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A procedure for reducing the body's sensitivity to irritants - autohemotherapy: indications and contraindications for allergic diseases. Autohemotherapy - what is it? Reviews and effect

But not someone else's, but your own. This method was tested back in the early 1900s for the treatment of skin diseases.

A few years later, this method began to be used to boost immunity in patients with long-term colds - occupational diseases people whose work involves constant exposure to the cold.

Furuncle - purulent inflammation of the hair follicle

And a common occurrence Such colds occur in people in prison. Excessive rashes bodies with boils (furunculosis), which could not be treated with conventional methods, were often cured with autohemotherapy.

This method was quite well known and was popular among surgeons and dermatologists. But due to the development of nanotechnology in medical practice, this one began to be forgotten.

Currently, it has regained its popularity, but more in the cosmetology industry. To treat the increasingly common problem among young people with acne on the face, they began to be prescribed this method. Why are some doctors now returning to such an old method?

There is no short answer to this question. But experienced doctors This is explained by the fact that when introducing one’s own blood, taken from a vein and containing decay products, waste substances and their toxins, which must be eliminated by the kidneys or processed by the liver, the body receives a shake-up.

This is similar to the reaction to the introduction of bacteria or their toxins during vaccination, when the body reacts to the enemy invasion and produces antibodies to fight it.

Sometimes autohemotherapy is carried out with the addition of drugs or ozone

The blood of a frequently ill or weakened body does not quite cope with toxins in case of furunculosis or other similar conditions.

It contains their increased concentration. And when this blood is introduced, it creates stressful state, and the body begins to urgently rebuild.

This method is good because it does not require additional medicinal substances, the blood itself is . But sometimes doctors still use autohemotherapy with the addition of other substances.

To begin with, these were the same antibiotics. Then the use of homeopathic remedies was tested. And recently they began to use ozonation of blood before its injection into the muscle.

All these techniques give their results, but still most of doctors believes similar treatment by placebo method. This opinion exists because no special scientific research on this occasion.

Indications for the use of autohemotherapy

Furunculosis is multiple inflammations of the hair follicle

As mentioned above, the main reasons for using this method are diseases of both an independent nature and those accompanying other, more serious conditions.

Most frequent indication is furunculosis. This condition brings great suffering in that the emerging pustular formations, popularly called chiria, become more and more frequent on the body and all large sizes. They are formed in hair follicles and when ripe they are very painful.

Sepsis is colloquially known as blood poisoning.

Due to the extensive area of ​​the inflammatory process, the body cannot cope with the growing amount of purulent pathogenic flora in the blood, and general malaise and feverish conditions begin.

This course of inflammation can cause sepsis - general infection blood when it is necessary to transfuse components of someone else's blood and large quantity antibiotics. Sepsis, even now, is not always curable, which is carried out in intensive care and even intensive care.

Autohemotherapy is widely used in cosmetology

In addition to furunculosis, autohemotherapy is used in long-term non-healing skin ulcers, purulent wounds, acne. In addition, this method is indicated for weakened immunity, chronic inflammatory processes, and non-healing trophic ulcers.

But at the moment, autohemotherapy is most often used not by doctors, but by cosmetologists, which can bring harm rather than benefit, because is not carried out under the supervision of a medical specialist.

Autohemotherapy must be carried out observing sterility conditions and the blood amount administration scheme.

There are several proven schemes, violation of which in best case scenario will not give the expected result, and at worst will cause a violation of the condition immune reaction body - fever, and in case of violation of sterility and infection of the injected blood - sepsis, which quite naturally can end fatal patient.

Contraindications for autohemotherapy

Contraindications for this method are:

  • oncological diseases
  • pregnancy
  • severe conditions due to chronic
  • cardiac dysfunction
  • acute inflammatory processes
  • mental disorders and epilepsy.

Schemes for the use of autohemotherapy

The most common scheme when using the autohemotherapy method is:

  1. 2.0 (2 cc) blood from a vein is immediately injected into the gluteal muscle
  2. After a day or two (the doctor decides this), 4.0 blood is taken. And so they bring it to 10.0.
  3. 10.0 is also administered on the 6th or 12th day
  4. Then the dose begins to be reduced at the same pace, i.e. – 8.0; 6.0; 4.0; 2.0.

This scheme can be repeated no earlier than after 3 months.

It is possible to use another scheme, when the amount of blood is increased by 1.0 daily. It is brought to 10.0 - two days, and then reverse process to reduce the volume of administered blood.

When using autohemotherapy with homeopathic substances, the patient's blood is injected subcutaneously four times, in stages.

The mechanism of action when using autohemotherapy is to stimulate the immune system

The introduction of blood with ozone is called minor or major autohemotherapy. When carrying out the first type of therapy, 5 cubes of ozone mixed with oxygen are taken into a sterile syringe, then 10.0 blood is added to it, carefully mixed in a special way and then injected into the gluteal muscle.

Great ozone therapy:

  1. 100.0-150.0 blood is taken from the patient into a special container, an anticoagulant (heparin or other substance that prevents the blood from clotting) is injected into it.
  2. Then 100 to 300 cubes of ozone-oxygen mixture are introduced
  3. Stir gently for 5 or 10 minutes (depending on the quantity) and administer intravenously, almost as a stream.

When using autohemotherapy, it is necessary to remember the occurrence of possible complications

Intramuscular blood injection may be accompanied by complications:

  • Seal at the injection sites. Here it is recommended to make compresses or apply an iodine mesh to the areas of compaction, local warm (not hot) heating.
  • It may be accompanied by a deterioration or feverish condition of the whole body, or an intensification of the underlying disease. In this case, the doctor decides to either suspend therapy or switch to reducing the dose of administered blood.

Therefore, this process should always be carried out only under the supervision and prescription of a doctor.

From this video you will learn about the process of autohemotherapy:

Autohemotherapy is based on treating the patient with his own venous blood. The procedure causes biological stimulation of the organs and systems of the body, helping to improve their functioning. Studying the benefits, harms and methods of performing autohemotherapy allows us to evaluate the effectiveness this method in the treatment of various diseases.

What​ ​is​ ​autohemotherapy

This procedure is carried out by taking blood from the patient’s vein and injecting it back subcutaneously, intradermally or intramuscularly. IN in rare cases the intravenous route is used. In this case, the effect of autohemotherapy is due to the body’s protective reaction aimed at combating the incoming biomaterial.

Blood, which has undergone some changes after collection (decomposition of elements, oxidation, etc.), with the presence of many substances in it (microorganisms, metabolic products, etc.) becomes a biological stimulant for the functioning of organs and systems. There are no negative consequences from the procedure due to the coincidence of the introduced biomaterial.

Sometimes, for autohemotherapy, the blood of not the patient himself, but his closest relatives (father, mother) is used.

Without a sufficient evidence base, this method is considered empirical. It is based on the ability of water, which is the main component of blood, to remember information about processes occurring in the body, including pathological ones. After repeated introduction of the biomaterial, defense mechanisms find negative phenomena and begin to fight them, which explains the immunomodulatory effect of autohemotherapy.

The procedure has the most pronounced effect on the condition of the skin, therefore it is mainly used in cosmetology. To enhance therapeutic action Before re-administration, the collected blood may be mixed with medicinal and homeopathic remedies, undergo additional changes (freezing, ozonation, etc.).

Useful​ ​properties

Based on the mechanisms of action of autohemotherapy on the human body, the following are noted: beneficial features procedures:

  • Improvement metabolic processes, functioning endocrine system, stabilization of hormonal imbalance.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect helps eliminate purulent processes in soft tissues, chronic inflammatory phenomena in the body (furunculosis, pneumonia). In this case, it is possible to use autohemotherapy with an antibiotic.
  • Elimination of skin defects (acne, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc.), alleviating their symptoms (itching, hyperemia, swelling). These properties of the procedure are widely used in dermatology and cosmetology. The effectiveness of autohemotherapy for acne is 80%.
  • The rejuvenating effect of the procedure is used in cosmetology for premature aging of the skin in women over 30 years old.
  • Strengthening effect on musculoskeletal, joint tissue, heart and blood vessels. In this case, autohemotherapy with calcium gluconate can be used.
  • Rehabilitation after serious illnesses, surgical interventions.
  • Autohemotherapy in gynecology stabilizes menstrual cycle, helps eliminate adhesions and cure chronic inflammatory phenomena in the pelvis.
  • Ridding the body of toxins and waste.
  • Strengthening the body's immune forces. The effect is enhanced by combining autohemotherapy with vitamins.
  • Improving blood circulation and lymph flow.
  • Enhanced tissue regeneration contributes to their accelerated healing(ulcers with varicose veins, diabetes, injuries, wounds, fractures).
  • Reducing cholesterol in the blood, enriching it with oxygen, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. These properties are used in geriatrics to combat age-related changes and senile diseases.
  • Autohemotherapy for allergies helps effective elimination allergens in the patient's blood.
  • Increased body tone, physical and mental performance.
  • Stabilization of emotional and psycho-vegetative state.


Based on the beneficial properties of autohemotherapy and the safety of the procedure, there are the following readings for its purpose:

  • skin diseases (neurodermatitis, psoriasis, acne, furunculosis, etc.);
  • gynecological pathologies;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • immunodeficiency conditions and diseases (frequent respiratory diseases, bronchitis, chronic pneumonia);
  • recurrent ENT pathologies (otitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, etc.);
  • allergic diseases, including bronchial asthma, hay fever;
  • cytomegalovirus and herpetic infection, their frequent relapses;
  • urogenital diseases in men and women;
  • papillomas and condylomas, their spread and relapses;
  • negative manifestations of menopause;
  • infertility;
  • adhesive process;
  • pathologies of the skeletal system and joints;
  • treatment and prevention in cosmetology premature aging skin;
  • diseases of old age (dementia, dementia);
  • depression, sleep disorders;
  • long-term non-healing skin lesions(wounds, ulcers);
  • chronic pain syndrome.

Features​ ​of

The principle of autohemotherapy is based on taking a portion of the patient’s venous blood and reintroducing it. There are some features of the procedure:

  • According to the instructions, repeated administration of blood is performed subcutaneously, intradermally or intramuscularly. The third option is considered preferable because it reduces the risk of hematomas, infiltrates, and local inflammation in the injection area. Subcutaneous injection of more than 1 milliliter of biomaterial contributes to the occurrence of these complications. The intravenous route is rarely used, usually when using IVs.
  • Intramuscular injection is carried out in the uppermost quadrant of the buttock. If blood is taken from the left arm, then the injection is carried out in the right buttock and vice versa.
  • To prevent the occurrence of infiltrates, it is recommended to apply iodine grid, use alcohol compresses. A heating pad may be used.
  • To prevent blood clotting, it is necessary to mix the biomaterial with sodium citrate, hydrogen peroxide, and salt.
  • A large portion of blood should not be administered; the volume is increased gradually, reaching a level of no more than 10 milliliters. Otherwise, inflammation occurs in the injection area, accompanied by fever, chills, and muscle pain. When these symptoms appear, treatment is stopped completely or for a while according to the doctor’s decision, and the dose of repeated blood administration is reduced.
  • When mixing blood with other drugs and substances, do not shake the syringe or container excessively. Movements are made carefully and easily to avoid the formation of bubbles in the resulting solution, which can lead to unwanted and dangerous consequences(embolism).
  • An important aspect of the procedure is maintaining sterility. Intravenous, intramuscular intervention require increased measures disinfection. This is especially true for carrying out the procedure yourself at home.

Scheme​ ​of

How to do autohemotherapy correctly: method, number of injections, volume of blood administered, duration of treatment - is determined by the doctor. Prescriptions are based on an assessment of the patient's condition and indications for the procedure. Deciding on how often to do autohemotherapy is also within the competence of the doctor.

In medicine and cosmetology, several methods of autohemotherapy are used, while their principle of action is the same, the differences lie in the schemes of implementation.


The standard autohemotherapy scheme is based on a gradual increase in the volume of administered blood. The initial dosage is 1-2 milliliters. Each procedure, the volume is increased by 2 milliliters. When a portion of blood reaches 10 milliliters, a gradual, similar dose reduction is carried out to entry level. The total number of injections per course is 10-15, they are carried out every 1-2 days.


In this case, the patient’s blood must be diluted with homeopathic medicines in stages before being reinjected. There are 4 stages in total, at each of which the biomaterial is enriched with a certain homeopathy and single administration it intramuscularly. The prescription of the medicine and its concentration is carried out by the doctor, based on the problem being solved.

Autohemotherapy with ozone

The scheme of this method is based on ozonation (enrichment with active oxygen) of a portion of blood taken from the patient. This method widespread due to the increase in the therapeutic qualities of the procedure. Autohemotherapy with ozone helps to destroy pathogenic microorganisms in the taken portion of blood. There are 2 types of procedure:

  • Minor autohemotherapy. The procedure involves using a syringe to draw up a mixture of ozone and oxygen in a volume of 5 milliliters. Then the patient’s venous blood is taken (up to 10 milliliters) and combined with the mixture. Next, a standard intramuscular injection is performed.
  • Major autohemotherapy. In this case, blood is taken from a vein in a volume of 100-150 milliliters, after which it is placed in a special container along with a coagulant that prevents it from clotting. Next, add a mixture of oxygen and ozone in an amount of 100-300 milliliters. The solution is stirred for 5-10 minutes, then injected into the patient’s vein using a dropper. The duration of treatment is 8 procedures.

Biopuncture (hemopuncture)

The scheme involves the introduction of blood into reflexogenic and acupuncture points, which reduces the duration of treatment. Additionally, it is possible to combine the biomaterial with homeopathic remedies. Distinctive feature method is the collection and repeated administration of small portions of blood.

Autologous blood therapy

In this case, the collected blood is subjected to various kinds influences: freezing, laser, x-ray or ultraviolet radiation. In this case, the composition and characteristics of the biomaterial change, which increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

In addition to the treatment regimens described above, autohemotherapy can be combined with hirudotherapy, with the addition of antibiotics, vitamins, etc. to the biomaterial.

Methods of treatment

The choice of autohemotherapy regimen, additional measures and medications is made by the doctor, based on the pathology to be treated. The procedure is similar for most diseases, however, some nuances are still present.

For chronic fatigue syndrome

For gynecological pathologies, peptic ulcers, bronchial diseases

Autohemotherapy with aloe is recommended. For this, plant extract in ampoules is used. However, the procedure with aloe is not carried out for people prone to increased blood pressure, with impaired functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and kidneys.

For psoriasis

Autohemotherapy is carried out according to the classical scheme every other day. However, the blood taken from the patient is reintroduced not intramuscularly, but subcutaneously, into the area near the navel. The procedure alleviates the symptoms of the disease and reduces the appearance of skin defects.

For acne

In this case, it is preferable to use an autohemotherapy regimen with ozone. At the same time, high efficiency and rapid effect have been established, which manifests itself after the third procedure.

For allergies and bronchial asthma

It is preferable to carry out autohemotherapy in advance, before the allergen affects the body (before the flowering period when hay fever). When carrying out the procedure, you should know exactly what exactly causes a negative reaction. A small amount of the allergen is combined with the blood and injected into the patient.

For deforming arthrosis of the knee joints

During an exacerbation, autohemotherapy with novocaine in the form of a powder or injection solution is used. To carry out the procedure, 19 milliliters of novocaine (0.5%) and 1 milliliter of the patient’s blood are drawn into a 20-cc syringe. The resulting injection solution is administered according to the biopuncture scheme in biological active points. 8-16 procedures are carried out every other day or daily. The treatment improves blood microcirculation, reduces pain, and eliminates the feeling of stiffness.

For infertility

Autohemotherapy is widely used in alternative medicine. In this case, the hemopuncture method is used. Received from the patient deoxygenated blood, is injected in small portions into reflexogenic points of the body subcutaneously. This method is believed to address the neuroendocrine root causes of infertility. The duration of therapy is 9 procedures.

To improve immunity, fight sluggish, chronic infections

In this case, the autohemotherapy procedure with ozone is used.

For herpes, cytomegalovirus infection, papillomas

Minor autohemotherapy reduces relapses of such diseases.

To maintain the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, joint tissue

Autohemotherapy with calcium gluconate is used. However, the procedure should be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, strictly observing the dosage of the drug. Excess calcium can cause significant harm to health. Before autohemotherapy, it is recommended to conduct a blood test to determine the level of mineral content in the blood.


After a course of injections, patients determine the following results of autohemotherapy:

  • The appearance of the skin improves. Its defects are eliminated, it acquires a healthy and well-groomed appearance. In case of skin diseases, symptoms are alleviated and the severity of manifestations is reduced.
  • Increases resistance to respiratory diseases, their number is decreasing.
  • Improvement in the condition and dynamics of the course of the disease allows, in agreement with the doctor, to reduce the dose when taking tablets and other medications or to completely stop taking them. drug therapy. For example, this applies to allergy symptoms and manifestations of bronchial asthma.
  • The safety of the procedure allows autohemotherapy to be performed in children to increase immunity. It improves well-being, physical and mental activity not only in young patients, but also in older people.
  • The effectiveness of autohemotherapy in infertility and in the treatment of adhesive disease is noted.

The effectiveness of this therapy is controversial, top scores are noted when joint use antibiotics, vitamins and other medicines. The procedure does not replace generally accepted treatment with standard methods. For example, with renal and liver failure- hemodialysis, hemosorption. It is recommended to carry out autohemotherapy as an auxiliary method of treatment, without abandoning the methods of official medicine.

At​ ​at home

It is possible to independently carry out this procedure according to the classical scheme. However, carrying out autohemotherapy at home requires medical skills or the presence of a doctor.

It is necessary to have practical skills in performing intravenous, subcutaneous, intramuscular injections, blood sampling. These activities require sterility. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure on yourself, since it is quite difficult, even with medical education and skills. Carelessness can lead to post-injection abscesses, other complications and side effects.

Before using the method, you must consult your doctor, follow the doses indicated by him, take into account individual characteristics body and the presence of chronic diseases.

Apart from the classical one, other methods of autohemotherapy are not suitable for use at home.


Despite the safety of the procedure, there are a number of contraindications to autohemotherapy:

  • heart attack, stroke, severe disorders heart rate, other pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory diseases in acute stage with a significant increase in temperature;
  • autohemotherapy and alcohol are incompatible, so it is necessary to refrain from performing the procedure while intoxicated;
  • active tuberculosis;
  • oncological formations;
  • severe renal failure;
  • mental illness;
  • during menstruation, autohemotherapy should be abandoned due to additional blood loss;
  • autohemotherapy should not be performed in case of breastfeeding and during pregnancy.

Side effects

Autohemotherapy takes a few minutes, is well tolerated and, when carried out correctly, rarely causes negative consequences.

To the number side effects relate:

  • chills, fever;
  • pain when injecting blood;
  • compaction, swelling in the injection area;
  • post-injection pain - felt when walking, sitting, usually noted with an increase in the volume of injected blood (after the 5th procedure);
  • inflammatory reactions;
  • soreness in muscles and joints;
  • malaise, weakness after the procedure;
  • blood, with increased coagulability, may clot in the syringe before the manipulation is carried out.

If symptoms persist long time, if they increase, you should contact medical care. In this case, it is necessary to refuse autohemotherapy or reduce the volume of reintroduced blood.

Today, there is simply a huge number of invasive and non-invasive procedures that are designed to improve the condition of the body and combat a variety of diseases. To achieve high-quality results, people are exposed to electricity, different types radiation, vibrations, precise injections, administration of vitamin cocktails, etc. And even in this list, one method stands out somewhat for its unusualness - autohemotherapy, which involves therapy with one’s own blood.

Principle of autohemotherapy

This procedure has quite deep roots, but today it has gained a new wave of popularity. Thus, this method involves administering to the patient his own venous or specially treated blood subcutaneously or intramuscularly, depending on the goals.

The mechanism of action by which this technique works is the correction of immunity, that is, in the place where liquid tissue is injected, the re-injected blood more actively attacks the source of the problem (neutralizes inflammatory process, destroys pathogenic microorganisms or stimulates tissue regeneration processes), which leads to faster recovery. This method was first used by surgeon August Bier at the beginning of the 20th century as a way to create artificial hematomas for more quick treatment bone fractures.

Indications for the use of autohemotherapy

Since the procedure involves injecting the patient with his own tissue, it creates minimal risks, and therefore is quite actively used as a method of treating often recurrent and sluggish diseases. It is most widespread in the field of cosmetology and gynecology, so let’s consider the range of possibilities for using the method.

In gynecology

Indications for the implementation of the procedure within gynecological practice quite varied, but they are all accompanied secondary immunodeficiency. And given the fact that the main purpose of autohemotherapy is to stimulate the immune system, it is not at all surprising that this approach gives pronounced positive results. So, the reasons for implementing the event may be:

  • menopause period;
  • active progression of herpes in the genital form;
  • inflammation of the ovaries, which occurs in a chronic form;
  • adhesions in the pelvis and infertility caused by them;
  • condylomas, papillomas;
  • cytomegalovirus infection.

Considering the fact that the method produces a general effect on the body, the patient, in addition to eliminating unpleasant symptoms or the cure of an illness additionally results in a general improvement in well-being, activation of the body’s defenses and an increase in physical and psychological performance.

In cosmetology

The use of this method in cosmetology gives good results, even though patients do not often prefer it. Thanks to the reaction from immune system, the body itself begins to struggle with such cosmetic problems:

  • papillomas;
  • warts;
  • acne;
  • The method is also used for furunculosis of any localization;
  • with recurrent herpes on the lip, and even with psoriasis.

Autohemotherapy is most often prescribed for problems such as problematic skin, the elimination of acne is not possible with the help of conventional creams, lotions, tonics and other products. Increasingly, the technique is being offered as a remedy against wrinkles, since the introduction of blood allows not only to increase protective functions, but also stimulates tissue restoration processes, which is very important for aging skin.

The limited popularity of the technique is based on the fact that people are not used to seeing doctors with cosmetic defects; most often they try to cope with the problems on their own, which does not always work positive result.

Scheme of the procedure for medicinal purposes

Today, there are several schemes for implementing this procedure. The first type is the classical approach, in which a person is injected under the skin or into the muscles with his own fresh blood from a vein that has not been subject to any changes or influences. The procedure takes place under strictly sterile conditions to eliminate any risks of infection - this is an important aspect, and when choosing a room for the event, it is imperative to study the working conditions and qualifications of the specialists in advance.

In most cases, the process occurs as follows: a classic blood sample is drawn from a vein from a person, and then it is injected into the upper quadrant of the gluteal muscle. In order to prevent the formation of seals, a heating pad is applied to the injection site for some time. The classic scheme involves the introduction of 2 milliliters of tissue for the first time, and then every 2-3 days the amount of the injected substance is increased by 2 ml until reaching the 10 ml mark. Typically, the course consists of 15 injections, however, both its duration and volumes depend entirely on the specific situation of the patient.

Other methods of implementing the event can be identified:

  • step therapy. In this case, the blood is injected intramuscularly at a time, but it is pre-mixed with homeopathic medicines (for example, aloe extract);
  • ozonation therapy – blood is mixed with ozone to enhance the effect;
  • biopuncture. During one procedure, blood is injected in small doses into biologically active points;
  • therapy with altered blood (the nature of the effect on tissue can be very diverse - X-ray radiation, ultraviolet radiation, freezing, etc.).

How is autohemotherapy for acne performed?

As part of the fight against acne, the effect of this technique is achieved due to the fact that the blood stimulates the body’s defenses against “waste”, toxins, and purulent discharge. As a result, the inflammatory process subsides and the pimple quickly disappears. The effect occurs quite quickly - within a few days, it all depends on the complexity of the problem.

Small and large autohemotherapy with ozone

This type of approach is most conducive to stimulating the immune system to eliminate chronic and low-grade inflammatory processes. IN cosmetology practice It is used to correct wrinkles, treat acne and pimples, as well as to rejuvenate the face in general. There are two types of procedure:

  • small technique is a classic approach, but the blood, before being administered to the patient again, is pre-mixed with an ozone-oxygen mixture. From 3 to 10 milliliters of product can be administered at a time;
  • large technique - the procedure is more complex, tissue preparation is carried out in several stages, and as a result, it is possible to achieve not only an immunomodulatory, but also an antibacterial and strong anti-inflammatory effect. First, blood is taken from a patient’s vein (up to 150 ml), after which it is placed in a container with anticoagulants. Next in liquid tissue a gas mixture of ozone and oxygen is introduced and thoroughly mixed for a certain time (about a quarter of an hour). Only after this is the blood administered to the patient again, and is injected into a vein.

With antibiotic

Transfusion using antibiotics is a procedure that requires special indications. Thus, only a doctor can determine the need for such an event based on test results, when it is clearly established that the inflammatory process on the skin is stimulated by an infectious pathogen. If there is such a problem this type The procedure, of course, will be more effective and will allow you to quickly get rid of bothersome rashes.

Can the procedure be done at home?

At its core, autohemotherapy is a fairly simple procedure, and it can be implemented at home in technical terms (if we're talking about about the classical approach) will not be difficult. However, in addition to knowledge of how to properly draw blood and give injections, it is important to provide a number of conditions, namely:

  • observe conditions of complete sterility;
  • follow recommended dosages;
  • have minimal medical skills to carry out the manipulation itself.

Thus, if there are indications, it is quite possible to carry out measures at home, but if there is even the slightest doubt, then it is better to refuse this and contact a specialist, because violations can lead to life-threatening consequences.

Side effects from treatment with autohemotherapy

The complex structure of blood tissue means that the process of its resorption after injections occurs rather slowly, and therefore after injections some compaction usually remains, causing discomfort during palpation. The soreness may remain for several days and can be relieved with a compress. If the event is implemented correctly, there are no side effects no longer observed. If the rules of the procedure were violated during the process, then the risks are quite high - for example, in the absence of sterility, infection and even death are possible.

Contraindications to blood transfusion

Refuse blood transfusions for therapeutic purposes or for cosmetic purposes will have to be subject to the following conditions:

  • inflammatory process in the body in the acute period;
  • during menstruation, bearing a child and breastfeeding;
  • in the presence of cancer;
  • with severe complications of a chronic disease.

The autohemotherapy method allows you to influence the body’s immune system without the use of expensive medications. Blood transfusion helps get rid of many diseases: gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases, acute respiratory viral infections, purulent skin diseases, rashes, juvenile acne, neurological diseases and mental disorders.

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    The essence of the method

    Autohemotherapy is a method of treating various diseases, which is based on transfusion of the patient's own blood. The latter is administered to a person intravenously or intramuscularly. Often the gluteal, femoral and abdominal areas are used for blood transfusion.

    The method was first used in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century. Doctors have identified the beneficial properties of the healing procedure, which include:

    • Increases the activity of the immune system against bacteria, viruses and fungal infections.
    • Activation of the synthesis of new blood cells, which occurs when blood is taken from a patient. Bone marrow receives a deficiency signal shaped elements blood and begins to synthesize them again.

    Blood transfusions are now widely used in dermatology to treat rashes and skin blemishes.

    Indications for testing

    The procedure is absolutely harmless and painless. Autohemotherapy is prescribed for the treatment of the following diseases:

    • Recurrent viral respiratory diseases associated with the persistence in the body of cytomegalovirus, herpes, influenza, noravirus, adenovirus, enterovirus infections.
    • Sluggish bacterial infections which are caused by pneumococcus, meningococcus, staphylococcus, streptococcus.
    • Inflammation of the uterine appendages: ovary, fallopian tubes, suspension apparatus of the uterus.
    • Endometriosis, vulvovaginitis and adhesions in the pelvic organs.
    • Infertility.
    • Vulgar acne and pimples, purulent furunculosis and psoriasis.
    • Arthritis, osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, etc.


    Blood transfusion is not performed in the following cases:

    Scheme of implementation

    Under no circumstances should you carry out this procedure at home, as the patient must be under strict supervision medical personnel. Only a dermatologist or hematologist can prescribe autohemotherapy. About the presence of an allergy or anaphylactic reaction to medicines You must inform your doctor before the procedure.

    The most important thing in autohemotherapy is gradual increase doses of administered blood. The classic blood transfusion regimen should begin with 2 ml, then increase the volume of injected fluid by 2 ml every two days. It is necessary to increase the blood dose until the injection volume is 10 ml. This will take about ten days. On the twelfth day, you need to administer 2 ml less than the previous dose, and so on until the volume decreases to 2 ml. If a person shows signs of intolerance to the procedure, autohemotherapy should be stopped. The duration of the blood transfusion course is about twenty days. IN extreme cases, when the patient cannot easily tolerate the injection of blood, the interval between injections can be increased to three to four days. Then the duration of treatment will increase to four or five weeks.

    Blood is drawn from veins upper limbs. Before the procedure, the patient undergoes a series of examinations, among which they must pay attention to the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells. If their number is below acceptable numbers, then autohemotherapy is postponed until these indicators increase. A week before the procedure, the patient must take a prophylactic course with an antibiotic (penicillin). There are others treatment regimens transfusion of biological fluid:

    • Staircase or step. This method involves diluting blood taken from a patient with various medicines depending on the cause of the patient's illness. If a person seeks help for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then anti-inflammatory drugs are added to the biological fluid. When the reason for autohemotherapy is intoxication or purulent diseases, it is mixed with adsorbent drugs. The mixture is administered to the patient in one session, usually under the armpit in the thigh area.
    • Using blood with ozone. This method consists of mixing the patient’s biological fluid with ozone, which increases beneficial properties and improves therapeutic effect from the procedure performed. Widely used in the treatment of gynecological diseases in women, as well as for the treatment of skin rashes. Some clinics practice injecting blood with aloe extract. The method activates the body's immune system and is used in gynecology and urology.
    • Autohemotherapy and acupuncture (biopuncture). In this case, the patient’s biological fluid is not injected into the muscles or under skin, and into reflexogenic zones, which are actively used in acupuncture. For example, to points on the palms for the treatment of infectious diseases of the respiratory system. Or to the plantar region for the treatment of epilepsy.
    • Blood transfusion with calcium gluconate. Widely used in dermatology to treat skin diseases. Only the attending physician can choose the correct dose to avoid seizures.

    Autohemotherapy in pediatrics

    Blood transfusions in children are used in rare cases when other methods do not affect the immune system and the child continues to get sick often. Autohemotherapy for getting rid of juvenile acne is allowed only from 14 years of age and with parental permission.

    The procedure differs from that for adults: for children, the procedure begins with a volume of 1 ml. Gradually increase the intake and administration of biological fluid to 5 ml at a time, and then slowly reduce it to 1 ml. The entire course of autohemotherapy lasts about fifteen days, the break between injections is two to three days. In children, only the classic transfusion scheme is used, since in pediatric practice side effects associated with the administration of drugs are more common.


    There are many misconceptions about the procedure:

    • "Autohemotherapy helps to get rid of acne forever." There are many reasons for the appearance of a rash on the face, and a transfusion only allows you to activate your own immune system. If acne on the face occurs as a result of local exposure Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, fungi that get on the face when touching the skin with dirty hands, blood transfusion only helps to get rid of the rashes. In other situations where acne occurs as a result systemic diseases intestines, intolerance to certain foods, allergies, autohemotherapy is useless. It is necessary to treat the underlying disease with special medications.
    • "Blood transfusion improves hormonal levels"Many women and men feel younger after a course of autohemotherapy, which is due to the influence of the immune system on the body. But such a procedure will not replace the need to take vital important drugs hormones for patients with hypothyroidism or diabetes. To avoid complications, you should consult your doctor before performing autohemotherapy.
    • Transfusion of ozonized biological fluid - 2000 rubles.
    • Biopuncture - 1300 rubles.
    • A blood transfusion with calcium gluconate costs 1,500 rubles.

Lately many new ones have appeared therapeutic techniques. One of them is autohemotherapy, the essence of which is the introduction of a person’s own blood into the body. Similar procedure can be performed intravenously or intramuscularly. This technique has received wide use in cosmetology, doctors often resort to it to treat certain diseases.

A number of doctors believe that autohemotherapy can be considered as a possible alternative to traditional methods of treating diseases. This is explained by the fact that blood has a memory, and when it enters the body again, it rushes to the source of the disease and eliminates it.

Recently, this technique is often used by cosmetologists. Doctors do not refuse it either, using it to treat inflammatory processes in the body. There is evidence that using your own blood can increase your overall immunity. This is precisely what makes it possible to achieve a positive result in the treatment of chronic inflammatory processes.

Positive Impact

Although this technique can be used for various diseases, every patient will notice it on himself positive impact. Autohemotherapy is different from many modern methods treatment without negative consequences. The practice of its use shows that autohemotherapy:

  • Improves the functioning of the immune system.
  • Accelerates the healing of wounds and other injuries.
  • Increases the body's performance.

Treatment regimen

If you get to know autotherapy better, you will see that it is not so difficult to carry out. The basic rule is that with each subsequent procedure, several milliliters more blood is introduced into the human body than with the previous one. The full course of treatment includes 10-12 sessions. First, the patient is injected with 1-2 ml of blood. At the final session, the volume of injected plasma is increased to 10 ml. The operation itself to administer blood is carried out intramuscularly using a sterile syringe.


This is one of the varieties of the technique, which has the same indications for use as the usual one.

Its essence boils down to the fact that before injection into the blood, special homeopathic medicines, after which the solution is thoroughly mixed and administered to the patient in this form. However, in this case, the number of sessions is reduced to 7-10.

Minor autohemotherapy with ozonation

There are also minor and major autohemotherapy. And each of these methods has its own characteristics.

Minor ozone autohemotherapy is carried out according to the classical scheme, which involves increasing the volume of injected fluid. True, there is one important nuance- before administration, special substances containing ozone and oxygen are injected into the blood. The operation to inject blood can be performed subcutaneously or intramuscularly. Beneficial effect from autohemotherapy with ozone is manifested by stimulating the patient’s immunity.

For this reason this method received wide application in cosmetology, as well as gynecology and urology. Thanks to this technique, it is possible to speed up the recovery of a patient suffering from chronic infectious diseases by boosting his immunity.

Often in gynecology and urology this technique is used to treat sexually transmitted diseases. In this case, a positive effect is achieved by improving the body's metabolic processes, relieving fatigue and increasing vitality.

Ozone autohemotherapy is also quite in demand. Moreover, it can be carried out in several ways. Blood can be injected into the patient’s body subcutaneously, intra-articularly, as well as intramuscularly and intravenously. The meaning of the technique is that first the patient’s blood is taken from a vein, and then, after placing it in a special container, a solution containing nitrogen is added. The difference between this method is that in each specific case the dosage is determined for the patient individually.

Thanks to this approach to treatment, it is possible achieve more effective impact on the affected tissues of the body.

With added antibiotics

This type of autohemotherapy is used to treat furunculosis and skin problems. The main condition is that they must be caused by infections. Then autohemotherapy with an antibiotic will help quickly get rid of emerging diseases.

When using autohemotherapy with an antibiotic, its implementation scheme does not differ from the traditional one, but has its own nuances. Before the procedure the patient must undergo a thorough examination so that a specialist can select correct dosage taking into account the characteristics of the organism.

Contraindications and side effects

Reviews from patients indicate that in general the procedure does not cause much discomfort to the patient and does not cause side effects. However, it still has its contraindications:

This procedure should not be performed on patients taking antibiotics..

A distinctive feature of the procedure is that during it, blood is absorbed into the muscles for a very long time. The reason for this is directly related with its structure. Blood is a dense mass that is not immediately absorbed. In addition, due to the composition of the blood, thickening may remain at the puncture sites for a long time, due to which a person may feel pain for a long time. Therefore, so that this does not come as a surprise to a person, the cosmetologist must inform the patient in advance about such consequences.

Known cases, when the pain at the puncture sites not only does not go away, but can also intensify over time. So that this does not happen and the patient does not encounter such negative consequences, you can wipe these areas for preventive purposes alcohol solution or iodine. Good result give compresses using cabbage leaves.

During the procedure, as much blood should be injected into the body as was previously calculated. Otherwise, due to the large amount of plasma The patient may experience a fever. An inflammatory process may develop at the puncture sites, which can subsequently cause an increase in body temperature.

Application in gynecology

This technique is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of disorders reproductive function among women. Autohemotherapy may have different indications to be carried out. But the most common ones are:

This procedure is often prescribed for the treatment of infertility..

The final decision regarding the advisability of a treatment course must be made by the doctor. Given that correct implementation procedure, the woman improves protective functions the body due to increased immunity . At the same time this procedure also has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, helping to solve problems with the epidermis.

Acne treatment

Another problem which autohemotherapy can effectively solve should be called acne. Here, a positive result is also achieved by increasing immunity. And autohemotherapy is the best fit for this.

As is the case with the usual regimen, autohemotherapy for acne, reviews of which are mostly positive, is carried out in beauty salons. The patient must first discuss the nuances of this procedure with the cosmetologist.

This technique is based on the figure of eight principle, the meaning of which is that blood is taken from the patient’s arm and then injected into the opposite buttock. Since during the implementation of such actions there are bound to arise painful sensations, the doctor has to do everything slowly. For a person to feel comfortable, he should relax. After all, when the muscles are very tense, the pain is always felt stronger than usual.

Efficiency of the method

To find out if there is positive effect of the procedure, the patient is recommended to take a blood test twice - before it starts and after completion. It has been noted that a well-conducted course of autohemotherapy increases the level of leukocytes, which confirms the normalization of vital processes in the body and increased immunity. This technique also helps with allergies.