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How to make bathing your dog enjoyable and rewarding. Mud fight: how often and with what can you wash your dog? How often to wash your dog

Any owner sooner or later wonders about bathing his dog, because this will not only remove dirt, unwanted blades of grass and specks, but will also bring you moral pleasure from caring for your beloved pet.

And what dog wouldn’t be pleased to feel the care of its owner, exposing first one or the other side to him for soaping?

A short guide for owners of fluffy (and not so fluffy) tails who are concerned about the personal hygiene of their pets!

How often?

Typically, the frequency of washing your pet directly depends on its age, body weight, coat length and time of year. There is an opinion that you need to wash your dog as needed - both when it gets dirty and in the basin. But is it possible, and most importantly, how often should you wash your dog?

After a walk, you can wash your paws every time you return home. After all, no dog wants to listen to complaints from the owner for a soiled carpet or smeared parquet floor. And you don’t need any extra cleaning yourself. But if the time of year and the weather are not rainy, it is quite enough to simply wipe your pet’s paws with a damp cloth and avoid another trip to the bathroom.

How often can you bathe or rinse your handsome dog? Basically, if you wash your dog clean water once every 1-2 weeks, there won’t be much harm. But there's no point either. We still do not recommend that you “clean” your dog’s fur too zealously - you may disrupt the work sebaceous glands and get a problem in the form of a disgusting smell of fish, dog or mushrooms.

But if you come home like this, then immediately run to the bathroom and grab more shampoo!

How many times?

How often, or rather how many times a month, can and should you wash your pet with shampoo? It’s also not worth exhausting your pet with bath procedures every month, since the natural protective fat layer on the dog’s fur will do an excellent job of cleansing it of excess dirt without our help.

The only exceptions in this situation can be exhibitions or any indications from dog handlers or veterinarians.

It is recommended to bathe your dog annually no more than once every 3 months, or even less often. This procedure should not be mandatory and unconditional. Just keep an eye on the condition of your pet’s coat, and if you think it’s necessary, you can give your dog a bath day.

Is it possible...

in winter

Many people ask how often they should wash their pet in winter. In general, strictly speaking, it is not advisable to bathe your pet in winter. Because the low temperature air cannot have a positive effect on your dog, it is better to postpone bathing until the warm season.

Some breeds with thick coats and additional undercoat can take up to two days to dry. And in winter it is incredibly easy for even the largest and fluffiest dog to catch a cold.

After vaccination

After vaccination, your animal’s immunity is weakened, because it is experiencing a battle with new antibodies in its body. Therefore, that's it veterinarians It is recommended to bathe dogs before vaccination day. A weakened immune system may simply not be able to withstand the next wash and simple vaccination will be the source of many complications. For such animals, regular combing is recommended, which also perfectly keeps the coat in good condition.


Pregnancy is not considered a disease. However, it is extremely important to protect your dog during this period from negative effects on its body. And if you decide to bathe a pregnant dog, then you will need to adhere to extremely careful manipulations in order to protect it from hypothermia, injury and infections. Since the loop may remain open for some time after mating, it is important to monitor the purity of the water (do not swim in natural bodies of water) and its temperature.

During heat

It is not advisable to bathe your pet during heat, as this can lead to colds genitourinary system. If you wash or bathe your dog, it is better to use special disinfectants. However, simply wiping the delicate areas will be quite enough - you will protect yourself from colds and reduce the smell a little.

Head and ears

It is strictly not recommended to water the head, or more precisely the muzzle, with water. If you decide not to avoid this part of the body when bathing, then it is best to simply wipe the face with a damp palm or sponge without soaping it. No matter how hypoallergenic your shampoo is, getting it into your eyes is highly undesirable. Also be careful not to let water get into your ears while swimming. This is fraught with otitis media and other inflammatory diseases.

Before vaccination

If the dog is already old enough, before vaccination it is recommended not only bathing, but also flea treatment, deworming and ear cleaning for ticks. Since the immune system is weakened after vaccination, you are unlikely to be able to give your pet a bath in the near future, so it is more rational to bathe him before going to the veterinary clinic. But still, if this is not necessary, you should not wash the animal again.

Before birth

Before giving birth, bathing a pregnant dog is not particularly recommended. Your animal’s body is too busy with another very important process and is just in the stage of preparation and restructuring, and unnecessary interference in its physiology will only cause additional stress. You don't want to give birth right in the bathroom, do you?


When choosing a dog wash, carefully read the ingredients. It is best if the shampoo is mild, does not contain aggressive ingredients and does not dry out your pet’s hair and skin. Of course, for each dog, the selection of cosmetics for bathing will be individual, since the choice depends on many factors - hair length, skin sensitivity, allergic reactions of the dog, breed.

According to reviews good result I showed you the Bras shampoo - besides, it doesn’t have a bad price.

Read the label: good shampoo- the one with natural ingredients - egg yolk, lecithin, glycerin. You can also make your own shampoo using glycerin, boiled water And essential oils. But remember to be extremely careful when using homemade products.

Is it possible...?


Using soap on your pet is not recommended, especially not rubbing dry soap onto your pet's fur. This way you can damage the very structure of the villi, and after bathing the dog will take on the appearance of a “sad broom”. Moreover, you can easily dry out your pet’s skin and provoke endless scratching, which very often leads to scratched wounds.


There is an opinion that tar soap, due to its disgusting smell, can magically rid your dog of fleas and ticks. But that's not true. In fact, apart from troubles with fur, skin and a terrible smell, you will not get anything else. The effectiveness of removing fleas using this procedure is extremely low, so use tar soap for such purposes. Not recommended. It is better to purchase a special flea and tick shampoo.


Many people do not risk using laundry soap for their hygiene procedures, let alone dogs. As with other examples, laundry soap will not bring any positive result for your pet. It washes away dirt and grease, thereby destroying the fatty layer of the dog’s coat, which helps it in its natural environment to protect itself from pathogenic bacteria and other microorganisms. Because, laundry soap- No!

For children

Baby soap is actually very drying for dogs' skin. After all, what is good for a person does not always have a beneficial effect on the animal. Main negative impact Baby soap on your pet's skin may cause dandruff and skin irritation. Therefore, if you don’t want your dog to constantly itch and shake heaps of dandruff out of its fur onto your carpets, then put away baby soap from cosmetics for bathing dogs.

Then the next logical question arises:

Human, regular shampoo

The answer is no, no and no again! Humans and dogs have completely different skin, and I can apply regular shampoos to our hair. irreparable harm the health of any dog. The reason is that the acidity of the skin - PH - is lower in dogs than in humans, which indicates more delicate and sensitive skin. Therefore, it is highly not recommended to use human shampoos in bath procedures oh dogs.

For cats

In principle, cat shampoo is not capable of harming a dog when bathing, since cats are more sensitive - they have more soft skin, and, accordingly, shampoos are more gentle. However, it is better to have your own set of cosmetics for each pet, because if you constantly wash your dog with cat shampoo, you won’t be able to wash the cat with dog shampoo after all, since dog shampoo for a cat can be harmful.

For children

As in the case of baby soap, it’s not worth it. The reason is absolutely the same acidity of the skin. It’s not for nothing that veterinarians recommend washing dogs with shampoos specially designed for them - they take into account all the characteristics of the animals in the composition. Therefore, baby shampoo will also not bring much benefit to the dog; do not be lazy to buy shampoo for puppies if you decide to have a dog in the house.

Conditioner balm

As in the case of shampoo, it is necessary to select other products - conditioners, balms, in accordance with the characteristics of your animal. In addition, you should know what effect a particular product has - there are conditioners that repel dirt, prevent the formation of tangles or remove the static effect.

Read the instructions and composition carefully - the acidity level should correspond to the PH level of your shampoo and pet's coat. It is also necessary to take into account the time of year, because in winter wool needs additional nutrition, choose a suitable conditioner with a vitamin complex.

Dry shampoo

For dogs it can also be very useful product. Loose powder products allow you to remove dirt from your pets' fur without using water, and also do not irritate the skin. So, first of all, such a remedy will be the most convenient to use and is suitable for those who suffer from hypersensitivity skin.

And if you are not afraid to experiment at home yourself, then you can make your own dry shampoo, for this you will need:

  • baking soda,
  • corn starch,
  • essential oil.

Prepare a brush, mix all the ingredients and feel free to start cleaning the wool.

How to do it right at home?

Detailed instructions on how to wash your dirty little one in the bathroom:

  1. To make your dog feel comfortable, bring his favorite toys into the bathroom.
  2. Give her time to get comfortable and get used to the bathroom.
  3. Play with the stream of water, talk to your pet in a calm voice.
  4. The dog must stand completely in the bath.
  5. You can put cotton balls in your ears to prevent moisture from getting in.
  6. The corners of the eyes are smeared with Vaseline.
  7. Washing must begin from the withers, and the hair is poured towards the tail.
  8. The shampoo is also applied from the withers to the tail, paying attention to particularly contaminated areas.
  9. Use a fairly strong stream of water to remove all the shampoo from the coat, making sure that no foam remains.
  10. Excess moisture can be removed by hand by squeezing the wool a little.
  11. Dry the dog with a towel, and if it is not very large, wrap it in it for a short period of time.
  12. Do not rub the fur intensively with a towel, but blot it - this way you will not harm either the fur hairs or the dog’s skin.
  13. If your pet is not afraid of a hair dryer, dry the fur as much as possible with a cool stream of air.
  14. After bathing, you should not let your dog go outside for the first few hours to avoid catching a cold.

After the walk

For washing the dog and its paws after a walk You should simplify the procedure - prepare a small container with water and a brush. After placing your dog on a synthetic mat, thoroughly clean each paw and then wipe dry with a towel.

In fact, you shouldn’t worry too much about exactly how to bathe a dog and wash its paws after a walk - there are no secrets here.

To know how to wash your dog's paws after a walk You also don’t need to make things too difficult for yourself. First of all, teach your pet that when he enters a room or apartment, he should not run after you and follow you.

Afterwards, carefully examine the paws - if the weather was dry, just wipe the pads and claws with a damp cloth. But if it’s raining outside and lumps of dirt have collected on your paws, you can scrape them off into a bowl, and then wash your paws clean with a sponge or brush. At the end of all procedures, be sure to wipe your paws with a dry towel.

Is it possible to wash your paws with soap? You can't use it for household use, it degenerates a lot of fat. Pet stores sell special liquid soaps for washing paws - you can use them when your paws are really dirty. In general, we repeat, the best thing is to wash off the dust and sediment with simple clean water and a clean wash.

It’s impossible to say exactly how often you need to bathe your dog after going outside - it all depends on how piggy your dog is :)

How to wash if you are afraid of water?

  • Accustom your dog to water gradually. You shouldn't put it in right away full of water capacity, this can cause a lot of panic
  • Praise your pet, reassure, give rewarding treats
  • Prepare the necessary container of water in advance. Many dogs are frightened by the sound of running water. Water slowly from a small ladle.
  • A shy dog ​​should not get its face wet.
  • It is better to start bathing with the door closed so that the dog is not frightened or distracted by extraneous sounds.
  • It is better to cover the bottom of a bathtub or basin with a rubber mat - slipping will add unnecessary stress to the dog.

In general, for dogs that do not like to bathe, we can use dry shampoo and wiping with damp sponges. These products can easily replace a full bath if there is no urgent need for it.

Cute photos

Just look at these dirty and neat people - it’s impossible not to smile:

Useful video

Wash your dog with experienced dog handlers:

And also a video on how to care for your pet and wash its paws after a walk:

It’s not for nothing that tailed friends prefer to do without bathing. In nature, wild dogs They don’t swim at all, they know how to swim, they can get into the water, but the reason must be valid. In young individuals, skin secretion is actively working, which disinfects, protects and cleans the coat. IN " bath days", dogs roll around in the dust or grass, physically cleaning off the dirt. However, sometimes, guided by the instinctive impulse of camouflage, our furry friend falls out in garbage, rotting fish or, what’s more, in excrement with an “attractive” smell. The situation is hopeless - only swimming can save you. It would seem that the procedure is elementary, but it doesn’t hurt to know a few rules on how to properly wash a dog so as not to harm it.

You won’t find a recommendation in any canine reference book: “Be sure to bathe your dog once every...”. Traditionally, pets are washed once every six months or quarter, “careerists” are bathed before exhibitions, and especially fastidious cleanliness once every 7–10 days. To the owners big dogs, it is worth considering the services of grooming salons or a “support group”. It will be quite difficult for a miniature housewife to overcome a Rottweiler or German Shepherd, if she decides to resist. If you decide to wash your dog at home, you need to consider a few rules:

  • An hour before swimming, windows, doors and other sources of air flow in an apartment or house should be tightly closed. Wet dog and draft are incompatible!
  • Be sure to bathe your dog while wearing a collar and leash.
  • Under no circumstances should water or shampoo get into your ears! Pets with cropped ears bathe in a “cap” or don’t wash your hair – a simple but very important rule!
  • In addition to tying up the dog, the floor of the bathtub must be completely covered with a sheet or blanket. If the pet breaks out, he may not be able to stay on his wet paws and develop fractures.
  • We make sure to put a muzzle on the dog if it bites or has “sinned” in such actions before. It is advisable to use a nylon muzzle; this will protect the owner from bruises and the bathroom from destruction.
  • Prepare an appropriate wardrobe. The dog will cowardly, pouring water all around - this is normal. In a fit of emotion, the dog can begin to climb on your hands, actively working with its claws - long sleeves are required.
  • Praise and encourage the dog during bathing, do not use brute force, reward your pet generously after the procedure.
  • You'll need a lot of towels! Based on the size of the dog, prepare 5-10 towels; your task is to wipe the dog until it is as dry as possible.
  • Using a hairdryer is acceptable, but! Drying should be carried out at low power, with cold or slightly warm air. Don't scratch the fur while blow-drying! After drying your pet “like yourself,” you will apply serious harm dog skin.
  • Walking is contraindicated for the dog for several hours after bathing. If your pet is running around the house, don’t forbid it, it’s natural way maintaining muscle tone and body temperature after getting wet.

Read also: Everything you need to know about Chihuahua teeth

Important! After bathing with shampoo, the still wet coat should be slippery, like stripes after rinsing with conditioner. The composition of the shampoo should contain fatty acid, proteins and products that support dry skin.

In the autumn-spring period, the pet returns home with dirty paws and sometimes his stomach. A few rules for washing your dog after a walk:

  • It doesn’t matter what time of year you got a puppy, if you plan to wash your paws, accustom your pet to this procedure from childhood.
  • In autumn it is allowed to wash with water at room temperature, in winter - only with cold water! Want to know why? Try placing frozen feet in a basin with hot water, feel the burning, tingling, pain and general discomfort, multiply this by 2 - this is exactly how your pet feels.
  • Do not use deep containers, this will reduce the moral aspect of washing. A small rectangular basin from which the dog can freely reach his paw is suitable.

When purchasing a puppy, think about the moment of bathing in advance and prepare your pet gradually. Many dogs calmly bathe when they are watered with a hose, and furry pets, if provided with conditions in the hot season, take a bath on their own. The key to intact paws, furnishing the house and the absence of abrasions on the owner is upbringing from childhood.

Choosing wash products, skin type matters

Remember the old ad about “pH 5.5”? Not everyone knows what this indicator actually means. PH is the level of active hydrogen ions in a solution or liquid, which is indicated by its acidity. The normal pH of a dog's skin is 7.4 - drier, more sensitive, susceptible to harmful effects cleansers. Few manufacturers indicate the pH level on the packaging, this is not surprising - research technology is expensive, and production is even more expensive.

Read also: How to stop a dog from barking at other dogs: 10 tips and tricks

Important! If you are not sure about the harmlessness detergent, it is better to bathe your dog with clean water!

Get rid of foreign odor without the use of detergents is almost impossible. What to do if not special shampoo, and your pet “perfumed” in the nearest pile of garbage? Can I wash my dog ​​with baby shampoo? – In a catastrophic event, it is possible. It is advisable that the shampoo be intended for infants and contain lecithin or lanolin. If you only have soap on hand, break a few yolks in water and use the prepared liquid as a rinse, massage your skin thoroughly and rinse.

Note! Dull fur or dandruff after bathing - a clear sign that the shampoo is not suitable for the dog.

Show dogs take baths more often; to maintain the quality of their coat and color, they should use by special means. White wool turns yellow from washing, a product with reflective particles will help. Brown or chocolate shades can be “refreshed” with tinting conditioner, but the dyes must only be natural! For dogs with fine hair, a rinse based on animal fat is recommended; hairless pets are washed with special creamy shampoos. Most Hard case– pets with allergies, the remedy is selected with a veterinarian and/or by “trial method”.

Washing a dog without water is possible!

We discussed simple options, but what to do if bathing is contraindicated for a dog, how to wash a dog without water? There may be several reasons to think about it: bathing is contraindicated for old dogs due to high probability catch a cold, skin eczema progresses when in contact with water, healing wounds or sutures should be protected from moisture. The simplest option is that the dog is dirty, how to wash it if it is afraid of water?

There is an exit! At first, resourceful women tried this method on themselves, and then the idea was picked up by canine cosmetologists. To clean wool, powder is used, the main part is talc, auxiliary elements disinfect and disinfect the skin. The product is available in jars similar to baby powder. The powder is distributed over a small area, after which the wool is carefully combed. It is important to thoroughly comb the dog before bathing, to remove excess undercoat and tangles. Additional procedures such reading is not required.

The responsibilities of dog owners include systematic care, which includes not only vaccination and deworming, but also washing. Breeders give their recommendations in this regard, because the coat and skin of pets different breeds may be different. Let's look at the basic aspects in order, and also highlight the basic rules for bathing a four-legged pet.

If you are not sure about own strength, contact for help dog salon.

Preparation for the procedure

  1. Comb your animal if it has long hair. This way you will get rid of dead hairs. If necessary, before water procedures, it is necessary to get rid of tangles. For convenience, it is recommended to use Ring 5 spray.
  2. The product perfectly moisturizes hair and protects it from tangling and tearing out. To wash your dog comfortably, place a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub. The animal will not slide and get nervous again.
  3. Be sure to test the water before swimming. The temperature should be between 36-40 degrees. If the water is hotter, it will negatively affect the condition skin and pet hair. IN cold water the dog will train its own immunity. The body will become more resistant to colds.

Washing rules

  1. Before bathing the animal, the owner should dress in suitable clothing. Wear a long sleeve sweater. The dog may begin to struggle out of the bathtub, scratching you with its claws. This way you can protect yourself a little.
  2. It is strongly recommended that you close the door and windows in the bathroom before bathing your animal. There should be no draft in the room. For convenience, it is recommended to fasten the dog to a collar and leash. The animal will not be able to escape with the bathtub.
  3. If your pet is prone to aggression, be sure to wear a nylon muzzle. If your dog's ears are cropped, a special cap will be required. Alternatively, you can simply not wash your hair. The bathroom floor should be covered with a sheet or other fabric.
  4. The dog will shake himself off anyway. Also, if the pet wants to escape, it should not jump on bare tiles. While washing, speak kindly to the animal. Do not be rude or aggressive under any circumstances. Praise your dog for good behavior.

Choosing a Shampoo

Regardless of the breed, your dog should be bathed no more than once a month. In other cases, such questions should be addressed to a veterinarian or breeder. Each breed has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. Carry out the procedure according to all the rules.

Video: how to bathe a dog correctly?

The question of how often you can wash your dog does not have a clear answer. The washing schedule depends on her age, breed, coat type, lifestyle, health and exhibition requirements.

General hygiene rules

Excellent physical form And vitality dogs depend not only on a balanced diet, walks in the open air, physical education and outdoor games: hygiene skills are no less important.

Hygiene consists of daily monitoring of the dog’s well-being, as well as skin, coat, ears, eyes, teeth and paws.

Important! Washing as part of mandatory hygienic procedures, thanks to overly zealous owners, often does not help, but harms the animal.

Pets living in enclosures or kennels are not particularly interested in washing with cosmetics . In hot weather, they can be hosed down or allowed to splash in the river. However, city dogs will not refuse summer swims, from time to time going out for barbecues taken out into nature.

Features of breeds

The least need of washing is for indoor (decorative) dogs, which do not go out into the yard for weeks and relieve themselves in a tray. Paradoxically, it is these indoor hermits who are most often “tortured” by bath procedures, partly because of their ability to treat them like toys.

Infrequent washing is also recommended for smooth-haired dogs or those with a long, hard coat complemented by a short undercoat. It is believed that their fur is capable of self-cleaning. Pets whose hair is prone to permanent hair loss (for example, French bulldogs) should not be idlely washed.

By the way, for short-haired breeds, including boxers, Dalmatians and dogs, a method of express cleaning without a large volume of water has been invented. IN warm water(250 ml) stir 1 tbsp. spoon of vodka and vinegar. Moisten a sponge with this solution, wring it lightly and wipe it dog hair, removing not only dirt, but also odor.

Puppies of all breeds in forced home quarantine are advised to only wash them and not give them a full bath. Do not wash elderly dogs without reason, whose fur and epidermis have lost their natural elasticity: washing (especially with shampoo) will only worsen the situation.

How often to wash your dog

The frequency approved by veterinarians is once a month, if we're talking about about water procedures using shampoos and soaps. After walks, the dog simply wipes its paws or washes it with water if the degree of contamination is not critical.

The animal's epidermis does not need detergents, even gentle ones: they wash away the natural lubricant, causing painful dryness and irritation of the skin.

The most squeamish owners scrub their pets, trying to eliminate the smell of the dog, not suspecting what they are achieving reverse effect. Sebaceous glands work more intensely, and the “aroma” becomes more distinct. Adherents of sterility, or rather, their dogs, face two more dangers: continuous molting and dermatitis.

By the way, dog lovers and dermatologists radically disagree on this issue.. Experienced dog handlers assure that only a refusal to frequently wash with shampoo restores the health of a dog’s skin.

Important! Doctors are confident that animals prone to allergies and skin diseases must be washed frequently (with medicinal preparations, of course).

Be that as it may, it is impossible to completely refuse washing, since dirty wool:

  • grows more slowly;
  • mats faster (in long-haired breeds);
  • “resists” combing;
  • looks bad.

The only people who do not worry about washing their dogs are the owners of elite show-class dogs traveling from one exhibition to another. These favorite dogs bathe and preen before each tournament.

How and with what to wash your dog correctly

If you find it difficult (due to various factors) to wash your pet, contact a dog salon. But, as a rule, dog breeders wash their animals themselves, easily dealing with small ones and experiencing understandable difficulties with large ones.

Preparing to wash

Long hair is usually combed to remove old hair to make it easier to wash and dry.. Before washing, tangles are also removed - this will prevent further tangling during bathing. Ring 5 spray is suitable for this, it moisturizes the hair, protects it from tearing out and prepares it for washing.

It’s great if you still have an old shallow trough. In the absence of such a rarity, you can use a bathtub, the bottom of which is covered with an anti-slip mat or piece of fabric. This way the paws will not move apart, and the dog will be less nervous.

Water for washing (felt cool by the hand) should not be warmer than 35-40 degrees, since more hot water negatively affects the coat and skin. Stay in cool water trains immune system dog, hardening it and tuning the body to resist a cold.

Proper washing

First, choose clothes for yourself, preferably with long sleeves: it is possible that your client will start jumping out of the bathroom, actively using his paws. Long sleeves will protect your hands from dog claws.

A few more tips:

  • half an hour before bath procedures, close windows and doors to prevent drafts from moving around the house;
  • It is better to tie the dog using a leash and collar;
  • put a muzzle on her (preferably nylon) if she is prone to aggressive attacks;
  • for an animal with cropped ears, prepare a special cap or do not wash its head at all;
  • Cover your bathroom floors with a worn-out bedspread or sheet. The fabric will absorb water flying in all directions, and will also soften the jump onto the tile if the dog breaks free.

Important! When washing, do not treat the dog roughly or cruelly, but, on the contrary, encourage and praise. At the end of the bath session, reward the sufferer with a treat.

Choosing a Shampoo

Need I remind you that the wrong selection of washing cosmetics can lead to allergic reactions, dermatitis and even baldness. Some people prefer American or European brands, others have opted for domestic products.

Strictly speaking, it is unlikely that you will be able to immediately decide on the right shampoo for your dog: each animal has its own type, structure and color of fur. Of course, you need to consult with the breeder, doctor, familiar dog lovers, and already in the store - meticulously study the annotation.

A good dog shampoo contains lanolin/lecithin and egg yolk. These components maintain the elasticity of the coat and skin.

If your pet has a predisposition to allergies and dandruff, you will have to look for medicinal products(oils, balms and masks), not limited to shampoos.

How to apply shampoo

It is not poured directly from the bottle, but diluted in a small container with water. Then proceed like this:

  1. First you need to thoroughly wet the wool.
  2. A rubber brush/sponge is moistened in a soap solution and soaped in a circular motion on the body and limbs.
  3. Individual areas (near the anus, armpits, groin and paws) are washed with special diligence.
  4. The dog's head is raised up, making sure that the liquid does not flow into the eyes, nose and ears, but flows down.
  5. To wash the wool, use a shower hose, carefully going over each soaped area.
  6. Gently wash off the foam from the head with your hand.

Rinsing should be long enough so that no detergent residue remains on the skin (fur), which can lead to irritation.

Important! Clean, well-washed dog hair “creaks” a little when pulled between your fingers. If the wool slips, repeat the rinsing.


Conditioners/balms are used as a preventative against tangles, as well as to protect wool from the sun and give it shine. The conditioner is also mixed with water so that it is better distributed throughout the hair, and applied with another soft sponge. Wash off the composition several times, waiting about 5 minutes (according to the instructions).


Stock up on a few waffle towels and start drying:

  1. The clean fur is wrung out, allowing the dog to shake itself off several times.
  2. The dog is blotted (do not rub!) with towels until the splashes stop flying from it.
  3. Long-haired dogs are dried with a hairdryer at low speed (with cool or slightly warm air).
  4. Do not scratch the fur while drying it with a hairdryer.
  5. Do not allow your dog to lay down on the side until his hair is completely dry and styled in the desired direction.

Important! If you brush your long-haired pet before it is completely dry, you risk tearing out and breaking a considerable amount of its hair.

Dry wash

The so-called powder shampoos will make it easier to care for sick and old dogs, and will be useful for urgent cleansing of dirty spots if there is no water at hand. They are easy to use: after application to the coat, they are combed out, absorbing moisture (including drops of urine), dirt and grease. But how permanent remedy Dry shampoos should not be used.

Dogs have a special smell that comes from their skin and six. Not all dog owners like this; besides, daily walks also take their toll, and every owner thinks about how often the dog should be washed. To date, there is no consensus among professional dog breeders on this matter, however, there are several recommendations that we'll talk In this article.

In many ways, the answer to the question “how many times can you wash your dog?” depends on whether the dog lives in an apartment or on the street, in an enclosure. First of all, do not confuse washing with soap or swimming in various bodies of water. Swimming in clean water without the use of soap products it cannot harm the dog. And on a hot day it will bring a lot of pleasure.

If the dog lives in the yard or in, then you should wash it only if its fur is stained with strong-smelling substances during a walk. It is recommended to wash a lap dog no more than once every 3-4 months.

Why shouldn't you wash your dog often?

Many dog ​​breeders don’t know why they shouldn’t wash their dogs often and try to arrange water treatments for your pets once a week. This cannot be done, because the natural protective film that covers the dog’s skin and fur is destroyed. Also too frequent washing causes activation of the sebaceous glands, and this in turn leads to an even more frequent need for washing, and, ultimately, to wounds on the skin and hair loss.

Dogs with long hair, as well as those who participate in exhibitions, are bathed more often than short-haired or untitled pets. More active dogs are more likely to get their coat dirty while walking, especially in wet weather, and accordingly they are washed quite often.

After every walk, even on a dry day, you need to wash your dog's paws. In cities throughout the year it is often used chemical substances for treating sidewalks, toxic particles remaining on the paws can lead to serious poisoning of the animal or dermatitis.