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Apnea - what is it, treatment of the syndrome. Symptoms and causes of apnea and how to treat. Sleep apnea - stopping breathing during sleep

Does your loved one's snoring regularly keep you awake at night? But the problem is not limited to the inconvenience caused to others. Sleep apnea syndrome can be truly dangerous, leading to many serious serious problems with health. The term “apnea” is translated from Greek as “stopping breathing.” Of course, we all voluntarily face forced stoppages breathing movements, for example, while immersed in water. However, unconsciousness lasting from 20 seconds to 3 minutes can, over time, lead to impairments that complicate both physical and psychological condition person.

Symptoms of the disease

Sleep apnea, the symptoms of which everyone should know, threatens to stop breathing. However, a person may not feel what is happening during sleep and may not be aware of his illness. It is worth paying attention to others obvious signs characterizing sleep apnea. This:

  • Regular snoring.
  • A feeling of suffocation that occurs during sleep.
  • Fatigue and drowsiness throughout the day.
  • Morning headache.
  • Decreased concentration and irritability.
  • Sensation in the mouth after waking up.

Types of apnea: central absence of breathing

Such a phenomenon as central absence of breathing, in medical practice is quite rare. This type Apnea is characterized by the fact that at a certain point the brain temporarily stops sending signals to the respiratory muscles that control breathing. Because of this, breathing stops. Moreover, patients sleep so restlessly that they are able to remember their night awakenings. Central sleep apnea can lead to complications such as hypoxia or dysfunction of cardio-vascular system.

Types of apnea: obstructive absence of breathing

More often, doctors are faced with obstructive lack of breathing. In this case, the lumen critically narrows respiratory tract, the muscles of the pharynx relax, the air flow is interrupted. Oxygen levels drop and the person is forced to wake up to regain breathing. However, these awakenings are so short-lived that they are not remembered the next morning. On average, a person suffering from this type of apnea experiences such attacks of respiratory arrest 5-30 times per hour. Naturally, about nothing full sleep or rest there is no question. Obstructive sleep apnea, the treatment of which must begin when the first symptoms of the disease are detected, can lead to a number of problems with health and well-being.

Types of apnea: complex breathing

This type of apnea has all characteristic features both central and obstructive rhythm. Periodic pauses in breathing combined with obstruction of the upper respiratory tract accompany a person throughout sleep. This sleep apnea syndrome requires immediate diagnosis and treatment, as it can have quite serious consequences, such as the development of coronary heart disease.

Apnea in children

Despite the fact that we are accustomed to consider this problem more likely to be age-related, it can also occur in children. Children with enlarged tonsils and adenoids, drooping palate and chin, and an underdeveloped nervous system are at risk. Premature babies, newborns with Down syndrome and cerebral palsy are also more likely to suffer from sleep apnea. The cause may also be medications taken by a nursing mother. Parents should be alert to loud breathing during sleep, wheezing, or night cough, long intervals between breaths. The child does not get enough sleep, sweats and looks restless while awake.

Most dangerous form disease is obstructive form. The child's face turns pale, fingers and lips become bluish, the heartbeat slows down, and muscle tone decreases. Sleep apnea in children requires immediate medical attention, as it is believed that the disease can lead to sudden infant death syndrome.

Causes of apnea

Obstructed or impaired patency of the upper respiratory tract leads to a condition called apnea by doctors. The disease most often affects people with overweight body or any inflammation of the respiratory tract. The causes of sleep apnea can be different:

  • Obesity, especially cases where significant deposits of fat are located in the neck.
  • Neurological disorders that cause the brain to “forget” how to breathe during sleep.
  • Deviated nasal septum, as well as other anomalies in the structure of the respiratory tract.
  • Bad habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
  • Uncomfortable position while sleeping.
  • Age-related changes associated with deterioration muscle tone.

How dangerous is apnea?

Hypoxia - main danger who is at risk of sleep apnea. A decrease in oxygen levels to a minimum level causes a person to become quiet, the skin turns blue, and a signal is sent to the brain that it is necessary to wake up. Upon awakening, a person inhales oxygen, thereby restoring impaired breathing. This state of affairs cannot be called normal. A person chronically does not get enough sleep, unable to get into much-needed deep sleep. This leads to constant stress and disruption of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. In this regard, the level of injuries at work and at home is increasing.

Often, in patients with sleep apnea syndrome, morning blood pressure levels increase and heartbeat, which leads to the development of ischemia, stroke, and atherosclerosis. Against the background of apnea, the condition of patients suffering from chronic diseases, for example, lung pathologies. As a significant side effect, one can also note the suffering of loved ones who are forced to not get enough sleep next to a person who regularly snores.

Diagnosis of apnea

To determine the severity of the problem vital role played by the patient’s relatives, who, using the method of V.I. Rovinsky, use a stopwatch to record the duration of respiratory pauses and their number. During the examination, the doctor determines the patient's body mass index. It is dangerous if the UTI is above 35. In this case, a diagnosis is made. The neck volume normally should not exceed 40 cm in women and 43 cm in men. A blood pressure reading above 140/90 may also indicate a problem.

When diagnosing, consultation with an otolaryngologist is mandatory. At this stage, health problems such as a deviated nasal septum, polyps, chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis and rhinitis are identified. A polysomnographic study allows you to record all electrical potentials, the level of respiratory activity, the number, and duration of attacks during sleep. In some cases, choking during sleep is not apnea. Breathing when screaming with certain disturbances may indicate the onset of asthma or other health problems.

Disease severity

In order to determine the severity of sleep apnea, it is necessary to calculate the average number of episodes of apnea per hour. Up to five episodes - no problem, up to 15 - lung syndrome degrees, up to 30 - average degree. More than 30 attacks are considered a severe form of the disease, requiring immediate medical attention. The treatment method is determined by the doctor based on the patient’s health condition, and ethnoscience becomes a help that helps you get rid of the problem faster.


Treatment of apnea always involves eliminating the cause that caused the problem. Adenoids and tonsils are removed surgically, the deviated nasal septum is also brought back to normal, allowing the person to breathe fully. People who are obese are prescribed treatment to normalize their weight. Losing weight by just 5 kilograms in many cases helps get rid of the problem. For diseases of a neurological nature, drug intervention is required. Drugs that stimulate breathing are also prescribed, for example, Theophylline or Acetazolamide.

If the cause of sleep apnea is a flabby palate, then strengthening it, as well as changing its configuration, helps radio wave method. Local anesthesia, the absence of a long rehabilitation period and high efficiency have made the method the most popular today. The operation lasts only 20 minutes, after an hour the patient goes home, and already next night carries out without the painful attacks of apnea that have become habitual. Treatments such as liquid nitrogen or laser are also popular and effective. But the healing of the palate after manipulation occurs more slowly, causing slight discomfort in the person.

IN severe cases CPAP therapy is used. A special device, which is a mask connected to a pressure-creating device, is placed on the patient’s nose before going to bed. The pressure is selected so that the person can breathe easily and comfortably. Less popular are such methods of treating apnea as jaw retainers and adhesive strips that increase the clearance of the nasal passages, and pillows that force a person to sleep exclusively in the “side” position.

Traditional methods of treatment

Alternative medicine offers many options for getting rid of apnea. Simple and available recipes will be able to sleep as an excellent support for traditional treatment of the disease.

  • To moisturize the mucous membranes of the throat and nose before going to bed, rinse your nose with salt water, pour it into your palm, suck it in with your nose and immediately blow your nose. To prepare the mixture, you need to dissolve a teaspoon sea ​​salt in a glass of warm water.
  • Cabbage juice has also long been used in the treatment of sleep apnea. Add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The drink should be consumed within a month before bedtime.
  • Set up nasal breathing Healing sea buckthorn oil will help. It is enough to instill 5 drops of oil into each nostril for several weeks before going to bed. This method helps relieve inflammation from the tissues of the nasopharynx, has a healing effect, and restores blood circulation.
  • Carrots have proven to be effective in treating snoring. You need to eat one baked root vegetable three times a day before meals.

  • Yoga can also be used as a treatment for sleep apnea. Simple exercises performed 30 times in the morning and before bed will help you forget about attacks of the disease. Move your tongue forward while lowering it towards your chin. Hold your tongue in this position for two seconds. Press your chin with your hand and move your jaw back and forth, applying some force.
  • The simplest and nice way mild treatment or moderate form of apnea - singing. Simply chant daily for half an hour to strengthen your throat muscles. This method is really effective.

This treatment of sleep apnea with folk remedies will help cope with the problem, provided that all doctor’s recommendations and subsequent preventive measures are followed.

Prevention of the syndrome

People with excess body weight need to reconsider their diet and lose weight. Smoking and alcohol are also some of the main reasons leading to apnea. Giving up these bad habits in many cases helps to get rid of the problem forever. Tonic drinks, including your favorite cup of coffee in the afternoon, can also lead to the development of sleep apnea. It is enough to limit the intake of such drinks to a reasonable minimum.

A firm mattress and low pillow will make breathing easier while you sleep. Train yourself to sleep on your stomach. This will help prevent a recurrence of sleep apnea. Hiking before bedtime, soothing baths, massage are a good prevention of a problem that prevents you from getting enough sleep and leads to many health problems.

There is a completely unfair opinion that snoring is not a particularly pleasant phenomenon, but is completely safe for humans. In fact heavy snoring in a dream foreshadows the development of a disease called obstructive sleep syndrome (OSA ). Heavy snoring is one of its main symptoms.

Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is a disease characterized by pauses in breathing during sleep. Close people who observe the person’s sleep can suspect the development of apnea in a person. They are the ones who notice a sudden stop in snoring and cessation of breathing. Then the sleeping person snores heavily and may begin to toss and turn, after which his breathing is restored. When observing such patients, it was noted that up to 400 such respiratory arrests can occur per night.

Mechanism of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

The patency of the human upper respiratory tract is influenced by many factors. First of all, this pharyngeal muscle tone , internal diameter of tracks , inspiratory pressure value . While a person sleeps, the tone of the muscles of the pharynx noticeably decreases. Consequently, complete collapse of the airway may occur, which occurs during inspiration, and subsequent cessation of breathing. To respiratory function recovered, activation of brain function is necessary. It is the brain impulse that is sent to the pharyngeal muscles that opens the airways. When the patient's breathing is restored, the oxygen level returns to normal, causing the brain to become calm again. After this, the person falls asleep. Such cycles are repeated throughout the sleep period.

Due to the manifestation of such stops in breathing during sleep, the human body begins to suffer from a severe decrease in oxygen content in the blood. Accordingly, the heart and brain, which require a lot of oxygen to be nourished, have a negative effect.

Brain hypoxia that occurs at night is manifested by a morning headache. And people who, in addition, suffer from coronary heart disease, may subsequently suffer from sleep apnea. .

In addition, when breathing stops, a jump occurs on a short time: it rises to 200-250 mm Hg. Art. If similar phenomenon is repeated many times every night, then as a result the patient most often develops, acquiring a chronic crisis course. Hypertension resulting from such disorders is less responsive to treatment with antihypertensive drugs familiar to hypertensive patients. In addition, the chronic lack of transition of sleep to deep stages, as well as nocturnal hypoxia, provoke a noticeable decrease in excretion . In adults, this hormone ensures fat metabolism. Growth hormone is responsible for ensuring that the fat consumed is converted into energy and not stored as fat reserves. But if growth hormone is not produced in the required quantities, then even if there is a lack of energy in the body, fat is not converted into energy. Consequently, the patient consumes more and more food to replenish energy costs. And the surplus immediately turns into . A patient who is gaining weight due to a lack of growth hormone cannot lose weight. overweight by using or medications.

At the same time, rapid weight gain provokes a worsening of the situation with the manifestation of sudden stops in breathing during sleep. After all, excess fat is also deposited on the neck, thereby increasing the narrowing of the airways. Growth hormone is produced in even smaller quantities, and as a result, a kind of vicious circle arises.

If the disease progresses to a severe form, production also decreases. . This leads to a decrease sexual desire And .

Causes of snoring

Thus, common occurrence– snoring – causes serious negative changes in the functioning of the body. The causes of snoring are determined by several factors. First of all, people who have certain anatomical disorders that lead to narrowing of the airways can snore. This situation occurs due to congenital narrowness of the pharynx or nasal passages, curvature of the nasal septum, the presence of polyps in the nose or enlarged tonsils, a long tongue on the palate, and a malocclusion due to a displaced jaw. In addition, snoring is caused by .

The second group of factors that contribute to snoring during sleep are functional factors. These primarily include sleep itself, during which muscle tone decreases. In addition, night snoring is provoked by severe fatigue and constant lack of sleep, the use of sleeping pills, drinking alcoholic beverages, and smoking. Snoring often occurs in people with reduced function thyroid gland , in women during the period. Older people are more susceptible to snoring.

Symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

A person who has sleep-disordered breathing suffers because the overall quality of sleep noticeably deteriorates. Gradually, the patient begins to notice manifestations of frequent headaches and irritability. He is constantly in a state of mind, suffering from memory impairment and distraction. Men may gradually notice that potency has noticeably decreased. Basically, the sleep of people subject to respiratory arrest is always restless; they often turn around during sleep, can vigorously move their limbs, and speak. All of these symptoms, as well as other consequences of sleep apnea, occur as a result of chronic lack of sleep.

In addition to deteriorating the quality of life, such manifestations can pose a danger due to the increased risk of falling asleep while driving.

The number and duration of respiratory arrests vary depending on how severe the disease is in a person. If the disease has become severe, breathing may stop immediately after the person falls asleep. In this case, the position of his body can be any. If there is a milder form of the disease, then respiratory arrest occurs when deep sleep or when the person is lying on his back. Breathing is often impaired in people who drink alcohol before bed.

Diagnosis of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Those people who constantly snore while sleeping should consult an ENT specialist who can determine all the anatomical features of the patient’s respiratory tract. It is quite possible that the detected changes can be corrected, getting rid of the unpleasant phenomenon. In some cases, in order to find out how to get rid of snoring, a person should also consult a therapist and endocrinologist.

To determine whether a patient with snoring has sleep apnea, the doctor may prescribe a special sleep study - polysomnography. This research is carried out by attaching it to the human body. large quantity various sensors recording brain function, ECG, respiratory movements and other parameters necessary for research. All information is recorded during the night's sleep, and on its basis the specialist determines which anti-snoring remedy will be most effective.

Diagnosis of apnea involves determining the presence of certain characteristic features patient and signs of the disease. Thus, a detailed examination of the patient’s condition is prescribed if he has three of the following signs:
— indications of the manifestation of respiratory arrests during sleep (this sign is already a prerequisite for conducting an in-depth examination);
- loud snoring at night or intermittent snoring with occasional snoring;
- too late at night;
- prolonged sleep disturbance lasting more than six months;
constant drowsiness during the day;
- arterial hypertension, attacks of which occur in the morning and at night;
- overweight.

Recommendations for patients with snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

Treatment of snoring at home requires strict adherence to certain recommendations designed to improve the quality of sleep and prevent unpleasant manifestations.

First of all, it is important correct posture for sleeping: it is best to sleep on your side, since lying on your back causes your tongue to sink, which contributes to breathing problems. In order to prevent the patient from turning over on his back at night, you can sew a pocket on the back of the pajamas and put a small ball or other object there. It will help a person wake up when turning over on their back. After some time, the corresponding reflex is developed, and the person no longer sleeps in a position on his back.

It is advisable for the head to be in a slightly elevated position while sleeping - this can prevent tongue retraction and reduce snoring. For this purpose, sometimes the bed is tilted by placing small bars under the legs of the bed from the side of the head, or a special medical bed is used.

It is not recommended for people who snore to take sleeping pills And sedatives facilities. These drugs help reduce muscle tone, as a result of which the pharyngeal muscles relax. If the patient has developed a moderate or severe form of the disease, then medicines with the indicated effects are strictly contraindicated.

Should not be in evening time drink alcoholic beverages, as alcohol helps to relax the muscles of the pharynx, aggravating the patient’s condition. People who smoke should consider quitting addiction. After all, smoking provokes inflammatory processes in the pharynx and trachea, which are accompanied by swelling, which increases the risk of respiratory arrest during sleep.

It is very important for a person prone to snoring to monitor their own weight, as obesity contributes to snoring. According to statistics, by reducing weight by 10%, the patient improves breathing parameters by 50% during sleep.

If you have certain problems with nasal breathing, you should take all measures to make breathing through your nose as easy as possible. If this problem occurs due to colds, you should use nasal drops with a vasoconstrictor effect. If there are polyps or any other anatomical features in the nose, you should consider surgical treatment.

The doctors

Treatment of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

To cure the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, you must first get rid of snoring. Modern methods of treating snoring involve the use of the recommendations described above, as well as other methods. Thus, snoring is treated with the help of special devices for the mouth, with the help of which you can increase the lumen of the pharynx. This device fixes the jaw. And although at first it creates noticeable discomfort, the effect of its use is very high.

Another effective medicine against snoring - special strips-dilators for the nose. With their help, you can expand the wings of the nose, which significantly increases the passage of air.

Laser plastic surgery of the soft palate is also used to treat snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. And with the help of so-called CPAP therapy, which consists of creating positive pressure in the respiratory tract, even severe forms night apnea. For this they use special device- a sealed nasal mask that connects to the compressor. Air under pressure is supplied through a tube into the throat. Consequently, the airways do not close and air flows constantly.

Other devices are sometimes used to treat apnea, but their use is advisable in selected cases.

Treatment of snoring with folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers some remedies that have long been used in the fight against such an unpleasant phenomenon as night snoring. Those who are wondering how to cure snoring can try some of these.

As a cure for snoring, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh cabbage juice with one teaspoon of honey added for one month. It is also recommended to regularly eat baked carrots three times a day before the main meal.

Another folk remedy against snoring is used for difficult nasal breathing. To make breathing easier through your nose, you can take some drops a few hours before bedtime. into each nostril. Within a few weeks, breathing will become more free.

There are also special exercises to help get rid of snoring. One of them is to pronounce the sound “and”, tensing the muscles of the soft palate, pharynx, and neck. This should be repeated about 30 times in the morning and evening.

Another exercise that is advisable to repeat several times a day is done with your mouth closed. You should breathe through your nose. Initially you need to strain back wall tongue, then pull the tongue towards the throat, applying force. To determine whether these actions are being performed correctly, you need to place your fingers under your chin. If the muscles are tense, then everything is done according to the rules. This exercise, which strengthens the velum palatine, should be repeated about 15 times.

Complications of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

People who suffer from regular sleep apnea often experience anxiety at night. . Lack of oxygen can affect kidney health. Also, patients suffering from this disease are much more likely to experience metabolic syndrome and manifestations . A complication of severe apnea can also be in men. Such patients become irritable, may hardly feel alert throughout the day, and even show certain signs of unbalanced behavior.

Due to the constant lack of oxygen in the body, patients who experience sleep apnea are more likely to suffer from nighttime sleep apnea. And heart attacks . In severe cases of the disease, sudden death of a person during sleep is possible. Therefore, treating this disease is extremely important.

List of sources

  • Blotsky A.A., Pluzhnikov M.S. The phenomenon of snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. - St. Petersburg: Special literature, 2002;
  • Vein A.M., Poluektov M.G. Seriously about snoring. - M.: Eidos-Media, 2003;
  • Zilber A.P. Sleep apnea syndromes. - Petrozavodsk, 1994;
  • Vein A.M., Hecht K. Human sleep. Physiology and pathology. - M., 1991;
  • Buzunov R.V., Legeyda I.V. Snoring and obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Tutorial for doctors. - M., 2011.

Various sleep disorders, permanent or episodic, occur in almost every person. The attitude towards insomnia, snoring, freezing of breath in sleep and so on, as a rule, is not serious. Especially in at a young age. Few people know that habitual snoring is not an indicator of strong and healthy sleep. On the contrary, it is an alarming symptom that occurs as a result of one or another pathological condition. Sleep apnea is a complication of habitual snoring. Short pauses in breathing during rest lead to a total of oxygen starvation the whole body. Fatigue, decreased performance and mental activity, daytime sleepiness are all just minor consequences of sleep apnea. People suffering from such disorders are many times more likely to have a stroke and heart disease. And newborn babies and the elderly population - sudden death in a dream.

Sleep apnea - what is it?

Sleep apnea is a temporary cessation of breathing during sleep, which occurs due to the inability of air flow through the upper respiratory tract due to various pathological conditions.

Such phenomena are studied by a special branch of neurology - somnology.

Apnea is characterized by narrowing of the airways

In the physiological (normal) act of breathing there are three main components:

  • stable functioning of breathing regulation mechanisms (center located in the medulla oblongata, cortex cerebral hemispheres, receptors that respond to content carbon dioxide in blood);
  • unimpeded flow of air into the lungs through the respiratory tract;
  • coordinated and adequate work of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm.

A disruption in the functioning of one of these components can cause sleep apnea. At the moment when a person is awake, soft fabrics the lumen of the respiratory tract (palate, tongue, pharynx) are in good shape. During sleep, tissue regulation is weakened. As a result, a partial narrowing of the lumen of the pharynx is observed. As you inhale, the air flow creates vibrations in the soft structures, resulting in the characteristic sound of snoring.

If, due to some specific reasons, a complete closure of the lumen (obstruction) of the upper respiratory tract occurs, then obstructive sleep apnea occurs. At the same time, breathing movements are preserved.

Apnea - video about temporary cessation of breathing during sleep

Apnea mechanism

The pathology proceeds as follows:

  1. As a result of lack of air, hypoxia occurs (decreased oxygen in the blood). At the same time, the heart, in order to save oxygen, begins to beat less frequently. Bradycardia occurs (decrease in heart rate).
  2. All organs begin to suffer from lack of oxygen. They send an alarming stream of exciting impulses to the brain. The latter also experiences hypoxia. The brain “wakes up” and sends signals to the adrenal cortex. Here, “revitalizing” hormones - adrenaline and norepinephrine - begin to be produced.
  3. Under their influence, the heart rate increases, blood pressure rises, the muscles become toned and the narrowed lumen of the respiratory tract opens - this happens deep breath.
  4. Then relaxation sets in again, snoring resumes until the next attack of apnea.

Features of manifestation in children

Sleep apnea is also quite common in childhood. The mechanisms and causes of its occurrence are generally similar to those in adults.

In newborns, in particular premature infants, the cause of the attack is the immaturity of the respiratory center and receptor system. During the transition from one phase of sleep to another, movements also stop. chest, and air flow in the paths.

Due to immaturity respiratory system, apnea can occur in newborns

Due to the immaturity of the receptor systems, impulses do not enter the brain. The corresponding center of the medulla oblongata is also “dormant.” Therefore, without external stimulation, breathing may not be restored. And this can lead to dire consequences.

Classification: central, obstructive and mixed apnea

Depending on the mechanism of respiratory arrest, sleep apnea can be divided into:

  1. Central. At the same time, both breathing movements and air flow in the passages stop.
  2. Obstructive. The air flow in the respiratory tract stops, but chest movement continues.
  3. Mixed. A combination of cessation of air flow, periods of breathing movements and their absence.

Depending on the severity, the pathology is classified, based on the apnea/hypopnea index, into:

  • light (from 5 to 15);
  • average (from 15 to 30);
  • severe (above 30).

The apnea/hypopnea index is the main criterion for the severity of the pathology. It reflects how many times during an hour a person had complete (apnea) or partial (hypopnea) stoppages of breathing.

Sleep apnea is a sudden stop in breathing

In newborns, seizures are divided into:

  1. Primary (ideopathic). Respiratory arrest occurs without a specific pathological cause, due to the immaturity of the system.
  2. Secondary. They are always a symptom or manifestation of some disease.

Causes of pathology in adults and infants

The sources of apnea are certain processes that affect the three main links that determine the normally functioning act of breathing (brain, airways, respiratory muscles).

Causes of central apnea may include:

  • brain stem damage and myopathy;
  • insufficiency of the respiratory muscles in Guillain-Barré syndrome;
  • various psychogenic disorders (neurosis, psychosis, hysteria), accompanied by increased breathing;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • syndrome primary failure breathing (Ondine's curse syndrome) - a person is able to breathe only while awake.

Sources of obstructive apnea can be:

  • operations in the upper respiratory tract;
  • various anomalies of the palate, jaws and nasopharyngeal region;
  • conditions and diseases leading to an increase in the soft structures of the respiratory tract, neck, etc.

Smoking addiction can lead to the development of sleep apnea

Predisposing factors

Sleep apnea can occur as a response of the body to the influence of the following conditions and diseases:

  1. Bad habits:
    1. drinking alcohol (muscles relax, the brain’s sensitivity to hypoxia decreases);
    2. smoking (inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane due to the irritating effects of tobacco smoke);
    3. taking narcotic drugs, including sleeping pills and tranquilizers (pronounced muscle relaxation, decreased sensitivity to lack of oxygen).
  2. Anomalies in the structure of the upper airways:
    1. low soft palate, long uvula (with a decrease in muscle tone during relaxation, they partially block the lumen of the pharynx, vibrating, creating snoring);
    2. retrognathia, micrognathia, Pierre-Robin syndrome, “bird face” (a small jaw is displaced back, due to the retraction of the tongue and a decrease in the size of the pharyngeal space, a narrowing of the airways occurs);
    3. congenital or acquired curvature of the nasal septum (difficulty breathing through the nose due to curvature of the airways, breathing through the mouth).
  3. Endocrinological diseases:
    1. obesity (enlargement of the soft tissues of the pharyngeal structures due to fatty deposits, big size neck);
    2. - a decrease in the level of thyroid hormones (this causes a deterioration in muscle tone, tissue swelling, obesity);
    3. acromegaly is a dysfunction of the pituitary gland, leading to an increase in the structures of the face and other parts of the body (there is an overgrowth of pharyngeal tissue that blocks the flow of air).
  4. Adenoids, tonsil hypertrophy. They create an obstacle to the movement of air in the throat. This is the leading cause of snoring in children.
  5. ARVI. With inflammation, tissue swelling occurs. With recovery, both apnea and snoring disappear.
  6. Pregnancy. Physiological swelling of the nasal mucosa is characteristic. There is a decrease in muscle tone.
  7. Elderly age. In such people, atrophy occurs and the tone in the pharyngeal structures decreases.
  8. Prematurity (before 36 weeks). High immaturity of the structures regulating respiratory activity.

Sleep apnea often develops in obese people

Symptoms of an attack

There are a number of clinical signs characteristic of the presence of sleep apnea:

  1. Pronounced loud snoring. Sometimes a person himself wakes up from his snoring.
  2. Increased sleepiness during the day. Occurs even with normal or higher than normal duration of night rest. Spontaneous uncontrollable falling asleep during the day is typical.
  3. Increased pathological motor activity during rest.
  4. Decreased libido (sexual desire), sexual dysfunction.
  5. Promotion blood pressure. It is usually higher in the morning. Moreover, there is an increase in diastolic (lower) pressure.
  6. Hypnogagic hallucinations (sound, visual, tactile non-existent phenomena that occur at the moment of falling asleep).
  7. Enuresis (urinary incontinence) at night or frequent urination. They are not associated with any specific disease or condition (pregnancy, diabetes, cystitis).
  8. Headaches, morning or night.
  9. Decreased intelligence and performance.
  10. Shortness of breath, suffocation that occurs during sleep.
  11. or burping at night.
  12. Increase in body weight. Weight gain can progress even with interventions aimed at combating obesity.
  13. Increased sweating during sleep. Especially in the face and neck area, upper torso.

In the presence of a triad of symptoms: severe snoring, severe daytime sleepiness, frequent awakenings at night for any reason, one may suspect that a person has sleep apnea.

Apnea is characterized by strong, loud snoring that disturbs loved ones

Diagnosis of the disorder

Snoring and breathing pauses are not felt by the person himself. Complaints about these phenomena are usually made by relatives.

The main symptom that worries a person is severe daytime sleepiness, which interferes with professional activity and leading to complete social maladjustment.

The following methods are used to make a diagnosis:

  1. History taking and examination. The doctor carefully questions the patient, actively finding out the presence of pathological symptoms. The patient's appearance is characteristic: a pale, drawn face, dark circles under the eyes, slow speech, without emotional coloring. During a conversation, short-term spontaneous falling asleep may occur.
  2. Polysomnography is a method based on the analysis of the results of recording various indicators of the functioning of the body that occur during sleep. This study allows you to identify not only apnea, but also determine the structure of rest, and detect other pathological conditions.
  3. Computer pulse oximetry. Records the frequency of drops in saturation (an index of oxygen levels in the blood) and heartbeat.

Polysomnography is an effective method for diagnosing sleep apnea.

Differential diagnosis of the syndrome

It is necessary to exclude other pathologies that cause freezing of breath during sleep:

  1. Apnea in a healthy person. Stopping breathing is short in duration (no more than 10 seconds). They do not lead to a decrease in blood oxygen saturation and a decrease in heart rate.
  2. Apnea and periodic breathing in newborns. Such features occur in both full-term and premature infants. Lasts no more than 20 seconds. This condition is not accompanied by a drop in saturation and bradycardia.
  3. Various pathological sleep conditions. For example, narcolepsy, insomnia, syndrome restless legs etc.
  4. Cryptogenic (without a specific pathological focus) epilepsy. Unhealthy activity is detected on the encephalogram during sleep.
  5. Various pathologies of the cardiovascular system. They lead to bradycardia.
  6. Urgent conditions - acute cardiac arrest, aspiration (inhalation) foreign body or vomit. Progressive deterioration of the condition leading to fatal outcome without emergency assistance.

How to identify signs of illness in yourself

There is a technique that allows each person to independently assume the presence of sleep apnea.

To do this, the patient analyzes:

  1. Assess your well-being: urination at night, sleepiness during the day, headaches, complaints of snoring, episodes of respiratory arrest, attacks of suffocation.
  2. Appearance: overweight, enlarged neck circumference (women 37 cm and above, men 43 cm and more), enlarged tonsils, small and/or receding chin, large tongue.
  3. Existing diseases: persistent increase in blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, ischemia, persistent ventricular fibrillation, pulmonary hypertension, obesity, hypothyroidism, type 2 diabetes.

In the presence of unpleasant symptoms it is necessary to visit a somnologist

If a person has at least 1 complaint from points 2 and 3 or 3 conditions from point 1, then he is most likely suffering from sleep apnea. And this is a reason for a more in-depth examination.

Treatment of pathology

The fight against sleep apnea should always begin with eliminating the cause or triggering factors..

There are many techniques, varying in effectiveness, used in the treatment of sleep apnea.

Doctors advise starting therapy for pathology with lifestyle correction:

  1. Positional treatment. It is based on changes in body position. It is necessary to choose the right and comfortable sleeping pillow and mattress. In this case, the head should be slightly higher than the body. Side rest is recommended.
  2. Gymnastics. Special exercises(recommended by a doctor) should be performed twice a day for at least 10 minutes.
  3. Quitting smoking and drinking large doses alcohol, especially before vacation. It is recommended to reduce intake/completely eliminate sleeping pills and tranquilizers (if possible).
  4. Healthy lifestyle, fight against obesity.
  5. Ensuring normal indoor air. It is recommended to humidify and ventilate the room before going to bed. Smoking is strictly prohibited indoors.

It is necessary to properly arrange the place to sleep, the head should be slightly higher than the body

Medicines for snoring are ineffective. They have a slight moisturizing, anti-edematous and local tonic effect. They only help with uncomplicated snoring caused by dryness and increased air temperature in the bedroom.

Special devices

Today, doctors have provided patients with the following anti-snoring devices:

  1. A special bracelet that detects snoring sounds. With the help of light electrical impulses, it awakens a person. The bracelet is effective for positional (due to the awkward position of the head) snoring.
  2. Nose clips. Ineffective.
  3. Intraoral devices. These are applicators that promote jaw advancement. For example, the “Extra-Lor” device creates tongue tension.
  4. CPAP therapy. This is a non-invasive (without penetration into the body) assisted pulmonary ventilation. Using a special compressor, a slight positive pressure is created in the airways. It prevents the pharyngeal cavity from collapsing. A stream of purified, heated and humidified air is supplied through a special nasal or oral-nasal mask. An effective method for treating obstructive apnea.

CPAP therapy is the most effective treatment sleep apnea

Surgical methods

Surgical interventions are indicated for:

  • hypertrophy (increase in size) of the soft palate,
  • proliferation of tonsils to degree 3, when the lumen of the pharynx is completely blocked;
  • enlarged uvula.

They use a scalpel, laser, low frequencies and temperature.

During the operation, the doctor may choose the following tactics:

  1. Removing excess tissue.
  2. Provoking inflammation. As a result, necrosis (death) of excess tissue occurs.

TO surgical treatment resort only to extreme cases(in the presence of pathological tissue growths)

How to treat with folk remedies

Mostly ineffective.

To reduce uncomplicated snoring you can use:

  • putting sea buckthorn oil in your nose before bed,
  • drink herbal teas that have a general tonic effect (containing ginseng and lemongrass, eleutherococcus).

Folk remedies in the photo

Sea buckthorn oil is recommended to be dropped into the nose
Ginseng tincture has a strengthening effect Eleutherococcus tincture will be beneficial for apnea


Preventive measures are aimed at eliminating risk factors for the development of sleep apnea.

For these purposes, you must adhere to the following rules:

  1. Healthy lifestyle, regular physical exercise, balanced diet.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Creation comfortable conditions for sleep.
  4. Maintaining a daily routine.
  5. Prevention and timely treatment diseases that cause sleep apnea.
  6. Fighting excess weight.

Moderate physical activity (jogging) is effective prevention apnea

Sleep apnea - common problem many people, which can significantly impair their well-being and reduce their performance. And sometimes cause accidents as a result of spontaneous falling asleep. The problem of respiratory arrest has been well studied. Modern achievements in the treatment of snoring and apnea have excellent results that can return a person to full sleep.

Stopping breathing during sleep, or more precisely, repeated stops of breathing indicate the presence of a serious disease - sleep apnea syndrome.

The person with apnea himself obvious reasons does not notice or remember what happens to him in his sleep. As a rule, the problem is first noticed by his relatives, who, watching the sleeping person, see how he repeatedly stops breathing for 10, 20, 40 or more seconds, and often turns pale or blue when breathing stops.

The disease of respiratory arrest is observed in 5-7% of people, and in hypertensive patients and those suffering from coronary artery disease its frequency reaches 30%. But despite the widespread prevalence of the disease, surprisingly little is said about sleep apnea syndrome.

What to do?..

Very often, patients report that when they suspected they had apnea symptoms, they were at a loss: “What to do if you stop breathing in your sleep? What to do? Who to contact?". Fortunately, we have answers to these questions.

First of all, it is important to understand: sleep apnea syndrome cannot be cured on your own at home. That is why the first step towards recovery should definitely be a visit to a doctor who deals with sleep problems - a somnologist. He will be able to diagnose apnea, assess the severity of the condition and select treatment appropriate to the situation.

How does the disease occur?

Sleep apnea occurs because the pharynx, which is normally a hollow tube through which air flows to the lungs and back, at some point becomes completely closed for a number of reasons. In this case, doctors talk about the development of obstructive apnea syndrome, from the word “obstruction” - blockage.

Much less often it happens differently: the problem arises at the level of the central nervous system. The brain's respiratory center works intermittently and transmits impulses to the muscles of the chest and abdominal muscles irregularly, which leads to interruptions in breathing during sleep. This type of apnea is called central.

Causes of sleep apnea

We can say that obstructive apnea syndrome is a disease fat people: adipose tissue, like a muff, envelops the pharynx from the outside, leading to its compression and narrowing. During sleep, when the muscles relax and lose tone, the airway sometimes closes completely and the person stops breathing.

Then the following happens: the concentration of oxygen in the blood begins to decrease, and this happens until the “emergency response system” is triggered and the brain awakens. The brain sends an impulse to the muscles and tones them. The person takes a deep breath, often with a loud snore, and continues to sleep. Then the muscles gradually relax again, and the situation repeats.

There are other causes of sleep apnea besides obesity. Apnea in adults occurs due to the use of sleeping pills, sedatives, smoking, drinking alcohol, impaired nasal breathing, age-related changes and much more. A combination of several causative factors is also not uncommon.

Obstructive apnea syndrome in a child is formed in the presence of adenoids or a pronounced enlargement of the palatine tonsils (for example, with chronic tonsillitis), less often – with obesity and allergic rhinitis.

Central apnea syndrome develops due to heart failure, disease and brain injury.

Treatment for sleep apnea

The apnea treatment program directly depends on the examination results. If it turns out that sleep apnea is caused by excess soft tissue in the pharynx, mild forms of sleep apnea can be treated surgical intervention in the sky. For a deviated nasal septum and adenoids, a specialist may also recommend appropriate surgery.

In severe and moderate cases of the disease, surgical treatment of sleep apnea provides no more than 30% positive results. In this situation, CPAP therapy is often the only highly effective treatment method. To carry it out, special equipment is used, with the help of which air is pumped into the respiratory tract of the sleeping person under slight positive pressure. The air straightens the airways and prevents the throat from closing.

For central apnea, CPAP therapy is also used, as well as adaptive servoventilation, BIPAP and TRIPAP therapy, which are other types artificial ventilation lungs.

In addition to the listed treatment methods, others are also used situationally. For example, for nasal congestion (especially often with allergic rhinitis), special drops are used hormonal basis, which eliminate swelling of the mucous membrane and improve breathing.

People who use sleeping pills and alcohol can sometimes cope with apnea syndrome by simply refusing to use the listed drugs and alcohol. Quitting smoking always has a positive effect on respiratory function.

In Italy, according to WHO, 10% of the adult population snores so much that you can hear it in the next room. This heroic snoring reaches a noise level of 80 dB and corresponds to the roar of a jackhammer or steam hammer.

Polls show that every night in my dreams Both men (31%) and women (19%) snore.

Snoring is a consequence breathing disorders during sleep and can serve as a harbinger of apnea, a deadly disease.

Snoring is an endless topic for anecdotes and jokes, but it often becomes the cause of scandals and even divorces in families.

A case of litigation has been recorded in history:

The husband accused his wife of causing grievous bodily harm. The wife, in her defense, stated that she endured her husband’s snoring as long as she could, then repeatedly asked her to turn over to the other side, but he ignored her requests. Then she lightly hit her husband on the head with a police baton.

How does snoring occur?

Intense snoring usually occurs in the deep stage slow sleep, weakens or completely disappears in paradoxical sleep.

After falling asleep, muscle tone gradually weakens. When it comes to the muscles of the pharynx, the back of the tongue begins to sink and snoring occurs, which intensifies when lying on the back. In this position, the lower jaw and tongue slightly sag, thereby blocking the flow of air from the nasal cavity.

A person has to breathe through the mouth; vigorous inhalation causes the soft palate to vibrate, its vibrations being perceived by the ear as snoring.

Obese people are more likely to snore: excess weight forces you to sleep on your back, and excess fatty tissue in the larynx increases vibration. Losing weight is one of the effective ways to get rid of snoring; losing weight by 10% doubles your breathing during sleep. Snoring gets worse with age.

Causes of snoring

  • Narrowing of the nasopharynx:
    • anatomical features of the structure of the pharyngeal structures, leading to a narrowing of the respiratory lumen (curved nasal septum, sloping chin, elongated uvula, congenital narrowness of the nasopharynx, malocclusion).
  • Inflammatory process in the trachea, nasopharynx or bronchi (runny nose, enlarged tonsils, polyps in the nose, and so on),
  • Weak muscles of the soft palate(especially in the elderly). By falling off during sleep (especially in the supine position), the palatal tissues and uvula make the passage for air narrower. The flow of air passing through the narrowed airway causes the soft tissues of the pharynx to knock against each other. As a result, they are injured. Therefore, a person who snores during sleep may experience discomfort in the throat, pain, and dryness.
  • Pose on your back. The muscles of the tongue and pharynx, relaxing during sleep, fall and block the throat. As soon as the snorer is turned on his side, the snoring often stops.
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • Allergy.
  • Smoking reduces tone and causes swelling of the pharyngeal muscles and trachea, which causes breathing problems during sleep.
  • Alcohol also causes snoring by relaxing the muscles of the throat.
  • During menopause Snoring may occur as a result hormonal changes, decreased muscle tone, increased body weight.
  • Excess weight can make it difficult to breathe during sleep due to high position diaphragm. Snoring often goes away with weight loss.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Problems with the thyroid gland.

Consequences of snoring

Snoring provokes metabolic disorders, cardiac and hormonal imbalances, obesity, hypertension, and can cause stroke, myocardial infarction, and impotence.

As you can see, snoring can have quite a few causes, from a common runny nose to serious illnesses. By identifying the cause, you can not only get rid of this ugly-sounding disease, but also protect your life. After all Snoring provokes the development of sleep apnea, a deadly disease.


Sleep apnea – breathing disorders, which are manifested by periodic stops.

The name of the disease comes from the Drenic Greek word “a-pnea” - “without breathing”.

The presence of the disease is not difficult to establish; you need to listen to the breathing of the sleeping person: the sounds of snoring, gaining strength, suddenly stop for a while, the silence is followed by explosive loud snoring.

What's happening?

During snoring, the palatal tissues and a sunken tongue block access to the lungs of air, as a result the person experiences a lack of oxygen. The brain reacts to the lack of oxygen by causing the throat muscles to tense, allowing the sleeper to inhale air.

After some time, the muscles relax again, cut off oxygen, and the epic repeats.

In patients with apnea Breath holdings are recorded up to several hundred per night, and each delay lasts from several seconds to three minutes and can occupy up to 60% of all sleep.

At such moments, the sleeper turns restlessly and convulses, but does not wake up. Breathing resumes with explosive and loud snoring.

In the mornings, patients suffer from headaches and hallucinations, they fall asleep during the day, their intelligence decreases, their personality and character change for the worse.

But the main risk that holding your breath carries is stroke and heart attack.

Men are more likely to suffer from apnea after the age of forty years of obesity, in women this disease is much less common.

When holding your breath, the upper respiratory tract slams shut and the sleeper cannot inhale due to abnormally weakened muscle tone of the larynx. The cause of this phenomenon is considered to be the genetic predisposition of the patient.

Consequences of sleep apnea:

About methods of preventing snoring, about effective exercises And breathing exercises that will help you get rid of dangerous disease, read for the muscles of the palate and larynx to help get rid of snoring.

  • Do you grind your teeth in your sleep? .
  • Apnea can cause an attack.
  • : causes, consequences.
  • and insufficient sleep lead to early dementia and Alzheimer's.