, even after a year, a nursing woman should monitor her eating habits and not abuse junk food.

Nursing foods in subsequent months

Despite the opportunity to change your diet after the first month of feeding, it is still prohibited to eat fruits and vegetables that can cause fermentation in the baby’s intestines. This is first of all White cabbage, peas, grapes. You should not eat foods that belong to the group of strong allergens or cause diathesis: milk chocolate, oranges, tangerines, pistachios.

If the baby has no problems with the tummy (colic, bloating, constipation), you can gradually include rice, flour, lightly salted, etc. in the menu. Do not forget about the ban on alcoholic beverages, processed foods, “fast” food and caffeine.

The nutrition of a nursing mother in the first months must be balanced. You can eat almost everything, but in small quantities; mono-nutrition is encouraged. If there is a lack of milk, pediatricians advise drinking more liquid. If this problem does not arise, then you should not abuse volumes of water. Among the optimal drinks during this period are boiled milk, dried fruit compote, freshly squeezed juices, and you can also gradually start drinking baked milk, grape juice, weak green tea.
Mom's nutrition table by month

Mom’s diet after the first 4 weeks involves inclusion in the menu more products compared to the initial stage.

Second month


  • cereal sprouts;
  • increasing the percentage of raw vegetables consumed;
  • lean borscht based on tomato juice;
  • fresh juices.

You can drink more water than at 1 month - up to 2.5 liters, especially if there is a problem with the consistency of breast milk (too viscous).


  • coffee and any caffeinated drinks;
  • wine;
  • hot spices;
  • white cabbage and other previously prohibited products.

Third month


  • nuts other than peanuts and pistachios;
  • homemade jam or jam from cherries and apples;
  • butter cookies and buns (in limited quantities).

From drinks, you can add more vegetable and fruit juices; if there are no negative reactions from the child’s body, you can try a drink made from red fruits.


  • smoked;
  • oversalted;
  • pickled;
  • milk chocolate.

Fourth month

You can eat:

  • millet and pearl barley porridge in unlimited quantities;
  • semolina;
  • squash caviar;
  • dried spices;
  • a little onion;

From the liquid you can add freshly squeezed pumpkin and carrot juices, as well as rich blueberry juice (or blackcurrant juice).


  • alcoholic drinks;
  • garlic;
  • desserts with cream and lots of butter;
  • hot seasonings and spices.

Fifth month


  • medium fat sour cream;
  • any homemade jam;
  • walnuts;
  • any grains and cereals.

The drinking regime for the 5th month remains unchanged (tea, almost all juices and fruit drinks, mineral water).

You cannot eat in addition to the previous prohibitions:

  • fast food;
  • Exotic fruits;
  • full fat cow's milk;
  • seafood.

Sixth month


  • seafood;
  • all representatives of legumes;
  • red fruits;
  • soft wheat bread.

The drinking regime involves consuming everything that was previously allowed + you can try tropical fruit juices.


  • grape;
  • semi-finished products;
  • smoked meats;
  • hot and spicy dishes.

Seventh month


  • lightly fried foods;
  • some exotic fruits;
  • chocolate (preferably dark).

You can drink everything that was acceptable in previous months.


  • citrus fruit;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • smoked sausages.

Eighth month

You can eat:

  • garlic;
  • any fish (except red);
  • sweet with a little cream;
  • any berries;
  • natural dry wine(rarely half a glass).

Drinking regime: if there are deviations, drink more water and any drinks except caffeine-containing ones.


  • peppered dishes;
  • fat meat;
  • "fast food.

Ninth month


  • fresh and salted tomatoes;
  • red fish;
  • pickled cucumbers and mushrooms.

There are no restrictions on drinks other than coffee and alcohol, as in subsequent months.

It is forbidden:

  • fatty meats and foods with a lot of oil;
  • oranges, grapefruits, lemons, tangerines;
  • smoked sausages and sausages.

Tenth month


  • natural seasonings (basil, dill, parsley);
  • sweet paprika;
  • a little lemon.


  • mayonnaise;
  • pasta made from 2 types of flour;
  • smoked meats;
  • refined sugar.

11-12 months

You can eat:

  • legumes;
  • milk chocolate;
  • fried food;
  • milk sausages;
  • flower pollen.

Of the restrictions:

  • margarine;
  • processed cheese;
  • fast food;
  • mayonnaise-containing sauces.

Experts believe that from this period you can gradually switch to a woman’s usual menu, but with the utmost caution.


To avoid many misunderstandings and problems when creating a menu during lactation, you should familiarize yourself with frequently asked questions that worry many women after pregnancy.

Is it possible to eat chocolate after giving birth?

Are apples and pomegranates allowed?

You can eat apples, as well as apricots and pears, if there are no contraindications. You need to be careful with pomegranate: tropical fruits are not completely digestible, put a strain on the liver, and can cause a severe allergic reaction in a baby.

Can a nursing mother eat watermelon in the first month after giving birth?

During this period, any red berries (pulp, peel) are prohibited. However, starting from 4 months or six months, doctors recommend eating watermelon regularly.

Can I eat bananas and persimmons when feeding?

In order not to provoke allergies, it is better not to eat these fruits in the first 3 months of lactation. After this period, you can eat bananas and persimmons as in fresh, and as ingredients for dessert.

Are nursing mothers allowed to drink coffee?

Coffee is one of the strictly prohibited foods during lactation. This ban applies not only to initial stage, but also throughout breastfeeding.

How much water can you drink while feeding?

Drinking regime different stages varies. Doctors advise not to drink a lot (up to 1 liter) in the first week. After this, liquids should be consumed in large quantities - about 2-2.5 liters per day, so that the milk is not excessively viscous.

Is it okay to drink wine while breastfeeding?

No, alcoholic drinks are strictly prohibited. They negatively affect the development of the baby (physical and mental). Plus, the functionality of all systems of the child’s fragile body is significantly reduced.

Can I eat seeds and nuts?

If the child is not allergic, then nuts and seeds are acceptable. You should not take risks and include them in the first month of feeding.

Is it possible to drink kefir or apple juice after childbirth?

Fermented milk products are a mandatory component of the menu during lactation. Juice is allowed, but it is better to choose a drink made from green rather than red fruits. You need to take high-quality kefir, if possible - prepared at home.

Healthy and balanced diet after childbirth, it will help not only strengthen the baby’s immunity, but also restore the woman’s strength, give her vigor, and most importantly – form healthy eating habits. New look life will allow you to always be in good shape, devote a lot of time to raising your baby and enjoy his full growth.

The birth of a new person requires a woman to significantly change her basic habits and preferences in her daily diet. The mother’s nutrition after childbirth comes to the fore when deciding on the healthy and timely development of the child. Human milk will replace all foods for the baby for a long period. It will be the source of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral elements and other useful substances necessary for the successful growth of a small organism.

Read in this article

Basic principles of nutrition for women during lactation

In the first few weeks after childbirth, the amount of breast milk secreted by a woman's body usually varies from 1 to 2 liters per day. Naturally, the body of a nursing mother must compensate for such costs. For this, nutritionists have developed basic principles of nutrition for a nursing woman.

Variety is the key to healthy and nutritious nutrition for a young mother

It is known that dietetics is an exclusively applied science and its recommendations can be treated differently. However, when calculating the nutrients needed for a nursing woman, many experts have long come to a consensus.

The diet of nursing mothers should be quite varied and include all the basic products: from meat and dairy products to vegetables and fruits. What do experts advise young women:

  • Fish is useful for mothers during this period; experts generally recommend low-fat varieties, such as pike perch or hake. Fish dishes require heat treatment, and decoctions or soup are most suitable for nursing women.
  • Meat and meat products Recommended exclusively in the form of poultry or lamb. Pork is harmful for a young mother and baby due to its high cholesterol content, and beef negatively affects the functioning of the child’s gastrointestinal tract. Dishes should be boiled or steamed.
  • Dairy products for feeding this contingent of women still cause controversy among specialists in the dietetics of young mothers. Milk derivatives usually help add a large amount of animal protein to a woman’s diet, but at the same time, dairy products can cause gastrointestinal upset in mother and child. Heat treatment of dairy products will reduce such negative effects

For successful breastfeeding, a woman needs to absorb the appropriate amount of animal and vegetable fats daily: if butter or lard is enough, 20 grams is enough. per day for normal lactation, then vegetable or olive oil the body of a young mother will require about 30 - 35 g within 24 hours.

Stimulation of gastrointestinal tract activity in a nursing woman and her baby

Intestinal function in a woman and her child is one of the main factors in the first months after childbirth. To stimulate such activity, a certain amount of vegetables or fruits must be included in the mother's daily diet. These plants contain a lot of fiber and dietary fiber, which directly affect the growth of intestinal motility.

Fruits and vegetables are best sourced locally and in season. Most often, experts recommend introducing zucchini, carrots, pumpkin or beets into the daily diet of a nursing woman. However, given the weak immune system of the child’s body, the amount of vegetables for simultaneous intake should not exceed 150 - 200 g.

Nutrition for a nursing mother after childbirth urgently requires a large amount of fruit. Apples, pears, plums and currants will not only provide the necessary content, but will also provide an opportunity for female and children's body meet your glucose needs.

It is better to limit sugar and other confectionery products, as there is a high probability of developing allergic reactions to their consumption. In addition, glucose promotes the formation fatty acids in an infant, which may affect normal functioning his liver and pancreas.

Liquid for nursing women

Water is the basis for the life of any organism, and a young mother cannot be an exception to this rule. Taking into account natural losses, a woman during lactation should drink at least 2 - 3 liters of water and other liquids.

When calculating water balance A nursing mother should remember that, in addition to water, a woman’s diet includes juices, first courses, and tea.

Immediately after childbirth, and even more so after a cesarean section, the amount of water for a woman in labor must be limited. This is due to the redistribution of free fluid between tissues in the body of a young mother and possible excess lactation, which can lead to the development of mastitis and other inflammatory processes of the mammary glands.

A woman's diet should not be dangerous for her baby.

We should not forget that many products that do not cause negative reactions, can be dangerous for a small organism. The main danger for a baby can be fruits that can cause various allergic reactions or lead to gastrointestinal disorders in a child.

As mentioned above, during breastfeeding it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods high in sugar. This includes various confectionery products, sweet dairy products, factory-made juices, etc. Of course, any sweet carbonated drinks, such as Coca-Cola or Baikal, are completely prohibited.

The opinion of many pediatricians is widely known that all red vegetables and fruits are prohibited for young mothers. It is difficult to say whether such a warning is a legend, but experts strongly recommend avoiding citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries and tomatoes while breastfeeding. Breastfeeding women should not ignore such recommendations.

Immediately after childbirth, the young mother’s diet is limited as much as possible, and only after the child reaches 3 months is it possible to introduce new foods into the mother’s diet. This is explained by the fact that it is at this moment that the the immune system in the baby, and he can adequately respond to external challenges.

Oddly enough, but for the first 2 - 3 days a nursing woman is recommended to limit her food intake. Her body must adapt to hormonal changes, and a crowded intestine can cause a decrease in the release of prolactin and oxytocin, which in turn reduces the production of breast milk. Therefore, nutrition in the first days after birth will be quite limited.

A woman’s intestines need to be cleansed after childbirth and remove all the toxins that have accumulated there from the body. A new mother can benefit from plenty of fluids. Experts recommend fruit drinks and dried fruit compotes for nursing mothers during this period. The exception should be sweet juices and drinks that cause fermentation in the intestines.

No less important may be the use of special tinctures and herbal teas by a woman instead of water. Nettle and chamomile have the effect of reducing the risk of late bleeding, parsley stimulates nervous system nursing mother, and hawthorn or lemon balm help relieve postpartum depression.

In the first few days after birth, the main dishes for a young mother should be various porridges with water or with the addition of olive oil, vegetable soups, banana or apple casseroles. The most recommended vegetables are potatoes, zucchini, onions and cauliflower. The latter is one of the main vegetables in the diet of a nursing woman up to 3 months, when pediatricians allow adding white cabbage to the daily diet a few grams per day. The same can be said about cucumbers or beets.

From flour products preference should be given to pasta or spaghetti made from durum wheat. Hard cheese is allowed, but not more than 50 g per day and with full control of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.

The mother’s diet for the first month after childbirth should help solve another delicate problem. During this period, a woman is subject to painful constipation. These gastrointestinal problems are caused by a change in normal diet and a decrease in circulating fluid, which is associated with the release of breast milk.

Most experts recommend using beets, seaweed and prunes to combat these symptoms. All plants should be introduced into the diet of a young mother only after heat treatment and in fractional doses. Among other things, a woman is obliged to constantly monitor the condition of her child.

To solve this problem, many pediatricians advise using fermented milk products based on probiotics. If one can still agree with such recommendations, then the inclusion of bran in a nursing woman’s diet leaves many questions.

After 13-14 days, it is usually recommended to expand the diet and increase the amount of food for a young mother. However, such advice does not always lead to positive results, therefore, a nursing mother should focus on her condition and the baby’s reaction to new foods.

What a young mother definitely shouldn’t do

During breastfeeding, a woman should completely exclude from her diet foods that have increased allergic activity. This includes chocolate, coffee, honey, citrus fruits, smoked meats and spices. It is not recommended to use any pickles or canned food during lactation: in addition to high content table salt and spices, they can contain extremely dangerous anaerobic bacteria.

As already noted, it is necessary to limit as much as possible sugar, glucose and other substances that cause fermentation in the intestines of a woman and child. Carbonated drinks, of course, are also excluded from the diet until the end of the lactation period.

Exists a large number of plants that do not directly negatively affect the body of the mother and baby, but their presence makes breast milk unsuitable for consumption. Garlic, onions, cabbage and almonds are contraindicated for a young mother during breastfeeding.

And, of course, alcohol and nicotine. Such substances are also harmful to ordinary person, in the body of a nursing woman, and especially her child, they can cause a lot of pathological reactions, the consequence of which can be a permanent health disorder.

Nutrition for a nursing woman is a very delicate and complex issue, so you should not try to solve it yourself. To avoid negative consequences for yourself and your baby, you should discuss all your decisions about introducing new foods into your diet with your doctor. After all, any mother during lactation is responsible not only for herself, but is also a guarantor of the healthy development of her baby.

For women who have given birth to a baby, it is extremely important to follow a diet and eat environmentally friendly and healthy foods. After all, what a nursing mother eats directly affects the quality of breast milk. The baby should receive vitamins and essential microelements, and therefore you should eat not only nutritiously, but also varied.

Calorie content

During lactation, mothers need to increase the diet by 500 kcal, which will be enough to produce about 750 ml of milk. It is extremely important that a woman consumes food with a total volume of at least 1.5 thousand calories. The ideal option is if the energy comes from foods that are low in fat but rich in protein.

Among other things, experts advise eating more cheese and cottage cheese, which will help replenish the lack of calcium in the body. You can also buy special milk that is intended for nursing women. Don't forget about yoghurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and yogurt. The main thing is that these products do not contain flavored additives.


For breakfast you can eat a sandwich with wheat bread and butter, as well as an omelet.
For dessert, curd mass with the addition of, for example, dried apricots is suitable. It’s better to drink tea with milk.

For lunch, it is recommended to eat a bowl of soup, where oatmeal will be the main ingredient. This is an excellent source of energy for a nursing mother. You can season it with sour cream and herbs. For the second course, it is recommended to stew the meat, boil potatoes or pasta for a side dish. The salad will be a great addition to your diet. It is better to use vegetables in season and not to resort to consuming greenhouse crops. Fruits are suitable for dessert. It’s better to drink it with compote or juice.

Dinner should be fairly light. You can cook fish, cook buckwheat porridge, and supplement your diet with vegetable stew. The drink you should choose is tea. If you suddenly want to have a snack before going to bed, it is better to eat a banana or drink a glass of kefir.


For breakfast, you can prepare buckwheat porridge with milk, and also drink tea with bread and butter.

For lunch, chicken soup is a good starter. The second dish can be rice with boiled veal. It is also recommended to prepare a vegetable stew or simply make a salad. After the main meal, you can eat 300 g of fruit or drink jelly.

For dinner, fish and boiled lean meat are suitable. You can treat yourself to a salad of fish, potatoes, eggs, pickles and sour cream. It’s better to drink it with compote or juice.


For breakfast, boil potatoes with herbs and stew fish with carrots. Making a sandwich from
wheat bread and cheese. We drink tea with milk.

For lunch we make vegetable soup and rice casserole with sour cream. We wash it down with compote.

If you want to have a snack, you can eat a bun and wash it down with kefir. You are also allowed to snack on fruits or berries.

Dinner should be quite light: cottage cheese with dried apricots or jam and kefir.

At night you can eat some cookies and wash it down with jelly.


For breakfast we make navy-style pasta and a salad of pickled cucumbers and boiled beets. We finish the meal with tea with milk.

For lunch you can eat a little lean borscht. For the second - steam cutlets with stewed vegetables and a piece of wheat bread. We complement the meal with compote.

As a snack, you can use fruit, kefir or biscuits.

Cooking for dinner pumpkin porridge, making a sandwich with cheese.

Before going to bed, you can eat low-fat yogurt.


We make milk for breakfast rice porridge with added fruit. You can eat a couple of slices of wheat bread with butter and drink tea.

It’s better to cook cabbage soup for lunch. Suitable for the second mashed potatoes and boiled meat or fish. We make a salad from cauliflower and wash it down with juice.

If you want to have a snack, you can eat cottage cheese with berries and drink tea with milk.

For dinner, make cabbage rolls and top with sour cream sauce.

Before going to bed, you can eat some biscuits and wash it down with compote or yogurt.


For breakfast we eat cottage cheese with berries or fruits. Tea with milk is recommended.

For lunch, we cook a light soup at our own discretion, as well as buckwheat porridge and make fish or meatballs. Pair with vegetable stew or salad. Wash it down with juice or compote.

Everyone knows how much nutrients contained in breast milk: among them are proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and microelements... Of course, all this abundance is achieved at the expense of the mother’s body. In order to regularly make up for “losses”, a nursing woman needs to properly formulate her diet. This is especially important in the first months of lactation, when the volume of milk can reach one liter or more. As the proportion in the baby’s diet increases (which happens at 5-6 months of life and later), the volume of human milk he needs decreases and, accordingly, the mother’s need for additional amounts of energy and nutrients decreases.

The first principle is diversity.

The nutrition of a nursing woman should be complete and varied. It is necessary that her diet include all major food groups: meat and fish, milk and dairy products; eggs; bread and bakery products, cereals, pasta; vegetable oils; butter; vegetables, fruits, berries, fruit and vegetable juices; sugar and confectionery.

Meat it is preferable to use different types: lean pork, tongue, white poultry (preferably boiled or in the form of meatballs and meatballs).

You can increase the amount of protein in your diet with: cottage cheese and cheese. Milk and dairy products should be consumed in heat-treated form: cheesecakes, cottage cheese casserole, condensed concentrated milk without sugar. It is advisable to partially replace whole cow's milk, an excess of which in the mother's diet can cause allergic reactions in infants, with various fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.). It is better to alternate milk and fermented milk products.

It is very important that the diet of a nursing mother contains enough dietary fiber to stimulate intestinal motility. For this purpose, the daily menu should include a significant amount (at least 400 g) fresh or cooked vegetables(carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.), about 300 g fruits and berries(for example, apples, pears, plums, currants, gooseberries, cherries), juices(200-300 ml), especially with pulp - both freshly prepared and canned (preferably intended for). However, it is not recommended to eat tropical fruits (with the exception of bananas) and fruits colored orange and red. Dietary fiber Millet, buckwheat and oatmeal cereals are also rich (it is better to alternate porridges), wholemeal bread and especially dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots).

The daily diet of lactating women should contain 25 g butter, 15 g vegetable oils(sunflower, corn, soybean, olive).

Sugar and confectionery products (preferably marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, low-fat cakes and pastries) should be eaten in limited quantities, as they have an allergenic effect and contribute to the deposition of fat in the body.

Principle two - safety

The diet of a nursing woman must ensure the absolute safety of milk and the absence of a number of substances in it that can have an adverse effect on the organs gastrointestinal tract, as well as on other organs and systems of infants. Thus, food should not contain ingredients that can cause allergies or increase fermentation processes in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract. In this regard, it is necessary to limit the consumption of products containing significant amounts of extractives, essential oils and salt: meat and fish broths, onions, garlic, canned snack foods, pickles, marinades, salted and smoked fish, sausages.

It is undesirable to eat food fermentative in the intestines and thereby - dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract: grapes, large amounts of sugar and confectionery, sweet curd spreads and cheesecakes, sweet soft drinks, sweet cereals and other products containing large amounts of sugar. It is also necessary to remove from the diet foods with high sensitizing (allergenic) activity: chocolate, cocoa, peanuts, crabs, shrimp, crayfish, as well as any foods that have caused symptoms in women in the past food intolerance. You should avoid eating meat from young animals and birds, because their protein, like the substances used to prepare smoked meats, has an increased allergenic potential. For the same reasons, you should limit or even eliminate the consumption of eggs, citrus fruits, strawberries, and tomatoes.

Provide breastfeeding women with everything they need nutrients, and first of all - with protein, vitamins and minerals, specialized food products (Femilak, Olympic, Enfamama, Dumil Mama Plus) will help. They are made on the basis of milk, to which vegetable oils are added, essential vitamins, mineral salts and microelements. For women with hypogalactia (insufficient milk production), it is advisable to include a specialized food product for nursing mothers in their diet." Milky Way", containing a specialized additive that stimulates lactation (galega herb extract).

Principle three - proper drinking regime

The drinking regime of a nursing mother is extremely important for maintaining full lactation. She should drink at least 1000 ml of liquid in addition to the usual volume (in the form of tea, milk, juices, drinks, etc.). It should be noted that it should not be introduced into the diet of a nursing mother immediately after birth. large quantities liquids. So, before the start of lactation, during the production period, the amount of liquid consumed (including first courses, fruits and vegetables) should be limited to 1000 ml. Otherwise, with the onset of lactation, which occurs on average 2-4 days after birth, the amount of milk may be excessive, which will complicate its separation; may develop as a result.

Based on these recommendations, employees of medical institutions compile a list of products that can be brought to the postpartum ward for the postpartum woman. So you should not be hostile to any prohibitions that a young father may encounter when trying to give his wife a bunch of grapes or a cake with cream, because a prerequisite for a young mother’s diet is the safety of products for the baby.

It should be mentioned that the quality of breast milk only partly depends on the composition of the food consumed. For example, the amount of protein in breast milk does not depend on the amount of protein in a woman’s diet, but the amount of fats, vitamins and minerals directly related to the amount of these substances in the diet. However necessary substances even in case of their deficiency, they enter the milk, while their reserves in the mother’s body are depleted.

Valentina Belina, Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category,
head consultation "Family and Marriage" maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 8


The article is very useful.
Personally, when I arrived from the maternity hospital, I didn’t know what was what. And now at least I have an idea how to eat.

03/11/2009 17:05:10, Valya

For Tanki:
I understand very much!!! My baby and I have already passed this stage. You can eat beef, pork, turkey stewed or cooked in the oven, rabbit (the legs are especially tasty) with vegetables: cauliflower, potatoes, zucchini. We had no liver allergies. You can eat homemade dumplings (if you have time to prepare them), dumplings with potatoes and cottage cheese, pasta or rice with baby meat puree (cooking time - 5 minutes!), children's juices, children's fruit purees, baked apples and pears (all ingredients are lost). properties), quail eggs, all kinds of fermented milk products 0.1% fat. Also black bread, cheese, butter. Cookies "Maria", crackers, crackers with tea. Tea - without aromatic additives. Instead of sugar - fructose. Berries: blueberries, gooseberries, plums, cherries. There was no allergy to pancakes with kefir either. We were on this diet for six months, and with the introduction of complementary foods it immediately became much easier. Now I eat almost everything. Bon appetit and speedy recovery!

15.12.2008 02:23:38, Mommy with allergies

Well, what should we eat anyway? My son is allergic to nuts, ice cream, apples. I haven’t liked porridge since childhood. I want to eat!!! very much!!!

08.12.2008 13:10:50, TANK

I think that the article is quite sensible. The black list included products that are indeed strong allergens or can cause fermentation in the intestines of a small child. Why do you need unnecessary discomfort, and for your baby!!! At least listen and try to introduce these products gradually, to identify allergies, it is necessary! But fatty, salty, chocolate and cakes are harmful for your mother too! You yourself will feel the difference first of all in yourself! Your skin will become better, your digestion will improve! I tried it on myself!!! I advise you to take note! And don’t be too indignant that you can’t eat anything! You shouldn’t think about yourself, but about the baby! Your child’s crying is not worth a handful of grapes!!!

07/16/2008 21:19:23, Yana 06/09/2008 18:15:47, Alexey

I would be very grateful if any of the mothers would write to me about mother's diet, and then I will soon kill my mother-in-law

06/09/2008 17:22:27, Alexey

I would be very grateful if one of the mothers wrote to me about my mother’s diet, otherwise I will soon kill my mother-in-law

06/09/2008 17:20:31, Alexey

hmmm... Ladies. feed your child plums, pumpkin, gooseberries, bananas, cucumbers, cakes... and then you are guaranteed fun nights and a sick child!
As for ladies who are just planning to become mothers, then rest assured, a normal diet is tasty and healthy! you just need to learn how to cook it all!

04/12/2008 12:43:57, Alexander

Kitty, I would also like to chat with you!!!

03/09/2008 16:41:33, hope

Kotya, tell me what exactly you ate, your menu, my Sashulya is allergic, I don’t know why, what foods can I create a daily diet for?

01/08/2008 19:02:02, Yulyasha

Please tell me, can I eat coconut flakes? I am breastfeeding, my baby is 2 months old

11/10/2007 16:06:05, Valeria

My child is allergic. And if I could eat all this, life would be much more beautiful!

06/20/2007 16:08:09, Olga

I read it and it came to mind: will I have time to take care of my child if I spend so much time selecting products. If I had read this article before giving birth, then most likely after the birth of the child I would not have enjoyed raising him, but would only have been nervous once again about whether I was sticking to the right diet...

05/12/2006 20:22:54, Wella

my daughter is 8 months old. Throughout her entire baby life, she never suffered from a tummy problem for a single day. I am sure that this is thanks to my diet, both before childbirth, and especially afterward. And after giving birth, my diet was much more restrictive than described in this article. but the whole family slept peacefully and the baby could calmly develop and enjoy life, and not suffer from stomach pain. Plus, a gradual and competent expansion of the diet led to the absence of allergies to any foods. In addition, this allowed me to maintain my figure and even lose a couple of kg. If anyone is interested in the details, please contact me and I will be happy to share.

07/15/2004 21:54:34, Kotya

A nursing mother needs to follow a diet for the first 2 months. And then you can gradually diversify it, monitoring the child’s reaction.

05/11/2004 15:05:05, Natasha K.

Comment on the article "Menu for a nursing mother"

Nutrition for a nursing mother. Diet during breastfeeding - what is possible and what is not? Nutrition for mother and baby during breastfeeding. Breastfeeding regimen. Diet of a nursing mother. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs...


Good evening! I know for sure that 3-4 months after giving birth, some types of massage are acceptable. It is best to consult a qualified massage therapist. Separate feeding will not cause milk to disappear. After my first birth, I actually immediately went on a diet due to the large weight gain during pregnancy. After 18 I didn’t eat at all. In general, I fed her until she was 1.3 years old. There were no problems with milk. My son's weight gain was excellent. So don’t worry, the main thing is that your nutrition is correct in terms of the foods you eat.

And during the war, when there was absolutely nothing to eat, they breastfed. So the milk won't go to waste. The main thing is that you have a balanced diet. Otherwise your body will suffer.

Nutrition for a young nursing mother. Products for nursing mothers. The nutrition of a nursing mother should be complete and varied. Print version. A nursing mother should also eat tasty food. The diet of a nursing mother: varied and tasty.


I ate everything :)

I went back to work at 3.5 months and continue to breastfeed when I’m at home. I eat everything. Well, I’ve never overused sweets. I'm more of a meat person. Once the child clearly didn’t feel very well after I had lunch with an uncooked steak, but now I’ve excluded that from the diet and eat everything else.

What can a nursing mother eat? Nutrition for a nursing mother. Nutrition for a nursing mother. I wouldn't eat tangerines yet. The season is long. Persimmon - try it. I personally didn’t stop drinking coffee throughout my pregnancy, and continued after giving birth.


It seems to me that this is different in each individual case. For example, at the beginning of feeding I refused standardly not recommended foods or limited them - citrus fruits, chocolate, coffee, gas-forming foods. Then, at about 2-2.5 months, the child’s eyebrows turned red, then the stool became liquid and with mucus, then his cheeks became very dusty and the child himself began to suffer from stomach pain and have difficulty sleeping at night, because. my cheeks and head were itching... I had to give up a lot, there was a period when I ate mostly boiled beef, pasta, potatoes, porridge with water, baked goods, low-fat cottage cheese, a couple of apples a day from vegetables and fruits, drank tea and water without gas. Around the age of 8 months, the diet began to expand, but periodically the child was sprinkled with one product or another that I ate. Now that breastfeeding has ended, I myself have lost the habit of eating a lot for so long, and a child can’t do everything. He is simply allergic to milk and milk; I won't give...
Look at the child’s reaction, most often the main quantity of products gets along well with breastfeeding!

I eat everything:) Just like with my daughter:)

Diet of a nursing mother. What can a nursing mother eat? Diet of a nursing mother. Giving the baby the best you can give It turned out that our tummy is very swollen and hurts due to milk: (After a month, I slowly began to eat everything.


I think you need to watch your diet. Now all the foods we eat contain a large amount of dyes and additives, which the child will then receive with his mother’s milk. I don’t think any filtration is provided by the body. Otherwise, impurities, toxins, etc. would not accumulate in the human body. My opinion is that you need to eat simple foods, boiled, without seasonings (especially store-bought ones). Do not drink concentrated juices, much less carbonated ones. Chocolate and cocoa containing products that are sold and produced in Russia are generally G..NO. There’s no need to talk about dairy products. I’ve never seen milk producers rebel in Russia (unlike France), probably everything is better and of better quality here and the state supports it.

Who decided that a nursing woman should eat something special while breastfeeding? What exactly do you think a woman should eat? IMHO, a nursing mother must, first of all, eat GOOD, nutritiously. And then stories begin about lost teeth, hair...


Ate almost everything from dietary nutrition up to 1 month (excluded only chocolate, all fruits except apples and pears, and everything containing dyes and preservatives). And what I got: the child began to slowly but surely become covered in a rash, starting from the cheeks, and then all over the arms, back, chest, and a terrible weeping of the ears. Because of this, he was restless, cried a lot and slept poorly. I had to cancel almost everything. I was on buckwheat and rabbit for 2 days. The result revealed an allergy to cow's milk protein. Now I eat the following: buckwheat, pasta, rice, oatmeal, sweet potato, olive oil, apples, pears, potatoes, cabbage, zucchini, rabbit, turkey, pork, goat milk, goat milk cheese, black bread, pita bread, biscuits, simple drying. And nothing more. Thank God, the allergy went away, the anxiety went away and my sleep became better.
What does an idiotic idea mean? Would you like your child to suffer?

02/20/2007 15:02:18, KKK

I kept eating and eating, although in the first month the baby had a rash on the yoghurts and cereals that I ate, but then it went away with time. I myself am allergic, but my Katyulia is fine, everything is fine, so that my mother doesn’t eat, everything is fine.

Mom's nutrition. Breast-feeding. Hypoallergenic diet Meals should be regular, at least 4 times a day. provided that the mother is not allergic to them. I'll try it anyway for the first few weeks. thanks again.


This is a very, very reasonable diet, hypoallergenic, I tried (and am trying) to stick to it, with my own adjustments, of course.

Hypoallergenic diet
Meals should be regular, at least 4 times a day.
Fatty and fried foods are excluded.
The volume of liquid is at least 1.5-2 liters. (weak green and black tea without additional additives, mineral water without gas, Apple juice without sugar and preservatives, diluted 1 to 1 with water ("Ya" and "Rich" are normal, "Tonus" is not necessary, they still add sugar to it, I was told. And even better are children's juices without sugar, semper, gerber, fruit-nanny). Compotes from dried fruits without additives (Apple, pear, dried apricots, raisins).
Meat dishes from turkey, rabbit, lean pork and lamb.
Vegetable soups with water. In summer and autumn, seasonal vegetables are used, in winter and spring only frozen ones (zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts), finely chopped potatoes and soaked overnight.
It is advisable to soak cereals for at least 2 hours - buckwheat, rice, corn. Unglazed kukur. flakes. Fermented milk bifidoc, acidophilus, kefir 1% fat, cottage cheese 0%, bio-yogurt without additives, low-fat goat cheese or gouda, edamer, other mild and low-fat cheeses without additives. A dermatologist recommended Olterman 17% to me, but it contains artificial additives, I don’t eat it now, I buy Ankorovsky “Egmont” cheese in a package, which has now appeared in local stores, and also Giaginsky cheeses, such as Adygei.
Just a little milk in the tea, 0.5% fat. I don't add that either. I make my own porridge using the Frisolak mixture, which Tema is fed with twice a month in my absence.
Fresh fruits without peel - green apple, pear, banana. It's good to bake an apple. If well tolerated, you can add peaches and apricots to the palate. number of hours Fresh in season, out of season, canned children's without sugar and unnecessary additives(gerber, beach-nut, semper, fruit-nanny).
Buckwheat and rice cakes(I eat wheat-rice ones, we don’t have pure rice ones in our area), simple dryers, soy diabetic bars (I don’t eat them), fructose.
Rice and wheat pasta, no eggs.
Quail eggs a couple of times a week, 3-5 eggs, don’t overdo it.
It is also strongly recommended that the mother sleep 8 hours a day, rest while the baby sleeps and not bother herself at home. things to do so that lactation is maintained.

If anyone suddenly finds or has found a diet for a nursing mother, girls, don’t be a jerk, please post it in the conf or in the registry to your place, but with a notice Meal - absolutely ordinary, normal, just right - with vegetables, fruits, grains, etc... More Nothing.


As the mother of the first artificial child, three breastfeeders almost under 2 years old and one more, I can solemnly declare for a year already. The food is absolutely ordinary, normal, just right - with vegetables, fruits, grains, etc.... Nothing more.
About weight gain. Well, children are all different! It was strange for me to hear from pediatricians that our youngest was experiencing a small increase. The first month almost 1 kg, then 600, then 300 - and they scream - it’s not enough! But if I’m not 2 meters and not 100 kg, then why should a baby be 15 kg a year! If the baby is happy, cheerful, active - does he need extra grams?!
As for colic, which is believed to be caused by the mother’s diet... Now I also disagree. With the fifth, they dissuaded me of “up to a year”!!! Abracadabra, with a biological education, I was wedged! The youngest's colic has gone away... So... Anything can happen...
Sorry for the outburst of emotions. If you have questions, I don’t have a lot of time, but maybe I can help someone with information? Write!

16-00 - or the same as at 10-00 or yogurt or cornflakes with half a glass of milk.
dinner - salad + 1 piece of bread + cottage cheese or canned fish.

Chest mother's milk contains a harmoniously balanced set of nutrients rich in proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and fatty compounds.

Everything a baby needs during feeding comes from the mother’s milk, so the nutrition of a nursing mother in the first month should be varied and balanced.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month?

To avoid discomfort in the form of stomach colic and allergies in the child, the menu of a nursing mother in the first month should be somewhat limited. Should be completely abandoned strong drinks and other liquids. Let's take a closer look at what a nursing mother can drink and what she can't:

1. You cannot:
Black tea;
whole milk;
sparkling water;
drinks with added dyes;
any types of alcoholic drinks.

2. You can:
fermented milk products – kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt;
dried fruits compote;
rosehip decoction;
weak green tea.

What can a nursing mother eat in the first month after the birth of her baby and what is not recommended for consumption:

1. Among the foods that should be excluded from the diet in the first month are:
sour cream;
meat broths;
raw vegetables and fruits;
bakery products made from higher grades of flour;
cheeses of any kind.

What should a nursing mother eat in the first ten days of the baby’s first month:
lean soup;
lean boiled meat;
porridges cooked in water: barley, buckwheat, rice, corn, oatmeal, wheat;
baked apples.

After ten days you can add to the diet of a nursing mother following products:
mild hard cheeses;
cottage cheese;

Boiled or baked fish, except marine species;
stewed and/or boiled vegetables (cabbage, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, etc.);

Diet of a nursing mother in the first month

In order to preserve milk in a “pure” form, that is, to exclude all sorts of impurities that contribute to the development of allergies and other diseases, including those related to the functioning of the baby’s gastrointestinal tract, the nutrition of a nursing mother should be dietary, this is especially important in the initial period lactation. It is necessary to strictly monitor what and when the mother eats. It is advisable for a woman to keep a daily diary. Thus, the mother will have the opportunity to track her nutrition and adequately respond to all changes in the behavior and health of her child. During the first days after childbirth, a young woman needs to eat often and drink a lot. The drinking regime should consist of at least 2 liters of liquid. Sweet tea, compotes, drinks from herbal infusions- all this contributes to increased lactation. If, as a result of obstetric aid, C-section, then the woman is bound to have traces of ruptures. For speedy healing, it is necessary to introduce weak chicken broth into the diet, which is rich in gluten, which helps to quickly tighten damaged tissues.

Already on the fourth day of breastfeeding, the postpartum diet can be varied with porridge. Oatmeal, wheat or buckwheat porridge cooked in water will be an excellent addition to your baby’s dinner table. In subsequent days, you can add vegetable products to the cooked porridge. The only condition is steamed or boiled vegetables. Under no circumstances should you eat fried foods during the entire period of breastfeeding. When receiving nutritional recommendations upon discharge from the maternity ward, many women ask whether a nursing mother can eat dishes made from potatoes in the first month? You won’t get a definite answer, but as practice shows, eating potatoes in the first days of breastfeeding is extremely undesirable. The reason for this is the starch contained in this product.

In the first month of life, a child’s entire digestive system is very delicate. Therefore, in order to avoid additional stress on the gastrointestinal tract associated with food digestion, experts recommend refraining from eating potato dishes in any form. It is extremely undesirable to eat cabbage in the first few days, as it stimulates gas formation in the child, resulting in bloating. When asked whether a nursing mother can eat mushrooms, the answer is clear - no. By the way, mushrooms should not be given to a child until he is 6-7 years old. After a week of feeding, a woman’s diet can be diversified with boiled white fish and low-fat varieties meat. This delicacy should be limited to 2 times a week. It is very useful to include black bread and nuts in the diet in the 2-3rd week of the first month of feeding. The third week of the month of dietary nutrition during breastfeeding can be supplemented chicken meat, fruits, eggs and mild cheeses. With every innovation, a young mother should watch the child’s reaction to the new kind product. This is why keeping daily nutrition records is so important.

Approximate diet for a nursing mother

Naturally, during lactation the female body must maintain sufficient vital energy and have the necessary reserve of strength. The daily diet should be complete and have a certain calorie content. Daily consumption Energy components must be maintained at the following standards:
carbohydrates – 350-500 g;
fats – 90-120 g, of which 25% should have vegetable content;
proteins – 140-150 g, with up to 60% animal origin.
The following foods will help maintain the body's energy value: daily use:
cottage cheese – 100-200 g;
butter – 20-30 g;
lean meat and/or fish – 250 g;
vegetable oil(sunflower or olive) – 30 g;
egg - one piece;
vegetables – 500g;
pasta or cereals – 60-70 g;
fruit and berry products – 200-500 g;
fermented milk products – 300-500g.

Following this daily nutritional intake, the energy value will be from 2500 to 3500 kcal. Additional stimulant healthy body will various vitamins for nursing mothers. It is prohibited to consume foods that can cause allergic reactions, vomiting, constipation and increased gas formation. The provocateurs in this case are the following goodies:
various sauces, ketchup, mayonnaise, etc.;
caviar (black and red);
smoked, fried, pickled, salted foods.

In order for the baby to feel comfortable in the first month of his life, the young mother needs to sacrifice her gastronomic preferences.

What affects the lactation of a nursing mother?

IN medical terminology, there is the concept of lactopoiesis and hypogalactia. The first is the process of maintaining natural feeding newborn, and the second term means a violation of lactopoiesis. It is known that when artificial feeding the child slows down his development. Children are inferior to their peers in many respects: height, weight, tendency to various diseases. In order for a woman’s lactation to proceed without failures, it is necessary to take care of this in advance. What factors influence this process? Hypogalactia is directly related to problems of physiology and psychological state women.

The main factors are:

Unpreparedness female body to motherhood. This applies to young girls whose mammary glands are not fully formed, resulting in hormonal imbalance. Another reason is chronic diseases and/or infectious lesions body.
Psychological rejection from the mother's breast. Such a neuropsychiatric manifestation can occur in the event of an unwanted pregnancy. Oddly enough, the baby feels this and, when attached to the breast, tries in every possible way to reject the mother’s nipple.
Irregular feeding. Only a baby suckling at the breast can stimulate lactation in women. You should not put your baby under time limits for eating. Best option- feeding on demand of the child.
Poor quality and/or poor nutrition. During breastfeeding, the main task of a woman is to provide sufficient healthy eating. Compliance drinking regime and balanced dietary standards are necessary conditions for the baby’s health.
Nervous overload and stressful situations. These concepts should not in any way concern a nursing mother. The main task of the people around her is to provide her with peace, love and attention.
Bad habits(smoking and alcohol).
Any of the above factors contributes to the threat of lactation and casts doubt on the natural production of milk in a nursing mother.

Delicious recipes for nursing mothers

Young mothers believe that nutrition in the first month of breastfeeding is not original and very monotonous. To reduce skepticism, we offer several interesting culinary recipes, which will give young women true gastronomic pleasure.

Required ingredients:
rabbit carcass – 300 g;
carrots – 100 g;
oatmeal – 3 tablespoons;
butter – 15-20 g;
salt – 1 teaspoon;
leeks, parsley - 1 stalk each.
The recipe does not contain traditional potatoes. You can replace it with sweet potato or celery, or you can do without them.
Cooking method:
clean the rabbit's legs and thighs;
cut the carcass into pieces and place in a pan for further heat treatment;
everything is filled with water, salt is added, and cooked at moderate temperature for one hour;
carrots and celery cut into strips are sautéed in a hot frying pan in olive oil;
after the rabbit is cooked, its bones are separated from the pulp;
the broth is filtered and the meat pieces are sent to the pan;
sauteed vegetables and oatmeal complement the contents of the pan;
this whole mass is brought to a boil and removed from the stove for infusion;
After the oatmeal has swollen, onion and parsley are added to the soup.
Original, tasty and healthy soup rabbit is ready. Cooking time is no more than one and a half hours. Calorie content in 100 g of products: 177 kcal. Proteins – 10.36 g, fats – 10.71 g, carbohydrates – 8.6 g.

Required ingredients:
beef broth – 2 liters;
green peas – 200 g;
veal – 400 g;
carrots – 200 g;
egg noodles (homemade) – 150 g;
leeks, parsley - along the stem;
salt - to taste.
Cooking method:
boil the veal for one hour;
chopped carrots are added to the broth;
pieces of veal cut into small cubes are sent to the broth along with green peas and egg noodles;
after fifteen minutes of cooking, salt and herbs are added to the broth.
“Tender” veal soup for a nursing mother is ready. Cooking time – 30 minutes. Calorie content per 100 g: 66 kcal. Protein – 4.55 g, carbohydrates – 5.58 g, fat – 2.82 g.

Chicken breast with bacon, baked in the oven

Required ingredients:
chicken breast- 2 pieces;
bacon – 100 g;
parsley, basil – 10 g each;
sage – 15 g;
rosemary – 5 g;
olive oil – 2 tablespoons;
zucchini – 700 g;
salt - to taste.
Cooking method:
the zucchini is cut into thick slices and placed in a mold pre-greased with olive oil;
basil, sage, parsley and rosemary are ground in a mortar with the addition of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil;
the breasts are generously smeared with a thick layer of spicy herb preparation;
the whole thing is wrapped in thinly sliced ​​bacon, placed on zucchini and put into the oven;
this is being prepared tasty dish at a temperature of 180º C for at least 30 minutes.
Baked chicken breast with bacon is ready. Cooking time: 45 minutes. Calorie content per 100 g: 165 kcal. Carbohydrates – 1.86 g, fats – 13.02 g, proteins – 10.65 g.

Ingredients for preparation:
millet - one glass;
pumpkin puree – 200 g;
milk – 2 glasses;
water – 3 glasses;
butter – 50 g;
a pinch of salt and sugar.
Cooking method:
thoroughly washed millet is placed in salted boiling water;
after the water has completely evaporated, add milk and cook over low heat for 30-40 minutes;
pre-prepared pumpkin puree is added, which is thoroughly mixed with millet and cooked for another 10 minutes;
The porridge is removed from the stove and seasoned with butter.
Delicious wheat porridge ready with pumpkin. Cooking time – 80 minutes. Calorie content per 100 g of product: 128 kcal. Protein – 2.15 g, carbohydrates – 10.67 g, fat – 8.48 g.

Starting Ingredients:
milk – 400 ml;
cream – 200 ml;
oatmeal and bran – 50 g each;
vanilla - one pod;
brown sugar - 4 tablespoons;
salt - to taste;
mint and lingonberries - for serving.
Cooking method:
heated cream with vanilla is brought to a boil and set aside for 20 minutes, after which the vanilla is removed;
milk, oatmeal, sugar and salt are added to the prepared cream;
stirring constantly over low heat, cook the porridge for 5-7 minutes;
1-2 minutes before the end of cooking you should add oat bran and butter;
After stirring, let the porridge sit for 20 minutes.