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Lemongrass tea, beneficial properties of lemon grass. How to brew lemongrass tea

There are not so many plants that are distinguished by their universal use in different fields. Most herbs are endowed with certain properties and are used in one of the industries - medicine, cooking or cosmetology. Lemongrass is a plant that stands out favorably in the world of fauna, because it has found worthy use in the preparation of medicines, culinary dishes, homemade masks and creams.

Origin and description of the plant

Lemongrass is considered a cereal; it is a plant that has many names. Commonly known as lemongrass, sorghum. In some countries, the aromatic herb is called shuttlebeard. In China, it is called cymbopogon - this is lemongrass, one of its varieties, characterized by a persistent aroma.

The homeland of the grass is countries with a tropical, humid and hot climate (India, China, some regions of America and Africa). There are four dozen species in the citronella lemongrass family. Some varieties take root well at home.

IN favorable conditions lemon grass can grow up to two meters. In cool regions, the height of the bush rarely exceeds one meter. The plant prefers sandstones, but also thrives on swampy plains.

The peculiarity of the plant is its powerful root system, short time completely depleting the soil. Lemongrass leaves are long, light green in color, and resemble a decorative tuft. The foliage and short stem of the plant have a citrus aroma - they are used as spices after special processing. Lemongrass root is valued for its pleasant taste and is used in cooking.

Chemical composition and beneficial properties

The value of lemongrass lies in its beneficial properties, which have not gone unnoticed in medicine. Regular use herbal-based products have a beneficial effect on overall well-being and health. The composition of plant raw materials includes elements necessary for the body:

  • nicotinic acid;
  • microelements (iron, selenium, sodium, potassium);
  • vitamin groups (C, B);
  • essential oils;
  • antiseptics, antioxidants;
  • fatty acids.

The benefits of lemongrass are well known to herbalists. They will confidently tell you that the herb has the following properties:

  • antioxidant, disinfectant;
  • painkillers, tonics;
  • bactericidal and fungicidal;
  • regenerating and sedative.

Thanks to its rich composition and multifaceted qualities, lemongrass can be used in medicine and cosmetology. Active components cope with diseases, skin defects, improve well-being. Recommended to take medicinal compositions inside and treat with ointments and lotions based on lemon grass locally.

Indications and contraindications for use

For treatment, it is recommended to use leaves and stems of lemongrass - infusions, decoctions, and ointments are prepared from plant materials. It’s easy to preserve all the beneficial qualities - stock up on marinades, dry or freeze lemongrass.

Medicinal properties and possible harm It’s better to study in advance - this will allow you to avoid mistakes and improve your health.

  • disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, metabolic failure, flatulence;
  • colds accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • nervous disorders, stress, sleep problems;
  • respiratory tract diseases;
  • nausea accompanied by bouts of vomiting;
  • general weakness;
  • disturbances in the flow of blood through the vessels;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, cellulite, rashes, irritations);
  • skin fungus, nail plates;
  • inflammatory processes on the dermis;
  • problems with breast milk production during lactation;
  • varicose veins;
  • fatigue, lethargy, apathy;
  • weakening of attention, mental abilities, memory impairment.

Of particular value is the presence of essential substances in the composition - products based on them are used in cosmetology. Hair loss, unhealthy appearance, split ends, rashes on the face, uneven shade are only part of the problems that drugs can cope with.

Despite positive properties lemongrass, which are recommended to be used against any problems of the body, lemon grass is not indicated for everyone. There are few restrictions, but it is better to know them in advance.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass:

  • negative reaction of the body to some components that make up lemongrass;
  • tendency to allergies to external or internal irritants;
  • period of bearing a baby;
  • hypertension;
  • age (it is prohibited to use lemongrass in treatment for elderly people and children);
  • increased excitability;
  • dry skin, tendency to peeling;
  • professional activity, in which the voice is involved (the components of lemongrass can cause hoarseness, hoarseness, soreness and even compression of the vocal cords).

It is forbidden to carry out treatment with lemongrass-based products for more than two weeks. Despite beneficial properties, the plant can cause allergies or a number of negative effects, among which skin irritation, problems with the digestive tract, and stool disorders are often encountered.

Side effects in the absence of prohibitions on the use of products for the preparation of which lemongrass is used practically do not occur. Only improper use, overdose, or abuse of the beneficial properties of the herb can cause negative reactions.

Areas of application of the plant

The peculiarity of lemongrass is its versatility, since lemongrass is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. It is recommended to stock up on valuable plant raw materials in the summer - it is at this time that the maximum vitamins and minerals accumulate in the stems and leaves. If the plant is grown at home, you can chop the lemon grass and put it in the freezer. Further use for cooking, home medicines, cosmetics.

The dried product is especially valuable - it is recommended to make a lemongrass preparation if the plant material is purchased in a store. After processing, raw materials retain odors and lemon aroma. There is no need to chop the grass before drying - place the stems and leaves in direct sunlight and leave until the moisture has completely evaporated. Grind the raw materials into powder or grind them with your hands. Store in glass containers that are hermetically sealed.

The use of lemongrass, regardless of preparation, should be in accordance with traditional medicine or culinary recipes. There is no need to experiment - excess lemongrass in dishes causes bitterness and an unpleasant aroma. Means alternative medicine exceeding the recommended dosage will not make them more effective, but on the contrary, they can cause a number of negative reactions.

In medicine

Lemongrass is famous for its use in different compositions alternative medicine. The following is prepared using lemongrass:

  • lotions (recommended for diseases of the dermis);
  • ointments (used for joint diseases, non-healing wounds, severe burns);
  • creams (treat wounds, dermatitis, rashes, improve the condition of the dermis);
  • infusions, decoctions (taken orally for diseases of the digestive tract, colds, respiratory diseases).

The easiest way to use lemon grass at home is to prepare an infusion recommended for treatment internal organs and prevention. Recipe:

  1. Chop the stems and leaves of lemongrass (25 g) into a fine paste.
  2. Pour boiling water (180-220 ml) over the plant material.
  3. Leave to brew for half an hour (for a rich aroma and taste, close the container tightly with a lid and wrap with a towel).
  4. Filter the liquid.

It is recommended to use it for oral administration, but you can use inhalation for colds or gargling for sore throat. Honey is added to improve the taste. It is allowed to take no more than 450 ml of drink per day.

In cooking

When using dry herbs in cooking, you should prepare for the bouquet of taste and aroma characteristic of Asian cuisine. It is recommended to add the spice to soups and sauces, but a small amount of fragrant lemon grass can decorate marinades for fish and meat, making an excellent combination with spices. Freshly cut stems are used for baking.

Features of using lemongrass in cooking:

  • Regardless of whether fresh or dry stems are used in cooking, they must first be chopped - the raw material is quite hard;
  • A simple trick will help improve the aroma of the plant - before adding raw petioles to dishes, beat them off with a knife;
  • If large parts of the stem are added to a soup or sauce, remove the ingredient before serving - it has already imparted aroma and taste to the dish.

Lemongrass is often used to make drinks. Tea brewed from dry lemongrass has beneficial qualities and is recommended for boosting immunity. Preparing the drink is simple - rub dry stems and leaves and brew with boiling water. Proportions: 60 g lemongrass per 2 liters of water. Leave for at least half an hour, then filter and add sweet ingredients (honey, sugar).

In cosmetology

Lemongrass is often used to make cosmetics - creams, masks, lotions, perfumes. Lemon grass has the following effects:

  • cleanses and cares for normal and oily skin types skin;
  • copes with excessive sweating, unpleasant smell;
  • eliminates dermatitis, acne, redness, pigment spots;
  • tightens pores;
  • normalizes work sebaceous glands(reduces their activity, eliminates the fatty layer on the dermis).

No need to cook special means for skin care - just add the essential oil of the herb to any cream or tonic to increase its effectiveness.

Lemongrass is a plant that has many benefits, but only the correct and moderate use of lemongrass will improve the taste of a dish or achieve positive results in the treatment of diseases. Before using cymbopogon, you need to study all the features, indications and prohibitions - this will allow you to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Herbal teas are useful and have a wide variety of effects on the human body. They refresh, improve emotional well-being, calm and restore strength. Some of them promote weight loss. From the article you will learn about the properties of lemongrass, how to brew it and use it correctly.

Beneficial properties of lemongrass

Lemongrass is a lemon grass that is traditional in Asian cuisine and is also common in African countries. It is used not only as a seasoning for many national dishes, but also as medicinal drug V folk medicine, as well as a source of essential oil in cosmetology.

You can also find other names for lemongrass - “Indian verbena”, “ lemongrass", "citronella".

Parts of lemongrass such as the stem, leaves, and the base of the rosette have been used.

Chemical composition of lemongrass

Citral in lemongrass

It contains citral aldehyde, the concentration of which is up to 85%. It is thanks to him that tea brewed with lemongrass acquires a special spicy taste and citrus aroma. By the way, this substance is often used on an industrial scale as a flavoring agent. It is included in many pharmaceutical drugs.

Vitamin composition of lemongrass

All the value of lemongrass lies in the vitamins and microelements that the grass is rich in. It contains most of the B vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, vitamin H, beta-carotene.

In addition, lemongrass is a source of methylheptenol, limonene, geraniol, myrcene.

Macro- and microelements in lemongrass

Lemongrass contains the necessary for normal life elements:

  1. sodium for normal metabolism;
  2. iron for proper metabolism, hormonal levels, storage and movement of oxygen in cells;
  3. phosphorus for strong bones and teeth, muscle activity;
  4. copper for hematopoiesis, tissue and cell development, immune system;
  5. magnesium, which supports brain activity;
  6. silicon for normal height and the formation of bone and connective tissue, reducing the rate of development of atherosclerosis;
  7. potassium for kidneys and intestines, protein synthesis, transmission of nerve impulses;
  8. zinc for metabolism, brain activity and nervous system etc.

Effect of lemongrass on the body

Thanks to the rich chemical composition Lemongrass has a beneficial effect on all systems of the human body:

  1. restorative;
  2. strengthens the immune system and the ability to resist infections;
  3. relieves depression;
  4. helps in the fight against stress;
  5. restores the body's strength during physical and mental stress;
  6. pain reliever;
  7. prevents reproduction pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria;
  8. increases the level of metabolism;
  9. stimulates thyroid gland and lymphatic system;
  10. activates blood circulation;
  11. relieves spasms;
  12. helps in the fight against viruses, fungi, infections.
Lemongrass: lemon grass, which you can in different ways brew and drink drinks for health benefits

How to brew lemongrass?

Lemongrass can be brewed in several ways, using the herb as the main ingredient or as an addition to another drink.

Brewing Lemongrass Tea

The classic brewing recipe is 1 teaspoon of dried lemongrass per 250 ml of boiling water. The drink is infused for 3 to 7 minutes and consumed. To make it sweeter, use honey.

Brewing tea with lemongrass and mint

Lemongrass has a light sedative effect, but to slightly enhance it and enrich the drink with vitamins, add a few mint leaves to the tea.

Brewing and cooling lemongrass tea

In the summer heat, lemongrass tea brewed according to the basic recipe, cooled with pieces of ice or in the refrigerator, will help quench your thirst. You can add a slice of fresh lemon to it.

Brewing green tea with lemongrass

If you want to cook green tea with lemongrass, then use tea without flavorings or additives for the base. After brewing it according to the recipe, add a little lemongrass and steep for at least 3 minutes.

Indications for use of lemongrass tea

Lemongrass tea is not easy vitamin drink. It is almost universal and has a healing effect. Thus, its use is recommended for:

  1. circulatory disorders;
  2. obesity;
  3. dizziness;
  4. depressive states;
  5. dermatological diseases;
  6. diseases of the digestive system;
  7. anemia;
  8. rehabilitation after long-term illnesses;
  9. kidney diseases;
  10. active sports;

Lemongrass tea is useful for those who are weather sensitive or have difficulty with jet lag and acclimatization.

In addition, its use is important for athletes because lemongrass has a positive effect on muscle recovery and strengthens ligaments.

Contraindications to the use of lemongrass

With all my positive qualities lemongrass has a small list of contraindications. You need to stop using it:

  1. pregnant women;
  2. those suffering from increased excitability;
  3. those who have epilepsy;
  4. children under 12 years old;
  5. for glaucoma;
  6. for hypertension;
  7. for symptoms of insomnia.

When including lemongrass tea in your diet, follow the rules proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, the drink is not able to save a person from problems on its own. To achieve the effect, you need to make your own efforts, adjust your menu, lifestyle, and enlist the support of a specialist.

Lemongrass (lemongrass, lemongrass, citronella, blackbeard) – perennial genus Cymbopogon with hard, long, narrow linear-lanceolate leaves of a light green color. Its height, depending on the climate, can reach from 70 centimeters to 1.5 meters. The rhizome is short, tuberous, the inflorescence is formed by spikelets and is located in the axils of the apical leaves.

The leaves of the plant are collected before the onset of cold weather, laid out in a thin layer protected from sun rays and a well-ventilated place for drying. Dried lemongrass can be stored in glass jar with the lid tightly closed in a dark room. The bases of the rosettes are wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator. They can be stored this way for several weeks.

Composition and beneficial properties

The main substance that gives this plant a pleasant citrus aroma and taste is citral. In addition to it, the plant contains geraniol, farnesol, myrcene with aldehydes and other elements. Lemongrass also contains large amounts of ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid, vitamin A, calcium, iron, potassium, sodium and phosphorus.

Due to its rich chemical composition, lemongrass has many beneficial effects on the human body:

  • Painkiller.
  • Antioxidant.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Wound healing.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Fungicidal.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Astringent.
  • Calming.


IN medicinal purposes The plant is used in the form of tincture, tea, juice, creams, essential oil, ointments. It is also included in herbal preparations.

  • Infusion: 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves, pour 250 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, strain and take 200 milliliters orally 2 times a day. Adding honey enhances medicinal properties means. The water infusion can also be used for external use.
  • Tincture: Place 2 tablespoons of chopped lemongrass stem in a glass container, add 1 liter of alcohol and place in a dark, cool place for 21 days. Take the prepared tincture 2 tablespoons 3 times a day.
  • Juice herbs are used externally as a powerful insecticide. It effectively repels various insects. It is necessary to tear off the stem of the plant, squeeze it and apply the squeezed juice to open areas bodies. The product will also relieve itching after bites.

  • Tea: Brew 1 tablespoon of dry or fresh herbs in 250 milliliters of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes and strain. It is recommended to use honey or stevia honey as a sweetener.
  • Lemongrass tea for weight loss: Pour 2 tablespoons of dry herb into 1 liter of water, add 100 grams of fresh chopped ginger and the juice of two lemons to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly, boil for about 10 minutes, then leave for 15-20 minutes and strain. Drink 200 milliliters 3 times a day before meals.

Application in medicine

  • Herbal tea with citronella is effective means from a cold.
  • Water infusion is used for pain in the stomach and intestines, gas formation to improve digestion, also as a diaphoretic.
  • Alcohol tincture is indicated for relieving cough and runny nose, relieving headaches, and dyspepsia.

In addition, in medicine, lemongrass preparations are used in complex treatment for the following diseases:

The oil, obtained by steam distillation from the dried leaves, has a lemony and fresh aroma. It can be purchased at a pharmacy and used for external use as an antibacterial, deodorizing, antimicrobial and antiseptic agent.

Lemon grass acts as an effective antidepressant, helps with insomnia and stress, relieves fatigue, refreshes, and improves vitality.

Lemongrass oil also improves mental activity and memory, increases performance and concentrates attention. This oil is recommended for use in the car interior as a fragrance to increase the driver’s reaction speed.

  • IN aroma lamp oil is used to activate brain activity, relieve fatigue, improve mood - 2-3 drops per session.
  • Inhalations help with diseases of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory organs - 2-3 drops per 200 milliliters of water. Inhalation time is 4-6 minutes.
  • Aroma medallion lifts your mood, gives energy, promotes concentration – 1 drop.
  • Massage with citronella oil accelerates lymph flow and blood flow, which prevents the development of varicose veins, helps burn excess fat and normalize metabolic processes in the body - 4 drops of the product per 20 grams of massage base.
  • Foot and general baths restore strength, tone, help relieve fatigue - 4-6 drops per full bath of water or 4 drops per 200 milliliters of water in nail baths. The reception time should not exceed 15 minutes.

In cooking

Lemon grass is often used in Asian dishes. It gives food an unforgettable aroma, combining light notes of almonds and the smell of citrus.

It is recommended to use the lower part of fresh plant stems; if this is not possible, then powder from dried raw materials will also work. Fresh stems can be added to dishes whole, finely chopped, or thoroughly ground into a paste. The dried plant should be soaked well before use. The stems taste like lemon zest, but have a fresh aroma.

In Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, the plant is added to stews, soups, curries, seafood dishes, fish, beef, chicken and pork. It is also added to tea. Lemongrass pairs perfectly with chili, garlic and cilantro. If this plant is not available, it will be replaced with lemon balm, zest or verbena.

In addition, Thai chefs use the plant to prepare a lemon-scented drink, which perfectly refreshes and tones the body. To do this, several stems of grass are cut into small pieces, placed in a cup and poured with boiling water. The finished lemon drink is served chilled, with ice, sugar and milk.

In cosmetology

Lemongrass essential oil is most often used for cosmetic purposes. It is part of medicinal ointments, creams and lotions for the care of problem skin of the face and body. Ready-made drugs You can purchase it at the pharmacy or enrich the composition of your favorite lotions, creams, shampoos with oil - 1 drop of oil per 5 grams of the main product.

The effects of essential oil are as follows:

  • Reduces eczema, acne, skin irritation.
  • Tightens pores.
  • Helps get rid of acne.
  • Tightens sagging skin.
  • Helps get rid of cellulite.
  • Stimulates hair growth.
  • Strengthens hair follicles.
  • Combats increased hair loss.
  • Soothes dry itchy scalp.
  • Has a deodorizing effect.
  • Is a good foot freshener.
  • Prevents excessive sweating.

Methods of use in cosmetology:

  • At acne oil is applied to pure form precisely on the affected areas. After 5 minutes, wash off.
  • To cleanse and tighten pores useful applications: mix 7 drops of the product with 10 drops of base oil, apply to problematic skin and wash off warm water in 5 minutes.
  • To get rid of excess oil on hair: Add 1 drop of lemongrass to a single dose of shampoo, massage your head in a circular motion and rinse with warm water.

Lemongrass, or lemongrass, (Symborogon) is a plant belonging to the Poaceae, or Poagrass, family. This genus includes just over fifty species that originally grew in regions with warm and tropical weather conditions.

Lemongrass looks like a common herbaceous perennial. It grows in fairly dense and abundant turf. The plant has a short rhizome of white or light purple color and a stem part in the form of a tall straw.

The foliage is linear, 3-10 mm wide, with characteristic pubescence on both sides and fairly sharp edges. The inflorescences are complex, collected on the basis of spike-shaped branches, formed on the apical part of the stem. The flowers are small in size, inconspicuous in appearance, and have a gray-white color. The fruits are represented by small elongated grains.

It is quite difficult to grow such a plant in our country. It is quite widely cultivated in Southeast Asia, and also grows in the tropics and subtropics of Africa and America.

Lemongrass looks like a regular herbaceous perennial

Useful properties and chemical composition of lemongrass

The benefits of culture are undeniable, and The chemical composition of a useful and very unusual tropical plant is presented:

  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • chrome;
  • phosphorus;
  • silicon;
  • fatty acids.

Also contains vitamin C or ascorbic acid, B vitamins and vitamin A. The essential oils of the plant differ increased amount geraniol and citral. Tropical culture not only has a fairly high nutritional value, but also helps improve appetite, strengthen muscle tissue, and has positive influence on the performance of brain cells and heart muscle.

The presence of antioxidants effectively prevents premature aging, improves metabolic processes and lipid breakdown. Eating it allows you to quickly normalize blood sugar levels and is characterized by an antidepressant effect. This type of plant is useful if you need to boost your immunity.

Gallery: lemongrass (25 photos)

Features of growing lemon grass (video)

Features of growing cymbopogon at home:

Citronella is grown in seedlings, and seed material can be purchased at almost any garden center.

Optimal growing conditions and choice of location

The plant is quite heat-loving and sun-loving, but in the soil and climatic conditions of the central zone of our country it is impossible to grow such a crop in flower beds open ground is not possible.

The air temperature in the room cannot be less than 20-22oC. Shoots will appear as quickly and evenly as possible when growing seedlings on south-facing windowsills, with sufficiently bright sun.

Lemongrass is quite heat-loving and sun-loving.

Requirements for soil and planting pot

The tropical medicinal crop not only loves bright sunlight, but also grows best in humus soils with sufficient nutrients and constant humidity levels. The soil for growing crops must be light and sufficiently drained, preferably with plenty of medium-grained sand and a slightly acidic pH.

Seed preparation and planting technology

The seeds should be prepared by wrapping them in damp cloth, and then into a regular plastic bag, after which it should be left in a warm place for about twelve hours. Before sowing, the seeds should be dried on a paper towel, and then sowed in moist and fairly fertile soil without deep digging. The container with the crops is covered with film to create a greenhouse effect. After the first shoots appear, the film cover is removed, and the sprouts are transplanted into containers, which can be taken outside in the summer.

Before planting, lemongrass seeds must be prepared

The root system must always be well moistened, so the soil around the plant must be mulched with organic matter. Watering lemongrass requires only soft and sufficiently settled water. Rain or melt water at room temperature is best suited for irrigation activities. Container-grown crops winter period must be brought into the premises.

Determining the degree of maturity of the plant

If lemongrass is grown for food purposes, the above-ground portion can be cut at any time of the year. The foliage is cut into small pieces, after which it is laid out to dry under awnings or in a room with sufficient inflow fresh air.It is best to store plant materials in closed glass containers.

Lemongrass tea (video)

Medicinal and beneficial properties of lemon grass

The healing properties are due to the content of essential oil, the main part of which is citral. Among other things, the composition is enriched with limonene, isopulgenol, citronelic and geranic acids, as well as α-camphonene.

Application in perfumery and cosmetology

Bactericidal and restorative properties Lemongrass oils are used in many lines designed to care for problematic or oily skin. In India, Cymbopogon citratus is very widely used not only in medical purposes, but also in the modern perfume industry.

However, perfumes with notes of cymbopogon are not found very often in perfumery, which is due to the difficulty of selecting the most harmonious combinations. More often Frankincense and ginger are used as an effective addition to lemongrass, as well as jasmine and anise.. Particularly popular are the women's perfume Carthusia Io Capri and the men's fragrance Diesel Only The Brave Wild.

The bactericidal and general strengthening properties of lemongrass oils are used in many lines designed to care for problematic or oily skin

Healing recipes of traditional medicine

Lemongrass is traditionally used in folk medicine. The plant is used for cooking medicinal tea, tinctures and infusions, juice, essential oils, cream and ointment, and is also included in various herbal medicinal preparations.

For inhalation, gargling and oral administration, infusions of fresh or dried herbs poured with boiling water are used. To obtain the tincture, the stems are crushed in a blender, after which they are poured with alcohol in a one-to-one ratio. The tincture should be stored in a dark place.

Lemongrass in cooking

The dried seasoning is not inferior in taste and quality characteristics to many widely used aromatic herbs. Lemongrass is widely used as a seasoning in Asian and Caribbean cuisine. Delicious fresh and dried raw materials have a pronounced citrus aroma. Lemongrass is often used in cooking fish dishes, bird, as well as seafood and sauces.

Lemongrass is not inferior in taste and quality characteristics to many widespread aromatic herbs

How to brew and drink lemongrass tea correctly

Lemongrass tea, due to its unique chemical composition, is a very effective antimicrobial, antiseptic and bactericidal agent. To get maximum effect, it is necessary to brew healing herbal raw materials correctly. Tea is extremely useful for people working in harmful conditions, since the drink quickly neutralizes all unpleasant consequences.

Lemongrass(other names - lemongrass, cymbopogon, shuttlebeard, citronella, lemongrass) combines 55 species various types plants that belong to the Poaceae family. Its flowers are almost invisible due to the lush greenery, so the plant does not have decorative properties. However, it is successfully used in many other areas.

These sharp leaves of lemongrass are denser than those of most grasses - they have a thick, continuous, almost bulbous base. The blades of grass are deep, bluish-green in color, white near the thick and clumpy stems and branches.

Lemongrass is distinguished by its bulbous, dense white sprouts. When cut they look like green onions. Flowers are rarely found on lemongrass plants, but when they are present, they appear as large heads with false reddish-brown spines. Due to the presence of essential oils in the tubular cells, the plant has a distinct aroma with lemon notes.

The parts used of cymbopogon are leaves and oil for medicinal purposes. The leaves and stem are for cooking.

Lemongrass is low in calories and contains no cholesterol. It does healthy lemongrass, and tea based on it has a pleasant aroma.

Citral is an essential oil that the plant contains. It has a characteristic odor and contains a substance that is considered useful in relieving cramps, muscle cramps, headaches and symptoms of rheumatism.

The plant is known for its calming effects, which can be helpful for insomnia, anxiety, or stress. Lemongrass is rich in calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium.

Zinc is also found in grass. Cymbopogon also contains important vitamins Group B, such as pantothenic acid, pyridoxine and thiamine, which the body needs to be replenished on a regular basis, since any excess of these vitamins is washed out of the system through urine. But all these components have both benefits and harm at the same time, which should not be forgotten.

Cymbopogon is traditionally used to help control and normalize heart rate and high blood pressure. It is used to reduce fever, poor digestion, abdominal pain, gas, intestinal cramps and diarrhea.

The oil from the plant is very aromatic and is used to combat fungal infections, making it the main ingredient natural remedies treating skin diseases such as acne.

In some 1996 trials, researchers were able to demonstrate the benefits of lemongrass against 12 types of fungi and 22 different strains of bacteria.

Another study found that the plant has antimutagenic properties that can reverse certain mutations in some bacteria. The antioxidants contained in it are valued for their preventive properties and the ability to strengthen immune system.

Some laboratory tests have shown that lemongrass can have a positive effect on how... human body processes cholesterol.

Therefore, many doctors argue that a seasoning based on this plant should be in the diet of people who are watching their cholesterol.

As a tea, this herb has a diuretic effect and acts as a detoxifying treatment to cleanse the liver, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and tones the digestive tract. Additionally, this tea can reduce excess fats and uric acid in body tissues.

Essential oil The herb is valuable as an insecticide and is used in repellents. It is used to make candles and soap as an anti-irritant. One traditional use of the oil, mixed with pepper, relieves menstrual problems and nausea.

Some herbalists recommend mixing a few drops of the product with a normal portion of mild shampoo to combat oily hair. Lemongrass essential oil can be used as an antiperspirant and deodorant by applying drops of the extract to the armpits.

Cymbopogon herb can be made into tea using 2 g per 1 cup of boiling water. Adults can take this warm tea up to four times a day. Dry extracts are used in natural preparations for the treatment of hyperglycemia (up to 80 mg daily per day) along with other supportive care herbal remedies for proper blood glucose levels.

Therapeutic uses of lemongrass

It helps to heal digestive problems and combat problems such as indigestion, constipation, heartburn, diarrhea, bloating, flatulence, stomach cramps, vomiting and cramps. Additionally, this herb has antimicrobial properties that help relieve gastroenteritis.

The anti-cholesterol and anti-atherosclerotic effects of the plant help reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines. Moreover, it helps in the oxidation of LDL cholesterol in the blood, which prevents the accumulation of atherosclerotic plaques.

A study conducted at the University of Wisconsin in 1989 found that people with high cholesterol who took 140 mg lemon oil capsules daily showed increased good results in reducing cholesterol levels.

They also experienced a significant reduction in blood fat levels. The high potassium content in lemongrass helps lower and regulate blood pressure.

Regular consumption of lemongrass tea helps cleanse and detoxify the body. The diuretic nature of lemongrass helps remove toxins from the body, uric acid And bad cholesterol, increasing the frequency and amount of urination.

Urination helps cleanse the kidneys. In addition, the cleansing properties of this herbal tea help tidy up the liver, bladder and pancreas.

It also plays a key role in improving blood circulation, which is important for general condition health. If the tea is taken on a regular basis, it can help the body get rid of harmful substances.

Treatment of colds and flu

It has long been known how beneficial lemongrass is. The properties of this plant include antibacterial and antifungal effects. They help the body cope with cough, fever and other cold and flu symptoms.

Additionally, this herb is full of vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system to fight infection. You can use the oil to relieve muscle and joint pain and relieve headaches caused by colds or flu.

Additionally, lemongrass may be effective in combating mucus and phlegm deposits and relieving breathing problems. It is mainly beneficial when a person suffers from bronchitis or asthma.

You can make the following medicinal drink: boil a few fresh strands of lemon grass, 2-3 cloves, a small piece of cinnamon stick, 1 tsp. turmeric powder in one cup of milk. Strain and drink the broth when it has cooled.

You should drink this tea once a day for several days. It is important to remember that you should not exceed the amount of drink, otherwise the body’s condition may worsen.

Fight against cancer

The beneficial properties of lemongrass even help fight cancer. Research at Ben-Gurion University in Israel has proven that the herb is effective in treating cancer.

A compound called citral, found in lemongrass, causes apoptosis in cancer cells without harming healthy cells. This leads to the fact that cancer cells self-destruct.

To aid the healing process, cancer patients in Israel were encouraged to take fresh tea from this herb in combination with radiation or chemotherapy. Another study found that citral in the lemon variety slowed the growth of breast cancer cells in vitro.

In addition, lemongrass contains antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cancer by fighting free radicals.

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, schisandra helps treat arthritis, rheumatism, osteoarthritis, gout and other joint diseases.

Its anti-inflammatory properties help inhibit the activity of cyclooxygenase-2, an enzyme involved in inflammation that causes pain, especially in the joints. In addition, lemongrass helps relieve muscle spasms or strains by relaxing the muscles, which in turn reduces pain symptoms.

The main task of lemongrass in cooking is to play the role of a seasoning that will make the taste of the dish more interesting and richer.

But what is the correct way to use lemongrass as a spice? Of course, it is best to add the plant to dishes at fresh, so it stores more vitamins and beneficial properties.

But do not forget that the grass stems are soft only on the inside, and therefore, before putting them, say, in soup, you need to cut them either thinly or coarsely, but place them in a dish in a bag made of natural fabric, and remove it when ready. Also, you don’t have to cut the stems, just beat them a little with a rolling pin and, again, remove them from the dish when ready.

With dried lemongrass you don't have to worry about hardness. To dry the grass, you need to wash it, then wait until it dries, cut the stems into small “pieces” and place in an oven preheated to a temperature of 40-50 degrees. When ready, the seasoning can be ground.

Recipes with lemongrass

Well, now, let's move directly to the use of lemongrass. In fact, this spice is universal: soups, sauces, meat, fish, seafood dishes, desserts - the range of uses is limited only by your imagination.

Just remember, if you want a little acidity and a nice citrus flavor, lemongrass is a great idea.

However, of course, there are signature dishes with this seasoning, typical of the cuisines of those countries in which it is especially popular.

Let's look at some of them:

  • Citrus chicken in coconut milk. Cut a whole chicken (weighing approximately 1-1.5 kg), rub with black pepper and salt. Wash the lemon thoroughly, cut it into slices and remove the seeds (no need to remove the peel). Thinly slice 7 lemongrass stems. Place a few slices of lemon and some lemon grass, as well as garlic (5 cloves), into the chicken carcass. Lightly whisk coconut milk (800 ml), pour it into a saucepan with a thick bottom, add the remaining lemon and lemongrass, as well as garlic (4-5 cloves) and cilantro (1 bunch). Bring the sauce to a boil, put the chicken in the sauce and bake the dish in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for about an hour.
  • Mussels in wine sauce. Heat in a saucepan butter(50 grams), fry finely chopped onion (1 piece) and garlic (3 cloves) until soft. Add white dry wine(0.5 l), bay leaf(1 piece), lemongrass (1 stem). Simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Pour in the mussels in their shells (1 kg) and continue to simmer the dish until they all open. Unopened mussels can be thrown away, or you can tinker with them and open the doors with a knife. Place them on a serving plate. Prepare the sauce: strain the broth, mix it with cream (100 ml), a pinch of saffron and cayenne pepper. Pour sauce over mussels.
  • Vegetarian thai soup. To the vegetable broth or water (800 ml), add a stalk of lemon grass (1 piece), beaten with a rolling pin, as well as star anise (2 stars), finely chopped ginger (root 10-15 cm) and garlic (3 cloves). Cook for half an hour, then remove the lemongrass and star anise, add chopped Chinese cabbage(200 grams). Cook for 5 minutes, remove the soup from the heat and, when it has cooled slightly, add soy or fish sauce (1 teaspoon) and lime juice to taste, as well as green onions (a couple of feathers) and finely chopped chili (1 piece).
  • Thai salad. Prepare the dressing: finely chop the chili (2 pieces) and garlic (3 cloves), crush in a mortar, you should get a rough paste. Also add lime juice (50 ml), fish sauce (3 tablespoons) and honey (1 teaspoon). Leave the dressing for half an hour. Boil water and throw in squid (400 grams), pre-cut into squares of about 5 by 5 centimeters. Cook for 3 minutes. Beat off the lemongrass (1 stalk) and chop it very finely, do the same with the ginger root (2 cm). Mix these ingredients and grind into a paste in a mortar. Thinly slice shallots (1 piece), mint leaves (from 3 sprigs), Chinese cabbage (3 leaves). Mix the cooled squids with the two pastes and the rest of the prepared ingredients. After 10 minutes the dish can be eaten.

Of course, all these recipes are quite exotic and some of the ingredients necessary for preparing the dishes are not sold in every Russian store. However, we repeat, the use of lemongrass in recipes is purely a matter of your imagination, no one limits you.

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that in Africa they like to make tea from lemongrass, and in the section on the benefits we mentioned that it perfectly tones and fights physical and mental fatigue. However, we still haven’t told you how to brew lemongrass correctly.

In fact, the recipe is very simple: pour a tablespoon of herb with a glass of boiling water and brew for 5-10 minutes. Strain and drink, adding honey to taste. But, of course, you can drink not only “naked” lemongrass, but combine it with various ingredients.

Let's look at a few lemongrass recipes for different drinks:

  1. Tea with ginger and lemongrass. Boil water (0.5 liters), add green or black tea bags (2 pieces), ginger root (3-4 thin slices), honey (2 tablespoons) into it. Infuse the drink for 5-10 minutes. You can add a little lemon juice to taste.
  2. Indonesian bandrek. In boiling water (1 glass), add a pinch of ground ginger, cinnamon and lemongrass, and a stick of cloves. Add honey to taste. When the drink has cooled down a little, you can drink it. This classic recipe Indonesian bandrek, but you can also add coriander, cardamom, black pepper, anise, chili and other spices to taste.
  3. Healthy soda. Add thinly sliced ​​lemongrass (2 stems), a bunch of mint and sugar (1 cup) to boiling water (1 glass) - you can replace it with a natural sweetener to taste, for example, stevia. Strain and cool. Place the resulting syrup in the refrigerator; it will be enough for several servings of cocktail. To prepare the drink, pour a tablespoon of syrup into a glass, add a little lemon juice and fill with carbonated mineral water.

Lemongrass drinks are not only tasty, but also very healthy. However, keep in mind that you shouldn’t abuse them; you definitely don’t need to drink more than a glass a day. In addition, if you drink the drink daily, you need to take a short break every two weeks.

Side effects

Like any medicinal herbs, cymbopogon should be used with caution. There are no known adverse reactions or contraindications for this herb when used in combination with other medicines or dietary supplements.

No harmful effects have been identified with long-term use of the plant. side effects, but moderate initial use is recommended.

Lemongrass tea infusion should not be steep when the tea is consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women. The tea drink is not recommended for people with kidney or liver diseases.

One must be very careful in their food selection as lemongrass should not be part of their diet in any form. People with allergies should consult a doctor before using the herb.

For people with mild sensitivity to cymbopogon, the oil can be diluted with a neutral base or carrier oil such as safflower or sunflower. Care should be taken when handling essential oil.

You should avoid getting it in your eyes. All use should be modified or discontinued if skin rash develops.