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Ringworm in dogs. Ringworm in dogs, should the owner be concerned? Is lichen in dogs dangerous for human health?

Ringworm is one of the most serious and annoying scourges of pets. The worst thing is that you cannot be completely protected from it, since fungi are transmitted by spores flying in the air. In order to become infected, it is enough for such spores to get on the body, and the immune system cannot cope with the danger that has arisen. This is how it develops ringworm.

The culprit of ringworm is fungi of the genus Trichophyton and Microsporum, respectively, the diseases they cause are called trichophytosis and microsporia. The difference between them is not fundamental; they are both characterized by certain symptoms and require the same treatment.

Fungi reproduce using very tenacious spores - they can withstand temperature fluctuations and other environmental influences. If the spores get on the skin or hair, infection occurs. The waste products of fungi destroy the epidermis, damage the follicles and the hair itself. As a result, the latter fall out and look as if broken off, hence the name of the disease.

Types of lichen in dogs

Fungal infection manifests itself in different ways, in the form of several subtypes of lichen:

  • pink - has a viral nature, the most harmless. It goes away on its own in a maximum of five days. Does not require treatment);
  • ringworm (this is the name given to both microsporia and trichophytosis). Characteristic sign- oval spots on the fur coat four-legged friend, bald spots;
  • pityriasis - the cause of its appearance is fungi. First, a bright pink spot appears on the skin, which soon turns yellow or brown;
  • eczema (tinea versicolor). In fact, the name “lichen” is inappropriate here, since it does not correspond in nature to other subtypes of lichen. Eczema is caused by allergens, not fungi. The disease manifests itself as follows: first, an area of ​​skin is covered with a thick rash, then this area turns red and swells, cracks and nodules with liquid also appear.

Table 1. Types of lichen in dogs

Type of lichenSource of infectionThe danger of human infection from a dog
PityriasisYeast-like fungi Malasseziafurfur, Pityrosporumorbiculare, PityrosporumovaleNo
PinkInfection, allergensNo

It is better to entrust it to a specialist to find out which subtype of lichen is bothering a particular dog. Self-diagnosis and self-medication can cause irreparable harm to the body.

How does infection occur?

Most often, infection occurs through contact with a sick animal - a cat or another dog. This risk is especially great if the pet has in one way or another communicated with stray dogs. The fungus gets on healthy tissue and begins to multiply.

There is also a high risk of infection through indirect contact - through toys, dishes, combs, beds of a sick dog. The spores of the fungus of a sick dog end up on objects immediately surrounding it, on a collar, muzzle, leash, or anything that the dog came close to. This item becomes a potential source of danger to other pets. This also applies to soil, sand, construction waste or rodents - fungal spores of a sick animal can be found anywhere.

The degree of immune defense of the dog plays a huge role in this mechanism. Dogs with low immunity are more at risk. Greatest danger threatens puppies and very young dogs, or vice versa - very old and weakened by diseases. Most often they become infected in the fall and spring - this is due not only to the seasonal drop in the body's resistance, but also to a deficiency of ultraviolet rays, which are destructive to fungi.

Attention! High risk of getting fungal infection(and not only the dog) in poorly ventilated, damp areas where due attention is not paid to sanitation.

Signs of ringworm

Incubation period ranges from eight to forty days. Usually the dog even before manifestation external symptoms makes it known that her health is far from satisfactory. The animal may become sad for no reason, refuse to eat, or not communicate with its owners. Then they begin external manifestations- spots appear on the tail, head, especially in the area behind the ear, and at the bottom of the paws. The spots are round, small, clearly outlined. The hairs completely fall out of them, then the skin begins to peel and itch, and the color of the integument changes.

Then nodules filled with liquid appear, the skin becomes uneven and becomes covered with a crust. Another obligatory companion of any ringworm is severe itching, sometimes reaching unbearable. A person and a dog, when sick, experience constant discomfort and scratch the affected areas, which then change color and bleed.

Attention! The disease can ruin not only the dog’s fur coat, but also the dog’s claws. This is indicated by a change in shape and separation of the claws.


With timely treatment, the prognosis is quite favorable. Adequate measures usually guarantee complete cure and soon the dog will forget that he ever had lichen. But if left untreated, the prognosis is very serious, since there is a high risk of inflammation spreading and even sepsis.


If your pet shows at least one or two worrying signs, especially if the dog is lethargic and becomes uncommunicative, this is already a sufficient reason to immediately make an appointment with a veterinarian. For a preliminary diagnosis, a Wood's lamp will be shined on the dog's fur coat. Fungus-affected areas will immediately turn emerald green. But to complete the picture, this measure is often not enough. Therefore, a deep skin scraping is performed on the patient and a culture is performed. Based on laboratory data, we can already talk about treatment.


Ringworm demands complex treatment. It includes:

  • ointments (“YAM BK”);
  • tablets (“Griseofulvin”, “Ketoconazole”, “Itraconazole”, “Fluconazole”);
  • antihistamines (Zodak, Febtal);
  • probiotics to balance work gastrointestinal tract(“Viyo”);
  • immunomodulators (“Fosprenil”, “Ribotan”);
  • vitamin complexes (“Excel Brewers Yeast”, “Gelakan Baby”, “Kanvit”, “Kanvit-Junior”).

A sick dog must be quarantined - separate room, preventing him from contacting other people and animals. It is also necessary to systematically lubricate the affected areas of the fur coat with ointments. However, external remedies can be limited only at the earliest stage of the disease. In the future they will no longer be enough. Dried crusts from sores are removed before treating the wounds. The dog is given a special protective collar to prevent it from scratching or licking the sore spot.

The dog's skin and fur must undergo regular treatment. In such cases, experts recommend using:

  • ointments (“Clotrimazole”, “Sanoderm”, “Termikon”, “Fungin”, “YAM BK”);
  • special shampoos with antifungal action (“Nizoral”);
  • solutions (“Fukortsin”, “Miconazole”).

At the same time, it is still important to show the dog to a veterinarian, since the specifics of treatment depend on the specific type of lichen. In addition, you should be absolutely sure that your pet has lichen, and not some other ailment with similar symptoms. And only a veterinarian can make such a conclusion based on the research data obtained.

Treatment at home

Many owners are prejudiced against veterinary clinics, believing that all the necessary manipulations for the dog can be done independently, and veterinarians are only interested in their own profit. Experts are not inclined to call non-drug remedies unambiguously bad. They can cope well with swelling, irritation, and redness. But eliminate main reason ringworm is a fungus, they can't.

So, we can say with confidence that in most cases it is impossible to cure lichen at home without contacting a veterinarian. The only exception is the very beginning of the disease. But even in this case, reasonable caution must be exercised, since the same alcohol solution can seriously damage the dog’s skin.

Popular folk remedies that, according to numerous statements, can cope with lichen in dogs include:

  • iodine (the affected areas are lubricated four times a day. The dog should not be allowed to lick itself!);
  • apple cider vinegar (apply to stains five to six times every 24 hours).

It is best to put a special medical collar on the dog to prevent it from licking itself.

Why is it necessary to see a doctor?

Unfortunately, the number of people who are unreasonably afraid of veterinarians has not decreased much. Some generally believe that a dog’s lichen will definitely go away, you just have to wait. It really can pass - going into the stage of sepsis and ending along with the life of the dog, which could have been cured and not tormented.

In addition, by delaying registration at the clinic, a person delays the start adequate treatment. Meanwhile, the fungi manage to occupy a larger area, and the infection spreads further throughout the body.

Important! Never and under no circumstances should you treat a dog with sulfur ointment, pure alcohol or brilliant green. Let the latter be considered an “original folk remedy.” Such remedies, in fact, are not only absolutely ineffective in combating the disease, but can also be as harmful as the fungi themselves, causing tissue burns.

Another advantage of visiting a veterinarian is the increased likelihood of diagnosing correct diagnosis. Ringworm is not always obvious and can be confused with diseases with similar symptoms, such as pyoderma and seborrheic eczema. You can read below about how dermatitis manifests itself and what diagnostic methods will help distinguish it from lichen.

Video - Ringworm in Pets

Caring for a sick dog

The first and most important measure is strict and scrupulous compliance with all the veterinarian’s instructions. It is necessary to regularly undergo tests and ensure that the dog receives good quality dietary food regularly and in sufficient quantities.

Ideally, of course, it would be better to place the dog in a veterinary hospital, in an inpatient unit, for the duration of treatment for lichen. Of course, such a measure is costly. If you can’t afford it, you should be especially scrupulous about your personal hygiene and that of your pet, and you can only take your dog out for a walk and pet it while wearing rubber gloves. It is better not to allow other household members near him during treatment. It’s good if, during treatment, the dog has the opportunity to be given a separate corner in the apartment - for example, arrange it on the loggia. At the same time, general cleaning and disinfection will have to be carried out there up to three times a week. Be sure to disinfect all objects with which the animal has come into contact.

Attention! You can now walk your dog only separately from other groups, outside areas and gathering places for dog lovers.


Like any other disease, it is easier to prevent lichen than to fight it later. It is enough to follow the steps that are feasible for absolutely any person:

  • regularly clean the apartment using disinfectants;
  • wash shoes more often;
  • regularly bathe the dog if necessary, wash his paws after returning from the street;
  • protecting your pet from any other animals, especially strangers or strays;
  • increased attention to personal hygiene - this applies to all inhabitants of the house.

The best way to protect your four-legged friend from harm is to vaccinate him. However, it should be remembered that this measure is by no means so harmless and can lead to health problems. After vaccination, it is necessary to take immunomodulators, hepatoprotectors and vitamins.

Video - Ringworm in a dog


You shouldn't be afraid of lichen. This, albeit very serious, is not fatal disease, where the cure directly depends on the degree of patience of the owner and his attentiveness to the daily routine and hygiene requirements. At the slightest suspicious signs for lichen, the dog needs to be taken to a veterinary clinic for necessary tests and inspection. It is absolutely painless and will not cause your pet any inconvenience. It is important to remember that a seriously advanced disease can threaten not only the comfort and health, but also the life of the dog.

One of the most common pathologies in dogs is ringworm. To a greater extent, this disease occurs in stray animals. But sometimes pets also become infected from them. Treatment of lichen at home should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

The development of ringworm is triggered by a fungal infection.

Infection usually occurs through contact with a sick animal through its fur. Favorable conditions for ringworm growth include very sunny or cold days.

A dog can become infected with lichen through contact with a sick animal.

Ringworm can be rapidly transmitted to humans. Children become infected most quickly.


At a young age, dogs are more susceptible to infection.

Veterinarians identify the following factors that predispose to infection with ringworm:

  1. Lactation period.
  2. Presence of a cancerous tumor.
  3. Young age.
  4. Bearing puppies.
  5. Elderly age.
  6. Unbalanced diet.
  7. Past viral infections.

In addition, symptoms may occur against a background of weakened immunity.

Symptoms and signs of lichen in dogs

Ringworm affects the skin:

  • muzzles;
  • ears;
  • tail;
  • heads.

Ringworm on a dog's face.

Sometimes the claws and nose are affected.

The main symptom of this lichen is a rash. They have oval shape and are small in size - up to 2 cm. The spots quickly spread throughout the animal’s body.

On the affected areas scales appear. Over time, they begin to itch very much. The dog itches and the hair falls out quickly. Due to the appearance of bald patches, this type of lichen is called ringworm.

Establishing a diagnosis

Ringworm can be diagnosed using a blood test.

Lichen is diagnosed in the following ways:

  1. Microscopy of affected hairs.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. LD diagnostics.
  4. Culture of infected skin samples.

LD diagnostics also called Wood's Lamps. The presence of infection is indicated by greenish illumination of the affected areas. But this method cannot be called the most reliable.

Most accurate diagnostic method is the culture of infected skin samples. It takes about 14 days.

Helping the dog

Today, lichen can be cured quite quickly. The results of therapy are already appearing in about 3–5 days . The dog is prescribed medication, as well as diet therapy. The pet's diet should be enriched with vitamins and nutritional supplements. This helps strengthen the immune system.

To treat lichen, vitamins are prescribed.

Treating lichen in dogs at home

First of all, the patient The dog must be isolated from children and other pets. The owner caring for the animal must strictly adhere to the rules of personal hygiene. The room in which the pet is located must be thoroughly ventilated. Wet cleaning should be done regularly. The use of disinfectants is mandatory. It is necessary to treat all objects touched by the animal.

The room in which the dog lives should be ventilated frequently.

It is important not to allow your pet to scratch or lick the affected areas.

This can be done using special collars.

Using Local Remedies

Therapy is carried out through antifungal drugs. Most of them contain iodine, which is harmful to fungi.

  • Dermatol.
  • Zoomicole.
  • Griseofulfin.
  • Juglona.

Griseofulfin is an antifungal drug.


  1. Before using any of these ointments you should Carefully trim the fur from the affected areas . Veterinarians recommend capturing healthy hairs as well. The cut fur should be burned immediately.
  2. Formed you need to try to separate the crusts from skin . After this, you can begin treating the affected surface.
  3. First a small amount of iodine is applied and only then the ointment. Quick absorption can be ensured by wrapping the treated skin with a bandage or a piece of clean gauze.

Before using ointments, you need to trim the hair from the affected area.

Use of other means

  • Iodine recommended use 1 time/48 hours. During therapy may appear side effects. The most common occurrence is necrosis of the skin layers. Another side effect is contact.
  • In order to avoid the appearance unpleasant effects, you need to pay attention to other medications. According to veterinarians, ointment is a fairly effective external remedy “ Yam" It is recommended to use it 3 times/24 hours.
  • This ointment can be combined with Clotrimazole . This cream should be applied three times a day.
  • For large affected areas, it is recommended to use Ketoconazole . This product is used 3 times/24 hours. This is very strong medicine, causing virtually no side effects.

Iodine can be used once every two days.

Using special shampoos

The use of shampoos is acceptable when there are no bald patches and the hair is coming out in clumps.

In this case, almost the entire surface of the skin is affected. In this case, treating the animal with ointment becomes difficult. Given the high toxicity of the product, sometimes it is completely contraindicated.

The shampoo is used up to 5 times. The optimal interval is 24–48 hours. When bathing a sick dog, you need to thoroughly rinse off the foam. Otherwise, there is a risk of the product getting into the pet’s stomach.

Shampoo cannot be used more than 5 times.

If the dog has a luxurious, thick coat, then it is recommended to shave it completely.

If there are few bald spots, then using shampoo can harm the animal. Water procedures contribute to the spread of spores to the remaining uninfected areas of the skin.

If treatment is carried out in the cold season, then when going for a walk, you need to put the dog in overalls. Freezing negatively affects your pet's immunity.

Using special solutions

Salicylic acid is used to treat skin.

In addition to shampoos and ointments, solutions are used salicylic acid, clotrimazole. They are used for local treatment of the skin. They should be used only as prescribed by a veterinarian and only in the recommended dosage.

Drug therapy

But a sick animal can also be given the following appointment:

  • vitamin-containing complexes;
  • hepatoprotectors;
  • immunomodulators;
  • antihistamines;
  • probiotics.

The drug Imunofan is a strong immunomodulator.

The dog is prescribed multivitamins, as well as special vitamins stimulating wool growth. Hepatoprotectors are prescribed for the purpose of . The most powerful immunomodulators are Imunofan, Maksidin .

For positive result the prescribed treatment should not be stopped.

Sometimes the veterinarian will prescribe medication using the simple choice method. Unfortunately, the fungus can mutate very quickly . The medicine for lichen must be chosen after passing a sensitivity test. Otherwise, there is a risk that the disease will become chronic.

It is necessary to destroy not only infected wool, but also crumbling spores. This can be done using a UV lamp or steam. Using an iron with a steam generator helps a lot.

Once you notice progress, you should not stop therapy. The course must be completed in full. The dog is considered recovered only after 2 tests taken with an interval of 7 days are negative.

Video about ringworm in a dog

Ringworm is a contagious skin disease in dogs. Recognizing the disease at home is not so easy, since the signs of ringworm look similar to many others. skin diseases: rounded bald patches and redness appear on different parts animal body. The causative agent is fungi of the genus Microsporum and Trichophyton, which are also dangerous to humans. The disease is also called microsporia or trichophytosis.

How does infection occur?

Infection occurs through direct contact with a sick animal when healthy dog hair or skin particles affected by fungus enter.

There is also an indirect route of transmission - through care items, personal belongings, etc. Fungal spores in external environment at favorable conditions can last up to a year. Therefore, a dog can become re-infected with lichen through items such as bedding, clothing (important for small breeds), if disinfection has not been carried out.

The different individual resistance of the dog’s body to the pathogen is also important.

The incubation period can range from 10 to 40 days.

Course of the disease

  • The fungus affects only the upper layers of the skin. The hairs break and bare patches of skin or areas with sparse hair are formed.
  • Metabolic products or fungal particles can penetrate wounds on the skin, resulting in an inflammatory reaction there.
  • Defeat hair follicles fungal hyphae promotes the penetration of bacteria and the development of folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle).
  • Infection usually occurs in a circle, resulting in round skin lesions.

Factors contributing to lichen infection

It is believed that the most susceptible to infection with ringworm are:

  • young or vice versa old animals,
  • dogs receiving poor quality or insufficient nutrition,
  • In the warm season, infection occurs more often,
  • animals with immunodeficiency (after or during illness, in postoperative period etc.).

Symptoms of lichen in dogs

At typical form The following symptoms of ringworm in dogs include:

  • lumpy, clearly defined, raised, highly inflamed skin lesions with a diameter of 2-4 cm,
  • patchy hair loss primarily appears on the head, near the ears, on the bottom of the paws or near the tail,
  • peeling of the skin,
  • the areas where the baldness occurred may appear slightly red, although the skin nearby (under the fur) will have its usual pale color,
  • In some places there is severe itching.

What does ringworm look like in a dog?


If you find any bald spots or skin lesions on your dog, do not treat them with any ointments or ointments before going to the clinic. medicines. This can completely prevent your pet from getting a diagnosis.

First of all, if a dog is suspected of having ringworm, the following is carried out:

  • fluorescent diagnostics (Wood's lamp). Light special ultraviolet lamp causes fluorescence of fungal metabolic products. However, only with lesions of 3 varieties of the pathogen, the affected fur glows (fluoresces) in a greenish-yellow color. That is, the absence of a glow does not guarantee that the dog is not infected.

Some ointments and medications give false positive results.

Wood's lamp is often used to monitor the treatment of dogs with lichen.

  • To detect fungus, a scraping is taken from the dog and, after staining, it is examined under a microscope.
  • They also do a culture from the affected area of ​​the skin and from the fur next to it. This method is the most informative, but it requires some time (several days) until colonies of the fungus appear on the nutrient medium, which can be examined under a microscope.
  • In some cases a biopsy may be performed, however negative result does not rule out lichen.


The person who will conduct therapeutic measures must always wear rubber gloves and clothing that you don’t mind throwing away or treating with disinfectants.

It will take a long time to treat ringworm. Usually, systemic treatment combined with the use of local treatments, because Local treatment reduces the infectiousness of the disease.

Local treatment

Soap Alezan

The affected areas of the skin are treated 1-2 times a day with soap containing povidone-iodine. This could be Alezan liquid soap. Before use, the drug must be diluted, for example, add 10-15 ml of soap to 1 liter of water. Blot the skin with the prepared solution using a cotton swab, gradually removing all the crusts. A 200 ml bottle costs about 400 rubles.

Ointment "YAM BK"

It is used to treat ringworm in dogs. initial stages. Apply a thin layer of ointment to bald areas and to the surrounding fur 1-2 times a day. Treatment is continued until new hair begins to grow. In this case, a repeat test is carried out and if the result is negative, stop using the ointment. A 50g jar costs on average 100 rubles.

Shampoo "Nizoral"

The shampoo is pre-diluted 10 times. The dog is washed once every 3 days. After lathering, leave the shampoo for 5 minutes and only then rinse thoroughly warm water. A bottle costs about 600 rubles.

Spray or drops "Fungin"

They can be used to treat ringworm in puppies over 4 weeks of age and adult animals. The drug is used to treat the affected areas, including the borderline healthy ones. Treatment is carried out once a day until recovery.

For clearly limited individual injuries, it is sufficient to carry out local treatment. You can check whether your pet has been cured of lichen using a Wood's lamp and/or culture, since we're talking about about zoonosis (diseases transmitted from animals to humans).

Systemic treatment

For significant areas of ringworm infection, medications such as:


at a dose of 20-50 mg/kg body weight 2 times a day. The duration of treatment is 2-3 months, for claw infections - about 6 months, depending on the results of the control culture. Rich in fats food promotes better absorption of the medicine. Griseofulvin should not be used by pregnant females. The cost of the drug is about 250 rubles.

An alternative is ketoconazole

It is prescribed in a dosage of 5-10 mg/kg every 12 hours or 10-20 mg/kg once a day with food. The price of the drug is from 120 rubles.


in veterinary medicine it is used at a dose of 10 mg/kg once a day. Itraconazole is believed to be better tolerated in dogs than ketoconazole and side effects with its use they occur less frequently. The cost is about 360 rubles.

Fluconazole (Diflucan, Flucostat)

at a dosage of 10 mg per 1 kg of weight. Fluconazole can be given to dogs with liver disease. The price of the drug is from 20 to 180 rubles.

The duration of treatment largely depends on the severity of the disease. Doctors often use the “pulse therapy” method, when one of the remedies for ringworm is given to the dog for 2 weeks, then a 1-week break and again 1 week with the drug. Then there is a break, during which microscopic studies and skin scrapings. Positive dynamics are considered if two studies conducted with an interval of 1 month give a negative result for microsporia.

Vaccines against lichen

Vaccines are used for the prevention and treatment of ringworm in dogs. As a rule, the following vaccinations are carried out:


The vaccine is administered intramuscularly into the hind limbs (first in one, second time in the other) twice with an interval of two weeks. The dose is determined by the weight of the dog - less than 5 kg, 0.5 ml is administered, if the weight is more, then 1 ml. As adverse reaction A small painful bump may appear at the injection site, which will go away on its own in 3-5 days. After the second injection healing effect occurs within a month and new hair begins to grow on the affected areas. Immunity after vaccination lasts up to a year. 1 dose of the vaccine costs about 100 rubles, it is stored in the refrigerator.


Vaccination is carried out according to the same scheme. The dosage is slightly different: puppies up to six months are given 0.5 ml of the drug, all dogs older than 6 months are given 1-2 ml depending on weight. A package containing 4 ampoules costs 360 rubles.

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies for the treatment of ringworm can have an effect only in the initial stages of the disease or in combination with medications prescribed by a doctor.

  • Apply apple cider vinegar to affected areas of the skin 4-6 times a day.
  • Ordinary alcohol solution iodine is applied to the skin 1-2 times a day. It is important to monitor the condition of the skin to prevent burns.
  • Freshly squeezed cranberry juice is used. Moisten the bald patches and surrounding areas with a cotton swab 5-6 times a day.
  • Garlic is cut into two halves and the pulp is applied to the skin. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.


  • Sanitation environment: Fungal spores remain infectious for more than 1 year. Therefore, after an illness, dog bedding is either disposed of or treated regularly. disinfectant containing formaldehyde. As an alternative chemicals can be treated with hot steam.
  • Care items (combs, brushes) and equipment must also be disinfected or replaced with new ones.
  • Check your dog's skin regularly. If you suspect any ringworm, it is best to consult a doctor immediately. On early stages the disease can be cured much easier than in advanced forms.
  • Before traveling (for example, to summer time at the dacha) it makes sense to vaccinate your pet against lichen in for preventive purposes. Please note that the vaccination is done twice, so plan everything in advance.


Many dog ​​breeders believe that lichen is the lot of homeless animals or animals that are not properly cared for. However, this opinion is erroneous, and domestic dogs are just as susceptible to this unpleasant disease as street dogs. The carriers of the pathogenic fungus are rats and mice. From them, spores fall on stray cats and dogs, and they then pass them on to their pets. Any contact with a carrier of the disease can lead to infection. Dog owners need to remember that lichen can also be transmitted to humans, and young children are especially susceptible to it. Therefore, it is so important to be able to recognize this disease in the early stages.

Rash and redness of the skin in one or more places. At this stage, lichen is more reminiscent of dermatitis or allergies. A dog breeder who discovers such a rash on his pet’s body should be vigilant and carefully monitor the condition of the dog’s skin and its behavior.

The appearance of pinkish or red spots on previously affected areas. Gradually, the skin there begins to roughen and become covered with a hard crust. These crusts on the skin can come off along with the fur.

Itching. The dog becomes anxious, nervous, sleeps poorly, and constantly scratches sore spots. Initially, owners may think that the animal has allergic reaction for food. You can alleviate the animal's condition antihistamines. If there is frequent itching, it is necessary to exclude dermatitis, which is a consequence of flea and tick bites.

Hair loss in affected areas. Bald spots with clearly defined boundaries appear, and pus may ooze from under the resulting crusts. This sign suggests that the dog’s damaged skin is not only contaminated pathogenic fungi, but also staphylococci. This can aggravate and prolong the treatment process.

Ringworm usually starts on the paws, face and ears, and then spreads throughout the body. Therefore, owners of four-legged animals should examine these parts of the body most carefully. Dogs at particular risk include: weak immunity, puppies or older dogs, as well as those suffering oncological diseases.

If you notice any signs in your dog, you should contact veterinary clinic, where the dog will be examined for this disease with a special lamp. Will you be discharged only after confirming the diagnosis? correct treatment and talk about proper care for a sick pet. A dog breeder should not forget about hygiene rules and his own safety, as well as the safety of family members. A sick animal should be isolated and all premises thoroughly disinfected.


Ringworm in dogs can be prevented; to do this, the animal must be vaccinated annually.

Helpful advice

There is no need to be afraid of this disease in animals. Modern veterinary medicine has developed many medicines who quickly cope with this disease.

Often, dog owners notice that their pet's fur begins to fall out in patches. Areas of hair loss turn red, fester and itch very much. Perhaps your pet has contracted a contagious disease called, or, scientifically, trichophytosis or microsporia. Trichophytosis and microsporia differ from each other in some symptoms and fungi that cause these diseases. These diseases are similar to skin allergies, so it is important to recognize them by the first signs.

Symptoms of lichen

Knowing shingles is important because this disease is dangerous not only for animals that live with an infected dog, but also for people.

Ringworm is an infectious inflammatory disease. It manifests itself in pigmentation of the skin and severe itching. The incubation period, when not yet noticeable, can last from 5 to 20 days.
The causative agent of this contagious disease is microscopic fungi, the spores of which land on the dry skin of the dog and grow into it. Inside the dermis, spores multiply quickly, and the animal’s body responds to this process with inflammation.

Microsporia is caused by a fungus of the species Microstropium canis, and it is characterized by the following symptoms:
- dry dog ​​fur that begins to fall off;
- appearance of hairless skin areas;
- white coating at the base of the hair;
- red, inflamed skin on bare areas, which;
- itching of the affected areas.

Trichophytosis has slightly different symptoms, but it is also a type of lichen. It is caused by the fungus Trichophyton mentagroghytes. Its symptoms:
- fur falls out in places;
- hairless areas of the skin turn red over time;
- the affected areas become covered with brown scaly skin;
- these areas increase in size and often merge into one;
- The dog is constantly itching.

The boundaries of lichen are clearly defined. Only that part of the skin where there is no hair is always affected. Ringworm most often affects the dog's head and neck, then it spreads to the base of the tail and limbs. Sometimes running forms ringworm can be found on the stomach and nose.
Small and old animals are more susceptible to deprivation; animals with weakened immune systems. If your dog spends a lot of time outside alone, then he is also at risk.

How to treat lichen

For successful treatment When depriving, first of all, limit the dog’s contact with people and other animals. The veterinarian, having examined the dog, will immediately prescribe necessary treatment. Most often, treatment for lichen takes place in several stages.

First of all, the doctor prescribes an antifungal vaccine, then antimicrobials(ointments and sprays). It is important to treat wounds with an antiseptic every day. After the ointments, the doctor may prescribe additional immunomodulators to restore the dog’s immunity.

Wet cleaning of the apartment should be done daily to prevent fungal spores from infecting the dog again. Disinfect your dog's bed, bowl, toys; Wash your carpet and all the places where your dog likes to lie. Wash your hands every time you handle an infected dog.

Prevention of lichen

To prevent lichen, there is a special vaccination that needs to be done periodically. But many owners do not want to vaccinate their dog against this disease. They hope that the infection will bypass their pet. Of course, now lichen is quickly and easily treated, but it is more pleasant to prevent the disease than to treat it.
An infected dog may not develop lichen, but in this case the dog becomes its carrier. The dog, as a carrier of the disease, will infect all weakened animals. She herself may get sick if her body also weakens.


  • Ringworm in dogs

Ringworm is a contagious disease that occurs when Microsporum fungi come into contact with the skin. The infection adapts well to a new environment, so lichen is very common.

Routes of infection

Ringworm appears as a result of contact with a carrier of the fungus. After playing with a sick pet, the dog becomes a carrier of the infection. Clinical picture may not appear immediately, the fungus during this period presents secret threat. Ringworm is dangerous to humans and other animals.

Symptoms of lichen

The incubation period of infection can last from several days to several months. The dog first develops a rash, then a dry, red crust appears on the skin, and pus may ooze from it. A receding hairline most often has clear boundaries. It's hard not to notice her. The dog's behavior also changes. She begins to scratch the affected areas and behave restlessly. Ringworm most often appears behind the ears, on the head, at the base of the tail, and on the bottom of the paws.

When the fungus gets on the skin, it penetrates deep into the epidermis. If the environment is favorable for development, then the lichen grows and the first ones appear. Hair begins to fall out due to damage hair follicles due to lack of power. It begins throughout the body inflammatory process, the immune system weakens, the dog becomes lethargic.

Dog treatment

Annual vaccination will help protect your dog from this terrible scourge. the following drugs: “Polivak-TM”, “Mentavak” and “Vakderm”. During a walk, you need to monitor your pet so that it does not play or fight with stray dogs that can be carriers of the disease. Fungal spores can even be found in street and house dust, so the dog is always at risk of infection. The infection lurks for a long time in furniture upholstery and carpets, where dust accumulates. The person himself can also suffer if he becomes infected from his pet. At the first signs of deprivation, the dog should be protected from communication with other family members, given a corner and not allowed to walk around the apartment and spread the infection. You should take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible.

There is no need to euthanize a sick dog. There are ointments, vaccines to return your pet to old life. During the treatment period, you need to plan the diet accordingly so that the dog gets everything essential vitamins and microelements that will help restore a weakened body and fight infection. The house should always be wet cleaned and disinfected. Thoroughly wash your dog's bowls, toys and resting areas. You should take special care of cleanliness when treating your dog so that fungal spores do not re-enter. Remember to wash your hands after contact with a sick animal.

Ringworm in dogs is one of the types of skin diseases, the causes of which are very diverse. The peculiarity of weeping lichen is the complexity of its diagnosis and treatment. Every owner should know what tinea versicolor looks like in dogs, because primary diagnosis carried out according to the main symptoms.

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Dry patches of affected skin become infected, resulting in a weeping wound or eczema. In this case, the dog can infect the owner, but not with weeping, but with ringworm.

Weeping eczema does not pose a danger to humans, even with direct contact.

However, until the root cause of the disease has been identified, when treating affected areas of the skin it is necessary to use gloves and follow all septic rules.

Prevention of weeping lichen in dogs

Ringworm or eczema is a very unpleasant disease, due to the fact that the risk of relapse is almost one hundred percent. The place where a wet spot has appeared at least once will become inflamed and itchy with every shedding, flea infestation or other, even minor, damage to the skin.

Prevention of weeping lichen means high-quality, comprehensive dog care:

  • Balanced feeding.
  • Timely vaccination.
  • Timely combing does not remove the undercoat; this is one of the most common causes of weeping lichen.
  • no more than 3-4 times a year for large dogs and no more than 4–6 times a year for small dogs.
  • No contact with stray animals.

The first reason for the development of weeping lichen is skin trauma. Practice shows that in 9 out of 10 cases, the dog injures itself. Simply put, a pet injures the skin with its claws when it itches.

Symptoms and diagnosis - what tinea versicolor looks like in dogs

Many years of practice by veterinarians and dozens of scientific experiments have not been able to identify the exact causes of the appearance of the so-called wet lichen. It is known that the disease develops according to certain cycle, which always begins with itching and leads to scratching. Usually, no more than 2 hours pass from the onset of the disease to the appearance of the first wounds on the skin.

Research has identified risk groups predisposed to the development of lichen lichen:

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The first symptoms of infection are limited to itching. The owner manages to understand that the dog has tinea versicolor only by visual signs. What does wet eczema look like?

The wounds can occur on different parts of the body, but they always appear moist, swollen and red. The diameter of the affected skin areas can reach 10 cm. Without treatment, the wounds begin to bleed.

Diagnosis of weeping lichen is difficult because too many factors can influence its development. Typically, diagnosis is divided into several stages, including external examination, observation and laboratory research.

A dog that suffers from shingles will have the following symptoms:

  • Depression, apathy, sleep disturbance in case of severe itching at the first stage of development.
  • Minor weight loss.
  • Sometimes observed elevated temperature bodies.
  • With reduced immune defense the body exhibits pallor of the mucous membranes.

The first wet spots usually appear on the face, chin, behind the ears or at the base of the tail. The spots quickly increase in diameter and begin to bleed. Without treatment, the affected areas of the skin become infected, which leads to a purulent course of the disease.