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How to sleep correctly for a pregnant woman? Is it possible to sleep on your stomach, back, and which side is better? Useful tips on how to sleep better during pregnancy in different trimesters

Expecting a child is happiness for a woman. But positive emotions during this period they are combined with constant experiences. One of them is the question: what is the most comfortable and safe way to sleep during pregnancy?

Features of sleep during pregnancy

During pregnancy, you are supposed to sleep 8–10 hours at night and rest 2–3 times during the day for 30–40 minutes. This routine will allow you to restore strength and keep your body in good shape.

  • A mattress for a woman in this position must be of medium hardness to support the spine and internal organs. Also, do not forget that if a pregnant woman sleeps with her partner, then his movements may interfere with proper rest, so a mattress that is too springy will not be suitable. The best option would be an orthopedic one, which has sufficient rigidity and follows the contours of the body, contributing to proper support of the spine and neck.
  • It is recommended to change your sleeping position 2-3 times a night.
  • It is not advisable to consume a lot of liquid evening time to prevent the urge to go to the toilet at night.
  • Walking and airing the room will set you up for the upcoming sleep.
  • A soothing shower or relaxing bath can also help you fall asleep faster.

How to sleep properly in the early stages

The first trimester is the time when the belly does not yet noticeably increase in size, and the fetus is very small, so the woman can sleep as comfortably as possible. Even the position “on the stomach” is not forbidden, but only until 11 weeks of pregnancy. Later uterus begins to change in size, and this position can compress it.

It is recommended to wean yourself from sleeping on your stomach early stages, so that later it will be easier to rest in a different, more suitable and safe position. It is preferable to get used to falling asleep on your back or side (and in the first trimester you are allowed to do this on either side).

The only thing that brings discomfort in the first trimester of pregnancy is the soreness of the swollen mammary glands. This often leads to future mom looking for more comfortable position for sleep.

How to choose the right position in later stages

The second trimester is the period when the rounded uterus begins to extend beyond its original position. Although the fetus is protected by amniotic fluid, the wall of the uterus and the fat layer of the mother, sleeping on the stomach is no longer allowed, so as not to create unnecessary pressure.

Up to 20 weeks of pregnancy, you are allowed to choose a position “on your back”: the baby’s weight is still small, so it will not put a strain on the spine and diaphragm. Having felt the baby’s first movements, you should reconsider your position in your sleep. During this period, the position “on the side” is already suitable, preferably on the left. This improves blood supply and the child receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.

Sleeping on your back after the fifth month is unacceptable for the following reasons:

  • the likelihood of a lack of oxygen in the fetus due to poor blood circulation;
  • the possibility of a woman developing blood stagnation in lower limbs, that leads to varicose veins veins or even thrombophlebitis;
  • the occurrence of aching pain in the back;
  • decreased blood pressure, resulting in nausea, dizziness and weakness;
  • the appearance of problems with the digestive system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys and heart.

All these problems arise due to the uterus squeezing the inferior vena cava, causing blood to flow more slowly to the heart.

Sleeping on your left side is the most favorable position

In the third trimester of pregnancy, you need to sleep strictly on your left side. Otherwise it's enough heavy child will put its weight on the liver and right kidney expectant mother, which is fraught with stagnation of urine, causing such serious illness like pyelonephritis. If you experience heartburn, nasal congestion, or difficulty breathing, you should sleep with your head elevated. top part bodies.

If the fetus is positioned incorrectly, it is also recommended to sleep on the left side, but if it is transverse, you need to take a position on the side where the baby’s head is displaced.

Selecting a comfortable pillow for a pregnant woman to sleep

It is difficult to regulate body position during sleep, so indispensable assistants there will be pillows in this case. You can use both ordinary and special ones made for pregnant women.

In order to brighten up a woman’s sleep a little in the last months, a small thin pillow is placed under her stomach, and a larger and thicker one between her legs. In this case, the left leg is extended, and the right leg is bent at the knee. This way, the load on the pelvis and lower back is reduced, and swelling of the legs ceases to bother you.

In order not to suffer when choosing bedding from those available at home, it is better to purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, which is available in various versions:

  • Shape G – pillow big size to support the head and abdomen. It prevents you from turning over on your back and helps you take a comfortable position by throwing your leg over the bolster. Its lines are smooth, following the contours of the body.
  • U shape – a horseshoe shaped pillow. Sleeping on it will be calm and long, as lying becomes more comfortable, and there is no strain on the pelvis. The pillow is enough large sizes, so it is not suitable for small beds.

Maternity pillows not only provide comfortable sleep, but also help maintain the health of mother and child.

  • Form C is a pillow for universal use, suitable for both sleeping and feeding the baby in the future. It supports your stomach and allows your back to rest. It’s comfortable to sleep on, but in order to roll over, you have to take off the pillow and put it in the right direction.
  • For a small bed, accessories in the shape of L and I are suitable. They will replace ordinary pillows under the head and will support your back, preventing you from turning over in your sleep. You can sleep with an I-shaped bolster in any position, but you won’t be able to put it under your stomach.
  • V shape is a compact option for a small bed or travel. Despite its small size, this pillow is quite practical and supports the stomach, pelvis, and head. In addition, it changes shape depending on how you put it, which allows you to take a pose that is comfortable at one time or another.

Maternity pillow inner material:

  • Hollow fiber ball - perfectly restores its shape after cleaning, dries quickly. It can be washed either in an automatic machine or by hand. Hollofiber is hypoallergenic, it does not harbor mites, and odors are not absorbed.
  • Expanded polystyrene granules are a rigid, environmentally friendly filler that is not machine washable.
  • Artificial swan down is a hypoallergenic, antibacterial material. Suitable for hand and machine washing, quickly regains its shape.

To maintain cleanliness, removable covers are placed on the pillow.

In most cases, a pregnancy pillow saves women when, for obvious reasons, they cannot sleep or experience discomfort.

In order to rest peacefully, you need to choose suitable posture, in which sleep will be comfortable and safe. It doesn’t hurt to purchase special bedding. By following the above recommendations, you can not only make the process of falling asleep easier, but also preserve the health of the woman and her unborn child.

How to sleep during pregnancy worries many women. To have healthy and beneficial sleep, you need to know a few things:

  • It is not advisable to sleep on a surface with a very hard base; it is recommended to choose a mattress with medium hardness.
  • The mattress must follow the physiological contours of the body; orthopedic requirements meet these requirements.
  • It is necessary to take a convenient and comfortable sleeping position, which needs to be changed about three to four times throughout the night. Experts recommend sleeping predominantly on the left side; in this position, blood circulation is best in both the woman’s body and the flow of blood to the fetus.

Sleeping positions during pregnancy

Sleeping positions during pregnancy are of no small importance. By choosing the right and comfortable position, your sleep will be stronger and healthier.

  • During pregnancy, especially during later, it is recommended to sleep on your side and best of all on the left, because... on the right side there is a greater likelihood of compression of the kidney by the enlarged uterus. In the side position, you can place a flat pillow under your stomach and a pillow between your legs to reduce stress on the pelvic area. There are even special pillows like bananas for these purposes.
  • It is possible to adopt an intermediate position - do not completely turn over onto your back, placing a bolster or pillow under it.

Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy?

Sleeping on your stomach during pregnancy is not advisable, even in its earliest stages, although it will not harm the fetus. Because in the early stages, the placenta and amniotic fluid that surround the fetus reduce compression.

  • In the early stages, sleeping on the stomach can disrupt the soreness of the mammary glands, which is associated with physiological changes in the woman’s body.
  • In the later stages of pregnancy, when the stomach is enlarged in size, sleeping on the stomach will be extremely uncomfortable, and this position will have Negative influence on the fetus, which will be compressed by the weight of the pregnant woman.

Is it possible to sleep on your back during pregnancy?

Sleeping on your back during pregnancy is not recommended in the later stages (starting from the fifth month), because the fetus becomes heavier and the pressure of the uterus on the internal organs (liver, intestines, kidneys) increases. It is also possible compression of the inferior vena cava running along the spinal column, which is accompanied by a decrease in blood flow from the lower region of the body to the heart and deterioration general condition women. Besides, prolonged compression the inferior vena cava may be accompanied by a decrease in blood flow to the fetus and, accordingly, a decrease in oxygen and nutrients, which can negatively affect the condition of the fetus. Sleeping on your back during late pregnancy may be accompanied by pain in the back due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on spinal column. Taking this into account, the most successful and comfortable position for sleeping during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, is on the side, and better on the left.

Sleep disturbance during pregnancy

Sleep disturbance during pregnancy can lead to decreased immunity, irritability, weakness, bad mood and well-being, loss of appetite, which can negatively affect the pregnant woman and her unborn child. Sleep disturbances occur quite often in pregnant women (approximately 80% of cases) and there can be many reasons for this.

Sleep disturbances during pregnancy can manifest as insomnia, drowsiness, frequent awakenings at night or difficulty falling asleep.

In early pregnancy, sleep disturbances occur due to:

  • Hormonal changes in a woman’s body, namely an increase in the hormone progesterone, which is accompanied by severe drowsiness during the day and insomnia at night.
  • Early toxicosis - most often - nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation.
  • Psychogenic disorders – increased anxiety, concern for your own and your child’s health.

In late pregnancy, sleep disturbances may be associated with:

  • Difficulty in choosing a comfortable sleeping position due to an increased belly size and excess weight.
  • Frequent urge to urinate due to an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on bladder and there is a need for more frequent emptying.
  • Intense fetal movements.
  • The presence of heartburn (due to the reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus, due to an enlarged uterus, which puts pressure on the diaphragm and stomach).
  • Pain in the lumbar region.
  • Possible occurrence of seizures, most often - calf muscles, due to disturbances in mineral metabolism.
  • A feeling of itching in the abdominal area, which occurs due to stretching of the skin.
  • Shortness of breath, which is due to the fact that the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the diaphragm and lungs.
  • Late toxicosis – increased blood pressure, headache and etc.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders - anxiety about upcoming birth, about the child’s health, bad dreams.

Thus, sleep disturbance is possible at any stage of pregnancy, and is associated with physiological processes occurring in the female body. But this problem You shouldn’t ignore it; you need to tell your doctor about it, who will give appropriate recommendations to your loved ones in order to overcome it together.

Poor sleep during pregnancy

Poor sleep during pregnancy occurs in eight out of ten pregnant women (according to the American Sleep Association) and occurs mainly due to physiological changes in the female body. A properly organized day will help you cope with poor sleep during pregnancy.

  • Frequent and long stay on fresh air.
  • Performance physical exercise– do swimming, dancing or gymnastics for pregnant women.
  • Do yoga.
  • Rational and balanced diet– sufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables, lean meat and fish, dairy products.
  • Don't overeat at night; Avoid drinking coffee, strong tea, and chocolate (i.e., products containing caffeine).
  • Refuse nap, if available.
  • Avoid negative influences.
  • Before going to bed, take a warm shower and drink a glass warm milk, maybe with honey.
  • It is good to ventilate the bedroom before going to bed.
  • Psychological support from loved ones is very important.

You should tell the obstetrician-gynecologist who is observing the pregnant woman about poor sleep, who will help find out the cause. bad sleep and will give the necessary recommendations. Sometimes just organizing the day is not enough; the cause of poor sleep can be serious disorders in the body of a pregnant woman that require medical attention.

Scary dreams during pregnancy

Scary dreams during pregnancy can be associated with stress, anxiety, and depression that arise due to changes in hormonal levels women. Anxious dreams, most often, can be dreamed of in late stages of pregnancy, and they are associated, first of all, with the upcoming birth. Scary dreams are usually not a reason for worry, since they reflect the strongest experiences of a woman and thus the body gets rid of fear in the subconscious. Psychologists have noted a certain peculiarity: the more terrible dreams a pregnant woman has about the upcoming birth, the easier it will be.

Restless sleep during pregnancy

Restless sleep during pregnancy is observed in many women and it can be associated with many reasons.

  • Concern for the health of the unborn child.
  • Worry - will I be a good mother?
  • Concerns about relationships with your husband, especially of a sexual nature.
  • Fear of upcoming birth.
  • Poorly chosen sleeping position.
  • Poorly ventilated bedroom.
  • Uncomfortable bed.
  • Regular overeating before bed.
  • Little exposure to fresh air.
  • Depression, bad mood.

Erotic dreams during pregnancy

Erotic dreams during pregnancy are not uncommon. For most pregnant women, the number and intensity of erotic dreams increase, which worries the woman.

  • The reason for such dreams lies in the compensatory reaction of the body, because... During pregnancy, some restrictions of a sexual nature arise and through such dreams, the pregnant woman’s body makes up for what it lacks in real life.
  • Besides, hormonal changes in the female body during pregnancy, increase libido, the need for caresses and tenderness, which can manifest itself in erotic dreams.
  • Also pregnancy and erotic dreams are interconnected, since pregnancy is a consequence sexual relations, and the woman needs to understand that the birth of a child is the result of sexual contact.

Orgasm in a dream during pregnancy

Orgasm during sleep during pregnancy can be experienced by many women and is normal occurrence, which is associated with hormonal changes, enlargement of the uterus and clitoris, which is accompanied by increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. Orgasm is beneficial for both the pregnant woman and the fetus.

  • Because contraction of the uterus is accompanied by increased blood flow and improved circulation in the placenta, as a result of which the fetus receives large quantity oxygen and nutrients.
  • Hormones produced during orgasm (enkephalins and endorphins) have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the woman and the fetus.

Orgasm during pregnancy also has a positive effect on the muscles of the uterus, because... it can be considered as a training component for labor.

Sleep during pregnancy can be normalized if you organize your day correctly: walk more often in the fresh air, do not overeat at night, avoid stress, choose a comfortable sleeping position, and also share your experiences with loved ones and the doctor who is monitoring the pregnant woman. If you have a fear of childbirth, it is recommended to attend a school to prepare for childbirth, where they will tell you how to behave during childbirth, breathe correctly and the basics of caring for a newborn. By attending such a school, a woman will gain confidence, psycho-emotional harmony and a positive attitude.

There is no need to talk in detail about the importance of proper sleep for a person. It is at night that the body recovers, and lack of sleep can cause a variety of diseases. What can we say about pregnant women, who undergo a significant restructuring of their entire body and they, like no one else, are in dire need of good rest. Lack of sleep can also negatively affect the future health of the child.

But how can you sleep properly during pregnancy? A growing belly interferes with proper sleep, prevents you from using already familiar positions and creates discomfort. Therefore, knowledge of how to sleep properly is always relevant and necessary. Stress on female body at this time it is simply colossal, he works in enhanced mode and the desire to take a little nap is quite normal.

A strong desire to sleep causes in the first months high level hormones. The body of a pregnant woman changes, creating a load on all systems and organs, and a reflex depression of the central nervous system occurs. Towards the end of pregnancy, many people face the problem of insomnia. There are reasons for this: it’s hard to find a comfortable position, anxious thoughts before giving birth, how can you sleep here?

But a woman should know how to sleep better so that it is safe and comfortable.

Looking for a comfortable sleeping position

Each person has his own favorite comfortable positions in which sleep is sweet and sound. Naturally, pregnant women also have their own preferences. But if a woman liked to sleep on her stomach or on her back, she will have to leave her habits in the past for the entire duration of pregnancy.

True, in the first trimester, up to 12 weeks, the expectant mother can allow herself her favorite positions. But the sooner you start changing your habits, the easier it will be to get used to new circumstances and positions, especially since familiar positions, especially in the second and third trimesters, will not bring anything good except discomfort. They can become dangerous for pregnancy in general and for the fetus as well. So, it would be better to refuse in favor of more acceptable and safe options.

All a woman’s efforts and aspirations should be directed at this time to protecting her child. Despite the fact that the baby is protected by those around him amniotic fluid, after all, your body weight poses a threat to it and there is a risk of injury, especially during sleep, when most We do not control our movements.

You will have to stop sleeping on your back from the 28th week. At this time, pressure is already observed from the tummy, the growing uterus and fetus put pressure on the lower back, then the intestines and vena cava, thereby blocking the flow of blood and oxygen to the cells and tissues. Naturally, the fetus also suffers from this. Difficulty breathing, dizziness, decreased blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, impaired blood flow in the kidneys and placenta, exacerbation of hemorrhoids - a negative list of the consequences of such a position in sleep.

The child will also be indignant, showing increased activity, which indicates an uncomfortable position and lack of oxygen. Roll over if your baby kicks or if you feel your limbs going numb. Lying on your left side is considered the safest and most comfortable sleeping position.

With this position of the body, blood circulation is not disrupted, and neither the mother nor the fetus suffers. Nothing interferes with blood circulation, and the child receives both oxygen in full and everything necessary substances. There is no pressure on the liver and after sleep there is no pain in the back or pelvic area. According to doctors, this position also has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart.

In case of transverse presentation, you should sleep on the side where the baby's head is located. Someone will say that it is impossible to stand in one position all night. Of course, change positions, turn over 3-4 times from side to side, even with a breech presentation of the fetus.

Helper pillow

It will be difficult to get used to any position that is unusual for you, including sleeping on your left side. Note that for a pregnant woman sleeping on her left side is the ideal position. A woman may experience discomfort during sleep due to her growing belly. In this case, the use of additional pillows will be of great benefit. Soft pads of different sizes should always be kept near you. They will come in handy, by the way, when you need to choose a position that is comfortable for you.

You can also try various options. For example, place one pillow under your stomach and another between your knees. At the same time, if you are lying on your left side, left leg It is advisable to extend and bend the right one. The cushion under the lower back significantly improves your well-being and position. There are no specific recommendations for these cases; in general, you can place pads wherever you see fit. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable.

There are special pillows for pregnant women on sale, designed taking into account all physiological needs. They are very convenient and if funds allow, it will be better if you purchase them. , having the shape of a horseshoe, will save you from insomnia and allows you to take any position. You can use pillows to sit half-sitting and take a short nap.

You should also pay attention to what you sleep on. Both a hard mattress and a soft feather bed are not suitable for pregnant women. Something in between needs to be thought through. A bed with springs should be excluded; it should be static.

You can overcome insomnia, which often occurs due to the characteristics of pregnancy and the processes taking place in the body, with the help of aromatherapy and relaxing massage sessions, and taking a warm bath before bed.

Gain strength, get plenty of rest, because you have childbirth and baby care ahead, and these are sleepless and restless nights, so get better sleep now.

Of course, every pregnant woman wants to give birth to a healthy and strong baby. But besides healthy eating And the right image life, in this matter one more aspect is important - sleep. So what is the best way for a pregnant woman to sleep so that both she and her baby are comfortable?

If you always sleep on your stomach

Until 12-13 weeks of pregnancy, you can safely lay down the way you are used to and how comfortable it is for you, including sleeping on your stomach. After all, the uterus at this stage has not yet begun to extend beyond the pelvis. True, in this position your chest may not allow you to sleep - it becomes very sensitive. If not, you can sleep peacefully on your stomach, but remember that soon you will have to change your position anyway.

After 13 weeks, without even looking at the fact that the child is reliably protected from external influences damage to the uterus, amniotic fluid and muscles, you will most likely feel uncomfortable lying on your stomach. And doctors believe that already from the second (and even more so the third) trimester you can’t sleep on your stomach. Let's not forget about the chest. During this period, glands that produce milk are formed in it. Therefore, if you plan to breastfeed for as long as possible, then you should not squeeze it and interfere with the normal development of the glands.

If you like to sleep on your back

As already mentioned, in the early stages you can choose any sleeping position that is comfortable for you. But the more voluminous and heavy the baby becomes, the more it compresses your internal organs - intestines, liver, kidneys. You should not overload these organs when they already have to work intensively.

That is why doctors do not recommend constantly lying on your back in the second and last trimesters. When you stay in this position for a long time, the large vena cava running along the spine is compressed. When it is squeezed, blood flow sharply decreases, which can cause attacks of dizziness, tachycardia and a feeling of suffocation.

The most undesirable option is when the compression of the greater vena cava lasts a long time - more than an hour. This often leads to fetal hypoxia, varicose veins and can even cause premature detachment placenta! Therefore, try to lie on your back as little as possible, or better yet, don’t lie on it at all, even if you don’t experience any discomfort.

What is the best way to sleep so as not to harm yourself and your baby?

Doctors strongly recommend that all expectant mothers always sleep on their side, preferably only on the left. It has been proven that it is in the position on the left side that blood circulation in the body occurs in the best possible way. The advantage of this position is also that in it the child remains in a cephalic presentation. If you sleep like this all the time, he will not roll over into the pelvic position, which is most important in the second and last trimesters.

But if a pregnant woman really wants to lie on her back, then she should try to maintain an intermediate position. This is easy to achieve if you place a pillow on one side.

What should a pillow be like?

Different pregnant women like different sleeping pillows. Some people like to place small flat pillows under their head and legs, while others find it more comfortable to squeeze a pillow between their legs - this relieves tension from the pelvic area. Which pillow is better to sleep on?

Present on the market different types pillows For example, there are universal pillows that are filled with polystyrene beads. By appearance they resemble a crescent moon or a banana. The advantages of such a pillow are that during pregnancy it really gives comfortable sleep, and after childbirth it can be used while feeding the baby.

If, for certain reasons, you do not want to purchase a special large, voluminous pillow, then a large one can help you. soft toy. It’s also great for a pregnant woman to sleep on, tucked under her head or held between her legs. Or you can try sewing a pillow yourself. You only need to remember the main conditions - the pillow should be about two meters long and a meter wide. You can stock up on polystyrene balls for it in advance at the construction market, or go to a furniture store to get them. Don't stuff the pillow too tightly, let it be comfortable and soft. You can also make your own cotton cover with a zipper so you can wash it if necessary.

Let all the tips above help you enjoy your sleep. Let every time you go to bed, you and your little one feel great and rest 100%!

Women wonder how to sleep during pregnancy starting from the first weeks. At the end of pregnancy, a woman may suffer from heartburn, insomnia, and nighttime calf muscle cramps. Therefore, the choice of posture is very important for normal sleep, as well as for the comfort of mother and fetus. How to sleep correctly so as not to harm the child? Sometimes you have to radically change your habits, especially in the 9th month of pregnancy, for this you can use the help of special sleeping pillows and other devices.

Daily routine and proper preparation sleep has a positive effect on normal condition pregnant woman in the morning. A broken state, as well as insomnia and lethargy negatively affect physiological processes that occur during this difficult period in a woman’s body.

  1. You can't get overtired. The expectant mother must take care of herself, because her fatigue affects the baby too. In addition, the result of such fatigue can be insomnia. Those who are tired also sleep poorly.
  2. Try not to sleep during the day. This is necessary so that your night's sleep is not disturbed. It is important that the woman understands that not only I am sleeping, but also my child.
  3. Physical exercise. Taking care of yourself does not mean sitting in one place all day. It is necessary to move, but for this it is advisable to choose moderate ones. physical exercise. Will fit special exercises for pregnant women, as well as gymnastics and swimming. A mandatory walk in the evening will help you relax before bed.
  4. Proper nutrition. There is no need to eat heavy and fatty foods, and before bed it is better to eat an apple or a glass of kefir - this good food. Full stomach does not promote normal sleep.
  5. Taking a warm bath. Ideally you should add essential oils or soothing herbs.
  6. Do not drink liquids. While pregnant, a woman has to empty her bladder more often. To prevent this from causing poor sleep, try drinking less before bed and more in the morning.
  7. Massage. A foot massage before bed is especially effective if you suffer from cramps.

Subject to normal mode sleep and compliance healthy image In life, sleep problems may not arise. Towards the end of pregnancy, inconveniences appear more often, but they are also easy to deal with. The main thing is, if you can’t sleep, go to the doctor and don’t prescribe it yourself. sleeping pills. This can negatively affect your baby's health.

Sleep is the key to the health of both mother and child. Therefore, it is important to establish it well and follow all parts of a healthy lifestyle; you can do light gymnastics to raise your tone and mood. The best option may be yoga for pregnant women. It is important to know how not to sleep during pregnancy; this knowledge will help keep the body in good shape.

Each trimester of pregnancy is marked by its own characteristics. Therefore, sleep proceeds differently. Body position also affects the fetus differently, because the fetus itself grows and can be located in different directions. The position in which you successfully fell asleep and slept soundly before may not be suitable for you during pregnancy. How to sleep during pregnancy depends on the trimester.

  1. First trimester. Until 12 weeks pregnant, a woman may not even know she is pregnant. In the first trimester, no special changes occur, at least visible ones. I don’t even think about how to sleep. During early pregnancy, the uterus is not yet so enlarged as to interfere with sleep. The size of the fruit is also very small. True, breast sensitivity may already appear. In any case, you can sleep in any position; it will not harm your baby in any way. But, nevertheless, if you are a big fan of sleeping on your stomach, you need to wean yourself in the early stages, as it will be more difficult to do later. It is worth noting that the period of the first three months is characterized by constant drowsiness, because the nervous system oppressed.
  2. Second trimester. In this trimester of pregnancy, the uterus is already enlarged and the belly is visible. This means that the size of the fetus increases. This begins to happen at 15 weeks of pregnancy. Wherein general health things are getting better for the expectant mother. The nausea goes away, the mood returns to normal, and there are still no problems with weight or pain in the spine. In order not to crush the baby with your weight, you need to stop sleeping on your stomach. How can you lie on your stomach, realizing that your baby is inside? For many women, this position itself becomes uncomfortable, and they easily abandon it. In the second trimester, the ideal position is on the back, since the weight of the fetus does not yet cause discomfort to the mother. When the 2nd trimester ends, with a strong increase in the baby’s weight, as well as with the appearance of the first movements, you should lie on your side.
  3. Third trimester. How to sleep at 9 months? The most inconvenient period for a woman in terms of sleep. It is no longer advisable to sleep on your back, so you need to sleep on your left side. Sleeping on the right side may be uncomfortable for the fetus. Therefore, we sleep, which is good for both of us. Sleeping on the back is contraindicated, since the large weight of the child can lead to back pain and the development of hemorrhoids. expectant mother. Mom falls asleep more and more difficultly and often wakes up. Also decreasing arterial pressure and problems with the intestines and digestion may appear. This happens due to compression of a large vein on the back while sleeping. You should also focus on the fetal reaction. If the child begins to push intensely, it means that he is uncomfortable or lacks oxygen. This is an indicator that the pregnant woman should roll over. Most often happens this situation if you sleep on your right side. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, the baby may well be born. These will be premature birth, but the child can be born quite healthy. At 33 weeks of pregnancy, babies appear in multiple pregnancy. In order not to provoke this process yourself, you should be careful. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, training contractions may begin, which are preparation for childbirth. This may interfere with sleep. Also, at the 8th month of pregnancy, heartburn, lower back pain, and anxious thoughts appear. All this leads to poor sleep quality and frequent waking up. This characterizes the eighth and ninth months. At 35 weeks of pregnancy, childbirth can already lead to the birth of a completely healthy baby.

What position to sleep in during pregnancy should depend on the position of the fetus. If the fruit lies across, then you should fall asleep on the side where the head is located. If the baby has a breech presentation, it is also advisable to sleep on the left side. How to sleep when pregnant with twins? Exactly the same, only a little longer. In such a situation, recovery time is required. Is it possible to sleep in a familiar position? Intuition will answer you, since in most cases a woman herself feels correct posture, depending on the position of the baby, for example, on the right or left.

In any case, when you go to sleep on your side during pregnancy, it is important to consider not only your comfort, but also the safety of the baby. Your well-being also depends on correct location bodies. It is better to sleep on your side during pregnancy, preferably on the left, but if you are more comfortable sleeping on your right side, this will not hurt either.

Sleeping in early pregnancy is not as difficult as sleeping late in the 33rd week of pregnancy. Most mothers say: “I can’t” in the last weeks.

To make you feel comfortable during any trimester of pregnancy and to learn to sleep in a comfortable position, you can choose a special pillow. You can sleep with such accessories, and then use them during the day to rest and feed your baby.

They come in several forms, each of which is convenient in its own way:

These pillows can not only help you control your sleeping position, but will also be a great help when feeding your baby after childbirth. If towards the end of pregnancy there are problems with heartburn, then it is advisable to sleep in a semi-sitting position. This is convenient if you have a high pillow.

Pay close attention to the mattress you rest on. Firstly, it should be of medium hardness, and secondly, for pregnant women it should be orthopedic so that you can get maximum sleep and relaxation. If during interesting situation If the expectant mother continues to sleep with her husband, then when choosing a mattress you need to pay attention to its filling. When the spouse moves, the mother should not feel uncomfortable.

Sometimes for a good night's sleep you just need to choose the right accessories, including clothes made from natural materials. This is quite enough to relax as much as possible.

For proper development fetus, as well as full recovery the mother's strength and preparation for childbirth, it is necessary to rest. How can you sleep better these nine months?

To do this, you should follow several basic rules:

A walk, a warm bath, and a lack of stress before bed will help you get a good night's sleep. The main thing is not to use fatty foods, but don’t go to bed hungry either. At the end of pregnancy, you may experience problems falling asleep, and even insomnia. In this case, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Proper sleep management will help you get enough sleep and contribute to the full development of your baby.

Pregnancy is a joyful event, but for the proper development of the child, you need to monitor nutrition and sleep, as well as adherence to all the rules of a healthy lifestyle.