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Healing herbs: tonic mixtures to increase energy. Herbs that tonic the body

Herbal infusions are known for being a kind of pantry folk knowledge. They have a gentle effect on the body, without exposing it to stress, but not only the body becomes healthier from natural medicinal herbs.

How to collect and select herbs correctly

According to astrologers, the most favorable time for collection medicinal herbs- this is the Full Moon. This is due to how the plant and its energy react to the phase of the moon. During the growth of the Moon, energy tends to accumulate and reaches its maximum by the Full Moon. This is why it is advised to collect herbs during the Full Moon. This is one of the ancient traditions. Collecting herbs has its own secrets, which have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries. You can find out more about medicinal herbs on our website.

It is recommended to collect herbs yourself. When purchasing from a pharmacy, be sure to double-check them so as not to harm yourself with defective material. Be careful. if a naturally strong-smelling herb has a weak odor. Stems and leaves must be undamaged and have sufficient bright color. It’s bad if the color is uneven. Moreover, the grass may be covered in mold or damaged by insects. For this reason, you should avoid buying ground herbs to avoid scammers.

How to drink herbal tonic solution correctly

You can see the first effect of using the tonic solution quite quickly. But in order for it to take full effect, do not stop drinking it for at least a month. This is due to the fact that medicinal and tonic herbs exhibit their effects over a fairly long period of time, having not a quick, but a gradual effect on the human body. Moreover, when chronic diseases It is recommended to drink infusions for at least three months, sometimes up to six.

Recipes for tonic infusions

There are a lot of recipes for tonic herbal tinctures, but you need to monitor your body’s reaction to them. If an allergy occurs, immediately stop taking this infusion, replacing it with another if desired. If you have never drunk such infusions before or have not taken them for a long time, you should start taking it with 1/3 glass, preparing the body. If you want to influence your health from the spiritual side, then Feng Shui amulets for longevity, health and good luck are also suitable for you.

Cooking method: Any of the following infusions is brewed in the ratio of two teaspoons of herbal tonic mixture to two glasses of boiling water. The infusion must be left to brew for an hour, after which it can be strained. It is recommended to take 3-4 times daily, in a volume of no more than half a glass.

first recipe: it is 1 part nettle leaves and 2 parts rowan fruits.

second recipe: For 4 parts of rowan fruit you will need raspberry and black currant fruits, two parts of each type. One part of black currant leaves is also added here.

third recipe: take three parts each of rose hips, nettle leaves and carrot roots. Add also one part of black currant fruit.

fourth recipe: Mix one part each of blackcurrant and rose hips.

fifth recipe: For this collection you will need one part each of plantain leaves and peony root. They need to be mixed with two parts of rowan fruit.

Medicinal mixtures have the living energy of nature. Herbs can not only heal the body, but also heal the spirit, protect against evil forces and protect against the evil eye. Our ancestors knew about them for a long time magical properties, especially how they operate during leap years.

Herbal infusions are always beneficial, and if you take them correctly, you will achieve even greater results. Besides traditional medicine and similar herbal infusions, many have experienced positive effect homeopathic treatment. Perhaps it will suit you too. Good health to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.05.2016 07:23

There are legends about the power of healing herbs, but they medicinal properties recognized as leading doctors. Monastic collection...

Nature gives a person a unique chance to heal the body natural means. Medicinal herbs have long been used in folk medicine as healing drinks. Extracts of such plants are used to prepare pharmaceuticals, and our article will tell you what useful herbs can be used at home in the form of tea.

The benefits of herbal remedies

An alternative to traditional tea drinking is drinking herbal decoctions. This is a great opportunity to improve your health. In addition, such drinks simply have wonderful properties. Depending on the composition, it can tone up as well as coffee, calm and relax. Besides, herbal infusion - excellent remedy to boost immunity and get well soon from a cold. Proper Use will provide excellent health and additional forces. When using it is worth considering possible contraindications so as not to harm yourself with such herbal medicine.

What parts of plants are used:

  • Fruits and berries.
  • Seeds and unopened buds.
  • Flowers and buds.
  • Roots or bulbs.
  • Aerial parts: stem, leaves or bark.

Medicinal teas may contain additional ingredients, such as fruits and berries. medicinal plants. Complex multi-component preparations are best purchased at a pharmacy, and for self-cooking Well-known and common herbs that you can buy or grow yourself are suitable.

About what useful plants feel great in garden conditions will be shown in a thematic video clip.

Tonic decoctions

To lift vitality special plants are used, as well as their combinations. The following herbs and herbs can be an option to replace the traditional morning cup of coffee.

What herbs help saturate the body with energy:

  • Rhodiola rosea.
  • Ginseng.
  • St. John's wort.
  • Knotweed.
  • Lovage.
  • Yarrow.

Will help with recovery and also severe decline strength after physical or mental overload. You can drink it in the morning and during the day, but in the evening such a “recharge” may be inappropriate. You can prepare a one-component drink or use a special mixture. To improve the taste in Herb tea add sugar or natural honey, and it’s best to infuse the collection in a thermos overnight - this way the ingredients will fully reveal their beneficial features.

Recipes for tonic fees:

  1. Leaves and flowers spoon) pour a glass of boiling water and leave for at least 15-20 minutes. After this, the mixture is filtered and added to the original volume with water. A decoction of knotweed, prickly tartar, yarrow or gorse is prepared in a similar way.
  2. To prepare a decoction of medicinal lovage or common mordovnik, use a smaller proportion - half a teaspoon of dry mixture per glass of boiling water.
  3. Take dried leaves of blackberries, strawberries, black currants and yarrow in equal quantities. Brew the resulting mixture at the rate of a teaspoon of dry mixture per glass of boiling water.
  4. The following collection has a good tonic effect. To prepare it, you need to take two parts each of rose hips and St. John's wort, and one part of rowan berries. You also need to add 0.5 parts peppermint and 3 - dried roots of Rhodiola rosea. Pre-grind large ingredients; for one serving you will need a teaspoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water.
  5. You can prepare a different composition. For 10 parts of rowan berries (pre-crushed), take 4 parts of knotweed and 3 parts of rowan flowers. The resulting mixture is also used one teaspoon per glass of boiling water.
  6. Simple and effective recipe: take two parts of rowan berries for one part of dry nettle. The mixture can also be used at the rate of a teaspoon per glass of water.

When brewing a tonic drink, you should know that the beneficial properties of herbs last no more than a day, so the required amount of decoction is calculated in advance. In addition, such decoctions are not recommended for pregnant women and small children. Despite mild stimulation nervous system, for these categories of patients such an effect will not bring anything good. Herbal infusions should be used with caution by people with gastrointestinal diseases, as well as possible allergies.

General health herbs

Herbal teas are great for colds, because they have a warming and immune-strengthening effect. They can be used together with drug treatment, but only after consulting a doctor.

What herbs are used in such teas:

  • Chamomile.
  • Mint.
  • Linden.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Plantain.
  • Liquorice root.
  • Raspberry leaves.
  • Strawberry leaves.

Recipes are varied; fruits of forest and garden plants(raspberries, strawberries). For this purpose zealous housewife You should definitely have a jar or two of jam or frozen berries in stock. If possible, you can also prepare leaves, which are in no way inferior in their beneficial properties.

What herbal teas will help strengthen strength (calculated for one serving of 250 ml of water):

  1. 10 strawberry leaves, 2.2 grams of St. John's wort. Use up to three times a day for a month.
  2. Mix 10 grams of thyme and St. John's wort, 3 leaves of strawberry, blackberry and black currant. For a serving, take a tablespoon of the mixture.
  3. In equal proportions, take peppermint leaves, chamomile leaves, and elderberry fruits. Take one tablespoon of the mixture per glass of boiling water. Good remedy for colds and coughs.
  4. Mix coltsfoot leaves (40 grams) with 30 grams of licorice and plantain root. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture and consume three times a day. In addition to the strengthening effect, it has an anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect.
  5. Three parts of bergenia leaf, one each of raspberry leaves, black currant leaves and oregano herb.

For such a tea ceremony, not only herbs are used. You can add tea leaves, honey or your favorite jam to the composition. After taking the collection, it is better to limit activity and observe bed rest. Effective recovery occurs already on the third or fourth day, but for better recovery strength, the decoctions are used for a few more days.

Soothing teas

Tinctures are a good alternative to sleeping pills and heart medications. useful herbs. The properties of many of them are successfully used in “official” medicine, but before using such recipes at home, you need to consult your doctor.

The following herbs have a relaxing effect:

  • Valerian root.
  • Motherwort.
  • Melissa.
  • Chamomile.
  • Thyme.

These plants are used for soothing decoctions pure form and as part of fees.

Blend options:

  1. 40 grams of hawthorn berries, 30 grams of strawberry leaves and 10 grams of lemon balm and veronica. Brew in 250 ml of boiling water, leave and drink overnight.
  2. Valerian, motherwort, mint and hops are mixed in equal proportions (10 grams each). Brew and consume before bed.
  3. Equal parts of thyme, pharmaceutical chamomile and mint. The mixture has a pleasant taste and, in addition to its calming effect, helps improve digestive function.
  4. Mix together, as well as calendula flowers. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture to obtain one serving.

Using decoctions of beneficial herbs will help solve many health problems. A properly selected composition perfectly tones, relaxes and strengthens the body during ailments. Knowing the main categories and beneficial properties of certain plants, you can achieve the desired effect without the use of medications and potent substances.


Indications for use of the herbal collection "For fatigue (Tonic)":

Muscle weakness, decreased activity;
- Depression, apathy;
- Syndrome chronic fatigue;
- Sleep disorders, phobias;
- Increased stress at work or during exams, defense scientific works;
- Lack of appetite;
- Stress;
- Recovery period after surgical interventions;
- Exhaustion of the body and sudden weight loss;
- Elevated physical exercise when playing sports.

In our chemical age, saturated with artificial medicines, traditional medicine does not lose its position. The collection of medicinal herbs is carried out in ecologically clean regions of Russia. For example, Kuban medicinal herbal preparations are in high demand among the population. Herbal collections "Russian Roots" are a guarantee of quality. Raw materials included in various medical fees herbs, collected by hand, processed, dried, sorted and packaged in transparent bags. Herbal recipes are prepared by experienced pharmacists or herbal medicine specialists.

Herbal teas "Russian Roots" - under our brand
we collect the best for you!

Modern life requires physical and mental effort, concentration, memory, excellent performance and endurance from adults and teenagers. Herbal collection " From fatigue (tonic)" is effective for chronic fatigue and depression, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, stressful periods during study, passing exams, and responsible work. With regular use medicinal tea from fatigue your stamina will return, healthy sleep, vigor, muscle strength, vitality and good mood.

Medicinal properties this fee herbs have obvious benefits for the entire body and are due to the medicinal herbs included in its composition. Herbal collection « From fatigue (tonic)" consists of plants that increase the tone of the heart, blood vessels, muscles, normalize arterial pressure, stimulating memory and mental activity, activating the body’s potential for active image life.

Herbal tea for fatigue has been used for centuries in folk medicine to give strength and vigor to a person during difficult periods of his life. The herbal tea quickly quenches thirst, has a beneficial effect on kidney function and Bladder. Useful for children and adults.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buy herbal tea « From fatigue (tonic)"and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this medicinal collection, How much does it cost.The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Ready-made dry herbal teas can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail.About what is useful herbal tea « From fatigue (tonic)"What it cures, how it is taken, you will find out by visiting the page of our website.



Nettle, rose hips, oregano, string, mint, St. John's wort, horsetail, motherwort.


Method of preparation and use collecting herbs" Fromfatigue (Tonic)":

To prepare tonic herbal tea to relieve fatigue “Russian Roots”, you can order by mail a first-class collection of medicinal herbs, which can be bought in Moscow in our online store.

Take a tablespoon of raw material, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, it’s easy to do at home. To give vigor and efficiency, drink the resulting tea half a glass 3-4 times a day for two to three months to achieve benefits and maintain the results achieved.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect taking herbal tea« From fatigue (tonic)"during breaks it is recommended to alternate with collecting herbs

Herbal infusions are known for being a kind of storehouse of folk knowledge. They have a gentle effect on the body, without exposing it to stress, but not only the body becomes healthier from natural medicinal herbs.

How to properly collect and select herbs:

According to astrologers, the most favorable time for collecting medicinal herbs is the Full Moon. This is due to how the plant and its energy react to the phase of the moon. During the growth of the Moon, energy tends to accumulate and reaches its maximum by the Full Moon. This is why it is advised to collect herbs during the Full Moon. This is one of the ancient traditions. Collecting herbs has its own secrets, which have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries.

It is recommended to collect herbs yourself. When purchasing from a pharmacy, be sure to double-check them so as not to harm yourself with defective material. Be careful. if a naturally strong-smelling herb has a weak odor. The stems and leaves should be intact and have a fairly bright color. It’s bad if the color is uneven. Moreover, the grass may be covered in mold or damaged by insects. For this reason, you should avoid buying ground herbs to avoid scammers.

How to drink herbal tonic solution correctly.

You can see the first effect of using the tonic solution quite quickly. But in order for it to take full effect, do not stop drinking it for at least a month. This is due to the fact that medicinal and tonic herbs exhibit their effects over a fairly long period of time, having not a quick, but a gradual effect on the human body. Moreover, for chronic diseases it is recommended to drink infusions for at least three months, sometimes up to six.

Recipes for tonic infusions.

There are a lot of recipes for tonic herbal tinctures, but you need to monitor your body’s reaction to them. If an allergy occurs, immediately stop taking this infusion, replacing it with another if desired. If you have never drunk such infusions before or have not taken them for a long time, you should start taking it with 1/3 glass, preparing the body.

If you want to influence your health from the spiritual side, then Feng Shui amulets for longevity, health and good luck are also suitable for you.

Talismans of longevity and health:

Turtle. The main symbol of longevity, wisdom and good health. This is the strongest defender of your health, which requires the presence of water nearby.

Crane. According to the philosophy of Eastern teachings, cranes are pure birds that are not subject to time and failure.

Bear. This is the embodiment of strength and independence. Bears are strong not only in spirit, but also in body, which has a positive effect on the well-being of people using such a talisman.

Diamond. An indestructible stone that can only be destroyed by another diamond. It is a symbol of unshakable independence and good health.

Good luck talismans:

Turtle. Along with longevity, it also gives good luck in all areas of life.

Horseshoe. This is a symbol of good luck in European culture; it is not alien to Feng Shui. You can decorate it with red ribbons or bells. And be sure to hang it correctly so that it resembles a full bowl and not an upside-down one.

Coins and toad. Luck in money and financial sphere is very important in modern world. A toad can help with this - place it on your desktop, and put the coins nearby.

Goldfish. If you have an aquarium, the goldfish in it will become a real living talisman of well-being. But you can also use their figures or images.
jade jewelry and amulets.

Cooking method: Any of the following infusions is brewed in the ratio of two teaspoons of herbal tonic mixture to two glasses of boiling water. The infusion must be left to brew for an hour, after which it can be strained. It is recommended to take 3-4 times daily, in a volume of no more than half a glass.

first recipe: it consists of 1 part nettle leaves and 2 parts rowan fruits.

second recipe: For 4 parts of rowan fruit you will need raspberry and black currant fruits, two parts of each type. One part of black currant leaves is also added here.

third recipe: take three parts each of rose hips, nettle leaves and carrot roots. Add also one part of black currant fruit.

fourth recipe: Mix one part each of blackcurrant and rose hips.

fifth recipe: For this collection you will need one part each of plantain leaves and peony root. They need to be mixed with two parts of rowan fruit.

Medicinal mixtures have the living energy of nature. Herbs can not only heal the body, but also heal the spirit, protect against evil forces and protect against the evil eye. Our ancestors knew about their magical properties for a long time.

Herbal infusions are always beneficial, and if you take them correctly, you will achieve even greater results. In addition to traditional medicine and similar herbal remedies, many have experienced the positive effects homeopathic treatment. Perhaps it will suit you too.

Contrary to popular belief, homeopathy cannot be called a newfangled invention. In fact, her idea is not new: the founder of this direction is considered German doctor Hahnemann, who lived in the 19th century. Today, homeopathy is quite popular along with other branches of medicine, for example, folk medicine.

At the core homeopathic method lies the principle of similarity. The idea of ​​treating like with like is not new: snakes and bee poisons were used by healers for centuries before becoming part of modern medicines. So our ancestors kicked out the wedge with the wedge.

Nowadays homeopathy is called a variety alternative medicine, in which drugs are used that are diluted to a significant extent and at high concentration capable of causing healthy person the same symptoms as the patient undergoing treatment homeopathic remedies. This principle has something in common with vaccines. Homeopathy focuses on things like individual approach, the memory of water in which homeopathic medicines are diluted, and the placebo effect, which is often recalled by skeptics who believe healing effect homeopathy is self-hypnosis and nothing more.

When homeopathy is stronger than conventional medicines:

Homeopathy is powerless for diseases that require surgical intervention. In other cases, despite its controversial status in scientific circles, homeopathy is used. Homeopathic medicines A homeopathic doctor may prescribe during treatment nervous disorders, for diseases musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, digestive disorders or respiratory system. Homeopathy is used for oncological diseases when official medicine is powerless.

Homeopathic remedies are often used for weight loss or other cosmetic problems. For example, they resort to it not only to combat overweight, but also to get rid of wrinkles and delay the aging process of the skin.

Adherents of extrasensory perception speak about the ability of water to remember and heal. No wonder there are many ways to attract health or luck with the help of water.

Tonic herbs usually have a sweet taste or sweet vipaka (sweet after digestion), indicating their constructive effect. They are usually of the same nature as Kapha and consist mainly of the elements of earth and water.

Typically, tonic herbs are heavy, oily, or mucilage-containing. They increase the volume of vital juices, muscles and fat in the body, strengthen blood and lymph, and increase the secretion of milk and semen. In states of exhaustion, weakness, loss of strength and during the period of recovery, they act as restorative. They have a softening, calming, harmonizing effect, which helps eliminate stiffness and calm the nerves.

Nourishing tonics usually reduce Vata and Pitta and increase Kapha. Some of them, such as ginseng and sesame, can excite Pitta. Nutrient tonics increase Ama and therefore are not usually used in Soma states, although in some cases they can soften Ama, making it easier to remove it from the body with other herbs. Nourishing toners moisturize and cool; This best herbs to reduce dryness of Vata.

However, they are heavy and difficult to digest. When Agni levels are low, especially in Vata constitutions, they are usually combined with various stimulant or carminative herbs (for example, ginger or cardamom) to improve absorption.

Herbs that combine astringent or bitter tastes with sweetness, such as comfrey root or shatavari, are best suited for Pitta conditions. Having a cooling effect, they can be used during the recovery phase from high fevers or conditions caused by toxins entering the blood (toxemia), as well as ulcers and other inflammatory Pitta conditions.

Many of these nutritious herbs have expectorant and emollient effects. They soothe and nourish mucous membranes, restore body fluids and secretions. Because of this, they are especially good for the mucous membranes of the lungs and stomach. They heal the skin and help soften and relieve pain and muscle tension.

In Ayurveda nutritional properties herbs are enhanced with the help of other sweet and nutrients, such as milk, butter and unrefined sugar.

Typical nutritional tonics: marshmallow, amalaki, aralia, bala, sweet potato, ginseng, raisins, elm, carrageenan, coconut, comfrey root, sesame, kupena, flax-seed, honey (nutritious for up to 6 months, after which it has a drying effect), almonds, milk (fresh), unrefined sugar, saw palmetto, rehmannia, lotus seeds, licorice, tan kway, dates, shatavari, yams.

Rejuvenating Herbs (Rasayana Karma)

Ayurvedic herbalism reaches its pinnacle in the science of rejuvenation. With the goal of renewing both the body and the mind, Ayurveda strives not just to achieve longevity, but to gain pure consciousness, natural creativity, spontaneous joy.

This approach is aimed both at gaining the immortality of the body (which, with a certain degree of harmony, can be achievable), and at the immortality of the mind, at the daily renewal of brain cells. At the same time, the mind and heart over the years remain as clear and pure as in childhood.

This science is called Rasayana. Rasayana is that which enters (ayana) into the essence (rasa). This is what penetrates the essence of our psychophysiological existence and gives new life.

Rasayana substances restore the body and mind, prevent decay and delay aging. They can even reverse the aging process. What they bring to the body increases not only its quantity or mass, but also its quality. Rasayana substances are more subtle, have a more specific focus and more long action than simple nourishing tonics. Their action maintains optimal condition and function various organs, dhatu and doshas of the body. They are not necessarily sweet and nutritious, although most of them are sweet, but at least as regards vipaka (post-digestion effect). Rejuvenating tonics for Kapha can be spicy and hot.

Rasayana substances often have unique properties. Their action is determined equally by general rules regarding taste and energy, and by prabhava (special properties).

According to Ayurveda, plants possess Soma - ambrosia or nectar of immortality. This is at the same time the finest invigorating life-giving liquid - Ojas, the deepest juice of the body. Soma (Ojas) forms the basis for clarity of perception, physical strength, endurance and durability of tissues.

Soma is the subtle energy essence of the nervous system, obtained as a result of the digestion of food, impressions and experiences. Essentially, it determines our ability to enjoy life. It was this that was called “the food of the gods” because it contains the ability to find pleasure in everything.

The ancient Vedic science of Rasayana was mainly aimed at transforming the brain. She tried to provide physical basis, a suitable container for the birth of true awareness in human beings. Rasayana brought about “miraculous” changes, moving beyond the functioning of the “old mind”, which is limited by the reversing patterns of fear, desire and vanity based on selfishness.

The real Soma is the pure essence of our feelings and sensations. Clear awareness is the nectar that nourishes brain cells and causes changes in them.

Today we do not know which plant was originally used as Soma, if indeed it was obtained from a specific plant. However, all herbs related to Rasayana are similar in properties and methods of use to Soma.

Rasayana treatment involves the use of special herbs, but in general it goes far beyond any accepted medical treatment. It includes mantras and meditation, which are the true catalysts of this process.

Rasayana top level, aimed at internal transformation, is called Brahma Rasayana. Brahma (In Russian also Brahman, Brahma, Brahmo. (Editor's note)) means expansion, and this implies limitless expansion, the creative reality of life. Through meditation we go beyond the limiting boundaries of the known, beyond the conditioned functioning of the brain.

Typical Rasayana herbs:

For Vata: calamus, ashwagandha, guggul, ginseng, haritaki, garlic.

For Pitta: aloe, amalaki, brahmi, comfrey root, shatavari. saffron.

For Kapha: bibhitaki, guggul, elecampane, pippali.

Other Rasayana herbs: marshmallow, aralia, bala, bamboo, sweet potato, gokshura, polygonum, sesame, kupena, onion, manjishta, myrrh, saw palmetto, rehmannia, licorice, oat straw, tan kway, yam.

Many other herbs have rejuvenating properties to varying degrees. It is possible that some herbs used in Western herbal medicine have a strong anti-aging effect, but this issue requires further research.