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Features of breaking out of binge drinking at home. Use with caution. Plants that cause aversion to alcohol

Abuse of alcoholic beverages over a long period of time indicates that the alcoholic has entered the stage of binge drinking, from which it is necessary to withdraw him. Almost no one can cope with this situation on their own; help from loved ones and professionals is required. The algorithm for the wife's behavior during the drunken stage must be psychologically and medically correct. That is, everything you do should be agreed upon with your doctor.

Recommendations for necessary actions can be obtained through consultation with specialists at the drug treatment center. To do this, it is suggested that you contact them by phone or on the website. Consultative services in drug clinics are provided free of charge.

The main mistakes of relatives

Erroneous actions of the wife and other family members can not only prolong the days of drinking for a long time, but also provoke the onset of delirium tremens. Its result will be inappropriate behavior dependent, from committing a crime against other persons to suicide. To prevent this from happening, contact us in time professional help. What should not be done before the drug treatment team arrives?

  1. Remember that getting your husband out of binge drinking is a difficult task., withdrawal of doses of alcohol without medical supervision and medications worsens the condition and leads to the development of various mental disorders: delirium tremens, alcoholic paranoid syndrome, hallucinations.
  2. Don't offer him beer instead of vodka, don't give him tranquilizers. Both are dangerous to health. Beer, like strong drinks, destroys the liver and affects the activity of the heart and other organs. Alcohol combined with sedatives or sedatives is poisonous.
  3. Don't try to lock your spouse away. He will look for an opportunity to get out of the room in any way and can cause harm to himself and his home.
  4. Don't give him money to cure his hangover, with prolonged drinking, a new dose helps only for a few minutes or does not help at all.
  5. Be careful, in a drunken stupor, some become aggressive and capable of committing crimes towards family members and to strangers. Do not provoke such actions with reproaches and quarrels.
  6. If you delay going to the clinic, the worsening of the disease will remain on your conscience. The addict himself no longer controls himself; his only chance to get out of withdrawal syndrome is the help of professionals. Therefore, you cannot hesitate to call a narcologist or admit him to a hospital.

The wife’s task is to be on guard until the team arrives; you must create a calm environment while waiting for the patient to meet with the doctor.

Video about the problem “Alcoholism” from Oleg Boldyrev

Treatment of alcoholism. Candidate of Medical Sciences, psychiatrist-narcologist, psychotherapist - Oleg Boldyrev, on whether it is possible to cure drug addicts and alcoholics forever or not.

Does your husband drink constantly? Call a narcologist to your home - leave a request for a consultation

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What will help relieve the condition of a binge alcoholic?

Alcohol addiction can occur at any age and becomes a serious health problem. Not everyone can cope with alcoholism alone. Help is needed not only from family and friends, but also from competent specialists - narcologists. It so happens that relatives buy and “prescribe” anti-alcohol drugs without the knowledge of the patient - the question immediately arises of how such conservative treatment proceeds and what result can be expected.

What is alcoholism

According to medical terminology, this is a stable dependence of the body on ethyl alcohol accompanied by acute attacks of general intoxication. A person experiences serious problems with health, personally faces rejection by society - he loses his job, the respect of family and friends, and there is complete degradation of his personality. He needs consultation with a narcologist, but not every alcoholic is ready to take the path of correction. Relatives sometimes decide to mix anti-alcoholism pills into food without the knowledge of the drinker, forgetting that this is a biopsychosocial disease.

How to cure an alcoholic without his desire

When drinking man does not understand that he is sick; family and friends must open his eyes to reality. If it doesn’t work, you can work around it, but this method is considered illegal. When using a drug for alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient, it is important to realize that the consequences of conservative or alternative treatment can be the most unpredictable, even fatal. There are several specific techniques, the most popular:

  • drops and tablets that need to be mixed with alcohol in food;
  • traditional methods, for example, the use of bay leaves, dung mushrooms, etc.;
  • attempts at psychotherapy, hypnosis, influence on consciousness.

Drugs for alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient

To block the toxic effects of ethanol in the body, reduce cravings for alcoholic beverages and cause a lasting aversion to just the smell, a full course of medications for alcoholism is used. Special medications have several convenient forms of release, including powder, suspensions, solutions, capsules and tablets for oral use. Therapeutic effect observed after the first dose and persists for several hours. The following are recommended for alcoholism: pharmacological groups and options:

  1. Medicines against hangover syndrome and to bring the patient out of binge drinking: Alkazeltser, Medichronal, Paracetamol, Aspirin, drugs containing succinic acid.
  2. Drugs that reduce cravings for alcohol: Proproten-100, Metadoxyl, Zorex, Cyamide, Disulfiram, Pari-Evalar.
  3. Preparations for intolerance to alcohol-containing drinks: Teturam, Esperal, Colme, Lidevin, Tetlong-250.


To normalize the patient’s lifestyle and regulate general well-being, you can use drops without the patient’s knowledge, which can be discreetly mixed into food and drink. It is advisable to purchase harmless products at the pharmacy that eliminate increased stress on the already diseased liver of an alcoholic. To get a person out of a drinking binge, better shape The release of anti-alcohol drugs cannot be found. Conservative treatment is carried out unnoticed, and the active components penetrate the systemic bloodstream and act comprehensively and productively in the body.

Here are the most effective pharmacological options in the form of drops for oral administration in a full course:

  1. Proproten 100. These are given to the patient to relieve hangover symptoms, normalize the sleep phase and the functioning of the nervous system. The remedies act purposefully. For a single dose, dilute 10 drops of Proproten 100 in 15 ml of water and offer it to an alcoholic to quench thirst. Mixing medicine into food is strictly prohibited. The drug is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation; side effects occur extremely rarely.
  2. Colma. These are oral drops that must be mixed into liquid food. In order not to cause significant damage to the health of an alcoholic, medicinal composition given 12 hours after the last drink of alcohol. A single dose is 15-25 drops, which are allowed to be consumed no more than 2 times a day. Among side effects allergic reactions on the skin and symptoms of food poisoning predominate.
  3. Coprinol. To eliminate the painful symptoms of another hangover, you need to take 2 ml of the medicine at a time. In this way, you can not only productively remove intoxication products, but also reduce the pathological craving for ethanol. IN chemical composition The multivitamin complex predominates, which further strengthens the immune system. Side effects may include problems with speech and vision, and impaired concentration.


Effective treatment of alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient occurs with the participation of medical supplies in the form of pills. When taken orally, the drug provides a systemic effect in the body. Tablets have more medical contraindications and side effects because they act systemically. Any drugs should be prescribed exclusively by a narcologist, and it is important not to overestimate the daily doses. Options:

  1. Tuturam. This effective drug from France. The active components block the breakdown of alcohol and convert ethyl alcohol into acetaldehyde. Simply put, when interacting with ethanol, the body progresses to severe vomiting, nausea, and migraine attacks. Teturam is needed for treatment chronic alcoholism and prevention of its relapses, and daily dose varies from 150 to 500 mg 2 times a day. Cases of drug overdose are especially dangerous, since they entail irreversible health consequences.
  2. Esperal. This domestic analogue the medication described above, which costs an order of magnitude cheaper in the pharmacy, but acts on the same principle. The active component disulfiram causes symptoms of intoxication of the body when consuming a dose of alcohol, bedridden, forcing the alcoholic to rethink in fear own life. The drug can be added to food without the patient’s knowledge or used as part of long-term treatment of chronic alcoholism.
  3. Lidevin. This medication provides positive dynamics even in chronic alcoholism, since it removes the craving for alcohol and forces the patient to give up alcoholic beverages. A single dose is 125-500 mg, the number of approaches per day is 2 times. After 7-10 days of treatment, a disulfiramalcohol test is performed. In case of a weak reaction, the dose of ethanol should be increased by 10-20 ml, while the maximum permissible dose is 100-120 ml of vodka.

Treatment with folk remedies

Some relatives, fearing death under the influence of chemical compounds of official medications, are confident that alternative medicine methods are much weaker, but safer. This is a myth, since even an herb like wormwood can provoke the death of an alcoholic if the proportions in the medicine are not correct. Before using folk remedies for drunkenness without the patient’s knowledge, it is recommended to consult with a narcologist, choose an effective prescription, and rule out serious health problems.

Key benefits of effective alcoholism treatment folk remedies are:

  1. In dishes, the taste of such medicine is not always noticeable, so the patient will not guess anything, only later will he encounter unpleasant symptoms due to the interaction of two opposing components.
  2. Folk remedies provide a temporary effect; there is no accumulation of toxins in the liver. The risk of side effects and contraindications is often lower than that of official pharmacological products.
  3. Folk remedies contain fewer contraindications, for example, most recipes are allowed for diabetes, liver and kidney failure. Their preparation also does not take much time.


Choosing effective treatment alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient, it is important to make sure that the medicine does not harm and will speed up the process of getting rid of the destructive addiction. These can be decoctions or infusions designed to reduce systematic cravings for ethanol. Each herbal ingredient has its own pharmacological properties is a powerful toxin, so it is important not to overestimate its proportions and strictly observe them. The most effective alternative medicine recipes with general recommendations from narcologists are described below.


This is a gentle method of getting rid of alcohol addiction, a real chance to get the patient out of a long-term binge. Bearberry has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant and enveloping properties, successfully treats the initial stage of alcohol dependence without serious complications for good health. Homemade recipes will help provoke a persistent aversion to alcoholic beverages without the patient’s knowledge. The following compounds are considered especially effective in the treatment of beer alcoholism:

  1. Infusion. It is necessary to pour 30 g of pre-dried and crushed plant with 200 ml of water and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. After brewing, cool and strain. Mix 3 tbsp into food. l. ready-made concentrate; if desired, it can be added to tea.
  2. Decoction. First of all, you need 1 tbsp. l. Grind the dried raw materials, place in a glass, pour boiling water. Infuse the mixture until completely cooled under the lid, strain. Then, without the knowledge of the patient, add the same amount to the meal, while observing the behavior and new sensations of the binge alcoholic.

This is the second name for thyme, which is effective in treating even chronic form alcoholism. According to its pharmacological properties, it is a disinfectant, analgesic, diuretic, anthelmintic and expectorant, especially suitable for diseases of the central nervous system and heart. When interacting with alcoholic beverages, the active component thymol increases its toxicity and can provoke attacks of poisoning in the body. Adding the composition to a bottle of vodka is strictly prohibited, otherwise the alcoholic may die suddenly.

It is not prohibited to mix it into food without the knowledge of the patient, but without fanaticism. To increase your chance of quitting, use these folk recipes:

  1. Combine 4 parts thyme herb with 1 part centaury, 1 part wormwood. For 200 ml of boiling water you need to use 1 tbsp. l. prepared raw materials, brew tea. Without the knowledge of the patient, it is necessary to mix the medicine for 3 months, 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day. Then take a break for a month, and then repeat the course.
  2. In one container you need to combine 30 g of rosemary, sage, peppermint, 20 g of thyme and wormwood, and 15 g of lovage root. Mix the collection, then 2 tbsp. l brew in 2 tbsp. boiling water and keep on moderate heat for another quarter of an hour. Without the knowledge of the patient, it is added to a glass of liquid before meals 3 times a day for 1.5 months. An alcoholic's pulse quickens, blood pressure rises, and he experiences attacks of tachycardia and internal weakness.
  3. You need 2 tbsp. l. thyme herbs pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. The strained and cooled broth needs to be added to your usual drink (for example, water or brine, not vodka) 2-3 times a day. The therapeutic effect is observed within a week home therapy, gradually developing the habit of not drinking.

Mint and lemon balm

The herbal complex causes a lasting aversion to all alcoholic beverages, causing the alcoholic to lose interest in drinking and embark on the path of a sober life. After each dose, the addicted person develops a fear that after the next dose he will simply die from the symptoms associated with a hangover. The taste of alcohol changes, it no longer gives the same pleasure, and the symptoms of poisoning force you to look for the good in a sober life. To get the result, take one of the recipes:

  1. To prepare anti-alcohol tea, brew 1 tbsp. l. mint in a glass of boiling water. You need to infuse the mixture and strain. Add boiled water to the original volume, and the patient can be given to drink instead of tea. This medicinal plant It has a pleasant taste, so an alcoholic will definitely not guess anything. You can drink this drink up to 2-3 times a day for several weeks.
  2. Instead of peppermint, you can use lemon balm, especially if the alcoholic has an acute allergic reaction to the first herbal component. The recipe for making tea is the same, the taste of the drink is also pleasant, and therapeutic effect observed after 10 days. Treatment cannot be stopped so that the habit of not drinking is completely formed in the mind of the addict.

Curly sorrel

This is another unique plant component that, when interacting with ethanol, causes symptoms of acute intoxication. The patient complains of migraine attacks, nausea and vomiting, and personally experiences excessive sweating, cold sweat and internal weakness when the legs become “woolly”. Such a systemic health disorder is frightening, so there is every chance to cure alcoholism without the knowledge of the patient. Here are effective recipes with the addition of curly sorrel:

  1. Dry the sorrel roots and chop them. Then pour 1 tbsp. l. raw materials 2 tbsp. water and simmer over low heat. Strain, cool, and then quietly add 150 ml of the prepared broth to the sick person’s food. Carry out the procedures 5 times daily, and treatment in this way will last for 2-3 weeks.
  2. You need to wash and thoroughly dry the roots of curly sorrel. Then grind them into powder using a blender, add them as a seasoning to warm food 2-3 times a day for several weeks without interruption. If skin redness or other allergic reactions occur, the main ingredient must be urgently replaced.

Bay leaf

This is a publicly available recipe that all alcoholics and their immediate circle know about. You need to take a few dried leaves and boil them in 2 tbsp. boiling water, and then leave and cool. The finished medicinal decoction is to be added to food. It is important to exclude cases of overdose. If you are allergic to Bay leaf It is better to find another medicine for alcoholism. In practice, such a treatment shows mediocre results, which cannot be said about alcohol tincture with this ingredient.

For cooking alcohol infusion It takes 6-7 leaves to fill with 500 ml of vodka, then leave in a dark place for 10-14 days. Shake periodically and completely avoid contact with children. The finished medicine can be added to drink or food without the knowledge of the patient, 15-20 drops at a time. This is an effective treatment for alcoholism, which begins to work within 5-7 days. With regular use, after a month you can completely get rid of toxic addiction.

This is an edible mushroom that does not harm the patient’s health if he does not drink alcohol. This product can be boiled or fried and served for lunch or dinner. But when combined with ethanol, the patient will experience acute food poisoning which is accompanied by seizures severe nausea and vomiting. An alcoholic, not understanding what is happening to him, is afraid to drink, and soon becomes a teetotaler. Unbeknownst to the patient, this is an effective remedy for alcoholism; the main thing is to prepare it correctly and serve it.

When interacting in the body, the following occur: pathological processes: in combination with ethanol, the dung fungus reduces the process of breaking down the latter. The result is an increase in the concentration of toxic substances in the blood, acute poisoning, and an aggravating effect on the kidneys and liver. So such a dish needs to be given to a dependent person every day so that he is afraid to drink.

Red pepper

If this ingredient is used to treat alcoholism, the patient will experience prolonged bouts of vomiting and will be afraid to drink alcohol. To avoid critical deterioration general well-being, you need to properly prepare the red pepper recipe. Below are effective folk remedies:

  1. You need to grind the red pepper into crumbs, then add the powder to 500 ml of vodka. The medicinal composition must be kept in a dark place for 14 days, and then used as directed. To do this, add 15-20 drops to alcoholic drinks. Instead of pleasure, a dependent person will experience symptoms of intoxication and will be afraid to drink in the future.
  2. As an alternative to red capsicum, you can use at least effective tincture from green bugs, add 15-30 of them to 500 ml of vodka and infuse. The medicinal composition must be used without the knowledge of the patient according to the same principle, adding it to any alcohol-containing drink.

Restrictions on self-therapy

Without the knowledge of the patient, it is very problematic to finally overcome chronic alcoholism; serious mental problems cannot be ruled out. Many relatives of the patient decide to take such a radical step as the last opportunity to restore the person’s health and encourage them to live a sober life. It is important to understand that such actions are illegal and can cost the addict his life. Medical contraindications:

  1. Treatment is dangerous if extensive pathologies of the cardiovascular system predominate in the human body, thyroid gland. In this case, when interacting with ethanol, we observe sharp deterioration overall health, a binge alcoholic may even die.
  2. Folk remedies can not so much reduce as increase health problems. As the condition worsens, other symptoms develop internal diseases, dangerous complications.
  3. Even if there is a noticeable improvement, this is rather a temporary effect; the dependent person will have to be kept on secret recipes for alcoholism all the time, hide the truth from him and watch the torment.

It doesn’t matter what to choose – anti-alcohol serum or red pepper tincture. Self-treatment of chronic alcoholism in other people without their knowledge is prohibited, because by law it must be voluntary. No matter how effective recipes may be in practice, make no mistake. A dependent person must independently understand and realize for himself that it is no longer possible to live like this, and voluntarily give up his destructive addiction. Actions from the outside are fraught with global consequences - for health, relationships, and actually lead “to nowhere.”


Alcoholism of a loved one brings a lot of trouble to his relatives. Material losses, constant conflicts, scandals, poor health - these problems place a heavy burden on the relatives of an alcohol addict. It is especially difficult if drinking becomes binge drinking. Many alcoholics categorically refuse to see a doctor. Is it possible to stop binge drinking at home? How to do this without the knowledge of the alcohol addict? You can read about how to save your loved one and help him get out of a serious illness in this article.

If a lover of alcohol drinks non-stop for several days or even weeks, then his condition is called binge drinking. This is a very difficult and dangerous process for health. The liver does not have time to process the doses of ethanol entering the body. Toxins, breakdown products of ethyl alcohol, accumulate in the blood. The liver suffers greatly, chronic diseases worsen.

Binge drinking occurs because the drinker tries to avoid the onset of a hangover. He drinks alcohol continuously to delay the onset of withdrawal.

Many alcoholics cannot adequately assess their condition. They believe that they will stop on their own at any moment, and therefore categorically refuse treatment. To help and preserve the health or even the life of a loved one, you need to stop binge drinking without his knowledge.

How to stop binge drinking

While the alcohol addict is sleeping, there is no need to do anything. First you should wait for him to wake up. When he wakes up, you need to limit your alcohol intake. At first, it is worth measuring the amount of drink, limiting the drinker to a dose of 30 ml per hour. When the patient feels a little better after a few hours, you should completely stop drinking alcoholic beverages. This is the main condition, because temporary relief from another drink will be replaced by even greater health problems and deterioration in well-being. If you cannot stop the patient, you need to dilute the vodka with water in a 1:1 ratio. Change view alcoholic drink not worth it.

If a person on a binge suddenly stops taking ethanol, he may experience serious health problems. Possible complications- strong withdrawal syndrome, excruciating pain, alcoholic psychoses, including delirium tremens.

To speed up the sobering up of the drinker, he is given a solution to drink. ammonia– 2-3 drops per glass of water. This remedy should not be given to heart patients.

A shower helps you sober up quickly. The patient is placed in a bath and watered with not too cold water for 10-15 minutes. Then it is left for some time in a cool room.

If the patient no longer drinks vodka, then lung tablet sleeping pills will help him fall asleep and cope with poisoning faster. Insomnia during withdrawal is very difficult to tolerate. But it is worth remembering that in combination with alcohol, sleeping pills can cause serious complications.


To get rid of binge drinking, you need to remove toxic substances from the body that are formed from ethyl alcohol. To do this, detoxification is carried out. It consists of the following:

  • Gastric lavage. A solution of soda and salt in the proportion of one tablespoon per liter of water is well suited for this. The patient empties his stomach and gets rid of the remaining alcohol;
  • Reception activated carbon. Drink at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight. Charcoal adsorbs toxins from the body well. Enterosgel also helps to quickly cleanse the body;
  • Those recovering from binge drinking should drink plenty of fluids. This could be milk, fruit drink, weak tea or rosehip decoction. It is advisable to drink at least 4 liters of liquid per day. Toxic substances then they will be quickly removed from the blood;
  • Honey with tea or other drinks helps restore the body;
  • Regidron solution helps in the fight against poisoning - two liters per day.

It is advisable to alternate different detoxification methods.

One of the best ways quick cleansing body is an enema. But it is impossible to do it without the knowledge of the patient. An enema removes feces from the intestines that contain large amounts of toxins - breakdown products of ethyl alcohol. After eliminating them, the drinker’s condition immediately improves.

The desired enema volume is one and a half liters. You can add chamomile infusion to the water. To prepare it, pour boiling water over two or three tablespoons of the plant and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then the infusion is decanted, squeezed out and added to the enema liquid.

If the patient becomes ill, call immediately ambulance. In this state, an alcoholic may experience serious health problems, including exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Use of drugs

Medicines will also help the patient recover from severe intoxication. They should be used with caution, not exceeding the recommended dosage:

  • If the patient is vomiting, then one Cerucal tablet will help him. Take a second tablet if the first does not help. It can be drunk no earlier than 20-30 minutes later;
  • An Aspirin tablet twice a day will improve the well-being of an alcoholic;
  • No-spa or Analgin will help with headaches.
  • To cleanse the body, Polyphepan is recommended. They drink it five times a day;
  • Succinic acid four times a day reduces withdrawal symptoms and helps restore strength;
  • To remove ethanol breakdown products, the patient is given vitamins B and C;
  • Special anti-hangover drugs - Alka-Seltzer, Medichronal and others fight all manifestations of hangover syndrome. Headache and muscle discomfort go away, nausea and vomiting disappear.

An alcoholic coming out of a binge should not be given Corvalol and Phenozepam. These medications are incompatible with the breakdown products of ethanol, which saturate the patient’s blood.

Folk remedies

In order to bring an alcohol addict out of a state of severe intoxication, traditional medicine is used:

  • Honey dissolved in water helps with dehydration, poisoning, and general malaise. Hot drink containing one tablespoon of honey per glass of water, drink in small sips. Honey with milk is also very useful for the patient;
  • Oatmeal broth is prepared according to the recipe: one kilogram of oats per three liters of water. The broth is boiled for 20-30 minutes, then left for 12 hours. You need to drink it before meals, 200 ml;
  • Marigold flowers are boiled for 5-10 minutes and left for four hours. Taking this drink five glasses a day, the patient will quickly recover from binge drinking;
  • A decoction of finely chopped lemons can be drunk throughout the day. large quantities. Toxins from the body will be quickly removed. Instead of decoction, you can drink weak tea with a large slice of lemon;
  • Several pomegranate fruits are cut into pieces and boiled for 30 minutes, drunk all day in small portions;
  • To combat dehydration, use various drinks, at least two liters per day. These can be juices, compotes, brines, mineral water.

Restoration of the body

The next stage in quitting binge drinking is recovery. normal operation the drinker's body. First you need to eat. Meat broth or oatmeal will return strength to the patient and will not create unnecessary stress on the gastrointestinal tract. The first days after binge drinking, the patient’s food should be light, preferably dietary.

When coming out of a binge, you should not drink strong tea, coffee or other stimulating drinks. nervous system.

For normal sleep you need to drink a decoction of mint, valerian or motherwort. A glycine tablet under the tongue will also be helpful. At first, it is advisable to observe bed rest.

After the patient has slept and feels better, he is recommended to take cold and hot shower. This procedure will invigorate and circulate blood throughout the body. Walking outdoors, moderate physical exercise will also be useful. If the patient’s condition allows, then he can play sports or go to the pool. This helps take your mind off the drinking.

Moral support is the basis for withdrawal from binge drinking

When recovering from binge drinking, a patient needs help from loved ones. His mental condition severely undermined by what happened to him, and his body is poisoned by toxins. Scandals, screams, threats can greatly harm the patient. He should feel the support and care of his family.

Strong physical activity is also unacceptable during this period. They can cause a heart attack and exacerbation chronic diseases. The body needs time to recover.

Also contraindicated hot bath, visiting the bathhouse and sauna. After heavy drinking, the heart works under enormous load; at first you need to lead a gentle lifestyle.


You can use home remedies to get out of binge drinking. If they do not help, and the patient gets worse, urgent medical attention is necessary.

We must always remember that binge drinking is a sign of severe alcohol dependence. It will definitely be repeated. After a successful exit from binge drinking, you need to begin treatment for alcoholism. Otherwise, binge drinking will occur more and more often. This disease can be treated at home, in a drug treatment clinic, with folk remedies or medication coding. The main condition for successful treatment is the voluntary and conscious desire of the alcoholic to change his lifestyle. People close to him can help the drinker make the right decision.

Video on topic

Relatives of a person suffering from alcoholism need to know how to get out of binge drinking quickly and without harm to health. Prolonged consumption of alcohol (more than 2–3 days) leads to severe intoxication and disruption of the functioning of the main body systems. Not only a narcologist, but also relatives can help an addicted person. There are several methods for getting out of a drunken state, among which the simplest is treatment with folk remedies.

Types of binge drinking and their features

Binge drinking and drunkenness are different concepts. Periodic drinking of alcohol over several days occurs during long holidays, during vacation, or after a bereavement. This state is called, and a person can get out of it through an effort of will. Breaking out of binge drinking is impossible without outside help, and only alcoholics can fall into it.

Psychiatrists distinguish 2 types of binge drinking:

  • pseudo-binge - a phenomenon characteristic of stage II alcoholism (in this case, prolonged drinking is caused by external factors, be it holidays or nervous shock);
  • true binge drinking is an uncontrollable craving for alcohol and overconsumption alcohol at stages II – III of alcoholism in order to get rid of hangover symptoms.

Both types of binge drinking stop under the influence of external factors. In the first case, they become the need to go to work, the return of relatives from departure, etc. Treatment of binge drinking with special means is necessary for true binge drinking.
Clinical manifestations true binge drinking is longer consumption of alcohol and uncontrollable cravings for it. Binge drinking begins with drinking alcohol in unlimited quantities, after which a hangover occurs. The addict’s hand again reaches for the “saving” bottle. Drinking alcohol relieves withdrawal symptoms, but for no more than 2–3 hours. Afterwards, the person again falls into a state comparable to withdrawal symptoms among drug addicts, and becomes a hostage to his addiction.

Detoxification at home

As a result of prolonged alcohol consumption, a number of somatoneurological and mental disorders develop; in later stages, alcoholic psychosis, depression, hallucinations, etc. How to stop binge drinking and prevent a person from driving himself to moral and physical exhaustion? At home, the optimal solution would be detoxification and treatment with folk remedies.

Withdrawal from binge drinking is carried out by the following means:

  • solution 1 tsp. ammonia in 1 tbsp. l. water - for quick sobering;
  • water procedures (pouring the head with cold water, contrast showers and baths in water at room temperature for 15 minutes) - to remove from a state of intoxication;
  • drinking plenty of fluids (up to 3 - 4 l/day) and diuretics - to reduce cravings for alcohol and remove toxins from the body, restore water-salt balance and relieve swelling;
  • soothing infusions (melissa, valerian, chamomile, mint) - to get rid of irritability and nervousness;
  • therapeutic diet (thick meat broths, cabbage soup from sauerkraut) – to replenish the lack of nutrients and energy without straining the digestive tract;
  • poly vitamin complexes(Centrum, "Oligovit", Vitrum) in a double dose - to restore the body after prolonged intoxication.

But treatment of binge alcoholism at home is impossible without the use of special medications.

Anti-binge pills: purpose and properties

Buying anti-binge medicine at the pharmacy is not difficult. Such drugs are presented in a very diverse range:

  • "Polyphepan" - for neutralizing toxins (detoxification);
  • “Thiamin” - against memory impairment and encephalopathy (non-inflammatory diseases of the brain) when ingested with ethyl alcohol;
  • "Tiapride" is an antipsychotic drug that reduces the degree of aggression;
  • "Clonidine" - for hand tremors, tachycardia, sweating.

There are conditions that lead to conditioned reflex disgust towards alcohol. These drugs include Antabuse, mixed with alcohol. Active substance(disulfiram) blocks acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (a liver enzyme involved in the metabolism of ethyl alcohol). Due to this, the concentration of the alcohol metabolite (acetaldehyde) increases, which provokes nausea, vomiting, tachycardia, a sharp decrease in blood pressure and makes alcohol consumption extremely unpleasant.
Breaking out of binge drinking at home using medications is a risky undertaking. All drugs have contraindications (polyneuritis, epilepsy, neuritis, glaucoma, etc.). If the dosage is incorrect, consuming the tablets can be fatal. An experienced narcologist in a hospital setting can truly and safely interrupt an alcohol binge.

Inpatient withdrawal from binge drinking

Narcologists are specialists who know exactly how to get a person out of binge drinking. Each patient is individual, and therefore treatment methods and means require personal selection. Removal from a drunken state is carried out in several stages:

  • infusion therapy (infusion of plasma-replacing salt compounds, be it Ringer-Locke solution or saline solution, anti-swelling drugs, 5% glucose solution, sorbents, etc.) - the so-called drip for binge drinking, which allows you to normalize the body’s functioning and rid it of toxic substances substances;
  • sedative therapy (administration of potent sedatives, such as Seduxen, Phenazepam, Relium) - to get rid of increased aggression, irritability, nervousness, and normalize sleep;
    restorative therapy - in order to normalize the basic processes of the body;
  • additional drug therapy– to get rid of the negative consequences of binge alcoholism.

Depending on the dynamics of the patient’s condition, additional medications are selected. To stabilize pulse, blood pressure and heart function, Verapamil or Panangin is prescribed. Magnesia, analgesics and antipsychotics are used to prevent seizures, headaches, and vomiting. Depending on the stage of alcoholism, withdrawal symptoms can last up to 7–10 days. And all this time the patient must remain under the supervision of a doctor. But even after withdrawal from binge drinking, there is a high probability of relapse, and therefore the addicted person needs qualified psychological help.

Psychological assistance in detoxification

How to stop binge drinking and prevent relapse? Alcoholics are unable to overcome addiction on their own. And most often they do not want to acknowledge its existence. That is why the support of loved ones and professional psychological help are important in the process of breaking out of a drunken state. It is better to contact two specialists at once, such as:
psychiatrist specializing in medical psychotherapy and treatment of mental disorders (nervous stress, alcoholism, etc.);
a psychologist who uses psychological technologies to eliminate mental problems that are not associated with mental pathologies.
A psychiatrist is called upon to get rid of a disease, a psychologist - from the causes that led to its occurrence. Usually such reasons are stress, everyday troubles, discord between spouses, and dissatisfaction with life. Withdrawal from heavy drinking also leads to depression, and psychological rehabilitation becomes necessary.

There are many rehabilitation methods:

  • family therapy (attending consultations together with a loved one will help establish the range of everyday problems and, through joint efforts, find ways to solve them);
  • group therapy (fighting a problem in a group of like-minded people is much more effective than trying to get rid of alcoholism alone);
  • suggestive therapy (therapeutic suggestion during immersion in hypnotic sleep, that is, hypnosis, during which a person is told to prohibit drinking alcohol).

But how to get rid of binge drinking at home if there is no possibility of contacting specialists, and to a loved one Need help urgently?

"AlcoBarrier" - an effective and natural remedy for binge drinking

Conquering alcohol addiction and quitting binge drinking at home is now possible. Plant whey "" effectively eliminates cravings for alcoholic beverages. It includes a complex natural ingredients, selected taking into account the needs of the body during a period of prolonged intoxication:

  • motherwort extract, known for its sedative effects and ability to relieve nervous tension, improve sleep;
  • artichoke extract, which removes toxins, relieves the effects of waste and sobers;
  • acacia dietary fiber (fibregam), which normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • succinic acid, which quickly eliminates the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome and strengthens the heart muscle;
  • vitamin B6, which strengthens the nervous system and reduces cravings for alcohol.

- a remedy for binge drinking at home, which has a comprehensive effect on the body. It blocks cravings for alcohol, creating a stable feeling of disgust. The drug also triggers restoration processes in organs that experience harmful effects during binge drinking (heart, liver, kidneys).
Studies have shown that the use of the drug “AlcoBarrier” for withdrawal from binge drinking is effective in 75% of cases. Three-quarters of the subjects noted a sharp decrease in craving for alcohol and an acute dislike for the smell and taste of it. Already after the first dose of the serum, the detoxification mechanism is launched.

Order Alcobarrier now
The product is certified

Thanks to the harmless plant composition You can take AlcoBarrier during the entire period of withdrawal from binge drinking and elimination of hangover symptoms. This tool is completely missing side effects and contraindications. The products are certified in Russia, which confirms their safety, effectiveness and high quality.
The contents of one sachet must be dissolved in a glass of warm water. It is recommended to use the drug for binge drinking and alcoholism at least 1 – 2 times a day. On the very first day, the addict will feel an improvement in his condition: nausea and vomiting will stop, and “withdrawal” will subside.
At long-term use drug (more than 1 - 2 weeks) many patients participating in drug studies experienced improvement medical indicators(pulse, blood pressure, etc.). Long-term and regular use of serum
“AlcoBarrier” is a guarantee of quitting binge drinking at home and getting rid of alcoholism forever!