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Creon's testimony. Creon in the treatment of digestive disorders and enzyme deficiency

Man is an omnivorous creature. Our digestive system copes with both plant and animal foods. For this, through long evolution, digestive glands and their various juices were formed. So, bile helps dissolve (emulsify) fats, and pancreatic lipase digests them.

Gastric juice is a highly aggressive acidic medium that is capable of dissolving many organic compounds, and the enzyme pepsin contained in gastric juice, begins digestion. (Strictly speaking, digestion begins in oral cavity– the amylase enzyme contained in saliva begins the breakdown of starch and carbohydrates).

The pancreas plays a vital role in digestion. It produces enzymes that can break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These are amylase, lipase and peptidase. These highly aggressive molecules "pounce" on any substances that appear in front of them. Therefore, inside the gland they are stored in an inactivated form, and are activated in duodenum.

But sometimes there is a glitch. In acute pancreatitis, this caustic juice ends up inside the gland itself and begins to digest it. The stage of autolysis occurs, during which very severe pain. After acute pancreatitis, the gland often loses its ability to produce “high-quality” enzymes and does not work effectively enough. The result is enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas.

How does pancreatic insufficiency manifest?

Creon 10000 photos

In people with deficiency external secretion pancreatic enzymes, digestive insufficiency develops. They cannot fully digest proteins, fats and carbohydrates. As a result, for example, the phenomenon of creatorrhoea and steatorrhea occurs. In the first case, undigested muscle fibers after eating meat, and in the second - neutral, undigested fat, due to a lack of pancreatic lipase.

As a result, complaints arise of digestive instability, bloating, intolerance individual species food, alternating constipation and diarrhea. This leads to chronic damage to the intestines - secondary dysbiosis and vitamin deficiency develop (after all, many vitamins are produced by microbes living inside us), and immunity decreases.

It is for the correction of these disorders that enzymatic preparations are intended, to which Creon belongs.

Active ingredient Creon and effects on the body

What does Creon and its analogues help with? Unlike many drugs that affect individual links in pathogenesis, Creon simply gives the body what it lacks, namely enzymes. Of course, this drug does not contain human enzymes, since their production using genetic molecular engineering will be too expensive. Large enzymes are quite sufficient cattle. The following enzymes are isolated from pancreatic tissues of slaughtered animals:

  • pancreatin (a mixture of enzymes representing a gray-yellow powder);
  • amylase (for breaking down carbohydrates)
  • lipase (for fats)
  • proteases (for proteins).

The drug is produced in an enteric coating. After all, normally these enzymes work in the duodenum, where the environment is much more alkaline than in the stomach.

If you do not protect the enzymes with a shell, but take them in powder, then once they enter the stomach, they will simply be inactivated and digested, because the enzymes themselves - catalysts of biochemical reactions - are protein molecules. Therefore, Creon capsules are taken only in their whole form.

The mechanism of action is very simple: if you take a few capsules with food, the enzymes, released in the intestines, will begin to “help” the pancreas cope with the digestion of food. That is why all enzyme products are taken with meals. What are the indications for taking Creon?

Indications for use

"Creon" and its analogues are used in all situations where primary or secondary insufficiency of the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes develops, or there is a mechanical obstacle to their entry into the intestine. The most common situations are:

  • chronic pancreatitis, except for the acute stage;
  • cystic fibrosis in children;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • malignant neoplasms of the pancreaticoduodenal region;
  • obstruction (blockage) and narrowing of the excretory ducts of the pancreas;
  • pathological formations of the common bile duct;
  • in old and senile age (due to general involution of enzyme systems);
  • after operations on the stomach and gall bladder;
  • V complex therapy chronic cholecystitis, hepatitis and cirrhosis (due to insufficient secretion of bile).

There are other indications for the use of the drug "Creon" and analogues, which are determined by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis.

For example, this remedy can take and healthy man to avoid painful feelings after the New Year's feast. "Creon" will help you cope with fatty, fried foods faster with less stress on your own pancreas.

Instructions for use of Creon and dosage

How much and in what cases should I take it?

"Creon" is released varying degrees"strength", which is expressed in units of enzymatic activity. How larger number, the more active the drug. The following dosages of the drug are currently available:

  • 10,000 units (0.15 g capsule, or 150 mg, 20 capsules per pack);
  • 25,000 units (0.3 g capsule, or 300 mg, 20 capsules per pack);
  • 40,000 units (50 capsules in a bottle).

"Creon" and its analogues are "democratic" drugs. Since the product is indicated for replacement therapy, then taking the drug should not be a one-time use: it will lead to nothing.

How long can you take Creon? 10,000 or more concentrated analogues? At least for life. After all, its role is simple: the drug does not interfere with the functioning of the body, but simply adds something that should be constantly produced in it, but is not produced due to a certain defect.

As for the use of the drug in pediatric practice, it is possible - no special contraindications No. “Creon” 10,000 for children is the most popular dosage, but adults, especially tall ones, need to use more concentrated versions of the drug.

How to take Creon for adults and children? The most important thing is that the drug is taken with food, and the food is washed down with a sufficient amount of liquid. After all, all enzymes work in the liquid phase. That is why, if you are in doubt about how to give Creon to a child, if the drug was missed during meals, then it is better not to take it (on an empty stomach). After all, if enzymes enter the intestines when there is no food there, they will begin to harm the intestinal wall.


There are very few contraindications to taking enzyme preparations: acute inflammation and exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis.

The use of Creon tablets is prohibited for two reasons: firstly, in case of acute pancreatitis and exacerbation, “hunger, cold and rest” are prescribed. Since food does not enter the intestines, then the enzymes that help break it down have nothing to do there either.

And secondly, in acute pancreatitis, enzymes are not friends, but worst enemies, since they cause autolysis, or self-digestion of gland tissue. And help the disease to destroy vitally important organ, really, it’s not worth it.

In addition, the drug is contraindicated if you are allergic to its components. Although it is rare, it does happen: although the enzymes of all mammals are very similar, they are still foreign protein molecules, and an allergic reaction can develop to them.

Side effect

As usual, side effects are a “continuation of benefits.” If you overdo it, you may experience a feeling of discomfort, diarrhea (diarrhea), or nausea with heartburn. Therefore, after taking Creon, you need to gradually increase the dose until you feel acceptable.

It must be said that in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, Creon is taken while adhering to a diet. In this case, you can get by with the minimum dosage and not have any side effects.

What can replace the drug?

"Creon" does not have generics - after all, the mixture of pork and beef dried pancreas is not a patented discovery. And, therefore, there is nothing for other companies to copy after the expiration of this patent. Analogues of "Creon" are possible only by group affiliation - the price is different for everyone, the reviews are approximately similar, and the instructions for use are almost identical. The most common drugs are:

  • "Pancreatin";
  • "Panzinorm";
  • "Festal";
  • "Enzistal";
  • “Mezim”, “Mezim – Forte”;
  • "Mikrazim";
  • "Pangrol";
  • "Penzital";
  • "Pancitrate."

Do not confuse drugs containing enzymes with drugs that normalize motility. gastrointestinal tract. Thus, Motilium (or domperidone) can also reduce discomfort and bloating in the abdomen, but the nature of this discomfort is completely different, and the drug itself acts on brain receptors and has nothing to do with enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas.

Of all the above drugs, Creon is the most expensive. Thus, a package of 20 capsules of “Creon” 25000 costs from 275 rubles, and domestic pancreatin (60 tablets) with the same dosage costs from 27 rubles. At the same time, the cleaning, level of activity and severity of the effect of Creon are very good. It is produced by Abbott Laboratories LLC, and has deservedly won the appreciation of both doctors and gastroenterological patients.

Against the backdrop of an unhealthy diet and poor ecology, digestive problems arise even in children. Against the background of complementary feeding, the imperfect digestive system of infants can malfunction due to a lack of enzymatic activity.

Diarrhea, painful sensations, constipation, heartburn, increased gas formation and flatulence - such symptoms are considered the most characteristic of disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. In such a situation, to normalize digestion and eliminate pathological symptoms, gastroenterologists recommend taking.

Can a child take this drug?

Digestive problems occur in patients of any age, both adults and very young children.

  • , gastritis, cystic fibrosis and pancreatic pathologies are often found even in very young patients. It is these patients who are recommended to take Creon capsules, which are safe even for newborns and infants.
  • Creon is one of the most modern enzyme preparations newest generation. It was developed to normalize digestion by replenishing the deficiency of enzymatic pancreatic activity.
  • The drug has many advantages, because its main active ingredient is placed in microgranules coated with a coating that is resistant to stomach acid.
  • Microspheres are placed in a gelatin-based capsule. When the capsule reaches the stomach, it dissolves there, releasing hundreds of small microspheres. They mix evenly with food masses and penetrate with a bolus of food into the intestinal cavity, where the shell of the microsphere dissolves, releasing pancreatic enzymes that will help food be better broken down and absorbed.

Composition of the medicine

The main components of the drug are active substance is pancreatin, obtained through an extract from the pancreas of pigs. Each Creon capsule contains the amount of enzymes - amylase, protease and lipase, recommended and safe for children.

In fact, Creon is not a medicine in the generally accepted sense, because it does not force the children’s body to produce the missing enzymes, but simply supplies them to the body in a ready-made form.

That is, in fact, Creon is prescribed for enzyme replacement therapy. When the child stops taking the drug, the lack of enzymes may appear again.

Indications and contraindications

  • Infants should be given only half the contents of the capsule at a time before each full meal.
  • Children over the age of one year are prescribed one capsule also before a full meal.

Child over 3 years old

Children over 3 years of age can usually swallow the capsule on their own, but if it causes vomiting or difficulty swallowing, then the medicine should be given in the same way as children under three years of age, i.e. by mixing microgranules with food or drink.

It is better to mix the microspheres from the capsule with something sour that does not require chewing. For children it could be yogurt, applesauce or juice.

Before everyone good nutrition The child is given 1-2 capsules of Creon. Typically, such children are prescribed to take the drug up to 3-5 times a day.

Parents also need to know that pancreatin from Creon impairs iron absorption, so when long-term treatment Iron deficiency anemia may occur. During treatment with Creon, you need to give your child more fluids to avoid constipation.

Side effects

If the dosage is not observed, it is unjustified long-term use Creon or the presence of intolerance in a child may experience adverse reactions such as:

  • Problems with bowel movements, such as diarrhea or constipation;
  • An allergic reaction to the drug in the form of rashes, vomiting, etc.;
  • Painful discomfort in the epigastric region.

To exclude the possibility of developing adverse reactions, you must first read the attached annotation, studying the contraindications and possible reactions to the drug.

You should be especially careful when treating children under one year of age. The drug can be taken by children who eat only breast milk, but only on doctor's orders.

In case of digestive disorders or insufficient enzymes to digest food, doctors prescribe Creon 10000 to patients. It contains a complex of substances that help eliminate these problems and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Reading the instructions for use of the medicine will help you use it correctly. Do not self-medicate - it is risky.

Medicine Creon 10000

Doctors often prescribe Creon 10000 to patients - the instructions for use of the drug indicate that this is a multienzyme medication to improve digestion. It contains minimicrospheres of pancreatin, which have enzyme activity lipases, amylases and proteases. Creon normalizes digestion, eliminates heaviness and feeling of bloating in the stomach.

Composition and release form

Only Creon capsules are available for sale, and in addition to the dosage of 10,000, there are also 25,000 and 40,000 (300 and 400 mg of pancreatin). Composition of the enzyme preparation:


Gastro-resistant brownish granules inside hard gelatin capsules with a brown cap and colorless body

Concentration of pancreatin (digestive enzyme of the pancreas)

150 mg per 1 piece. (corresponding to 10,000 units of lipase, 8,000 of amylase and 600 of protease)

Macrogol, sodium lauryl sulfate, hypromellose phthalate, titanium dioxide, cetyl alcohol, iron oxide, dimethicone, triethyl citrate


Bottles of 20.50 or 100 capsules, blisters of 10 pcs., 1-3 blisters per box

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Creon contains porcine pancreatin in the form of enteric-coated minimicrospheres. The contents of the capsule are resistant to acidic environment, quickly dissolves, releasing granules. This ensures excellent mixing of the drug with the contents of the stomach, transportation to the intestines and good distribution of enzymes in it.

If microspheres get into small intestine the shell dissolves, releasing lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic enzymes. They ensure the breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. After pancreatic digestion, products are absorbed immediately or after hydrolysis by intestinal enzymes from the intestinal contents. According to research, the effect of the drug is manifested in the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract. According to the scientists who conducted the experiments, the drug does not exhibit toxicity in the small intestine and other parts of the intestine.

Indications for use

Instructions for use of Creon contain information about the indications for use of the drug. These include:

  • treatment exocrine insufficiency pancreas in adults and children;
  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • treatment of cystic fibrosis;
  • pancreatectomy;
  • gastrectomy;
  • Gastric resection according to Billroth;
  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;
  • condition after acute pancreatitis;
  • pancreas cancer.

How to take Creon 10000

The dosage of the medication depends on the severity of the disease and the composition of the food taken by the patient. According to the instructions, Creon 1000 is taken during or immediately after meals. The capsules are swallowed whole, without breaking or chewing, and washed down with liquid. If a child or elderly patient cannot swallow the capsule on its own, it can be carefully opened and the granules added to soft food or liquid. Both foods should be acidic (applesauce, yogurt, orange or pineapple juice).

The solution or mixture must not be stored. Breaking the capsule leads to premature release in the oral cavity, reducing the effect of the drug and irritating the mucous membranes. Creon should not be left in the mouth. During treatment, you need to drink plenty of fluids to prevent constipation. For pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy for cystic fibrosis, the following dosages are prescribed:

  • for children under four years old – 1000 units of lipase per kg of body weight during each meal, after four years – 500 units;
  • maintenance dose – 10,000 units of lipase per kg of body weight/day or 4,000 units per 1 g of fat consumed;
  • for other types of exocrine digestive insufficiency, 25-80 thousand units of lipase are prescribed.

special instructions

Creon tablets should be used according to the instructions. In chapter special instructions the annotation contains important information about the use of the drug:

  • patients with cystic fibrosis receiving high doses pancreatin, may suffer from narrowing of the ileocecal intestine and colon (fibrosing colonopathy);
  • when taking more than 10,000 lipase units/kg/day if unusual symptoms occur abdominal symptoms you should visit a doctor;
  • the risk of penetration of swine viruses into the human body cannot be completely eliminated, because the pancreatin in Creon is of pork origin;
  • the drug is not used for renal failure, hyperuricemia, allergies to proteins of pork origin, liver diseases;
  • the medication does not affect the speed of psychomotor reactions and concentration of attention; it can be used when operating machinery and driving vehicles.

During pregnancy

According to animal studies, pancreatic enzymes found in Creon are not absorbed into the body, which excludes toxic effect on reproduction and fetal development. The drug should be prescribed to pregnant and lactating women with caution, after the attending physician has assessed the benefit to the mother and the risk to the fetus or newborn.

Creon for children

The instructions for use say that Creon 10,000 children can be prescribed for acute forms disturbances in the functionality of the pancreas that occur against the background of underdevelopment or inferiority glandular structures. The drug can be used to prevent dysbiosis. During treatment, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s adequate nutrition and adherence to water balance.

How to take Creon 10000 for children: daily dose divided into three equal parts and given before meals. Infants are given half a capsule before each full meal, children 1-3 years old - one capsule, over three years old - 1-2 capsules 3-5 times a day. According to the instructions, during treatment with medication, parents should remember that long-term use enzymes can impair the absorption of iron, lead to iron deficiency anemia.

Drug interactions

According to the instructions for use, drug interactions Creon 10000 has not been described with other medications. This means that theoretically it is possible to combine the use of any medications with the indicated remedy. In practice, it is better for patients to first obtain permission from a doctor so as not to experience negative consequences related to the health of the body.

Side effects

According to reviews from patients who took the drug, it has mild to moderate side effects. These include the factors specified in the instructions for use:

  • abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting;
  • constipation, diarrhea ( loose stool), bloating;
  • narrowing of the ileocecal intestine and colon;
  • skin rash, itching, urticaria;
  • allergic reactions, anaphylaxis, hypersensitivity.


If the dose of pancreatin is exceeded and an extremely large amount of enzymes is taken, an overdose may develop. It manifests itself as hyperuricosuria and hyperuricemia ( increased performance uric acid in blood). According to the instructions for use, if nausea, stomach pain, or diarrhea occur, you should consult a doctor for symptomatic treatment and elimination of symptoms.


The drug is prescribed with caution during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and hyperuricemia. Contraindications for its use are the factors specified in the instructions:

Terms of sale and storage

Creon 10000 capsules are available without a prescription and are stored at temperatures up to 25 degrees away from children for three years. After opening the package, you can store the drug for six months.


Creon 10000 has analogues under the same name, but in a different concentration (25 and 40 thousand units) and substitutes with the same or different active substances. Popular analogues include:

  • Ermital - based on pancreatin, tablets produced in Germany;
  • Mezim - tablets based on an enzyme obtained from the pancreas of pigs;
  • Pancreatin Forte – Russian drug pancreatin;
  • Micrasim - capsules based on protease, lipase and amylase.

Creon price 10000

You can buy Creon online or pharmacy kiosks at prices influenced by the level trade margin, concentration of enzymes in one capsule. Approximate cost of drugs different levels pancreatin content is presented in the table.

Release form, composition and pack

Creon® 10,000

  • Hard gelatin capsules, two-color, transparent, colorless body with a brown opaque cap; The contents of the capsules are beige mini-microspheres. 1 caps. 150 mg with minimal enzymatic activity: lipase 10,000 units Ph.Eur. amylase 8,000 units Ph.Eur. protease 600 units Ph.Eur. Excipients: macrogol, liquid paraffin, methylhydroxypropylcellulose phthalate, dimethicone 1000, dibutyl phthalate. Composition of the capsule shell: red oxide (E172), black iron oxide (E172), yellow iron oxide (E172), titanium dioxide (E171), gelatin.

Creon® 25,000

  • Capsules containing enteric minimicrospheres.

  • Hard gelatin capsules, two-color, transparent, colorless body with a brown opaque cap; The contents of the capsules are beige mini-microspheres. 1 caps. pancreatin 300 mg with minimal enzymatic activity: lipase 25,000 units Ph.Eur. amylase 18,000 units Ph.Eur. proteases 1,000 units Ph.Eur. Excipients: macrogol 4000, liquid paraffin, methylhydroxypropylcellulose phthalate, dimethicone, dibutyl phthalate. Composition of the capsule shell: red iron oxide (E172), yellow iron oxide (E172), titanium dioxide (E171), gelatin.

Clinical and pharmacological group: Enzyme product.

pharmachologic effect

An enzyme product that improves digestion processes. Pancreatic enzymes included in the product facilitate the digestion of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which leads to their complete absorption. The drug has a specially developed dosage form— gelatin capsule containing enteric minimicrospheres. The capsules quickly dissolve in the stomach, releasing hundreds of minimicrospheres. The purpose of the multi-unit dose principle, which is implemented in this case, is to mix the mini-microspheres with the intestinal contents and ultimately better distribute the enzymes within the intestinal contents following their release. When the minimicrospheres reach small intestine, their enteric coating is destroyed, which entails the release of pancreatic enzymes with lipolytic, amylolytic and proteolytic activity, leading to the disintegration of fat, starch and lipid molecules.


Data on the pharmacokinetics of the Creon product are not provided.


Replacement therapy for exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in the following conditions:

  • pancreatectomy;

  • ductal obstruction due to neoplasm (eg, obstruction of the pancreatic duct or common bile duct);

  • Shwachman-Diamond syndrome;

  • decreased enzyme-forming function of the gastrointestinal tract in elderly patients.

For symptomatic treatment of digestive disorders in the following cases: conditions after cholecystectomy;

  • partial gastrectomy (Billroth-I/II);

  • total gastrectomy;

  • duodeno- and gastrostasis;

  • biliary obstruction;

  • cholestatic hepatitis;

  • pathology of the terminal part of the small intestine;

  • bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine.

Dosage regimen

The drug is taken orally, it is recommended to take 1/2 or 1/3 of a single dose at the beginning of a meal, and the rest during meals. The dose is determined individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the diet. Capsules or minimicrospheres should be swallowed whole, without breaking them or chewing them, with a sufficient amount of water.

  • If you have difficulty swallowing (for example, in babies younger age or in patients old age) the capsules are carefully opened, and minimicrospheres are added to liquid food, which does not require chewing, or taken with liquid. Any mixture of minimicrospheres with food or liquid cannot be stored and should be taken immediately after preparation. Crushing or chewing minimicrospheres, or adding them to food with a pH >5.5 leads to the destruction of their shell, which protects against the action of gastric juice.

  • For cystic fibrosis, the initial dose of lipase for children under 4 years of age is 1000 Ph units. Eur./kg for each meal, for children over 4 years old - 500 Ph units. Eur./kg for each meal. The dose should be determined depending on the severity of symptoms of the disease, control of steatorrhea and maintenance of good nutritional status. In most patients, the dose of lipase should not exceed 10,000 Ph units. Eur./kg/day

  • For other conditions accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, the dose is set taking into account the degree of digestive insufficiency and the fat content of food. The dose of lipase that the patient requires along with the main meal (breakfast, lunch or dinner) varies from 20,000 to 75,000 Ph units. Eur., during reception light food- approximately from 5,000 to 25,000 Ph units. Eur.

  • When treated with Creon, the average initial dose of lipase is 10,000-25,000 Ph units. Eur. during the main meal. However, higher doses may be required to minimize steatorrhea and maintain good condition nutrition. According to usual clinical practice, the patient should receive at least 20,000 - 50,000 Ph units with food. Eur. lipases.

To select the dose, Creon 10,000, Creon 25,000, Creon 40,000 should be used.

Side effect

From the outside digestive system: not often - diarrhea, discomfort in the stomach, nausea. Other: allergic reactions.


  • high sensitivity to product components.

Pregnancy and lactation

Use of Creon during pregnancy and lactation ( breastfeeding) is only possible if the expected positive effect therapy for mother is superior possible risk for a fetus or baby, due to the lack of reliable clinical data confirming the safety of the use of pancreatic enzymes in this category of patients.

special instructions

Children with cystic fibrosis who take Creon 25,000 for a long time should be under regular supervision by a specialist.

In patients with cystic fibrosis who received pancreatin products in large doses, strictures of the ileum and cecum and colitis are described. In case-control studies, there was no evidence of a relationship between the occurrence of fibrosing colonopathy and the use of the product Creon.

As a precaution to rule out colon involvement in patients with cystic fibrosis, it is recommended to monitor any unusual symptoms or changes in bowel habits. abdominal cavity- especially if the patient takes (calculated for lipase) more than 10,000 Ph units. Eur./kg body weight/day. The drug should be used only after consultation with a doctor to prevent complications. Taking Creon is allowed for patients professing Islam and Judaism.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

About the drug:

An enzyme preparation that improves digestion processes.

Indications and dosage:

The drug Creon is used for insufficiency of exocrine pancreatic function in children and adults caused by:


    Cystic fibrosis


    Chronic pancreatitis

    Pancreatic cancer

The drug is used in cases of surgery involving gastrointestinal anastomosis; with obstruction of the common bile duct (for example, a tumor) or pancreatic duct; with Shwachman-Diamond syndrome and other diseases that are accompanied by exocrine pancreatic insufficiency.

The dosage of the drug depends on the individual needs of the patient, the composition of the food and the degree of indigestion.

To determine an adequate individual dose, it must be taken into account that there are three doses of the drug - Creon ® 40000, Creon ® 25000, Creon ® 10000.

The drug is taken with food. During treatment with Creon ® 40000, Creon ® 25000, Creon ® 10000, it is very important to take large amounts of fluid, especially if there is increased fluid loss. If there is not enough fluid, constipation may occur. For cystic fibrosis, for children under 4 years of age the initial dose is 1000 IU of lipase per kilogram of weight, from 4 years old - 500 IU of lipase per kilogram of weight during each meal.

The dose is selected individually. For most patients, the maintenance dose should not exceed 10,000 units of lipase per kilogram of body weight per day. In the presence of other types of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, the dose is selected individually. Typically, the starting dose during each main meal ranges from 10,000 to 25,000 units of lipase. Higher doses are not excluded.

Generally accepted clinical practice showed that a minimum of 20,000 to 50,000 units of lipase should be taken with food. The dose to be taken during main meals can range from 20,000 to 75,000 units of lipase, and when additional nutrition- from 5000 to 25000 IU of lipase.


In cases joint reception Creon and other pancreatin preparations in very large doses, hyperuricemia and hyperuricosuria were noted.

In cases of overdose, use symptomatic treatment until the drug is discontinued.

Side effects:

The most common side effects: disorders digestive tract mild to moderate.

During clinical trials, the studies were carried out in a group of more than 600 patients, it was established by-effect on body systems.

    Gastrointestinal tract: nausea, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain. Most often, these manifestations occurred in persons with already existing diseases gastrointestinal tract.

    Allergic manifestations: allergic rashes, itching, urticaria.

    Immune system: hypersensitivity to the drug or its components is noted, anaphylactic reactions are possible.


Creon is contraindicated in acute inflammation on early stages pancreas and hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug.

The patient's pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) are a contraindication to the use of the drug.

Interaction with other drugs and alcohol:

Information about clinically important results when the drug Creon interacts with other medicines on this moment are missing. No interaction studies have been conducted.

Does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or any complex machines and mechanisms.

Composition and properties:

Pancreatin with gastro-resistant granules (mini-microspheres™) having enzymatic activity (lipases, amylases and proteases).

Release form:

    Hard capsules with gastro-resistant granules. CREON® 40,000; CREON® 25,000; CREON® 10,000;

Creon capsules are two-color hard gelatin capsules, size 2, with an opaque brown cap and a transparent colorless base, filled with brownish gastro-resistant granules (minimicrospheres™).

Pharmachologic effect:

The active ingredient in Creon, pancreatin, is produced from pig pancreas tissue. Capsules of the drug have a jelly-like shell, easily soluble in the acidic environment of the stomach, inside the capsule is a large number of minimicrospheres with active substance. After oral administration, the capsule shell quickly dissolves in the acidic environment of the gastrointestinal tract, releasing a large number of minimicrospheres, the enzyme composition of which is well distributed inside the intestine. The enzymes that make up the drug have high proteolytic, lipolytic and amylolytic activity, which ensures the breakdown of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Absorption of products of pancreatic digestion occurs immediately or after hydrolysis by enzymes of intestinal juice.