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The child has a stuffy nose and no snot: causes of the condition and treatment. Dry nasal congestion in a child

Many parents have experienced that their children have nasal congestion, but there is no snot. Not everyone knows what to do to quickly get rid of nasal congestion without a runny nose.

To cure nasal congestion in a baby without snot, you need to become more familiar with this problem and the main methods of its treatment.


First, you need to determine why the child does not have snot and his nose is stuffy. There are several reasons why babies get a stuffy nose.

Viral infections or colds

Quite often, nasal congestion in a child without snot is the most common symptom of respiratory diseases. Severe congestion is an immune response to viral infections that have entered the nasopharynx. Quite often it is accompanied by the accumulation of viscous or liquid mucus, which makes it difficult to nasal breathing. During ARVI, nasal congestion without a runny nose completely disappears within a week.

However, sometimes you have to undergo treatment to clear your nasal passages.

Bacterial infections

There are other reasons for nasal congestion in babies. These include bacterial infections, which most often appear due to acute respiratory viral infections. They lead to the fact that the child’s nose cannot breathe and there is no snot. If nasal congestion is not treated correctly, the sinuses can become inflamed, leading to sinusitis. In this case, purulent fluid will begin to flow from the nasopharynx.


Another reason why a child breathes through his mouth is adenoiditis, during which the adenoids become inflamed. This disease often occurs in children aged 2 or 3 years. If a baby’s nose is stuffy only during sleep, this indicates the presence of first-degree adenoiditis. Without proper treatment, the disease gradually develops and the child will constantly have blocked nostrils.


Sometimes a child has a stuffy nose, but there is no snot due to contact with strong allergens. In this case, the allergy is accompanied by such symptoms as frequent sneezing, the appearance severe swelling and itching in the sinuses. Most often, children do not have snot, but some still complain about their presence.

For many people, the allergic form of congestion is seasonal and appears only during flowering of plants. Much less often, the problem appears due to household allergens, which include dyes on clothes, pet hair and hygiene products. Some patients complain that problems with nasal breathing appear after eating. This is about food allergies, which can appear after eating citrus fruits, chocolate and other highly allergenic foods.

Cigarette smoke

The cause of nasal congestion without snot in a child may be cigarette smoke. Everyone has passive smokers There is serious inflammation in the nasopharynx area. It leads to bronchial asthma and the appearance of serious swelling of the mucous membrane. That is why smoking is strictly prohibited in the presence of a child.

Damage or pathology of the nose

Quite often, congestion without a runny nose in a child appears due to a serious deformation of the septum, which can lead to obstruction in the nasal passages. This pathology can appear after damage to the nose or at birth.

Therefore, if the baby’s nose is not breathing and there is no snot, then you should immediately consult a doctor to examine the nostrils.

How to treat congestion

If a child has a stuffy nose, it should be treated immediately. However, before treating your baby, you need to familiarize yourself with the most effective methods treatment of nasal congestion in a newborn without snot.

Means for constricting blood vessels

Often a baby's nose is stuffy due to severe swelling. To quickly get rid of it, it is recommended to bury children’s noses with special vasoconstrictor drops.


When one nostril is unable to breathe, you can use Nazivin during treatment. This product is quite popular and is available in the form of drops and spray. main feature Nazivina has a strong vasoconstrictor effect, which sets it apart from all other drugs. The medicine is based on oxymetazoline, which can stimulate mucosal adrenergic receptors. It is because of this that the size of the swelling decreases and it becomes easier for the child to breathe through the nose.

Treating nasal congestion in children with Nazivin must be done very carefully, as it has contraindications. Drops should not be given to children who are too sensitive to oxymetazoline. They are also contraindicated for people with glaucoma. Children under six years of age can only be treated with Nazivin 0.025% drops. A more concentrated drug may cause side effects.

Treatment of a child with Nazivin should be carried out in compliance with correct dosage. The nose is instilled twice a day, two drops at a time.

Panadol Baby

If the child does not breathe well through his nose, but there is no snot, then you can use Panadol Baby. It is recommended to use this remedy if congestion was caused by ARVI. The point is that the main thing active substance Panadol Baby is a paracetamol that can be used to treat colds in infants. The medicine also has an anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to quickly improve nasal breathing.

Panadol Baby, like many other medications, has some contraindications. The drug should not be used to treat rhinitis in children under two months. Panadol Baby is also contraindicated for people with serious kidney or liver problems.

The drug is taken every day before meals. At one time, the child should drink at least 2 ml of suspension. In this case, Panadol is not instilled into the nostrils, but into the mouth.

For the nose

When a child does not breathe through his nose, but the snot does not flow, you can use Dlya Nos drops. They help not only with dry congestion, but also with snot in the baby.

While creating medicine Xylometazoline hydrochloride is added to it, which promotes rapid vasoconstriction and treatment of swelling. The main advantage of Dlynos drops is that they do not begin to cause irritation in the nasal cavity even after prolonged use.

Before you start treating your nose, you should familiarize yourself with common side effects which may appear after using the drug. If dosages are not observed, children may develop severe headache, nausea, shortness of breath and sleep disturbance. Some patients develop small red spots on the skin.

So that the baby does not have to face the above problems, the correct dosage must be observed. Children under six years of age need to dab their nostrils twice a day. For teenagers, the dosage of the drug increases and therefore they should use Dlynos 3-4 times a day.


Adrianol is often used when a child's nose is blocked and this makes it difficult for him to breathe. The medicine contains phenylephrine, which helps restore breathing through the nose. This ingredient thins mucus that may leak from the nasal cavity and helps relieve swelling. Adrianol is often used during treatment chronic rhinitis and sinusitis. It is also used when preparing patients for tests during diagnosis.

If the baby has a constantly stuffy nose, the product is instilled daily for 5-10 days. At the same time, when one nostril is blocked, Adrianol should be poured only into it.

Folk remedies

If the baby’s nose is stuffy, but there is no runny nose, then during treatment you can use folk remedies. There are many different traditional methods treatment of blocked nostrils.


When a child has a clogged nose, you can use products made from aloe during treatment. To prepare the medicine, you need to squeeze 80-100 ml of juice from the young leaves of the plant and mix it with 500 ml of boiled water. The prepared mixture is dripped into the nostrils three times daily. At the same time, during instillation, you need to make sure that the baby takes a good breath of the liquid.


Some doctors recommend clearing the nostrils with beetroot liquid if the child cannot breathe normally. Preparing a medicinal mixture from this vegetable is quite simple. To do this, 150 ml of juice is squeezed out of beets, which is mixed with the same amount of water. Before use, the mixture is infused for 3-5 hours. The beetroot solution should be used every other day, twice a day.

If after the first instillation a burning sensation appears, this indicates that the product must be diluted more with water. You can also use a less concentrated solution made from boiled beets.


If there is no snot, but your nose is still stuffy, you should use a medicine based on chamomile. Chamomile infusions are popular among lovers traditional medicine. To create a high-quality infusion, a large spoonful of dried flowers is added to a liter of water. All this is infused for about 8-10 hours, after which the infusion is boiled in a saucepan. Before use, the liquid is filtered with gauze and infused again for two hours. Chamomile decoction buried in the nostrils for 5-7 days.

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Nasal congestion in the absence of discharge may seem not to be a disease at all, but a symptom of a cold - and indeed, as soon as the child is cured of a respiratory infection, this condition also goes away. But in some situations, congestion is an issue that needs to be thoroughly investigated. So, it may indicate the development of an allergic reaction or that certain infectious processes have become chronic.

If a child does not have a runny nose, but constantly breathes through his mouth, this is a reason to contact an otolaryngologist (ENT) to find out the cause and determine a treatment regimen. Otherwise, complications are possible - worsening of the disease, as well as problems in the functioning of adjacent organs.

The most common reasons that a child does not breathe through his nose and there is no snot are:

  • vasomotor rhinitis- a disease of an infectious or allergic nature, expressed in inflammation of the nasal passages, as a result - their narrowing, difficulty breathing;
  • viral infection - also provokes swelling of the nasal mucosa, congestion appears on early stage ARVI, before the appearance heavy discharge(runny nose);
  • adenoid formations or polyps - are a consequence of frequent colds, when inflammatory processes become chronic;
  • congenital anomalies of body structure - deformation of the nasal septum, facial skeleton, tumor formations;
  • nasal injuries - if they entail deformation of the nasal septum;
  • prolonged use of vasoconstrictor drugs - the body “gets used to it”, as a result, the mucous membrane swells more and more. Accompanied increased fatigue, lethargy and headaches.
  • insufficient air humidity - lack of moisture prevents the removal of mucus from the nasal passages, so it accumulates and provokes clogged nose The child has.

Important! For the first six months, babies have very narrow nasal passages, which are constantly clogged with dried mucus or breast milk. If the baby begins to breathe through his mouth, eats poorly, or is capricious, it is necessary to carefully clean his nasal passages.

If the child’s nose is not breathing, but there is no snot for more than 10 days, it is necessary to urgently consult with an ENT doctor.

Why can't a child breathe through only one nostril?

If a child complains that it is difficult for him to breathe through only one nostril, while the other is functioning in normal mode, there could be several reasons for this.

One of them is a deviated nasal septum. Typically, this deviation from the norm cannot be diagnosed until the child reaches the age of three. But congestion in this case is chronic, since the curvature is removed only after an accurate confirmation of the diagnosis and in a purely surgical way - other influences can only alleviate the condition for a short time.

The second is dry indoor air. If there are other signs of infection or allergic disease no, this is the most probable cause. The mucous membrane in the nasal passages must constantly secrete a certain amount of secretion, but in a dry room (with humidity less than 60%) it cannot perform this function. As a result, irritation of mucous tissues occurs, which makes possible education swelling. In this case, either two nostrils or one of them may become clogged.

The third reason is polyps. Their appearance and growth are prevented normal functioning upper respiratory tract, and since they do not appear symmetrically, one nostril may well not breathe, and not both at once.

Why does my nose get stuffy while sleeping?

Sometimes children complain that they cannot breathe through their nose at night or in the morning, immediately after waking up. The cause of this situation must be dealt with immediately. What could it be:

  1. Dry air. While awake, children move from one room to another, to the street, then home again. During sleep they long time are in the same room, in the same microclimate - if it is not comfortable enough, this can cause corresponding problems. To avoid this, it is necessary to install a measuring device - a hygrometer - in the children's bedroom, and to additionally humidify the room during the heating season and during the peak summer heat.
  2. Insufficient mucus removal. IN vertical position mucus is removed simply and quickly; in a horizontal position this process is noticeably more difficult. Some of the mucus does not flow out, but flows down the wall of the throat into the lower respiratory tract, thereby causing nasal congestion. This is especially true for a runny nose (rhinitis), when the amount of discharge increases significantly.
  3. Allergy. Allergies can be caused by down or feathers (pillow filling, blankets), animal hair that lies on the bed, as well as bed mites (a very common problem). With prolonged contact with the allergen, the mucous membrane swells and difficulty breathing occurs.

Having identified why a child has a stuffy nose during sleep, it will not be difficult to take effective measures to eliminate the cause.

How to pierce a child's nose?

How to cure a baby? You can help your child by “breaking through” congestion. You can provoke the nasal passages to remove mucus either mechanically or by medicinal method. Mechanical methods include the use of a nozzle suction bulb or a nasal aspirator: the tip of the instrument is inserted into the blocked nostril and with careful movements the air is sucked out, and then the mucus plug. It is indicated for young children this method because it is more efficient.

Also, in situations where the nose is not breathing and there is no snot at all, rinsing helps remove mucus accumulations saline solution. For 250 ml of water take 1 tsp. sea ​​salt. Water (or saline solution) should be at room temperature. The salt is thoroughly mixed in the liquid, then put into a pipette and dropped into the nostril: 1-2 drops for infants, 2-4 drops for older children. You can also purchase ready-made isotonic solutions at the pharmacy.

If we're talking about about a child over 7 years old, he can be given similar medicine using a spray bottle: the pressure generated at the moment of injection stimulates the mucus plug to move. It is not recommended to use sprays for treating younger children, as they can damage the still too thin mucous membrane of the nasal passages.

Pharmacy drugs

If a child breathes poorly through his nose, treatment requires complex application two types of drugs: vasoconstrictors and saline solutions.

In the first category, the most effective are “Tizin” and “Tizin Alergy” (used to remove allergic edema), “Sanorin”, “Naphthyzin”, “Glazolin”. In order not to cause the body's addiction and thereby not worsen the child's well-being, one drug can be used for no longer than 3 days, then - if the swelling does not go away completely - it must be replaced with an analogue with a different active ingredient.

Pharmaceutical saline solutions are made mainly from salts taken from the Mediterranean or Dead Seas, and distilled water. These are drugs such as “Marimer”, “Humer”, “No-sol”. They can be used not only for congestion, but also for preventive cleaning of mucus from the nasal passages.

Folk remedies

If parents prefer traditional medicine or want to achieve maximum results V short time, it is worth finding out what measures will be effective for nasal congestion in a child. In addition to the already described saline solution, the following help with rhinitis without snot in a child:

  • hot foot bath - heat rises from the feet and above, moisturizing the body from the inside, and the steam hot water penetrate immediately into the mucous membrane, so the result comes immediately and lasts quite a long time: if you take a hot bath before bed, your breathing will be calm until the morning;
  • inhalation over a potato decoction - boil the root vegetable “in its jacket”, remove it from the pan, and place it over the dishes water bath, armed with a thick towel. But this option is only suitable for neat and fairly mature children, since only a hot decoction is effective;
  • cushion hand massage - they are located on the hands under the base thumbs. It is known that each point on the hands has a connection with certain organs; massage of the cushion hand has a beneficial effect on the condition of the upper respiratory tract;
  • Kalanchoe juice - a freshly picked leaf of this plant is folded in half, squeezing out the juice. One drop introduced into the nostril is enough for the child to start sneezing, and along with the sneezing, the accumulation of mucus will be removed from the nasal passages.

General position

It is important to remember that your child may sometimes breathe through their mouth. But he should not do this constantly: the air, entering the body through the nasal passages and descending through the nasopharynx, is cleaned, warmed and moistened during this movement. When breathing through the mouth, these qualities will not be present, therefore there is a high probability of at least acquiring colds.

When treating nasal congestion, swelling is removed - this will increase the clearance, and therefore more air can enter the body. At the same time, they are working to eliminate the cause that led to the development of congestion.

If the child’s nose is not breathing, a doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen. If incorrectly selected drug effects it is possible to cause deterioration of the condition, as well as complications in functioning paranasal sinuses, middle ear, lungs and bronchi.


The best way to prevent nasal congestion is high immunity and optimal climatic conditions:

  • the air temperature in the children's room should be at least 20 o C;
  • air humidity - not lower than 60%;
  • Regular wet cleaning and ventilation are required;
  • daily walks of at least 1 hour in the cold season and 3 in the warm season;
  • drinking regime - for children over 3 years old, at least 1 liter of water per day;
  • use vitamin complexes during the period of ARVI;
  • maintaining nasal hygiene.

Operatively noticed nasal congestion in most cases (except anatomical cause) is eliminated quickly and without special difficulties for a child. Full breathing is not just comfortable, but also important for health. When a child’s nose gets clogged, the main thing is to see a doctor in a timely manner to understand how to properly treat the disease.

How to treat a child if he has a stuffy nose, but no snot? E. O. Komarovsky claims that it is thoughtless to use decongestants ( vasoconstrictors) is absolutely not possible. Yes, for some time they stop the manifestations of the disease, but they do not eliminate the very cause of their occurrence.

The physiological basis of nasal congestion is obstruction (obstruction) of the airways. It occurs due to inflammation of the mucous membranes, which can be triggered by allergens or pathogenic agents. At the same time, “grunting” noses in newborns can be a manifestation of physiological rhinitis, which does not require treatment. drug therapy. From the article you will learn how to treat nasopharyngeal obstruction in newborns and older children.

Opinion of pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky

E.O. Komarovsky claims that nasal congestion in a child does not require treatment at all. This is only a symptom indicating the development of a huge number of diseases, some of which are not related to the respiratory system at all. It is possible to stop the unpleasant manifestations of the disease only if the main causes of the pathology are identified and eliminated.

The pediatrician draws the attention of parents to the fact that difficulty in nasal breathing in infants in the first 8-10 weeks of life is most often associated with adaptation of the nasopharynx to environmental conditions.

Physiological runny nose is a consequence of inadequate functioning of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract. During the first two to three months of life, they may produce more nasal mucus than they should. However, over time, nasal congestion resolves on its own and without the use of medications.

Most often, babies have a stuffy nose due to the development of an infection in the respiratory tract. The child’s body is practically deprived of adaptive (specific) immunity, which helps cope with the onslaught pathogens– adenoviruses, staphylococci, rhinoviruses, meningococci, etc. By introducing themselves into the tissues of the nasopharynx, they provoke inflammation and swelling, as a result of which the patency of the airways is disrupted.

If nasal congestion does not go away within 2-3 weeks, you need to make an appointment with your pediatrician.

If a child complains of impaired nasal breathing, first you need to find out what caused the problem. An inexperienced parent is unlikely to be able to independently diagnose the disease. Therefore, if the baby’s well-being worsens, you need to seek help from an experienced specialist.

Principles of neonatal treatment

Few parents understand that the nasopharynx of a newborn is not structured exactly the same as that of an adult. The respiratory tract of babies is very narrow, so even the slightest increase in the secretory function of single-celled glands in the mucous membrane leads to nasal congestion. In most cases, mothers try to cope with the “grunting” of the nose with the help vasoconstrictor drops. However, conventional drugs often cause allergic reactions in children and even greater swelling of the nasopharynx.

Cleansing the mucous membrane of secretions

The first thing to do when a baby has a stuffy nose is to reduce the viscosity of the mucus. The watery secretion is quite easily evacuated from the airways, making breathing easier. To clear the nasopharynx of secretions, Komarovsky advises doing the following:

  • lay the newborn on his back, placing a small pillowcase or towel under his head;
  • drip 3-4 drops of “sodium chloride” into your nose (you can prepare a saline solution yourself by dissolving 1 teaspoon of salt in 1 liter of boiled hot water);
  • take the child in your arms so that he is held upright;
  • insert the tip of the aspirator into the nostril and suck out the accumulated mucus.

Important! Do not instill oil-based drops to thin mucus.

Oily nasal preparations such as Pinosol, Eucasept and Pinovit cannot be used for treatment infants. Due to the narrowness of the nasal passages, they stagnate in the nasopharynx, which only worsens the well-being of the newborn.

Use of vasoconstrictor drops

As already mentioned, conventional vasoconstrictor drugs cannot be instilled into newborns. They contain too much active ingredients which may provoke adverse reactions– nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. If impaired nasal breathing is associated with inflammation of the ENT organs, gentle children's medications will help eliminate the swelling:

  • "Nazol Baby";
  • "Nazivin";
  • "Otrivin Baby."

They can only be used in as a last resort and only as prescribed by a pediatrician. It is important to remember that infants breathe predominantly through the nose, so prolonged congestion can cause the development of serious complications.

Moisturizing the nose

If so, the cause may be crusts that form in the nasal canals. They are dried nasal mucus, which occurs due to insufficient hydration of the mucous membrane. Dry or dusty air in the room can provoke their appearance.

Restore normal breathing moisturizing nasal drops will help. With their help, you can not only prevent drying out of the mucous membrane, but also soften and painlessly remove crusts in the nose. The following drugs can be used to treat the youngest patients:

To increase local immunity in ENT organs, it is recommended to instill Interferon into the nose. Nasal congestion in newborns goes away only if the viscosity of nasal secretions in the nasopharynx is relatively low.

To prevent mucus from thickening, E.O. Komarovsky recommends maintaining a fairly high air humidity in the room - at least 60%.

Treatment of infectious diseases

Respiratory infection is the most common cause of airway obstruction. Pathogenic fungi, microbes and viruses cause inflammation in the tissues, which inevitably leads to swelling of the internal nostrils (choanae). To really cope with the problem, you need to treat not the consequence of the disease, but its cause - the pathogenic flora. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve complete recovery.

Antibiotics and antivirals

Treatment of respiratory infections involves the use of drugs that destroy pathological flora. If nasopharyngeal obstruction was caused by viruses, it can be eliminated with the help of medications such as:

  • "Orvirem";
  • "Anaferon";
  • "Tsitovir-3";
  • "Tamiflu";
  • "Isoprinosine."

It should be understood that mucus accumulating in the respiratory tract is a favorable environment for the development of bacteria. And if you don’t liquidate it in time viral infection, microbes will soon join it. cure bacterial inflammation in children it is possible by taking the following antibiotics:

  • "Augmentin";
  • "Moxicam";
  • "Flemoxin Solutab";
  • "Cefazolin";
  • "Avelox".

Important! Drugs such as Minocycline, Doxycycline, Levomycetin and Tetracycline are not recommended for the treatment of children.

Assign antibacterial therapy Only a doctor can do it only after the diagnosis has been clarified. As a rule, for 100% destruction of infection in the respiratory tract, you will need to undergo a course of antimicrobial therapy, which is at least 7-10 days.


It can be eliminated using aerosol inhalations. To carry out the procedure, Komarovsky recommends using either compressor or ultrasonic inhalers. The pediatrician draws the attention of parents to the fact that the solutions used during inhalations will penetrate not only into the nasopharynx, but also into the bronchi. Therefore, when choosing medicines you need to consult your doctor.

Children over 1 year of age can independently cough up mucus that accumulates in the respiratory tract. Therefore, the following drugs can be used to thin nasal secretions and relieve swelling:

  • "Xylometazoline";
  • "Sodium chloride";
  • "Chlorophyllipt";
  • "Furacilin".

Inhalations are only a way to liquefy and moisturize the mucous membrane, so they cannot be used as a basis for the treatment of ENT diseases.

Nasal drops

In children over 3-4 years old, a stuffy nose can be treated with medications. local action, which include nasal drops. Some medications help eliminate swelling, others help eliminate infection, and others help eliminate irritation. In pediatric practice, the following types of intranasal agents are usually used to treat young patients:

  • vasoconstrictors – “Snoop”, “Nazivin”;
  • antiseptic - “Protargol”, “Collargol”;
  • moisturizing – “Salin”, “No-Sol”;
  • antiviral - “Viferon”, “Grippferon”.

If nasal congestion persists for more than 7 days, you need to show your child to a pediatrician. You cannot use vasoconstrictors for more than 5 days in a row, as they are addictive and can contribute to the development of atrophic rhinitis.

Allergy treatment

If the child does not have snot and nasal breathing is impaired, this may be a manifestation of an allergic reaction. House dust, flowering plants, and wool can provoke inflammation in the ENT organs. pet, fluff, etc. The first thing to do when treating allergies is to eliminate the irritating substances. If this cannot be done, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without the use of medications.

In pediatric practice, the following can be used to eliminate allergic rhinitis:

  • antihistamines (Loratadine, Parlazin) - relieve swelling by reducing the sensitivity of histamine receptors;
  • intranasal corticosteroids (Nazarel, Aldecin) - accelerate the regression of inflammation and restoration of the integrity of inflamed areas of the mucous membranes;
  • barrier drugs (“Prevalin”, “Nazaval”) - prevent the recurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • enterosorbents (“Filtrum STI”, “Polysorb”) – are removed from child's body toxic substances and allergens.

Cannot be abused hormonal drugs, as they negatively affect adrenal function.

If the symptoms of the disease do not disappear within a month, most likely the cause of nasopharyngeal obstruction is not an allergic reaction. In this case, the doctor must reconsider the diagnosis and draw up a new treatment regimen for the small patient.


Nasal congestion accompanies the development large quantity allergic and infectious pathologies. Therefore, the treatment regimen in each correct case will depend on the reasons that provoked the malfunction of the nasopharynx. In infants, nasal breathing disturbance is often associated with physiological reasons, therefore, to eliminate the problem, it is enough to maintain nasal hygiene.

At infectious inflammation respiratory organs E.O. Komarovsky recommends using medications with symptomatic and etiotropic action. The former eliminate the manifestations of the disease (glucocorticosteroids, antiallergic and vasoconstrictor drops), and the latter destroy the pathogenic flora in the airways (antibiotics, antiviral agents). Allergic inflammation treated with antihistamines, glucocorticosteroids and enterosorbents.

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The nose is stuffy, but there is no snot - what to do?

A stuffy nose, without mucus discharge, is no less unpleasant than a regular runny nose. Occasional or constant congestion of the nasal passages leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the blood, and, as a result, headaches.

In this case, not only a person’s well-being often suffers, but also his performance. What to do if you have a stuffy nose but no snot? The main thing is to find out the cause of this condition and take measures to eliminate the effect. negative factors environment.

Why is the nose stuffy without snot (runny nose)

Nasal congestion can be a symptom of an illness, but sometimes the inability to breathe through the nose is due to external factors.

External factors, affecting nasal breathing:

  • Insufficiently humidified air in the living room - excessive dry air often occurs during the heating season. At the same time, nasal congestion (no snot) worsens at night, but is still tolerable during the day.
    Uncontrolled use of vasoconstrictor nasal drops - constant use of drugs aimed at facilitating breathing leads to
  • reducing their effectiveness. If the addictive effect develops, instilling such drugs into the nose is useless.
  • An unfavorable environmental situation means that urban population More often than not, villagers suffer from nasal congestion, often caused by polluted air. Car exhaust fumes, dust, emissions of harmful gases from factories - all this does not allow the nasal mucosa to cope with its protective function. As a result, city residents often complain of nasal congestion in the absence of a runny nose.
  • A foreign body in the nasal passages often causes sudden nasal congestion in a child. Children tend to explore the world by touch, including by trying to stick small parts of a construction set or mosaic into their noses. If a child has a stuffy nose, but there is no snot for 1-3 days, you should consult a doctor.
  • Frequent nasal congestion in newborns is a situation familiar to all mothers. The nasal passages of a newborn are narrow. However, congestion is often due to the fact that the baby is quickly placed in horizontal position immediately after feeding. In this case, regurgitation occurs, and food ( breast milk or a mixture) easily flows into the spout and dries there.

If excluded external reasons congestion of the nasal passages in the absence of snot, a disease of the body should be suspected. In this case, organic pathology may be completely unrelated to the respiratory tract.

Internal factors- diseases leading to nasal congestion without a runny nose:

  • The initial period of a cold

Any cold, be it flu or common cold bacterial infection, begins with nasal congestion. The infectious agent, penetrating into the nasal mucosa, leads to its swelling, which provokes difficulty breathing. A runny nose appears only on day 2-3. The initial period of acute respiratory infections is accompanied by a sore throat, weakness, body aches and headache.

  • Manifestation of allergies

Allergic factor - common reason nasal congestion. Allergic rhinitis may cause sensitization to dust, pet hair, bird and fish food, feather pillows, pollen. Congestion may develop when taking certain medications (side effect).

Allergy sufferers often cannot breathe through their nose in the absence of a runny nose. Congestion at night occurs on the side where the head is tilted (a person sleeps on his side). During the day there is difficulty breathing through the nose on both sides.

Posterior rhinitis differs from a common runny nose in that the accumulated secretions flow into the throat rather than being discharged through the nasal openings.

The patient may notice frequent coughing, and the disease may last for months without identifying the cause of this condition. The flow of mucus containing bacteria or viruses contributes to the spread of infection to the throat and respiratory tract.

  • Nasal polyps

A child's nose is constantly stuffy without snot due to the growth of glandular inclusions located in the depths of the nasal passages. The baby breathes through his mouth, snoring appears in his sleep. Often nasal polyps are combined with chronic tonsillitis.

  • Sinusitis,

Inflammatory diseases of the paranasal sinuses are also accompanied by problematic breathing. The patient only occasionally notices the discharge of scanty purulent discharge from the nose. The pathology is accompanied by headache, heaviness between the eyebrows or on the sides of the nose, which intensifies when the head is tilted forward.

  • Deviated nasal septum

Congenital narrowness of the nasal passages or deformation of the septum separating them leads to difficulty breathing, often on one side. The child's snot is not flowing, and his nose is stuffy. Often congenital anomaly found in childhood at a preventive examination by an ENT doctor.

  • Nose injuries

If nasal congestion occurs 1-3 days after the injury, you should consult a doctor to rule out the formation of an internal hematoma that impedes breathing. Delay in such cases is fraught with suppuration of the accumulated blood, and the treatment will be more serious and lengthy.

  • Hormonal disorders

Crashes hormonal levels may cause excessive dryness of the nasal mucosa. The resulting swelling makes breathing difficult. Nasal congestion can be present not only when pathological disorders hormonal levels, but also during pregnancy.

  • Tumors

Cysts and malignant formations located in the nasopharynx, when they grow, they close the nasal passages, thereby preventing nasal breathing. It is nasal congestion in the absence of a runny nose that helps identify nasopharyngeal tumors at an early stage of development.

What to do and when to go to the doctor?

If you have problematic nasal breathing, you should contact an ENT doctor (otolaryngologist). You should not sound the alarm and immediately rush to see a doctor if your nose is suddenly blocked and there are no other symptoms (sore throat, watery eyes, headache, etc.). A stuffy nose without snot for 2-3 or more days is a situation that requires a medical examination.


To make a diagnosis, the otolaryngologist carries out the following activities:

  • collecting anamnesis - identifying the causal situation (allergic status, presence of injuries, taking medications);
  • examination of the nasal passages with an otolaryngoscope - swelling of the mucous membrane is recorded, congenital deformities nose and foreign bodies;
  • blood test - the blood reacts to the inflammatory process with leukocytosis and increase in ESR, possible indirect confirmation of allergy (increase in eosinophils);
  • X-ray - performed if sinusitis/sinusitis, tumors and post-traumatic hematomas are suspected;
  • computed tomography - to determine the exact localization of tumors in the nasopharynx.

If nasal congestion is an isolated incident in your life, you should not run to the pharmacy to buy special drops. Drug therapy Only required for frequent or persistent problems with nasal breathing. Nasal congestion is eliminated by removing the swelling of the nasal mucosa.

The following drugs are used for this:

  1. Drops with sea ​​water(Aqualor, Aqua Maris, Quicks Physiomer) - easy to use, but often expensive; a complete alternative is regular saline solution in ampoules;
  2. Vasoconstrictor drops (Galazolin, Tizin, Dlygnos) - use is limited to 4-5 days for adults and 2-3 days for children, they increase dryness of the mucous membrane, so you should choose products that contain oils;
  3. Ointments (Evamenol, Dr. IOM, Zvezdochka balm) are a priority for colds;
  4. Orally disintegrating tablets (Strepsils, Travisil, Septolete) are effective only on early stage development of acute respiratory infections;
  5. Anti-flu tablets (Nolgripp, Rinza, Antiflu, Adzhikold) - recommended for influenza, strictly adhere to the dosage when treating children;
  6. Corticosteroid drugs (Prednisolone drops, Hydrocortisone ointment) significantly improve the patient's condition, but are used in extreme cases.

Sometimes, if you have nasal congestion, you can do without medications. However, if the patient develops serious illness, folk remedies serve only as an addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

At home apply:

  • Rinsing the nose with a weak saline solution (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water, you can add a pinch of soda) according to the “jala neti” method (a special kettle is required);
  • Tea with linden flowers, raspberry leaf and honey - excellent remedy if you have a cold (has a diaphoretic effect, so do not use before going outside);
  • Putting aloe juice in your nose is an excellent moisturizer;
  • Kalanchoe juice in the nose - causes severe sneezing;
  • Mustard socks worn at night;
  • Massage pads under thumb on the hand;
  • Inhalation of vapors over a pan of boiled potatoes;
  • Inhalations - purchasing a nebulizer at a pharmacy will allow you to perform inhalations that relieve nasal congestion due to allergies or colds at home.


Problematic nasal breathing in the absence of a runny nose is eliminated only after a comprehensive cure for the causative disease. Only a qualified doctor knows how to treat nasal congestion when there is no snot.

Self-medication can aggravate the course of the disease, causing persistent loss of smell, chronic inflammatory processes. Sometimes inflammation of the nasal passages and paranasal sinuses leads to brain pathology -.

When a person has a stuffy nose, the perception of the world around him changes radically. The environment is annoying, your mood is spoiled, nothing makes you happy and you only want one thing - for your nose to breathe normally. If a child’s nose is blocked, he will become capricious, snot will irritate him, and the clogged passages in his nose will prevent him from breathing. Whatever the cause of the runny nose, such a child needs urgent help.

Mom treats her son

Nasal congestion problem

Nasal congestion is unpleasant condition. This is a painful symptom that entails many other unpleasant symptoms:

  • muscle weakness in the body,
  • headache,
  • restless sleep,
  • rapid fatigue.

What is the reason for such consequences? The answer is clear - a small amount of oxygen entering the child’s brain. Treatment of congestion is carried out by a doctor or at home. There are many known remedies, both traditional and traditional medicine. But for this, determine the reason. And the reasons are varied.

In order to correctly determine the cause of congestion, consult a specialist. It is impossible to reliably determine at home why a child has a stuffy nose and runny nose.

A professional ENT doctor will determine the cause and prescribe correct treatment. To begin, the doctor will examine the child using:

  1. otoscopy,
  2. mesopharyngoscopy,
  3. anterior rhinoscopy.

Schematic representation of the procedure

If questions remain, the ENT specialist will refer the parents and the baby to an X-ray examination and tomography. The last two methods are used when treatment does not help and the question of surgery arises.

When treating nasal congestion in children, the doctor first relieves swelling of the nasal mucosa, and then removes the root cause of the disease. There are cases of nasal congestion in a child without snot. What does this mean? If there is no nasal discharge during congestion, this is probably vasomotor rhinitis or deformation of the nasal septum. The vessels that are located in the nose become irritated when they get infected and begin to expand. This leads to nasal congestion without a runny nose in the child. After conducting an examination, the ENT doctor determines the causes of nasal congestion without a runny nose in children and advises options for solving the problem.

The reasons for this problem are as follows:

  • chronic rhinitis,
  • chronic sinusitis,
  • allergic reaction,
  • problematic adenoids,
  • swelling of the nasal sinuses,
  • nasal septum defects.

As you understand, it is impossible to determine the cause of a nose problem without the appropriate equipment and consultation with a doctor. Therefore, do not get carried away with self-medication, but seek help from an ENT specialist. Complex treatment, which the child’s body requires for treatment, is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

Effective treatments

There are many remedies for nasal congestion in children, but when choosing, consider the nature of the disease. This will help not harm the baby. Sticking to following rules, you will help your little one fight the problem and make it easier for your child to breathe when they have a runny nose:

  • Don't let your baby blow his nose. In a situation where breathing through the nose is difficult, constant blowing of the nose can increase inflammation of the blood vessels and increase swelling of the nasopharynx.
  • Don't start the disease. If necessary, use medications that constrict blood vessels. For example, to relieve a child’s runny nose at night. But do not take the drops for a long time. It is better to replace it with tablets - they are not addictive.
  • If you have an allergy, you can't do without antihistamine, which will make breathing easier when you have a runny nose.
  • To relieve a runny nose, rinse your baby's nose with saline solution. Just don't do this with a baby or a very young child. This will cause mucus to get into the snakes and cause otitis media. The saline solution helps clear the passages and remove congestion. It is recommended to do this using a syringe without a needle, a bulb or a teapot.
  • It is useful to do inhalations before bedtime. You can inhale steam in the following ways: do it in the bathroom while bathing or using a humidifier for children.
  • It is also recommended to treat nasal congestion in a child. drinking plenty of fluids. Increasing the amount of fluid in the body will thin out the thick mucous secretions that clog the sinuses.
  • To help a child with a runny nose at night, it is recommended to put a warm compress on the nasopharynx area before going to bed. Wet a rag in warm water and place it on the bridge of your nose, wait a couple of minutes and wet it again. This will give the child the opportunity to sleep peacefully.
  • The use of warming ointment for children is common. Before going to bed, apply the ointment to your baby's chest and rub in with gentle movements. He inhales the vapors and sleeps peacefully. If you want to apply the ointment during the day, you can apply it to a handkerchief, which is periodically brought to the nose and menthol vapor is inhaled. Here it is recommended to show maximum attention and not apply the ointment to the mucous membranes of the eyes. This will lead to severe irritation.
  • To relieve a runny nose at home, use a massage method. How to conduct acupressure The ENT doctor will show and tell you correctly.
  • Treatment of nasal congestion in a child with folk remedies is also used. First of all, we are talking about inhalations. Essential oils medicinal herbs help solve the problem. Pine needles, mint, eucalyptus and others natural remedies relieve swelling and improve condition. But this can only be done if the baby does not have an allergic reaction to these herbs.

Essential oil

Recommended to use oxolinic ointment from snot to solve the problem. But as for me, I will use this ointment for prevention, not treatment. By applying the ointment twice a day to the child’s nose, you can be sure that the infection will not enter the child’s body through the nose.

Other ways to eliminate this phenomenon

What else can you do if your child has severe runny nose and nasal congestion?

  • Doctors prescribe warming procedures for patients. This can be done both at home and in the clinic. At home, warming is done using a boiled egg or heated salt. Place two eggs on both sides of your nose and keep there until the eggs have cooled. It is recommended to heat the salt in the oven and put it in a bag or tie it in a scarf. Also, place it on the bridge of your nose and heat until it cools down. In the hospital, warming is carried out in special treatment rooms.
  • Instillation of a salt solution into the nose is also used. This is done in cases where nasal congestion is not accompanied by rhinitis. During the day, while the child is awake, drop a drop of the solution into the nasal passages. Prepare the solution as follows: dilute a teaspoon of salt in 200 ml of water.
  • It is possible to use drops made from aloe. Squeeze aloe juice and dilute it half and half with water. Drip three to four times a day. With prolonged use, it is better to constantly prepare fresh drops.
  • Parents give the baby a shower through the nose. The same saline solution is used for this.
  • It is popular to use aspirators to rinse the baby's nose. With the help of these modern devices, it is easy to rinse the nose of even a baby.
  • Realize that if your baby suffers from an allergic reaction, the first thing to do is remove the allergen. Of course, it is not immediately possible to understand what the child has an allergic reaction to. While this is being determined through examination, give your baby an antihistamine to alleviate the condition.
  • If there is a defect in the nasal septum, whether congenital or acquired, surgical intervention is required. After the operation, breathing problems will go away.
  • There are cases when a child has a blocked nasal passage due to something stuck there foreign object. The intervention of a doctor will also help here.