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How to treat after poisoning. Nutrition during the recovery period. List of effective adsorbents

Characterized by disruption of the normal functioning of the body as a result of ingestion of toxic substances endogenous (external) or exogenous (internal) way. Poisoning can be domestic, suicidal, industrial, or alcoholic, of which household poisoning is observed in 95% of cases. Poison can enter the body not only through the mouth, but also through the skin, lungs, mucous membranes, as a result of the bite of a poisonous animal.

The following symptoms will indicate poisoning:

  • lethargy;
  • chills;
  • inappropriate behavior of the patient;
  • lacrimation;
  • cold and clammy sweat;
  • convulsions;
  • possible burns (body skin, tongue, lips);
  • disturbances of consciousness (this is a sign of severe poisoning);
  • salivation;
  • fatigue;

note: if you have these symptoms, you should not hesitate; the earlier treatment is started, the less likely it is to develop complications and worsen the patient’s condition.

Main principles of treatment of poisoning

First, you should call a doctor who can adequately assess the patient’s condition and prescribe correct treatment. At the same time, it is important to ensure compliance with the following principles of poisoning treatment:

  • elimination of intoxication of the body by removing toxins from it;
  • prevent dehydration;
  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract through proper and rational nutrition.

Important:you should understand the difference between the treatment of poisoning and intestinal infections, in which it is necessary to take and, in order to eliminate the infectious agent multiplying in the body. Besides intestinal infection Usually it is a treatment that takes a long time and most often in an inpatient setting.

Algorithm of actions for the first symptoms of poisoning

Early treatment is the key to the patient’s fastest recovery, as this will minimize the impact of intoxication on his body:

Indications for hospitalization in case of poisoning

Most household poisonings do not require hospital treatment, but severe cases it is mandatory, especially when there is a threat to the patient’s life. In particular, hospitalization is necessary in such cases of poisoning:

What to take in case of poisoning at home

Mild poisoning requires optimal drinking regime and an appropriate diet, there may be no need for specific treatment. In all other cases, the doctor prescribes drugs from the list below according to indications.

Important: unreasonable use of antibiotics in case of poisoning, as well as others antimicrobials, only complicates the course of the disease by worsening existing intestinal dysbiosis.

Diet for poisoning

It is important to follow a gentle diet and drink a lot to prevent dehydration. It is optimal to eat fractionally and in small portions, only fresh food, thermally processed, not fatty, not salty and not spicy. Ideal if the food is steamed, stewed, or served in a puree state. A strict diet is indicated for 3-4 days, after which you can gradually switch to your usual diet, but with the exclusion of some foods.

Note:The diet for poisoning is aimed at minimizing the load on the gastrointestinal tract and returning it to a state of physiological functioning as quickly as possible. This is the same part of treatment as medication.

Useful foods and drinks for poisoning:

  • clean water (boiled, mineral without gas;
  • unsweetened dried fruit compote;
  • decoction of chamomile, rosehip;
  • biscuits;
  • slimy soups;
  • tea (unsweetened, green and black);
  • baked apples(sweet and sour);
  • rice cooked in water;
  • cottage cheese in the form of a casserole (from day 5);
  • vegetable decoction;
  • crackers;
  • lean fish and meat (only from day 5, not earlier).

Foods that should not be eaten if poisoned:

  • Milk and dairy products. This exception applies to the acute period of poisoning and is removed after 3 days of illness.
  • Eggs. They are allowed to be eaten starting from the 5th day, and only in the form of a steamed omelet, boiled and fried - no earlier than 15-20 days later.
  • Sugar. It, like other sweets, only enhances the fermentation processes in the intestines.
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables (except banana). Fruit acids irritate an already inflamed digestive tract.
  • Coffee, smoked, salted and canned products are also prohibited.

Traditional medicine recipes for poisoning

Use at home folk remedies in the fight against poisoning is permissible only when mild flow and after consultation with your doctor.

Food poisoning may not be recognized immediately. Initially, poisoning of the body causes strange weakness and apathy - but they are often attributed to normal fatigue. If digestive disorders, vomiting, nausea, fever, headaches are added to the symptoms of food poisoning, you cannot do nothing. If the degree of poisoning is not high, a number of emergency measures can be taken at home.

Principles of treating food poisoning

If symptoms of food poisoning appear, you need to identify the cause of their occurrence. Any diagnosis involves collecting information about the patient - a list of foods or drinks consumed, their quantity, as well as the presence specific diseases which may affect the patient's condition.

Looking for a source of toxins

It is necessary to determine which product caused the food poisoning and eliminate it from the diet. It is advisable not to throw away

source of toxins food poisoning, and save it separately - it may be needed in the future for laboratory analysis. Poisons contained in low-quality food have different rates of impact on the body, so you should take into account all the foods eaten over the past two days.

We speed up the elimination of poisons

To do this, you need to rinse the victim’s stomach. Natural vomiting may not be enough, so you should drink about two liters of salted water. If a significant amount of time has passed since eating, some of the toxins have already reached the intestines, where they are absorbed into the blood. To prevent this, the patient needs to take sorbent drugs. The most famous of them is activated carbon. For food poisoning, take 1 tablet of activated carbon per 10 kg of body weight. To achieve the fastest effect, prepThe arata needs to be crushed, mixed with 100 ml of water and drunk.

To alleviate the condition of the victim and relieve headaches, you can apply a cool compress with salt water to the forehead. It is not recommended to take painkillers - they will blur the symptoms of food poisoning and complicate diagnosis. The procedure should be performed until the vomit is cleared of food debris.

We replace lost fluid

Most common side effect in case of food poisoning - stool upset. This happens because harmful substances irritate the intestinal mucosa, causing inflammation and excretion. serous fluid. Due to swelling, the tissues lose their ability to absorb incoming water and electrolytes, and diarrhea occurs.

To replenish fluid loss, it is necessary to ensure that a person suffering from food poisoning drinks plenty of fluids. It is advisable after each subsequent attack of vomiting or bowel movement to drink 200 ml of boiled or mineral water without gas, glucose-salt solution (1 teaspoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of sugar per liter of water). You need to drink in small sips so as not to... In total, you should drink at least 2–3 liters per day (for an adult).

Cleansing the intestines

Diarrhea due to food poisoning is a method of self-defense of the body. In its absence, the intestines should be cleansed on their own, especially if a large number of poisoned foods have been taken - sorbents may not be able to cope with them. The procedure is carried out two hours after taking activated carbon or its analogues. Use an enema with salted water (1 tablespoon of salt per liter of water) or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (a couple of crystals until a pale pink tint is obtained). Colon cleansing in this way is prohibited in the following cases:

  • mechanical or paralytic intestinal obstruction;
  • significant gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • uncontrollable vomiting;
  • impossibility of tracheal intubation.

Restoring the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

Due to the action of poisons, intestinal function is almost always disrupted. To restore the microflora and help the body fight the consequences of food poisoning, you need to take probiotics - medicinal drugs that are sold in any pharmacy without a prescription. They contain beneficial bacteria or constituent components, and accelerate in

recovery. The appointment lasts 1–2 weeks. Weakness, flatulence and minor stomach pain may continue for a couple of days - this is normal.

Rest for food poisoning

The patient needs bed rest on the first day of food poisoning, and gentle rest during. Isolate him from the rest of the family and wipe his hands at home disinfectant, since similar symptoms are observed with bacterial infections. Call a doctor. It is undesirable to place the victim on his back, as he may choke on vomit. A more comfortable rest option is lying on your side.

Medicines and antibiotics for food poisoning

All medications for food poisoning should be taken strictly according to the instructions. Make sure that the products have a valid expiration date, are appropriate for the patient’s age, and that there are no reasons for their contraindications.

Treatment of food poisoning at home allows the use of the following medications:

  • Sorbents - bind toxins and remove them from the body. The dose should be taken no earlier than two hours after taking other medications. They are used with caution if an elderly person or a child under 3 years of age is sick. Not recommended at high temperatures. Use allowed at home white coal, Enterosgel, Polysorb, Lactofiltrum, Smecta.
  • Rehydration products - replenish the deficiency of moisture and electrolytes. In everyday life, oral rehydrants are used, which are diluted with water and taken in the form of solutions. The use of Regidron, Litrozol, Chlorazol, Oralit is allowed. In the hospital, in case of severe intoxication, intravenous infusions of stronger rehydrants are performed - Lactosol, Trisol, Acesoli.
  • Antispasmodics are allowed only as prescribed by a doctor. They help get rid of painful urges to defecation and significant pain symptoms. The main drugs are No-shpa, Spazmalgon, Drotaverine, Spasgan.
  • Antiemetics - allowed only for persistent vomiting. Use Motilium or Cerucal.
  • Antidiarrheal drugs are also used in exceptional cases. These include Trimebutin, Loperamide.
  • Antipyretics (at temperatures above 37.5) - paracetamol, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin.
  • Preparations for restoring intestinal microflora - Mezim, Linex, Hilak forte, Bifidumbacterin.
  • To support the liver, which is actively involved in eliminating toxins, you can take hepatoprotectors - Heptral, Essentiale Forte N.
  • It wouldn’t hurt to strengthen the body by adding vitamin-mineral complexes (Alphabet, Vitrum and analogues): they speed up metabolic processes and promote rapid recovery. They should be taken no earlier than 3–4 days.

Antibiotics for food poisoning can only be prescribed by a doctor, provided that the poisoning was caused by microbes (for example, staphylococci). Otherwise, they have an unnecessary inhibitory effect on the intestinal microflora. Folk remedies for food poisoning are not recommended.

Diet and nutrition for food poisoning

It is advisable to abstain from food on the first day: the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, and the body simply will not receive nutrients from it. But forced hunger is also not necessary, especially if a small child gets sick. The decisive factor should be the presence or absence of appetite in the victim.

The first meals should consist of small portions 5-6 times a day. Energy value is approximately 2100 kcal. You should adhere to the following diet:

Days 2–3 – oatmeal or rice porridge with water, fruit jelly, wheat crackers or biscuits;

4th and subsequent days - you can add boiled lean meat, pre-chopped, boiled vegetables, fermented milk products, soft-boiled eggs, water soups to the diet.

Until complete recovery, the following are prohibited:

  • alcohol;
  • spicy and fatty foods;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • sweets;
  • legumes;
  • spices;
  • sauces;
  • snacks.

It is recommended to limit the consumption of whole milk and protein products. In case of food poisoning, it is better to consume fruits and vegetables boiled, baked and stewed. Honey, bananas, cumin seeds are useful - ingredients that relieve inflammation, relieve symptoms of intoxication, and supply the body with vitamins and microelements.
In addition to water, the patient is given herbal infusions rose hips, anti-inflammatory herbs, weak tea with honey.

When an emergency call is required

Knowing how to treat food poisoning at home, it is not difficult to cope with it yourself. However, emergency medical care is required if:

  • a child under 3 years of age, a pregnant or nursing woman, an elderly person was poisoned;
  • there is a suspicion of poisoning with mushrooms, plant poisons, or household chemicals or bacterial infection;
  • vomiting or diarrhea does not stop;
  • blood was found in the stool;
  • the victim loses consciousness;
  • convulsions appeared;
  • bowel movements occur more than 10 times a day;
  • temperature at 38 and above, does not subside within two days;
  • symptoms persist for more than 6 hours and intensify;
  • there are no signs of improvement after all the measures taken.

What not to do if you have food poisoning

In some cases, it is prohibited to induce vomiting in case of food poisoning:

  • a child less than 12 months old is injured - may choke;
  • the patient is in a faint state, weakness of the heart muscle is observed - for a similar reason;
  • take painkillers;
  • give the victim carbonated water or drink;
  • intentionally suppress natural vomiting;
  • independently prescribe antibiotics to a patient, without consulting a doctor;
  • accept antidiarrheal drugs– they can interfere with the elimination of poisons; such drugs are prescribed only by a doctor;
  • before the final diagnosis is made, consume food and drinks, especially alcohol;
  • use warming or cooling compresses on the abdomen - they can speed up the absorption of toxins;
  • treat a poisoned person with folk remedies;
  • leave the victim without first medical care, observation and ignore the symptoms of severe intoxication.

Most of us have encountered in our lives poisoning of the body with food or liquid containing toxic substances or pathogenic microorganisms. However, it is not always possible to determine which food contributed to the development pathological process. Let's take a closer look at why food poisoning occurs, treatment at home and first aid for the victim, as well as prevention.

Causes of poisoning

Most often, along with food, microbes and bacteria penetrate into the gastrointestinal tract, synthesizing toxins in the process of vital activity, which cause unpleasant symptoms. In addition, some foods can be a source of toxic chemicals, which also cause food poisoning. Dirty hands that are present pathogens, can lead to their penetration into the stomach during meals.

What foods are the most common source of food poisoning?

Berries/vegetables/fruits. Pesticides used in the agricultural practices of any crop can accumulate in fruits. Fruits that have been improperly stored, for example, at high temperatures, begin to decompose and become a breeding ground for pathogenic microflora. Unwashed fruits and berries almost always contain pathogenic microbes.

Fish. Spoiled or poisoned fish always causes food poisoning. This is especially true for the process of smoking a product carried out in violation of technology.

Meat. Failure to comply with product storage rules leads to the development of dangerous microorganisms. Insufficient heat treatment does not allow the destruction of microbes present in the product.

Mushrooms. The most common cause of severe intoxication. Poisoning is caused by both poisonous mushrooms and edible ones, but grown in unfavorable environmental conditions. Mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb and absorb all compounds present in the surrounding space, including poisons, chemicals, heavy metals, radionuclides, carcinogens. If you are poisoned by mushrooms, you should immediately consult a doctor, since a person’s life directly depends on the speed of assistance.

Canned food. There are dangerous bacteria that develop in airless space. If the technological process for preserving meat, fish, and vegetables is not followed, they can become a source of dangerous poisoning. For example, the fatal disease botulism most often occurs as a result of eating home-canned food. If there are signs of bulging lid/jar or inner surface covered with rust stains, then you should not risk your life, but immediately throw the product into the trash chute.

Milk and all dairy products. When food is stored without refrigeration, staphylococcus multiplies in it, causing severe poisoning.

Expired and low-quality industrial products. After the expiration date/expiration date, it actively multiplies in products. pathogenic microflora. You cannot purchase products with damaged packaging. When consuming goods made from low-quality raw materials, especially with violations of technology, the risk of food poisoning increases many times over.

Symptoms of poisoning

The first signs appear, on average, 2 hours after eating contaminated food. Sometimes the body reacts to toxic substances much faster, trying everything possible ways get rid of poisons. Symptoms are different for each patient, but there are signs of general intoxication of the body characteristic of food poisoning, gastroenterocolitis and dehydration:

  • acute pain in the epigastric region;
  • flatulence, rumbling in the stomach;
  • profuse drooling, nausea, vomiting;
  • multiple diarrhea;
  • pale skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • fever, chills;
  • lethargy, weakness;
  • headache;
  • thirst;
  • aches in bones, muscles, joints.

Treatment of poisoning

In cases of dangerous manifestations: loss of consciousness, skin rash, severe bloating, strong pain, darkening/double vision should immediately call a team of doctors. Treating food poisoning at home is unacceptable if the patient's condition is rapidly deteriorating.

First aid for food poisoning is to lavage the stomach to quickly remove toxic substances that have not yet been absorbed into the blood. A proven method is to use 2 liters of a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate, potassium permanganate), after which the patient must induce vomiting by pressing on the root of the tongue. In a hospital setting, rinsing is done using a probe.

In the absence of diarrhea, it is advisable to take laxatives. If the patient can take liquid on his own, then he is given a saline laxative to drink (magnesium sulfate, 15 g / 0.4 l of water).

To remove toxins that have already entered the body, sorbents are used, for example, activated carbon, enterosgel, smecta, atoxil, polysorb, etc. The patient is provided with plenty of fluids ( mineral water still, slightly sweet warm tea) to prevent dehydration.

In the future, it is advisable to take drugs that restore the intestinal microflora - prebiotics and probiotics. Bifidumbacterin, Yogulact, Bionorm, Linex, etc. have proven themselves well. At home, you can prepare yoghurts and fermented milk products yourself using regular milk and pharmacy starters. It is advisable to drink at least 1/2 liter of the prepared drink per day.

Diet therapy for food poisoning

After removal acute manifestations As a rule, after 24 hours, the poisoned person must adhere to a certain diet for a week. On the second day after intoxication, it is recommended to eat crackers with unsweetened black tea and boiled rice without salt.

In the future, all products must be thoroughly steamed. Healthy mashed potatoes, oatmeal or buckwheat, not strong chicken bouillon, rosehip infusion. In the future, boiled dietary meat is introduced into the menu - turkey or chicken fillet, porridge without oil, steamed vegetables, baked apples, ripe bananas, biscuits, dried Rye bread.

Prevention of poisoning

To avoid poisoning, you must adhere to the following preventive measures:

  1. Wash your hands before eating in all situations.
  2. Thoroughly rinse the greens and fruits in a large volume of running water. To remove toxins experienced housewives It is recommended to soak all vegetables and fruits for a quarter of an hour in a slightly salted solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).
  3. Avoid eating any food that causes suspicion.
  4. Do not buy homemade sausages, dairy products, canned food, dried mushrooms.
  5. Always pay attention to the deadlines for selling products.
  6. Meat, fish and eggs should be thermally processed for a long time.
  7. Avoid contact of food with insects (flies, wasps) and animals that can carry pathogens.
  8. Clean up in a timely manner ready meals and food in the refrigerator.

Food poisoning - treatment at home with folk remedies

Iodine. After gastric lavage, give the patient a drink of iodine solution - 8k. per glass of warm boiled water.

Linen. Decoction flax seeds normalizes digestion, removes toxins, coats mucous membranes, relieves indigestion. A tablespoon of seeds is simmered in a water sauna, poured with a liter of water, for 5 minutes. Take 100 ml of strained mucus 1-3 times a day.

Wormwood + yarrow . 1 teaspoon each wormwood and yarrow, pour ½ liter of boiling water, leave for a quarter of an hour, filter, divide into 5 doses, drink throughout the day.

Bee Honey. The beekeeping product has powerful antibacterial, antimicrobial and disinfectant properties. A day, it is enough to dissolve 1 teaspoon of the sweet product three times, washed down with warm boiled water.

Caraway. Grind in a coffee grinder or crush into powder in a mortar cumin seeds. Take a tablespoon of the product per rehabilitation period after food poisoning, drink a glass drinking water.

Dill. A decoction of dill seeds allows you to quickly cleanse the body of toxic compounds. Take a teaspoon of spice seeds per 300 ml of boiling water, simmer the liquid in a water bath for 3 minutes, and filter. To retain potassium in the body lost during diarrhea and vomiting, add a spoonful of natural honey to the broth. The prepared drink is drunk in small sips throughout the day.

All proposed remedies are effective only for mild poisoning. Serious intoxication of the body can only be neutralized in a hospital setting. Be healthy!

What to do in case of poisoning? This question confuses many people, despite the prevalence of the phenomenon. Food poisoning can affect anyone, both at home and in establishments Catering. Any person should know what to do in case of food poisoning. The ability to promptly provide help in case of food poisoning to yourself or another person at home can save lives.

You can get poisoned from ignorance of plants, especially mushrooms, and poor nutrition. To prevent pathology, it is important to be able to recognize a spoiled product and get rid of it in time. Poisoning is especially dangerous for children, who can eat anything. Any parent should know what to take and what to do if their child is poisoned.

1 Essence of the problem

In general, poisoning is a violation of the functions of a human internal organ as a result of the ingestion of a poison or toxin. It is expressed in the form of varying degrees of intoxication of the body. Taking into account the toxic component, the following types of damage are distinguished: poisoning carbon monoxide, pesticides, acids and alkalis, medications, as well as food poisoning. Toxic substances can enter the body through Airways(inhalation route), through the skin (percutaneous type), by injection (parenteral type) and through the mouth ( oral route) together with food or drink.

According to the severity of the damage, the following degrees of poisoning are distinguished: mild, moderate severity, heavy and extremely heavy. As a result of pathology, intoxication of the body occurs, which is divided into the following types:

  1. Acute intoxication - a sharp manifestation characteristic features after a single short-term exposure to toxic substances.
  2. Subacute form - poisoning with a lesser manifestation, but caused by several cases of exposure to poisons.
  3. Hyperacute intoxication is an acute form with damage to the central nervous system and manifestation in the form of convulsions and loss of coordination (in the absence of help, death is possible).
  4. The chronic variety is a slow course of pathology with prolonged or repeated exposure to toxins.

The most typical groups of substances capable of toxic effects in domestic conditions are alcohol and its surrogates, cauterizing and rinsing liquids, carbon monoxide, some medicines, mushrooms and berries, and low-quality products.

2 Features of food poisoning

Food poisoning is acute disorder digestive function when consuming spoiled or poisonous foods and drinks. The following types of such pathology are distinguished: toxicoinfectious and toxic (non-infectious) food poisoning. Toxic infections enter the stomach along with food contaminated with pathogenic microorganisms. The most common pathogens are:

  1. Clostridium perfringens. Appear in the body as a result of poor processing of meat products, legumes or poultry. The duration of the disease in adults and children is no more than 24 hours. Dangerous variety is clostridium botulism.
  2. Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). It develops in various products. Home custard or sauce for a long time time outside the refrigerator becomes favorable for its reproduction. Staphylococcus actively multiplies at room temperature in products such as pates, smoked meats, vinaigrettes, and dairy products.
  3. Bacillus cereus. It is often associated with eating rice that was previously contaminated with this bacterium. Any perishable products that are not stored at temperatures up to 6 ° C are dangerous. The microorganism is dangerous due to its thermal resistance.

Non-infectious poisoning occurs when natural and chemical poisons and toxins penetrate with food. Most characteristic the most dangerous poisonings poisonous mushrooms and berries. When consuming poorly washed and unprocessed foods, a variety of toxic chemicals used for pollination or feeding plants can enter the body. Common cause becomes the presence of nitrates. Alcohol poisoning also falls into this category. They can arise from both excessive quantities and the use of surrogates. Reception, for example, methyl alcohol may end fatal or very serious damage to the central nervous system. Direct chemical poisoning can be obtained by consuming vinegar.

3 Signs

In case of food poisoning, symptoms appear depending on the degree of damage and etiological causes. You can note general signs pathologies: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, flatulence, bloating, discomfort and heaviness in the stomach, chills, weakness, headache, excessive salivation, tachycardia.

Different types of poisoning have characteristic signs:

  1. Bacterial damage - vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and they appear within 1 hour after eating low-quality food.
  2. Viral infection - fever, chills, vomiting in case of poisoning, pain in the head and stomach, elevated temperature, appear 10-45 hours after eating, depending on the type of infection.
  3. Chemical poisoning - diarrhea, vomiting, dizziness, increased sweating and salivation, abdominal pain, blood pressure eyeball, can appear as early as 0.5 hours after the toxin enters the body.
  4. Botulism - signs of central nervous system damage (problems with speech and vision), dry mouth, vomiting, muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing. The time until the first signs appear is 10-20 hours.

4 Principles of treatment

What to do if you have food poisoning acute form at home? The most important thing is when acute pathology First aid is required for poisoning. Such emergency measures include gastric lavage, administration of sorbent substances, provision of drinking regime, restoration of water and salt balance. The final stage of treatment should be restorative and preventive procedures.

5 Carrying out the washing procedure

Solving the question of what to do in case of stomach poisoning at home begins with urgent lavage gastro- intestinal tract. This is the very first aid for poisoning. The purpose of this procedure is to urgently remove toxins and food debris. In this case, cleaning with artificial vomiting helps. This event is carried out in the following order:

  1. A weak (pink) aqueous solution of potassium permanganate is prepared (you can use a solution of baking soda - 30 g per 2 liters of water at normal temperature).
  2. The first portion of the solution is drunk (you can drink 300-400 ml).
  3. Vomiting is induced using two fingers.
  4. The procedure is repeated 3-4 times, while you need to drink 400-500 ml of liquid (usually they drink only 3-3.5 liters).

6 Introduction of sorbents

At the next stage, it is necessary to take a sorbent for food poisoning, i.e. a substance that absorbs harmful elements of gastric contents. This product helps to quickly remove toxins remaining after washing. Most wide application finds activated carbon as a sorbing agent. It is sold in pharmacies in the form of standard tablets. The dose of administered sorbent is calculated from the following condition: 1 tablet for every 10 kg of human body weight.

Activated carbon is more convenient to take in case of poisoning in the form aqueous solution: The entire dose is mixed in boiled water (100 ml) at normal temperature. Instead of regular coal, you can buy a white variety at the pharmacy. This substance absorbs toxins, but does not affect beneficial components.

As effective sorbents, you can drink ready-made drugs in case of poisoning - Smecta, Lactofiltrum, Enterosgel.

7 Compliance with drinking regime

The acute course of the pathology leads to rapid dehydration of the body as a result of vomiting and profuse diarrhea. Under these conditions, it is important to remember that you need to drink a lot to compensate for fluid losses. This is the only way to support water balance, and to restore electrolytic balance, you should add table salt(at the rate of 10-15 g per 1 liter of water). For effective treatment You need to drink at least 2.5-3 liters of water per day.

It is recommended to alternate drinking salted water with drinking sweet, weak tea. In addition, to maintain the necessary mineral balance and complete rehydration of the body, it is recommended to take Regidron and Oralit, which include essential microelements, salt and glucose.

8 Drug treatment

If the poisoning is caused by toxic infections, then you cannot do without drug therapy to destroy pathogenic microorganisms. After preliminary cleansing of the stomach and stopping severe vomiting medications are prescribed to restore the intestinal microflora: Hilak Forte, Linex, Mezim. If a temperature above 37.8 °C appears, you should take antipyretic medications: Paracetamol, Ibuprofen. If necessary, specific antibiotics are taken as prescribed by a doctor. The use of painkillers is not recommended.

9 Preventive measures

An important condition for treatment acute poisoning is to ensure the regime therapeutic fasting. During the first 24 hours, you must ensure bed rest and completely abstain from eating (drinks only). In the next 2 days, you can introduce jelly, crackers without additives, liquid mashed potatoes, and oatmeal with water into your diet. Improvement in the general condition of the affected person occurs quickly after necessary procedures, but complete recovery occurs after 3-5 days. During this period, minor residual symptoms are possible in the form of flatulence, weakness, and mild pain.

Prevention of poisoning consists of observing all hygiene measures, proper storage products and their quality control. When using products, you need to ensure compliance with the following standards: do not consume products that have expired; food should not have an unnatural color and taste, gas emissions, or smell; Cloudiness and sediment are not allowed in drinks. Do not buy products with damaged packaging. You need to be especially careful when consuming mushrooms and berries: you can only eat plants that there is no doubt about. When preparing lunch, you must strictly follow the rules of heat treatment.

Anyone should know what to do in case of poisoning. Unfortunately, no one is immune from such a nuisance, and it is important to take all necessary measures in a timely manner and in full. Sometimes it happens that delay in providing first aid ends very badly.

Food poisoning occurs due to the consumption of low-quality food products, spoiled by the development and activity of harmful bacteria. The disease is not contagious. The phenomenon is short-term, expressed by a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract.

Food poisoning is an acute condition that occurs due to exposure to various kinds bacteria. In the human body they can be found in small quantities in the intestinal mucosa or other organs. Immune system needs to be maintained daily active work to prevent the proliferation of dangerous bacteria.

How does infection occur?

Favorable conditions for the active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms depend on the state of the nutrient medium. Fast growth abundance contributes to food contamination with toxins and waste products.

Together with food, staphylococcus, streptococcus, coli and other types of harmful bacteria that are characterized by low susceptibility to influences environment. Antiseptics will help deal with bacteria. High temperatures and abundance sunlight will also allow you to get rid of their presence.

Classification of poisoning:

  • Group I: toxic infections and toxicoses. Sources: microbes and fungi.
  • Group II: poisonous plants and animals become the source of poisoning natural form. Improper preparation of food and chemicals (when processing fields) are to blame.
  • Group III: unknown sources.

Causes of the disease

It is enough to eat a product that has been stored in the heat for symptoms of food poisoning to appear.

Optimal temperature conditions help the reproduction process. Accumulation of toxins and waste products occurs faster.

Contamination of food products occurs when the technological process is disrupted, the presence of free access for flies or upon contact with pustules on the hands.

The risk of infection increases if a person consumes products from the list:

  • Shell, raw contents of eggs;
  • Meat and fish;
  • Dairy products;
  • Confectionery;
  • Canned products.

Mechanism of action of food poisoning

The main impact of food poisoning is taken by the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestinal tract. What is important is the number of penetrating substances and microorganisms. Toxins do the most harm.

The following effects develop:

  • The regulation of body temperature is disrupted with increasing values.
  • Blood pressure in the arteries decreases.
  • Receptors are affected nervous system, a feeling of nausea and bouts of vomiting develops (protective mechanism).
  • A water imbalance occurs in the intestines, which stimulates diarrhea (diarrhea).
  • Inflammatory processes develop in the epithelial tissues of the gastrointestinal tract, and the flow of nutrients into the bloodstream is disrupted.
  • A number of pathogens (clostridia) contribute to the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the liver and local distribution defects in the gastrointestinal tract.

The danger of prolonged vomiting and diarrhea is dehydration. There is an active loss of fluid and dissolved mineral salts(Ca, K). By losing minerals, we get a lot of dysfunction of organ systems:

  • The nerve impulse weakens (arrhythmia, convulsions, central nervous system function).
  • The blood becomes thicker (kidney failure).


After poisoning, 2-24 hours pass. Basic indicators:

  • Attacks of nausea are the first symptom: unpleasant belching, heaviness in the stomach.
  • Vomiting temporarily alleviates the condition of the body, partially eliminating harmful substances ( undigested food, liquid, mucus and rarely bile).
  • The temperature rises to 37.5 - 400C (dependence on the amount of toxins and the source of the disease is noted), chills appear.
  • Pain in the head, a state of weakness, aching muscle tissue and joints (characterizes the degree of intoxication).
  • Intestinal spasms intensify, irritated by the effects of toxins.
  • The level of pressure in arterial vessels decreases.
  • Diarrhea worsens (small threads of blood are possible).
  • Decrease in the level of dissolved minerals and fluids: dizziness is more common, the skin becomes rough. The need for water is increasing.

Symptoms manifest differently when an adult and a child are poisoned. The main factors are the degree of development of pathology and intoxication. The amount of contaminated food consumed will determine the strength of expression of the main symptoms.

Complications after poisoning

In case of severe disease, complications develop. A weakened body suffers especially. The process is difficult in childhood.

  • Infectious-toxic shock: enter the bloodstream toxic substances from the vital activity of bacteria, collapse may occur circulatory system. A small number of blood clots form.
  • Sepsis: dangerous microorganisms enter the blood, spreading throughout internal organs. The liver is often attacked, and purulent deposits accumulate in the cavity.
  • Dysbacteriosis: the last stage of suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora.
  • Hypovolemia: lack of water-salt balance, impaired functioning of the kidneys, nervous and circulatory systems.

Delayed treatment of food poisoning leads to an exacerbation of problems arising as the disease progresses.

Features of poisoning and treatment

Home remedies that address the symptoms and causes can help you get rid of food poisoning. Mild intoxication will go away on its own.

Particular attention should be paid to the causative agents of dangerous diseases: salmonella and shigella. After diagnosis with positive result It is recommended to be treated in medical institutions.

Milk products

The bacteria Shigella, staphylococcus and others can live in products. The best way to get rid of the sources of diseases is to boil milk. The main cause of infection is non-compliance with sanitary standards at dairy production enterprises.

General intoxication:

  • Acute infection;
  • State of malaise;
  • Moderate headaches;
  • The temperature rarely exceeds 38 0C, the body shudders;
  • The need for food instantly disappears;
  • When complications occur, the person loses consciousness and convulsions occur.

Colon damage:

  • Often there is episodic pain in the left lower abdomen;
  • Unproductive trips to the toilet;
  • Frequent bowel movements with small clots (mucus, streaks of blood).

Meat products, poultry products

Salmonella can remain in a state of hibernation for 6-12 months, multiplying at low temperatures. It cannot withstand temperatures of 70 0C, which does not guarantee the destruction of all bacteria after meat processing. Long cooking will be required.

Symptoms of poisoning:

  • Pale skin, blue discoloration of feet and hands;
  • The development period of intoxication is 2-72 hours;
  • Bad feeling;
  • Headache attacks;
  • Maintaining temperature from 38 0C;
  • No need for food;
  • Loss of consciousness, convulsive phenomena.

Enterocolitis develops: profuse bowel movements mixed with a green or dark brown hue feces. There is no bleeding.

Confectionery products

Staphylococcus penetrates into dairy products, which serve as the basis for confectionery creams. Persons with diseases purulent in nature(boils, sore throat, sinusitis, cuts) become carriers of this type of bacteria.

The main danger is the toxin released during life. The quality of taste and smell of the product does not change under its influence. Characteristic high degree resistance to heating up to 100 0C for 2 hours.


  • Speed ​​of disease development: 30-60 minutes;
  • Attacks of nausea;
  • Continuous vomiting;
  • Severe pain in the area above the navel;
  • Weakness and frequent dizziness;
  • The process of defecation is repeated up to 5 times in 24 hours for 1-3 days (diarrhea);
  • There are no traces of blood or mucus;
  • Risk of convulsions, loss of consciousness.

Fish products

Classic contamination of products: violation of manufacturing technology and sanitary standards, as well as storage conditions. Symptoms include weakness, painful sensations in the abdomen, attacks of nausea, vomiting and loose stools.

During spawning or in other conditions, the fish itself becomes poisonous. The content of certain substances (for example, histamine) can cause allergic reactions. Symptoms resolve on their own within 7-8 hours.

  • Do not consume the product with loose scales, a bloated belly, or cloudy eyeballs.
  • After defrosting, the fish begins to release toxins.
  • In case of severe poisoning, you must immediately contact a medical facility.

Mushrooms and olives

In the territory Russian Federation There are 70 poisonous species of mushrooms. Many have a similar structure and color to edible ones. Poisoning can be caused by eating poorly processed mushrooms. High risk of death.

If you are poisoned by olives colored with iron gluconate, you will develop severe diarrhea, vomiting and disruption of the circulatory system. A shock reaction and coma appear. The risk increases with frequent use olives

Preventive measures

At enterprises Food Industry the sanitary service controls technological process food preparation, storage conditions and timing of product sales.

Employees must be examined twice a year for the presence of food poisoning pathogens. If ulcers are found on the skin, the employee is prohibited from going to work.

In everyday life, it is recommended to wash your hands with soap and conduct good heat treatment of food. Products with short term Try to consume food before the expiration date indicated on the package. Prepared dishes should be kept covered in the refrigerator (2-3 days).

Fresh fruits and vegetables should be thoroughly washed with running water. Before eating, pour boiling water over the raisins, removing the wax. Boil eggs in salted water. We defrost meat and fish products in the refrigerator. It is better not to drink acidified dairy products.

First aid

Mild to moderate disease can be treated using traditional methods. The following methods will cope with poisoning:

  • Carry out gastric lavage (1 liter of water 20-25 0C) - do 10 times.
  • Take sorbents: medications that bind toxins in the intestines (after cleansing the stomach).
  • Take a solution to restore water balance.
  • Follow a diet, expand the list of foods a couple of days after poisoning (with the exception of dairy products, fried, fatty, salty, sweet foods).
  • Treat symptoms with anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs, antispasmodics.

It is better to contact specialists, but it is better to carry out a number of procedures before doctors arrive in case of poisoning. Timely first aid at home will preserve the health and life of the victim.

Treatment with medications

A course of therapies carried out in a medical facility will help combat food poisoning:

  • Restoration of electrolytic water balance.
  • The use of sorbents in the absence of vomiting, using the intermediate time between medications. The use of medications at high temperatures is prohibited; children and the elderly are prescribed with caution.
  • Pain relief with antispasmodics.
  • Antibiotics, antimicrobials are prescribed according to the recommendations of a doctor (the person has been poisoned, there are signs of the development of an intestinal infection).
  • Diarrhea and vomiting are counteracted after some time (considered the body’s reaction to poisoning).
  • Decreased body temperature.
  • A restorative course of probiotics and prebiotics will quickly heal the intestines disturbed by poisoning.

In case of acute food poisoning with pronounced loss of water and frequent vomiting, a visit to the hospital will help. Water-mineral solutions will be injected into the blood using the drip method.

Traditional recipes for poisoning

The task of folk remedies is to reduce the degree of exposure to toxins on the body that spread through the vessels of the circulatory system. Often available components for home recipes will allow you to do without medications and provide first aid for food poisoning during the holidays.

Today, traditional medicine presents a wide range of recipes to cure minor poisoning (removal of toxins). It is contraindicated to teach the course yourself home treatment during the acute course of the disease.

Take at home:

  • 3-5 g of activated carbon 4 times with an interval of 15 minutes;
  • Taking ascorbic acid 1-2 g / 3 times in a 3-hour period;
  • Mix grated marshmallow root with honey: 1 tbsp. l. / 4 times a day;
  • Boiled dill with honey: 1/2 cup for 30 minutes. before meals;
  • Ginger-based tincture: interval 30 minutes – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Cinnamon infusion is a good antispasmodic and sorbent;
  • Use a decoction of wormwood and yarrow leaves to cleanse toxins;
  • The proliferation of microorganisms is blocked by the following: 3 squeezed lemons, water and sugar;
  • 150 g orange juice with addition raw egg– 1 time, after which you are instructed to drink more water.

If your child is poisoned, you should visit a doctor before self-medicating at home.

Methods to combat types of poisoning:

  1. Meat - requires a salt solution to induce a gag reflex. Afterwards, wrap yourself in a woolen cloth, drink an infusion of valerian and place a heating pad on the abdominal area. Later give rice-raisin decoction.
  2. Mushroom - after the urge to vomit, rinse the stomach with chamomile decoction. Then taking a laxative is indicated. Drink hot tea. Cool your forehead with a compress, warm your stomach with a heating pad.
  3. Fish (seafood) - take saline solution, laxative medicine. Castor enema is recommended by doctors. A couple of spoons of red wine and natural coffee will improve the situation. After cleansing, lie in the bath, then cover yourself with a warm blanket and drink flaxseed infusion.
  4. Acidic - urgently rinse the stomach with a large amount of liquid with lime, milk and magnesia are allowed. Calling a doctor is required. Stimulation of the gag reflex is contraindicated (risk of burning the esophagus). Drink rice and barley decoctions.
  5. Morphine - urgent medical attention is required: gastric lavage with saline or potassium permanganate solution (200 ml). Give strong coffee, bring ammonia from time to time.
  6. Tobacco - take a person to Fresh air, bring it to your nose ammonia solution with the addition of anise drops.
  7. Arsenic - it is necessary to stimulate the gag reflex, then take melted milk butter, milk. If a person feels cold, apply a warm heating pad to his feet.
  8. Carbon monoxide - fresh air, moderate cold water will help you come to your senses. Sniff the 5% solution ammonia, diluted with water. Need strong coffee.

The meaning of medicinal herbs

In case of poisoning food products, medications, poor-quality water, and alcoholic beverages, they often drink sweet tea. The product helps to recover, relieving the body of the effects of vomiting and diarrhea.

Has properties:

  • Antimicrobial (vitamin P, catechins);
  • Stimulates diuretic effect(removal of toxins);
  • Raises the tone of the body;
  • The balance of salt and water and blood pressure in the arteries are normalized.

Application area green tea: intoxication alcoholic drinks, spoiled food. By adding lemon, you can stop the dehydration process, and after washing the stomach, the drink will have a calming effect.

Black tea will invigorate you and also remove toxins from the body. Brew a drink of moderate strength. Give small children a weak brew.

Herbal tea infusions:

  • Mint (diarrhea, vomiting, gastrointestinal upset, gas formation, periodic pain in the digestive system).
  • Eleutherococcus, Echinacea: drink after the symptoms of poisoning disappear to normalize protective functions immunity (increased fatigue).
  • Chamomile: relieves inflammation, pain, stomach irritability, destroys bacterial organisms.
  • Ginger: fights pain, microorganisms (overdose leads to poisoning).
  • Linden: anti-toxin.

Field herbs

Properly selected components will help cope with intoxication of the body. The following herbs are used:

  • St. John's wort: regulation of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea is the result of exposure to toxic substances, dysenteric amoeba.
  • Yarrow: antibacterial agent, relieves inflammation, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Plantain: normalizes the amount of cholesterol in the blood, relieves pain and disinfects, stops bleeding in diseases infectious origin in the intestines.
  • Chicory: stops inflammatory processes, destroys bacteria, removes toxins. Drink a remedy to stimulate digestion and lower temperature.
  • Elecampane: roots are used to remove toxins and cleanse the circulatory system.
  • Mallow: gently envelops the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits inflammatory processes. Source of ascorbic acid.

Simple recipes for mild poisoning

Home treatment is carried out using traditional methods:

  • White wine tincture: if the symptoms of the disease are characterized by frequent vomiting and attacks of nausea. Recipe for preparing the product: 1 glass of dried thyme, 0.5 wine product. Infuses for 21 days. 3 times a day.
  • Infusion proportions: 0.5 tsp. cinnamon, 1 glass of hot liquid. Bring to boil for 5 minutes. Drink 3 cups to get rid of toxins associated with eating meat and fish.
  • In the spring, prepare blackberry grass, prepare a decoction (boil for 5 minutes) - eliminates the gag reflex, diarrhea, and nausea.
  • Will get rid of botulism medicine: 1 tsp. cinnamon, 1/4 ginger root(grated), 1/2 tbsp. l. mint (dried) per glass of water.
  • Infuse chicory flowers in a glass boiled water(6-8 hours), reception – 30 minutes before. before meals, 4 times a day.
  • Acute development of the disease is treated with tincture of elecampane in water, an alcohol product (period: 21 days in the dark).
  • Walnuts, 1 l. alcohol with the addition of honey. The infusion is formed under the influence of the sun for 12 days, then put in the shade.
  • Roasted sunflower seeds are poured into 0.5 liters. water and put on low heat, used for intestinal problems.
  • Sugar 8 l., salt and soda 1 tsp each, 1 l. boiling water 3 times a day.
  • Teaspoons of dried thyme and dill seeds are infused in a glass hot water(10 minutes) – removes toxins from the body.

First aid to the victim

It is recommended to take urgent measures in case of symptoms of poisoning, using recipes based on:

  • Peels of oranges, tangerines, lemons: pour boiled water, let it brew and drink.
  • Honey-lemon solution: 1 tsp. honey, 1 lemon (juice), mixed in a glass of boiled water at room temperature. Adults and children can drink.
  • Infusion of tea leaves: drink the cooled liquid throughout the day, it has a calming effect on the stomach.
  • A decoction of raspberry branches: the optimal body temperature is stabilized, signs of the inflammatory process are eliminated.
  • Decoction of dill seeds: depressant for the intestines.

In case of intoxication, you should drink a lot of liquid, decoctions (apple, raisins, rose hips, viburnum), tea. The last remedy is used depending on the condition of the person and the plant variety.

Make strong tea (loose-leaf) at the first sign of poisoning with the addition of a couple of tablespoons of sugar. Hypertension is considered a limitation. It is recommended to drink the drink in moderate brewing, neither hot nor cold.

Lemon therapy

Lemon has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Juice diluted in water has an effect on harmful microorganisms. It is enough to dilute 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice in a glass of water at room temperature. Drink throughout the day.

It is recommended to drink fresh tea with lemon (up to 37 0C, moderate amount of brewing) to avoid the consequences of damage to the mucous membrane of the esophagus, as well as to minimize the body’s energy expenditure on warming the liquid.

Medicinal products

Drink based on ginger root in combination with lemon tea, taken in the morning and evening hours, alleviates the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. In this way, it will be possible to eliminate the effects of heartburn and the feeling of nausea. A couple of drops of ginger juice will help stop inflammatory processes. The functionality of the stomach will return to normal, which will have a beneficial effect on the digestion process.

Garlic is known to have properties that can effectively fight viruses, bacteria and fungi. The source of the disease is eliminated.

The antibacterial properties of basil will allow you to quickly cure the body of the disease by eliminating its source. Juice mixed with honey will ease the infection.


Restoring normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract lasts 2 weeks. Chronic problems Gastrointestinal tract can increase the period by 7 days.

Basic food requirements:

  1. Consistency of liquid, puree, porridge. The presence of pieces that can cause harm to the esophageal mucosa is unacceptable.
  2. Eat small portions, dividing your meals into several stages.
  3. Temperature level of dishes up to +40 0С.
  4. Do not consume frozen products, meat or fish dishes(not earlier than the fifth day).
  5. Dietary meat products minced in a meat grinder are allowed.
  6. Cereals are prohibited (the restriction will be the presence of cellulose, which is difficult to process by gastric juice).
  7. Butter is not allowed in porridge.

The use of folk remedies is permitted in the absence allergic reactions. It is necessary to carefully consider a home course of treatment based on medicinal herbs. It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations to avoid exacerbations.