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Vaccination – “just a shot”, or loss of immunity? “Vaccinations protect against diseases

Prof. Robert S. Mendelsohn, pediatrician (USA)

East West Journal, November 1984

Since I've written before about the dangers of mass vaccinations, I know that this is an idea that you may have a hard time accepting. Vaccines are marketed so skillfully and vigorously that many parents consider them a miracle that has eradicated many once-feared diseases. Accordingly, it would be foolhardy to resist them. For a pediatrician to attack what has become the bread and butter of pediatric practice is equivalent to a priest refusing to acknowledge the innocence of the Pope.

Knowing all this, I can only hope that you will put aside your preconceived notions while I talk about my views on vaccines.

Most of what you have been taught to believe about vaccines is simply not true. Not only do I have bad feelings about vaccinations, but if I were to follow my inner convictions in writing this chapter, I would have to urge you to reject all vaccinations for your child. I won't do this because parents in nearly half the states have lost the right to make a choice. Doctors, not politicians, are successfully lobbying for laws that force parents to vaccinate their children as necessary condition for their admission to school.

However, even in these states, you can convince your pediatrician to remove the pertussis component from the DPT vaccine. This vaccine, the most dangerous of all, is the subject of such debate that many doctors, just hearing about it, become nervous, anticipating lawsuits. And they should be nervous, because a child in Chicago who was injured by a whooping cough vaccine recently received a $5.5 million settlement. If your doctor is in this mood, use this to your advantage, since your child’s health is at stake.

Although I myself prescribed vaccinations in the early years of my practice, I became a staunch opponent mass vaccinations because of the countless dangers associated with them. This topic is so complex and vast that it deserves an entire book. Accordingly, here I must content myself with merely summing up my objections to the fanatical zeal with which pediatricians blindly shoot foreign proteins into your child's body, unaware of the harm they can cause.

Here are the main reasons for my doubts:

1. There is no convincing scientific evidence that mass vaccinations are responsible for the disappearance of any childhood diseases. It is true that certain childhood diseases that were once common have decreased or disappeared with the introduction of vaccinations. No one knows why this happened, although it may be due to Better conditions life. If vaccinations were responsible for the reduction or disappearance of these diseases in the United States, then one might ask why they disappeared at the same time in Europe, where there was no mass vaccination.

2. The Salk vaccine is generally believed to be responsible for ending the polio epidemics that plagued American children in the 1940s and 50s. If so, why did these epidemics also end in Europe, where the polio vaccine was not so widely used? It is appropriate to ask why the Sabin virus vaccine is still given to children when Jonas Salk, the pioneer of the polio vaccine, pointed out that the Sabin vaccine is now responsible for the majority of detected cases of polio. The continued pushing of this vaccine on children is irrational behavior by doctors and confirms my point that doctors keep repeating their mistakes. In addition to the story of the polio vaccine, we can recall the reluctance of doctors to stop vaccinations against smallpox, which have been the single cause of death from the disease for three decades now that the disease itself has disappeared. Think about it! For thirty years, children have been dying from the smallpox vaccine, even though the disease is no longer a threat.

3. There are significant risks associated with each vaccine, as well as numerous contraindications that make vaccinations dangerous for your child. However, doctors prescribe them routinely, usually without warning parents about the dangers and without checking whether the vaccine is contraindicated for the child. No child should be vaccinated without such a preliminary check, but in clinics they line up whole armies of children and give them vaccinations, and the parents do not ask a single question!

4. While the dangers of immediate reactions to vaccines are well known (but rarely warned about), no one knows long term consequences introduction of foreign proteins into your child’s body. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making a concerted effort to find out!

5. There is an ever-growing suspicion that vaccinations against relatively harmless childhood diseases may be responsible for the sharp increase in autoimmune diseases observed since the introduction of mass vaccinations. These are such terrible diseases as cancer, leukemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythematosus and Guillain-Barré syndrome. The mechanism of autoimmune diseases can be simplistically explained by the inability of the body's defense system to distinguish between foreign agents and its own tissues, as a result of which the body begins to destroy itself. Have we traded mumps and measles for cancer and leukemia?

I'm emphasizing my concern here because you probably won't hear this from your pediatrician. At a forum of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) in 1982, a resolution was proposed to ensure that parents were informed about the benefits and risks of vaccinations. The resolution insisted that “the AAP prepare in a clear and accessible language information that a prudent parent would want to know about the benefits and risks of routine vaccinations, the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases, and the most common adverse reactions on vaccinations and their treatment." Probably, the assembled doctors did not consider that "prudent parents" could be allowed access to information of this kind, since they rejected the resolution!

The heated debate among doctors around vaccinations has not escaped the attention of the media. mass media. More and more parents are refusing to vaccinate their children and are facing legal consequences for doing so. Parents whose children have become lifelong disabled after vaccinations no longer accept this as a blow of fate, but are filing lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and doctors who prescribed vaccinations. Some companies have stopped producing vaccines, and the remaining ones are expanding the list of contraindications from year to year. It is noteworthy that since vaccinations are the reason for parents' repeated visits to doctors, which is the latter's bread and butter, pediatricians continue to defend vaccinations until the day they die.

As a parent, only you can decide whether to refuse vaccinations or take the risk of giving them to your child. Before your child gets any shots, let me give you the facts about the potential risks and benefits of the vaccines your pediatrician recommends and advocates. If you decide that you do not want your child to be vaccinated and your state requires you to, write to me and I may be able to advise you on what to do to restore your freedom of choice.


Piggy - a relatively harmless viral disease, usually found in childhood. With this disease, one or both submandibular muscles swell salivary glands, located in front and below the ears. Typical symptoms are elevated temperature, lack of appetite, headache and back pain. Swelling of the glands begins after 2-3 days and disappears on the 6-7th day of illness. However, one gland may be affected first, and after 10-12 days the second one. With any variant of mumps, lifelong immunity is developed.

Mumps does not require treatment. If your child has mumps, encourage him to stay in bed for 2-3 days, giving him soft foods and plenty of fluids. Ice packs can be applied to swollen glands. If the headaches are very severe, you can give a little whiskey or acetaminophen. Give me 10 drops of whiskey to a small child and up to half a tablespoon for the eldest. The dose can be repeated after an hour if necessary.

Most children receive the mumps vaccine along with the measles and rubella vaccine (MMR) at approximately 15 months of age. Pediatricians defend this vaccine, arguing that although mumps is not a serious childhood disease, if children are not immune, they can get it as adults. In this case, inflammation of the testicles - orchitis - may develop. IN in rare cases this becomes the cause of infertility.

If infertility as a consequence of orchitis was a serious threat, and the mumps vaccine guaranteed that adult men would not get it, I would be among those doctors who insist on vaccination. But I am not among them, because their arguments are meaningless. Orchitis rarely leads to infertility, and even when it does, it is usually limited to one testicle, while the ability of the second testicle to produce sperm can double the world's population. And that is not all. No one knows whether the immunity induced by the mumps vaccine actually continues into adulthood. Accordingly, the question remains whether your child, who was vaccinated against mumps at 15 months and avoided it in childhood, will suffer more serious consequences of this disease as an adult.

You won't find pediatricians advertising this information, but side effects This vaccination can be very difficult. In some children, the vaccine causes allergic reactions such as rash, itching and bruising. There may be symptoms of central involvement nervous system- febrile seizures, unilateral sensory deafness and encephalitis. True, the risk of this is minimal, but why should your child be exposed to it at all - is it really to prevent a harmless childhood disease from developing one with more serious consequences in adulthood?


Measles is a contagious viral disease transmitted by contact with an object previously used by the patient. In the beginning there is a feeling of fatigue, slight fever, headache and back pain. Then redness of the eyes and photophobia appear. The temperature rises for 3-4 days and reaches 40 0 ​​C. Sometimes small white dots can be seen in the mouth; A small, spotted pink rash appears below the hairline and behind the ears, then spreads to the entire body within 36 hours. The rash may appear immediately, but it disappears gradually, over 3-4 days. Measles is contagious for 7-8 days, starting 3-4 days before the rash appears. Accordingly, if one of your children gets measles, others will likely get it before you know the first one has it.

No treatment is required other than rest, plenty of fluids to prevent possible dehydration due to fever, and cornstarch baths to relieve itching. If a child suffers from photophobia, it is necessary to curtain the windows. Contrary to popular myth, there is no danger of blindness.

Measles vaccine is another component of the MMR vaccine, which children receive at an early age. Doctors insist that this vaccination is necessary to prevent measles encephalitis, which can occur in one in 1,000 cases. Having decades of experience treating measles and having spoken with many pediatricians on numerous occasions, I double-checked the statistics and concluded that a ratio of 1:1000 may be correct for malnourished children living in poverty, but for children from middle-income and middle-income families. above average income, if you exclude simple drowsiness from the measles itself, the frequency of true encephalitis is more likely 1:10,000 or even 1:100,000.

Having scared you of the unlikely possibility of measles encephalitis, your doctor is unlikely to share with you information about the dangers of the vaccine he is using to prevent it. The use of measles vaccine is associated with the dangers of encephalopathy and other complications such as subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, which causes irreversible, fatal brain damage.

Other (sometimes fatal) complications associated with measles vaccine include ataxia (inability to coordinate muscle activity), mental retardation, aseptic meningitis, convulsions, and hemiparesis (paralysis of one side of the body). Secondary complications associated with the vaccine can be even more frightening. They include encephalitis, juvenile diabetes, multiple sclerosis.

I would consider the risks associated with the use of a vaccine unacceptable even if there was compelling evidence that the vaccine was effective. But they don’t exist either. The dramatic decline in measles incidence occurred long before the vaccine was introduced. In 1958, there were about 800,000 cases of measles in the United States, but by 1962—the year before the vaccine was introduced—that number had dropped by 300,000. Over the next four years, as children were vaccinated with the ineffective and now discontinued virus-killed vaccine, this number fell by another 300,000. In 1900, there were 13.3 deaths from measles per 100,000 population. By 1955, before the first measles vaccine, mortality had dropped by 97.7% to 0.03 deaths per 100,000.

These figures alone provide compelling evidence that measles was disappearing even before the introduction of the vaccine. If you don't think so, consider this: In a 30-state study, more than half of the children who got measles were properly vaccinated. Moreover, according to WHO, the chances of getting measles are about 15 times higher for those vaccinated against it.

“So why,” you may ask, “in the face of these facts, do doctors continue to vaccinate?” The answer may lie in one case that occurred in California fourteen years ago, after the advent of the measles vaccine. There was a severe measles epidemic in Los Angeles, and parents were being forced to vaccinate all children 6 months of age and older, despite warnings from the Public Health Service that vaccinating children under one year of age was pointless and potentially dangerous. . Although Los Angeles doctors responded by vaccinating every child they could get their hands on, several doctors familiar with the problem of immune system damage and the dangers of "slow viruses" chose not to vaccinate their own babies. Unlike those parents who were not told anything about this, they discovered that the "slow viruses" found in all live vaccines and, in particular, in the measles vaccine, can hide in human tissue for years. They may later manifest as encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, or become potential seeds for the development and growth of cancer.

One Los Angeles doctor who refused to vaccinate his seven-month-old said: “What worries me is that the vaccine virus not only provides very little protection against measles, but may remain in the body, affecting it in ways that we know little about.” ". This concern about his own child did not stop him, however, from prescribing vaccinations for the children of his patients. "As a parent, I had the luxury of choice for my child. As a doctor... by law and in accordance with the requirements of the profession, I am obliged to accept recommendations...".

Perhaps the time has come when non-physician parents will have the privilege of choice that only doctors and their children now enjoy?


Rubella is a safe childhood disease that does not require treatment.

Initial symptoms are fever and runny nose, accompanied by a sore throat. It becomes clear to you that we're talking about about an illness other than the common cold, when a rash appears on the face and spreads to the arms and body. The elements of the rash do not merge, as happens in the case of measles; the rash disappears after 2-3 days. The patient needs to rest and drink, no other treatment is required.

The threat of rubella lies in the possibility of harm to the fetus if a woman becomes infected with it in the first trimester of pregnancy. Fear of this is used to justify vaccinating all children, boys and girls, with the MMR vaccine. The merits of this vaccine are questionable for the same reasons that were described above regarding mumps. There is no need to protect children from a harmless disease, and the side effects of a vaccine are completely unacceptable if we are talking about the good of the child. They include arthritis, arthralgia (joint pain), and polyneuritis, manifested by pain, numbness, or a tingling sensation in the peripheral nerves. Although these symptoms are usually temporary, they can last for months and do not appear until two months after the vaccine. Because of this, parents may not associate the symptoms that appear with the vaccination.

The biggest danger of the rubella vaccine is that it can leave expectant mothers without natural immunity from the disease. By preventing rubella in childhood, vaccination can increase the risk of getting rubella during childbearing years. My doubts on this issue are shared by many doctors. A group of doctors in Connecticut, led by two leading epidemiologists, has nearly succeeded in crossing rubella off their list of legally required vaccinations.

Study after study shows that many women who received the rubella vaccine as children do not have blood-tested immunity as adults. Other tests demonstrate a high percentage of ineffectiveness of both the trivaccine as a whole and the vaccines included in its composition individually. Finally, decisive question, which has not yet been answered: does vaccine immunity last as long as immunity after natural disease? A high percentage of children do not have evidence of immunity in blood tests taken just 4-5 years after the rubella vaccine.

Today, due to vaccination, most women do not have natural immunity. If their vaccine immunity disappears, they can become infected with rubella during pregnancy and thus harm their unborn children.

Being a considerable skeptic, I have always believed that the most reliable path Finding out what people believe is watching what they do, not listening to what they say. If main danger rubella is not for the child, but for the fetus, then pregnant women should be protected from the disease by their obstetricians. However, published in Journal of the American Medical Association(JAMA) study showed, using the example of California, that over 90 % of women obstetricians and gynecologists refused to get this vaccine. If doctors themselves are afraid of this vaccine, then why should there be a law requiring you and other parents to give it to their children?

Whooping cough

Whooping cough is a highly contagious bacterial disease usually transmitted through the air from someone who is infected.

Incubation period ranges from 7 to 14 days. The initial symptoms of the disease are indistinguishable from those of a common cold: runny nose, sneezing, lethargy or lack of appetite, slight lacrimation, and sometimes moderate fever. As the disease progresses, a severe cough develops in the evenings. Then he appears during the day. Within 7-10 days from the onset of the first symptoms, the cough becomes paroxysmal (attacks). The child may cough up to 12 times after each breath, and his face darkens and takes on a bluish or purple tint. Each attack of whooping cough ends with an inhalation with a characteristic sound. Vomiting is often an additional symptom of the disease.

Whooping cough can affect any age group, but more than half of the cases are under two years of age. The disease can be dangerous and even life threatening, especially in infants. Those infected can spread the disease to others within about a month of the first symptoms appearing, so it is important that they are isolated, especially from other children.

If your child gets whooping cough, there is no specific treatment that your doctor can offer, nor any other that you can do at home. The child should rest in conditions of comfort and isolation. Cough medications are used, but they rarely really help, so I don't recommend them. However, if your baby gets whooping cough, you should consult your doctor because... Hospitalization may be required. The main dangers of the disease are pneumonia and exhaustion from coughing. It is known that very young children can suffer rib fractures due to severe coughing spells.

Vaccination against whooping cough is carried out together with vaccinations against diphtheria and tetanus as part of DPT. Although this vaccine has been used for decades, it is one of the most controversial. Doubts remain about its effectiveness, and many doctors share my concern that potential harm side effects of vaccines may exceed their proclaimed effectiveness.

Prof. Gordon T. Stewart, chair of community medicine at the University of Glasgow in Scotland, is one of the most outspoken critics of the pertussis vaccine. He says he supported the vaccine until 1974, but then saw outbreaks of whooping cough among vaccinated children. "Right now in Glasgow," he says, "30% of all whooping cough cases occur in the vaccinated population. This leads me to believe that the vaccine is ineffective."

As with other infectious diseases, mortality began to decline before a vaccine became available. The vaccine was first used in 1936, and mortality rates have declined steadily since 1900 or earlier. According to Stewart, "the reduction in pertussis mortality was 80% before the introduction of the vaccine." He shares my opinion that the key factor in the whooping cough story was not the vaccine, but improving the living conditions of potential sufferers.

Common side effects of the pertussis vaccine recognized by JAMA are fever, screaming fits, state of shock and local skin manifestations such as sweating, redness of the skin, pain. Less known but more serious effects include convulsions and irreversible brain damage causing mental retardation. This vaccine is also associated withsudden infant death syndrome - SIDS . In 1978-79, with the expansion of the childhood immunization program, eight cases of SIDS were reported following immediately after routine DPT vaccination.

The estimate of the number of people protected from the disease among those vaccinated varies from 50 to 80%. According to JAMA, there are an average of 1,000 to 3,000 cases of whooping cough and 5 to 20 deaths from it each year in the United States.


Although it was one of the most dangerous diseases in our grandmothers' time, today diphtheria has almost disappeared. Only 5 cases were reported in the United States in 1980. Most doctors insist that the decline was due to vaccinations, but there is ample evidence that the incidence of diphtheria was declining even before vaccinations became available.

Diphtheria is a highly contagious infectious disease transmitted by coughing or sneezing of infected people, as well as by touching things that have previously been touched by infected people. The incubation period of the disease is from 2 to 5 days, and the first symptoms are sore throat, headache, nausea, cough and temperature up to 39-40 0 C. As the disease progresses, dirty white plaques appear in the throat and tonsils. They cause swelling of the throat and larynx, which makes swallowing difficult and, in severe cases, the airways may be blocked to such an extent that death from suffocation occurs. The disease requires the attention of a doctor; treatment is carried out with antibiotics - penicillin or erythromycin.

Today, your child is no more likely to get diphtheria than to be bitten by a cobra. However, millions of children are vaccinated against it at 2, 4, 6 and 8 months of age, and then booster shots when they go to school. This occurs despite the fact that rarely reported outbreaks of diphtheria occur as often among vaccinated people as among unvaccinated people. During the diphtheria outbreak in Chicago in 1969, the city health department reported that 4 of 16 cases were fully immunized and 5 others had received one or more doses of the vaccine. Two of these five had evidence of complete immunity to the disease. According to another report, in one of three deaths and fourteen of twenty-three cases of illness during another diphtheria outbreak, the victims were fully vaccinated.

Examples like these undermine the argument that the disappearance of diphtheria or other childhood diseases can be attributed to vaccinations. If this were indeed the case, how could anti-vaxxers explain these facts? Only half of states have legal requirements for vaccinations against infectious diseases, and the percentage of children vaccinated varies among states. As a consequence of this, tens of thousands, if not millions, of children in areas where medical services are limited and there are almost no pediatricians at all have not received vaccinations against infectious diseases and therefore must be exposed to them. However, the incidence of infectious diseases has no correlation with the existence of mandatory vaccination laws in a particular state.

In light of the rarity of this disease, the presence effective treatment antibiotics, the questionable effectiveness of the vaccine, the annual multimillion-dollar expenditure on this vaccine, the ever-present potential for severe long-term effects of this or that vaccine, I find it impossible to advocate mass vaccination against diphtheria. I admit that significant harm from vaccines has not yet been clearly established, but this does not mean that it does not exist. During the half century that vaccinations have been used, no efforts have been made not a single one study to determine the long-term harm of vaccinations.

Chicken pox

This is my favorite childhood disease, firstly because it is relatively harmless and secondly because no pharmaceutical manufacturer has been able to develop a vaccine. The second reason, however, may be short-lived, as there are already reports that a vaccine will soon appear ( Nowadays, such a vaccine, called Varivax, is already included in the US vaccination calendar and is being actively promoted on the market around the world. Cm. H. Butler - A.K.).

Chickenpox is a viral infectious disease that is very common in children. The first symptoms of the disease are usually a mild fever, headache, back pain and lack of appetite.

After a day or two, small red spots appear, which after a few hours enlarge and turn into blisters. Eventually, a scab forms and disappears within a week or two. The development of the disease is accompanied severe itching, and we must try to prevent the child from scratching the itchy skin. To relieve itching, you can use calamine lotions or cornstarch baths.

There is no need to seek medical help for chickenpox. You just need to stay in bed and drink as much as possible to prevent dehydration due to the fever.

The incubation period of chickenpox is 2-3 weeks, the disease is contagious for two weeks; the danger of infection appears two days after the rash appears. The child should be isolated for this period of time.


Parents should have the right to assume, as most do, that their doctor's tests provide accurate results.

Tuberculin skin test ( Mantoux test - A.K.) is by no means medical procedure of such kind. Even the American Academy of Pediatrics, which rarely criticizes procedures adopted in the daily practice of its members, issued a statement critical of this test. According to this statement, " Several recent studies have cast doubt on the sensitivity of some TB screening tests. The conference convened by the Bureau of Biologics recommended that manufacturers test each batch on fifty known positive patients to ensure that the product produced has sufficient capability to detect active tuberculosis in any individual tested. However, since many tests are not double-blind, randomized and involve many concurrent skin tests(i.e. there is a possibility of suppression of the reaction), then their interpretation is difficult".

The statement concludes: “TB screening tests are imperfect, and clinicians should be aware that both false-positive and false-negative results are possible.”

In short, your child can have tuberculosis even if the tuberculin test is negative. Or he may not have tuberculosis, despite positive test. With many doctors this can lead to dire consequences. It is almost certain that if this happens to your child, your child will be subjected to unnecessary and dangerous single or multiple x-rays. chest. In addition, the doctor may prescribe him dangerous drugs - for example, isoniazid for long months, "to prevent the development of tuberculosis." And the American Medical Association (AMA) acknowledges that doctors are indiscriminately and overprescribing isoniazid. This is a shame because this medicine has a long list of adverse reactions from the nervous, gastrointestinal, hematopoietic and endocrine systems, and also influences Bone marrow and skin. It should also not be overlooked that your child may become a pariah among the neighbors due to a deep-rooted fear of this infectious disease.

I'm convinced that possible consequences positive skin tuberculin test much more dangerous than the disease itself. I believe that parents should reject this test until they know for sure that their child has been in contact with a person with tuberculosis.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

The horror of waking up in the morning and finding your baby dead in the crib lurks in the minds of many parents. Medical Science the cause of SIDS has yet to be found, but the most popular hypothesis among researchers is damage to the central nervous system, which results in suppression of voluntary breathing.

This is a logical explanation, but it leaves the question unanswered: what causes dysfunction of the central nervous system? My suspicion, shared by many fellow professionals, is that the 10,000 cases of SIDS reported annually in the United States are associated with one or more vaccines received by children. Pertussis vaccine - the most likely culprit, but others may be guilty.

Dr. William Torch with Faculty of Medicine University of Nevada, published a report in which he suggests that the DPT vaccine may be responsible for SIDS. He found that two-thirds of 103 babies who died of SIDS had received the vaccine within three weeks of death, with many dying within 24 hours of receiving the vaccine. He argues that this is not mere coincidence, concluding that "causality is confirmed," according to at least, in some cases sudden death and DPT vaccinations. The same vaccine has been linked to deaths in Tennessee. Following intervention by the US Surgeon General, vaccine manufacturers recalled all unused doses of this vaccine series.

Expectant mothers concerned about SIDS should remember the importance of breastfeeding in preventing certain diseases. There is evidence that breastfed children are less susceptible to allergies, respiratory diseases, gastroenteritis, hypokalemia, obesity, multiple sclerosis and SIDS. One Scientific research according to SIDS concludes: " Breast-feeding can be considered a single barrier on the innumerable number of paths leading to SIDS.”


No one who lived in the 1940s. and saw pictures of children connected to ventilator, and the President of the United States, confined to a wheelchair by this terrible disease, and who was prohibited from using public beaches for fear of contracting polio, cannot forget the fear that reigned then. Polio is virtually non-existent today, but the fear remains, and with it the belief that polio has been eradicated by vaccination. This is not surprising given the strong campaign to promote the vaccine; The fact is that not a single scientific study has proven that it was the vaccine that made polio disappear. As previously noted, it has also disappeared in parts of the world where the vaccine has not been widely used.

For parents of the current generation, it is important to witness the fact that mass vaccinations against polio are responsible for the majority of cases of this disease. In September 1977, Jonas Salk, who developed the killed polio vaccine, and other scientists confirmed this. He said most of the few cases reported in the United States since 1970 were probably by-product live polio vaccine routinely used in the United States.

Notably, there is ongoing debate among immunologists regarding the relative risks of using killed versus live viruses. Proponents of using killed virus vaccines argue that it is the presence of live viruses that is responsible for polio cases. Those who support the use of live virus vaccines argue that killed viruses do not provide sufficient protection and, in fact, increase the susceptibility of the vaccine to the disease.

This provides me with a rare and convenient opportunity to be neutral. I believe both sides are right, and using both vaccines increases, not decreases, your child's chance of contracting polio.

In short, it turns out that the most effective way protect your child from polio - make sure he is not vaccinated against it!

At the end of the 18th century, the English physician Edward Jenner developed more safe method vaccination - with cowpox. He noticed that this was one of the varieties of smallpox, which occurred in infected people in a relatively mild form.

Vaccination subsequently became mandatory in England and other European countries. In Russia, a smallpox vaccination committee was established, which compiled lists of children who had not yet been vaccinated.

In America, Asia and Africa, smallpox continued to spread until in 1967, after two million people had died from smallpox, the World Health Organization decided to begin mass vaccination to completely eradicate smallpox.

2. Poliomyelitis

Polio, or spinal palsy, is an infectious disease that attacks the nervous system.

In the mid-20th century, polio became an epidemic in Europe and North America., but by the 1960s the disease had been virtually eradicated thanks to a vaccine.

The incidence dropped sharply after people began receiving vaccinations to prevent polio.

For example, in the USSR, during the epidemic in the 1950s, the incidence reached 10 thousand cases for every 100 thousand people, and after the introduction of mass vaccination in 1960, it decreased by more than 200 times.

According to UNICEF, by the end of the 90s, 80% of children worldwide had immunity against this virus.

Now the disease remains characteristic only of Pakistan and Afghanistan.

3. Pig

Mumps began to be called “mumps” because of the characteristic swelling of the face that appears in those affected.

Mumps is transmitted by airborne droplets and causes inflammation of the glandular organs. Most often it affects children aged from three to 15 years.

With the introduction of mass vaccinations, the incidence of mumps decreased by 99%.

The MMR vaccine is used against mumps, which also protects against measles and rubella.

American microbiologist Maurice Hilleman developed it in 1963 after his daughter fell ill with mumps.

4. Measles

Measles is an acute infectious disease that can be fatal to a child.

It is accompanied by high fever, inflammation of the upper respiratory tract and skin rash.

In 2014, 85% of children worldwide received a vaccine within the first year of life. After it, the child develops immunity.

Measles outbreaks stop if a country has high vaccination coverage, but the disease could return if residents stop being vaccinated.

The reduction in mortality from measles, as in the case of mumps, was due to the introduction of the MMR vaccine by Dr. Hilleman. In total, the doctor created 36 vaccines, eight of which are used everywhere - including chickenpox, meningitis, hepatitis A and B.

5. Rubella

Rubella's symptoms resemble measles due to the red rash all over the body, but the virus itself acts differently.

This disease is not dangerous in childhood, but may have serious consequences for a child if the mother became infected with rubella during pregnancy.

Most common vice development becomes congenital deafness.

In developed countries, thanks to the MMR vaccine, rubella is becoming increasingly rare.

In Europe, according to various estimates, from 80 to 95% of women are vaccinated against rubella.

In 2015, WHO declared the countries of Northern and South America territory free from the spread of rubella.

6. Tetanus

With tetanus, the infection enters the body through wounds on the skin and causes painful muscle contractions - cramps.

Thanks to the vaccine, the number of reported cases of tetanus in the United States has dropped by about 95% - now affecting no more than 50 people a year.

At the same time, tetanus remains a serious problem in some countries. The highest incidence of tetanus is in India: in 2015, the infection affected 2,268 people.

7. Whooping cough

Whooping cough gets its name from the convulsive sound that occurs when the patient does not get enough air after coughing.

Sometimes this disease is called the “100-day cough,” because in severe cases, coughing attacks can torment the patient for a very long time.

Whooping cough affects people of all ages; for children under two years of age, the disease is often fatal.

Vaccination against whooping cough in the first months of a child’s life is included in national immunization programs in all countries of the world.

In developed countries, revaccination is carried out at the age of 4-6 years, among adolescents and adults, since vaccination does not provide lasting immunity.

People continue to get whooping cough today, but cases are rare compared to 20th century numbers.

8. Diphtheria

The first vaccine to prevent diphtheria was used in the 1920s. Since then, the incidence of this deadly bacterial infection has decreased by almost 100% in most countries.

The diphtheria bacillus releases a poisonous toxin, affecting the respiratory system. The patient has difficulty breathing and swallowing, and after entering the bloodstream, the infection can attack major organs and nerves.

Several types of vaccines are used against diphtheria, depending on age.

When diphtheria broke out in the 1920s, children were most likely to get it. Today, adults who have not been vaccinated for more than 10 years are susceptible to the disease.

9. Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A is a viral liver disease that can be contracted by consuming contaminated food and water or by direct contact with an infected person.

Since the introduction of the hepatitis A vaccine in the United States in 1995, infections have dropped by 95%.

Hepatitis A remains a serious problem in developing countries with poor sanitation and lack of access to clean water.

Hepatitis A, B and C are various shapes inflammation caused by three different viruses. There are vaccines against hepatitis A and B, but there is no vaccine for hepatitis C yet.

10. Rinderpest

Humans are not the only ones who suffer from diseases and epidemics. Plague of large cattle is a deadly and contagious influenza-like virus that affects artiodactyl animals.

This type of plague is not transmitted to humans, but can seriously affect his life: Mass deaths of livestock during epidemics had serious economic consequences.

A vaccine against rinderpest was discovered by the German bacteriologist Robert Koch. He also discovered the bacillus anthrax and received Nobel Prize for research on tuberculosis.

In 2011, rinderpest was declared eradicated. This is the second disease after smallpox that has been completely eradicated.

Every year in Russia, thousands of children suffer from various infectious diseases. Children who have not been vaccinated or were not vaccinated in a timely manner or in full get sick especially often and seriously. Many infectious diseases, as well as their complications and serious consequences, could have been avoided if parents had not unreasonably refused preventive vaccinations. In Russia there is a calendar of preventive vaccinations. It provides for mass immunization against major infectious diseases: tuberculosis, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B and others.

Help your child, protect him from widespread infectious diseases and their severe complications, which have become so relevant in our time. Give your child the opportunity to receive free necessary vaccination at a strictly defined age, according to the vaccination calendar.

Parents often ask questions about various aspects of vaccination. Here are some of them.

Why do children need preventive vaccinations?

Every child has the right to be protected from infectious diseases. Vaccinations received by a child in childhood create immunity, that is, the body's immunity to infections.

Can all children be vaccinated?

There are medical contraindications to preventive vaccinations - they can only be determined by a doctor.

Why are vaccinations repeated?– To maintain reliable immunity.

Do vaccines provide bad influence on the child's body?

All vaccines used in our country undergo careful control and meet international standards. They do not have a harmful effect on the child's body.

Is it possible to vaccinate frequently ill and weakened children?

Such children should be vaccinated first, since they are most susceptible to infections, which usually occur in a severe form.

Is it possible to vaccinate children with chronic diseases?

Children with chronic diseases can be vaccinated in the same way as healthy people, but only outside the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Do vaccines cause allergies in children?

Scientific research and clinical observations showed that even in children with allergies, vaccines do not cause allergic reactions.

Can a child have a reaction to a vaccine?

Some children may have a reaction to the vaccine in the first days. However, the health threat from infectious diseases is thousands of times higher than from extremely rare complications. The most typical symptoms are redness, swelling at the injection site and a slight increase in temperature. They usually disappear without the use of medications.

Can a vaccinated child get sick?

Yes, it can, since no vaccine provides 100% guarantee of protection against infection. But this rarely happens. A vaccinated child transmits the disease to mild form and without complications.

How should you prepare your child for vaccinations?

Parents should protect their child from contact with infectious patients. Children with food allergies it is necessary to strictly follow the diet. On the day of vaccination, the child is examined by a doctor and his temperature is taken. Scheduled vaccinations are carried out for healthy children.

What does a child need after vaccination?

In the attentive attitude towards oneself from the parents, in good nutrition, rest. If the child’s behavior changes, the temperature rises, or complaints appear, parents should definitely consult a doctor.

Parents remember!

By vaccinating your child, you save him from infectious diseases! By refusing vaccinations, you risk the health and life of your child!

GBU RO "OKB im. ON THE. Semashko"

7 infectious diseases department

Infectious disease doctor of the highest category E.V. Soroka

Infectious diseases at all times have been the main enemies of man. History knows many examples of the devastating consequences of smallpox, plague, cholera, typhoid, dysentery, measles, and influenza.

Vaccination is the most effective and cost-effective means of protection against infectious diseases known modern medicine. The severe suffering that infections have caused in the past should serve as a constant reminder of the need for timely preventive vaccinations.

Vaccines have enabled humanity to achieve incredible results in the fight against infections. Completely eliminated worldwide smallpox- a disease that kills millions of people every year. Polio has virtually disappeared, and the global eradication of measles continues. The incidence of diphtheria, rubella, whooping cough, mumps has been reduced hundreds and even thousands of times, viral hepatitis B and many others

dangerous infectious diseases.

As world experience shows, the cessation of mass immunization, even with a negligible incidence, leads to the return of infectious diseases and the development of epidemics.

Classical vaccine preparations can be divided into three groups:

  • Live vaccines

The active principle in them is weakened microorganisms that have lost the ability to cause disease, but stimulate the immune response. This group includes vaccines against measles, rubella, polio, mumps and influenza.

  • Inactivated vaccines
  • Anatoxins- bacterial toxins in a modified harmless form.

These include well-known and widely used vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, and whooping cough.

With the beginning of the rapid development of molecular biology, genetics and methods genetic engineering a new class of vaccines has appeared - molecular vaccines. They use recombinant proteins or protein fragments of pathogenic microbes, synthesized in the cells of laboratory strains of bacteria, viruses, and yeast. So far, only three such drugs have entered into practice:

  • recombinant hepatitis B vaccine
  • Lyme disease vaccine and
  • detoxified pertussis toxin, which is included in the DTP vaccine used in Italy.

As part of the National Preventive Vaccination Calendar, the following vaccinations are mandatory.

Everyone who has not been vaccinated against diphtheria and tetanus, vaccination is carried out (consists of 2 vaccinations) and revaccination. Subsequent revaccinations are carried out every 10 years from the last vaccination.

Vaccination against viral hepatitis B is carried out to persons under the age of 55 years who have not been vaccinated previously. The vaccine complex consists of 3 vaccinations.

All persons under 35 years of age not previously vaccinated against measles Those who have not had measles and do not have information about vaccinations against measles are given two vaccinations with an interval of at least 3 months. Persons vaccinated once are given a booster vaccination against measles.

Vaccinations against rubella Girls and women from 18 to 25 years of age who have not had rubella, have not been vaccinated before, have no information about vaccinations against rubella, and have been vaccinated once are eligible.

Vaccination against flu is carried out annually to persons at risk - medical workers, education workers, transport workers, service workers, higher and secondary students educational institutions, persons over 60 years of age, persons subject to conscription for military service; persons with chronic diseases, including lung diseases, cardiovascular diseases, metabolic disorders and obesity.

Are there complications after vaccinations?

Modern vaccines do not cause serious adverse reactions. Possible pain at the injection site, slight fever, and very rarely allergic reactions. These phenomena quickly pass on their own. The overall incidence of any adverse events is 2-5%.

List of medical contraindications for preventive vaccinations:

  • All vaccines- strong reaction or post-vaccination complication to the previous introduction
  • All live vaccines, incl. oral live polio vaccine (OPV)- immunodeficiency state (primary), immunosuppression, malignant neoplasms. Pregnancy.
  • BCG- child’s birth weight is less than 2000 g, keloid scar, including after the previous dose
  • DTP- progressive diseases of the nervous system, history of afebrile seizures
  • Live measles vaccine (LMV), live mumps vaccine (LMV), rubella, as well as combined single and trivaccines (measles-mumps, |measles-rubella-mumps)
  • Hepatitis B vaccine- allergic reaction to baker's yeast
  • Vaccines ADS, ADS-M, AD-M- have no permanent contraindications

*Acute infectious and non-communicable diseases, exacerbation of chronic diseases are temporary contraindications for vaccinations. Scheduled vaccinations are carried out 2-4 weeks after recovery or during the period of convalescence or remission. For mild ARVI, acute intestinal diseases Vaccinations are carried out immediately after the temperature normalizes.

The administration of live vaccines to pregnant women is contraindicated, which is associated not so much with the danger of their teratogenic effect (such cases have not been described in the world literature), but with the possibility of associating the birth of a defective child with vaccination, for example, birth defect or hereditary disease.

After administration of the rubella vaccine, women of childbearing age are prescribed contraception within 2 months. If this vaccine is administered during an undiagnosed pregnancy, it will not be interrupted.

Foreign drugs measles and mumps vaccines are prepared on chicken embryos and therefore are not administered to persons with anaphylactic reactions on chicken protein(immediate shock reaction or swelling of the tissues of the face and larynx). Domestic measles and mumps vaccines are prepared using Japanese quail eggs, although this contraindication does not directly apply to them; the possibility of cross-allergic reactions should be kept in mind.

Preventive vaccinations are provided to citizens in medical organizations free of charge. Before carrying out a preventive vaccination, the person to be vaccinated is explained the need for immunoprophylaxis of infectious diseases, possible post-vaccination reactions and complications, as well as the consequences of refusing a preventive vaccination. Before vaccination, the patient is examined by a doctor or paramedic. About immunization in children's preschool institutions and schools, parents of children must be notified in advance.

Vaccination calendar for epidemic indications

In addition to the National Calendar, there is also a Vaccination Calendar for epidemic indications - in the event of complications in the sanitary and epidemiological situation or the threat of an epidemic (natural disasters, major accidents on the water supply and sewerage networks).

Conscripts are considered to be at risk. According to the calendar, they need to be vaccinated against meningococcal infection, pneumococcal infection, chickenpox and influenza.

Vaccinations against ticks

Epidemic indications also include travel to regions with an unfavorable epidemic situation for tick-borne encephalitis. Among the indigenous population, who long time lives in foci of tick-borne encephalitis, antibodies to it are found in the blood - that is, immunity from this disease. But only vaccination can protect visitors from tick-borne encephalitis.

Vaccination against tick-borne encephalitis is carried out using inactivated vaccines, which are administered in at least two doses at least a month apart. The third vaccination is done for revaccination. Even an “emergency” vaccination scheme requires at least one and a half months. This vaccine does not protect against Lyme disease ( tick-borne borreliosis), tick-borne typhus and other infections carried by ticks.

“Vaccinations protect against diseases!”

You may have heard about viral hepatitis. These are infectious diseases that affect the liver. Diphtheria, measles, mumps (mumps) are infections that lead to severe complications. Poliomyelitis is a disease that causes lifelong paralysis of the muscles of the legs, arms and torso.

Any child can become infected. This can happen while playing in the yard, during school, or when interacting with a sick peer.

Any infectious disease brings little joy and does not go away without a trace for the body. Children are especially vulnerable to infections. Their body is not yet ready to resist pathogens various diseases. Children who have not been vaccinated are especially often and seriously ill.

It is important to keep in mind that the only way to protect against infections is through vaccinations. It is impossible to protect yourself from an infectious disease by other methods, be it good food, clean air or hardening procedures.

That is why vaccinations are carried out in all countries of the world. Only vaccination saves you from blindness, disability, mental retardation and other types of health problems associated with infections and their complications.

Vaccination has become as commonplace as other achievements of civilization - electricity, aviation, television, the Internet, cellular communications, without which it is difficult to imagine modern life.

What do you need to know about vaccinations?

Vaccines are protection against infectious diseases, and they are more effective than almost all drugs.

Modern vaccines provide long-term protection from infections, they are completely safe for people.

In our country, vaccination is carried out within the framework of the calendar of preventive vaccinations, which is a document - a “schedule” for their implementation. It determines the list of vaccinations and the timing of vaccination.

Vaccinations are given medical workers in clinics, preschool institutions, schools, secondary and higher educational institutions.

Vaccinations need to be done in order to avoid getting sick.

Can a vaccinated child get sick? Yes, it can, but it rarely happens. A vaccinated child experiences the disease in a mild form and without complications.

In the East they say: “ a wise man prevents diseases, not cures them.”

Parents about preventive vaccinations

You may have heard about diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps (mumps), hepatitis B, polio.

These are diseases that lead to severe complications.

For example:

Children are especially vulnerable to infections. Their immune system is not yet ready to resist pathogens of various diseases.

Some infections, such as hepatitis B and whooping cough, are much more severe in children than in adults, often leading to disability.

How to prevent the disease?

The only one effective method prevention is vaccinations.

How does the vaccine work? The vaccine stimulates the formation of antibodies against the pathogen in the body, which protect the child from infection.

All vaccines used in our country undergo careful control and meet international standards. They do not have a harmful effect on the child's body.

Almost all modern parents know what vaccinations are, but it is no secret that many of them have doubts before vaccinating their child. And this is not surprising, because now few people have encountered the infections from which we protect children with vaccinations. This is 30-40 years ago, parents did not have to explain why measles, polio or diphtheria were terrible - there were any number of examples of children dying from these infections. And whooping cough could be heard in any city yard.

The role of immunization is enormous. Only due to vaccination, no cases of polio, measles, mumps, or rubella are registered in the Orenburg region. The incidence of acute viral hepatitis B, diphtheria, and whooping cough has decreased significantly.

However, the achieved epidemiological well-being is reversible and to maintain it it is necessary to continue vaccination. Measles outbreaks that occur periodically in a number of European countries, and an outbreak of polio registered in Tajikistan in 2010 prove a significant threat of importation of infections into the territory of the Orenburg region. If we stop vaccinating, the infections will definitely return.

No, you can’t count on this, although, of course, a healthy, “strong” child tolerates some diseases more easily, for example: acute respiratory viral infections. However, no matter how we improve our health, in the absence of vaccination, immunity to a specific pathogen cannot be formed, and the child will definitely get sick when he encounters it.

Valid in Russia National calendar preventive vaccinations, which determines the list of vaccinations carried out in the country and the timing of vaccination. This is a clear and understandable diagram of all vaccine preventive measures.

The preventive vaccination calendar provides for immunization against major infectious diseases: tuberculosis, polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus, measles, rubella, mumps, hepatitis B, influenza, Haemophilus influenzae.

After vaccination: mandatory medical observation for 30 minutes.

Dear parents! Remember!

Every child deserves a healthy

beginning of life, must be vaccinated and protected from infections!