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Ampoules for hair growth: application and reviews. What are the most effective vitamins for hair growth in ampoules?

Let's together arrange vitamin therapy for our hair, especially in the autumn-spring period. We all know that vitamins can be taken not only orally, but also used in homemade hair masks, and also added to ready-made cosmetics.

Each of the existing vitamins performs a specific function in the body and certainly in the hair as well. What vitamins are needed for hair can be read in the article: Lack of which vitamins and microelements causes hair loss?. Today we will talk about pharmacy vitamins that can be used in homemade hair masks and more.

Combination of vitamins in hair ampoules

In order for the benefits of the pharmacy vitamins in ampoules to be as effective as possible, you need to find out which vitamins can be combined with each other.

Vitamin B12 is considered one of the most “capricious” vitamins, since it is incompatible with many other vitamins, that is, they neutralize each other upon contact.

Vitamin B5, pantothenic acid, is very well absorbed when applied directly to the skin, so it is often added to anti-baldness products from well-known global brands.

Vitamin C It loses its properties very quickly when in contact with oxygen, so we add an ampoule of vitamin C to the mask at the very end and immediately apply it to the scalp.

Vitamin PP or better known as a nicotinic acid, one of the most popular hair vitamins for hair loss and to accelerate hair growth. It is good for oily skin scalp, because it dries out a little, and for sensitive skin it should be used with caution. You can read how to properly use nicotinic acid for hair to reduce hair loss and accelerate growth in this article.

You can't combine these vitamins

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) with any B vitamins;
  • Vitamin B1 with vitamins B2, B3, B6;
  • Vitamin B12 with vitamin B1, B3, C and vitamin E.

Can be combined

  • Vitamin A with vitamin E in oil and vitamin C;
  • Vitamin B6 and B12 are considered one of the best compounds for hair loss;
  • Vitamin B2 and vitamin A;
  • Vitamin B2 and B6;
  • Vitamin B8 with vitamin E, used in tandem for hair loss treatment ;
  • Aloe extract with B vitamins.

Today it has been proven that it is better to take vitamins A and E in oil separately, since vitamin A significantly reduces the effect of consuming vitamin E, but this is if you take the vitamins orally, and you can combine them in a hair mask without problems.

Masks with pharmaceutical vitamins in ampoules for hair

Vitamins in hair ampoules can be added to any homemade mask. Each mask in which you use vitamins should be used for one use, since all vitamins quickly lose their properties after opening. Pharmacy vitamins in ampoules serve as an additional nutrient for hair.

To get an effect on your hair, it is not enough to do the mask once, you need to do it in courses, for example, over the course of a month, twice a week. It is advisable to insulate masks with vitamins and leave them on for at least an hour.

Mask with pharmacy vitamins for hair length

Olive oil is considered one of the best oils for hair for more than two thousand years. Vitamins A and E in oil are good to use for dry and brittle hair; they make hair soft, elastic and even thicken a little when combined with olive oil.

  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

Before washing your hair, apply the mixture (can be heated) to your hair, moving away from the roots, and leave for at least two hours.

Strengthening mask for hair growth

Propolis tincture strengthens and stimulates hair growth. Aloe extract moisturizes and nourishes hair and scalp, vitamin B1 helps with hair loss and accelerates growth.

  • 1 teaspoon of propolis tincture;
  • 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin B1.

The mask is made by washing your hair, applying it to the scalp in partings and leaving for 30-60 minutes.

Mask for shine and strength of hair

All the ingredients of the mask have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, which has been proven by more than one generation of women, and adding vitamin B12 to the mask will strengthen the hair, make it beautiful and healthy.

  • 1 tablespoon cognac;
  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 2 ampoules of vitamin B12.

Apply to the scalp along the partings, and then distribute along the length of the hair. Insulate the mask (with plastic wrap and a warm towel) and after an hour, wash your hair as usual.

Vitamin hair mask

After this mask, hair immediately transforms, becomes soft, manageable, silky and hair loss is significantly reduced.

  • 2 spoons of natural hair balm;
  • 1 ampoule of nicotinic acid;
  • 1 ampoule of aloe extract;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B12;
  • 1 ampoule of vitamin B8;
  • 3-5 drops of vitamin A and E in oil.

We wash our hair with a gentle shampoo (without sulfates and silicones). Dry your hair with a towel for a few minutes. Mix all the ingredients of the mask and first apply to the scalp, and then distribute it onto damp hair along the entire length, insulate it, you can also warm it up with a hairdryer to better effect. Keep the mask on for one hour and wash off with shampoo, once a week is enough.

Mask for severe hair loss

And finally one of best masks for hair loss, which really helped save the hair of one of my friends, and his hairdresser recommended this mask to him.

  • 1/4 black bread;
  • water, you can use herbal infusion instead of water: chamomile, calamus, hop cones, nettle;
  • 1 tablespoon dry mustard;
  • 1 tablespoon salt;
  • 1 ampoule of calcium chloride.

The mask is done before washing your hair. Crumble the bread into a pan (without crust), add water (to cover the bread) and put on fire. It needs to boil a little, then add salt and mustard (stirring all the time), the consistency should be like a paste. Then remove from heat, let cool slightly, add an ampoule of calcium chloride and apply to the scalp with light massage movements. We wrap our head with film and put on a warm hat or towel, walk with the mask for 2-3 hours, the more the better, then wash your hair as usual.

The mask needs to be applied in a course - 10 days - every day (if every day does not work, then every other day, but not less often). Then the mask can be done before washing your hair 2-3 times a week for another month. By half the course you will see a reduction in hair loss, and by the end of the course your hair will become stronger and stop falling out.

How to add vitamins in ampoules to shampoo

Pharmacy vitamins can be added to ready-made shampoos, but there are several nuances here: the shampoo should be as natural as possible, and in no case should you use shampoos with silicones; Add B vitamins just before using shampoo. I want to share with you a shampoo recipe that a trichologist gave me: Shampoo for hair loss (with a prescription from a trichologist), all the nuances of preparing medicinal shampoo are described in detail there.

And one more option for using pharmacy vitamins which my friend came up with: she whole month I rubbed in vitamins B6 and B12 every day. That is, one evening she washed her hair and rubbed one ampoule of vitamin B6 onto damp hair, also massaging the scalp for several minutes, and on the second day she did not wash her hair, but made a strong nettle decoction (keeps it in the refrigerator for 3-4 days), moistened it Vitamin B12 was rubbed into their scalp using a cotton pad and onto damp skin, and she alternated this for a whole month. At the same time, I washed my hair with organic shampoo. According to her, her hair became significantly stronger, began to grow faster and generally improved its appearance. But I think with this option of using pharmacy vitamins, you need to be very careful to avoid allergies.

To summarize, there are three main aspects in home care for hair:

1. To maintain the beauty and health of your hair from the inside, you need to take pharmaceutical hair vitamins (Pantovigar, Biona, Revalid, Vitrum, Medobiotin and others) twice a year. At the same time, do not forget about healthy hair products and include them in your diet. By following this point, you will do the lion's share of what makes your hair healthy.

2. Select the “right” hair cosmetics (shampoo, conditioner, mask, thermal protection) depending on your hair type. And don’t forget to change them periodically.

3. Make homemade hair masks with the addition of pharmacy vitamins that will help maintain healthy hair.

Vitamins in ampoules are perhaps the most affordable, effective and safe hair care product. Let's try to figure out what beneficial properties these drugs have, how to combine them correctly, and prepare nourishing masks.

What vitamins benefit hair?

The following vitamins give health and beauty to hair:

  • Retinol (vitamin A) – strengthens hair follicles, moisturizes and nourishes strands, regulates sebum synthesis;
  • Tocopherol (E) - gives shine to curls, moisturizes them, makes them elastic;
  • Thiamine (B1) – prevents baldness, promotes the growth of new strands;
  • Riboflavin (B2) – eliminates split ends, regulates hair function sebaceous glands;
  • Pyridoxine (B6) – eliminates irritation and itching on the scalp, helps fight dandruff and seborrhea, moisturizes curls;
  • Inositol (B8) – slows down hair loss;
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12) – accelerates hair growth, treats dandruff;
  • Ascorbic acid (C) – improves the structure of each hair, gives the curls a beautiful shine, well-groomed appearance, and strength;
  • Folic acid (B9) – slows down the aging of the scalp, prevents the appearance of gray hair, prevents pathological hair loss;
  • Calciferols (D) – help cope with flaking of the scalp and dandruff, improve calcium absorption, hair needs, protect curls from the adverse effects of the external environment;
  • Nicotinic acid (PP) – intensifies hair growth, prevents pathological hair loss, improves the structure of strands;
  • Biotin (H) – strengthens follicles, slows down hair loss;
  • Vitamin F – reduces the risk of developing dermatological diseases.

Unfortunately, not all of these nutrients are sold in liquid form in pharmacies. You can only buy vitamins A, E, B1, C, PP, B6, B12, B8, B2 and B9 in ampoules.

How to mix and use vitamins in ampoules?

The result will not be long in coming, photos before and after masks

Before using vitamins in ampoules for hair care, you need to remember a few universal rules. Thus, pharmacists and cosmetologists recommend:

  • Carefully read the instructions attached to the drugs, and each time make sure that there are no contraindications to their use;
  • Avoid long-term storage of opened ampoules (the drugs in them lose their healing properties);
  • Use vitamins in long courses;
  • Use vitamin-based hair masks in ampoules in the evenings (before bedtime);
  • Exercise caution when opening glass containers with drugs (to avoid cuts, file the necks of the ampoules with a file and wrap their ends with thick cloth before breaking them off).

When cooking cosmetics For hair care, it is very important to correctly combine vitamins in ampoules - mixtures of the following nutrients are considered the most effective:

  • retinol (A) and riboflavin (B2);
  • pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12);
  • retinol (A), ascorbic acid(C) and tocopherol (E);
  • riboflavin (B2) and pyridoxine (B6);
  • tocopherol (E) and inositol (B8).

All masks for home use

When caring for hair, vitamins in ampoules can be added to shampoos, used in the preparation of moisturizing, strengthening and nourishing masks. Below are the most effective recipes hair cosmetics based on them.

Vitaminized shampoos

Vitamins from ampoules should be added to the finished shampoo (necessarily natural, free of silicones) immediately before washing your hair.

1 ml of liquid from one or more different ampoules should be added to the detergent, poured into a separate container. Ready product can be used daily to wash your hair according to the standard regimen.

Moisturizing and anti-itch mask

Squeeze 1 teaspoon lemon juice, add 1 ampoule of oil solutions of tocopherol (E) and retinol (A) into it. Pour 1 tbsp into the mixture. a spoonful of castor oil and burdock oil, 2 ampoules of pyridoxine (B6), mix well.

Rub the resulting composition into the hair roots, insulate the mask with a plastic cap and a terry towel, wait 2.5-3 hours. Repeat the procedure every 4 days.

Mask to give strength and shine to strands

A hair mask that improves the structure of the strands and gives them a healthy glow can be prepared using vitamin B12 in ampoules (2 pcs.), cognac (2 teaspoons), liquid honey (1 tablespoon) and egg yolk.

The mixture of ingredients should be distributed first along the partings, and then along the entire length of the strands. The head must be insulated with polyethylene and a woolen scarf, and wait an hour. The procedure must be repeated every 3-4 days.

Hair growth mask

Mix the contents of 1 ampoule of aloe extract, 1 teaspoon, in a convenient container alcohol tincture propolis and 1.5-2 ampoules of thiamine (B1). Distribute the mask over the scalp along the partings and leave for 40 minutes. Repeat the procedure every 6-8 days.

A mask with a similar effect can be prepared based on tocopherol (7 drops) and retinol (6 drops). The vitamin mixture must be dissolved in olive oil(3 tbsp. spoons), leave for 20-30 minutes, warm up and distribute throughout the hair, moving 2-3 cm away from the roots. The mask should be kept on for at least 2-2.5 hours.

Hair loss mask

Mix 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and the same amount of liquid honey. Pour 1 ampoule of pyridoxine (B6) and cyanocobalamin (B12) into the mixture. Distribute the mixture over the scalp and leave for 40 minutes. Treatment is carried out in a course consisting of 5 procedures every 6 days.


Vitamins in ampoules - relatively safe means for hair care. However, dermatologists and trichologists do not recommend applying them to the scalp in pure form. In addition, doctors advise pregnant women and young mothers who are breastfeeding to stop using these drugs for a while.

It is also important to remember that vitamins in ampoules can provoke the development of allergies. Therefore, before using any of them, it is necessary to conduct a test to ensure that there are no allergic reactions (apply a little of the drug to the skin in the area of ​​the elbow and leave for 20-30 minutes).

If any signs of an allergy to vitamins appear, you should take antihistamine and seek help from a doctor.

Beautiful hair is not age sign. A mature woman may have a voluminous hairstyle, while a young girl may have faded, split ends. When caring for the health of the body, one should not forget about hair, because it is an indicator of well-being. By feeding the body with vitamin complexes, a person helps improve general condition. Although this may not be enough for full health hair, so you should think about additional care.

The need to nourish hair with vitamins

Vitamin complexes

When buying shampoo, you should not base your choice of product on the smell or brand name. The detergent is selected according to the “needs” of the hair. To keep your strands always beautiful and healthy, you should look for a shampoo with vitamin supplements.

Shampoo with vitamin for healthy hair

As a rule, not all necessary vitamins include in cleaning compositions. Typically, fortified shampoo contains only one essential ingredient. You can solve the problem by adding it to your hair washing solution yourself. liquid vitamins which are sold in pharmacies.

Each of the components will contribute to the hair structure, strengthening it and rejuvenating skin cells. Vitamins packaged in single-use ampoules can be combined in any symbiotic way, achieving the desired result. Vitamin solution added to oil compositions, will allow you to create therapeutic and nourishing hair masks.

To choose the right vitamin “cocktail” for healthy hair, you should study the properties of the drugs and their effect.

Hair vitamins in ampoules

Liquid vitamin should be used immediately after opening the ampoule. From prolonged contact with air, it loses its healing qualities.

Vitamins are divided into groups:

  1. Vitamin A (in other words, retinol) will help get rid of hair breakage. It is useful for those who have thin sparse strands with cut ends.
  2. The list of B vitamins is extensive. Each digital coefficient is an independent component with specific properties:
  • b1 (thiamine) will help enhance hair growth and rejuvenate its cells;
  • B2 (riboflavin) enriches strands with oxygen and normalizes blood circulation;
  • B5 (pantothenic acid) participates in metabolic processes and synthesis, prevents hair loss;
  • b6 (pyridoxine) has a greater effect on the dermis of the head and hair follicles; recommended for use when profuse dandruff and itchy skin;
  • at 9 ( folic acid) participates in all restoration processes, improves the structure of hair cells and promotes hair growth, eliminates premature baldness and graying;
  • b12 (cyanocobalamin) – a participant in protein synthesis, helps strengthen hair and make it healthier.
  1. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – the process of tissue regeneration cannot occur without it. This component prevents hair loss and brittleness.

Vitamin C is sold in ampoules

  1. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the development of aging in general and promotes hair rejuvenation in particular.
  2. Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) will supply the strands with energy, give them the opportunity to “breathe” and give them strength for healthy development.

The vitamin components can be listed further, but the ones listed above are the most basic; it is advisable to add them to shampoo to get rid of hair problems.

Vitamin “cocktails”

A greater effect using vitamins in ampoules can be achieved if several useful components. It should be borne in mind that some vitamins complement each other’s action, while others are antagonists, harmful instead of benefit.

  • B vitamins: folic acid and cyanocobalamin complement each other perfectly.
  • Vitamin C in ampoules will complement this combination, as a result of which the hair will become silky and shiny.
  • B6, B12 and vitamin E combine well with each other.
  • Cyanocobalamin (b12) is an excellent “partner” for vitamins of any other group (A, E, C), but its separate use in either shampoo or mask is not recommended.

In the same way, it is not advisable to combine vitamins b1 and b12 - they block the action of each other without giving any effect.

Vitaminized shampoo

Vitamins in ampoules are available either water-based or oil-based. In any case, the drugs of each group combine well into a homogeneous mass added to the shampoo. For ease of extraction of a liquid composition containing proteins, collagens and keratin, it is best to use a disposable syringe.

Preparation of ingredients for fortified shampoo

You should not stock up on fortified shampoo - the effect of the drugs quickly evaporates, so you need to open the hair ampoules immediately before washing your hair.

The required amount of shampoo (for double use) is poured into the prepared container. The contents of the ampoules are added here (in the required vitamin combination) and mixed well. Wash your hair with the prepared shampoo twice, rinsing well each time.

Healing masks

Get truly beautiful and healthy hair Washing alone won't do it. To ensure that the strands receive enough nutrition, the vitamin composition should be left on the head for a certain time in the form of healing masks.

The frequency of treatments will depend on the extent of the problem. If we are talking only about additional vitamin supplementation, then applying the mask 1-2 times a week is enough. In advanced situations, the procedure will have to be repeated almost every other day.

The use of some vitamin formulations in ampoules may cause allergic reactions. If shampoo with nutritional additives is applied to the head for a short time, then the masks are in contact with the skin for one to several hours. Therefore, before applying healing composition on the head, you should conduct a small test for skin reaction.

Mask recipes

You don’t have to come up with any new recipes for masks for healthy hair - just add any selected vitamin in ampoules to the familiar compositions. The most simple option a mixture of the contents of some ampoules (for example, representatives of group B: b2+b6+b12) added to a small amount of olive, linseed, castor or burdock oils is considered.

Burdock oil protects the beauty and health of hair

For those who do not have their own (branded) mask recipes, the following options may seem interesting:

  1. The following formulations are suitable for hair growth:
  • A + E + b12 + mustard powder + 1 yolk. The mask is made on an oil basis and slightly diluted with water;
  • A + E + B9 + lemon juice + Burr oil+ dimexide (all components are taken in equal proportions).
  1. To strengthen weakened hair, you should try the following masks:
  • c2 + b6 + b12 + 1 egg + mixture of oils (burdock, sea buckthorn, almond - 1 tbsp each);
  • A + b2 + b12 + E + herbal components (linden and chamomile flowers, nettle - only 1 tbsp.) + rye crumb(a little) – steam with a glass of boiling water.
  1. Hair loss can be prevented with the following recipes:
  • b6 + b12 + lemon juice + honey;
  • B2 + honey + juices (agagave and lemon).
  1. Herbal formulations provide good nourishment for hair:
  • b5 + b12 + egg yolk+ herbal infusion (chamomile, linden, nettle);
  • RR * 2 + B2 + aloe juice + herbal decoction.
  1. Mask based on brewer's yeast in combination with vitamin composition b1 + b2 + b6 will strengthen the roots, get rid of dandruff, rejuvenate the hair and give it shine.

Rules for applying masks

The use of each of the masks, which uses liquid vitamins from ampoules, requires the right approach:

  1. The mask is applied to clean, slightly damp hair.
  2. For better action medications, you should create a “greenhouse effect” by wrapping your head in a towel or warm scarf.
  3. After health treatment The mask is washed off from the hair with warm water.
  4. To nourish your hair, just leave the vitamin mask on your head for 40 minutes. If there is no feeling of discomfort, some compositions can be left in place for 1.5-3 hours. This will give better results.

Video about vitamins

You can learn how to properly use liquid vitamins for hair growth and strengthening from this video.

Separate use of vitamins from ampoules is not recommended due to their high concentration. Some still resort to similar methods, for example, rubbing liquid vitamins into the hair follicles in the parting or lubricating split ends with them. In such a situation, it is advisable to wash off the drug no later than half an hour after application.

Vitamin complexes in ampoules

Thank you

Vitamins are low-molecular substances that trigger and maintain the normal course of cascades of biochemical transformations occurring in the cells of the human body. To understand the importance of vitamins, you need to know that absolutely all physiological functions various organs and tissues, as well as their nutrition and oxygen supply occurs in the form of successive cascades of biochemical reactions. Each function in the body is performed by a certain type of reaction that is activated and maintained by normal speed namely vitamins. Moreover, each vitamin activates and maintains the rate of occurrence of only a specific type of biochemical reaction.

Since hair is an appendage of the skin that needs nutrition and oxygen supply, it, like other organs, needs vitamins. Vitamins ensure normal metabolic and respiration processes in the hair follicle and directly in the cells of the hair itself. How optimally the hair is provided with vitamins determines its appearance and structure, as well as the rate of growth and hair loss. If you have the required amount of vitamins, your hair will be beautiful, lush, shiny, elastic, growing quickly and not falling out. If there is a deficiency of vitamins, then the hair becomes dull, lifeless, brittle, with split ends, poor growth and loss. Thus, the importance of vitamins for hair is obvious.

Vitamins for hair - definition and physiological significance

Currently, 13 vitamins are known, each of which ensures the normal course of various types biochemical transformations in organs and tissues. Each organ or tissue has its own unique functions, for example, the liver destroys toxins and purifies the blood, the kidneys remove metabolic waste, etc. However, in addition to these specific functions, in each cell of any organ, general biochemical processes occur that are associated with maintaining its vital functions, such as nutrition, respiration, removal of metabolic products, etc.

To carry out vital processes that are universal for all cells, all organs need a number of the same vitamins, which can be conventionally called systemic. And to carry out specific functions, each organ needs specific set vitamins, which can be conditionally called specific.

It is these specific vitamins that are called “vitamins for the eyes,” “vitamins for the kidneys,” “vitamins for the hair,” etc. This means that these vitamins are especially necessary for the proper and complete functioning of the organ, and therefore their deficiency can lead to various diseases the indicated organ. This organ also needs all other vitamins, but their deficiency will not be so critical for its functioning.

Thus, when talking about hair vitamins, we mean those chemical compounds that are especially necessary for their functioning. Since hair is an appendage of the skin and does not carry any vital important function, then they need vitamins that will keep them healthy, actively growing and beautiful.

This means that vitamins for hair are those that activate and support metabolism, ensure blood flow with nutrients and oxygen to the roots, as well as intensive cell division and the formation of connective tissue elements such as collagen, elastin, etc. Due to active cell division and high speed metabolism in the hair fiber cells, as well as good blood supply to the hair follicles, rapid hair growth is achieved, constant renewal occurs at the cellular level, that is, the “young” state of the hair is constantly maintained. As a result of the active occurrence of all metabolic processes, the hair becomes beautiful and strong.

Necessary vitamins for hair - properties and clinical effect produced

For the beautiful appearance, rapid growth and hair strength, the following vitamins are needed:
  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin B 8 (inositol);
  • Vitamin B 12 (cyanocobalamin);
  • Vitamin H (biotin);
  • Vitamin F (F).
Let's consider the properties and clinical effects of the listed vitamins on hair.

Vitamin A for hair. Retinol is necessary for the synthesis of elastin, collagen fibers and keratin, which provide elasticity, silkiness and softness to hair. With a deficiency of vitamin A, hair becomes loose, dull with split ends.

Vitamin E for hair. Tocopherol provides beautiful shine and rapid hair growth, and also protects it from the negative effects of environmental factors. With a deficiency of vitamin E, hair begins to fall out and break.

Vitamin C increases the rate of hair growth and prevents hair loss by improving the blood supply to the hair follicles. In addition, vitamin C is an antioxidant, and therefore protects hair from damage from various free radicals, which are found in abundance in environment. With a deficiency of vitamin C, hair becomes dry and begins to fall out.

Folic acid is necessary for proper and fairly rapid cell division, that is, the formation of new structural units of the hair fiber. Folic acid ensures rapid hair growth and preservation of hair pigmentation. With a deficiency of folic acid, hair quickly turns gray, grows slowly or falls out completely.

Vitamin B 1 for hair. The vitamin increases the rate of hair growth and normalizes sebum production, eliminating excess oiliness and dandruff. With a deficiency of vitamin B1, seborrhea develops, often combined with hair loss. In addition, with thiamine deficiency, hair becomes dull and lifeless.

Vitamin B 2 improves hair growth and also supports normal level sebum production. With a deficiency of vitamin B 2, hair quickly becomes oily at the roots and dry at the ends, splits and breaks.

Vitamin B 5 improves nutrition of the hair follicle, thereby strengthening the hair structure. Thanks to vitamin B 5, hair has volume, shine and elasticity. With a deficiency of vitamin B 5, hair becomes dull, brittle and greasy. This vitamin is good at restoring hair damaged by dyeing, perming, frequent use hair dryer, etc.

Vitamin B 6 for hair. This vitamin supports normal condition scalp, preventing the development of dermatitis and dermatoses. Vitamin B6 deficiency causes dandruff and itchy scalp.

Vitamin B 8 maintains the normal structure of the hair follicle, preventing its destruction and hair loss. With a deficiency of vitamin B 8, hair begins to fall out significantly.

Vitamin B 12 for hair. Cyanocobalamin makes each hair stronger and significantly accelerates its growth rate. With a deficiency of vitamin B 12, hair becomes brittle, grows very slowly and falls out moderately.

Vitamin H improves hair structure and maintains normal levels of sebum production. Vitamin H is one of the most important vitamins for hair, since it plays a decisive role in maintaining its beauty and normal height. With a deficiency of vitamin H, the hair quickly becomes greasy and gradually begins to fall out.

Vitamin PP moisturizes and nourishes hair by maintaining the normal structure of the hair follicle. Vitamin PP also maintains normal hair pigmentation, preventing graying. With a deficiency of vitamin PP, hair turns gray quickly and early.

Vitamin F (F) supports normal work sebaceous glands, preventing seborrhea and rapid greasy hair. In addition, vitamin F strengthens hair and prevents hair loss. With a deficiency of vitamin F, seborrhea develops, hair becomes greasy and unsightly, and begins to fall out moderately.

What vitamins do hair lack most often?

To understand what vitamins the hair of residents of a particular geographic region may most often lack, you need to know the nutritional structure that exists in the region. this moment, or the results of studies conducted under the auspices of the World Health Organization. It is necessary to know the nutritional features, since depending on which foods predominate in people’s diets, their availability of various vitamins depends. In other words, people with different eating habits suffer from different vitamin deficiencies.

WHO conducts studies on vitamin sufficiency once every few years and publishes open reports on the organization’s official website. Based on these reports, you can see what vitamins the residents of a particular region lack. That is, in order to understand which vitamins are most often lacking in the hair of a given person, it is necessary to analyze his diet or read the WHO report on the supply of vitamins in the corresponding region.

In some countries post-Soviet space(Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova) most of the diet consists of various high-carbohydrate foods from cereals (porridge, bread, pastries, pancakes, cakes, cookies, etc.) and potatoes. At the same time, there is little meat, fish, dairy products and vegetables, with the exception of potatoes, in the diet. Moreover ready meals Cereals are usually made from refined and purified flour, which contains very few vitamins. In addition, the diet contains heavy and unhealthy fats, such as lard, spreads and margarines, which also contain small amounts of vitamins and minerals. Against the backdrop of such a diet, residents of these countries suffer from a deficiency fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K. There is also a deficiency of vitamins, which are easily destroyed during processing of foods, such as group B and C.

Thus, taking into account the current diet, the hair of people living in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova most often lacks the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A (retinol);
  • Vitamin E (tocopherol);
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);
  • Folic acid;
  • Vitamin B 1 (thiamine);
  • Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin);
  • Vitamin B 5 (pantothenic acid, panthenol);
  • Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine);
  • Vitamin H (biotin);
  • Vitamin PP (niacin, nicotinamide);
  • Vitamin F (F).

Vitamin complexes for hair - names

Currently on the domestic pharmaceutical market available wide range vitamin and mineral complexes created specifically to strengthen and improve hair structure. These complexes may refer to pharmaceuticals or biologically active additives(dietary supplements). There is no big difference between the pharmacological drugs and dietary supplements available in pharmacies, since they are developed and produced by essentially the same companies. Moreover, due to the peculiarities of legislation in the countries of the former USSR, it is very difficult to register a drug in the register of pharmacological agents, so manufacturers get around this problem by classifying the vitamin complex as a dietary supplement. That is why in the CIS countries there is no fundamental difference between vitamin and mineral pharmacological preparations and dietary supplements.

Vitamin complexes for hair for oral administration

Below we provide a list pharmacological drugs and dietary supplements with proven clinical effects on hair:
  • Alerana (tablets);
  • Alodex;
  • Alphabet Cosmetics;
  • Aminofast;
  • Aurita;
  • Biosil;
  • Beautix;
  • Beautyton;
  • Beauty Expert. Luxurious hair and nails (manufacturer Neogalen);
  • VitaCharm;
  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Gelenk Narung;
  • Darcel beauty factor;
  • Darcel Hair Strength (factor 1 and 2);
  • Dermofit Bolgartrav;
  • Doppelhertz Active and Beauty;
  • Brewer's yeast (tablets);
  • Inneov Hair Density;
  • Intervention for Women;
  • Ishemin;
  • Complements Radiance;
  • Merz;
  • Nagipol;
  • Naosinshu elixir;
  • Nutricap;
  • Nutricomplex for hair and nails;
  • Charm;
  • Pantovigar;
  • Perfect;
  • Revalid;
  • Repein;
  • Rinfoldid;
  • Richhair SB;
  • Sebovalis;
  • Selencin;
  • Solgar "Skin Hair Nails";
  • Sophia. Vitamins for hair and nails;
  • Tricoxene and Tricoxene Donna;
  • Trichobliss VA 54;
  • Femicode for hair and nails;
  • Fitoval;
  • Phytophaner;
  • Cheviton;
  • Ecdysterone Mega;
  • Hair expert from Evalar;
  • Esquanol (with oil walnut, sea buckthorn or milk thistle);
  • Esobel-Art;
  • Beauty elixir;
  • Oenobiol Capillaire Anti-Chute;
  • Vitaline B+.

Hair vitamins in ampoules

Hair vitamins in ampoules are intended for external use, are available in the form of oil solutions and are highly clinically effective. Hair vitamins in ampoules are quite expensive, but their effect is comparable to mesotherapy - a special procedure for delivering necessary substances directly to the hair follicle. But with mesotherapy, the effect comes quickly, unlike the use of hair vitamins in ampoules. To obtain a lasting and pronounced clinical effect from the use of vitamins in hair ampoules, they must be used for 3 to 5 weeks.

Currently, the following hair vitamins in ampoules are available on the domestic market:

  • Honey-herbal complex for hair in ampoules of the series "Recipes of Grandma Agafya";
  • Biokim;
  • Green Pharmacy;
  • Simplaisen;
  • Stvolamine placenta;
  • Faberlic;
  • Farmavita;
  • Phytoformula;
  • Antexa;
  • Biolag;
  • BioMed Placenta;
  • Bonacure;
  • Botea;
  • C:EHKO;
  • Corine;
  • CH5plus;
  • Depilfax;
  • Dercap;
  • Dickson;
  • Erayba;
  • farm;
  • Kaaral;
  • Korff;
  • Loreal fluid professional;
  • Estel HEK;
  • Salerm;
  • Selective;
  • Schwarzkopf;
  • System 4;
  • Structure Fort;
  • Paul Mitchell;
  • Phytolab minerale;
  • Placen formula;
  • Polipant Kerastas;
  • Revlon;
  • Vichy.
The list contains the names of companies or lines that have high-quality hair vitamins in capsules. According to reviews of stylists, trichologists, hairdressers and people who have used various hair capsules, preparations made in Italy and Japan have the best clinical effect.

What hair vitamins should you take to get different effects?

Each vitamin has a specific effect on the hair, thereby causing some pronounced clinical effect, for example, strengthening hair, increasing elasticity, shine, stopping hair loss, etc. Therefore, to obtain any specific effect, you should take certain vitamins that can have the necessary effect on the hair. Let's look at what vitamins you need to take to accelerate hair growth and strengthen it (prevent hair loss).

Vitamins for hair growth

To speed up hair growth, any person, regardless of gender and age, needs the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin A– directly accelerates the growth process by activating the synthesis of necessary cellular structures hair, such as keratin scales, collagen and elastin;
  • Vitamin C– improves blood circulation in the scalp, which optimizes delivery nutrients and oxygen to the hair follicles. Due to increased nutrition of the hair follicle, the hair itself begins to actively grow;

  • Vitamin H– maintains an optimal level of sebum production, which allows you to maintain optimal hair hydration without excessive greasy hair. Ungreasy hair can grow at a normal rate;
  • Vitamin PP– supports normal structure and the functioning of hair follicles, without which rapid hair growth is impossible;
  • Vitamins B 2, B 9 (folic acid) and B 5 – directly accelerate hair growth by activating metabolic processes and the synthesis of new cellular structures.

Vitamins for strengthening hair

To strengthen your hair and reduce hair loss, you need to take the following vitamins:
  • Vitamin C– strengthens hair by improving blood supply to hair follicles;
  • Vitamin E– stops hair loss and strengthens it due to effective protection from negative environmental factors;
  • Vitamin H– prevents or stops hair loss. Also reduces the rate of graying or prevents the appearance of single gray hairs;
  • Vitamin B 2– strengthens hair and optimizes sebum production;
  • Vitamin B 6– improves metabolic processes in hair and hair follicles, strengthening them;
  • Vitamin B 8– directly stops hair loss;
  • Vitamin F– strengthens hair and stops hair loss by normalizing and maintaining the health of the scalp.

Vitamin complexes for hair - general characteristics and reviews of the most commonly used drugs

Vitamins Doppelhertz for hair

In general, Doppelgerz is intended to be taken as part of complex treatment and disease prevention of cardio-vascular system. However, this complex contains the vitamin of youth and beauty - tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids, which improve the structure and, therefore, the appearance skin, hair and nails.

Reviews of Doppelhertz vitamins for hair are overwhelmingly positive. This is due to the fact that Doppelherz significantly improves the appearance of hair, making it more beautiful and healthier in all people who use vitamins. The severity of the effect may vary depending on different people, however, improvement in hair structure always occurs. Among the positive reviews about Doppelherz vitamins, two groups can be divided into two groups: the first is associated with the unexpected and very pleasant effect of improving the condition of hair, skin and nails while taking the drug for another reason, and the second is with the targeted use of hair pills.

Negative reviews about Doppelhertz for hair are rare and are mainly related to development discomfort in the organs of the gastrointestinal tract during their intake. In addition, a few negative reviews about Doppelhertz vitamins are associated with the need for long-term use in order to achieve a pronounced and lasting effect on hair condition.

Hair vitamins Pantovigar

The Pantovigar complex is designed to stop hair loss. However, in addition to stopping hair loss, Pantovigar vitamins improve their structure and appearance, making them healthier and more beautiful. These vitamins have a pronounced clinical effect, restoring hair health after damage by various negative factors, such as dyeing, perm, hot air drying, etc.

The vast majority of reviews about the Pantovigar complex are positive. This is due to the fact that vitamins improve the structure and appearance of hair even after severe damage. Many girls grow their hair by taking Pantovigar, which allows them to achieve rapid growth of beautiful, healthy, strong and silky hair fibers that will become a true decoration. Separately, it is worth mentioning the positive reviews of Pantovigar associated with its use to stop hair loss. In most cases, Pantovigar effectively and quickly stopped hair loss or significantly reduced the severity of this process.

There are very few negative reviews about Pantovigar vitamins and they are usually due to the lack of effect when used against hair loss. In addition, there is a small percentage negative reviews associated with the fact that when taking Pantovigar, severe discomfort appeared in gastrointestinal tract. This discomfort was so severe that it was necessary to stop taking the drug without receiving positive effect regarding hair.

Vitamins Perfectil for hair

This vitamin and mineral complex is intended for skin treatment. However, since without healthy skin scalp is impossible to have beautiful, strong and fast-growing hair, then the Perfectil complex, in addition to normalizing the condition of the skin, has positive impact and on the hair. Perfectil has a powerful strengthening effect on hair, stopping or preventing hair loss. The Perfectil complex is best suited for people suffering from dandruff, itchy scalp, and hair loss.

Reviews about the drug Perfectil are in most cases positive, since the vitamins apparently improve the structure and appearance of hair, and also accelerate its growth. All positive reviews about Perfectil can be divided into two large groups - the first are related to the fact that the vitamins stopped hair loss, and the second - with a visible improvement in their appearance and condition. That is, people who took Perfectil for various purposes were satisfied with its effect.

Negative reviews about the drug Perfectil are mainly associated with poorly tolerated side effects, such as nausea after taking the capsule, hair growth not only on the head, but also on the body, and weight gain. These side effects forced people to refuse to use Perfectil vitamins and, accordingly, leave negative reviews about them.

Hair vitamins Merz

The Merz complex contains not only vitamins, but also minerals and amino acids necessary to maintain healthy skin, hair and nails. Merz dragees are indicated for use to maintain youth and healthy skin for women over 30 years of age. This means that the drug supports metabolic processes at a fairly intense level, due to which the hair remains beautiful, strong and grows quickly. Merz vitamins are usually prescribed when there is insufficient supply of nutrients and oxygen to the hair, for example, in case of microcirculation disorders, vascular diseases, etc.

When your hair condition leaves much to be desired, emergency assistance Vitamins can be provided in ampoules that are rubbed into the scalp. Although their beneficial effects are less than those of a balanced intake of vitamins with food, your hair will become noticeably healthier. These vitamins are easy to use at home.

Sufficient intake of vitamins into the body - important condition wellness And general strengthening body. Vitamins also have a visible effect on the condition of the hair. Hair strength and health are maintained from within: proper nutrition and perhaps a course of pharmacy vitamins will improve hair in the long term. However, the realities modern life are such that they support healthy image life, including balanced diet, very hard. Haste, stress, snacking on the go, and insufficient amounts of fruits and vegetables in the diet make hair fragile and brittle. Quick help In this case, vitamins in ampoules may help. You can use such vitamins at home by rubbing them into the scalp. However, to achieve the greatest effect, you must follow the rules. Otherwise, there will be no benefit from vitamins - and perhaps even harm.

What vitamins have a beneficial effect on hair condition?

Not all vitamins are created equal. The condition of the scalp is improved by:

  1. Vitamin H. A lack of this vitamin leads to most problems with the scalp, and, as a result, worsens the condition of the hair. Seborrhea, eczema, hair loss - all this is a consequence of a lack of vitamin H.
  2. Vitamin B2. Its deficiency leads to worst case scenario combination hair: at the roots it will quickly become dirty, and at the ends it will become dry and brittle.
  3. Vitamin B 3 normalizes blood microcirculation, as a result of which hair becomes brighter.
  4. Vitamin B 5. Helps get rid of itchy scalp and restores damaged hair.
  5. Vitamin B 6. Protects against dermatitis and diathesis, and its deficiency in the body leads to dandruff.
  6. Vitamin B 9 helps to effectively renew the hair structure. It is responsible for the synthesis of new cells.
  7. Vitamin B 12 affects the process of cell division and supplies the scalp with oxygen.
  8. Vitamin A (or retinol) normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  9. Vitamin E nourishes hair. Makes them brighter and stronger. In combination with vitamin A, it is an effective restorative agent for all hair types.
  10. Vitamin C protects hair from damage free radicals, i.e. protects the scalp from aging and dryness.
  11. Vitamin F effectively reflects negative impacts environment.
  12. Vitamin PP moisturizes and nourishes hair.
  13. Vitamin D – eliminates flaking, promotes the absorption of calcium, the most important element for hair health.

Combination of vitamins when rubbed into the scalp

When choosing a hair complex, it is not enough to simply combine those vitamins that fight your hair problems. Vitamins react with each other, many neutralize the beneficial effects of other vitamins. Some, on the contrary, work more effectively in pairs. In addition, there are several important rules that will help preserve beneficial features vitamins So, when combining vitamins, it is important to remember:

  1. Vitamin B 12 cannot be combined with other vitamins: it will neutralize their effectiveness, and other vitamins, in turn, will negate the effectiveness of vitamin B 12.
  2. Vitamin B 5 is quickly absorbed into the scalp, so it is good for rubbing into the hair roots.
  3. Vitamin C quickly oxidizes when exposed to air, so the ampoule cannot be kept open for long.

The following vitamins cannot be combined:

  1. Vitamin C with any B vitamins.
  2. B 1 with vitamins B 2, B 3, B 6.
  3. B 12 - with vitamins B 1, B 3, C and E.

You can safely take together:

  1. Vitamin A with vitamins E, C and B 2.
  2. The combination of vitamins B 6 and B 12 helps with hair loss.
  3. Vitamin B 8 with vitamin E.

Using vitamins in ampoules at home

Vitamin ampoules are a solution of a concentrated substance on an oil and water basis. A set of ampoules purchased at a pharmacy comes with instructions that are individual for each set of vitamins. However, there is also general rules Using vitamin ampoules at home:

  1. Open glass ampoules carefully, avoiding cuts. It is better to cut off the tip with a special file, or, in its absence, with a break at risk.
  2. One ampoule is designed for one use. Even if a smaller amount was enough for you, or the mask recipe involves using only part of the ampoule, store it in open form not worth it. In any case, the contents of the ampoule will deteriorate with prolonged contact with air and become useless.
  3. The concentration of vitamins in the ampoules is high, and their effect when rubbed directly into the scalp is almost instantaneous. In this case, more is not better. An overdose of vitamins is fraught with unpleasant consequences.
  4. To achieve a long-lasting effect and a radical change in hair condition for the better, vitamins in ampoules are used in courses. Most often, the duration of the course is specified in the instructions.
  5. Some experts believe that nai greater effect vitamins are given at night.
  6. Vitamins should be applied to the scalp - this is how they effectively influence metabolic processes in the epidermis, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair along its entire length.
  7. You need to rub in vitamins carefully, especially if your hair is weak. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging already brittle hair.

Recipes for vitamin-based masks

All of these masks are easy to make at home, and the effect will be noticeable after the first application. To achieve a long-lasting effect, you need a course of such masks.

  1. Vitamin A in combination with vitamin E and any hair oils. Apply the mixture to the scalp immediately after washing, wrap your head with polyethylene and a warm towel. Wash off the mixture with shampoo after an hour.
  2. Mask against dry hair and itchy scalp. Mix oil solutions vitamins A and E (1 ampoule of each), 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of Dimexide, 1 tablespoon of burdock oil. Immediately before application, add two ampoules of vitamin B6. Apply the mask to the hair roots and leave for two hours. You should make this mask twice a week.
  3. Mask against oiliness and mild forms of seborrhea. You will need linden flowers, chamomile, nettle leaves - one tablespoon each. A decoction is prepared from them, infused for 30 minutes. Then 4 drops of vitamins B12, B2, A and E are added to the infusion. Rub the mixture into the scalp, then cover the head with polyethylene and a warm towel. Rinse your hair after 1.5-2 hours. Repeat the procedure once a week for a month.


I still believe that you can’t do without taking vitamins “internally”. And it is better to choose for this purpose vitamin complexes with polyprenols, they also restore the body’s cells.

My hair looks great! I regularly make hair masks with the addition of pharmacy vitamins. But I notice a greater effect after taking multivitamin complexes orally, for example, Trichocomplex from Philip Kingsley.

masks made from oils have a very beneficial effect on the hair, they treat, nourish, moisturize, in pharmacies there is generally a blend of 10 oils, already finished product, very comfortably!

Comment on the article "What vitamins should be rubbed into the scalp"

Section: Hair care. Do you recommend ampoules/serums for hair loss? ampoules with aminexil. You can buy them from Acura, you can buy them at the Vichy pharmacy, and it seems that L'Oreal has them. Take your vitamins, or better yet, see a doctor. I just found out that the lack of iron is due to this...


I tried both aminexil and minoxidil. It was minoxidil that helped.
And it’s complete bullshit that they write that your hair will fall out later. This is wrong. Only that which should have physiologically fallen out earlier, but did not fall out due to the use of the drug, falls out. His main task is to awaken the sleeping bulbs, and he copes with this clearly.
Aminexil did not work ((
I took both from the OPTO.

But you MUST consult with your doctor to see if it can be used. This is not burdock oil, this is a serious drug.

Get examined urgently, including a blood test. My hair was falling out due to anemia due to multiple fibroids :-(

There is no need for dietary supplements and vitamins, she already takes so many different medications... and for vitamins, wheat germ every day. What are ampoules against hair loss? How are ampoules used to treat hair? Kerastase ampoules for hair loss.

Advise with iherb for hair.... Looking!. Foreign online shopping. Advise iherb for hair... Good afternoon. This is the first time I want to place an order from this site. so the products are not And I also use castor oil and coconut oil as masks. But such masks wash out the paint.


Thank you all very much.

LiveJournal has an excellent iHerb community. It’s very convenient to search by tags. I attached the link. That's where I choose for myself. and then I read reviews on iHerb itself. Magnesium oil helped me against hair loss, for colored hair damaged hair There you can only look at Giovanni, other shampoos and condos will not give smoothness and shine. After washing with shampoo from iHerb, I apply silicone masks with keratin (not from iHerb) to the ends and also silicone oils to damp hair. The main thing is not to rub it into the roots, but the hair doesn’t care - it’s already dead)) but for children now everything is only from iHerb. everything for washing, vitamins, sweets, cookies, ointments. I also like tonics, washes, creams, shower gels, soaps, rose oils, essential oils. I won’t recommend anything specific; you need to choose it for your type.

Vitamins, masks, ampoules, etc.?? Pharmacies sell a lot of anti-hair loss products, I don’t know what to choose! Yes, you don’t need any vitamins for your hair - your hair will be as long as it was before pregnancy. I haven’t seen anyone bald after giving birth.


nothing, it's hormonal. It will stop on its own.

Hair needs vitamins B, A or beta-carotene, E, C and trace elements: magnesium, iodine, iron, silicon, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, calcium. All this is contained in following products: grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, fatty fish, poultry, brewer's yeast, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Those. First, analyze your diet for balance (what is missing?). Still, vitamins and minerals are best absorbed from food. Also in pharmacies you can find vitamin complexes INNEOV, PERFECTIL, VITRUM BEAUTY ELITE, PANTOVIGAR, COMPLIVIT SHINE, MERZ. I don’t really like them because they don’t cover the entire spectrum of vitamins and minerals, and allergic reactions are often caused and are not always well absorbed. Of course, you can drink them, but it’s still better to establish natural nutrition(because it is not known exactly what vitamins and microelements you are missing). Still good to buy special shampoos and make vitamin masks for hair.

Willow Rocher ampoules for hair loss, super, after giving birth, many friends had severe hair loss, they were saved by this, on themselves. Tell me, please, what balms can be used for dry hair? Does anyone know “folk” natural balms and recipes?

What are ampoules against hair loss? How are ampoules used to treat hair? Ampoules for hair restoration. Hair does not fall out, but simply falls out in handfuls. Are ampoules for hair loss during breastfeeding possible? hair loss in a nursing mother.


:) no need to save them :))) this is absolutely normal. those that fall into pregnancy for a month or two are those that did not fall into pregnancy on time under the influence of hormones. then new ones will grow, clean, silky)))) in general, this is the case for everyone, from 4 to 6 months after giving birth, I usually cut my hair shorter so that it is not so noticeable.

Hair loss remedy. Girls! I need some kind of miraculous remedy. Now I use Loreal (ampoules for hair loss). Alarm! I used Revalid, Cora hair growth tonic, shampoo and anti-hair loss serum from Cutrin in the complex for about a month.


I once asked hairdressers to “thin” my hair to make it easier to style. They probably got offended and the smart ones decided to leave the bad head. I was pregnant for a week. I read in books that during pregnancy the hair is shiny and the nails are strong, but during lactation it’s the opposite. I wore my hair in buns! I haven’t gone to see an endocrinologist yet. It turns out that I had a terrible iodine deficiency. As soon as I started taking it, it immediately became easier. Now I even bleach it.
I also remember the following methods: grate an onion, apply it to the scalp for several hours (I haven’t tried it myself, a friend says it helped), except tar soap Now they also sell shampoos (and I love the smell - like in a Russian bathhouse!). Use a comb less often, keep your hair shorter, take care - don’t dye it, use only soft water (at least let it sit in a bucket). And inside - brewer's yeast (B vitamins), aquadectrim (vitamin D).
Hope you find something useful.

I used Revalid, Cora hair growth tonic, shampoo and anti-hair loss serum from Cutrin in the complex for about a month.
Now I can’t tie my hair in a ponytail - a *halo* of new hairs is growing around my forehead :)))

Rub warm burdock oil into the roots and onto a turban from a terry towel for an hour. The only thing is that the oil must be good - once I got it on a low-quality one - I couldn’t wash it off later) Better, of course, is the one that is more expensive. The recipe was suggested by a girl from the maternity hospital ward. Then I ignored it, but when I started feeding and the hair came out with terrible force, I remembered this and stayed with the hair). In general, I was in Goa six months ago and there I took an Ayurveda course on my face and hair (massage using their Indian oils) - so then my skin was like a baby’s and my hair was like silk for probably a month.
It would also be interesting to know recipes tested on yourself

Indeed, vitamin D3 BON (French) is better in a number of respects - firstly, it is taken once (the ampoule with the vitamin is dissolved in Ampoules with vitamins are a solution of a concentrated substance on an oil and water basis.


If you are already more than 4-5 months old, then it is better to give a complex drug like

Indeed, vitamin D3 BON (French) is better in a number of respects - firstly, it is taken once (the ampoule with the vitamin is dissolved in the baby’s drink) and active action vitamin lasts 6 months, after which, on the recommendation of a doctor, the course can be repeated (we did just that - we have an autumn baby, so we drank the first ampoule in October, then in March, and then it was summer and naturally - the sun,
main "source" of vitamin D). Secondly, vitamin D 2 is domestic drug(I have nothing against the “domestic manufacturer”, which needs to be supported;-), its course is designed for at least 3 weeks, or even more (depending on the signs of rickets in the baby), but everyone knows that vitamin D has a negative effect on the liver (especially if you take it for a month! even drop by drop). Thirdly, vitamin D 2 is very cheap, it is given out in our clinic in the room healthy child(this is why they recommend it to everyone), and vitamin D 3 costs about 100-120 rubles per ampoule, and as you already understand, there is a lack of funds to purchase and provide it to everyone in need (exactly the same situation with the hepatitis B vaccine - vaccination is necessary, but the vaccine is expensive, so if parents consider it necessary to vaccinate their baby - at their own expense).

If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer!