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Magical Skin! What do many moles on the body mean?

Everyone should know the reasons for the appearance of moles on the body. After all, their appearance in an adult is natural process. Moles are collections of pigmented cells between the outer and inner layers of the skin.

Reasons for their appearance

  1. Hereditary.

This reason does not pose any threat. Many people are hereditarily susceptible to the appearance of nevi. During life they can both appear and disappear. The main thing is to take precautions with them.

  1. Hormonal surges in the body.

Hormonal imbalances can contribute to the appearance of nevi. And thus contribute to their disappearance. Moles appear most actively during puberty, during pregnancy in women.

  1. Mechanical damage.

Mechanical injuries lead mainly to flat or hanging moles. From this type of exposure they appear on the hands. They can also occur on the toes.

  1. Ultraviolet irradiation.

Particularly rapid appearance of moles is observed during solar activity hours. It is not recommended to stay under ultraviolet rays for a long time. They contribute to the emergence of new formations and the transformation of old ones into dangerous malignant tumors - melanoma. Particular attention should be paid to people with an abundance of birthmarks, on whose body there are more than 20 of them. You should use protective creams and cover them with stickers that reflect UV.

  1. Internal diseases of the body.

Common causes of the appearance of nevi include: vitamin C deficiency, diseases of the pancreas and liver, radiation exposure, deficiency ascorbic acid, imbalance of lipid metabolism, dermatological pathologies.

  1. Insect bites.

Why do hanging moles occur?

This benign tumors that develop from the epithelium. Their surface is uneven.

This variety is the most dangerous and vulnerable. They need constant monitoring.

If you notice a large number of these formations on your body, you should consult a doctor..

The doctor must determine the presence or absence of human papillomavirus.

Hanging moles can cause great inconvenience to their owners:

  • discomfort;
  • ugly appearance;
  • ease of injury (may come off or become inflamed under the influence of external factors);
  • can more easily develop into a malignant tumor.

The main reasons for their occurrence include:

  1. Any hormonal change in the body (for example: puberty, pregnancy, menopause).
  2. Genetic predisposition.
  3. Long stay in the sun.
  4. Human papillomavirus.

If changes of this type occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Changes that should be under increased attention:

  • noticeable growth of nevus;
  • changing its color;
  • painful sensations;
  • appearance of blood;
  • inflammation of the formation;
  • disappearance of the skin pattern on the mole;
  • compacting it.

What causes black nevi to appear?

A nevus with the highest concentration of pigment substance can be extremely dark, even black. Black coloring sometimes does not indicate the presence of cancer. Its size, not exceeding 4 mm, can be considered a benign indicator. It should be round and its surface smooth.

Often such spots are congenital or appear during puberty.

Black nevi are formed instead of dark brown ones.

Reasons for the appearance of black color:

  • UV rays;
  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • mole injuries.

Black color characterizes an increased concentration of melanocytes, indicating an increased risk of transformation into melanoma.

The appearance of a black formation in most cases indicates the presence of serious problems in organism. It is recommended to periodically examine the body for the presence of these formations.

It is necessary to periodically inspect suspicious spots to exclude changes in their structure.

If the black nevus has dried up and fallen off on its own, this does not mean that the likelihood of malignant degeneration has passed. You should consult your doctor if this happens.

Why are there so many of them?

Scientists have proven that the appearance of multiple moles indicates biological aging of the body. Consequently, they appear during physiological wear and tear of the body.

In addition to the aging of the body, the increased appearance of pigmented formations is influenced by solar radiation.

Radiation exposure is an important factor. If after 24 years numerous moles are observed, then possible reason this in the radiation background. Many doctors are inclined to say that their occurrence can be influenced by a visit to a fluorograph or x-ray.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome

The pathology is a syndrome characterized by the presence of multiple nevi throughout the body. They often have an uneven shape. They are flat. Their size is large. The syndrome is associated with the occurrence of melanoma in a relative.

The disease tends to be hereditary. The syndrome is transmitted according to a dominant type; the reason why nevi appear is the transmission of an altered gene from parents.

A newborn often does not have moles, or their number is extremely small. They are formed over time under the influence of external factors.

Signs of the syndrome:

  • the size of moles is about 5 mm or more;
  • a large number of them;
  • spread throughout the whole body;
  • color dark brown;
  • new formations may have redness around them;
  • most often localized in places inaccessible to UV radiation.

Skin formations with this syndrome especially dangerous, there is a high probability of degeneration into melanoma.

Multiple seborrheic keratosis

Multiple moles appear on the body due to this syndrome. Appear benign nevi in persons over thirty years of age.

The appearance of brown, rough formations that rise above the surface. Their sizes are from 15 mm and more. The structure is rough and uneven. The disease is benign and very rarely leads to skin cancer.


Which doctor should I contact?

Many people cannot get rid of moles only because they do not know exactly which specialist they should contact.

The first doctor you need to visit is a dermatologist; there is a direct change in the skin tissue. The dermatologist should conduct initial examination using a dermatoscope, then refer the patient for appropriate tests to make a diagnosis.

After a full examination, the specialist decides which specialist doctor the patient can be redirected to.

If the mole is not malignant and does not pose any threat, the patient can be observed at home, periodically visiting a dermatologist.

If, after diagnosis, it is determined malignancy, then the dermatologist refers the patient to highly specialized doctors: oncodermatologist, oncologist-mammologist, surgeon.

After a full examination narrow specialists Doctors make a final diagnosis and decide whether to remove the nevus. If there are no specialized specialists in your clinic, then after visiting a dermatologist, you must definitely contact a surgeon so that he can determine which method is best to remove it.

Getting rid of it at home

There are many surgical methods removing annoying formations. Unfortunately, not all people are mentally ready to immediately run to the doctor. Therefore, many people prefer to get rid of them at home.

Removing skin lesions at home can lead to complications, so it is recommended that you see a qualified healthcare professional.

If you are not afraid of the warnings, then you can try to get rid of nevi at home.

The pharmacy sells a large number of medications without a prescription that can easily remove annoying formations. You can purchase vitamin C in the form of tablets, which, after crushing, should be applied to the mole for 5-7 weeks.

There are special creams and ointments that help lighten birthmarks. And whitening creams general purpose, but they cope very poorly with the task of lightening.

In addition to commercial products, you can use traditional medicine.

The most frequently used methods of traditional medicine against moles are:

  1. Apple cider vinegar: the acids contained in vinegar penetrate into the layers of the skin and completely dissolve it. It is necessary to wipe the stain with vinegar using a cotton pad or cotton swab.
  2. Garlic: Crush it into a pulp and apply directly to the spot, avoiding the surrounding area. The composition should be kept for several hours.
  3. Iodine: should be applied directly to the nevus up to 3 times a day.
  4. Sour Apple juice: Apply freshly squeezed green apple juice to the mole.
  5. Pineapple and sea salt: mix half a glass of freshly squeezed juice with coarse sea ​​salt and use as a scrub.
  6. Castor oil and soda: a paste made from one tablespoon of baking soda along with two tablespoons of sugar. Apply for several hours directly to the site of formation.
  7. Honey: has antiseptic properties. Apply honey directly to the mole, you can add a few drops linseed oil to soothe the skin.

Removal using cosmetic procedures

  1. A liquid nitrogen.

The use of liquid nitrogen is only possible in specialized medical institutions. The procedure is accompanied by minor pain or discomfort. The procedure involves exposure to liquid nitrogen for about 30 seconds. Low temperatures act directly on the nevus and nearby tissues. Which causes destruction and gradual death of cells. After the procedure, the mole becomes lighter and the treatment area is covered with a bubble for about a week. Next, the dead tissue is rejected and a crust forms, which disappears over time. Ideal skin subsequently appears at the treatment site.

  1. Laser removal.

The procedure is performed only by a specialist cosmetologist. Before starting the procedure local anesthesia. This eliminates any painful sensations. The laser exclusively affects the mole tissue itself. The vessels near it are sealed. After a short recovery period, there are almost no traces of removal of the formations.

  1. Surgical route.

Indications for this method are large formations that hang or protrude above the skin. If there is a risk of the formation becoming malignant, then nearby tissues are also removed, which often leads to the formation of scars and cicatrices.

  1. Removal using a radio knife.

The generated beam of safe radiation is applied to the tissues of the formation. Only the skin itself is affected. The formation of scars is excluded.

  1. Electrocoagulation.

Removal occurs due to exposure to direct and alternating current. It is a famous modern remedy.

  1. Photodynamic therapy.

The indication for this procedure is the development of a malignant tumor. The procedure takes place in two stages. The first stage is applying a special cream; the second stage is exposure to UV.

The most effective ways

A person who has decided to get rid of a mole wants to know which methods are really effective.

According to most experts, the most effective methods There are medical methods for removing nevi.

Such methods allow you to quickly get rid of unnecessary formation, eliminating possible dangerous consequences, such as: inflammation, proliferation and reappearance formations, infection, scars and cicatrices.

Methods to quickly get rid of moles include:

  • laser removal;
  • removal with liquid nitrogen;
  • surgical method;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • photodynamic method;
  • removal with a radio knife.

Eliminate them forever

Moles on the body can cause a huge amount of inconvenience. If you decide to remove them, you should do this only after consulting a doctor.

It is impossible to completely get rid of all moles on the body. If they do not cause any discomfort, do not have an unaesthetic appearance, and do not change in size and shape, then there is no point in removing them.

Many doctors simply will not take on this work. If the nevus threatens health, then it is subjected to medical methods for removal.

Such as:

  • surgical intervention;
  • laser excision;
  • a liquid nitrogen;
  • removal due to a radiation beam;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • photodynamic therapy.

All methods that are not medical cannot permanently eliminate pigment formation. Cosmetic, pharmaceutical products and traditional medicine methods can only clarify it.

And this happens very slowly. Lightening lasts from a week to several months. Even after several months, the result may not appear.

Not medical methods can cause serious harm body. For example: inflammation, skin damage, malignant degeneration. Therefore, before you decide to remove a mole, consider whether it may still cause more harm to your body.

Many moles on the body - the reasons why they appear

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A mole can be found on the body of both men and women. Every person who has a large number of nevi has repeatedly wondered why there are many moles on the body.

Why are there many moles on the body?

A nevus forms in that part of the skin where a large number of pigment cells accumulate. There are people who have a predisposition to such a process. Answering the question, if there are a lot of moles on the body, what does this mean, we can answer that this is a specific property of the skin when there are a large number of birthmarks on the body since childhood. If in an adult, or small child, their number began to grow noticeably, we need to pay attention to this and a number of other factors.

From birth

The reason that a baby has many moles on its body at birth is a genetic predisposition. For example, relatives of the same blood birthmarks can appear on the same areas of the skin. The pigmentation process of skin cells can accelerate if Small child will regularly be exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time, or during peak hours of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

New moles appear

Recently, modern medicine suggests if there are a lot of moles on the body: the cause depends on the age of the person. The appearance of a large number of small nevi indicates that the body has begun to age. physiological level, and their appearance indicates the need for the body to confront old age. The reason for the appearance of new spots may also be a change in hormonal levels. Has a direct effect on the appearance of formations endocrine system a person, on which the levels of hormones in the body depend. There are a number of periods when hormonal imbalance occurs. These periods include:

  1. Carrying a child.
  2. Thyroid diseases.
  3. Transitional age.
  4. Abortion.
  5. Taking hormonal or contraceptive medications.

During such periods, either the appearance of a large number of new birthmarks or the growth of previous moles occurs. After the end of one of the periods, when the hormonal background stabilizes, they may become discolored or disappear on their own. There is no need to worry about such changes. However, to confirm the safety of neoplasms, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

The appearance of new birthmarks may also be due to negative impact radioactive radiation. For example, with frequent and long work with a computer, or mobile phone, radioactive rays surrounding the user on each side provoke an increase in melanin in the human body. Melanin directly relates to this type of neoplasm.

The reasons for the formation of new nevi also include insect bites or damage to the skin. If the wound is not treated properly, the healing period will be extended by long time. During this period, an environment may begin to form in the wound, with developing infectious processes. As a result, a large number of moles can form on different areas of the skin.

The main reason for the appearance of nevus is ultraviolet rays. They most actively influence the transformation benign education to malignant. However, the initial large number of nevi on the body does not indicate that their owner is predisposed to cancer.

For example, after a long stay under the scorching sun, a person may notice new small moles on his body. Doctors strongly recommend not spending a lot of time in direct sunlight if you have a lot of moles. And especially for those who have a light skin tone from birth. This includes the ban on.

Many red moles appear

Newly formed moles are not dangerous if:

  • doesn't itch;
  • does not increase in size;
  • color does not change;
  • there is no discharge of pus or fluid;
  • there is no swelling or visible inflammatory process.

In the absence of these signs, it is recommended to independently observe the nevi, and if one of the symptoms appears, immediately go to the doctor. It is important to be careful in areas that are subject to chafing, scratching, or other physical impact so that the integrity of the mole does not break. If treated incorrectly, an inflammatory process may begin in a torn or completely torn mole, as a result of which the proliferation of cancer cells may become more active.

Particular attention should be paid to birthmarks that are located on the foot and palm. If there is a mole in such a place, it is impossible to avoid rubbing or any other damage that threatens the development of cancer.

What to do if a lot of moles appear

The appearance of a large number of nevi does not indicate the presence cancer. This phenomenon suggests that you should be careful about birthmarks. Inspect the accumulation of moles every day. Once every six months, visit a dermatologist or oncodermatologist to conduct a qualified examination of the spots and diagnose their condition.

Is sunbathing allowed

If there are an excessive number of tumors on the body, doctors do not recommend staying between 10 am and 5 pm. At a time like this Sun rays aggressive to human skin. At the allowed time, ultraviolet rays activate the production of pigment that accumulates in subcutaneous tissue, which leads to the formation of new birthmarks. The conclusion is that you need to sunbathe carefully, using sunscreen.

Chinese view of moles

People of China who are addicted to traditional medicine, believe that the formation of new spots on the human body is associated with chronic diseases, inflammatory processes organs that provoke stagnation of negative energy. After a huge amount of such energy has accumulated in the body, an active release occurs. Energy is released in the places where the diseased organ is located.

Every person has moles, but some have one or two, while others can count several dozen. Probably everyone knows that these pigment spots can be congenital, as well as appear during life (acquired).

Doctors believe that both the first and second can cause development, so their size and quantity should always be kept under control.

In some cases, you can observe a situation where a short time a person develops a large number of new nevi. Then the question arises, why do many moles appear, what is the reason for this, are they dangerous, is it worth going to the doctor and having the tumors removed. In this article we will try to explain all the nuances of this phenomenon.

A mole has appeared - what is it connected with?

There are many types of moles, which are conventionally divided into 2 groups: melanoma-dangerous, which have a very high probability of transformation into a malignant tumor, and non-dangerous, which very rarely can lead to skin cancer. But it is important to know that even safe moles, when exposed to negative factors, for example, sun exposure, constant trauma, can degenerate into melanoma.

As a rule, when many moles appear at the same time, it is always associated with some kind of external or internal influence. Let's look at the most common reasons:

  1. Hormonal surges in the body. For example, moles often appear after childbirth, during puberty, during menopause, during treatment hormonal drugs, due to diseases of the endocrine system.
  2. Heredity. If parents have a lot on their bodies age spots, then, most likely, the child will have the same picture.
  3. Appear frequently moles after sunbathing or prolonged exposure to the sun. As you know, under the influence of ultraviolet solar radiation, the protective pigment melanin is produced in our skin. With excessive insolation, it accumulates in the form of nevi. That is why moles most often appear on the open areas bodies. Important to remember! Doctors do not recommend it for people who have a lot of long stay in the sun, and also use the services of a solarium, because excess ultraviolet radiation can cause the transformation of a harmless mole into melanoma.
  4. Sometimes moles appear at the site of a skin injury. It's kind of defensive reaction body. But such formations, as a rule, are isolated.
  5. If a person many red moles appeared, then you should check your liver function. In fact, these are not moles, but telangiectasias (dilated small capillaries of the skin). Their development is associated with exposure to a large number of hormones, which the liver should normally neutralize. But in case of its insufficiency (hepatitis), this function is disrupted and red moles appear on the body.

The appearance of moles in a short time

A lot of people are concerned that simultaneous appearance a large number of moles on the body is a sign of melanoma (one of the most malignant tumors). This fact cannot be denied, just as one cannot agree.

Naturally, owners of more than 40 nevi are necessarily included in the group of increased risk of development, but, according to experts, the number of moles is not as important as their external characteristics. It is necessary to carefully examine each pigment element and identify suspicious ones. It's better if it does experienced specialist oncodermatologist using special device dermatoscope for magnification and detailed study of all characteristics of the nevus.

Signs of a dangerous mole:

So, is it worth removing moles that appeared suddenly, and even in large quantities? Only an oncodermatologist can give the correct answer after a thorough examination of each neoplasm.

If at least one of the above signs is detected, the doctor will recommend getting rid of the mole, even if it is benign, since there is a high risk of transformation into melanoma. The specialist will also select the optimal removal method, taking into account histological structure moles, the depth of their occurrence in the skin.

It is important to know that you need to get rid of not only suspicious moles, but also absolutely normal ones that are located in areas of the body that are susceptible to constant pressure or friction (high risk of injury).

Moles are common pigment formations on the body, capable of changing shape and size. A person whose skin is dotted with numerous nevi is predisposed to cancer. Therefore, owners of a large number of moles are recommended to sunbathe moderately and carefully, and periodically be examined by a dermatologist.

Article outline:

Reasons for the abundant appearance of moles

The reasons why many moles appear on the body can be a variety of factors: and internal pathologies, and external stimuli.

Red moles are not capable of turning into melanoma, so you should not worry if they appear on the skin. The following factors cause the formation of red nevi:

Why do hanging moles appear?

Hanging moles are a consequence of infection of the body with papillomavirus. Skin formations on a thin stalk are called papillomas. These nevi are easily damaged by awkward movements and touches, so it is better to get rid of them in advance.

After removal of the papilloma, the doctor prescribes to the patient drug therapy aimed at destroying the virus. In some cases hanging moles appear not because of papillomavirus, but because of other factors:

  • hormonal fluctuations during puberty or after childbirth;
  • ultraviolet radiation;
  • hereditary predisposition.

Reasons for the formation of moles during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a condition in which all the organs and systems of a woman work in an enhanced mode. Hormones that control all reactions in the body are synthesized by endocrine glands in large quantities. Due to hormonal changes, new birthmarks appear. In most cases, they disappear after the baby is born.

Sometimes pregnant women develop hanging moles on their necks, and there is nothing to worry about. Also in the lower abdomen due to stretch marks and dysfunction blood vessels red spots may appear. But if the pigment formations become inflamed, swollen, begin to burn and itch, then the pregnant woman should definitely consult a doctor.

Why are moles dangerous?

A person with more than 40 nevi on his body is predisposed to melanoma. Such people need to constantly monitor the condition of skin formations and periodically be examined by an oncologist or dermatologist.

A large number of moles does not mean that cancer will definitely happen. A malignant tumor can appear in both a person strewn with nevi and a person with single pigmented formations. Moles that are not inflamed, not itchy, do not change shape or color, and do not secrete fluid are not dangerous, even if there are many of them.

You should especially carefully examine the areas of the body that are most abundantly dotted with nevi. Among the many small moles It is not easy to notice one that degenerates into a malignant tumor.

Moles that have an unfortunate location are dangerous: on the palms, feet, elbows, face. Such skin formations are often chafed and injured. And melanoma can develop from an injured mole.

Signs of the development of a malignant tumor

There are six signs that a mole has turned into a malignant tumor.

How to get rid of the problem?

What to do if there is a suspicion that a mole has turned into a malignant tumor? In this situation, you must immediately go to a dermatologist or oncologist. Medical specialist examines a suspicious nevus, prescribes tests, based on the results of which he undertakes further actions. If oncology is confirmed, the mole will have to be removed.

It is also recommended to remove birthmarks located on unfavorable areas of the body: palms, feet, neck, fingers, face. It’s better to get rid of them in advance than to accidentally injure them later. After surgery, the patient must adhere to the following instructions:

  • regularly examine your skin, monitor the condition of nevi;
  • wear comfortable clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • use soft washcloths and bath sponges;
  • avoid long stay under direct sunlight;
  • V sunny days Apply sunscreen to your body.

Preventive measures

In the vast majority of cases, the formation of moles is due to hereditary predisposition. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent the appearance of nevi and limit their number.

However, it is possible to prevent the development of moles provoked by external factors. To prevent nevi from appearing in large numbers, you must follow the following measures prevention:

Is it possible for people with a lot of moles on their bodies to sunbathe?

Tanning is very popular today, and many fashionistas go to solariums as if they were going to work. But is it possible for people with fair skin with many moles to sunbathe? You can sunbathe, but at a certain time of the day, when the sun's rays do not have an aggressive effect on the skin: before 10 - 11 am and after 16 - 18 pm.

IN daytime hours sunbathing is strictly prohibited, as intense ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the condition skin, provoke increased melanin synthesis.

As a result, a large number of moles appear on the skin, which can degenerate into melanoma. Also, when visiting the beach, be sure to use sunscreen.

Attention, TODAY only!

Moles ordinary people can name any tumor on the body. Strictly speaking, this medical term does not exist. In order to know why moles appear, it is necessary to determine their true name and exclude a malignant nature. These various formations form throughout life and can be located at the level of the skin or rise slightly above them. In the vast majority of cases, they are safe and do not affect human life in any way. However, in some situations about which we'll talk below, appearing moles represent mortal danger, which is why they require an immediate radical approach to treatment. Why, if there are any suspicious changes on the skin, you cannot postpone a visit to a specialist who will clarify the nature of the disease and prescribe effective help.

Why do moles appear? Main reasons.

Regardless true nature For a specific formation on the body, there are a number of main reasons that answer the question of why moles appear. There are several classic causes of pigmented or vascular formations (red moles) on the body and face. These include:

  • heredity - the process of the appearance of moles is often genetically determined;
  • sun tanning - since ultraviolet radiation causes advanced education there is a lot of melanin and pigment cells in the skin;
  • hormonal imbalance - a violation of the amount or ratio of certain hormones becomes the reason why moles appear on the body;
  • radiation – leads to changes in the DNA structure of skin epidermal cells and the appearance of various birthmarks;
  • exposure to infectious agents, usually viruses.

The essence of the problem is turning off the genes that control the excessive proliferation of melanocytes and other skin cells. Or vice versa, the inclusion of genes that enhance reproduction.
Classic causes affect most people and usually result in benign changes to the skin. However there is separate category painful conditions, which become the reason why moles of one or more types appear, are not always benign. In fact, rare syndromes and there are quite a lot of states. Below are the main ones. These include:

Why do moles appear? Varieties and diseases.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome.

This pathology is a syndrome with multiple moles (nevi) throughout the body, which have irregular shape, often big sizes and practically do not rise above the surface of the skin. The syndrome is associated with the appearance of melanoma in at least one blood relative. It is exclusively hereditary in nature, and transmission is carried out according to the dominant type. This means that the reason why moles appear is the transmission of altered genes from parents. A newborn most often does not have moles on his body; nevi are formed under the additional influence of factors external influence with age. This is why many moles appear on the body and face, not inclined to merge with certain characteristics. The latter include:

  • large sizes in diameter, more than 5 mm;
  • the process is multiple, distributed over all parts of the body;
  • the predominant color of the formations is dark brown;
  • there may be redness around emerging moles;
  • most often localized in places protected from direct sunlight.

The disease is dangerous due to its potential degeneration into melanoma. The risk of melanoma developing in one of the nevi is 20 percent. If the age of a patient with dysplastic nevi is over 55 years old, then the risk increases to 70 percent, and upon reaching 75 years old, the prognostic chances of avoiding melanoma are reduced to zero. This is why it is necessary to regularly see an oncologist, photograph and measure the most suspicious of moles with a ruler.

Dysplastic nevus syndrome. This is one answer to the question of why moles appear.

Seborrheic keratosis is the most common reason the appearance of new moles. Its manifestations are extremely varied.

Multiple seborrheic keratosis.

This is a benign process on the skin in people over 30 years of age. It is a hereditary disease that is greatly aggravated by sunburn, which is characterized by the appearance of nevus-like rough brown moles that clearly rise above the surface of the skin. Why moles appear of this type- pigment cells multiply with the simultaneous growth of horny masses on the surface of the skin. The elements are more likely to occur in areas that are exposed to sunlight. External signs emerging moles like seborrheic keratosis:

  • round or ellipsoidal plaques on the body or face with the presence of scales, do not merge with each other;
  • clear demarcation from surrounding tissues; it seems that moles are somehow attached to the surface of the skin;
  • the dimensions can be very large - up to 15 cm, the edges are uneven;
  • the surface of moles is extremely varied, often there are black or white inclusions (horny cysts);
  • there is itching and bleeding from injuries;
  • The disease is benign and rarely causes squamous cell skin cancer.

Multiple senile angiomas.

These are benign vascular formations (red moles) that occur in people of all ages. age group. They just grow to large sizes in old age and begin to get injured and bleed. And, in youth, they do not cause much concern. Even when there are a lot of them. Because they are small. The reasons why red moles appear on the body are unknown. Supposed hereditary predisposition and association with herpes viruses type 8. They are located everywhere on the skin of the body, limbs, less often the face, slightly rising above it. Why do red moles appear - due to growth small vessels in the upper layers of the skin. They have an exclusively benign course. The main manifestations can be represented as follows:

  • semicircular small formations on the skin, size no more than 5 mm;
  • never merge;
  • color – ruby ​​red;
  • not associated with tanning, located in large numbers throughout the body;
  • more common in people with fair skin;
  • clinical prognosis is favorable. Usually do not require any intervention.

The most common answer to the question of why red moles appear is the development of senile angiomas. Most likely related to viruses.

Many flat brown moles on the body - actinic lentigo. The reason is sunlight.


They are brown, pigment-rich spots on a light background of the skin. Flat moles of various sizes and shapes, but always with clear contours. There are three types of lentigo:

  • simple;
  • solar (actinic);
  • malignant lentigo.

Simple lentigo appears in adolescence, sometimes in childhood. Has nothing to do with tanning. The answer to the question why moles of this type appear is hereditary defects. It looks like a round-shaped spot with clear contours, absolutely flat, clearly standing out against the light background of unchanged skin. Common sizes range from 3 to 5 mm. Can form on mucous membranes. The appearance of these moles is not dangerous; it is only an aesthetic defect.

Solar (actinic) or senile lentigo has a clear connection with tanning and age. It is characterized by its appearance on open areas of the body, most often the arms and face. It has the appearance of a spot that does not rise above the skin, with clear contours and a multifaceted shape. The process appears after prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Typically for older people living for a long time in regions with hot sun and young people who use solariums. Why moles of this type appear is due to acquired damage to the DNA of skin cells and a violation of the proliferation of melanocytes.

Lentigo maligna(Dubrey's melanosis) is a malignant process prone to degeneration into melanoma. Forms in people over 50 years of age. It presents as one large hyperpigmented spot with very intense accumulation of melanin. Dimensions reach up to ten centimeters. Localized anywhere on the body, face or limbs. The contours are uneven, erosion and bleeding often appear. A typical precancer, the risk of melanoma from Dubreuil's melanosis is more than 50 percent.

Generalized epidermal nevus.

The disease consists of multiple warty growths over the entire surface of the skin. Why these moles appear is due to an intrauterine defect during the formation of the epidermis. With age they grow in height and become more noticeable. Key Features:

  • total distribution on the skin;
  • externally similar to dark small warts, merging and rising above the skin;
  • typically concentrated in the form of parallel lines;
  • except aesthetic defect, do not pose a danger.

Xeroderma pigmentosum.

The disease is a hereditary process in which there is a sharp pathological increase in the sensitivity of the skin to insolation, which is why moles of the most different types from benign to malignant. Most doctors are not aware that there are now 8 types of xeroderma pigmentosum. They all develop at different speeds and have differences in intensity and nature of manifestations. 7 types are transmitted by a recessive type, one type by a dominant one. The course of the disease is exclusively progressive, development pathological process has a clear stage pattern, which has different clinical symptoms.
Typical changes for stage 1:

  • after exposure to the sun, exposed skin becomes inflamed;
  • at the site of inflammatory changes, flat dark spots form that do not rise above the surface of the skin;
  • peeling of the skin is observed in the area of ​​changes;
  • outwardly they look like black freckles, very widespread on the surface of the skin;
  • each subsequent impact sunlight enhances manifestations.

Stage 2, which develops after 4-5 years, is characterized by:

  • thinned areas on the skin with malnutrition, where cracks and ulcers form;
  • variegation of the skin pattern - non-pigmented atrophied areas alternate with hyperpigmented black moles;
  • black warts (seborrheic keratosis) appear, which are clearly visible on the skin;
  • cartilages are affected - the shape of the nose changes, ears, vision is impaired.

The third stage is terminal, characterized by the progressive appearance of foci of malignant tumors and death from metastases of melanoma or squamous cell skin cancer.

Gorlin's syndrome.

The disease occurs due to genetic defect, wherein skin manifestations are only part of the syndrome. Moles with moderate pigmentation appear on the skin, rising above the surface of the skin, which are actually basal cell carcinomas. Key Features:

  • typical location: head and neck;
  • the size of basal cell carcinoma moles ranges from small to large, often ulcerated;
  • the edges of the formations are raised like a roll;
  • accompanying defects in the form of dental cysts, altered skull shape, multiple bone defects.

When more and more new moles such as basal cell carcinomas appear on the body, with age it becomes increasingly difficult to treat them in a timely manner. Some of the basal cell carcinomas become huge, which is why patients die.

The answer to the question why moles like basal cell carcinomas appear on the body is due to Gorlin syndrome. Some of them are hanging.

Tuberous sclerosis.

A rare genetic abnormality that is characterized by damage to the nervous system and skin with typical changes. Tumor-like benign processes form in various organs, which partially disrupt their functions. Why moles appear on the skin - for the same reason as in internal organs with this pathology. Changes on the skin are different:

  • hypopigment spots - light lesions on the skin, asymmetrical, sometimes large;
  • tumor-like benign tumors of the face - dense formations rising above the skin with a pink-red color, outside surface shines;
  • shagreen skin - areas of darkening of the skin of the body of a dense structure, rising slightly above the general background, usually yellowish or Pink colour big size.

Skin problems serious disorders do not bring, the prognosis depends on the condition of the tumors in the internal organs.

Generalized Kaposi's sarcoma.

This tumor disease circulatory system with involvement in the process lymphoid tissue, skin and multiple lesions organs and systems. Occurs exclusively against the background of immunodeficiency. Carriers of the HIV-AIDS virus, as well as organ recipients, are more likely to get sick. Why moles appear - the disease thus gives new metastases to the skin with Kaposi's sarcoma. Skin manifestations of the disease can be characterized as follows:

  • reddish spots that quickly become bluish;
  • as the spots progress, they merge, nodes form, which die off with the formation of ulcers;
  • typical localization – lower limbs;
  • V advanced stages– continuous change in skin color with different external manifestations– from bluish spots to nodes and ulcers.

The prognosis is always unfavorable, the disease progresses and leads to death.

Multiple metastases of melanoma.

Melanoma is extremely malignancy from pigment cells. Rapidly metastasizes to various organs. Why moles appear on the body with melanoma - new metastases grow around the original tumor or scar after its removal, or in a completely different place. The spread of metastases on the skin indicates a very rapid progress of the tumor. Typical skin manifestations are:

  • many black growing moles on the skin;
  • rise above the surface;
  • fused to surrounding tissues;
  • there is a compaction under the skin of varying severity;
  • May bleed on contact;
  • ulcerations are possible;
  • large affected area, possible fusion;
  • the general condition suffers.

The prognosis for this type of “moles” is extremely unfavorable.

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