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The hormone DHEA sulfate is increased. Endothelial and vascular health. DHEA: mechanisms of action

Dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-sulfate, DHEA-S) is a non-pubertal androgen synthesized and secreted by the adrenal glands and is a ketosteroid.

DHEA sulfate is synthesized primarily as a sulfate ester from cholesterol sulfate ester. The majority of DHEA sulfate is catabolized and typically only 10% of the steroid is excreted in the urine.

DHEA sulfate is secreted at a rate of 10-20 mg/24 hours (35-70 µmol/24 hours) in men and 3.5-10 mg/24 hours (12-35 µmol/24 hours) in women, without circadian rhythm. It does not bind to specific plasma proteins (SHBG or CBG) and, therefore, their concentration does not affect the level of DHEA sulfate. However, DHEA sulfate binds to serum albumin.

In addition to DHEA sulfate, dehydrepiandrosterone (DHEA) is present in the circulating blood, which is formed partly in the adrenal cortex and partly in the gonads at a rate of 1/4 and 1/2 of the rate of DHEA sulfate secretion in men and women, respectively. Because the metabolic clearance of DHEA is very rapid, its concentration in the circulating blood is lower than the level of DHEA sulfate.

Due to the high concentration of DHEA sulfate in the blood, its long half-life and high stability, and the fact that its source is primarily from the adrenal glands, DHEA sulfate is an excellent indicator of androgen secretion.

Why is it important to take Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA-S)?

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is produced almost entirely in the adrenal cortex, in men - a certain amount in the gonads (5%). In women, it is not produced in the ovaries. The level of this hormone is an indicator of androgen synthetic activity of the adrenal glands. The hormone has a weak androgenic effect, however, during its metabolism in peripheral tissues, testosterone and dihydrotestosterone are formed. The clearance rate of dehydroepiandrosterone is low. This indicator is used in the diagnosis of hyperandrogenic conditions in women (hirsutism, baldness, disorder reproductive function), as well as to assess androgen status in cases of delayed sexual development. During pregnancy

Dehydroepiandros terone sulfate is produced by the adrenal cortex of the mother and fetus and serves as a precursor for the synthesis of placental estrogens.

Its level in the blood of pregnant women decreases moderately. In children, the content of dehydroepiandrosterone increases during puberty, and then gradually decreases with age.

The determination of DHEA-S04 in the blood as a marker of androgen production by the adrenal glands replaces the determination of 17-CS in daily urine. This eliminates errors associated with incomplete sample collection, violation renal function, the interference of many drugs with 17-KS is excluded. The test is often used in conjunction with the determination of testosterone and SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin).

For what diseases is dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) given?

  • adrenal tumors;
  • differential diagnosis of ovarian diseases;
  • osteoporosis;
  • delayed puberty.

If women experience increased level testosterone, then by determining the concentration of DHEA sulfate it is possible to determine whether this is associated with adrenal disease or ovarian disease. DHEA sulfate levels increase only in diseases of the adrenal glands, such as androgen-producing tumors, adrenal hyperplasia, Cushing's syndrome of hypothalamic-pituitary origin with 21-hydroxylase or 11-beta-hydroxylase deficiency.

To check/improve the performance of which organs should you take Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S)?

Adrenal glands.

How to prepare for the Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate (DHEA-S) test?

On the eve of the study, it is necessary to exclude fatty foods and alcohol from the diet. Smoking should be avoided one hour before blood collection. During collection, the subjects must be at rest, sitting or lying down, on an empty stomach.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) donation material

  • blood serum;
  • blood plasma (use test tubes with EDTA or heparin);

Sometimes you have to deal with such a concept as; what is it, is it produced in women or in men - these are the questions that often arise in such cases. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in women is a hormone of youth that is responsible for many functions in the body of women and men.

DHEA hormone is an androgen, has no connection with puberty, is synthesized and secreted by the adrenal glands, and later by the ovaries in women and testes in men. The hormone DHEA is a ketothyroid hormone and is excreted in the urine.

Hormones in the female body are responsible for many processes, the menstrual cycle, genital area. A deficiency or excess of hormones will invariably affect appearance woman, her mood. The level of DHEA can be used to judge women's health, therefore, if there are any disorders in the body, it is necessary to carry out full examination, including taking a blood test for hormones.

DHEA (DHEA, DEA-SO4) is an abbreviation for the thyroid hormone dehydroepiandrosterone, which refers to. about 95% of this hormone, while paired female sex glands produce only 5% or not at all. Normally, male sex hormones, including dehydroepiandrosterone, are needed by a woman, since their role in the body is very significant. For example, sex life In a woman, her libido is directly related to DHEA, which, when interacting with testosterone, helps a woman experience sexual desire.

If, as a result of any disturbances (tumor, for example), the hormone DHEA begins to produce more than the required levels, this threatens with such consequences as:

  • infertility;
  • premature birth;
  • the appearance of the first signs of aging;
  • increased hair growth, etc.

Insufficient production of DHEA-SO4 leads to delayed sexual development. Most often this is due to a condition in which the adrenal glands cannot produce the hormone in sufficient quantities.

If changes in the levels of the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate are observed, it is necessary to consult doctors such as a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Normal hormone levels

The normal range for DHEA in women is from 2700 to 11000 nmol/l. For men, this indicator is slightly different; the minimum level should not be lower than 5500 nmol/l.

In pregnant women, the level of dehydroepiandrosterone decreases with each trimester: from 3.12 nmol/l in the first trimester to 3.6 nmol/l by the end of pregnancy.

At birth, a baby's levels of the hormone DHEA are usually high. After a short period, this figure decreases sharply, which is the absolute norm, and then increases again.

Diagnostic measures

DHEA-S analysis is carried out using a sample taken venous blood. For the analysis, you will need blood serum (1 ml is enough), which can be stored for about 1 week at the appropriate temperature.

In order for your blood counts to be correct, on the eve of the test you must refrain from taking fatty foods, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages. If a person is taking synthetic hormones or other drugs (for example, Corticotropin, Clomiphene, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone, etc.), it is necessary to discontinue them several days before blood sampling or inform the doctor about them. Blood must be donated on an empty stomach; before taking the test, you should refrain from smoking, using coffee drinks. You are allowed to drink some water before taking the test.

Indications for a blood test for DHEA are the following disorders:

  • early puberty;
  • adrenogenital syndrome;
  • frequent miscarriages;
  • the presence of tumors in the area of ​​other organs;
  • menstruation disorders;
  • early signs of menopause;
  • alopecia or hirsutism;
  • infertility;
  • frigidity, etc.

DHEA testing should be done by the end of the first week menstrual cycle(5th, 6th, 7th day).

Hormone DHEA-sulfate

Thanks to the scientific development of synthetic hormones, most women can not only prolong youth, increase libido and experience the joy of motherhood, but also significantly improve their overall health. The hormone DHEA-S, available in tablet form, is not prescribed to patients to improve sexual performance, but at the same time, its beneficial effect on testosterone, which increases sexual activity, is noted. Its use has a positive effect on work nervous system, improves the mind, memory and mood. In particular, its positive effect can be seen in people of mature age.

There is another feature of the hormone: it dissolves fats accumulated as a result poor nutrition and other violations. This property of the hormone is actively used by nutritionists, cosmetologists, and athletes (the use of steroids is prohibited at competitions in elite sports). The drug produced in the form of dietary supplements was studied on animals in which excess weight actually fell under the influence of the hormone, but for this it was necessary to administer it in huge quantities. It follows from this that calling dehydroepiandrosterone a panacea for excess weight it is forbidden.

Contraindications and possible side effects of the medicine

Hormonal drugs can be not only useful (if the body produces insufficient hormones), but also dangerous, so taking them on your own is prohibited.

Since the hormone DHEA is the “mother” of thyroid hormones, including testosterone, by artificially increasing it in the body, you can achieve unpleasant consequences for a woman. IN normal quantity the hormone can improve the condition of the skin, making it smoother and more beautiful, prolong a woman’s menstrual cycle, improve the condition of hair and nails, strengthen joints and give a beautiful shine to the eyes - a symbol of youth and sexuality.

If it is in excess, the effect will be exactly the opposite: a woman will begin to grow hair in the area of ​​her face, legs, arms, and chest, while a bald spot may form on the top of her head (which happens to men under the influence of testosterone). At long-term use synthetic hormone The timbre of the voice may change, and the muscles may become stronger. There have been cases of the development of oncology in the mammary glands due to uncontrolled intake of DHEA sulfate.

When is the drug prescribed?

The hormone in certain dosages helps to cope with numerous problems of the body, in particular such as: chronic fatigue, reduced immunity, autoimmune diseases.

With the syndrome chronic fatigue the drug is indicated for mature women who note a significant improvement in their health and well-being 14 days after starting treatment. They experience a surge of strength, muscle activity and pleasant energy. The positive effect of the hormone helps women improve their quality of life, increase productivity and get rid of the weakness inherent in older people.

Some pregnant women are also prescribed the drug in small quantities to prevent chronic fatigue. Pregnant women should not take the hormone on their own.

At reduced immunity associated with postoperative period, past diseases, in season increased risk get sick colds DHEA is prescribed. Through experiments, scientists have proven that with increased concentrations of the hormone DHEA in the body, even chronic diseases related to the immune system.

During pregnancy, the hormone DHEA is produced by both the female body and the small body of the child, so it is very important to monitor the level of the hormone while carrying the baby.

Autoimmune diseases, caused by the body's improper response to certain cells or organs, can cause serious harm human health, since with an abnormal immune response, the body literally begins to eat itself from the inside. Sometimes this happens in thyroid gland women, which manifests itself in the form of destruction of thyroid cells increased activity immune functions.

DHEA sulfate is prescribed to women to combat this pathology, including during pregnancy, when other treatment methods are contraindicated. Therapy with a hormonal drug is carried out for 2.5 weeks, while further examination of patients shows significant improvements, and the disease itself can be “sent” into remission for a long time.

For treatment malignant tumors the drug of the synthetic hormone DHEA is not prescribed, but at the same time it is noted that in all elderly people with normal level hormone, the risk of developing tumors is significantly reduced. It was noticed that when malignant neoplasms dehydroepiandrosterone is practically absent or its levels are very low.

Preventive measures

To avoid unpleasant changes in the body associated with excess or deficiency hormone DHEA-S, it is necessary to pay attention to the appearance of symptoms such as menstrual irregularities (normally its duration should be about 30 days), lack of ovulation, and depressed mood.

Hair loss and brittle nails are often associated with vitamin deficiency, but the cause of this condition may be hormonal disbalance. If the cause of hair loss is not related to a cosmetic factor (incorrect and frequent dyeing, for example), then there is every reason to assume that there is a malfunction in the body, the cause of which can only be found out with the help of a specialist.

Aging of the female body is a natural process, but it is completely undesirable when it begins prematurely. Therefore, if a woman (aged 37 years or earlier) notices a deterioration in the condition of her skin, the appearance of wrinkles, a decrease in the number menstrual blood, then you should immediately consult a doctor to take a course of hormonal replacement therapy, which will prolong a woman’s youth and relieve premature aging.

From all of the above, only one conclusion follows: there is no need to fight attacks bad mood, depression, lack of normal libido on their own. After all, now, with the development modern medicine, all unpleasant signs and symptoms can be corrected, improving the quality of life for yourself and your environment, which is affected by the emotional instability of a woman suffering from hormonal disorders.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) is an androgen that is not associated with puberty. It is secreted and synthesized by the adrenal glands. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is classified as a ketosteroid.

DHEA-S is synthesized primarily from cholesterol ester sulfate. The bulk of androgen is catabolized and, as a rule, only ten percent is excreted in the urine.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is not associated with specific proteins in the blood plasma, therefore, their concentration does not affect the level of DHEA-S. However, the steroid binds to serum albumin.

In addition to DHEA-S, the circulating blood contains dehydroepiandrosterone. Partially its formation occurs in the adrenal cortex, partly - by the gonads. Due to the fact that the metabolic clearance of DHEA is very rapid, its concentration is lower compared to DHEA-S.

Due to the high concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, high stability and long half-life, and the fact that it is primarily sourced from the adrenal glands, the steroid is an excellent indicator of androgen secretion.

In addition to the adrenal cortex, in men a small part of it (5%) is produced in the gonads. Women do not produce it in the ovaries. The concentration of this hormone reflects the androgen synthetic activity of the adrenal glands. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate has a slight androgenic effect. However, during its metabolism, which occurs in peripheral tissues, dehydrotestosterone and testosterone are produced.

The clearance rate of DHEA-S is low. This indicator is used in diagnosing hyperandrogenic conditions that occur in women. These include baldness, hirsutism, and reproductive disorders. In this case, hyperandrogenism may be of ovarian or adrenal origin. Thus, endocrinological examination begins with determining the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate and testosterone. Elevated levels indicate hyperandrogenism of adrenal origin. In addition, the indicator is also used to assess androgen status against the background of delayed sexual development.

During pregnancy, the production of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate occurs in the adrenal cortex of the fetus and mother. For the synthesis of estrogen in the placenta, the hormone is a precursor.

In pregnant women, the concentration of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood decreases moderately. By the time of puberty in children, its level increases, then gradually decreases with age.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is increased when:

Congenital hyperplasia adrenal glands;

Tumors of the adrenal cortex (values ​​for cancer are higher than for adenoma);

Tumors with ectopic production;

Verile syndrome.

A reduced concentration of the hormone is observed when:

Secondary and primary failure in the adrenal glands;


Primary hypogonadism (castration, in men;

Secondary hypogonadism (pituitary) in women;

Reception oral contraceptives;



Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, the norm for men from 21 to 39 years old is 1.0-4.2 μg/ml, for women from 19 to 39 years old - about 8-2.9 μg/ml.

If the level is elevated, by determining the concentration of DHEA-S, it is possible to determine whether the condition is associated with ovarian disease or pathology of the adrenal glands. Levels of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate increase only with adrenal pathologies. These include, in particular, tumors, hyperplasia and other diseases.

Recently, materials have appeared about positive impact dietary supplements containing DHEA on the human body. Many people have questions about what it is, what DHEA is responsible for, whether it is possible to benefit from using these drugs, and how sulfate manifests itself in women. DHEA sulfate refers to male sex hormones that are produced in the adrenal cortex in both men and women. It is in the adrenal glands that the most high concentration this hormone. In women, the hormone DHEA sulfate is produced in small quantities in the ovaries.

The abbreviation for this is medical practice such as DHEA, DEA-SO4, DHEA-s, DHEA and DHEA sulfate.

DHEA is responsible for development sexual desire in representatives of both sexes.

Normal indicators steroid hormone depend on gender and age. The highest levels of normal DHEA-s concentrations are characteristic of the embryonic stage of development human body. In newborns and children, the concentration of hormones decreases, and by puberty, increased levels of DHEA are already observed.

IN reproductive age the norm for women is from 2700 to 11000 nmol/l, and for men the minimum value is not lower than 5500 nmol/l. During pregnancy, DHEA levels decrease with each subsequent trimester. In the first trimester, the hormone norm is from 3.12 µmol/l to 12.48 µmol/l, and in the third trimester its concentration ranges from 0.86 µmol/l to 3.6 µmol/l.

Blood test and hormone level determination

In cases of health problems affecting a woman’s genital area, the doctor prescribes a blood test to determine the level of DHEA concentration. This is necessary to clarify the diagnosis and find out the cause of the disease in order to begin its timely treatment. In this case, venous blood is used for research.

In order not to mislead the attending physician and to obtain the most reliable results, before going for a DHEA test, you must follow certain instructions:

  • Do not eat fatty foods.
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages.
  • Avoid drinks containing caffeine.

  • On the eve of the test, do not engage in sports or intense physical labor.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking any medication. It is especially important if the medicine contains a hormonal component.
  • You must go to the laboratory on an empty stomach; it is advisable not to eat for 8 to 10 hours before the procedure. You can drink a small amount of water before taking the test.
  • Get tested at calm state, since emotional tension and stress can significantly affect performance.
  • Women need to go for research at the end of the first week of the menstrual cycle.

The effect of hormonal drugs on bone health and brain activity

It has been established that mineral density decreases with age bone tissue and DHEA concentration decreases c. Therefore, experts suggest that bone tissue loses its properties due to the fact that the level of this hormone is reduced in old age. Therefore, according to experts, the use of DHEA improves bone tissue and can prevent osteoporosis in men. However, numerous studies have not found significant evidence for the treatment of osteoporosis in women using such drugs.

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate is a hormone that causes a surge of energy and a feeling of satisfaction, improves memory and thinking processes. DHEA hormone helps improve sleep quality, has an antidepressant effect, and is involved in the production of brain chemicals that help maintain normal weight. All positive traits The effects of DHEA on the body appear only if the level of the hormone is normal.

If the level of this hormone is elevated in women, it causes an increase in appetite and the deposition of fat in the waist area. In addition, it appears excessive irritability and aggressive behavior. Excessive amounts of male hormone can worsen sleep disorders. In this case, sleep will be interrupted and restless with unpleasant dreams.

Features of the influence of dietary supplements on the body

Despite the rejuvenating effect that occurs in the female body from the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, it cannot be said that for women menopausal age in any case, preparations containing DHEA as a biological active additives.

Everything should be taken into account Negative consequences use of advertised cosmetics containing c-hormone, namely:

  • Significant weight gain.
  • Negative effect on the liver, its enlargement.
  • The risk of some oncological diseases.

During pregnancy, the concentration of DHEA decreases. If test results show that DHEA-c is elevated, we may be talking about hyperandrogony and the need to promptly begin to treat this disease under the supervision of specialists. Otherwise, the disadvantage arising when increased content DHEA can cause spontaneous abortion. If a woman has elevated sulfate and still carries a child, she is at risk of premature birth amniotic fluid and weak labor activity.

Features of the synthesis, transformation and excretion of male hormones

Knowledge of the basic laws of the processes of synthesis and metabolism of sex hormones is necessary for a specialist who selects the optimal hormone therapy to eliminate the negative consequences of hormonal deficiency in the patient.

DHEA is formed from cholesterol under the influence of certain enzymes and can be converted into, which under certain conditions can be converted into hormones or into. It is DHT that can be considered the main enemy female beauty and health, which negatively affects mainly reproductive system, liver, skin, hair follicles and hair condition.

Almost all of the DHEA is broken down into more simple substances during catabolism, only 10% of the hormone is excreted in the urine. DHEA sulfate is more stable and its concentration in the blood is higher than that of other sex hormones. Therefore, it is an excellent marker for identifying the characteristics of androgen secretion.

The use of drugs containing biologically active substances

Dietary supplements containing DHEA are called the fountain of youth by manufacturers because it successfully treats some age-related diseases. It is recommended to use the drug with caution and only in exceptional cases requiring an increase in hormone levels. DHEA supplements are taken in the morning. Healthy people This drug is contraindicated for people under 50 years of age.

Caution must be exercised when taking the drug DHEA for women, because female body particularly sensitive to the slightest change in level male hormones. Therefore, the doctor prescribes relatively low doses of the drug to women - 1-5 mg orally once a day. If during menopause a woman experiences vaginal discomfort, you can use 10% DHEA cream, which is rubbed once a day on certain areas of the thighs in the amount prescribed by the doctor.

Nutritional supplements as a remedy

Numerous studies have proven positive medicinal properties benefits of the DHEA food supplement:

  • Helps reduce weight.
  • Increases libido.
  • Improves brain functions.
  • Prevents and stops the development of osteoporosis.
  • Relieves depression in older people.
  • Prevents the risk of heart disease.
  • Relieves the symptoms of lupus erythematosus.
  • Improves well-being in diabetes.
  • Increases overall immunity and also improves immune function in HIV-infected patients.
  • Reduces vaginal pain during menopause.

If you use the drug in doses prescribed by your doctor, you don’t have to worry about side effects. They occur rarely in the form of fatigue, nasal congestion and headaches.

Exceeding the dose of the drug causes the following manifestations:

  • The appearance of acne.
  • Increased growth of unwanted hair.
  • Deepening of the voice and sudden changes moods.
  • Increased risk of cancer.

The drug should be used with extreme caution by pregnant, breastfeeding and persons suffering from diseases associated with adrenal dysfunction and thyroid diseases.

In all of the above cases, as well as in cases of treatment of diseases by others medicines It is necessary to seek qualified advice from your attending physician.

The role of biologically active substances and disease prevention

To eliminate negative changes in the body that cause high level DHEA or its reduced content, it is important not to lose sight of the following symptoms:

  • Changes in the length of the menstrual cycle.
  • Lack of ovulation.
  • Depressed mood.
  • Hair loss and brittle nails.

If all of the above manifestations are observed in young women, you should consult a doctor.

If in the human body low level DHEA, its reactions to influences are weakened external environment, getting worse general state health. Taking dietary supplements containing DHEA will help synthesize and maintain normal concentrations of hormones necessary for full life, avoid premature aging, prevent the occurrence of common diseases of our time, providing a general strengthening and preventive effect:

  • The drug levels negative consequences stressful and depressive states body.
  • Prevents by having an effect that reduces the amount of fatty tissue in the muscles.
  • Prevents the occurrence of cancer and various types benign tumors.
  • Normal DHEA concentrations can reduce the risk of mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
  • A stable DHEA content helps protect brain cells from destruction, preventing Alzheimer's disease.
  • The use of the drug helps increase bone density, preventing osteoporosis in men.
  • Usage food additives helps alleviate the course of diabetes, preventing the occurrence and development of a heart attack, to which diabetic patients are especially susceptible.

The use of DHEA preparations can improve immunity in HIV-infected people. In some cases, taking these drugs can help prevent AIDS.

Dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is an androgenic hormone classified as a ketosteroid, which is synthesized in the adrenal glands. By the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in the body, one can judge the state of the adrenal glands and how actively they produce androgenic hormones. As a result of metabolic reactions, male sex hormones - testosterone and dihydrotestosterone - are formed from dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate. being more active forms androgenic hormones. Normally, the production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-sulfate, DHEA-S) is a fairly stable process; the adrenal glands produce a certain amount of it every day, which is then excreted from the body by the kidneys along with urine, without allowing sharp fluctuations.

In pregnant women, dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is synthesized not only in the adrenal cortex of the woman herself, but also in the adrenal cortex of the fetus; subsequently, the placenta produces estrogen from it. With excess production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate, women experience masculinization and disappearance of menstruation - amenorrhea.

Normal level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood. Explanation of the result (table)

Increased production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is used as a marker in the diagnosis of certain adrenal diseases, such as tumor diseases adrenal glands, both benign and malignant or hyperplasia.

The dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate concentration test is used to diagnose diseases of the adrenal glands and differentiate them from diseases associated with the gonads - the testicles in men and the ovaries in women, which sometimes give similar symptoms. Especially for differentiating tumor diseases of the adrenal glands and polycystic ovary syndrome, in which an increased level of testosterone is observed in the blood of women. A blood test for the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is recommended to identify the cause of the absence of the menstrual cycle, excessive growth of terminal hair and infertility in women, as well as in the case of examining adolescents, with high masculinization in girls and too early puberty in boys. Masculinization in women and girls may include such signs as excessive body hair, an excessively low voice, an enlarged Adam's apple, an excessively enlarged clitoris with absolute normal sizes internal genital organs. The level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood depends not only on the age, but also on the gender of the patient:

A test for the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is carried out simultaneously with identifying the level of other hormones, especially if there is a suspicion that the patient has problems with the synthesis of androgens.

Blood is drawn from a vein in the morning on an empty stomach.

If dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is elevated, what does this mean?

Excess normal level dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is observed in following cases:

  • tumor diseases of the adrenal cortex,
  • adrenal hyperplasia,
  • Cushing's disease,
  • tumor diseases producing adrenocorticotropic hormone,
  • hirsutism in women.

It should be understood that if the level of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in the blood increases on its own, it is not yet a sign certain disease. However, this phenomenon certainly indicates hormonal imbalance, and, therefore, further examination is necessary to identify its causes. Taking certain dietary supplements containing dehydroepiandrosterone and sulfate supplements can also lead to an increase in the concentration of this hormone.

If dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate is low, what does this mean?

Insufficient production of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate in the patient's body is usually observed with insufficient adrenal function. As a rule, it is not of diagnostic interest, although delays in puberty may occur in adolescents. Taking certain medications, in particular hormonal oral contraceptives and glucocorticoids, can also lead to a decrease in the level of dehydrepiandrosterone sulfate.